
Nation building -

For: Client name

October 2011 CONTENTS

How to read tables 5

Results 7 Background ...... 8 What is your citizenship? ...... 9 Witch passports do you hold? If you have more than one please name all of them ...... 10 Have you been born in Montenegro? ...... 11 For how many years have you been living in this country? ...... 12 Where did you move from? If you were changing more country of residence please indicate the last one before moving to Montenegro? ...... 13 What is your mother-tongue / native language ...... 14 What is your nationality (ethnicity)? ...... 15 On average, how many days per one year do you spend abroad (outside of the region)? ...... 16 General -exit, loyalty, voice ...... 17 Which country do you regard as your patria? ...... 18 How would you describe this country as a place to live? Would you say that Montenegro is? ...... 19 If the material conditions were good, would you like to live here for the rest of your life? ...... 20 If you were given a chance, would you migrate to another country? ...... 21 For what reasons? ...... 22 Are you proud to be a citizen of this country? ...... 23 Do you like the official flag of Montenegro? ...... 24 Do you like the national anthem of Montenegro? ...... 25 Do you stand up when Montenegro’s national anthem is played on special occasions ...... 26 Which state holiday do you regard as the most important in our country? ...... 27 Do you celebrate 21st May as a national holiday in Montenegro? ...... 28 To what extent do you agree with the following statements? ...... 29 To what extent do you agree with the following statements? – agree ( 4 + 5 ) ...... 30 To what extent do you agree with the following statements? – disagree ( 1 + 2 ) ...... 31 Who is Montenegro’s greatest foreign policy ally? ...... 32 To what extent do the social and economic inbalances in Montenegro have ...... 33 Ethnic bases - Do you think that the social and economic disbalances in Montenegro have...... 34 Religious bases - Do you think that the social and economic disbalances in Montenegro have...... 35 Do you think that European Integration is a good thing for Montenegro? ...... 36 If yes, who should be blamed THE MOST for the fact that our country is not an EU member? ...... 37 Do you support Montenegro`s NATO accession? ...... 38 To what extent do you agree with the following statements about ICTY? ...... 39 To what extent do you agree with the following statements about ICTY? – agree ( 4 + 5 ) ...... 40 To what extent do you agree with the following statements about ICTY? – disagree ( 1 + 2 ) ...... 41 Do you think that Montenegro did the right thing to apologise for war crimes in Croatia? ...... 42 Religion ...... 43 What is your religious denomination? ...... 44 How often do you attend religious services? ...... 45 Who do you feel you have more in common with...... 46 Do you think the authorities treat the religious communities in the country equally? ...... 47 Which religious community should be recognised as the official one in Montenegro? ...... 48 Can a Montenegrin be a Muslim by confession? ...... 49 Do you think that church / religious institutions and state in Montenegro should be? ...... 50 Do you agree with the decision to demolish the chapel on Mount Rumija? ...... 51 Do you agree for criminal complaint against Metropolitan Amfilohije for hate speech? ...... 52 Ethnicity ...... 53 Which identity is more important to you: your ethnic identity or your identity as a citizen of this country ...... 54 Are you or any of your parents/children married (or were married) to a person of another ethnic background than your own? ...... 55 Who do you feel you have more in common with...... 56 Do you think that Montenegrins are essentially Serbs? ...... 57 Do you think that Montenegrin language is different from Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian? ...... 58 Are you in favour of the introduction of additional letters to Montenegrin alphabet? ...... 59 Which language do you declare that you speak in census and official documentation? ...... 60 Do you think the authorities treat the ethnic communities in Montenegro equally? ...... 61 According to your opinion, who if any should have special rights in this country? Do you think that ...... 62 How do you evaluate interethnic relations in Montenegro. Do you think they are...... 63 And how do you compare current interethnic relations in Montenegro compared to ten years ago. Are they now...... 64 Do you see Montenegro as an example of a multiethnic and multicultural country? ...... 65 History ...... 66 Do you think that the STATE AUTHORITIES of Montenegro present THE history OF THIS COUNTRY in a correct way? ...... 67 What should be the main focus of the history textbooks in the schools in this country ...... 68 Montenegrin nation is one of the oldest ones in the Balkans ...... 69 What distinguishes Montenegro from other countries in the region is that it had an independent state for 5 centuries before entering Yugoslavia ...... 70 Was Montenegro ever conquered by the Ottoman Empire? ...... 71 Do you think that FOR Montenegro the legacy of the Ottoman empire is ...... 72 Do you think that Montenegro was annexed illegally by in 1918? ...... 73 Which is historical event is related to our statehood day? ...... 74 WHICH PERSON (PAST OF PRESENT) do you regard as the best representative of THE values OF THE PEOPLE OF Montenegro? ...... 75 WHICH PERSON (PAST OF PRESENT) do you regard as the best representative of THE values OF THE PEOPLE OF Montenegro? - ...... 76 Have you ever felt you were a Yugoslav? ...... 77 Do you regret the dissolution of SFRY? ...... 78 For what reasons? ...... 79 What is your opinion about renaming streets WITH YUGOSLAV NAMES? ...... 80 Geographical imagination ...... 81 How would you primerily regard this country? ...... 82 Albania - Would you primerily regard this country ...... 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Would you primerily regard this country ...... 84 Croatia - Would you primerily regard this country ...... 85 Kosovo - Would you primerily regard this country ...... 86 Serbia - Would you primerily regard this country ...... 87 How strongly do you identify with each of these? ...... 88 How strongly do you identify with each of these? – strongly ( 1 + 2 ) ...... 89 How strongly do you identify with each of these? – a little ( 4 + 5 ) ...... 90 Demographics ...... 91 Gender ...... 92 Age ...... 93 Education - last FINISHED school ...... 94 Education ...... 95 Current occupation ...... 96 Current occupation ...... 97 Total number of household members ...... 98 Total HOUSEHOLD income in previous month ...... 99 HH income per HH member ...... 100 Which political party do you support? ...... 101 Which political party do you support? ...... 102 Ethnicity ...... 103


• Title explains the variable whose relative frequencies are given in the table.

• Total in the first column shows percentages for each category of the Education-the last finished school: tabulated. • Each next column represents percentages of the given variable within some subpopulation. Total Gender Type • Row marked with N denotes size of the base, i.e., the size of (sub) sample on

which the percentages are calculated.

• Row marked with sig, represents significance of Hi-square statistics of the

Male Female Urban Other observed variable and variable from columns, if hi-square is significant, significance is written in white letters. N 1198 599 599 704 494 sig 0.00 0.00 • The last row in the table 100% indicates that all values in columns are added up to 100, that is, that column percentages are given. No formal education 01.8 02 02 01 02

1 to 7 grades of primary school 05.1 04 06 03 08 Above average Average Below average

Primary school (completed, 8 grades) 19.4 17 22 14 27 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.01 One-two year vocational school 01.3 01 02 01 01 Cells of the table are colored in blue, or red, if values they contain are Three year vocational school 11.8 15 09 10 14 considerably above or below the average. Three shades of blue or red color are used for three degrees of significance, the lightest shades for deviations Four year vocational school 40.4 41 39 44 35 significant on the level 0.10, medium shades for the level 0.05 and the darkest High school 04.6 04 06 06 03 shades of blue and red for the level 0.01.

College, first degree of university 06.3 08 05 07 05 Example of interpretation of data from the above table (structure of education):

Faculty, academy 08.8 08 10 12 04 • Significance of hi-square (significance of both hi-squares of statistics is lesser than 0.01) tells us that distribution of education by gender/ type of settlement Master's degree 00.3 00 00 01 differs significantly. Doctorate 00.2 00 00 00 • Glimpse at the cells of the table shows that there are significantly more males Total 100% with three year vocational school on the level of significance 0.05 (total number of respondents in the sample with this type of education is 11.8%, and among males 15%). Similarly, there are significantly less females with

this type of education (on the level 0.05) 9%. • There are significantly more respondents with faculty, academy (level 0.01) in urban settlements compared to entire population (12%), and significantly less in other types of settlements (the same level of significance 0.01) that is, 4%.

Please assess general situation in the country on the scale 1 to 5

Total Gender • If tabulated variables represent the respondent's assessment on some scale 3 more rows are added.

• Row marked with Sum - represents the sum of percentages on negative.

• Row marked with Sum + represents the sum of percentages on positive grades.

Male Female • Rows below grades contain other non-specific answers of the respondents. N 1013 500 513 • Row marked with Mean represents arithmetic mean of the given grades. sig 0.13 Grade 1 23.1 23 23

Grade 2 35.3 37 34

Sum - 58.4 59 57 Grade 3 35.1 35 36 Which brands do you know? Sum + 04.9 05 04 Total Type • In case of multiple response (the respondent can give several valid Grade 4 03.9 04 04

answers, modalities) data in cells represent a percentage of (sub)

Grade 5 01.0 01 01 er population which mentions, that is, answers positively to given modality. Urban Oth

Refusal 00.5 01 00 N 502 302 200 • Please note that row 100% is missing – that is because Doesn’t know 01.0 00 02 percentages do not add up to 100%. Brand C 97.8 98 98 Total 100% Brand A 93.2 95 91 Mean 2.23 2.24 2.23 Brand D 39.1 41 36

Brand B 22.3 26 17 Brand E 22.1 19 27 Other 20.9 26 14 I don't know any 00.2 00

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.


Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.


Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What is your citizenship? Multiple answers; Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

9 eur 250

- 2 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Montenegrian 91.2 90 92 90 90 90 95 91 91 92 88 95 92 94 93 93 89 89 99 78 96 87 92 89 92 90 89 94 Serbian 09.3 09 09 09 10 11 06 12 08 09 12 05 11 08 08 10 11 10 02 24 04 03 09 10 09 09 11 06 Croatian 01.0 01 01 01 01 02 02 01 01 01 02 00 01 03 00 01 01 03 01 04 00 01 01 Bosnian 00.8 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 01 02 00 01 01 00 Albanian 00.7 00 01 00 02 03 00 00 02 00 01 02 09 03 02 Macedonian 00.3 00 00 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 03 01 00 00 01 Kosovo 00.3 01 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 03 00 01 00 Other 00.5 00 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 01 DK-Ref 00.5 01 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 00 01 00

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Witch passports do you hold? If you have more than one please name all of them Multiple answers; Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eu 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Montenegrin 71.1 74 68 79 76 67 61 64 70 82 74 78 82 61 68 70 74 75 78 52 86 76 67 67 75 77 69 74 Serbian 05.9 06 06 07 07 07 02 05 06 07 08 04 07 03 05 05 09 07 01 16 02 01 06 08 05 06 07 04 Croatian 00.8 01 01 01 01 02 02 01 01 01 02 01 02 00 01 01 03 01 03 00 01 01 Bosnian 00.7 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 01 02 00 00 01 00 Macedonian 00.3 00 00 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 03 01 00 01 Kosovo 00.2 00 01 01 00 01 03 01 00 Albanian 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 Other 00.5 00 01 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 01 DK-Ref 05.6 05 06 05 04 04 11 05 06 06 05 04 06 07 05 06 06 05 05 09 03 01 09 02 08 01 07 03 No passport 16.3 14 18 08 12 22 23 24 17 06 11 15 08 27 21 18 09 13 15 23 09 11 18 18 13 16 16 18

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Have you been born in Montenegro? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

or or

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.21 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 Yes 88.8 90 88 93 90 86 86 85 90 89 88 97 95 84 91 91 86 84 96 81 88 74 90 81 95 85 88 91 No 11.2 10 12 07 10 14 14 15 10 11 12 03 05 16 09 09 14 16 04 19 12 26 10 19 05 15 12 09 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

For how many years have you been living in this country? Base: those who were not born in Montenegro (11% of target population) Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- er 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Oth Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 171 77 94 24 43 65 39 55 84 32 83 8 7 73 46 41 43 41 28 87 25 31 51 50 19 50 119 52 sig 0.81 0.17 0.92 1.00 0.91 0.43 0.02 1.00 1 year or less 00.4 01 03 01 01 02 01 01 01 2 years 01.3 03 03 02 01 03 03 01 01 02 03 02 07 01 01 3 years 02.6 04 01 13 03 06 02 05 10 14 09 04 4 years 02.4 01 03 17 06 01 01 04 07 02 13 08 01 06 5 years 11.2 06 16 11 14 10 12 17 05 18 11 15 11 11 04 18 07 17 02 14 11 13 04 13 15 15 11 12 11-20 years 30.6 31 30 41 44 30 11 22 37 27 35 60 70 19 26 14 42 40 12 43 20 21 15 46 09 40 32 27 21 years or more 49.5 52 47 04 35 59 77 50 47 55 43 25 08 63 58 64 37 40 83 37 69 38 80 17 66 44 48 52 DK-Ref 02.2 02 02 09 02 01 04 02 11 02 03 02 03 02 03 01 05 03 02 02 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Where did you move from? If you were changing more country of residence please indicate the last one before moving to Montenegro? Base: those who were not born in Montenegro (11% of target population) Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewiv eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 171 77 94 24 43 65 39 55 84 32 83 8 7 73 46 41 43 41 28 87 25 31 51 50 19 50 119 52 sig 0.80 0.87 0.39 0.98 0.97 0.67 0.53 0.52 Serbia 42.2 44 40 49 52 44 25 33 44 53 50 48 81 29 33 39 42 56 34 57 37 13 44 32 61 43 48 30 Bosnia 18.1 24 13 15 17 10 35 17 20 15 20 19 18 18 26 14 15 11 23 26 05 26 19 14 11 18 20 Kosovo 16.0 12 19 17 12 20 14 33 09 06 09 38 23 23 18 07 16 11 08 27 36 02 19 12 29 15 18 Croatia 13.1 11 15 10 14 22 11 14 13 09 13 19 12 09 23 09 34 10 14 23 12 09 12 16 Macedonia 04.5 01 07 17 06 06 04 04 03 07 09 02 03 03 25 11 04 01 13 Greece 01.0 02 04 02 02 04 07 03 01 Romania 00.5 01 01 01 01 02 03 04 02 Other 01.2 01 01 03 01 02 03 03 03 02 01 04 03 02 01 02 DK-Ref 03.2 06 01 03 05 04 04 06 06 01 04 02 07 11 02 04 05 01 08 02 05 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What is your mother-tongue / native language Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- dent/pupil 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Stu Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Serbian 42.6 41 44 49 40 42 39 36 47 36 44 40 56 38 41 44 44 43 25 95 04 07 53 34 44 32 46 37 Montenegrin 37.9 35 41 36 42 33 41 44 34 41 38 35 36 40 33 39 47 34 63 01 48 11 38 46 42 26 37 40 Bosnian 05.4 08 03 03 08 06 05 07 05 05 04 13 01 04 13 02 00 03 00 01 37 01 01 01 22 04 08 Albanian 05.2 06 04 06 04 06 05 06 04 08 05 04 03 07 04 04 02 14 00 04 58 04 04 01 14 03 10 Serbo- 03.6 04 03 01 02 07 04 01 03 07 04 03 01 04 03 04 04 05 04 02 05 03 02 03 05 04 04 02 croatian Italian 02.7 03 02 01 03 03 03 03 03 01 02 04 01 03 04 04 00 05 01 00 00 06 05 00 04 00 Croatian 00.8 01 01 00 00 03 02 01 00 02 02 00 00 09 04 00 00 01 Macedonian 00.5 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 00 00 07 00 02 00 00 01 Hungarian 00.4 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 01 Bulgarian 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 Romanian 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 Other 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 DK-Ref 00.6 01 00 00 01 01 01 00 02 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What is your nationality (ethnicity)? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

nian / / nian

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian Bos Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Montenegrin 047.7 045 051 050 048 045 049 037 049 056 050 038 056 047 039 054 060 039 100 056 055 051 024 052 040 Serbian 030.9 031 031 033 029 033 027 028 034 027 033 029 036 028 030 031 034 027 100 036 030 033 022 033 027 Muslimian 007.7 008 007 006 009 006 012 017 005 004 005 013 002 010 012 004 002 012 057 002 003 013 013 005 012 Bosnian 005.9 009 003 004 008 008 002 007 006 005 005 015 002 004 013 002 001 003 043 001 002 024 005 008 Albanian 004.9 006 004 006 004 005 005 005 004 008 005 004 003 005 003 004 002 014 062 004 002 000 015 002 010 Croatian 001.2 001 002 001 006 004 001 000 000 004 001 003 000 000 016 001 005 000 001 002 DK-Ref 000.5 000 001 001 001 001 000 001 001 001 000 000 000 002 006 000 000 001 000 001 Other 001.3 001 002 001 001 002 002 001 000 001 002 001 001 001 002 016 000 003 001 002 001 001 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

On average, how many days per one year do you spend abroad (outside of the region)? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - erbian Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin S / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.19 Up to one week 15.9 15 17 22 14 16 12 10 16 23 19 14 22 11 10 16 23 18 17 16 10 19 21 15 15 10 17 14 From one week 17.1 18 16 24 18 14 12 15 17 21 21 14 21 12 13 17 23 18 16 19 19 17 14 23 18 16 18 15 to one month More than 1 month but less 07.3 08 07 08 08 06 06 07 06 11 07 06 12 06 06 07 11 05 07 09 05 08 06 09 05 10 07 08 than 2 months More than 2 month but less 02.8 04 02 03 04 03 01 03 05 05 02 01 01 01 02 05 04 02 03 02 06 02 06 01 03 03 03 than 3 months 3 months or 02.1 02 02 03 02 02 00 03 03 03 01 04 01 01 03 02 03 02 03 01 02 02 04 01 02 02 01 more None 54.3 52 56 39 54 59 66 67 55 36 45 62 39 69 67 54 35 51 55 51 63 48 54 42 58 59 52 58 DK-Ref 00.6 01 01 01 00 02 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 00 02 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

GENERAL -EXIT, LOYALTY, VOICE Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which country do you regard as your patria? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

ge or or ge

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary Colle University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.81 0.33 0.21 0.09 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 Montenegro 87.0 87 87 88 86 84 91 91 86 86 84 89 87 90 90 86 84 86 94 73 97 82 82 89 92 87 85 91 Some other 11.9 12 11 11 12 15 09 08 13 13 15 09 13 09 09 13 15 12 05 26 02 18 17 10 07 13 14 08 country DK-Ref 01.1 01 01 01 02 01 00 01 01 01 01 03 01 00 01 00 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 00 01 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How would you describe this country as a place to live? Would you say that Montenegro is? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 Wonderful 24.4 24 25 23 23 23 30 20 25 28 25 14 23 29 21 25 29 26 36 09 21 21 24 22 29 20 24 25 Acceptable 58.5 56 61 56 59 59 60 67 56 55 56 61 60 60 57 62 57 58 54 64 56 68 59 54 60 59 57 61 Horrible 14.5 18 11 18 15 15 09 11 16 14 16 21 15 09 20 12 12 12 08 24 19 07 14 20 09 19 16 13 DK-Ref 02.6 03 02 03 03 03 02 02 02 04 03 04 03 01 02 02 03 04 02 03 04 03 03 04 02 02 03 02 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

If the material conditions were good, would you like to live here for the rest of your life? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- versity 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College Uni Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 Yes 81.9 83 81 78 76 85 90 92 79 78 77 79 79 91 87 80 75 85 88 68 93 81 77 79 85 89 81 84 Not sure 11.6 11 12 14 17 09 05 06 14 12 16 14 11 04 09 13 17 09 07 22 04 10 16 15 09 06 12 11 No 05.5 05 06 07 06 05 04 01 06 08 06 05 11 03 04 06 08 06 04 09 02 06 06 05 05 04 06 04 DK-Ref 01.0 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 03 01 02 01 01 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

If you were given a chance, would you migrate to another country? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College Unive Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.09 Yes 37.1 39 35 52 39 36 18 27 40 40 40 49 54 22 36 38 41 33 30 52 26 40 39 39 33 38 37 36 Not sure 13.8 12 15 17 21 10 06 09 16 14 18 13 15 08 12 16 15 13 13 16 11 14 19 11 10 12 15 12 No 49.1 49 49 32 40 54 76 64 44 46 42 39 32 70 52 46 44 54 56 33 63 46 42 49 57 50 47 52 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

For what reasons? Multiple answers; Base: those who would migrate to another country or are not sure (51% of target population) HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - p to 125 eur 125 to p Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives U 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 773 387 386 241 253 210 69 127 484 162 392 147 95 138 247 231 175 120 317 315 76 65 290 136 183 165 503 270 Economic reason 72.2 76 68 67 79 74 59 65 74 73 76 76 56 68 80 68 69 68 73 70 80 67 69 78 75 71 73 72 Political situation 12.2 13 11 15 08 15 08 19 11 11 14 12 08 09 10 13 15 11 07 21 02 10 14 15 12 06 11 14 Family reunification 07.8 06 10 04 06 10 20 12 06 11 08 01 01 17 03 07 13 12 07 06 05 22 08 13 04 06 05 12 Study 07.7 07 09 22 01 01 02 15 08 02 03 03 42 03 06 10 06 09 10 08 03 11 05 05 07 09 06 I just don`t like it 05.6 04 07 04 07 06 05 05 05 07 05 07 04 06 03 07 07 07 03 07 06 13 04 07 07 05 06 04 her Because of 02.3 02 03 03 02 04 04 02 01 02 01 03 04 00 03 03 04 02 04 03 03 01 02 02 03 discrimination Other 00.6 00 01 01 02 01 00 00 00 02 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 03 01 00 01 01 DK-Ref 05.1 05 05 02 08 04 09 02 05 08 05 05 03 07 04 06 03 08 06 03 07 09 05 02 05 09 06 03

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Are you proud to be a citizen of this country? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.07 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.01 Very proud 51.2 52 51 43 51 52 61 55 50 49 49 47 41 60 52 49 48 56 65 22 64 59 47 42 59 54 51 52 Somewhat 38.4 38 39 46 38 38 29 38 39 37 39 43 51 32 37 41 39 36 30 56 31 33 40 47 33 37 38 40 proud Not proud at 07.7 09 07 08 07 08 08 04 08 11 10 08 06 05 08 07 11 04 03 19 02 05 10 09 07 06 09 05 all DK-Ref 02.6 02 04 03 03 02 02 02 03 03 03 02 02 03 02 02 03 04 02 03 02 04 03 02 02 03 02 04 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you like the official flag of Montenegro? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

ary or or ary

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 Element less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.13 0.22 0.05 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.44 Yes 72.6 67 78 68 76 70 78 77 71 71 72 67 66 78 71 75 71 73 90 39 79 89 66 80 80 67 72 74 No 27.1 33 22 32 24 29 22 22 29 29 28 33 33 22 28 25 29 27 09 61 21 11 34 20 20 32 28 25 DK-Ref 00.3 01 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you like the national anthem of Montenegro? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - efusal Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over R Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.02 Yes 75.1 71 79 69 78 75 78 80 74 71 74 72 70 80 77 76 72 75 89 41 94 90 65 82 78 81 73 79 No 24.4 29 20 31 21 25 21 19 25 28 26 27 30 19 22 24 28 25 10 58 06 10 34 18 22 18 27 20 DK-Ref 00.6 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 00 01 01 01 00 01 01 00 01 00 01 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you stand up when Montenegro’s national anthem is played on special occasions Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.33 0.17 0.49 0.40 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.11 Yes 72.4 71 73 69 76 70 74 74 71 75 72 68 71 75 73 72 70 75 85 46 85 81 64 74 76 79 72 73 No 25.9 26 25 30 22 27 23 26 27 23 26 31 29 23 25 26 30 23 13 52 14 19 34 24 22 21 27 24 DK-Ref 01.7 02 01 01 01 02 02 01 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 01 03 02 01 00 01 02 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which state holiday do you regard as the most important in our country? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Studen Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.08 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 July 13/ 40.1 43 38 29 41 43 47 42 41 37 38 43 30 45 41 39 38 43 43 38 41 31 33 34 53 40 39 42 Statehood Day 21 maj/ Independence 28.1 26 30 31 28 25 30 27 27 33 31 21 26 28 27 30 32 22 39 08 35 30 25 41 21 30 28 28 Day May 1 05.5 07 04 06 06 05 05 04 06 06 05 08 08 05 05 05 05 08 04 06 07 10 06 02 04 10 05 06 Christmas 02.1 02 02 02 03 02 01 02 02 03 02 03 02 01 01 04 02 02 01 05 06 01 03 01 New Year 01.8 01 02 02 01 03 01 01 02 03 02 01 04 02 03 02 01 02 03 01 04 01 01 01 02 01 Saint Patron day 01.2 02 00 02 00 01 02 03 01 01 01 02 03 01 01 01 02 01 01 03 03 02 02 Easter 00.6 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 01 00 Other 01.7 02 02 01 02 02 01 03 01 02 01 02 01 02 02 01 03 02 03 01 03 00 02 01 02 01 None 07.0 06 07 10 06 08 03 05 08 05 07 07 14 05 07 06 05 11 02 17 01 09 08 03 04 12 07 07 DK-Ref 11.9 11 13 17 12 09 11 13 12 11 13 13 11 10 13 11 12 12 08 16 13 19 10 18 14 06 11 14 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you celebrate 21st May as a national holiday in Montenegro? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.70 0.23 0.51 0.61 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 63.1 64 62 61 69 61 61 65 61 67 65 60 56 64 66 61 61 63 79 23 92 75 53 58 72 71 60 69 No 36.5 35 38 39 31 39 38 35 38 33 35 39 44 36 34 38 39 36 21 77 07 25 47 41 27 29 40 31 DK-Ref 00.3 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 00 00 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Base: Total target population


Ref stly stly -

N Fully disagree Mo disagree agree Both, disagree and agree Mostly agree Fully DK Sum + Sum Total The state authorities make me feel that I belong to this country 1518 15.2 14.0 24.2 26.2 17.1 03.3 29.2 43.3 Should state interest be allowed to override the rights of the individual? 1518 25.0 18.9 24.5 15.1 13.1 03.4 43.9 28.2 Should any part of Montenegro be allowed to secede? 1518 51.7 17.9 17.8 05.7 03.5 03.5 69.5 09.2 The borders of Montenegro should be expanded to include territories of one or more neighboring countries 1518 40.4 15.7 24.9 09.7 05.8 03.4 56.1 15.5 State guarantees equal economic opportunities for its citizens 1518 24.5 16.7 24.1 22.1 09.6 03.0 41.2 31.7 Independent Kosovo will join Albania 1518 31.9 12.8 22.7 13.0 08.4 11.2 44.7 21.4 100% Albania will seek parts of Montenegro`s territory? 1518 33.6 12.8 20.3 14.2 10.0 09.2 46.4 24.2 When current elites are out of power, Montenegro will join Serbia again 1518 31.7 14.1 26.4 11.4 09.2 07.3 45.7 20.5 Montenegro did the right thing to abolish compulsory military duty? 1518 14.6 09.9 22.9 18.3 30.3 03.9 24.6 48.5 Montenegro did the right thing to apologise for war crimes in Croatia? 1518 16.5 10.6 28.8 17.7 21.0 05.5 27.0 38.7 Montenegro’s elites are connected to organised crime? 1518 14.6 13.3 28.1 16.4 18.6 08.9 28.0 35.0 The 2011 census will reflect the true picture of Montenegro? 1518 12.7 14.7 31.6 22.3 12.3 06.5 27.4 34.5

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements? – agree ( 4 + 5 ) Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - p to 125 eur 125 to p Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives U 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Montenegro did the right thing to abolish 48.5 51 46 45 49 50 49 55 47 47 47 46 45 52 51 47 48 48 53 34 66 49 43 45 55 51 44 56 compulsory military duty? The state authorities make me feel that I 43.3 43 44 38 44 42 50 51 41 41 40 41 36 51 42 41 40 54 54 16 63 56 33 36 55 50 38 52 belong to this country Montenegro did the right thing to apologise for war 38.7 39 38 36 40 36 44 41 36 44 37 38 36 42 40 36 39 40 45 13 73 41 33 28 44 49 37 42 crimes in Croatia? Montenegro’s elites are connected to organised 35.0 37 33 35 34 34 37 29 35 41 37 36 32 33 34 36 43 27 29 53 24 19 43 54 21 26 40 27 crime? The 2011 census will reflect the true picture of 34.5 37 32 33 40 33 32 32 35 36 37 30 31 35 38 32 39 26 40 21 51 24 33 24 44 34 33 38 Montenegro? State guarantees equal economic opportunities 31.7 32 31 25 33 32 37 39 29 31 29 31 26 37 34 30 32 31 39 12 49 37 25 20 45 35 28 39 for its citizens Should state interest be allowed to override the 28.2 28 28 24 28 27 35 36 24 30 28 25 21 32 30 26 24 33 30 21 37 28 24 18 37 32 24 35 rights of the individual? Albania will seek parts of 24.2 27 21 26 22 24 25 22 23 30 25 24 23 23 21 23 26 30 19 35 19 23 29 29 15 25 26 21 Montenegro`s territory? Independent Kosovo will 21.4 24 19 24 21 18 23 19 21 25 24 21 23 18 16 24 25 22 21 22 20 22 23 32 15 19 22 21 join Albania When current elites are out of power, Montenegro 20.5 21 20 22 18 21 22 23 21 15 19 21 26 22 23 19 18 20 13 41 12 02 22 19 20 21 22 19 will join Serbia again The borders of Montenegro should be expanded to include 15.5 16 15 18 14 15 16 19 14 16 15 14 18 16 18 14 17 13 14 19 19 10 17 21 12 13 16 15 territories of one or more neighboring countries Should any part of Montenegro be allowed to 09.2 11 08 08 11 09 09 08 09 11 12 05 07 08 11 08 09 08 10 07 12 09 08 14 07 10 10 08 secede?

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements? – disagree ( 1 + 2 ) Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

l 250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rura N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Should any part of Montenegro be allowed 69.5 70 69 65 64 75 75 69 69 71 65 69 73 75 71 70 72 63 70 71 68 62 72 58 78 65 70 69 to secede? The borders of Montenegro should be expanded to include 56.1 59 54 51 57 60 57 48 57 62 55 57 59 56 56 60 55 51 57 57 55 50 56 41 68 53 58 52 territories of one or more neighboring countries Albania will seek parts of 46.4 47 46 43 44 48 52 52 45 42 43 47 46 51 54 46 42 36 52 37 50 45 37 42 60 48 42 53 Montenegro`s territory? When current elites are out of power, 45.7 49 43 37 48 46 53 41 46 50 46 42 38 49 43 45 48 50 55 22 58 65 44 49 43 49 45 47 Montenegro will join Serbia again Independent Kosovo will 44.7 45 44 41 40 50 48 52 43 42 41 46 43 50 52 41 37 44 42 47 51 41 38 32 55 52 42 49 join Albania Should state interest be allowed to override the 43.9 47 41 45 39 47 44 37 46 45 44 45 50 41 44 45 52 34 40 53 40 42 52 51 33 40 47 39 rights of the individual? State guarantees equal economic opportunities 41.2 42 40 44 39 43 39 35 43 45 41 42 48 39 40 39 43 45 35 64 22 25 49 53 26 39 47 31 for its citizens The state authorities make me feel that I 29.2 33 25 28 29 34 24 17 33 33 34 30 26 23 28 31 33 24 20 50 21 16 33 40 19 27 33 22 belong to this country Montenegro’s elites are connected to organised 28.0 29 27 28 32 28 23 31 28 25 28 28 30 28 33 25 24 29 35 14 40 22 19 12 43 35 25 34 crime? The 2011 census will reflect the true picture of 27.4 31 24 25 24 32 28 27 27 31 27 30 20 28 25 30 29 27 23 41 15 20 27 48 15 27 29 25 Montenegro? Montenegro did the right thing to apologise for war 27.0 31 23 27 25 30 26 23 29 26 29 28 28 24 28 26 25 30 18 53 05 13 30 24 29 23 29 23 crimes in Croatia? Montenegro did the right thing to abolish 24.6 25 25 24 21 28 27 20 26 26 24 22 23 27 26 23 26 24 22 35 15 18 31 23 22 20 28 18 compulsory military duty?

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Who is Montenegro’s greatest foreign policy ally? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 e 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.01 0.02 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EU 31.0 32 30 32 32 30 29 30 31 32 33 29 25 31 32 31 33 26 40 13 38 33 21 35 44 27 30 33 Serbia 28.0 27 29 30 26 28 28 28 28 28 29 25 37 26 28 30 33 19 20 53 10 12 37 23 28 18 28 28 U.S. 15.3 17 14 15 18 15 12 11 17 15 15 22 14 12 13 16 12 23 18 10 20 11 14 15 12 22 15 15 Russia 05.8 04 08 06 04 07 06 07 05 06 06 04 05 07 05 07 08 03 07 07 00 03 06 14 04 01 07 04 Albania 04.4 05 04 02 05 05 05 05 04 06 05 03 01 06 03 02 02 14 01 04 08 20 03 01 02 12 03 07 Other 02.0 03 01 02 01 01 05 02 02 02 01 02 03 04 02 02 03 00 02 02 00 07 05 01 01 01 03 00 DK-Ref 13.4 13 14 13 13 14 14 16 13 12 12 16 14 14 16 12 10 14 12 12 23 13 15 12 09 19 14 12 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do the social and economic inbalances in Montenegro have Base: Total target population


Ref -

N all at Not small a To degree Somewhat large To degree Completely DK Sum + Sum Total Ethnic bases 1518 14.2 18.0 35.3 15.5 05.0 12.1 32.2 20.4 100% Religious bases 1518 15.6 18.4 36.5 12.6 04.3 12.6 34.0 16.9

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Ethnic bases - Do you think that the social and economic disbalances in Montenegro have.. Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - econdary Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less S or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Not at all 14.2 13 15 13 12 14 19 11 14 17 14 08 14 17 14 16 16 09 22 07 07 06 17 08 24 03 16 11 To a small 18.0 18 18 17 20 17 17 18 17 20 17 18 20 19 17 20 20 15 19 20 16 10 18 18 24 10 17 19 degree Sum - 32.2 32 33 30 32 32 36 29 32 37 31 26 34 36 31 36 36 24 40 27 24 16 35 26 48 13 33 30 Somewhat 35.3 32 38 39 34 36 33 35 36 35 35 33 40 35 34 35 33 42 33 34 37 47 33 35 31 44 34 37 Sum + 20.4 24 17 19 23 22 16 21 21 19 23 25 18 15 19 20 22 22 17 25 24 13 20 28 13 25 21 20 To large 15.5 17 14 15 15 17 13 16 15 15 17 19 16 11 13 16 17 18 13 20 15 11 14 22 11 18 16 15 degree Completely 05.0 07 03 04 08 05 03 05 05 04 05 07 02 05 06 04 06 04 04 05 09 02 06 06 02 06 05 05 DK-Ref 12.1 12 12 12 11 11 15 15 12 09 11 15 08 13 16 09 09 12 09 13 15 23 12 11 07 19 11 13 Total 100% Mean 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.8 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.6 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.7 3.0 2.4 3.2 2.7 2.8

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Religious bases - Do you think that the social and economic disbalances in Montenegro have.. Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secon or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Not at all 15.6 15 16 15 13 15 21 12 16 19 15 09 18 19 15 17 19 11 24 08 07 10 20 10 24 03 18 11 To a small 18.4 18 19 19 19 19 16 20 17 22 19 18 18 18 18 19 21 16 21 17 17 09 18 23 21 11 17 21 degree Sum - 34.0 33 35 33 32 34 37 32 32 40 34 27 35 37 32 36 40 27 45 26 24 19 38 33 45 14 36 31 Somewhat 36.5 35 38 39 37 36 33 37 38 32 36 40 39 34 34 41 33 38 33 37 44 43 32 42 33 43 35 40 Sum + 16.9 20 14 15 19 18 14 14 18 17 18 16 18 16 16 14 18 22 13 24 17 13 17 14 13 24 18 15 To large 12.6 14 11 12 14 14 09 08 14 14 14 12 15 10 10 11 14 18 11 18 07 12 12 12 10 18 14 11 degree Completely 04.3 06 03 03 05 05 05 06 04 03 03 04 03 06 06 04 03 03 02 06 10 01 05 02 04 06 04 04 DK-Ref 12.6 12 13 13 11 11 16 17 12 10 11 17 07 14 17 09 09 13 09 14 15 26 12 10 09 19 12 14 Total 100% Mean 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.4 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.4 3.2 2.6 2.7

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that European Integration is a good thing for Montenegro? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education HH income per HH member Current occupation Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 513 431 313 261 678 240 139 462 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.40 0.01 0.00 0.00 Good thing 69.5 71 68 66 67 70 76 71 68 73 71 69 73 64 67 68 60 76 63 73 78 65 66 76 Bad thing 11.1 12 10 16 10 10 10 07 13 10 10 11 11 13 12 11 16 09 14 13 09 09 13 08 Neither good nor bad 19.4 17 22 18 23 20 15 22 19 17 19 20 16 23 21 21 24 15 23 14 13 26 22 16 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

If yes, who should be blamed THE MOST for the fact that our country is not an EU member? Base: those who think that European Integration is a good thing for Montenegro (69% of target population) Total Gender Age Education HH income per HH member Current occupation Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensio usewives Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1054 532 522 233 283 319 219 253 584 217 362 296 228 168 456 163 84 351 316 196 329 213 628 426 sig 0.55 0.50 0.01 0.03 0.70 0.00 0.09 Our politicians 48.7 50 48 51 44 52 47 39 51 54 44 49 49 57 48 52 55 46 57 43 37 59 51 45 EU 18.8 18 20 18 20 18 19 22 18 16 18 16 22 21 19 17 16 20 14 25 23 13 17 21 Our neighbors (country) 16.1 16 16 14 19 14 18 17 16 16 19 16 17 08 18 13 12 16 12 19 25 06 14 19 No one 07.9 07 08 08 06 08 08 10 08 04 08 10 07 04 07 07 09 09 06 10 08 08 09 06 Someone else 01.2 02 01 01 01 03 01 03 00 02 00 02 01 02 02 02 02 01 01 DK-Ref 07.3 08 07 08 10 06 05 11 06 06 10 06 05 06 06 11 07 07 07 03 06 12 07 08 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you support Montenegro`s NATO accession? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education HH income per HH member Current occupation Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusa Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 513 431 313 261 678 240 139 462 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.18 0.00 0.00 Yes, fully support 29.4 31 28 29 29 27 33 26 28 36 28 29 36 26 30 23 26 32 29 28 31 29 27 34 Support to some extent 22.3 22 23 20 24 26 18 26 22 20 22 21 20 27 23 20 21 23 17 28 19 31 21 25 Do not support at all 42.8 44 42 46 39 42 46 44 45 36 45 46 37 42 42 49 49 40 47 38 47 35 47 36 DK-Ref 05.5 03 08 05 08 05 03 05 05 08 06 04 07 05 06 08 05 05 08 06 03 05 06 05 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about ICTY? Base: Total target population

gree and gree


Ref -

N disagree Fully disagree Mostly a Both, disagree agree Mostly agree Fully DK Sum + Sum Total Cooperation with the ICTY infringes on Montenegro’s sovereignty 1518 29.9 17.4 28.8 08.7 07.2 08.0 47.3 15.9 Cooperation with the ICTY is negative for Montenegro’s national interests 1518 28.3 20.5 27.3 08.8 06.6 08.5 48.9 15.3 100% Our officials and soldiers indicted / sentenced by the ICTY or domestic courts are heroes, not criminals 1518 20.4 15.2 30.3 11.5 13.3 09.3 35.6 24.8 Cooperation with the ICTY should be supported because it strenghtens Montenegro’s integration into Europe. 1518 11.9 09.4 30.8 22.6 16.8 08.5 21.3 39.4

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about ICTY? – agree ( 4 + 5 ) Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusa Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Cooperation with the ICTY should be supported because it strenghtens 39.4 41 38 31 41 39 47 48 36 39 38 36 27 46 41 39 38 39 46 13 63 60 30 46 45 41 35 47 Montenegro’s integration into Europe. Our officials and soldiers indicted / sentenced by the 24.8 26 23 26 25 24 24 25 27 19 26 21 28 24 26 23 24 27 20 46 02 11 28 23 32 12 26 22 ICTY or domestic courts are heroes, not criminals Cooperation with the ICTY infringes 15.9 16 16 18 16 17 13 11 17 18 19 10 13 16 15 14 19 17 13 30 00 06 17 26 14 09 17 14 on Montenegro’s sovereignty Cooperation with the ICTY is negative for 15.3 17 13 18 15 15 13 10 17 17 18 12 16 13 17 13 18 13 11 30 08 18 23 13 08 17 12 Montenegro’s national interests

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about ICTY? – disagree ( 1 + 2 ) Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

5 eur 5

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives 12 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Cooperation with the ICTY is negative for 48.9 53 44 44 49 47 57 54 46 52 48 49 42 53 49 51 50 43 51 30 73 66 44 46 55 51 45 56 Montenegro’s national interests Cooperation with the ICTY infringes 47.3 53 42 40 46 47 58 48 46 51 47 44 38 52 47 48 48 46 50 28 73 65 44 41 53 50 44 53 on Montenegro’s sovereignty Our officials and soldiers indicted / sentenced by the 35.6 38 33 30 37 34 41 40 31 43 36 36 28 38 38 34 34 34 35 17 72 48 32 28 34 48 31 44 ICTY or domestic courts are heroes, not criminals Cooperation with the ICTY should be supported because it strenghtens 21.3 24 19 23 22 22 17 15 23 25 25 21 24 15 20 21 24 21 16 39 06 10 29 24 17 13 23 18 Montenegro’s integration into Europe.

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that Montenegro did the right thing to apologise for war crimes in Croatia? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education HH income per HH member Current occupation Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University eur 125 to Up 126 eu 250 Over Refusal Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 513 431 313 261 678 240 139 462 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.08 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 Yes, fully support 34.0 34 34 25 32 35 46 34 33 38 40 33 34 24 31 33 24 42 32 26 44 30 34 34 Support to some extent 30.8 30 32 36 30 30 28 36 30 28 28 32 33 33 32 27 38 29 29 40 25 35 30 32 Do not support at all 18.7 21 16 19 17 19 20 15 20 19 16 20 20 21 20 18 18 17 22 18 19 13 19 18 DK-Ref 16.6 16 18 20 21 16 07 15 17 16 17 15 14 22 17 22 20 12 17 17 12 22 17 15 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

RELIGION Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What is your religious denomination? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbia / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Christianity: Eastern 41.1 37 45 45 41 42 36 36 44 40 45 34 45 38 38 47 46 33 58 41 02 08 41 70 42 17 45 35 Orthodox, Orthodoxy Christianity: Serbian 21.9 20 23 21 22 22 24 23 23 19 21 20 28 22 21 22 23 22 10 54 05 28 08 28 17 25 17 Ortodox Islam/Muslim 17.7 21 14 15 18 18 21 31 13 14 15 25 07 22 23 09 07 33 06 79 49 06 05 17 46 11 29 Christianity: 08.0 09 07 09 07 09 07 02 09 13 09 05 10 08 05 10 14 03 16 01 12 02 11 03 10 05 Montenegrin Ortodox Christianity: Roman 05.0 05 05 06 04 03 08 05 05 05 05 04 06 06 03 07 05 06 04 02 32 06 11 01 03 03 09 Catholic, Catholic Islam/Muslim: Sunni 02.3 04 01 01 04 03 00 02 03 02 02 07 01 01 06 01 00 00 16 00 10 02 03 Atheist 01.7 02 01 01 01 01 04 02 04 01 02 01 02 01 02 03 01 03 01 04 00 01 00 03 00 Christianity: 00.5 00 01 00 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 05 00 01 00 00 00 01 Macedonian Ortodox Christianity: Albanian 00.3 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ortodox Nonreligious 00.2 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Christianity: Protestant 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Christianity: Greek 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ortodox Mixed 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Islam/Muslim: Shiite 00.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Islam/Muslim: Sa`adi 00.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Christianity: 00.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Evangelical DK-Ref 00.9 01 01 01 02 00 01 01 01 01 02 02 00 01 00 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 00 02 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How often do you attend religious services? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

tary or

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 Elemen less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 Every day 01.9 03 01 02 03 01 02 02 02 02 02 04 02 01 02 00 01 05 01 01 06 04 01 01 01 05 02 02 Once or a few 08.2 08 09 10 09 07 07 11 08 07 08 12 06 07 11 06 06 09 06 09 11 10 07 07 08 11 09 07 time per week Once or a few 17.3 15 20 19 21 16 12 17 17 19 22 14 19 12 15 16 19 21 17 17 21 13 18 15 16 19 16 19 time per months Only on major 41.8 39 45 46 44 40 36 39 44 38 41 45 46 40 44 43 37 41 38 51 37 35 40 45 48 35 41 43 holidays Only for weddings or 14.8 16 14 13 11 17 20 15 15 15 14 10 13 19 13 18 19 10 17 14 11 13 15 18 14 14 15 14 funerals Never 15.6 19 12 11 12 18 24 16 15 19 13 15 13 21 15 16 18 14 20 07 13 25 18 14 13 17 16 15 DK-Ref 00.4 01 00 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 00 01 00 00 01 00 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Who do you feel you have more in common with... Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

an / / an

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian Bosni Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.63 0.65 0.96 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Members of your religion living 13.6 13 14 14 13 15 11 15 13 13 14 15 11 14 15 11 14 16 09 22 16 08 16 08 15 12 12 17 outside of this country Members of a religion diiferent 06.8 07 07 09 07 06 05 06 07 08 06 04 15 06 07 10 06 03 09 05 05 06 08 09 03 07 07 07 than yours living in this co Both members of your religion living 54.9 55 55 54 55 54 58 56 55 53 55 56 50 55 56 52 50 63 53 49 65 70 42 55 58 71 54 57 outside of this country I am not religious 17.5 18 17 16 17 19 19 16 17 19 18 15 16 18 15 21 22 12 23 16 05 15 23 25 17 03 19 15 DK-Ref 07.1 06 08 08 08 06 07 07 07 07 07 09 08 07 08 07 08 06 06 09 10 02 11 03 06 07 09 05 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think the authorities treat the religious communities in the country equally? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 fusal - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Re Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 1.00 0.30 0.07 0.43 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 54.2 54 54 56 52 55 54 56 55 50 54 49 56 57 53 53 54 59 63 33 65 61 46 45 67 57 49 63 No 39.2 39 39 37 41 37 42 37 40 41 39 43 39 38 39 41 40 35 31 58 29 32 46 49 26 38 45 29 DK-Ref 06.6 07 07 07 07 07 04 07 05 10 07 08 05 05 07 06 06 06 06 08 06 07 07 06 07 06 06 08 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which religious community should be recognised as the official one in Montenegro? Multiple answers; Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250


- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coa NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Christianity: Eastern 49.2 50 49 56 45 48 50 40 50 56 51 40 61 47 45 49 57 49 50 54 26 67 52 61 45 41 53 43 Orthodox, Orthodoxy Christianity: Serbian 41.2 42 40 46 36 43 40 33 44 43 43 36 53 38 37 45 48 35 33 68 16 29 47 33 47 30 45 36 Ortodox Islam/Muslim 41.0 43 39 44 39 39 42 35 41 49 42 38 50 39 37 41 46 43 41 35 46 58 47 25 42 44 44 36 Christianity: Roman 39.6 42 38 40 33 40 47 31 40 49 41 29 47 41 31 42 49 40 41 37 25 65 45 43 37 31 44 32 Catholic, Catholic Christianity: Montenegrin 36.9 37 37 38 36 36 38 34 36 43 37 32 41 38 36 39 42 29 47 23 28 45 32 51 35 35 37 36 Ortodox Christianity: Greek 10.9 12 09 13 08 11 12 06 12 12 11 08 19 10 08 11 11 15 11 12 07 12 15 06 15 04 14 06 Ortodox Christianity: Albanian 09.9 12 08 11 07 11 11 05 11 13 11 06 16 09 08 09 11 14 11 06 09 21 13 08 09 07 11 07 Ortodox Christianity: Macedonian 09.6 10 09 11 06 10 12 08 10 12 09 06 15 10 08 11 08 11 11 07 08 15 12 11 10 05 12 06 Ortodox Christianity: Protestant 06.2 07 05 07 06 06 06 02 07 10 07 04 12 05 04 07 09 06 07 04 02 15 12 04 03 03 08 04 Islam/Muslim: Shiite 04.4 06 03 04 03 06 04 02 05 05 05 03 06 04 03 06 05 04 05 03 04 09 10 01 02 02 05 03 Islam/Muslim: Sunni 04.3 05 04 03 04 06 03 02 05 05 05 03 06 04 04 06 04 04 05 02 05 08 08 01 03 03 05 02 None of the above 04.0 04 04 03 04 04 05 06 04 03 04 05 02 04 03 04 02 09 04 03 08 04 06 00 03 06 02 07 Christianity: Jehovah's 03.3 05 02 04 03 03 03 02 04 04 04 02 07 02 02 04 04 03 04 02 02 08 08 02 00 01 04 02 Witnesses Christianity: Anglican 03.3 04 02 03 03 04 04 02 03 05 03 02 06 03 02 05 03 04 04 02 02 08 08 01 01 01 04 02 Christianity: Evangelical 03.1 04 02 03 03 04 03 02 04 03 03 02 05 03 03 04 03 03 04 01 02 08 08 00 01 01 04 02 Sufism 03.0 04 02 02 02 04 03 02 03 04 03 02 04 03 02 04 02 04 03 01 02 12 07 00 00 02 03 03 Bektash 02.9 04 02 03 02 04 03 02 04 03 03 02 05 02 02 04 03 04 03 01 02 11 08 00 00 01 03 03 Tarikat 02.9 04 02 02 02 04 03 02 03 04 03 02 04 03 02 04 02 05 03 01 02 12 07 00 00 03 03 03 Islam/Muslim: Sa`adi 02.9 04 02 02 03 04 03 02 03 04 03 02 04 03 02 04 02 04 03 01 02 12 07 00 00 02 03 03 Islam/Muslim: Alevi 02.8 04 02 02 03 03 03 02 03 03 03 02 04 03 02 04 02 04 03 01 03 08 07 00 01 01 03 02 Islam/Muslim: 02.7 04 02 02 03 03 03 02 03 03 03 02 04 02 02 04 03 03 03 01 02 08 07 00 00 01 03 02 Tidjani/Tixhani Islam/Muslim: Rufai/Rifai 02.7 04 02 02 03 03 03 02 03 03 03 02 04 02 02 04 03 03 03 01 02 08 07 00 00 01 03 02 Islam/Muslim: Kadiri 02.7 04 02 02 03 03 03 02 03 03 03 02 04 03 02 04 02 04 03 01 02 08 07 00 01 01 03 02 Islam/Muslim: 02.6 04 02 02 03 03 03 02 03 03 03 02 04 02 02 04 02 03 03 01 02 08 07 00 01 01 03 02 Nakshbandi Halveti 01.6 03 00 01 01 02 02 01 02 02 02 01 03 01 01 03 01 02 02 00 02 05 03 01 01 01 02 DK 16.2 16 16 15 21 17 11 18 16 15 15 23 13 16 19 14 13 19 14 11 37 14 11 06 23 23 13 22

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Can a Montenegrin be a Muslim by confession? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- to 125 eur 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.01 0.08 0.97 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 Yes 66.6 69 64 66 67 67 66 67 66 67 63 70 73 68 72 61 64 68 65 56 96 66 69 46 65 81 67 67 No 26.7 26 28 29 25 25 30 27 27 27 30 21 25 26 22 32 31 24 26 37 03 29 28 45 25 12 26 28 DK-Ref 06.7 05 08 05 09 08 04 06 07 07 07 09 03 06 06 07 05 08 08 07 01 05 03 09 10 06 07 06 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that church / religious institutions and state in Montenegro should be? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250


- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Mus Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 More separated 55.3 59 52 62 50 56 53 46 56 65 58 51 66 50 51 59 60 54 57 60 37 63 57 61 57 46 59 50 from each other Stay as they are 32.1 30 35 26 35 31 37 44 31 20 28 37 24 37 36 30 26 37 31 26 52 27 28 25 32 44 28 39 now More integrated 06.5 05 08 06 08 06 05 04 07 08 07 05 06 07 06 05 10 07 06 08 05 05 08 08 05 06 07 06 DK-Ref 06.0 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 06 04 05 08 06 05 02 06 06 06 05 07 06 06 04 07 05 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you agree with the decision to demolish the chapel on Mount Rumija? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 e 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Fully disagree 32.9 32 34 33 28 35 37 36 33 30 29 31 40 37 32 36 33 29 27 59 08 08 43 19 41 19 37 26 Mostly 10.8 11 11 14 12 11 06 08 12 11 13 09 12 09 11 08 12 13 10 12 08 14 11 12 11 10 10 12 disagree Sum - 43.8 43 45 47 40 46 42 44 45 41 42 40 52 45 43 45 45 42 37 71 16 22 53 32 51 30 47 38 Both, agree 25.8 26 26 29 24 26 24 30 26 21 25 28 27 26 29 23 24 27 26 19 44 21 23 23 23 35 24 29 and disagree Sum + 23.7 26 21 16 29 21 29 22 22 31 26 25 11 23 22 24 24 26 31 05 29 46 16 39 18 30 21 29 Mostly agree 09.8 10 10 09 12 09 10 11 08 12 12 10 05 08 06 11 11 13 15 03 08 11 05 21 10 08 08 12 Fully agree 13.9 16 12 07 17 12 20 11 13 19 14 15 06 15 15 13 13 13 16 02 20 35 11 18 08 22 12 17 DK-Ref 06.8 06 08 08 07 07 05 05 07 08 07 06 09 06 07 07 07 05 06 05 11 11 07 06 08 06 08 05 Total 100% Mean 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 1.7 3.3 3.6 2.3 3.1 2.3 3.0 2.4 2.8

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you agree for criminal complaint against Metropolitan Amfilohije for hate speech? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

eur 50


- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Fully disagree 25.2 25 25 25 21 27 27 25 26 24 25 25 24 26 26 26 27 21 18 51 05 05 33 14 33 12 27 22 Mostly 10.8 10 11 12 12 11 06 13 10 11 12 10 14 09 12 10 11 10 09 17 05 07 10 08 14 11 11 11 disagree Sum - 35.9 36 36 37 34 39 33 38 36 35 37 35 38 34 38 35 38 31 27 68 09 11 43 22 47 23 38 33 Both, agree 25.0 24 26 30 22 24 24 26 26 19 23 26 29 26 27 23 23 26 26 19 36 23 23 27 21 32 25 25 and disagree Sum + 31.4 35 28 24 36 31 36 28 30 40 32 31 23 32 28 33 31 36 41 06 44 52 27 40 24 40 29 36 Mostly agree 13.1 15 11 11 15 12 14 11 13 16 15 11 11 12 08 14 13 21 18 04 18 13 10 15 14 15 12 15 Fully agree 18.3 20 17 12 21 18 21 17 17 24 17 21 12 20 20 18 19 15 23 02 26 39 17 25 10 25 17 21 DK-Ref 07.7 05 10 09 08 07 07 08 08 06 08 07 10 08 08 09 07 07 06 07 11 14 07 10 08 06 09 06 Total 100% Mean 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.0 2.8 3.0 2.8 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.8 3.0 3.2 1.8 3.6 3.9 2.7 3.3 2.5 3.3 2.8 3.0

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

ETHNICITY Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which identity is more important to you: your ethnic identity or your identity as a citizen of this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 nsioner/ho - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pe usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 My ethnic identity 32.0 34 30 37 32 35 21 22 34 38 35 30 31 28 30 30 36 35 22 48 23 46 37 30 27 33 32 31 is more important My identity as a citizen of this 16.8 18 16 15 20 13 19 12 18 18 18 16 17 15 14 18 21 14 22 10 18 10 26 10 14 12 17 16 country is more important They are both important the 46.3 43 49 43 43 48 53 58 44 38 43 48 47 50 52 46 36 48 52 36 54 39 32 52 55 52 44 51 same None of them is 02.4 02 02 02 02 03 02 01 03 03 02 03 03 02 02 02 04 01 03 02 02 01 02 04 02 02 03 01 important to me DK-Ref 02.6 02 03 03 02 00 05 05 01 03 02 02 02 04 02 03 02 02 02 03 03 04 03 04 02 01 03 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Are you or any of your parents/children married (or were married) to a person of another ethnic background than your own? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Empl Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.07 0.32 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.16 Yes 22.3 20 24 22 19 22 28 23 19 29 23 14 19 26 17 22 33 19 23 19 19 33 23 38 19 13 24 20 No 76.8 78 75 77 79 78 71 76 80 69 75 85 81 73 82 77 66 79 76 79 80 67 77 59 80 87 75 79 DK-Ref 01.0 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 01 00 01 01 00 01 02 01 01 01 03 01 01 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Who do you feel you have more in common with... Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.13 Members of your ethnicity living 14.6 13 16 12 17 16 11 14 14 17 16 14 11 15 14 14 17 13 11 22 14 10 20 13 12 12 16 13 outside of this country Members of enthnicities diifferent 08.7 10 08 12 08 07 08 05 09 11 09 09 14 07 10 09 08 07 10 08 08 06 12 09 05 09 09 08 from yours living in this Both members of your ethnicity living 66.8 65 68 65 61 69 74 74 65 63 65 64 66 72 64 69 67 68 71 58 65 78 57 73 73 70 65 70 outside of this countr DK-Ref 09.9 12 08 12 14 07 06 07 11 09 11 13 09 07 11 08 09 12 09 12 12 05 12 05 11 09 11 08 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that Montenegrins are essentially Serbs? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250


- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Sec or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.85 0.10 0.33 0.91 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.01 Yes 45.2 45 46 47 43 48 42 42 48 42 45 44 48 45 46 46 46 41 29 91 15 18 49 40 51 37 48 40 No 46.6 47 46 44 50 42 52 49 44 50 46 48 42 47 47 46 47 47 61 05 75 74 42 56 41 53 44 52 DK-Ref 08.2 08 08 09 08 10 06 08 08 08 08 08 10 07 07 08 07 12 10 04 10 08 10 04 08 10 08 08 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that Montenegrin language is different from Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - ewives Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho us eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.17 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 Yes 48.9 46 52 48 47 48 54 52 48 47 51 40 43 52 45 49 48 58 58 33 42 68 48 63 41 48 48 51 No 47.9 49 46 47 50 48 45 44 49 50 47 52 53 46 50 50 51 36 41 64 48 28 51 35 56 43 49 46 DK-Ref 03.3 05 02 04 03 04 01 04 03 03 03 08 04 02 05 01 01 06 02 03 10 04 01 01 03 09 03 03 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Are you in favour of the introduction of additional letters to Montenegrin alphabet? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

nian / / nian

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian Bos Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.50 0.09 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 Yes 35.7 36 35 37 36 33 37 33 35 42 38 31 35 35 28 36 43 42 51 04 37 63 34 43 31 39 36 35 No 59.2 58 60 59 59 59 59 58 62 53 58 60 61 59 67 60 54 50 44 92 54 29 64 53 63 52 59 59 DK-Ref 05.2 06 05 04 04 08 04 09 04 05 04 09 05 05 06 04 04 08 05 04 09 08 02 04 07 09 05 06 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which language do you declare that you speak in census and official documentation? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Serbian 44.0 43 45 51 41 44 40 38 48 39 45 40 58 40 42 46 47 42 27 97 05 09 55 36 47 31 48 38 Montenegrin 42.4 39 45 40 47 38 46 48 39 44 43 40 36 45 40 44 48 37 69 02 54 19 38 54 47 33 43 42 Bosnian 05.3 08 03 03 07 07 04 06 05 05 04 12 01 05 12 02 01 02 00 00 36 02 01 03 19 04 08 Albanian 04.6 06 04 05 03 06 05 05 03 08 04 04 03 06 03 03 02 12 03 53 03 03 00 13 02 09 Croatian 01.0 01 01 00 00 01 03 02 01 01 00 00 02 00 03 00 01 00 01 09 01 04 01 01 02 Other 02.0 02 02 00 01 04 02 01 02 03 02 02 01 02 01 01 02 04 02 00 03 06 01 03 01 03 02 01 DK-Ref 00.7 01 01 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 02 00 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 02 01 00 01 00 01 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think the authorities treat the ethnic communities in Montenegro equally? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- thWest 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast Nor East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.14 0.66 0.31 0.08 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 51.5 53 50 52 50 51 53 53 52 49 52 45 49 55 50 52 52 53 63 28 63 54 43 44 66 51 48 58 No 42.8 42 43 43 45 42 41 40 43 47 43 47 46 39 45 41 44 39 32 64 33 42 49 50 28 47 46 37 DK-Ref 05.7 05 07 04 05 07 06 07 06 04 05 08 05 06 05 07 04 08 05 08 04 04 08 06 06 02 06 05 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

According to your opinion, who if any should have special rights in this country? Do you think that Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - econdary Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less S or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.10 0.08 0.02 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 The majority should have 13.3 12 14 13 14 14 12 12 14 13 15 14 12 11 10 14 15 16 14 17 07 08 15 19 12 08 12 15 special rights The minorities should have 09.0 08 10 09 10 07 09 09 08 11 09 09 09 09 06 10 11 11 10 06 08 13 07 17 07 09 10 07 special rights Majority and minority groups 72.1 75 69 72 67 74 76 77 72 68 69 71 73 77 80 68 68 68 71 70 82 70 68 60 78 81 72 73 should have equal rights DK-Ref 05.6 05 06 06 08 04 04 02 06 07 07 07 06 03 04 08 06 05 05 07 03 09 10 03 04 03 05 06 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How do you evaluate interethnic relations in Montenegro. Do you think they are... Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Very bad 04.6 04 05 04 05 05 04 05 05 04 05 04 03 05 05 04 03 06 04 07 02 05 08 05 02 03 06 03 Somewhat bad 11.2 11 12 10 11 10 14 10 11 12 11 11 12 11 08 15 12 10 11 13 09 06 11 23 04 10 13 08 Sum - 15.7 14 17 14 16 16 18 15 16 16 15 16 15 16 13 19 15 16 15 20 11 11 19 28 06 13 18 11 Neither good 38.1 38 39 41 35 39 38 43 37 37 38 38 42 37 37 40 41 34 32 49 31 41 44 40 33 34 40 36 nor bad Sum + 42.1 44 40 39 45 43 42 40 42 45 42 41 37 44 46 37 40 45 49 25 54 46 32 28 57 50 37 51 Somewhat 35.5 37 34 32 38 39 30 31 36 39 37 35 30 35 38 30 34 41 40 23 46 40 27 23 45 47 31 43 good Very good 06.6 07 06 06 06 04 11 09 06 06 05 06 06 09 08 07 06 05 09 03 09 06 05 05 12 03 06 08 DK-Ref 04.1 04 04 06 05 03 02 02 05 02 05 05 06 02 04 04 04 05 04 05 04 02 05 04 04 02 05 03 Total 100% Mean 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.0 3.5 3.4 3.1 3.0 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.5

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

And how do you compare current interethnic relations in Montenegro compared to ten years ago. Are they now.. Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

0 eur 0


- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Much worse 07.5 08 07 08 07 07 08 06 08 07 07 11 04 08 09 10 04 06 06 11 05 03 14 09 02 04 09 05 Somewhat 09.5 07 12 05 08 10 15 12 08 09 09 10 04 12 09 12 10 07 10 11 02 10 11 18 07 05 12 06 worse Sum - 17.0 15 19 14 16 17 24 18 17 17 15 21 09 20 17 22 14 13 16 23 08 13 25 27 09 08 21 11 The same 30.7 29 32 27 28 29 40 34 29 31 31 22 28 35 25 33 31 37 27 37 22 40 30 40 24 32 31 30 Sum + 47.1 52 42 47 53 50 33 45 47 50 48 52 49 42 55 40 50 41 51 33 67 44 38 28 63 56 42 56 Somewhat 34.2 38 30 33 38 39 23 33 35 34 35 40 38 29 39 29 33 33 34 26 52 38 27 19 42 47 29 42 better Much better 12.9 14 12 14 15 12 10 12 12 16 13 12 11 13 15 11 16 08 17 07 15 05 10 09 21 09 13 13 DK-Ref 05.2 04 06 12 03 04 02 04 07 03 05 05 15 03 03 05 06 09 05 07 03 03 08 05 04 03 06 03 Total 100% Mean 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.5 3.2 3.5 3.3 3.5 3.1 3.7 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.6

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you see Montenegro as an example of a multiethnic and multicultural country? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.50 0.52 0.03 0.10 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 64.4 65 64 63 62 66 67 70 62 64 63 59 63 70 64 65 62 65 75 42 69 79 52 72 74 65 61 70 No 26.2 27 26 28 26 26 26 21 27 30 28 29 28 22 26 28 28 23 17 45 23 16 34 21 20 27 29 22 DK-Ref 09.4 08 10 10 12 08 08 09 10 07 09 12 10 08 10 07 10 12 08 13 08 05 14 07 06 08 10 08 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

HISTORY Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that the STATE AUTHORITIES of Montenegro present THE history OF THIS COUNTRY in a correct way? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 They present it in an entirely 15.1 14 16 18 16 13 15 19 14 13 14 12 15 18 17 13 19 12 23 03 17 12 14 14 24 07 15 16 correct way They mainly present it in a 40.4 39 42 38 40 39 45 46 38 39 39 40 41 43 41 41 37 42 45 21 57 59 32 45 34 57 37 46 correct way Sum + 55.6 53 58 56 56 52 60 66 52 52 53 52 56 61 58 54 56 54 68 25 73 71 46 59 59 64 52 61 Sum - 34.0 38 30 33 32 38 33 23 38 36 36 35 34 30 32 36 35 31 23 65 13 15 44 35 30 23 37 29 They mainly present it in an 23.1 25 21 21 21 27 23 17 25 25 25 24 24 20 23 23 26 21 16 43 12 10 26 24 24 17 23 23 incorrect way They present it in an entirely 10.9 13 09 12 10 11 09 06 13 11 12 11 10 10 10 14 10 10 08 22 01 05 18 12 06 06 14 06 incorrect way DK-Ref 10.4 09 12 11 12 10 07 11 10 11 11 13 10 09 10 09 09 15 09 11 14 14 11 06 11 13 11 09 Total 100% Mean 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.9 2.0 2.1 2.5 2.4 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.2

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What should be the main focus of the history textbooks in the schools in this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

an / / an

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian Bosni Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 The history of 18.8 16 21 20 20 16 20 22 17 20 19 15 16 21 21 18 23 10 30 05 17 12 16 25 26 09 19 18 Montenegrins History of this 27.6 26 29 32 25 29 24 27 27 29 27 22 36 29 24 32 32 22 30 33 15 17 38 28 25 15 27 28 country History of all ethnic groups 32.7 39 27 26 31 35 39 35 33 29 30 39 27 35 36 29 22 45 23 32 56 58 24 29 28 55 32 34 living in this country History of the 17.3 14 20 17 19 17 15 13 20 15 18 20 17 14 17 18 16 18 15 26 09 10 18 13 19 18 17 17 world DK-Ref 03.6 04 03 04 05 03 03 04 03 06 05 04 03 01 03 02 07 04 03 05 02 04 05 05 02 03 04 02 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Montenegrin nation is one of the oldest ones in the Balkans Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

4 eur 250

- 29 4 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Fully disagree 10.2 12 08 08 08 13 12 08 10 14 10 15 09 09 12 10 11 06 05 22 03 11 15 04 10 08 12 07 Mostly 07.8 08 07 07 08 09 07 04 09 09 08 08 10 07 08 07 08 08 06 10 07 10 08 05 09 09 08 07 disagree Sum - 18.0 21 15 15 17 21 18 12 19 23 18 23 19 16 20 17 19 14 11 32 10 21 23 09 19 17 20 14 Both, agree 24.4 22 27 32 25 22 19 24 25 23 25 27 34 20 25 23 28 21 20 29 32 17 29 15 21 30 25 24 and disagree Sum + 50.5 51 50 46 52 50 55 54 50 48 51 46 41 54 47 51 50 57 63 31 47 54 40 73 53 46 48 55 Mostly agree 30.5 30 31 27 32 32 30 36 30 26 31 31 24 31 28 33 24 38 34 23 29 42 20 53 28 32 29 34 Fully agree 20.0 21 19 19 20 19 24 18 20 23 20 15 17 23 19 18 26 19 30 08 18 13 20 19 25 15 19 22 DK-Ref 07.1 06 08 07 07 06 08 10 06 06 06 04 06 11 08 08 03 09 05 08 11 08 08 03 08 07 07 07 Total 100% Mean 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.2 3.3 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.8 2.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.8 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.6

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What distinguishes Montenegro from other countries in the region is that it had an independent state for 5 centuries before entering Yugoslavia Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Fully disagree 08.3 10 07 07 06 11 09 10 08 08 08 09 12 08 10 07 09 06 05 17 02 06 14 02 10 03 10 05 Mostly 05.9 06 06 06 06 06 06 02 07 08 07 05 06 05 04 06 08 07 04 10 02 07 06 06 08 04 07 05 disagree Sum - 14.2 16 12 13 12 16 15 12 14 16 15 13 18 12 14 13 17 13 09 27 04 13 20 08 18 07 17 10 Both, agree 26.9 25 29 31 30 24 22 23 30 24 30 27 32 21 25 28 29 26 20 38 27 23 31 21 23 32 27 26 and disagree Sum + 50.6 52 49 48 51 51 52 51 49 54 51 50 44 53 50 49 52 54 65 25 55 56 40 69 51 51 48 55 Mostly agree 27.9 27 29 30 29 30 21 28 27 30 29 31 24 26 29 26 23 36 31 18 36 35 15 44 27 35 25 33 Fully agree 22.7 25 20 19 22 21 31 23 22 24 22 18 19 27 21 24 29 18 34 07 19 22 25 25 24 16 23 22 DK-Ref 08.2 07 10 07 07 09 11 14 07 06 05 09 06 14 11 10 02 07 05 10 15 07 09 03 09 10 08 09 Total 100% Mean 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.9 2.9 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.9 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.7

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Was Montenegro ever conquered by the Ottoman Empire? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250


- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coa NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.18 Yes 89.4 89 90 90 88 93 85 94 89 86 89 92 91 89 90 90 86 91 87 93 92 87 86 90 93 91 88 91 No 07.5 08 07 06 07 05 13 06 07 10 08 03 07 09 05 08 11 07 10 06 02 07 09 09 06 05 08 06 DK-Ref 03.1 03 03 04 04 02 02 04 04 03 05 03 02 04 03 03 02 03 01 06 06 05 01 01 05 03 03 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that FOR Montenegro the legacy of the Ottoman empire is Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College Universi Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Positive 13.6 18 09 12 15 14 13 19 11 13 12 19 11 14 19 08 09 17 08 04 53 20 08 06 13 28 11 18 Negative 47.3 47 48 50 43 49 48 44 48 49 49 42 50 47 44 53 56 34 51 64 07 30 52 56 54 25 49 45 Neutral 28.1 26 30 28 27 27 31 26 29 28 27 28 28 30 26 28 26 36 31 21 27 39 29 26 24 34 28 28 DK-Ref 10.9 09 13 10 16 10 08 11 11 10 12 11 11 09 11 11 09 12 10 11 13 11 10 11 09 14 12 09 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you think that Montenegro was annexed illegally by Serbia in 1918? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

ge or or ge

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary Colle University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 31.8 33 31 28 33 29 39 24 32 41 34 26 28 33 29 31 39 28 48 08 26 37 32 45 30 22 35 26 No 35.6 37 35 39 31 38 35 29 38 36 38 29 47 32 31 35 42 38 22 71 13 15 43 31 31 35 37 33 DK-Ref 32.5 31 35 33 36 33 26 46 30 23 28 45 25 34 40 33 19 34 29 21 60 48 25 24 38 43 28 40 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which is historical event is related to our statehood day? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.10 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 The Congress 31.9 34 30 29 34 31 33 22 33 41 36 27 35 27 25 36 44 25 37 32 21 19 37 33 35 19 34 27 of Berlin False answer 34.9 32 38 37 32 34 38 49 31 28 31 36 38 39 36 36 33 33 38 31 36 33 35 51 34 23 34 36 DK-Ref 33.2 34 32 34 34 35 29 29 36 31 33 37 27 34 39 28 23 42 25 37 44 48 29 16 30 58 31 37 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

WHICH PERSON (PAST OF PRESENT) do you regard as the best representative of THE values OF THE PEOPLE OF Montenegro? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 ntenegrin - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Mo Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 No-One Since The Peoples Of This Country 26.1 24 28 35 27 24 18 31 25 23 24 35 36 21 29 25 26 22 24 27 33 23 29 20 23 30 28 24 Have Different Values Persone 57.7 60 56 48 52 61 73 53 58 64 57 49 47 66 58 60 63 48 63 60 42 42 57 66 66 42 58 57 DK-Ref 16.2 16 16 18 20 15 09 16 17 13 18 17 16 13 13 15 12 29 13 12 25 35 14 14 11 28 14 19 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

WHICH PERSON (PAST OF PRESENT) do you regard as the best representative of THE values OF THE PEOPLE OF Montenegro? - Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Petar II Petrović 19.1 19 19 19 22 20 14 17 20 19 21 19 24 15 17 21 19 18 19 28 05 06 17 25 20 15 19 19 Njegoš Milo Đukanović 11.4 10 12 08 09 12 19 16 10 10 09 08 04 19 13 10 09 13 14 01 16 25 08 10 17 10 09 16 Josip Broz Tito 10.2 10 11 04 08 11 19 12 10 10 08 09 06 16 12 11 10 04 09 11 17 04 10 05 13 11 11 10 Kralj Nikola I 03.8 04 03 03 03 04 06 03 04 04 04 03 02 05 03 04 06 03 06 03 01 03 08 04 01 04 04 Petrović Sveti Petar Cetinjski/ Petar I 02.8 03 02 02 03 03 05 01 02 07 04 01 01 03 02 02 06 01 04 03 04 03 03 00 04 01 Petrović Marko Miljanov 00.9 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 02 02 01 02 01 01 01 00 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 Knez Danilo 00.9 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 00 01 00 Petrović Momir Bulatović 00.7 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 02 01 00 00 01 01 01 Slobodan 00.7 01 00 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 00 01 01 00 02 01 01 01 01 01 Milošević Slavko Perović 00.5 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 00 01 01 02 01 00 00 01 01 00 Blažo Jovanović 00.4 01 00 00 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 00 Filip Vujanović 00.4 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 01 00 01 00 01 00 Vuk Karadžić 00.3 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 01 00 00 00 Igor Lukšić 00.3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 Other 04.8 07 03 06 04 04 06 00 06 07 05 02 05 05 04 05 05 05 05 06 02 05 06 08 04 02 05 04 DK-Ref 16.2 16 16 18 20 15 09 16 17 13 18 17 16 13 13 15 12 29 13 12 25 35 14 14 11 28 14 19 No-One Since The Peoples Of This Country 26.6 24 29 35 27 25 18 32 25 24 25 35 37 21 29 26 26 23 25 28 33 23 30 22 23 30 28 24 Have Different Values Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Have you ever felt you were a Yugoslav? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.65 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.82 Yes, and still 28.1 27 30 17 24 36 35 26 28 31 26 28 17 34 31 28 30 20 23 45 18 11 38 20 29 19 29 27 feel like one I did, but not any 46.4 47 45 28 53 49 54 50 46 43 46 46 27 53 47 47 41 51 50 36 59 46 38 51 50 51 46 48 more No, I never felt I 23.7 24 23 54 21 12 10 22 24 24 25 25 55 11 20 23 27 27 26 17 20 41 22 27 20 29 24 24 was a Yugoslav DK-Ref 01.9 02 02 01 02 03 01 02 02 02 03 01 01 02 02 02 02 01 01 02 03 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Do you regret the dissolution of SFRY? Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 nsioner/ho - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pe usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.52 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 Yes 63.1 64 62 44 62 71 75 62 64 60 59 67 47 72 70 66 65 44 58 76 60 47 69 60 68 52 66 59 No 36.9 36 38 56 38 29 25 38 36 40 41 33 53 28 30 34 35 56 42 24 40 53 31 40 32 48 34 41 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

For what reasons? Base: those who regret the dissolution of SFRY (63% of target population) HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Second or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 957 481 476 155 261 324 217 222 555 180 402 160 65 330 357 283 202 115 421 357 122 57 342 160 286 170 628 330 sig 0.15 0.65 0.45 0.10 0.01 0.04 0.23 0.31 Better economic 45.3 46 44 51 46 44 42 50 45 41 46 51 43 43 49 44 44 40 44 45 48 50 41 43 46 53 45 46 situation Brotherhood and 16.7 14 19 19 16 17 16 21 16 14 13 14 23 22 15 13 18 29 15 21 10 18 20 13 17 14 17 16 unity Better social 13.1 12 14 07 13 13 18 11 14 15 12 16 08 14 17 14 10 06 14 10 21 12 12 18 11 14 13 13 program Tito was a good 12.1 13 11 09 13 13 12 11 12 14 15 11 09 10 11 14 12 13 13 12 13 08 10 13 14 11 12 12 leader There was less nationalism at that 07.8 08 07 10 06 08 08 06 08 09 08 06 12 07 05 11 09 06 10 06 06 05 09 09 07 05 07 08 time Other 02.2 03 01 02 02 02 03 02 06 03 02 01 02 02 02 02 04 02 03 06 04 01 02 01 03 01 DK-Ref 02.7 03 03 03 03 03 01 01 04 02 04 00 04 02 02 03 04 03 02 04 02 01 03 02 03 02 02 04 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

What is your opinion about renaming streets WITH YUGOSLAV NAMES? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montene Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 The names of streets should not 62.3 58 67 61 58 63 68 70 61 57 57 64 62 69 68 65 59 51 61 62 72 57 63 55 72 54 62 63 be changed The names of the streets should be 19.7 21 18 17 19 22 19 14 22 21 21 20 18 18 17 20 25 19 20 24 15 09 22 29 10 21 21 18 changed back to their for The names of the street should be 15.9 19 13 18 21 13 12 15 15 19 20 14 17 11 13 13 15 28 18 11 13 32 12 14 16 23 15 17 changed to completely new DK-Ref 02.1 02 02 03 02 02 01 01 02 03 02 03 03 01 03 02 01 02 02 03 02 03 02 02 01 02 02 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

GEOGRAPHICAL IMAGINATION Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How would you primerily regard this country? Base: Total target population

Ref -

N Western European Central European Balkan Oriental of None these DK Total Albania 1518 05.4 08.1 05.5 51.5 07.0 15.5 07.0 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1518 03.4 06.8 07.3 66.0 04.5 05.9 06.1 Croatia 1518 07.4 20.1 09.9 49.9 01.2 05.7 05.8 100% Kosovo 1518 04.4 05.6 04.8 54.2 05.2 17.8 08.0 Serbia 1518 02.1 10.4 05.6 68.1 03.4 04.5 06.0

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Albania - Would you primerily regard this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pens usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Western 05.4 05 06 05 03 05 10 04 06 04 05 03 05 08 08 05 02 04 05 07 06 03 08 02 08 01 08 02 European 08.1 07 09 07 10 08 07 10 08 08 09 05 03 09 09 07 08 08 10 04 03 22 06 14 07 07 07 10 Central 05.5 05 06 06 04 06 06 04 06 06 06 06 05 06 05 06 07 03 06 05 05 06 06 10 05 02 06 05 European Balkan 51.5 52 51 48 53 55 48 53 51 51 50 58 53 51 52 51 56 47 55 44 61 45 50 40 58 54 50 53 Oriental 07.0 08 06 10 07 05 07 07 07 06 07 04 14 06 03 08 08 11 06 08 08 08 08 11 03 07 07 07 None of these 15.5 18 13 16 16 16 13 12 16 19 19 15 14 12 13 15 15 21 13 24 09 09 13 16 15 20 13 19 DK-Ref 07.0 05 09 07 07 06 09 10 06 05 05 10 07 08 10 07 03 07 06 09 08 08 09 06 05 09 08 05 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Would you primerily regard this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

or or

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.32 0.00 0.00 Western 03.4 04 03 04 03 01 07 03 04 02 04 02 02 04 03 05 04 01 03 04 01 05 04 05 04 01 04 02 European 06.8 07 07 06 07 06 09 07 07 07 08 04 03 08 08 08 06 03 08 06 09 02 08 07 07 05 07 07 Central 07.3 07 07 10 08 06 06 05 08 08 09 07 07 06 06 07 10 08 07 08 07 10 08 13 06 04 06 09 European Balkan 66.0 66 66 59 65 73 65 71 64 64 63 69 69 68 66 64 68 66 67 64 67 67 61 61 71 71 65 68 Oriental 04.5 05 04 08 04 02 04 03 04 07 06 02 08 03 03 05 05 05 05 05 04 02 05 06 03 03 05 04 None of these 05.9 06 06 07 07 06 03 02 07 08 07 06 06 04 06 06 04 09 06 06 05 08 05 02 06 10 06 07 DK-Ref 06.1 04 08 07 07 06 06 09 06 04 04 11 06 06 08 06 03 08 05 08 07 07 09 05 04 06 07 04 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Croatia - Would you primerily regard this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.06 0.43 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 Western 07.4 07 08 08 05 06 11 04 09 07 07 05 06 09 07 08 08 08 07 10 03 07 10 04 10 02 09 05 European 20.1 19 21 19 22 19 21 21 20 19 22 14 15 22 19 21 20 21 23 13 18 33 18 22 23 18 18 23 Central 09.9 11 09 11 10 09 09 10 08 14 12 08 09 08 08 09 15 10 09 09 13 13 10 13 08 10 09 11 European Balkan 49.9 51 49 48 49 53 48 53 50 47 46 56 58 50 52 50 52 45 50 52 54 34 47 53 48 54 50 50 Oriental 01.2 02 01 02 01 01 01 00 01 02 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 02 01 00 01 01 None of these 05.7 06 05 06 06 06 04 03 06 08 07 06 04 04 07 06 03 06 05 07 04 07 06 01 06 09 06 06 DK-Ref 05.8 04 07 07 07 05 06 09 05 04 04 10 06 06 07 06 02 08 04 07 06 07 08 05 03 06 07 04 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Kosovo - Would you primerily regard this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWes East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 Western 04.4 04 04 04 03 04 08 03 05 04 04 03 04 06 06 05 02 03 04 06 02 04 07 01 06 01 06 02 European 05.6 05 06 04 07 05 07 05 06 05 07 02 03 07 07 06 05 04 06 04 07 06 05 08 05 06 05 06 Central 04.8 04 05 07 05 04 02 04 06 04 06 06 03 02 05 05 05 05 04 05 06 07 03 12 03 04 05 04 European Balkan 54.2 55 53 51 55 57 52 58 54 52 52 55 60 55 54 52 59 52 56 46 64 61 52 54 54 60 53 56 Oriental 05.2 06 04 07 06 04 03 04 05 08 06 03 07 04 03 07 07 05 06 05 04 01 05 10 03 04 06 05 None of these 17.8 19 16 19 17 18 17 14 18 22 19 21 16 15 17 18 16 21 17 24 08 14 16 10 24 18 15 22 DK-Ref 08.0 06 10 07 07 08 10 13 06 06 05 11 06 11 09 07 05 09 07 09 09 07 12 05 05 08 09 06 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Serbia - Would you primerily regard this country Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - uslim Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian M Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.10 Western 02.1 02 02 03 01 01 05 02 03 01 02 01 02 03 02 03 02 01 02 03 02 03 03 03 01 02 02 02 European 10.4 11 10 10 11 11 09 10 11 10 11 08 11 11 12 10 12 06 10 14 08 02 12 12 09 08 10 11 Central 05.6 04 07 06 05 07 04 05 05 07 07 05 03 04 05 06 08 03 06 06 02 06 04 09 07 03 05 07 European Balkan 68.1 71 66 65 68 70 70 71 67 67 67 72 71 67 65 68 70 73 70 62 76 69 63 65 71 75 67 70 Oriental 03.4 03 03 04 03 03 04 02 03 05 03 01 05 04 04 03 04 02 04 04 01 05 05 03 03 01 04 02 None of these 04.5 05 04 05 05 05 02 01 05 06 06 03 03 04 06 04 02 05 05 03 05 08 05 02 05 05 05 04 DK-Ref 06.0 04 08 07 07 04 07 09 05 04 04 09 06 07 07 06 02 08 05 07 06 08 09 06 03 06 07 04 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How strongly do you identify with each of these? Base: Total target population



Ref -

N Extremely strongly Very strong Moderately strongly little a Only all at Not DK + Sum Sum Total Europe 1518 15.4 21.0 34.4 13.5 10.2 05.5 36.4 23.7 South East Europe 1518 07.1 17.7 36.3 19.6 12.5 06.6 24.8 32.2 Balkan 1518 16.4 28.0 35.2 10.3 03.6 06.6 44.3 13.9 100% Montenegro 1518 32.2 25.9 25.1 07.5 03.6 05.7 58.1 11.2 Your entity 1518 42.2 22.4 19.3 04.1 02.6 09.3 64.7 06.7 Your city or village 1518 44.2 21.2 17.6 04.6 03.7 08.7 65.4 08.3

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How strongly do you identify with each of these? – strongly ( 1 + 2 ) Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pup Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 Your city or 65.4 68 62 69 62 63 70 61 67 65 65 61 74 66 60 70 71 61 72 62 60 45 68 69 74 47 69 59 village Your entity 64.7 69 61 66 63 62 68 60 66 65 65 61 71 64 61 70 68 60 71 60 62 49 64 71 74 48 67 60 Montenegro 58.1 59 57 62 55 55 62 56 59 58 57 50 73 60 52 63 63 55 73 41 57 32 61 61 67 40 62 51 Balkan 44.3 44 45 49 46 41 42 35 48 45 48 36 47 43 40 49 50 39 49 40 40 38 49 60 45 24 48 37 Europe 36.4 39 34 38 40 32 36 31 37 40 38 38 35 33 38 40 37 25 40 27 48 33 35 49 40 24 37 35 South East 24.8 26 24 26 31 21 21 19 28 25 27 27 28 19 23 30 27 18 28 20 31 12 27 32 25 15 26 23 Europe

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

How strongly do you identify with each of these? – a little ( 4 + 5 ) Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Monte Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 South East 32.2 34 31 28 28 35 39 40 30 30 30 29 29 37 31 34 29 35 30 35 29 41 35 20 39 30 31 34 Europe Europe 23.7 24 24 21 18 28 28 27 23 22 23 19 21 28 20 25 20 33 22 30 15 22 28 16 23 25 26 20 Balkan 13.9 14 14 09 13 16 17 11 14 18 15 13 08 15 13 14 13 15 11 17 13 20 15 04 15 20 14 14 Montenegro 11.2 11 11 12 13 12 07 07 13 11 13 14 07 08 12 10 13 10 08 18 06 12 14 13 08 10 12 11 Your city or 08.3 07 10 08 11 07 06 08 08 10 09 11 07 07 11 07 05 08 07 08 12 08 09 09 05 10 09 07 village Your entity 06.7 06 07 07 09 07 03 05 08 06 07 09 06 05 08 05 06 07 06 08 09 05 09 05 04 08 08 05

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

DEMOGRAPHICS Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Gender Base: Total target population Total Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College Univers Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.38 Male 49.7 51 50 50 48 34 54 57 60 55 53 31 50 47 51 53 46 50 62 47 49 45 46 59 49 51 Female 50.3 49 50 50 52 66 46 43 40 45 47 69 50 53 49 47 54 50 38 53 51 55 54 41 51 49 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Age Base: Total target population Total Gender Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- Male Female or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pens usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.60 18-29 23.2 24 22 17 28 18 20 27 99 03 20 23 29 24 24 24 16 24 30 25 17 20 24 21 30-44 27.7 28 28 17 30 33 41 43 01 09 30 22 30 30 28 26 34 22 22 29 32 29 27 28 45-60 30.0 30 30 31 30 30 34 30 34 33 28 25 33 28 32 31 30 28 24 32 35 30 31 >60 19.1 18 20 35 12 19 05 01 55 17 26 17 13 19 17 19 25 20 22 18 16 19 20 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Education - last FINISHED school Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Unfinished 05.8 03 08 03 03 06 13 25 03 03 14 08 06 02 06 04 01 16 18 01 09 07 09 04 09 primary Finished primary 15.0 11 19 10 10 16 27 64 05 20 11 29 23 11 09 14 12 16 24 12 13 21 13 17 12 20 Unfinished 02.6 01 04 04 01 03 03 11 00 04 09 03 04 03 01 01 02 04 03 02 04 04 02 04 secondary Unfinished secondary but 01.3 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 01 02 00 02 02 02 00 00 02 00 01 04 01 03 01 00 01 02 has got training Finished 54.0 58 50 64 60 54 33 95 59 54 79 38 54 57 45 60 56 60 43 41 58 47 55 51 58 47 secondary Unfinished 01.6 02 01 03 02 01 01 03 02 02 01 01 02 04 01 01 02 01 03 02 02 01 02 01 03 university University – 06.9 10 04 03 08 09 08 35 09 05 00 06 05 08 10 06 07 07 06 03 06 07 06 09 06 08 associate degree University – bachelor degree 12.8 13 13 12 16 11 12 65 20 10 07 05 11 29 12 16 10 06 19 17 10 13 09 15 09 at least Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Education Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type


250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 Employed Unemployed Student Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Elementary or less 23.5 16 31 17 14 25 43 08 26 20 46 35 20 12 21 18 21 43 30 15 30 24 29 18 33 Secondary 56.9 62 52 68 62 56 37 63 58 80 41 56 61 49 62 59 62 45 48 62 52 57 53 61 51 College or University 19.6 22 17 15 23 19 20 30 16 00 13 09 19 39 18 23 17 12 22 23 17 19 17 21 17 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Current occupation Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - rban emale Male F 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East U Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Blue-collar 013.3 016 010 013 019 014 006 007 019 003 030 009 016 011 020 014 014 008 013 015 013 014 010 015 010 worker White collar 010.9 010 011 012 016 011 001 014 013 024 007 014 017 005 012 013 004 007 011 019 010 004 010 012 Highly qualified 004.7 005 005 004 007 005 001 001 023 011 001 006 012 002 006 004 003 001 004 006 007 002 005 003 intellectual Manager 001.3 002 001 001 001 002 000 006 003 000 001 003 001 002 001 000 002 000 001 001 001 001 Highly qualified 001.7 003 001 001 003 002 001 009 004 001 001 005 002 001 001 001 007 003 001 001 001 002 001 intellectual Possesses smaller firm, 003.3 004 002 002 007 003 000 004 006 007 002 003 005 005 003 004 003 004 003 005 002 004 003 003 shop... Possesses larger 000.1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 firm, company... Farmer, 000.9 002 000 000 001 002 002 001 000 002 001 000 001 002 001 001 002 001 000 000 002 001 000 002 fisherman Self-employed in 008.6 012 005 006 012 011 002 005 011 006 019 009 007 006 014 007 008 013 009 004 008 008 015 008 009 other way Pupil 001.9 002 001 008 008 000 020 002 002 003 001 002 003 003 001 004 003 001 Student 007.3 008 007 031 000 013 000 080 004 008 010 008 008 008 003 005 013 004 004 005 009 005 Housewife 010.4 021 004 008 019 008 026 007 001 034 018 006 002 011 008 008 016 024 010 009 008 016 007 016 Pensioner 020.0 019 021 001 015 079 034 015 019 066 019 026 020 013 022 019 016 020 021 021 023 014 021 019 Unemployed 015.8 018 014 018 024 016 001 018 016 013 100 027 010 006 016 013 015 033 009 011 012 019 022 015 017 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Current occupation Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

125 eur 125

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Employed 44.6 54 35 39 66 50 12 15 49 67 30 48 60 50 47 47 33 42 42 54 46 39 46 42 Unemployed 15.8 18 14 18 24 16 01 18 16 13 27 10 06 16 13 15 33 09 11 12 19 22 15 17 Student/pupil 09.2 10 09 39 00 08 13 00 06 10 13 09 11 11 03 05 16 04 05 09 11 05 Pensioner/housewives 30.4 19 42 04 09 34 87 60 22 20 37 32 22 24 30 27 32 44 31 30 30 30 28 35 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Total number of household members Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 slim - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Mu Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.60 0.03 1.00 11.4 11 12 10 08 07 24 18 09 11 09 06 10 18 03 12 24 12 13 11 08 10 10 14 12 10 13 10 2.00 14.2 13 15 10 09 16 24 16 14 14 11 13 08 21 10 15 24 09 14 15 11 19 17 15 15 09 15 14 3.00 20.1 21 19 27 16 19 19 22 19 21 21 18 23 19 19 21 24 16 19 23 21 14 22 20 20 18 21 18 4.00 27.4 31 24 27 35 28 16 18 30 30 30 32 34 19 27 28 19 38 29 28 25 22 26 26 26 31 28 26 5.00 17.5 17 18 17 22 20 09 15 19 18 21 19 17 11 24 17 08 17 17 17 24 13 14 16 19 22 16 20 6.00 06.0 04 07 06 08 06 03 06 06 05 05 09 05 06 11 04 01 06 06 05 06 11 06 06 06 06 05 08 7.00 02.1 03 01 01 02 03 03 01 03 01 02 02 02 03 03 02 00 03 02 01 02 08 03 02 01 02 02 03 8.00 00.7 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 02 00 00 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 9.00 00.2 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 01 01 00 03 01 00 00 00 10.00 00.1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 13.00 00.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15.00 00.2 00 01 01 01 01 02 01 00 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Total HOUSEHOLD income in previous month Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eu 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No income 003.5 004 003 005 004 004 001 006 003 001 000 012 007 003 010 001 004 012 004 001 002 008 003 004 Bellow 100 € 001.7 002 001 001 000 004 001 004 001 001 001 006 002 005 001 002 004 000 003 003 002 001 002 101 do 200 € 006.2 006 006 003 006 006 011 012 005 001 002 010 002 011 015 004 004 006 015 004 003 002 006 014 005 008 201 do 300 € 009.9 011 009 006 006 009 021 014 010 003 005 011 004 019 023 007 008 011 015 010 006 009 017 008 010 010 301 do 400 € 010.5 009 012 009 010 011 013 016 009 007 009 011 008 013 019 010 007 011 010 012 005 009 015 012 008 010 012 401 do 500 € 009.8 009 011 008 013 006 013 010 011 007 009 011 008 011 014 013 006 010 010 010 011 007 013 012 009 010 010 501 do 600 € 009.4 008 011 009 008 010 011 009 010 008 010 005 005 012 008 014 012 012 009 003 009 010 010 013 003 009 010 601 do 700 € 005.8 006 006 007 006 005 004 003 006 008 008 003 007 004 003 013 004 007 005 003 005 008 006 006 002 006 005 701 do 800 € 004.6 005 005 005 005 006 003 004 005 006 006 005 005 003 002 011 005 005 005 001 005 006 007 005 000 005 004 801 do 900 € 004.2 005 003 005 003 005 003 000 005 005 006 002 005 002 001 008 008 005 004 002 003 007 005 002 001 004 004 901 do 1000 € 005.3 005 006 008 006 004 003 003 005 007 006 002 013 004 000 012 009 007 006 002 001 009 006 003 001 006 003 1001 do 1200 € 004.2 004 005 006 006 004 001 004 011 007 001 006 001 004 014 005 004 005 008 005 002 001 005 003 1201 do 1400 € 002.2 002 002 003 003 002 000 002 002 004 003 001 005 001 001 009 003 003 005 002 001 000 003 001 1401 do 1600 € 002.0 002 002 002 002 002 001 001 002 005 003 000 005 001 000 009 003 002 001 004 002 001 000 003 000 1601 do 1800 € 001.7 002 001 002 001 003 001 001 001 005 003 001 002 000 008 001 003 001 001 002 001 002 001 003 000 1801 do 2000€ 001.1 002 001 001 001 001 001 001 003 002 001 001 000 005 002 001 002 002 000 000 001 001 2001 do 2500 € 000.3 001 000 000 001 000 000 001 000 000 000 002 001 000 001 001 000 000 2501 do 3000 € 000.1 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 3001 do 4000 € 000.1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 001 001 000 4001 do 5000 € 000.1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Preko 5000 € 000.1 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 DK/REF 017.2 018 016 018 018 019 012 015 019 015 019 018 017 014 100 014 015 019 040 009 009 012 042 015 020 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

HH income per HH member Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions Settlement type

or or

29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Up to 125 eur 33.8 34 34 29 36 37 31 50 33 16 22 57 23 42 28 33 63 23 23 29 42 43 29 41 126-250 eur 28.4 27 30 28 23 27 39 24 30 27 31 17 32 30 32 29 14 27 35 34 30 11 30 26 Over 250 eur 20.6 21 20 25 22 17 18 10 18 41 28 08 28 15 26 23 04 10 32 27 16 04 25 13 Refusal 17.2 18 16 18 18 19 12 15 19 15 19 18 17 14 14 15 19 40 09 09 12 42 15 20 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which political party do you support? Base: Total target population HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type


250 eu 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 724 469 205 120 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.34 0.28 0.82 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 Demokratska partija 32.0 30 34 32 32 30 35 35 31 31 32 29 27 35 33 34 36 23 51 04 31 25 28 36 40 25 30 35 socijalista DPS SocijalisticHka narodna 09.7 10 09 06 07 14 10 10 10 09 12 08 03 09 08 12 08 10 04 25 01 10 12 12 04 10 10 partija SNP Nova srpska demokratija 06.8 08 06 05 08 07 07 07 07 07 07 05 05 08 06 07 08 05 01 21 03 09 04 08 04 08 05 Nova Socijal-demokratska partija 06.0 07 05 05 06 05 09 09 05 07 04 07 06 08 09 03 07 03 05 01 21 02 04 07 09 05 05 08 SDP BosSnjacHka stranka 03.2 04 02 02 04 04 02 02 04 03 03 08 01 02 08 01 01 01 00 22 02 01 00 13 03 03 Pokret za promjene PzP 03.1 03 03 04 04 03 01 03 03 03 03 04 07 02 02 04 03 03 04 03 01 01 02 08 02 02 04 02 Liberalna partija LP 01.3 02 01 01 01 02 01 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 00 01 01 03 00 01 02 01 Narodna stranka NS 01.0 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 02 00 01 01 02 01 01 02 01 02 01 00 01 01 Srpska lista - Dobrilo 00.9 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 01 01 00 01 01 00 03 02 01 01 01 01 DedejicC Demokratska unija 00.7 01 01 00 00 01 01 01 00 01 00 00 02 01 00 02 00 08 00 03 00 01 Albanaca DUA Demokratski savez u Crnoj 00.6 00 01 00 01 01 01 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 05 00 02 00 01 Gori - Bardhi Albanska alternativa 00.5 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 00 01 00 06 00 01 01 00 01 Demokratski centar 00.5 00 01 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 01 01 01 00 Hrvatska gradJanska 00.3 01 00 01 01 00 00 01 01 04 02 01 inicijativa HGI FORCA 00.2 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 Other 00.9 01 00 01 01 01 00 01 02 01 02 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 03 01 00 01 01 01 01 I would not vote 21.1 20 22 23 20 21 20 22 22 17 19 25 31 18 20 18 21 29 20 28 18 10 27 10 17 26 23 18 Dk 02.1 02 02 04 00 03 01 03 02 02 01 02 07 02 03 01 01 03 02 02 03 04 01 00 02 04 02 03 RF 09.2 08 10 11 11 07 09 05 10 12 10 06 09 09 05 13 08 13 09 09 03 23 10 12 07 08 10 08 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Which political party do you support? Base: decided (68% of target population) HH income per HH Settlement Total Gender Age Education Current occupation Ethnicity Regions member type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Montenegrin Serbian / Bosnian Muslim Other Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1025 523 502 219 290 313 203 249 570 206 467 160 73 325 371 293 219 142 509 285 157 75 303 208 310 204 628 397 sig 0.38 0.89 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 Demokratska partija 47.4 43 52 52 46 43 50 49 47 45 47 43 51 49 46 50 51 42 73 07 40 40 46 46 54 41 46 49 socijalista DPS SocijalisticHka narodna 14.4 15 14 10 11 21 14 14 15 13 17 12 05 13 12 18 11 19 05 42 02 16 16 17 06 15 14 partija SNP Nova srpska demokratija 10.1 11 09 07 12 10 10 09 10 10 10 08 10 11 09 10 12 10 01 34 04 15 06 11 06 12 07 Nova Socijal-demokratska 08.8 10 07 09 08 07 13 13 07 10 06 10 11 12 12 05 10 06 08 02 28 03 07 09 12 08 07 11 partija SDP BosSnjacHka stranka 04.7 06 04 04 06 05 03 03 05 04 04 11 01 03 11 01 01 01 00 29 02 02 00 21 05 05 Pokret za promjene PzP 04.6 05 05 06 05 05 02 05 05 05 04 06 13 03 03 06 04 06 06 05 01 02 04 11 03 03 06 03 Liberalna partija LP 01.9 02 01 01 02 02 02 02 03 02 02 02 01 02 02 01 03 03 00 02 02 04 00 02 02 01 Narodna stranka NS 01.4 01 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 00 05 00 01 01 03 01 01 04 02 03 01 00 02 01 Srpska lista - Dobrilo 01.3 01 01 02 02 01 01 02 00 02 02 01 01 01 01 02 00 04 03 01 01 01 01 DedejicC Demokratska unija 01.0 01 01 00 01 01 02 01 01 02 00 00 03 01 00 05 00 13 00 05 00 02 Albanaca DUA Demokratski savez u 00.8 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 02 00 00 00 04 00 01 08 00 04 00 02 Crnoj Gori - Bardhi Albanska alternativa 00.7 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 00 09 01 02 01 01 01 Demokratski centar 00.7 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 02 01 01 01 Hrvatska gradJanska 00.5 01 01 02 01 00 00 01 02 06 02 01 inicijativa HGI FORCA 00.3 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 02 04 01 01 Other 01.3 02 00 02 01 01 01 01 03 01 03 01 00 01 02 02 01 02 05 02 00 01 02 02 01 Total 100%

Feil! Stil er ikke definert. - Feil! Stil er ikke definert. Feil! Stil er ikke definert.

Ethnicity Base: Total target population Total Gender Age Education Current occupation HH income per HH member Regions Settlement type

250 eur 250

- 29 44 60 - - - Male Female 18 30 45 >60 or Elementary less Secondary or College University Employed Unemployed Student/pupil Pensioner/ho usewives eur 125 to Up 126 eur 250 Over Refusal Podgorica Coast NorthWest East Urban Rural N 1518 754 764 353 420 456 289 356 864 298 678 240 139 462 513 431 313 261 498 268 422 329 955 563 sig 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Montenegrin 47.7 45 51 50 48 45 49 37 49 56 50 38 56 47 39 54 60 39 56 55 51 24 52 40 Serbian 30.9 31 31 33 29 33 27 28 34 27 33 29 36 28 30 31 34 27 36 30 33 22 33 27 Bosnian / Muslim 13.5 17 10 09 17 14 14 25 11 08 10 28 04 14 25 07 02 15 03 03 14 37 10 20 Other 07.9 08 08 08 06 08 10 10 07 09 07 05 04 11 05 07 04 18 05 11 01 17 04 14 Total 100%