APPLICATION NUMBER: P/12/2370/2 Erection of a shed to house railway carriages Great Central Railway, Sidings, off The Ridings,

DATE: 14 December 2012 FROM: Senior Ecologist TO: Development Control

RECOMMENDATION 1. Refuse 2. No Objection subject to the negotiation of the amendments set out below √ 3. Permit

NB: Where the Development Control Case Officer is minded to set aside the recommendation the issue is to be discussed between the officers concerned, or referred to the Division Heads if an agreement cannot be reached, before the final Committee Item is approved for circulation

RELEVANT POLICY REFERENCES: National Planning Policy Framework Government Circular: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation – Statutory Obligations and their Impact within the Planning System (ODPM Circular 06/2005)

COMMENTS: Should planning permission be granted, please ensure that it is conditional upon the recommendations of the Ecological Survey report (Loughborough Ecologists Ltd, August 2012), i.e.:

Prior to the commencement of site work, an updated badger survey should be carried out and, if required, appropriate mitigation measures should be put in place to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.

Additionally it is recommended that standard conditions should be attached regarding: - the retention and protection during development work of the existing hedgerow (with no changes of ground level and storing of equipment, etc.); - landscape conditions LS01 and LS02 regarding the reinforcement planting of the hedgerow.

As the development work will require the pruning of an oak tree, please attach an informative note about nesting birds:

Nesting birds are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), therefore should nesting birds be present in the oak tree subject to the consent, surgery should be deferred until the young birds have fledged. The nesting bird period is considered to take place between March and August inclusive, but may start earlier and extend later.