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MI 48106-1346 USA 800-521-0600 MOHAMAD ROEM'S POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND ISLAMIC POLITICAL VISION (1908-1983) by Hamdan Juhannis A thesis submitted to the Institute ofIslamic Studies Faculty ofGraduate Studies and Research, McGill University in partial fnlfilhnent ofthe requirement for the degree of Master ofArts Institute ofIslamic Studies McGill University .- ...• May 1999 ;.~ © Hamdan Juhannis National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON K1A ON4 canada canada Your file Votre référenœ Ourfile Narre référence The author has granted a non­ L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la NationaI Library ofCanada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies ofthis thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership ofthe L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts from it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son pernnSSion. autorisation. 0-612-56702-8 Canad~ ~j. ABSTRACT Author : Hamdan Juhannis Title of thesis : Mohamad Roem's Political Activities and Islamic Political Vision (1908-1983) Department : Institute ofIslamic Studies, McGill University Degree : Master of Arts (M.A.) -------------------------- This thesis deals with the political activities and Islamic political vision of Mohamad Roem (1908-1983), a prominent Masyumi leader and Indonesian diplomat in the first halfof the twentieth century. His life and early education as weIl as bis works are discussed in order ta trace the sources which inspired his vision. In bis political activities, Roem expressed his IsIamic nationalism by joining and founding Islamic movements from the late Dutch colonial period through the beginning of the New Order. He had much political success, especially in the Republican period. However, he was one of many Muslim leaders who also suffered for bis political involvement ef large magaituele; in the Soekarno era, he was jailed for about four years, while in the Soeharto era, he was banned from participating in political activities. He was a moderate Muslim. leader who aspired to cooperate with "secular" leaders in his time for the sake of a larger cause. His Islamic political vision had a significant impact and was a major contribution to both the Indonesian state and the IsIamic community. His moderation is reflected in his political correspondence with Nurcholish Madjid in which he argued for the need of an Islarnic political party without demanding the creation of an Islanùc state. Finally, Roem's political activities and IsIamic political vision point to a model ofactivism in a religiously pluralistic country and could possibly serve as an inspiration to Muslim politicians, especially after Soeharto's fall when Islamic political parties found fertile ground for • growth. li ~. RÉSUMÉ Auteur: Hamdan Juhannis Titre: Les Activités politiques et la vision islamique de Mohamad Roem (1908-1983). Département: 1"1stitut des Études Islamiques, Université McGill. Diplôme: Maîtrise ès Arts (M.A.) Ce mémoire aborde les activités et la vision politique islamique de Mohamad Roem (1908-1983), leader important du Masyumi et diplomate indonésien pendant la première moitié du vingtième siècle. Sa vie privée, son éducation ainsi que son oeuvre seront analysées afin de remonter aux sources qui ont inspiré sa vision. À travers ses activités politiques, Roem a pu exprimer son nationalisme islamique en se joignant et en fondant divers mouvements islamiques depuis la fin de la période coloniale néerlandaise jusqu'au "'---'-. début du régime de l'Ordre Nouveau. TI obtint beaucoup de succès, particulièrement durant la période républicaine. Cependant, il fut un parmi tant d'autres leaders musulmans qui ont eu à souffrir de leur implication politique: pendant la période Soekarno, il fut emprisonné pendant près de quatre ans et durant le régime Soeharto, il fut exclu de toute activité politique. Roem fut un leader musulman modéré qui espérait collaborer avec les dirigents "séculiers" de son époque pour le bénéfice d'une cause plus importante. Sa vision politique islamique eut un impact significatif et fut une contribution majeure à la fois pour l'état indonésien et la communauté islamique. Sa modération se reflète dans sa correspondance politique avec Nurcholish Madjid, par laquelle il plaide pour la nécessité d'un parti politique islamique sans pour autant exiger la création d'un état islamique. Enfin, les activités et la vision politique islamique de Roem indique un modèle de militantisme dans un pays de • iii ~. pluralisme religieux pouvant servir d'inspiration aux politiciens musulmans, tout particulièrement suite à la chute de Soeharto alors que les partis politiques islamiques ont trouvé un terrain fertile pour se développer. -• iv ~. NOTE ONTRANSLATERATION For Arabie names and Islanlie terms, the system ofArabie transliteration employed by the institute of Islamic Studies McGili University will be employed. Indonesian tenns are written according to the Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempumakan (EyD) 1972, but the titles of books and articles will remain as quoted. The following is the transliteration table for Arabie alphabet: 1 = a ..) - z J = q ~ u = b lf - s = k ... Ü = t t.f = sh J = 1 ü = th ~ - ~ r= m ~=j r.P = 4 W = n C=4 1, - t ..J = w t=kh ~=? o = h J = d t = ' l:? = y .i = db t=gh ..) = r J = f Ta indicate long vowels of i j ts, these are typed by placing a macron above characters: a, u, r. The ta:! marbutah (o) is translated as "ah" rather than "a", e.g., da~wah rather than da ~wa or madrasah rather than madrasa.. -- • v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~-. My thanks go to a number of people without whom this thesis would never have been completed. l would like to express my foremost thanks to Prof. Howard M. Federspiel, my supervisor, for his continuous guidance, and for the time he spent reading and correcting my rough drafts until this thesis took shape. Special thanks also to Prof. A. Üner Turgay, my thesis co-supervisor, academic advisor, and Institute director, for being available any time l needed bis assistance and for helping me form my critical faculties. l wish ta thank all the staff of the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University for their warm welcome; the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for its financial support during my two years of study; the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs for initiating my overseas study; the staff of McGill-Indonesia Project for their .--- untiring service; and the staff of the Islamic Studies Library of McGill University, especially Salwa Ferahian and Wayne St. Thomas for their assistance in locating libarary materials. l am grateful to Steve Miller, Reem Meshal and Alan Guenther, for their editorial assistance; to kakak Dr. Andi Faisal Bakti for his spiritual motivation and scholarly advice; to pak Haji Fauzan Shaleh, Ph.D. cand., for being a friendly and an academically helpful roommate, and teman kelas Sukiati Sugiono for our daily academic discussions. l want to thank many other individuals whose names are impossible to list here. Ail sustained me intellectually during difficult rimes in Montreal. No amount of thanks can properly express my special gratitude ta my mother, Sitti Madinah, who is closest to my heart -- far away in the Southern part of Sulawesi. • She wove the traditional sarong so that my brother, two sisters and l could go to school, vi our father having passed away during our childhood. My aIder sister Faridah, aIder ~. brother llham, and younger sister Fatma all deserve my thanks for being madels of patience. Finally, completing chis thesis brings to mind my grandmother's last words, "You will not see me anymore," just prior to my departure to Montreal; she had taken care of ­ me while my mother was working ta provide for the family. She died shartly after my departure. l dedicate this work to my mother and ta the memory of my father and grandmother. • vü ~.• TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ü ReSumé üi Note on Transliteration v Acknowledgement vi Table of Contents viü Introduction 1 Chapter One: A Biographical Sketch ofMohamad Roem 8 A. His Ufe and Early Education 8 B. IIis Works 23 Chapter Two: Mohamad Roem's Political Activities 31 --" A.
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