A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files


UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files

IRAN 1955-1959

INTERNAL AFFAIRS Decimal Numbers 788, 888, and 988 and FOREIGN AFFAIRS Decimal Numbers 688 and 611.88

Project Coordinator Gregory Murphy

Guide compiled by Blair D. Hydrick

A microfilm project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA An Imprint of CIS 4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 Library of Congress Cataloglng-in-Publication Data

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Iran, 1955-1959 [microform]: internal affairs, decimal numbers 788,888, and 988 : foreign affairs, decimal numbers 688 and 611.88. microfilm reels Accompanied by printed reel guide compiled by Blair D. Hydrick. ISBN 1-55655-379-X (microfilm) 1. Iran-Politics and govemment--1941-1979-Sources. I. Hydrick, Blair. II. . Dept. of State. [DS318.5] 955.05'3-dc20 92-9778 CIP

The documents reproduced in this publication are among the records of the U.S. Department of State in the custody of the National Archives of the United States. No copyright is claimed in these official U.S. government records.

Compilation® 1991 by University Publications of America. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55655-379-X. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Declassificatlon Notice for Users of This Publication iv

Introduction v

Internal Affairs

Note on Sources 2 Editorial Note 2 Table of Contents 3 Organization of the Department of State's Decimal Filing System 4 Reel Index 7 Subject Index 49

Foreign Affairs

Note on Sources 60 Editorial Note 60 Table of Contents 61 Organization of the Department of State's Decimal Filing System 62 Numerical List of Country Numbers 65 Reel Index 73 Subject Index 77 National Archives Washington, DC 204O8


Documents in this microfilm publication were declassified by appropriate authorities of the federal Government in accordance with the provisions of current Executive orders. Copies of documents bearing national security classification markings which are reproduced from this publication should be labeled as follows: DECLASSIFIED E.O. 11652 or E.O. 123S6 NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Documents determined to contain still sensitive national security classified information were withdrawn prior to the time of filming. Any withdrawn document is briefly described on a •Withdrawal Notice" filed and filmed in its place. Some withdrawn documents aay have been reviewed again, declassified •nd released to the public subsequent to the preparation of this publication. Inquiries about such releases should be addressed to: Diplomatic Branch Civil Archives Division National Archives and Records Administration Washington, DC 20408

(juuttj. i&uJkAsr*J> KUJiA**^ TRUDY HUSKAMP PETERSON Acting Assistant Archivist for the National Archives INTRODUCTION

The documents in this microfilm collection have been obtained by University Publications of America (UPA) from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59. These records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., where they are housed. UPA has published these records in cooperation with the National Archives. The Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State contain the bulk of the records accessed in Record Group 59—some 82 percent of this Record Group, according to a National Archives estimate. The Central Files contain all instructions sent to and all correspondence received from diplomatic posts abroad by the Department of State. In addition, most of the State Department's internal documentation, as well as correspondence between the Department and other federal departments and agencies, Congress, and private individuals and organizations are included in the Central Files. The records filmed from the Central Files for this collection are from the Internal and Foreign Affairs subject classifications of the Central Files. They include telegrams, airgrams, instructions, inquiries, studies, memoranda, situa- tion reports, translations, special reports, plans, and official and unofficial correspondence. These documents illuminate Iran's political system, government, judiciary, laws, military, customs, economy, finance, agriculture, natural resources, industry, communications, media, and relations with the United States of America and other nations. Because of the broad scope of these records, they both supplement and complement the coverage offered by the Depart- ment of State's own Foreign Relations of the United States series. This collection has been microfilmed directly from the records held at the National Archives, Washington, D.C. As such, the records reproduced herein represent the best available copies. UPA is proud to make this collection available for your research. Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files

IRAN 1955-1959 INTERNAL AFFAIRS Decimal Numbers 788, 888, and 988 NOTE ON SOURCES

The documents in the internal affairs section of this publication are from Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State, Central Files: Iran. The decimal numbers microfilmed include: 788.00-788.59, 888.00- 888.576, and 988.00-988.8294. These documents can be found at the National Archives, Washington, D.C.


University Publications of America (UFA) has microfilmed these files in their entirety. Only duplicate copies of documents have been excluded from this micropublication. Citations to documents enclosed by brackets were misnumbered by the Department of State. UFA has filmed these documents as they are filed at the National Archives. The correct decimal number with the correct subject citation is enclosed by the brackets. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Organization of the Department of State's Decimal Filing System 4

Reel Index

Reels 1-11 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs 7

Reels 12-24 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs 23

Reel 25 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont 43 Communications; Transportation; Science 45

Reel 26 Communications; Transportation; Science cont 46


From 1910 to 1963, the Department of State used a decimal classification system to organize its Central Files. This system assembled and arranged individual documents according to their subject with each subject having been assigned a specific decimal code. The decimal system from 1955 to 1959 consists of ten primary classifica- tions numbered 0 through 9, each covering a broad subject area.

CLASS 0: Miscellaneous.

CLASS 1: Administration of the U.S. Government.

CLASS 2: Protection of Interests (Persons and Property).

CLASS 3: International Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, and Organizations.

CLASS 4: International Trade and Commerce. Trade Relations, Customs Administration.

CLASS 5: International Informational and Educational Relations. Cultural Affairs. Psychological Warfare.

CLASS 6: International Political Relations. Bilateral Treaties.

CLASS 7: Internal Political and National Defense Affairs.

CLASS 8: Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs.

CLASS 9: Other Internal Affairs. Communications. Transportation. Science. For the internal affairs section of this publication, University Publications of America (UFA) has microfilmed the documents contained in CLASSES 7, 8, and 9. Within these classes each subject is defined by a decimal file number. The decimal file number is followed by a slant mark (/). The number after the slant mark (/) refers to the date on which the document was generated. Documents within each decimal file number are arranged in chronological order. The entire decimal file number is stamped on the right side of the first page of every document. These classes are concerned almost exclusively with the internal matters of individual countries. The class number (7,8, or 9) is followed by the country number. The number following the decimal point indicates subtopics within the major classifications. The date after the slant mark (/) identifies the individual document. Note: For the convenience of the researcher, whenever the pages repre- sented by a specific classification number total more than fifty but less than 250, a breakdown of the material by year is provided. Decimal files whose pages total more than 250 are listed by month and year. Frame File Subject

REEL INDEX Reel 1 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs 788.00 Political Affairs [General] 0002 0130 0177 August 1955 0266 0312 0376 0450 0548 0642 0725 0815 0909 Reel 2 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.00 Political Affairs [General] cont. 0001 May 1956 cont. 0020 0105 0209 0247 0302 0366 November 1956 0413 December 1956 Frame File Subject

788.00 Political Affairs [General] cont. 0468 January 1957 0559 February 1957 0671 March 1957 0740 April 1957 0838 May 1957 Reel 3 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.00 Political Affairs [General] cont. 0001 June 1957 0096 July 1957 0181 August 1957 0228 September 1957 0253 October 1957 0274 November 1957 0302 December 1957 0333 January 1958 0366 0412 March 1958 0472 April 1958 0478 May 1958 0499 June 1958 0518 July 1958 0686 August 1958 0747 September 1958 0814 October 1958 0880 November 1958 0926 December 1958 Reel 4 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.00 Political Affairs [General] cont. 0001 0056 Frame File Subject

788.00 Political Affairs [General] cont. 0097 0123 0221 0270 0301 0324 0353 0389 0404 0451 788.00(W) Political Affairs: Weeka Reports 0472 0488 0513 0534 0556 0580 June 1955 0602 July 1955 0630 August 1955 0658 September 1955 0687 October 1955 0722 November 1955 0746 December 1955 0759 January 1956 0772 February 1956 0780 March 1956 0787 April 1956 0800 May 1956 0812 June 1956 0825 July 1956 0845 August 1956 0860 September 1956 0870 October 1956 0888 November 1956 0911 December 1956 0927 January 1957 0941 February 1957 0951 March 1957 Frame File Subject

788.00(W) Political Affairs: Weeka Reports cont. 0967 April 1957 0982 May 1957 Reel 5 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.00(W) Political Affairs: Weeka Reports cont. 0001 May 1957 cont. 0008 June 1957 0026 July 1957 0035 August 1957 0048 September 1957 0064 October 1957 0075 November 1957 0095 December 1957 0102 January 1958 0108 February 1958 0133 March 1958 0144 April 1958 0156 May 1958 0166 June 1958 0179 July 1958 0197 August 1958 0207 September 1958 0224 October 1958 0237 November 1958 0260 December 1958 0272 January 1959 0285 February 1959 0299 March 1959 0319 April 1959 0340 May 1959 0370 June 1959 0384 July 1959 0415 August 1959 0443 September 1959 0476 October 1959 Frame File Subject

788.00(W) Political Affairs: Weeka Reports cont. 0508 November 1959 0539 December 1959 788.001 Political Affairs: Communism 0562 1955 0613 1956 0633 788.002 Political Affairs: Nazism 0634 788.0111 Political Affairs: Agents—in the U.S. 0659 788.01.111 Political Affairs: Agents—in the U.S.: Immunities; Privileges 0691 788.02 Political Affairs: Government 0700 788.021(788.21 Political Affairs: Legislative Branch of Government—Proceedings] 788.022 Political Affairs: Government—Territory 0711 1955 0741 1956 0776 1957 0862 1958 0892 1959 0907 788.03 Political Affairs: Constitution 0912 788.08 Political Affairs: Citizenship 0914 788.081 Political Affairs: Citizenship—Passports

0915 788.10(888.10 Financial Matters] [General] 788.11 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—King 0918 January 1955 0935 February 1955 0960 March 1955 0971 ApriM955 0982 July 1955 Frame File Subject Reel 6 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.11 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—King cont. 0001 August 1955 0008 October 1955 0028 November 1955 0032 December 1955 0040 January 1956 0044 February 1956 0071 March 1956 0081 April 1956 0093 May 1956 0105 June 1956 0150 July 1956 0185 August 1956 0195 October 1956 0204 November 1956 0211 December 1956 0212 January 1957 0215 February 1957 0249 March 1957 0267 April 1957 0280 May 1957 0377 June 1957 0444 July 1957 0508 August 1957 0515 September 1957 0519 October 1957 0529 November 1957 0542 December 1957 0547 January 1958 0565 February 1958 0571 March 1958 0587 April 1958 0619 May 1958 0677 June 1958 0721 July 1958 Frame File Subject

788.11 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—King cont. 0757 August 1958 0763 September 1958 0772 October 1958 0788 November 1958 0793 December 1958 0806 January 1959 0818 February 1959 0834 March 1959 0850 April 1959 0861 May 1959 0880 June 1959 0896 July 1959 0929 August 1959 0950 September 1959 0960 October 1959 0975 November 1959 Reel 7 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.11 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—King cont. 0001 November 1959 cont. 0029 December 1959 788.111 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—Chief Executive: Governors 0065 1955 0067 1956 0081 1957 0094 1958 0109 1959 788.13 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—Cabinet; Ministry 0125 February 1955 0126 April 1955 0146 May 1955 Frame File Subject

788.13 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—Cabinet; Ministry cont. 0169 June 1955 0187 July 1955 0190 August 1955 0196 September 1955 0201 October 1955 0202 November 1955 0215 December 1955 0230 January 1956 0233 February 1956 0237 March 1956 0239 April 1956 0251 May 1956 0275 June 1956 0291 July 1956 0295 August 1956 0324 September 1956 0345 October 1956 0362 December 1956 0367 January 1957 0373 February 1957 0396 March 1957 0409 April 1957 0451 May 1957 0467 June 1957 0482 July 1957 0491 August 1957 0497 October 1957 0501 November 1957 0504 December 1957 0509 February 1958 0513 March 1958 0517 April 1958 0525 May 1958 0531 June 1958 0540 July 1958 0541 August 1958 0545 September 1958 0562 October 1958 Frame File Subject

788.13 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—Cabinet; Ministry cont. 0576 November 1958 0587 January 1959 0598 February 1959 0606 March 1959 0616 April 1959 0618 May 1959 0620 June 1959 0631 July 1959 0648 August 1959 0661 September 1959 0686 October 1959 0698 November 1959 0702 December 1959 0704 788.14 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—Civil Service

788.2 Political Affairs: Legislative Branch of Government 0710 1955 0743 1956 0759 1957 0785 1958 0802 1959 788.21 Political Affairs: Legislative Branch of Government—Proceedings 0830 May 1955 0837 August 1955 0839 October 1955 0892 November 1955 0935 December 1955 Frame File Subject Reel 8 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.21 Political Affairs: Legislative Branch of Government—Proceedings cont. 0001 January 1956 0055 February 1956 0091 March 1956 0117 April 1956 0136 May 1956 0142 June 1956 0160 July 1956 0182 September 1956 0187 October 1956 0213 November 1956 0226 December 1956 0246 January 1957 0259 February 1957 0267 March 1957 0271 April 1957 0279 May 1957 0285 August 1957 0326 November 1957 0359 December 1957 0365 January 1958 0385 February 1958 0403 March 1958 0417 April 1958 0425 May 1958 0438 June 1958 0463 July 1958 0473 August 1958 0487 September 1958 0498 October 1958 0508 November 1958 0517 December 1958 0541 January 1959 0556 March 1959 0575 April 1959 Frame File Subject

788.21 Political Affairs: Legislative Branch of Government—Proceedings cont. 0601 May 1959 0614 June 1959 0637 October 1959 0650 December 1959

0651 788.3 Political Affairs: Judicial Branch of Government 0669 788.31 Political Affairs: Judicial Branch of Government- National Courts 0675 788.32 Political Affairs: Judicial Branch of Government— Judgments 0679 788.34 Political Affairs: Judicial Branch of Government- Laws; Statutes 0687 788.3611 Political Affairs: Judicial Branch of Government- Effect of Judgments and Decrees of Courts of the U.S. in Iran

0690 788.413(888.413 Social Matters: People—Religion]

788.5 National Defense Affairs [General] 0691 January 1955 0692 March 1955 0693 ApriM955 0696 May 1955 0700 July 1955 0701 September 1955 0706 January 1956 0708 February 1956 0710 June 1956 0711 July 1956 0721 August 1956 0723 October 1956 0726 December 1956 0729 February 1957 0751 March 1957 0756 April 1957 0757 May 1957 0759 June 1957 0762 July 1957 Frame File Subject

788.5 National Defense Affairs [General] cont. 0772 August 1957 0783 September 1957 0811 October 1957 0825 November 1957 0840 December 1957 0843 January 1958 0850 February 1958 0856 May 1958 0865 June 1958 0874 July 1958 0879 August 1958 0880 September 1958 0888 October 1958 0893 November 1958 0942 December 1958 0965 January 1959 Reel 9 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.5 National Defense Affairs [General] cont. 0001 January 1959 cont. 0035 February 1959 0118 March 1959 0152 April 1959 0160 May 1959 0163 June 1959 0164 July 1959 0167 August 1959 0169 September 1959 0171 November 1959 788.5MSP National Defense Affairs: Mutual Security Program 0177 January 1955 0198 February 1955 0232 March 1955 0262 April 1955 0278 May 1955 Frame File Subject

788.5MSP National Defense Affairs: Mutual Security Program cent. 0313 June 1955 0326 July 1955 0352 August 1955 0367 September 1955 0457 October 1955 0468 November 1955 0492 December 1955 0497 January 1956 0519 February 1956 0553 March 1956 0583 April 1956 0595 May 1956 0625 June 1956 0650 July 1956 0666 August 1956 0676 September 1956 0685 October 1956 0697 November 1956 0706 December 1956 0727 January 1957 0751 February 1957 0874 March 1957 0893 April 1957 0916 May 1957 0933 June 1957 0956 July 1957 Reel 10 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.5MSP National Defense Affairs: Mutual Security Program cont. 0001 July 1957 cont. 0010 August 1957 0022 September 1957 0045 October 1957 Frame File Subject

788.5MSP National Defense Affairs: Mutual Security Program cont. 0064 November 1957 0118 December 1957 0148 January 1958 0184 February 1958 0210 March 1958 0244 April 1958 0260 May 1958 0288 June 1958 0339 July 1958 0372 August 1958 0390 September 1958 0403 October 1958 0436 November 1958 0476 December 1958 0524 January 1959 0618 February 1959 0654 March 1959 0669 April 1959 0698 May 1959 0742 June 1959 0777 July 1959 0803 August 1959 0838 September 1959 0895 October 1959 0937 November 1959 0971 December 1959 Reel 11 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs cont. 788.5MSP National Defense Affairs: Mutual Security Program cont. 0001 December 1959 cont. 0042 788.52 National Defense Affairs: Intelligence Activities Frame File Subject

788.521 National Defense Affairs: Intelligence Activities— Biographical Data 0045 1955 0059 1956 0100 1957 0123 1958 0212 1959 0263 788.54 National Defense Affairs: Maneuvers; Troop Movements 0282 788.5400 National Defense Affairs: Overflights—by Other Countries 0285 788.5411 National Defense Affairs: Overflights—by the U.S. 0297 788.5461 National Defense Affairs: Overflights—by the USSR 0310 788.55 National Defense Affairs: Organization 0323 788.551 National Defense Affairs: Organization— Personnel 0344 788.5511 National Defense Affairs: Organization— Personnel: Conscription; Desertion 0354 788.553 National Defense Affairs: Organization—Schools 0383 788.55341 National Defense Affairs: Organization—Schools: Admission of Iranian Nationals for Visit or Study in Great Britain 788.56 National Defense Affairs: Equipment and Supplies 0384 1955 0422 1956 0443 1957 0481 1958 0489 1959 0490 788.561 National Defense Affairs: Equipment and Supplies—Armaments; Ordnance 0492 788.5612 National Defense Affairs: Equipment and Supplies—Armaments; Ordnance: Guided Missiles; Rockets 0496 788.5621 National Defense Affairs: Equipment and Supplies—Ships; Aircraft: Naval Vessels 0536 788.5622 National Defense Affairs: Equipment and Supplies—Ships; Aircraft: Military Aircraft 0549 788.563 National Defense Affairs: Equipment and Supplies—Bases Frame File Subject

0553 788.57 National Defense Affairs: Commissaries 788.58 National Defense Affairs: Missions 0555 February 1955 0557 March 1955 0572 April 1955 0629 May 1955 0687 June 1955 0691 July 1955 0704 August 1955 0705 September 1955 0707 November 1955 0711 December 1955 0715 January 1956 0721 February 1956 0725 March 1956 0736 April 1956 0743 October 1956 0759 January 1957 0774 March 1957 0775 May 1957 0777 June 1957 0787 July 1957 0790 September 1957 0793 October 1957 0799 November 1957 0800 December 1957 0801 January 1958 0804 February 1958 0809 March 1958 0814 April 1958 0817 June 1958 0818 July 1958 0822 August 1958 0830 September 1958 0837 October 1958 0843 November 1958 0853 December 1958 0868 January 1959 0887 February 1959 0891 March 1959 Frame File Subject

788.58 National Defense Affairs: Missions cont. 0895 April 1959 0911 May 1959 0931 June 1959 0942 July 1959 0948 August 1959 0950 September 1959 0958 October 1959 0966 November 1959 0984 788.5811 National Defense Affairs: Missions—to the U.S. 0986 788.59 National Defense Affairs: Civil Defenses

0987 788.61(988.61 Public Press: Newspapers] Reel 12 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs 888.00 Economic Matters [General] 0001 January 1955 0009 March 1955 0014 April 1955 0029 May 1955 0030 June 1955 0079 July 1955 0107 August 1955 0166 September 1955 0172 November 1955 0173 December 1955 0187 January 1956 0189 February 1956 0238 March 1956 0252 April 1956 0297 May 1956 0363 June 1956 0380 August 1956 0410 September 1956 0420 October 1956 0440 November 1956 Frame File Subject

888.00 Economic Matters [General] cont. 0466 December 1956 0479 January 1957 0523 February 1957 0550 March 1957 0579 April 1957 0609 May 1957 0693 June 1957 0708 July 1957 0755 August 1957 0838 September 1957 0894 October 1957 Reel 13 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.00 Economic Matters [General] 0001 November 1957 0039 December 1957 0091 January 1958 0209 February 1958 0414 March 1958 0440 April 1958 0554 May 1958 0586 June 1958 0674 July 1958 0778 August 1958 0829 September 1958 0894 October 1958 Reel 14 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.00 Economic Matters [General] cont. 0001 October 1958 cont. 0015 November 1958 0067 December 1958 Frame File Subject

888.00 Economic Matters [General] cont. 0137 January 1959 0256 February 1959 0301 March 1959 0363 April 1959 0434 May 1959 0490 June 1959 0533 July 1959 0625 August 1959 0721 September 1959 0760 October 1959 0849 November 1959 0870 December 1959 0916 888.00A Economic Matters: Advisers 0920 888.00Five-Year Economic Matters: Five-Year Plan 888.00Seven-Year Economic Matters: Seven-Year Plan 0937 October 1955 0957 December 1955 Reel 15 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.00Seven-Year Economic Matters: Seven-Year Plan cont. 0001 February 1956 0006 April 1956 0038 May 1956 0040 July 1956 0047 October 1956 0061 November 1956 0089 December 1956 0098 January 1957 0120 June 1957 0122 September 1957 0130 October 1957 0136 February 1958 0140 March 1958 0156 June 1958 0177 July 1958 Frame File Subject

888.00Seven-Year Economic Matters: Seven-Year Plan cont. 0195 January 1959 0198 February 1959 0219 March 1959 0223 May 1959 0229 June 1959 0238 September 1959 0240 October 1959 0360 November 1959 0361 December 1959 0370 888.00TA Economic Matters: Technical Assistance 0381 888.00(W) Economic Matters: Weeka Reports 0388 888.0094 Economic Matters: Economic Relations with Japan 888.01 Economic Matters: Cost of Living; Retail Prices 0397 January 1955 0407 February 1955 0424 March 1955 0427 April 1955 0434 May 1955 0437 June 1955 0454 July 1955 0465 August 1955 0470 September 1955 0473 October 1955 0483 November 1955 0491 December 1955 0497 January 1956 0505 February 1956 0516 April 1956 0524 May 1956 0531 June 1956 0548 July 1956 0550 August 1956 0564 September 1956 0572 October 1956 0580 November 1956 0590 December 1956 0599 January 1957 0603 February 1957 Frame File Subject

888.01 Economic Matters: Cost of Living; Retail Prices cont. 0613 March 1957 0622 ApriM957 0631 May 1957 0633 June 1957 0651 July 1957 0653 August 1957 0660 September 1957 0667 October 1957 0686 December 1957 0695 January 1958 0704 February 1958 0713 March 1958 0729 April 1958 0731 May 1958 0743 June 1958 0752 July 1958 0759 August 1958 0770 September 1958 0772 October 1958 0774 November 1958 0796 January 1959 0804 February 1959 0817 March 1959 0820 April 1959 0827 May 1959 0839 July 1959 0846 August 1959 0855 September 1959 0863 October 1959 0869 November 1959 0876 December 1959 888.02 Economic Matters: Building Construction 0889 1955 0890 1956 0908 1957 0914 1958 0926 1959 Frame File Subject

0947 888.021 Economic Matters: Building Construction—City Planning 0964 888.05 Economic Matters: Capital 0968 888.052 Economic Matters: Capital—Cooperative Systems Reel 16 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 0001 888.053 Economic Matters: Capital—Corporations 0016 888.054[988.61 Public Press: Newspapers] 0021 888.055 Economic Matters: Domestic Trade Conditions 888.06 Economic Matters: Labor 0040 June 1955 0044 July 1955 0048 August 1955 0050 September 1955 0119 October 1955 0137 November 1955 0138 December 1955 0142 February 1956 0157 April 1956 0159 June 1956 0166 August 1956 0171 September 1956 0176 November 1956 0180 January 1957 0207 June 1957 0209 August 1957 0216 September 1957 0228 October 1957 0229 November 1957 0234 December 1957 0236 February 1958 0267 March 1958 0291 May 1958 0302 June 1958 0307 September 1958 0320 November 1958 Frame File Subject

888.06 Economic Matters: Labor cont. 0324 December 1958 0331 March 1959 0334 May 1959 0344 June 1959 0347 August 1959 0365 October 1959 0376 November 1959 0380 December 1959 888.061 Economic Matters: Labor—Hours; Wages 0396 1955 0402 1956 0497 1958 0501 1959 888.062 Economic Matters: Labor—Unions 0509 1955 0568 1956 0573 1957 0622 1958 0635 1959 0658 888.072 Economic Matters: Pensions—Old Age 0691 888.08 Economic Matters: Insurance

888.10 Financial Matters [General] 0720 January 1955 0724 February 1955 0733 March 1955 0736 April 1955 0745 May 1955 0749 June 1955 0812 July 1955 0829 September 1955 0845 October 1955 0851 November 1955 0869 December 1955 0917 January 1956 0959 February 1956 Frame File Subject Reel 17 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.10 Financial Matters [General] cont. 0001 February 1956 cont. 0021 March 1956 0055 April 1956 0092 August 1956 0126 September 1956 0142 October 1956 0156 November 1956 0167 December 1956 0187 January 1957 0199 February 1957 0218 March 1957 0227 April 1957 0270 May 1957 0282 June 1957 0297 July 1957 0303 August 1957 0319 September 1957 0332 October 1957 0338 November 1957 0362 December 1957 0411 January 1958 0434 February 1958 0436 March 1958 0482 April 1958 0491 May 1958 0549 June 1958 0553 July 1958 0559 August 1958 0571 September 1958 0586 October 1958 0589 November 1958 0649 December 1958 0670 January 1959 0698 February 1959 0717 March 1959 Frame File Subject

888.10 Financial Matters [General] cont. 0738 April 1959 0773 May 1959 0782 June 1959 0816 July 1959 0821 August 1959 0832 September 1959 0835 October 1959 0839 November 1959 0856 December 1959 888.11 Financial Matters: Taxation 0876 1955 0899 1956 0912 1957 0913 1958 0927 888.111 Financial Matters: Taxation—Land 888.112 Financial Matters: Taxation—Income 0944 1955 Reel 18 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.112 Rnancial Matters: Taxation—Income cont. 0002 1956 0045 1957 0048 1958 0091 1959 0098 888.13 Rnancial Matters: Monetary System 888.131 Rnancial Matters: Monetary System—Exchange 0114 January 1955 0124 February 1955 0132 April 1955 0137 May 1955 0141 June 1955 0156 July 1955 0166 August 1955 0192 September 1955 0201 October 1955 Frame File Subject

888.131 Financial Matters: Monetary System—Exchange cont. 0208 November 1955 0221 December 1955 0227 February 1956 0232 March 1956 0240 April 1956 0249 May 1956 0256 June 1956 0260 July 1956 0267 August 1956 0276 September 1956 0280 October 1956 0283 November 1956 0289 December 1956 0295 January 1957 0297 February 1957 0303 March 1957 0304 April 1957 0305 May 1957 0313 June 1957 0315 July 1957 0316 August 1957 0329 September 1957 0338 October 1957 0339 November 1957 0343 December 1957 0346 January 1958 0354 February 1958 0360 March 1958 0366 April 1958 0372 May 1958 0386 June 1958 0400 July 1958 0406 August 1958 0408 September 1958 0409 October 1958 0415 November 1958 0424 December 1958 0430 January 1959 Frame File Subject

888.131 Financial Matters: Monetary System—Exchange cont. 0437 February 1959 0441 March 1959 0447 April 1959 0449 May 1959 0460 June 1959 0463 July 1959 0467 August 1959 0474 September 1959 0477 October 1959 0484 November 1959 0487 December 1959 888.14 Financial Matters: Banks; Banking 0491 1955 0559 1956 0570 1957 0604 1958 0647 1959 0697 888.15 Financial Matters: Exchanges 888.16 Financial Matters: Lands 0709 1955 0711 1957 0719 1958 0742 1959 0811 888.16188[888.1688 Financial Matters: Lands—Right of Iranian Nationals to Hold or Acquire Real Property in Iran] 0831 888.171 Financial Matters: Intellectual and Industrial Property—Patents 888.172 Financial Matters: Intellectual and Industrial Property—Trademarks 0840 1955 0875 1956 0879 1957 0890 1958 0913 1959 0918 888.173 Financial Matters: Intellectual and Industrial Property—Copyrights 0926 888.181 Financial Matters: Immigration; Emigration— Travel; Tourism Frame File Subject

0971 888.181 Gillham. Virgil Le Roy, Jr. Financial Matters: Immigration; Emigration— Travel: Gillham, Virgil Le Roy, Jr. 0975 888.1886 Financial Matters: Immigration; Emigration- Immigration to Iran from Arabia Reel 19 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.19 Rnancial Matters: Industrial Matters 0001 1955 0017 1956 0119 1957 0132 1958 0138 1959 0149 888.1901 Financial Matters: Industrial Matters—Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes 0156 888.191TE Rnancial Matters: Industrial Matters—Expositions; Exhibitions: Tehran

0182 888.20 Agriculture [General] 0219 888.211 Agriculture: Soil—Irrigation 0247 888.22 Agriculture: Pests 0252 888.23 Agriculture: Field Crops 0255 888.231 Agriculture: Field Crops—Grains 0272 888.2311 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Grains: Wheat 0277 888.2317 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Grains: Rice 0290 888.2321 Agriculture: Field Crops—Fibers: Cotton 0294 888.2324 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Fibers: Jute 0298 888.2331 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Alkaloidal Plants: Tobacco 0300 888.235 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Sugar-Yielding Plants 0301 888.2351 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Sugar-Yielding Plants: Cane 0306 888.2352 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Sugar-Yielding Plants: Sugar Beets 0312 888.236 Agriculture: Field Crops—Garden Crops 0319 888.237 Agriculture: Reid Crops—Fruits Frame File Subject

0321 888.2377 Agriculture: Field Craps—Fruits: Nuts 0325 888.2378 Agriculture: Field Crops—Fruits: Dates 888.2391 Agriculture: Field Crops—Trees: Forestry 0329 1955 0422 888.2392 Agriculture: Field Crops—Trees: Lumbering 0434 888.2422 Agriculture: Animal Husbandry—Domestic Animals: Stock Raising 0435 888.24222 Agriculture: Animal Husbandry—Domestic Animals: Stock Raising—Sheep 0439 888.2423 Agriculture: Animal Husbandry—Domestic Animals: Dairying 0440 888.2443(888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum] 888.245 Agriculture: Animal Husbandry—Fisheries 0448 1955 0521 1956 0534 1957 0557 1958 0562 1959 888.25 Agriculture: Mines; Mining 0574 1955 0584 1956 0606 1957 0625 1958 0649 1959 888.251 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Laws; Regulations 0661 1955 0662 1956 0664 1957 0695 1958 0726 888.2546 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Base Metals: Uranium 0737 888.2547 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Base Metals: Others 0750 888.2552 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Coal 888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum 0767 January 1955 0796 February 1955 0840 March 1955 Frame File Subject Reel 20 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum cont. 0001 April 1955 0044 May 1955 0116 June 1955 [Note: The following documents are filed out of chronological order.] 0141 November 1955 0151 July 1955 0221 June 1955 0244 May 1955 0257 June 1955 0288 July 1955 0372 August 1955 0418 September 1955 0468 October 1955 0520 November 1955 0622 December 1955 0657 January 1956 0676 February 1956 [Note: The following document is filed out of chronological order.] 0684 August 1956 0710 February 1956 0724 March 1956 0755 April 1956 0780 May 1956 0829 June 1956 0841 July 1956 0865 August 1956 0883 September 1956 0910 October 1956 0954 November 1956 Frame File Subject Reel 21 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum cont. 0001 November 1956 cont. 0020 December 1956 0040 January 1957 0102 February 1957 0202 March 1957 0291 April 1957 0359 May 1957 0400 June 1957 0430 July 1957 0467 August 1957 0525 September 1957 0608 October 1957 0653 November 1957 0661 December 1957 0682 January 1958 0708 February 1958 0715 March 1958 0762 April 1958 0813 May 1958 Reel 22 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum cont. 0001 June 1958 0036 July 1958 0154 August 1958 0224 September 1958 0339 October 1958 0403 November 1958 0434 December 1958 Frame File Subject

888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum cent. 0443 January 1959 0467 February 1959 0493 March 1959 0541 April 1959 0583 May 1959 0615 June 1959 0691 July 1959 0715 August 1959 0739 September 1959 0797 October 1959 0832 November 1959 0860 December 1959 0877 888.2553A Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum— Advisers 0878 888.2554 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Natural Gas 0879 888.2555[888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum] 0880 888.2561 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Other Mining Products: Salt 0882 888.2562 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Other Mining Products: Sulphur 0884 888.261 Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works 0909 888.2611 Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works: Markets 888.2612 Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works: Roads; Highways 0912 1955 Reel 23 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.2612 Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works: Roads; Highways cont. 0001 1956 0019 1957 0081 1958 0140 1959 Frame File Subject

888.2614 Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works: Utilities 0174 January 1955 0179 June 1955 0203 July 1955 0213 August 1955 0264 September 1955 0268 October 1955 0280 November 1955 0293 December 1955 0302 January 1956 0304 February 1956 0308 March 1956 0310 April 1956 0324 May 1956 0327 August 1956 0329 December 1956 0332 January 1957 0344 February 1957 0348 April 1957 0357 May 1957 0362 July 1957 0367 August 1957 0390 September 1957 0391 October 1957 0394 February 1958 0417 March 1958 0420 May 1958 0426 June 1958 0428 July 1958 0439 August 1958 0453 November 1958 0457 December 1958 [Note: The following document is filed out of chronological order.] 0462 April 1958 0532 January 1959 0536 February 1959 0541 April 1959 0546 May 1959 0567 June 1959 Frame File Subject

888.2614 Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works: Utilities 0577 September 1959 0578 November 1959 0579 888.2614Helmand Agriculture: Engineering—Public Works: Utilities— Valley Helmand Valley

0581 888.312 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Foods—Dairy Products 0584 888.315 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Foods—Fruit Products 0591 888.318 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Foods—Sugar Products 0619 888.319 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Foods—Edible Oils 0643 888.321 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Animal and Vegetable Products, Inedible—Hides 0653 888.324 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Animal and Vegetable Products, Inedible—Rubber Manufactures 0656 888.325 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Animal and Vegetable Products, Inedible—Fats; Greases 0661 888.331 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Steel Mill Products 0702 888.3311 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Steel Mill Products: Heavy Machinery 0711 888.3312 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Steel Mill Products: Light Machinery 888.332 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Building and Paving Materials 0739 1956 0773 1957 0787 1958 0794 1959 0809 888.333 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Transportation Equipment 0811 888.3331 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Transportation Equipment: Motor Vehicles Frame File Subject

0830 888.3332 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Transportation Equipment: Railroads 0834 888.335 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Iron and Steel and Related Industries—Communications Equipment 0838 888.343 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Household Furnishings—Appliances 888.35 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Textile Industry 0850 1955 0910 1956 0915 1957 0969 1958 0985 1959 Reel 24 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.352 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Textile Industry— Cotton Manufactures 0001 1955 0056 1956 0071 1957 0077 888.392 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Paper 0098 888.3931 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Non-Metallic Minerals: Glass and Clay Products 0100 888.3932 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Non-Metallic Minerals: Fuels and Petroleum Products 0120 888.394 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Metal Manufactures 0123 888.396 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Scientific and Professional Instruments 0130 888.3971 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Chemicals: Medicines; Pharmaceuticals Frame File Subject

0163 888.3972 Manufacturers; Manufacturing: Other Manufactures—Chemicals: Fertilizers

888.40 Social Matters [General] 0166 1955 0168 1956 0189 1957 0203 1958 0217 888.401 Social Matters: Census 0223 888.41 Social Matters: People 0269 888.411 Social Matters: People—Race Problems 0274 888.412[888.432 Social Matters: Education—Universities] 0278 888.412 Social Matters: People—Literature 888.413 Social Matters: People—Religion 0280 1955 0403 1956 0421 1957 0435 1958 0459 1959 0477 888.414 Social Matters: People—Manners and Customs 0495 888.4141 Social Matters: People—Manners and Customs: Marriage; Divorce 0506 888.421 Social Matters: History—Manuscripts 0514 888.424 Social Matters: History—Commemorative Celebrations 0529 888.425 Social Matters: History—Holidays 0532 888.43 Social Matters: Education 0569 888.431 Social Matters: Education—Elementary and Secondary 888.432 Social Matters: Education—Universities 0571 1955 0586 1956 0606 1957 0617 1958 0645 1959 0704 888.433 Social Matters: Education—Technical 0722 888.435 Social Matters: Education—Vocational 0728 888.44 Social Matters: Fine Arts 0741 888.451 Social Matters: Amusements; Sports—Theaters Frame File Subject

0742 888.452 Social Matters: Amusements; Sports—Motion Pictures 0743 888.453 Social Matters: Amusements; Sports—Athletics; Indoor Amusements 0750 888.46 Social Matters: Societies 0780 888.461 Social Matters: Societies—Better Citizenship Organizations 0783 888.47411 Social Matters: Etiquette—Ceremonial Communications: with the U.S. 0802 888.48649 Social Matters: Entertainment—by Resident Officers of Czechoslovakia 0803 888.48661 Social Matters: Entertainment—by Resident Officers of the USSR 0808 888.48691 Social Matters: Entertainment—by Resident Officers of India 888.49 Social Matters: Disasters 0810 1955 0822 1956 0864 1957 0896 1958 0925 1959

0930 888.50 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities [General] 0944 888.501 Public Order. Safety, and Health; Charities: National Police Reel 25 Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs cont. 888.51 Public Order. Safety, and Health; Charities: Municipal Government 0001 1956 0017 1957 0043 1958 0067 888.52 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Crime Frame File Subject

888.53 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Traffic in Narcotics 0112 1955 0144 1956 0166 1957 0185 1958 0188 1959 888.55 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Public Health 0212 1955 0227 1956 0287 1957 0293 1959 0295 888.551 [888.557 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Public Health—Supervision of Food and Drugs] 0296 888.557 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Public Health—Supervision of Food and Drugs 0303 888.558 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Public Health—Practice of Medicine 0320 888.57 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Charities; Philanthropic Organizations 888.572 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Charities; Philanthropic Organizations—Hospitals 0322 1955 0342 1957 0373 1958 0381 1959 0387 888.574 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Charities; Philanthropic Organizations— Orphanages 0388 888.576 Public Order, Safety, and Health; Charities: Charities; Philanthropic Organizations—Seamen's Homes

0390 888.71(988.71 Transportation: Land Transportation] 0393 888.734(988.734 Transportation: Water Transportation—Port Facilities] 0397 888.7553(888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum] 0398 888A.553[888.2553 Agriculture: Mines; Mining—Carbon: Petroleum] Frame File Subject Communications; Transportation; Science 0399 988.00 Communications [General]

0440 988.11(788.11 Political Affairs: Executive Branch of Government—King] 0442 988.16188[888.181 Financial Matters: Immigration; Emigration- Foreign Visas]

0444 988.20 Telegraph [General] 0469 988.204 Telegraph: Rates 0470 988.21 [788.21 Political Affairs: Legislative Branch of Government—Proceedings] 0476 988.23(988.20 Telegraph] [General]

988.40 Radio; Radiobroadcasting [General] 0477 1955 0500 1956 0546 1957 0578 1958 0621 1959 0683 988.4194 Radio; Radiobroadcasting: Communication between Iran and Japan 0684 988.42 Radio; Radiobroadcasting: Amateurs

0685 988.50 Television [General]

988.60 Public Press [General] 0719 1955 0750 1956 0771 1957 0772 1958 988.61 Public Press: Newspapers 0781 January 1955 0826 February 1955 0845 March 1955 0848 April 1955 0852 May 1955 0854 June 1955 0857 July 1955 Frame File Subject

988.61 Public Press: Newspapers cont. 0859 August 1955 0862 September 1955 0865 October 1955 0870 November 1955 0878 January 1956 0880 May 1956 0882 June 1956 0897 September 1956 0899 January 1957 0901 February 1957 0912 March 1957 0919 April 1957 0928 May 1957 0941 June 1957 0952 July 1957 0958 August 1957 0961 December 1957 Reel 26 Communications; Transportation; Science cont. 988.61 Public Press: Newspapers cont. 0001 March 1958 0009 April 1958 0011 July 1958 0028 September 1958 0037 January 1959 0046 February 1959 0053 March 1959 0076 April 1959 0084 May 1959 0104 June 1959 0118 July 1959 0126 August 1959 0137 September 1959 0145 October 1959 Frame File Subject

988.61 Public Press: Newspapers cont. 0156 November 1959 0162 December 1959 0175 988.62 Public Press: Newsgathering Agencies 0191 988.6211 Public Press: Newsgathering Agencies—in the U.S. 0218 988.6261 Public Press: Newsgathering Agencies—in the USSR 0230 988.6274 Public Press: Newsgathering Agencies—in Egypt 0232 988.63 Public Press: Magazines; Books

0246 988.701 Transportation: Laws; Regulations 0251 988.71 Transportation: Land Transportation 0266 988.711 Transportation: Land Transportation—Laws; Regulations 988.712 Transportation: Land Transportation—Railroads 0267 1955 0351 1956 0359 1957 0395 1958 0435 1959 0440 988.71290D Transportation: Land Transportation—Railroads: Rail Transportation between Iran and Pakistan 988.72 Transportation: Air Transportation 0441 1955 0489 1956 0543 1957 0564 1958 0598 1959 988.724 Transportation: Air Transportation—Airports 0655 1955 0686 1957 0716 1959 0721 988.726 Transportation: Air Transportation—Sale; Purchase 988.73 Transportation: Water Transportation 0731 1955 0744 1956 0787 1957 Frame File Subject

988.73 Transportation: Water Transportation cont. 0805 1958 0813 1959 0816 988.733 Transportation: Water Transportation—Attacks 988.734 Transportation: Water Transportation—Port Facilities 0822 1955 0900 1956 0906 1957 0931 1958 0943 1959 0987 988.737 Transportation: Water Transportation—Fueling and Provisioning 0993 988.7389 Transportation: Water Transportation—between Iran and Afghanistan 0994 988.739 Transportation: Water Transportation—Sale; Purchase

0995 988.8137 Science: Physical Sciences—Physics: Nuclear 0997 988.8292 Science: Earth Sciences—Geophysics: Geophysical Prospecting for Location of Mineral Resources 0998 988.8294 Science: Earth Sciences—Geophysics: Meteorology

The foreign affairs section of this publication begins at Frame 1006 of Reel 26. Please refer to the foreign affairs section of this guide for information on these documents. SUBJECT INDEX

The folbwing index is a guide to the major subjects in the internal affairs section of this collection. The first arable number refers to the reel, and the arable number after the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular subject begins. Hence, 9: 0177 directs the researcher to the subject that begins at Frame 0177 of Reel 9. By referring to the Reel Index that constitutes the initial section of this guide, the researcher can find the main entry for this subject. The Department of State's phrasing as used in its classification of documents is reflected in the terms used for entries in this index.

Advisers Amusements; sports economic 14: 0916 athletics; indoor amusements petroleum 22: 0877 24:0743 Afghanistan motion pictures 24: 0742 water transportation between Iran theaters 24: 0741 and 26: 0993 Animal husbandry Agents see Animals, domestic; Fisheries in the U.S.—general 5: 0634 Animals, domestic in the U.S.—immunities; privileges dairying 19:0439 5:0659 stock raising—general 19: 0434 Agriculture stock raising—sheep 19: 0435 general 19:0182 Appliances pests 19: 0247 23: 0838 soil—irrigation 19: 0219 Arabia see also Crops, field immigration to Iran from 18: 0975 Aircraft Armaments; ordnance military 11: 0536 general 11: 0490 Airports guided missiles; rockets 11: 0492 26:0655-0716 Athletics Alkaloldal plants 24: 0743 see Tobacco Atomic energy for peaceful purposes 19: 0149 Attacks Communications water transportation 26:0816 ceremonial—with the U.S. 24: 0783 Banks; banking equipment 23: 0834 18:0491-0647 general 25: 0399 Books Communism 26: 0232 5:0562-0613 Building and paving materials Conscription 23:0739-0794 11:0344 Cabinet; ministry Constitution 7:0125-0702 5:0907 Capital Construction, building cooperative systems 15:0968 city planning 15:0947 corporations 16:0001 general 15: 0889-0926 general 15: 0964 Cooperative systems Celebrations 15:0968 commemorative 24:0514 Copyrights Census 18:0918 24:0217 Corporations Charities; philanthropic 16:0001 organizations Cost of living general 25:0320 15:0397-0876 hospitals 25:0322-0381 Cotton Chemicals general 19:0290 fertilizers 24:0163 manufactures 24: 0001-0071 medicines; Pharmaceuticals 24: 0130 Courts Citizenship national 8:0669 general 5:0912 Crime organizations 24:0780 25:0067 passports 5:0914 Crops, field City planning alkaloidal plants—tobacco 19: 0298 15:0947 fibers—cotton 19: 0290 Civil defenses fibers—jute 19: 0294 11:0986 fruits Civil service dates 19:0325 7:0704 general 19: 0319 Coal nuts 19: 0321 19:0750 garden crops 19:0312 Commissaries general 19:0252 military 11:0553 grains cost of living; retail prices 15:0397- general 19:0255 0876 rice 19: 0277 domestic trade conditions 16: 0021 wheat 19: 0272 economic relations—with Japan sugar-yielding plants 15:0388 cane 19: 0301 five-year plan 14: 0920 general 19: 0300 general 12: 0001-0894; 13: 0001- sugar beets 19:0306 0894;14:0001-0870 trees—forestry 19:0329 labor trees—lumbering 19:0422 general 16: 0040-0380 Czechoslovakia hours; wages 16: 0396-0501 entertainment by resident officers of unions 16: 0509-0635 24: 0802 seven-year plan 14:0937-0957; Dairying 15:0001-0361 19:0439 technical assistance 15: 0370 Dairy products weeka reports 15: 0381 23: 0581 Economic relations Dates (fruit) with Japan 15:0388 19:0325 Education Defense elementary and secondary 24: 0569 see Mutual security program; general 24:0532 National defense affairs technical 24: 0704 Desertion universities 24: 0274,0571-0645 of military personnel 11:0344 vocational 24:0722 Disasters Egypt 24:0810-0925 newsgathering agencies in 26:0230 Divorce Engineering 24:0495 see Public works Drugs Entertainment see Medicine; Narcotics by resident officers of Economic matters Czechoslovakia 24: 0802 advisers 14:0916 by resident officers of India 24: 0808 building construction—city planning by resident officers of the USSR 15:0947 24: 0803 building construction—general Exchanges 15:0889-0926 general 18: 0697 capital monetary 18: 0114-0487 cooperative systems 15: 0968 Expositions; exhibitions corporations 16:0001 Tehran 19:0156 general 15: 0964 Fats inedible 23: 0656 Fertilizers Garden crops 24:0163 19:0312 Fibers Geophysics cotton 19:0290 see Meteorology; Mineral resources jute 19: 0294 Glass and clay products Financial matters 24: 0098 banks; banking 18: 0491-0647 Government exchanges 18: 0697 executive branch of general 5:0915; 16:0720-0959; cabinet; ministry 7: 0125-0702 17:0001-0839 civil service 7:0704 monetary system—exchange governors 7: 0065-0109 18:0114-0487 king 5: 0918-0982; 6: 0001-0975; monetary system—general 18: 0098 7:0001-0029;25:0440 taxation general 5: 0691 general 17: 0876-0913 judicial branch of income 17: 0944; 18: 0002-0091 effect of judgments and decrees land 17: 0927 of courts of the U.S. in Iran Rne arts 8:0687 24:0728 general 8: 0651 Fisheries judgments 8:0675 19:0448-0562 laws; statutes 8: 0679 Five-year plan national courts 8: 0669 14: 0920 legislative branch of—general Foods 7:0710-0802 dairy products 23:0581 legislative branch of—proceedings edible oils 23: 0619 5:0700; 7: 0830-0935; 8: 0001- fruit products 23: 0584 0650; 25:0470 sugar products 23:0591 municipal 25: 0001-0043 supervision of 25: 0295, 0296 territory 5: 0711-0892 Forestry Governors 19:0329 7:0065-0109 Fruit Grains dates 19: 0325 general 19:0255 general 19: 0319 rice 19: 0277 nuts 19: 0321 wheat 19: 0272 products 23: 0584 Greases Fueling and provisioning inedible 23:0656 26: 0987 Great Britain Fuels schools—admission of Iranian 24:0100 nationals for visit or study in 11:0383 Helmand Valley communications equipment 23:0834 23:0579 steel mill products Hides general 23: 0661 23: 0643 heavy machinery 23: 0702 Highways light machinery 23: 0711 see Roads transportation equipment History general 23: 0809 commemorative celebrations motor vehicles 23:0811 24:0514 railroads 23:0830 holidays 24: 0529 Irrigation manuscripts 24: 0506 19:0219 Holidays Japan 24: 0529 economic relations with Iran Hospitals 15:0388 25: 0322-0381 radio communications between Iran Household furnishings and 25: 0683 see Appliances Judgments Immigration effect of, in Iran 8: 0687 to Iran from Arabia 18: 0975 general 8: 0675 Income Jute taxation 17: 0944; 18: 0002-0091 19:0294 India King (Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, Shah entertainment by resident officers of of Iran) 24: 0808 5:0918-0982; 6: 0001-0975; Industrial matters 7:0001-0029; 25: 0440 atomic energy for peaceful purposes Labor 19:0149 general 16: 0040-0380 expositions; exhibitions—Tehran hours; wages 16: 0396-0501 19:0156 unions 16: 0509-0635 general 19: 0001-0138 Lands Instruments general 18: 0709-0742 see Scientific and professional right of Iranian nationals to hold or instruments acquire real property in Iran Insurance 18:0811 16:0691 taxation 17:0927 Intelligence activities Laws biographical data 11: 0045-0212 general 8: 0679 general 11: 0042 land transportation 26: 0266 Iron, steel, and related Industries mining 19:0661-0695 building and paving materials transportation 26: 0246 23:0739-0794 Literature Markets 24: 0278 22: 0909 Lumbering Marriage 19:0422 24:0495 Machinery Medicine heavy 23: 0702 general 24: 0130 light 23: 0711 practice of 25: 0303 Magazines supervision of 25: 0295, 0296 26: 0232 Metal Maneuvers base—others 19: 0737 see Troop movements base—uranium 19: 0726 Manners and customs manufactures 24: 0120 general 24:0477 Meteorology marriage; divorce 24: 0495 26: 0998 Manufacturing Military bases animal and vegetable products, 11:0549 inedible Mineral resources fats; greases 23: 0656 location of—geophysical prospecting hides 23: 0643 for 26:0997 rubber manufactures 23:0653 Minerals, nonmetalllc appliances 23: 0838 fuels and petroleum products chemicals—fertilizers 24: 0163 24:0100 chemicals—medicines; glass and clay products 24:0098 Pharmaceuticals 24:0130 Mines; mining metal manufactures 24: 0120 base metals—other 19: 0737 nonmetallic minerals—fuels and base metals—uranium 19: 0726 petroleum products 24:0100 coal 19:0750 nonmetallic minerals—glass and clay general 19: 0574-0649 products 24: 0098 laws; regulations 19: 0661-0695 paper 24:0077 natural gas 22: 0878 scientific and professional petroleum—advisers 22:0877 instruments 24:0123 petroleum—general 19: 0440, 0767- textile industry—cotton manufactures 0840; 20:0001-0954; 21: 0001- 24: 0001-0071 0813; 22:0001-0860, 0879; textile industry—general 23:0850- 25: 0397, 0398 0985 salt 22: 0880 s00 also Foods; Iron, steel, and sulphur 22: 0882 related industries Ministry Manuscripts see Cabinet; ministry 24: 0506 Missiles guided 11: 0492 Missions, military organization general 11-.0555-0966 general 11:0310 to the U.S. 11: 0984 personnel—conscription; Monetary system desertion 11: 0344 exchange 18: 0114-0487 personnel—general 11: 0328 general 18:0098 schools—admission of Iranian Motion pictures nationals for visit or study in 24: 0742 Great Britain 11: 0383 Motor vehicles schools—general 11: 0354 23:0811 overflights Mutual security program by other countries 11: 0282 9: 0177-0956; 10: 0001-0971; by the U.S. 11:0285 11:0001 by the USSR 11:0297 Narcotics Natural gas traffic in 25: 0112-0188 22: 0878 National defense affairs Naval vessels civil defenses 11: 0986 11:0496 commissaries 11: 0553 Nazism equipment and supplies 5:0633 armaments; ordnance—general Newsgatherlng agencies 11:0490 in Egypt 26: 0230 armaments; ordnance—guided general 26: 0175 missiles; rockets 11:0492 in the U.S. 26: 0191 bases 11: 0549 in the USSR 26: 0218 general 11:0384-0489 Newspapers military aircraft 11: 0536 11:0987; 16: 0016; 25: 0781-0961; naval vessels 11: 0496 26:0001-0162 general 8: 0691-0965; 9: 0001-0171 Nuts intelligence activities—biographical 19:0321 data 11:0045-0212 Oils intelligence activities—general edible 23: 0619 11:0042 Ordnance maneuvers; troop movements see Armaments; ordnance 11:0263 Orphanages missions—general 11: 0555-0966 25: 0387 missions—to the U.S. 11: 0984 Overflights mutual security program 9: 0177- by other countries 11: 0282 0956;10:0001-0971;11: 0001 by the U.S. 11:0285 by the USSR 11:0297 Pakistan Press, public rail transportation between Iran and general 25: 0719-0772 26:0440 magazines; books 26: 0232 Passports newspapers 11:0987; 16: 0016; 5:0914 25: 0781-0961; 26: 0001-0162 Patents see also Newsgathering agencies 18:0831 Prices Pensions retail 15: 0397-0876 old age 16:0658 Public health Pests general 25: 0212-0293 agricultural 19:0247 supervision of food and drugs Petroleum 25: 0295, 0296 advisers 22: 0877 Public works general 19: 0440, 0767-0840; general 22: 0884 20: 0001-0954; 21: 0001-0813; markets 22: 0909 22: 0001-0860. 0879; 25: 0397. roads; highways 22: 0912; 23: 0001- 0398 0140 products 24:0100 utilities—general 23: 0174-0578 Pharmaceuticals utilities—Helmand Valley 23:0579 see Medicine Race problems Philanthropic organizations 24: 0269 see Charities; philanthropic Radio; radiobroadcasting organizations amateurs 25: 0684 Physics communication between Iran and nuclear 26: 0995 Japan 25: 0683 Police general 25: 0477-0621 national 24: 0944 Railroads Political affairs equipment 23: 0830 agents in the U.S.—general 5:0634 general 26: 0267-0435 agents in the U.S.—immunities; rail transportation between Iran and privileges 5: 0659 Pakistan 26:0440 communism 5: 0562-0613 Rates general 1: 0001-0909; 2: 0001- telegraph 25: 0469 0838; 3:0001-0926; 4: 0001- Regulations 0451 see Laws Nazism 5:0633 Religion weeka reports 4: 0472-0982; 8:0690; 24: 0280-0459 5:0001-0539 Rice Port facilities 19:0277 25: 0393; 26: 0822-0943 Roads 22:0912:23:0001-0140 Rockets Statutes 11:0492 see Laws Rubber manufactures Steal mill products 23: 0653 general 23: 0661 Salt heavy machinery 23:0702 22: 0880 light machinery 23: 0711 Schools, military Stock raising admission of Iranian nationals for general 19:0434 visit or study in Great Britain sheep 19: 0435 11:0383 Sugar general 11: 0354 beets 19:0306 Scientific and professional cane 19: 0301 Instruments general 19:0300 24:0123 products 23:0591 Seamen's homes Sulphur 25: 0388 22:0882 Security Taxation see Mutual security program general 17: 0876-0913 Seven-year plan income 17: 0944; 18:0002-0091 14:0937-0957;15:0001-0360 land 17:0927 Sheep Technical assistance 19:0435 15:0370 Social matters Tehran, Iran census 24: 0217 expositions; exhibitions in 19: 0156 general 24: 0166-0203 Telegraph literature 24: 0278 general 25: 0444, 0476 manners and customs—general rates 25: 0469 24: 0477 Television manners and customs—marriage; 25: 0685 divorce 24: 0495 Territory people 24: 0223 5:0711-0892 race problems 24:0269 Textile Industry religion 8:0690; 24: 0280-0459 cotton manufactures 24: 0001-0071 Societies general 23: 0850-0985 better citizenship organizations Theaters 24: 0780 24: 0741 general 24: 0750 Tobacco Soil 19:0298 see Irrigation Trade conditions Sports domestic 16: 0021 see Amusements; sports Trademarks Tourism 18:0840-0913 see Travel Transportation Unions air 16:0509-0635 airports 26:0655-0716 Universities general 26: 0441-0598 24:0274.0571-0645 sale; purchase 26: 0721 Uranium equipment 19:0726 general 23:0809 U.S. motor vehicles 23:0811 ceremonial communications with railroads 23:0830 24: 0783 land Iranian missions to 11:0984 general 25: 0390 judgments and decrees—effect of, in laws; regulations 26: 0266 Iran 8:0687 railroads—general 26:0267-0435 newsgathering agencies in 26: 0191 railroads—rail transportation overflights of Iran by 11: 0285 between Iran and Pakistan USSR 26:0440 entertainment by resident officers of laws; regulations 26: 0246 24: 0803 water newsgathering agencies in 26: 0218 attacks 26: 0816 overflights of Iran by 11:0297 fueling and provisioning 26:0987 Utilities general 26: 0731-0813 general 23: 0174-0578 between Iran and Afghanistan Helmand Valley 23: 0579 26: 0993 Visas port facilities 25:0393; 26: 0822- foreign 25: 0442 0943 Wages sale; purchase 26: 0994 16:0396-0501 Travel Weaka reports general 18:0926 economic 15: 0381 Graham, Virgil Le Roy. Jr. 18:0971 political 4: 0472-0982; 5:0001-0539 Trees Wheat forestry 19:0329 19:0272 lumbering 19:0422 Troop movements 11:0263 Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files

IRAN 1955-1959 FOREIGN AFFAIRS Decimal Numbers 688 and 611.88 NOTE ON SOURCES

The documents in the foreign affairs section of this publication are from Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State, Central Files: Iran. The decimal numbers microfilmed include: 688.00-688.935 and 611.88- 611.8894. These documents can be found at the National Archives, Washing- ton, D.C.


University Publications of America (UFA) has microfilmed these files in their entirety. Only duplicate copies of documents have been excluded from this micropublication. Citations to documents enclosed by brackets were misnum- bered by the Department of State. UFA has filmed these documents as they are filed at the National Archives. The correct decimal number with the correct subject citation is enclosed by the brackets. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Organization of the Department of State's Decimal Filing System 62

Numerical List of Country Numbers 65

Reel Index

Reel 26 cont. International Political Relations; Bilateral Treaties General Relations 73

Reel 27 International Political Relations; Bilateral Treaties cont. General Relations cont 73 Bilateral Relations 73 U.S.-lranian Relations 74


From 1910 to 1963, the Department of State used a decimal classification system to organize its Central Files. This system assembled and arranged individual documents according to their subject with each subject having been assigned a specific decimal code. The decimal system from 1955 to 1959 consists of ten primary classifica- tions numbered 0 through 9, each covering a broad subject area.

CLASS 0: Miscellaneous.

CLASS 1: Administration of the U.S. Government.

CLASS 2: Protection of Interests (Persons and Property).

CLASS 3: International Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, and Organizations.

CLASS 4: International Trade and Commerce. Trade Relations, Customs Administration.

CLASS 5: International Informational and Educational Relations. Cultural Affairs. Psychological Warfare.

CLASS 6: International Political Relations. Bilateral Treaties.

CLASS 7: Internal Political and National Defense Affairs.

CLASS 8: Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs.

CLASS 9: Other Internal Affairs. Communications. Transportation. Science. For the foreign affairs section of this publication, University Publications of America (UFA) has microfilmed the documents contained in CLASS 6, which deals with the foreign policy and political relations between countries. Within this class each subject is defined by a decimal file number. The decimal file number is followed by a slant mark (/). The number after the slant mark (/) refers to the date on which the document was generated. Documents within each decimal file number are arranged in chronological order. The entire decimal file number is stamped on the right side of the first page of every document. In the foreign affairs section of this publication, records classified 688 deal with the foreign policy of Iran and its political relations with other nations. Due to the State Department's arrangement of these records, countries assigned numbers below 88 will not be found in this publication; however, UFA has included files dealing with the political relations between the United States (country number 11) and Iran. In order to find the political relations between Iran and countries otherthanthe United States that have a lower number than 88, the researcher should check the CLASS 6 records for that country. These records can be found eitherat the National Archives, Washington, D.C.;or, for many countries, in microform publications that UFA has made available to libraries. The State Department's numerical list of country numbers is reproduced on the following pages.

Note: For the convenience of the researcher, whenever the pages repre- sented by a specific classification number total more than fifty but less than 250, a breakdown of the material by year is provided. Decimal files whose pages total more than 250 are listed by month and year. NUMERICAL LIST OF COUNTRY NUMBERS

00 THE WORLD (Universe) 01 Outer Space (Aerosphere) 01A Moon 02 Antarctic 03 Arctic 10 THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE 11 United States 11A (Ocean or Kurd Islands and Palmyra Island) 11B U.S. Possessions in the Pacific Ocean 11C Puerto Rico 11D Guam 11E American Samoa (Tutuila, Manua Islands, etc.) 11F Canal Zone (Panama Canal Zone), Perico, Naos, Culebra, and Flamenco Islands 11G Virgin Islands of the U.S. (St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas) 11H Wake Island 12 Mexico 13 CENTRAL AMERICA 14 Guatemala 15 Honduras 16 El Salvador 17 Nicaragua 18 Costa Rica 19 Panama 20 SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (South of the Rio Grande River) 21 Colombia 22 Ecuador (Galapagos Islands) 23 Peru 24 Bolivia 25 Chile 31 Venezuela 32 Brazil 33 Uruguay 34 Paraguay 35 Argentina 36 WEST INDIAN REPUBLICS 37 Cuba, including Isle of Pines 38 Haiti 39 Dominican Republic 40 EUROPE 40A Ireland (Eire) (Irish Free State) 40B Iceland 41 Great Britain, United Kingdom 41A Northern Ireland 41B British possessions in the Western Hemisphere (Except Canada) 41C British Honduras 41D British Guiana 41E British West Indies (includes 41F to 41J) 41F The West Indies (Federation of British Colonies in the Caribbean) 41G Bahamas 41H Bermuda 41J Virgin Islands 41R Falkland Islands 41S South Orkney Islands (South Georgia, South Orkneys, and South Sandwich Islands) 41T South Shetland Islands 42 Canada (including Newfoundland and Labrador) 43 Australia 44 New Zealand (Cook Islands, Kermad Islands, and Union Islands [Tokelau]) 45 British territories in Africa 45A Union of South Africa (Cape of Good Hope, Transvaal, Orange Free State, Natal) 45B British South Africa (45C - D - E - F) 45C Rhodesia (Mashonaland, Matabeleland. and Nyasaland Federation) 45D Basutoland 45E Bechuanaland 45F Swaziland 45G British West Africa 45H Nigeria (including that portion of the Cameroons under British Protectorate) 45J Ghana (see 79) 45M Sierra Leone 45N Gambia 45P British East Africa 45R Kenya Colony 45S Uganda 45T Zanzibar 45U Somaliland (protectorate) 45W Sudan 45X British Southwest Africa (formerly German Southwest Africa) 46 British territories in Asia 46A Andaman and Nicobar Islands 46B Laccadive Islands 46C Aden. Colony and Protectorate (Hadhramaut, Kamaran, Perim, Socotra, Abdul Quiri, and Kuria Muria Islands) 46D Bahrein Islands 46E Ceylon 46F Singapore (Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean) 46G Hong Kong 46H British Borneo (North Borneo, Brunei, and Sarawak) 46J Republic of the Maldive Islands 46K Fiji 46M Papua (formerly British New Guinea) 46N Pacific Islands, including Tonga (Friendly), Cocos (Isla de Cocos), Labuan, Solomon, Prtcairn, Gilbert Islands, Ellice Islands, and British interest in Christmas Island, Phoenix, and Keeling Islands 47 British territories in Mediterranean 47A Gibraltar 47B Malta 47C Cyprus 47D St. Helena and dependencies (Diego Alvarez—Gough Island-Inaccessible and Nightingale Islands) 47E Tristan da Cunha 47F Ascension Island 47G Seychelles 47H Mauritius 48 Poland (including Danzig) 49 Czechoslovakia 50 WESTERN CONTINENTAL EUROPE 50A Luxembourg SOB Monaco 50C Andorra SOD San Marino 50F Liechtenstein 50G Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) 51 France (including Corsica) 51A St. Pierre and Miquelon 51B Martinique 51C Guadeloupe and dependencies (Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Desirade, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin) (French West Indies, collectively) 51D French Guiana (Cayenne) Inini 51E French colonies in America 51F French India 51G Indochina 51H Cambodia 51J Laos 51K Vietnam 51M New Caledonia and dependencies (Isle of Pines, Loyalty Islands, Huon Islands, Chesterfield Islands, Wallis Archipelago) 51N Society Islands (Tahiti, Moorea-Morea; Leeward Island-lies Sous-le-Vent) 51P Lesser groups (Tuamotu-Tumotu or Low Archipelago; Gambier Archipelago; Marquesas; Tubuai Archipelago-Austral Islands) 51R New Hebrides 51S Algeria 51T French West Africa and the Sahara (Senegal, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, French Sudan, Upper Senegal and the Niger; Mauritania and Dakar), Togo 51U French Equatorial Africa (French Congo) (Gabun-Gabon; Middle Congo-Moyen Congo; Ubanga Shari-Oubangui Chari; and Chad-Tchad; Brazzaville); Cameroun 51V French Somali Coast and dependencies (Somali Coast); Djibouti, Issa-Somalis; Dankali, Adaels, Ouemas, and Debenehs 51W Madagascar 51X Other African Islands. Mayotte, Comoro, Reunion, Amsterdam, St. Paul Marion, Crozet, and Kerguelen 51Y French possessions and protectorates in Oceania and Eastern Pacific (Australasia and Oceania) 52 Spain 52A Canary Islands 52B Spanish possessions in Africa 52C Rio de Oro and Adrar (Western Sahara) 52D Rio Muni and Cape San Juan (Spanish Guinea) 52E Fernando Po, Annobon, Corisco, and Elobey Islands 52F Tetuan and Ceuta; Gomera, Alhucemas, Melilla 52G Balearic Islands 53 Portugal 53A Madeira 53B Azores 53C Mozambique 53D Portuguese India (Goa, Damao, Diu) 53E Macao (Macau) 53F Timor 53G Cape Verde Islands (Santo Antao, Sao Nicolau, Sio Vicente, Fogo, Santiago, Boa Vista, Sal Santa, Luzia, Branco, Raso, Maio, Brava, Rei, and Rombo) 53H Portuguese Guinea (Guinea Coast), Bijagoz Islands, and Bolama Island 53K Sao Thome (Sao Tome) and Principe 53M Landana and Cabinda 53N Angola (Portuguese West Africa), Congo, Loanda, Benguella, Mossamedes, Huilla, and Lunda 53P Portuguese East Africa 54 Switzerland 55 Belgium 55A Belgian Congo (Belgian Kongo) 56 Netherlands 56A Surinam (Netherlands Guiana) 56B Netherlands Antilles (formerly Netherlands West Indies) (Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Martin, St. Eustatius, Saba) 56C Miscellaneous Islands (Riau-Lingga Archipelago, Bangka-Banca; Billiton, Molucca, Timor Archipelago, Bali and Lombok, Netherlands New Guinea, or Western New Guinea) 56D Indonesia 56F Sumatra 57 Norway 57A Scandinavia (57, 58, 59, 60E) 57B Spitsbergen (Spitzbergen) 57C Lapland (Parts of 57, 58, 60E, 61) 58 Sweden 59 Denmark 59A Greenland 59B Faeroe (Faroe) or Sheep Islands 60 EASTERN CONTINENTAL EUROPE (including Balkans, 67, 68, 69, 81, and European part of 82) 60A Baltic States 60B Esthonia 60C Latvia 60D Lithuania 60E Finland (Aland Islands) 61 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 61A Bessarabia 61B Ukraine 61C Sakhalin Island (Russian portion) 62 Germany 62A Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) (Saar) 62B Russian Zone (East Germany) 62C Polish Administration 63 Austria 64 Hungary 65 Italy 65A Vatican City 66 Rumania (Roumania) 67 Albania 68 Yugoslavia 69 Bulgaria 70 AFRICA (For Belgian possessions, see 55A) (For British possessions, see 45) (For French possessions, see 51S etc.) 70A Mediterranean countries (General) 70B Republic of Guinea (see 79) 71 Morocco 72 Tunisia 73 Tripoli (Libya or Libia), Barca, Misurata, Benghazi, Derna, Cyrenaica 74 Egypt (see 86B) 75 Ethiopia (Hamara, Galla, and Harar) 75A Eritrea 76 Liberia 77 Trust Territory of Somaliland 78 Tanganyika Territory (Ruanda-Urundi), formerly German East Africa 79 West African states (includes 45J and 70B) 80 NEAR EAST 81 Greece 81A Crete 81B Samos 82 Turkey 83 Syria (see 86B) 83A Lebanon (Levant States) 84 Palestine 84A Israel 85 Jordan (Hashemite Jordan Kingdom) (formerly Trans-Jordan) 86 Arabia (Arab League) (United Arab states, includes 86B and 86H) 86A Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of Hejas and Nejd) 86B United Arab Republic (includes 74 and 83) 86D Kuwait 86E Muscat and Oman 86F Qatar 86G Trucial Sheikhs 86H Yemen 87 Iraq (Mesopotamia) 88 Iran (Persia) 89 Afghanistan 90 FAR EAST (including all of Asia) 90A Bhutan 90B Burma 90C Nepal 90D Pakistan (Baluchistan) 91 India 92 Thailand (Siam) 93 China 93A Manchuria 93B Tibet 94 Japan 94A Formosa (Taiwan) 94B Sakhalin Island (Japanese portion) 94C Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa), Nampo Islands (Benin, Volcano, and Marcus) 95 Korea 95A North Korea 95B South Korea 96 Philippine Republic 97 Malaya (Federation of Malaya comprises the States Pahang, Perak, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Johore, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Trengganu, and the settlements Malacca and Penang) (including Province of Wellesley) 98 Republic of Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes) 99 Pacific Islands (Mandated), New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands (Bougainville, Baku), Marshall Islands, Nauru, Caroline Islands, Pelew (Palau) Islands, Marianne Islands (Ladrone Islands), Samoa (Samoan Islands, Western Samoa), Savaii, Upolu Frame File Subject

REEL INDEX Reel 26 cont. International Political Relations; Bilateral Treaties General Relations 688.00 Political Relations between Iran and Other Countries 1006 1955 1024 1956 Reel 27 International Political Relations; Bilateral Treaties cont. General Relations cont. 688.00 Political Relations between Iran and Other Countries cont. 0001 1958 0011 1959 0040 688.0021 Political Relations between Iran and Other Countries: War; Hostilities—Neutrality 0043 688.0094 Political Relations between Iran and Other Countries: Other Relations; Bilateral Treaties—Air Navigation Treaties

Bilateral Relations 0045 688.86D Political Relations between Iran and Kuwait 688.89 Political Relations between Iran and Afghanistan 0047 1955 0049 1956 0054 1957 Frame File Subject

688.89 Political Relations between Iran and Afghanistan cont. 0058 1958 0079 1959 688.89322 Political Relations between Iran and Afghanistan: Boundary Questions—Water Boundary: Diversion of International Waters (see also frame 0044) 0100 1955 0112 1956 0132 1957 0153 1958 0158 1959

0164 688.90D Political Relations between Iran and Pakistan 0195 688.90D3 Political Relations between Iran and Pakistan: Boundary Questions 0207 688.90D31 Political Relations between Iran and Pakistan: Boundary Questions—Land Boundary 0211 688.90D4 Political Relations between Iran and Pakistan: Economic Treaties and Agreements 0212 688.90D91 [688.90D8 Political Relations between Iran and Pakistan: Extradition Treaties] 0213 688.91 Political Relations between Iran and India 0221 688.914 Political Relations between Iran and India: Economic Treaties and Agreements 0226 688.919(688.915 Political Relations between Iran and India: Guttural Treaties and Agreements] 0233 688.93 Political Relations between Iran and China 0234 688.9395(688.935 Political Relations between Iran and China: Cultural Treaties and Agreements]

U.S.-lranian Relations 611.88 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran 0238 January 1955 0241 May 1955 0242 July 1955 0244 August 1955 0248 September 1955 0257 December 1955 Frame File Subject

611.88 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran cont. 0259 January 1956 0266 February 1956 0272 March 1956 0275 May 1956 0277 August 1956 0293 October 1956 0299 November 1956 0305 December 1956 0329 January 1957 0334 February 1957 0336 March 1957 0338 April 1957 0341 May 1957 0344 July 1957 0357 August 1957 0360 September 1957 0381 October 1957 0387 November 1957 0404 December 1957 0412 February 1958 0417 April 1958 0423 May 1958 0424 June 1958 0441 August 1958 0442 September 1958 0464 October 1958 0467 November 1958 0470 December 1958 0474 January 1959 0488 February 1959 0500 March 1959 0506 April 1959 0512 May 1959 0515 June 1959 0525 July 1959 0526 August 1959 0534 September 1959 0548 October 1959 Frame File Subject

611.88 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran cont. 0557 November 1959 0566 December 1959 0573 611.881 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Peace; Friendship 0575 611.8831(688.6131 Political Relations between Iran and the USSR: Boundary Questions—Land Boundary] 611.884 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Economic Treaties and Agreements 0577 1955 0713 1956 0727 1957 0744 1958 0755 611.8841 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Economic Treaties and Agreements—Trade Agreements 0770 611.889 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Other Relations; Bilateral Treaties 0787 611.8891 [611.888 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Extradition Treaties] 0796 611.88921(611.88431 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Economic Treaties and Agreements—Financial Treaties and Agreements: Double Taxation] 611.8894 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Other Relations; Bilateral Treaties—Air Navigation Treaties 0798 1955 0836 1956 0973 1957 1005 1958 1015 611.8896(611.887 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Military Agreements] 1024 611.8897(611.8845 Political Relations between the U.S. and Iran: Economic Treaties and Agreements—Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy] SUBJECT INDEX

The following index is a guide to the major subjects in the foreign affairs section of this collection. The first arabic number refers to the reel, and the arable number after the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular subject begins. Hence, 27: 0045 directs the researcher to the subject that begins at Frame 0045 of Reel 27. By referring to the Reel Index that precedes this subject index, the researcher can find the main entry for this subject. The Department of State's phrasing as used in its classification of documents is reflected in the terms used for entries in this index.

Afghanistan China political relations with Iran 27: 0047- cultural treaties and agreements 0079 27: 0234 water boundary—diversion of political relations with Iran 27:0233 international waters 27: 0044, Cultural relations and treaties 0100-0158 see Treaties Air navigation Economic treaties and agreements see Treaties see Treaties Atomic energy Extradition peaceful uses of—treaties with U.S. see Treaties regarding 27:1024 Financial treaties and agreements Boundary questions see Treaties with Afghanistan—diversion of India international waters 27:0044, cultural treaties and agreements 0100-0158 27: 0226 with Pakistan—general 27: 0195 economic treaties and agreements with Pakistan—land boundary 27: 0221 27: 0207 political relations with Iran 27: 0213 with the USSR—land boundary International waters 27: 0575 diversion of, by Afghanistan 27:0044.0100-0158 Kuwait atomic energy—with the U.S. political relations with Iran 27:0045 27:1024 Land boundary boundary with Pakistan 27:0207 with Afghanistan 27: 0044, 0100- with USSR 27: 0575 0158 Military agreements with Pakistan 27: 0195. 0207 with the U.S. 27:1015 with USSR 27: 0575 Neutrality cultural treaties and agreements— treaties of 27: 0040 with China 27: 0234 Pakistan cultural treaties and agreements— boundary questions—general with India 27: 0226 27:0195 economic treaties and agreements boundary questions—land boundary with India 27: 0221 27: 0207 with Pakistan 27: 0211 economic treaties and agreements with U.S. 27: 0577-0744 27:0211 extradition—with Pakistan 27: 0212 extradition treaties 27: 0212 extradition—with U.S. 27: 0787 political relations with Iran 27: 0164 financial treaties and agreements Peace; friendship, treaties of with U.S.—double taxation with the U.S. 27:0573 27:0796 Political relations military—with U.S. 27:1015 with Afghanistan 27: 0047-0079 miscellaneous—with U.S. 27: 0770 with China 27:0233 neutrality 27:0040 with India 27:0213 trade—with U.S. 27:0755 with Kuwait 27:0045 U.S. with other countries 26:1006-1024; air navigation treaties 27: 0798-1005 27:0001-0011 atomic energy treaties 27:1024 whh Pakistan 27:0164 economic treaties and agreements with the U.S. 27:0238-0566 27: 0577-0744 Taxation extradition treaties 27: 0787 double—treaties with U.S. regarding financial treaties and agreements— 27:0796 double taxation 27: 0796 Trade agreements military agreements 27:1015 with the U.S. 27: 0755 other relations; bilateral treaties Treaties 27: 0770 air navigation—with other countries political relations with Iran 27: 0238- 27:0043 0566 air navigation—with the U.S. trade agreements 27: 0755 27:0798-1005 USSR boundary questions—land boundary 27: 0575 Water boundary with Afghanistan—diversion of international waters 27: 0044, 0100-0158 Middle East Countries in UPA's CONFIDENTIAL U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT CENTRAL FILES SERIES Arab Confederation, 1950-1959 Egypt, 1945-1959 Iran, 1945-1959 Iraq, 1945-1959 Jordan, 1955-1959 Lebanon, 1945-1959 Palestine: United Nations Activities, 1945-1949 Palestine-Israel, 1945-1959 Persian Gulf States and Yemen, 1950-1959 Saudi Arabia, 1945-1959 Syria, 1945-1954


Aden, 1925-1941 Beirut, 1925-1941 Iran, 1925-1944 Iraq, 1925-1944 Jerusalem, 1925-1941 Lebanon, 1942-1944