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[email protected] to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. Share this newsletter over social media or via email Human-Animal Studies Newsletter March, 2018 Dear Colleague, Welcome to the current issue of the Animals & Society Institute's Human- Animal Studies e-newsletter. I hope that this issue has information that is of use to you. Please let me know what you'd like to see! For future editions of this newsletter, please send submissions to
[email protected]. ASI News We are so excited to announce that the National University of Central Buenos Aires (UNICEN) has won ASI's 2018 International Development Project Award! The award will be used to help UNICEN to develop a program of academic seminars and events on Critical Animal Studies, and subsequently to create an inter- and trans-disciplinary specialization on Critical Animal Studies to be started in 2019. From UNICEN's proposal: The purpose of this program of seminars on Critical Animal Studies will be to train university graduates in this interdisciplinary and intersectional emerging field of study. Significant participation is expected of both graduates with some previous knowledge on the subject as well as graduates who are not familiar with it. The program will address the animal-human relations and its manifestations in diverse areas such as law, social communication, nutrition and diet, philosophy, art, among others.