?5US .... i,50t:AN .... TM • COMICI 13 co •• MAY eN UK 70.,

I' I . J• • .: 1 : ;,r," .J •


We finolly sobered up after the hugo success of our lalesl trip 10 Allanlis III We sel course for onolher deslinotion but unknown 11 Meanwhile we celebraled Easier and ore heading for X-MAS I11 We also welcome our lolest crew­ member, IRON MAIDEN which will hopefully be a greol conlribution to our si off I11 We must also thank our compalriols oul Ihere on the wide ocean far supporting us on our dangerous journeys and for sending re-enforcements 011 Ihe time ..... Well so for '92 has been a remarkable year I11 2 issues of Pirales in less then 6 monlhs, Thor got follerJn even more slupid, DOM hod 2 firsl-releases in Ihe losl 12 monlhs and our ship hosn'l sunk yel IIIII Slill due 10 some heavy slorm weolher some of the infonnalian ended up being losllll So you'll find an page 1 4 a photo of Sauron/lls and his brother (not Fist/lis) and on page 15 Ihe lop piccie is okoz Jock Droopis/DOM. And please nalice that the crew-members are nol respansable for evenluol depressions or suicide a!lempts after completing this issue ....

See you on our nexl trip,


Tecllnical realisolion details: Original ideo by JUMPIE/ex-F4CG and SOlAR/F4CG Equipment used 386 DX, MPS 1200, Loserprinter, Super zoom copymachine,Scissors, super gh)e and ono box of DUREX condoms during Ihe process phala's copied by BOD/TALENT Typing done by SOlAR/F4CG and SCORPIE/F4CG Articles: Pirales crew and Rough/Chromance Graphics : Habbit,OMG,Golcha,Scorpie/F4CG,Redstar/LOGIC,Mirage/LEGEND Ediling help: Ninja,Kid/F4CG,Salar/F4CG,Scorpie/F4CG VHS lope 'The making of PIRATES #13' available, just send us 0 blank VHS lope.

A mag con only survive wilh your help. So send any inlerviews, voles, reports, pholo's, wel underwoir, girlfriends, new condoms, X-raled moyies (for Kid/F4CG ed.), X-MAS cards elc .. _ to :



• Above da one and ' only Tyree/Arcade .. Shit is he ln• love with the camera or so .... . ???? Beneath MWS and Parson/X-Factor! Pull the trigger!!! . I - I

,, ,- 1,


- .

, •

, , , I , • I • , PIRATES 13 PAGE 2 We are all aware of the fact that people like the Pirates ... Nevertheless Pyle has a weird way of show­ ing that as you can see. The lucky shoe is ofcoz Solar's ...


Return from the Greystoke ... This is SID/F4CG .. There is a , 1.000 $ reward for any usefull tips as this picture was the last sign of life from him ....

PIRATES 13 PAGE 3 , --'------...., ---- .. ..',. _-­ . . .._ _. - -- ~--.--. ---.------.. ------'-,._. ------_. ' -_._------_.. _- - _--_


• Scorpio re·joined f4CG, Miracle Designs and Ih e Piroles staff ... . • Kid also re-joined F4CG, he'll start calling oul again, yeeeeho .. . • Ackshun (ex-Mission) joined F4CG as o wonna·be·hacker • Communisl left to join TALENT and Budda left la join SUCCESS • The new F4CG Hq is Tunnel of Wares and you con reach 01 718.349-1230 Also coli Ihe F4CG ·, NEI Hq Soulh of Heaven 01 316.945.9847 or Ihe F4CG Euro Hq 'The Lost Paradise' 01 -1--132/91/801008 .... • Sodium and Newslyle gOI kicked oul of the group for being inactive .... • Sneoper/ex-WOW joined os cracker and coder ... Also joined Mirocle Designs ... • SID is back in Ihe scene after a few monlhs break os he hod to move 10 a new place twice and had to wail for his phone-line to get re·inslalled • 8ilnl0n joined as an Italian original supplier.


• Anlhrax quil Ihe group and Ihe scene allogelher • Martin Schutten lefl Legend and will now slorl composing for Paradise demo sedion. • Skaler and Mirage joined legend logelher wilh Shockll Funny is Ihal the rumour was spread before the announcement and Ihey kepI on denying the foci ... • RCS lefl legend and joined Brutal (doesn't make sense ed.) bul according to Pwp he got booled oul of Ihe group (Ihol mokes sense ed.) ., Second 10 None wtlnt down because of hardware problems and lack of inloresl, Ihe new LEGEND Hq is the Shoalin Temple.


• Still going slrong .. • DMC left Genetix and joined ILS but ofler a shol1 period he left them and rejoined GD< • Baze should've quit ILS and joined Legend a s mego swopper (probably os ReS leh or got kicked ed.) bul Narc and Pwp bath claim Ih a l he was never asked to be in Ihe group. • Jozzrnan/ILS Canada gat busied for hip and is charged for 25 violalions 11 among those one for phronk coiling 91 1 and Ihe cops (not very smart ed.) It got even covered on lV ) T\'t.:, , ,~ ~ ';'-C~AI.\'( ." \~ y, '~'·X \) I\./'J / \ -J " I,·\. \) \\'., ARCA DE

• Jihod leH Ihe group (Again ed.) coz he wanted to be more independent (what kinda bullshit is thal for a reason ed.) • Tyree lefl Arcade for 1 or 2 day> be couse he had some disagreemenls with olher group members and he joined ILS for a while but as RADAR wasn'l allowed la join Tyree lefl ILS again and then he rejoined ARCADE (Yoyo germa ns slrike back ed.) • 'fhen il was Radar's lurn to leave Ihe group ond he aswe ll rejoined when Tyree apologized on Iheir ~1q (According 10 Radar ed,) I1~;:~. h~. ·~I'"' · • Rumours go around as ARCADE should've re-crocked 0 few litles from other groups!! 11 I I ')( . ,~, Such as Nobby Ihe AardvOIk prv/GD<, Obicantrol/Enigma, and 12 o'clock/Sierra ... The Alcode version of Tetrodas needed 2 olfempls to get fixed properlyll Firsl version was fi xed by Master Kracker ( according 10 Arcade ed.) buI he denied ever worked on il, then the second version was put aut by MO/Legend who is now Radar/Arc's worsl ennemie 11 They lrade wilh Empire but recently gave games to TSM and AFROS ....


.. - --.-~. ----_ .. ------_. . -- .._- _._------_._------..- .. ~- - . ------.---~------.. - ~report : GENESIS PROJECf PARTY· NeubrOck, , 25(04L92.

Fridoyevening (24/ 4) I got 0 phonecoll from Solor tell ing me Ihe G'!' pOliy was a lready the next day. Damned .. . I mode a quick decision and the ne xt morning at 10.00orn Solar picked me up. Arter 0 2 hours tri p we (JITived in Neuss. ThOle wo stmted ""killU for Noubrock but no·onc seemed la know the place. Lucky for us there was one cl ever cob·dri ver who spoke sorn o English and could explain us where to go to. We had 10 tnke diredion Grevenbroich and we would fi nd it on th is road. Sa, off we went .. . a fl er driving around for one hour wo still hadn't found it ... Thanks to a locol shopkeeper we finally found NeubrOck. Thi s village is e asy to discribe: 5 houses, 1 church olld 1 bar where Iho parly took place. The village only has 23 habit ants. Strange pori of it was Ihot the vi llage seemed familiar to us ... we probably possed il 10 limes wilhoul II olicing it wa s NeubrOck, we jusl Ihoughl it was 0 pOli of another village ... bah ... bUI we mode it. When w e entered the place we wero shacked ... behind Ihe bar was 0 hughe ha ll fill ed wilh a bout 500 freaks .. . C64 and Amigas everywhere. Wooooaw III No, jusl kidding, we got in (wilhoul paying . eli le never pays, hahahaha ed.) and decided to leave again at the same moment. Behind Ih e bar was a lit tle pl a co with about 40·50 freaks, three C64's and two Amigos II1 Cool, so we drove 3 hours hopi ng to find 0 megaparty and now we got th a t I? I When we looked around we sow fe w fa mous (???) guys. Only 4 of them come to say hello ... Brego/TRIAD, Hi·Lite/SCS, Arrogonce/ SCS and our own Communist/TALE NT. We reall y got depressed and needed a be er so we went oul to grab one in Solars' car ... now we got 0 strange effed ... most guys in the place fo ll owed us. So outside we olso met OMG, Pyle, Majesty (bah, wannabe skinhead ed), Suap and some other ne rd s. The coolest (1??) ti m e we ha d 0 1 tho party wa s out sido, near the car wilh 0 bailie o f good Belgian beer in our hand a nd SO U lllROWER ploying in Ihe bockground. Suddenly we nolice d everyonQ started to le ave ... withi n le ss tha n ha lf ' n hour all interesting guys were go ne homo. Who I also covld wo do Il"l e n g ol in our cor cmd drive buck tlorn ewards ??? At the cruise speed of 170· 180 km/h (still con't ulllJerslund how Solar does il wi lh hi s C it roe n Visa !? l ed) Ihe trip only took us 1h 4 5rnin. I ca n' t express how we fe lt when we arrived home .. . now when I laok back at the G 'i' porly I con describe it in 3 words. O I..JE biG FA ILURE /1/1 Beurk .. .

Scorpie / F ~ C G I MD.

~ .v,on't, .seL me '''''01);1 , o (-n ' ~~,ff r 1111 veruJ,...l stron I ) (J cj " (But. onL~ with fhe maa til ~ '=". ~ - I'm boct5t1n~ Clilllleil17le \ "lot of S/1It. , o even "Wass has t o ~ admit. (Evet'!:Jone knowS me, f..-om ~he north t o .sou rh) ~o u alw9)JS as"- me /J O(,) c O get. [(1l17e." , Loo l


The peace fu 11 guy above is the #1 cracker according to Propaganda ... Yes its SNACKYjG-P I Beneath is TYGERjG-P's girlie. .errr Tyger himself! • . " .... !'S! . ' '..'.'_n, . ~ .. . , .- .. ...' . g • • • I' .•• . • ::: .:' :', .• .• -...... • • - " • ..."... • • • ". • '• .• • • • -'"'-. , • • • '. • I • • • • • • • • • , , • • ,• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • I • • • I ,• , • , • • • • • • • "• • • • I ., • • • • • • ..., • • • • • • • • r. , ., I • • • • • • , • • • • • • I • ,I • • • • • • • I. • • , • •. • • ,• • • • •• -, • • • • • ,• • • , • ,• i I • j • • , • • "'I ..... • • '1f"~ • • I I • • • • •

• • , I • I . , • •


• .. , , I I

3 " 7 , " 7 ' C'7 • PIRATES 13 Yes indeed SCR AP/G-P t h is is a ca me r a !!! Cool e h? ?~ Beneath we see from left to right STING ,AHH OG AN CE , JOE COOL/ARCADE and WILDSTYLE/ex G-P

. PIRATES 13 PAGE 7 --.------,-,----,-----.-"------,,--,---.,-'--' ~(.i-----• - At the moment Hero/ ILLUSION is in 0 hospital in the States ... specialists ore doing research on o me dicine against boldness so Hero volunteerd. - After the release of PIRATES issue 12, Freestyle/ ILl.USION commited suicide th rowing himself under a train, Frank/ENIGMA got 0 job os model for children undelweor (United Colors of Brown Tracks) - fredrik Slam/PRETZEL LOGIC got beolen up by his kidsister ... she's only 5 III - Bod/TALENT decided to lel grow his hair os he wonls 10 get rid of his 'Mr.Beon' look. Think il will be hard to see Ihe diffe rence between Goldfish/LEGEND and Ba d afterwards. Bah, hippie s ... - Deod,hol wos shot cloud by his brolher (I he cop) wheil Ihis lust one sow Deadshol was using his /\TNl C()(c/ to c(1I 1 out with and lilul is Ihe re nl reCJson For him quiling the scene. - Derbyshire R",n/ILLUSION is Il ot ollly doing il18go1 oclivities on the C64, it turned out that 110 is Ihe /l aw Godfc, illcr o f Ihe OI;l i,h Mob. - Ni/ljo' s Fe rreri wos reduced to molchbox size ofler hilling Solor/f4CG's Cilroen Visa (Tonic), quite a crash. Covered by national news oild frontpoge in TIME -magazine .... - Aycee/TSM's house seems to be haunted ... 0 polterge ist doesn't allow her to sleep. Maybe this explains the voodoo riluols held by Whorceress/GENESIS PROJECT. - Allother one bites the dust ... offer Aycee/TSM turned him down, Solor/F4CG become homosexual. A while ago he got turned down by Hobbit/MIRACLE DESIGNS when Hobbit (finally) met 0 girl. So Solar decided to bri/lg his owfull life to on end; he drove to Paris and jumped off the Eireltower. (Don't worry Roi/lier, we won't miss you. ed.). His 20 best friends (all chickens) attended his funeral. - After Kid left the scene, he stal1ed a new hobby ... hunting ... his fi rst book titled 'Manual: how to hunt using only your car' will be out SOOIl. _ The Ilolian members decided to change th. groupnome, rumours say it'll be F4SG (Fonlostic Four SpageHhi Group) or F4PG (Fantastic Four Pizza Group) - Kid and Ninja became V.I.P. in 0 local dancing called Corre ... V.I.P. stands for Very Irritaling People. _ Two now groups gal formed in the scene and they are already in bi g war with eachother.. It concerns NWA (No Wankers Allowed) and WOPA (Wonkers On The Phone Association) ... _ Jack Daniels/Dom and Deff/ Dom left for the States to join 0 mormon community ... _ Goldrush left Cresl ... the other members wonted to do Blowjob VI and asked Goldrush to do 0 11 the text as usual. His girlfriend gave him the choice .. 0 blowjob or herself. .. - Go and see Alien III featuring Psycho/Censor os the Alien .. _ Massive Onslaught (recenlly also known os Massive Glosses ed.) decided to quit Ihe scene os he was too busy calling local sex-lines and hod no ti me left for Ihe scene .... . Nightmare on Pepperidge Road II Thor/Rejeds hod to be re moved from his couch with a hoisting Clone COL he stayed in it for the post 18 years watching his idols on WWF .. Rumours are Ihat he features in Ihe BLOB 11. ... - Rodo('S rn om slorted coiling Ibe bonrds os her son's phoneline is always busy and tltere's no other way o f renching him ... So the only way wa s to coli the boards hersolf C/nd leave him maiL .. - Bodf l"olenl's dick got stuck in his zipper a nd had to be amputated ... Certain people declare that the differe nce won't be noticuble anyhow ... ( I wonder how Ihey know ed.)


PIRATES 13 PAGE 8 "'" -

Ih".. Portcoit : De.fCLQOM1N6LORS.

t'-Jicknarne: in my private life it' 5 Pito which is on ob!'Cwiolion for my surnome. In the scene it's iust Deffll Group: Dominators Function: main-swapper and Corruption editor together with the laziest person on earth ... Jock Daniels (there you have a point, Deff I11 od.). In August or so I'll slort calling the boar-ds so be pmpored (onolher bow to rag on ... erl). Nulionalily: German (... but I'm not proud of il) ArJe: on the 16th of July I becalne 20_ Sex: I full fill my girlies wildest drewns. Computer: C64 and nothing else. NEVEP I1I I--Iabbies: Hmmm ... I used to ploy foolboll, lennis and squClSh but nowadays my hobbies ore ol1ly boozing and having fun. Personol slogan: I Irust in nolhing bul myself. What I loye: I should soy Beole but ... MarilCl, P81ro, Anio, .... (Ihe Morrnons have invoted Germony, aaaooargh 11 ed.) Wlwt ! hate: Scorpies' stupid comments and fascism. (\ can cope with ihs last point, but you crossed the line concerning my 'stupid comments', ihis means wor 11 ed.) Favourite drink: beer (from Cologne) food: all Itolion food music: Guns'n'Roses, Ugly Kid Joe, AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin, Nirvono, 1he Who and Techno (fils in this list he Ill) (hohahahoho, you poser, you sound like Solar I1I Ugly Kid Deff I11 ed.) films: Bachelor Party (suits you, ed.) and Terminotor 2 Polilicol position: both left wing and right wing are bad, let's say I'm liberal ... (yeah, you look kindo blue "_ ed.) Greolest experience: smoking my 2nd ioint (Ihe firsl one made him very sick ." ed.) Bi,Jgesl dissopointment: school (ond probably his refledion in the mirror, ed.) Best friends in the scene: 011 in Daminolars ond neoriy 011 my cantacis. Futur-e proiecls: iusl party on and have wiTle [un !!I

Done by Scorpie/F4CG+MD ~DflA cX\J iT! \)uf... Mf; .J ", / .. 1.(\ \}\\5'('

~, \

id ) 'SC(fU'(A • 0 )


-_._------_._.- ----.---~.-,,------_._------PIRATES 13 PAGE 9 ._--- ._------_._----_._------( , ,... r...--..... / -.' 'I ( • -,


FLAMINGO/LIGHT George Bush ... eerrr Mr.President/Hysteric

, ' U I • PIRATES 13 PAGE 10 ------'--~ . ------' . • • • • • •

Hmmmm indeed .. . One of the few Ameri c ans that dared t o send in his picture .. Knight o f Decay/F4CG o f coz We're n ot ~onna, spoi l much words on PAT/ARCAD~ .. the picture speaks f o r itself .... hehehahah a hah I .. •

• •

PIRATES 13 PAGE 11 2£ • 7 7 , P : Pirates Z : Zodiac

r : Hi Zodiac ... most people know you os the mego coder from Flash Inc. but could you give the people out there some more personal info about yourself? 1? Z : I,ame : Frederik Korlsson ... Handle: Zodiac .. Group: Flash Inc ... Oorn : 740330 ... Height: 180 cm (5'9 ft ed.) .. Brown hair. .. Blue eyes .. Ullfortunatly I'm studying mathematics,physics,chemislry and that stuff in school so i don' t have so much time for coding anylonger ... r : Maybe 0 difficult question, b,)t i think 0 lot of people would like to know how you codors keep on finding these new routines .. Z : Hmm ... The competition betwe en different groups simply forces us to come up with new ideas .. Sometimes i gel ideas from my groupmates, somelimes from Amiga.Demos, sometimes i combinole and i,nprove old ideas or sometimes 'he ideas just turn up in rny head .. P : Did you learn to code by yosel! or did you ge t some help from other people 11 Z : Well i learned to code myself COl in the first 1.5 years of my computer life i didn't know any olher coders ... I bought some book" and Illon' find loomed flA SIC and MACHINE LANGUAGE .. P : With wholll do you like 10 w()lk (codels-grx-music) (JI\d why??? Z : I prefer doing all coding myself olherwise the,e will always be misunderstandings and other problellls. MOON/rHI is always doing music for me. 1·le's always sending loo fucking late buI i enjoy our weird conversations (doing phone.sex aswell .. For further info contact BOD/T alent ed.) and his melodious tunes. Our cooperation also works well when we're developing new cruel music-routs .. When it comes 10 grafix i use to wo,k with Morpheus,Creeper and Redstar/Logic. Always cool gfx in timellll P : What's your opinion of the scene nowadayz ... ??? 1 Z : The scene is totally lame but there ore still some cool demo· groups left. There ore hardly no real hackers left (What about us .. hahaha ed.) Too many 13.year-oId.lamer-kids ... All the old hackers who understood what the scene is about ore gone ( Sod but very True ed.) like Horizon,Bones,Upfront etc... There are only big-mouthed lamers ( who con't even code,paint,compose or run a mag) complain about everything, eventhough they con't do shit Ihemselves (True again .. Damn you should run 4 Presidenl ed.) Too many worthless disc.mags, 5 elile mags are enough (Even 1 Pirales is enough ed.) Make 0 demo or a game inslead .... P : Any hobbies besides workin[J on your 64?11 Z : Yeah, too many hobbies .... I havent got Ihe time 10 sleep anymore ... Daytime I'm playing tennis and Mah.Jong (on incredible funny old Chinese game) The nights i spend in my garden watching stors through my telescope (he ,neont his glosses ed.) Besisdes Ihat i'm also sludying like hell and i've just token my driver's licence ... Besides Ihal i'm also walching MlY loo much (sound like Ninja ed.) P : Now we come to the silly port, but people wanna know .... Z : Fovorite Game : computer game· Populous (me loo ed.) real game - Moh Jong Fovorite Demo : Hmmm maybe MIXER/UrFRONT Fovorite Music : KLF,U96,ret Shop Ooys,B,yoJl Adams,OMD,Roxelle,GuJls'n Roses, Metallico (beller ed.), ScorpioJls,Alphoville elc .... Favorite Food : Pizza (I hod one 30 mins ago) Favorile Drink : Coffee .. ( i drink 10 cups 0 day to slay awoke) Fovorite Girl : Hmmm, maybe Kristiane Backer on MlY Favorile Cor : 5MB 9000 (The greal Swedish car. .. ) P : You're 0 very good coder, you create demo's but what obout games??? Did you already do one, or 0 few? And don'l you think that when all good coders would star! doing games the C64 won'l die for 01 least some more years ... ?11? Z : I, Moon and Redslor ore producing games under our gorne-producing-Iobel OCTABITS .. The first Olle is called' Psychic Chaos' and was sold to Double Density 10 months ago ... Check it oul, its

PIRATES 13 PAGE 12 = ... ". - --.--..-,,- ..---. -.--_.. ,. !;l Ieu' II I Soon we'll have finished our second game called 'Funboll' .. .. I don't know if we con help the 64 to stoy olive. Nobody is interested in bying games for the C64 onylonger ... Fuck AMIGA (!-Imm you must be contocting the wrong companies i guess ed.) P : Ever been in trouble with the Police???? Z : No, no special problems but once a police-car drove stroight into our 5MB when they were hunting some thieves .. Only some scrop metol left .. (Thats why u didn't wonno send a photo of you?? ed.) P : Who are your best friends in the scene???? Z : All the Flash Inc-ers ... Especially Moon,Morpheus,Unifier and Redstor/Logic .. P : When you hear the following words, what comes up in your mind??? Z : Ponoromic Designs: Homoboys flash Inc : The prido of Swede n (don't be modest .. please .. ed.) Crept: Disc-error Lamer : All these lame disk -mags ... Pirates: CoolI Send it to mellll Crest: $D011 Redstar : Cool pictures ... Game producing Dyep : Myself .. 2 years ago P : What projects are you guy> working on for the moment???? Z : A summer-demo, more gomes, more HOTS HOT-issues .... P : Ok thanx for this interview .. . If you still have something you want to add (like greets,fuckings, statements, ..... ) feel free to do so now..... Z : Thanx for interviewing me ... You should be hoppy to get thi s interview COl this is the first time i've ever answered an interview (you couldn't resist for SUd1 0 cool mog, could you ???? ed.) Stay on the 64 forever ... rules Ice -hockey ...

Done by Scarpie/F4CG+MD


'\ I - - ~_/

-- .. - . • - - --

• PIRATES 13 PAGE 13 ... 2 2 • _------:---:------;======;;;;;;;;:',. I <. ';::" :' ='=''" ...... -''-:,\.~ .... '~(I'll "'·r1'i' , . • I 1 f ~ ,"~, , t' . , , • • ,1 " • , . '. " I /, •. • I • •

• •


, t' .. 2 , , , • \

Above features to the left SAURON/ILS and his girlie, damn wrong again .. i meant FIST/ILS of course ..... , , , , Beneath da ruling LORD JOERIX and his humble car • • • •

• 4 PIRATES 13 PAGE 14 . , ._---- r'

These two raw Idudes are none else then your true gods ....

Exclusive for the Pirates-mag we were able La see em ~~ live •

t t t • .. ' . . . ~ o u recog ,. ~ni z d them ! right way .... n guitar is your

nly god SOLAR & •

\ Wow what a dream

• i 2 • PIRATES 13 PAGE 15 • • • 7 ' CRACKER. C HARTS :


1) ILLUSIO N 2) LEGEND 3) ARCADE 4) TALENT 5) F4CG 6) REO SECTOR INe 7) and the rest simply ai n' t wonh mentioning 8) i'm sorry (arn nol eeL) so next monlh (???? ed.) 9) belier luck .. 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)



I ) SIIOCK I) I.lGIIT 2) COIU(lJl'TION 2) llRi(;O J) BIUHAl. RECAl.1. 3) CREST 4) 1l0T·S IJ OT 4) Bl.ACKMAII. 5) MAMBA (crrr .... cd.) 5) FI.ASIl IN C 6) hi' bla 6) TRC 7) oink oink. 7) MD H) MICIWl'lWSlO 9) MSI Ill) DlJMlllNATOllS







~ )1t\ve tD St\ Y •••

Swimming suit report

I must admit thal i'm kindo amazed by Ihe resul!.._ I figured ge Hing less pidures for Ihis lopic._ Well i was right and wrong ... I got 0101 of piclu res spontaniously fran the girls but loo bad not in swimming sui!._._ Too bad. __ . Slill its cool 10 see the girlies from scene people or onos that are active in Ihe scene I!II You COil exrect some more in the !lp- xl issue of lhe Pirates ( oohol1olloh plonnino in advance is olwoys bod ed.) Well ,nos' norlllol scene people gal reviewed e lc. .. in oth er issues of our or oth er mogs so we decided to cove r the girls for a change __ _ after all they're the most important Ih ing in our lives. __ Well at least for me ___ I11 And rr ot to worry if we run outta gidies 10 show we can always stari with the parents, grand parents, pets._. Hahahah that'd be a blast ___ See, Ih em from the Pirates-slaff never run outta idea's do they. ___ Als o notice that the staff is not responsible far certain people slarti ng 10 WANK a nd cream over certain photo's ... Ih ey can nol be exchanged for new copies._. ( so you better la minale Ihem again Dan' n ed.) le t Ihe madness begin __ ._

PIRATES 13 PAGE 17 ' .

The beauty (???ed.) ~ hat tries to hid e ler pretty (??ed . ) · .face is COPKILLER r ro rn C - p I S g i r 1 ..

• •


Cotcha and (ex?)

girl ! Sor ry i I rn n ot aware o f the latest happenings !

• •

\ '.


, ET' " 5 ' 0 ' 3'$; 7 t PIRATES 13 PAGE 18 • 7 ! •

• • •

• . ,

• • • • , • • I • ~ , • , I I -• • - • ~r, .. , ,

1. " • • • • ~ .. '

.' . \ • ~ i J. l .t C f "

No this is n ot the peep-show but; o nly 111\1l1,I ~QUIN/ I"II C(; and her number is n o t available for certain people!!! Jac k Daniels and his girlie ... ni ce legs indeed .. •

. , •

.- ..... I •

PIRATES 13 PAGE 19 • I I . '. , .., .. .- "Af> • , .:-11: . "

",-.. 2 I

Ilb ove MONIQUE from Lhe Ilung aelan crew STELLA (a ni ce & good Belgian beer)

• •

• •

• I .• .. • •


was proud to send t in a picture from his girlfriend ....

5 'E 9 7 rb • 7 • 5 7 7 2 2 • PIRATES 13 PAGE 20 Alot of people'll be happy to kn ow how EMERALD/G-SPOT looks like .... Well here you go together with her daughter PAIGE ...

• .., • This good-looking couple is none else but KING/F4CG nnd his Italian girly ....

PIRATES 13 PAGE 21 • • ------~- . Ni ck llCIIIlU: woll, IllOSt pe oplo know Ino (l~ SCOIpio; in Illy villnnn lol ~o guys coil 1110 Sc-o'pil:1, I even hove 10 Ihonk some 01 Ihem lor Ih is handle. Group: F4CG (lhe place to be, eh Solar?? ed.) a nd MIRACLE DESI G NS , I've beon in lolso cool groups bul none of Ihem beals F4CG III ~ unclion : mosl o f the lime Irying 10 beol Solar in lazyncss, nexl 10 Ihol I lake core 0 1 the orgonisolion in F4CG (a pa rl 01 it) and MIRACl. E DESI G NS . I do some lame graphi x and swop a bil wilh Ihase I consider 10 be my Iriends and losl bul nol leasl I am the main(hahohaha)edilar 01 PIRATES. Nalionality: Be lgian, bul who cares??? Age: on 27/03/'92 i become 23 years old, and I om one 01 Ihe oldesl F4 CG members. Sex: Ihal's whal we 011 like, eh 111 Compuler: C64 and Amigo Hobbies: peddling around in my kayak and leaching thi s sport 10 olhers, I used la play volle yball , I did some working out (look crI PIRATES issue 12) and my compuler. Pe rsonal slogan: you don'llike me Ihe way I am ... FUCK YOU III Mosl dislik ed people: those brainless idi ols who support opar1heid, lascism, nationalism and who eon'1 see all hU/nons are equal no motfer what skineolor or religion Ih ey hove. Fa vouril e drink: Filliers Apple Jenever food: chi cken -I Iries and salade music: speed, Ih rash, doom, dealhmelol, hard ond grindcore lilm : Kickboxer (wilh JC Van Domme) and Terminalor 11 games: Secrel of Monkey Island (Amigo) and Farmers'daughler (C64) Polilicol posilion: left Grealesl experience: waking up 01 Ihe operalionloble while being operaled 01 my looL Biggesl dissapoinlmenl: gelling 10 know Solar, ha haha ... No, I try 10 lorget rny drssoporntrnenls so I won't slate one. Bc ,; 1 friends in 11 ", smnn: Solor, Ninin orHJ Kid (0 "illy you [J"YS lell), Slud/F4CG, Eleclric/EXrEND, Habbil, Derbyshire Rarn/ILS, Frcdrik Bia"" The Wim/ARGUS PRODUCTI O NS,Goldrush/CREST. Fulure Proieds: doing same mare compuler games, lor Ihe resl we'll see whal this lucki n'life will bring us ... .. ;1 ......

':., . . ...::- . • . , " \ ': " :. ..;~. .. \ ...... Demareview : BRYTAlITY 100% / LIGHT.

A while ago Salor/F4CG coiled me up and asked il I wonled 10 do Ihe review on Ihe newesl LIGHT demo for PIRATES . Well, why nol, I've always been 0 LlGHT·Ian. So he send me the parIs by modem. When I look allhe disk I only see three ports I?I I coli up Solar but he's oul for a beer. Bah ... anyway, I decide 10 do whal I was asked to do (ofcoz you did ed.). I load the li rs l porI and gel 10 see the some inlro as on Ihe BRUTALITY previ ew which was spread at Ihe BO NZAI party ... RESET. Lo oki ng 01 Ihe di re ctory I notice the second part is only 13 blocks ... slronge lor 0 demopart. The name's BO BMANIA/TROX and Ihis name surely fils ... running Ihe porl results in 0 block screen whid1 is bei ng fill ed by millions of bobs ... cool code, but Ihere is slill a 101 01 work 10 be done 1I Finolly Ih ere is Ihe Ihird porI 10 be checked ... oiler running 0 lexl appears on Ihe sCl co n. Thi s poll incluues u reoltime roylrocor anu occotding 10 the Ll G Hfol's: "il's one of Ihe mosl spedacula r demoparts ever in Ihe hislory 01 Ihe Commodore 64". Let's see .. . Nol bad 01 011, the port is coded by Yo bbo and conlains music, simple bul cool, by Bluez. Wowso ... Ihe way Ihe scroll and olher objecls refl ed in Ihe cenlral ball is lantaslic 11 Good code III Well I'm sure when Ihese parIs will be linked 10 Ihe resl of Ihe BRUTALITY demo lol so eyes wi ll be opened fu ck in'wide III (Wolch Ihe language ed.)

Scar pi e / F4 CG tMD.

PIRATES 13 PAGE 22 ------... ------. ------. -----~--~-- ' - ~

P0I1yrep0l1 : BRUTAL party, 26/06-29/06/92.

We drove at 2am on 26/06 from Hannaver over Flensburg to Hov from where we took a ferry to Sammo. It took us 1 hour and 20 minutes to reach the island. There was a bus that brought us to the partyplace. There were two big halls, one for C64, the other far Amiga. Some groups were in classrooms. The C64' s were in a gymnastic hall. The entrance was around 40 OM which was a bit expensi~e, I think. In the hall was a very big scroen where tho demos were shown and also tlie final of the Euro Championship Soccer. The quality of that screen was very bad. They sold also some bottles of softdrinks and something to eat, but selling these drinks was not successfull os a bottle of Coke costed about 9 OM. Near Ihe pw1yploce was also a soccerfiold. The demos were shoVln on Sunday in Ihe evening .. result: I. Horizon 2. Censor Design Unfortunatily, the Brutal guys didn't pay the promised amount of money to the winners, but Censor got their 6000Dkr. for their second place as they wanted to kick the organi­ sotions'ass if they didn't pay them. So,ne of the guys present at were: Communisl/TAl, Mac!GBf/CREST, Brego/TRIAD, Maduplex and Drax/CREST, Sensei, Psycho, Bob, Dragon/CENSOR and some HYSTERIC, CAMElOT, X·FACTOR, HORIZON, fLASH INC., DOMINATORS, . . guys.

C Olnlnunist / Talent

Pa~part : Hildesheim party, 13/06-14/06.

The party took place in two small rooms of a house which was owned by the village. Party­ entrance was 5 OM. There were no COfl'lpetitioIlS, it was a meeting for boozing only_ There were only 40 guys bul Ihey all were III 0 good mood later in Ihe evening some low­ IIfes of Ihe village tiled to attack TCi~/BRUTAL because he was a foreigner, but all pwtydudes helped him out, called the police but the low-lifes went away before the police arrived. The only damaged thing was 0 window which gol destroyed by a thrown stone. When all was arranged there was only boozing and having fun in the place. All In 011 the party was caol, rating 7 oul of 10. P,e,enled dudes. Commulllst/TAL, 1 CH/BRU fA!., losla t-tYSTERIC guys, III ego/TRIAD, Parson, Tyree, Starkiller, Twin/MDG, A-Man and lolso olhers.

Communis I / Tolenl

PIRATES 13 PAGE 23 .. , ., ~ , . , ..

- .•

These three monkey's are PB/~!YSTERIC,COMMUNIST/F4CG and DENSE/IIYSTEI1IC .... l3e n eat h are GOL I,UM / fL.T,OI\VE / WAltFALCONS• (amiga),JltC/THC,AAHON/FLT & I3LAC I\ SIlADOW/FLT

• •

, , . , 7 • ,,5 7 , PIRA'l'ES 13 PAGE 24

_ . ~ • Da roofer-boy (heheh ed.) or also known as RICHIEjILS ....

• -•

• • I " • , • • I •

I . , ~, .. •

I' ,- '/ .... '-I I. ~ -

I\s we couldn 't use the lady­ shave picture we decided to take the normal shave picture .. Gotcha in action

• • PIRATES 13 • PAGE 25

------~- . -~--.~.------_._------.

-·~,=-c---,-:c"-: n------:c--:~---~ ~~ .- . ", .,. ." .:-

How dangerous is Blue Boxing????

Well il can be said Ihal BB'n isn't dangerous at all, but exceplions confirm Ihe rule. To show my sources i wanna point out Ihot i'm sine 5 1/2 years employed 01 the German postlTele­ kom ill Frcmkfurl os an electronic engineer ond duo to 1hot prefer to slay annonymus ... ! posses on Arlligaz 3000 ands am ongaged since 7 years wilh Ihings like Phmaking ... OB is probably Iho (unlill now) mosl known and the mosl spreod way to double cross Ihe pas!. Okoz nobody likes to be defrauded wilh such enormous amounls of money_ ConlrCHY 10 Ihe common opinion Ihal the German post doesn'l subs loin, she takes higher suffer. AT&T e.g. pays the occured cost onmy pCHily, becouso they deomond from the German post to install frequency fillers which prevent the sending of unusual frequencies, which are only supposed to be used by lelephone companies; whilsl already filler these signals 01 the compelenl telephone central. • The post got some ideas for that ofcaz, because Ihis claim seems to be impossible from AT&T's side. As in Germany more and more digilal nets are installed, the past mainly supervises these lines. A syslem which was especially invented far that aim by engineers from Franfurt to contral the actions of BB' ers. As usual with the digilal nel all coils from digital phonenet users are saved and approx 30 sec. afler the call recorded. Besides the number of Ihe one who gels the call, dote and lenght of the conversation are getting regislrated ... The post keeps the relrieved dOlo for more then 2 months sa 'hey con back trace eventual disturbances or complaints from the owner of the tall-free numbers. The 'Netcheck4 cqlled system checks at the end of your monthly phone-bill, aprox 1-2 weeks before Ihe bill arrives at the users house, the in that time done phone calls. If the omount of monthly called toll­ free numbers averrales a certoin limit (aboUI 30-40 lallfree calls) then it's enough. After another month of being controlled, they exmanine the recorded cuts from your calls for not by Genman system used frq's. With that the phreakers ore olready supervised by Ihe Telekam and after 3-4 months the Telekam' s Hq far telecommunicalions charges gets the instruction to fix 0 phone bill due to. the recorded dato's of time,phanecoll recived lacotian and lenght of the connection, which will be enclosed with Ihe monthly phone bill... Its planned to analyse and exploit the recarded signals in the recorded 30 sec's of your phonecall. If the posl proved Ihat you dialed e.g_ from Genmany to GReece and from there to the Slates, Ihen both calls ore added 10 the bill in full lengh!. Indeed summa,s to Ihert must camo frolll the cornpanies of the collesponding countries. Wil htho here stoted example the phonebill would be (offer 4 manlhs with 1 hour daily BB ) about 20.000 DM which has to be payed under threat of 0 punishment by low. Eventually it is intentional and repelitive fraud. Of course there ore only franliers of your phone-bill due to your phreaking activities .. That i painted aut 01 the beginning of this article thal BB isn't dangerous is because the digital phone-net is only in certain area's completely installed. Anyway eveybody who is digitol connected can easily recognize if they may BB or no!. Ofcoz its also possible 10 be caughl whithin on analog phone-net, but the possibility iof gelling coughl is 1/100 excepl being denounced by somebody, but nobody is 100% save of tha!. Digilal phone-nel test : - Tones when you pick up Ihe phone - Tones when dialing - Passibility to dial with sa-called' dialers' - When 0 line is busy, yours will disconnect after a while loo ~ good, line-noise free connedions Maslly you can also get infa about digital phane-nel areas and numbers at the local Telekam departmen!. If only the lasl 2 paints occure wilh your phone its possible you are only connected to a digital cenlral but not fully digital. In thal Case you should unconditional pay allention when your phone is fully integrated in the digital phone-net. The post thinks that they will catch about 1.500 phreakers in computer surroundings (mainly IBM & AMIGA) untill december '92. When we sum up our very low eslimated calculations, caz who amuses himself only 1 hour/day in foreign countries, the Telekam gels a total amounl of about 30.000.000 DM. Who wouldn't understand that they try wilh all passible means 10 stop those who couse Ihe money lackness. A coli from Hannaver to Frankfurt casls after 6pm oround 20 DM/hour. And if you call 10 the Stoles you get charges of 300 DM/h. So here's my hin!. SO - OK, but nal with a digital phone.nel, caz il con take more then 1/4 yeor and more untill you recieve your massive phone-bill and unlillthal the phone-bill will be really MASSIVE. Source: an engineer at Telekam, Cl Translated & oddi lion by Rough/Chromance • PIRATES 13 PAGE 26 ------~ ------~"""'=~~~----..

l.!:!LeiYiew~ Flomin[JO I LlQ1-iT.

P: Pirates F: Fl amingo / Li ght.

P: Ok, first some data about yourself, please ... F: My real name is Oscar Stahl and I am 1 7 years old (born 16/12/74), I'm about 1.7 5m tall and I weigh 64kg. I li ve in Saltsjabaden where I still have one year left in school. P: When did you get into th e scene? F: Well, I got my C64 as 0 gift for my 12 years birthday in '86. I stor1od coding in the beginning of '88 . My first group was called Micro Service which I had formed togelher wi th some locol friends (including Woco). In December'88 I joi ned Triad for a very shod while as I joined Light in January'89 and I've been there aversince. I've also been 0 member of Agile as 011 in Lighl joined Agile as 'Lighl of Agile' in Morch'89 (for Ihree months). We also were in coop wilh Foirlighl in Ihe summer of '90. Luckily only far five days as we underslood our mislake 'fairly' fast. P: You O f'e without dovbt one or Europes' top corh!rs, perhaps the lop coder. nut what do you think aboul other coder 5 ? F: Well, coders I think who ora doing 0 greot job oro for oxomple Yobbo and Wo co in Light, they are rally good. The Horizon guys, the Origo guys and also Beyond Force and Crossbow o bit. But I Ihink Ihal people ;eally vole strange. I can't for my life undersland how people like Wall/ex. Bonzoi and SES/G'P con gel into charts .. and Olav/Panolamic. You can't hardly even call him a coder III P: Weil, now some favouriles (10 cool down I suppose ... od): F: Food: junkfood Drink: Coke, milk, beer Movie: the Star Wars Irilogy Book: Shogun (James Clovell) Music: Dire Straits, Bowie, G'n'R. P: And in the scene? F: Group: excepl for Lighl, I guess il's Horizon Coder: Kjer, Boogoloo and Exilon/Horizon and Yobbo and Waco/Light Musician: Danko, Skyline Technics, Boppalander/Lighl and Jeroen Tel. Grofician: Heill Design, Sensei/CD and Goblin/Light, he does 0 10 1 of very cool grafix for my parIs. P: What do you think oboul lodays' scene? F: A bit dull, loo rquch people quilling a nd nol so Illany real good coders. P: Aha ... well, whal do you do in your sporetime, when you're nol compuling ?

F: I do Ihose things mosl do like homework and wOlching TV. I hang mound (J 10 1 wilh my locol pals loo. And I visil Goblin quile oflen, 10 spend lime wilh him. P: Now, whol proieds a re you working on 01 Ihe momenl ? F: Well, Flamingos' grealesl hils is under development and I olso work on 2 par1s 10 be realured in our next demo, which will be coiled Brulol 4 . Brutal sucks ... P: Talking aboul demos, which is your favourile Lighl demo? F: Bwlal 2 and Brula lily. Noone of Ihe real Lighl mernebers liked Arulol 3. 11 was pul together loo fasl and never got really finished. P: Do you hove any enemies? F: No, nol really, bUll don'l like Jerry/Triad. P: What will happen 10 Lighl ill Ihe fulure ? F: Well, Goblin hos fix ed me and himself cheop Amigas so we're Ihinking aboul eSlablishing Lighl on Ihe Arnigo ... lime wi ll le ll. (l oo lale ... Lighl already kicks on Amiga ed) P: Any greelings to your' best pals? F: I ~ i Coblin and 0 11 in Light (olld Jenny). Also hello to all in Horizon. P: Thonks for the cool inlervi ew.

This inlerview was done by Gohlin/l igh l.

PIRATES 13 PAGE 27 - - ~--tW;im;U;:;;:;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;;;a_I~------~-- ...... ,-

I 'm the man eeehhh i mean i'm A-MAN from AHCADE (N o shit?ed.)

r ., " .,, ,' , MAJESTY/TALENT . • • I • ", ., , , , • " , Doing what he does I 0 '" , '" '... 0 ' , 0' , ",." 0' best • • • and at once I 11 ,, ' ' •• " t · .' • the only thing he '" . can aswell

o 0

, o ~ - ,

~L ' ~b' ...... / i ,.-,-">< I - l)

, o . , t , .... 55 L $ ~ I PIRATES 13 PAGE 28 • It's illegal to drink alcohol under 18 .... Someone please tell that to B L QC K BUS T E R / C

• •

• f ·

HELLFIRE •• No need to say mo re .....

• III lion Gr"'1ehreu lh (oyes you D It .

. , t • 7 FP • PIRATES 13 PAGE 29 • • • • TIIL ENT

• finally M~jesly is back 0;' Ihe scene for 100% afler he gal sellled in his new apporlmenl and gal IllS new phone line, meanwhile he broke up wilh his girl (Sex godess) • Inlernol. problems caused by lack of communicalion resulled in Droke and Janec leaving Talenl. • nod ciOlI11S 10 be Ihe undefealed world champion wonker and is now engaged wilh Parson ... (Couple of Ih e year ed.) • XXX lefl and joined LEG END due 10 no cords • Trigger and JOlogon joined os coders, bolh le ft ENIGMA

{ I' - ~ +It l ~ " ,(


• Motley Crue (Swedish hacker ed.) gal busied by Iho cops, Ihey look 011 his equiplllenl and he'll hovo 10 0ppOOf ill frolll of courl... • Parson qui I DCS because he wosn'l gelling any news from NOSAH any longer and Ihen he joined X· FACTOR .. Now all Ihe odive members left and joined DOM so Parson was Ihe only one left and so he decided 10 leqve oswell and joined Ihe Propaganda Slaff .... , Red Seclor gal reformed by Iralo and Ihe Hysleric bunch. Also Lazyness who gal kicked oul of Arcode joined Ihem recently. Meanwhile Warlord gal kicked oul of Ihe group already while Scal lefl Mission and ioined as grarician. Also MicfOllix joined os sawpper when his former group Bassline died. • Jeroen Tel is making 0 (maxi) CD wilh house music under Ihe label of Maniacs Of Noisell I" 11 be called X·MESS HOUSE • Lexi who was the only member left in HTL joined Device also Mac Quade joined as coder'n phreaker • The Silver Surfer (only original member in Ihe re·formed Hll) left HTl and joined Success ... • Cruel (also known os The Abuser/GTX ed.) left WOW aswell os ZAP,ALF,ORGANIZER,ICE·T,DENNIS and some olhers .... • TRISTAN will be back in Ihe scene and he'll reslal1 hocking for EMPIRE ... They ore currenlly searching far 0 new Hq afler Ihey gal kicked off MYSTIC OUTHOUSE (G'P Hq ed.) • Zarhan Foslfire also relurned 10 Ihe scene, firsl put up 0 board coiled Temple of Ihe Dog and was Censor Design hq. Bul Ihen he joined NEI os 0 hacker and look down Ihe board. • Cyborg/Dominaiols (I he Euro one ed) left Dominalors, renamed into Blade Runner and Ihen rnjoinod DOl11inolors, lecenlly ho's Ihinking of leaving Dam again ... Sling joined. , I riod became 6 years, WOW reached 5, I.egend relemed 0 demo for Iheir 4 years exislonce .. bul still F4CG is only 10 years. , Neolec!Rebels joined Rush 05 his second group ond'lI be 0 rnego·SwoPper in Ihere (Whal is 011 !his shil oboul people joining 2 groups???? ed.) • D,omn POI k (currently DOM H'll wonl down 0$ Ihe sysop Cyborg sold his e'luiprnen! os he needs IIlOIWY 101 011", .. I)\JlPO '~S .. Ihe Ilew ()OM 11" ic. lJivi"" Ullilllol"'1l whic./r d, op!,''') NI'l I LFG[ND. PIRATES 13 PAGE 30 P: I·lello Borry, most people know you as Derbyshire Rom, megoswopper and cracker, former member of Dominators, Deadline, ... This is only a vague discribtion, please tell us a bit more about yourself (personal and C64 career). B: Hi Scorpie, well, as you know I am 53 years old so there really could be a lot to talk aboul but I will keep it as briefly as possible. Well, I am overweighl for my hight (loo much beer and junkfood). I have been married 10 my wife Ann for 36 years, I have five grown up kids ... two sons and three daughters, all but one daughter are now married (she's 28, any offers 11? - maybe Kid, hahahaha ed.). I also have eighl grond­ children (another one is on it's way ... planned for august but Barry didn't let us know yel if it's born or not. ed). I live with my wife and daughter in a large bungalow on the oulskirts of Chesterfield on the edge of the Peak District National Park, situated in the dead centre of England. Sadly because of a balance problem I am restricted from travelling any distances, I do own 0 'car' of sorts. II is a three wheeler, a 'Reliant Rialto', very nippy, no problem gelling 95 mph from it when lam on for01. P: You've been around for quite 0 while now. What do you think about the actual scene cOlllpared to tho ono of 4 ·5 yoors 000 11 B: Well, the scone has changed 0 lot durino tiro post few yoors, sorno for th" IJOIIOI, some for Ihe worse. 4-5 years ago the whole atmosphere had a friendly edge 10 il, slogging was not as prolific os il is now and people in the main were much more approachable. Probably the reason was that there was plenty of software oround 10 crack then and we were less bored. For some unknown reason nowadays a lmost every group has his' mouth', I don'l know of many exceptions. Too many crackers nowodays want la be famous before they havo had a C64 for 3 months but unfortunately most of Ihese guys burn themselves out ve ry early, but better ones tend to stuy on course. Overall though, I would say that the quality of cracking 4-5 years ago was far beller than at present when you consider the tools that were available then. P: It's now quite a while since the English Dominators members left Ihe group, bul most people slill don't know Ihe exad reason for it. Con you help'em aut 11 B: Well, for myself, I left Ihem for a number of reasons which accumulated over a six month period. Firsl when I joined Dominators I was honoured 10 be asked to join such a successful group, Ihis was in March'90. I was asked 10 either crock and send budgel games to fasl or send the orgies 10 Dogfriend 10 try to gel them up onlo Ihe boards. Shal11y after I was asked la send my cracks la all Danish members by Express mail far them to spread. I did not send Express, I got very few disks back in return far Ihese and next 10 no crocks. The olher English guys joined Dominators about a month after me, Ihey were all ex-members of 'Twilight Zone'. Belween September'90 and July'9] all the Dominalors cracks were done in the UK, in other words we held Ihe group together far well over a year. Communications were very bad within the group, Trickel was the then so called leader and Ihaugh he hod plenly of access la phone calls he rang Ille 3 times in a whale year and replied la my letlers only twice. I obtained all my own originals bul NME was payed by Ihe group far originals, he sent these 10 Denmark and I sent Ihe cracks. In early Navember'9], I gal some slagging phone calls from some Auslr ulian guys who had been offered membership into Dominators by Animal but casting .;J.~", ~ them 25 Dollars to join Ihe group, far same reason two of Ihese guys said they had i~ payed up and were having a go at me because Ihey had seen nothing far Iheir money. G: After Ihe Ihird call in two days I quil the group, mainly because I did nal approve of ;mf p Ihe kind of approach. Oddly enough Ihree days later I was thrown oul of the group 11 !~ Regarding the alher UK members, well unnaficially they had left Dominators before me J: ~ Ihough I did nal know at the lime 10 farm DEADliNE, they had kepi quiet because NME was ~ slill awed money from Dominalars for originals (he owed his shop aver] 00 English f) . This never came and Dominalors heurd aboul th e new group then Ihrew Ihem aut.


'i'ilis was the most interesting place at the G-P co py­ party .... Da radical guyz fronl F4CG (Solar+Scorpie) with the car and the free booze .. from left to r'ight ?,OMG!G-P,SCRAP!G-P,HI-LITE/SCS,CRAZE/HYSTERIC, COMMUNlST!F4CG,ARRC1G AN CE/SCS,BREGO/ARCA DE,PYLE,???

• •


I, .. " , 'Il. ,. '1# oS; PIRATES 13 PAGE 32 • This youngster should be

BACCO/ARCADE - Ilow old are you anyhow??


• •

Shit am i getting uld or are all those guyz so fucking young ..... ,..... This kid should be SCl/ex G-P ....

• ,-

, ]] ' • 7 • • - • " PIRATES 13 PAGE 33 , . Ju st 10 underline Ihc5C conllllfH1Is I hove ill my possossioll (] feller f.-om 0 Oonish gvy who recently left Dominators because he was asked 10 pay up 250 DKK or gel Ihrown oul, he left and DOlllinolors losl a good spreader. I om nol knocking Ihe group in general because I slill hove good fri ends in Ihere, bUI it is lime someone look Ihe group in hand. P: Ok, back in lime now, how did you gel inlo Ihe C64 scene? lI's hard to believe Ihol someone of your age (no ollence ed.) stans 10 ploy games; you wanled 10 become young again ??? B: We ll , I gal inlo Ihe C64 scene in lale '82 when I was forced 10 leave work, the C64 was boughl originally for my Iwo youngest daughlers bul I played odd games because I was so bored. I gal red up wilh Ihe log tape loading games so I decided to try to shorten 'hem using various dubious utilities. I eventually got down to puffing them onl o the old turbo and Ihought I had done miracles. I Ihen got odd people writing to ~ me regarding swopping and os eve ryone kn ows the knock on ellect is enormous. I still ;) . kepi cracking games just to shorlen them and for no olher re ason. I got my diskdrive a nd Expen in '85, Ihen things stoned to move foster but it was not unlil'88 that I ,.

PIRATES 13 PAGE 34 P: 1·low did you gel in Ihe cracking work anyway 1 B: Well, as I more or less explained earlier I did cruck 0101 of games far my OWIl personal satisfaction and use but I got serious when the UK groups fell off a bit in 1988/89, I was gelling new sluff and put il oul becOl)se Ihese guys were making 0 long break. P: Have you gal any enemies in Ihe scene? How comes? B: The lost thing I want on the scene are enernies. Bul sudly just recenlly sorne rumours have been flying aboul regarding Ihings I om supposed to have said, like someone rings me up and tells me something, maybe a rumour. Then they ring up someone else to tell them that I have said it. Also recenlly I hove had some originals from certain sources which have been 're-cracked'. I think they were senl on purpose bul anyway I passed them on only to get phone calls like "where did you get the original 1" or "it must be a re_crack". So I do have some enemies, but who??? I c911ainly don't want that reputolion, I don't core, personally I find il 0 lough bul olher people rnighl nol see things this way. P: There's 0 nuclear war ... you get the chance to escape to a tropical island, what five things or persons would you take with you? B: 1. my wife Ann 2. brewery 3. pizza house 4. my railway colledion 5. C64 P: To end this shod (n) interview I'll let you greel your besl friends and odd whatever you wont to soy to the readers. B: Well, I don't know what to say here, I COllsider most of rny C64 contacts to be good friends also, so I will say to them all good wishes for the future and I hope our friendships conlinue. I doubt if I cauld offer good advice, maybe I need it more than lllosL Many Ihunks for the interview, it is lIice 10 gel some thillUs off your chost flom time to time and this is 0 sure good way. P: Thanks for answering all questions my friend.

Interview done by Scorpie / F4CG·IMD.


~--- ~\ ------.,...().-.. ))O~_~

PIRATES 13 PAGE 35 C-I31T'92 .. CllI\YSAGON/E,TYCOON/E,CRAZE/1l ,GOTCIlA,MAJE ~ TERMO ,PB/Il ,COMMUNI ST/FLICG .. (left to right ofcoz) Benea th DENSE/I!,?,?, l\lltWOLF/U-P,?? /LEUl\C Y

• • • .I" , " , I -

.~~ ______'_2L ______._" ___ ' ______' ____ _ • PIRATES 13 PAGE 36 • 71" ..

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These two lovers are PYLE and ARROGANCE .. I .' .I

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• 'J 10. • 1- '.

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• • ).. ... - - , .- . ; ; PIRATES 13 PAGE 37 - . !

Solor/f4CG for forcing himself to make this issue almost on his own Scorpie/F4CG for helping him with it os long os he could....

Thanx for sending in the vote sheets must go to ... no ideo os i didn't use them at 011 ..... Why you might ask??? Simply.. I really didn't feel like counting them 011.. and most of you haven't got 0 clue of who is cool or not anywoy ... So i simply mode my personal chortsllll

Thonx for the grafix used in this issue ... HOBBIT / MD, REDS TAR/L OGI C, GOTCHA,SCORPI E/F 4CG +MD,MI RAGE/LEGEN D

Thanx for sending in photo's must go to : Scolpie, Tyree/ARCADE, Ridlie/ILS, Narc/LEGEND,Goblin/LlGHT,Knight Of Decoy/F4CG, Laid Joenx, Jock Daniels/DOM, Monique/STELLA,King/F4CG,EMERAtD/ENIGMA, COllllllunist(fAtENT,Floestylo/i1.S and 011 the forgotten ones ....

1 hanx for the articles .and news: Rough/CHROMANCE, The Shaolin Temple/TSM, Tunnel Of Wares/F4CG, TO/liS, Soulh Of Heaven/NEI +F4CG, Devi"e Uitimatum/DUMBINATORS, The Forum/ItS, Tho Lost Parodise/f4CG and 011 the olher boards i om on ... M~ fAVCRIlf. • SO~(. I ~ "t10~Nl', t10AN~ SUPER SPECIAL THANX MUST GO OUT TO THE ONE I LOVE ··>SSLA<·· f,ll.l.'r' IDOL •.•

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