
b l o c k : l e 'T’ e 3 T-^a?ISTICS OP’ WEST 1988-89


The Government/.both State and Central have implemented various socio-economic development progr­ ammes for uplif:: of alround development of concerned block in particular and the District as a whole.

xhis booklet will help the Government/the administrators, Research Workers and Sclolars to fo­ rmulate procrramir.e and Policies and conduct other So- cio-Economics and Socio-cultural studies.

I am grateful to the District Statistical O fficer/ and his tram of staffs for the efforts they have taken to publish this booklet and the heads of departm^ent in the District for extension of co-oper- ation r-c;ndered to Statistics Branch in providing in­ formations relating to tVieir respective departments,

I v/iksh the publication all success.

O G (T. / V G ( S. Pao ), G Deputy Commissioner , G West Siang District .Along . ii L a la / I gI


D06127 S 4 l(3 fr 310

] ( \ j B J ?



or I N r P. O D U C T I C N *

The Block !■ vel Statistics of V'/est Siang District 1988-t3 is the fourth issue of its annual series* * J This PublicatioE is prepared as per ^ directives and guidence of the Director or Economics ■M and Statistics, Govt of ^.runachal Pradesh/ Shillong.

* The Data is ccrporated in this Publication ^ are collected from the Siih- Inspector of Statistics y, of respective Bxoc/ks West Siamj D istrict and Heads of VC Department coner ieo. The Statistical branch is not ^ responsible for any errors or omission-if orginated * v< from the soiree offices. * * ■J< -k I am thankful to Sub-Inspector of Statistics J Field Investigator of the Blocks and the Heads of * VC Departments for Supply-" of information relating to * J respective blocks , is hoped that they will render * vr the' same Co-Operation in fu^;:tht5e. for next publicatiom. * •Ar \ My sincere appreciation is extended to * Shri. B.C. Paul, Field investigator for collecting ^ ^ the data and complete work of compilation Smt. Suseela * ■A Devi LDC for her labourious typing out the manuscript I * copy Tad 3nri. Ram Suresh Sinch, peon for cyclostyling. * -k \ ^ ■k ' It is hoped that this publication will be $ of gr>. at use to ^fvdministratd^re, Scholars, research # ^ workei-s and Planners for roof level, planning of * progra'TTTie and policies and other schemes. ic i'jiy genuine suggestion for imiprovement of ^ " publiaa iion will be gladly accepted. * * * ★ * *

L\-' R " J '' H . -k ( TADO ^'.DO ) ■ i * ^* District Statistical officer, i1 ★ ‘ West Siang District, Along. | * * * • t *k k * s , 1 * ^ ;v , X ^ V -’cit'A v V -kick idr-k-k-k-k k-k-k'k'k-k-k-k ir-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-kir-ktirk O N T E N T S

Table NO,. I T • E M . Page NO

' Notional iMap of Arunachal pradesh I Sketch iMap of West Siang District II Brief Notes of the Blocks. Ill to IX 1,1 Village covered under Panchayat System 1 1.2 Important institution in the Blocks 2 2.1 Monthly rainfall in^different Blocks 3 2 .2 Monthwise and Minimum terparature 4 3 .1 Land Utilisation 5 to "1 3 .2 Area shown more than once 8 to 10 3.3 Area under crops in different Blocks 11 to 13 , 3 .4 Area brought under fertilisers 14 to 16 3 .5 Agriculture farms in West Siang District 17 to 19 4 .1 Irrigation in West Siang District 20 to 24 5 .1 Number of Co-Operative societies 25 5 .2 Working of different co-op-societies 26 to 27 6.1 Veterinary dispensary (Aid centres) 28 to 29 6 . a Animal Birds/Treated/vaccinated and castered 30 8.1 Fish farms & Village fish ponds 31 9.1 ^ e a under Forest & Revenue earned 32 11.1 Ivocationwise Distribution of craft centres 33 11.3 tvinual out turh of different craft centres 34 11.4 Distribution of Industries 35 to 39 11.5 Soriculture 40 12.1 Fu^l of Power 41 12.2 Consumption of electricity 42 13.1 Bank showing deposit of credit position 43 14.1 No Qf village connected by road 44 to 46 § 4 .2 Construction/Improvement/Maintenance of Raod/ 47

L4.3 ffis^cSice of village from Block h .Q 48 15.1 Communication 49

L6.3 Educaiional Institution Sc Total No of Teachers 50 and S::udents.

16.1 Distribution of Ediicational institution 51

CoatdcP-2//- -2-

16.4 Enrolment of ST/SC Teachers(Trained/untrained) 52 to 54

17.1 Hospital/bispensary/l^Iedical unit 55

17.2 Authorised beds in Govt/private Hospital 56 to 57 17.3 No.of Medical staff in Govt .Hospital ' 58 17.4 No of patient treated 59

17.5 National Malaria Eradication progranurie 60

18.1 F a c i l i t i e s of TrinKing VJater supply 61

18.2 No of villages under Water supply ■ 62

19.1 Social of cultural organization 63

S. 20.1 No of information centres/Communi;^y Listening 64 Sets * H O T ! ON L tvf'\ ^ p Qf f\ \) N t\cH f\L DfeSH


J l \Al e s T s M .^rr ^ D l S ' I ' R l C T

T. A l ) o OSO MECHUKIiA BLOCK l ir o m o b a b l o c k AIiONG BLOCK b a s a r b l o c k g e h s i b l o c k t u t i h g b l o c k The V^/est Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh has 17 Circles, The Circles are grouped into 6 blocks, namely (1) Along Block with Along and Rumgong c ircles. (g) Basar Block with Basar and Titbin Circles (3) Gensi Block with Gensi and circles (4) Mechukha Block with Mechukha^ Manigong and Tato Circles and (5) ffimtamglsa; Block with / Singha and Gelling circles and (6) Liromoba Block with Liromoba/ Darak, ynmcha, Kaying and payijm c i r c l e s . The brief notes of the Blocks are as follov/s,


The Along >^lock v/as esta b lish e d in the year 1957-58, It is a stage 11 type h. block. Along Block is consisted of Along circle and Rumgong Circle^ Along, the District Head Quarter is also the block Head Quarter Along B lo c k .

The Along block covers an area of 1076 Sq • kilcm- metres and the whole Jurisdiction is covered with ever green h illy forest, agroclimatic condition is very suitable for growing tropical and sub-tropical fruits and agriculture crops like paddy^ maze^ m illet, p o ta to ,c h illie s, Ginger and others. The rainfall is experienced averagely dist­ ributed throughout the year and temperature is found changing from season to season.

There: 36 villages in Along circle and 19 i^illages in Rumgong circle totalling to 55 villages in the along Block* The population as per 1981 Census shown 19,489 out of which 14,001 n persons in Along circle and 5,488 pers^^ns in Rumgong circle. There are 2 (two) Anchal samities viz Along Anchal Samity and Rumgong Anchal Samity in the block v/ith 31 gaon xjanchayats. The Along block is inhabited by tribals known as ADIS. The tribe of Gallong, a Sub- tribe of Adis in habits in Along circle and the Minyong group in Rumgong C i r c l e .

Silong block has a good mentionable road communication. The block Head quarter Along ±s corrected with all v^eatner surfacea road to Silapather (zAssam) in East Sisjgg, Yirigkion in East Siang and Kaying village links road is established between Along to Nikte and Tabasora villages. Along to pakam, Knmbo, Tadin and the road is in- progress to co ;nect Ngomdir and Beye from Along - Silapother road Doje to Jeli and Ngomdir is connected The villages Bira, Eyi, Kugi, Eshimoku are already having fair weather roads in i->lona circle.

Coati.,, P 2/- II In R'jmgonc; Circle the fair weather road connects Along to pangkeng, Pessing^ Jomlo to circle Head quarter F

The tribal people '^f Along block are simple hard working well organised and beliefs in Donyi polism an indcgenous faiths They observe Mopin Festival by Gallongs and Solung Festival by Minyrngs,

Detail S'^cio- :^.onomiG development are shown in following pages. The B5;sar Block vjith Basar Circle and Tribin circle was established in 1956-57, It is a stage 11 type a block, .

There "ire 54 villaces’in the Block 27 in the Block Basar circle and 27 in-Tirbin circle^ The population a-, per 1981 Census shows 13,234 persnns^ out of which 9,599 are in B osgx circle and 3,635 in tirbin circle. There are 17 Gaon x^anohayats and I Anchal Samity in the Block.

•The Basar Block covers an area of 815 Sq, Kilometres .and the whole area is covered with over green hilly forest and is sultrbLe for growing horti­ cultural crops like pine apple. Oranges, Jack fruits etc and agricultural crops like paddy, maize, millet and gia potat® etc are grown here. Temperature and rainfall is equally distributed through at the yearo

Basar, the Sub-.Divisional Head Quarter is also the Head quarter Basar C/D Block. Silapather- Zvlonc Road passes through Basar, and Basar- road passes through tirbin the head quarter of Tirbin circle, links roads are available between Basar to Disi'via pegi, and a mad cinnecting Eg« t» Pasighat via Daring/ 'Zirdo and jQrJee are ‘in -progress.

'Ihe local tribal people of Basar Block is only GallongS;, a Sub- tribe of Adis.

The S )cio-economic devel^^pments and achivements ' of-Basar'Block may ' be consultal in table given in folldv/ing pages. • 3 . MECHUKHi^. BLOCK, ■ 4 The Mechukha Block consisted #f Circle Mechukha/ Tat^ and Manicona was established, in the year 1961-62, It is a stage 11 and type Block. The -jengraphical area #f mechukha block is 2 897 Sq. kilonetres. The whole jpj-isdicticjn ij covered with steep hills and mountains and m.any of i-^p mountains are covered with sho\'\fS in winter.

Mechukha/ the Head quarter of Mechukha Sub- division is also the head quarter of Mechukha block situated in an altitude of 1890 metres from sea level. It experiences very pleasant summer and entrene cold in winter. The m.acmohan line, the inter­ national boundary between and China separates mechukha. block from China, There is no road communications, people still depend on porter tracks and porters for _ , transportation of materialsHelicopter and ■^J>T-32 flights . of Indian Air Force Operates t'^ Mechukha for supply of ess>_;ntial cnramndities, Man and materials from Along and Dibrugarh, Surface road cmmunication connecting Mechukha is ia progress from Kaying and motorable rcad c can 'be exxjected in years ■ to come.

■ The local tribals ii habiting Mechukha circle are mainl]^ Ramos and Membas find Tato and Manicong circles, are inhabited by Bokars of J^di group» Mombas are buddhists by religion.

There are 83 villages in Block with 9 gaon panchayats and 1 Anchal samity. The total population as per 1981 Census shows 7.050 of which 2,644 are in Mechukha circle 1,305 in T a t n circle and 3,101 are in Manigong circle .

Lack .of road communication is great hindrances to socio- econormic developments of the block, /achievements and development s figures of Mechukha block are shown in table of this boooklet. The Tuting B lo ck with three circles Tutinc^ Gelling ^nd Sincha was established in the year 1961-62 It is a stage 11 type a block. The Geographical area nf Tuting Block is 3681 Sc;. Kilometres. The total population as per 1981 Census is only'5/844 of which 3^849 are in Tuting circle/ 92 7 in Gelling circle and 1,068 in Singha circle. The tribal inhabitants of Tuting block are mainly khamba & Minyongs in tuting cij^cle, Tanga and Eogum in Gelling circle and Mishmis in Singha circle, Tuting circle is consisted of interior and hand are jjrisdictions, There 5£K is no road, communication. Supply of essential commodi-- ties and materials,and lifting of passengers ars done through sortie flights of Heli­ copters and i:'JSI-32 of liidian A ir fo>rce from jyiohanbari,

■ There are 33 villages and 7 gaon panchayats meet at Tuting imchal Samity, Tuting block is bounded by Chinese border in the Eorth Dibang valley and East Sianc district in the East/ Along in the south and Liromoba and Mechukha block in the west.

Tuting block and Tuting Sub-- Division is merged to East Siar^g District from West'^Si^ng District vide Govt, of Arunachal Pradesh Gazette notification No. LA/Bill-3/89 dtd 29th Sept. 1988. .

Socio Economic developments and achievement are • reflected in tables in the following pages. The Gensi Block with Circles Gensi and Likabali wa^ established in 1961-62, It is a stage 11 type B Block/ Gensi Blo‘ck falls under Basar Sub- D i v is jo n ,

The Geocrax:)hical area of Gensi block is 1222 Sq, Kilometres and population as per 1981 Census is 7790 p ersons.

The Silapather- Along main road passes the block at Garu and from Garu the road links Gensi, t the head quarter of Gensi Block. The v/hole jurisdiction is covered by even green forests,

Grensi block records a poor pioductioh of Agricultural crops due to lactk of various ’in intra- structrual facilities.

The main tribal in h^ibitants of Gensi block is known as Galloncs, a £ub- tribe of Adis , There are 59 villages with 12 Gaon panchayats and one A nchal Samity

Various socio- economic development and achievements of Gensi block, is reflected in the table shown in the followinc pages. 6 . LIFvOt^lOr-i* BLOG K .

Liromoba block is created consistinr of circles Liromoba/ Yomcha/ Darak,Kaying and payum the largest block in the district, without considering to Geographical and communication difficulties , The block needs bifurcation into two blocxs consisting of Liromoba Yomcha and Darak in one block and Kaying and in one block or readjustments need be made for easy amd convenient carrying out of development v^orks. The block development officer, seat on Liromoba/ The Head quarter in one corner and next four circles in other CQrner.

The Liromoba block was created in 1959-60, i t .is a stage 11 type A .block. The total Geographical area of the block i s 2313 sq. kilometres with population of 12683 persons as per 1981 C ensu s,

The enjoys suitable agro-climate conaition for growing trophical and Sub- trophical agricultural' crops.

Eircmoba is connected, with main Basar- Daporijo roau at Tai wak Nikte road of Along block is ezKtendec to Yomcha and Darak in connected with Along Kaying main road at KamiDang, Kaying has all weather road from Along and Keying Mechukha ro a.d is in progress in the circle. Payum is located away from main, roads and the circle is yet to ciraem of road communication.

The main in habitants of the block are uallongs in Liromoba, Darak and Yomcha circles Gal i-ong and Minyong in Kaying circle and Doris in Payum circle. There arc 32 v illa g e s 23 Gaon panchayats with 2 Anchal S ami tie s at P ay um an d L i r omo'b a , -

The socio- economic developments of Liromoba block are reflected in the tables. ~ J- ~ ’ Vl^LixGE COVS^JJp U.TDER SYSTEM _(l9G8~89j[ Tc^ble. No. 1*^1."

------^ S I , Name cf CD B lo c X j GENERAL. ?/-J

1, Along CD Block ^long 31 54 1078 15036 12771 27809 36.16 17.50 27.60 2> Basar CD Block Basar 17 54 815 6752 6482 ■ 13234 '33 ,34 16.57 25.12 3 . Gensi CD Block Gensi 12 59 1222 4096 3694 7790 43 .3'4 19.96 21.93 4 . Tuting CD-Block Tuting 7 ' 33 36'81 3082 2 762 5844 25.37 ' '6.81 16.60 5,. Mechukha CD Block Mechukha 9 83 2897 3595 3455 7050 20.00 4,37 12 .34 6, Liromoba CD Block Liromoba 23 £2 2313 6234 6203 12437 22 .09 8.68 15*40

Tctal 99 365 .l2 006 3 8-97 35367 74164 3 0.24 12 .32 21.'!P

1. NBs- Urban population OfAlonc Town is also included against Along CD Block (Male 5230 and Female 28'l^l^g;) , ■ • 2 . A.ccording to 1981 Census Tctal nos rivillages are 364 F<.igo Village enumerated along with ^1.13ng HQ during 1981 Census \^hich is scper-ite villare in Alonr Block . . .

Source The Director of Cersas Operacions, Govt of Arunahal Pradesh, Sol, 56,7;^£y 9,. 10,11& ■ '■ . ■ ■ 12 . The Circle Office^', i“:;nr;hayat R^J/ for Col. 3.

Devi . / ------t SI C Name cf bloc^^3^ Nc_s cf G»v t . School/ College etc NO of Co-^ No cf Cul-J' Remarks NC y-' ^( ■KG Schocl^yLP Sch^ ME Sch,Y SeEO-f^HiHigher ^ o l l e g e ope- | tural Org-J rative J anisation > ) ( 4_ 7 1 £ 9 . X 10 1 11 '

1. Along CD Block 9 . 40.. 12 1 • 2 . ■ — 7 16 Total amr-EiKt adult 2. BQsar CD Block 4 '24 8 1 ■ 1 - 2 - Education Centre 3 . Gensi CD,Block 4 23 5 1 r- - 3 1 • '24 Nos .

4. Tutihc cf; ElC'Ck 1 16 3 - 1 - 2 16 5* Mechukha CD Block 2 20 2 1 - - 3 3 6. L'ircmoba CD Block 5 .. 3:. 6 ' 2 .1. - : 5 1

Total = 25 ' ■ 154 • ' 36 6 5 22 »

Source ;- All Blocks .SIS and x’l Along^ for Ivlong. Block.


Table . , 2_* 1 /

Si. I Name cf Months 'T^ Along CD BlocK Basar CD Blo'cl-- Gensi CD Blocl-t Tutinc CD Blcc]< MKHZ^v X Lircmcba Nc ^ ------A---- 1 ------CD. rCDBlock OIr am gnu ge Stn, ( Raingauge Stn ( Raingauge Stn, iSalngauge - Stn • X R ain ^ )|I2ain G . \at Basar \ at Gensi ^at Tutinc X t n . XStn . at ^at A lcn c 1 }• I i at YLgMdBA -L_- MKHA _!______6 1 I V ___ 1. January . 52.00 , 20 .40 47.00 45,00 NR 20,03 2. February 163«60 69.60 124.00 333 .@0 . NR 29.05 3. March 134.50 65.00 2 04 ..00 B69„20 NR 34.00 4. April 177,20 67.50 208.00 443.40 NR 223 .34 5 , Kay 249.40 80 .00 ' Vb5 .00 5 87.80 NP 114,. 2 8 , June • 271..60 4 ^ . D:;) . 4.00 732 ., '^0 NR 4 76 2 9 '/ ■ Juj.y' 631 .2 0 d 3C:.3>: 1^71.00 647,20 NR 726 ..30 3 . uat 3x.2.';0 5^ 9 .-0 22r8,)0 621.80' WR ■ ':^13 ,37 9 . 3e:pt£iT>ber 363 . ^.:0 3 4G ,60 ■^2 0.00 463.60 • NR 463.3 8 10 .OCc 3b:^^;r ;i99 „30 "■'J r 0 J •4 13.00 2 73 .,6 0 NR 13 J 2 11. November ' ■66....00 ;3 0„:00' Nil 24.20 NIv 24 12 .. peceiTiber 44 .60 . ie«oo •-'-Nil 30.20 NR 6 .00

. .Total - 2 664.90 2 2G9.40 6117, ,0 j 4 781,70 , NR 2 527 16

Sourci All Block SIS and FI/ i^lonc^ for Along Block.

:>evi ./ MONTKVVloE MAXIMUM MIW irl i.M TLMPxiii . TURE RECOlvD OF V^EST SIANG DISTRICT FQi< THE C/.LENDEU YEi.R 1909./ Table. No. 2e2./

Si I Name of Months- I _Name of the Recordina Station. NoX ' . I '1984 '1985“' r I98f 1987 1988 1989 I cI Maxim'un'i 'MiniFIaxim ara’^iinimu^’ Ma ximum >^llnimuraTM^^imunTS^.lnimum M a xim-orir^Mi ni mum 11 12 I

1. January 2. February 3. March 4-. i-'^pril 5 . May 6 . June 7. July O o » i-'^ugust NOT AVAILABLE ■9. September 10 , Octcber 11 , November 12 , December 1 J. 0 • No. 3 . 1 , / In Hect 'S l|”Name' ’of ~B.rIocJ^'^,”Name"”f'5(“NoT”cfl'N et”lkreat''CuTtIv5blelBarrenT"pasturi’lotHer^ForestTLand“to' ivLW HQ Y V i l l . I are lundejg^ waste lot . of |fallo\V Icthx X Y inVLW I whopit rjiis^ land |uncul-v growing land mses X ^ i l l :t±vcible land I I 1 an: I i ■ 1 'T 7 T ' s 10 11 .1. I I 1 . BLOCK 1 • i^long PiQ 3 7740 2031 ■ 1811.50 160.00 2G5.00 4338.50 - 1861.00 2 , Bagra 4 , 3 , DoJe 4 4 t Lombo 3 5 . NiXte IJ 6 ,L/Jinin c 5 7. Pobdi 6 8, Rumgonq 4

9 . Mori 11 . 10 . Molom

7740 -2031 1811.50 ItO.OO 205.00 4338.50 - 1661.00

2 . Lir.OMOBi-i CD BLOCK* 1, Lircrrioba ^ u ^>615^50 1071.90 801.30 83.00 150.00 2170,QO ~ 960.00 2. Kayinc 12 '3 . Paj, um 12 4 Yomcha 11 5. Darak 25

TotaD = 4615.50 1071.00 801.50 ^ 83.00 150.00 2179.00 - 960.00

Devi , / p . 2/-

3. GENSI CIj b l o c k .

!• Gensi 4 2926.60 8C6.09 828.00 65.00 125.00 1945.00 - 75Q.00 2 . Game 4 3. Taramori 9 4. Sibe 6 5, Dipa , 5 6. S illi 5 7. Likabli 5 8. Bali 6 9. Kamku 5 10 . Torajan 6 11. Hime 4 Totkl = , ■ " '"'2926 .60 G86.00 '^T::2 0.OO"‘ 65.00 125.00 1945~00 - ^750.00

4 . MECHUKHi-. CD BLOCK 1 , Papikrong 9 181.00 2 . M anigong, Ife 3 . Karo 1C

4 . Yapik V-. 5 . Tato 4 6. Rapiing 10 7 . MechuWia HQll O ti Dechuthan g C :’otal ^ 10^7.50 146.J0 97.75 15.00 21.00 304 .50 - 101,00

.Conti... ?. 3A p., 3/-

5 . TUTING CD BLOCK, 1.'Singha 11 1924.90 467.00 393.25 36.00 66.00 95G.25 -.412.00 2, Tuting 7 ' ■ 3 . Gelling 5 4 • palling, 4 , 5, pango 4 . 6 ^ Myukrang 3 Totrrr'ir^ ■"■'1924.90 46?. 00. 393.25 36.t)0’"" ee.oo 958.25 412. oo"

6 . BASAR CD BLOCK. 1. Basar- 2 , D isi 3 , Sago 4. Sibe .

1\ R a gird eke ) 6; Eshirite \ 9 . T irb in I 10.. D a li. X 11. .Bame I

Sourcge s - The District Agriculture Officer,- Along s h o w n o n c e I96G- o 9.'

------^ -----— --- ^ — ------Sl)^^ame of BI o c KC Name of VLVV v SHOVJN MO.cE THAN ONCE I-^vEA SHOWI^ MOilE THAN ONCE NoX ■ ' C ir c le s i IrrigagedjN on irrigatedvTotal*xWRC/TRC ^ TRC Non]( Y A A YI • ' inirrlga- r-r'T 7 irriga-Xt _Y X X X X X 'x e d . I ted ^I 1 X4 7 C - - h - ±1 _ x ^ h 1. A long CD Block .1« Zvlong 212,00 234,00 446,00 212.00 234,00 446,00 2. -Bagra 3 . i;:;o je ■ ' 4 , Kombo 5 . Pobdi 6, Nik’te ^ • 7 . L/Jinning 8. Mori .9. Rimgong . 10. Molom.

Total = 212 JOO’ 234.00 446„01. ■ 2 12 .0 0 ' 234.01 446 .'0j

2o Basar CL>- BlocX.- 1.- Basar ' 70.0 0 97,00 167.00 70.00 97.00 16 7.00 • 2 . Di si 3-. Sago . 4« Sibe 5.'Daring ■ 6. R-ridole ,7. E s ir it e G. Tai 9 , TirlQin 10., D a li 1 1 , Bame Total = 70.00 97,00 167,00 . 70.00 97,00 167.00 - Table . No . 3j.2_^/


GEiaSI. CD BLOCK • 1. Gensi 34.00 113.00 147.00 34.00 113.00 147.00 2. Garu 3 . Tar.amor i 4. S ibe 5. L i X a b a l i , 6 . Dipa • 7. S i l l i 3 .. Kamku 9. H im e .

Total = 3 4.00 ■••113.00 147.00 34.00 113.00 147.00

101.00 155«00 256.00 101.00 155.-OO 256 .00 1., Dar;-\T: . • , _ • 2. Sarilikar 3. Yomcha 4. ■ Liromoba ' . 5. Kamlpang 6. Bogne . . . • ■ , • . 7 ,r Kealc ■ . 3 Kayinc • ■ - 9. payura 10 » Mecci . / ■

Total - ^ ,101.-00 155.00 256 ,00. lO.l.'^-' 155^00 256.00

Conti., next Pagc%

De-vi . / ■2-x.^L.^x Sr-iOVvN CL L9 .

T ?t< Xg .N O b 3 .2 o ..

5 , MECHUK^Ii^. CL BLOC K. 8.00 58.00 66.00 S.00 58*00 66.00 . 1. papikrong g. Mani.gong 3 . Karo 4« Yapik - 5 . Tato 6.■ Rapum 7. Mechukha HQ G. Dechenthang Total = ■ 6.00 58.00 66.00 8.00 58.00 66.00

6. TUTING CD BLOCK. : . 1. Tuting 42 .00 64.00 106.00 42.00 6 4.0 0 106.00- ■ 2. Palling 3 „ M ssing 4. Nyokong 5. Gelling ' 6 . Singha

Total = 42.00 64.00 106.00 , 42 .00, 64*10 106.00

Source The District ricultural Ofticer. Along.

Devi' • / I:.., BljOCK Oi' Cj.x'iiMG ’I AGKI YEATn. 19CE.-G9,

Provisiona^ In Hect. ■y KHARIF Si )JSIame of Block Name of VLW Other Ride fother C ir c le s ,. P A D D Y X MAIZE No.X X I X of ^ Rabi iWRc/TRC yTRc' r JUUM { Rain X Juum y Millet | X ■mai ^ crops X ^ krriga ^Rain Y ^ X ■ 1 A * ^ • jted ]fall j X X X . X j ----- 7 ---^----- 1 I"" A ■f i 1-X X 1 4 , i 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 K 9 I I n 10 4. j 11 I 12 . X 13

1. rtlonq CD Block 1. Along 2 740.00 927.00 753.00 118.00 461.00 2 . Bagra 3 . Doje 4 . Kombo 5 . Nikte 6 . Pabdi 7. L/Jinning 8.- Rumgong 9. Mori 10. Molom..

Total = 4513.00 - 2740.00 927.0-0 753.00 118.00 461.00

2. BASa R CD Block. 1. Basar ^13C8.0 0 - 112 0.00 379.00 308.00 53.00 - 2^9.00 2. D isi 3 . Sago а. Sibe 5 . Daring б. Tai 7. Ragodoke ■■ ■ ' V ■- 3. Eshirite ^ 9.. Tirbin *10. Dali ---^------:______------— -— ------Total = ‘ 13B0.00 - 1120.00 3 3 08.0 0 53.00 - 2 09.00

C o nti., p. 2/- . IN DIF:^ExvENT b l o c k of w e s t SI/^J>IG AGRI YEAR 1908-89.

Table. No . 3 .3 . /

3, GLNSI CL BLOCK.- 1* Gensi 025.00 025.00 462.00 376.00 160.00 40.00 . - 667.00 2 . Garu 3 . Taramori 4 . Sibe 5 • ijipa 6. S il l i 7. Likabali 8. Bali 9. Kamku 10, Torajan 11* Hime. Total 825 .00 - 025.00 462 .00 376 00 168.00 . 40*00 667,0'^

4. TUTING CD BLOCK. 1. Tuting 14 7.00 - 581.00 197.00 159.00 65.00 253 .0 2 . Singha 3. Gelling ; 4, Pargo 5. palling 6 . Nyo^ong

Total = 147.00 - 501.00 - 197.00 159.00 65.10 253.00

Con.••.e. 3P» S/"" _ Devi - / h R E h UNDER CROPS IN D IFFEkENT BLGCR 01' WEST_ DISTFaCT AGRI YEriR 1 9 £ 9 . T a b le . No ."^3 .3 « /

5. MECHUKH/V CD BLOCK, - . ■ " 1. papikrong 056,00 - 783.00 - 265.OQ- - 24,00 ' -- - 93.00 2. Manicong 3 . Karo 4. Yapik • . 5. Tato * 6. Rapum ' 7, MechuXha ' 6, Dechenthang ------— 9^------^------Total = C56.00 - 783 .00 - 265.00 - 24.00 - . - 93 *T0

^ • LIROMOB/. CD B LOG K. 1. Lirom6ba 1976.00 .• t 1900.00 - 645.00 524.00 168.00 - - ■657,00 2. Darak 3. Sarilika • ; 4. Yomcha • • 5. Kambang ■ 6. Dagra . , ■ - . ' 7. Keak , 0« Kaying 9. Payurn 10, Mec a

Total = 1976,OJ ~ 1908.00 - 645.00 524.00 168.00 - - 657,00

Source s~ The District Agriculture officer/ Along, • h. 4PBA BROUGHT UroUK FERIILISEHS AITO PLAHT ffiOXECTICM Affil YEAR 19RR-R9 lablc Mo .3 .4

SLo i Name of Slock; iame of I Area brought under l^rea brought under aighj Area brought under No. 5 , ^jbv^. tiQ ¥Y fertiliserI , IIV, ,77, , , ^ , i,„_ , \ I I ■ .

1 . a l o n g CD BLOCK 1 . Along . 1 5 6 .0 0 156.00 3938.00 1069.00 5007.00 1165.00 - 1165.00 S.Bagra ^ 3.Doje 4.Kombo 5.Pobdi G.IVikte 7 •L/Jinni S.Rumgong 9 .Mor i 10 . Holom 1 5 6 .0 0 156.00 3938.00 1069.00 5007.00. 1 1 6 5 .0 0 1165.00 2_._ Ba 3AR.„CD__ BLOCK l,3asar 150 .00 TSOrOO'3787\ 00‘"TS?876 o^ 4 F ^ ^ “B25',(r(T' 2,D isi 3 .Sago 4 , Daring 5.?iagidok;e 6 .iiissirite 7 . Gibe 3«Tai 9oTirbin 1 0 .Dali 11.Bame

1 5 0 .0 0 150.00 3787.00 1028.00 4815.00 825.00 - 825.00 P / 2 - Table, No. 3.4.

3. GENSI CD BLOCK. 106.30 - ■ 106.00 2676.00 727.00 3403.00 108.00 108.00 I I . Gensi 2 « Gsfu ^ 3 . Taramori 4 . Sibe ' 5. Likabali 6 . Dipa 7. S i l l i 8. Hime 9. Kakmku 10. Bali II. Torajan Total = 106,00 106.00 2676.00 727.00 3403.00 108.00 108.00


1. Tuting 21 .'00 21.00 $ 531„00 144.00 6 75,00 222.00 - 222.00, 2 . Gellxng 3, Singha 4, palling 5 , pango 6, Myakang Total = 21.JO 21.00 531.00 144.00 • 675.00 222.00 222,00 3,-3,

L3v i . Conti ... P. 3. 3/- ■ 1C ■■■ Table. Wo. 3.4.

HECWJKH^^ CD BLOCK. 1 • pcspiprong 16.00 - 16.30 _ 4 04 .0 0 110.00 514.00 77.00 77.00 ■ •' 2. Manigong 3. Karo 4. Yapik 5. Tato 6 . Rapum 7. Mechukha 8. Dechetiiang Total ~ _ 16.00 - 16.00 4 04.00 110.00 514.00 77.30 ’77.00 LIROMOBi. Cb BLOCK. 1. Darak 96.00 - ,96.00 2423.00 .658.0 0 3081.00 703 .00 703.00 2. Sarilikar 3 . Yorhcha ' 4 . p:arn];ang 5 . Bogne 6 . 7. I'X.ying, 8. payuiu 9.',:- a3. Total =, • ■ 96.00 ^6.3J 2423.00 • cEib.a.oo 3581.00 773.00 ' 7(73 ., 00 .

Source The District Agricultura.1 C ffic e r , Along o .G.aCuLa,Ux^.L FIdT 19S8~69

In Number, SI” “narne” ojE“"Bloc1^''f5ame"*o5“ ^ w “Govt"“ Arri’'Gor‘I~Horti‘'peopIe'’HortI“ “ Total” 'RemaUcs' No. , circle farm, Farm/lsiursery Farms/burdens -

1^ -^*LONG CD BLOCK. 1. A long• 2 . Bagra 3 . Doje 4 . Kombo 5. Pobdi 6, Nikte 7. L/Jinni 8. Fiumcong 9. Mori 10. Molorn*

BLOCK. 1. Basar 2. Disi 3. Sago Sibe 5, Daring MIL Wx e. Ragodoke 7. Essirite 8. Tai 9„ H’irbin I). Dali 11. B '^■me

Donti ... p. 2, - 2 - Tacle , No . 3 .5 ./

3 . GEN31 Cb BLOCK,

1. C-ensi . Y n i l - 43 43 2. Garu . I 3, Taramori I Sibe X 5. LiXaball , )^ 6, Dipa I 1, S i l l i X 88 Kanku I * . ■ 9. Hime ' X 10. Bali . X 11. Torajan, X

Total= - - ,43 ^3

4, TUTING CL BLOCK. . ^ 1. Siiigha 2 . Tuting 3 , Gelling 4. Mossing 5. Nyok-ong 6. Palling

Conti.-*, p . 3 E%3/- T.iie, 3. 5./

K^CHUKHi. CL BLOCK. 1. papikrong X 2. .ixianicong X 1 - - 50 51 3 . Kafo' I ' . 4 . Y apik I • 5. Tato X 6 , Rapum X "-7 . Mechukha X 8, Dechenthang X

Total = ■ 1 ' ~ 50 51

6. IlixOMOBA CL BLOCKc 1. Darak 2 . ■Sarilikar 3 . Yomcha 4. Lirorrioba 5. Kambang 6. Eogne 7. Keak 8. Kayinr 9. pa yum 10. Mega ■

Source s- ^1] Block SIS and FI/ i^long

L e v i ./ IRRIGATION SI/.iqG DISTE.ICT A3 ON 3 lST_i'4i*RCH/89. Table._ No. 4

S i T I n am e”* of ~BIoc k T’n am e” of” I r r ig ;x11 on Channel' iNo. of Irri r a tl-onlLen cth o£” lF^ria'’BenI f ledirRemain s' N q .X ______i ______channel« Xirri cation)[ r X 5 “■“■“' I ; ' ' .-2..______3 ______- 4 - - h - - — ')f-

1 . ALONG BLOCK. 1. Kabu MIP at P'jya 1 No 2560 metres 16.00 Hect 2. Icjo MIP at Nikte -do- 3620 " ■48.56 " 3, Lambu MIP at Kabu -do- 3 000 “ 36.42 " 4, Deku MIP at L/iJinni -do- 70)0 " 2 02'.3-5 " 5. Kabu Gune MIP at Kabu -do- 1200 " 500.00 " 6 . Bone Karu MIP at L/Jinni -do-» 1620 " 16.00 " 7. Girbunc Moyom MIP at Rumcong do- 45 00 •• 1 0 1 .'^O " 8. Nyurgung MIP at Yogong do- 16 80 » 20.25 " 9, Sipong MIP at Jomlo do- .3 " 168.00 •' ■ •10. Mumung MIP at Molom do- — ) It • 28i33 •’ 11. Pamdung MIP at Molom do- 81.03 12. Jomo MIP at Boye do- II 2 72.00 13. Reno MIP at Pushi doke do­ 1220 •• 42.00 " 14. Moyo MIP at Popung do- 2918 “ 81 .00 ■" 15. Tumkung MIP at Yosinc- do- 26 85 •• 16 2.00 " 16. f

C o b t i ... P.. 2. 2, b l o c k , 1 . DSdo Rijo MIP at Basar 1 No 2 4 00 Mtrs 3 09 ,40 Hect 2 . Siri Rijo MIP at Basar (cori) 1 ^ 0 . 3 0 3 . Lumi MIP at Piri 35.00 4. Zirdo MIP,at Zirdo NA ' 50.^0

5. Kidi River MIP at Basar NA. . 60.00 6 . Kamdak MIP at Basrr Ul. 46 .00 1, S ili -Rijo MIP at Nyigan NA 2 0. 00

Sibom Valley MIP at Sibe NA . 10.00 ,9. Mobom Molorn MIP at pagi NA 70.0 0 10. Montu Rijo MIp at Nyican NA 150.00 11. Boni Rijo MIP at Tapo NA 100.00 12. Dasi Rijo MIP at IPapd)ng % NA 70.00 13 . Kamiya Rijo MIP at Eame m-x 180.00 14. Arbin Nanchi MI? at EshiSil

Conti 3 .

Bevi , / No 4 * 1. / P , 3/-

3. GENSI BLOCK, 1. Bstc Mala MIP at Gensi _ No 1500 mtrs 3 0,00 Hect 1 2. .Bigi Nala MIP' at Bigi'"' 1840 ' " 6 0 .0 0 " ■ . 3, Bali MIP at Bali 2 6 6 .0 1 '• 4. NMa MIP '60.00 . ’• 5. Halaki^o MIP at Yochung 3660. •• 1 0 0 . 0 0 " 6. Bache MIP at .Siberite 3 000 " 6 0 .0 0 " ,7.Siki MIP at Paimori 2500 '• l^^.SO •' '8, Takso MIP at Takso' Village 2315 " 4 5 .0 0 •’ 9. Hemiko MIP at L id u k 1230 " 1 5 . 0''^' " 10. Dipa MIP at Dipa 2500 " . 2 0 0 .0 0 '* 11. pak MIP * • Nx\ 12. Ngopi M IP U NA

4. TUTING BLOCK. 1, EXc Korang MI? at Palling 12):) 2 0.00

. 2 , Sika Koranc’ MIP at Likar . 2711 112 .00 3 . Elung- Koranc MIP- at Ngaminy 722 2 0.60

: 4 . Tombung MIP at Mlccing 3 95 11 ,00 s . Koring MIP at. Mis sin 26 0 16 f.. Memba MIP at,LiBar 1041 6 .00

7. Sitik MIP at Likar 1-^10 ■ 2 0.00 8 . Lilom Likar 1450 '16 0.00 9. Normuni MIP at pango 166 ) 2 5.60 10. Ongong MIP at Tuting 1364 '60.00 11. Yacging MIP at Balling 270 20,00 12 . Simuk MIP at Gelling 330 30.00 ■13 . Diomdinc panrincf MIP at Tutinc 169 2.05

Conti.. P- 4 Table. No. 4.1/ -x/-

14# KaiiG MI^' at Kapu 114'J Mtrs 3 .:) 0 Hect 15. Moi MIp at jlido 335 1.10 II 16. i?alling MIP at ^^allinc 241 2 .05 17. iPoncluk MIP at Tutinc ■ 325 2.05 18. Koronc MIP at /-inoincy 4 J5 1. ')0 19. Yohi MIP Singinc 407 30 20. Papu MIP at Sincinc 483 05 21. Singing MIP at Singing 580 05 22. Polls MIP at Minying 560 j5 23. Larang MIP' at Bushing 350 l.OD 24. ?.ulunc MIP -at Gelling 4 95 1. .3 3 25. hanging MIP at palling 58 1.00 26. Kenging MIP at Kenging 331 2 . 30 2 7. Mugging MIP at Kugginc' 229 2 .05 2 8',. Sipi MIP at Bu-^sing 515 35 . .OO 29, Logong MIP at Minging m . 20 j3 3J, Ngobung'MIP at Mossinc . NA 9 , . ^ 0

5. MECHUKH.^ BLOCK 1 . MIP at Y ap ik 1.2 .Kin 30.30 2 . . MIP at Kamte (Tato) 1.0 25 . 00 3 . MIP at Katte 1.2 94 .00 4 . MIP at S in g b ir 1.0 13. )0 5. MIP at Borjeeli'ng 1.2 12 .00 6. MIP at Sekor 1.0 6 .3 3 7. MIP at Tato 1.00 2 0.00

Conti.. P. 5/- Tattle. No. 4 . 1 . / P. 5/-

6 . LIKOMOBZ-. . BLOCK. 1. Tuma Nala MIP at Yomcha 120 mrs 40.00 Hect 2 Siru MIF at SariliXar 282 0 6 0.00 3. Sipe MIP at SaliraXsap 1110 . ■44,00 4. YoiTii MIP at Boye 96 0 40.00 5. Lone MIP at Sarca 2 700 80.00 6. Siru MIP at 'Kamki 1280 7. Sirbu MIP at Sallapottom 1280 8^ 00 8. Sibu MIP at Sirut-ili 2000 9. Komi Kuri MIP at Gate NZv 810 5 0.00 : . Deshinc MIP at Gat eng 1 3 96 0' 45.00 11. Rebung MIP,. at Reying Ni'v 12. Tabung MIP at 1-ay in g 3700 13. SixMno MIP at Gdvcne 32 0,00 36 30 14. Gcmo MIP at Gorr/ot.ali ,3-00 .01 325^ 15. Kambang MIP at Kcrang 195.00 88 3 16* Zibenr; MIP at pakrinc. bO , 00 2.J07 14 0 .-00

Source Pill ■ SIS and F I, . Nv* b * 1 »Z'

S i . Typi.^ cf Cc-operative ;acng CD BlccK Basar CD Block Gerisi CD Blcck Mecfimlha Tuting Lircmiba No. Sccieities Nc cf Tctal No. cf Tctal Nc.'of Tctal 'CD Blcck CD Block CD Block Unit Vill, Unit , Vill. . Unit Vill. No. Total N^ Total Nc . Tctal ccve ccver cover u n i t Vill cf Vill cf Vill ered ad ■ ed Coverunit Ccv Unit Cove ■ ' ’ ed. ered red.

4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 1.

1. Ccnsuiner Cc-Operative 3 NA NA * ' 1 NA 3 NIu 2 NA 4 NJ Sc c i t i e s 2. Multipurpose Cc-Oxjerative s c c itie s 2 NA NA 1 NA

3 . Transport Co-Operative ^ Stores ' .1 NA

, Schcoo. Cc~Oper.:tive 1 £m;.

5 , Inci'ustirial Cc Operative - NA

6 . Diarv. Cc-Oi'?erati ve 1

:wrtaj- = 8

dcurce •- Tltee ' Asstt, Registrar cf Cc-Oijerative Socities, Along. OF D I FI^I;RL.4T_ CQ^QPEIw^.qiVEc. .-.S OU 31^T / ..iBS9 . Tap 1 c 5 ^2_j^/

SlfName cf Blogk^Type and name of Scctties'^Gtal ^Tctal No'v/Jofcking^_ Paid Capital |knnual J Remakrs- ■nm ^ iNos Jcf memb xapital;J Govt”, people ^ Turn J i :bccxetY ers A X /^TTr^-r*ever A r - I I 'I I 6 7 I 9 )[ 10 X I

1, ir^lcng CD Block The Along CGS ltd Along 1 265 2 6 1 7 .9 1 6 59.000 690.089 1869,201 + 71669 . . HQ. ■ (1987-88) The pusi BCGS Ltd Bagra 1 2 9 11 9 .7 8 1 10.000 1.885 293.549 + 5,317 (1988-89) f, ■ ■ . ■ ■ . MULTIPURPOSE The-Alrng M Lamp Ltd A long 1 190 5 1 1 .7 7 6 45.000 164.818 1455.328 - 55.957 (1987-88) The Nycbo MPCS Ltd Pessing NOT AUDIT ED.

TxANSPORT, The STCS Ltd, Along 1 1254 1659.753 166.000 30.150 1523.174 + 72.507 (1987-88) DI..XIY CO-OPEIU.TIVE roiary Cc-Operative, Pakam 10 63.686 20.000 10.000 31.897


Along HS School Cc~Cp 210 17.233 2 .500 0.628 4 ,994 + 4 .554 Scciety Ltd^

2‘. Basar Elrck. _MyLTIPURPOSE The Bungo Lamps Ltd Basar 112 ■ 643 .957 128..700 44.940 3595 .849 -f 50.598

■C0NSUI4ER Co- O P . ' The Tirbin Bango Co-Op. Society Ltd, Tirbin 118 14.569 . 15.000 6.700 14.026' ~ 6,893 t 1986-87) fConti . . . p . 2') ■3 . G ens 1 Cp_^BIcck_. CONSUMER - CQ%., OP .' 1, The.Yeyr Bango CCS Ltd, Qensi 1 47S 517.234 31.000 ' 4.780 1243.555 +41.05X

■ ' INDUS TKI/.L ■ SL/JC 'Saw Mill, Likabali. 1 2 078 3 6 3 3 .9 5 7 .90 .0 0 0 40,860. 2344 . 3'88 + 4 8 4 .3 3 5 xMPCS Ti"ie//Jcm0n Food Hill Co-Operative Likabali. ■ ' . 1 NEWLY REGIS'TERED 4 . Tu,t in Q CD B 1 r ck ,' CONSUMER* Tuting CGS Ltd, Tuting 1 906 435.160 5 0 .0 0 0 9 .810 947.609 -1- 5788.39 celling CGS Ltd Gelling (1985-86) 1 NOT FUNCTIONING 5 c r-iJ:.. cli u }di a . CD B 1 oc^]^. CONSUMLK^ MechuXha CGS Ltd, Mechuxha 1 384 717.542 13.00 3 ,69 0 ■ 1464 .06 8+79 .531. Manigcng CGS Ltd, Manigong 1 185 1 1 3 .7 2 8 - 3 .64C 23 .649 ^-'^?f?of§'^ (1984-85) Tato CGS Ltd, Tate 1 120 56.308 2 .036 - - 7.33 9 CONSIMER. (1988-89) 6 , Lircmcba CD Block Liromoba CGS Ltd, Lircmoba ■ 1 138 4 5 .9 4 3 1 0 ,0 0 0 4..310 308.649 -2 .173 Kamba CGS Ltd, FCan-'b^^ 1 i74 1 3 5 .8 2 5 1 5 .0 0 0 1 2 ,5 70 : 297.66^1^®^-®^^ + 1 .4 2 2 • (19 86-87) Darak COS Ltd, Darak' 1 113 4 .3 6 5 4 .2 2 1 + 0 .1 4 4 ,(1985-86) YoTTicha CGS L td , Yomcha ‘ 1 31 58-500 — 5 8 ,5 0 0 'Not A u d it e d . Podo MPCS Ltd, Kaying •-1 Not Audited. . . .

Source •- i:*ll Block SIS and X ARCS Along

D e v i . / ■ DISPENSAT

l.y ParticularsC Alcng CD Blcckwt Basar CD B l«c k G ensi CD Block'^Tuting CD Block'^KHA CD Block^iromoba N • ,0 i Location I Nc. v L o c a tic n ^N *. j^LrcationX Nc . ^Locati<^n ^No. !jCD Block X X ^ I Y Y iLwcation I- ^ ------ylon No X 4 6 I UO , pi p “Jis X'' 4-- ■I X ------

1, Vety, Dispensary Along’ B a s a r / G e n s i / T uting 1, Mechu>ha/ 2 Liromoba 3- T irb in L ik a b a li Tat« Kaying/ Yomcha

2. Vety Aid Centre Al#ng B a l i / Pakam 7 ■ Fading/ R$L5^:Mn?[/ Bagra H im e / G e llin g Man1-c’

3 . Meb.ile Vety Dispensary A lc n g .

4. Diary farm Mabadcke 1 Kamki 1

5 . FcZd or Farm - 1

6. pig Farm ^ , Tuting

7. Cattle upgrading Centre. Along 1 - Kamki K a y in g / P

8. Poultry Farm Along 1 ' Basar 1 Kamki 1 9 . Gcat FarFi, , A lcng -- i

10. Artifical Inceninaticn _ _ — — ‘ — ■ -i, • _

11/Sheep Farm -0 - - - -- • - - , -

12, Live Stcck Farm - -- -- Rs -

13. panchayat Diary Farm ------Kaying , :

14. CRC ' Alcng 1

Source j- All Block SIS and FI, . Alcua i ii'j X]yii-;t.Li /^ j-Tibl iJSIL- CAST-^xTED LU..ING THE YE^^v ENDING 3 1ST MZ..^CH/1989 T atie . N o . 6 . 2 . 7

T ■"T SI? Name of Dlock^No. ofX^^o, ofivety. Staff Ijnimals Birds Treated -X I XI V V e e ty ty , , I X V V e e ty ty . . ^V/.S ^ jTsVFJI r^^rTpr VFA GeneralXinnoculationACastrated I Y I D is p e y i h±cl I ■” Xvacciriation I ^ Lie; I \ 3 T 9 —X i T " 2 T ‘ * ■ ..„K ______I r ^ I

1 . i\LONG CL BLOCK 1 7 ’ 1 3 5 48382 33644 1313 2 • Ei *i<. C iy BLDCK 2 2 . 2 1 2 14602* 6 066 939

3 , ’ GEN SI CL BLOCK 2 4 1 . , 4 6 19142 . 34903 3 74 '

4 * TiJTING Ci./ BLOCK 1 2 1 1 3 6368 1330 45

5 . MECHUKHi. CL BLOCK 2 1 1 - 2 Zk^SbiSies - 51S (315) 6 . LIP.OMGBi* CL BLOCK 3 2 1 1 ‘ o 165-7 836 513

Total = 11 18 I'O 21 110249 1C 779 3517

Source s- lAl Block SIS and B'VO/ ^Jxnc . F i m r.a-u'iu .cL. VILL..GI £^0N1.S Cl b l o c k LS on 31S5^ 1989. 'ab±6^"Nc. S .l./’

^ ------j ------

Sl.jlMume/U->< -AO. I tv— of l_>a-V->WJVYBlock .J, No of Villages in the ^ No. of Govt V No. of People fish farms iNo • .of villaces No » X------ifi-t-kte-feiGGK----- t •-Xiieh-gGH^ST---- y V I C .^• ^ I ______: ______1 I ^

1. i.LONG CL ■BLOCK 54 7 130

■: . B^.SAR ,_CL BLOCK 54 1 4 3'. GILNSI BD BLOCK 59 27



LIi.OMOB^* CL BLOCK 82 1 95

365 24 269

NL s - Ctheir Fish ponds (IRDL) 25 b Non in VJest D is t r ic t o‘

S'-;.urce Slipdt of Fisheries and 2 ,Nr'S of Gcvt'« Fish farm shown in, the Col. 4 arainst Likabali Circl.-' , SIS Blocks Gensi , ■■ *

A ll:'SIS and\S vp: t of Fisheris/ i^.1 one.

>evi . / Marne of C.D. Block 5L»No»x r.artitfulars ? Along b o a s ^ n^Gerisi l^ f u f ln .g 'I^'^iviechukha Lii'OfTiob'a'nn,clock ^ C .D .n l. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6,

1. Ranges NO 1 1 2. MO.of Forest Beat MO 2 2 1 '

3. Area of Reserve ^'orest Hect. 5960.00 6500.00 8680.00 500.00 2300.00 Area of proposed Reserve Forest Hect 2700.00 2650.00 9200,00 MA MA MA

5, Area of protected Forest Hect. 7680.00’ WA WA MA e. Area of unclarified an^ .undemo Hect 550.00 9200.00 crate-; Forest. V 7. Forest Revenue 627.205 923009.00.MA 498.50 MA r ^9|^-88^ -■ ♦ Length of Forest Roari - Km.. 10.5 29.62 9? Area under plantation H'ect. 6.00 226.00 .53.00 MA

10, Othsrs (Specify')

Tree h) Rutber ^ c) coffee ^ d> Tea ^ e\ cardman * 1B000 f) paper g't other specify total 15

Lniircp, . -All R.lock STS and F«,l« Alont^. LOa-iTlGFlVIISE D IS T J ^ U T IO N OF CIJiF’T . Oil 3 1ST MJD.CH/1389, Table. iSIo. 11.1./

Sll Nams of Block J Lccationwise Craft CentreXlf the centre in 1989 Ho of trainees NoX } Xtraininc' cum. production Male 1 Female )[ Total X , Xcentre, what type of craft I I X L_ * )[thrcurht. YJ X . 3 ;.4 M ^ i ! ^ T

1 . /JLONG CD BLOCK 1 • i^lcng 1 . Cane Bamboo v S>^ 3 12 15 ■ 2 , Weavinc 3 . Tailorinq ^ ' 4 . Carpentry ; 5 . -Knittinc .) 6. Bell metal ] 2 . B;*S,.K CD BLOCK 2 . Basar , 1. V7eaving 4 4 K nitting ' ^ • ,5 5 -3 . GDNbI CD BLOCK 1 . D a l i y 1. V/eaving ~ 7 7 2 . D ip a 5? 2 . K nitting — 6 6 ^ ■

4 . TUTIji'JG CD BLOCK 1 . T u tin r 1 . Weaving y _ ■ 12 12 2, Painting x 3 o I'Jooci carving X. ' 4. Knitting X 5 . MLCHDT'-HA, CD BLOCK 1* Mechukha 1 . Carpet making . - IQ in 2 . V\i'eaving - 5 D 3 . K nitting - 7 1 ■ ^ • .painting 4 - • 5 . Carpetry •3 - ■ '3 '■ 6 . Sav/ing 1 - j-' ■ 2 , Manioonc 1 . Weaving - 5 5 2 . K nitting 5 5 3 , Tate 1 . Weaving „ 5 5 2 . Knit ting - 5 5 6 . LlkOMOB/ii CD BLOCK 1 , Liromoba 1 . V-Jeaving - : 5 . 5 2 . Kayinc 2 Knit tin e - 5 5 Source p^ll Block .SIS an'- FI, Alone, i*iSINUi^.L OUT OF DIFFERENT CEN'II.ES i^L P-.OCiLiJ ENDING CN 31ST r4^uvCH/89,

T.*LLE. NO. 11.3 / . ■ ,

Si . iNameof Block, Crs^ft Centre X Outturn value of Cent res )(Sale procecl of , r

— “T " 2 I 3 4 5 , X 6 ------

1 . i^long Cu Block Al■cn(:^■ Craft Centre Rs. 182464.03 RSe 2 7314 7 .0 0 2 . Mechukha CL Block Mechukha/Tato/Manicong Craft Centre Rs. 5492 0 .0 3 •Rs. 41234 oOO 3. Gensi CD Block, Lik^bali Craft Centre Rs. 80 3 00 Rs. 6 7 0 .0 0 4, Tutinc: Cr Block Tuting/Singha Craft Rs. 14990.00 Rs. ' 26289.00 - Centre * 5, Basar CD-Block B a s a r Ciaft Centre Rs. 2574.00 Rs. ' 1474 .00

6. L.iromoba CL Block Liro'^ioDa/Kaying Craft Rs. 3351.00 Rs,. '4 080,0 0 C entire.

Source s— All STS ojnd F I / z-xlong. ___j-k^OF xx^jL.OJUiixui'i IN D U b l^iiS JLiMJ-'uo OS' w kjj: O L. -^L: L I ■ -'^’X __ .y£\ -- ■■ - TaiD)le l

S l F Name of Block jName and Address of m anufacfaring Unit fey whom"^vPower usedF N o , of v Number of 'No^ ^ Xregiste-YElect/lDise'^ Yregiste-vElect/lDise^ employ ^ managerialmanageria I )( .red* ^el.CoalYes/ ed - \ Supervisory X X i ^No.c workersX ■ '' Works.

3 ' ‘ l 6 . X 7 L i ______^ L { ^ . i = - ^ CD Block. 1. M/S Siang Handloom product Unit, D D I, Along NO 10 1 ivlong. 2* m / s Gen sen pakam .Production Unit, - A lo n g . -do- No 1 1 3 . m / s Taki Handloom product Unit, Along e ^do- No. 5 1 4 . m / s Along Karx^et Pfoduct U n it/ A lo n g . -do- No 7 1 5 . m / s Arunachal VJeaving Centre, A l o n g . -do~ No 10 • 1 6 . Smti. Tumker i^adu Weaving Centre^ A lo n g . -do- No 1 1 7 . M/S Tatak. Gzdi misigini production— , Unit, Along. -do-' No 1 i 1 ..8, M/S J. pakam Weaving Unit, Along -do— No 5 1 9 . M/S Yaber v/eaving oroduction Unit, « A lo n g . ' -do- No ' 5 2 l o ­ M /s Yasum. Ngomdir k n itt in g u n it . Along -do- No 2 1 ll . •M/S Yagin Knitting Centre, along -do- No'.., 8 1 12 . M/S Ete Woolen Knitting, Centre, Along-do- No 2 ■ 1 1 3 . M/S T-.n!- nr M;:nckong, Tailoring Unit > Jv mlobari, , . ' -do- No 1 ' 1 14. M/S Gopal Si Sanjeeb Carpet production Unit, Along -do- No 3 1 1 5. M/S Arunacttnal Carpet U n it, Along -do- No 1 1

Conti... P, 2/- p . 2/~

1 6 . m / s V/estern and Craft / ,Along ' . DDI /A long Nd 5 1 1 7. M/S Jinicane Industry Log.umJini -do- No 5 1 1 8 , M/S.Demin Cane Industry/ Rego -do- No 6 1 ■. 1 9 . M/S Arunachal Cane & Bamboo’*wor]

- Y - 3 8 . m / s Along Type service/ Along 'do ■ No _ 5 , r; 3 9 . m / s Along press/ Along. do No 1 •

4 0 . M/S^ Along'Radio--Hous.e..//.Along ' do /. ' Mes . 5 . ' 1

41 . m / s 'Y omrro Automobiles Along do Yea 5, 1 T a b ib 1 1 .4 - I.‘ " 2.“ - ■ 7

42 M /s Sipu Dry Gleaning^iilong , -d o - les 1 1 4 3 .M /S Blue .1111 U^'nbrella factory,/ilong -d o - . No. 2 1 44 M/s a lo n g w ir e F ro d u c tio ia U n it .-..loag ‘ ■ - d o - No - 17 1 , 45 .14/ s Jumne ngricLilture 5Dark;a ' -d o - No 8 1 4 6 ,lV s U.Li'^e r>ry Gleaner^^^long -d o - Yes 2 1 47 .'.1/^^ aogdo steel furniture Unit Along . -d o - Yes 6 1 48 .r i/s Tinkey steel futrniture,-..long - d o - Yes ■ 6 1 4 9 .J /S Koge furn iture x^lpng -d 0 ~ i\i 0 2 1 5 0 ..I/S Ngomdir furniture .vlong -d o - Ye s 16 1 51 o. V s '•’ligo fa rn itu re 5.J_ong - d o - Jo. 7 1 '5 2 o .i/s 7jio. :i:*r torpr isG furnitui^e -{o us o, Along . . -do- 2 _L 53 . -i/s Furniture3.^ilong -d o - M^o 6 1 54 .M /S ivarbak 3a'cary ijnit^.aong ' -d o - v'es 5 1 5 5 .,V s '■*esterD, B a k a ry u n it^ ^ .lo n g - d o - i e s 5 1 ’ 5 6 , I/s Siang ’lakary Unjtj,*long' -dO " fe s 5 1 5 7 . 1 /s Staff canuecn Bakary Jnio^„»,lon^’ v ^ , v - d o - fe s ; 5 1 5 8 . . 1/s ■3eko KaMuk Slacksmitns,,;long . -^ o - . ' ■ ^7 e s 1 1 59 . . y s li r s . l a b i ;:t,e R ic e 4 ill-^ « lo n g . • ■ - d o - lies ' 1 1 60 . -1/-3 Lollen aice Mill;v>long-'' . ■^'•do-' • ifes 1 1 61„;l/s : .4ori Lollen .^lice H ill, Korn ho. '. „' . - d o - '''es- 1 1 6 2 .,'I/s Padu rice Mill Darkang '•■■i •, - d o - Yes 1 1 63 0 M/s Gob in Pad u -R ic e . I i l l 5 P^arkang'■ -d b - Yes 1 1 “1 64 o :!/s. Do,ie Rice. M ill^Doje - d o - Ye s ' j. I

6 5 c:-/s Taneng Mengkang' Rice M ill vornlo Bari . - d o - Yes 1 1,

~ .- _ ^ ~ ~ ^ - - • P r, n f- D ^ /I / / 3 . . 4 . 5 , 6 . 7 .

66.'Vs Ado Rico ;iill Kombo DDI ,.^ilong Yes 1 1 67.M/S Tape Jerang Rice M ill Jomlo Bari - d o - Yes 1 1 6 8. "1/ s :i q 1 om '

6 .-I/s Sian£ ^ikabali -,0 i' .^ebang Gaw M ill Likabali -do- 'lCS 10 1 7 •A/s Chinanial Tyre Trading i,lkabali -do- le s 4 1 8..l/s .,'ialini Rice n ill Likabali -d o - ’^es 4 .1 9. i/s lajun and Lentcen 3aw '.lill Likabali - d o - fo s 27 1 1 0 . . J / S Taipodia carpentary worKs Likabali -d o - NOo 3 1 lloH/s iCar'ii av/ M ill'Likabali .d o - Yes 2 2 1 1 2 . . I / S J ig o Spun P ip e Co L i k a b a l i - d o - No 40 1 iS.i'Vs Likabali Barary Liteibali -do~ Yes 5 1

14.M /S yahu^i Tai- Podia Likabali -d o - ' Jo 5 1 ■15.M/s Yumner Taipodia Rice M ill iensi 0 •*- Yes 1 1 16..ys Tfvli Mara Bigi Rice M ill Gensi - d o - Yes 1 1 17.M/s Tape Taipodia Rice M ill Gensi - d o - 1-L 1 6.Lironoba CD B lo c k . l.V s Yajum Furniture biromoba -d o - No 3 ■ 1 Table. No. 11,4- I “sT ■ " " 3 .

2.M /s '•'[inu Fur n i t a re Kanibang -d o - .1^0 3 1 3.-..1/S rvaying K nitting U nit aaying G o v t. No 1 1 4 .M/s Bomper Bojo /lice - iill Lirotooiba .DDIj.*ilong Yes 1 1 5 ,M/s iapa Raksap Handloom Unit Rakisap -d o - Yes 1 1 6. Vs Nyamgo Kengc RiSe H illjD arak DD Ij .T^long Ye s 1 1 '7. M/s Hen to Karga Rice '^lill^Doyo v ill - d o - Yes 1 1 8. :i/s i’agar T .;li R ice Mill,Daratc -d o - Yes 1 1 ' 9.M/s' Xcnto Nomuk; M ill IJomuk; V ill - d o - ^ Yes ' 1 1 10. V s Tak:en Kamki a ice M ill iCa^iki ~do-~ Yes . 1 1 11. M/s H angner K arge R ic e M i l l Nor.iak v i l l -d o - Yes 1 1 12.M/S Jamdo ^Cato Rice -M ill '.'Tonak v ill -d o - yes 1 1 13.-i/s jromcha Bateary Unit /omcha -d o - Yes 2 1 14.M/s Liromoba Weaving U nit' G o v t. '1^0 - - 1 5 . 'l/ s paytiu;! i^'Jeaging U n it 5PayLim 'G o v t. No - - Sl^ Name of DlccX^Demostration Xn q . of Rearers Seed Siyplied \ PJ-"od^ction In Kc« Noi ^Centre XEri "Tpat y Mucc'TTEriy”'pat v7Muraa ^ E r i )(p"at"'^Eri ](S±lk ^ ^ YX ■ I i i J Raw XRaw ^Haw X ' X _ 4- 4 - 44- r-5 I I* 10 |1 1 |l2 X 13 ^ I 4- I! j : i

1 . l-vlong CJj Block 2, Basar CD Block

3, Gensi Cb Block N 4 , Tutinc C|f BlC'Ck. 5. Mechukha CD Block

6 . Liromoba CB Block

S ource fill Block SIS/ i\lonc. ’1 ------“"I ------1' SlI Name of ElocX X-No. of Villace \ No. of Resident t No. of Household Beni fitted ^Remakrs NoX ' X ' E l e c t r i f i e d E l e c t r if ie d 1 ^X ■t— I 1 X 6

1, Along CD Block 16 2234 2528

2, Basar CD Block 11 1230 1800

3. Gensi Ce Block 2 423 519 4. Tuting C- Block 5 ■ 241 350 5 . Mechukha CD Block 1 148 148

6. Diromoba CD Block . 7 415 1050 %

Swurce lai Block SIS

Devi . / T a b l e , N e . 1 2 . 2 . / ------j ------SI I Name, of Block ^ • CONSUMPTION OF ELSCTx.ICITY IN ICrJH______Total NoX Y Domesti(£ lirht XComme'rHal v" x.criculture ^ Other X } (Lirht of Power)XConsumption v Consumption ------. — ------i------^ ------

L i ______f ______L - - ______- — .I - — ! ______1______i ______1 . . > 1. Alone C^ Block 60212 53272 • - 54807 168291

2. Dasar CX^ Block 539343 - - 274949 814292

3. Gen si CD Block NA ■ NZv NA NA NZ^

4. Tutinc CD Block NA . NA • NZ\ NA NA

5. Mechukha C,? Blcick 9000 - . _ - 9000

6. Liromoba CL Block 28800 7100 - 6200 ’ 32100

Source s- All Block s i ; B.UI SH»ING DziPOSITS .JD GR^IT P03ITI FOR jJHE Y.u,iia 51 ST i® C H '1 9 B 9 . ' (In thousand)

NaTo of Biocfc- Name o f Bank D e p o s it Credit given R e m a rk s .

.-ilong C.D.Block; Instate Bank o f India 64,396.00 8637 \ .^ilong Branch 2 .Co-Operative Apex Bank 7 ,3 2 4 2382 Along Branch

Basar C»D.^jlock; loBtate Bank o f.India 1 0 ,6 9 4 3511 Basar Branch

2 .Co-Operative ^pex Bank 2 ,4 2 1 2086 Basar jranch

G e n s i ZJ) 3 lo c k l.B tate Bank .of India ■i'T Likabali Branch'

Lirom oba CD 31' ' Ck: IpArimachal Pradesh Rural 364 235 . Bank Kay ing branch 2.AriinacM l Pradesh Rural 49.^396 • lU Bank ^ rCamba B ra n ch

Tating,C »D.Block - -- i«iechUi:cha G .D .B lo c k - —

3'.>'JRG3 r t l l :M nck and'F.I. along. NO . OF VILLAGES CQ-^NEC TED B ROAp__ A3_ ON^ 3J S T_ /1 9 8 9^, Table . N O . 14 , 1 . /

------^ ------Si? Nam’e cf Block i No. of V ill. Connected ^ Name of the Main Road ^ Name and length of Village Roads NcJ V ^ ______t ^ connected by. Main Road ( In Km) X ^ A l l Weather^v F air Weather ^ X ^ Road. ^ Read. ^ T T 1 I I 6 X X -4-

1 . Along CD Block 11 21 1- Along Likabali Road 1 . Kombo to Tadin Ngomdir Road = , 1 7 .0 0 2 . Bame to Nyarak Road = 9 .0 0 3 . Bagra to V illa g e = 3 .20 4 . iilcng to Kombo Road = 9 .8 0 5,. Lin> Road tc VKV ' School Zirdin = 8 .0 0 6 . AlC'na to Deao Read' “ h ■ 2 .0 0 7. Along to Panya Road ■ = 4 . 00 2. Al.cnc Yinkiong Road 1 . Roac from 6.00 Km from Eyi to Along 1 0 .0 0 2 . Ranaahat Rumconc Iload- 31 *C 3 , Jobang Jomo Road 9 .5 0 4 .' pangkeng Range Read 9.00 1 . 'wak Taba’sora ,:;oau 1 5 .0 0 o pobdi E&itnoku 10.00 3 . Ranaghat to Kabu v ia paya 6 ,7 2 4 . Kabu Fishery R.oad 2 .0 8 2. Basar CD Block 18 23 1. Alono LiKabali Road 1, Egc’Daring "Read /■= 13,00 2, Rido Kaya Road = 2 2.00 3 , DRDB. to G cri Farm = 3 .6 0 4, pagi Disi Road h 4 3 .0 0 5, Inspection Bunglow =. 1.6 0 Road. 2 , ^ Bame to Dapcrijo Road 1 . Ragidcke Yorticha Rcad = 1 1 .0 0 , 2 . Tai Lircmoba Road = 22 .00

3 . Ge.isi CD Block 32 1. Along Likabali Road 1, Likabali Tcrajan Rcad= 1 6 ,0 0 2 . Likabali Sian Read • = 6 ,0 0 3 . Borjan Jiadhal FvOad = 1 1 .0 0 4. Dali Echi Road =^ 1 0 .0 0 5. Dimo Simen koad 5 .0 0 6 . Jiadhal Forest Road 3 .3 0 7. Trijunction to 0 Km Read5.5 0 8 . For'est Road 0 .1 2 9'. Dipa approach F:cad 0.200 10. Fading' Disi Road 3 . 0 4 ’ 1 1 . Garu Gensi Fcoad 1 9 .0 0

C#nti... P. 3/- P . 3/-

4 . Tuting CD Block 2 1. Suting to Ongkeng Village 2 .60 2 . Tuting Siku Hydel Viil, 6 .0 0

5 . Mechukha CD Block 6 — — 1, Mechukha to Holjkpung Vill • 2 .6 0 2 . S in g b ir to Dor;’e e lin g P.oad 6 .4 0

6, Lircmoba CD Block 5 17 1. Alone Kayinc Fioad, 1 . Kambarig Yomcha Via Karbak 3 .20 2 . Tabasora LiromolDa 5 5 .4 0 3 . Kaiiibang tc Darak 1 0 .0 0 4, Kato Boye Road ^ 5 .5 0 5 , Kamki Sisilikar Fioad 5 .5 0 6 . Kato Boye Road 1 4 ,8 0 7 . Kambang tc Karga Road 1 .0 0 ,8. r.i 1 <'>iuo>^a tt UK,>.i.l 1 .50

2, Kaying Tato Road 1. Kaying Road . . . .1 ' 2 . Kerang Bogne Road 8 .0 1 3 . feak Kesitato Road 5 .0 7 /\ K ay in g tc R e b u n g Road 8 ,0 4

Source Block SIS and 1/ Along. Sl^ Name of Block^ Nfime of y Length of Road Ccnstru-v Length of Road I Length of Road main- 3 Remakrs Nc i Vill. y ct^d under Block as -^n improved under v tained under Block i X undernnHp^-r * 3 1 , 3 . 8 9 i )I 'Rlnr’kBlock diirinnduring . dnrinrr f9RR—89. h v X Block. I “ X I ■■ I the_yeflr_1988-8^ __ __ _ X ■ y JeepablelMale XPorter )[jeepaBIe^MalepitKer'ScjeepaSIelMalevPorterX I i ^path Xtrack I ^pathXtrack Xpth ^track r i I 7 9 I 10 11 12 13 X ( I

1. Along CD Block 54 1 37 .0 0 ^ NA NANA NA NA NA NA , NA 19188

2 . Basar CD Block 54 4 7 .0 0 - - 5 .0 0 2 2 .8 0 - 19187

3 . Gensi CD Block 59 ’ 5 6 .6 2 2 4 .0 0 - - 6 2 .0 0 6 2 .0 - 1987

4 , Tuting CD Block 33 6 .0 0 - -- - - 6 9 . 2 .

5 . Mechukha CD Block 83 1 2 .0 0 - - - - 154.00 - ■ 7 6 . C II II 6* Liromoba C Block 82 1 5 .0 1 5 5 .2 ------

Tote:! = 365 2 7 3 .6 3 7 9 .2 - 6 7 .0 0 ,154.00 84.80 1 4 5 .0 0 -

Source s- All Block SIS DIST;.NCE o f VILLi>.GES FROM THE BLOCK HE^JD QUAI^TEIv, Table. N o ,14,37/ '** ■ ^ ^ '

3J-!> Name of Block ' '/ Total No- of 1 DISTJ.NCE OF VILL;.GE FROM THE BLOC?: HEAD QU^\RTER I d X Villages ' ; 0-inETT 2-5 m"cT~l5"A0~ Km -f Tl-IT W T'i6-'20 & above. ------^------1------1------^------1------. I • 2 - j: 3 ^ 4 I 5 I 6 I 1 ^ 8 Y 9 . ------i ------4 ------4------4r------—J— ------

,. i\long CD Block 54 - 5 7 . H 7 24 .. Basar CD Block 54 3 3 4 2 4 38 Gensi CD Block 59 1 1. 2 3 1 51

Tuting cc. Block 33 ' ... 2 1 1 3 1 25 .. Mechukha CD Block 83 6 10 3 .2 1 61

Liromoba CD Block 82 2 4 4 , 1 5 66

?otal = 361 14 21 22 18 26 6

Source- All Block SIS an-1 FI.. , laonq. Table. Isio, 1§,1. C0i-1I4UNICATIQN AS 5n SIST MAiiaj/l§§^«

------SJ i Name of Block . Station and Num ber ______v EDPO XTelephone ^Telephone le tte r K c . i post of XPost officeXTele officeX XEKchange ^ set box X f Telegra X X X I X X p h . - i X X I X . x _ ^ ______1 ______I. I X 7 I 8 X ■ ■I- J. — -)(■

1. Along CD Block 1, Along SPO Rumgong 1 Along s e 12 Kombo 1 Bagra 1 L /J i n i 1 RK .Mis si on 1 2 . Basar CD Block Basar SPO D aring 1 Basar 40 T irb in 1 3^ Gensi CD Block Likabali SPO G ensi 1 L i l a b a l i 12

^ Tuting CD Block 1, Tuting SPO G e llin g 1 Singha 1 5. Mechukha CD Block Mechukha SBO TatD 1 Manigong 1 6. Lircmoba CD Block Liromoba D a r a k 1 Yomcha 1 Kambang 1 Kaying.. 1 P ay um 1


Si I Name of Blocks I No o£ Institution ^ o. of Teachers (No. of Students X Remakrs NoXN " X Govt~,v GovtTAid i c o v t ,^ Other X GovtT -fother X X X i X schools “Y schorls X ______X______i ______--■X ___ J. I /t ^ c, A 6 8 1 X 1 X I

1. Ailonc CD Block 75 2 82 85 6315 163 8 ♦ 2* Basar Cp Block ^ 38 18Q 3449

3. Gensi Cp Block 33 111 3292

4^ Tuting CD Black 21 4:> '-^76 shows caly HvS -cnooj. il ■ 5^ i^ecbiixha CD Block 25 .■49' 1322

6 . Li r oraob a C-^ iJl o c k 45 12C 363 7 M-

Total = 237 764' 87 18791 1638

Source s- i^ll Block SIS DI?i:U.Alonc^, I.ISTxcIbUTION OF ELUGJ.TIOiSl/.L INS® J^^CHl Tabl e . .No. 16,177 ^ /' ■ ‘ “ "■ ------• S 1^ Name of Blocks ^ V X TYPE OF • institution^. . Other Insti' X Collece^H.SecX Se^iHl^Jffi’.Sch.IlP .Sch. pre.Pry . C Central \ t u t i o n • I CSchoo^L Scho cl X c o l . X o ^ i. ^ S c h o o l, } School y 7-idult E d n . A ------4------i ------1 ------1 ■Centre^ ^ I I I X 2 5 7 8 I 9 10 ------j ' X A- CO 1. 'U,one CD Block 1 12 40 G o -P -H iH 8 24 Q) 2. Ba.sar CD Blcck 1 ftj 5-1 OJ -P C5 \ 3. Gensi CD Block 1 5 ' 23 0 -P o o u •H- 4 .. Tutinc CD Block ~ 3. 16 W C ^ o O -P 2 -H W 5, MechukhQ. CD Block 2 20 4-) -A 1 rH O d o +j 0 o; 6 Llromota CD Block 2 6 31 • O ■; ^ E^ W -P

Total' = 36 154 25

iry School, Alone;■ in 1

Source 10.1 Blcck SIS and FI, Along. ST;*1£.M£NT SHOV.TNC Ewx^OLMENT with st/g ro u p OUT/TEACHEF. ■ (TrJ\INED/U^TF

:t S l I Name of B lock Total Enrolment I Enr

1• Along CD Elogk^ 1 . college. - - - -- * --- 2. HS. School 62^ 575 435 •3 95 - - . 25 - 24 2

3. High School 153 , 102 13 8. 95 - - 5 - 9. 1 4^ ME- School 981 945 892 810 - - 10 - 60 19 5 . L P . School 1318 1269 "'1282 I2S0 ' , , -- 17 1 92* 6 6, pre-primary. ■:175: ' 172 134 ■ 1.^2 , ; ' . - -- 9 2 , 7, Central School - - , — — ■ — _ Other Institution- - —-- —— S.jpcifv — ■ -1— JL. y ■ ■ ' ' '■ ■■ : Total 3252 3063 2 88X1 2712 57 1 194 30

EAS^iR CD Bi_iOCi\ 1 , College — — — — ' ■ — - ■ ■■ ■ — _ 2. HS. School 600 413 480 3 70 ■ — ■14 8 . 19 . 7 3 , High School 173 100 158 97 — — . ' 7 2 3 — 4, ME School 5D0 298 460 . 250 20 30 12 - 4 , 20 .. 4 5, LP School 700 665 680 C60 30 35 14 2 40 ‘ 4 6 . pre-primary NA , NA NA '■ , NA NA ,NA NA lUi ■ NA NA 7, Central School * * , Others 8 - «.» —

Total = 1973 14 76 1778 1377 50 65 47 16 62 15 r4 0.. 16...4 , — .z — - f .

3. ;u;iSI -CD 'DLGCK. r C oll 0<5 s -- -- -■ --- - • V, HS Jchool . ------•> . Ki^h School 453 318 242 202 - 5 •4 3 , . ME 3clnool 3'9 8 360 ■ 303 326 - - 5 - 33 2 -LP School 750' 721 5.92 ■550 - - 3 - 44 5 Pre-Primary & ; 150 142 120 111 — • - - -■ 6 ■ 1 ' , K3 School

• Central .School - , ------...O th e r s ------"

■ . ICtFil = 1751 1541 1257 1189 - - 13 ■ - ■ 87 ir 1, . IV'l'IK'G CD BLOCK 0

. C rllege — — — I#-'* - — — ...... HS School 325 ^ 175 ' 210 . 12 5 ■ - - 15 2 5 ?

Hi;_h School — — _ -- - . -- _

• . School 172 101 166 ■101 - 2 - 16 0 . LP School N/ N/v NZ\ m.. NA m NA ■ NA T - ; pre-primary . .UK ■■ 'NB.. NA Ni. lih Central School ... — -- - - OuLcrs ------

■ l.otal- - . 4 97 2 7€ 376 2 26-:. - '17 2 2.1 2 P . 3/-

MECHUKHi* CD BLOCK.' 1 . College 2, HS School 3, High School 172 76 146 69 29 20 5 . 5 2 4. ME School 2'24 131 • 219 128 5 6 5 • LP school 431 2 88 • 417 281 5 6 8 18 6 . pre-primary NZ. NJ'* W£-. NA . NA NA NA , NA N/i NA 7 . Central School 3 , Others

Total = 82 7 495 781 478 34 26 18 - 29 2


1 . Colleee ■Rs 2. HS School 277 211 258 202 -- 9 2 9 1 3 . High School 338 227 312 201 - - 1 - 10 1 4. ME School 432 314 ‘'^31 „ 209 - 2 - 28 3 5, LP School 783 76 3 750 753 -- 12 - ■ 35 2 6 . Pre-p rimary 152 140 140 132 --& - 7.0 Central School — — _ «- 8 . Others ------

Total =, 1982 1655 1891 1597 - - 24 2 87 7

Source A ll B lock SIS and Fly Along. HOSPITAL/DISPMSARY/l^lBDI OiiL UHIT a S ON 31-03-89

..bie Ko. 17.1

Ai • 1 Particulars. | Number of Institutions^in th e B lo c k ,o. A lo n g ’ CD 1 5 a s a r CD” v^“Gensi”’CD iT ating “ iMechukha |L if oraona^GD” I I Block 1 Block ;1 B lo c k . ^ D B lo c k ■ |CD B lo o k jB lo c k I 1 1 » 2o 3 4 . 5 . 6 7o 8 .

1) H o s p it a l 1 ' - - - - 2} M e d ic a l Team, - 1 - - - 21 ■ 3) Health Unit/Dispensary 1 3 2 3 3 4 ■' . JL\• / T .E .H ospital 1. - . ■ - ... - - 5) Leprocy Colony 1 (I-IDg) A lo n g - - — — P r iv a te • \ -- — “ Ayurvedic Dispensary / Honoo Dispensary ■ * .' 1 ■ , ■ 1 . 1 - 8) Other specify(Sc) 2 1 2 — 2 - ' .

SOURCE D IS S vIC J .-eD L ; .a Oji’i''X:SR AaTHORI.SP 3BD3 I J G"^V^/PR IV.xTB 4Q3PITaL/M5D iCnX U.UTS AS"'QN~31,y MimCH» 1 9 3 9 .

" 1 .1 Mane o f H o s p it a l ;; _ ^P_5^f_authorised bed.______A y u rv e d ic Homeo I Total Blocks etc, General' J”T.3. | H.D/Isolation I 3 . 4 . 5 . b. 7 . S,

1 • Along C.D.Block* 1. rvlong General -lospital 64 10 4 78 2. Rumgong Dispensary 2 2 3. Nikte Dispensary 2 2 4. H.D.S.Along SS Mission 110 110 178 192 2 Basar G.p.Block. 1.'Basar Health U nit 25 26 2.Daring Health Unit 3 . T ir bin - ie a lt h__unit ' 8 •f o t a l . : ' ■"3'5" 33 Gensi C.D.Block 1.Gensi Health Unit 7 7 2.Likabali Health Unit 10 10 . 3 .3 i be ’ led i c a l Tea ni > ' 4 . B i j i Homeo ^ D is p o n sa ry 1 7 17 4 Tu t in_g_ C «D o 31 o c k » 1 . T U ting^ Hea’it h ' U n i t 8 10 IF 2 . G e l l in g He a l t h» U n i t 2 2 ■ 3.-Singa Health Unit . 2 9 4 . M o ssin g ' Hoemo D is p e n s a ry - ■ . 12 10 12

Gontd.P-2// :^W.G. Jo. J-7,2. ______:______(2) •” , . . (3) . ^ (4) . ... 15)_ _ , 16) ______(i)_ . _ JB)

i4c c hai^ha G«D. 3 l o c k: ♦ , 1. Hecaakha Health Unit 14 - 6 . ~ ' 20 2. 'lonL^igarig "lealth Unit 12 , - - - - ” 12 3. Mealth (init ’7.. - - - - 7 '4 . U lc Bango M o d ic a l Toam - ' - ' , ' 39

1.Liromoba DispQnsary(PHG) 2 , .- - - - 2 2.Darak uispensary/'(H.C) 2 * - ~ ‘ ~ 2 3.laying D'ispGnsary(HC) 2 , , - -■ ,- 2 4.PayLim Health Unit 5 - ~ . - - 5 5-2'o'icha Health, Unit ~ , ' , 6.Kambang .M edical -'earn - T o t a l T T ~ ■' . 11

■Source D istrict iedical Officer-. MQ OF MSDICAL ST..FF I II GOVT HOSPIT..L D IS P SNSiiaY AS ON 31ST M-JICH 1989 .

SLTllMane of o t o f II 0's p i t a 1/ r~ No■of Modic N o . I^Block |)ispen.sary with ©octor j(3taff TphariTiac- M a tro n l o i s t e r nxilidry Niirsc

_ 5.oc.ation_uadi;5r_blo^k____. „ i h i s i ,(A s a .tt) L ^ T."~

3. Gonsi CD 1 .Gensi PHC 1 1 B lock; ■ 2.Lik;abali Health Unit 1 1 S.'oibe 1 4 .3 i3 i Hoeno Dispensary

4. Tuting CD 1.Tciting Health []nit 1 B lo c k ■ 2.Gelling Dispensary 1 3 .v>inga D is pe as av y 3“ 5. Mochiikha CD 1 .Mechukha Health Unit 1 B lo c k 2.i’ato Health Unit 3. Mmiig ong H ga l th Un it 1 2 2 6. Liroaoba CD ■l*Lirornoba Dispensary 1 B lo c k . 2.Hayin:- Health Centre 3.Dareik Health centre 1 4 . P ay urn H e a l th U n i t 1 5 . Kamb a 3 ub -C e n tre 1 S.Yo-icha ottb -Centre JL 2

oource.-- D.H.C.iilong, i,ll Block SI and ? Along OF PATIENT I>UaiNG THS Y5AR BNPING A3 ON 313T M ^G H ^1 9 8 9 .

pOat^or ^o^al pal;ient|l;4os^ prevelon^ a . 1 -^arue o f B lo c & s ■ ■ “ I iS 0•of Patients Treated • .5 n [ 111*1 n UUx«0 r\*f* C:h ild 4 {diseases as tio * i Halo ^Female 1^' Total * [ ren patient trcaLted ytiospital recored I I X [ below 10 years. plunder Block). X ______i $ i I u T " “■ : : ” (2T ' - (31 :' - ( ^ ) - - “ I : :(§) ’; : (7).“ " " "

1 .Along C.D.Block NA HA 10^313 NA D ia r e c h e a 9stom ach S-.Basar CD 31ock •V A NA 38164 .n A Intcotdonal Respiratory 3.Gensi CD Block NA • MA . 14974 Ha M a la r ia 5 Slyphod is *.T 4 .Tilting C.D.Block ' ii lU ■ 1574, r u Skin disease 3S c a b ie s 5 0 M e c h 1.1 tc.ha CD B lo c k ^.T l.. iL Na 11870 Nil LcprocyjT.B.Typhoid etc '■•>T • 5 • L iron^^ ba C.D. "lo ck NA 12660 i":r%

T o t - 1 183555

Solipcg;-D is b Medical Oa.iiGor„ Along.

k3s- in ool 5 agp.inst Along Block total Nos*01 Pationt bre-:.ted at D istrict : ospital ;iloag only. KATIOUAL M ALillA JRADIG^.TI S PROGRA.'^IE a S ON 3l3T MEACH'1989.' lable Ko.17.5

S-i-l Name of Bloct^s 1 No of U nits F No.of Team'Y rioiof viil.I Bloodslides v Bloodslides found lo| I X I coverGd | examinod ^ Malaria pos.sitivc

1.Along G,D.Block 11 54 13706 839 ^.Basar C.D.Block 3 54 3562 469 ^wonsis C.D. Block 3 59 950 90 ^.Tilting C.D.Block 3 1 33 723 7

S.Mechukha c’.D.Block 2 63 480 3

f.L ’irom oba'■ CD B lock 8 4 62 1238 107

■Total 24 18 325 20659 1517

Source?-District Malaria OfficoTo Along. FACILXTE-S OF DREjKING VJaTSA 3UPPLY (VILLAGE C0VBR3D)AS OH 31^T f'LJCH'19PQ, S.blG Ko.18.1 I a . I N a ie ot 31ock:s I'Jo.of villagol Total Wo.of | Ho.of villagos boaofltted after supply 3chomo fc. I • } under Block. { Fanilies under Blookv Govt. T People/PrIvatel V _ I _ _ ...... 1 ______. 1 ______J______J ______l ______. ( 2 ) ______( 3 ; ______^ ( 4 ) ______( 5 ) ...... ( 5 ) ______tAlonfe 3.D.Block - 54 16,9S2 52

r.Basar 01) Block 54' 3,192 36 - ' iGonsi CD Block 59 ' . 1,265 ■ 37 - ' .

tMochukha CD Block . S2 '' ' : 1,277 '■ 31 - , • i.Tuting CD Block , 33 1,496 '32 -

5.Liron:oba CD B l o c 82 2^259 . 54 • ^ ...... ~ — —

oourcos Block.'>IS and FI xiiongo NU.:-13 B 0F - y i L Li.GB3 UNDSR WaTSR SUPPLY 3GHEM3

T'^blo "To.18.2 , ' • _

9 / N o l Name o f B lo c k s \...... I^umbor of v illa ges brogg,ht. m dor Maty. Sa.PDly ^scheme by Govt, AgQncv_ ( Us on I AS on Us on ( As on J As on | As on j as on lAson I As o n iA s onson As on tY B.977-78| V1Q77-7P? 1978-79|1979-8C|1Q7R-7Q&Q7C)-Rn 1980-S:^l9Rn-RX 198l-82jJ1981-820 1982-8:^19B2-83 1983-84 1983-8^ 84-8^84-R& 85-R6 85-86 |p6-^B7J86-R7 j^,7-88^^.7-Rf ^88-89

1 p ^ 3 , 4 . 5 . 6. 7 . 8. 9. 1 0 1 1 1 . IP . 13 o 14 l.iklong, CD Block 21 23 23 42 43 47 47 47 91 51 51 52 2.3asar CD Block ^ 12 20 20 27 29 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 3 .Gens is G.D.Block 12 17 17 21 22 35 35 35 36 36 ‘ 36 37 4 .Tilting CD Block ' 5 7 7 7 14 24 ■ ' 24 24 28 30 31 31 5 . Me c hu kha G .D- .B lo c k 6 6 * 6 .6 6 16 16 16 ' 16 19 19 32 6.Liromoba CD 'jlock 16 ■ 21 21 21 21 53 53 53 53 53 53

94 124 135 • 135 215 ' 211 ■^220 225 ■^2^6“ '■ PA P,

3ourx2e:-,4ll Block ^ and F.r A lo n g . SOGUL GULTURiiL ORG.uUSii,. ION AS ON 31 1 9 8 9 .

^ l o iIo«19.1 a. Na^:ie of Blocks No.of Social and cultural organisation each Block Hemarks m. ______l^long CD Block l)District social and cultural organisationg.ilong. 2)Rani -xishna Mission school i-ilong (-!o3.^Ichool) 3)3rimanta Sankar Kission,^long 4):-: no Vivekananda .Condiiya Vidhyalaya, Zirdin ( School) 5)The project Implementation ccntre, -Cambo, Kabu, Pangkeng and Jono, IS a s a r GD B lo c k ______I ______L

4Gcnsi CD Block l)aeosi r^ahila ^landal (2) Garu (3) Yo;?ichungi(4)gibe (5)Sunter (6 )S illi Ste (7)Likabali (8)Dipa (9) Karnku and (10) Bor a Jan ;:Iahila -landal. S iSuting GD Block Cultural Institution (1) Mossing (2) Palling (3)anging (4)Likani (5)Tasaigoam TsTjiggin^C 7) Pango (8)G elling (9)Pokeng (10) Fandam (11) Yocting (12)Monkota and (13> Bone.. ■ ii-Iecbukha G.d Block (D-.iemba cultural troup^ Singbir (I’ochukha) (2) Pailibo cultural Xroup at xato, and (3) T^okar cultural troup at :^anigong. tLiromoba GD Block (I)'.:haratiya .-idi J a ti Gevak 3angha5'^onicha ( '"School).

ln . ir c 0 j - ,/vl 1 B lo c k 31S a nd F 7. i l l ong a m m m of information CEmRz/commuY lisxsl^^ing sets AS ON 313T Mo.'vGH‘ l9 8 9

- - r,C SL. / P a r t ic u la r s 1 U n it Name o f B lo c k s ( N o. 1 h I T ’ l I it iCLoag 1.3asar I Goasi ^TatingJ :iechukha IZ- iLironoba T o t a l l I I i . - _ i

I. Information Contro N 0 . 2 - - 1 1 - 4 2. Community listening Ho - - - — 1 — 1 z S o ts . o; m o: 3.- Projoction Unit Ho 2 - - 1 - 3 > -vl; D 1 O 4. Projection No 2 - - 1 -i. - 4

5. V.L.P»T .Relay T .V. No 1 '■ , ~ - ~ 1 C e n tre

6 . C-ovt .T.VoSets f'O ~ -“ 1 - 1

SourCGi.all Block SIS