

ATOMIC ENERGY BOARD Pelindaba Republic of South Africa SEPTEMBER 1974

i i • • i -th"_ S J"!!!, NATIONAL DIRECTORY




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1. 'im :'. CJ'I.I'JII1" Genecjl enqumes/fuither copies.

The Administrative Officer: Chemistry, Atomic Energy Board. Private Bag X256, PRETORIA 0001

Tel. 79-4441 extension 263 FOREWORD

Smilh Afiu\! hjs aheady leached imikHtant milestones in tin' iphrie uf uiu u\i> lei hnn',M;\ Ol'vr

l 1 UeveluptMents arc, however, takiny placi which, though nut (is sprLhuulai, aif ni'pu'i.int ,tn 11) nit.'dii-iui , . mills try, . UJI IL'LJ I tin r 1 I'SI ,n 1 !• tU

Mindful if thcbc di>vi:lopmi't\ts, the isotopes ,itul R.idiiitinn Cominitlrf nt thr Atumn- Eiii'ni\ Bo.iul on which iii 1.' tupn.'Senh'd all niturustcil parties 111 '.he spheit' nf nuclr.n .ippliCiilon. h.w dividrd U1 I-.MII .1 directory nf nuch;ar scruicns which cun In1 provided.

The Committee is fully awnre that the Dnecloiy h..s \\\ liniit.Huni, luasnuiih .l^ it IMH-IS jnuii held and hunce cloes not contain detailed paiticulais wlm'h would luunijlly he loun.l m j i.it.tUiHU/ Ihi- public.iliun of one 01 moie i,f)L'cidli/ed cataku|ues is thus a task fci tlw- liituic. CONTENTS

1 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 2 •13 3 Oth,.r dip;.. d«,,jns 2 RADIOISOTOPES \> •1 i 4 Inrlu'.!-. • : ;.i'.i| 2.1 Introduction ... 1 4 4 Isotopi Appt'CdtiO' 2 2 Enquiries and O'df'r1. > 4 4 1 iMroijiji 'M.'. 2.2.1 Atomic Energy Bern- ICSIR) i '..bIN 2 id 3 Radioiinioin;', vvi.ich .ire mpo"'-il i i 1 1 N ,• ••,. f .• • • i-.. 2.3 Pioccssetl Mi'dii .1 Rjitiunniupis 2 3 1 Atoein Eiiurg1, uf.no •• . Of RADIO/.'".f ,. •:,.:, 7 Li '.' NdMiiwI P'-y. IJ HI'M-,III.II LdUiijioty i GAMMA'HHAUIA1IUK CSlR i '. 1 li'ir Mi ' i

'.' i i Southern Umv. 'sitins NUI.HMI ms'ump t~ 7 Gjf'Ti.1 >i>r ' .'it>'in

(SUNII ... : I: Z' ! G-••-."

? 3 4 Pyrogpn Tests Soul'- A'-<-jr. Bun iu G 2 2 P.J' •.:>}'- ' • : ! JIVH P :l ' Af.l'

of Standards iSABSi : ?• • •••lalu ? 4 Unprocessed and ProCfSScd Hdiiioisuiopt. L 2 3 Agr ulturj' rra.JidtKj' ui '

tor Resuaich jnd InOustnal Ust- •-• FruiT ,-nrt ^ruit TP.' '.O''J:V RH»

2.4.1 Atomic Enerflv Boarr) I'isiituit FFTRH S'-l'c-.i.'.v,'

2 4.2 NiJiional Physical Rcsedrch Ldburdiiry b 2.4 Nu. ii-di "hyiics Rpsf jrch Li" ' CStR I- Wits 2 5 Sealed Radiation Sourcps t-jr 6.3 Woi .! poiymei Comp<;< '•' Conical and Other Uses . 6 7. ACTIV . ON ANALYSIS 2.5.1 Clinical sources G 7 1 NfuT'cm Activation A'u y,i-. G'ouo 2.b.2 Sources tor industrial und lalioratoiv National Institute 'or Mfailurj, use . .7 7 2 NcuVan Activanon ', Gioup 3. VARIOUS REACTOR AND ACCELERATOR AEB

SERVICES ' 7.3 Aci'vJtii/f Analysis 3.1 General Neutron Irradiations AEB . .7 \\'lt> Chargi-J Partu :.•> Si_.M 3.2 The Electromagnetic Isotope Sepanuur ^SlR 6 / 3.1 Introduction '' 3.2.1 Introduction 8 7.3.2 Rouiire medsuiemems 3.2.2 Services 8 of radioactive tracers . . H- 3.3 Bombardment with Charged Particles I 3.3 Induced X ray analysis and Fast Neutrons with the Airi with charged particies '.u of the Cyclotron - CSIR . B 7.3.4 Surface analysis ...... 16 3 4 Bombardment with Charged Particles 7.3.5 Concentration profiles 16 with the Aid of Accelerators 8. STANDARDIZATION . .6 - University of the Witwatersrand 8 1 Radioisotopes CSIR 16 (Wits) .... 8 8.2 Neutron Sources CSIR . . . . . 17 4. APPLICATION OF RADIOISOTOPES 9 8.3 Dost' Mpasuiement 4.1 Introduction 9 and Calibration of Dosimeters CSl. . 17 4.2 Medical Applications 9 8.3.1 Irradiation sources .17 4.2.1 General 9 8.3.2 Gamma-ray dosimetpis . . . 17 4.2.? The determination of stable isotope tracers 8.4 Calibration of Monitors in medical examinations - SUNI 10 for Uianium Prospecting - AEB 17 4.3 Isotope Applications iti Industry 10 8.5 Film Badge Service - SABS 17 4.3.1 Tracer applications AEB 10 8 6 Various Other Services - SABS 17 4.3.2 Analytical applications - AEB 10 1. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 2. RAOIOISOTOPES 2.1 Introduction Anyone proposing 10 use radioactive material must take note of the fact that the acquisition and Radioisotopes are manufactured in South Africa, use of such material in the Republic of South Africa for the most part, by the Atomic Energy Board (in and in South West Africa is subject to the control ol the SAFARI-1 reactor) and by the Council for the South African Atomic Energy Board. The Atomic Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) with the aid Energy Act of 1967 (Act No. 90 of 1967) as of the cyclotron of the National Physical Research amended, determines that no one who has omitted to Laboratory (NPRL). As opposed to the neutron-rich obtain authority f»om the Board, or who has not radioisotopes which come about >is a result of been expressly exempted from obtaining such neutron capture in the nuclear reactor, proton-rich authority, may produce, acquire, possess, import ot ra lioisotopes, in particular, are produced by export fadiuaciive malonal, charged-particle bombardment in the cyclotron, Fur the purposes of the Act, radioactive material Radioisotopes not available from these sources is described as follows: any radioactive material with are imported. The following organizations are a specific activity hiyher 'han 0,002 microcurie/gram authorized to import and to distribute radioisotopes: ,tnd of which the total activity is higher than 0,1 1. Weil Organization (Pty.) Ltd. microcurie. 2. SA Philips (Pty.) Ltd. Any person or organization wishing to use 3. Fransa (Pty.) Ltd. radioactive material must therefore obtain the One cf the tasks of the Atomic Energy Board is necessary autnority from the Board in advance, 'n the manufacture of ladioisotopes. The 20 MW order to ensure the safe use of such material, the research reactor, SAFARI-1, is suitable for the Board': authority will only be granted after it has production of a wide variety of radioisotopes and for been established that the applicant has the necessary the carrying out of various irradiations. facilities, and staff with the necessary knowledge and In the light of the capital intensive nature of a xpetience. manufacturing program of this kind, arising from the The Isotopes and Radiation Division of the Board necessity of providing the necessary handling is, however, always prepared to provide proposing i icilities, it is imperative to concentrate on useis with advice on these requirements which can radioisotopes for which the demand is sufficiently vary in terms of the various applications. In some great to economically justify local manufacture, e.g. cases facilities such as a good chemical laboratory certain medical preparations and clinical radiation alone may be sufficient. sources. However, an effort is also made to meet, as far as possible, the particular needs of research, Application for authority must be addressed to: industry, etc. The Manager : Administration, The staff of the Radioisotope Production Centre, Atomic Energy Board, with their expert knowledge of the processing and Private Bag X256. remote handling of highly active material, are only PRETORIA too willing to discuss any problems or requirements 0001 which may arise. Radioisotopes produced with a particle giving tiie following details: accelerator such as the cyclotron are generally (a) nuclide and activity for which request is being considerably more expensive than comparable reactor made; isotopes. The policy of the Isotope Production (b) application; Division of the NPRL is to produce only those (c) place of application; radioisotopes which would otherwise be entirely (d) sealed or unsealed radioactive material; unavailable in South Africa, or those in the case of (e) name of responsible person and alternate. which the economic considerations clearly justify A user outside the borders of the Republic of local production. As a result of the transmutation of South Africa and South West Africa must comply elements which takes place during bombardment with with the requirements of the country in question. charged particles, the radioisotopes are produced in (See also Government Gazette No. 2184 of carrier-free form. In cases where a radioisotope can be 4.10.1968). produced in both the reactor and the cyclotron, the cyclotron will only be used if the radioisotope in question is required in carrier-free form. NV PHILIPSDuphar, Tel. 724-8368 2.2 Enquiries and Orders Netherlands SA Philips (Pty.I Ltd.. ll is necessary thai all relevant details be P.O. Bo- 7703, provided. The information given below serves as an JOHANNESBURG indication of the details required: ?000 . Name, address and order number of ttiu client Tel. 24 Qb31 . Delivery address CEA, France Frans? (Ply.) Lid. . Name of the product IRE, Belgium P.O. Box 41211, . Aetiisiv SORIN. Italy CIS CRAIGHALL . Purpose for which >t will be used, namely 2024 medical or non-medical Tel. 48 5731 ? . Date and time of use N B. Priced in this directory art subiect to chiiiqi- . Chemical form in winch required, i.e. solid or without notice solution . The pH of the solution of « processed 7.3 Processed Medical Rartioisotopes radioisotope 2.3.1 Atomic Energy Board Bromine-82 Specific activity in curios per gram of a target Ammonium broiniJe for oral administration isotope 0.5 1 mCi R20.C0 . Radioactive concentration in curies pei cm3 of 2 mCi . .50 a solution 5 mCi : R29.50 . Additional requirements, such as radiochemical Activity as on day after despatch or radioisotopic purity, accuracy of activity calibrations, special containers, etc. lodine-131 Carrier free iodine in sodium thiosulphau- 2 2 1 Atomic Energy Board (AEB) solution (0,08 mg/niCi 131I)

2.2.3 For Radioisotopss which have to be imported Sodium-24 Supplier Agent (a) Sodium-24 chloride in isotonic solution of Radiochemical Centre, Weil Organization (Pty.) Ltd. approximately 1 mCi/5 ml for injection Amersham, P.O. Box 10924. R24.2O per mCi United Kingdom. JOHANNESBURG (b| Sodium-24 carbonate in aqueous medium 1 2000 - 5 mCi : R24.20 thereafter R1.00 per mCi up to 10 mCi Higher activities can be supplied on request 3 Delivery: 24 hours 2.3.2 National Physical Research Laboiatoiy - CSIR


Isotope Half-life Price Delivery

Astatine-211 7.2 h Price on request On request Copper-64 12.8 h Price on request On request Fluorine-18 1.8 h Price on request Mondays Gallium-67 78 h 5 mCi: Mondays 10 mCi : R8S Indium-111 2.8 d 5 mCi: R75 Fortnightly on Mondays 10 mCi : R80 Iodine-124 4.2 d Price on request On request lron-52 8.2 h 1 mCi : R80 On request Iron-55 2.6 yr 1 mCi : R35 Cn request 2 mCi : R4S lOmCi : R125 Lead-203 52 h 1 mCi : R80 On request Manganese-52 5.7 d 50mCi : R110 Fortnightly on Mondays Potassium-43 22 h Price on request On request Sodium-22 2.6 yc 1 mCi : R8S In stock 2mCi : R145 5 mCi . R325 Strontium-85 64 d 5 mCi : R190 On request lOmCi : R325 Zinc-65 245 d Price on request On request

All products can /> supplied in the form of pyrogen-free isotonic solutions.

2.3.3 Southern Universities Nuclear Institute (SUNI) CMbon-11 2.3.4 Pyrogen tests - South African Bureau of Carbon-11 in the form of monoxide or dioxide Standards (SABS) Activities up to 60 mCi can be supplied Pyrogen tests arc carried out on a routine basis at Price and delivery on request the Bureau's Animal Unit Laboratory using adult rabbits. Enquiries: Enquiries: The Director, The Director General, Southern Universities Nuclear Institute, South African Bureau of Standards, P.O. Box 17, Private Bag XI91, FAURE PRETORIA 7131 0001 Tel. Fwre242 Tel. 44-1121 extension 2707 2.4 Unprocessed and Processed Radioisotnprs for "Palladium-109 Palladium met.*1 Research and Industrial Use Acid solution 2,4,1 Atomic Energy Board Phosphorui-32 Red phosphorus A large vanety of unprocessed and proceed Phosphate radioisotopes (with carrier) of practically .ill tin- Water solution natural elements, can be manufactured. 'Platinum 197 Platinum metal Those which appear on the list below have Acid solution already been manufacturod. The chemical form of the *Rhenium-lB6 Rhenium meta: tjiyet material can he slti'ied within certain limiti Rhenium oxide Enquiries must be marie in good time in view of Acid solution the fact that those isotopes are not manufactured on Ftubidiurn-86 Rubidium chloride d legular basis. Water or acid solution COST Rubidium chloride dissoivra .n Solid Form Solution * Ruthenium 103 Ruthenium metal 1 mCi : H20 1 mCi . Ruthenium oxide 2 mCi : Ft24 ? mCi : R29 Acid solution 5 mCi : R31 b mCi : R36 'Samarium-153 Samarium metal Other activities, as well as isotopes marked *. Sarnanum oxide price on request Acid solution Isotope Form Silicon-31 Silicon metal Bromine-82 Ammonium, potassium Silicon oxide Selenium 75 Selenium metjl calcium jnd barium bromide Selenium oxide Water or acid solution Acid solution Calcium-45 Calcium oxide *Silver-110 Silver metal Calcium carbonate Silver nitrate solution Water or acid solutions Sodium-24 Calcium chloride dissolved in water NaHCO3 Chromium-51 Chromium metal Water or acid solutions Chromium oxide Sodium chloride dissolved in water *Chronium-51 EDTA complex * Thalliun-24 Thallium metal K2&2O7 solution in water Thallium nitrate solution Acid solution *Thulium-170 Thulium oxide Copper- 64 Copper metal Acid solution Copper oxide *Ytterbium-175 Ytterbium oxide Acid solution Acid solution *Yttrium-90 Yttrium oxide "Gadolinium-159 Gadolinium oxide Yttrium chloride solution Acid solution Zinc-65 Zinc metal Germanium-77 Germanium metal Zinc chloride solution Germanium oxide Acid solution 'Gold-198 Gold-metal plate Colloid Acid solution "Hafnium-181 Hafnium metal Hafnium oxide Acid solution lron-59 Iron metal Iron oxide Acid solution * Lanthanum-140 Lanthanum metal Lanthanum oxide Acid solution Nickel-65 Nickel metal Nickel oxide Acid solution 2.4.2 National Physical Reseat ch Laboratoiy CSIR


Isotope Delivery

Beiyllium-7 lOmCi: R175, lliDreafiet R3 per mCi Quantities 3 weeks Urijer than 300 mCi. price on request

Cadmium-109 5 mCi R200, thweafiifi R20 per mCi Quantities In slock laiyer than 100 mCi price on request

Cenum-139 10 mO R250, thuieaftei R20 per mC' Quantities 3 weeks laryt'i than 100 mCi: price un request

IIOIV5S 1 mCi: R3S, thereafter R10 per mCi Quantities larger In stock than 100 mCi: price on request

Sodium 22 1 mCi: R85, thereafter R60 per mCi Quantities larger In stock than 50 mCi: pi ice on request

Strontium-85 5 mCi: R190, thereafter R27 pei mCi Quantities 3 weeks larger than 50 mCi: price on request

N.B. The products are supplied as carrier fret hydrochloric acid solutions. Beryllium-7 and sodium-2? can also be supplied in unprocessed form as lithium and magnesium target material, respectively. The radioisotopes on the list above are in more or less regular production. In principle, a further wide variety can be manufactured, and enquiries are welcomed.

Iiidium192 Delivered as seeds with dimensions 2,5 x 0,8 mm and 14 seeds per magazine (Type A) R40 per magazine 2.5 Sealed Radiation Sources for Clinical and Other Delivery: 3 days Uses - AEB 2.5.1 Clinical sources Tantalum-182 (a) Delivered as seeds with dimensions 2,5 x 0,8 mm, 2.5.1 Clinical sources and 14 seeds per magazine (Type A) Gold-198 R26 per magazine Delivered as seeds with dimensions 2.5 mm x Delivery: 3 days 0,8 mm, and 14 seeds pw magazine (Type A) (b) Available in wire form: R35 per magazine Activity: 0,5 mCi/cm Ra equivalent Delivery: 3 days Price and delivery on request 2 5.2 Sources for industrial and laboratory use |b) Hydraulic facility 16 * 101? n en 2 sec ' MW ' m Argon highest position) For use in tracing leases in gas leads The hyjuulic facility is a rneuium-term In the form of gas in quartz container* as irradiation system in which irradiations ranging from requested 15 minutes to 24 hours can t.tr caim-d oul The irradiation containers arc io< " most part made ot 1 - tOO mO: R26.2O aluminium. Delivery: 2 weeks Cobalt-60 Cos! Unit Lost 10 cents hour 1 / 1Q13 2 ., ? Sources are mado lo customers' specifications. n Lrn tc At 20 MW the cost vanes betwi'ei R1 uO v i 30 Those with a lurjh specific activity must be ordered in good time. cents pet I'OUI, depending on the neulrun I ••" The prico is determined by the specific .julivily A handling chaiqe of R12.50 per >mil utior, n and thu complexity of the outer combiners, jnd jcided. is furnished on request. (c) Poolside facility (5 x 101? n cm ? set ' MW ' • iridium-192 'he highest position) The external dimensions of the sources are This is a long-term irradiation system jnci s 1,3 mm x 1,3 mm x 1,3 mm. intended lor irradiation times ranging ftom a .'nee: R200 lor a radiography source of 10 Ci minimum of 24 noun to several munt'i The Orders must be placed two months prioi to the irradiation containers are for the most pan made of desired delivery date. Sources will be available aluminium. from stock, depending on the demand. Krypton-SB Cost: R6.00 per 24 hours in the highest flux position For use in smoke detectors (in mining, etc.) at 20 MVV As gas in standard Pyrex containers, 68 mm x A handling charge of R 12.50 per uradidtion ••. 9 mm added. R8.90 per 7 mCi (minimum order of 50) Delivery: 2 weeks 'd) Hollow beryllium facility (1,0 x 10'3 n cm 2 sec"' MW-1) This is a long-term high-flux facility right inside the reactor core. Access is possible only after the fid of the reactor vessel is removed. For this reason, the minimum irradiation period is one week. The irradiation container is made of aluminium.

3. VARIOUS REACTOR AND ACCELERATOR Cost: R36.00 per 24 hours at 20 MW SERVICES A handling charge of R 17,50 per irradiation is 3.1 General Neutron Irradiations - AEB added. The thermal neutron flux in SAFARI 1 varies between approximately 1 x 10'2 ncrtr'sec' to 2 x Remark 14 1 10 n cm*? sec" , depending on the irradiation The abovementioned irradiation charges for the position and the power at which the reactor is various facilities serve only as an indication; enquiries operated. There are four kinds of irradiation facilities with regard tc charges for irradiations carried out in for the irradiation of various substances. The length containers other than the standard types, as well as of the available standard irradiation containers is over other irradiation times, are welcomed. 65 mm, and the diameter is either 22 mm or 25 mm. (e) Transfer of radioactive sources (a) Pneumatic facility (2,0 x 10'2 n cm"2 sec' The AED's remote-controlled radiation cells are exceptionally well suited for the transfer from one This is a short-term irradiation system and is used containei to another of radioactive sources with a for irradiation times ranging from a tew seconds to high activity. approximately one hour. The transfer charge is approximately R20 per At 20 MW the neutron flux in this position is. for ^-our. example, 4 x 10^3 n cm"2 sec V Enquiries: See par. 22 7 Polythene containers are used for the irradiations.

Cost: R3.S0 per irradiation for the first 10 minutes, anu S cents per minute thereafter CYCLOTRON CAPACITY Maximum Beam Intensity

Energy Range Internal External Particles MeV fiA uA i l» 6 14.5 300 100 d 12 175 (300 100 I'SIR i 30 32 TN isotope j 3H, 18 37 too 32 1 •>He 24 34 ISO 50

Tl i eiei.lrom.iq isotope sepjraloi is of the

The t.;j . t 90° anr .i •' iu->ijv ot 80 Ttii- H. id Nucieji Soeiiiv Group uejm nte i4.t^ i» jpp' tUO«A . t>ot NPRL. m the pal' ' ..iar sotone P.O. Box 39b. AftoM 'urn '.''•• jPP'tations mentioned h»low PRETORIA tnt jppjiatu* is u>'"' 'o/ 'fkt;ijiyain)ns 0001 Ihe ion tiombafttmeni ol ana Tel. 74 6011 oMension 3J2O

3.4 Bombardment with Charged Panicles with the Over me past 'evv vfJ'^ special itctupicaUy pure Aid of Accelerators - University of the urgets have been supplied for experiments lo various Witviidtersrand {Wits) nuclear physics research groups attached to The Nuclear Research Unit at the University of universities. These targets we»e frequently of noble the Witwatersrand is equipped with two accelerators gas isotope hut othet elements were also supplied. which can accelerate charged panicles. Various academic and applied problems in nuclear physics, as 3.2.2 Services well as the solid state, are being investigated. The Services whiti' may be ot mteiest to other range of the two machines is given in the following organizations include the following: Table. Production o' isotopically pure taigcts for nucleai physical investigations, particularly of -loble COCKROFT WALTON jases but also of o'''er special cases; Implantation of radioactive isotopes in material Particles Energy Range (MeV) Beam InUniityifjAI (in same cases quantitative) for variuus applications. (After Analysis) Separation of radioactive isotopes to facilitate nuclear spectroKopic measurements. p 0.2- 1,5 ±0,001 25 Enquiries: o 0.2- 1,51 0.00 \ 25 The Isotope Separator Department. "He 0,2- 1,5 t 0.001 25 Nuclear Sciences Group. NPRL. P.O. Box 395. TANDEM AND VAN DE GRAAFF PRETORIA

0001 p i.B- 12 1 0,001 5 Tel. 74-6011 extension 3323 d 1,5- 12 ± 0,001 5

Ovir ctf«i dliove the well i's|.»hl ^hti) -jppti< Hi ot tariidsoiupos and i ntiatiun in mr«,inni JMU!

.iliiiDirnjl I e< a'.'l fjtv ••• th. n jir tnu • ,i •I Llicj' ••In, ll» 0 .i T , tnriu^tiM' |iini, \t', ' i VIP ii ,iTi»-rMdl \i j- .1'. , n h.rilly ,11 d'i' • •: ,t(>p < pioccssci ol IMI, '•• VV ''• ri'udrd t thesi .ipp, u'.u i ol A 1 il''.»)t*»tt tn ttu U'Vr'ul • • i .1 mi! !^.ti t..,'.., i,

"KHilCllIH IL 't. Si •• J ,.!i,| • ..' . 'u.,'- I i.-. 14 1 ; ,.' ..,.'. 'U. I, .p.- .I- ; R • ' o! ..,i '.!,. •, .: • '

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i'j iition lo'jK piumisn 4.

A simt it cuns'i ' iio* 't't^i.,! is ji j .i« .. .i:.it '•I. . ' ' '"• I.' 'iui'i th*' S u;M;eir >>,iivei 'its \ucitd' ''istitu1' ,i' f jure m tl,> V.uslt'i: Cap tgr nuluiti • . a:^ ,t! t -.1 , : '• A uiijstruLi,o •, 0* fit.

dpyaiatus, ttc, < .v\ be I'l'.rred '".o w.f ..it-i J. jt .-. •. vc • ',.<• 9'J the AEB. Truining in ipecuwzed tit.pects J' ^otop>. ,-.'MCt; 1 .1" IH ., • J • !' • A- : t, :• ji- ,! •• ,.••'• and. 01 radidtion applicjtujns tdi) OL yitn ;> mpor'jri ! .idily o'gan;, i-.q. jh, t.|d"., <• . -• ii'.J'Jitndl personnel. iungs. ttit- , in-'W f 1 !»-,•, •-! nlan- f; . ; Furthermore, the South Afucan Buieau <•' ">e pancreas, the Me 'J, etc. Ttit ijditti1 JUI-JI.' J; ..^. Standards cis well as various private firns offer an i'^oterial can tip ustd to utn testing in industry. to measure differences ir, 'ocai blood dc.v. Ota..n substances suppiy both functionj! jnrj •.UCIJ1:. 4.2 Medical Applications informa'ion. The piactice of diagnoMny a.fck^i-ss 4.2.1 General states with the aid of radioactive maie'.jis >s today Nuclear medicine is based on medical science, worldwide, and is constantly being n.provec and instrument technology and radiopharmacy. expanded. The following quotation from the book As far as quantity is concerned, lodioisotopes are, "Principles of Nuclear Medicine", by Dr. H.N in South Africa, used far and away for the most part Wagner, seems relevant here: for medical purposes, particularly lor clinical "Seldom in medical history has a medical diagnosis and research. All the latger no*pitals in discipline shown such spectacular growth as nuclear South Africa have modern equipment which, apart medicine. From its early beginnings shortly before from diagnostic use, is employed in clinical research World War II when artificially produced radionuclides in connection with a range of pioblems, particularly first became available, nuclear medicine has in the sphere of nutrition and metabolism. For the developed into one of the most exciting and treatment of cancer and associated conditions, 12 important components of modern biomedical science. large cobalt-60 teletherapy units and one linear "Nuclear methods have found application in both accelerator are in use in various hospitals. diagnosis and treatment of disease. With the passage A large amount of the radioactive preparations of time, however, it is increasingly evident that for medical use have still to be imported, even though diagnostic techniques an receiving • larger share of local production is on the increase. (See under the attention of clinical investigators. "Radioiiotopes" par. 2.3, The determination of stable isotope tiacen in and ..on oie in rotating ovens, have been medical examination;. SUNI measuied. Radioacttvated n ochinp i-aris have been Elements such *> calcium and iron, which play an used in the rapid and very accurdttt detection important «ole m biological sy&tems, consist uf of wear and tear on the parts by measuring various stable isotopes of which same appear in the radioactivity of sludye in the lubrication nature in relatively tow concentrations. Reparations oil. enriched in these isotopes can thus be used fot roeaical examinations in cases where the use at radioactive material is undesirable or cSanycious A variety of analvtical methods and pioeedu'es 4.3.2 Analytical applications - AEB have been developed tor the fast determination ol the isotope concentrations or such tracers o* biological The absorption, scaltciuj and interaction of material. The tracer and the method used tot its radiation are applied in a large vaiiety o< analytical analysis will depend on the System being investigated techniques. The absorption of radiation is used, tui UMJITIJIIU, In the cafe of calcium, the precision with which to measure the thickness of paper and steel plates, tne the uotopic analysis can be earned out compares density of sludge streams and the level of the favourably With the niecision attainable by the use of contents in storage tanks. In favour auie circumstances mass spectromelry, but t>e procedure is relatively the concentration of a particular eli-ment can also be simplei inasmuch as tt is not necessaiy iu purify ihe determined by absorption measurements. Tims, fur sample thoroughly before analysts. example. It is possible to determine the uranium Enquiries: concentration in solutions of sludge. lhe Director. Southern Universities Nuclear Institute. The scattering of radiation is used, for example, PO.Box17. to measure the compaction of foundations for roads. FAURE An analyzer using this principle which is capable of 7131 determining the ash content of coal has recently been Tel. Faure 242 developed by the AEB. Through the interaction of low energy gamma 4.3 Applications in Industry rays with the atoms of a sample, the characteristic 4.3.1 Tracer applications - AEB X rays of the sample are excited. Through the analysis of these X-rays, the concentration of distinct Radioisotape tracers compare very favourably elements in the sample can be determined. This with any other chemical or colour tracers in industrial technique is particularly suitable for on-line processes for the following reasons: applications. . Very large dilutions can be allowed, for example Typical examples of analyzers t.'ius far developed 1 part in 1Q9 - 10^2 usually be easily can by the AEB are the following: detected. . An analyzer which can determine the purity of . The analysis of the samples is very simple and gold bullior within three minutes. (Price: hence inexpensive. In many cases the sample or approximately R4 000) sample stream can be measured in situ. . An analyzer which can determine the uranium . The physicocfternical properties of the system concentration in ore with a sensitivity of under investigation can often be simulated approximately lOppm - its throughput capacity exactly in the radioactive tracer. For example, is 250 samples per day. (Price: P10 000) crushed ore can be made radioactive to serve as . An analyzer which can determine copper, zinc tracer of the ore in an extraction process. Typical and iron in ore is at an advanced stage of examples of radioactive tracer tests already being development carried out in South Africa are the following: . An on-line analyzer which can distinguish Accurate measurements of pump between gold ore and waste rock on a conveyor efficiency in a power station m which a belt, was commissioned in 1972. water flow of 5 irAsec1 was measured with . An analyzer for the on-line determination of the an accuracy of 0,5l' . cyanide concentration in sludge is at an advanced - Accurate measurement of air flow in stage of development. ventilation shafts of mines - a flow of . An on-line particle size analyzer is being 500 m3. sec' was measured with a accuracy developed which can determine the particle size of t "o. spectrum of crushed ore. - Accurate measurement of gas flow in a .The use of neutron sources in the fait and pipeline - a gas flow of some IS m3sec' on-line determination of a large variety of was measured with an accuracy of 0.1 %. elements is being investigated. - Retention time* of ore in mills, ore in the cyanide process af gold mines, of solvent and water to uranium recovery (Hints, of cement 10 4 33 Othei .triplications AEB Quality control of welding processes durni'j The ionizing properties of (ddidtiun die used, fur manufacture, dS well as durinq tdt construction >J example, to discharge static electricity, particularly in pipelines for the- transport of water, oil .<"(] ci()'- the production of plastic materials and papur, as well . Quality control in trie muiiuto'-tuit ot I • as in smoke detectors. vessels and boilers 1 1 Overseas, a yreat dial of lesedicli is at pi twit . Quality Control of mutot spare , sue a; rtiSk being done In the sphere of raiJioisotopv batteries for power where absolute reliability is required ower lomj periods, e.g. in heart pacemakers and in tvi'>>i The Diri-c 'nr Gf'"'i.j\ systems in danyeiuus IUUIIIIMV There t.oii !<•• no South Atncan Bureau o< Sr>'''Virn doubt that there will be uv •. m South Afru ., fur such Pnv.it.; Buy X191 .v\ rxtreniely reliable power «nu PHETORIA Fnquiriei 0001 The Di'Kftoi of Itotopus ,n cl Rj.l.jliu';. Tel 44-1221 Atomic Eneiyy Board. Private 0'.r Tel. 79 4441 extension Jb-1 t ui Unity radioisotupes. inquiries.

4 3.4 Industrial radiography The Director of Isotopes and RuO'dtiO". Atomic Energy Board, la) General Private Bag X256, The hiqh penetration ability of gamma rays is PRETORIA already in geneidl use m South Africa in the 0001 carrying-out of radiographic surveys of castings and Tel. 79-4441 extension 859*833 welds. Many variations of the gamma-radiography technique are possible - thus, for example, the Atomic Energy Board is at present building an assembly for doing neutron radiography. Light 4.4 Applications in the Environment elements such as hydrogen absorb neutrons more 4.4.1 Introduction easily than heavy elements - precisely the opposite Organizations such as the Atomic Energy Boa'd from gamma absorption. Enquiries regarding services and the CSIR are totally familiar with tins type of available from private firms can be addressed to the application, of which hydrological investigations 3'p Atomic Energy Board (See (c) below). the most important.

(b) Nondestructive testing services - SABS 4.4.2 Atomic Energy Board The Nondestructive Testing Department of the South African Bureau of Standards provides an (a) Sediment movements and dispersion of liquid extensive service in this sphere. Industrial radiography waste is used to detect defects in metal parts, constructions In collaboration with the Southern Universities and pipelines. This testing method lends itsei. to the Nuclear Institute, radioactive tracers have been investigation of the finished product wit) out manufactured and used to study sediment movements destruction, and this makes it possible to carry out on the sea floor at places such as Richards Bay, repairs if defects are detected. Muizenberg, Hout Bay, Lamberts Bay and Walvis Bay. In the case of isotopes, gamma rays emanating These investigations have been of assistance to coastal from the isotopes are used. These rays penetrate the engineers in the design of harbour projects. With material and produce a radiograph on which defects slight modifications, this technique is also suitable for in the metal can be detected. X-rays are also used and the investigation of sediment movements in rivers, give similar results. dams and river mouths, as well as of the movement of Apart from quality determination, a wide range materials in suspension. of engineering products are being tested with the aid The dispersion processes and diffusion of this method. coefficients for the dispersion of liquid waste have Furthermore, fully equipped mobile units are been measured with similar techniques in coastal being used to provide this service in a factory or even waters at the Swartkops River mouth, the mouth of in the field. Lake St. Lucia and at Melkbosstrand. The results of The following are typical examples of the use of investigations of this nature can be used to forecast industrial radiography and how it is applied in order the possible extent of pollution, and the degree of to ensure a better product: 11 air-resaturation of water can be determined. (b) Atmospheric dispersion 4.4.3 National Physical Research Laboratory CSIR The study of the dilution and dissipation of Age determination, by means of caibnn 14 airborne releases trom stacks judo: ground level dating, of late-quaternary sediments releases, and the dependence ol such dispersion on Determination, with the aid of carbon 14 and weather conditions, can be canted out to yroat intium occurring in nature, of the flow rate of advantage vtiith the aid of stable tracer releases, attei underground water 1 Which the results car be observed with analytical Determination, with the aid of tritium, of the jchniques. infiltration idte of fallout into the ground Tracing, with the aid of tritium and carbon 14. of sources ot water which, tor example, leaks ii'i Ftnv rate* of dilutioi» '•vrns jna c/.im* into mines Radioactive tracers vni" shon half 11vf-i an* . Use ol tritium as tracer in Ihe natural used to determine tin- Mow .floaty and the dilution environment and m industrial piucesses when1 in proportion to distance in water bodies Pollution laigo concentrations ol radiation art' riot desirable parameters aic dependent on the above factors, as 10.03 pCh mil well as on factors such as precipitation attachment to . Uitf ol the stable isotopes oxygen 18 and suspended material and biological concentration deuterium as ttaccis in cases where radiation is Tbese aspects can be fruitfully investigated with the undesirable (concentration ot 0,000 2 \. D or aiQ of radioactive tucers The following serve as 18O. measurement limit 0.000 02 °.,| ilustrationv bnquinpi The measure men t ot lioi ..'ontai wrlui-.iy ami Department ol Natuial Isotopes. direction of flow of groundwater, as well as the National Physical Research Laboratory, determination of the saturated hydiaulic conducting P.O. Box 395, capacity of soil in cases of shallow (up to 5 ml PRETORIA groundwater tables. The advantage of this method is 0001 that the hydraulic conducting capacity can be Tel. 74 6011 extension 3380 determined by using the natural flow ol the gruundwater. as opposed u> tr'e flow as J result of 4.4.4 Nucleai Physics Research Unit - Wits artificially created gradients, as is tne case with most of the other methods applied The Unit has a fully equipped environmental laboratory which is designed particularly for the As tritium is chemically related to hydrogen, it investigation of the natural ^H and '^C content of can be used as a tracer in all processes in which water plays a part. The lowest level of observation can be various samples. Work is concentrated, in particular, conservatively set at 20 pCi ml, and samples of at on projects of a hydrological nature. Several projects leaai j ml are required. have been successfully completed in collaboration The measurement of trie deuterium content of with organizations in the Republic and neighbouring samples. In cases in which it is undesirable to use states, and others are still in progress. tritium as a tracer, deuterium can be used in The laboratory also forms part of the Southern small-scale investigations. The lowest observation Hemisphere network of the International Atomic level is 0,016 %, and a sample of 300 ml is necessary. Energy Agency (IAEA) which supports a number of The vertical downward movement of water stations for the determination of the ^H content of through the ground to the groundwater table. This natural water samples. Support for hydrologica! method can in particular be used to determine to investigations in Botswana was also received from the what extent large-scale over-irrigation of agricultural IAEA. suil takes place. All projects originating in the southern portion of the continent of Africa fall within the area of interest of the laboratory. The laboratory also investigates projects in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. Id) General applications A considerable number of other applications of Cost: to be negotiated radioactive isotopes, stable isotopes and nuclear Enquiries: analytical techniques are possible, and enquiries are welcomed. The Director, Enquiries: Nuclear Physics Research Unit, The Director of Isotopes and Radiation, University of the Witwatersrand, Atomic Energy Board, Milner Park, Private Bag X2S6, PRETORIA JOHANNESBURG 0001 2001 Tel. 724-4251 Tel. 79-4441 extension 832/857 12 5 DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATtRIAL . Product1, an- not '.UIJIIM.I M, it., i.iitii.j! [j.iLf.r'j The AEB is the only urbanization in Suuth Aliica ynurtii'try inquired 'oi s'l.. i noi'r.dt '.old which is authorized ID receive, (ui disposal, '. ? I • f itl/dtllili tTII.'thod'. iddioactivu indlt'iijl hum other oiydrWiitiuir, which ', Tin- hiyh |)i-nH'.i!..,t '.,. . ,i • t • < ,,, •••rr u unusable but still active. tddidtiun hd'i the i.ftw.t Ml rTiok.'c, .'. u JL< , »;HlC"'nt and iclidbli* ti;c.lilno,i.. The costs involved in this op('i,ilion Uupund 01 the nature and (juantiiy of the /ddioaciive nutpt.dl . The lorm ot thi; produd 01 u< '' >. " otu u fiorri 1 which has to b« disposed of. which it is nmriufacturi'Ll ti.1 . i •, •,( .,..•! ... ,i, tr.r clttciL-iicy ot Ihti steiiii^dtiuit. on forms and in/orrn,itmn on this sprvn.t? .in1 In 1 hi; Cast of (thjl fr'iji.r j' i jt (jt :jC ,(_: ., ,{ *, fron) The Man.Hji.n Ailniitustijli.m "i-LL'SSriry tMdt UJC^' prOt-iui-I U< !'r.:Tt-i: ,1 '. ijft; Alomir tnefay Boaid, Pnv.nt Bag X256, phdl ITldCOIUyiCdl l:f ttrCt Ot d [Jd''' IL-... Jf pfl-pjl :\, j- PRETORIA ti 2 2 PdckarjK lirdili.itton Plant AEB. P«-in>d.v..d 0001 The Packdye Irradiatiun Pldnt o) tne Atomic

Tel. 79 4441 .;xtension 203 Eoeryy Board dt Pelmdabd ivds wpcted vv th ,. Jir..,j \,, piuviding d ladiation servici; to thost firn-i who U'I- 6. GAMMA IRRADIATION di.'Sirous of using gamma radiation in then product.or. 6.1 Introduction processes. This plant was designed particular y for ti.i- Radiation processing with gamma rays is J sterilization of medical and pharmaceuicd' product' powerful new method which on be applied to meet a Ijrye variety o( industrial and other needs. These fa) Sues and specifications of cardboard containers applications vary from the sterilization of disposable The standard size of the Container used in the medical equipment and the manufacture of both new irradiation plant is 48,2 cm > 48,2 cm x 45,8 cm. Ttv chemicals and building materials, to the picservation strength and stability of the containers must measure of food and the elimination of insect pests in up to the standards laid down m Regulation 4 1 of agriculture. the Uniform Freight Classification Code. A tolerance Apart from carrying-out a research and of approximately 3 mm is allowable as (at as the development program aimed at new applications, the outside measurements of the containers are Atomic Energy Board undertakes confidential, concerned. Products which are delivered in damaged sponsored research for industrial undertakings and

(e| Transport Enquiries: The client is responsible for the transport of his The Director. product to and from the Irradiation Plant. Nuclear Physics Research Unit, Enquiries: University of the Witwatersrand. The Director of Chemistry, Milner Park, Atomic Energy Board, JOHANNESBURG Private Bag X256, 2001 PRETORIA Tei. 724-4251 0001 Tel. 79-4441 extension 301

6.2.3 Agricultural Irradiation Unit — Fruit and Fruit Technology Research Institute (FFRI). Slellenbosch

This 60Co irradiation unit was erected in 1961 with the purpose of investigating the possible applications of gamma rays in agriculture. The design is such that a variety of agricultural samples, ranging from containers filled with plant seeds, insects or fruit, to plants in pots, can be 'iradiated at widely varying dose intensities. The 60Co source is controlled mechanically, and can be i't at a height of 98cm above the floor of the macJiation room which has a floor area of 2,4 m x 2.4 m. In 1970 the Unit was provided with a SOOOCi source (cobalt cylinder with diameter 2,8 m and height 4,4 ml, it had d rios<; rdte varying from 480krad/h to 6.7 krad/h at distances of 10 and 90 cm from the source, respectively. With a fairly small sample (approximately 5 cm3) tlosu up against the source, a dose rate of 2 Mrad/h can be attained. Agricultural material is irradiated fp.-n of charge for all research organizations. 14 tiujtiinn

11 i 1)-/,.. I'II < I (.1 r Ar,.,,,, In,,,,, h, ,

f'"l IOHIA

' • ,1 6.3 Wuuil polymer (.'iii'ipOMt.", i i) •; i4i . . •

The Udnidlioii ii! polrmei '.'.(jijil (.umposii' . / ACTIVA I ION AfjAl VSIS hVOOfipl if IH (l>U»|>()',l!. ', ) ,-.)h til' .).'! 1,1 , :,lt-i. Al.li. I'.II.I .',-i,ily. . j hi.j , •••1 . ; .(,, ; J 1 IL-pri'Si'nl', oti. of thr 'i.;. .! .pt .'dti.tdi jppht jtt(>'", (,1 nucludr i.'ni.-i'i). Polymer nuu] u.r, be i> ,(ei .. 'I, !lw i]el(Mm:"dtliin i ' ,,•.,•• ...... • ,,,., SUldl(.'d UYt'l till* (JdSt f*A\ /Idl- ,:' [VI ' Jjl'.l, *'. ''i .; < ullti nlid'iinis vu'vv to itt'ter inn'ihy 1I.1 ,>.•, ..,U.p <,pplii.. 1 •.^.-. .e- ,' 1 Ni'1 Ir.ji A' i VJI" A- J , reached v\hi:lc ,1 IJiloi liljM ''us tn'cli I.MI i.lril. 'h I .> histituli' Li' Vei.iit ,iq, /, I1 ni.KJ*-' it possible \o b.iinjl', lb*> MidirMjl •'. i. ' •,;

Huantitn'i to cmjj'u/jinini v.', 1! , n/i ;,. 1, •• - f»11 • 1 The (, III.I|I , '.' •'•' '..!• • • • ,'•..'• f I'll- NuMJhdl |. T11 •_ 1 • t, '.', ' i .' ., ., • • , in it. Njiledf Ph s,cs P.",. ..re' U '.'•. .• ' '. • Polymer .vood .s f0111 n.-ii b> '•: picy ..' i.y II.1 f riip WiTv, -ri-i'.tanii Tf.- iai - • ' -.'.:• i' ;.T. , vuiod with tin muiioniti ut a pdiiicidi pol ^'i".'f. The r wn thi .i' jlysis n+ ytul'*1. . jr '.:il|il.i.. '• •'• :i1 •'• niononii'i ii ttiLMi linked in i,.cli d v',d> Aitl !i.t anl oi J G'.,,,p r, rtell pqi.^pp...; •„, e. r . ••,•- ,•• ; •„ gdinma t.ididtion llidl j -Aiouq pulyi'iur is fuinu;(l .11 d S|»'cihr h .'iuijiLdl measu'.-'ii.1'iir !:•• • • . • • , • s mateiial is obtained which tctciins the ap|» iiianLL- nl prnsunt bfing im/estiyat. :'. wood, but which is tilled witn a thfi: (!>mensiunjl The thermal neutri/'i dCtivji.ji, s Cd''i'i: out • polymer network. The presence of the polymer in tin- thy SAFARI 1 reactoi dt Pel.i ,ijbd, ;i« the f^ • woid gives it The excellent piuperlies of the polymer neutron dctivat.nn is done with :hp 14 '.V-V r\ru'.".' without Sdcriticmg the aik^ntagpous anil jestt'.utiL generator nf the Nuflea' Pby, i.1, Res.-.,' »• '• I properties o< the wood In this wjy. tht pr_ i«-nies of The countirui. tlata dnalysis ar1'! rcdut T nn ar- dn' ' j* 1 the softer and less expensive wood type t«in bi io f,: the National Institute fur Metallurqy improved that they compete very f jvouiably wth t'-.t- A numtjci of projects are a're. u1. b*- '• .i It. of this treatment become apparent Thp material cjr- Corf. To be negotiated be produced in a wide rangy of colouti by thi- addition ul suitable colouring ayents to the monomer enquiries The mot I important properties of polymer nuO'l The Directui. art the following Nuclear Physics Research Um' . It is much harder than ordinary wood JIKI 'U University of the WilWdt'.'rsio'ii. resistance to abrasion is thus very high Milner Park, . ll absorbs water much more slowly than JOHANNESBURG ordinary wood. 2001 . The mechanical strength is considerably higher Tel. 724-4251 than that of untreated wood. . It is particularly resistant to termites. 7.2 Neutron Activation Analysis Group AEB . It can be polished to ,1 very high glois and no The laboratories of the Atomic Energy Board varnish is therefore necessary. have facilities tor alpha and gamma spectrometiy .Scratch and burn marks can be vuiy easily with a high resolution, namely GelM and Si(Lil removed with sand paper, seemy that the dctectois, multichannel pulse analysers with magnetic treatment leaches right through the wood and is tape units, and also 'he computer proyums necessary not limited merely to the surface. •or processing the data. If circumstances demand thr . The surface is particularly lesistant to burning application of ladiochemical separations, the cigarettes and spilled liquids. necessary techniques tor each problem .;an be . The material can be worked with oidinary developed. wood-working machines. The cost of gamma spectiometry analysis is R5.00 per man hout. Irradiation costs are calculated If one takes note of the abovementioned in accordance with the taiiffs given undei "General excellent properties of polymor wood, it is evident Neutron Irradiations". (See par. 3.1) that this material can be used foi many pui poses. Seeinq that problems of analysis vary by theii Limited quantities of this material are available very natuie, fie precise cost in certain instances can for purposes of evaluation. 15 be established only after negotiation. Enquiries: Because cross sections me ^u...~.*,„.., ._.„_ The Head: Analytical Chemistry, low-energy radiation, analysis of amounts as small as Atomic Energy Board. 10"' 2 g or even less can be earned on'. The method is Private Bag X256, suitable for the determination of tiace elements in PRETORIA investigations of air and water ixjllution. 0001 Exw-'pt in cases where the very lowest Tel. 79-4441 extension 784/365 concentrations are measured, analysis can be carried in a few minutes, and 50 to 100 samples can be 7.3 Activation Analysis with Charged Particles analysed daily. SUNI 7 3.1 Introduction 7.3.4 Si"face analysis Activation analysis with charged particle beams A variety of nuclear techniques are available tor of proions. deuterons. helium 3 and helium 4, up to the non-destructive analvsis of surface layers of an energy of 5,5 MeV, is used for the determination matenals. Over the past decade, methods of light elements. It is precisely with legaid to these incorporating Rutherford scattering, nuclear reactions elements that neutron activation analysis is not and activation have been used tor the determination sensitive. Furthermore, as a result of the Coulomb of light elements such as carbon, nitrogen and barrier effects, then; is usually no interference from oxygen, on the surface of metais, analysis of surface the heavy elements in the sample. The method was oxide layeis, such as anodi/ed aluminium surfaces thoroughly investigated for the analysis of geological and the stiucture of geological substances, have bean samples in which elements such as lithium, boron, performed. Where heavy elements have to be sodium, magnesium, aluminium, iron and manganese, measured in a matrix consisting mainly of light in concentrations from a few per cent to J tew parti elements. Rutherford backscatieriny techniques arc per thousand, were determined. The method is also suitable for concentration levels up to fractions of suitable for the determination of impurities in heavy parts per million. elements such as lead, gold, tantalum and silver. The irradiation facility can activate up to 24 7.3.5 Concentration profiles small samples simultaneously. Concentration profiles, that is the varying concentration of a component as a function of the 7.3.2 Routine measurement of radioactive tracers d'-pth below the surface, is of importance in a variety An automatic system for the measurement and of spheres. Induced nuclear reactions with charged analysis of gamma-ray spectra of a large number of particles is particularly suitable for investigations of radioactive samples is available. The apparatus is this nature because the energy of the bombarding equipped with two gamma-ray detectors which can be particle decreases in proportion to the depth of used together or separately. One of these is a Ge(Li) penetration, and, as a result, the energy of the detector with a high resolution of 50 cm3, while the emitted particle determines the depth of its point of other is a high-efficiency NallTI) scintillator. origin under the surface. An automatic sample changer can deal with up to Investigations of this nature have been carried 100 samples at a time, and each sample is placed in out for elements such as carbon and oxygen in steel, one of the three preselected counting positions. and for magnesium in magnesium-aluminium alloys. Samples in solid or liquid state can be counted. The same procedure is suitable for the tracing of Depending on the time required to count each segregated concentrates of components in alloys and sample, several hundred samples can be counted each metal systems. day. The data are recorded on magnetic tapes and these tapes are analysed by the computer with a view Enquiries: to providing the necessary results after suitable The Director, calibration. Southern Universities Nuclear Institute, The method is particularly suitable for P.L, Box 17, investigations in which more than one radioactive FAURE tracer is used. 7131 Tel. Faure 242 7.3.3 Induced X-ray analysis with charged particles This kind of analysis is carried out by 3. STANDARDIZATION bombarding the surface of the sample with charged 6.1 Radioisotopes - CSIR particles, with a view to exciting the X-rays of the The Nuclear Sciences Group of the National components. Background activity is not excited to Physical Research Laboratory has 4;:-gamma the same degree as in the case of electron-induced coincidence assemblies, with both an equilibrium X-ray analysis, and the technique is different from counter and a liquid scintillation counter as analysis by means of X-ray fluorescence in that large 4 n- detectors for the measurement of the sources of radioactive material are not necessary. 16 disintegration rate in absolute measure. 8.3 NI'UIIon Sources CSIR 8 6 Vdriou', Ol'ci S/IVK.. •, SAIiL,

A Liihtiiaiud M'Am Bt nrutiuii iuum >; T'ir lullowiny are ii .i. tvd>ldM> iivjilabU' lot com|)iiFuiiVf mijdiun;int'nn Tin; mulinn . Cudr1, ut [iim.iiu- n\..( • ,i . • •.ll|)|)ly trolll itllS SUUIU' I', fi,3 « 10^ II Ml ' Tl . 10 piM'.UH . rkpu',t;d IU lu'j ,lml vjlur Wdi iletiM mined witti ttii- in,jnijdni;ic- mi|jti.it*• D.IKJ on ,l». id.i.ij . ii lidtll mrttlocl, dll(J !hc "li'diuliMlillit Wui tfili'd Ijv untdll.il"jl». iriGdm Of dll intVIWIlullul Culll)j.lll!.u(l Ait' J iI.i"dd"J f.u'.li'.il .n '/' '.|i: )' souictf ut !hf Cdnadium N.illonal Ri'Sijiiuh Cimni.il

In l/Ui'l>-i

S 3 Dusr Mi--dsu[iiniMit jnd Culilnatujn ut [Jmimi'lw• •!', i Tin- Dun -ui G. '.'•'».

CSIR SA Bun-.iu M( Slui.ii.."J 8.3 1 SuiiTi.if, uf tictj t.itJi.il..--, Pi i..itc Bay X 191. PRETORIA An rxtijfjuldliun luin/jtion Lti.iir,(*i I'd 00(11 jo rsiutv ftiuiptnenl ui«• ust-d tur tt(f' UH-jjUfrni 1 Tri 44 1 121 il.i suifdcc (last- ul Ui'l.i di.iivr soutt'- . i'.- (,ir thuiapeutic

8 3 i? Gdinnid iay dosirtiiMi-'s

Standduh (ui the caliliidtion ut yurmtu (dv duiimtleis JIC maintained, dnd ,i luuji- LOUJM 60 source is avdiliilile )u( ihn purpu^r

Enquiries: The Head: Nuclear Sciences, National Phy^iral Reseaich Laboidtoiy, CSIR, P.O. Box 395, PRETORIA 0001 Tel. 74-6011 extension 3301

8.4 Calibration of Monilois toi Uranium Prospecting - AEB

A full range of uranium standards with concentrations varying between 0,5 and 4,1 kg U3O8 pei ton of ofe, is available for the calibiation of scintillation counters and other monitors used in ladioactive uranium prospecting. The sources are 2 m in diameter and 30 cm thick. Thorium standards of the same dimensions are available, as well as a simulated U3O8 borehole standard.

Enquiries: The Director: Geology, Atomic Energy Board, Private Bag X256, PRETORIA 0001 Tel. 73-4441 extension 888/869

8.5 Film Badge Service - SABS

The South A f ncan Bureau of Standaids maintains a film badge service which covers the whole country. The purpose of this is the measurement of the whole-body dose as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation.




KERNDIENSTE Algemene navrae/verdere eksemplare:

Oie Administratiewe Beampte: Chetnie. Raid op Atoomkrag, Privaatuk X2S6. PRETORIA 0001

Tel. 79-4441 bylyn 263 VOORWOORD

Suid-Afrika het reeds belangrike mytpale op die gebied van die kerntegnologie bereik Daar und egter ook ontwikkeling* plaas wat, hoewel nie altyd so opspraakwekkend nie. tog belangnk >s en op die aanwending van kernmateriaal en -tegnieke in die geneeskunde, die nywerheid, landbou, navorsing, ens betrekking het.

Gedagtig hieraan, het die Komitee wir Isotope en Straling van die Raad op Atoomkrag. waann alle belanghebbende instansies op die gebied van kerntoepassings verteenwoordig is, besluit om 'n gids van kerndienste wat aangebied kan word. die lig te laat sien.

Daar word besef dat die Gids sy beperkings het omdat dit as sodanig 'n breë veld dek wat geen plek vif nadere besonderhede laat nie en wat kenmerkend van 'n katalogus is. Die publikasie van een of meer gespecialiseerde katalogusse is dus nog 'n taak vir die toekoms. INHOUPSOPGAWE

1. REGULATORIESt VEREISTES, ? 4 J i AI.IIPI iid"w-'''li'i.|', RAI1 2. RADIOISOrOPE "J 4 3.4 Nywvefhi.Mtlsi.HJIOIJI j< r.

2.1 Inimdmg '.' 4 4 lsutoopadMWt.Tidin>4<. ' •• ' •.r-jij

2.2.2 WetiMiskapliki! ci NyivWwuJim.oj ,,i> , >., ,•>'• .nijfivoer ,\mt\ 3 1 2.3 Vcnvcrkle MI-CIIKM R.uliuiiolupi' J '. WEGRUVIf.G ','/.'. ^A jiC ' " t At 2.3 1 Raad op Amoi'ikrj'j . .1 MATbHlAAL , 2.3.2 NdSion.ilp Fisirie NavcisinqilaboMt -nun' b. GAMMABEGTHALlNu WNNR . 4 C 1 Illltii! , 2.3.3 Kerninstiiuul vn Suideliku Uiuver1; u-r..' 6.2 Gan"im,(i'"i'ii ..rrnc (KISU) . . . •» G.2 1 Ai(]"'Ti..-.'r- 2.3.4 Puogeeniut'lse - Suid Afrikaans Bu'i) vir St.indddrde HAK Pnl.ndjba (SABS) ...... ••* 2.4 Onverwerkle en Veivvetkte Radiuisoropt- vir Navorsings- en Nywerheiusijebiuik 5 oi jqif 'NIVV. 1 2.4.1 Raad op Atoomkraq . . r 2.4.2 Nasionale Fisiest? Navorsingslalioratoiuim WNN'R fi G 3 Punmt-i"Hun1 2.5 Verseelde Stralinysbfonne ' AK.TU'ERINGSANALISE vit Klimeie en Aniiur Gebiuike RAK ^ 2.5.1 Klmiese btonne b InsTiTUuT 2.5.2 Bionne vir nywertieids en w • laborjtoriumgel.il uik / 'iak* ufP 3. DIVERSE REAKTOR EN VERSNEH ER DIENSTE 7 KISU . i L 3.1 Algemene Neutronbestralings RAK . 7 7 3.1 Inleiding . .... , . '6 3.2 Die ElekUonuKjneueie UutoopaKWi'iet 7 3.2 Roettnerneting vdn udi-idM" *v .'j.)''1 - WNNR . . 8 7.3.3 Geinduseeidf X-iirddii>');itfUn i. 3.2.1 Inleiding B met gelaaide deeltiifi 16 3.2.2 Qienste 8 7 3.4 Oppervlakontledmg . . . 1G 3.3 Bornbardement met 7.3.5 Konsentrasieprofiele . • 16 Gelddide Deelt/ies on Vinnige Neutione 8. STANDAARDISERING 16 met Behulp van die Siklotron - WNNR ... 8 8.1 Radioisotope - WNNR ... . . 16 3.4 Bombardement me! 8.2 Neutronbronne WNNR . 17 Gelaaide Declt|ies met Behulp van Versnelleis 8.3 Dosismeting en Kalibrennij van DOJO"H.'II - Universilott van die Witwarersiand (Wits) 8 WNNR 17 4. AANWENDING VAN RADIOISOTOPE 9 8.3.1 Bestralingsbronne . . . 17 4.1 Inleiding 9 8.3.2 Gammasiraaldosismeiets . 17 4.2 Geneeskundige Aanwendings 9 8.4 Kalibrering van Monitors 4.2.1 Algemeen 9 vir Uraanprospektering - RAK . . . . ',7 4.2.2 Die bepalingvan stabiele isotoopspoatders 8.5 Filmwapendiens - SABS . , 17 in mediese ondersoeke - KISU 10 8.6 Diverse ander Dienste - SABS .. . .17 4.3 Isotoopaanwendings in die Nywerheid 10 4.3.1 Spoorderaanwendings - RAK 10 4.3.2 Analitiese aanwendings - RAK 10 t. REGULATORIESE VEREISTES 2. RADIOISOTOPE 2.1 Inleiding Die voornemende gebruiker van radioaktiewe materiaal moet daarop let dat die verkryging en Radioisotope word in Suid-Afrika vervaardig gebruik daarvan in die Republiek van Suid-Attika en hoofsaaklik deur die Raad op Atoomkrag in die in Suidwes-Afrika aan beheer deur die SAFARI-1-reaklor en deur die Wetenskaplike en Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Atoomkrag onderworp«; is. Nywerheidnavorsingsraad (WNNR) met behulp van Die Wet op Atoomkrag. 1967 (Wet No. 90 van 1967) die siklotron van die Nasionale Fisiese soos gewysig, bepaal dat niemand, behalwe met Navorsingslaboratorium (NFNL). In teenstelling met skriftelike magtiging van die Raad. en tensy die neutronryk radioisotope wat deur neutroninvangs uitdruklik daarvan vrygestel, radioaktiewe materiaal in die kernreaktor ontstaan, word veral protonryk mag voortbring, verkry, daaroor beskik of dit invoer radioisotope deur gelaâidedeeltiie-bombardemem in of uitvoer nie. die siklotron geproduseer. Vir die doeleindes van die Wet word radioaktiewe Radioisotope wat nie uit hierdie oorde materiaal soos volg omskryt: enige radioaktiewe beskikbaar is nie, word ingevoer. Die volgende materiaal met 'n soortlike aktiwiteit hoer as 0.002 insransies is gemagtig om radioisotope in te voer en te mikrocurie/gram en waarvan die totale aktiwiteit hoer versprei : as 0.1 mikrocurie is. 1. Weil Organisasie (Edms.) Bpk. Enige persoon of instansie wat dus radioaktiewe 2. SA Philips (Edms.) Bpk. materiaal wil gebruik, moet vooraf die nodige 3. Fransa (Edms.) Bpk. magtiging van die Raad verkry. Om die veilige gebruik Een van die take van die Raad op Atoomkrag is daarvan te verseker, sal die Raad die magtiging eers die vervaardiging van radioisotope. Die toestaan nadat vasgesttl is dat die aansoeker oor die navorsingsreaktor SAFARM van 20 MW is geskik vir nodige geriewe. asook oor dit personeel met die die vervaardiging van 'n wye verskeidenheid nodige kennis en ervaring beskik. radioisotope en vir die uitvoering van diverse Oie Afdeling Isotope en Straling van die Raad is bestralings. egter altyd bereid om voornemende gebruikers van In die lig van die kapitaalintensiewe aard van so raad oor hierdie vereistes ta bedien wat kan verskil 'n vervaardigingsprogram vanweë die besondere afhangende van die verskillende toepassings. In hanteringsfasiliteite wat vereis word, moet daar oor sommige gevalle kan geriewe soos 'n goeie chemiese die algemeen op radioisotope toegespits word laboratorium reeds voldoende wees. waarvoor die aanvraag groot genoeg is om plaaslike Aansoek om magtiging moet gerig word aan: vervaardiging ekonomies te regverdig, bv. sekere geneeskundige preparate en kliniese stralingsbronne. Die Bastuurder : Administrasie, Daar word egter ook gepoog om, sover moontlik, aan Raad op Atoomkrag, die besondere behoeftes van navorsing, nywerheid, Privaatsak X2S6. ens. te voldoen. PRETORIA 0001 Die personeel van die Radioisotoopproduksie- met vermelding van die volgende besonderhede: sentrum met sy deskundige kennis van verwerking en (a) nuklied en aktiwiteit waarom aansoek gedoen die afstandbeheerde hantering van hoogsaktiewe word materiaal bespreek graag enige problème of behoeftes (br aanwending wat moontlik kan ontstaan. (c) plek van aanwending Radioisotope wat met 'n deeltjieversneller soos (d) verseëlde of onverseëlde radioaktiewe materiaal die siklotron geproduseer word, is oor die algemeen (e) naam van verantwoordelike persoon en heelwat duurder as vergelykbare reaktorisotope. Die plaasvervanger. beleid van die Isotoopproduksie-afdeling van die 'n Gebruiker buite die grense van die Republiek NFNL is om ilegs daardie radioisotope voort te bring van Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika moet aan die wat andersinds glad nie in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar sou vereistes van die betrokke land voldoen. (Kyk ook wees nie, of waar die ekonomiese oorwegings duidelik Staatskoerant no. 2184 van 4.10.1968) plaaslike produksie regverdig. As gevolg van die transmutas'e van elemente wat tydens bombardement met gelaaide dMltjies plaasvind, word die radioisotope in draervry vorm geproduseer. In gevalle waar 'n radioisotoop in beide die reaktor en die siklotron geproduseer kan word, sal die siklotron slegs gebruik word as die betrokke radioisotoop in draervi y vorm verlang word. NV PHILIPS Diiphdr. SA Philips (E'JTI, i Bin- 2.2 Navrae en Beslt'lings NedetUnd. PUSIJ >, 7 703, Dit IJ noodsjaklik ddt jlle JOH.'.Nr.ESBLhG besonder hede adngedui wuid. Ondutstddndt: .r,i,(jt,',,( 2ÜÜ0 dien as leidt dad: T.- .'iw',2' . Naam, adres en bestelnummer «dn kldni . Atlewenngsadies CEA, Funki.i F' . j lE-i" • b:,- . Naam van produk IRE, Belqie P .. iw, (!?"•;. . Aktiwueit SORIN, lidii- CIS CRAIG.---u'. . Doel van gebruik, te wete mwditri u' ",,• inediu. ?0?J . Datum en lyd van gulirui» T°l 4h :J7 21 ?

. Chemiest.' vorm wiidiui vet lang, dn wn se vu'.t' L W. P- , ;,: »•i, •. ! . 1 . .!( stof of oplossing .''•(;. i .o>. . Die pH van die oplossing v3 vjn 'n oplossing mond . By komende vereistes, soos ladiochpmiesr o( OB - K' R20.00 radioisolopiese suiwerhedn, jkkuradthnul van 2 mC' R23.5O akliwiteitskalibrenngs, spesiale houers, ens 5 mC R29.60 Akliw.tei! ',ous op dag na VIT;, --''.m,; 2.2.1 Raad op AJoomkrag (RAK) Jodium 131 Navrae en bestellings moet gerig word jjn D-jpivry lüdied in ndtnumi a;_.;i.ij!f>uio- Die Radioisotoopproduksiesentrum, (0,08 m IJ mCi 13l|) vir ToeoienioQ Jeur (i<.' mono Afdeling Chemie, 1 mC R12.00' Raad op Atoomkrag, 2 mCi R13,,00* Privaatsak X256. b mCi R14,OQ-*- Pretoria lOmCi R 16.50+ 0001 50 mCi R36.00" Telefoon: 79-4441 bylvn 249/303/678 Daar nd R21.50 per 50 mCi * Telegramme : Isotope AfieWfiinq. Weekliks ( wer send 'it; ->i> VrvUdi' •'• Teleks: 3-0253 Pr. ijeb'uik up Mddndael Pryse sluit verpakkingskoste in. Veivuerkoste is Spesiale versopke kan oorwetij vvoni bykomend, tensy anders aangedui. Kalium-42 2.2.2 Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidnavorsingsradd Kalium-42-chloried in isotomeie opioü nt (WNNR) (2,5 ml) vir inspuiting Navrae en bestellings moet gerig word aan. 1 - lOmCi . R24.20 Die Radioisotoopproduksie-afdeling. Aflevveting' iweeweekhks vir gebruik op Woensdj' Kernwetenskappegroep, Nasionale Fisiese Navorsingslabordtonum. Moiibdeen-99 Posbus 395, 10 ml natnummolibdaaioplussing (5 M NaCHi PRETORIA 200 mCi 9sMo per gram M003 : R90 ' 0001 Aflewenng: weekliks vit gebiuik op 'vVoensddè Telefoon: 74-6011 bylyn 3325 Bestellings moet twee weke voor die i\d geplaas Telegramme: Navorsfis word. Teleks: 3-630 Pr. Spesiale ver;oeke kan oorweeg vvoid. + Vervoerkoste inges'uit 2.2.3 Vir radioisotope wat Inge voer moet word Verskaffer Agent Natrium-24 (a) Natrium-24-chloried in isotomese oplossing van Radiochemical Centre, Weil Organisasie (Edms.) Bpk., ongevper i mCi/5 ml vir inspuiting Amersham, Posbus 10924, Verenigde Koninkryk JOHANNESBURG R24.20 per mCi (b) Natrium-24-karbonaat in waterige medium 2000 1 - 5mCi: R24.20 daarna R1.00 per mCi tot Tel. 724-8368 lOmCi. Hoer aktiwiteite kan op aanvraag voorsien word. Aflewering : 24 uur 2.3.2 Nasionale Fisiese Navorsingslaboratorium WNNR


Isotoop | Haivtff inijstyil Prys Af Ie wer ing

A5taat 211 7.2 uur Prys op aanvradg Op aanvraag Fluoor-18 1.3 uur Prys op aanvraag Maandae Galhum-67 78 uu! 5 mCi : R55 Maanuae 10 mCi : R85 Indium-1 11 2,8 dae 5 mCi : R75 Tkvueweekliks op Maandae 10 mCi : R105 : Jodium-123 13.3 uur 1 mCi Twfeweekliks op Maandae 2 mCi : R80 Jodium-124 4,2 dae Piys op aanvraag Op aanvraag Kalium-43 22 uur Prys op aanvraag Op aanvraag Koper-64 12.8 uur Prys op aanvraag Op aanvraag Lood-203 52 uur 1 mCi : R80 Op aanvraag Mangaan-52 5,7 dae 50mCi : R110 Tweeweekliks up Maandae Natrium-22 2.6 jare 1 mCi R85 In voorraad 2 mCi : R145 5 mCi : R325 Sink-65 245 dae Prys op aanvraag Op aanvraag Stronsium-85 64 dae 5mCi R190 Op aanvraag 10 mCi : R325 Yster-52 8,2 uur 1 mCi : R80 Op aanvraag Yster-55 2,6 iare 1 rnCi . R35 Op aanvraag 2 mCi : R45 L... 10 mCi : R125 Alle produkte kan as pirogeenvry isotoniese oplossmgs gelewer word.

2.3.3 Kerninstituut vir Suidelike Universiteite (KISU) Koolstof-11 2.3.4 Pirogeentoetse - Suid-Afnkaanse Büro vir Koolstof-11 in die vorm van monokdied of Standaarde (SABS) dioksied Pirogeentoetse word by die Büro se Aktiwiteite tot 60 mCi kan gelewer word Laboratorium-diere-eenheid op 'n roetinegrondslag Prys en aflewering op aanvraag uitgevoer deur volwasse konyne te gebruik. Navrae: Navrae: Die Direkteur, Die Direkteur-genetaal, Kerninstituut vir Suidelike Universiteite, Suid-Afrikaanse Büro vir Standaarde, Posbus 17, Privaatsak X191. FAURE PRETORIA 7131 0001 Tel. Faure 242 Tel. 44-1121 bylyn 2707 y' 1. '.', .i *•. in.t-1..... N.ivtjfSinys t'n NyW''Mieiilsq.'t>ruik 2.4.1 Raad op Aiuumkf jy 'PjlljlJlll'l. lU'J HJH, ,I!,., Mill,. 1 , , 'n Gfout veivkoidi'nheid mwi:rvv*'ri< '•• t n b-.!i/f OJy'.JV..'1'j »rt wrl< li' udioiiulupi" (cut; riraefviy) '.ji> ff.ll.). jl u,. "H'JIILM' 10/ p' ii,i-nin. ' i.ji natuuilikc cli'mentn kjn isuivijdtdiij vvii/u ,ju .rcjpln',5f>i'j Diu ap underilujndi; !ys ii iti'ili ,:i tin' ,.i -i. "Ki-rm.". 18fa I'.- ,'.,i.,ii.f!..j, kiin tjinni' pfrke viTiinUtr .\ufc.i :-:..lll',lllul> ' 'I

,.. j; p. •:• ••; O)Ji ITl\i(;t V( fJ.Mj'iy 1:>| rt.i^fj.jij .^•O-.,-f A j'i| H..1 (:n,f hf. r- ,1 ,ii|!,,(iu .iiiliqi^iL'n hit*(du- isotufn' I'll- qr'tcHJ *> i • j.jt.li.,

KQSTE r1a\> illi. ' L' njf • •. Vum. OP'JS'.H . J 'HJH' .(111 1U3 H'.ltUM .:;: I'i.lj, rnO R20 1 mC. K;"J '• Jl.-fULi'^Uk^ii • ]

mCi R31 'J tnC. n.'lO "S.J" ,• ...T- M, j Sj(turi',.-I.l. . !.:,

Andet j op :ljrwcdji|,

ISOlQOp Vofrti

BiiMiin H?

K .i Mt'n en h.;i; LI'II.I ij'

V'l.ilv' ut iuuiuplu' • .,

r C."'M)i) "inetJa' S !vVi-rr.it'j jit '[• (*••.:•-• ;

L1 ' (iv>r iiikMud Si"knf!.

K^C.'pO/ opioi ",j ,i, .\ ' TJIIII. >i ?<5 rdllnirnmo'a.)' iin.r-jpiii^s.'iLj Fusfor j? Ri.r, 'O'.t ir TM.UIT'. 1 /'( ruilunivikSicO Sui.'fop1 A;, CJ

* <••: b'1

SuuropluSSinn i Gonndtimm- 77 ' YtttTtnum 1 1b Yttert)iumok5i' il Juuft'plossing "Yt'riLjm-90 Yttcumok.ied "Guucl 198

Suufupkissiny IB!

Suuroplossiny Kalsium ppi 64 Koptn metd.il Kupproksieil Suuroplossincj *Lan(dan-140 Liintaanmelaal Lanldanoksied Suuroplossing Natnum-24 N.12CO3 NaHCO3 Water- of suuroplossinys Natriumchioried in water opgelob 5 2.4.2 Nasionale Fisiese Navorsinyslabotatorium WNMR


Isotoop Piys Aflewen

Bfiillium-7 lOmCi' RW5, daarna R3 pm md Hoeveelhede 3i ijrotef as 300 mCi: piys op aanvraag

Kjdm.um-109 5mCi. R200, daarna R2Û ptr mCi Huevetlhinlu In voorraad yroler as 100 mCi: prvs op aanvraag

Natnunv22 1 mCi: R8b, ilaama R60 pet mCi Hoevet'lhede groter In voorraad is 50 mCi: prys op aanvtaacj

Serium-139 tO mCi: R250, daarna R20 per mCi Houveelhede groter as 100 mCi: prys op aanvraag

Stronsiuni H5 5mCi: R190, daarna R27 per mCi Hoeveelhede 3 weke groter as 60 mCi: prys op aanuraay

Y5ter-55 1 mCi: R35. daarna RIO per mCi Hoeveclhede yrotet In voorraad as 100 mCi: prys op aanvraag

L.W. Die produkie word as draervry oplossings in soutsuur gelewer. Berillium-7 en natrium-22 kan ook in onverwerkte vorm as litium- en magnesiumsky f materiaal onderskeidelik verskat word. Die radioisotope op bostaande lys is min of meer in gereelde produksie. In beginsel kan 'n verdere wye verskeidenheid vervaardig word, en navrae word verwelkom.

lridium-192 Word as korrels met afmetings 2,5 mm x 0,8 mm, en 14 korrels per magasyn (Tipe A) gelewer R40 per magasyn Aflewering : 3 dae

2.5 Verseëlde Stralingsbronne vir Kliniese en Ander Tantaal-182 Gebruike - RAK (a) Word as korrels met afmetings 2,5 mm x 2.5.1 Kliniese bronn-i 0,8 mm, en 14 korrels per magasyn (Tipe A) yelewer Goud-198 Word as korrels met afmetings 2,5 mm R26 per magasyn x 0,8 mm, en 11 korrels per magasyn (Tipe A) Aflewering : 3 dae gelewer (b) In draad vor m besk ik baar R35 per magasyn Aktiwiteit : 0,5 mCi/cm Ra-ekwivalent Aflaworinn • % Hup Prys en aflewering op aanvraag (a) Pneurridiiesü IdSiliteit (?,0 > 1ü'? n LIM ? ;rl ' MW '/ Du i', 'n kor!ii![rnynbMtrjl .-i. At,<<< J,I 2.5 2 Bionne vir nywKtheids- en labuiatunuinijetiiuit bestialtriystyiT Vaiiól 'n jjdji seKCjnd. . iut y,y.ji.-i;i .-i ••: uut ijebfuik Argon By 2ü MW is dn.' iwulionvl•JIM-, ,' i ,,..TO„ ,njiii.f Vu yebruik ijm lekkasies in gaspvplunnngs op d byvoorbi'Cld 4 * !0'3 n cm'2 y-t 1. spoor Politt-enhüuetb wuid vir - :., ':üi,< jv jMjt As yjs m kwiirtshoueii uw. danyevrj Koilf R3.50 pi'i bi.-4tijlinq •».' !, .!.- ',ij ,' ii. !. 1 lOOrnCi R76 20 o ff' ^ sef'' pef m^riujf üdarna AileW(%rinq ? vvfl' i

ILlt HlUruullfSe fjb'llteil l'j > !0'2 i f - K-v ' (•,'.•. '• l'idium-192 in liooystu prjsiite) Dif buitomati' jjn ilie bronne i« 1 1 mn . Dit h i il i uu 11 f '. t ' j • i ' • 1.3 mm x 1,3 min. m.-iJiuMMernv bi'strdlinysteHi • v.jai I,P_T.I • ;; Prys: R2Q0vir 'n radioyr.itiairon vi" 10 Ci ..inaf 15 miri'ili- tot 24 uu» -,<' ,••• •>'< • J' .VUI : j Bestellings moe! twee rnj.inde vuui 'In1 vctljn.|dr jflewerinysriatum ijeplaas wnnl Bronne sj' iin voorraad beskikbaji kom atti.ingendt.- van d" tenheiObK.jsie . 10 sen* .. 1 » IC' • m ' aanvraag. iek By ?0 MW Ansel rjie kos'p . •'• >', I 00 ' •', 30 !••'•• Kobalt 60 ut" vuil 4fb,tni|('ii>l(: van tin i' j'.' Bronne word volgens klante SK •.petifik.ISIC. i' Hanlei inyskoste *o: P' gemaak. Dié met 'n hoe spesifieke akiiwiteil moet wofd bygevoey. vroegtydig bestel word. Die prys word deur die spesifieke akiiwiteu en die ingewikkeldheid van die buitehouers bepaal, pn le) r-'oelkantrdM.ibilitiM 15 x 10 • m 2 »f.- 1 MV word op aanvraag verstrek, m die hoogste posisie) Dit is 'n langtermyn-bestiat.nij&ti.-!se' en is vi' Kripton-85 t>esTtdlingstyi; vatiaf n nriin(fTiL'''ri ••in ?J uui :o\ Vir gebruik in loukdetektors dn di» niyuvwcsc pödi rnaand** lied^ei. DIP bt'Slralipq^houpr1 ens.) hootsaaklik van aluminium ijpm^jk. As gas in standaard Pyrexhouers. 68 mm x <3 mm Kosrt* R6.00 pei 24 uui by du; liooqste vloedpir >• R8.90 per 7 mCi (minimum bestenniii van 50) t.y 20 MW Aflewenng 2 wpke 'n Hanteiiiig.skobte van RW.liO pc beslral m; woid bygevoey.

1 (d) Holberilliumfasiliteit (1,0 < 10 3 n err 2 5ek ^ MW 1) Dit is 'n langtermynhoevloedtasiliteit WJI binne-in die rt-aktor geleë is. Toegang kan sleys verkry word nadat die deksel van die reaktorvat verwyder is Om hierdie rede is die minimum bestralingsduui een week. Die bestralingshouer is van aluminium gemadk. Koste: R36,00 per 24 uur by 20 MW 'n Hanteringskoste van R 17,50 per bestralmy word bygevoeg. Opmerking Bostaande bestralingskostes vu die verskiliende fasiliteite dien slegs as leidraad en naviae insake die 3. DIVERSE REAKTOR- EN VERSNELLERDIENSTE bestralingskostes in ander houers as die sundaafdtipe, 3.1 Algemene Neutronbestralings - RAK asook ander bestralingstye, word verwelkom. Die termiese neutronvloed in SAFARI-1 wissel 1 1 tussen ongrvser 1 x lO ^ n cnr2 sek tot 2 x 10'4 n (e) Oorplasing van radioaktiewe bronne cm"2 sek\ afhangende van die bestralingsposisie en Die RAK se atstandsbeheertie sualtngselle is by krag waarby die reaktor bedryf word. Daar is vier uitstek geskik vir die oorplasing van radioaktiewe soorte bestralingsfasiliteite vir die bestraling van bronne met 'n hoe aktiwiteit van een houer na 'n verskillende stowwe. Die lengte van die beskikbare ander. standaardbestralingshouers is 65 mm en die deursnee Oie oorplasingskosîe is ongeveer H20 per uur. is 22 mm en 25 mm, 7 Navras: Kyk par. 2.2.1 VERMOe VAN SIKLOTRON 3.2 Die Elüktfomjgoetiese Isotoopahkeiei WNNR Mdksirnum Bunde 3.2.1 Inleiding Etietgieberetk Die elcktmrndgnetitfse isuIcu>p.iKke.ei is van dir Dwi'iies Intern Ekslern MoV Skandinjwtt'se dpe met 'n hi'moyt'ne magneetveld ^A van 90° t?n 'n maksimum eneiyie van 80 kV Die 6 14 5 tmndelmtensiteit .i ongeveei 100 jA nuai hang van 1' .100 )00 ii 12 i; 'j Jie besondere isotoop j! coo 100 3H. 18 37 Atgenen ^.jii die tocpjismys hieronder genoom 100 30 •iH,. 24 34 150 wurd die dppaudt v» ,>i;deiicjeke m verband me*, die 1 t>0 • ooft'iimruiidt nnq x,i.> 'netjlé en holKieleiermater lair

jK|el spesidle liolopieS (uiwei Die Hin.it KL'rnwett'fukcippi'tjfoe(>. geltsvei vu i'Wipenmente van vurskeic 1 NFNL. IK a- ) j«vi jiogsijioepe aan universiteit! Posbus J'J5. .'. Dit wvas dikwels dié van lei elemenlf is sok al i PR6TURIA 0001 3.2 2 Diensie Tel. 74 6011 bylvn 3320 Danste wat vit andei insiansiei van belany kan wei1-., bezels ondpr nvrr die vulyende 34 Bumtidnlement (i«;i Gi'ladide Di't>ll|ir'S met Produksie van nutjpie'. su«n skyvve vir Behulp van Vt'fsmllfts IJnivt'isileit van die kernf.-siese ondersoeke, verdl van ede/gasse. .naar uuk antjïi >.pesiale gevalle; Die KIM nfisikandvuisingseenhf id dd^ dm Inplanting van radioaktiewe isotope in matetual Universiteit van die Witwatursrand ii toegurus met dn jonimige gevalle kwantitatief) vir verskillende twee vt'isnellers wat pusilief gelddide dcelt]ies kan îuepassmgs; versnel. Verskeie akademiese en toegepaste problème Skeiding van ladioaktiewe r^oiope om in die kernfisika suwel as in die vaste toestand woni kt'inipektroskopiese rnennrjs te vergemaklik. undt'rsoek. Die bereik van die twee mas|iene wotd in Oie volgende Tabel aaiujedur. Die KernwBtenskappegrotp. COCKROFT -WALTON NFNL, Posbus 395, Deelt|ies Energiebereik iMeV) Bundelinlensiteit PRETORIA 0001 (Na Ontleding) Tel. 74-6011 bylyn 3323 0.2 1.5 • 0.001 25 3.3 Bombardement met Gelaaiäe Deelt/ies en Vinnige it.2 1.5 • 0.00! 7b Neutrone met Behulp van die Siklotron - WNNR Û.2 1.G • 0.001 25 Die Siklotron van die NFNL is deeltyds vir bogenoemde diens beskikbaar. TANDEM EN VAN DE GRAAFF Die bundelenergie is veranderbaar, en daar bestaan fasiliteite vir beide interne en eksterne p 1.5 12 • 0.001 5 bombardement. Daarbenewens is die siklotron ook 'p d 1,5 12 • 0,001 5 bron ;dii snel neutrone. Die neutronvloed pn •1HP l.b 18 ' 0,001 2 •spektrum hang, onder andere, af «an die kernreaksie '2c 4 3Ü ' 0.001 I wat yubruik word om die neutron op te wek. MN 4 36 ' 0,001 1 Bombardement van bcrilliummetaal met deuterone I6O 4 36 ' 0,001 1 van 16 MeV lewer 2,3 x 10'2-neutron« per sekond« p&r 100 |iA. Totale maksimum neutronvloed r, is 2 x lOlOncmZsek-i. Projekkoste: Vir onderhandeling

Die Direkteur: Kernfisikanavorsingseenheid, Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, Milner Park, JOHANNESBURG 2001 8 Tel. 724-4251 Dti (it:! ftioulnliK tjc'Wu' LI ' JHI ki'' r . ' jt].

JIIUV 'I'' tji.'t'JfUJi_i.!l!J , il .ii'i-.l' ; !, ,; 4. AANWENOINCJ VA;J HADIOICOTOPL OO|J u:i lyd vvu'U ill' .:,!-• j. ; )• • Js.,,i;••, •1.1 lnl.-;dii>i| .fji- >ritiL'l iOLkl.'l ^ Ijt.'d'' I . ' , . .l....jnoi'H'tit.i I '_-Lj 1: 11 r t. , I . B-.i PP I'i M jlw»' I|--- " • t'l In ki !iili: .i i r •,•,.;!•: N r|li!l:' Ulir, I. - j,\ .,'.;, i, . r.ii)ioi>'il

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''i'k|ptoi:stjnili' r '.;• hef wi|i \.y • !'i •'•• •• .•. • •1.? Ljr'ri'r'c. IIKIUJI' A.^'W^'H!1'1^!) matt'ikile ti> tliji;noseei, \vi--ul -io.. .:>•'•• .:.•.,. -t.il.l Alyemoen toegupas en itci'ds veibetur vr- uil.ii-ii;•• Dn' krrngenri",knndf ii op .lie midu'sr: Kwiiniitjiief vvnid udioisL)'..'p-' -i S i••! Vi >• wi.'ti'Psljp, insliunienln'ijnuloijH' L-n i.idiutdini.ij.p v^rewi'i) die mei'stp op medii'Sr i••!' ml ji'l':. -., \ :-r„ rjeyiond. vir klmiese diarjnase en navoi'iiiiij. Ai .' ; i|toi". Die volgende vtriaaldc adiiliciliiui ml die boi'k hospitalu in Suid-Atrika liusk^- oor modt'i". "Principles of Nuclear Medicint1" van di. H.N. Wagnei uitrusting vvat, afgesien van diagnostit'i' yebtuik, vu blyk hier gepas te wees; kliniese navorsing ii" verband mel 'n itjtks piobleine "Dit het notj selde in die yeskiedenis van die aangewend word, hoofsaaklik (^p dip gebied vjn geneeskunde gebeur dat 'n mediese dissipline so vooding en melabolisme. Vii die behandeiing van skouspelagtig soos die kerngeneeskunde gegroei het. kanker en verwante toestande, is 12 giool kobalt 60 Die kerngeneeskunde het van sy vroee begin af kort teieterapie-eenheds en een Sincere versnellei in voor die Tweede Wereldoorlog toe kunsmatig verskillende hospitale in gebruik. geproduseerde radionukliede die eerste keer 'n Groot hoeveelheid van die radioaktiewe beskikbaar geword het, tot een van die opwindendste preparate vir mediese gebruik moet tans nog ingevoer en belangrikstc vertakkings van die moderoe word, hoewel plaaslike vervaardiging steeds vordering biomediese wetenskap ontwikkel. 9 maak. (Kyk ook onder "Radioisotope" par 2.3) 4.2.2 Die bepaling van stabiele isotoopspuorders in - Radioaktiel gemaakte masiienonderdelu is mediese ondersoeke - KISU gebruik om slylasie van die onderdelu vinnig en hau' noukeung waai to neem deur il' ' Elemente soos kalsium en vster wat 'n belangnke ladioakliwiteit van 'ilylasieprodukit.1 in iln' rol in biologiese stelsels spsel, bestjjn uit verskeie icivolie te mee! stabiele isotope waarvan sommige >n beiieWtik lae konsentusies in die MJKJUI voorkom. Preparate wat 4.3.2 Aiuliliese aanwendings RAK met hierdie isotope verryk is, kan ilus vir mediese ondevsoeke gebruik word waar die yebruik van Di« absuipsie, veistiouung e" wissriwrtkui'i va" radioaktiewe materiaal at oni.twslik àt yevjarlik is sUtilwt) word vir 'n groot vt'rskt.'idenht'"l 'n Verkeidenheid ontledingsmt'todes en procedure* is vu die -.inn ige bepaling van die : jbsorpsit' van SUaling v\u'd l>y"O<.i'bei"it isotoopkonsentrasies van lodan.ge '.pjurders t.i'i om die diklt- v.m lupu-i ••<- • in sljdipl.iie, ii • biologies«; nutenaa' untwikkel. Die ^puofder en d.e 1 van ilikslioiiif t'ii dit- vl.it . j' tlit: • houd ' metode wat w sy ontlediiuj gebiuik woid. sal van die enki te meel In yunsiuje omstüiidujliede k.p. strl5i"l afhang vwai oncienoek word. die konit'MlrdSie uil 'n 1)C|)JÜILIC element uuk di'ui In die yeval van kalsium, veigelyk die pressie at SQipsiemetmgs bepaal word Su liyvuuibei-lo i j.t waarmee die iso'ooponik-ding uttgevoef kan word moontlik om die -.jrJ»HKOI-ÏI"r j••• jji.isedure is betreklik Du' veistrooiing van sti.ti nq word i|eb'm» .HM eenvoudiger omdat dit nie nudig is um üie monster byvoorb-'eld die samvpakkimj van lundabies »ii p.:.i e voor ontleding deeglik te .uiwer nit [e meet. 'n Analiseerüer wal die btujinscl IJUÜIUIK <•!• Navrae wat diu asinhoud 'JMi ileenko.il vinnig kan tiep.ul. '•• Die Oirekteur, onl.ings deur die RAK unuvikkul Kernins'.itiiut vir SuiUelike Universiteite, Deur die .v i i i e 1 w t i k i n ,| ujn Posbus 1 7, lae enurgiegammastiale mt't dm atume van 'n inoiniei. FAURE word die kenmerkende Xsttale *>m diu munstui 7131 opgewek. Deur hierdie Xstialt U' ontleed, kan dn' Tei. Faure 242 konsentrasie van atsonderlike ulemenie in dn- niuiiiter bepaal word. Dié tegmek is veul uu 4.3 Isotoopaanwendinqs in die Nywerheici mliaantoepassings geskik. 4.3.1 Spoorderaanwendmgs RAK Tipiese voorbeeldt' van unaliscfideii wjt reed", Radioisutüupspoürüeis vergelyk bjiy junsitg met deur die RAK ontwikkel is enige ander chemiese of klfurspoorders in 'n Analiseerder wjt dn' iünvt'Mieid v>ii nywerhüidsprosesse om die volgende redes. goudmuntmeldal bmni; due uvnute kan hepaa' . Baie groot verdunnings kan toegelaat word (Prys. ongeveer R4 0001 . 'n Addliseerdei wa! din urjdnkunsentiasie m ei". byvoorbeeld 1 deel in 1(p 10^2 kan gewoonlil- maklik waargeneem wofd. mi-t 'n ijevoeliyni'id van oni)evt'iM lOdpm k.tn . Die ontleding van die monster«; is heel eenvoudig bepadl. sy deurvoerveimoe is 2&0 rnonstiMs P'' en yt'vokjlik goedkoop. In bait; gevalle kan diu ii.ni (Prys RIO 000). monster of monsterstroom in snu gemeet word. . 'n Analiseerdei wat kuper, sink ••" yste' m '"is . Dikwels kan die fisies chemiese eienskappe van kan bepaal, is in 'n gevordml.- itadium u.in die stelsel wat ondersoek word. presies nagebooli ontwikkeling. word in die spoorder. Byvoorbeeld. yemaalde arlï . 'M Gekoppelde analisecrder w.ii iussi;n yuudi'M, kan radioaktief gemaak word urn as spoorder van ITI afvaliots op 'M verv'jeilumd i-.in orul'T ,ki-i. >, die erts in 'n ekstrüksieproses te dien. Tipiese m 1972 ui werking gestel. voorbeelde van rjdioaktiewe spaordertoetse WJI , 'n Analiseerdoi om du si.inu'dkijnM'iHi.isie .MI-. reeds in Suid-Afrika uitgevoer is: slik in-baan te bepaal, is in 'n gi-vnideide stadium - Nouktiurige meting van pompdoeltielfendheid van ontwikkuliny. in 'n kragstasie waar 5 rTW.sck' watervloei met 'n . 'n Gekoppelde deeltjiuijiootli: anal'^eerdei woid noukeunyheid van 0,5 V. gemeet is. ontwikkel wat die decltimgruotto-spektrum vjn Nuukeuiige meting van luyvloei in gemaalde erts kan bypj.il. vuntilasieskagte van myrie 500 m-^.sek ' is met . Die gebruik van noutronbronne word ondersuek 'n noukeurigheid van 1 % gemeet. om 'n groot verskeidenheid elemente vinnig in - Noukeuriye meting vön gasvloei in 'n pyplyn. in-baan te bepaal. Sowat 15m3.sek"' gasvloei is met 'n noukeurigheid van 0,1 % gemeet. - Terughoutye van erts in meulens, erts in die sianiedproses by goudmyne, oplosmiddel en water in uraannerwinningsaanlèe, sèment en ystererts in draaiende oonde is gemeet. 10 4.3 3 Am!i;i .ijiwn.l! i'is RAK

Dm lui'ijt'ri'iidi o.t.-nik.ipfx- y.m • i u!i• | ,•. by viiiili- i ill i.'Oiu.k uiii .Uliiv ,-.»!• ii •

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(bl Nn' veri'it'tigcnUu inotijiensir Uit Sun) AinkjaniL Butu w b; .•m.i .•••:• >• Nte vef riieli'^i.'n JL1 Ti)elitittl''liiuj IrvVff . :• . •< . i :^\\\- ijit'i.- up im/uiiL' gebu'il. Nywctln .•K'.KII.JIJI .'. A •••! iji.'bMiik uiii 11<-• I>11-ki• HI mi'tjjlunilcnir'i- ki>-..-; uk ,II-

CM fiyplpiduui.s tip lu b(ji>i' M,ff ^j,' ; j, : .MII I .Jo " !•• JI- • hull) 1UI P.IIC Ullllit'.Ol.'k i.HI (.lie • ..Ml p uUi.k .O'i; 1 L n-' iui*tiL]iiiL). I " .ji-volgltk Kan IH'.'ML'UV' I )• .'ivi. • ,iiDl..il iiiijH'ii ijcbicki! qcvind w.iui B ' In die iiuvjl van isutopr, v\u:d jumi'i.,ii' y, li'luuik w.it v.in die isolupi .ifkoniii..j i\ L-I .'..i' <;. ,:r III!' :ll,lU'fl.l,ll ll'lllij 1:11 I) 'iltllOlJia.lf |L' p'udU'l'i' w>urop yi'lituki' m ili>> mi'l.wl vv.ijiijrn<'i:m kjn .'.jm X stijlc WOid uok iichiuik >/u luvvt'i >uutli|i.'U' • iL-sultalc

Afgesien v.in ijehaHebepjIinq, word n w\f ••• — n I t,\ViM],IH] V.lll OiSUSp*''"tlt t'l ill1 ^!OV\.\,' myenicurspioiJuklc mi bchuip v/.)ii lni.'rdit' nu'lmii1 ejetueli. tin' dtspiMsn' van vioi1 luut? ulwil is ni-t iOOfUi'-lvke Daar word ook HM\ voile loeqeiusli1 nioliu'lr legiiifke m knswati'ii l>\ die SW.H '.kopsru-.ifimijnd'ng, eenhede pjebiuik om Im-idie iliens (untie n Ijbnrk i'i die inoncl v.iit dip St. Lucuma i fii Mi-lkbosstiond selfs in die veld te lewi'i. iji>mpct. DH' 'fvuluii' vjn sodamyi1 ondeisoeki; kan Die volgende is tipiwo vooibeeldt' vdii die gubrmk yebiutk ivoid om die nioontlikij omvang vjn van nywerheidsiiidioyijfii1 en hoe di! ajngewcnd bfsocdclmg w vooispul. on uin die mate van word ten einde 'n bcier produk te lewcr '^ lugheivi-rsadigini) vjn wdlei I.'bipdal. (b) Atmosferiese dispersie 1.4.3 Nasionale Fisiese Navorsingslaboratorium - Die studie van die vetdunniny rn voi ^pieidini] «JII WNNR luygedrae viylalings uii ikooistene en ti( . Ouderdomsbepalinq van laal kwarten: sudimenle en e giundvrylalinys. d' athanklikheid van soddinge deur middel van koulstol M dotenny veidunning van weeromstandighi'de, kan met behulp . Bepaling van die vloettetiipo van onderyiundsi.' v. JII stabiele spooiderviyldtHKis uili'is vuuidi'lui water met behulp van koolstof 14 en tritiumvv.it uugevoei word wjji'U die resniijW1 met andlilit'Si in ills naiuui vooiVom kemtegmeki1 waaryeiit'em kjn woid. . Bepahng van infilTretmgstempo van neersldy deur die grond met behulp van tritium Ic) I'/t'ftempo's ..i" tfiiltrinings •> riviere eti diinmif Opsporing van ooisprong van watci wal R.uiu'.ikT.fvvi' puoidii-. mrt k.011 I'vilveimyslvi' ::yvoorbeeld in myne inlek met tieliulp van word qt'hiu-k Dm ii i- vlutfiint'lhcid i»n die verdumiirty tritium on koolstof 14 '\i *it'laiH] van atstand, m vvaU'iliyyamt' te brp,td> Gelnuik van tritium as spoorder in die Bi'soedt'linijspji jnii'V ii is iith.mklik v.in bosfduntle natuuilike omgewing en in nywerheidsprosesst- SI'WL1! IV van .iiuiri taktuie. sous presipitdste waai groot konsentrasies strjling nie wenslik is jjnh.'t)i ".i jan •itlsuspi'nUee>df mdtenaal CM nif 10.03 pCi'mll ;"jlugiLM ".j'"s>Miirjs f hiftdii1 .ispektt- kan nuinij Gebruik van die stabiele isotope suurslof VI en met bi-i" ilp -in ijc!iodkl."we spoordets ondcrsoek riouterium as spoorders in gevalle waai sirahntj wo'd T-1 -llus" JSH' d>e .oliiende ongewens is (kunsenlrasie van 0.000 2 ". D nl . DM moli'ui Mdi\ die harisontdlif inelheid ei- 0 18. mnetgrens 0,000 0? n) iloeiiiqliny .t>n yror.dwatei, dsook die bepaliny van die y-'fijduidf nuiroijlist' yeleivt?rmo*^ vdn qront) in Afdflinij NatULinsotopi' •je^ )!!-• -ji .'an not -,1 " I qrondwjteisMncle D>f Mdiiuuale Fisiese Navarstnyslaboraioriurn. loordele van Uic nu-ioiit i1. d.ir J.e hidroulit.'»(' Posbus 395. ijt'ii'vemioe bepAal kan word deur dia natuurlike wluoi PRETORIA .j1 ilie i|iondwatei t>' ijebruik, in teemtelling met die 0001 .-.•-! as yevlg van kunstiidtiq yeskepte yradipnte. ^ou.s Tel. 74 6011bylyn3380 • Jie meeste ani.ei me'oiit-s tuegepas. . Aanyesien tritium chemieii uerwant jjn 4.4.4 Kernfisikanavorsingseenheid - Wits .vate'stof .5. kjii iiitiurn as spoorder rjebruik word m jite pt.isessL1 waar watt'f 'n rol speel. Die ondersu1 Die Eenheid besit 'n volledig toegeruste omqewinyslaboratorium wat hoofsaakhk die !TL--s van '.vaainemmy kan konsei net op 20 pCi 'ill |.,tei .vorU en rnuniters tan mirisrens 5 ml >s nodiij natuurlike ^H en '''Cinhoud van vprskeie monsters 3iu mt't;t van die deute^iurTunhoud van ondeisoek. Die laboratorium spits horn in die ni'.)Ui'i.-ts I' yfvdlle WiW' Jit unwenslik is otn tritium besonder op proiekte van 'n hidrologiese aard toe. 'n n, .[loorcler te geLiruik, kali deuttfrium in kleinskaaKf Aantal proiekte is in sameweiking met oryanisasies m . viLTioeke gebiuik woid. Die onderite die Ri-put)liek en nabuiige state met welslae .vjn'-iemifigsgrens .1 0.016 a<' 'n 'ionsier Jin afyehdiidel en andei is nog aan die gang. 300 nl is nodig. Die laboratonum voim uok deel van die . Die vertikcilc diwaaMse bevveging van water d«ui ln\CTnasionale AioomerieTi)ieagewskap UAE/M se li- gru'id nj die grondwdtertafel. Hierdie melode kan Suidnlike Halfrondnetwerk wat 'n aantal slusies Jr'dl gebruik wurd om vas te stel in Wdttei mate ondersteun om die 3H mhoud van natuurlike oorbnoroenng van landbougrond plaasvind. watermonsters te bepaal Ondersleuning vir hidrologiese ondersoeke in Botswana is oak van die W) Alyernene toepassings IAEA ontvang. 'n Wy'-1 verski'idenheid dnder aanwendings van Alle projekte met oorsprong in die suidelikb dcel rind'idk tn.'wi' isotope. stabiele isotope en van die vasteland van Afrika val binne die keinafidlitii'se tegniekc is moontlik, rn navraB word belangstellingsgebied van die laboratorium. Die jerwelkom. laboratorium ondersack ook proiektp in samewerking Navrae. met die Weizmann-lnstituut, Rehovot, Israel. OIL' Direkteur Isotope en Straliny. Koste, Vir onderhandeling Rdiid op Atoomkrag, Navrae: Pnvaatsak X256, Die Direkteur: Kernfisikanavorsingseenheid, PRETORIA Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, 0001 Milner Park, Tel. 79 4441 uylyn 832/85? JOHANNESBURG 2001 Tel. 724-4251

12 5. WEGRUIMING VAN RADIOAKTIEWE MATEHIAAL . Dll i', 'fl ¥ UW- :\i:lt\l,i i-l Ilirtudi Dit.' RAK is die enigUe uMjjriibdsiu m Suid Mr.^j . Produklt kiin Ima.ji n I.IUI.T, ,n\\ioi j,u< wat gemaotig is om radioaktiL-we matbtiaal wat alvori'fi'j dii ytslnilr,ti.-i ,von: dil l,iu.-j V ipm onbruikbaar geraak hel, rnaai nogaktief n, van andrr arb«idibf".pdnng vir iin- nywi:ihi;ni in,,.. ,-•, (ji, orgamsasius vir wegruiminej te ontvang. rnountlililieid «ui> tji. ,mtt I .i.g tyUi-' Die koste hieraan verbonde, hang van die aard r-n r»:rvef(jrfkkmg word ui[ JI;,(' ut. ( hocveelheid van die radioaktiewe matenaal af wu! . Produkic il H'i- JJ'I dn ji,;,... wegguruim moet word. verpdkkinjjsyi'Ometiic (incJti wotpf Wdt . ; e Besluurder Administrate, lo! qfvolg dat (Jit n !,JH- dotltr <•! r,-t:n mvloi'U •;> •: • 0001 dorltreffendheid van die •,!>••.i,•,>.•!,NJ H.>- Tel. 79 4441 bylyn 203 In die qeval van farmas^ui,.','• produkti t ' nood^ddklik Mai elke pruduk op sy en nitriiir'-

bt'handel word. aanyesicn ^jj->:rr,^\ia\ >,q o. fdrmakoloqiese uitwerking vu" 'n bepaa,de rmdU' kan beinvloed. 6. GAMMABESTRALING 6.1 Inleiding 6.2.2 Pakkettebestraltngsaanleg RAK, Pclinddbj Stralingsverwerking met gdmmasirali; is 'n Die Pakkellebestrahngsaaniey van die Raail --A kragrige, nuwe metode wat toegepas kan word on Atoomkrag op Pelindaba is opgeng met die UJ-. aan Jn groot verskeidenheid nywtrheids en andei daarop om 'n stralmgsdiens aan de fitmas le lewf behoefles te voldoen. Dit wissel van die stenlisenny wat begentj is om gammastraling in hulie van wegdoenbare geneeskundige intrusting en die produksteprosesse te gebruik. Hierdie aanley vervaardiging van sowel nuwe chemikaliee as hoofsaaklik vir die sterilisering van mediese t-r boumateriaal, tot die bewaring van voedsel en die (armjieutiese produkte ontwerp uitroeiing van insekplae in die landbou. Bo en behalwe die uitvoering van 'n navorsings (a) Groottes en spesifikasies van karxonhouers en ontwikkelingsprogram wat op nuwe toepassings D;e standaardgrootte van die houers wat i<- d • gemik is, onderneem die Raad op Atoomkrag bestralingsaanleg gebruik word, is 48,2 cm x 48.2 rn verlroulike, ondersteunde navorsing »n * 45,8 cm. Die sterkte en stewigheid van die hoL,-'-.- nywerheidsondernemings en word 'n kommetsiele moet dan die siandaarde voldoen 500s in Reguidv bestralingsdiens aangebied. Hierdie diens kan as tleel 4.1 van die "Uniform Freight Classification Code van die verwerking van klaaiprodukte vir neergele. Ongeveer 3 mm word as spehng ten ops jte handel;doeleindes aangewend word of vir van die buitemate van die tioueis topgelaai. Pioduk!t moontlikheidsondersoeke wat vir die waardebepjling wat in beskadigde houers gelewer word, word n,e vr van nuwe prosesse noodsaaklik is. sterilisenng aanvaar nie. 'n Voorraad geskiktt houets vir evaluenngstoetse op 'n klein skaal is by die aanley 6.2 Gammasteriliserinq beskikbaat. Aangesien kaitonhouers se sterkte na 6.2.1 Algemeen herhaalde bestraltng veiminder, word die hergebruik Die veimoe van gammastialing om van sulke houers tot 'n totale bestralingsdosis van mikro-organismes deur die radiolitiesi' verandering 15 Mrad beperk — dit beteken dat dit net ses keer by van biologies betangrike mojekule sondei emge die noimale bcstralingsdosis gebruik ma9 word Let noemenswaardige styging in temperatuui te vemietig, daarop dat die swak hantering van houers tydens. maak gammasterilisering uiters geskik vir toepassing vervoei na en vanaf die aanleg gewoonlik meer skade op verskeie mediese en farmaseutiese piodukte. Die as die bestraling aanrig. Alle houers woid voor gebruik van gammastraling vir die sterilisering van bestraling ondersoek, en indien nodig, word wegdoenbare mediese produkte is 'n welbekende beskadigde houers teen 'n toepaslike koste deur tegniek in die ontwikkelde lande van die wereld, en nuwes vervang. ook in Suid-Afrika is hierdie belangrike Alhoewel die maksimum loelaatbare massa van 'n steriliseertegniek nou aan die mediese en nouer 35 kg is, word klante aangeraai om die massa farmaseutiese nywerheid beskikbaar. van houers tussen 22 en 25 kg te hou om maklikei Alhoewel reeds algemeen bekend, is die hantering te verseker. vernaamste voordele van stralingsterilisering kortliks die volgende:

13 Ill) Pttirvitt'/ i.»/j p dht.mde \IM\ 10 on 90 cm waiul Uie biun ijcwis'itl liui Bi-snuliiiiib wont i|i'Wooulik ren nij.il p»'i week Mv\ n tietiuklikv klt'in munsiL'i (van ungvvLi.'i 'j tin ) i)csli>iilisi'i'i. Dit- .itluwi'iiiwi i'ti .ithaal van Uiijby ilic bron kan 'n Uusistempu van 2 Mud/' wuul .itsoiuli'ilik met klanti1 vt'rkiy wuid- LandLioumaluiijdl word yratis vn jlle navuisingsinnytings btst:.idl Die taucwe vir die bestrjlmijsdiens hang can die Navrae massddiqtheui van die produk uf en word as volq Die Diii'kteur, beceken: Ndvoisingsinbdluul un ViuyTe en Verpakte dujtheid v.m produk laer as 0,1 y/cii)3 ViugtutegnologiK, R0,09/kg bfuto PnvaaUik X5013. Vcrpakte diglheid van produk hoor as 0.1 STELLENBOSCH RO.lO/kgbrulo 7600 Bostaande tanewe gee slegs 'n aanduiding, Tel. 2001 aangesien daar met klante oor die werklike unewe onderhandel word. 6 2.4 Kernfisikanavorsingeenheid Wits Die Eenheid is met 'n koball 60 broti van 3 kCi (d) Dosismenng lueyerus wat spesiaal vir die bestralmg en/of 5iHrilis*>rin(j van yef^kBie monsters ontwerp is Die Die Raad op Atoomkrag aanvaar die bronhouers is in die laboratonums van die Eenheid verantwoordelikheid f" te verseker dat produkte die ontwerp en gebou, en besit verskeie eienskappe om voorgeskrewe besiralmg 12.5 Mrad soos internasionaal die nut van die bestraliny te verbeter. aanvaar) ontvang deur die dosisse van houers gereeld Die bron word hootsaaklik vir die sterilisering van te meet. Indien klante dit verlang, kan 'n bewys saam biologiese monsters gebruik en 'n pioiek in met elke besending uitgereik word wat die samewerking met die SA Instituut vir Mediese yemiddelde bestralingsdosis en die Navorsing is reeds agt jaar aan die gang. oordosisverhouding aandui. Die dosisse van Vastetoestandmonsters kan ook, en is reeds met alsonderlike houers kan teen bykomende koste die bron bestraal, en megaraddosisse kan maklik uitvoeng gemeet word. behaal word.

(el Vermer Bestralingstariewe: Vir onderhandeling. Die klant is vir die vervoer van sy produk na en Navrae: vanaf die Bestralingsaanleg verantwoordelik. Die Direkteur, Navrae: Kernfisikanavorsingseenhcid. Die Direkteur : Chemie, Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, Raad op Atoomkrag, Milner Park, Privaatsak X256, JOHANNESBURG PRETORIA 2001 0001 Tel. 724-4251 Tel. 79-4441 bylyn 301

5.2.3 Landboukundige Bestralingseenheid Navorsingsinstituut vir Vrugte en Vrugtetegnologie (NIVV). Stellenbosch Hierdie 60Co-bestralingseenheid is in 1961 opgerig met die doel om die toepassirtgsmoontltkhede van gammastrale in die landbou te ondersoek. Die ontwerp is sodanig dat 'n verskeidenheid landboumonsters wat van houers met plantsade, insekte of vrugte, tot plante in potte wissel, by 'n wye reeks dosisintensiteite bestraal kan word. Die Cobron word meganies beheer, en kan tot 'n hoogte van 98 cm bokant die vloer van die bestralingskamer met 'n vloeroppervlakte van 2,4 m x 2,4 m gestel word. Die Eenheid is in 1970 van 'n SOOOCi-bron (kobaltsilinder met deursnee 2,8 cm en hoogte 4,4 cm) voorsien en dit net 'n dosistempo gehad wat van 480 krad/h tot 6,7 krad/h onderskeidelik op 14 DM1 Durl- •• .ii L-.i-ltli. Radtf n(i AliMiMii. 1,11^ G 3 Polm>ftfrhuu!i>inH.'Sti.'lliMj«. Pf.V,ld!SjK X;"JG. Die tfittmunj van pol-im .-ituju' PRETORIA |ii(ju!pUi!ii'ksj'i)('ilellnn|i) met bfhuip uoot .< i tt'tTiwoordHf '-en ,d/> i/ie ,.i\tn ,^uuff(-. if ) Ti-I. z1 J 444 1 l,y)yn .3d 1 van kemenergn- PuM meet hum u IJ»I4IJH-IUII U. AKTIVEftlNGSANAl LSI i'i]i'lopr pj» jiur intenii<<( op Pi i.:iifjt>ii tii"itucJi->-i Al. ' ,v^f jitqsdli.ilcf' iin te tn'pjiil rt.it die lUfpuSiiii'i'.'v.. ,i,ntliki> id- ,.n< not- ; v »' , •,(..•-.( r .-(Miif j1 jtiUi-.' 'i-i|f ' i-riiie nurtu ••'..ili'iu i' u Smll A' , ., . D.f '..•! i. : ' . I I' I>.|)J ' .() . ,,M. rtf fTicf .V / > luns bt'fi'ik vv.i.11 'n ddnvoofdanuij upyt'i.y >s en tii• inilfii.ul : bi-pukii- '«!• <• ••!!•, .-ill ..,'-. l.in.-,

• ' -J.-IJ: 11 • i ,K i vi-l n.jSrf" J .• ,.'./fp NJ i.. i-. diiurv.in twlrtiiy.ti-1 l/'.iiiuut v i Mi-tjiiurtjie VV t P<»timciii h'Jul *\u'il (jt'vorm .kn/» .< . '.ui;t nvf il > D'.' Ci'.i.p .s 'r, :)i.',dni. ,,i . . - :,. . . .•, ,,, Tononii'ef van 'n bi'rt.t.tiili1 pnhm< v\ u- :' j'n-j' i - • ( 1 In f\i nioiidT In.Mum .• Mi ij ,• , i- Die monoTnvi word ilu" nu t in. .. p ,jr CJjnUllJ^tljIi'l.j VliJjM.ij .UIIuulltJi'M' jki i .lj\ II .'!.••» '!••• WltWdti" 'jln! Die klem iV. '.) lajnl.jdk • (. ,J (/uftmei.-r ifi i»ir niik;Ojtfuklli«f '.j1 J •• hu--_'t j''v.»f"i

wu/d. Op hierdiu vvyx' wu"} 'n ni.ii'T ,j, ,

l «jn tin- poiimrw in ii . •uni' ^i-<-r-.-n il^iKddn ciif fHiresit' V,IM JIP vuoftr- *(.*>(,- • t'HiK.ippt1 ledkloi SAFARI t op Pfl.uJjbj uilgc'v.1.- ••:! j van die puii'iieer iuiultt urn d.p nii»il>'.-|e L-P. vuinu^c iu-utf unak t'vi*nny *void " ' 1 • eileiiese t-ienskappe van die hou! m in hut1! Op neutrupgrnw IUJI vjn 1-1 M.-V idii J • himdie wyse k.in dit -.aglei en goeiikoii'" t.ut.'.jooM! Ki'":*".ikdM.i. iib^.jsi^'iiheicl .n*.;''.ui" Di*- !^;wi'» St.* eienskappe sodanig verbett;r Wu'tJ Uai )( hj.r • J.J'.I ^ntledin.j i1!! '^dtjiiTing vvoul b) 'I- \ * ' - gunstig met riie hardfhoutsnorte nu'riiiii) G^iicKj .] Injiituut HI MrtdHuMiie gedewn aan die groot tekort WJ; d.i.n n-eds J n 1 hardehoutsooilc bestaan, kom ,! i- ..-koiium.. a ''i Aj'i! il p'Oi-'kn- is r*i-d-i j'-f) ','p .i'-i ' 'iij/ voordele vjn hie'tjie behatideliny du.tit1'1!1- n.) v.i$i: dn()cr hncii|s Mil .1 svol valluoi •• n WdjiUtt>-pj .ti.; 1 Die matenaal kan in 'n wye rteks kifuic ii.'piuiJijji'l-r van ipo'^t'Stoldi. pit;|ek!P k.m ,.-j ;en wan; word deur Qeskilttt* klcurstowvvi.' by tl < mot u'Tif f :-• ktntr V.i ondfiluniii'ling voeq. Die vernaamste nienikappi' van polimoi'ihuir n Die Diivkteui i die volgendp KL-I tit 1.^ jf'livtir5i"ijsp( nhi'ui . D11 ii baie hiirdei as ut-wo'ii- tMUt IMI die (In'VCidea vw> riii' VVitv.jii-'M.i'iiJ Miiner Pa'k. skuutvjstheid is du» bcsondti fHiuy . Dit jbsorbei'i wali'i bdie 5tj<];yi ai .n'Wuiir JOHANNESBURG houl 7001 Tel 724 -US) . Die mi.'ydnip'.t' slt'iku.1 is aan1..inlik luiiv as J'-- van onbehcindeldi' hont 7 2 IMt'utioni|klivi'tingsan.ilisi'i|u)i-p RAK Dit is bp^omlei bcstjnd wvn lain- .-»••. 1 1 Dit. Raud op Atoomkui) so ubutjtiir i.">, ln'ii-i. Dir kan lot n baie hot ijlam yepuU-in «votd pn oor fasiliteite vir jlfa en gdmm.iipt'kiiorrd'lui1 unit n gei-'ii veinii is dus nod'g nic. hop lesolusii1. nl. Gi'lLiI t n SifL't ilrtekiois . Krap- en luandrneiki.1 kan bjn1 makhk met skuurpopiii vctwydi'i woid .I.HIIJI^UTI die 1 behandeiuig dWdtsdeur die hout btiek en me bandi-pnhede, asook die nodi* rcti- tiluot tot dii' oppeivlak bi'peik is nu\ urn die getjevviMis !e vetwi'ik Intlien Die oppi'ivlak is busondtw ln'stanil tei'ii die loepassmi) van rjilit'dirmn 1 1 bicindemiu jigaiL'ttc en vlOPistowwi' wat iicsloi! maak kan die nodi )<) • ti' yieki vii elk. word. picbleem ontwikkrl woid. . Die maleiiaal kan met gewone Die kosle VII gammaspektrometi'ijiuliie bedia houtwerkmasjiene beweik woid. R5.00 per man-urn. Bestrdlingskoste word beiekcn As 'n mens op bostaande voortieflike eienskuppe volgrns die taiii'we uiulfi "Algitnenf van polimeerhout lei, is dit duidelik dat hierdie Neiilronbestulings" tiiteenyesit. (Kyk pai. 3.11 materiaal vir talle doeleindes aangt-wend kan woid. Ajngejien ontli'dingspinblenii1 uiteraaul bdie Beperkte hoeveelhcdc van hierdie materiaal is VII wissi'l, kan die pnxiiese kosti1 111 sekere govjlle L't'is nd evalueringsdoeipindes beskikbaar. t5 onderhandi'ling vjsiji'stel word. Navme. Omdat kansvlakke besonder giool is yir Die Hoot: Analitiese Chemie. lae-eneigiestrale. kan ontledings van so mm as 10 * I Raad op Atoomkrag. or selrs minder uitgevoer word. Die metode is gejkik Privaaisak X256, vir die bepaling van spoorelemente in ondeisoekt) van PRETORIA lug- en waterbesoedeling. Behave \n vpvM* w d\e dU«rlddqst« Tel. 79-4441 byly" 734/365 konsentrasies gemeet word, kan ontledings binne enkel? minute uitgevoer en lussen 50 en 100 7.3 Aktiveringsanalise met Gelaaide Deeltjies KISU monsters per dag ontleed woid 7.3.1 Inteiding Aktiveungsanalise met gelaaide deeltiiebundels 7.3.4 Oppervlakontleding van prolone, deoterone. helium 3 en helium 4 tot 'n 'n Verskeidenheid kerntegmuke is vir dit,' energie van 5,5 MeV word vir die bipaling van die me-vernietigende onlleding van oppervlaklae van ligte elemente gebruik. Dil is ims ten opsigte van slowwe beskikbaai. Ooi die afgelope dekacle is hierdie elemente dat neutronaktiveringsanalise me metodes wat Rutheriord-verstrooiing, kemreaksies en sensitief is nie. Verder, as gevolg van die aktivering ingesluit het, vir die bepaling van ligte Coulomb-versperringseffekte. is daar gewoonlik jeen elemente soos koolstof, stikstof en suuistof op die inmenging van swaar elemente in die monster nie. Die opperviak van meiale gebruik. ontledings van metode is uitvoerig onderjoek vir die ontleding van oppervlakoksiedlae, soos geanodiseerdc geologiese monsters waarin elemente soos litium. aluminiumoppervlakke en die struktuur van boron, natrium, magnesium, aluminium, yster en geologiese slowwe, is uitgevoer. Waar swaar elemente mangaan in konsentrasies vanaf 'n paar percent tot 'n m 'n mauys gemeet moet word wat hoofsaaklik un paar dele per duisend bepaal is. Die rrwtode is ook vu ligte elemente besiaan, is Rutherford die bepaling wan onsuiwerhede in swaar elemente. terugsuooiingtegnieke vir konsentrasievlakke lot soos load, gaud, tantaal en silwer geskik. breukdele van de!« per biljoen geskik. Oie stralmgsfasiliteit kan tot 24 klein monsters

gelyktydig aktiveer. 7.3.5 Konsentrasieprofiele 7.3.2 Roetinemeting van radioaktiewe spoorders Konsentrasieprofiele, dit wil se die wisselende 'n Outomatiese stelsel is vir die meting en konsentrasie van 'n bestanddeel as 'ii funksie van die ontleding van gammastraalspektra van 'n groot aantal diepte onder die oppervlak, is op 'n verskeidenheid radioaktiewe monsters beskikbaar. Die apparaat is gjbiede van belang. Qeinduseerde kernreaksies met met twee gammastraaldetektore toegerus wat saam of gelaaide deeltjies is besonder geskik vir ondersoeke afsonderlik gebruik kan word. Oie een is 'n van hierdie aard omdat die energie van die Ge(U)-detektor met 'n hoe resolusie van 50cm en bombarderende deeltjie afneem na gelang van diepte die ander 'n Nal(Tl) sintillator met hoe van indringing en die energie van die uilgestraalde doeltreffendheid. deeltjie gevolglik die diepte van sy punt van 'n Outomatiese monsterwisselaar kan tot 100 oorsprong onder die oppervlak bepaal. monsters per keer behanig en elke monster word in Ondersoeke van hierdie aard is vir elemente, soos een van die drie vooraf gekose telposisies geplaas koolstof en suurstof in staal, en vir magnesium in Monsters in vaste of vloeibare toestand kan getel magnesium-aluminiumlegerings uitgevoer. word. Afhangende van die tyd benodig om elke Dieselfde prosedure is vir die opsponng van monster te tel. kan 'n paar honderd monsters per dag gesegregeerde konsentrate van bestanddele in getel word. Die data word op magnetiese bande legerings en metaalstelsets geskik. opgeneem en die bande word deur die rekenaar Navrae: ontleed ten einde die nodige resultate na geskikte Die Direkteur, kalibrering te voorsien. Kerninstituut vir Die rnetode is in die besonder vir ondersoeke Suidelike Universiteite, geskik waarin meer as een radioaktiewe spoorder Posbus 17, gebruik wont. FAURE 7.3.3 Gei'nduseerde Xstraalontleding met gelaaide 7131 deeltjies Tel. Faure 242 Hierdie soort ontleding word uitgevoer deur die oppervlak van die monster met getaaide deeltjies te 8. STANDAARDISERING bombardeer ten einJe die X-strale van die bestanddele 8.1 Radioisotope - WNNR op te wek. Agtergrondaktiwiteit word nie in dieselfde Die Kernwetenskappegroep van die Nasionalc mate opgewek as in die geval van Fisiese Navoriingslaboratorium beskik oor elektron-geihduseerde Xstraalontleding nie, en dit 4ff-gammakoihsidensie-opstellings met beide 'n verskit van ontleding deur Xstraalfluoressensie eweredigheidMeller en 'n vloeistotsintillasieteller as deurdat groot bronne radioaktiewe materiaal nie 4ffdetektors vir die meting van die disintegrasietempo

ta in absolute maat. H 2 NiMitDiitifomic WNNH >> Cji'ldiibii't'id. Am B>-iM-L-tiucli'crT ,'. ..- vi'l ip'l y Wriiiic itlfMinq, !>r.»ikljjul U' C I,' J • ' i'l..» //.I

"riilf onit'Wt'l ilsi* ;,j" tm.Mil" I'ftt' f~ J - 10 ' . ,. c ,-•',.,'»•.".;• J i' ' ' ;

lit;|i.i.il, en (lie inel|lH| •, tliMii nmldcl v.i'- wi!ij!titisionalt- veryt^lyki'H| niel n '.(cifultiiKi.lli'or *J^ ihi Kjiiudi-.!' Niitiun ,• H<-M'iii(li t'.iiwni i qrii..-'

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8.4 Kdlibrenng van Monitors vn Ui aanptospeklenny RAK 'i! Heli? reeks uidanstamldartk' met konsentrdsies wat van 0,5 tot 4,1 ky U^Og pet tun ens wissel. ii vir die ka!ibieriny v*in snittllasieu»llets en jnci^t inuiMtu^ lieskikboar wdi VII ijdioakliewe maanprospeklennq yebruik woril Die bronne het 'n deursnee van 2 m on is 30 cm dik. Tonumstandaarde met tiiesflfde afmotings is beskikbaai sowel as 'n iidijebootstt' UjOg boorgdtslandsard. Navrae. Die Direkteur; Geologie, Riiad op Atoomkrag, Privaatsak X256. PRETORIA 0001

Te|. 79-4441 bylyn 888/869

b.5 Fitmwapendiens SABS Din Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde hou 'n filmwapendiens in stand wat bykans die hele land dek. Die doel hiervan is die meting van die heelliggaamdosis as gevolg van blootstelling aan ioniser ende straling.