\ 1934 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 74 Washington, Friday, April 13, 1945 Regulations TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE ^ CONTENTS Chapter XI—War Food Administration REGULATIONS and n o t ic e s (Distribution Orders) TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Customs B ureau: Page Chapter IX—War Food Administration [WFO 42b-2] Customs warehouses and con­ (Marketing Agreements and Orders) trol of merchandise there­ P art 1460—F ats and Oils in; bonded smelters____ _ 3965 P art 969—M ilk in the Suburban Chicago, REPORTS ON SOAP PRODUCTION F ederal P ower Com m ission: I llinois, M arketing Area Pursuant to the authority vested in me Leominster Electric Light & ORDER SUSPENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS • by War Food Order No. 42b, as amended Power Co., et al; notice of application_____________ 3987 Pursuant to the applicable provisions (9 FR. 12080, 13619, 10 F.R. 1315), and of Public Act No. 10, 73rd Congress, as to effectuate tlie purpose thereof, it is F ederal T rade Commission: hereby ordered as follows : Rudd Mfg. Co.; cease and desist amended, and as reenacted and amended order____ _______________ 3964 by the Agricultural Marketing Agree­ § 1460.40 Reports on soap produc­ I nterior D epartment: ment Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. tion—(a) Definitions. The terms used Solid Fuels Administrator for 601 et seq.), hereinafter referred to as herein shall have the meanings set forth War, exercise of powers and the '‘act,” and of the order regulating for such terms in War Food Order No. delegation of authority to the handling of milk in the Suburban 42b,supra. Deputy___ _________ 3983 Chicago, Illinois, marketing area, it is (b) Reports. Every person who, dur­ Lindsay Coàl Mining Co., et al; hereby determined that the provisions of ing the calendar years 1940,1941 or 1944, possession by Secretary of such order which provide seasonal mini­ manufactured soap of the types herein­ mum prices on Grade A and Grade B Interior_______________ 3983 after listed and who used more than I nterstate Com m erce Co m m issio n : Class I milk during May and June 1945 1,000,000 pounds of fats and oils in the arë provisions which obstruct and do not Garbanzos, movement from tend to effectuate the declared policy of manufacture of soap of all types in any Houston to Galveston, Tex_ 3988 the act with respect to producers of milk one of such calendar years, shall prop­ Inventories of material and sup­ under such order. erly fill out and mail to the Chief, Fats plies: It is, therefore, ordered, That the fol­ and Oils Branch, Office of Marketing Passenger carriers________ 3983 lowing provisions of the order regulating Services, War Food Administration, Property carriers__________ 3983 the handling of milk in the Suburban Washington 25, .D. C., the following Labor D epartm ent: Chicago, Illinois, marketing area be sus­ forms, copies of which may be obtained Texas crippled children’s pro­ pended during 1945: by request addressed to the Fats and Oils gram; hearing__________ 3987 N avy D epartment: 1. In § 969.5 (a) (1) (i), relating to Branch: Naval retiring review board; Grade A Class I milk, as follows : regulations prescribed____ 3981 Type of soap manufactured To be mailed O ffice of D efenseT ransportation : Provided, That beginning in 1945 the during 1940,1941 or 1944 Form No. on or before Common carriers, coordinated price for such Class I milk for the de­ operations: livery periods of May and June of each Yellow laundry bar soap___ 42b.2-l May 1,1945. year shall be the price determined pur­ Bulk package soap flakes or Binghamton, N.Y ________ 3992 powdered soap other than Connecticut, Massachusetts, suant to (b) of this section, plus 50 cents. washing powder_________ 42b.2-2 May 1, 1945. New Jersey, New York 2. Iri § 969.5 (a) (1) (ii), relating to and Pennsylvania.,_____ 3988 Grade B Class I milk, as follows: (c) Effective date. This order shall Flint, Holly xand Fenton, become effective at 12:01 a. m., e. w. t., Mich___________ 3991 Provided, That beginning in 1945 the April 12, 1945. Michigan_____________ ____ 3990 price for such Class I milk for the periods New Hampshire___ ¡_______ 3989 of May and June of each year shall be Note : This reporting requirement has been approved by the Bureau of the Budget in South Carolina________ 1_ 3989 the price determined pursuant to (b) of accordance with ,the Federal Reports Act of Vicksburg, Miss___________ 3990 this section, plus 40 cents. 1942. O ffice of P rice Administration: (E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. Adjustments and pricing orders: 5423) 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. 5423; E.O. 9392, American Castle Co________ 3996 8 F.R. 14783; WFO No. 42b, 9 F.R. 12080) Bruce,' E. L., Co___________ 3994 Done at Washington, D. C., this 11th • Busick, William E______ :__ 3997 day of April 1945. Issued this 10th day of April 1945. Han-D-Rols Co_____________ 3996 Ashley Sellers, C. W . K itchen, Hopson, J. W____________ 3997 Assistant War Food Administrator. ■Director of Marketing Services. Lancaster Coal Co______ 3998 [P. R. Doc. 45-5843; Piled, Apr. 12, 1945; [P. R. Doc. 45-5827; Piled, Apr. 11, 1945; Liberty Hardware Mfg. Co__ 3999 11:08 a. m.] 12:07 p. m.] (Continued on next page) ; 3963 3964 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 13, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued TITLE 16—COMMERCIAL PRACTICES Chapter I—Federal Trade Commission O ffice of P rice Administration— Continued. Pa£e [Docket No. 5047] federmM register Fuel oil, gasoline and liquefied 1934 petroleum gas (MPR 88, P art 3—D igest of Cease and D esist Am, 24)------------------------ 3979 . O rdèrs ___ - Grains, certain, general pricing RUDD MANUFACTURING CO. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, provisions (FPR 2, Am. 5) — 3980 § 3.66 (a7) Misbranding or mislabel­ and days following legal holidays, by the Hawaii, general posting require­ ing.—Composition—Wool Products La­ Division of the Federal Register, the National ments (RMPR 165, Supp. Archives, pursuant to the authority contained beling Act: §3.71 (a) Neglecting, un­ Serv. Reg. 52) __— --------- 3980 fairly or deceptively, to make material In the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Lime, building, chemical and in­ 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., disclosure—Composition—Wool Products cli. 8B), under regulations, prescribed by the dustrial (MPR 188, Am. 74 Labeling A ct—Iii connection with the Administrative Committee, approved by the to Order A -l)____ ;-------- 3998 introduction or manufacture for intro­ President. Distribution is made only by the Panama hat bodiesimported « duction into (Jommerce or the sale, trans­ Superintendent of Documents, Government from Ecuador (MIPR, Rev. portation, or distribution of such prod­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Order 56)__ 3999 The regulatory material appearing herein is Regional and district office or­ ucts in commerce, misbranding men’s keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ders; community ceiling and boys’ pants, wearing apparel, or which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant prices, lists of orders filed ^ other “wool products” as defined in and to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as (5 documents) ___________ 4001, subject to the Wool Products Labeling amended June 19, 1937. 4002,4003,4004 Act of 1939, which contain, purport to The F ederal Register will be furnished by contain, or in any way are represented mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Tires and tubes, new; wholesale as containing “wool”, “reprocessed wool”, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ prices (RMPR 143, Àm. 6) _ 3979 or “reused wool” as therein defined, by vance. The charge for individual copies S ecurities and Exchange Commis­ failing to affix securely to or place on (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the sio n : size of the issue. Remit check or money such products a stamp, tag, label, or order, made payable to the Superintendent Hearings, etc.: other means of identification showing in of Documents, • directly to the Government Central Vermont Public Serv-. a clear and conspicuous manner, (a) the Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. ’ ice Corp. and Vermont percentage of the total fiber weight of %There are no restrictions on the republica­ Utilities, Inc---------- :----- 4007 such wool product, exclusive of orna­ tion of material appearing in the F ederal General Securities Corp— _ 4004 mentation not exceeding 5 per centum of R egister. Joy Mfg. Co., et al— ------- - 4005 said total fiber weight, of (1) wool, (2) New York Power & Light reprocessed wool, (3) reused wool, (4) Corp____________ ____ 4007 each fiber other than wool where said NOTICE Ohio Edison Co,— — ------ 4004 percentage by weight of such fiber is 5 United Public Utilities Corp_ 4005 per centum or more, and (5) the aggre­ The 1943 Supplement to the Code Washington Gas & Electric Co. and Southern Utah gate of all other fibers; (b) the maximum of Federal Regulations, covering Power Co_______ I'------- 4006 percentage of the total weight of such the period June 2,1943, through De­ wool product of any non-fibrous loading, Forms; adoption for registra­ filling, or adulterating matter; (c) ,the cember 31, 1943, may be obtained tion of shares of explora­ ñame of the manufacturer of such wool from the Superintendent of Docu­ tory mining corporations— 3965 product; or the manufacturer’s regis­ ments, Government Printing Office, U nited S tates E m ployees’ Co m ­ tered identification number and the at $3.00 per book. pensation Commission : name of a seller of such wool product; Authorization of local payments or the name of one or more persons in­ Book Is Titles 1-31, including Presi­ of benefits in Southwest troducing such wool product into com­ dential documents in full text.
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