Dated of Hearing Held on : 8Th Decembe R' 2O2O
ffi' t T{trfl qtl sTfuo-rr ffirtPm -q'la RIGHT TO H INFORMATION UNACHAL PRADESH INFORMATION COMMISSION ITANAGAR BEFORE THE COURT OF DR.JORAM BEGI, STATE CHIEF INFORMATION COMMISSIONER No.APlC-129/2020 Dated, ltanagar the 8th Decembe r,2020 Under Section 19(3) RTI Act, 2005 Appellant Respondent Shri Mikre Taso, Shri Bajum Taba, Upper Colony, Likabali, The PIO-cum-DFO, Lower Siang District, O/o Divisional Forest Officer, Arunachal Pradesh. Vs Likabali, (m) 5s0997s426, Lower Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh. & Shri Karba Riba Dated of hearing held on : 8th Decembe r' 2O2O. ORDER Whereas, an appeal under Section 19(3) of RTI Act, 2005 has been received from Shri & Shri Karba Riba Mikre Taso, Upper Colony, Likabali, Lower Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, pro-cum-DFo, o/o Divisional Forest for non-furnishing of information, by shri Bajum Taba, the by the Appellants under officer, Likabali, Lower siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, as sought, section 6(1) of RTI Act, 2005 on 2OlO7l2O2O' video audio conference on l-7th Whereas, the l-'t hearing was held through online / pro-cum-DFO, O/o Divisionar Forest officer, Likabali, November,2o2o. shri Bajum Taba, the pradesh, and the Appeilants Shri Mikre Taso, & shri Karba Riba, Lower Siang District, Arunachar UpperColony,Likabali,LowerSiangDistrict,ArunachalPradesh,appearedinthehearing shri Mikre Taso informed the Commission that the through video conferencing. The Rpp-ettant information to them. The Appellant informed that pro has furnished incomprete and misreading for the and photographs for building he is satisfied with the information furnished pro and informed the Commission that the information furnished for the
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