Mythic Imagination Institute 1797 Northeast Expressway, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30329 P.O. Box 669817 Marietta, GA 30066-0114 404 832-4127 404 633-7170 fax
[email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 9, 2006 MEDIA CONTACTS: Anya Martin (678) 468-3867
[email protected] Dawn Zarimba Edelman Public Relations (404) 832-7716
[email protected] MYTHIC JOURNEYS 2006 PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS David Abram is a cultural ecologist and philosopher who has had a deep influence on the environmental movement in North America and abroad. He is the author of The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More- than-Human World (Pantheon/Vintage)—a book which helped catalyze the new field of eco-psychology. Abram lectures and teaches widely on several continents. His essays have appeared in such journals as Orion, Tikkun, Parabola, Environmental Ethics, Adbusters, Resurgence and The Ecologist, as well as in numerous anthologies. He is currently working on exploring the ways in which perception, poetics and wonder inform our relation with the animate earth. He maintains a passionate interest in interspecies communication and in the rejuvenation of oral culture. Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the founding president of Pacifica Graduate Institute, a private graduate school offering masters and doctoral programs in psychology and mythological studies. He is a licensed clinical psychologist, a marriage and family therapist, and a credentialed public school teacher. His original research centers on a psychodynamic process of “tending the living image,” particularly in the context of “dreamwork,” and he has conducted dreamwork seminars for more than 25 years throughout the US, Europe and Asia.