\ 1934 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 74

Washington, Friday, April 13, 1945

Regulations TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE ^ CONTENTS Chapter XI—War Food Administration REGULATIONS and n o t ic e s (Distribution Orders) TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Customs B ureau: Page Chapter IX—War Food Administration [WFO 42b-2] Customs warehouses and con­ (Marketing Agreements and Orders) trol of merchandise there­ P art 1460—F ats and Oils in; bonded smelters____ _ 3965 P art 969—M ilk in the Suburban Chicago, REPORTS ON SOAP PRODUCTION F ederal P ower Com m ission: I llinois, M arketing Area Pursuant to the authority vested in me Leominster Electric Light & ORDER SUSPENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS • by War Food Order No. 42b, as amended Power Co., et al; notice of application______3987 Pursuant to the applicable provisions (9 FR. 12080, 13619, 10 F.R. 1315), and of Public Act No. 10, 73rd Congress, as to effectuate tlie purpose thereof, it is F ederal T rade Commission: hereby ordered as follows : Rudd Mfg. Co.; cease and desist amended, and as reenacted and amended order______3964 by the Agricultural Marketing Agree­ § 1460.40 Reports on soap produc­ I nterior D epartment: ment Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. tion—(a) Definitions. The terms used Solid Fuels Administrator for 601 et seq.), hereinafter referred to as herein shall have the meanings set forth War, exercise of powers and the '‘act,” and of the order regulating for such terms in War Food Order No. delegation of authority to the handling of milk in the Suburban 42b,supra. Deputy______3983 Chicago, Illinois, marketing area, it is (b) Reports. Every person who, dur­ Lindsay Coàl Mining Co., et al; hereby determined that the provisions of ing the calendar years 1940,1941 or 1944, possession by Secretary of such order which provide seasonal mini­ manufactured soap of the types herein­ mum prices on Grade A and Grade B Interior______3983 after listed and who used more than I nterstate Com m erce Co m m issio n : Class I milk during May and June 1945 1,000,000 pounds of fats and oils in the arë provisions which obstruct and do not Garbanzos, movement from tend to effectuate the declared policy of manufacture of soap of all types in any Houston to Galveston, Tex_ 3988 the act with respect to producers of milk one of such calendar years, shall prop­ Inventories of material and sup­ under such order. erly fill out and mail to the Chief, Fats plies: It is, therefore, ordered, That the fol­ and Oils Branch, Office of Marketing Passenger carriers______3983 lowing provisions of the order regulating Services, War Food Administration, Property carriers______3983 the handling of milk in the Suburban Washington 25, .D. C., the following Labor D epartm ent: Chicago, Illinois, marketing area be sus­ forms, copies of which may be obtained Texas crippled children’s pro­ pended during 1945: by request addressed to the Fats and Oils gram; hearing______3987 N avy D epartment: 1. In § 969.5 (a) (1) (i), relating to Branch: Naval retiring review board; Grade A Class I milk, as follows : regulations prescribed____ 3981 Type of soap manufactured To be mailed O ffice of D efenseT ransportation : Provided, That beginning in 1945 the during 1940,1941 or 1944 Form No. on or before Common carriers, coordinated price for such Class I milk for the de­ operations: livery periods of May and June of each Yellow laundry bar soap___ 42b.2-l May 1,1945. year shall be the price determined pur­ Bulk package soap flakes or Binghamton, N.Y ______3992 powdered soap other than Connecticut, Massachusetts, suant to (b) of this section, plus 50 cents. washing powder______42b.2-2 May 1, 1945. New Jersey, New York 2. Iri § 969.5 (a) (1) (ii), relating to and Pennsylvania.,_____ 3988 Grade B Class I milk, as follows: (c) Effective date. This order shall Flint, Holly xand Fenton, become effective at 12:01 a. m., e. w. t., Mich______3991 Provided, That beginning in 1945 the April 12, 1945. Michigan______3990 price for such Class I milk for the periods New Hampshire___ ¡______3989 of May and June of each year shall be Note : This reporting requirement has been approved by the Bureau of the Budget in South Carolina______1_ 3989 the price determined pursuant to (b) of accordance with ,the Federal Reports Act of Vicksburg, Miss______3990 this section, plus 40 cents. 1942. O ffice of P rice Administration: (E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. Adjustments and pricing orders: 5423) 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. 5423; E.O. 9392, American Castle Co______3996 8 F.R. 14783; WFO No. 42b, 9 F.R. 12080) Bruce,' E. L., Co______3994 Done at Washington, D. C., this 11th • Busick, William E______:__ 3997 day of April 1945. Issued this 10th day of April 1945. Han-D-Rols Co______3996 Ashley Sellers, C. W . K itchen, Hopson, J. W______3997 Assistant War Food Administrator. ■Director of Marketing Services. Lancaster Coal Co______3998 [P. R. Doc. 45-5843; Piled, Apr. 12, 1945; [P. R. Doc. 45-5827; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945; Liberty Hardware Mfg. Co__ 3999 11:08 a. m.] 12:07 p. m.] (Continued on next page) ; 3963 3964 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued TITLE 16—COMMERCIAL PRACTICES Chapter I—Federal Trade Commission O ffice of P rice Administration— Continued. Pa£e [Docket No. 5047] federmM register Fuel oil, gasoline and liquefied 1934 petroleum gas (MPR 88, P art 3—D igest of Cease and D esist Am, 24)------3979 . O rdèrs ___ - Grains, certain, general pricing RUDD MANUFACTURING CO. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, provisions (FPR 2, Am. 5) — 3980 § 3.66 (a7) Misbranding or mislabel­ and days following legal holidays, by the Hawaii, general posting require­ ing.—Composition—Wool Products La­ Division of the Federal Register, the National ments (RMPR 165, Supp. Archives, pursuant to the authority contained beling Act: §3.71 (a) Neglecting, un­ Serv. Reg. 52) __— ------3980 fairly or deceptively, to make material In the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Lime, building, chemical and in­ 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., disclosure—Composition—Wool Products cli. 8B), under regulations, prescribed by the dustrial (MPR 188, Am. 74 Labeling A ct—Iii connection with the Administrative Committee, approved by the to Order A -l)____ ;------3998 introduction or manufacture for intro­ President. Distribution is made only by the Panama hat bodiesimported « duction into (Jommerce or the sale, trans­ Superintendent of Documents, Government from Ecuador (MIPR, Rev. portation, or distribution of such prod­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. . Order 56)__ 3999 The regulatory material appearing herein is Regional and district office or­ ucts in commerce, misbranding men’s keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ders; community ceiling and boys’ pants, wearing apparel, or which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant prices, lists of orders filed ^ other “wool products” as defined in and to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as (5 documents) ______4001, subject to the Wool Products Labeling amended June 19, 1937. 4002,4003,4004 Act of 1939, which contain, purport to The F ederal Register will be furnished by contain, or in any way are represented mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Tires and tubes, new; wholesale as containing “wool”, “reprocessed wool”, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ prices (RMPR 143, Àm. 6) _ 3979 or “reused wool” as therein defined, by vance. The charge for individual copies S ecurities and Exchange Commis­ failing to affix securely to or place on (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the sio n : size of the issue. Remit check or money such products a stamp, tag, label, or order, made payable to the Superintendent Hearings, etc.: other means of identification showing in of Documents, • directly to the Government Central Vermont Public Serv-. a clear and conspicuous manner, (a) the Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. ’ ice Corp. and Vermont percentage of the total fiber weight of %There are no restrictions on the republica­ Utilities, Inc------:----- 4007 such wool product, exclusive of orna­ tion of material appearing in the F ederal General Securities Corp— _ 4004 mentation not exceeding 5 per centum of R egister. Joy Mfg. Co., et al— ------4005 said total fiber weight, of (1) wool, (2) New York Power & Light reprocessed wool, (3) reused wool, (4) Corp______4007 each fiber other than wool where said NOTICE Ohio Edison Co,— — ------4004 percentage by weight of such fiber is 5 United Public Utilities Corp_ 4005 per centum or more, and (5) the aggre­ The 1943 Supplement to the Code Washington Gas & Electric Co. and Southern Utah gate of all other fibers; (b) the maximum of Federal Regulations, covering Power Co______I'------4006 percentage of the total weight of such the period June 2,1943, through De­ wool product of any non-fibrous loading, Forms; adoption for registra­ filling, or adulterating matter; (c) ,the cember 31, 1943, may be obtained tion of shares of explora­ ñame of the manufacturer of such wool from the Superintendent of Docu­ tory mining corporations— 3965 product; or the manufacturer’s regis­ ments, Government Printing Office, U nited S tates E m ployees’ Co m ­ tered identification number and the at $3.00 per book. pensation Commission : name of a seller of such wool product; Authorization of local payments or the name of one or more persons in­ Book Is Titles 1-31, including Presi­ of benefits in Southwest troducing such wool product into com­ dential documents in full text. Pacific Area------4008 merce, or engaged in the sale, transpor­ Book 2: Titles 32-50, with 1943 Gen­ W ar F ood Administration: ■ Agricultural labor, wages of tation, or distribution thereof in com­ eral Index and 1944 Codification workers picking summer merce, as “commerce” is defined in the Guide. apples and doing general • Federal Trade Commission Act and the orchard work in certain Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939; pro­ Washington counties— — 3965 hibited, subject to the provision, however, Milk handling, Chicago, 111., that the foregoing provisions concerning CONTENTS—Continued misbranding shall not be construed to marketing area------3963 prohibit acts permitted by paragraphs Soap, reports on production O ffice of P rice Administration— (WFO 42b-2)______3963 (a) and (b) of section 3 of the Wool Continued. Products Labeling Act of 1939; and to Adjustments and pricing or­ W ar P roduction B oard: the further proviso, that nothing con­ ders—Continued. % ' PaBe Cordage and hemp fiber, cord­ tained in the order shall be construed Majestic Display Case Co., age yarn, and cordage (M- . as limiting any applicable provisions, of Inc------3994 84)...... -______— 3969 sgid act or the rules and regulations Moulden, B. L., Co_».—------3993 Jute and jute products (M-70) _ 3967 promulgated thereunder. (Sec. -5, 38 Northern Wood Products Co_ 3996 Lamps, incandescent, fluores­ Stat. 719, as amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. Ottawa Metal Specialties, 3995 cent, etc.; extension of rat­ 112; 15 U.S.C.,. sec. 45b; 54 Stat. 1128; Rieger Mfg. Co------3999 ings (L-28-a, Dir. 1)_____ 3978 15 U.S.C., sec. 68) [Cease and desist Victor, R. C., Mfg. Co------3995 Metal parts, substitution for order, Rudd Manufacturing Company, Warner Specialty Corp------3995 wooden; use of metal swivel , Docket 5047, March 24, 1945] West Coast Mfg. Co— ------3993 irons in remodelling office Whale Tool Corp______3992 chairs (L-260-a, Int. 2)___ 3977 At a regular session of the Federal Woodcraft Industries, Ltd— - 3994 Motorcycles (L-331)______3973 Trade Commission, held at its office in Camelback and tire and tube re­ Photographic equipment, etq., the City of Washington, D. C., on the pair materials (RMPR 131, effect of certain amendment 24th day of March, A. D., 1945: Order 27)______3998 on preference rated civilian In the Matter of Samuel Rudovsky and Cooking boilers, Treasury De­ orders (L-267, Int. 1)____ 3978 Max .Braunstein, Copartners, Trading partment sales, and resales Picker stick blanks (L-344)_— 3966 and Doing Business as Rudd Manu­ (S.O. 94, Order 49)_____ 3998 facturing Company Fish and seafood, fresh and Priorities system operation;' frozen, at retail (RMPR 507, containers (PR 3, Dir. 3)— 3966 This proceeding having been heard by- Corr. ta Am. 2).__ 3979 the Federal Trade Commission upon the FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3965 complaint of the Commission, answer of and form in which they have complied warehouse entry specified. When two respondents thereto, certain admissions with this order. or more plants in a given collection dis­ stipulated into the record, report of the By the Commission. trict are designated to receive credit, trial examiner, and briefs of counsel, and separate copies shall be prepared for the thç Commission having made its findings [seal] Otis B. Johnson, collector and comptroller concerned to as to the facts and its conclusion that Secretary. cover each such plant. If at the time of said respondents have violated the pro­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5845; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; withdrawal the warehouse proprietor visions of the Wool Products Labeling 11:07 a. m.] does not know the plants or warehouse Act of 1939 and the provisions of the entry numbers which are to be credited Federal Trade Commission Act: with the withdrawal, or the metallic con­ It is orderéd, That respondents Samuel tent of the metal producible being ex­ Rudovsky and Max Braunstein, copart­ TITLE 17—COMMODITY AND ported, the preparation of the before- ners, trading and doing business as Rudd mentioned copies of customs Form 7512 Manufacturing Company, or under any SECURITIES EXCHANGES may be postponed for a period of not other name, jointly or severally, their Chapter II—Securities and Exchange longer than 30 d..ys from the date of the representatives, agents, and employees, Commission movement of the metal producible from directly or through any corporate or the plant. In such cases, a so-called other device, in connection with the P art 239—F orms ; Securities Act of 1933 memorandum withdrawal, in the num­ introduction of manufacture for intro­ ADOPTION OF FORM Sr-11 FOR REGISTRATION ber of copies provided for in § 18.19 of duction into commerce'or the sale, trans­ OF SHARES OF EXPLORATORY MINING COR­ the regulations, may be used in the first portation, or distribution of such prod­ instance for the purpose of obtaining ucts in commerce, as “commerce” is de­ PORATIONS the required customs record of the ex­ fined in the aforesaid actsj do forthwith The Securities and Exchange Commis­ portation of the metal producible under cease and desist from misbranding men’s sion, acting pursuant to authority con­ customs supervision. All memorandum and boys’ pants, wearing apparel, or ferred upon it by the Securities Act of withdrawals^ shall be conspicuously en­ other “wool products” as defined in and 1933 as amended, particularly sections dorsed “Memorandum Withdrawal.” subject to the Wool Products Labèling 7, 10 and 19 (a) thereof, and deeming (Secs. 312, 624, 46 Stat. 692, 759; 19 U.S.C. Act of 1939, which contain, purport to such action necessary and appropriate 1312, 1624) contain, or in any way are represented in the public interest and for the pro­ aS containing “wool”, “reprocessed wool”, tection of investors and necessary to [seal] W. R. J ohnson, or “reused wool” as those terms are de­ carry out the provisions of the act, Commissioner of Customs. fined in said act4 by failing to affix se­ hereby adopts Form S-ll for registra­ Approved: April 10, 1945. curely to or place on such products a tion under the Securities Act of 1933 of stamp, tag, label, or other means of shares of exploratory mining corpora­ H erbert E. Gaston, identification showing in a clear and con­ tions. Acting Secretary of the Treasury. spicuous manner : Effective March 24, 1945. [F. R. Doc. 45-5835;. Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; 1. The percentage of the total fiber 3:47 p* m.J weight of such wool product, exclusive By the Commission.. of ornamentation not exceeding 5 per­ [seal] Orval L. DuB ois, cent um of said total fiber weight, of (1) Secretary. wool, (2) reprocessed wool, (3) reused wool, (4) each fiber other than wool {F. R. Doc. 45-5878; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; TITLE 29—LABOR 11:50 a. m.] where said percentage by weight of such Chapter IX—War Food Administration fiber is 5 per centum or more, and (5) the (Agricultural Labor) aggregate of all other fibers. 2. The-maximum percentage of the [Rev. Supp. 18] . TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES • total weight of such wool product of any P art 1111—Salaries and Wages of Agri­ non-fibrous loading, filling, or adulterat­ Chapter I—Bureau of Customs cultural Labor in the State of Wash­ ing matter. ington [T. D. 51218] 3. The name of the manufacturer of WORKERS ENGAGED IN PICKING SUMMER AP­ such wool product; or the manufac­ Part 19—Customs W arehouses and PLES AND IN PERFORMING GENERAL ORCHARD turer’s registered identification number Control of Merchandise Therein WORK FOR ALl FRUIT IN CERTAIN WASH­ and the. name of a seller of such wool BONDED SMELTERS INGTON COUNTIES product; or the name of one or more Section 19.23, Customs Regulations of Supplement No. 18 (formerly known as persons introducing such wool , product 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 19.23), is Specific Wage Ceiling Reg. 18) is hereby into commerce, or engaged in the sale,' hereby amended by inserting the follow­ completely revised to read as follows: transportation, or distribution thereof ing at the end thereof: in commerce, as “commerce” is defined § 1111.4 Wages of workers engaged in in the Fédéral Trade Commission Act § 19.23 Withdrawal for exportation picking summer apples and in perform­ from one port tcr be credited on ware­ ing general orchard work for all fruit in and the Wool Produets Labeling Act of house ledger account at another port. Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan Counties, 1939. * * * The proprietor of the plant State of. Washington, Pursuant to Provided, That the foregoing provisions -from which the withdrawal is made shall § 4001.7 of the .regulations of the Eco­ concerning misbranding shall not be con­ prepare a sufficient number of copies of nomic Stabilization Director relating to strued to prohibit acts permitted by Par­ withdrawals on customs Form 7512, in wages and salaries issued August 28,1943, agraphs (a) and (b) of section 3 of the addition to any other copies required by as amended (8 F.R. 11960, 12139, 16702, 0 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939; the regulations, to enable the collector F.R. 6035, 14547) and to the regulations and provided, further, That nothing con­ of .customs at the port of withdrawal to of the War Food Administrator issued forward a copy to the collector of cus­ January 20, 1944 (9 F.R. 831) as revised tained in this order shall be construed toms for each district where credit is to October 23, 1944 and March 23, 1945 (9 as limiting any applicable provisions of be applied and to each comptroller of F.R. 12807, 14206, 10 F.R. 3177), entitled said Act or the Rules and Regulations customs concerned. Such withdrawals “Specific Wage Ceiling Regulations,” and promulgated thereunder. . shall designate the plant or plants which based upon a certification of the Wash­ It is further ordered, That the re­ are to receive the credit, shall specify ington WFA Wage Board that a majority spondents shall, within sixty (6Ô) days the warehouse entry number or numbers of the producers of summer apples and after service -upon them of this order, to which the credit is to be applied, and a majority of the producers of all fruits file with the Commission a report in writ­ shall state the quantity of metal pro­ in the area affected have requested the ing setting forth in detail the manner ducible which is to be applied to each intervention of thé War Food Adminis- 3966 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13y 1945 trator and based upon relevant facts (56 Stat. 765 (1942), 50 U.S.C. App. 961 and operated by a manufacturer of a^prod- submitted by the Washington WPA Wage et seq., (Supp. Ill), 57 Stat. 63 (1943), 50 uct, in which wooden crates or other outer wooden shipping containers, or parts cut to Board and obtained from other sources, U.S.C. 964 (Supp. I ll) , 58 Stat. 632 (1944)-, size for them, are fabricated in production it is hereby determined that: E. O. No. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 runs to one or more set specifications, for (a) Areas, crops and classes of work­ F. R. 4681; regulations of the Economic the shipment of the manufacturer’s own- ers. Persons engaged in picking sum­ Stabilization Director, 8 F.R. 11960, products. mer apples and in general orchard work 12139, 16702, 9 F.R. 6035, 14547; regula­ (e) Cases where the MRO symbol or rating for all fruit in Chelan, Douglas and tions of the War Food Administrator, must not be used. A person must not use an Okanogan Counties, State of Washing­ 9 F.R. 655,12117, 12611, 9 F.R. 831, 12807, allotment symbol or rating assigned to him ton, are agricultural labor as defined in 14206, 10 F.R. 3177) for the purchase of MRO by CMP Regula­ § 4001.1 (1) of the regulations of the Eco­ tion No. 5, CMP Regulation No. 5A or by any Issued this 10th day of April, 1945. order in the P or U series to buy: nomic Stabilization Director issued on (1) Materials needed to make any con­ August 28, 1943, as amended (8 F.R. W ilson R . B u ie, tainers other than wooden crates or outer 11960, 12139, 16702, 9 F.R. 6035, 14547). Director of Labor, wooden shipping containers. For instance, (b) Definitions. When used in this War Food Administration. he may not use the symbol or rating, to buy Supplement No. 18: [F. R. Doc. 45-5844; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; fibreboard for boxes, paper for bags, or metal (1) 'The term “general orchard work” 11:08 a. m.] for cans or drums, regardless of the amount shall mean thinning, spraying, pruning, of the material he uses and regardless of whether he makes the eontainfers or parts for irrigating, tractor driving, swamping sale to others or for packing his own product. fruit except late apples and other work (2) Material needed for making any con­ in the producing of fruit, performed in TITLE 32—NATIONAL DEFENSE tainers (or parts of containers) for sale empty an orchard. to others.- (2) The term “housing” means shelter Chapter IX—War Production Board (3) Material needed for making in a cap- such as a tent, cabin or house. Au th o rity : Regulations in this chapter, tive plant, wooden crates or other' outer (3) The term “transportation” means unless otherwise noted at the end of docu­ wooden shipping containers or parts travel between the place of work and the ments affected, issued under sec. 2 (a), 54 (whether for packing his own products or vicinity where the worker resides. Stat. 676, as amended by 55 Stat. 236 and 56 for resale) if he puys more than 50,000 board (c) Wage rates; maximum wage rates Stat. 177; E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 feet -of lumber in any calendar quarter for for picking summer apples and for gen­ F.R. 527; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; W.P.B. Reg. 1 eral orchard work with respect to all as amended Dec. 31, 1943, 9 FR. 64. this purpose, except where the person is a fruit. (1) Picking summer apples: controlled materials producer and the con- P art 944—R egulations Applicable to tainers to be made are for packaging the When either housing or transportation, or the O perations of the P riorities controlled materials that he produces. both, are furnished—800 per hour; S ystem When neither housing nor transportation is (d) Applications for allotments or ratings furnished—85# per hour. [Priorities Reg. 3, Direction 3, as Amended where MRO symbol or rating cannot be used, Apr. 12, 1945] Any person who cannot use his MRO rating (2) General orchard work for all and symbol to get materials to make con­ fruit: CONTAINERS tainers, and who needs an allotment of con­ trolled material or a preference rating to get When either housing or transportation, or The following amended direction is is­ them, may apply to the War Production both, are furnished—800 per hour; sued pursuant to Priorities Regulation 3-; Board on Form CMP-4B, WPB-2613 (formerly When neither housing nor transportation is (a) What this direction, does, This direc­ PD-870) or other appropriate forms. furnished—850 per hour. tion provides for the use of allotment sym­ (e) Interpretation No. 4 of CMP Regula­ If workers are paid on any other basis bols and preference ratings assigned for the tion No. 5 superseded. This direction super­ purchase of MRO (maintenance, repair and sedes Interpretation No. 4 of CMP Regulation the rate of compensation shall not exceed operating supplies) to buy material for mak­ No. 5. « the equivalent of the above rates. The ing wooden crates and wooden shipping con­ equivalent piece-work rate shall be a rate tainers in certain specified cases and points Issued this 12th day of April -1945. which will permit an average worker, out that the use of allotment symbols and working at a customary rate of speed preference ratings assigned for the purchase * W ar P roduction B oard, for hourly work, to earn 80^ per hour, of MRO to buy materials to make containers By J. J oseph W helan, when either housing or transportation, in other cases is improper. It does not per­ Recording Secretary. mit the use of MRO symbols and ratings to or both, are furnished, 850 per hour when get fabricated containers or cut to size parts [F. R. Doc. 45-5854; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; neither housing nor transportation is of containers. 11:30 a. m.] furnished. • , (b) Case where the MRO symbol and rat- (d) Administration. The Washington ing may be used. In any one of the follow­ P art 3285—Lumber- and Lumber P roducts WPA Wage Board, located at 235 Liberty ing cases à person may use an allotment [Limitation Order L-344] Building, Yakima, Washington, will have symbol or rating assigned to him for the charge of the administration of this Sup­ PICKER STICK BLANKS plement No. 18 in accordance with the purchase of MRO by CMP Regulation No.-5, provisions of the Specific Wage Ceiling CMP Regulation 5A or by any order in the The fulfillment of requirements for the Regulations issued hy the War Pood Ad­ P or U series, to buy material, including defense of the United States has created ministrator January 20,1944 (9 P.R. 831) controlled material, needed for making a shortage in the supply of facilities for as revised October 23, 1944 and March wooden crates or other outer wooden ship­ the manufacture of textiles for defense, 23,1945 (9 F.R. 12807,14206,10 F.R. 3177). ping containers for packing Eli own for private account, and for export; and (e) Applicability of specific wage ceil­ products: ~T ■ ~ the following order is deemed necessary ing regulations. This Supplement No. 18 (1) Where the person is a controlled ma- and appropriate in the public interest shall be deemed to be a part of the spe­ terials producer and the containers to be and to promote the national defense: cific wage ceiling regulations issued by made are for packaging the'controlled mate­ - § 3285.136 Limitation Order L-344— the War Pood Administrator on January rials that he produces. ~ (a) What this order does. This order 20, 1944 (9 F.R. 831) as revised October Note: Subparagraphs (2) and (3), formerly forbids every person except concentrators 23,1944 and March 23,1945 (9 F.R. 12807, (1) and (2), redesignated Apr. 12, 1945. of picker stick blanks, exporters of picker 14206, 10 F.R. 3177), and the provisions stick blanks, and manufacturers of picker of such regulations shall be applicable (2) Where no parts of the containers are sticks from âccepting delivery of picker to this Supplement No. 18 and any vio­ made in a captive plant; and (3) Where the containers or parts are stick blanks. It also forbids a manufac­ lation, of this Supplement No. 18 shall made in a captive plant, but where he does turer of picker sticks from using picker constitute a violation of such specific not buy more than 50,000 board feet of stick blanks except in the manufacture wage ceiling regulations. lumber in any calendar quarter for making of picker sticks. (f) Effective date. This revised Sup­ containers and parts of containers in the ' (b) Definitions. For the purposes of plement No. 18 shall become effective at captive plant, p this order: 12:01 a. m. Pacific war time, April 13, "Captive plant” means a separate plant, (1) “Picker stick blank” means any 1945. department or part of a department, owned hickory blank manufactured for conver- S FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3%7 sion into a “picker stick”, and sold as a sistance, and may take such other action culated by taking the average monthly ♦‘picker stick blank”. as it deems appropriate. consumption of the particular Group or (2) “Picker stick” means a piece of (i) Applicability of priorities regula­ 20 by the processor in the 4 months hickory so dressed and shaped, bored, or tions. This order and all transactions preceding the date of application for an bored and riveted, as to be serviceable affected thereby are subject to all ap­ allocation. for driving a shuttle across a textile loom. plicable regulations of the War Produc­ (b) Restrictions on processing, sale (3) “Picker stick concentrator” means tion Board, as amended from time to and use. (1) (i) No person shall use or any person who in the normal conduct time. put into process any raw jute, except for of his business buys and resells picker the manufacture of the products listed in stick blanks. Issued this 12th day of April 1945. List A. (c) Restrictions. After April 15,1945,. W ar P roduction B oard, (ii) No person shall use any domes­ n a person except exporters of picker stick By J . J oseph W helan, tically made product listed in List A, blanks, picker stick concentrators, and Recording Secretary. except for the uses there specified. manufacturers of picker sticks shall ac­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5859;' Filed, Apr. ' 12, 1945; (iii) No person shall us? any imported cept delivery of picker stick blanks. Any . 11:30 a. m.] jute product listed in List C, except for manufacturer of picker sticks who has the uses there specified. accepted delivery of picker stick blanks (iv) Where restrictions on sale are is prohibited from using such blanks for listed in List A dr C, no person shall sell any purpose other than the manufacture P art 3290—T extile, Clothing and any product covered by such restrictions, of picker sticks except that normal waste L eather except in conformity with those restric­ not to exceed 20 percent of the picker [Conservation Order M-70, as Amended tions. stick blanks received may be manufac­ Apr. 12, 1945] (2) No processor shall put into process tured into other hickory items. • JUTE AND JUTE PRODUCTS in any calendar month more raw jute (d) Reports. Every manufacturer of than is necessary to meet his required de­ picker sticks and every exporter of picker § 3290.271 Conservation Order M- liveries of jute products and to maintain stick blanks shall on or before the tenth 70—(a), Control and allocation. No a practicable minimum working inven­ day of the month following the end of processor shall make or accept delivery tory. The term “practicable minimum each calendar month file a report on of, or use or put into process raw or scrap working inventory” is to be strictly con­ Form WPB-4Î63 with the War Produc­ jute, jute products oi scrap juté manu­ strued as meaning the minimum inven­ tion Board. This form must be filled out factured products in violation of direc­ tory which will permit of economical op­ in accordance with the instructions con­ tions of the War Production Board issued eration of plant and will depend, in each tained on that form. This reporting re­ pursuant to this paragraph. The War case, upon the practicability of .chang­ quirement has been approved by the Bu­ Production Board may from time to time ing a spinning system from the manufac­ reau of the Budget in accordance with allocate the supply of raw and scrap jute, ture of one product to another. the .Federal Reports Act of 1942. Any jute products and scrap jute manufac­ (3) Whether he uses jute or any other person shall execute and file with the tured products, and specifically direct fiber, no person shall use any soft fiber War Production Board such other reports the time, manner and quantities in which carding, drawing, roving or spinning ma­ and questionnaires as the War Produc­ deliveries to or by particular processors chinery in the manufacture of any prod­ tion Board may, from time to time, re­ shall be made or withheld. Raw jute ucts other than products specifically quire subject to the approval of the Bu­ will not be allocated from government permitted in this order, or in any other reau of the Budget pursuant to the Fed­ stockpile to any processor in any amount conservation order of the War Produc­ eral Reports Act of 1942. that will result in the processor, at the tion Board specifically regulating the end (e) Restrictions on delivery. No per­ time of receipt of-the raw jute .so allo­ uses for which fiber may be processed. son shall sell, ship or deliver or cause to cated, having in excess of 9 months’ sup­ This subparagraph does not apply to ma­ be sold, shipped, or delivered any picker ply of raw jute in Group I or equivalent chinery normally used for processing stick blanks which he knows or has rea­ grades or Block 20 or equivalent grades, scrap jute. * son to believe will 'be used in violation or in excess of 4 months’ supply of raw (c) Restrictions on delivery. No per­ of the provisions of this order or any or­ jute in Group III qr equivalent grades. son shall sell or deliver any product con­ der or regulation of the War Production Persons who have not previously con­ trolled by this order if he knows or has Board. sumed raw jute and who therefore can­ reason to believe that the person who is (f) Appeals: Any appeal from the not calculate a month’s supply on the buying or accepting delivery of the prod­ provisions of this order shall be filed in basis of previous consumption, may, uct will use it in a manner which this triplicate on Form WPB-1477 with the nevertheless, apply for an allocation of order, including Lists A and C, does not appropriate War Production Board field raw jute to be consümed by them within permit. He should satisfy himself as to office referring to the particular pro­ a stated period following allocation. this in some reasonable manner before visions appealed from and stating fully Likewise, processors who have not con­ making delivery. He may, but need not, the grounds of the appeal. sumed raw jute in the 4 months pre­ require a statement in writing showing (g) Communications. Communica­ ceding the date of application, in the the specific purpose or use for which the tions concerning this order shall, unless item is ordered. particular Group or Block 20 required, in (d) Importations. The importation of otherwise directed, be' addressed- to the a quantity sufficient to justify allocation War Production Board, Lumber and jute and jute products shall be made in Lumber Products'Division, Washington of the amount requested under the fore­ conformity with the provisions of Gen­ 25, D. C., Ref.: L-344. going rule, may apply-for an allocation eral Imports Order M-63, as amended of jute in that Group or Block 20 to be from time to time. (h) Violations. Any person who wil­ (e) Restrictions on the use of damaged fully violates any provision of this order consumed by them within a stated period jute and damaged jute products. Any or who, in connection with this order, following allocation. The War Produc­ processor, person or dealer who has in his wilfully conceals a material fact or fur­ tion Board may also direct or prohibit possession damaged jute defined in par­ nishes false information to any depart­ particular uses of raw. and scrap jute, agraph (f) (13), or jute products defined ment or agency of the United States is jute products and scrap jute manufac­ in paragraph (f) (3) that are damaged, guilty of â crime, and upon conviction tured products. For the purpose of this shall report to the War Production Board may be punished by fine or imprison­ paragraph: “Supply of raw jute” means the nature of the damage and the quanti­ ment or both. In addition, the War raw jute on hand or which has arrived in ty not suitable for the manufacture of Production Board may prohibit such per­ the continental United States for the ac­ the products, or for the end uses, permit­ son ffom making or obtaining further de­ count of a processor; “Group” and “Block ted by this order. -»The report shall be by liveries of, or from processing or using, 20” mean classifications or grades of raw letter setting forth all pertinent facts, in­ material under priority control, may jute established by the War Production cluding a statement of the portion of each withhold from such person priorities as­ Board; a “month’s supply” shall be cal- bale or package actually damaged. After 3068 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 23, 1945 making that report and receiving from it means reclamation either by mending, List A 4^ the War Production Board an acknowl­ by converting into fiber, or by placing (1) Single or plied yarn or roving for use edgement which does not object to his scrap jute or the fiber resulting from in, or

Schedule A—Cordage End UsE-rContlnued

End use Definition Restrictions on Manila Agave other fibers

Anchor buoy rope______.... A rope used to steady a spar projecting from the side of a 'vessel. . ______Anchor lines—submerged Fishing geaf. A line used to fix the position of stationary gear such as pounds or trap nets, fykes, and anchored Yes. gill nets. Anchor lines—sea plane..., The anchor rode of a sea plane______Yes. Anchor rodes______See anchor lines______Anchor lines—vessel_____ A line used to connect the anchor chain and the vessel______Yes. Anchor lines—small ships. The lines carried on small ships for anchoring______Yes. Anchor lines—sea anchor.. A rope attached to a canvas sea anchor used to retard the progress of a small boat or life raft__ Yes. Antenna rope______A rope used for raising or lowering radio antennae for maintaining tension on antenna______Auxiliary lii}e—Lyle gun.. A 3" circ. hawser-drawn to or from n vessel by means of a whip line and which is used to support Yes. Yes. a breeches buoy. Awning rope______Rope for reinforcing and securing awning in place______..... ______... Awning rope______A small sized rope used to hoist or lower an awning...... _.r...... Backbone______The rope stitched to the back of the middle of an awning and to which the crows foot is spliced. Backhaul rope______The rope to haul back a hoisting tackle when it is not heavy enough to return by gravity___ Backhaul rope—. A rope used for hauling in the sounding boom aboard vessels______Barrel chimes______A special type of sling used only to hoist fuel drums aboard ship where rope is passed through Yes eyes at each end of drum; hoists 4 drums at a time. Band line______See Guard r o p e ...... Beckett______A rope eye or grommet used for the hook of a block______Beckett—Sprit .'____ A small piece of rope with an eye spliced in each end to hold the end of a sprit to the mast___ Becket—Handle..______See Handles______’___z______... ______Becket rowlock______A rowlock formed of a rope grommet secured over a throle pin in a sailing launch______Beckets—Steering wheel. Used for lashing the wheel of a trawler when running on a fixed course______Beckets—Trawl lines...., A short loop inserted at regular intervals in the ground line to provide fastening for the snell Yes. or.ganging. Bell ro p e...______A small hand rope suspended or attached to a bell and used for the purpose of ringing the bell. Belly lines—Otter trawl. Ropes running from the head or foot line to the cod end and seized to the seams joining the top side arid bottom sections of the net. Their purpose is to reinforce the net. Belt shifter rope. Frequently used on machinery as a medium of shifting belt drive from idler pulley to driving pulley and vice versa. Berth bottoms... A network of rope fashioned inside a frame which constitutes the bottom of the berth______Bight line______A line used to support a heavy line at the bight______Boat line______A line used to tend boats when coming’alongside______Bob stay_____. . . A rope or chain preventing the from jumping and leading from the end of the ­ sprit to the vessel’s stem. Bolsch line____ A fine lashed to the foot rope on which the bottom section of the otter trawl is hung______Bolt rope—Sail. A rope to which a sail is sewed to reinforce the sail and maintain its shape. The efficient action Yes. of a sail depends on the strength and.stretching characteristics of the rope both when it is wet and dry. Boom lift (Fishing vessels). A line rove through tackle blocks attached to the and boom. It is used to adjust the Yes. angle at which the boom is inclined from the mast and must support the load applied to the fall lines. Boom line____ .... A line used to hold the boom away from the amidships when men are working and as a stop to prevent sudden gusts of wind from unsuspected directions, causing the boom to fly over and strike men in the boat. Boring machine rope. A rope used to elean inside of large caliber gun barrels after being bored or filed______Bos’n’s chair rope___ The rope, to which is suspended a piece of board on which a man working aloft is swung and Yes. used to raise or lower or support man. Bottom line. See Hanging Rope—Fishing Industry...... -...... Bow lines__ See mooring lines. A line used in mooring or docking to check the vessel from going astern. Line is led forward through bow check making an angle of less than 46° to the keel. Braces. The ropes to control the horizontal movement of the yards______Brails.. Ropes used for furling fore and aft such as to the mast. Can be foot—throat—or peak brails. Brailer lifting rope. A line rove, singly, through a block attached near the outer end of the boom, or suspended Yes. from a pennant between two masts, or a mast and a suitable point on the vessel. Used for various hoisting purposes. Breast line. See mooring lines. A line used in mooring or docking vessels and runs at rightangle to keel and dock. Breast line—30 to 60 ton boom s... A stay or used to prevent swinging of-boom when lifting heavy load.______Yes. Breast lines—PUe drive (Fishing). These lines lead from the sides of pile drivers to anchors and control the position of a pile driver Yes. with reference to a definite area in which piling must be spotted for a fish trpp. Breast line—Sea Plane and Flying Control surge of seaplane when moored or anchored______•___ Yes. Boat. Breast line—Seines & Trawls______Usually the breast line is formed by continuing the lead and cork lines vertically at the ends of Yes. the net and splicing them near the bottom. Its purpose is to prevent the weight of the lead line from tearing the netting and to take the towing strain on the net. Breast purse line. A line passed through rings attached to the breast line of a purse seine and fastened near the lead line. Power is applied to this line to purse the end of the net and lift it clear of the purse line. Bridles-Scines submerged traps and A length of line connected to the float and bottom lines of seines and submerged traps and gill Yes. gill nets. nets, the approximate midpoint being attached to an anchor line. Bucket ropes...... A rope attached to a bucket and used to raise or lower the bucket..!...... Bull rope______A rope working through a bull’s eye, especially one used in securing a light yard of mast...... Bull ropes...... Oil well and gas drilling—A rope 2H to 3" diam. in lengths 80' to 120' long with eye splices in Yes. each end; used to transmit power in grooved pulleys from engine to bull wheel. (A bull wheel is a large reel, with grooved pulleys attached on which are wound cables for drilling or cleaning out wells.) Bumper rope...... A rope secured to the outside of the gunwale of a small boat and used as a permanent bumper— Bumpers______Bumpers are usually made of old rope, the poorer sections used as filling and the covering made.. Coir only. by lacing a strand over the filling. New strand is sometimes required for this purpose. Buntlines______. . . . ______The lines used to haul the foot of a sail above and forward of the yard for convenience in furling.. Buoy line—fog towing______Sea Tow line—Towing spar______Buoy line—deep water fishery___ ..... A line connecting a surface buoy and the trawl line and the anchor on the bottom______Yes. Buoy line—halibut fishery______Same as a b o v e ....______... ______— Yes. Buoy line—shallow water fishery Same as above______,______(50' and less) Burton rope (below 3" circ.)______A type or part of a cargo fall—a cargo fall is a rope used in unloading and loading vessels------Burton rope (3" circ. & larger)...... Same as above______Yes. Busy lines...... See buoy lines______. ______—- ______Caisson ropes______See hoisting ropes Cable laid ropes used for hoisting______Calf rope______See bull rope A small size bull rope______,,_____.,______.... ______Car puller rope______A rope, either plain or cable laid used for moving railway cars along an industrial siding------Yes. Carriage rope...______;______See mill carriage rope______1______Casing lin es..______Rope used in pulling “casing” out of oil wells______~ Cathead lines______Oil well and gas drilling—a rope not smaller than 1J4" diam. used around a drilling rig in oil "Yes.' and gas drilling for hoisting tools, pipe, etc., by means of power driven capstan. Catlines______Same as Cathead lines______;______Chinese shrimp bag—Net lines...-____ The lines used by the Chinese shrimp bagnet fishing industry generally confined to San Fran­ cisco Bay. Clews—Hammock__...... __ ...... The ropes running angularly from the hammock surface to the ring or other fitting whereby the hammock is supported. Clew line—Sail______A type of lashing rope used to secure the hem rope of a sail to the mast of a small b o a t...------Clothesline______. .. . A rope approximately W diam. used as a drying line______Cotton only. Cod end rope______This line is passed through the last meshes or rings attached to the fish bag opening and serves to close and open the fish bag or cod end. No. 74----- 2 3972 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945

Schedule A—Cordage End U se—Continued

Restrictions on End use Definition Manila Agave other fibers

Cod line______-...... — See cod end rope.-——:...... ------Cod lines______— Small sized-lines, generally lightly tarred, used for ground fishing...... Come alongs______-— Ropes used in the mining industry for emergency stretching of wire ropes...... — Yes. Compressor pull back____ ....I ------See chain compressor fall_____ ...... :...... »— ------s» .... Concluding line...... A small rope rove through the middle of the steps of a Jacob’s ladder...... Construction Rope (below Used in construction of new machinery and repairs to existing machinery or equipment. Also 1" diam.) •' for the maintenance of existing and construction of new structures .including power lines and communications systems. In shipyards, for uses in building of yards; construction of new hulls and the repair of existing vessels.- Construction Rigging Rope (1" diam. Same as a b o v e ...... — ...... Yes. and over) Cork line...... ----— See Float lin e...... -...... -...... -...... Crab line...... -...... -...... Usually a SA s' to (4" soft laid rope used as the bait line by inserting bait between strands in the crab fishing industry. Cracker...... T-...... —— A short length of fiber drilling_cable used in conjunction with a wire drilling cable affording Yes. Yes. spring or elasticity to the wire line. Generally 2(4" diam. and larger. - Cringle______--______A piece of rope spliced into an eye over a thimble in the bolt of a sail.------Davit rope...... *...... See Falls. Decorticator rope...... - The endless rope used in certain types offl ber decorticating machines for holding the leaves for .Yes. stripping. Derrick lines______- See hoisting rope...... r------Dogsled—Gang line...... Main line to which dog harnesses are fastened when pulling a sled— s------—...... — Yes. Dip rope...... Usually 7" circ. rope used in connection with clearing a foul chain aboard ship------:... ------Yes. Dock lines______l------»...... - See Mooring lines______...... ------— ------Dory lift...... - ...... - ...... — See Falls—Lifeboat...... :--— »...... — Down hauls—Pounds and traps.. . ----- A line passing around a windlass and trap or pound, and through an eye fastened to a pile, or Yes. suspended to a weighted chain, for the purpose of raising or lowering the trap spillers, for brailing or fishing. The bottom of the spiller is attached to the down haul. Down haul...... See Hoisting Rope—Sail...... -...... — ...... — Drag ropes—Shrimp___—-...... ---- Ropes used to drag a trawl on shrimp fishing boats...:______*------Yes. Drag ropes—Trawls...... Ropes used in small fishing boats not equipped with drums for wire cables------.... Yes. Dragging rope------—-—- A rope generally attached to a hook of one variety or another and used ter locate and recover objects lying on the botton of a body of water. Draw line______------See Cod end rope...... Dressing lines______-______The lines used in the display of national colors (flags) at all mastheads and the flagstaff aboard ships. Drift line—Gill net fishing...... A line by which the net is secured to the boat while drifting------Drilling cables—gas wells (2" diam. Used for operating the tools in “cable tool” drilling______Yes.. Yes. and larger). Drilling cables—oil wells (2" diam. Used for operating the tools in “cable tool” drilling______Yes. Yes. and above). Drilling cables—water wells______Used on portable machines for drilling water wells. Usually made in size 1(4" diam. to 1(4" Yes. diam. inc. Drilling cables—quarry and mining— Used on drilling machines for drilling blast holes. Usual sizes 1?4" diam. to 2" diam. incl— Yes. Drop hammer rope...... - ...... — In aircraft and auto industry used to raise the drop hammer for forming metal parts...... ------Yes. Dumbwaiter hand rope...... The rope used for operating a dumbwaiter...... 1------Earing______-...... A short piece of rope secured to a for hauling out the cringle______.'.------... Easing out line______—...... A line used in clearing hawse and in mooring for easing out a chain which has been unshackled.. Eel pot rope...... -...... See Buoy line...... — ------Electric coil filler...... A rope filler in double deck coils for securing insulation, used principally in electric traction motors. Electric Linemen’s Rope...... *...... Used by linemen on high voltage work as a general utility line...... — Yes. Elevator Rope.______A hoisting rope which supports an elevator...... -...... ------Yes. Elevator Pull Rope...... A rope used to stop and start power of a power driven elevator; also a hand rope to raise or lower a hand powered elevator. Elevator Gate Rope...... A rope attached to a gate or door and attached to a counterbalance to facilitate operation on gate Emergency Line—Bristol Bay Gill Net An emergency all-purpose line used by Bristol Bay Fishermen...-...... Yes. Boats. Execution rope...... A rope used to carry out the death sentence of a court...... Yes. Falls—Accommodation ladder...... A rope used to lower, hoist or support a ship’s ladder or pilot’s ladder over to side of a vessel.. Yes. Falls—Ammunition___ ...... The hoisting rope used to raise and lower ammunition...... Yes. Yes. Falls—Anchor...... •_...... The tackle used for hoisting an anchor to the deck, usually used in connection with davits___ Yes. .Falls—Awning tackle______See awning rope...... »...... ¿Li...... Falls—B o a t...... A rope used, generally in conjunction with a pair of davits to raise or lower small boats, other Yes. than lifeboats. Falls—Boom tackle (fishing vessels)___ A tackle attached near the outer end of the boom or suspended from a pendant attached to one Yes. or two masts or a pendant between the mast and a suitable point on the vessel. Falls—Cargo (below 3" circ.)______A 3 or 4 strand rope used in loading or discharging cargoes...... : ...... Falls—Cargo (3" circ. and larger)...... Same as above...... •______...... Yes. Falls—Chain compressor...... A rope used to check the speed and direction of the anchor chain...... — Yes. Falls—Coal______A 3 or 4 strand hard laid rope used in discharging coal cargoes______Yes- Falls—Flagstaff...... See —flag and signal...... Falls—Fishing dory...... See Falls—lifeboat...... Falls—F. 0. Hose Davit______Rope used to raise, lower or otherwise handle fuel oil hose for refueling vessels------Yes. Falls—Kingpost. ..•______See fall...... -•...... ------Falls—Lifeboat, oceangoing ships_____ A rope used generally in conjunction with a pair of davits, used to raise or lower lifeboats which Yes. Yes. contain people. Falls—Lifeboat, coastwise and Great Same as above______—... ------Yes. Lakes ships. Falls—Purse boat...______...... A pair of tackles suspended from davits used to raise and lower the purse boats and seine which Yes. Yes. weigh about 5 tons. Falls—Powder tank______Used in handling powder tanks flowering and hoisting)..______-...... Yes. Yes. Falls—Topping lift (below (4" diame­ The falls used for raising and lowering the boonl...... ‘...... ter). Falls—Topping lift ((4" dia. or larger) . Same as above...... ;_____:...... •*______Yes. Falls—Ventilation______Rope for adjusting windsails (ventilators) in position______Fenders______See bumpers______„______... Coir only. Fire escape rope______Rope used for fire escape in hotel rooms, etc., not connected with outside stairways...... Fisherman’s cable______See anchor lines. Cable laid rope, sometimes tarred, for use off the fishing banks for anchor line. Fish bag release line...... See cod end r o p e ...... ^ ...... ■*...... j...... Float line—Fyke nets...... The floatline is used to support the leader netting of fyke nets...... '...... Float line—Gill nets______... A line to which the corks or floats are attached and supports the netting______Float line—Haul seine...... The line which contains the floats and is used to.float a haul seine___ ...... ______Yes. Float line—Otter traw ls...... The main line to which the top netting of an otter trawl is attached.!______Yes. Float line—Purse seines and ring n ets.. The buoyed line to which the top of the netting is hung______.... ___ Yes. Float line—Submerged gill net______A buoyed line which supports the webbing____ r...... I ...... T.— _____ Yes. Foot rope—Otter trawl______The main bottom line of a trawl to which the foot rope hanging line is secured. “Bolsch” 'Yes. weight and roller line may also be attached. Foot rope—Auxiliary...... See “Bolsch” line______.______Foot rope—Hanging line...______See “Bolsch” line______.'...... - ...... ■—»— Foot rope—Serving______1 ....___ Rope wrapped around the steel cable foot rope to protect the trawl hangings and bolsch line seizings. F oregoers.,______A line 4(4" to 4(4" circ. attached to an explosive harpoon fired from a gun ...... Yes. Frapping lines...... A line passed around a boat fall, one end being made fast on deck and other end being hauled taut and belayed to prevent boat from swinging. Furling line______A small line secured to the mast and used forlfurling fore and aft sails...... Furnace charging bucket r o p e ...... A rope used in conjunction with the charging of steel furnaces with scrap m etal.______FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3973

Schedule A—Cordage End Use—Continued

End use Restrictions on Definition Manila Agave other fibers

Gangtngs______Short lines varying from 1 foot to 0 feet in length having a hook at one end which are attached Cotton only. at regular intervals to the trawl or ground fine. G aniline______See Falls______: ______Girtline...... See Falls. Governor rope for use on elevators. A rope, usually $6" to y," dia. used as part of the safety equipment to prevent overspeeds on Yes. elevators Grab rope______A line secured waist-high above a boat-boom or gangplank used for steadying oneself. Grab line—Life boats and life rafts. A line fastened to outside of life boat to right a capsized boat or as a grab rail______Grapnel cables—For cable ships. .. A combination of wire and fiber—the fiber is used to either fill in the interstices or to actually Yes. seize the wire to increase the friction grips of the cable on the hoisting drum. Grapnel line...... See dragging rope..______Ground line______See foot rope______J.______Ground lines—Trawls (otter)____ See spreaders...... Ground line______See trawl lin es..______Guard rope______A rope used to bound a permitted area—A safety rope used for instance, as a railing______. . . Guess warp (3" circ. and larger)__ A line by which a bight is secured to the swing boom. It may be slacked oft from the deck. A Yes. line rove ^through a thimble at the outer end of a boat boom, used for securing the boat to the boom. In general a hauling line laid out by a boat, a portion of the line coiled down in the boat. Guess warp (below 3" circ.) Same as above...... Guide line...... See tag line Guy lines...... A rope used to hold or steady some object such as a pole or mast______Guy lines—Fish trap...... Lines from stake traps' to anchors to-steady the trap and counteract tlje influence of weather Yes. and currents. Guy—Lazy______Running rigging to steady a boom in a seaway...... Guy—Lazy jack______Lines often forked reach from above on each side of a fore-and-aft sail to about the middle of the boom to confine the sail when it is lowered. Guy line—...... ' Preventers are generally made up with an eye splice at one end which is shackled to the topping Yes. lift bands at the bottom head or looped over the boom head. Used generally when handling heavier types of cargo as a safety measure. A rope used as an additional support for added security. .Guy lines—Vessel...... Lines usually rove as tackles made fast to the ships bulwarks and to wire rope pennants from Yes. the outer end of the boom. They are used to regulate the lateral position of the boom. Halibut line...... See Trawl line______:______.... Halter______A rope about J4" diam. soft lay, used for tying horses and cattle, and making halters______Halliards______See Halyard. —Flag and signal______Ropes used for hoisting flags and signals______,1______r._____ Halyards—Spar and sail______... See Hoisting Rope—Sails______;______...... ______Hammer fallrope______A rope used on pile-driving equipment in hoisting the hammer to the derrick head. The rope Yes. is then released dropping the hammer onto the pile head. Hand lines______A small rope used to raise or lower small objects by hand. For instance between ground and scaffolding, etc. Hand lines______Small-sized lines generally lightly tarred used for bottom fishing______Hand rail—Life rafts______See grab line—life boats and life rafts______Hand rope...... See Grab. Rope______j^.______Handles—ammunition boxes____ A short rope fastened to each end of an ammunition box for a handle______Hanging ropes—Pounds and traps. Lines to which various sections of netting such as pots, spiller hearts and leads are hung. These Yes. lines support the netting. Also the lines used to reinforce the wire netting used in salmon traps. . Handles—Buckets______Rapqhandles for wooden, canvas or other type buckets...... Harpoon line—Swordfish.. A line attached to the harpoon and a buoy keg which is used to tire the fish...... Yes. Harpoon line—Whale____ A line 6" to 6" circ. connecting foregoers to whale rope (used on old-type killer,boats)______Yes. Haul-up line (Otter trawl). The line is fastened to the splitting strap and runs to the head rope to be readily accessible. Yes. Power is applied to this line to assist in raising the net, splitting the catch and raising the splitting strap in order to engage the fish tackle. Hauling line (seine)______A line attached to the end of the seine to increase the circumference of the circle which may be Yes. made around a school of fish. Hay rope...... A rope used generally in conjunction with a hay fork to load hay into farmers storage______Hay-loader rop e...... ______The rope used in the operation of bay loaders______Head line______... See Towing Rope. The line from the bow bit of a tug to the tow______Head rope______; _____ See Float line______;______.... Head & Stem Line (fishing industry).. Ropes that lead from head and stern of pile drivers and rigging scows to anchor; in order to Yes. control their off-shore positions. Heart Ropes—Wire ropes______See wire rope centers.:______Heaving line______A length of light line, weighted at one end, which is thrown to a wharf, etc., in order to assist in getting the mooring line to the wharf. High Climbers rope...... A rope having a wire core used in timbering as a safety device and also a method of climbing Yes. tall trees for the purpose of cutting off the tops. The wire center is to add strength and also to serve as a guard against the rope being severed by a slip of the axe. High tension rope...... See Electric linemen’s rope______; ...... :______.... Hitch rope...... The rope attached to the hitch weight for temporarily securing a horse or team ...... Hobble rope.______See Leg Rope Hoisting rope—Hot dip galvanizing.™. Rope used in processing of hot dip galvanising by lowering the metal objects into acid bath or Y es. hot metal. Hoisting rope—Sail...... A rope used to hoist and lower the gaffs and sails of small boats______Yes. Hoisting line—Fishing industry...... A line rove singly through a block and used to unload fish______Yes. Hoisting rope (3" circ. & larger)...... A special rope for heavy hoisting______.'______*______Yes. Hoisting rope (below 8" circ.)______... Same as above______Hook rope (3" circ. & larger)______... Used for mooring a ship to a buoy or in weighing anchor______Yes. Hook rope (below 3" circ.)______Same as above..-.__.'______Hook-on-line.______See shore line______Industrial Rope (below I" dia.)______Rope used in the operation of an industrial plant, not production material______Industrial Rope (1" dia. and over.)____ Same as above______. ______Yes. Jack rope.______The lacing securing the foot of a sail to the boom______J ackstay—Hammock______The reinforcing ropes in the bed of a hammock______Jackstay—Life float______Rope used to lash netting to wooden ring of life flo a t...;______Yes. Jacob’s Ladder______See Ladder-pilots______Jaw rope..'....;______... A span of rope leading from the jaws of a gaff around the mast, §trung with hard wooden beads. Yes'.' Jumper...... A rope used to prevent a spar from jumping up; specifically, the rope from the outer end of the whiskers to the martingale. Jumperstay...... An stay from the masthead to the rail and set up by a tackle______Yes. Jilson______See Brailer Lifting R o p e ...-:______. . . ___ ... Jilson—After .'______;______Holds the mid section of the foot rope in place before the main Jilson is hooked up— . . . ____ Y e s ..... Keeling Line—Pile driver______A heavy utility line used aboard a pile driver for seating trap bracing pilings, capping logs and Y e s ..... other heavy work. Ladder—Extension..____ ...... The rope used for expanding and contracting an extension ladder...... Ladder— Pilots ______. ___ _ _.... A rope ladder, usually with wooden steps, hung over the side of a ship for the pilot’s use------Ladders—Ropes...... A ladder formed by splicing cross ropes between two longer ropes for steps. These ladders take several forms, some with wooden rung or flat steps held between 4 upright roues; some with oval end pieces of wood supporting round steps, the oval held by 2 ropes lashed at the points of the ovals. < ✓ Lair rope______..... See Pack Rope™ ______...... ______Lanyard....__... ___ A line attached to an article to make it fast______... ------... ------— Lanyards...... Rope used for tightening the shrouds and on board ship------...; ------Lanyards—Fender... Generally 8" to 3)4" circ. Reg. Lay. Used for lashing fenders to rail (tug boats)----- „ v — Lanyard—Hammock. The rope attached to the hammock clews by which the hammock is suspended...;...... — Lanyard—Tripping.. See trip rope or tripping line...... — Lanyard—W histle..., The rope or cord used for blowing a w histle...... 3974 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945

Schedule A—Cordage End Use— Continued

Restrictions on End use Definition Manila Agave other fibers

Lariat rope______A very hard laid rope used for lassoing cattle...... r...... Yes. Lashing rope..______A general rope used for tying down or securing any object but not for shipping purposes...... Lashing ropes______Ropes for securing cargo'in transit...... — Lashing rope—Aircraft..____.... ___ _ Lashing rope used for securing equipment, etc. in transport planes...... —— ...... Yes. Lashing rope—Dory...... Used to lash stacked or nested dories on a trawler...... —...... Lashing rope—Gripe______—_____ A lashing spliced to the lip of the gripes, and secured to either the davit head or strong back, for Ÿes. purpose of securing life boat on deck of vessel. Lashing rope—Life rafts...... A rope used to tie or otherwise secure life rafts aboard deck of a vesseL...... Launching rope______, _____ A rope used in connection with the launching of a vessel....'...... - Yes. Launching rope—Trigger__;_____ .... Rope used in shipyards to trip device allowing vessels to slide down ways...... Yes. Lead line—Sounding______— A plain or cable laid rope used for determining the depth of water— „•...... Lead line—Fyke nets...... A leaded line attached to the bottom of the fyke leader...... Lead line—Gill nets___ ;______— A leaded line attached to the bottom of the gill net______------Lead line—Haul seines.______A leaded line attached to the bottom of the haul semenetting—„ , ...... Yes. Lead line—Otter trawls...... A leaded line attached to the foot rope------. . . . . ——...... Lead line—Purse seines and ring nets. A leaded line attached to the bottom of a purse seine or ring net— ...... -...... Yes. Lead line—Submerged gill nets______A weighted line attached to the bottom of a gill n e t...... Yes. Leader hanging rope...... — Ropes used to hang a lead used in connection with seines...... i — ...... Leader rope—Reef nets...... A rope used to hand a lead used in connection with reef nets...... Yes. Leech lines...... '.. The rope used to haul the leech of courses and sometimes Top Sails along the yard...... —...... Lag r o p e ...... ------A small size rope used to hobble horses and other animals...... Life line______. . . See auxiliary line-lyle g u n ...... —-...... -...... Yes. Yes. Life line______A line secured along the deck to lay hold of in heavy weather...... Life lin e ...... — A knotted line secured to the span of lifeboat davits for use of the crew when hoisting and lowering. Life line—Divers______A line used to raise and lower a deep sea diver...... — ...... : ------— Yes. Life line—¿Fire & Police Departments.. A rope used in conjunction with the saving of life or valuable property------. . —...... Yes. Life line—Lifeboat or life raft...... A line festooned in bights, along each side of a lifeboat or raft, life raft or float. Each bight is equipped with seine floats. Life preserver rope...... — The hand rope around the outer side of a circular life preserver...... :— ------Life preserving rope...... '.______... Used from a reel set upon on a beach with cork ring or torpedo life preserver attached. Life preserver carried out to victim by life guard. Rope used to pull both ashore. Lifts...... Yards are supported at the yardarm by lifts, leading through blocks or fall leaders at the Yes. masthead and thence to the deck. Lift—Trolling pole...... A pole or tackle suspended from the mast and connected to the trolling poles for the purpose of raising or lowering the latter. Lifting lines—Divers outfits...... ____ Lines used to lift products harvested from the bottom, such as sponges, precious corals, abalone, Yes. etc. by divers. Dizzard...... A rope fitted with a thimble and used as a leader for ...... Lobster Pot Warps..______...... See Pot Warps______— ------Lock Lines______See Tow lines—Canal...... ------— Lock gate operating lines...... y ...— .Used for operation of canal lock gates...... Log line...... A line used to transmit the rotation of the log propeller to the recording instrument aboard the vessel. Long line______—n------See Trawl lines.-'...... — ...... Lug ropes..’...... ^...... Short, heavy ropes for tieing canal barges together...... —------Yes. Main fish tackle...... — See Falls—boom tackle...... i ...... -...... *— Man ropes...... See grab ropes...... —------...... -...... -...... Man ropes...... Ropes hung over a ship’s side and used for assistance in ascending or descending...... Yes. Mats—Blasting.______. . . Solid woven mats, 6 to 12 ft. sq. used to cover blasting areas to prevent flying fragments...... Coir only. Messenger-______A line used to lead the heavy tow line around the capstan in ocean tow boats------Messenger...... A light rope used for hauling over a heavier rope or cable, or fuel line...... Messenger—Side set trawlers______1. A line used to haul the towing warps to the towing block------Yes. M ill carriage r o p e ...... Used for moving a carriage, such as a log carriage back and forth...... Millwright rope...... See construction rigging...... —...... —-...... ' Moorfng lines (below 3" circ.)______Ropes used in mooring or docking vessels....______:------Mooring lines (3" circ. and larger)..... Same as above...... —------:------Yes. Mooring lines...... A rope attached permanently to a submerged anchor Or weight used as a harbor mooring for Yes. small boats, yachts, etc. Motion picture screen arrangement---- Lowering and hoisting screen— , ...... —...------— N et—Brails...... A dipnet used to remove fish from a trap...... v ...... N et—Gargo...... A net constructed of rope and used for loading or discharging cargo from a ship...... N et cargo—Stays...... A rope, sometimes referred to as a jackstay which serves as an outer frame for a cargo net and Yes. to which the net’is lashed. . Nets—Circus safety______t...... The nets suspended below and other circus performers...... Nets—Construction safety.______The net used for the protection of workmen on construction jobs...... Nets—Debarkation and life floats—net The inner netting rope which is attached to jackstays of nets hung over the side of ships for rope. emergency debarkation and life saving. * Nets—Jackstays—Cargo and debar­ The supporting ropes to which the net ropes of cargo and debarkation nets are attached...... Y es.__ kation nets. N et—Lashing rope...... Lines used to lash net on deck to rail when net is stored away------•------N et—Life float—Jackstay...... A net used to support the platform of a life float...... — ...... — N et—Life net rope....___ I...... The rope used for making life nets used in Fire Department...... ------Nets—Save all______Nets hung from the sides of a ship to the dock to pré vent cargp from falling into water in case of accident when discharging. Net—Save all—stays...... A rope, sometimes referred to as a jackstay which serves as an outer frame for a save-all netand Yes. to which the net is lashed. Nigger lines...... — See Hauling Lines...... —-...... -...... —— ------Ocean Bathing Safety Rope...... A rope supported by poles or buoys which serves as protection to bathers...... — ...... — Outboard gripe (lifeb o a t)...... See lashing rope—gripe...... :...... —------------The ropes by which sails are hauled out on the boom. These ropes are named for the part of the sail they control, i. e., head outhaul—foot outhaul. Outhaul line—Boom______A line used to" rig the boom out from amidships position to override for sailing or to remove it from the area when men are working. Oyster Tong Hoisting Rope..______A rope to raise or lower tongs used in oyster fishing...... ------Yes. Pack R o p e...______±______A light lashing line for tying packs, generally on animals...... - ...... — Painter—Small Boat or Skiff...... A rope in the bow of a small boat used in making fast, and for towing a small boat...... Painter—Lifeboat and Life R a ft...... Same as above...... -...... - ...... -----— ------— — Yes. Painter—Sea______..... A rope, one end of which is attached to a small boat the other end to the bow of a ship. This Yes. rope is of sufficient length to allow the small boat to maneuver alongside the landing stage of the ship. Is used particularly during rough weather. . Painter—Seine______A line attached to the fish—bag end of a purse seine for the purpose of pulling the seme to the Yes. side of the vessel and completing the circle of netting about the fish. Painter—Shank______The rope securing the fluke of an anchor on the billboard to a toe of the tumbler arm------.... Parbuckle rope______...... Two ropes for handling a spar or cask over the side in the bight-Of the rope—,...... Paying-out lines.______See Easing out line...... -f ...... -...... — ...... Pendant rope (below 1" diam.)______The vertical rope support of a cargo fall______—...... - ...... Pendant rope (1" diam. and larger).*.... Same as above...... -...... — Yes. Pendant—Heavy weather...... A line used to control boom hook in heavy weather ______1...... ■— Pendant—K ingpost...... __ *.______See topping lift...... -...... —...... -...... Picket lines______.*. Lines to which the halters of horses or mules are attached...... ——...... Pile driver rope____ ;______See Hammer fall rope______•-...... - ...... —— —.— Pipe Bending rope______Performed on flat table with steel pegs. Pipe preheated—Rope Hooked on to protect end of pipe and by means of a , pipe is pulled to form the correct or required angle of bend. Ploughlines______:..______Small rope used for reins when plowing...... —...... —— ...... —...... Polishing machine rope—textile equip­ Rope wound and fastened to scrubbing and polishing rollers on textile polishing machine.— — Coir only. ment. FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3975

Schedule A—Cordage End Use—Continued

End use Definition Manila Restrictions on Agave other fibers

Potwarp...... :...... Thread rope connecting a buoy with a lobster or crab pot on the ocean floor; used also to hoist Yes...... the pots. Power transmission rope 04" and Power transmission rope is an endless rope used in transmitting continuous mechanical power Yes...... ' larger). between driver and driven sheaved pulleys. Power transmission rope (below 14" Same as above...... diam.). Preventor guy...... *...... A line fastened between the mast and boom to add an additional safety factor for heavy lifts on . Yes the boom. Projectile line______See shot line...... : Pull rope___ j...... _ Attached to cart,-wagon or other vehicle used to pull or move apparatus by hand, such as hand drawn fire hose apparatus. Punt handling rope______;___ Lowering and hoisting punts______^ Purse bridles______See purse-ring b r id les...... Purse-ring bridles...______Lengths of line with thb ends seized to the lead line of a seine so as to form bridles.- To the center of each bridle is seized a purse-ring. Purse line______A line rove through rings attached to the bottom of a seine. By hauling on this line the bot­ tom of the net is closed or pursed. Purse seine bow line______A short length of line fastened to the cork line on a purse seine in such a. position as to be op­ posite the bow when the ends of the seine are hove to the side of the vessel. This line is made fast to the bow in order to prevent the eork line from going under the bow while pursing the net. Purse seine sterp line___ See purse seine bow line______Purse weight line...... A lirfejised to raise and lower the “tom” weight on East Coast purse seines...... Quarter rope...... A pair of lines used on side-set otjter trawls that are fastened'to the foot rope at the junction of Yes the wing and the bottom. Each line is passed thru an eye in a similar position on the head rope and made fast to the outer end of the wing. They are taken to the gypsy heads and power applied in order to draw the head and foot rope together and bring the wide part of the trawl aboard at the conclusion of a drag. Raft ropes...... ...______I ... i A short length of tarred hemp rope, usually J4" to H" diam. running horizontally across the shrouds for a step. Reef points...... ■ . Short lengths of rope secured to a sail used for reefing...... Release lin e ...... See Cod end rope ...... Retrieving line.:______See Easing-out line______Rib lines—Otter trawls___ See Belly Lines—otter trawls...... Rib lines—Pounds and traps_____ See hanging rope—fishing industry______'...^ ...... Ridge rope...... Ring rope. ... ______The rope used to bend the chain to the anchor ring...... ______••...... Yes...... Rip cord—Sailine ships _ Rope used to break out sails put up in steps______•...... Running line...... See Messenger. A line coiled in a boat and run from the ship to a dock or another ship . . .. Running line—Pile driver...... -See hoisting rope______...I ______Safety rope—Antenna______Check swing of antenna aboard vessels______...... Safety belt rope...... A rope used either in the construction of a belt or attached to a belt used to suspend or support a person while engaged in hazardous work. Sail hem rope______See —sail...... Sand lines______A small size cable laid rope; usually §4" diam. to VA" diam. incl. Sand lines are used to hoist the bailer in well drilling. Sash cord______Used for support of sash weights in window casements...... Scaffold rope.-...... See staging...... Cotton only. Scaling rope...... Generally similar in construction to a High Climber rope—i. e. with a steel core. Used to lower Yes...... a person over the side of a cliff in a mine or quarry for the purpose, for instance, of drilling. Scenery hoisting rope...... Ropes used for lowering and hoisting scenery...... Set line...... I...... See trawl lines______I...... I...... Sheehan carrier rope , A small transmission rope usually 14" to %" diam. used for carrying the wet around the drying rolls in a paper mill. Sheet repe—(below 1" diam.)____ A rope, often rove as a tackle—which regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the . wind. • ; • Yes____ A length of line used to fasten the inside end of a net to the shore while towing the outer end. Y es.. . . . The purpose of this operation is to hold the net in position and increase the catch. Soft laid rope used in connection with Lyle guns for rescue work on disabled shipstl”______Yes...... Yes...... Shovel lines. J ...r ______A line used”in operation of shovels in unloading of grain______-...... Y e s ..... Shrouds___ Side stays from the mast head to the rail and set up by ...... Same as above...... ” ' ...... * Yes____ Signal rope...... Any rope used to convey signals by means pi “Jerks”, e tc ...'...... v . ___ Signal rope—Deep Sea Diving...... A rope used to convey signals from a diver working below the surface of the water to a boat Y e s ..... above. Ropes used to steady lifeboats and prevent them from capsizing while being lowered from davits Yes____ Ropes either spliced endless, knotted or used in conjunction with rigid platforms and used for the transference of cargo or equipment by means of hooks, defricks or hoists, etc.; the sling is secured around the object to be moved.- Yes...... A line inserted between the ground or trawl line and the anchor or to serve as a point of attach­ ment of the buoy line. Slip rope...... A rope bent to the anchor .cable outboard of the hawsepipe and secured on the vessel’s quarter; Yes...... used in slipping the cabie. Slip shots. . . . Sn ells...... Snorter.. Snubbing rope O i" dia. and larger).... . Y e s....

Spinning lines...... A rope used in conjunction with oil well drilling to couple or uncouple lengths of pipe...... Yes...... Consists of 1 or 2 lines between each otter door and its corresponding wing. The purpose of Yes^i— these lines is to increase the distance between the doors and thus increase the efficiency of the gear.^ - - • Consists of 1 or 2 lines between each otter door and its corresponding wing. The purpose Yes...... of these lines is to increase the distance between the doors and thus increase the efficiency of the gear. See Mooring lines. A line used in mooring or docking to check the vessel from going forward or astern heading at an angle of 45° to the keel. Includes bow spring, quarter spring, waist spring, stem spring, etc. , Sprit line___ Sprit tackle.. Yes......

Stake fines__ Lines used to maintain stationary gear in position such as the lines leading from fyke nets, pound nets, or trap nets to stakes or piling. Stationary tackle .. Yes...... Stay______Yes...... Stay running ...... Used in a small sailing vessel to stay the mast, the weather one being set up and the lee one loose. Y e s ..... Steadying lines 3976 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945

Schedule A—Cordage End Use—Continued

Restrictions on End use Definition Manila Agave other fibers

Steering gear—Emergency rope. Emergency steering apparatus for-,operating steering device of disabled vessels by hand...— — Yes. Steeple jack rope...... See Bos’n’s chair rope~...... -___ -______-...... —...... --•------—- ...... —-...... - ...... — Stem line...... -----...... See mooring lin e...... ^ ...... — '-— . . . . . , ------Stern fasts...... Used by menhaden purse boats while they are being towed behind the large boat and as they Yes. approach a school of fish. Stern line. See Mooring lines. A line used in mooring or docking to «heck the vessel from going forward Line is led aft thru stern chock making an angle of less than 45°'to the keel. Stevedoring rope. -. See Falls Cargo. A special rope for high speed hoisting; used over winch or a-gipsy head.----- Stops...... See Reef points...... :...... - ...... — Stopper...... A line used to steady or stop the working end of a vessel’s cargo boom..— ------S topper-menhaden. A line used to stop the working end of the purse boat lifting tackle...... Yes. Stowage r o p e ...... See lashing rope...... — ...... -...... -— Strap...... A rope spliced endless, usually with a short splice used in suspending or making fast. A small sling is sometimes called'a strap. . Strap—Anchor...... A short line with an eye splice-in each end, one of which is attached to the anchor...... Strap—Belly...... ---■ A rope passed around a boat for hanging a kedge anchor in carrying out the anchor...... — Yes. Strap—Bow (Small Boats). A line passed through a hole in the stem of a skiff or small boat and spliced to form a loop. The skiff painter is' attached to this loop. Strap-block_____ A strap used to suspend a block aloft...... v...... ----- Yes. Strap—Buoy keg. Consists of two lines tightly fitted around the side of a keg and «interlaced to prevent their working over the ends. The two loops are provided with twfi bridles for fastening the buoy line and flagpole. Strap—Flagpole------Consists of a bridle attached to the flagpole and a line for attaching to the buoy keg— , . ----- Strap-lifting (fishery).. A strap used to wrap around nets, lines or objects in order to hook them to the lifting«tackle.. Yes. StrapS—Skate bottom. Consists of 4 short lines spliced one to each corner of a small square of canvas. Two adjacent lines are prpvided with a grommet and the complete “skate bottom” is used to hold a skate of gear in proper manner and prevent tangling* Strap—Splitting- Consists of a loop passed through straps located at suitable points around the fish bag so as to Yes. divide the catch into convenient portions while unloading the net. The splitting strap and cod end are hove to the surface by the haul-up line and lifted aboard by the fishing tackle, Strap—Tow___ A heavy rope, spliced endless and used for side towing by harbor tugs...... — ... Yes. Sweep Lines__ Used to support heavy sweep bar over sheaves under barges in sounding for high spots------T a ck ..______The rope by which the forward lower comer of a fore and aft sail is held down and secured— . ‘Yes.’ Tacklirie...... - The rope that hauls down the of a gaff -.------. . . - ...... —------: Tacklin'e A short length of line used to separate flags in a hoist.— ------...... -...... Tag line...... — A rope used to guide loads which are being hoisted and moved off the ground...... Tarpaulin rope. A rope usually attached to, and for securing or making fast a tarpaulin—.. . ! . . . . . ------v Telegraph line.. A small transmission rope used in the oil field for controlling the speed of the engine from the derrick floor. ent rope—Quy line, Rope used in tying down or securing tents...... — ...... ent rope—Shelter... The rope used on the halves of shelter tents:-______...... ie ropes—Cover.__ Small lines not attached to covers or tarpaulins but which are used to secure or lash a cover to or around an object. » A small rope usually lA," diam. used for staking out grazing animals— — ------.... Tie rope...... Yes. Tie down rope—Aircraft. A rope used to tie down or otherwise secure aircraft to the ground as a protection against being damaged by wind, etc. * ^ Tiller ropes (vessels—5 net tons apd A line running from the steering windlass through blocks to .the tiller...... — Ycs. over). v Tiller rope (vessels—under 5 net tons) _ . Same as above...... «...... - ...... -...... - ...... -...... — Top lift...... 1 -- -.- -—- See Boom lift...... ------—...... Topping*lift (below 7/i" diam.)...... A tackle or rope leading from the head of a mast of a vessel or derrick employed to raise or top the end of a boom. V ■ Same as a b o v e ...... ------...... -...... Yes. Topping lift (W diam. and larger): Yes. Torpedo lines—Oil well...... Approximately ]A" diam. rope used to lower explosives mto oil or gas well preparatory to Yes. “shooting” the well: , . ,. . Tow line—Automobile, trucks and A short length of rope for towing a vehicle. Usually has an eye splice in one or both ends— mechanized equipment . Tow line—Canal barges and cargo A rope used in towing canal barges or b o a ts..,.— ...... —...... -...... -...... vessels (below 3" circ.). Tow line—Canal barges and cargo Same as above...... — —- ...... —...... - ...... -----...... Yes. vessels (3" circ. and larger) Used to tow a life boat behind a larger vessel or behind another life boat. Yes. Towline—Life b oa t..:------— Yes. Tow line—Seine and purse b o a t..____ The line used for towing the sei»e or purse boat behind the fishing boat. Tow line—Skiff (fishery)..'.______See Painter—seine...... ->— - — ...... —------Tow line—Stem (tug' boat) (smaller The line used by tug boats to hold the stem of the tug to the tow...... than 3" circ.) Tow line—Stem (tug boat) (3" circ. Same as above...... s------*------...... — ...... Yes. and larger) Used to tow heavy scows laden with f is h ...... ------...... -...... —...... - Yes. Tow line—Tender (fishery)...... Yes. Tow line—Towing spar...... Used to tow spar which keeps ships in position...... „...... *...... The ropes used for towing heavy machinery in mines------*...... -...... Yes. Tow lines—Mines...... —... ------Yes. Tow lines—Seaplapes and Airplanes— . Rope used in towing seaplanes, flying boats and land planes at bases and airports------Tow lines—Tug boat (smaller than The lines used by tug boats for towing ships, barges, scows, etc. It is the line between the tug 3" circ.) and the tow, or when the tow consists of more than one unit, the line between the units, Tow lines—Tug boat (not smaller than Same as above...... I------..... ------...... Yes. 3" circ.). Towing line—Purse seine...... See hauling line (purse seine)...... -t...... r— ------*- Traces...... Rope traces used as a substitute for leather traces in some types of harness usually farm or ar­ tillery harness. Trap hanging lines. See net rope...... *...... —...... ----...... -...... Traveler line__ ;___ Line secured to sounding boom and to lower and hoist------Trawl lines______A long line consisting of 1 or more “skates”, “tubs”, or coils of gear set in a continuous and sub­ stantially straight line. With the exception of crab trot lines, the trawl lines have snells or gangings attached at regular intervals. Tree surgery rope. A utility rope used as the name implies...... —«------Trip line...... The line used for holding a dory or tender off shore...... - ...... Trip ropes...... A utility rope used to trip unloading devices-----,e ...... — ------...... Tripping line. A line used for capsizing a sea anchor. A line used for releasing a pelican hook, etc...... A rope used to pull down and secure a trolley pole------•>------Cotton only. Trolley car rope... Cotton only. Trot line...,...... Used as the main or ground line for crab fishing and flag lines...... —----- rope...... A rope used in making loads fast on a track or to serve as a lacmg to prevent loads from being lost out of the rear of a track. Tunnel lines__ See net rope...... 2...... —------.— —K...... — Turntable lines. A line used by West Coast purse seiners to swing the turntable. One end is attached to a corner of the table, the other is brought to the gypsy. Yes. T ye...... The pendant of the purchase for hoisting the yards------Up and down line______See breast line__ ------*...... - — ------...... Utility rope...... Rope used for making small straps, seizing, etc...... — ------T...... Vang rope...... A rope running from end of gant to the deck------. . ..._ ------... ------•.— Vang rope (7i" diam. and larger). Used for swinging the cargo boom in loading or discharging cargo...... Yes. Vang rope (below d ia m .)..... Sgme as a b o v e...______—------*:r--v7,-~s------Small twisted or braided ropes used for the operation of Venetian blinds------Cotton only. Venetian blind rope___... _____ - Y e s.... Warps...... 1______A light hawser used to draw a vessel to a pier or some other fixed object— -v...... *— - Water bpg...... «...... Rope handle or sling attached to fabric water bag for deSert use...... l...... — ■ Weather Cloth—Sheet lines_____ A rope used to support canvas rigged as shelter in life boats..------Ropes used for raising and lowering the-bucket in water wells— ...... ------Well ropes...... - Yes. Whale rope...'— . ______-- A three strand rope to 7" circ. which connects the foregoers to the sh ip ,...... - FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13,>1945 3077

Schedule A—Cordage End U se—Continued

End use Definition Restrictions on Manila Agave other fibers

Wheel rope (vessels over 10 net tons)__ A line from the steering windlass through blocks to the metal linkage which connects with Yes. the tiller. . Wheel rope (vessels under 10net tons).. Same as above______:...______;...... ______;____ ...... -...... ;___ Yes. Winch rope...______.______A rope used to draw or drag or pull an object by means of a power or hand driven wineh, cap­ stan or gypsy head, etc. Window cleaning rope...______A safety rope, W diam. and larger used through a window cleaner’s belt to attach him to the Yes. building. Wing control line (otter trawls)_____. . . Line used to steady wing of a trawl______...... Yes. Wiping rope...... —...... —_____ Rope used in the manufacture of wire and cable to remove excessive lubrication and to polish surface of the wife or cable. Wire rope centers—(larger than The fiber rope core serving as a base or cushion around which wire strands are twisted -in the Yes. diarn.). manufacture-of wire rope. Wire rope centers—(1Ji*" diam. and Same as above...... ;______smaller). Wire rope surface yams______Yam twisted alternately with strands of wire in manufacturing of spring lay type cables...... Yes. Wrecking cable.______A cable laid rope usually 10" circC and larger used in floating stranded ships...... Yes. Whip rope—Ammunition______.... See Falls—ammunition__ ^______Whip line—Lyle gun...... An intermediate line between the shot line and the auxiliary line used initially to haul out the Yes. auxiliary line and also to draw the breeches buoy back and forth along the auxiliary line. Yacht rope______. . . Rope used for the running rigging of yachts......

Schedule B— Cordage End Use List N ote : Schedule B amended Apr. 12,1945. The use of agave fiber for the manufacture of binder and baler twine will be authorized as stated in paragraph (d) (2). Agave is now permitted only where indicated. •

IJnd use Definition Restrictions on Manila Agave other fibers

Bale rope______A heavy wrapping twine for securing large bales or bundles.______Christmas tree twine. A single ply twine, usually tarred or dyed for binding Christmas trees in bundles for shipping- Fodder yarn______single yarn, generally tarred, put up in stranded or many eod form, used in tying up fodder. This yarn is comparable to, m certain parts of the country where a mechanical binder is used . for harvesting, a binder twine. In other parts where the binding of sheaves is done hy hand, fodder yarn is used. Hambroline.______1______See seizing stu ff...... -...... Hanging twine—Hard fiber nets. Twine used to hang hard fiber nets to lin es...____. ______-______Y e s ...— Hanging twine—Soft fiber nets.. Twine used to hang soft fiber nets to lines..______.... ___ -... __ :r___... ______•____ Y e s.:... Heading twine______...... See Marline—lobster.______...... ____.... ______;______;...______Hide ro p e ...______Twine—twisted into strand form usually 50 ends. 2 or 3 p ly .______.... ______:______House-line....______See seizing stuff______•______.. ______Lathyam—____ . . . ______A single yarn put up in stranded or many end form either tarred or untarred______Marl me ..______;.___ See seizing stuff...... , ...... Marline—Lobster______A twine required in the manufacture of the inside tunnel of lobster p o ts....___\______Nettwine—Otter trawls...... A hard laid twine, usually.2, 3, or 4 ply in sizes from #600 to #1360 used forthe manufacture of Yes. hard fiber fishing nets. Also for mending nets. Piping cord______The cord used in a roll edge trim for furniture, etc...... —______;____ r._ Ring yam s______... ______See wrapping twine. A single yam usually put up in stranded or many end form and used for general tying purposes. Roundline__ -.______See seizing stuff...... •______.'______Seizing stuff______.-______A general term covering fine sizes of rope and twine used for seizing larger ropes and cables___ Sewing twine______;______Twine used for bag closing and for general sew in g!--..______.-___ ! Shingle yam ______A yam put up in single.end form, used for tying up bundles of shingles. Tarred and untarred.. Small s t u f f ...... S ee seizing stuff______*.______Spunyam______:______See seizing stuff..____ ~ - --s _____ 1______- ______Tube rope______A heavy wrapping twine of soft twist for securing large bales and bundles______Wormline....______'______See seizing stuff...... Wrapping and tying twine_____ Single yam used as twine, 6r plied twine twisted or laid, used for tying, packaging, baling or (*) bundling.

•Agave tow only, with or without admixture of other fibers.

Partial List of Prohibited Items Net rope—sport nets: Rope used on sport manufacturers of furniture may substitute nets: Tennis nets, badminton, volley ball, The following list includes, for complete­ metal parts, such as metal swivel irons, table deck tennis nets, hockey goal nets, etc. tops or bed rails, for wooden ones. Thus, ness, end uses which have purposely been Shoe soles: A rope used in the meg Of rope omitted from the foregoing lists. Further soled shoes. under paragraph (d) (1) metal parts may be manufacture of such items from any cordage Sporting and gymnasium equipment: See ac­ used for wooden ones only to the extent that fiber is prohibited. However, if an end use is robatic rope. the substitution does not cause an Increase not included on either previous list, or if not Swing rope: Rope used in park or children’s authorized by subdivisions (ii) or (iii) of in the dollar value of furniture made in any swings. ' • ^ quarter over the amount made in the fourth paragraph (b) (1), it is a prohibited use. Tow rope—ski: A special rope used for towing quarter of 1944. If the increase is due to End Use—D efinition skiers to the top of a ski slope or slide. Toys and games: i. e., Quoits; jump ropes, any other cause, paragraph (d) (l)- does not Acrobatic rope: Rope used for various types etc. apply. Thus, if , production in the fourth of acrobatic stunts or exercises in circuses Trapèze rope: See acrobatic rope. quarter of 1944 was below his authorized pro­ and gymnasiums, etc. Bumpers: A thick woven or braided mat [F. R. Doc. 45-5861; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; duction, a manufacturer may increase his which serves as a cushion on which drums 11:31 a. m.] production up to his authorized rate for that or barrels are dropped when unloading quarter. On the other hand, if during the trucks, etc. Part 3291—Consumers Durable Goods Climbing rope: See acrobatic rope. Also fast quarter of 1944 a manufacturer used his mountain climbing rope. [Order L-260-a, Interpretation 2 as Amended whole wood quota under Order L-260-a in Display or decoration rope: Rope used as the . Apr. 12, 1945]# making office chairs with wooden swivels, he end use implies. Grommets—games: See toys and games. SUBSTITUTION OF METAL PARTS FOR WOODEN may not now use metal swivels and also use Gymnasium rope: See acrobatic rope. ONES—USE t)F- METAL SWIVEL IRONS IN the extra wood he saves to make additional Mats—door: Mats used for wiping feet before REMODELLING OFFICE CHAIRS chairs with an increase in value. If he did entering building. The following amended interpretation so, the substitution would clearly cause the Net rope—banner nets: A rope to which is Increase. rigged or suspended a web of netting used is issued with respect to Order L-260-a: for advertising display purposes, generally (a) The provisions of paragraph (d) of Note: Second paragraph designated (b), over streets. Order L-260-a state the rules under which Apr. 12, 1945. 3978 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945

(b) A person who remodels a completely P art 3291—Consumers D urable G oods other form of business enterprise en­ finished office chair by merely putting in a gaged in the manufacture or assembly of new metal swivel iron in place of a wooden [General Limitation Order L-267, Interpre­ tation 1] new motorcycles. one is not covered by Order L-260-a since he (3) “Agency” means the Foreign Eco­ is not making or assembling new furniture. EFFECT X)F AMENDMENT OF MARCH 14, 1945 nomic Administration (formerly, Office He is not, however, a repairman or recondi­ ON PREFERENCE RATED CIVILIAN ORDERS tioner under CMP Regulation 9A and may not of Economic Warfare and Office of Lend- use a rating assigned under that regulation to The following interpretation is issued Lease Administration), the Office of Ci­ get swivel irons. A person, however, who with respect to General Limitation Or­ vilian Requirements or the Canadian Di­ puts a metal swivel iron in an incomplete of­ der L-267: vision of the War Production Board. fice chair is a manufacturer under Order-L- (4) “Distributor” means any person 260-a and is subject to the restrictions in Some question has arisen with respect not a producer whose business consists in that' order. to the amendment of the transfer restric­ tions contained in paragraph (e) of whole or in part in the saje of-mdtor- Issued this 12th day of April 1945. L-267 on March 14, 1945. Before that date’ cycles. (b) Prohibition of production of motor­ W ar P roduction Board, new restricted photographic equipment and new restricted photographic accessories cycles, except when specifically author­ By J. J oseph W helan, having a manufacturer’s list price, including ized. No producer shall manufacture Recording Secretary. federal excise tax of more than $10.00, could any motorcycle except when specifically [P. R. Doc. 45-5857; Piled, Apr.' 12, 1945; not be delivered for other than preferred or­ authorized in writing by the War Pro­ 11:30 a. m.] ders except on orders bearing a rating of duction Board. Such authorization AA-5 or higher or as authorized by the War Production Board on Form WPB-1319. shall specify the quantities and types of Under the amendment of March 14, 1945 motorcycles to be produced, the periods delivery^ of these items on orders for which of time within which the production must the purchaser will pay $500.00 or less is not be completed, and the Agencies through P art 3291—Consumers D urable G oods restricted. Under former restrictions manu­ whom distribution is to be effected. [Limitation Order L-28-a, Direction 1] facturers received large numbers of orders (c) Restrictions on delivery of motor­ for which delivery was authorized on Foun cycles. Motorcycles produced under au­ EXTENSION OF RATINGS FOR INCANDESCENT, WPB-1319. Some of the forms ^carried •& thority of this order may be delivered . preference rating assigned on their face. FLUORESCENT AND GLOW DISCHARGE Other forms did not specifically indicate a only on orders for distribution through LAMPS rating but the orders which they accom­ an Agency, and in the following manner : panied were automatically rated AA-5 under (1) Motorcycles for Foreign Eco­ The following direction is issued pur­ the provisions of Section 944.1B of Priorities nomic Administration. Motorcycles pro­ suant to Limitation Order L-28-a: Regulation No. 1. L-267 no longer requires duced for distribution through the For­ (a) No person may extend a preference specific authorization to deliver on many of eign Economic Administration (i) to be rating under paragraph (d) (3) of Priorities these orderS. exported to individuals, firms or corpo­ Regulation 3 to replace in his inventory any Even in cases where specific delivery au­ rations, may be delivered by the producer incandescent, fluorescent or glow discharge thorization is no longer required, preference only when he has been supplied with an lamp as defined in Order L-28-a, except as ratings assigned to all orders accompanied export license issued by the Foreign Eco­ stated below : by authorization on Form WPB-1319 remain (1) A person who has received a rated in full force and effect, whether these ratings nomic Administration covering the order for the delivery of any lamp in any one were assigned on the form or by virtue of order; (ii) to be exported for Lend-Lease group in paragraph (b) of this direction, Priorities Regulation No. 1. Manufacturers or UNRRA account may be delivered by may not extend the rating for any lamp in who have accepted such orders must treat the producer only on orders for Lend- any other group. them as rated either according to the rating Lease or UNRRA account originating in (2) A 'person who has received a rated assigned on the form or as rated AA-5 if no order for any lamp in one group may extend rating was indicated on the form. the War Department or in the Procure­ ment Division of the Treasury and it for any other lamps in that same group. • Issued this 12th day of April 1945. (3) In all other respects the rules stated which specify the country of destination. in Priorities Regulation 3 apply to the use W ar P roduction Board, (2 ) . Motorcycles for the Office of of ratings to get incandescent, fluorescent By J. J oseph W helan, Civilian Requirements. Motorcycles pro­ and glow discharge lamps. * Recording Secretary. duced for distribution through the Office (b) Groups of lamps. of Civilian Requirements of the War Pro­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5858; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; duction Board for public or private police Group I. General service iarge tungsten 11:30 a. m.] filament' lamps. This group includes only usage or for other civilian usages itfày be the following lamps listed on Schedule A delivered to a consumer by a producer or of Order L-28-a. distributor only upon receipt by him of P art 3292—Automotive Vehicles, P arts authorization from the War Production and E quipment Board. Such authorization shall be ap­ Bulb Volts Watts Base Bulb finish [Limitation Order L-331 as Amended Apr. 12, plied for by the producer or distributor 1945} • ' on form WPB-J319 and shall be filed with A -15... 15 M ed...... D iff., clear. A -19... 25 Med—.Dy.. Do. the Office of Civilian Requirements of— A-19... 40 Med______Do. MOTORCYCLES the War Production Board at Washing­ A-19... 60 M ed—.D v .. Do. A-21— 100. Med...... Do. The fulfillment of requirements for the ton,, in accordance with instructions for PS-25..' 150 Med—_Dy__ Do. defense of the United States having cre­ the use of the form available at all War PS-30.. >115,120,125. 200 M ed.—D y .. Do. Production Board offices. PS-35.. 300 M ed...... Do. ated a shortage in the supply of rubber, PS-35.. . 300 Mog...Dy.. Do. steel and other materials used in the (3) Motorcycles for Canada. Motor­ PS-40.. 500 Mog—Dy.. Do. production of motorcycles for defense, cycles produced for distribution to indi­ PS-52.. 750 Mog______Do. PS-52- 1,000 Mog Clamp. Do. for private account and for export, the viduals, firms or corporations located in PS-52.. ll, 500 Mog Clamp. Do. following order is deemed necessary and Canada, or to the Canadian Government, appropriate in the public interest and to may be delivered to a consumer by a pro­ Group II—All other large tungsten filament lamps. promote the national defense: ducer or a distributor only upon receipt Group III—Miniature lamps. by him of authorization from the War Group IV—Sealed beam lamps. § 3292.126 Limitation Order L-33Ì—(a) Production Board. Such authorization Group V—Photoflash lamps; Definitions. For the purposes of this Group VI—Fluorescent lamps. shall be applied for by the producer or Group VII—Glow discharge lamps. order: •„ .. (1) “Motorcycle” means a complete distributor on form WPB-1319 and shall Issued this 12th day of April 1945. be filed with the Canadian Division of two or three wheeled automotive vehicle, the War Production Board a£ Washing­ W ar P roduction B oard, powered by an air-cooled internal com­ ton, in accordance with instructions for By J. J oseph W helan, bustion engine, having a piston displace­ ment of not less than thirty (30) cubic the use of the form available at all War . Secretary. inches. Production Board offices. No authoriza­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5856; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; (2) “Producer” means any individual, tions under this paragraph will be ap­ 11:30 a. m.] partnership, association, corporation or proved by the Canadian Division or is- FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3979 sued by the War Prodiiction Board un­ 10. Section 2.41 (a) (1) and the head­ (c) Maximum prices. (1) The maxi­ less the application on Form WPB-1319 ing of section 2.41 (a) are amended to mum wholesale price for sales of syn­ Is accompanied by the written approval read as follows: thetic rubber passenger car or motor­ cycle tires shall be the price listed in of the Motor Vehicle Controller of Can­ This correction shall become effective Appendix II of this regulation for the ada. April 12, 1945. respective size, type, ahd ply. (d) Army and Navy exempted. The Issued this 12th day of April 1945. (2) The maximum wholesale price for terms and restrictions of this order shall Chester B owles, sales of all other tires and all tubes shflll not apply to any motorcycle sold to or Administrator. be determined by deducting the following produced under contracts or orders for minimum discounts from the maximum delivery to or for the account of the [F. R. Doc. 45-5869; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; retail prices fixed by section 16 of Re­ Army or Navy of the United States, the 11:41 a. m.] vised Maximum Price Regulation 528 for United States Maritime-Commission or the War Shipping Administration. the particular size, type, and ply: > Percent (e) Violations. Any person Who wil­ P art F resh, Cured and Canned 1364— All tires except farm tractor______25 fully violates any provision of this order, Meat and F ish P roducts or who, in connection with this order,, All tubes except farm tractor. ______35 wilfully conceals a material fact or [RMPR 507, Amdt. 2] Farm tractor tires and tubes------25 furnishes falsé information to any de­ CEILING PRICES OF CERTAIN FRESH AND FRO­ 6. Appendix I is amended to read as partment or agency of the United States, ZEN FISH . AND SEAFOOD SOLD AT RETAIL follows: is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction may be punished by fine or imprison­ Correction Appendix I—Tables fob Determination of M axi­ mum Wholesale P rice for Synthetic Rubber* ment. In addition, any such person In Federal Register Document 45r- P assenger Car and M otorcycle T ires Sold by may be prohibited from making or ob­ 5458, which appears at page 3694 of the M anufacturers and Brand Owners Under taining further deliveries of, or from issue for Thursday, April 5, 1945, the Section 8 processing or using, materials under final price listed for item 28, “Salmon, TABLE 1—SYNTHETIC RUBBER PASSENGER CAR TIRES priority control and may be deprived of pink,” in the first table on page 2696 priorities assistance by the War Produc- ' should be 7. In the same table the final 4-ply Maxi­ 6-ply Maxi­ tion Board... price listed for item 30, “Salmon, steel- tire 3 mum tire3 mum (f) Appeals. Any appeal from the 'Size1 dis­ whole­ dis­ whole­ head,” should be 8. count sale in­ count sale in­ provisions of this order shall be made base crease base crease by filing a letter in triplicate with the Automotive Division of the War Produc­ ann-ifi $7.80 $0.25 tion Board, Washington, D. C., referring Part 1315—Rubber and P roducts and Ma­ 4 25/4.50-12 9/10 .25 to the particular provision appealed terials of W hich R ubber Is a Compo­ 4.40/4.60/4.75/5.00-2Í 11.04 .31 $13.49 $0.41 4.50/4.75/6.00-20 *...... 12.25 .35 14.50 .45 from and stating fully the grounds for nent 4.75/5.00-10-______11.05 .35 14.15 .40 appeal. [RMPR 143, Amdt. 6] ~ 6.00-15 ...... 10.70 ,30 5.00-16 _ 10.80 .30 (g) Applicability of War Production finn-17 , 11.70 .35 Board regulations. This order and all WHOLESALE PRICES FOR NEW RUBBER TIRES 6.25-21...... 15.55 . .46 19.40 .60 AND TUBES 5.25/5.50-17...... 13.55 .40 16.90 .50 transactions affected thereby are sub­ 5.25/5.50-18...... 12.35 .35 15.46 .44 ject to all applicable provisions of the 5.25/5.50-19...... 15.65 .45 18.80 .55 regulations of the War Production A statement of the considerations in­ 5.25/5.50-20...... 16.75 ;50 20.46 .60 volved in the issuance of this amendment, 5.60-16...... 13.15 .40 16.45 .50 Board as amended from time to time 6.00-16...... 14.75 .45 18.45 .55 except where otherwise stated. issued simultaneously herewith, has been 6.00/6.50-17...... 16.00 .50 20.48 .62 filed with the Division of the Federal 6.00/6.50-18...... 17.25 .50 21.60 .65 (h) Communications. All communi­ 6.00/6.50-19...... 17.68 .52 21.05 .65 cations concerning this order shall, un­ . Register. 6.00/6.50-20...... 18.00 .55 21.97 .68 less otherwise directed, be addressed to: Revised Maximum Price Regulation 6.25-16...... 16.60 .50 20.85 ,65 143 is amended in the following respects: 6.25/6.50-16...... 17.90 .55 22.45 .65 Automotive Division, War Production 6.50-15...... 17.50 .55 2Í.90 .65 Board, Washington 25, D. C. ; Ref. : Order 6.80-16...... 17.90 .55 22.45 .65 1. Section 3 (a) is amended to read as 7.00-15...... 19.80 .60 24.75 .75 L-331. follows: 7.00-16...... 20.30 .60 25.40 .75 7.00-17...... 21.94 .66 27.30 .80 Issued this 12th day of April 1945. (a) What this section covers. This 7.60-15...... 24.85 .75 31.00 .95 7.50-16...... 25.75 .75 32.25' .95 W ar P roduction Board, section covers all wholesale sales by man­ 7.50-17...... 37.15 1.10 By J. Joseph Whelan, ufacturers and private brand owners ex­ 8.25-16...... „• . 37.25 1.10 30 x SÜ ...... 9.39 .26 10.50 .30 Recording Secretary. cept sales of factory seconds and factory 33.25 ■1.00 rejects and sales by manufacturers to 36.65 1.10 [F. R. Doc. 45-5855; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; brand owners and other sales under cost- 11:80 a. m.] plus contracts'. (Sales of factory sec­ 1 Tire with a single size marking must take discount onds and factory rejects are covered by base of that single size if listed. If not listed, they take section 6; sales by manufacturers to the discount base of the combination size in which that single size appears. Chapter XI—Office of Price Administration brand owners and other sales under cost- * The discount base of a 5 ply tire shall be 115% of the plus contracts are covered by section 5.) discount base of a 4 ply tire of the same size. P art 1340—F uel a The discount base of a 7 ply tire shall be 107% of the 2. Subdivision (ii) of paragraph 3 (e), discount base of a 6 ply tire of the same size. [MPR 88, Corr. to Amdt. 24 * Any combination size not specifically listed but in­ (2) is amended by deleting the words, cluded in this combination size shall take the discount FUEL OIL, GASOLINE AND LIQUEFIED “until April 15, 1945”. base shown for this combination. PETROLEUM GAS 3. Subdivision (iv) of section 3 (e) (2) TABLE 2—SYNTHETIC RUBBER MOTORCYCLE TIRES Amendment No. 24 to Maximum Price is amended by substituting “5” for “6^2” 88 where the latter appears, and deleting Regulation No. is corrected in the fol­ Maxi­ Maxi’ lowing respects: ^ the words, “until April 15, 1945”. 2-ply mum 4-ply mum 4. Section 4 (a) is amended to read as tire whole­ tire whole­ Size dis­ dis­ 1. The introductory clause of Item 4 is follows: sale count sale corrected to read as follows: count in­ in­ (a) What this section covers. This base crease base crease 4. The heading of section 2.16 (a) te section covers all wholesale sales by sell­ restated and section 2.16 (a) (1) is ers other than brand owners, except 8 30-18 ______$8.09 $0.26 $8.48 $0.27 à juuia 9.17 .28 9.61 .29 amended to read as follows: sales of factory seconds and factory re­ »86-90 10.38 .32 jects. (Sales of factory seconds and fac­ 4.00-18 ______9.40 .30 9.85 .30 2. The introductory clause of Item 10 4 00-19 9.58 .27 10.15 .30 is corrected to read as follows:. tory rejects are covered by section 6.) 4.50-18...... 10.15 .30 10.80 .30 4.60-19 ___ 10.53 .32 11.04 .31 5. Section 4

7. A new appendix, designated Ap­ Food Products Regulation No. 2 is justed for grade and quality, become the pendix II, is added, to read as follows: amended in the following respects: buyer’s lawful maximum purchase price for such lot or lots. Appendix II—M aximum Wholesale P rices for 1. The last sentence of paragraph (b) Synthetic P assenger Car and M otorcycle T ires of section 2.1 is amended to read as 5» A new paragraph (d) is added to Sold by P ersons Other T han Brand Owners section 2.7 to read as follows: Under Section 4 follows: When the price is dependent upon de­ (d) This section shall not apply to TABLE 1—SYNTHETIC RUBBER PASSENGERS CAR TIRES livery to an elevdtor, warehouse or store, sales in any quantity of seed grain certi­ the delivery is not made unless the lot fied or approved by a state or federal 4-ply 2 6-ply3 Size1 tire tire is delivered to and unloaded into an ele­ agency or to sales in^quantities of less price price vator, warehouse or store, which is com­ than 100 pounds of seed grain*properly mercially operated as such or, in the case tagged or labelled as to germination and 4.00-15...... $5.71 of shipments by rail, the lot has arrived foreign material. 4.25/4.50-12 ...... ' ...... 6.62 at the point at which physical delivery is 4.40/4.50/4.75/5.00-21 4...... - 8.04 $9.85 This amendment shall become effec­ 4:50/4.75/5.00-204 ...... :...... 8.93 10.60 to be made tp the buyer and is ready for tive April 17, 1945. 4.75/5.00-19...... 8.09 10.31 unloading. 5.00-15 ...... 7.79 Issued this 12th day of April 1945. 5.00-16 ...... -...... _•...... 7.86 2. The first paragraph of section 2.3 is 5.00-17 ...... r...... 8.54 Chester Bowles, 5.25-21 ...... 11. U 14.18 amended to read as follows: 6.25/5.50-17...... 9.89 12.33 Administrator. 5.25/5.50-18 ______9.00 11.26 Sec. 2.3 General rules for determining 6.25/5.50-19 — ...... 11.41 * 13.71 the maximum price applicable to a with­ Approved: April 3, 1945. 6.25/5.50-20.....___ -----...... 12.23 14.92 drawal from a place of business. If you 5.50-16 ...... -...... — 9.61 12.02 G rover B. Hill, 6.00-16 ...... -...... 10.78 13.47 unload a lot of grain into a “place of First Assistant War Food Admin­ 6.00/6.50-17 ...... -...... 11.70 14.96 business” such as an elevator, warehouse, 6.00/6.50-18 ...... -__ 12.58 15.77 istrator. 6.00/6.50-19 ...... -...... *----__ 12.90 15.39 processing plant or store, you will require 6.00/6'.50-20 ______j__ 13.15 16.06 a method' of pricing the lot upon its [F. R. Doc. 45-5871; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; 6.25-16 - - -...... -...... 12.12 15.25 11:41 a< m.] 6.25/6.50-16 ...... -______13.08 16.37 “withdrawal” whether it is shipped out of 6.50-15 ...... -...... ---*.___ 12.80 15.98 the place of business, or is used there in 6.50-16...... -,...... 13.08 16.37 processing, or is put into a mixed grain. 7.00-15 ...... 14.46 18.08 7.00-16 ...... 14.81 18.53 If each such “inbound lot” were kept sep­ 7.00-17...... -----..... , 16.02 ' 19.91 arate in your place of business, and were 7.50-15 ...... 18.15 22.65 Part 1499—Commodities and Services4 7.50-16 ...... -----___ 18.78 23,53 withdrawn separately, there would be no 7.50-17 ...... 27.11 problem in determining its price upon * [RMPR 165, Supp. Ser. Reg. 52] 8.25-16 ...... -...... 27.18 30x3)4 ...... 6.83 7.65 withdrawal. In practice, however, such POSTING REQUIREMENTS IN HAWAII 24.28 individual inbound lots are not kept sep­ 26.76 arate, but u’sually are Gommingled or A statement of the considerations in­ their identity is otherwise lost. For this volved in the issuance of this Supple­ 1 Tirci with a single size marking must take tbs maxi­ reason, .a method must be provided which mentary Service Regulation No. 52 haS mum price of that single size if listed. If not listed, they take the maximum price of the combination size in which permits you to select an inbound lot or been filed with the Division of the Fed­ that single size appears. lots, or parts of lots, and use the “history” eral Register. For the reasons set forth 2 Maximum price of a 5-ply tire shall be 115%. of the in that statement and under the author­ maximum price o f a 4-ply tire of the same size. of such lots in determining the appro­ 3 Maximum price of a 7-ply tire shall be 107%,of the priate maximum price for a withdrawal ity vested in the Price Administrator by maximum price of a 6-ply tire of the same size. the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 4 Any combination size not specifically listed but of an equal quantity of the same grain, included in this combination size shall take the maxi­ This section provides two alternative as amended, and Executive Orders Nos. mum price shown for this combination. methods for pricing such withdrawals 9250 and 9328 Supplementary Service Regulation No. 52 is hereby issued. TABLE 2—SYNTHETIC RUBBER MOTORCYCLE TIRES from a place of business. 3. Paragraph (d) (3) of section .2.3 is § 1499.686 General Posting Require­ 2-ply 4-ply amended to read as follows: ments in the Territory of Hawaii, (a) Size tire tire Every person furnishing at retail a serv­ price price (3) The price of each withdrawal un­ der this method shall be determined by ice or services covered by RMPR 165 and adjusting the average price computed as not otherwise controlled by a special reg­ 3.30-18...... -...... $5.92 $6.21 ulation or order governing posting re­ 3.85-18 ______-______6.70 7.0Î2 above (which is for standard grade and 3.85-20 ______-...... -...... 7.59 quality and'without prior markups) to quirements shall, within 15 days of the 4.00-18 ...... - ______6.88 7.20 effective date hereof, post on his premises 4.00-19...... 6.98 7.4L the gradé and quality of the grain with­ 4.50-18 ______7.41 7.86 drawn, by the premiums and discounts in a conspicuous place, clearly legible and 4.50-19...... 7.69 8.04 visible to the purchasing public near the 6.00-16...... -----______8.33 8.72 set forth in the applicable-supplement. Since this resulting price does not in­ place where orders are taken or pay­ clude prior markups (because under sub- ments are made, a notice in thé form of This amendment shall become effective paragraph (1) such markups, if any, à printed or hand-lettered card, placard, April 15, 1945. were deducted from the history of each or printed or typewritten statement, set­ Issued this 11th day of April 1945, inbound lot before averaging), you se­ ting forth his maximum prices (ceiling lect any previously deducted prior mark­ prices) including rate or pricing meth­ Chester B owles, up or markups which have not since been ods, if any, for the service or services Administrator.. used against any other withdrawal, and that he offers, which maximum price [P. R. Doc. 45-5837; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; add it or them to the above resulting (ceiling price) shall include any com­ 4:10 p. m.J price «to arrive at a withdrawal price. modity furnished with the service. The Of ., if any inbound lot had no price for the commodity, however, may prior markup, an equivalent quantity be separately stated. . must be withdrawn without adding a The posting in the manner above de­ P art 1351—F ood and F ood P roducts prior markup. scribed of a legibly printed or typewrit­ [FPR 2,1 Arndt. 5] ten copy of a statement of ceiling prices 4. A new subparagraph (5) is added.to (duplicate of which should have been GENERAL PRICING PROVISIONS FOR CERTAIN section 2.3 (d) to’read as follows: filed with your War Price and Ration­ GRAINS (5) Certification.. Each seller of lots ing Board) prepared in accordance with A statement of the considerations in­ withdrawn from a commingled lot shall section 14 (b) (1) of RMPR 165, and of volved in the issuance of this amendment, certify on his invoice that the average any prices established in accordance with issued simultaneously herewith, has been price set forth thereon is the lawful av­ section 6 thereof, together with eopies of filed with the Division of the Federal erage pTricer- and that the markups as approved applications for prices filed Register. listed on the said invoice of the lot or with OPA under section 5 thereof, will lots withdrawn from the commingled lot, be a substantial compliance with this 1 9 F.R. 8304: 10 F it. 702, 703, 2082. when added to such average price ad- section. FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 * 3 9 3 1

(b) This supplementary service regu­ officer or person was retired or released (iii) Propositions advanced on behalf lation shall be applicable only in the Ter­ to inactive service without pay, for a of the applicant. ritory of Hawaii. physical disability, pursuant to a deci­ (iv) Summaries or extracts of evidence This supplementary service regulation sion of a retiring board. (The term submitted in support of paragraph (b) shall become effective as of March 1,1945. “retired or released to inactive service” (1) (iii) of this section, shall be construed to include former (2) In the preparation of cases for Issued this 12th day of April 1945. officers separated from the service, with­ presentation to the Board, the examiner Chester B owles, out pay, for a physical disability, pursu­ may consult the medical, or other mem­ Administrator. ant to a decision of a retiring board.) bers of the Board, oh matters pertinent (4) In carrying out its duties, the thereto. [F. R. Doc. 45-5870; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; Board shall have the same powers as 11:41 a. m.] (3) The examiner will not be present exercised by, or vested in, the retiring with the Board while it is in closed ses­ board whose findings and decisions are sion, and shall not be accorded any sub­ being reviewed.' stantive or procedural rights not avail­ (5) No request for review shall be able to the applicant or his counsel under TITLE 34—NAVY valid and the Board shall not entertain these regulations. He will not take part Chapter I—Departménf of the Navy an application, unless filed within fif­ in any deliberations or discussions with teen (15) years after the date of Tetire- Part 23—Naval R etiring R eview B oard or among Board members with respect ment for disability, or after the effective to the merits of any case, except to the Pursuant to the authority vested in date of the act of June 22, 1944, which­ extent authorized by paragraph (b) (2) the Secretary of the Navy by section 302 ever is the later. of this section. of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act § 23.2 Composition of the Board— (4) It shall be the duty of the ex­ of 1944, Public Law 346, 78th Congress, (a) Members. (1) The Board shall be aminer to bring to the attention of the the following regulations are prescribed composed of five commissioned officers, Board in each case, pertinent and appli­ to govern, under the authority of sub­ two of whom shall be selected from the cable naval standards, together with ject act, the review of the findings and Medical Corps of the Navy. pertinent precedents. decisions of certain naval retiring (2) One of the non-medical members (5) Before entering upon his duties boards: " will be an officer with legal training and with the Board, the Examiner will be Sec. experience. sworn by the Recorder to faithfully per­ 23.1 General provisions. (3) The senior member will he Presi­ form his duties as Examiner for the 23.2 Composition of the Board. dent of the Board. The President will Board, but it will not be necessary for 23.3 Procedure. convene the Board in each case, at a the Examiner to be separately sworn in 23.4 Action by the Board. each case. 23.5 Disposition of "and action upon pro­ time and place to be fixed by him. Also, the Board will recess and adjourn at (c) Recorder. (1) There shall be a ceedings. V " Recorder for the Board, whose duties Atjthòbity: §§23.1 to 23.5, Inclusive, is­ his order. In the event of the absence sued under Pub. Law 846, 78th Cong. or incapacity of the President, the next shaH be to: senior member will serve as acting (1) Obtain all available service records § 23.1 General provisions—(a) Es­ President for all purposes. relating to the applicant, for the use and tablishment and purpose. (1) The Sec­ (4) Por the purpose of maintaining a purposes of the Board; retary of the Navy is directed by section Board of five commissioned officers at (ii) Establish and maintain a docket 302 of the “Servicemen’s Readjustment ♦all times, as many additional members, of all cases and to show therein all per­ Act of 1944”, Public Law 346, 78th Con­ medical and non-medical, will be desig­ tinent information as to the procedural gress, approved June 22, 1944, to estab­ nated by the Secretary of the Navy as action in each case; lish a board to review, at the request of are deemed necessary. (iii) Perform all the functions of a any officer retired or released to inactive (5) Each member of the Board shall Recorder, as outlined by Naval Courts service, without pay, for physical dis­ take the oath prescribed in Naval Courts and Boards,. pertaining to retiring ability pursuant to the decision of a re­ and Boards for membérs of a Naval Re­ boards; tiring board, the findings and decision tiring Board. (iv) Perform all such administrative of such retiring board. (6) Each member of the Board, the duties as may be required in connection (2) To effectuate the purposes of this Recorder, and each other person detailed with the proceedings of the Board, or as statute, the Secretary of the Navy has to duty with the Board, when entering may be prescribed by the President of established a board to review thè find­ upon his duties with the Board, shall take the Board. ings and decisions of certain naval retir­ ar oath to perform faithfully his duties (2) The Recorder will be the custodian ing boards, which board shall be known with the Board and not to divulge or of all the Board’s records and he shall be as the Naval Retiring Review Board disclose the specific proceedings, delib­ responsible for safeguarding same. (hereinafter referred to as the Board). erations, findings, or decision . of the (3) The Recorder shall take the oath (b) General jurisdiction and author­ Board in any case before it, except inso­ prescribed in Naval Courts and Boards ity of the Board. (1) The Board will far as may be revealed in open session of. for a Recorder of a naval retiring board. review, at the request of any officer re­ the Board, unless required so to do before (4) The Recorder may, in the discre­ tired or released to inactive service, a court of justice in due course or by tion of the Board, act as examiner. without pay, for physical disability pur­ proper naval authority. (d) Reporter. There shall be a Re­ suant to a decision of a retiring board, (b) Examiner. (!) There shall be an porter for the Board whose duties shall the findings and decision of such retir­ examiner for the Board, whose duties be to record and transcribe the proceed­ ing board, and in such a case will ascer­ shall be to examine all Navy Department ings of the Board in opeh session and the tain whether such officer incurred such records and available evidence bearing testimony taken before it. Before enter­ physical disability in line of duty or as on the case, together with all contentions ing upon his duties with the Board, the an incident,of the service. submitted on behalf of the applicant and Reporter will be sworn by the Recorder (2) The Board is authorized to affirm evidence in support thereof, and prepare to faithfully perform his duties as Re­ or reverse, in whole or in part, the find­ an impartial written summary thereof, porter for the Board. • ings and decision of a retiring board, which sliall be advisory in character only (e) Additional personnel. Upon re­ and to make such findings and decision and set forth separately: in lieu thereof as are warranted by the quest of the President of the Board, there evidence before the Board. (i) The findings and decision of the will be detailed for service with the Board (3) The class of persons whose cases retiring board which are under review, such additional personnel as may be are reviewable by the Board shall in­ and the administrative action taken sub­ deemed necessary for the proper per­ clude any officer, or person, who is or sequent thereto. * % formance of the duties of the Board. was subject to or eligible under laws (ii) Summaries or extracts of such (f) Miscellaneous provisions—(1) granting retirement for physical dis­ pertinent Navy Department records or Army-Navy coordination. Provision will ability while on active service in the other evidence which may be material be made by the Board for close liaison Navy or its components, provided such to the issue. "between the Army and Navy to include 3982 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 periodic joint conferences to discuss com­ (1) Solely by written application for the applicant to show, or it must other­ mon problems and to study results of a review. Such review will be based on wise appear, to the Board’s satisfaction, actions taken. all available service records relating to that such a change in the findings and (2) ‘Changes in procedure of Board.the applicant. The Board will consider decision is, in truth, warranted. The Board may initiate recommendations such additional written evidence .as the (iv) Whenever during a review it ap­ for such changes in procedures, as estab­ applicant may desire to file. pears to the Board’s Satisfaction that the lished herein, as may be deemed neces­ (ii) In person, with or without counsel. facts have not been fully and fairly dis­ sary for the proper functioning of the (iii) By counsel. closed, the Board may obtain or request Board. Such changes will be submitted (2) Failure of applicant to appear. In such further evidence as it may deem via the Judge Advocate General of the case an applicant, having duly requested essential to a fair and impartial under­ Navy for the approval of the Secretary a hearing, and after being duly notified standing of the case. of the Navy. of the time and place of the hearing, (v) Classified matter of the Navy De­ fails to appear at the appointed time and partment .will not be disclosed or made § 23.3 Procedure—(a) Request for place, either in person or by counsel, then available to the applicant or his counsel. review. (1) To obtain a review by the the Board will take no action. When it is necessary in the interests of Board, the applicant should submit a . (3) Expenses. The expenses of any justice to acquaint the applicant with the written request1 for such a review, ad­ character incurred by the applicant, and substance of-such matter, the Board will dressed to the Chief of Naval Personnel, th e. expenses, compensation or fees in­ obtain and make available to the peti­ Navy Department, Washington 25, D. C. curred by his witnesses or his counsel, tioner or his counsel such summary of (Forms for application will be provided or iii the procurement of testimony or the classified matter as may be relevant on request.) evidence, whether in person, by affidavit to the case and as may beseemed by (2) Such a request for review should or otherwise, will not be assumed, paid appropriate naval authority to be com­ state in brief the following: patible with the public interest. CD Full name of applicant. or authorized by the Government. (ii) Mailing address of applicant. (4) Scope of review. The Board will § 23.4 Action by the Board—(a) De­ (iii) Navy file number of applicant. i consider and review all relevant and ma­ liberations. (1) After a complete and (iv) A statement setting out the basis terial facts relating to applicant’s physi­ thorough review of the evidence, the for application for review, showing in cal condition at the time of entry into the Board will deliberate in closed session, general the nature of error or inequity active naval service (which may include and will be governed in its action by the believed to have occurred in the findings medical history previous thereto), during vote of a majority of the Board. and decision of- the retiring board or of active service, and at , the time of retire­ (2) No persons other than members administrative action. ment or release to inactive service, which of the Board shall be present at or par­ (v) The corrective action requested. appear (i) in the findings and decision ticipate in its deliberations. (vi) Whether or not the applicant de­ of a retiring board, (ii) in other available (b) Findings and decision. The sires to appear before the Board in records of the Navy Department, and Board in each case will reach its findings person. (iii) from testimony or evidence before and decision in closed session. Such (vii) Whether or riot the applicant will the Board. findings and decision will include: be represented by counsel, and, if so, the (5) Witnesses, (i)' Evidence may be (1) A concise summary of the find­ name and address of counsel. submitted to the Board by sworn oral ings and decision of the original retir­ (viii) The term “counsel” as used here­ testimony of witnesses, or in the form of ing board and of pertinent administra­ in includes, among others, members of depositions or affidavits duly sworn to tive actions subsequent thereto. the "bar in good standing, and accredited and acknowledged before a person au­ (2) In case the Board determines that representatives of veterans’ organizations thorized to administer, oaths.* a change in the findings and decision of recognized by Veterans’ Administration. (ii) Witnesses appearing before the the retiring board is warranted by the Section 200 of the act of June 29, 1936 Board, including the applicant, will testi­ evidence, the basis for such change will (49 Stat. 2031; 38 U.S.C. 101), provides fy under oath. They will be subject to be indicated. in part as follows: examination and/or cross-examination, (3) Where the Board reverses the as appropirate, by members of the Board, original findings or decision, the Board The Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs is the applicant or by applicant’s counsel. hereby authorized to recognize representa­ will then make complete findings and tives 'Of the American National Red Cross, (6) Conduct of the hearing, (i) In­ decision, including so much of the orig­ the American Legion, the Disabled American sofar as practicable, the hearings of the inal findings and decisiori as the Board Veterans of the World War, the Grand Army Board will be conducted in accordance may affirm, and shall include the fol­ of the Republic, the United Spanish War with the pertinent instructions contained lowing: Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and in Naval Courts, and Boards except th at: (i) Whether or not the applicant was such other organizations as he shall ap­ (a) No right of challenge will be ac­ incapacitated for active service. prove, in the presentation of claims under corded; statutes administered by the Veterans’ Ad­ (ii) The disability causing the inca­ ministration. (b) Physical examination of the ap­ pacity. plicant is not mandatory, but if it ap­ (iii) Whether or not such incapacity (b) Notice of hearing. (1) The Board pears to the Board’s satisfaction to be was permanent, will give the applicant at least thirty essential, the Board may, in any case, (iv) Whether or not such incapacity days’ written notice of the time and place request that he submit to a physical ex­ was the result of an incident of the of his hearing on review. This time amination; ' * . service or in line of duty. will be computed from the time of mail­ (c) The Board will not make a pre­ (v) When an applicant, who is or has ing of the said notice. Such notice will liminary report; been an officer of the Naval Reserve, is be transmitted to- the applicant by reg­ found to be incapacitated for active istered mail. (d) The medical members will not be (2) Appropriate notation concerning subject to examination; and service, the Board shall further find notice of hearing will be made in the (e) The medical members will not whether the physical disability existed Board’s record of proceedings. submit a report. prior to the date upon which he re­ (c) Continuances. A continuance (ii) In the conduct of its proceedings ported for active duty for extended may be granted by the Board on its own the Board shall not be restricted by the naval service in excess of thirty days. motion or at the request of the appli­ rules of evidence; its proceedings are in (vi) In cases involving personnel who cant or his counsel, when such continu­ no sense a legal trial; its objective is to are found to be incapacitated for active ance appears necessary, in the judgment assure that the merits of each case are service and such incapacity is the result of the Board, in order to insure a thor­ considered without partiality or preju­ of an incident of the service and such ough, complete and equitable hearing. dice in an expeditious and orderly man­ personnel have served under a tempo­ (d) Hearing. (1) The applicant may ner. rary appointment in a higher rank, the present his case: (iii) In order to bring about a change Board shall further find whether the in the findings and decision of the origi­ physical disability was incurred while 1See Appendix A. nal retiring board, it is incumbent upon serving under temporary appointment FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3983 in a higher rank, and, if so, in which TITLE 49—TRANSPORTATION AND higher rank. RAILROADS Notices (c) Minority reports. The findings and decision of a- majority of the Board Chapter I—Interstate Commerce shall constitute the findings and deci­ Commission DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.' sion of the Board, and whin made will be signed and authenticated by each P art 181—Common and Contract Car­ Office of the Secretary. riers of P assengers member of the Board who concurs there­ [Order 2043] in, and by the Recorder, but members INVENTORIES OF MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES not concurring may sign and file a mi­ Solid F uels Administrator for W ar nority report. At a session of the Interstate Com­ merce . Commission, Division 1, held at EXERCISE OF POWERS § 23.5 Disposition of and action upon its office in Washington, D. C., on the 7th April 10, 1945. proceedings; final action by the Board. day of April, A. D. 1945. . (a) When the Board has concluded its The matter of waiving the provisions Powerà under Executive Order No. proceedings in any case, the Recorder of Note B to § 181.1180 Material and sup­ 9536; exercise of powers as Solid Fuels will prepare a complete record thereof. Administrator for War; delegation to plies, in the Uniform System of Accounts Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator for Such record shall include the application for Class I Common and Contract Motor War. for review; a transcript of the hearing, Carriers of Passengers, Issue of 1937, if any; affidavits, briefs and written ar­ , I shall hereafter exercise, as Solid (Part 181 of Title 49, Code of Federal Fuels Administrator for War, the powers, guments filed in the case; the findings Regulations), relating to the taking of authority and discretion conferred upon and decision of the Board; and all other inventories of material and supplies dur­ the Secretary of the Interior by the pro­ papers and documents necessary to re­ ing each calendar year, being under con­ visions of Executive Order No. 9536, dated flect a true and complete record of the sideration, April 10, 1945, and there is hereby dele­ proceedings. And it appearing, that due to an acute gated to the Deputy Solid Fuels .Admin­ (b) Such complete record will be shortage of experienced personnel neces­ istrator for War, subject to such super­ transmitted to the Judge Advocate Gen­ sary for the taking of inventories of vision and direction as the Administra­ eral of the Navy for appropriate action materials and supplies, ^requests have tor shall from time to time determine, by the Secretary of the Navy. been received to omit such inventories authority to exercise any and all powers, R alph A. B ard, for the year 1945: authority and discretion conferred upon Acting Secretary of the Navy. It is ordered, That the requirements of the Secretary of the Interior by the pro­ Note B to § 182.1180 Material and Appendix A visions of the aforesaid Executive order, supplies, relating to inventory of mate­ with respect to all coal mines, possession Jacket Number______:___ _ rials and supplies be, and they are hereby of which has been taken or shall here­ Date______i ______waived for the year 1945. From :______after be taken by him, to the same extent Last name First " Middle , 1 By the Commission, Division 1. and with the same effect as the said pow­ ers, authority and discretion may be ex­ [ seal! W. P. B artel, ercised directly by the Secretary of the Permanent address Secretary. To: Chief of Naval Personnel, Interior. Washington, D. C.- [F. R. Doc. 45-5841; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; The powers, authority and discretion SubJ : Review of retirement board proceed­ 10:54 a. m.] of the Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator ings; request for. for War may be exercised by him through 1. I hereby request review of the retiring the General Counsel of the Solid Fuels board proceedings in my case as authorized Administration for War and such other by Sec. 302, Public Law 346—78th Congress, personnel of the Solid Fuels Administra­ approved 22 June 1944, and submit the fol­ P art 182—Common and Contract tion for War and the Department of the lowing information. Carriers of P roperty Interior and in such manner as the Dep­ a. The following error, inequity or ad­ INVENTORIES OF MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES uty Solid Fuels Administrator for War ministrative action is alleged to have oc­ may determine. curred in the findings and decision of the At a session of the Interstate Com­ Naval Retiring Board which considered my merce Commission, Division 1, held at H arold L. I ckes, case. ______its office in Washington, D. C., on the 7th Secretary of the Interior. day of April, A. D. 1945. [F. R. Doc. 45-5862; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; The matter of waiving the provisions 11:32 a. m.] (If additional space is needed attach - extra of Note B to § 182.1180 Material and sup­ sheet.) plies, in the Uniform System of Accounts b. The following corrective action is re­ for Class I Common and Contract Motor quested ______Carriers of Property, Issue of 1937, (Part [Order 2044] 182 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regula­ c. I (do) (do not) desire to appear before tions), relating to the taking of inven­ Lindsey Coal Mining Co., et al. •the Board in person. tories of material and supplies during possession of coal mines d. I (do) (do not) desire to be represented each calendar year, being under consid­ by counsel. April 10, 1945. e. If statement (d) is affirmative, I desig­ eration, nate as counsel: And it appearing, that due to an acute By virtue of the authority vested in me Name______shortage of experienced personnel neces­ by the President of the United States by Address ______r.______sary for the taking of inventories of ma­ Executive order dated April 10,1945, and 2. In connection with the above-requested terials and supplies, requests have been having determined that a strike or work review I understand that no expenses of any received to omit such inventories for the stoppage has occurred at each and all nature whatsoever, incurred-by me, my coun­ year 1945: of the coal mines listed in Appendix A, sel or any other person on my behalf, shall be It is ordered, That the requirements of attached hereto and made a part hereof, assumed, paid or authorized by the U. S. Note B to § 182.1180 Material and I d© hereby, effective forthwith, take pos­ Government. supplies, relating to inventory of mate­ session of each and all of such coal mines, (Signature in handwriting of applicant) rials and supplies be, and they are hereby including any and all real and personal Instructions: Affidavits of witness may be waived for the year 1945. property, franchises, rights, facilities, used if desired or witness may appear in per­ By the Commission, Division 1. funds and other assets used in connection son. If affidavits are used, they must be with the operation of such mines. notarized and show the address of the witness [seal] W. P. B artel, The regulations for the operation of concerned. Secretary. coal mines under government control, as [F. R. Doc. 45-5839; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; [F. R. Doc. 45-5840; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; amended (8 FJt. 6655, 10712, 11344, 10:00 a. m.] 10:54 a. m.] 17339), heretofore issued by me, together with such further regulations as may N 3984 from time to time be issued, shall in all necessary and appropriate for the oper­ district 2— continued respects be applicable to the mines pos­ ation of such mines and for the produc­ Name and address of company, and name of mine Location of post office session of which is taken by this order. tion, distribution and sale of their prod­ Edward Tomajko, Owner, Adamsburg, Pa. address of mine The President of each of the mining ucts. Adamsburg ______\______: Adamsburg, Pa. companies operating the mines listed in The operating manager for the United Bortz Coal Company, Union Trust Bldg., Uniontown, Pa.: Appendix A (or if there is no president, States shall forthwith fly the flag of the Stambaugh------..------Stambaugh, Pa. its chief executive officer) is hereby, and United States at each of the mining Wayne Coal Mining Co., 1914 Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: until further notice, designated operating properties listed in Appendix A and shall Moffitt ______i ______Dilliner, Pa. manager for the United States for each conspicuously display at each of such Weirton Coal Company, Weirton, W. Va. such mine. Unless advice to .the con­ properties copies of a poster to be sup­ Isabella._____ .____ _I______Isabella, Pa. trary is received within ten days, the plied by the Department of the Interior Westmoreland Cpal Co., 123 South Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.: aforesaid President (or chief executive and reading: Adams______I______^______Irwin, Pa. officer) shall be deemed to have accepted Wynn Coal & Coke Co., Fairchance, Pa.: such designation. As operating manager Notice Wynn (deep and strip)______»______Fairchance, Pa. for the United States, he is authorized In accordance with the proclamation of the Springer Coal Co., 1422 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: and directed to operate any and all such President of the United States, Government Enterprise______Washington, Pa. mines in accordance with the aforemen­ possession of the coal mines of this mining Republic Steel Corporation, 1630 Republic Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio: company has been taken by order of the Crescent #2______¡.______:______Charleroi, Pa. REGISTER, FEDERAL tioned regulations for the operation of Secretary of the Interior. Brownsville Jet______Brownsville, Pa. coal mines under Government, control, Pittsburgh Steel Co., 1600 Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: and such further regulations as may from H arold L. I ckes, Tower Hill______Republic, Pa. time to time be issued, and to do all things Secretary of the Interior. Carpentertown Coal Co., Uniontovm, Pa.: Carpentertown______Mt. Pleasant, Pa. ,j Appendix A Lemont # 4 __ ]______Lemont Furnace, Pa. DISTRICT 1 , Irwin Gas Coal Co., Greensburg, Pa.: Name and address of company, and name of mine Location of post office Irwin #11______Newcomer, Pa. Lindsey Coal Mining Co., Punxsutawney, Pa.: address of mine Loyal Hanna Fuel Co., Slickville, Pa.: Lindsey #8_'______'______. Punxsutawney, Pa. Louise # 1 ______Slickville, Pa. Red Lands Coal Co., 1617 Pennsylvania Blvd., Philadelphia, Pa.: Louise # 2 ______Slickville, Pa. Redlands #9 ______Heilwood, Pa. Maust______Slickville, Pa. Redlands # 1 1 ______±___ Heilwood, Pa. Mt. Grey______j______Slickville, Pa. Kustos & Bambling, Hopewell, Pa.: Manning Coal Co., P. O. Box 1608, Uniontown, Pa.:

Cambria # 1 ______■_. Hopewell, Pa. New Geneva______- ______—_ Point Marion, Pa. 1945 13, April Friday, Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co., Indiana, Pa.: Stewart...... ——------Crystal, Pa. Yatesboro ______Nu Mine, Pa. Johnson______Rich Hill Siding, Pa. Crawford & Whyel Co., Uniontown, Pa.: DISTRICT 2 Baker #10______Grays Landing, Pa. Ainey Coal Company, 623 F. T. & T. Bldg., Uniontown, Pa.: Penn Valley Coal Co., Trafford, Pa.: Old Smiley____ r.______Fairchance, Pa. Penn Valley______1------—------Hunkers, Pa. M. C. Frick Coke Company, Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Victory Hill Coal Co., R. D. #1, Monongahela, Pa.: Bridgeport______•___'______Brownsville, Pa. Victory______.______—_— ______Baird, Pa. Maxwell__ .______Maxwell, Pa. Emerald Coal & Coke Co., Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Leisenring # 2 , Kyle______Leisenring, Pa. Emerald______’______Clarksville, Pa. Galiardi Coal Company, Second National Bank Bldg., Connellsville, Pa.: McManus Coal Co., Box 787, Masontown, Pa.: Crawford # 8 ______York Run, Pa. Robinson______------— -- Point Marion, Pa. Crawford # 1 0 ______.______Shoaf, Pa. Hillman Coal & Coke Company, Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Coll Organt, Masontown, Pa.: Poland ______;______Poland, Pa. Griffin # 2 ______.______-— ------Griffin, Pa. Clyde # 2 ______,______Clarksville, Pa. Green County Coal Co., Dilliner, Pa.: Black Diamond______Charleroi, Pa. Capin______!______- ______- Greensboro, Pa. Ontario, Gibson______:______Bentleyville, Pa. Crystal Coal Co., 520 East Murphy Ave., Connellsville, Pa.: Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Jones & Laughlin Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Crystal______.______i______—------Crystal, Pa. Vesta # 4 ______,______California, Pa. Pleasant Hills Coal Co., R. D. 51, Pleasant Hills, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Vesta # 6 ______*______I______,__ /______Denbo, Pa. Old Montour # 8 ____ t__ .'— _—------/ ,— Route 51, Pleasant Shannopin______Bobtown, Pa. Hills, Pittsburgh, Lemont Coal Co., 515 Second National Bank Bldg., Uniontown, Pa.: Pa. Cornish-Tunnel______:______Lemont Furnance, Pa Gilmore Coke Co., 9 West Main St., Uniontown, Pa.: Lemont .# 3 ______Lemont Furnance, Pa Gilmore______Gilmore, Pa. , Old LaBelle Goal Co., 1922 Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Sunshine Fuel Co., Box 746, Masontown, Pa.: Old LaBelle______LaBelle, Pa. S u n sh in e______- _____ -...... — ...... Sunshine, Pa. Solar Fuel Co., 60Q Locust St., McKeesport, Pa.: W. A. Barnes, Poland Mines, Pa.: Alice. ______Clairton, Pa. P o la n d ______- ______Poland Mines, Pa. Pittsburgh Coal Co., P. O. Box 146, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Montour # 1 0 ______Library, Pa. Pt. Vue Coal Co„ Martin, Pa.: Mongah_;______Monongahela, Pa. Little Run______-1______Point Marion, Pa. district 2—co n tin u ed district e—continued N am e an d address of com pan y, an d n am e of m in e Location of post office Name and address of company, and name of mine Location of post office Van B. Lowe, 5 East Church St., Masontown, Pa.: address of mine Premier Jellico Coal Corp., Middlesboro, Ky.: Stanton ______Held, Pa. address of mine Premier_____ .______Paramount, Ky. Dougherty Coal Co., Pinleyville, Pa.: Diamond Coal Mining Co., The Hamilton National Bank Bldg., Knox­ Hazelkirk______Hazelkirk, Pa. ville, Tenn.: Piney Pork______!!______i______Wilson Station, Pa. No. 2, No. 3______Caryville, Tenn. Paul H. Welse, 627 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Blue Diamond Coal Company, Hamilton National Bank Bldg., Knox- % Morris______.______Venice, Pa. vHle, Tenn.: Castle-Shannon Coal Corp., Wabash Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Leatherwood______i______y______Leatherwood, Ky. Castle-Shannon # 8 ______,------Coverdale, Pa. Kentucky Sun Coal Company, Combs, Ky.: Delmont Fuel Co., Hunkers, Pa.: Sunilre______Sunflre, Ky. Hunkers------.------Hunkers, Pa. Fork Mountain Coal Company, Williamsburg, Ky.: Jefferson Coal Co., 440d o k e y Ave., Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Pa.: * Pork Mountain Regal_..___.______Pork M ountain, Jefferson (deep strip)------—______— Assela, Pa. Tenn. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Jones & Laughlin Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Fisher Coal Company, c/o W. G. Baker, Box 1511, Knoxville, Tenn.: Vesta # 5 ------j.— ______...... - Vestaburg, Pa. Fisher-_i ______.__ _ (Morgan County, Westmoreland Coal Co., 123 South Broad St., Philadelphia/Pa.: Tenn.). McCullough______.___—.------Claridge, Pa. Bessemer Coal, Iron & Land Co., Windrock, Tenn.: REGISTER, FEDERAL H. C. Prick Coke Company, Prick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.: Windrock______’___ - ______jJ______Windrock, Tenn. Shoaf ______Shoaf, Pa. Crawford Mining Co., Crawford, Tenn.: Emilio Erminio, R. D. 1, McClellandtown, Pa.: Crawford______4______Crawford, Tenn. Shoaf # 2 ------. . . 1 ------Shoaf, Pa. Polk, H. E. Mining Co., Jellico, Tenn.: Prank Sholtis, Pairchance, Pa.: Polk..__.______J ...... (Whitley C ounty, Hope # 2 ______v—.— Pairchance, Pa. Tenn.). Island Coal Co., 56 Bierer Lane, Uniontown, Pa.: Creech Coal Company, Twila, Ky.: Dunkard Creek------.------Greensboro, Pa. Creech______i______Twila, Ky. DISTRICT 4 Hi-Hat Elkhorn Mining Company, Fed, Ky.: Hi-Hat_____ - ______Hi-Hat, Ky. Y & O Coal Company, Cleveland, Ohio: Lambert Coal Company, Hi-Hat, Ky.: Mine 42------Yorkville, Ohio. Lambert_____ - ______\______Hi-Hat, Ky. Dry Dock Coal Company, Nelsonville, Ohio: Ligon Coal Company, Hi-Hat, Ky.: Mine 255______v------Glouster, Ohio. Ligon______I______Ohio Mining Company, 16 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio: Hi-Hat, Ky.

Edgemont Fuel Co., Inc., Drift, Ky.: 1945 13, April Friday, Kimberly______- — — ------—------Kimberly, Ohio. Turner # 7 ______.______Drift, Ky. Mine.No. 6 Inc., Athens, Ohio: Guaranty Elkhorn Coal Co., Drift, Ky.: Mine No. 6- ______- ______-______r------— Dover Township, . Turner # 5 ______4______Drift, Ky. Ohio. Sizemore ‘ Mining Corp., Drift, Ky.J DISTRICT 6 Turner______MteDowell, Ky. Cambria Coal Co., Knoxville, Tenn.: Nancy Elkhorn Coal Co., c/o Wayne Stumpe, Minnie, Ky.: Royal______------Briceville, Tenn. All Mines______Drift, Ky. Cross Mt------,------— Briceville, Tenn. Top Hat Mining Company, Orkney, Ky.: Southern Cojlieries Co., c/o Southern Coal & Coke Co., Knoxville, Turner # 6 ____ !______Orkney, Ky. Tenn.: Stephens Elkhorn Fuel Corp., Manton, Ky.: 1 Regal------__------Lake City, Tenn. Stephens______i ______- ______Dimwood, Ky. Clinchmore Coal Mining Co., Hamilton Bank Building, Knoxville, Black Mountain Corp., Carew Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio: Tenn.: No. 30, No. 31______— ______Kenvir, Ky. Clinchmore______i— ------Clinchmore, Tenn. Atlas Coal Company, Birmingham, Ala.: 3985 Pewee Coal Company, 1000 Burwell Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn.: Atlas______.______1______Capito, Ky. . Pewee______Garland, Tenn. New Jellico Coal Company, Terre Haute Trust Building, Terre Haute, Cameron Coal Co., 63 Radford Place, Knoxville, Tenn.: Ind.: Peabody______’______.______Roosevelt, Tenn. Blue Rose______:______Morley, Tenn. Clear Pork Coal Co:, Middlesboro, Ky.: Pruden Coal & Coke Company, Pruden, Tenn.: Clear Splint, Clear Pork.:------._!___------Fonda, Ky. Back Creek # 2 ______i______Pruden, Tenn. Rennebaum Coal Co., P. O. Box 124, Middlesboro, Ky.: Tennessee Jellico Coal Company, Empire Building, Knoxville, Tenn.: No. 1______Hartranft, Tenn. Anthras______Anthras, Tenn. ■No. 2______------Bryson Mt. Tenn. Francis Rex Coal Company, La Follette, Tenn.: Etna Coal & Coke Company, P. O. Box 247, Chattanooga, Tenn.: Rex # 2 ______La Follette, Tenn. Nurex______------— P. O. Box 445, LaFol- Block Coal & Coke Company, Empire Building, Knoxville, Tenn.: lette, Tenn. Block # 3 —...... ______1...... Block, Tenn. Motch Coal Co., 1919 Cumberland Avenue, Middlesboro, Ky.: High Point Coal Company, Box 1351, Knoxville, Tenn.: Motch------Motch, Tenn. High Point # 2 ___ —______•______Caryville, Tenn. Black Diamond Coal Mining Co., Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala.: Sun Coal Company, Mercantile Building, Knoxville, Tenn.: Marion______— __ —______Marion, Tenn. Sun______— ______Caryville, Tenn. 3986 district 6—continued Location of post office district 6—continued Location of post office Name and address of company, and name of mine address of mine Name and address of company, and name of mine address of mine Peerless Coal Corp., Glamorgan, Va.: ¡Harlan Collieries Co., Brookside, Ky.: Glamorgan # 4 .______Glamorgan, Va. Brookside Mine______Brookside, Ky. Sampson Elkhorn Coal Co., Drift, Ky.: North-East Coal Company, 3200 Lewis Tower, 15th & Locust Streets, • Calora------______...... Drift, Ky. Philadelphia, Pa.: Kathryn Elkhorn Coal Co., Drift, Ky.: Auxier # 7 .------Auxier, Ky. Turner “A”______;______Drift, Ky. Wise Coal & Coke Co., Dorchester, Va.: Floyd Elkhorn Coal Co., Drift, Ky.: Mine # 2 ______,______Norton, Va. Floyd ------...... 'Drift, Ky. Mine # 3...... :______——----- Norton, Va. Darb Fork Coal Co., Darfork, Ky.: Mine #5 ______- ______Norton, Va. Darb Fork______._i______Darfork, Ky. Southern Mining Co., Williamsburg, Ky.: Virginia Jellico Coal Co., Inc., Clairfleld, Tenn.: Amm ______Colmar, Ky. King Mt, # 1 -2 ______;____ Clairfleld, Tenn. Stonega Coke & Coal Co., 2500 Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Bldg., Phila­ Blue Diamond Coal Company, Hamilton Bank Building, Knoxville, delphia, Pa. Tenn.: ' Roda #5 ...... ——...... 1...... Roda, Va. Eagan------Eagan, Tenn. Imboden______- ______;------_____ Imboden, Va. Westbourne______Westbourne, Tenn. Fork Ridge______Fork Ridge, Tenn. DISTRICT 11 REGISTER, FEDERAL Straight Fork Coal Co., 301 Mercantile Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn.: Blackhawk Coal Corp., I ll N. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind.: Straight Fofk_■______;______;______Dean, Tenn. Black Hawk __i__T------1...... Terre Haute, Ind. The Beaver Coal Mining Company, 326 Richardson Building, Toledo, Walter Bledsoe and Co., Terre Haute, Ind.: Ohio: Saxton______*____;______Terre Haute, Ind. Beaver No. 1______Drift, Ky. Hickory Grove Coal Mng. Carp., Terre Haute, Ind.: The Clear Branch Mining Co., 326 Richardson Building, Toledo, Ohio: Minnehaha ______—...... Sullivan, Ind. Clear Branch--______Ligon, Ky. Ingle Coal Corp., Elberfeld, Ind.: Harold Fuel Co., Inc., Harold, Ky.: Ditney Hill ------——------Elberfeld, Ind. Harold______Harold, Ky. Knox Consolidated Coal Corp, 1456 Consolidated Bldg., Indianapolis, Hellier foal & Coke Co., Hellier, Ky.: Ind.: ‘ Hellier No. 28i______■__ '______Hellier, Ky. No. 1 ______:______Bicknell, Ind. North-East Coal Co., 3200 Lewis Tower, 15th & Locust Sts., Phila­ No. 2 ___ !______- Bicknell, Ind. delphia, Pa.: No. 5 ______„______.______Knox County, Ind. Thealka No. 3______Thealka, Ky. Linton-Summit Coal Co., Inc., Terre Haute, Ind.: Princess Elkhorn Coal Co., Inc., Guaranty Bank Building, Hunting- No. 6 ______- ______Latta, Ind. 1945 13, April Friday, ton, W. Va.: New H ope______.______Latta, Ind. No. 1______;______David, Ky. Princeton Mining Co., Ill North 7th Street, Terre Haute, Ind.: No. 2______•______David, Ky. Kings Station ------Princeton, Ind. Utilities Elkhorn Coal Co., Pikeville, Ky.: Public Service Co. of Ind., 110 North Illinois St„ Indianapolis, Ind.: Martin 8-H ______Martin, Ky. Dresser ;______*______Terre Haute, Ind. Blue Diamond Coal Company, Hamilton National Banfe; Bldg., Knox­ Pyramid Coal Corp., 230 N. Michigan AVe., Chicago, 111.: ville, Tenn.: V ictory______— Vigo County, Ind. Crown. ______Chevrolet, Ky. Snow Hill Coal Corp., P. O. Box 898, Terre Haute, Ind.: Cornett-Lewis Coal Company, Louellen, Ky.: Fayette______'______Vigo County, Ind. Corlew______Louellen, Ky. Talleydale ______—------Fayette, Ind. Cornett______Louellen, Ky. Dugger Domestic Coal Company, Sullivan, Ind.: Darby Coal Corporation, Verda, Ky.: Dugger Dom. #2 ______Sullivan Cy., Ind. P etain______.______;______v______Blueheart, Ky. Glendora Coal Company, Terre Haute, Ind.: Garmeada. Coal Company, Middlesboro, Ky.: Glendora ______—— Latta, Ind. Poplar Lick.______Murtea, Ky. Maumee Collieries Co., Terre Haute, Ind.: Garco______Murtea, Ky. Sycamore 2 6 __.______;______,______:______Greene Cy., Ind. Harlan-Wallins Coal Corp., Verda, Ky.: Sullivan 2 7 ______‘------— Sullivan Cy., Ind. Molus______Molus, Ky. DISTRICT 13 Darby 2______;______Evarts, Ky. Action Coal Co., Action, Ala.: * Kentucky Cardinal Coal Corp., Cardinal, Ky.: Basin No. 1 & 2...... ______...... ______...... —------i,------Action, Ala. Cardinal #1______1 ______;______Cardinal, Ky. Alabama By-Products Corp., First National Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: Yocum Creek Coal Company, Evarts, Ky.: Bradford______- ______Dixiana, Ala. Barcrow 2______*______Evarts, Ky. Colota______Flat Creek, Ala. Yocum Creek 1______Evarts, Ky. Samoset______^______.______—*----- Dora, Ala. Mary Helen Coal Corporation, Coalgood, Ky.: Aubrey Coal & Coke Co., Inc., 515 BrcrWn Marx Bldg., Birmingham 3, Mary Helen______!______Merna, Ky. .A id » * Queen Mary______Merna, Ky. , Weller______RFD #1, Brookwood, FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945 3987

district 13— continued DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. Location of post office Name and address of company, and name of mine address of mine Office of the Secretary. Adams, Rowe and Norman, Inc., 729 Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham, T exas Crippled Children P rogram 3, Ala. Porter______— ______Porter, Ala. NOTICE OP HEARING Alta Coal Co., Div. of Southern Cotton Oil Co., 2109 Third Avé., North Whereas, section 515 of the Social Se­ Birmingham, Ala.: curity Act (U,S.C., T. 42, sec. 715) pro­ Summit.— ______Sumiton, Ala. Brilliant Coal Co., First National Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: vides : Brilliant------Brilliant, Ala. In the case of any State plan for services Brookside-Pratt Mining Co., Comer Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: for crippled children which has been approved New River------Brilliant, Ala. by the Chief of the Children’s Bureau, if the Blossburg______1------Blossburg, Ala. Secretary of Labor after reasonable notice Adamsville, Ala. and opportunity for hearing to the State * Lindbergh------agency administering or supervising the ad­ Warrior River—------Carbon Hill, Ala. Sauvoe, Ala. ministration of such plan, finds that in the Deepwater______;------_------administration of the plan there is a failure Colonial Coal & Coke Co., Pratt City, Ala.: to comply substantially with any provision Pratt Slope------.------Pratt City, Ala. required by section 513 to be included In the W. H. Crick (Glen Allen Coal), Glen Allen, Ala.: plan, he shall notify such State agency that Purity______—— ------,------Glen Allen, Ala. further payments will not be made to the DeBardeleben Coal Corp., 2201 First Ave., North Birmingham 3, Ala.: State until he is satisfied that there is no Empire______2______:------Empire, Ala. longer any such failure to comply. Until he Coal Valley------— - — ------Coal Valley, Ala. is so satisfied he shall make no further certifi­ Sipsey______Sipsey, Ala. cation to the Secretary of the Treasury with Hull, Hull Strip— ---- ——------Hull, Ala. respect to such State. Woodward Iron Co., Woodward, Ala.: and Mulga------Mulga, Alar- Sloss Sheffield Steel & Iron Co., 3131 First Ave., North Birmingham 2, Whereas, the Chief of the Children’s Ala.: Bureau, in a letter dated April 11, 1945, Lewisburg______Lewisburg, Ala. copies of which have been filed with the Flat Top______t------Flat Top, Ala. .Governor and Superintendent of Public Bessie______.______'-----a------Maben, Ala. Instruction of the State of Texas, has Kimberly.------— ■------— Kimberly, Ala. requested me to hold a hearing for the Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co., Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham. 3, purpose of determining whether funds Ala.: should be withheld from the State of Hamilton------,------Pratt City, Ala. Texas as a result of a failure by the Docena______— ------Adamsville, Ala. agency of the State of Texas charged with Edgewater______1------Pratt City, Ala. the administration of the Texas crippled Wylam------Fairfield, Ala. children's program to comply substan­ Short Creek_------I------Powhatan, Ala. tially with the provisions required by sec­ Black Diamond Coal Mining Co., Comer Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: tion 513 of the Social Security Act to be Johns______------Johns, Ala. included in the State plan; Trombello Coal Co., Cardiff, Ala.: New therefore, notice is hereby given Nickel Plate— -----— ------*------Cardiff, Ala. that a hearing will be held on May 1, Dixie Firebrick Co., Inc., 824 Woodward Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: 1945, at 10 a. m. at the office of the United Dixie No. 2------Warrior, Ala; Newcastle Coal Co., First National Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: States Department of Labor, Dallas, Newcastle------Newcastle, Ala. Texas before a hearing officer to be des­ Republic Steel Corp., 1407 Empire Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: ignated by me, for the purpose of fur­ Syreton No. 1 & 2------Adamsville, Ala. nishing to the officials of the Department Sayre, Virginia------— ------Bessemer. of ^Education of the State of Texas and Davidson Coal Co.*, Adamsville, Ala.: other interested persons an opportunity Palos------Palos, Ala., Route 1. to appear and be heard on the question Davidson______*------Adamsville, A 1 a ., whether there has been a failure to com­ Route 1, ply substantially with any provision re­ Davidson-Pratt Mining Co., Inc., Adamsville, Route #1, Ala.: quired by section 513 of the Social Secu­ A j3. c ____ - ______- ______Adamsville, Ala. rity Act to be included in the State plan Black Creek Coal Co., 739 Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham 3, Ala.: for crippled children. Black Creek______— ______— ...... ——...... r------Summiton, Ala. Paramount Coal Co., 2300 Fifth Ave. South, Birmingham 5, Ala.: Dated: April 11, 1945. Paramount 4, 5, 6 & 7------*------Helena, Ala. P rances P erkins, Tennessee Products Corp., 405 American National Bldg., Nashville, Secretary of Labor. Tenn.: No. 1 & 9_____ - __ 1______- ______Whitwell, Tenn. [F. R. Doc. 45-5853; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; Consolidated Coal Co., 2109 Third Ave. North, Birmingham 3, Ala.: 11:15 a. m.] Bankhead No. 1 & 2------!<------Bankhead, Ala. Galloway Coal Co., 130 W. Georgia St., Memphis, Tenn.: Hope, #22, # 2 1 ______- — - Carbon Hill, Ala. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. Railway Fuel Co., Southern Railway Co., Southern Railway Bldg., [Docket No. IT-5943] Washington, D. C.: . Parrish - ...... - ...... - ...... - ...... — Parrish, Ala. L eominster E lectric L ight and P ower Alabama By-Products Corp., First National Building, Birmingham Co., et al. . 3, Ala.: praco ______*______Praco, Ala. notice of application LabucoII— -III III I— — — — ______- ____- ...... - ...... Labuco, Ala. April 11,1945. DavidsonvCoal Co., Adamsville, Ala.: Littleton ...... - ______Littletoh, Ala. Notice is hereby given that on April 11, 1945, a joint application was filed with [F. R. Doo. 45-5863; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; 11:32 a. m ] the Federal Power Commission, pursuant No. 74----- 4 3988 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945 to section 203 of the Federal Power Act, it with the Director, Division of the Fed­ governing such service shall be those by Leominster Electric Light and Power eral Register. that would have applied except for such Company, Middlesex County Electric diversion, exchange, pooling, or other act. Company and Wachusett Electric Com­ Issued at Washington, D. C., this 9th 4. The provisions of this order shall pany, corporations organized under the day of April 1945. not be so construed or applied as to re­ laws of the Commonwealth of Massa­ V. C. Clinger, quire any carrier subject hereto to per­ chusetts, with their principal business Director, form any service beyond its transporta­ offices at Leominster, East Pepperell and Bureau of Service. tion capacity, or,to authorize or require Clinton, respectively, all in Massachu­ any act or omission which is in violation setts, seeking an order authorizing the [F. R. Doc. 45-5842; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; of any law or regulation, or to permit merger of the other applicants into Wa­ 10:54 a. m ] any carrier to alter its legal liability to chusett Electric Company, the latter to any shipper. In the event that compli­ issue 3,700 additional shares of its capital ance with any term of this order, or ef­ stock of an aggregate par value of $370,- fectuation of any provision of such plan, 000 in substitution for the present out­ OFFICE OF DEFENSE TRANSPORTA­ would conflict with, or would not be au­ standing shares of Leominster Electric thorized under, the existing interstate Light and Power Company and Middle­ TION. or intrastate operating authority of any sex County Electric Company; all as [Supp. Order ODT 3, Rev. 627] carrier subject hereto, such carrier forth­ more fully appears in the application on with shall apply to the appropriate regu­ file with the Commission. Connecticut, M assachusetts, N ew J er­ latory body or bodies for the granting of Any person desiring to be heard or to sey, New Y ork, and P ennsylvania such operating authority as may be make any protest with reference to said coordinated operations of gertain requisite to compliance with the terms of application should, on or before the 28th CAkRIERS this order, and shall prosecute such ap­ day of April, 1945, file with the Federal plication with all possible diligence. The Power Commission, Washington 25, D. C., Upon consideration of a plan for joint coordination of operations directed by a petition or protest in accordance with action filed with the Office of Defense this order shall be subject to the carriers’ the rules of practice and regulations. Transportation by the persons named in possessing or obtaining the requisite Appendix 1 hereof to facilitate compli­ operating authority. Leon M. F uquay, - ance with the requirements and pur­ Secretary. 5. All records of the carriers pertain­ poses of General Order ODT 3, Revised, ing to any transportation performed pur­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5877; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; as amended (7 F.R. 5445, 6689, 7694; 8 suant to this order and to the provisions 11:43 a. m.] F.R. 4660, 14582; 9 F.R. 2793, 3264, 3357, of such plan shall be kept available for 6778), a copy of which plan is attached examination and inspection at all reason­ he*eto as Appendix 2,1 and able times by accredited representatives It appearing that the proposed co­ of the Office of Defense Transportation. ordination of operations is necessary in 6. Withdrawal of a carrier from par­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMIS­ order to assure maximum utilization of ticipation in the plan for joint action SION. the facilities, services, and equipment, hereby approved shall not be made with­ and to conserve and providently utilize out prior approval of the Office of De­ [S. O. 286, Special Permit 7] vital equipment, materials, and supplies, fense Transportation. of the Carriers, and to provide for the 7. The provisions of this order shall T ransportation of G arbanzos from prompt and continuous movement of H ouston. T ex. be binding upon any successor in in­ necessary traffic, the attainment of terest to any carrier named in this Pursuant to the authority vested in me which purposes is essential to the suc­ order. Upon a transfer of any operation by paragraph (c) of the first ordering cessful prosecution of the war, It is here­ involved in this order, the successor in paragraph of Service Order No. 286 of by ordered, That: interest and the other carriers named February 24,. 1945 (10 F.R. 2253), per­ 1. The plan for joint action above re­ in this order forthwith shall notify, in mission is granted for any common car­ ferred to is hereby approved and the car­ writing, the Office of Defense Transpor­ rier by railroad subject to the Interstate riers are directed to put the plan in tation of the transfer and, unless and Commerce Act: * - operation forthwith, subject to the fol­ until otherwise ordered, the successor To disregard the provisions of Service Or­ lowing provisions, which shall supersede in interest shall perform the functions der No. 286 insofar as it applies to the fur­ any provisions of such plan that are in of his predecessor in accordance with nishing or supplying of one hundred twenty- conflict therewith. the provisions of this order. four (124) railroad freight cars for loading 2. Each of the carriers forthwith shall with, or the transportation or movement of 8. The plan for joint action hereby file a copy of this order with the appro­ approved and all contractual arrange­ one hundred twenty-four (124) railroad priate regulatory body or bodies having freight cars loaded with garbanzos (Mexican ments made by the carriers to effectuate beans), to be shipped from Houston, Texas, jurisdiction over any operations affected the plan shall not continue in operation by the Department of Agriculture, War Food by this order, and likewise shall file, and beyond the effective period of this Administration or Commodity Credit Corpo­ publish in accordance with law, and con­ order. ration or their agents, at not to exceed the tinue in effect until further order, tariffs 9. Communications concerning this rate of a total of eight (8) cars a day from or supplements to filed tariffs, setting order should refer to it by the supple­ both the Southern Warehouse Company and forth any changes in rates, charges, oper­ mentary order number which appears the Federal Warehouse Company, moving on ations, rules, regulations, and practices government bills of lading, consigned to Tex- in the caption hereof, and, unless other­ okan Flour Mills Company, Galveston, Texas, of the carrier which may be necessary wise directed, should be addressed to for cracking and storage for export from to accord with the provisions of this order the Highway Transport Department, Galveston. and of such plan; and forthwith shall Office of Defense Transportation, Wash­ This special permit shall become effective' apply to such regulatory body or bodies ington 25, D. C. at 12:01 a. m., April 10, 1945, and it shall for special permission for such tariffs or expire at 11:59 p. m., May 10, 1945, supplements to become effective on the This order shall become effective April The waybills shall show reference to this - shortest notice lawfully permissible, but 16, 1945, and shall remain in full force special permit. not prior to the effective date of this and effect until the termination of the A copy of this special permit has been order. present war shall have been duly pro­ served upon the Association of American 3. Whenever transportation service is claimed, or until such earlier time as the Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent performed by one carrier in lieu of serv­ Office of Defense Transportation by fur­ of the railroads subscribing to the car ice by another carrier, by reason of a ther order may designate. service and per diem agreement under diversion, exchange, pooling, or similar Issued at Washington, D. C., this 12th the terihs of that agreement; and notice act made or performed pursuant to the day of April 1945. of this permit shall be given to the gen­ plan for joint action hereby approved, G uy A. R ichardson, eral public by depositing a copy in the the rates, charges, rules, and regulations Director, office of the Secretary of the Commis­ Highway Transport Department, sion at Washington, D. C., and by filing 1 Filed as part of the original document. Office of Defense Transportation. FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 39S9

Appendix 1 form any service beyond its transporta­ [Supp. Order ODT 3, Rev. 630] Prank Brunner, doing business as Brunner tion capacity, or to authorize or require N ew Hampshire Bros., Storage Warehouse, Brooklyn, N. Y. any act or omission which is in violation . Joseph J. Brill, doing business as Dart of any law or regulation, or to permit COORDINATED OPERATIONS OF CERTAIN Moving Company, Brooklyn, N. Y. any carrier to alter its legal liability to CARRIERS Sarah Edelstein, Benjamin Edelstein, and any shipper. In the event that compli­ A. Irving Edelstein, copartners, doing business Upon consideration of a plan for joint as Alabama Moving & Storage Co., Brooklyn, ance with any term of this order, or ef­ action filed with the Office of Defense N. Y. fectuation of any provision of such plan, Transportation by the persons named in would conflict with, or would riot be au­ Appendix ,1 hereof to facilitate compli­ [P. R. Doc. 45-5846; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; thorized under, the existing interstate or ance with the requirements and purposes 11:11 a. m.] intrastate operating authority of any car­ of General Order ODT 3, Revised, as rier subject hereto, such carrier forth­ amended (7 F.R. 5445, 6689, 7694; 8 F.R. with shall apply to the appropriate regu­ 4660,14582; 9 F.R.2793,3264, 3357,6778), [Supp. Order ODT 3, Rev. 628] latory body or bodies for the granting of a copy of which plan is attached hereto as such operating authority as may be req­ South Carolina Appendix 2,1 and uisite to compliance with the terms of It appearing that * the proposed co­ COORDINATED OPERATIONS OF this order, and shall prosecute such ap­ ordination of operations is necessary in CERTAIN CARRIERS plication with all possible diligence. The order to assure maximum utilization of Upon consideration of a plan for joint coordination of operations directed by the facilities, services, and equipment, this order shall be subject to the carriers’ and to conserve and providently utilize action filed with the Office of Defense possessing or obtaining the requisite Transportation by the persons named in vital equipment, materials, and supplies, Appendix 1 hereof to facilitate compli­ operating authority. of the carriers, and to provide for the ance with the requirements and purposes 5. All records of the carriers pertaining prompt and continuous movement of of General Order ODT 3, Revised, as to any transportation performed pursu­ necessary traffic, the attainment of amended (7 F.R. 5445, 6689, 7694; 8 F.R. ant to this order and to the provisions of which purposes is essential to the suc­ such plan shall be kept available for ex­ cessful prosecution of the war, It is here­ 4660,14582; 9 F.R. 2793,3264,3357,6778), amination and inspection at all reason­ a copy of which plan is attached hereto by ordered, That: able times by accredited representatives 1. The plan for joint action above re­ as Appendix 2,1 and of the Office of Defense Transportation. It appearing that the proposed coor­ ferred to is hereby approved and the car­ dination of operations is necessary in 6. Withdrawal of a carrier from par­ riers are directed to put the plan in op­ order to assure maximum utilization of ticipation in the plan for joint action eration forthwith, subject to the follow­ the facilities, services, and. equipment, hereby approved shall not be made with­ ing provisions, which shall supersede any and to conserve and providently utilize out prior approval of the Office of De­ provisions of such plan that are in con­ vital equipment, materials, and supplies, fense Transportation. flict therewith. of the carriers, and to provide for the 7. The provisions of this order shall be 2. Each of the carriers forthwith shall prompt and continuous movement of binding upon any successor in interest file a copy of this order with the appro­ necessary traffic, the attainment of which to any carrier named in this order. Upon priate regulatory body or bodies havirig purposes is essential to the successful a transfer of any operation involved in jurisdiction over any operations affected prosecution of the war, It is hereby or­ this order, the successor in interest and by this order, and likewise shall file, and dered, That: the other carriers named in this order publish in accordance with law, and con­ 1. The plan for joint action above re­ forthwith shall notify, in writing, the tinue in effect until further order, tariffs ferred to is hereby approved and the Office of Defense Transportation of the or supplements to filed tariffs, setting carriers are directed to put the plan in transfer and, unless and until otherwise forth any changes in rates, charges, op­ operation forthwith, subject to the fol­ ordered, the successor in interest shall erations, rules, regulations, and prac­ lowing provisions, which shall super­ perform the functions of his predecessor tices of the carrier which may be neces­ sede any provisions of such plan that are in accordance with the provisions of this sary to accord with the provisions of this in conflict therewith. order. order and of such plan; and forthwith 2. Each of the carriers forthwith shall 8. The plan for joint action hereby ap­ shall apply to such regulatory body or file a copy of this order with the appro­ proved and all contractual arrangements bodies for special permission for such priate regulatory body or bodies having made by the carriers to effectuate the tariffs or supplements to become effec­ jurisdiction over any operations affected plan shall not continue in operation be­ tive on the shortest notice lawfully per­ by this order, and likewise shall file, and yond the effective period of this order. missible, but not prior to the effective publish in accordance with law, and con­ 9. Communications concerning this date of this order. tinue in effect until further order, tariffs order should refer to it by the supple­ 3. Whenever transportation service is or supplements to filed tariffs, setting mentary order number which appears in performed by one carrier in lieu of serv­ forth any changes in rates, charges, op­ the caption hereof, and, unless other­ ice by another carrier, by reason of a di­ erations, rules, regulations, and prac­ wise directed, should be addressed to the version, exchange, pooling, or similar act tices of the carrier which may be nec­ Highway Transport Department, Office made or performed pursuant to the plan essary to accord with the provisions of of Defense Transportation, Washington for joint action hereby approved, the this order and of such plan; and forth­ 25, D. C. rates, charges, rules, and regulations with shall apply to such regulatory body This order shall become, effective April governing such service shall be those that or bodies for special permission for such 16, 1945, and shàll remain in full force would have applied except for such di­ tariffs or supplements to become effective and effect- until the termination of the version, exchange, pooling, or other act. on the shortest notice lawfully permissi­ present war shall have been duly pro­ 4. The provisions ;of this order shall ble, but not prior to thè effective date of claimed, or until such earlier time as the not be so construed or applied as to re­ this order. Office of Defense Transportation by fur­ quire any carrier subject hereto to per­ 3. Whenever transportation service is ther order may designate. form any service beyond its transporta­ performed by one carrier in lieu of serv­ tion capacity, or to authorize or require ice by another carrier, by reason of a Issued at Washington, D. C., this 12th any act or omission which is in violation diversion, exchange, pooling, or similar day of April 1945. of any la,w or regulation, or to permit act made or performed pursuant to the Guy A. R ichardson, any carrier to alter its legal liability to plan for joint action hereby approved, Director, any shipper. In the event that com­ the rates, charges, rules, and regulations Highway Transport Department; pliance with any term of this order, or governing such service shall be those that Office of Defense Transportation. effectuation of any provision of such would have applied except for such di­ plan, would conflict with, or would not version, exchange, pooling, or other act. Appendix 1 be authorized under, the existing inter­ 4. The provisions of this order shall Cecil Hodge, Sumter, S. C. state or intrastate operating authority not be so construed or applied as to re­ C. A. Harvin, Jr., doing business as C. A. of any carrier subject hereto, such car­ quire any carrier subject hereto to per- Harvin, Jr., Truck Line, Summerton, S. C. rier forthwith shall apply to the appro­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5847; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; priate regulatory body or bodies for the 1 Filed as part of the original document. 11:11 a. m.J granting of such operating authority as 3990 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945

may be requisite to compliance with the Appendix 1 hereof to facilitate compli­ 5. All records of the carriers pertain­ terms of this order, and shall prosecute ance with the requirements and purposes ing to any transportation performed such application with all possible dili­ of General Order ODT 3, Revised, as pursuant to this order and to the pro­ gence. The coordination of operations amended (7 F.R. 5445, 6689, 7694; 8 FR. visions of such plan shall be kept avail­ directed b^this order shall be subject to 4660,14582 ; 9 F.R. 2793, 3264, 3357, 6778), able for examination and inspection at the carriers’ possessing or obtaining the a copy of which plan is attached hereto all reasonable times by accredited repre­ requisite operating authority. as Appendix 2,1 and sentatives of the Office of Defense 5. All records of the carriers pertaining It appearing that the proposed coordi­ Transportation. to any transportation performed pur­ nation of operations is necessary in order 6. Withdrawal of a carrier from par­ suant to this order and to the provisions to assure maximum utilization of the ticipation in the plan for joint action of such plan shall be kept available for facilities, services, and equipment, and to hereby approved shall not be made examination and inspection at all rea­ conserve and providently utilize vital without prior approval of the Office of sonable times by accredited represent­ equipment, materials, and supplies, of Defense Transportation. atives of the Office of Defense Trans­ the carriers, and to provide for the 7. The provisions of this order shall be portation. prompt and continuous movement of binding upon any successor in interest 6. Withdrawal-of a carrier from par­ necessary traffic, the attainment of to any carrier named in this order. ticipation in the plan for joint action which purposes is essential to the suc­ Upon a transfer of any operation in­ hereby approved shall not be made with­ cessful prosecution of the war, It is here­ volved in this order, the successor in in­ out prior approval of the Office of De­ by ordered, That; terest and the other carriers named in fense Transportation. 1. The plan for joint action above re­ this order forthwith shall notify, in 7. The provisions of this order shall ferred to is hereby approved and the car­ writing, the Office of Defense Transpor­ be binding upon any successor in in­ riers are directed to put the plan in op- tation of the transfer and, unless and terest to any carrier named in this or­ èration forthwith, subject to the follow­ until otherwise ordered, the successor in der. Upon a transfer of any operation ing provisions, which shall supersede any involved in this order, the successor in interest shall perform the functions of provisions of such plan that are in con­ his predecessor in accordance with the interest and the other carriers named in flict therewith. this order forthwith shall notify, in writ­ provisions of this order. 2. Each of the carriers forthwith shall 8. The plan for joint action hereby ing, the Office of Defense Transporta­ file a copy of this order with the appro­ tion of the transfer and, unless and until approved and all contractual arrange­ priate regulatory Jbody or bodies having ments made by the carriers to effectu­ otherwise ordered, the successor in in­ jurisdiction over any operations affected terest shall perform the functions of his ate the plan shall not continue in oper­ by this order, and likewise shall file, and ation beyond the effective period of this predecessor in accordance with the pro­ publish in accordance with law, and visions of this order. order. continue in effect until further order, 9. Communications concerning this 8. The plan for joint action hereby ap­ tariffs or supplements to filed tariffs, set­ proved and all contractual arrangements order should refer to it by the supple­ made by the carriers to effectuate the ting forth any changes in rates, charges, mentary order number which appears in operations, rules, regulations, and prac­ the caption hereof,’ and, unless other­ plan shall not continue in operation be­ tices of the carrier which may be nec­ yond the effective period of this order. wise directed, should be addressed to the 9. Communications concerning this essary to accord with the provisions of Highway Transport Department, Office order should refer to it by the supple­ this order and of such plan; and forth­ of Defense Transportation, Washington with shall apply to such regulatory body 25, D. C. mentary order number which appears or bodies, for special permission for such in the caption hereof, and, unless other­ tariffs or supplements to become effective This order shall become effective April wise directed, should be addressed to the on the shortest notice lawfully permis­ 16, 1945, and shall remain in full force Highway Transport Department, Office sible, but not prior to the effective date and effect until the termination of the of Defense Transportation, Washington present war shall hâve been duly pro­ 25, D. C. of this order. 3. Whenever transportation service is claimed, or until such earlier time as the This order shall become effective April performed by one carrier in lieu of serv­ Office of Defense Transportation by fur­ 16, 1945, and shall remain in full force ice by another carrier, by reason of a ther order may designate. and effect until the termination of the diversion, exchange, pooling, or similar Issued at Washington, D. C., this 12th present war shall have been duly pro­ act made or performed pursuant to the day of April 1945. claimed, or until such earlier time as the plan for joint action hereby approved, Office of Defense Transportation by fur­ the rates, charges, rules, and regulations Guy A. R ichardson, ther order may designate. governing such service shall be those Director, that would have applied except for such Highway Transport Department, Issued at Washington, D. C., this 12th Office of Defense Transportation. day of April 1945. diversion, exchange, pooling, or other act. Appendix 1 Guy A. Richardson, 4. The provisions of this order shall Ray H. Short, doing business as Short Director, not be so construed or applied as to re­ Freight Lines, Bay City, Mich. Highway Transport Department, quire any carrier subject hereto to per­ David O. Doyle, doing business as Doyle Office of Defense Transportation. form any service beyond its transporta­ Freight Lines, Saginaw, Mich. Appendix 1 tion capacity, or to authorize or require any act or omission which is in violation [F. R. Doc. 45-5849; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; Joseph E. Faltin, doing business as J. E. 11:12 a. m.] Faltin Motor Transportation, Manchester, of any law or regulation, or to permit N. H. any carrier to alter its legal liability to Robert’s Express, Inc., Manchester, N. H., any shipper. In the event that compli­ ance with any term of this order, or [Supp. Order ODT 6A-104] [P. R. Doc. 45-5848; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; effectuation of any provision of such 11:11 a. m.] plan, would conflict with, or would not be Vicksburg, Miss, Area authorized under, the existing interstate COORDINATED OPERATIONS OF CERTAIN or intrastate operating authority of any CARRIERS [Supp. Order ODT 8, Rev. 632] carrier subject hereto, such carrier Upon consideration of a plan for joint forthwith shall apply to the appropriate action filed with thè Office of Defense Michigan regulatory body or bodies for the grant­ y Transportation by the persons named In COORDINATED OPERATIONS OP CERTAIN ing of such operating authority as may Appendix 1 hereof to facilitate com­ CARRIERS " be requisite to compliance with the terms pliance with the requirements and pur­ of this order, and shall prosecute such poses of General Order ODT 6A, as Upon consideration of a plan for joint application with all possible diligence. amended (8 F.R. 8757,14582; 9 F.R. 2794), action filed with the Office of Defense The coordination of operations directed a copy of which plan is attached hereto Transportation by the persons named In by this order shall be subject to the c a r­ as Appendix 2,1 and riers’ possessing or obtaining the requi­ It appearing that the proposed coor­ 1 Filed as part of the original dooument. site operating authority. dination of operations is necessary in FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3991 order to conserve and providently utilize resentative of the Office of Defense the continuous movement of necessary vital transportation equipment, mate- Transportation. traffic, the attainment of which pur­ rials, and supplies; and to provide for the 6. Withdrawal of a carrier from par­ poses is essential to the successful prose­ continuous movement

(c) This order may-be revoked hr notice may be given in any convenient (b) At the time of, or prior to, the amended by the Price Administrator at form. first invoice to each ’purchaser, other any time. (c) This order may be revoked or than a retailer, who sells from the manu­ This order shall become effective on amended by the Price Administrator at facturer’s stock, the manufacturer shall the 12th day of -April 1945. any time. notify the purchaser of the maximum Issued this 11th day of April 1945. This order shall become effective on prices and conditions' established by this the 12th day of April 1945. order for sales by the purchaser. This Chester B owles, notice may be given in afty convenient Administrator. Issued this 11th day of April 1945. form. (c) This order may be reyoked or [F. R. Doc. 45-5811; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; Chester Bow les, Administrator. amended ffy the Price Administrator at 11:28 a. m.] any time. [F. R. Doc. 45-5812; Filed, April 11, 1945; 11:29 a. m.J This order shall become • effective on the 12th day of April 1945. [MPR 188, Order 3628] Issued this 11th day of April 1945. W oodcraft I ndustries, L td. [MPR 188, Order 3629] Chester B owles, APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES Administrator. For the reasons set forth in an opin­ M ajestic Display Case Co., Inc. [F. R. Doc. 45-5813; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; ion issued simultaneously herewith and APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES filed with the Division of'the Federal 11:29 a. m.] Register, and pursuant to § 1499:158 of For the reasons set forth in an opin­ MPR 188; It is ordered: ion issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal [MPR 188, Order 3630] * (a) This order establishes maximum Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of prices for sales -and deliveries of certain MPR 188; It is ordered: E. L. Bruce Co. articles of furniture manufactured by (a) This order establishes maximum APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES Woodcraft Industries, Ltd., North First prices for sales and deliveries of certain and Willard Streets, Brookhaven, Miss. articles of furniture manufactured by For the reasons set forth in an opin­ (1) For all sales and deliveries to the Majestic Display Case Company, Inc., ion issued simultaneously herewith and following classes of purchasers by the 463 Broome St., New York N. Y. filed with the Division of the Federal sellers indicated below, the maximum (1) For all sales and deliveries to the Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of prices are those set forth below: following classes of purchasers by the MPR 188; It is ordered: (a) This order estbalishes maximum sellers indicated below, the maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain Manufac­ Maximum price prices are those set forth below: turer’s maxi­ .for sales to re­ articles of furniture manufactured by mum price to tailers by the E. L. Bruce Company, Foot of East 17th manufacturer, CAS Article Model persons, other S . e i No. than retailers, and by persons, I l f * Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. who sell from other than re­ 1 1 1 (1) For all sales and deliveries to the price to

tailers, who sell retailers itock

Ä CD 2 the manufac­ from the manu­ following classes of purchasers by the

turer’s stock facturer’s stock « “.S2 sellers indicated below, the maximum <8 ’S 3 prices are those set forth below: Each Each o-E »->.8 maximum



their own s

the manufa Dinette set ir than sr than r 711 $21.00 $26.25 ®«S 05 3 1034 19.16 23.95 i s a S g s S 2 ° 2 P< o3 M 6 a S->a 2 These prices are f. o. b. factory, are i s Ü S ë 8 'S B ^ o subject to a cash discount of two per­ 9 $-9 a feai o ■R § 03 Q. 03 a£to 03 o cent for payment within ten days, net s Article - thirty days, and are for the articles de­ a a • a scribed in the manufacturer’s ap p li­ Each Each Each cations dated December 7 and December Smoker.. . ÎOO-A $1.42 $1.51 $1.78 their own stock priceto persons, other than

22, 1944. retailers, 'who sell from’ bypersons, other And turer, thanretailers,whofrom sell retailers, who sell from the manufacturer’s stock the manufacturer’s stock • pricetopersons, • other than Model No. Maximum price for sales to 'Manufacturer’s maximum (2) For sales by the manufacturer the • retailers by the manufac­ These prices are f. o. b. factory, are I | Manufacturer’s' maximum maximum prices apply to all sales and subject to a cash discount of two percent deliveries since the effective date of MPR Each Each Each for payment within ten days, net thirty 3 piece bedroom suite. 748 $69.34 $73.68 $86.68 188. For sales by persons, other than days, and are for the article described Yanity bench...... 748 4.28 4.55 5.35 retailers, who sell from the manufac­ in the manufacturer’s undated applica­ turer’s stock, the maximum prices apply tion received in the Office of Price Ad­ These prices are f. o. b. factory, are to all sales and deliveries after the ef­ ministration on February 1, 1945. subject to a cash discount of two per­ fective date of this order. (2) For sales by the manufacturer the cent for payment within ten days, -net (3) If the ’manufacturer wishes to maximum prices apply to all sales and thirty days, and are for the articles de­ make sales and deliveries to any other deliveries since the effective date of MPR scribed in the manufacturer’s applica­ class of purchaser or on other terms and 188. For sales by persons, other than tion dated March 8, 1945. conditions of sale,, he must apply to the retailers, who séll from the manufac­ (2) For sales by the manufacturer the Office of Price Administration, Wash­ turer’s stock, the maximum prices apply maximum prices apply to all sales and ington, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing to all sales and deliveries after the effec­ deliveries since the effective date of MPR Method, § 1499.158, of MPR 188, for the tive date of this order. 188. For sales by persons, other than re­ establishment of maximum prices for (3) If the manufacturer wishes to tailers, who sell from the manufacturer’s those sales, and no sales or deliveries make sales and deliveries to any other stock, the maximum prices apply to all may be made until maximum prices have class of purchaser or oil other terms and sales and deliveries after the effective been authorized by the Office of Price conditions of sale, he must apply to the date of this order. Administration. Office of Price Administration, Washing­ (3) If the manufacturer wishes to (b.) ' At the time of, or prior to, the ton, O. C., under the Fourth Pricing make sales and deliveries to any other first invoice to each purchaser, other Method § 1499.158, of MPR-188, for the Class of purchaser ©r on other terms and than a retailer, who sells from the manu­ establishment of maximum prices for conditions of sale, he must apply to the facturer’s stock, the manufacturer shall those sales, and no sales or deliveries Office of Price Administration, Washing­ notify the purchaser of the maximum may be made until maximum prices have ton, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing prices and conditions established by this been authorized by the Office of Price Method, § 1499.158, of MPR 188, for the order for sales by the purchaser. This Administration^ establishment of maximum prices for FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3995 those sales, and no sales or deliveries may class of purchaser or on other terms and discount of 2% for payment within 10 be made until maximum prices have been conditions of sale, he must apply to the days, net 30 days. authorized by the Office of Price Admin­ Office of Price Administration, Washing­ (3) For sales by persons other than the istration. ton, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing manufacturer, the maximum'prices ap­ (b) At the time of, or prior to, the first, Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price ply to all sales and deliveries after the invoice to each purchaser, other than a Regulation No. 188, for the establish­ effective date of this order. Those prices retailer, who sells from the manufac­ ment of maximum prices for those sales, are subject to each seller’s customary turer’s stock, the manufacturer shall and no sales or deliveries may be made terms and conditions of sale on sales of notify the purchaser of the maximum until maximum prices have been author­ similar articles. prices and conditions by this order for ized by the Office of Price Administra­ (4) If the manufacturer wishes to sales by the purchaser. This notice may tion. make sales and deliveries to any other be given in any convenient form. (b) The manufacturer shall attach a class of purchaser or on other terms and (c) This order may be revoked or tag or label to every article for which a conditions of sale, he must apply to the amended by the Price Administrator at maximum price for sales to consumers is Office of Price Administration, Wash­ any time. established by this order. That tag or ington, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing label shall contain the following state­ Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price This order shall become effective on Regulation No. 188, for the establishment the 12th day of April 1945. ment: , ' - OPA Retail Ceiling Price—$1.00 of maximum prices for those sales, and Issued this 11th day of April 1945. Do Not Remove or Obliterate • no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized Chester Bowles, (c) At the time of, or prior to, the first by the Office of Priée Administration. Administrator. invoice to each purchaser for resale, the (b) The manufacturer shall attach a [F. *R, Doc. ,45-5814; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; seller shall notify the purchaser in writ­ tag or label to every article for which 11:30 a. m.] ing of the maximum prices and condi­ a maximum price for sales to consumers tions established by this order for sales is established by this order. That tag by the purchaser. This notice may be or label shall contain the following [MPR 188, Order 3631] given in apy convenient form. statement: (d) This order may be revoked or Ottawa Metal Specialties Model No. Wl amended by the Price Administrator at OPA Retail Ceiling Price—$1.85 APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES any time. Do Not Detach (e) This order shall become effective This price includes the Federal Excise Tax For the reasons set forth in an opinion on the 12th day of April 1945. issued simultaneously herewith and filed (c) At the time of, or prior to, the first with the Division of the Federal Register, Issued this 11th day of April 1945. invoice to each purchaser for resale, the and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Chester B owles, seller shall notify the purchaser in writ­ Price Regulation No. 188; It is ordered: Administrator. ing of the maximum prices and condi­ (a) This order establishes maximum tions established by this order for sales prices for sales and deliveries of certain [F. R. Doc. 45-5815; , Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; by the purchaser. This notice may be articles manufactured by Ottawa Metal 11:30 a. m.] given in any convenient form. Specialties, of 108 North Main Street, (d) This order may be revoked or Ottawa, Kans. amended by the Price Administrator at (1) For all sales and deliveries to the [MPR 188, Order 3632] any time. following classes of purchasers by the (e) This order shall become effective sellers indicated below, the maximum R. C. Victor Manufacturing Co; on the 12th day of April 1945. prices are those set forth below: APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES Issued this 11th day of April 1945.

Maximum prices for For the reasons set forth in an opinion , Chester Bowles, sales by— issued simultaneously herewith and filed Administrator. with the Division of the Federal Register, [F. R. Doc. 45-5816; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; Sellers other and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Manufac­ than manu­ Price Regulation No. 188; It is ordered: 11:30 a.'m.] turer to— facturer to— Article Model No. (a) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain

■ ■ 1 articles manufactured by the R. C. Vic­ [MPR 188, Order 3633] tor Manufacturing Company, 23 South Jefferson Street, Chicago 6, Illinois. W arner Specialty Corp. (1) For all sales and deliveries to the Retailers Retailers

Wholesalers APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES » » (Jobbers) 1 Consumers1 following classes of purchasers by the For the reasons set forth in an opinion Doz. Doz. Doz. Each sellers indicated below, the maximum No. GW 100.' $6 $8 ■ $8 $1 prices are those set forth below: issued simultaneously herewith and filed' Grass whip__ with the Division of the Federal Register, Article No. W l On e -B urner Hot P late and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum These maximum prices are for the Maximum prices for sales by manu­ Price Regulation No. 188; It is ordered: articles described in the manufacturer’s facturer to:- Each (a) This order establishes maximum application dated January 5,1945. Wholesaler ______$0.97 prices for sales and deliveries of certain (2) For sales by the manufacturer, Retailer (in units of 6 or more)___ 1.15 articles manufactured by Warner Spe­ the maximum prices apply to all sales Retailer (in units of less than 6)___ 1.24 cialty Corporation, 366 Madison Ave­ and deliveries since Maximum Price Maximum prices for sales by sellers nue, New York, N. Y. Regulation No. 188 became applicable to other than manufacturer to: Retailer (in units of 6 or more) — 1.15 (1) For all sales and deliveries to the those sales and deliveries. These prices Retailer (in units of less than 6)_- 1.24 following classes of purchasers by the are f. o. b. factory with a freight allow­ Consumer ______1.85 sellers indicated below, the maximum ance of 40 cents per hundred pounds on prices are those set forth below: shipments of 200 pounds or more. These maximum prices are for the ar­ ticles described in the manufacturer’s (3) For salés by persons other than Maximum prices for the manufacturer, the maximum prices application dated October 20,1944. They sales by all person? apply to all sales and deliveries after the include the Federal Excise Tax. Num­ to-*- * effective date of this order. Those prices (2) For sales by the manufacturer, the Article ber ■ are subject to each seller’s customary, maximum prices apply to all sales and Whole­ Retail­ Con­ terms and conditions of sale on sales deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­ salers ers sumers of similar articles. tion No. 188 became applicable to those Each Each Each (4) If the manufacturer wishes to sales and deliveries. These prices are 128 $1.65 $2.20 $3.66 make sales and deliveries to any other f. o. b. factory and subject to a cash No, 74------5

« S m FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 These maximum prices are for the (a) This order establishes maximum articles described in the manufacturer’s Maximum prices for prices for sales and deliveries of certain application dated February 9, 1945. sales by all persons articles of furniture manufactured by (2) For sales by the manufacturer, the Artide Northern Wood Products Company, 88 Retail­ Con­ maximum prices apply to all sales and Jobber er sumer Water Street, Malone, N. Y. deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­ ■ <1) For all sales and deliveries to the tion No. 188 became applicable to those Per doz. Per doz. Each following classes of purchasers by the sales and deliveries. For sales to persons Han-D-Rol cigarette roller.... $1.89 $2.52 $0.35 sellers indicated below, the maximum other than consumers they are i/o . b. prices are those set forth below: factory, 2% 10 days. The maximum price to consumers is net delivered. These maximum prices are for the (3) For sales by persons other than the articles described in the manufacturer’s manufacturer, the maximum prices application dated March 8, 1945. apply to all sales and deliveries after (2) For sales by the manufacturer, the the effective date of this order. Those maximum prices apply to all sales and prices are subject to each seller’s cus­ - deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­ tomary terms and conditions of sale on tion No. 188 became applicable to those sales of similar articles. ^ sales*and deliveries. For sales to persons (4) If the manufacturer wishes to other than consumers they are f. o. b. make sales and deliveries to any other factory, 2% 10 days. The maximum; class of purchaser or on other terms and price to consumers is net delivered. conditions of sale, he must apply to the (3) For sales by persons other than the Office of Price Administration, Wash­ manufacturer, the maximum prices ap­ ington, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing ply to all sales and deliveries after the Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price effective date of this order. Those prices Regulation No. 188, for the establish­ are subject to each seller’s customary These prices are f. o. b. factory, are ment of maximum prices for those sales, terms and conditions of sale on sales of subject to a cash discount of two per­ and no sales or deliveries may be made similar articles. cent for payment within ten days, net until maximum prices have been au­ (4) If the manufacturer wishes to make thirty days, and are for the article de­ thorized by the Office of Price-Admin­ sales and deliveries to any other class of scribed in the manufacturer’s undated istration. ■ 1 purchaser or on other terms and condi­ application received in the Office .of Price (b) The manufacturer shall attach a tions of sale, he must apply to the Office Administration January 31, 1945. tag or label to every article for which a of Price Administration, Washington, (2) For sales by the manufacturer the maximum price for sales to consumers is D. C., under the Fourth Pricing Method, maximum prices apply to all sales and established by this order. That tag or deliveries since the effective date of MPR § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Regulation 188. For sales by persons, other than label shall contain the following state­ No. 188, for the establishment of maxi­ ment: retailers, who sell from the * manufac­ mum prices for those sales, and no sales turer’s stock, the maximum prices apply OPA Retail Ceiling Price—$3.66 Each or deliveries may be made until maximum to all sales and deliveries after the effec­ Do Not Detach prices have been authorized by the Office tive date of this order. (c) At the time of, or prior to, the first of Pricè Administration. ' ' (3) If the manufacturer wishes to invoice to each purchaser for resale, the Cb) The manufacturer shall attach a make sales and deliveries to any other seller shâll notify the purchaser in writ­ tag or label to every article for which a class of purchaser or on other terms and ing of the maximum prices and conditions maximum price for sales to consumers-is conditions of sale, he must apply to the established by this order for sales by the established by this order. That tag or Office of Price Administration, Wash­ purchaser. This notice may be given in label shall contain the following state­ ington, D. C. under the Fourth Pricing any convenient form. ment: Method, § 1499.158, of MPR 188, for the (d) . This order may be revoked or OPA Retail Ceiling Price—$0.35 Each establishment of maximum prices for amended by the Price Administrator at Do Not Detach those sales, and no sales or deliveries any time. may be made until maximum prices (e) This order shall become effective (c) At the time of, or prior to, the have been authorized by the Office of on the 12th day of April 1945. first invoice to each purchaser for resale, Price Administration. the seller shall notify the purchaser in „ (b) At the time of,, or prior to, the Issued this 11th day of April 1945. writing of the maximum prices and con­ first invoice to each purchaser, other Chester B owles, ditions established by this order for sales than a retailer, who sells from the Administrator. by the purchaser. This notice may be manufacturer’s stock, the manufacturer given in any convenient form. shall notify the purchaser of the maxi­ IP. R. Doc. 45-:5817; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945; (d) This order may be revoked or ' 11:30 a. m.] mum prices and conditions established amended by the Price Administrator at by this order for sales by the purchaser. any time. This notice may be given in any con­ (e) This order shall become effective venient form. 6n the 12th day of April 1945. (c) This order may be revoked or [MPR 188, Order 3634] Issued this 11th day of April 1945. amended by the Price Administrator at any time. . Han-D-R ols Co. Chester B owles, Administrator. This order shall become effective on APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES the 12th day of April 1945. For the reasons set forth in an opinion [F. R. Doc. 45-5818; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; issued simultaneously herewith and filed 11:31 a. m.] Issued this 11th day of April 1945. with the Division of the Federal Register, Chester Bowles, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Administrator.- Price Regulation No. 188, It is ordered: * [MPR 188, Order 3635] [F. R. Doc. 45-5819; Filed, Apr. 11, 1Î945; (a) This order establishes maximum 11:31 a. m.] prices for sales and deliveries of certain N orthern Wood P roducts Co. articles manufactured by Han-D-Rols Company, 228 Ottawa Avenue NW., APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES [MPR 188, Order 3636] Grand Rapids, Mich. For the reasons set forth in an opin­ American Castle Co. (1) For all sales and deliveries to the ion issued simultaneously herewith and following classes of purchasers by the filed with the Division of the Federal APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES sellers indicated below, the maximum Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of . For the reasons set forth in an opinion prices are those set forth below: MPR 188; It is ordered: issued simultaneously herewith and filed FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3997 with the Division of the Federal Register, ter, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of MPR to § 1358.102a of Maximum Price Regula­ and pursuant to § 1499.158 of MPR 188; 188, It is ordered: tion No. 260, as amended; It is ordered, It is ordered: (a) This order establishes maximum That: (a) This order establishes maximum prices for sales and deliveries of certain (a) J. W. Hopson, 1418 Fannin, Hous­ prices for sales and deliveries of certain articles of furniture manufactured by ton, Tex., (hereinafter called “import­ articles of furniture manufactured by. William E. Busick, 1590 E. 34th Street, er”) and wholesalers and retailers may American Castle Company, 521 South Oakland, Calif. sell, offer to sell or deliver and any per­ Genesee Street, Los Angeles 36, Calif. (1) For all sales and deliveries to the son may buy, offer, to buy or receive each (1) For all sales and deliveries to the following classes of purchasers by the brand, frontmark and packing of the fol­ following classes 'o f purchasers by the sellers indicated below, the maximum lowing imported cigars at the appropri­ sellers indicated below, the maximum prices are those set forth below: ate maximum list price and maximum prices are those set forth below: retail price set forth below: Maximum price Manufac­ for sales .to re­ turer’s maxi­ Maxi­ Maxi­ Manufac­ Maximum price tailers by the for sales to re­ mum price to manufacturer, Pack­ mum mum turer’s maxi­ Model persons, other Frontmark ing list retail mum price to tailers by the Article and by persons, manufacturer, No. than retailers, other than re­ price price Model persons, other and by persons, who sell from Article No. than retailers, tailers, who sell other than re­ the manufac­ from the manu­ who sell from tailers, who sell turer’s stock facturer’s stock Per M the manufac­ from the manu­ 25 $260.00 3 for turer’s stock facturer’s stock $1.10 Each Each Y¿ Coronas...... 25 225.00 .30 Kidney vanity.. K-1Ö0 $5.80 $7.25 Cremas...... 25 203.50 .28 Each Each • Chest______420 4.40 5.50 Especiales___ ... 25 199.00 .28 Glass coflee table. 1 $11. 22 $13.20 432 5.36 6.70 Rañgers...... 50 150.00 .20 2 23.56 27.72 520 4.68 5.85 50 150.00 .20 -* 532 6.40 8.00 Panetelas___ .... 50 135.00 .1$ Juvenile ward- Comandos______50 135.00 .17 robe...... €-420 8.40 10.50 R. Benedit... Perfectos...... 25 246.50 .33 These prices are f. o. b. factory, are Británicas______25 230.00 .30 subject to a cash discount of two percent Puritanos...... 25 225.00 .30 Clubmans...... 25 330.00 .44 for payment within ten days, net thirty These .prices are f. o. b. factory, are Premiers...... 25 290.00 .38 days, and are for the articles described subject to a cash discount of two per­ Villa Specials___ 25 290.00 .38 Imperials...... 25 290.00 .38 in the manufacturer’s application dated cent for payment within ten days, net Lions...... 25 211.75 .28 October 17, 1944. thirty days, and are for the articles de­ L uisas...... 50 165.00 .22 Habaneros...___ 50 142.00 3 for (2) For sales by the manufacturer the scribed in the manufacturer’s applica­ .65 maximum prices apply to all sales and tion dated'December 5,1944. Coronas...... 25 297.00 .39 deliveries since the effective date of MPR (2) For sales by the manufacturer the Coronas Benedit. 25 245.00 .33 Petit Coronas___ 25 245.00 .33 188. For sales by persons, other than maximum prices apply to all sales and Especiales...... 25 212.50 .28 retailers, who sell from the manufac­ deliveries since the effective date of MPR Belvederes______50 176.00 .22 Rangers...... 50 176.00 .22 turer’s stock, the maximum prices apply 188; i For sales by persons, other than Londres______50 176.00 .22 to all sales and deliveries after the effec­ retailers, who sell from the manufactur­ Panetelas...____ 50 150.00 .20 tive date of this order. er's stock, the maximum prices apply to Coronitas...... 50 135.00 .17 (3) If the manufacturer wishes to all sales and deliveries after the effective Comandos______50 135.00 .17 make sales and deliveries to any other date of this order. class of purchaser or on other terms and (3) If the manufacturer wishes to (b) The importer and wholesalers conditions of sale, he must apply to the make sales and deliveries to any other shall grant, with respect to their sales of Office of Price Administration» Wash­ class of purchaser or on other terms and each brand and frontmark of imported ington, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing conditions of sale,, he must apply to the cigars for which maximum prices are es­ Method, § 1499.158, of MPR 188; for the Office of Price Administration, Washing­ tablished by this order, the discounts establishment of maximum prices for ton, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing they customarily granted during March those sales, and no sales or deliveries Method, § 1499.158, of MPR 188, for the 1942 on their sales of imported cigars of may be made until maximum prices have establishment of maximum prices for the same price class to purchasers of the been authorized by the Office of Price those sales, and no sales or deliveries same class, unless a change therein re­ Administration. may be made until maximum prices have sults in a lower price. Packing differen­ .(b) At the time of, or prior to, the been authorized by the Office of Price tials charged by the importer or a whole­ first invoice to each purchaser, other than Administration. saler during March 1942 on sales of im­ a retailer, who sells from the manufac­ (b) At the time of, or prior to, the ported cigars of the same price class to turer’s stock, the manufacturer shall no­ first invoice to each purchaser, other than purchasers of the same class may be tify the purchaser of the maximum a retailer, who sells from the manufac­ charged on corresponding sales of each prices and conditions established by this turer’s stock, the manufacturer shall ■ brand and frontmark of cigars priced by order for sales by the purchaser. This notify the purchaser of the maximum this order, but shall not be increased. notice may be given in any convenient prices and conditions established by this Packing differentials allowed by the im­ form. order for saies by the purchaser. This porter or a wholesaler during March (c) This order may be revoked or notice may be given in any convenient 1942 on sales of imported cigars of the amended by the Price Administrator at form. same price class to purchasers of the anytime. • (c) This order may be revoked or same class shall be allowed on corre­ This order shall become effective on amended by the Price Administrator at sponding sales of each brand and front- the 12th day of April 1945. any time. < mark of . cigars priced by this order and •rtxis order shall become effective on shall not be reduced. If a brand or issued this 11th day of April 1945. the 12th day of April 1945. frontmark of imported cigars for which Chester B owles, maximum prices are established by this Administrator. Issued this 11th day of April 1945. order is of a price class not sold by the % [F. R. Doc. 45-5820; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; Chester B owles, importer or the particular wholesaler 11:31 a. m.] Administrator. during March 1942, he shall, with respect [F. R. Doe. 45-5821; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; to his sales thereof, grant the discounts 11:32 a. m.] and may charge and shall allow the [MPR 188, Order 3637] packing differentials customarily [MPR 260, Order 725] granted, charged ok allowed (as the case W illiam E. B usick may be) during March 1942 by his most APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES J. W. Hopson closely competitive seller of the sam& For the reasons set forth in an opinion AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES class on sales of imported cigars of the issued simultaneously herewith and filed For the reasons set forth in an opinion same price class to purchasers of the with the Division of the Federal Regis­ accompanying this order, and pursuant same class. 3938 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945 (c) On or before the first delivery to (d) Notification. Any person who of Revised Maximum Price Regulation 'any purchaser of each brand and front- sells the cooking boilers described in 131; It is ordered: mark of imported cigars for which max­ paragraph (b) to a retailer shall furnish (a) The maximum prices for sales of imum prices are established by this or­ the retailer with an invoice of sale set­ the following repair materials, made from der, the importer and every other seller ting forth the retailer’s maximum re­ scrap material, when sold to jobbers, re­ (except a retailer) shall notify the pur­ selling price, and stating that the re­ tailers, and vulcanizers, shall be: chaser of the maximum list price and tailer is required by this order to attach the maximum retail price established by to each boiler before sale a tag or label Maximum this order for such brand and front- containing the following: Item Size Ply price mark of imported cigars. The notice OPA ceiling price______r,_ , $2. 50 shall conform to and be- given in the Cemented patch.. 13-14" X 16"_.. 3-4 $36.00 per 100. manner prescribed by § 1358.113 of Max­ (e) Tagging. Any person who sells the Uncemented re- 10.00 (9.75)-20 4 $4.40 each. imum Price Regulation No. 260, as boilers described in paragraph (b) at liner. and 22. amended. - retail shall attach to-each boiler before (d) Unless the context otherwise re­ sale a tag or label which plainly states (b) The maximum prices for sales of quires, the provisions of Maximum Price the retail ceiling price. the following repair materials, made Regulation No. 260, as amended, shall (f) Relation to other regulations and from scrap material, when sold at retail, apply to sales for which maximum prices orders. This order with respect to the shall be: are established by this order. commodities it covers supersedes any Maximum (e) This order may be revoked or other regulation or order previously is­ Item Size Ply amended by the Price Administrator at sued by the Office of Price Administra­ price any time. tion. (g) Definitions., (1) “Retailer” means Cemented patch.. 13-14" X 16"... 3-4 $72.00 per 100. This order shall become effective April Uncemented re- 10.00 (9.75)-20 4 $6.60 each. any person whose sales to purchasers for liner. and 22. 11,1945. use constitute a substantial part of his Issued this 11th day of April 1945. total sales.. * (2) “Wholesaler”- means any person (c) With or prior to the first delivery Chester B owles, other than a manufacturer who distrib­ of any repair material covered by this Administrator. utes or sells boilers to retailers. order to any retailer or jobber, the seller [P. R. Doc. 45-5822; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945; (h*) Revocation and amendment. This shall furnish such buyer a notification in 11:28 a. m.] order may be revoked or amended at any writing setting forth the maximum prices time. •• established for sales to jobbers, retailers, and vulcanizers and the applicable maxi­ [Supp. Order 94, Order 49.] _ This order shall become effective April mum price for sales at retail; if the pur­ 12, 1945. chaser is a jobber, the notification shall' United S tates T reasury D epartment, Issued this 11th day of April 1945. include a statement that the Jobber is P rocurement D ivision required to furnish his buyer a notifica­ . Chester B owles', tion in writing setting forth the maxi­ special maximum prices for cooking Administrator. BOILERS mum price of the commodity for sales {F. R. Doc. 45-5838; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; at retail. For the reasons set forth in an opinion 4:10 p. m.] (d) All provisions of Revised Maxi­ issued simultaneously herewith and filed mum Price Regulation 131 not inconsist­ with the Division of the Federal Regis­ ent with this order shall apply to whole­ ter, and in accordance with section 11 [MPR 122, Revocation of Order 12] sale sales of the commodities covered by of Supplementary Order 94, it is ordefed: this order. (a) What this order does. This order Lancaster Coal Co. (e) All provisions of Revised Maxi­ establishes maximum prices at' which the adjustment of maximum prices mum Price Regulation 528 not inconsist­ new cooking boilers hereinafter de­ Order No. T2 under Maximum Price ent with this order shall apply to all re­ scribed may be sold and delivered by Regulation No. 122. Solid fuels de­ tail sales covered by this order. United States Treasury Department, livered from facilities other than pro­ (f) This order may be revoked or Procurement Division, and by any subse­ ducing facilities, dealers, Docket 1122- amended by the Office of Price Adminis­ quent reseller. 152-P. Order of revocation. tration at any time. (b) Maximum prices. Maximum For the reasons set forth in an opinion This order shall become effective April prices per new cooking boiler described issued simultaneously herewith and 13, 1945. herein shall be: pursuant to Procedural Regulation No. 1 Issued this 12th day of April 1945. Description of boilers. Cooking boil­ and paragraph (c) of Order No. 12 under ers, Army Field Range, steel tinned with Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, It is Chester B owles, lid, rounded corners, wire stiffened rolled ordered: . Administrator. edge, wire drop handles on ends and on Order No. 12 under Maximum Price [P. R. Doc. 45-5878; Piled, Apr. 12, 1945; lid, and of the following sizes and • 11:42 a. m.] models: Regulation No. 122 is hereby revoked. #54—S/N 64B 1070—14%" long 11 %" wide, This order of revocation shall become 8%” deep. effective April 13, 1945. [MPR 188, Amdt. 74 to Order A-l] #51—S/N 64B 1068—15%" long 12%" wide, Issued this 11th- day of April 1945. 8%" deep. B uilding, Chemical and I ndustrial Lime #53—S/N 64B 1069—15%" long, 12%” wide, Chester B owles, (Excluding Agricultural Lime) 8%" deep. Administrator. #49—S/N 64B 1066—16%" long, 13%" wide, MODIFICATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES 8%" deep* [F. R. Doc. 45-5836; Filed, Apr. 11, 1945; 4:10 p. m.] An opinion accompanying this amend­ #48—S/N 64B 1065—17%" long, 14%" wide, ment, issued simultaneously herewith, 9" deep. has been filed with the Division of thfe (1) Treasury’s price to wholesaler, Federal Register. packaged for shipment tf. o. b. point of [RMPR 131, Order 27] Paragraph (a) (54) is added to Order shipment $1.25. • Camelback and Tire and T ube R epair A-l to read as follows: (2) Wholesaler’s price and Treasury’s Materials (54) Modification of maximum prices price to retailers, packaged for shipment, AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES for building, chemical, and industrial f. o. b. point of shipment—$1.60. lime (excluding agricultural limé), (i) (3) Price for all sales at retail—$2.50. For the reasons set forth in an opin­ The manfacturers’ maximum prices es­ (c) Discounts. Every seller shall con­ ion issued simultaneously herewith and tablished pursuant to Maximum Price tinue to maintain his customary dis­ filed with the Division of the Federal Regulation 188, as amended, for building, counts for cash. Register, and pursuant to section 5a (c) chemical and industrial lime (excluding FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 3999 agricultural lime), produced in Clark, established by this order for each seller conditions of sale, he must apply to the Delaware, Franklin, and Preble Counties as well as the maximum prices estab­ Office of Price Administration, Washing­ in the State of Ohio, may be increased lished for each purchaser on resale. ton, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing by adding an amount not in excess of (f) The Liberty Hardware Manufac­ Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price $0.45 per net ton to the f. o. b. plant turing Company shairprint in a con­ Regulation No. 188 for the establishment or delivered prices. spicuous place on the boxes containing of maximum prices for those sales, and (ii) The maximum prices established the items subject to the order: no sales or deliveries may be made until herein shall be subject to cash, quantity On No. 120—screen door pull—4Va" x %M, maximum prices have been authorized and other discounts, transportation al­ “maximum retail price with screws, $0.05 by the Office of Price Administration. lowances, service, and other terms and each”. (b) The manufacturer shall attach a conditions of sale at least as favorable On No. 110—shelf rest—tenon: x 1/4", tag or label to every article for which a as the seller extended or rendered on “maximum retail price 2 for $0.05”. maximum price for sales to consumers is comparable sales to purchasers of the On No. 115—screen and storm sash hangers, established by this order. That tag or “maximum retail price with screws $0.10 per label shall contain the following state­ same class during March 1942. pair”. This Amendment No. 74 shall become ment: effective April 13,1945. (g) This order may be revoked or OPA Retail Ceiling Price—$2.16 amended by the Price Administrator at Do Not Remove Issued this 12th day of April 1945. any time. (c) At the time of, or prior to, the Chester Bowles, This order shall become effective April first invoice to each purchaser for rèsale, Administrator. 13, 1945. the seller shall notify the purchaser in [F. R. Doc. 45-5874; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; Issued this 12th day of April 1945. writing of the maximum prices and con­ 11:42 a. m.] Chester B owles, ditions established by this order for sales Administrator. by the purchaser. This notice may be given in any convenient form. [MPR 188, Order 3638] [F. R. Doc. 45-5875; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; (d) This order may be revoked or 11:43 a. m.] amended by the Price Administrator at Liberty Hardware Manufacturing Co. any time. AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES (e) This order shall become effective on the 13th day of April 1945. For the reasons set forth in an opinon [MPR 188, Order 36^9] issued simultaneously herewith and filed The ftiEGER Manufacturing Co. Issued this 12th day of April 1945. with the Division of the Federal Register APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES Chester B owles, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Administrator. Price Regulation 188, It is ordered: For the reasons set forth in an opinion issued simultaneously herewith and filed [F. R. Doc. 45-5876; Filed, Apr. l^, 1945; (a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b. 11:43 a. m.] point of manufacture, for sales of the with the Division of the Federal Register, following commodities by the Liberty and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maximum Hardware Manufacturing Company to Price Regulation No. 188; It is ordered: jobbers shall be: (a) This order establishes maximum [Max. Import Price Reg., Rev. Order 56] prices for sales and deliveries of a lawn No. 120—4y2" x %" screen door pull with sprinkler manufactured by'The Rieger P anama Hat Bodies Imported screws, $2.45 per gross. F rom Ecuador No, 110—shelf rest—tenon: H62" x *4", Manufacturing Co., South Second Street, $1.20 per gross. Miamisburg, Ohio. establishment of maximum prices No. 115—screen and storm sash hangers (1) For all sales and deliveries to the with screws, $5.20 per gross pairs. following classes of purchasers by the Order No. 561 under the Maximum sellers indicated below, the maximum Import Price Regulation is redesignated (b) The maximum net prices for sales prices are those set forth below; Revised Order No. 56 and is amended by jobbers of the following commodities to read as set forth below. manufactured by the Liberty Hardware For the reasons stated in an opinion Manufacturing Company shall be: / .Maximum prices for sales by— issued simultaneously herewith and No. 120—4 ^ " x %" screen door pull With filed with the Division of the Federal The manufacturer and screws, $3.25 per gross. other sellers to— Register, and pursuant to section 21 of No. 110—shelf rest—tenon: x 14"» Article Retailers to ultimate the Maximum Import Price Regulation, $1.60 per gross. consumers it is hereby ordered: No. 115—screen and storm sash hangers Wholesale jobbers Retailers (a) Effect of this order. This order with screws, $6.90 per gross pairs. establishes maximum prices and maxi­ (c) The maximum net prices for sales Spin Master lawn Each Each Each mum markups, commissions or other by retailers of the following commodities $1.08 $1.44 $2.16 charges at which any person in Con­ manufactured by the Liberty Hardware tinental United States may buy or sell Manufacturing Company shall be: These maximum prices are for the any Panama hat bodies made in Ecuador. No. 120—4y2” x %" screen door pull with lawn sprinkler described in the manufac­ It thus supersedes sections 3 and 4 of screws, $0.05 each. turer’s application dated February 28, the Maximum Import -Price Regulation No. 110—shelf rest—tenon: x 14"» 1945. and any other provisions thereof with $0.05 for 2. (2) For sales by the manufacturer the which it is inconsistent but in other re­ No. 115—screen and storm sash hangers maximum prices apply to all sales and spects the Maximum Import Price Regu­ with screws, $0.10 per pair. deliveries since Maximum Price Regula­ lation remains applicable. (d) The maximum net prices estab- tion No. 188 became applicable to those . (b) Purchases from foreign sellers. lished^by this order shall be subject to sales and deliveries. These prices are No person in Continental United States, discounts and allowances including f. o. b. factory and subject to a cash dis­ either as principal or as agent, shall buy transportation allowances, and the ren­ count of 2 percent for payment within or receive any Panama hat body, pro­ dition of services which are at least as ten days. duced in Ecuador, from any foreign favorable as those which each seller ex­ (3) For sales by persons other than seller at a price in excess of the maxi­ tended or rendered or would have ex­ the manufacturer, the maximum prices mum price stated below in this para­ tended or rendered to purchasers of the apply to all sales and deliveries after the graph (b). The term “foreign seller" same class on comparable sales of similar effective date of this order.-These prices includes any person (regardless of na­ commodities during March 1942. are subject to each seller’s customary tionality or place of domicile or physical (e) Every person selling the commod­ terms, and conditions of sale on sales of presence) who makes sales as part of ities subject to the order, except a re­ similar articles. his business operations outside Conti­ tailer, shall notify each purchaser in (4) If the manufacturer wishes to nental United States and also the agent writing at or before the issuance of the make sales and deliveries to any other first invoice of the maximum prices class of purchaser or on other terms and * 9 F.R. 3270. 4000 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 or other representative of any such f. a. s. Guayaquil, Ecuador (or f. o. b. shall make no sales in that capacity to person. Cuenca, Ecuador, where purchase is that class of purchaser until he has se­ (1) Brisa hat bodies. The following made, on those terms) during the thirty cured from the Export-Import Price are the maximum prices, f. a. s. Guaya­ days prior to August 20, 1943, plus 20%. Branch, Office of Price Administration, quil, Ecuador (or f. o. b. Cuenca, Ecuador, If he did not purchase a hat body of the Washington, b. C., written approval of where purchase is made on those terms), same grade and quality during that his percentage markup, commission, fee which may be paid per dozen for nat­ period, but did purchase one of the same or other charge applicable to such sales. ural Brisa hat bodies of the specified type (for example, Cuenca, Jamaica or Any. such approved charge will reflect, grades and qualities: Leghorn weave, as the case may be) his insofar as practicable, 75% of the maximum purchase price is the highest charges customarily made by similar Minimum strand Maximum price which he paid for the different sellers for performing siriiilar functions Grade count price grade or quality, adjusted so as to reflect in March 1942. eustomary price differentials between the (d) Brokers’ and agents’ commissions. 00 and under...... 11 and under___ $9.50 two grades and qualities, plus 20%. If he The maximum amount of any brokers’ o ...... 12...... io.oo 1 ...... 13...... 10.50 did not purchase a hat body of the same or agents’ commissions, fees or other 2 ...... 14...... 11.25 type during the above-stated period, his charges and their relationship to maxi­ 3 ...... 15...... 12.25 maximum purchase price is the highest mum prices herein established shall be 4...... 16...... 13.25 6 ...... 17...... 14.50 price which the seller in Ecuador charged determined as follows: « 18...... 16.00 a purchaser of the same class during that (1) Foreign brokers and agents. 7 ...... 19...... 18.25 8 ...... 20...... - 21.50 period, or in the absence of such a pur­ Charges which may be made by foreign 9 .. 21...... 25.50 chase, the seller’s firm offering price on brokers or agents are not subject to price 10___ 22...... 30.00 1 1 ...... 23...... 35.00 August 20, 1943, for a hat body of the control but all such persons shall be 1 2 ...... 24...... 41.00 same type (adjusted to reflect customary deemed the agents of the foreign seller 1 3 ...... 25...... 46.50 differentials for differences in grade or and any payment made to or for them by 14...... 26..';...... 56.25 quality), plus 20% in either case: Pro­ the purchaser, whether made in Con­ vided, however, That the purchaser shall tinental United States or abroad, shall Strand count. The grade of the hat body not compute his maximum price on the be deemed part of his purchase price and depends entirely upon the coarseness or fine­ basis of the foreign seller’s price to any ness of the fibres which, assuming stand­ the sum of any such payment and the ard weaving, determines the strand count, other purchaser or on the basis of the amount paid to the foreign seller shall referred to above. No hat body may be clas­ foreign seller’s offering price, without first not exceed the maximum purchase prices sified as of a stated grade unless the strand securing written approval thereof from established above in paragraph (b). count equals the minimum count specified the Export-Import Price Branch, .Office (2) Domestic agents of foreign sellers. above for the particular grade. The strand of Price Administration, Washington, The maximum charge which may be count shall be determined for each hat body D. C., unless he has in his possession and made by any person in Continental by taking the average of the number of preserves for inspection a true copy of an United States, who functions as broker strands of straw in each direction contained invoice, confirmation of order, price list or agent for the foreign seller or who so in a one-inch square whose center is ex­ or other written evidence from the for­ actly half way between the tip of the crown functions for the purchaser but is con­ and the point where the brim joins the eign seller showing such selling or offer­ trolled by, or controls, or is subject to crown. ing price on August 20, 1943. common control with the foreign seller, Regulares. The maximum prices stated (c) Resales in this country. No per­ shall be established in the same manner above are for the quality known as "regu­ son in Continental United States, either as provided above in paragraph (c) (2) lares”. ' Hat bodies of this classification must as principal or as agent, shall sell or de­ for the establishment of markups for be evenly and firmly woven, with standard liver, or purchase or receive from any domestic sellers. Although a purchaser tightness, from good-quality straw of sub­ other person in Continental United stantially uniform thickness and" coloration may pay such charge, it shall be deemed and must in all other respects conform to States, any Panama hat body, produced part of his purchase price paid to the the standards ordinarily followed by the in Ecuador, at a price in excess of the foreign seller, and the sum of any such trade for this class of hat bodies. maximum price stated below: payment and the amount paid to the Selectos. The maximum prices, f. a. s. , (1) Sales from stock. Where the sell­ foreign seller shall not exceed the maxi­ Guayaquil, Ecuador (or f. o. b. Cuenca, Ecua­ er makes delivery from stock which he mum purchase prices established above dor, where purchase is made on those terms), has theretofore taken into his own place in paragraph (b). which may be paid for natural Brisa “selec­ of business and which he has sorted and (3) Domestic purchasing agents. Any tos” are 10% higher than the prices listed graded, his maximum selling price, de­ above for “regulares” except that the 10% broker or agent in Continental United differential shall not apply to grades 8 to livered to his customer, is 117% of the States, who functions as purchasing 14, inclusive. Hat bodies classified as “se­ total landed cost. Such “total landed agent for the buyer and is not controlled lectos” must be of first quality in all re­ cost’’ may not exceed the maximum pur­ by, does not control, or is not subject to spects, having no defects or irregularities in chase price provided above in paragraph common control with the foreign seller, weave or coloration, and must otherwise (b) plus export or import duties or taxes, shall be deemed a seller under paragraph conform to accepted standards of the trade consular fees, marine and war risk (c) (2), above, and his maximum com­ for “selectos”. insurance premiums, transportation Inferiors. The maximum prices f. a. s. mission or other charge shall be deter­ Guayaquil, Ecuador (or. f. o. b. Cuenca, Ecua­ charges and other expenses of importa­ mined as part of his maximum price as dor, where purchase is made on those terms), tion (exclusive of cable, banking and therein provided. The purchaser may which may be paid for natural Brisa “in­ other general overhead charges) ac­ pay such commission or other charge, in feriors” (also known as “communes” or “re­ tually incurred and paid. addition to total landed cost, even though jects”) are 15% less than the prices listed (2) Sales other than from stock. such total exceeds the maximum pur­ above for “regulares”. Hat bodies must be Where the seller does not make delivery chase prices established aboye in classified as “inferiors” if they are unevenly from stock, as described above, his max­ woven or if they contain broken, frostbitten paragraph (b). or discolored straw or other defects or irreg­ imum selling price, f. o. b. port of entry, (e) Evasive practices prohibitedi The ularities which would have prevented their is the total landed cost (as limited above) following practices shall be deemed eva­ being marketed as “regulares” according to plus a percentage thereof equal to 75% sions of this order and are prohibited: trade practices heretofore prevailing. of the percentage markup, commission, (1) Changing customary terms, dis­ fee or other charge (based on cost) (2) Hat bodies other than Brisa. The which he customarily charged on deliv­ counts, allowances or price differentials maximum prices, f. a. s. Guayaquil, eries made in March 1942 to the same if the change results in a higher net price. Ecuador (or f. o. b. Cuenca, Ecuador, class of purchaser, but in no event ex­ (2) Making or receiving any payment, where purchase is made on those terms) ceeding 7Yz%. If such seller, acting in gift or other transfer of value to or for which may be paid for hat bodies pro­ the same capacity (that is, as importer, the benefit of any person which directly duced in Ecuador, other than natural broker, agent or other person, as the or indirectly increases the consideration Brisa hat bodies, are the highest prices case may be), made no such charges with p^id by the buyer or received by the seller paid by the same purchaser for the same respect to deliveries made to the same above the maximum prices herein estab­ type, grade and quality of hat body, class of purchaser in March 1942, he lished. FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945 4001 (3) Buying, receiving, selling or deliv­ New Orleans Order 27-0, Amendment 4, Philadelphia Order 24, Amendment 4, cover­ ering any Panama hat bodies which are covering poultry in certain areas in Loui­ ing fresh eggs in certain counties in Penn-'* siana, filed 12:23 p. m. sylvania, filed 1:37 p. m. misgraded nr which are invoiced at New Orleans Order 28-C, Amendment 4, Philadelphia Order 25, Amendment 4, cover­ grades higher than their true grades. covering poultry in certain areas in Louisiana, ing fresh eggs in certain counties in Penn­ (4) * Offering or attempting to do, or filed 12:g3 p. m. sylvania, filed 1:37 p. m. participating (as principal, agent, broker San Antonio Order 15, Amendment 5, cov­ ' Scranton Order 4-F, Amendment 18, cover­ or otherwise) in doing, any act prohib­ ering dry groceries in certain counties in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ited by this order. Any person who does Texas, filed 12:22 p. m. counties in Pennsylvania, filed 1:37 p. m. Trenton Order 7-F, Amendment 28, cover­ any act on behalf of another person shall Region VI be equally liable with such other person ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain therefor. North Platte Order 40, Amendment 1, cov­ counties in Pennsylvania, filed 1:38 p. m. ering dry groceries in the North Platte Area, Region III (f ) Invoices to show grades. Every in­ jflled 12:27 p. m. voice rendered by any person in Conti­ Cleveland Order F -l, Amendment 32, cover­ nental United States (whether importer, R egion VIII ing fresh fruits and vegetables in Cuyahoga broker, agent or other person),' for any Phoenik Order 1-F, Amendment 12, cov­ County, Ohio, filed 1:31 p. m. natural Brisa hat bodies subject to this ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Cleveland Order 33, Amendment 1, cover­ order, must identify the hat bodies by the areas in Arizona, filed 12:21 p. m. ing dry groceries in the Cleveland Area, filed grades described above in paragraph (b) Phoenix Order 8-F, Amendment 2, covering 1:31 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in certain areas Grand Rapids Order 10-F, covering fresh (1) and must specify whether they are in Arizona, filed 12:21 p. m. fruits and vegetables in certain counties in regulares, selectos or inferiors. Invoices Portland Order 20-F, Amendment 1, cover­ Michigan, filed 1:36 p. m. of other Panama hat bodies subject to ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Grand-Rapids Order 11-F, covering fresh this order must likewise identify such areas in Oregon, filed 12:30 p. m. fruits and vegetables in certain cities in hat bodies in terms of the same types, Portland Order 21-F, Amendment 1, cover­ Michigan, filed 1:36 p. m. grades, qualities and other standards as ing fresh fruits and vegetables in Pendleton, Grand Rapids Order 12-F, covering fresh have heretofore been used in identifying Oreg., filed 12:29 p. m. fruits and vegetables in certain cities in such hat bodies. Portland Order 22-F, Amendment 1, cov­ Michigan, filed 1:36 p. m. (g) Revocation and amendment. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Grand Rapids Order 13-F, covering fresh areas in Oregon, filed 12:29 p. m. fruits and vegetables in certain counties in This order may be revoked or amended Portland Order 27-F, covering fresh fruits Michigan, filed 1:36 p. m. at any time. and vegetables in certain cities in Oregon, Indianapolis Order 15-F, Amendment 9, This order shall become effective filed 12:29 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ San Diego Order 1-F, Amendment 21, cov­ tain counties in. Indiana, filed 1:31 p. m. April 14, 1945. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in the San Region IV Issued this 12th day of April 1945. Diego, California Area, filed 12:21 p. m. San Francisco Order F-7, Amendment 4, Atlanta Order 4-F, Amendment 19, cover­ Chester B owles, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Administrator. cities in California, filed 12:20 p. m. counties in Georgia, filed 1:34 p. m. [F. R. Doc. 45-5872; Filed, Apr. 12, ^1945; San Francisco Order F-8, Amendment 4, Atlanta Order 6-F, Amendment 28, cover­ 11:42 a. m.] covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities in California, filed 12:20 p. m. areas in Georgia, filed 1:35 p. m. San Francisco Order F-9, Amendment 4, Atlanta Order 7-F, Amendment 1, covering covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain fresh fruits and vegetables in certain coun­ Regional and District Office Orders. cities in California, filed 12:20 p. m. ties in Georgia, filed 1:34 p. m. List of Community Ceiling P rice Orders San Francisco Order F-10, Amendment 4, Atlanta Order 8-F, Amendment 1, cover­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain The following orders under Rev. Gen­ cities in California, filed 12:20 p. m. counties in Georgia, filed 1:34 p. m. eral Order 51 were filed with the Division San Francisco Order F -ll, Amendment 4, Atlanta Order 9-F, Amendment 1, covering of the Federal Register April 6, 1945. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain fresh fruits and vegetables in certain coun­ cities in California, filed 12:19 p. m. ties in Georgia, filed 1:35 p. m. Region TV San Francisco Order F—12, Amendment 4, Columbia Order 5-W, Amendment 1, cover­ Columbia Order 17-C, Amendment 3, cover­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing community food prices in the South ing poultry in the South Carolina Area, filed cities,in California, filed 12:19 p. m. Carolina Area^filed 1:30 p. m. 12:29 p. m. Columbia Order 17, Amendment 1, cov­ Columbia Order 18-C, Amendment 3, cover­ Copies of any of these orders may be ering community food prices in the South ing poultry in the South Carolina Area, filed obtained from the OPA Office in the Carolina Area, filed 1:30 p. m. 12:21 p. m. designated city. Columbia Order 18, Amendment 1, cover­ Montgomery Order 20, covering community ing community food prices in the South Ervin H. P ollack, Carolina Area, filed 1:30 p. m. food prices in the Montgomery Area, filed Secretary. 12:29 p. m. Montgomery Order 5-W, covering dry gro­ Montgomery Order 21, covering community ceries in the Montgomery Area, filed 1:39 [F. R. Doc. 45-5864; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; p. iq. food prices in the Montgomery Area, filed 11:40 a. m.] . 12:19 p. m. R egion V Region V Fort Worth Order 7-F, covering fresh New Orleans Order 1-W, Amendment 6, fruits and vegetables in the Fort Worth covering community food prices in the New List of Community Ceiling P rice Orders Area, filed 1:49 p. m. Orleans, Louisiana, Area, filed 12:23 p. m. FoK Worth Order 8-F, covering .fresh New Orleans Order 2-W, Amendment 6, The following orders under Rev. Gen­ fruits and vegetables in the Fort Worth covering community food prices in the New eral Order 51 were filed with the Division Area, filed 1:49 p. m. Orleans, Louisiana, Area, filed 12:27 p. m. of the Federal Register April 6, 1945. Fort Worth Order 9-F, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the Fort Worth New Orleans Order 25, covering dry gro­ Region II ceries in certain areas in Louisiana, filed Area, filed 1:30 p. m. 12:27 p. m. Binghamton Order 2-F, Amendment 25, Fort Worth Order 10-F, covering fresh New Orleans Order 25, Amendment 1, cover­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ fruits and vegetables in the Fort Worth ing dry groceries in certain areas in Louisiana, tain cities in New York, filed 1:38 p. m. Area, filed 1:49 p. m. filed 12:25 p. m. Camden Order 4-F, Amendment 24, cover­ Little Rock Order 4-W, Amendment 1, cov­ New Orleans Order 26, covering dry ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering dry groceries in the Little Rock Area, groceries in certain areas in Louisiana, filed / counties in New Jersey, filed 1:39 p. m. filed 1:46 p. m. > 12:28 p. m. District of Columbia Order 5-F, Amend­ Little Rock Order 24, Amendment 2, cov­ New Orleans Order 26, Amendment 1, cov­ ment 1, covering fresh fruits and vegetables ering dry groceries in the Little Rock Area, ering dry groceries in certain areas in Louisi­ in certain areas in Maryland and Virginia, filed 1:47 p. m. ana, filed 12:26 p. m. filed 1:37 p. m. San Antonio Order 1-F, Amendment 18, New Orleans Order 26, Amendment 2, cov­ Philadelphia Order 22, Amendment 4, covering fresh eggs in certain counties in covering fresh fruits and vegetables In the ering dry groceries in certain areas in Louisi­ San Antonio, Texas Area, filed 1:46 p. m. ana, filed 12:23 p. m. Pennsylvania, filed 1:37 p. m. New Orleans Order 26, Amendment 4, cov­ Philadelphia Order 23, Amendment 4, cover-, San Antonio Order 2-F, Amendment 18, ering dry groceries in certain areas in Louisi­ ing fresh eggs in certain counties in Penn­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the ana, filed 12:27 p. m. sylvania, filed 1:37 p. m. San Antonio, Texas Area, filed 1:46 p. m. 4002 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945

San Aritonio Order 8-F, Amendment 14, Portland Order 9-F, Amendment 13, cover­ Fort Worth Order 3—W, Amendment 6, cov­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering dry groceries in the Fort Worth, Tex., San Antonio, Texas Area, filed 1:46 p. m. cities in Oregon, filed 1:33 p. m. Area, filed 2:03 p. m. San Antonio Order 4-F, Amendment 14, Portland Order 9-F, Amendment 14, cover­ Kansas City Order 2-F, Amendment 35, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain covering fresh fruits and vegetables • in the San Antonio, Texas Area, filed 1:45 p. m. cities in Oregon, filed 1:47 p. m. Kansas City Area, filed 1:37 p. m. San Antonio Order 4-W, Amendment 5, Portland Order 10-F, Amendment 12, cov­ Oklahoma City Order 3-F, Amendment 54, covering community food pricing in the ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ San Antonio, Texas Area, filed 1:28 p. m. cities in Washington, filed 1:33 p. m. tain areas in Oklahoma, filed £:04 p. m. Fortland Order 10-F, Amendment 13, cov­ Shreveport Order 2-F, Amendment 56, cov­ Region VI ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in the Green Bay Order 4-F, Amendment 7, cov­ cities in Washington, filed 1:47 p. m. Shreveport, La., Area, filed 2:04 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Portland Order 11-F, Amendment 12, cov­ Shreveport Order 3-F, Amendment 45, cov­ counties in Wisconsin, filed 1:45 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in the Green Bay Order 5-F, Amendment 7, cov­ cities in Oregon, filed 1:33 p. m. Shreveport, La., ^Area, filed 1:59 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Portland Order 11-F, Amendment 13, cov­ counties in Wisconsin, filed 1:45 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Astoria, Region VI Green Bay Order 6-F, Amendment 7, cov­ Oreg., filed 1:47 p. m. Chicago Order 2-F, Amendment 54, cov­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Portland Order 12-F, Amendment 10, cov­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain counties in. Wisconsin, filed 1:45 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain counties in Illinois and Indiana, filed 1:44 Peoria Order 2-F, Amendment 47, covering cities in Oregon, filed 1:33 p. m. p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities Portland Order 12-F, Amendment 11, cov­ Duluth-Superior Order 1-F, Amendment in Illinois, filed 1:42 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain 62, covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Peoria Order 3-F, Amendment 46, covering cities In Oregon, filed 1:47 p. m. certain areas in Minnesota, filed 1:50 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities Portland Order 13-F, Amendment 10, cov­ Duluth-Superior Order 1-F, Amendment in Illinois, filed 1:42 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain 63, covering fresh, fruits and vegetables in Peoria Order 4-F, Amendment 42, covering cities In Oregon, filed 1:33 p. m. certain areas in Minnesota, filed 1:44 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities Portland Order 14-F, Amendment 10, cov­ La Crosse Order 1-F, Amendment 60, cov­ in Illinois, filed 1:45 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Peoria Order 5-F, Amendment 30, covering cities in Oregon, filed 1:32 p. m. cities in Wisconsin and Minnesota, filed 1:40 fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities Portland Order 15-F, Amendment 10, cov­ p. m. in Illinois, filed 1:45 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain La Crosse Order 1-F, Amendment 61, cov­ Quad-Cities Order 3-F, Amendment 19, cities in Oregon, filed 1:32 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain covering fresh fruits anâ vegetables in cer­ Portland Order 16-F, Amendment 3, cov­ cities in Wisconsin and Minnesota, filed 1:40 tain counties in Iowa and* Illinois, filed 1:41 ering fresh fruits and vegetables In Bend, p. m. p. m. Oreg., filed 1:32 p. m. La Crosse Order 3-F, Amendment 57, cov­ Region VIII Portland Order 17-F, Amendment 3, cov­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certaian cities in Wisconsin and Minnesota, filed 1:43 Fresno Order 1-F, Amendment 62, covering cities in Oregon, filed 1:32 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Fresno, Portland Order 18-F, Amendment 1, cov­ p. m. California Area, filed 1:39 p. m. La Crosse Order 3-F, Amendment 56, cov­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Fresno Order 2-F, Amendment 50, covering cities in Oregon, filed 1:32 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Fresno, cities in Wisconsin, filed 1:40 p. m. Portland Order 19-F, Amendment 1, cov­ La Cross Order 3-F, Amendment 57, cov­ California Area, filed 1:41 p- m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Fresno Order 3-F, Amendment 47, covering ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities in Oregon, filed 1:32 p. m. cities in Wisconsin, filed 1:43 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Fresno, Portland Order 20-F, Amendment 2, cov­ California Area, filed 1:41 p. m. La Crosse Order 3-F, Amendment 58, cov­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Fresno Order 4-F, Amendment 22, covering cities in Oregon, filed 1:48 p. m. fresh fruits and'vegetables in the Fresno, cities in Wisconsin, filed 1:43 p. m. Portland Order 28-F, covering fresh fruits La Crosse Order 5-F, Amendment 55, cov­ California Area, filed 1:41 p. m. and vegetables in certain cities in Oregon, Fresno Orâer 6-F, Amendment 33, covering filed 1:49 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain fresh fruits and vegetables in the Fresno, cities in Minnesota, filed 1:41 p. m. Calif., Area, filed 1:41 p. m. Copies of any of these orders may be La Crosse Order 5-F, Amendment 56, cov­ Fresno Order 7-F, Amendment 12, covering obtained from the OPA Office in the ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Rochester, fresh fruits and vegetables in the Fresno, Minn., filed 1:40 p. m. Calif., Area, filed 1:41 p. m. designated city. La Crosse Order 5-F, Amendment 57, cover­ Portland Order 4-F, Amendment 15, cover­ Ervin H. Pollack, ing fresh fruits and vegetables in Rochester, ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Secretary. Minn., filed 1:43 p. m. cities in Washington, filed 1:47 p. m. [F. R. Doc. 45-5865; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; Milwaukee Order 6-F, Amendment 11, cov­ Portland Order 4-F, Amendment 16, cover­ 11:40 a. m.] ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Milwaukee ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain County, Wis., filed 1:38 p. m. cities in Oregon and Washington, filed 1:48 Milwaukee Order 7-F, Amendment 11, cov­ p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Portland Order 5-F, Amendment 14, cover­ cities in Wisconsin, filed 1:38 p. m. ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain List of Community Ceiling Price Orders Milwaukee Order 8-F, Amendment 1, cov­ cities in Oregon and Washington, filed 1:47 ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Dane p. m. . The following orders under Rev. Gen­ County, Wis., filed 1:50 p. m. Portland Order 5-F, Amendment 15, cover­ eral Order 51 were filed with the Division Milwaukee Order 8-F, Amendment 2, cov­ ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain of the Federal Register April 9,1945. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Dane cities in Oregon and Washington, filed 1:48 Region I County, Wis., filed 1:43 p. m. p. m. Milwaukee Order 9-F, Amendment 1, cov­ Portland Order 6-F, Amendment 14, cover­ Providence Order 1-0, Amendment 2, cov­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering eggs in the state of Rhode Island, filed counties in Wisconsin, filed 1:38 p. m, cities in Oregon and Washington, filed 1:33 1:50 p. m. Milwaukee Order 9-F, Amendment 2, cover­ p. m. Region II Portland Order 6-F, Amendment 15, cover­ ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Williamsport Order 2-F, Amendment 29, counties in Wisconsin, filed 1:43 p. m. cities in Oregon and Washington, filed 1:48 covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ Region V UI p. m. tain counties in Pennsylvania, filed 2:10 p. m. Portland Order 7-F, Amendment 13, cover­ Wilmington Order 4-F, Amendment 26, cov­ Phoenix Order 3-F, Amendment 64, cover­ ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Phoenix cities in Oregon, filed 1:83 p. m. areas in Delaware, filed 2:00 p. m. Area, filed 2:02 p. m. Portland Order 7-F, Amendment 14, cover­ Phoenix. Order 9-W under 2-B, Amendment ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Region IV 7, covering community food prices in the Gila cities in Oregon and Washington, filed 1:48 Montgomery Order 24-F, Amendment 21; Valley Area, filed 2:02 p. m. p. m. covering'fresh fruits and vegetables in Dallas Phoenix Order 10-W under 2-B, Amend­ Portland Order 8-F, Amendment 13, cover­ County, Ala., filed 1:48 p. m. ment 4, covering community food prices in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain the Phoenix-South Central Area, filed 2:01 Region V cities in Oregon, filed 1:33 p. m. p. m. Fort Worth Order 1-C, Amendment 8, cov­ Phoenix Order 11-W under 2-B, Amend­ ering poultry in the Fort Worth, Tex., Area, ment 4, covering community fbod prices in cities in Oregon, filed 1:48 p. m. filed 2:00 p. m. the Tucson Area, filed 2:01 p. m. FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 4003

Phoenix Order 12-W under 2-B, Amend­ Seattle Order 11-F, Amendment 21, cover­ Region II ment 3, covering community food prices in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Olym­ the Cochise Area. flled 2:20 p. m. pia, Wash., Area, filed 1:58 p. m. Altoona Order 20, covering dry groceries . Phoenix Order 13-W under 2-B, Amend­ Seattle Order 12-F, Amendment 19, cover­ in the Altoona Area, filed 10:55 a. m. ment 3, covering community food prices in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Aber- » Camden Order 3-F, Amendment 25, cov­ the Yuma Área, filed 2:02 p. m. deen-Hoquiam, Wash., Area, filed 1:44 p. m. ering frésh fruits and vegetables in certain Phoenix Order 14-W under 2-B, covering Seattle Order 12-F, Amendment 20, cover­ counties in New Jersey, filed 10:53 a. m. community food prices in the Navajo-Apache ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Aber- Camden Order 4-F, Amendment 25, cov­ Area, filed 1:49 p. m. deen-Hoquiam, Wash., Area, filed 1:39 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Phoenix Order 14-W under 2-B, Amend­ Seattle/Order 12-F, Amendment 21, cover­ counties in New Jersey, filed 10:52 a. m. ment 1, covering community food prices in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Aber- Philadelphia Order 6-F, Amendment 20, the Navajó-Apaclíe Area, filed 2:01 p. in, deen-Hoquiam, Wash., Area, filed 1:58 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Phila­ Phoenix Order 14-W under 2-B, Amend­ Seattle Order 13-F, Amendment 21, cover­ delphia, Pennsylvania, filed 10:52 a. m. ment 2, covering community food prices in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Cen- Philadelphia Order 7-F, Amendment 21, the Navajo-Apache Area, filed 2:02 p. m. tralia-Chehalis, Wash., Area, filed 1:39 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ Phoenix Order 15-W under 2-B, Amend­ Seattle Order 13-F, Amendment 22, cover­ tain counties in Pennsylvania, filed 10:52 ment 2, covering community food prices in ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Cen- a. m. the Navajo-Hopi Indian Reservation Area, tralia-Chehalis, Wash., Area, filed 1:58 p. m. Philadelphia Order 8-F, Amendment 20, , filed 2:01 p. m. - Seattle Order 14-F, Amendment 19, cover­ •covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ Phoenix Order 16-W under 2-B, Amend­ ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the We­ tain cities in Pennsylvania, filed 10:52 a. m. ment 1, covering community food prices in natchee, Wash., Area, filed 1:39 p. m. Williamsport Order 2-F, Amendment 30, the Kingman-Mohave Area, filed 2:01 p. m, Seattle Order 14-F, Amendment 20, cover­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in cer­ ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the We­ tain counties in Pennsylvania, filed 10:53 Phoenix Order 17-W under 2-B, Amend­ a. m. ment 1, covering community food prices in natchee, Wash., Area, filed 1:58 p. m. . the Coconino-Yavapai Area, filed 2:01 p. m. Seattle Order 15-F, Amendment 20, cover­ Region III Sacramento Order 1-W, Amendment 6," ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Yakima, Columbus Order 8-F, Amendment 12, cov­ covering community food#prices in the Sacra­ Wash., Area, filed 1:58 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Franklin mento Area, filed 2:03 p. m. Spokane Order 1-0, covering eggs in certain County, Ohio, filed 10:58 a. m. Sacramento Order 2-W, Amendment 6, counties in the state of Washington, filed Columbus Order 8-F, Amencfment 13, cov­ covering community food prices in the Sacra­ 1:49 p. m. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Franklin mento Area, filed 2:03 p. m. Spokane Order W-5, covering dry groceries Coun,ty, Ohio, filed 10:58 a. m. Sacramento Order 23-C under 6-B, cover­ in certain cities in Idaho and the state of Grand Rapids Order 64-F, covering fresh ing poultry in certain areas in the State of Washington, filed 1:51 p. m. fruits and vegetables in certain counties in California, filed 2:03 p. m. Spokane Order 8-F, Amendment 8, covering Michigan, filed 11:02 a. m. . . Sacramento Order 24-C under 6-B, cover­ fresh fruits and vegetables in Spokane Lexington Order 1-C, Amendment 3, cov­ County, Wash,, filed 1:41 p. m. ering poultry in certain counties in Kentucky, ing poultry in certain counties in the State * Spokane Order 8-F, Amendment 9, covering of California, filed 2:02 p. m. , fresh fruits and vegetables in Spokane filed 10:58 a. m. Sacramento Order 29-F, Amendment 3, County, Wash., filed 1:46 p. m. Region IV covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Spokane Order 9-F, Amendment 8, covering areas in California, filed 1:50 p. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Kootenai Atlantg, order 28-C, covering poultry in the Sacramento Order 29-F, Amendment 4, County, Idaho, Area, filed 1:14 p. m. Atlanta Area, filed 11:00 a. m., covering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Spokane Order 9-F, Amendment 9, covering Atlanta Order 29-C, covering poultry in the areas in California, filed 1:50 p. m. fresh fruits and; vegetables in tbe Kootenai Atlanta Area, filed 11:00 a. m. Seattle Order 6-F, Amendment 23, covering County, Idaho, Area, filed 1:46 p. m. Birmingham Order 2-C, Amendment 2, cov­ fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle, and Spokane Order 10-F, Amendmerft 8, cover­ ering poultry in certain counties in Ala­ Bremerton, Wash. Area, filed 1:44 p. m. ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the* Sho­ bama, filed 10:59 a. in. Seattle Order 6-F, Amendment 24, covering shone and Kootenai Counties, Idaho, filed Birmingham Order 1-C, Amendment 2, cov­ fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle, 1:36 p. m. ering poultry in certain counties in Alabama, Tacoma, and Bremerton, Wash. Area, filed Spokane Order 11-F, Amendment 7, cover­ filed 10:59 a. m. 1:48 p. m. - ing fresh fruits and-vegetables in certain Jackson Order 1-C, Amendment 4, cover-, . Seattle Órder 6-F, Amendment 25, covering counties in-Washington and Idaho, filed 1:36 ing poultry in the Jackson, Mississippi Area, fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle and p. hr. filed 11:02 a. m. Bremerton, Wash. Area, filed 1:51 p. m. Spokane Order 12-F, Amendment 8, cover­ Jackson Order 2-C, Amendment 4, cover­ Seattle Order 7-F, Amendment 22, covering ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ing poultry in the Jackson, Mississippi Area, fresh fruits and vegetables in the Tacoma, ‘counties in Idaho and Washington, filed filed 11:02 a: m. Wash., Area, filed 1:45 p. m. 1:36 p. m. Jackson Order 4-F, Amendment 24, cov- Seattle Order 7-F, Amendment 23, covering Spokane Order 12-F, Amendment 9, cover­ v ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle, . ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain counties in Mississippi, filed 10:56 a. m. Tacoma, and Bremerton, Wash., Area, filed • counties in Washington and Idaho, filed Montgomery Order 1-C, Amendment 3, cov­ 1:48 p. m. 1:46 p. m. ering poultry in certain counties in Alabama, Seattle Order 7-F, Amendment 24, covering Spokane Order 13-F, Amendment 9, cover­ filed 11:00 a. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Tacoma, ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Montgomery Order 2-C, Amendment 3, cov­ Wash., Area, filed 1:56 p. m. counties in Washington, filed 1:37 p. m. ering poultry in certain counties in Alabama, Seattle Order 8-F, Amendment 20, covering Spokane Order 13-F, Amendment 10, cov­ filed 11:00 a. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Everett, ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Montgomery Order 20-F, Amendment 18, Wash., Area, filed 1:45 p. m. counties in Washington, filed 1:46 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Mobile Seattle Order 8-F, Amendment 21, covering Spokane Order 14-F, Amendment 9, cover­ County, Ala., filed 10:55 a. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Everett, ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Montgomery Order 21-F, • Amendment 23, Wash., Area, filed 1:57 p. m. . - counties in Washington, filed 1:37 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Mont­ Seattle Order 9-F, Amendment 23, covering Spokane Order 14-F, Amendment 10, cover­ gomery County, Ala., filed 10:54 a. m. fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle and ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Montgomery Order 22-F, Amendment 24, counties in Washington, filed 1:47 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Hous­ Bremerton, Wash., Area, filed 1:44 p. m. ton County, Ala., filed 10:54 a. m. Seattle Order 9-F, Amendment 24, covering x Copies of any of these orders may be Montgomery Order 24r-F, Amendment. 22, fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle, obtained from the OPA Office in the covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Dallas Tacoma, and Bremerton, Wash., Area, filed designate4 city. County, Ala., filed 10:53 a. m. 1:48 p. m. Roan-oke Order 4—W, Amendment 3, cover­ Seattle Order 9-F, Amendment 25, covering Ervin H. P ollack, ing dry groceries in the Roanoke, Va., Area, fresh fruits and vegetables in the Seattle and Secretary. filed 11:01 a. m. Bremerton, Wash., Area, filed 1:57 p. m. [F. R. Doc. 45-5866; Filed, Apr. 12, 1945; Roanoke Order 14, Amendment 1, covering Seattle Order 10-F, Amendment 19, cover­ 11:40 a. m.] community food prices in the Roanoke, Va., ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Bell­ Area, filed 11:01 a. m. Roanoke Order 15, Amendment 1, covering ingham, Wash., Area, filed 1:38 p. m. community food prices in the Roanoke, Va., Seattle Order 10-F, Amendment 20, cover­ Area, filed 11:02 a. m. ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Bell­ List of Community Ceiling P rice Orders ingham, Wash., Area, filed 1:38 p. m. R egion VI Seattle Order 11-F, Amendment 20, coher­ The following orders, under Rev. Gen­ Sioux City Order 2-F, Amendment 63, cover- ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Olym­ eral Order 51 were filed with the Division . Ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain pia, Wash., Area, filed 1:38 p. m. of the Federal Register April 9, 1945. cities in Iowa and Nebraska, filed 10:53 a. m. No. 74——6 4004 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13,, 1945

Region VII Lexington Order 2-C, Amendment 3, cov­ sale pursuant to the competitive bidding Utah Order P-1, Amendment 18, covering ering poultry in certain counties in the requirements of Rule U-50, and has re­ fresh fsuits and vegetables in certain areas State of Kentucky, filed 3:02 p. m. Lexington Order 3—C, Amendment 3, cov­ ceived the following bids; In Utah, filed 10:59 a. m. ering poultry in certain counties in the Copies of any of these orders may be State of Kentucky, filed 3:01 p. m. Price to Cou­ Cost to obtained from the OPA Office in the de­ Louisville Order 1-C, Amendment 3, cov­ Bidder com­ pon com­ ering poultry in certain counties in Ken­ pany rate pany signated city. tucky, filed 2:23 p. m. Ervin H. P ollack, Louisville Order 2-C, Amendment 3, cover­ Percent Secretary. ing poultry in certain counties in Kentucky,' Morgan Stanley & Co...... 100.279 2H 2.7363 filed 2:23 p. m. Qlore, Forgan & Co...... 1 [P. R. Doc. 45-6867; Piled, Apr. J2, 1945; Shields & Company...... -j 100.18 ■ 2% 2. 7412 11:40 a. m.] Louisville Order 27, Amendment 2, covering White, Weld & C o .„ _ ...... dry groceries in certain countiés in Kentucky Halsey Stuart & Co., In c .... 100.17 2'A 2.7417 and Indiana, filed 2:23 p. m. Louisville Order 29, Amendment 2, covering dry groceries in certain counties in Kentucky, The amendment further stating that List op Community Ceiling P rice Orders filed 2:22 p. m. Ohio Edison Company ha§- accepted the The following orders under Rev. Gen­ Louisville Order 31, Amendment 2,-cover­ bid of Morgan Stanley & Co. for said eral Order 51 were filed with the Division ing dry groceries in certain counties in Ken­ First Mortgage Bonds as set out above of the Federal Register April 7, 1945. tucky, filed 2:22 p. m. and that said bonds will be offered for Louisville Order 14-F, Amendment 12, cov­ sale to the public-at a price of 101.00%, Region II ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Daviess resulting in an underwriters’ spread of Altoona Order 2-F, Amendment 14, cover­ and Henderson Counties, Ky., filed 2:22 p. m. .721%; and ing fresh fruits and vegetables in the Al­ Copies of any of these orders may be Ohio Edison Company having further toona, Pa., Area., filed 2:26 p. m. obtained from the OPA Office in the, des­ Buffalo Order 3-F,^Amendment 2, covering amended its declaration to provide that fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities ignated city. such First Mortgage Bonds, due 1975, in New York, filed 2:27 p. m. Ervin H. P ollack, will be redeemable at the scale of re­ Buffalo Order 4-F, Amendment 2, covering Secretary. demption prices set forth in such amend­ fresh fruits and vegetables in certain cities in ment; and New York,'filed 2:27 p. m. * [P. R. Doc. 45-5868; Piled, Apr. 12, 1945; The Commission having examined said Syracuse Order 3-F, Amendment 24, cover­ 11:41a.m.1] amendment’ and having considered the ing fresh fruits and vegetables in certain record herein, and finding no reason for cities in New York, filed 2:26 p. m. Williamsport Order 22, covering dry gro­ imposing terms and conditions with re­ ceries .in certain counties in the State of spect to the price to be paid for said First Pennsylvania, filed 2:59 p. m. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM­ Mortgage Bonds, due 1975, the redemp­ . Williamsport 'Order 23, covering dry gro­ MISSION. tion prices therefor, the interest rate ceries in certain counties in the State of [Pile No. 70-1036] thereon, and the underwriters’ spread: Pennsylvania, filed 2:28 p. m. It is ordered, That the jurisdiction Williamsport Order 25, covering dry gro­ Ohio Edison Co. heretofore reserved over the price to be ceries in certain counties in the State of SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER RELEASING JURISDIC­ paid for said First Mortgage Bonds, the Pennsylvania, filed 2:59 p. m. - - TION AND PERMITTING DECLARATION TO redemption prices therefor, the interest Region III BECOME EFFECTIVE rates thereon, and the underwriters’ Cincinnati Order 4-F, Amendment 12, cov­ At a regular session of the Securities spread, be, and the same hereby is,. Re­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Hamilton and Exchange Commission held at its leased, and said declaration, as further County, Ohio, filed 2:24 p. m. office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on amended, be and the same hereby is per­ ' Cincinnati Order 5-F, Amendment 12, cov­ the 10th day of April A. D. 1945. mitted to become effective, subject, how­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain ever, to the terms and conditions pre­ counties in Ohio, filed 2:24 p. m. Ohio Edison Company, a registered scribed in Rule U-24; and Cincinnati Order 7-F, Amendment 1, cov­ holding company and a public utility ering ftjesh fruits and vegetables ‘ in certain subsidiary of The Commonwealth & It is further ordered, That the juris­ counties in Ohio, filed 2:24 p. m. Southern Corporation, also a registered diction heretofore reserved over all legal Cleveland Order P-1, Amendment 33, cov­ holding company, having filed a declara­ fees arid expenses of all counsel to be ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Cuyahoga tion and amendments thereto pursuant paid in connection with the proposed County, Ohio, filed 2:25 p. m. transactions be continued. Cleveland Order P-3, Amendment 33, cov­ to sections 6 and 7 of the Public Utility ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain Holding Company Act of 1935 regarding By the Commission. counties in Ohio, filed 2:25 p. m. the issue and sale by Ohio Edison -Com­ Cseal] N ellye A. T horsen, Cleveland Order P-4, Amendment 33, cov­ pany, in accordance with the competitive Assistant to the Secretary. ering fresh fruits and vegetables in certain bidding requirements of. Rule U-50, of counties in Ohio, filed 2:24 p. m. $26,089,000 principal amount of First [F. R. Doc. 45-5833; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945; Detroit Order 5-PA, Amendment 7, cov­ Mortgage Bonds,___ % Series of 1945, 2:24 p. m.] ering fresh fruits and vegetables in Wayne and Macomb Counties, Mich., filed 2:23 p. m. due 1975, the interest rate to be deter­ Escanaba Order 20F-3B, Amendment-6, cov­ mined by the results of competitive bid­ ering fresh fruits and vegetables In pertain ding, but not to exceed 3%; and General Securities Corp. counties in Michigan, filed 2:25 p. m. The Commission having by order dated ORDER REVOKING REGISTRATION Grand Rapids Order 17-F, covering fresh March 31, 1945 permitted said declara­ fruits and vegetables in the city of Grand tion, as amended, to become effective At a regular session of the Securities Rapids, Mich., filed 3:01 p. m. subject to the condition, among others,1 and Exchange Commission, held at its Grand Rapids Order 18-F, covering fresh that said issue and sale shall not be con­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on fruits and vegetables in certain cities In Michigan, filed 3:01 p. m.- summated until the results of competi­ the 10th day of April, A. D. 1945. Grand Rapids Order 19-F, covering fresh tive bidding pursuant to Rule U-50 have In the matter of General Securities fruits and vegetables In certain counties In been made a matter of record in this Corporation, American Building, Rich- Michigan, filed 3:00 p. m. proceeding and a further order shall morid, Virginia, Grand Rapids Order 52-F, covering fresh have been entered by the Commission in The Commission having instituted pro­ fruits and vegetables in oertain counties in the light of the record so completed, ceedings under section 15 (b) of the Michigan, filed 3:00 p. m. jurisdiction having been reserved for this Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to deter­ Grand Rapids Order 69-F, covering fresh purpose; and mine whether the registration of Gen­ fruits and vegetables in certain areas in Michigan, filed 3:00 p. m. Ohio Edison Company having on April eral Securities Corporation as a broker- Grand Rapids Order 60-F, covering fresh 10, 1945 filed a further amendment to dealer should be revoked; fruits and vegetables in certain cities in its declaration, as amended, in which it Hearings having been held after ap­ Michigan, filed 3:00 p. m. is stated that, in accordance with the propriate notice, the Commission being Grand Rapids Order 61—P, covering fresh permission granted by the order of the duly advised and having this day issued fruits and vegetables in certain counties in Commission dated March 31,1945, it has its findings and opinion, on the basis of Michigan, filed 2:59 p. m. offered such First Mortgage Bonds for said findings and opinion, FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April IS, 1945 4005 It is ordered, Pursuant to section 15 ican International Corporation, Joy If the Commission approves the pro­ (b) of said act, that the registration of Manufacturing Company and Sullivan posed plan UPU proposes that this Com­ General Securities Corporation be and it- Machinery Company and to any other mission, if later requested by UPU, shall hereby is revoked. persons whose participation in such pro­ apply to a court to enforce and carry out By the Commission, ceeding may be in the public interest or the terms and provisions of the plan with for the protection of investors. respect to the redemption of bonds. [seal] N ell ye A. T horsen, By the Commission. It appearing to the Commission that Assistant to the Secretary. it is appropriate in the public interest [R R. Doc. 45-5834; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945} [seal] N ellye A. T horsen, and in the interest of investors and con­ 2:24 p. m.] Assistant to the Secretary. sumers that a hearing be held in respect [P. R. Doc. 45-5830; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945} to such matters and that said declaration 2:24 p. m.] shall not become effective or said appli­ cation be grantéd except pursuant to fur­ ' [File No. 812-376] ther order of the Commission : It is ordered, That a hearing be held J oy Manufacturing Co., et al. ,, [Pile No. 54-121] upon such matters on April 23rd, 1945 NOTICE OF AND ORDER FOR HEARING U nited Public U tilities Corp. at 10:00 a. m., e. w. t. at the offices of the Securities and Exchange Commission, At a regular session of the Securities NOTTCB OF FILING AND ORDER FOR HEARING 18th and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, and Exchange Commission, held at its At a regular session of the Securities Pennsylvania. On such date the hearing office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on and Exchange Commission held at its room clerk in Room 318 will advise as to the 10th day of April, A. D. 1945. office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on the room where such hearing will be In the matter of Joy Manufacturing the 10th day of April, A. D. 1945. held. All persons desiring to be heard, or Company, The Adams Express Company, Notice is hereby given that an appli­ otherwise wishing to participate in the American International Corporation and cation or declaration has been filed with proceedings, should notify the Commis­ Sullivan Machinery Company, File No. this Commission by United Public Utili­ sion in the manner provided by Rule 812-376. ties Corporation (“UPU”), a registered XVII of the rules of practice on or before Joy Manufacturing Company, Frank­ holding company, pursuant to the ap­ April 21, 1945. lin, Pennsylvania, has filed an applica­ plicable provisions of the Public Utility It is further ordered, That Richard tion pursuant to section 17 (b) of the Holding Company Act of 1935 and the Townsend, or any other officer or officers Investment Company Act of 1940 for an general rules and regulations of this of the Commission designated by it for order exempting from the provisions of Commission promulgated thereunder. that purpose shall preside at such hear­ section 17 (a) of said act transactions All interested parties are referred to ing. The officer so designated to preside for the purchase by Joy Manufacturing • said document which is on file at the at such hearing is hereby authorized to Company of capital stock of Sullivan offices of this. Commission for a state­ exercise all powers granted to the Com­ Machinery Company'from directors, of­ ment of the transactions therein which mission under section 18 (c) of said act ficers and employees of Sullivan Ma­ are summarized as follows: and to a trial examiner under the Com­ chinery Company and.from persons own­ UPU proposes to issue and sell privately mission’s rules of practice. ing directly or indirectly five per cent to a bank a promissory note,'in the prin­ It is further ordered, That without or more of the outstanding voting stock cipal amount of $3,750,000, bearing in­ limiting the scope of this proceeding, of Sullivan Machinery Company at a terest at an average rate not to exceed attention will be directed at the hearing price per share "Which shall be offered by 2i/2% per annum and maturing in five to a consideration of the following mat­ Joy Manufacturing Company to all of the years from the date the note is issued, ters and. questions: stockholders of Sullivan Machinery Com­ which will be on or about June 25, 1945. 1. Whether the proposed transactions pany pursuant to a proposed offer to be Such note will be payable in whole or in are necessary to effectuate the provisions made by Joy Manufacturing Company part at any time prior to maturity at the of section 11 (b) of the act and are fair to all the stockholders of Sullivan option of UPU, without premium, unless and equitable to the persons affected Machinery Company. prepaid with funds borrowed for that thereby; The Adams Express Cofhpany and purpose. The application states that no 2. Whether the promissory note pro­ American International Corporation are fees or commissions will be paid by UPU posed to be issued is reasonably adapted registered investment companies and in obtaining the proposed bank loan. to the earning power and the security may control, Joy Manufacturing Com­ UPU proposes to apply the funds bor­ structure of UPU and the .other com­ pany. Sullivan Machinery Company is rowed together with $50,419 of treasury panies in its holding company system, an affiliated person of the two invest­ cash, $1,356,341 on deposit with UPU’s and is necessary and appropriate to the ment companies' and directors, officers, Indenture Trustee and $500,000 to be re­ economic and efficient operation of the employees and persons owning five per­ ceived from a subsidiary of UPU, Dakota business in which UPU is presently en­ cent or more of the outstanding voting Public Service Company (“Dakota”), in gaged; ; securities of Sullivan Machinery Com­ partial payment of Dakota’s note indebt­ 3. Whether the fees, commissions or pany are affiliated persons of an affiliated edness to UPU, to redeem on July 1, other remuneration to be paid in connec­ person of the investment companies.. 1945 all of UPU’s outstanding bonds tion with the issue and sale of said note It is ordered, Pursuant to section 40 (principal amount of $5,492,000), con­ are reasonable; (a) of the said act that a hearing on the sisting of Series A 6% and Series B 5^% 4. Whether the terms and conditions * aforementioned application be held on Collateral Trust Bonds, due January 1, of the issue of said note are detrimental April 20, 1945, at 10:00 a. m. eastern 1960, at the redemption price of 103%. to the public interest or to the interest war time in .Room 318, Securities and The amount of $1,356,341 on deposit with of investors or consumers; Exchange Commission Building, 18th UPU’s Indenture Trustee includes $51,- 5. Whether the payment by Dakota and Locust Streets, Philadelphia 3, 810 deposited pursuant to J;he indenture of a portion of its note indebtedness to Pennsylvania; and sinking fund provisions and $1,304,531 UPU is exempt from the requirements It is further ordered, That Willis E. which represents the proceeds of the sale of section 12 (c) of the act pursuant Monty or any other officer or officers of 0 of UPU’s investment in its subsidiaries, to Rule U-42 (b) (2), and if not, whether the Commission designated by it for that Fort Smith Gas Company and Southern the transaction meets with the appli­ purpose shall preside at such hearing. Gas Producing Company. The use of the cable requirements of section 12 (c) ; The officer so designated is hereby au­ proceeds of such sale as now proposed 6. Generally, whether the proposed thorized to exercise all the powers has heretofore been approved by the transactions comply with the applicable granted to th^,Commission under sec­ Commission (United Public Utilities Cor­ tions 41 and 42 (b) of. the Investment poration, Holding Company Act Release provisions of the act and the rules, regu­ Company Act of 1940. and to trial ex­ No. 5572). lations and orders promulgated there­ aminers under the Commission’s rules The applicant-declarant has desig­ under; of practice. nated sections 6 (a), 7,11 (b), 11 (e) and 7. What terms and conditions, if any, Notice of such hearing is hereby given 12 (c) and Rules U-42 and U-50 as being with respect to the proposed transac­ to The Adams Express Company, Amer­ applicable to the proposed transactions. tions should be prescribed in the public 4006 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 interest or for the protection of invest­ plant now under construction. It is es­ that purpose shall preside at such hear­ ors or consumers. timated that approximately $219,306 of ing. The officer so designated to preside It is further ordered, That the Secre­ the proceeds will be available for such at such hearing is hereby authorized to tary of the Commission shall serve notice additions. exercise all powers granted to the Com­ of the hearing aforesaid by mailing a Southern Utah also proposes to in­ mission under section 18 (c) of the^ act copy of this order by registered mail to crease the stated value of its outstanding and to a trial examiner under the Com­ Provident Trust Company of Philadel­ shares of no par value $5 preferred stock mission’s rules of practice. phia, trustee under the trust indenture. from $50 per share to the liquidating It is further ordered, That the Secre­ United Public Utilities Corporation and value of $100 per share with a Resulting tary of this Commission shall sérve no­ Dakota Public Service Company; and charge of $17,675 to earned surplus. tice of the aforesaid hearing by mailing that notice shall be given to all other In connection with Southern Utah’s a copy of this order by registered mail persons by general release of this Com­ proposed refinancing Washington pro­ to the Trustees of Washington, Southern mission, which shall be distributed to poses to make a capital contribution to Utah Power Company, the Public Service the press and mailed to the mailing list Southern Utah of 2,656%-* shares of Commission of the State of Utah and the for releases issued under the Public Southern Utah’s common stock having Federal Power Commission, and that no­ Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, an aggregate par value of $265,650* tice of said hearing be given to all other and by publication of this order in the Southern Utah proposes thereupon to persons by publication of this order ’in F ederal R egister. cancel such shares and reduce the aggre­ the F ederal R egister. gate par value of its outstanding common It is further ordered, That, without [seal] Nell ye A. T horsen, stock from $740,650 to $475,000, thereby limiting the scope of the issues presented Assistant to the Secretary. creating a capital surplus of $265,650. by said declaration, particular attention [F. R. Dot. 45-5832; Filed, Apr. 11', 1945; The declaration indicates that Southern will be directed at said hearing to the 2:24 p. m.] Utah will utilize a substantial portion of following mattprs and questions: such newly created capital surplus in (1) Whether the proposed issue of order to eliminate the earned surplus mortgage bonds is reasonably adapted [File No. 70-1051] deficit resulting from certain accounting to the earning power and security struc­ adjustments to be made by the company, ture of; Southern Utah and is necessary W ashington Gas and Electric Co., and including the adjustments involved in and appropriate to the economical and Southern U tah P ower Co. the elimination of $54,000 from the com­ efficient operation of the business in NOTICE OP PILING AND ORDER FOR HEARING pany’s plant account and the increase of which Southern Utah is engaged. At a regular session of the Securities its depreciation reserve by the amount (2) Whether the terms and conditions and Exchange Commission, held at its of $180,650, in accordance with an order of the issue or sale of said mortgage office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on of the Public .Service Commission of the bonds are detrimental to the public in­ the 10th day of April A. D. 1945. State of Utah. terest or the interest of investors or con­ In the Matter of Nathan A. Smyth and . The declaration also states that in sumers. Leo Loeb, as trustees in reorganization connection with the presently proposed (3) Whether the proposed contribu­ Under Chapter X of the Bankruptcy Act transactions Washington has delivered tion to Southern Utah of its common of Washington Gas and Electric Co., to Southern Utah a waiver.of all arrears stock by Washington and the waiver of debtor; Southern Utah Power Company, of dividends, accrued to December 31, dividend arrears on the preferred stock File No. 70-1051. 1944, on Southern Utah’s 3,000 shares of of Southern Utah by Washington meet Notice is hereby given that Nathan A. Prior Preferred and 41 shares of $5 pre­ the applicable requirements of sections Smyth and Leo Loeb, Trustees in Re­ ferred stocks owned by Washington, 12 (b) and 12 (c) and axe otherwise in organization under Chapter X of |he amounting to approximately $111,000 compliance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Act of Washington Gas and thereby reducing the dividend arrears act. Electric Company, Debtor (“Washing­ on such preferred stocks to a maximum (4) Whether the fees, commissions or ton”), such Trustees being a registered amount of $6,641 representing arrearages other remuneration paid or to be paid, holding company, and Southern Utah applicable to the 312% shares of directly or indirectly, in connection with Power Company (“Southern Utah”), a Southern Utah’s $5 preferred stock 'the proposed transactions, are for neces­ public-utility subsidiary of Washington, owned by the public. sary services and are reasonable in have filed a declaration and amendments It appearing ,to the Commission that it amount. thereto with this Commission pursuant is appropriate in the public interest and (5) Whether the proposed redemption to the applicable provisions of the Public in the interest of investors and con­ by Southern Utah of its debentures Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and sumers that a hearing be held with re­ owned by Washington meets with the ap­ the general rules and regulations promul­ spect to said matters and that said plicable requirements of sections 12 (c) gated thereunder, with respect to cer­ declaration shall not be permitted to be­ and 12 -(f) an100.317Q 2.7345 sion, 18th and Locust Streets, Philadel­ holding company which in turn is a sub­ Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, 2% phia, Pennsylvania. On that date the sidiary of Northern New England Com­ White, Weld & Co...... }l00. 3100 hearing room clerk in Room 318 will ad­ pany, also a registered holding company, Shields & Co...... ^ ______■" 2H 2.7349 vise as to the room where the hearing and Vermont Utilities, Inc., a subsidiary will be held. At the hearing, cause shall of the aforementioned Central Vermont and further stating it has accepted the be shown why said declaration should be Public Service Corporation, having filed bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. as set permitted to become effective. applications and declarations pursuant forth above and that the initial public It is further ordered, That Henry C. to the Public Utility Holding Company offering price is to be 101.50% of the Lank, or any other officer or officers of Act of 1935 and the general rules and principal amount resulting in an under­ the Commission designated by it for that regulations of this Commission promul­ writer’s spread of .7287% and resulting purpose, shall preside at the hearing. gated thereunder regarding the proposed in an aggregate initial offering price of The officer so designated to preside at the issue and sale to an underwriter or un­ $7,071,565, an aggregate underwriter’s hearing is hereby authorized to exercise derwriters by Central Vermont Public. spread of $50,769 and aggregate proceeds all powers granted to the Commission un­ Service Corporation of 40,000 shares of to the company of $7,020,736; der section 18 (c) of the act and to a its common stock and the proposed issue Said amendment further stating that trial examiner under the Commission’s and sale by Central Vermont Public Serv­ the First Mortgage Bonds, Series D, will rules of practice. ice Corporation of $6-967,000 principal be redeemable at the scale of redemption It is further ordered, That, without amount of its First Mortgage Bonds, prices set forth in said amendment; ' limiting the scope of the, issues presented Series D, to be dated February 1, 1945 Central Vermont Public Service Corpo­ by said declaration, particular attention and to be due February 1,1975, pursuant ration having filed a further amendment will be directed at the hearing to the to the competitive bidding requirements with respect to' the issuance and sale of following matters and questions: of paragraphs (b) and (c) of Rule U-50, 40,000 shares of its common stock, stat­ (1) Whether the proposed transac­ and regarding transactions incidental to ing that pursuant to a limited inyitation tions are detrimental to the public in­ the proposed merger of Vermont Utili­ to underwriters bids were received as terest or to the interests of investors ties, Inc. into Central Vermont Public follows: ^Service Corporation; or consumers, or will result in an unfair Common Stock, No Pail- Value 40,000 S hares The Commission having on April 2, or inequitable distribution of voting 1945 issued its order granting the appli­ — Price to power among holders of the securities of Representatives' of bidding caynpany cation for exemption from the provisions groups: “ (per share). New York Power and Light Corporation. of section 6 (a) of the act pursuant to Coffin & Burr, Inc______$18. 93 (2) What terms or conditions, if any, section 6 (b) of the issue and sale of the W. C. Langley & Co.; Glore, Porgan are necessary or appropriate in the pub­ First Mortgage Bonds, Series D, and the & Co.; Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fen­ lic interest or the interests of investors common stock of Central Vermont Public ner & Beane______18.77 or consumers to ensure compliance with Blyth & Co., Inc______18. 63' Service Corporation subject to the condi­ Lee Higginson Corporation______18. 52 the requirements of the act or of any tions, among others, that the proposed Harriman Ripley & Co., Inc.; Kid­ rules, regulations or orders promulgated issuance and sale of the First Mortgage der, Peabody & Co______18.41 thereunder. Bonds, Series D, not be consummated Otis & Co______17. 75 4008 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 and further stating that it has accepted UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES’ COM- make investigations and to secure neces­ the bid of Coffin & Burr,'Inc., as set forth PENSATION COMMISSION. sary supplementary information in con­ above and that the initial offering price [Administrative Order 1] nection., with cases or claims; (3) to ob­ to the public is to be $20.25 per share re­ tain medical examinations; (4) to ar­ sulting in an underwriter’s spread bf Authorization of Local Payments of range for medical, surgical, and hospital $1.32 per share or 6.97% of the price to B enefits in Southwest P acific Area the company and resulting in an aggre­ services and supplies in the treatment gate initial offering price of $810,000, an By virtue of the authority vested in and care of employees in disability cases; aggregate underwriter’s spread of $52,- the United States Employees’ Compen­ (5) to examine and adjudicate claims for 800 and aggregate proceeds to the com­ sation Commission by the Employees’ compensation in injury cases, including pany of $757,200; Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, making of findings of fact and award; The amended proposals having been as amended (sec. 42, 56 Stat. 725; 5 (6) to prepare vouchers for local dis­ approved by the State Commission of the U.S.C. 793) , Foreign Claims Commission bursement of benefits and local payment state in which Central Vermont Public No. 31 of the War Department (including qf medical and other expenses; (7) to Service Corporation is organized and do­ such coordinate Claims Commissions as may be designated by the United States review cases for readjustment of com­ ing business and by the State Commis­ pensation. sion of the other state in which the com­ Employees’ Compensation Commission or by its Deputy Commissioner in the As used herein the phrases “to make pany is also doing business; initial payments of compensation” and This Commission having examined the Southwest Pacific area, pursuant to the amendments and having examined the recommendation of the Chief of Claims, “to furnish other benefits initially” record herein and finding no basis for U. S. Army Forces in the Far East) is means the payment of compensation in imposing terms and conditions with re­ authorized to process claims, to make cases <5f injury, and the furnishing of spect to the price to be paid to the com­ initial payments of compensation, and to any other benefits provided for by such pany and the underwriter’s compensa­ furnish other benefits initially, as pro­ Act, except compensation for death, for tion; vided by such act of September 7, 1916, a period not to exceed 180 days. It is ordered, That said application, as as amended, and pursuant to the regula­ The action of the Foreign Claims Cdm-""' amended, for exemption from the provi*- tions of the Commission promulgated missions in any case, and the payments sions of section 6 (a) of the act pursuant thereunder (20 CFR, chap. I, Subchapter made under this authority, are subject to to section 6 (b) of the issue and sale of A) and such supplementary instructions final review by the United States Em­ the First Mortgage Bonds, Series D,.and as may from time to time be issued by ployees’ Compensation Commission or its the common stock of Central Vermont Deputy Commissioner in the area to Public Service Corporation be and hereby the Commission, in cases of civilian em­ is granted, subject to the terms and con-; ployees of the United States who are in­ which this order is applicable, and to ditions prescribed in Rule U-24 and sub­ jured while in the performance of their readjustment if found necessary. ject also to conditions 3 and 4 of our duties for the United States in employ­ Order approved by the Commission order of April 2, 1945 in this matter. ment in Australia and in the Southwest March 5, 1943, as amended October 20, By the Commission. Pacific area. 1944, and April 5, 1945. As used herein the phrase “to process [ seal] Nell ye A. Thorsen, claims’! means (1) to receive, assemble, William M cCauley, Assistant to the Secretary. and file reports of injury, medical re­ Secretary. [P. R. Doc. 45-5880; Piled, Apr. 12, 1945; ports, reports of investigation, and other [F. R. Doc. 45-5829; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945; 11:50 a. m.] papers relating to cases of injury; (2) to 2:23 p. m.}-

