October 1954
OCTOBER 1954 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS SURVEY OF CUHMENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD SERVICE Albuquerque, N. Mex. No. 10 208 U. S, Courthouse UUA S. Broadway OCTOBER 1954 Atlanta 5. Ga, Memphis 3, Twin. 50 Seventh St. ML Boston 9, Mass. Miami 32, Fla. U. S. Post Office and 36 NE. First St, Courthouse Bldg. MfameapoHs2tMmn. Buffalo 3, N. Y. 607MarqoetteAre. 117 Ellicott Sti Charleston 4, S. C, Area 2, Sergeant Jasper Bldg. PAGE New York 17. N.Y. 110E.4Sth! THE BUSINESS SITUATION 1 Cheyenne, Wyo, 307 Federal Office Bldg. Philadelphia 7. Pa. National Income and Corporate Profits, Chicago 6, 111. 226 W, Jackson Blvd. Phomix.Ari,, Cincinnati 2, Ohio 137 N. Second Are. 422 U. S. Post Office and Courthouse 107 Sixth St, SPECIAL ARTICLES Cleveland 14, Ohio 1100 Chester Ave« 520 SW. Morrison St. Foreign Grants and Credits Dallas 2, Tea. U. S. Government, Fiscal 1954, 7 Reno,Ner. 1114 Commerce St. 1479 V«lh Are. Private and Public Debt in 1953, 13 Denver 2, Colo, Richmond 20, Va. 142 New Custom House WON.LomhardySt. Detroit 26, Mich, St. Louis 1, Mo. 230 W, Fort St. 1114 Market St, El Paso, Tex. Salt Lake Cit7l, Utah Chamber of Commerce 222 SW. Temple St. MONTHLY BUSINESS STATISTICS . S-l to S-40 Bid*. Houston 2, Tex. San Francisco U, Calif. Statistical Index . Inside back cover 430 Lamar Ave. 555 Battery St. Jacksonville 1, Fla, Sarannab. Ga. 311 W, Monroe St. 125-29 BullSt. Kansas City 6, Mo, Seattle 4, Wash. 911 Walnut St.
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