IN 3 DARK STREETS'- TheWeathe, , . .l fUll l 'cllturr " ,-- ~ Serving the State Cl-ar a" .aU.aei eel4 FRIDAYl ....,. HIP_ .ere _ 5- University of Iowa .bon. lAw. sen _ 15- bel... c..tbnae. .... Campus and e-! S....... ,· Iowa City a. owan Est. 1868 _ AP Leoaed Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cene. lowo City, lowo, Friday, February 11 , 1955 • ~--------~~~----------~----~----~~~~~----~~---------------~----------- ----------------- e.., ••"...... ".. ... SI''''&!.,lit""'" Iowa JToday-;­ Winds, 'Sub-Zero .Te,mperatu res Chill City , TIIRU I.~--~--------~~----------.j~--------------------~------~'~'--~--------------------------__ ~ ______________________ ~ ______ ___ Friday " ~-Day Iowa Vehicle Death Toll Reaches 7 .. ... 0 -BAcANl R¢arm Germany,: Cold' Wave T 5t~y ,l \ Through Saturday ' lhen Talk:-Churchil /. Nol'lherly winds blcw Ule coldest temperatures in two weeks lnlo Iowa City Thursday. The mercury in !bed up to a high of six dc;recs above zero at LONDON (.4» ~ Prime Mini- ----.-.:.....:..--------------------­ ster Sir Winston Churchill Ilaid 10 a.m., then started to drop. , THursday he still favors top-level It was {our-II O\'e at noon, three-a.bove at 2 ,p.m. and sil:­ talks with U1e Russians, but made below by 6 p.m. By 10 "lm. the reading was l1~low, and the marcury was aUu dropping. it clear to the new Kremlin Says Red .AnTis' The cold IVave Wi5 predicted rulers that Brilain intends to to hover over Iowa City and the SUSAN SLEPT.~.' HOII push ahead with reGrming West I Germany first. rest of Iowa throu:hout Friday ABOUT MRS . LfSlIl Equal Ours ' . Eddie Vincent and Saturday. The 80-year old statesman spoke in the hc.u~ or commons C ......... Air Ma. THE MAN IN as the British ambassador in WASHINGTON (Al) - Maj. -----~~---­ Gcn, James Gavin said Thu rsday The temperature drog was the Moscow, Sir WlIl iam Hayter, backward. Ineligible result of a cold Canadlan air • THE WHITE SUiT Americans should not "assume carried out secret negotiations Perhaps as far back as 1953, mR.liS pWihing acrass the United aimed.at a Formosa cease-!Ire. we have a patent" on new weap­ some au thoriUes sa id, lhe Rus­ States In a southeasterly direc­ ons and it would be "complete Starts FRIDAY Responding to Laborite de­ sia ns may have tound a way to tion, the Assoeiated Press re­ mands that he Invite the new folly" to think the Russians are save huge amounts of time and 2d Semesler ported. lagging. Soviet Premier, Marshal Nikolai material in triggering an H­ ,,' ' \, Irephol.l Forecaslers said the tnmpera­ Bulganin, to join in fop level Gavin, Army chieC of opera­ bomb. ' THE CAB IN WHICH TWO Ce4ar Rapids women were killed lies on Its top ,nlli' belnl hit by a Eddie Vincent, lown halfback, Is scholastically ineli 07 lble lor tU1"CS would reach SO-below in talks soon, Churchill declared: Roek ",Iand train eas ~ of LaPor'ie City Thursday morniDC. The dead, l\frs. Dorill Kantor aod j\lr • tions, agreed at a news confer­ They may have hit upon a second semester spring practice, North Dakota and Minnesota be- • '-:~n guy takes "The policy of the government OUlla Dobry, raise. the state motor vehicle toll for 1955 to 60. This ill Jut two short Df tM record a ence with the Moscow statement process involving heat-producing and Coach Forcst Evashevskl [ore dawn today. the high road ... is to seek a foul'-power confer­ of Marshal Ivan Konev that the compression which would require toll o( 12 b, Feb. II, 19~ • . The deaths were two o( seven Wednesday and Thursday (ol:o ll'lnl four days l401th no m9lor vehlele In Iowa. (See ,tory on Pare 6.) said Thursday he was not coun ~ - The cold air broUiht snow In there's trouble and ence at a time when it seems Soviets have "all kinds of weap­ compal atively little at the fis­ de.,- ing on him lor next tall. scattered areas over the midwest romance abrewin'l llkely to yield genuine results, ons." sionable materials used in atom­ Thursday, The Call measured up but lha t occ\I$ion is not likely to Vincent, A3. Steubenville, The American genel al did not ic bombs. Ohio, toiled nra: ubject and did ~o seven inches in parts oC Illin­ occllr until after the ratification comment on ){onev's further American scientists in' time ois as wind. raised high drifts en of the London-Paris agree­ Evacuation 01 not meet Big l 'en tcquirements statement that the Russian worked out the problem. In making progress t.,wnl·d a de­ highways. ments." weapons are really tor "the com­ House Group OK' $ gree. Gusts of 50 m.p.h. blew fresh­ The Churchill government plete deCeat" _ of imperialists, U.S. Now Ahc~d Tachens May bopes the agreements to free and Evashevskl said that only an IY-lnllen snow In North DakDta meaning the U.S. Even if the Russians did get cxtraordlnary eUort by Vincent nnd Minnesota and whipped up rearm the West Germans will ,be the jump in this phase, some in Army Trarnln, would keep him from being in­ dust in Kan.sa. and northern througb the parliamentary millB the U.S. atomic field say they End Tonight Texas. of all nine nations involved with­ Ike's tariff ·P.rogram eligible for the 1955 !ootbail Gavin said the American army are confident tha t America bas , , TAlPlEH, Formosa (Friday) season. Sleet hit IIJlnoLll, Indiana, M is­ in a couple ot months. is basing its training plans on thl! again pulled ahead. WASHLNGTON uP) - The ---- . The Kremlin shakeup was ac­ (JP)- SoldiCl' and gu ~rrillas bc- Three frcshmen football play­ souri and Arkansas . possibilily of either an atomic Meanwhile, the race goe& op. house way6 and means eommlt- lower tariffs on !9reign goods gan landing on Formosa 'Ilhurs- ers arc ineligible but each is e)(­ The early low reported Thurs­ companJed by a renewed decillr­ war, or' a non-atomic war. He tee Thursday rolled up a sur- coming inl{) the U.S., In ex­ aUon from Soviet Foreign Mini­ and the Russians are cx~ctc:d day Il'()ffi ,the gr~t Taohen wlth- peeled by Evashevskl to be day was 27-below at Dick.lnson, said one is as likely as the other. to continue to bear down heavily prising 20-5 vote to approve change for trado cone, slons to drawa!, which may ,be linished ready by laLl. They arC Collins N,D. Iowa's early low was 11- ~ter V. M . Molotov that ratifi­ He indicated that hydlogen President ElscnhOwd"6 proqem American Pl'oouots abroad. c.ation ot the Paris agreements on nuclear weapons, airpower by late to~t Ql' Saturday. Hagler, Wa shington, D.C., half- below, recorded at Spencer and weapons may appear on the for. eltpan<i1ng free I\.rade by 2. give the Prcsi­ would doom hopes of fruitful and air defenses. There has ,been ~pccilieally Most 01 ,the millLary person- back; Alex Karrus, Gary, rnd., Ma son Cliy. balUelleld within five or fHteen no evidence available hcre from ~adually lowering U.s. tari!f.s. dent pOwer, In negotia.ting trade nel came from Pishan, 32 miles guard; and Bill Van Buren, Lor­ East- West La !ks. years. HoU5C ' Demooratic leaders Hlrh .. Dubullue this week's Russian command prompt.ly announced they wouLd agreements, to ()Ut tarL!!s in any southwest of the Taohens, and ain, Ohio, center. ' Meanwhile, sOme American shakeup indicating any change lhe two Yu Shan islands, 35 DubUQue, sheltered in tbl! Mls­ l-Pound Baby Girl bring tbe hotly debated »rOp06aI ot three ways. He could cut 5 slMlppi Valley, reported the daY'$ atomic experls sJ)t!eubted thn 1 in the Reds' nuclear weapon to the house floor nr.~t Tihursday per cent below present levels miles nontheast 01 th o Taohens. 1 M " " Dies after 7 Days Russia may have ·beaten "'meri­ program. each year for three years; he high tor Iowa of eLll1t degrees. MONTREAL (JP) - A one­ ca to a short-cut technique for or. Friday. That would ,brin/r the could cut tarllf rates now above Rain SQualls swept the Ta- \ atusow Testifies Other aItcrnoon readings In Gavin said he belleved that chcn:s, 200 miles north at For- Jowa; Davenport 7, Burlington 7. pound ·baby girl, described as no seWn, off hydrogen bombs, but even in a wal' foul:ht with hy­ Clrst all-out floor fight oC this 50 per cent of the value of goods session. mosa, whore the big o.paraUon Otlumwa I, Lamoni 2-bclow, Des bigger than an adult's hand, died said any resulting lag bas now down ~ that level; or on ,goods Ch Hid" L" drogen weapons, the soldier was moving more slowly Ibe- 0 n epe In Ie Moines 5-below and Sioux City Thursday In her seventh day In been overcome. would have a reasonable chance The commilitee turned down a not oow coming l!1Ito the U.S. in cause tons o! military equipment an ipcubator. The experts gave that evalua­ of survival. He also offeree! the long series of tr8<ie restricting appreciable amount5, the Presi­ 9~below. amendments, offered d)'iefly by dent could cut tariff to 50 pee must 110 out w,th tho IPlrrison. NEW YORK (JP}-Harvcy Ma­ The sun appeared In S9mo 1he C!hild, born - three months tion to the ,boasts of Soviet For­ opinion fhat ·meanWhlle ' lhl!re ' tt :s.tuck closelY 'to cen.t of the rates on Jan. 1, 1945, The Toohons !lUll shook to ex­ tusow Mid in red<lrat court spots of Iowa Thursday, but dJd eign Ministe~ V.
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