Southern Accent October 1954 - August 1955

Southern Accent October 1954 - August 1955

Southern Adventist University KnowledgeExchange@Southern Southern Accent - Student Newspaper University Archives & Publications 1954 Southern Accent October 1954 - August 1955 Southern Missionary College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Southern Missionary College, "Southern Accent October 1954 - August 1955" (1954). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 32. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Publications at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Southern Accent - Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. H-UmOilffiVOOlTEEllSBARy THE 15^ lleaders Are Needed Doctor Hammill ^^"^®' Carcich' Will Conduct~ —"" ' Condiifts(.nndiifts First tcKmney_-. Tells1^ 11 Groupf~i (:„n^,„all„„ Ser^icc Religious Emphasis Week La President ^^^^ _^^ "Chrislian Vistas" tpeaks in Oiapel Pres. Wright Says ^S.'::^^ ^^'i.SX^ "Have a Goal" "w" tiridSt ),.. k^,,.- h. Lmd of Btgiamnj Aga, "*'''» h?™'Sn'"'ddS° °' "" "" Kabooi, cuip f'l"££i"iifEt™!" S j;irh"?,;'l,z'.''° ^'ill handle ap- SpwWng ap«iilly lo (h= hr^c d^s T • KKinnn^W^d"" 'onl!l^ ","t!llhrrl''Mi^!!li'!!fr^nnnni C__„,„ ^' SO""""" Mi«">na'y Collcfic^t of .ncominE ftHhmcn, D«n Hjmmil! JOm acndie fc^tVlv ? 1^000 Ihfough the Slu- P^^**^" ''f« '" 'his world, js wel ' T Mike Kabooi is i Ihcolog)- m jor. km'ur.'.'md™! illcgc '^ and Johnnv Gulp icrved is the T editor of Ihc Hwhlrndtr. the stu y petiodicJl published by Mount P i^g Aadiw. Both jppejt lo be liins icven itJnding ifudcnt com "on Radio Station ir:::: XTJ It WSMC, Tia<k ...1 Air ^''t'rps •ii^jM S in'"';. penatoi-s Preside «?S^Fl! § ^'SrSlrE^ I'^lcctions ktI " ...,,, Thnt tomra.llto wo,k .ogah,, Fred Ebt,Ki„, Whmol opmlmni . '. \ '™rd!,ir*"e'*=''W' ih'.lin'l'hre,<>op"'o"auJ™ift.r£' hJ",K i school .ilh iho .od E, -1 _...',,J.„„„s .hom -.te low.d te Ma,tt, Tccfcr Ikm wji . f.a.«v lUod.^j tommJ.m diretor J, MtMo.phy. ipoom (>i„,|; ,ip,„V„„j' „„ ;'k;. h^cbs Mili^i^^ invoCtCor ^"^ RcCreatlOn PrOgrBni ijUd"''°nrconcllj"drd'''wim'mrpo<.™ l,V'an''"unw""'"'^ooth ''rolfwl^h'a ^^^Z Kh^Vv^J^ . , Planned for Jib,,,,,,,",.",,;"; ;,„„„„, SlndmtSlndrnt Assm-iationAss„ci: m.kinj ."TpM to'loid'd.^L- College Day Dates Schoiil Pirnir O.t. 5 ""''"'«''''' """'•, ;' Oriiain/:.-*iy^iuu,A~ ClasClasses "" Set for April £",/ *|^^J (J,!;;; hoS*"" raSn, PM SmiI, ,i"„V cb"'' £°noi,ore" taTukm "fnl ! SiaiowaAiia Slatttde/i SOUTH^M ACCENT Tales of Talge .„.,j.d by J.„ """ & .r"H;rs' ='= ",.s;S"" 'sl k?""!'/". .S" l^fimnin^ lo E^'S.S ESrsS why) was 'S 1^ IJEB:™ Jo 3(1 HcJseptth. J3;Si^ ^x nijla /Va4l . remind if ,o..tve,«.n.ion,od,mE -^-. ' you- ,p,IM fciaiMj) ..-p M.j.J.I,. 7oh„„, c„l„ I. k„ majority, who Keep this in mind: you have the support of the i"far/r p^"iiy biZd, "l^"' raise one—when the vote is called for. 9t 9iM't IfoM. ScUoal, 9t'i. you II JO,, l,c kind of .tboot ^.9^ i,"'k^,J'"ii',"h o/jot/f/fc, \ ,„ oil,,, 1,1 . 1,1 • d com- flj Clarice Rshek „J ^dJh,;%nd?° r,„'ll Illy wiral ye „ have h\t b himl. fi„,l mV pa-sldcot oi- ha, is realty , „':v, oct.,,.,„.,ll. l,e„yo„i„o 7Lyo..rsc,o. on SunJiy. Stpli-n // IS,, s you. The laditi of i.g ..^u.m,fd Real id ools are „ol mad e by yoiilh a) aid. s omebody else Lest ge of Mrs K A « lid jwboAy i nks. r,!tv,°it iiTkln.TTHi h,le yol, yfTSOiial „,ake y OUT lake Wood, Mn. Vtm <:lousrc<cnll)-f,£,mPoi.fihI:« ~ Tun.filit ii Silurday ' Mis, A. L. Si,hnc IS .tiovcnu nifiht and wc ''"< home .in cvc- spceddy fiom her opctdlion j( th. 1^' fi°«^" from of the ficc-cvtn if it hai to be pulled! small firt in "('" A the muich ''l^A°iC'i^A\'«\^^lml^^^^ glHs (^^'".^^"cnd^'^vh' '''n'''''' T' ft'om^'-LloT \v^°ho^S" lie I l^'l?" Howard w.s just d^a Luis, tembcr 2G, ai apptoximately noon. Shopworkets realized they could ^""^ «'wc .t FoLr^fcc Acjdtm,' ^I-^F*!. «'» 'of Cuba and lU. not beat out the blaze by hand and summoned the fire truck. ho^pLl^.n^d if "on"h!l°wiv^'fa«fc'^o f"l" °f ^^^'^^^i 'iX^^^l^^^ it^'e- Puc'.to^Rico. All ih."""girls"" 'Z 'i-^ious! hc« (his ^cjc «copl Thclma. whowi. What a time to have its motor conk out! But, remembering heafih. truck t. blcs, and she rcphe. ebya . Edw hought L. Auck, 1401 Cecil Avenue, Know "U'ch.'«pc'ciili/?h, Auck were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland for the week end. Members of the Tn-Community Fite Dcpateraent ate too often the unsung heroes on the campus. \Vc don't realize just how much Don't Miss an Issue inconvenience ihey arc put to when they answer the call for help anywhere in the county. Yes, it's true, they were a little late on Sunday—the I Some may construe y*^'- ^"closed is this as unfavorable publicity to report ""^ S2.0 that this should be the ^'"' case in Collcgedalc. We maner^ ^^^\n. "' '^^ "'''' in suggesting that they be \.idled to the STATE S'°o"r'o e) cou o I eir jobs. Credit This SuosCRlPTlON T T.„alEn.oU.nent 460 STUDENT ROSTER ALABAMA Stilcr. 'Belt)' Tullotk! WanJ; uJ^l^t, Lo" ell Cody, )cirf Alumni Rcniembcr Alma Maler and "Southern Accenl''' TEXAS ilpeppjt. Evelyn MASSACHUESTTS ^oB^". I^" MINNESOTA Dybing, Ralph ARIZONA Brown Orl WISCONSIN Diisints! College in Ashevill more experience ABKAN5AS Brown Mil Bjiunun, Hccmin in lyprng. forts in helping me to prepa cphin. work of k-ochin^; Ro'irf SchimXjMnn" English. Cobb" AUSTRIA D?rb^ 5idc ai'ifo?n'kI'"lhis"™ri'''' n«m; F^z! hT^T'' "TnS'^r,^-o';!,'''bri " I"""' BAHAMAS Deniet /unior Acidtmy." DjrMj Uui« CjToly„].Pi,her (195J) ^^'c, £?= }ob>, Ryah i^mi) - . Are Not Bookworms • ^^ s„^ 7a» Banks Speaks on SMC Quartets Active Don Bethea Directs ^, . World Prayer Day; Varjous Services jn p3J„'', '%^^f Officers' Council w.J:pr.r;:,,,. ",. .lub.. di,™d b,- ,1,. McMurphy Narrates „„f L"L'',",;r',.'.r ^t^ IS ciu,. .t ,h= mdiai ,,.;«,«. md.™ Su'-.S^^f^'it"!,, Sr.;;:, .„„,„ Lb ... ,„ p.>«,.™ rb",°r"'d"',"'"°'"'S"Ti"".; :,te;v^.,,S,^rdS„tri" Si';p°?£n't;t7S£"d stirs* : .,,hru.,u*ie.-^r.;...i_w., '"'"' •""""' ™£{^°»i£ii^;^!f^-i"-^^^ lb?;'KS"rJ'',/°?,:; t"-™;; Tz^f^s^'^f-;;;^ Upiilon Delta Phi (Men ntxt^fivc"o six" jt^" and ihrM Dr. Sllhrie PlanS hirieg/' ^I^c^J KceUC WorksUop TxplntL'b^ln'owTe opinion '°T]!e'''r«nlt w iny mcdinl education Mperls Dr. Ambrose L. Suhrie, resident fljing altogetber' Newcomers Join ii Y^F \ 4T|r,^\^"'lp,»Eil*;: irtSrvei'h'sW'.ttis: s°'5, Watermelon Feast ^yt ^MMu ouUuitLUAKI THE Student Association Picnic Cabinet Shop Provides New Industry; Provides Recreation Offers Additional Work for Students Holi'lav Now Building Will . I ..iSSt SSI'S™; ™ti F II.MiM- Tlii- Cmmmj ,,,1,1,.. '"£"'"' ™^«A.d b,, d„n pi.,, nnuat icidcm, vs. f.iclly v,;,'"""! i'D inner in ,l,c CQllcsdjie "S^o "" ' Jteltin shop Aflcr a D<:lly F Jol,nn> 'jmc^"p,"'nd'arEh"c™! Carcicll Inspires at 1955 Lyceum Series Released by Leader 'm i' m' w/ I CO Week oi rrayer CVi"; ti,. i,,„.„, s,„ , i,, ,i,. „•„ "Join a Caravan" for Temperance ATS Sponsor Urges Students jP^^lo.h™™in£tafa.^^^^^^ .tonM,«nm »,,.,. 'r:™.'Z'ATSftS'?i',',vill "«7Sn^,™S°'S.7B£: ^._ ^^^^ ^^^^^ BSi/rTi^o liil^iL'i,''. S^fc^?wi""°w"b,t"': Elder Edwards Is inlclligen^t iud,cna-; we f^^^^ ,t ,* i ]VeW DcaU of Men SuUoutaJilta 3)amieU Tales o£ Talge SOUTHEi^ ACCENT '»» IK« H« folk? ii E iX'Th.; i ^. ....,...„ studjms u "fi,°6 n iTf 'TSl itr3: Bfe n (only tc udying "^r Tiadc). Tmhurt ™'£ .fi ''ii'diJ::';!!;;;, e1I Noyci 1 ^<u«« 3/teafiedt Gammf^ddif ThisyeaitheSouTHEF infanc among denominational school journals, the £ This CENT has already taken its place beside its sister publicntlons. can be traced directly to your loyalty and the loyalty of those who years by an active and concrete demonstration of loyalty, no staff— you a paper you can ^HHtx a Mode, 10 ccccivinE- We wholeheartedly wish to give j^^ K;,riilt\ <.roni» U responsi- vi^cd by Elder Lc.f Kr. Tobijsscn at year'svolume'asuccess. Each of YOU must shoulder the -q^ I've nc^^ec been so jarc in my ^"'•^^^^ti\Alt-U^:^^ti^lX'^°^^ the loyalty shown in the '^*^'*' " bility for our paper's succew or failure by ^"^ '" '"*' ^'^'' *"= "^'"8 "' Qcio'bcr^TinTh^NbMf^ frculiJwMm! l'^.'""'" '"^''"'i' ^"'"i'' promising you a good paper for this tenth year, ant We are , , . turn we are asking for your help in the coming campaign by ap- -ivotship of ihc "ui posses- ,' aling to j-our cheapest commodity and your most priceless " ,j'^"j|" *^„°"^'' in—your loyalty. woknce iiTiofu SocieLy A boarding school, with its excellent opportunities for develop- ''^'^,'. '''^: development of loyalty to high standards. d -^^ piopapitoi j° le opportunity of displaying his loyalty to the school he has chosen. ,hc 'ju vc^-rown fiiiily cit* Campaigns ate the life blood of school loyalty and morale—In- in public life. yearly campaign at the beginning of school for the circul; Re.

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