Epsom Guardian Page 3 1 February 2018

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Epsom Guardian Page 3 1 February 2018 3 News Thursday, February 1, 2018 CBeebies star visits school to raise campaign awareness Ward boundary consultation Six councillors could be scrapped and local communi- ties will get to choose who is ‘us’ and ‘them’ in a new ward boundary consultation. The independent Local Government Boundary Com- mission for England is ask- ing residents for help draw- ing up a new map of council wards for Reigate and Ban- stead Borough Council. The consultation is the first part of an electoral review which will re-draw ward boundaries across the borough. Professor Colin Mellors, chair of the commission, said: “We will take into ac- count local community iden- tities as well as ensuring elec- toral equality for voters. “If you have a view about which communities or neigh- bourhoods should be part of the same council ward, then we want to hear from you. “A nd if you think a road, river or railway makes for Andy Day and The Odd Socks at Banstead Prep School a strong boundary between communities in your part of Some very lucky pupils got to meet Universal Records. The corridor isn’t right and if you are being it’s a great way of illustrating Reigate and Banstead, then a CBeebies star when he dropped was (and still is) decorated with bullied it’s good to know that being to the children our own ethos this consultation is for you.” in for assembly at Banstead Prep odd socks designed by the children unique is a good thing.” of celebrating diversity and The commission an- School. proudly stating how they are Thomas, also in Year 6, said: “It’s allowing everyone the freedom to nounced that Reigate and The school was chosen for unique. a great idea to wear odd socks for be themselves and express their Banstead should have 45 the visit, on January 25, after Below is what pupils thought of the day. ” individuality. councillors in future: six few- getting involved with Andy Day’s the experience: “If we were all the same it would “Raising awareness of bullying er than the current arrange- nationwide Odd Socks campaign to Gino in Year 5 said: “It be a boring world, we’d all think is important because no school ments. raise awareness and funds for the makes people feel they can be the same things,” said Benji, who can say that bullying will never Local people have until Anti-bullying Alliance. themselves.” is in Year 4. exist but if we can create an April 9, 2018, to submit their environment where children feel views by emailing reviews@ To win this special visit, children Lottie, Year 6, said: “The odd socks Miss Vicky Ellis, headteacher at and staff all wore odd socks to able to speak up if it happens to lgbce.org.uk. is a great way of presenting the Banstead Prep School, said: “We them or their friends then we can school and learnt the Odd Socks idea. It tells people that bullying have embraced ‘Odd Socks’ because Band song ‘Unique’, released by deal with the situation quickly.” Paper scam A scammer claiming to work for this newspaper has been targeting firms. We have had reports from Schools that have customers of a man pretend- ing to be an employee with us saying he has space left in a ‘Trust My Garage’ advertise- ment feature, with slots cost- ing £26. The man pressurises the customers to pay by card made the grade over the phone. We have had numerous reports – includ- ing one customer having £600 achieve these stellar results.” ernment on January 25. taken and another attempt to In England, the average at- Nonsuch High School for Girls withdraw £300. New figures released tainment 8 score was 44.6 in –78.9 Newsquest south west Lon- 2017, a score most schools in Rosebery School – 60.1 don team leader Kerry Ryan Epsom and Ewell beat, with St Andrew’s School – 58.5 said: “They are being really Reporter hard work and commitment, an average score in Epsom Glyn School –52 sneaky. They have already Sophie Jones supported by their parents and Ewell of 54.6. Blenheim High School – 45.5 had at least £600 in a day. ” sophie.jones@london. and our expert and dedicated Here is a full list of schools, Epsom and Ewell High School newsquest.co.uk staff add tremendous value ranked by Attainment 8, based – 45.5 on top of that. We are really on data released by the gov- The Beacon School – 42 pleased with how well stu- The best performing schools dents fared in the new Eng- in Epsom and Ewell based lish and Maths GCSEs, with on 2017 GCSE results have English outcomes being our been revealed after the lat- best ever at GCSE.” est government figures were Following was Rosebery released. School, with a score of 60.1. Attainment 8 is a new Ros Allen, Headteacher at way of calculating pupil Rosebery School, said: “Fol- achievement; it measures lowing our Outstanding Of- the achievement of a pupil sted inspection in May, it is across eight qualifications, very pleasing indeed to see with maths and English giv- the efforts of our students en extra weight. and teachers reflected so pos- Nonsuch High School for itively once again, this time Girls was the top-performing in the performance tables. school in the borough, with a “Our hard working and score of 78.9. conscientious students have Amy Cavilla, Headteacher risen brilliantly to the chal- of Nonsuch High School for lenge of the new and much Girls, said: “We are delighted more rigorous examina- to get such a high attainment tions and we are very proud 8 score. The students deserve of them and the staff that this recognition for their worked so hard to help them.
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