Brading, St Helens & Bembridge Population
Ward profile information packs: Brading, St Helens & Bembridge Population The information within this pack is designed to offer key data and information about this ward in a variety of subjects. It is one in a series of 39 packs produced by the Isle of Wight Council Business Intelligence Unit which cover all electoral wards. Population Brading, St Helens Population Change & Bembridge Isle of Wight Population (2011 Census) 6,935 138,265 The table below shows the population figures for % of the Island total 5.02% Brading, St Helens & Bembridge, Ryde Cluster and the Isle of Wight as a whole and how their populations Brading, St Helens & Bembridge Isle of Wight Males have changed since 2002 (using ONS mid-year 12% Age Males Females estimates). 10% 0-4 106 96 Brading, St 5-9 159 141 8% Helens & Ryde Cluster Isle of Wight 10-14 159 174 Bembridge 6% 15-19 170 173 Pop. % Pop. % Pop. % 4% 20-24 137 125 2002 7,298 34,345 134,038 % of Island % of Island population 25-29 120 88 2003 7,301 +0.04 34,528 +0.53 135,073 +0.77 2% 30-24 103 116 2004 7,334 +0.45 34,782 +0.74 136,409 +0.99 0% 35-39 131 163 40-44 183 210 2005 7,349 +0.66 35,051 +0.77 137,827 +1.04 45-49 205 248 2006 7,355 +0.08 35,115 +0.18 138,536 +0.51 Brading, St Helens & Bembridge Isle of Wight Females 50-54 206 257 2007 7,344 -0.15 35,398 +0.81 139,443 +0.65 12% 55-59 230 285 2008 7,333 -0.15 35,508 +0.31 140,158 +0.51 10% 60-64 323 332 2009 7,243 -1.23 35,504 -0.01 140,229 +0.05 65-69 256 315 8% 2010 7,229 -0.19 35,728 +0.63 140,491 +0.19 70-74 258 266 Source: ONS – Mid-Year Population Estimates 6% 75-79 193 240 80-84 135 216 4% In total between 2002 and 2010, the population of % of Island % of Island population 85+ 152 264 Brading, St Helens & Bembridge had decreased by 2% Total 3,226 3,709 0.95%, Ryde Cluster had increased by 4.03% and the 0% Isle of Wight had increased by 4.81%.
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