ENVELOPES If you would like to have your deceased family members remembered in the Masses during November write their names on a piece of paper and put it into the Holy Souls enve- lopes provided. They will be placed in a box on the altar during the Masses this month. Any donations in the envelopes will go to CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. EDMUND OF CANTERBURY 29 April 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter 20 Village Way, Beckenham BR3 3NP Email
[email protected] Website: www.saintedmunds.net Parish Office 020 8650 0970 Monday to Friday 9 - 1pm Fr. Steve Wymer - Parish Priest 020 8650 3390 -
[email protected] Salesian Sisters Fr. Ashley Beck - 020 8650 4117/ 020 7998 5949 - 25 Village Way, BR3 3NA 020 8650 6313
[email protected] [email protected] Fr. Simplicio D’Souza - 020 8650 7533 -
[email protected] Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver Deacon Sean Murphy 020 3490 5693 -
[email protected] 89 Shortlands Road BR2 0JL 020 8313 3915
[email protected] Today’s second collection is for the upkeep of St George’s Cathedral, Southwark ST GEORGE AND OUR CATHEDRAL TODAY we have a second collection for we do know) that he was martyred for our Metropolitan cathedral (that is, a being a Christian. He lived and was cathedral which is the seat of an martyred in the early Church, in Palestine, archbishop) in Southwark, dedicated to St and it is there that devotion to him is still George, the centre of Christian life in strongest; and it was there that the south London and Kent.