Barmer Straße 26 50679 Köln fon 0221 - 46 96 220 fax 0221 - 510756143
[email protected] Digitale Kultur was founded in 2003 as a friendly society in Cologne, Germany. The association presents the computer as a means of expressing artistic creativity and aims to support the communica- tion between creative people. To achieve this, the association orga- nizes demoparties and other The Demoscene demo-scene related events. Computers new realm In cooperation with Whoever mistakes computers for Parties: Fun and Competion being boring or non-creative will be The groups and their members meet at the legen- proven wrong by the demoscene. Here dary demoscene-parties. They meet, they party programmers, graphicians and musici- and vote for the best new releases. New techni- ans show off their real skills. ques are exchanged, new friends and contacts They direct music videos without dancers, set made. Some sceners travel thousands of kilo- and camera. Their special effects do not need any meters to attend. A party can last 3 or 4 days and stunt-coordinators or fog machines. What they need no one is gettting much sleep. The competitors is just a computer and their creativity. All directing show their skills in a dozen different categories, and effects, all shades and the whole soundtrack from the best 4 kb intro, the best music to thro- are created on the machine. wing a harddisk the farthest. And in addition to the recognition for being the producer of an asto- nishing demo the winners can also receive valu- able prices.