Session 5: Market opportunities in a changing world General Assembly, Brussels 26-27 October 2009 Inger Pihl Byriel, R&D Coordinator,
[email protected] in brief Independent public enterprise under the Ministry of Climate and Energy with Approx. 500 employees Owns and operates the motorways of electricity and gas The consumers contribute to our activities via tariffs on their electricity and gas bills We are responsible for the general short-term and long-term security of electricity and gas supply We plan and expand the Danish electricity and gas systems, and ensure the preparedness of the energy sector We ensure well-functioning competition on the electricity and gas markets We support research, development and demonstration of new electricity technologies, including fuel cells and electrolyzers. Electricity in Denmark Norge 1.000 MW Jammerbugten - the challenges… Bredkær Starbakke S k Sverige a g 740 MW e r r a Bagsværdgård k an Nibstrup Dybvad k Hareskovgård Grønnegård i-S nt Hvorupgård Ko Måløvgård Glentegård Fredensdal Nordjyllandsværket Klim Fjordholme Svanemølleværket Frøstrup Skansen Vester Hassing Bellahøj kbst Håndværkervej Vendsysselværket Ballerupgård - from few to lots Nors Ådalen Ålborg Øst Dyregård Amagerværket Vilsted Vejleå Ejbygård Ferslev Lindevang H. C. Ørsted Værket Bedsted Mosbæk Brøndby- Vigerslev kbst gård Tinghøj Ishøj Kastrup kbst. Amager kbst Kærbybro Avedøreværket Anholt Bilstrup Flaskegård Loldrup Hornbæk Mesballe København Struer Tjele Moselund Åstrup Tange Idomlund Studstrup- Trige værket Sverige Mollerup 1.900 MW Bjørnholt Hasle Herning Videbæk Høskov Teglstrupgård Hørning Valseværket Ringkøbing Fjord Mårslet 13 Borup Sperrestrupgård 2/ Malling Kyndbyværket 50 Stasevang Askær Ølstykke- kV Allerødgård Nr. Asmindrup gård V Gørløsegård Stovstrup Thyregod Hatting k 0 Sdr.