IN 3 DARK STREETS'- TheWeathe, , . .l fUll l 'cllturr " ,-- ~ Serving the State Cl-ar a" .aU.aei eel4 FRIDAYl ....,. HIP_ .ere _ 5- University of Iowa .bon. lAw. sen _ 15- bel... c..tbnae. .... Campus and e-! S...... ,· Iowa City a. owan Est. 1868 _ AP Leoaed Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cene. lowo City, lowo, Friday, February 11 , 1955 • ~------~~~------~----~----~~~~~----~~------~------

e.., ••"...... "...... SI''''&!.,lit""'" Iowa JToday-;­ Winds, 'Sub-Zero .Te,mperatu res Chill City , TIIRU I.~--~------~~------.j~------~------~'~'--~------__ ~ ______~ ______Friday " ~-Day Iowa Vehicle Death Toll Reaches 7 ...... 0 -BAcANl R¢arm Germany,: Cold' Wave T 5t~y ,l \ Through Saturday ' lhen Talk:-Churchil /. Nol'lherly winds blcw Ule coldest temperatures in two weeks lnlo Iowa City Thursday. The mercury in !bed up to a high of six dc;recs above zero at LONDON (.4» ~ Prime Mini- ----.-.:.....:..------­ ster Sir Winston Churchill Ilaid 10 a.m., then started to drop. , THursday he still favors top-level It was {our-II O\'e at noon, three-a.bove at 2 ,p.m. and sil:­ talks with U1e Russians, but made below by 6 p.m. By 10 "lm. the reading was l1~low, and the marcury was aUu dropping. it clear to the new Kremlin Says Red .AnTis' The cold IVave Wi5 predicted rulers that Brilain intends to to hover over Iowa City and the SUSAN SLEPT.~.' HOII push ahead with reGrming West I Germany first. rest of Iowa throu:hout Friday ABOUT MRS . LfSlIl Equal Ours ' . Eddie Vincent and Saturday. The 80-year old statesman spoke in the hc.u~ or commons C ...... Air Ma. THE MAN IN as the British ambassador in WASHINGTON (Al) - Maj. -----~~---­ Gcn, James Gavin said Thu rsday The temperature drog was the Moscow, Sir WlIl iam Hayter, backward. Ineligible result of a cold Canadlan air • THE WHITE SUiT Americans should not "assume carried out secret negotiations Perhaps as far back as 1953, mR.liS pWihing acrass the United a Formosa cease-!Ire. we have a patent" on new weap­ some au thoriUes sa id, lhe Rus­ States In a southeasterly direc­ ons and it would be "complete Starts FRIDAY Responding to Laborite de­ sia ns may have tound a way to tion, the Assoeiated Press re­ mands that he Invite the new folly" to think the Russians are save huge amounts of time and 2d Semesler ported. lagging. Soviet Premier, Marshal Nikolai material in triggering an H­ ,,' ' \, Irephol.l Forecaslers said the tnmpera­ Bulganin, to join in fop level Gavin, Army chieC of opera­ bomb. ' THE CAB IN WHICH TWO Ce4ar Rapids women were killed lies on Its top ,nlli' belnl hit by a Eddie Vincent, lown halfback, Is scholastically ineli 07 lble lor tU1"CS would reach SO-below in talks soon, Churchill declared: Roek ",Iand train eas ~ of LaPor'ie City Thursday morniDC. The dead, l\frs. Dorill Kantor aod j\lr • tions, agreed at a news confer­ They may have hit upon a second semester spring practice, North Dakota and Minnesota be- • '-:~n guy takes "The policy of the government OUlla Dobry, raise. the state motor vehicle toll for 1955 to 60. This ill Jut two short Df tM record a ence with the Moscow statement process involving heat-producing and Coach Forcst Evashevskl [ore dawn today. the high road ... is to seek a foul'-power confer­ of Marshal Ivan Konev that the compression which would require toll o( 12 b, Feb. II, 19~ • . The deaths were two o( seven Wednesday and Thursday (ol:o ll'lnl four days l401th no m9lor vehlele In Iowa. (See ,tory on Pare 6.) said Thursday he was not coun ~ - The cold air broUiht snow In there's trouble and ence at a time when it seems Soviets have "all kinds of weap­ compal atively little at the fis­ de.,- ing on him lor next tall. scattered areas over the midwest romance abrewin'l llkely to yield genuine results, ons." sionable materials used in atom­ Thursday, The Call measured up but lha t occ\I$ion is not likely to Vincent, A3. Steubenville, The American genel al did not ic bombs. Ohio, toiled nra: ubject and did ~o seven inches in parts oC Illin­ occllr until after the ratification comment on ){onev's further American scientists in' time ois as wind. raised high drifts en of the London-Paris agree­ Evacuation 01 not meet Big l 'en tcquirements statement that the Russian worked out the problem. In making progress t.,wnl·d a de­ highways. ments." weapons are really tor "the com­ House Group OK' $ gree. Gusts of 50 m.p.h. blew fresh­ The Churchill government plete deCeat" _ of imperialists, U.S. Now Ahc~d Tachens May bopes the agreements to free and Evashevskl said that only an IY-lnllen snow In North DakDta meaning the U.S. Even if the Russians did get cxtraordlnary eUort by Vincent nnd Minnesota and whipped up rearm the West Germans will ,be the jump in this phase, some in Army Trarnln, would keep him from being in­ dust in and northern througb the parliamentary millB the U.S. atomic field say they End Tonight Texas. of all nine nations involved with­ Ike's tariff ·P.rogram eligible for the 1955 !ootbail Gavin said the American army are confident tha t America bas , , TAlPlEH, Formosa (Friday) season. Sleet hit IIJlnoLll, Indiana, M is­ in a couple ot months. is basing its training plans on thl! again pulled ahead. WASHLNGTON uP) - The ---- . The Kremlin shakeup was ac­ (JP)- SoldiCl' and gu ~rrillas bc- Three frcshmen football play­ souri and Arkansas . possibilily of either an atomic Meanwhile, the race goe& op. house way6 and means eommlt- lower tariffs on !9reign goods gan landing on Formosa 'Ilhurs- ers arc ineligible but each is e)(­ The early low reported Thurs­ companJed by a renewed decillr­ war, or' a non-atomic war. He tee Thursday rolled up a sur- coming inl{) the U.S., In ex­ aUon from Soviet Foreign Mini­ and the Russians are cx~ctc:d day Il'()ffi ,the gr~t Taohen wlth- peeled by Evashevskl to be day was 27-below at Dick.lnson, said one is as likely as the other. to continue to bear down heavily prising 20-5 vote to approve change for trado cone, slons to drawa!, which may ,be linished ready by laLl. They arC Collins N,D. Iowa's early low was 11- ~ter V. M . Molotov that ratifi­ He indicated that hydlogen President ElscnhOwd"6 proqem American Pl'oouots abroad. c.ation ot the Paris agreements on nuclear weapons, airpower by late to~t Ql' Saturday. Hagler, Wa shington, D.C., half- below, recorded at Spencer and weapons may appear on the for. eltpan

" •

Pare'~TRE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa. City. la.-Frl.• Feb. 11. 1955 " I All the World Wondered' Interpreting the News- editorial Labor Likely, PoUlita' Partf' tJ.WA Crrsis in Education- By J. M. ROBERTS An all-hospital party I Associated Press News Analy.t 011 I\Jhc !basis of tLheir attitudes 'I\here have been rprf,ldWtions ed by University W Ameri~n education is experiencing probably the worst toward issues in whlKlh 1nbor bhat a. 'UTu!led labor movement sociation will be ,11h.e pr.ogrese being made Illr­ the 'positure of maLntalnin.I. at A variety show will ZMIoI1'5 na turruUy the q ues­ Iy .genera I support iby labor otrl­ least !l show of 'ndepend~e of ented that will be now are inadequate to meet the demands of a growing popula- tion of iIlle U~lted 'claJls lor the DemoeraUc IpOl'ty. both pa,r,ties, so lhold Inga posi. Ihrough lhe hospital tion. _ States is to have eil1Iher !l Qund, 'to fol­ trades ,union.s ~ere decided , and the re- '. . C' and lts electnc power system a grant-in-aid type of program to spur the states' school con- maining 63 per cent _ mostly Out/Illes Campus SIze are interconnected with the unl- struction programs. athletic areas - fall outside the I versity's water and eleclric pow: GEN'ERAL NOTICES His program has met criticism ranging from comments that city. as a dividing line in showing er systems. He. then used the Iowa river that most of the univet'sity's SUI President Virgil M. Han- General Notices should be deposited with the editor or the editorial pare or The Dall, Iowan III tbe t h e amount is inad equate to meet th e need s to those w h 0 d eery newsroom. room 210. CommUDJeaUonl unter. Notices mUBt be submitted b)' 2 p.m. the day preeediDr the "political strings" that might be attached to federal aid. / flnt publleatioD; THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY PHONE, aud must be typeel or lerlbly wrH­ ten aDd SirDeeI by a responsible penon. No OeDeral Notice will be published more "ban one week Unfortunately, the education of chi)dren cannot be put in Sllngl HBomb Could 'Alomllze' Maryland prior to the even&. Notlees of eburch or youth croup meeUnrs wID not be published In tbe GeDeral Hi. the deep-freeze while we debate hair-splitting technicalities of ! e . . Uee. eolUDlD unte.. aD event tates plaee before Sunday morn Inc. Churcb notlce8 sbould be depoll&e4 aid. I By Robert Goldenstein ______-.l l ______-=- ______with tbe Rellrlo1lS news ecUtor of The Dally Iowan In the newsroom. room 210. CommunlcaUobl cen­ A cooperative program of schoolhollse construction in- ground, would create a sun-hot would leceive a dose of radia- ter not later than 2 p.m. Thursday lor publication S'aturday. Tbe Dally Iowan reserves the rlrbt to OHICAGO (/P) - An atoIJt ic fireball th ree to four miles wide tion twice the amount necessary edit aU notlees. volving the financial participation of local, state and federal scientist said Thursday that 28 and devastatil:rg a large area. to kill him. IOWA MOUNTAINEERS AN- and advance AFROTC cadets are STUDENT COUNCIL BOOk. Cliff Skogstrom govemments wou1d he one of the best ways to meet the proh- well p~aced H-bomb hits on the The heat-blast or the explos- However, if this sa me man nounce a Valentine paNY to be invited. ex.ohange will be open Feb. 7-18 PiKA Officer lem. Urlited States could "atomize" ion would suck up or dislodge spent two days in a simple base­ held aJiter 1Jha game Saturday in room 21, Schneller h.all. with deadly radioactive fall-out millions of tons of earth. Most ment sheller, he could the!) nighit at iIlhe Mountaineer club­ GRADUATE COLLEGE AND Books to be rold 9hould be a vast region .containing two- debris would fall back to earth walk from the contaminated ar­ hOU5O. Tbose IPlanndng to attend bhe Iowa Society, Arohaeologi­ breught In today. Books may fie Post-Game Pa thirds of the nation's mdustrial promptly but the lighter parli- ea without absorbing too much are asked to call Ede Ebert, 7418. cal 'Institute of America present purchased Feb. 9 ..14. Books th.t centers and 50 million inhabi- cles, made radioactive by the radiation. Wendell Caldtwe-Ll Is C'hadrman. Prot. Emmett L. lk>nnet.t Jr. of will not be used may be ex­ Slated at Union tants. , explosion, would dl ill ofr in a Radioactlvi~y Decreases Yale university "Deciphernnent changed or- refunded Feb. 14. Dr. Ralph E. Lapp said a sin- deadly dust cloud. This is because the radioactiv- FOLK DANCE AND FOLK without a Rosetta Stone: Recent Upsold books and money from A post-game party gle hydrogen bomb, exploded As the cloud swept downwind ity of atomic dust drops off open to :the !public, will be Work on lih.e Mycenaean ScriPt" sales of books may be obtained held at the Iowa -I Ona Vear Ago Today close to the ground, could coat there would ,be a continuous fall- sharply wHh the passage of held il\'li the Women's gym., Satur­ (illustrated) art. 8:15 p.m., F.riday, Feb. 15-18. ion Saturday night an area the size of Maryland out of radioactive dust to settle time. day, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. Dances Feb. 18 at Slhambau~ lecJture Ihe Iowa-Indiana President EisenhoweJ,j dieclat'ed it ~:his policy to keep ilihe U.S. about 10,000 square 1'l!iles with on the earth's surface. Lapp said a structure liIee a and songs !WiLl be ltaugbt. Please room of the University li.brary. MARINE CORPS OFFICEB game. from getting involved in a hot war in Indooh.ina or anywhere else a potential death mantle of ra- Glowing Bulbs barn would provide second-c ass bring icuitac8, banjos, fiddles. procurement team will interview The party will ' be held in dlhe world. dioactivity. He compared a lield covered protection. Radioactive dust fall- TIUs dance Is !or beglnna-s as ZOOLOGY SEMINAR WILL men for officelL candida le course 9 p.m. until midnight in An ,irllite 'taxpayer a furor in the U.s. tax oftice Des eremed m Lapp said nuclear discoveries with radioactive dust to a field iilg on the roof still would irra­ well as experienced f 0 I k tod'ay at 4:10 p.m . in t'oom in the Iowa Memorial Union lounge. Leo Cortemiglia's Moinee When he paid ip911t of hts .income tax wd1lh a tuhful 01 sil­ meet have raced far ahead of civil full of glowing light bulbs. wate the individual. However. dancers. 201 of the Zoology :building. Dr. lobby Feb. 14, 15. bo will furnish music for VN dollars 6losh~ with red fluid and lalbeied "blood money." defense planning. He said a If a man stood erect in the they would be farther away and Sasha Malamed, research asso­ ing. "thorough house cleaning" of center.. ot a field, some light from the dis tance would substitute for UNIVERSITY CAMERA CLUB cia,te in .;he zoology department, PHARMACY WIVES WILL The purpose -I Fiva Vean Ago Today the Civil Defense esLi\.blished is aU the bulbs or some "ilium ina- Solid shieldnig. will meet Thursday, Feb. 17 at will speak on "'l1he Effect of entertain !their ihusbands today, is to 'build up interest 7:30 p.m. in room 408, Phar­ union, acx:ording to The Umted States struck a double Iblow at Communist am­ needed Wld added: tlon" of radio active rays from Lapp said Civil Defense poll. Oxygen Poisoning on­ in rthe basement of "'he lowa­ maoy.. BdtaJ! ,y IbuiadiDg. Prof. Ed­ Holt, A4, Des Moines, biUons in rtlhe Far East by movl/lf to strengthen democra1.ic Inun.ced tha.t a new liibrary is wllil be held at Ithe River coom Deej/an will speak on "Develop­ Maoo'rS "J~." 'Sariurd.y at il.he 'top af SUJ'& 1P06t-~ building ll6t. . atomic Ibomb, declared that peo­ or the Iowa MemOl'ial Union ing a Time and Effort Saving Onei ShniJbat. 2 IJlJffi. Sunday: Be1JIJe Jo Phelan. A2, Mason City, reigned as queen of the Cur­ ple in "the shadow of the atomic F.eb. 15 aJt 7:30 ,p.m. All non­ Pian to Use at Home." Breaklast-Klatsch, 10~15 a.m. rier Swe&1heam d81lJCe. clOud" can't run away from it. ka,ternity and lratem.ity medical . Night supper, 6 p.m., D;ln Isaac:­ He said the only thing a per­ wives are iJllVi.ted. Wives who ALL STUDENTS REGISTER­ son, lolk singer. V Twenty Vaar. Ago Today son can do i~ go underground - have not been contacted eaLl ed in the Business and IndUstrial r~ervatiOll6 Feb. 14. UNIVERSITY COO P E RA· in a shelter, Ibasement or fox­ • FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1955 6928 ror by Placement office should stop ut SIi~ tlve Baby sitting league book Iowa City's water. almost undrlllkable for more than a week hole - imd wait a day or two Hos.tessses are the Nu wives. 107 University hall immedia,tely will be In charge Mrs. M~­ due to ''organic matter" grOl\Vlng under the Ice of the Iowa river, lor the radio-activity to die UNIVERSITV CALENDAR after second semester registra­ ot jorie Oelerlch Jrom Feb. 8-SI. will be back to normal in a few days. down. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Items are scbeduled BILLY MITCHELL SQUAD· tion In order to record the new BEC Telephone her at 8-2741 lor a Iowa City Elks. Legionnaires and members of the Junior Create Flre-Ba)l In the President's office. Old Capitol. ron 01. ~e NnoLd Air society class schedule and to make ad­ Chamber of Commerce joined a national anti-Red campaign with Writing In the Bulletin of the will twwe a N¥llar business sitter or information about j()ln­ ditions or chanps on the aca­ Ing the group. a petition askini congress for legislation to deny citizenship rights Atomic Scientists. Lapp said an Saturday, February n Wednesday, February 16 meeting. Tuesday, Feb. 1'5, 1955 demic course stieets. to subversives. ! \ H-bomb, exploded close to the 7:30 p.m. - Basketball _ 10- B.OO p.m. - University Chor- at 7:30 ,p.m. in the chapt.e.r room. wa vs. Indlana/- Fieldhouse. us Co'ncert - Main Lourige, Iowa Speuker ,willlbe Davdd Price, ex­ lOWA CITY CIVIC MUSIO Memori,i Union. ecutive of the B.s.A. dlstrJct. . NEW AND. 01:0 STUDENTS assocIation WIll present Paul Sunday. February 13 Tbursday. February 17 Interested in Joining ,the Unlver- Badura-skoda, . pianist, Mondar, 507 E. 2:30 p.m. - Iowa Mountain- 9.00 p.m. - Triangle Club 113rd ANNUAL MILITARY ~ity ~ymphony OrChestra should Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. In Macbrld'l ball will be held in the main inquIre at room lLO in the Mu- hall auditorium. His program ~ers travelogue - "Capturing Dance - Iowa Memorial Union. The Daio/ Iowan 10ll'1'loge at lih.e Iowa Memorial sLe ,building. 'l:'her~ nre !l nu.m- wlll include selections by Bac:h, PH · Friday. February 11 ,Jungle Babies," Sasha Siemel - ber vacancIes m the string Mozarl Hlndemlth Chopin and 8:15 p.m. - Iowa society. Ar­ Union, Friday, Feb. 18 Ift'lOnl 9 or FRIlDAY, '¥1EBRlJIARY 11, 1955 Macbride 'auditoriuql. ;to 1 a.m. Eddy Howa,rd and sections. The orchestra will Bartok: ' chaeological Institute of Ameri­ rP.m. 3-5 p.m. - Union Board tea his onchestra will provide music present three concerts this sem­ Publ1lbed dally exeept 8ullClU and anan .f ,at. •..... rlb.n II ",.n" ca. Speaker: Prof. Emmett L. IIondlll and le,al boUda,. b, 8tud",' iii, ••••• na DaII, Je .....u •• IaU •• DAILY IOWAN IDITO.tAL STAPP dance. for dancing. Ent.el'tlllinment will ester in addition to assisting In NEWMAN CLUB ANNOCNf;)· ln,le Bennett Jr., "Decipherment I'IIbIIcatlou. Inc. lao Iowa Av ... Jowa •• ,an••• " Ia CI...... D.b •••• I:dllor ...... Gene be preeeM.ed lilt tile IntenmiS!lon the Easter concert presentation C8 t.he ifollowing events: Sunday. ett)'. lowi. anllftd .. ~ cJa...... II .,.. f ...... M ....fInI J:dllor ...... Jerry H_ 7;30 p.m. - Union Board free &I • , ... II.... ' IIl".rb P.... , Without a Rosella Stone: Recent of Mendelssohn's "Elijah." Lee shUng party meets M tile ..u matter at the POIt .office a' .D. Wire Bdllorw •..• Ira Kapen.teln and movie - "Viva Zapata" as weD as ,presentation of "MiBI Jowa CIt)', under tile act of _ ., .... &I U ...... ,. Work on the Mycenaean Script" center at 2:30 ,p.m. where iIIIey 01 Mata. I, 1m. \ Larry Alkire Ma in lounge. Iowa Memorial Honorll'I'Y Cadet Co1one1" and .. CIt)' Editor •...... D on McQullJen at Shambaugh lecture room. her &ta~f. All rese

I TIll DAILY IOWAX--lowa Cit!.. la.-Frt., Feb. 11, L95~Ne I

, ' I Bi!ly Mitchell Group Chooses Officers ., UW A Schedules"Vefs' Hospital Party In tle Sl~~J New staff officers of the Billy Party" det advisor. Mitchell Squadron of th Arn­ I An ail-hospital party sponsor- • I JSaw ... old Air society were Instarred Plans were made for a smOker have lbeien IPredlctloos ed by University Women's as- Wednesday evening at a meet­ to be held Tuesday, Feb. 22, at mi.tied laobor movement B1 laD. Papke lI. soclatlon will be held Sunday at Ing held in the chapter room. 7:30 p.m. in the military depart­ ake over completely the 6:45 p.m. in the rearea tiona I William Vaughan, C3, Ottum­ tiIc ,panty. Olihers iloreAee · .. Zipper plaid dressing cas­ ment lounge in the Arm()ry. All lounge of the Veteran'S Admin­ Queen es that can De used for traveling wa, Is the new squadron com­ l" will ~adually lISSume Istration hospital. mander. Roland McPherson, cadets interested in learnin: ure of ma£ntalndn.r. ~t or on a dresser at home. They A vat'iety show will be pres­ have a lid that pOps up when C3, Glidden, is the squadron ex­ more about the Billy Mitchell ~how .of In.depenaelltCEt pt ented tha t will be broadcast the c~ is unzipped. In red ecutive oflicer. Squadron are invited to attend. t.tles, so holding a posi- through the hospital including ..... h1ch rtJhe Wlhlp ~an be tbe neuro-psychlatric and tuber­ plaid for under $4 . A t Wednesday's meeting, After taking his new of!ice, at wl,l!. Fulosis wal ds. · .• Cold water soap pOwder Vaughan announced the follow- Vaughan acknowledged the re­ in Br,ltatn during he Invitation have been sent to to use especially for woolens. ing appointments to his staff: tiring officers for excellent lead­ ,1 nBttiona lIzatiolll pro­ • all the patients. They were made Perfect for sweaters, wool socks, William Stein, E2, Lemay, Mo., ership dUling the past year. The operations officer; John Graham. out-going officers are Crawford; tlhe Lalbor rpa!l'ty the ~y UW A members. knitted suits and blankets. No morAS Itlhere decided Ito All women students wishing shrinking, matting or blocking. E2, Brooklyn, comptroller; Jel ry CHarles Fada, E4, Red Oak; elr leaders ,to otakia all to par~iclpate as hostesses may Good for synthetic fabrics also. Larson, AI, Harlan, adjutant- Keith MC£artney, C4, Ba,ley, ant in bOards or manage­ conta'!t Barbara Behrens, Aol, One pOund of pOwder for about recorder. and Norman Smalley, C4, Iowa elr contentioll was tIh&t Oelwein, at ext. 3474"Miss Beh­ $1.50. Larry Abel, A2, Clarion, pub- City. ming respollSibility for rens is general chalrmao of the · .. Pajamas for your valen­ lie information oWcer; Wayne Military advisors lor the lQua­ ellit a union lead ~' r was event. tioe, In men's or women's sizes Wells, AI, Maquoketa, personnel dron are taj. Kenneth McEw­ come in corl'!lict I WjHIh Committee members are Elea­ for about $8. While background officer: Norman Driscoll, E2,. en and Lt. Morton Blaldsdell, , nor Fleming, A4, Whltemore, with red heart designs. Wom­ Preston, tirst sgt., and Ronald both professors in the air ,cience er itJhJtn,gs evolve in the publicity chairman; Jody MyeJ;s, en's style Is length. G. Clawlord, C4, Ainsworth, ca- department. Sta.tes, Western Eleetri~ SYITIM day, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.t1; tee your' Placement Officer for (ull detail•• lounle. 'Viva ZaPata CAMPUS INTERVIEWS arlon Drando, Jean ~t­ 9:00- 5:00 • February 16 d Anthony Quinn will be is ~.~.~- .... ~~.-----~----~------~~------.----~. I .

.' I J •• I

PaI'e 4-THE DAfi.Y IOWAN-Iowa Cltr, Ia.-Frl., Feb. 11, 1955 ,- • House· PI


• I 10 Boycotl rei" Ope.n I"door Season Tonig I I

Wisconsin." HIm most or the ev­ Sunday Sales Badgers Due ents, we have two good men who First Position Prize ' Boys' Tournament Scores DES MorN'ES (IP)~D s Mol should score well in dual meets. A year ago we had only one A·Brlll 73. Wesl Be.. ~1 oCti.cia Is of kFL t1 n ions s good one. The team also has more B·Prairle CII, 18, B ..... U RoOKal ••• 68, KIDr.1I 1\1 Th u·rsd a,y they are a slci ng ~t To Meet balance than usual except for In Gopher-Illin; ·Tilt B.A,ooo, G~, '.Ia.kl 91 B.t::.. el'b~" Oalb.Uo 110, 8" ..I.r members to make no Sun( , B·Aldoo 'I, ~ ..boal a •• k fA the distance races," Cretzmeyer a·Turll ... L... Coaler L.h or ..,.) M(!IN>NEAPOLIS (JP) - Mlnne­ B·Lou Tree Ii', V.... r S. , (15 purchases dn grocery stores. revealed earlier in the week. sota and llUnois, one str.aining 'to side shooting !by 5-9 Bill Ridley, A·Ta ..... 7•• New Sh ..o ... 3 B.Mol.h.. fO. D.II.. fG 'l1he move of itJhe craft un Since neither team has had end an 18-year Big Ten famine B·Sholi a ••k ill, Plalafleld M .·a.... n 4', o .....t •• at Iowa Here rElbound power Iby Paul Jud500., B.Hull II. lawo.d f. 8."al&vl. OS,L•• k,ld,. 118 group, which Jws some memt previous inter-school competi­ and the other a habitua,l basket­ A·Perr, 116. O,de~ " a·!lI•• Io:, ... !)t, LI~ert1.1II. ~ I Bruce Brothel'S and Geonge Bon­ employed in rotan ·!.ood sto ball ipOIWer, mee~ in one Oif the A-Br.lklyft. 61, MIDi., ••• II 1I.0e •••• ~4, Alexa.der f! J By Bob Uooker tion, speculation on tonight's Sa'Ue, and one of tlhe sw~~t B-8w.a Clly fill. Armltr •• , IIfI 8-"III.on Ol,.urilliow 34 was made known a,t a j( Iowa unveils its 1955 indoor meet Is difficult. However, the show,pieces of 'ihe season Satur­ tel¥l'TlS in I!Jhe nation. B·B.. da 11, MI. Varmel G1 II-CaM)' 61, Fanta.elle H1 day before a national , A·Wapel.. 88. M • •••Une Calh.lI. Gl meeling of organized lal track edition tonight' against Hawks may be able to win at BonSMle IWiJ:I epot Simonov~ A·P.. hllle at, M.r·Ma. 31 s.tore managtm1ents and l~ast seven events, namely: the audience. almost d'our }nC'hes in '\he pivot 8.F.rmln,I •• lit, 8IrmIG,".m f' Wisconsin in a Big Ten dual (IYllrUme) clergy. To ,the willlller will go l\Jhe fa~­ meet at 7:30 in the field house. mile, two-mile, high and low but has grea1er dexJterity. A·Parkersbur,47. Or ...., Cnler fG Ameche About Set orJ>te's role in a conference /fight A · Pallora M, G,.lIIrle Ce.ler lit l A' '(!oncerlbd eatnpalgn to ,I The also the Badgers' hurdles, high jump, broad jump ColIC'h Ouie Cowles of. Min­ which has been 'lthe rtilg,hte&t in nesota and 11100011;' H a r r y A·K • .,..III. 80. Pella GIl Sunday gro:cry operations . lirst competitioh of the season. and pole vault. 8 EI,. •• d AI. Orand Mu" (511 To Sign with Colts years. MIJVlesota, last A·Ne. 8.mpton 18, Na.h". l1li Si!t in motion a.t I\he meel Iqwa makes its only other home CoMbes have Ibe~ engaged in a Rich Fergllson, Toronto, Ont., shared t11e ~jg Tel'\! tttle In 1937, A·LUII l1li. Coryd •• !If which ·was calle.d Iby the meN'y IJlSYdholoiiI;:aL babtle all A·E.I"o ..lIIe 00. O ..olll.,er 37 MjM)lSON, Wis. (JP)-Wdscon­ appearance Feb. 19 :lgainst Min­ senior distance runner with the leads with a &02 record, and! Bil­ Moine!( Area M.inisteria 1 sea.son, each insis.tlng Ithe ather A·Rem •• n (81. Mary'.) I', 81 .. " CU, sin's ('Ilhie nesota. international laurels after plac­ (L.od,) ~A !famed Alan Horse) artion. nois and .Iowa .are a hall game has the Ibest personnel in t11e A-Anamo •• 6'!, MoaU.ell. Banking on balance and depth, ing third at 4:04.6 in the British el AImeo,he said Thursday he 16 j~ back a,t 5-2. league. B·Ga,wln 1'~, GreeD Me.llla •• 46 lJ1he comm~ ~tce for Coach Francis Cn!tzmeyer lig­ But Iowa will buck a tougl'\ IBUit a Vlictory tor Cowles B-Medl.p.n. 61. sperrr .6 about set 11.0 s~gn with the Balti­ servance, comrnposed ures to field a fairly strong Io­ "·Oooor." fit, Waulton ., TIME SCHEJ)VLE rood oohedUile in Illite Febl'uary would put ihim neaner >to Ibecom­ "·Fort M ...... 71, B.,nu,tl. Va'lo· more Colts ot rthe National Foot­ tatives of \a 001', wa team this winter. However, 7:!tO p.m.-Mile run, pole vault, hlJ'h that 'include$ games h.t hoth MJn­ 011. eo and the ministry, was Jump and shol pal. ing Ithe Itia'st Big Ten coaoh in A· Mill. I., F.h.1 CII, ., ball league. late Thursday Cretzmeyer pre­ 1 : .~.yard d., h. nesota and Illinois. Minnerota history Ito win aot "·"1101. 18, Edhvlll. lead I1. he drive. f. 'Dhe tullbaclc 6ald dIcted "a tight meet" with the 7:4r»-Broad Jump. hasn't Joot at home aN season two diMerent sohools in a major A·H.mbold. 19, Clarlo. 17 (e n.,· "; :r,()--440·y.rd run. time.) IIhe ColJts, wIh.o Ipilcked him ns At the opening of Badgers who arc rated in the &:_70·yard blrb hurdl ••. and hasn't ever!! .been pressuced. spont. He won wilih Midhigan in A·"II. 60'1, Siorm Lake 6S (ovorll ..e) lng, Edrie C. Greaves B .. Cofn 4J , Riverktn Ill) theia' No. 1 droIit IC'hoice, had aig Ten's middle grouping of 8:ID--Two-mHe rua. Against balance, speed 1948. tltat the Des Moines S:'.!~8gn .. ,..ard run. and slick :fJ1()()I'!WOrk, Minnesota RoOTh.rmaD 86, Percival !!!l made ilim a ""ood" ofler. teams along with Iowa. & :~ 1O-7R.y.fd low hurdle•• Game Itime is 2 ,p.m., CST. B .. Andrew ". CrelloD ." La·hor assembly 'was ask The 12-event program opens I:.~ne mile relay. wdll tbrQW two ~ the fineSot In games Saturday niiht, Ohio 8-Ben... 1•• lAM .11... REU'Ol"t.s Pilot AmPdhe's prob­ B·C ••••• 62, Sliver Clly H local union and shal1pshooters in the lallld, Dick saLa.ry '1 with the mile run, pole vault, State .is ad; Wlisconsln, Ind,iana at B·Henders.n 7~, Macedonia 43 able SIt BallliJlllore at ili· farllilies flo "mfrajn from high jumj and shot put all at Empire games mile behind .Ro­ GalllTlaker and Ohuck Mencel, lawa, MiIohlgan at Purdue and 8."ln.,...rtb 48, LeU. 41 tw~n $15,000 and $17,000 a I B.Rlve.. ldo U, Ilarper (SI. III ••• necessal'lY Sunday Ipurch 7:30 .p.m. and closes with the ger Bannister and John Landy, and IPOnderous Blill SimonoviC'h, MLahLgan state M; NoJ1thwestem. beth) S6 year. groceries a nd other last summer, will run two ev­ a 6..111, 285-lPOund center. one-mile relay at 8:45 p.m. The necessilLias. II 1 winning team needs 57-plUS ents. He is tonight's favorite in Garmaker, it ®trflween 250 and 260 fifth place in the 440 in thc Big Ferguson Chosen poinlts in ,ilhe other events. TUCSON, Ariz. (JP)-Charles Ten outdoor meet last spring; Mvc Foe, 54-46 Palbterson's pet events SIre Sifford, a stocky Negro who has Bjorn Thompson, who has gone '55 T k C f' CEDAR RAlPlDS - Iowa City trampoline and tum:b11n.g. He followed the win.ter go1r cireui,t L3 feet; and Louis Zur in the rac ap aln mmed <;:edar Rapids Wilson, has made 51 ipOIi.niI.s in .tour meets through Los Angeles, Plhoenix pole vault; Charles Thomas, who 54-46, Tuesday nl,ght in a Mis­ holds the meet shot put record of Rich Fer,guson, C4, Tororuto, slssi. (Soml·tlll"ls) Oklahom .. 59, Oklahoma A 4 M M he said, "and fuey acen',t going Get your FREE copy CAREER Sl,ma A'ph. E 1,,11011 40. Slema Phi 0/ to last, certainly not in golf. In Epsilon 31 Phi Kappa I'sl SiI , Phi Gamma Oelta four or five years they are going :14 to ret us p-Iay all over >the 'na­ Professlonlll Fraternity Lea,ue (Sem..,I •• I.) tion." Phi Epsilon K.ppa W!. Alpha Kappa Siffor

"Doors Open 1:15-9:45" House Page Boys in a ,tizzy S~LL • , - DES MOINES (JP) - House of -- - ~I±~I~ Want to RENT, BUY or representatives page boys wert' inee is Joan·K. Howard of ere,- "Ends '0 Boye' 0"' In a tizzy Thursday over what co. START TODAY Monday" they called "inter terence" fro"1 The nine house pages will sel- 1I memb rs of the Demoertltic mi- eet the queen a few days before horlty in the house. lne March 17 St. P atrick's day • lii,U'jb.(!wa' • ," ~"I-",", The nine pages had selecter:\ "nnual house clerks and pag", I:IUIIt ••• OUTlAW•• • .. DEli,''' OIIIVI.' Sunday Sa I es biii:lliiil· ..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ~~~e~o~,a;di~~I;~UI~:d ~~~e~ ~t: .. iii DES MOINES (lP)-Des Moines Republicans. Whereupon some "J)oors Open 12:00 - NOON" Delllocratic members of the NOW -Ends oItLelals of AoFL !Unions said house nominated a candidate Tuesday _ Thursday they are asking ~hclr too. The page boys sa id they ...... IIIIL members to makc no Sunday did "the gentlemanly thing" ~nd .?' [...... "~ A pul'Chases lin grocery stores. accepted the nominee of the De- _ ::::! ~ _:..! ~ :::! _! !!! The ,move of I ~he craJt union mocrats. • Dave Hansen of Atlantic, one 'TIS TOWN TALK! group, whi~h ,has some rnembea's of the page boys, said "It ha~ SIIOWS AT - 1~ : Ir. - ': 10 The Daily Iowan employed in rotail food stores. always been the privileges of the 11:18 - 8:00 - "Ptal .. r. 11:15" was made knoWn a,i a joint pages to select the queen. We PRICES NOT ADVANCED! meeting of organized lalbOr, feel that our rights have been s.tore mano1gcments and the infringed upon. However, we Lost and Found Inslruc1ion Typ.l_nQ::;.... ____ c1erg>y. WANT AD RATES will accli!pl thc nominec of lh~ LOST: Roury. ebony. made In Fr.Ince. BALLROOM dance IHIona. IIIIDI You4e TYPING. '"'- Oae ...~ __ Ie per eche About Set I A'I~oncert&:t ca ,m~lgn to hall Democrats." w.... Phone 95~~ . "'11r11&. MlOtLe Ma. ---______Sunday grozery operations was Sclec tcd by the pages without Tbree clan _ lZe per word TYPING. thHH and tnanl1oo1pt. b­ Sign with Colts Five dan __ 150 per worcl Miscelioneous for Sole Baby Siltino ~omm ...elal \.ucher. Work ruarantHd. set In. motion a.t ruhe meeti'n,g, rcgal'd to pOlitical aftiliatiotl, Olal "24£3. whiCh was called iby the Des TeD da~ __ 10e per word , LSON, WIs, (A')-W!lseon. H anscn said, were these three FOR SALE: G .. norul Electric Refrl,era- CIULD CARE In my home w~kl1. r{omcs" Area Ministerial associ­ ODe Moath .. _. Sle per w .... +Or. Dial 8-...... DIal 8-2783. TYPING. un. ~ 6ald D~NCELAND Classifieds For Resultsl Ten insertions per month, Wuhlncton. hom.. Dial 1·1214. Col1ls. wIho lPilckenth • • ,0. $20. Maple desk wllh vanity mIrrOr. $l~, COUch wIth 511P 72 poilllts; Waymc Swick- House for Rent WHITE Cennan Shepberd James Vincent, edu<:ation cli­ BOBBY ANDERSON eOver. $10. Re(rlnrator, rebulll 01:, monlla old. 0 1.1 ~ . 41:91 .~ . 6533. 3; Don Hodge, 62, and Cap­ reetor of 1Jhe IQwa Sta,le Lndus­ & HIS ORCHESTRA rOlt Renl - Npw hou... 125 month Dan Fogel, GO. trial U.nion council (CIO) said CLEANING UP FOR TILE SJ!I\SON : Write Box 17 Dally low .... . isconsin, Satlurday's oppon­ that 'the 010 wou.ld "CO-l>perMe Next WEDNESDAY Worm. sheep lI"ed coau. Topcoots. Personals Sult.B. Overeool'!O. Rwe~ters. bltr and h as rUed l!llOl.a n a but lost to in any wny we can!' in the cl­ BIG MASQUERA.DE BALL Email. HOCK-EYE LOAN. Who Doea It ~an, Minnesota, Illinois font oto promo.le closing of stores DON HOY & his Host of Stars PERSONAL LOANS on typewrlt.... ---- Ohio State, four of the best on Sunday. phonOtlraph~ . 51l0rt. equipment. Jew­ The Market·, Great. The CO I. 5m.1II elry. HOCK·EVE LOAN COMPANY. Iowan CI Ifled. Brat Them Alii e con.feteMe. Jim Mll11J)hy I Phon •• 191 Today e side hoose and parallel 1118% South DubuQ4e. is othe Badgers' top man. DON'T PROWN 'l'lIOSE KITTENSI W. IOWAN Claulrled. will 410 )lour ..lIIn. COU FALLS will lind a pleD""nt home for them Job l Phone 4Ul. Il you Wll1t lewer plales to 1111. Just Ran(h Supper Club phOne 4191 and a courteous classified CUSTOM work .Itb tractor. lItltl. la,,~ ndl4ker will help YOI1 flnd them Q home. S~rla"" . presents Work Wanted Wanted Dick Kaufman Wanted: W.shlnl and Ironln,. Phone W"1IM'ED : Baby crIb. n East PrenH .. 'on and his 8-2913. aVe . Dixielanders SltWINO, rePIlrine. 7tH. ck EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TYPEWRITERS TO DAY'S Complete Dinners Served $3889 • • Rentals . Seven Nights a Week LOVELY 24' X 32' LOOKING FOR • Repairs NORTH STAR • Sales Daily Iowan SOMETHING? Authorized· Royal CUSTOM BI,IILT ON YOUR Dealer LOT AND FOUNDATION Shop .and Save Yo~'l1 lind the Items YOU Portables StQndards • SA Vfl thou!lOndl of dollors with • are looking for In The Daily the roomy quality CAFP-liOMEI Our skJUed carpenter.' ebmplet-ely rouJlh-ln Iowan Classified Columns. your home. YOU geL 011 lumber mater· And i! you have an item to Wikel - lals ror finishing. Work and materials sell, The Dally lowan Classl­ ,uarunteed flne. t q uality. Price In· fieds provide you with an easy, Typewriter Co. Iowan Want .. Ad -Way tlludel famous Removable WJndows! Hundreds 01 true a rchitectural desiln. low-cost salesman. to choose from-or usc your own. ACT Whether it's buying or sell­ Dial 8-1051 23 E. Washington Pflone 4191 NOWI Our conSlnlction MC hedule. are ing, its The DailY Iowan Clas­ mode UJ> Jn udvance. Writ.. CAPpo HOMES. Dept. rc. 400 E Court, De. sified Columns Cor you. Moines. Iowa. In Cedar RClPld9--Carl Miller, 2215 "D" Ave .• N.E. PHONE 4191 DAILY IOWAN-WANT ADORDER BLANK I ------,------1Publi.h To deter- THE DAILY IOWAN Ad the I mine CO$t Days ."'rina of ad Checked I turn 10 ·s · · FORREST TUCKER WANT ADS .,--,--I Tues.- 1 role box, 1I1~:tnl VICTOR Md.AGLEN . JOHN McCALLUM. fillurin. MARGAR£T McCOURT· ARtHIE OONCAII first ~AME ...... ~ ...... 'Wed. I column of I Thur. ENDS Ingrid Bergman- want ad ADDRESS ...... ;-";'I-F-ri-. --I TONJTE • • SARATOGA TRtJNK section CALHOUN ·PIPER lAURIE . ---~ START I Sat. DAVID BRIAN· KATHLEEN HUGHES· ALEX NICOL I ~c~o~st~ ______T_O_W_N __ .._ .. _... ~ .. ~... _.. _ .. _... _ .. _... _ . ·~···~·· ·_··~·~~ll~m~o~· __ 1 COMPANION FEATURE Saturda Here •.• in Technicolor ... The Complete Story of the I WRITE AD CLASSIFICATION HERE ~ Finelt Fishtins' Force in the Worldl 1------,...--1

SEE ... The New SEE . .. NIKI, The SIIE . .. Skysw•• p.r I-----~I Am,,'n.. Oulded Radar Cenlroll.d ATOMI CANNON MJ ,sll. Anll·Alrorati \------:-'-----1 1 I 1 I What goes on a girl about 18 1 I latches on fo a I I The AI ost Beaulif"l Love 1.-- ~I=:::::~ __ ~I~\ JiI._ Stor!f in th e World. 'flw Most Beautif"l Mo. tiorl Picture Since 'The Red

l\tld­ West .... emJere

OI\PITOL• 'l'heatre j~~-IW. • LOOK AT THE 5HADDUPl Starts &T.~S! DON'T GO TO 6LEEP. TUESDAY YOU FEEL ~ I'LL KICK LITTLE AND THE LIV,N' UNIMPORTANT? LIVER OUTA 1~! you!! Shirley BOO'hitops her Academy Award triumph in loniE'oSferri", ·".J'ulietII..... I.rTlCHNlCOLOa, . "Come Back, Little Sheba:' SHIR,-EY BO H Laurence Harvey· Susan Shentall . Aom Robson ROBERT RYAN OFFICE Wooland .M BiD Tr8V1n • SebesIien . yjill ' App~r Here Sunday on Mountai near's Program------:. . I Bailey Re·Elected I Asks China Permit SUI Chorus Chamber Singers ' e . I 'H ell ~ · J To Red Cross Term Huntsman Sleme as KI eo 260 aguars ":;:;h~::~;n:,':h!":"::' ITo Give Concert Wednesday The SUI chorus and Univer- Sasha Sleme), wild gam ~ direclors of the Johnson county hunter, photographer and auth­ !liLY Chamber SingGrs will pre- "Blessed Are ,Idle Fa~bh!ul" Iby ing 219 with guns and 12 with and hunt In the South American chapler of the American Red senot a c6ncert _Wednesday at 8 HeinJ1ich Schutz, "Oh eiI'UibLm 3E or, will give two lectUles Sun­ bow and arrow. jungles. Cross for the 1955-56 term, day at Macbride auditorium. pm. in Iowa Memoria,1 Union. I Song" by Mik,hail Glinka and (Jerald Stark will conduct bne "The Hundredth Psalm" by R. Siemel will show two movie., Several sportsmen have asked Th~ 8 p.m. will show till. Other officers cleeted at the chorus and Stephen HObson i\.he Vaughan Williams. "Capturing Jungle Babies," al Siemel to hun1 with them. Four hunting of Jal,'Uars wilh spear '. annua'lmeoting held recently arc small cr ~ horal group. 2:30 p.m. and "Man-Eater," at books have been written about The natlves and scenery of the 'Emil Trott, vice-Chairman, Mrs. A brass ensemble and organ 8 p.m. R. A. Fcnton, vice-chairman for , Opening 'bhe pmgram will be will pro~idc t.he accompaniment him. Mallo Grosso country of BrazIl the fi rst movement of "Advent Siemel is believed to be the mlunteers, Prof. Elmer Hills, lor "Tho HundreC'th Psalm." The Slemel family, his wife will be included in the movie. treasurer, and Mrs. William Motet" by Gustav Sc!)rcck, Morlon Davis wi)! be ol',ganist. only white man 10 hunt Jaguars ~ L with only a spear. He has kill­ Edith, son Sasha and ~aughters The Iowa Mountaineers arc Spear, secretary. Prof. Frank t The ensemble Is under ~hc di­ rcction' of William Gower. ed 29 wlth spears. Sandra and Dora, ",viii star ir. sponsors of the Slemel lectures. Sills is chairman of the fund l,. Bliuard, Avalanches The Latvian-born adventurer the 2:30 p.m. film. They wili Tickets will be on sale at the raising program. The Chamber Slngct'5 will pre­ has kIlled 260 Jaguars, Includ- show how they live, rish, dre~s door. ' The 1 955 goal was set at $17,- SINGER Elise Rhodes (above) Isolate French Skiers sent Boon's "Motet: J e.'l> U, Price­ 144. The local chapter will re­ reportedly applied to the state Treasure" and "Six Cha­ department for a pa sport to PARIS (JP) - A violent bliz­ sons" by Paul Hindemith. The , I' receive $9,059 qnd rtJhe remainder zard in the wake of ratn and un­ will be sent to the national 01'­ 10 to Communist China as chorus will close the program hud of a rroup of show peo­ seasonably mild weather has wi'th a ,group including "Where Lakeside Summer ganiza~ion . caused Alpine avalanches, 150 1- '(ar~Train ple to entertain U.S. prisoners Allt and Love of B. auty" !rom .. . Last year's report showed that captured In the Korean war, :lting some 4,500 pe r8t'''IS in at the ClpOl'a "Fi crraihras" Iby Franz $20,132.27 was 1C01lected ~ In ad­ ------lea-l In: fashionable r "' eh ski Sohuboot ano "Gipsy Songs" by finkbine U dition, approximately 6,322 hours res. :. l II the Ita li an b"r~er. Johannes Bra;hm . -Plans Announced ' to community actlvities and hos­ Ryder To Address (rasb Kills Thl: n.,rts, Val d'Isere and Mary Rumreioh, Mahoomen, Plaru for, two five-weelc ses------­ Sasha Siemel pita~ were donated by volun­ Alpe d'H{'uz, hnve been cut oCf Minn., grad :Jate student, Is piano teer wOl'kers. SUI sluden ts con­ sions this summer at the Iowa tions. He was named to t1h.e- po­ Tu Be Here Sunday Engineer Banquet since early Wednesday. They accompani ~ l for the d ho~us . Lakeside lalboratory on the shore sition a1'tcr bhe death last July tributcd 2,617 hours of service. J. D. Rydel', dean or en,gincer­ arc weil stocked with food and F'ree I\.ickets for the concert #. ing at Mlchigan State college, Injures 2 of West Oko\:>oji lake near Mil­ of Poro!. J. H . .Bod Lne, who had ------'-- authorities voiced no immediate will be available begln.ning Sa1. ~t woill address a banquet sponsored fOlld were Ijnoounced Wednesday directed the operations pf the fears' for the vacationers. urday !lit the Un,jon . (See pletur!L ~n RaKe 1) by Pro!. R. L. Klng of rtlhe SUI l8lbora1ory sInce 1932. -1To Give Recitals South Carolina Repeals by ,the SUI studenot ihranch o! the LaPORTE OIr! (JP) - A car­ zoology faculty, aating director Admin.istra,tion 01 ·the projeot Non-dueling' Oath I.nstitute ()f Radio Ejnginecrs in train co~lon at a country eross­ oJ the lalbora,tory. is conducted by Dean Bruce E. ttle Jef:ferson hotel WeQnesday. Over WSUI Saturday Dean Ryder will address the i'h& rook. IIw.() lives and seriously The f,irst of the rtwo ses6ions Ma'han of the SUI extension di­ COLUMBIA, s. C. (JP) - The Irljured two oiher persons near groUop on "Automation in Elec­ for students and teadhel'lS of zo­ vision. 11he SUI music diE!pantment legislature Thursday eliminated I4Porte City Thursday. tronics." ology, botany and biology will will present rSeven students on from the South Carolina consti­ The dead w~LI'e idenrtMied as Guests at the banquet, which at the begin June 13, the second July radio station WSUI's Recital tution a requirement that, office­ M!:s. Carl about 40, and wm b ~,gin at 6:30 'plm., will in­ Kan~, 18. Hall ,program at 11:30 a.m. Sat­ h<.. JdE'rs swear that thl'Y had not ~rs. James C. Dobry, 'both oC clude members of the SUI stu­ The laboratory, controLled ~ by urday. dueled since 1881. Cooar RlIIPids. (10 Seminar: dent ,bran«hcs of the American AIRPORT CAFE ~he &tate 'board of educMlon, is Lorin Meade, A3, Cedar Rap­ The oath had been H? quired IlloStitute of Electrical Engineers Hoopi·talized in W81tel'loo were tihe s;t5J of summer sessons de­ ids, and aeverly Sln>hman, A2, ~i 1ce adoption of the con,,1;tution and the American Society of STEAKS CHICKEN HAM Itenton Hutchison, about 18, Ce­ signed Ito supplement regular CharIton, flutists, will open the in 1895. Voters in 1952 approve, . the Iowa dar Rapids, wlho apparently was college course work In the na­ MANY OTHER DELICIOUS FOODS drtvlTllg the ear, and .Barbara To Discuss program wHh "Allegro SpiTito­ it.s 1 epeal. Thursday's ratifica­ City Engineers club ann mem­ tural sciences by ,providin.g stu­ , KantOr, 22, de.uehter of Mr. a'nd so e Minuet" by Beebhov E, - The collector ACE zero by dawn. The the El~urs.t Nursery sClh001 tor persons must be made by Feb. of customs Thursday received liel Jan. 27. me~ly retMded. chlJd.neIn 3Jt 17 w~th Davdd PrIce, district nearly a ton of fried grasshop­ KODAK Some reliof is in the Unh'bt'5ity ot Kansas and scout executive. 'l'he dinner- wHl pers consigned to a eh icago food hdped establish guidance Can Iowa · ,by Sunday. has be held in tIbe Annar 'ballroom distributor. Moin,coS wealher , services t~r l!"Leptlonal ohlldren "I guess people eat them," BLACK ir. Cedar Rapids. in ..publlc: sohools of several STEREO CAME RA 2 dioted '" a'rmcr said collector Frank Peska as he dtdes. ~gjht snow. figured a duty of $315.20 on the Never was picture· taking so \ T,he cold hit its low 'shipment. downright eliciting as with night and thi mornmg The distributor said the tid­ EPPER :'ing Crosby Leaves stereo! And now comes Kodak lb. mel'ol.lry oropped as far (ii, Record bits. imported from Yokohama, degrees below in nnr·th r~'" with a splendid new stereo Hospital, Appears Thin Japan, arc 'very tasty," adding: camera for only $84.50, inc. JIFFY :l Dell'ree Mark "We also have french fried SANTA MONICA, C.lif. (IP)- BIRTHS Fed. Tax. Stop in now and Friday's higoh In low , ~lng Crosijy, 50, II'ppearing ,pale Mr. and Mrs. John Swenk~ worms." Can toke a deep, deep look at WIIS a three-degree mark , and . thinner from hi.s contine- Riverside, a boy Wednesday at the beautiful pictures you can ~d a,t 2 p.m. The iIIrl ~ f th:, Jdemorial Union. Miss Lenice burg, Wednesday at University Bxs. midwest. Ei"h t Larkin, national ceglonal secre- hospitals. dumped upon Wef\: !Ilry of YWCA will speak on I Ozel Geyer, 48, Lewts, Wed­ Mocking ome highways. l'University, YWCA, and YOB." nesday at University hospitals. cans KLEE rrEX2 l~-lnch Snow rians for the second semester Mrs. Martha Sullivan, 61, R.R. PI E/ ' 4 C ~ ntral Pennsylvania wm be discussed. 7, at Mercy hospital. ! , MULBERRY 12 lno)l.e.s on the ground. 10 inches had (a·lien on Kentucky by late Fri ~' y Elven the s'ldes border Lb. Gutt at Mex ico were h: SUGAR SLICED by I,he co'd. TCI1',lje'nh. ·lBxs.23( Miami drorpcd f"o~ Th 80 l!! tlh t Ircellr'g point 1 CLOSING NOTICE day night. COBBLER 100-1 The cold posed a mil1i o 90 1065 threat in Texas .to 1 Grande valley winter vc g SBEE'HFOTo BraRi$eror tto-ps. Banks of Iowa City PcO,JATO ES i:~ Br~il National Low 'II,.' ~ , Fnazlcr, Colo., r~port.c Will Be Closed . , ( .' ... ~ .. , . To I •• 8·57' s Groundec -., e ,. ,. " t .. 1 0 T~~~N~rines1 RI BS ·Lb. Pending Study . .Saturday, Feb. 12 " 6° :' O( WAISJUNGTON (iP! - -I (ORANG~ LUSH'US 3-Lb. Can manufacturer's reQIJe5t, In Observance of ' AND BE SURE TO SEE OUR 2:1: ( force Friday 'l\Oundcd il twIn jet llgh t bombers J lUr1lher invosUgalilon c - DRINK J Cl'at>hes Tu e,~cI,ay. Lincoln's Birthday Rust Craft H Short' ning '11hc .eroundln.g op rder, de as a precautlonaty safol PERRY LOU sure, a,pplJes a lro to !.he , , Valentines II'GCOllnaissance ] One of the B-57's ora Iowa State Bank &T rlJst (0. IT PAYS TO IiARK AT Be.ilsvUIe, Md., less t and Cut Green Beans IT\lnut09 after ,taking oj the Glenn L, MarUn fa r: .8aolUmore on a deli ver P'EARSONiS ~~~~E t.o Tinker air ,torce b e , 'Corne, of Linn Clnd Mark.t St,eef1 homa City. ' llhc ,pilot wa kHled crewman seriously injure 'l1h.c o ~hcr ,R-'57 (\r3~he­ . , I ,P. on n rOUtine test tl~t r. pie Valley, ~if . , kHUr mon abool·d.

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