Waste 2020 Market Intelligence Report
Waste 2020 Market Intelligence Report Waste: Market Intelligence Report 2020 i GreenCape GreenCape is a non-profit organisation that works at the interface of business, government and academia to identify and remove barriers to economically viable green economy infrastructure solutions. Working in developing countries, GreenCape catalyses the replication and large-scale uptake of these solutions to enable each country and its citizens to prosper. Acknowledgements We thank Sam Smout, Kirsten Barnes, Quinton Williams, and Lauren Basson for the time and efforts that went into compiling this market intelligence report. For their inputs, we thank Annabe Pretorious, Nicola Jenkin, the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Government’s Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. We also thank the support and assistance provided by various associations, most notably: CGCSA, ORASA, PETCO, POLYCO, RecyclePaperZA SAEWA and SAPRO. Lastly, we wish to thank the technical assistance provided by the RecMat committee. Disclaimer While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information published in this report is accurate, no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage to any person or entity relying on any of the information contained in this report. Copyright © GreenCape 2020 This document may be downloaded at no charge from www.greencape.co.za. All rights reserved. Subscribe to receive e-mail alerts or GreenCape news, events, and publications by registering as a member on our website: www.greencape.co.za Cover image courtesy of Waste Plan 18 Roeland Street, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa Editorial and review: Cilnette Pienaar, Lauren Basson, Quinton Williams and Nicholas Fordyce Images: GreenCape, City of Cape Town, Agriprotein, Waste Plan and Unsplash Layout and design: DEEP Agency ii Waste: Market Intelligence Report 2020 Waste: Market Intelligence Report 2020 iii Contents List of figures Executive summary 1 Figure 1: What’s new? 5 Waste collection and treatment responsibilities in South Africa 9 1.
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