Exhibit L – List of Native Trees in Frederick County
Exhibit L1 – List of Native Overstory Trees in Frederick County Source: 1) Geography & Geology of Maryland-- Commission of Maryland Geological Survey, by Harold E. Vokes 1961, 1966 2) (Parentheses) indicate Scientific or Common Name updates, assessed by DPDR, Planning Section 3) *Asterisks indicate additions to List made because of naturalization or other reasons, assessed by DPDR, Planning Section Conifers- Scientific Name Common Name (s) (and Broad-leafed Evergreens) Junipers virginiana, (Eastern) Red Cedar Pinus echinata, Shortleaf Pine Pinus pungens, Table Mountain Pine Pinus rigida, Pitch Pine Pinus strobus, White Pine Pinus virginiana, Virginia Pine *Taxodium distichum *Bald Cypress Tsuga canadensis, Eastern Hemlock Hardwoods- Scientific Name Common Name (s) Acer negundo, Box-Elder Acer nigrum, Black Maple Acer pennsylvaniom, Striped Maple Acer rubrum, Red Maple Acer saccharinum, Silver Maple (Invasive Native – not recommended) Acer saccharum, Sugar Maple Acer spicatum, Mountain Maple Alnus rugosa, (serrulata) Smooth Alder (Hazel Alder) Aralia spinosa, Hercules Club Betula lenta, Black Birch (Sweet Birch) Betula lutea, (alleghaniensis) Yellow Birch Betula nigra, River Birch (Black Birch) Carpinus caroliniana, Blue Beech (American Hornbeam, Musclewood, Ironwood) (Carya) cordiformis, Bitternut Hickory (Carya) glabra, Pignut Hickory (Carya) laciniosa, Shellbark Hickory (Carya) ovata, Shagbark Hickory (Carya) ovalis, Small Pignut Hickory (Red Hickory, Sweet Pignut Hickory, Oval Pignut Hickory) (Carya) tomentosa, Mockernut Hickory Updated
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