.1.'. NAT ONAL DIRECTORY 01- NUC EAR SERVICES ATOMIC ENERGY BOARD Pelindaba PRETORIA Republic of South Africa SEPTEMBER 1974 i i • • i -th"_ S J"!!!, NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF NUCLEAR SERVICES IHKA1A I.-, tin I ,!.n HI !'..• >•> f-'-1 '.!• f'.f('i.jisul'ipt"-.. tt^1 U>l'i i^-viMn nil1, sh .iDpi-.it unini'didli'ly uder linlnim ' I l 1. 'im :'. CJ'I.I'JII1" Genecjl enqumes/fuither copies. The Administrative Officer: Chemistry, Atomic Energy Board. Private Bag X256, PRETORIA 0001 Tel. 79-4441 extension 263 FOREWORD Smilh Afiu\! hjs aheady leached imikHtant milestones in tin' iphrie uf uiu u\i> lei hnn',M;\ Ol'vr l 1 UeveluptMents arc, however, takiny placi which, though nut (is sprLhuulai, aif ni'pu'i.int ,tn<! j\.r I* <',o wtih the dpplicalion of iiULltMr nidtetiu!.. 4uul trclwiK|ut"> 11) nit.'dii-iui , . mills try, . UJI IL'LJ I tin r 1 I'SI ,n 1 !• tU Mindful if thcbc di>vi:lopmi't\ts, the isotopes ,itul R.idiiitinn Cominitlrf nt thr Atumn- Eiii'ni\ Bo.iul on which iii 1.' tupn.'Senh'd all niturustcil parties 111 '.he spheit' nf nuclr.n .ippliCiilon. h.w dividrd U1 I-.MII .1 directory nf nuch;ar scruicns which cun In1 provided. The Committee is fully awnre that the Dnecloiy h..s \\\ liniit.Huni, luasnuiih .l^ it IMH-IS jnuii held and hunce cloes not contain detailed paiticulais wlm'h would luunijlly he loun.l m j i.it.tUiHU/ Ihi- public.iliun of one 01 moie i,f)L'cidli/ed cataku|ues is thus a task fci tlw- liituic. CONTENTS 1 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 2 •13 3 Oth,.r dip;.. d«,,jns 2 RADIOISOTOPES \> •1 i 4 Inrlu'.!-. • : ;.i'.i| 2.1 Introduction ... 1 4 4 Isotopi Appt'CdtiO' 2 2 Enquiries and O'df'r1. > 4 4 1 iMroijiji 'M.'. 2.2.1 Atomic Energy Bern- <AEBI i 4 4 i Atom.L Li . '9y brj 2.2 2 Council for 5I.II ntifir unit liiluitiij. 14 .1 NdtlOiH- P' ,!« o * Ri'M-dn:l> ICSIR) i '..bIN 2 id 3 Radioiinioin;', vvi.ich .ire mpo"'-il i i 1 1 N ,• ••,. f .• • • i-.. 2.3 Pioccssetl Mi'dii .1 Rjitiunniupis 2 3 1 Atoein Eiiurg1, uf.no •• . Of RADIO/.'".f ,. •:,.:, 7 Li '.' NdMiiwI P'-y. IJ HI'M-,III.II LdUiijioty i GAMMA'HHAUIA1IUK CSlR i '. 1 li'ir Mi ' i '.' i i Southern Umv. 'sitins NUI.HMI ms'ump t~ 7 Gjf'Ti.1 >i>r ' .'it>'in (SUNII ... : I: Z' ! G-••-." ? 3 4 Pyrogpn Tests Soul'- A'-<-jr. Bun iu G 2 2 P.J' •.:>}'- ' • : ! JIVH P :l ' Af.l' of Standards iSABSi : ?• • •••lalu ? 4 Unprocessed and ProCfSScd Hdiiioisuiopt. L 2 3 Agr ulturj' rra.JidtKj' ui ' tor Resuaich jnd InOustnal Ust- •-• FruiT ,-nrt ^ruit TP.' '.O''J:V RH» 2.4.1 Atomic Enerflv Boarr) I'isiituit FFTRH S'-l'c-.i.'.v,' 2 4.2 NiJiional Physical Rcsedrch Ldburdiiry b 2.4 Nu. ii-di "hyiics Rpsf jrch Li" ' CStR I- Wits 2 5 Sealed Radiation Sourcps t-jr 6.3 Woi .! poiymei Comp<;< '•' Conical and Other Uses . 6 7. ACTIV . ON ANALYSIS 2.5.1 Clinical sources G 7 1 NfuT'cm Activation A'u y,i-. G'ouo 2.b.2 Sources tor industrial und lalioratoiv National Institute 'or Mfailurj, use . .7 7 2 NcuVan Activanon ', Gioup 3. VARIOUS REACTOR AND ACCELERATOR AEB SERVICES ' 7.3 Aci'vJtii/f Analysis 3.1 General Neutron Irradiations AEB . .7 \\'lt> Chargi-J Partu :.•> Si_.M 3.2 The Electromagnetic Isotope Sepanuur ^SlR 6 / 3.1 Introduction '' 3.2.1 Introduction 8 7.3.2 Rouiire medsuiemems 3.2.2 Services 8 of radioactive tracers . H- 3.3 Bombardment with Charged Particles I 3.3 Induced X ray analysis and Fast Neutrons with the Airi with charged particies '.u of the Cyclotron - CSIR . B 7.3.4 Surface analysis .... 16 3 4 Bombardment with Charged Particles 7.3.5 Concentration profiles 16 with the Aid of Accelerators 8. STANDARDIZATION . .6 - University of the Witwatersrand 8 1 Radioisotopes CSIR 16 (Wits) .... 8 8.2 Neutron Sources CSIR . 17 4. APPLICATION OF RADIOISOTOPES 9 8.3 Dost' Mpasuiement 4.1 Introduction 9 and Calibration of Dosimeters CSl. 17 4.2 Medical Applications 9 8.3.1 Irradiation sources .17 4.2.1 General 9 8.3.2 Gamma-ray dosimetpis . 17 4.2.? The determination of stable isotope tracers 8.4 Calibration of Monitors in medical examinations - SUNI 10 for Uianium Prospecting - AEB 17 4.3 Isotope Applications iti Industry 10 8.5 Film Badge Service - SABS 17 4.3.1 Tracer applications AEB 10 8 6 Various Other Services - SABS 17 4.3.2 Analytical applications - AEB 10 1. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 2. RAOIOISOTOPES 2.1 Introduction Anyone proposing 10 use radioactive material must take note of the fact that the acquisition and Radioisotopes are manufactured in South Africa, use of such material in the Republic of South Africa for the most part, by the Atomic Energy Board (in and in South West Africa is subject to the control ol the SAFARI-1 reactor) and by the Council for the South African Atomic Energy Board. The Atomic Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) with the aid Energy Act of 1967 (Act No. 90 of 1967) as of the cyclotron of the National Physical Research amended, determines that no one who has omitted to Laboratory (NPRL). As opposed to the neutron-rich obtain authority f»om the Board, or who has not radioisotopes which come about >is a result of been expressly exempted from obtaining such neutron capture in the nuclear reactor, proton-rich authority, may produce, acquire, possess, import ot ra lioisotopes, in particular, are produced by export fadiuaciive malonal, charged-particle bombardment in the cyclotron, Fur the purposes of the Act, radioactive material Radioisotopes not available from these sources is described as follows: any radioactive material with are imported. The following organizations are a specific activity hiyher 'han 0,002 microcurie/gram authorized to import and to distribute radioisotopes: ,tnd of which the total activity is higher than 0,1 1. Weil Organization (Pty.) Ltd. microcurie. 2. SA Philips (Pty.) Ltd. Any person or organization wishing to use 3. Fransa (Pty.) Ltd. radioactive material must therefore obtain the One cf the tasks of the Atomic Energy Board is necessary autnority from the Board in advance, 'n the manufacture of ladioisotopes. The 20 MW order to ensure the safe use of such material, the research reactor, SAFARI-1, is suitable for the Board': authority will only be granted after it has production of a wide variety of radioisotopes and for been established that the applicant has the necessary the carrying out of various irradiations. facilities, and staff with the necessary knowledge and In the light of the capital intensive nature of a xpetience. manufacturing program of this kind, arising from the The Isotopes and Radiation Division of the Board necessity of providing the necessary handling is, however, always prepared to provide proposing i icilities, it is imperative to concentrate on useis with advice on these requirements which can radioisotopes for which the demand is sufficiently vary in terms of the various applications. In some great to economically justify local manufacture, e.g. cases facilities such as a good chemical laboratory certain medical preparations and clinical radiation alone may be sufficient. sources. However, an effort is also made to meet, as far as possible, the particular needs of research, Application for authority must be addressed to: industry, etc. The Manager : Administration, The staff of the Radioisotope Production Centre, Atomic Energy Board, with their expert knowledge of the processing and Private Bag X256. remote handling of highly active material, are only PRETORIA too willing to discuss any problems or requirements 0001 which may arise. Radioisotopes produced with a particle giving tiie following details: accelerator such as the cyclotron are generally (a) nuclide and activity for which request is being considerably more expensive than comparable reactor made; isotopes. The policy of the Isotope Production (b) application; Division of the NPRL is to produce only those (c) place of application; radioisotopes which would otherwise be entirely (d) sealed or unsealed radioactive material; unavailable in South Africa, or those in the case of (e) name of responsible person and alternate. which the economic considerations clearly justify A user outside the borders of the Republic of local production. As a result of the transmutation of South Africa and South West Africa must comply elements which takes place during bombardment with with the requirements of the country in question. charged particles, the radioisotopes are produced in (See also Government Gazette No. 2184 of carrier-free form. In cases where a radioisotope can be 4.10.1968). produced in both the reactor and the cyclotron, the cyclotron will only be used if the radioisotope in question is required in carrier-free form. NV PHILIPSDuphar, Tel. 724-8368 2.2 Enquiries and Orders Netherlands SA Philips (Pty.I Ltd.. ll is necessary thai all relevant details be P.O. Bo- 7703, provided. The information given below serves as an JOHANNESBURG indication of the details required: ?000 . Name, address and order number of ttiu client Tel. 24 Qb31 . Delivery address CEA, France Frans? (Ply.) Lid. Name of the product IRE, Belgium P.O. Box 41211, . Aetiisiv SORIN. Italy CIS CRAIGHALL . Purpose for which >t will be used, namely 2024 medical or non-medical Tel. 48 5731 ? . Date and time of use N B. Priced in this directory art subiect to chiiiqi- . Chemical form in winch required, i.e.
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