7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PW COM VOLUME LXXI, NO. 49. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Local Laundry On Force 25 Yean Benjamin Cook Knights Hold First Annual Breakfast New Sea Bright Salvation Army Acclaimed By Ends 25th Year Councilman May Band To Appear Trade Journal On Local Force RED A k. BANK Be Named Tonight In Red Bank Praised For Culling He Was Appointed Hoclrr SeeiiM l.ik«|y Will Be Third Annual Insurance Coils By When Harry Clayton f.hi»irr AM Power Vi*it Sponsored Modernisation Program Was Red Bank Chie Pa»Mr* lo I In- (i.O.l". By Local Churches Leon's cleaners, through a pro- Benjamin C. Cook of 149 Brand Appointment of a successor to The territorial staff band of tha gram of reconditioning and modern- ave., completed Saturday 25 year; former Councilman Stanley Fowl- Salvation Army from the Eastern isation, have reduced their insur- of service with the Red Bank po er Is expected to hiRhlisht tonight's territorial headquarters in New ance costs by 40 per cent. The suc- lice department. He will retir meeting of the Sea Bright mayor York city will present the third cess of the laundry in cutting ex- next year on reaching his 83th and council. Sohn H. Hncter. Re- annual scries of local concert* pense in this way ia the subject of birthday. publican, is considered the likely sponsored by the Red Bank Coun- an article in this month's edition of Officer Cook is Red Bank's traf- choice for the job. cil of Churches next Sunday. "Atarchroom," laundry trade journ- fic veteran. Since his appointment Mr. Fowler, alao % Republican, The band will start its day lonj al. to the force as a probationary of program by playing at the 11 a. m. Tha "Starchroom" article points ficer, May 19, 1924, he has directed resigned from the bonrd more service at the Rci Bank Baptist out that the flreprooflng program traffic at the borough's three posts than a month »Ku. Elected last church. The speaker at the service included construction of 12-inch- His hand signals have become a November for a three-year term he will be Col. Holland French, chief thick inside walls in the dry clean- much a part of Red Bunk as th resigned after four months' ser- secretary ot the Salvation Army's ing room. These Walls are parapet- Shrewsbury river. vice. At the time he said he did Eastern territory. Benjamin C. Cook not. like council work and believed ed three feet above the existing roof "I get along with people," sail At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, level. The magazine goes on to say the' officer, "and very few hav his post should go to another man. j the hand will present ft concert at "Metal fire doors guard the two disobeyed my signals or deliber Mayor Thomas Farrell, Demo- the Presbyterian church and »t large openings leading * into the ately disregarded them. Most peo- cratic nominee for a fourth term 7:,",0 that night will give another mar king and finishing depart- ple understand my signals. I can't recommended four selections for concert preceding the evening ser- ments." Class Of 1919 tell you of exciting times on th the replacement May 5. All were vice at the Methodist church. CoL The trade journal adds that all forc« because as far as I am con rejected by opposing Republicans French will also speak at the eve- electrical fixtures and connections cerned there weren't very many including Councilman Neils Jncob- ning service. have been equipped with explosion To Have Reunion Just 25 years directing traffic." sen, G.O.P. nominee for the mayor- The territorial staff band was or- features and that the cleaning room Group To Meet With all the car* that Office alty election thl.s year. The mayor ganized in 1891 and since then has is protected by an automatic sprink- Cook has handled, it took a slei would have had to be given ma- given concerts in many town* and ling system. At Willon brook to injure him seriously. The ac- jority confirmation by council cities In the United States. It hit Another means used by the Red cldent occurred many years ag Shown in Red Bank Catholic high school cafeteria Sunday morning as Red Bank council, Knights within 30 days after the Fowler made two trips to England and.sev-' resignation to make an appoint- eral to Canada. It has played be- Bank cleaning plant to reduce in- The Red Bank high school class when he waa directing traffic at Columbus, held its first annual Communion-brcakfnst are, left to right, Eugene Kenna, district ilupuj fore jieveral President* and for surance premiums is the use of cov- of 1919 will hold a reunion at the Spring st. and Harding rd. John L. Montgomery, referee of the county juvenile and domestic relations court; Lawrence A. Dwyci ment, binding. Now council Re- publicans can make the appoint- three years was featured on a ered metal buckets for trash dis- Willowbrook, Fair Haven, Satur- "A sled cam* down the hill, atate deputy; Thomas Irving' Brown, editor and publisher of The Register; John E. Toolan, former sens weekly radio program over a na- posal. tor from Middlesex county, who was toastmaster; John P. Mulvihlll, Sr., local grand knight, and Fran ment. day, June 25. About 42 class men* struck me. and I was in a New tion-wide network. J. Trlolo, breakfast chairman. t , Lf' Mr. Hooter was narrowly defeRt- York hospital six months unde The program for Sunday ia t* bers are expected to attend as will treatment for a fractured skull. ed by Mr. Jacobscn in the prim- several of their teachers. The com- Warning that "the cold war be- considers impure pictures, but that Michael J. Bergln led the assem ary election for the G.O.P. mayor- follows: The department gave me a year'* tween atheistic Russia and the in this case it should work to bly in singing "The Star Spangle( ll.iptist Church 11 A. M. Rumson To Insiall mittee in charge of the reunion leave of absence." alty nomination. He had the sup- Prelude: Baiiil Allelulah United States" is actually a "hot praise the industry for filming'a Banner" and Frank T. Wise, pas port of the "regular" Republican consist* of Raymond Hurley, Wil Officer Cook's first task was to document on the life of one of the commander of St. James post Ori!nn handle traffic at the intersection o war against the Catholic church party on n ticket including Dan- Cull to worship New Police Radio liam A. Miller, Burton T. DorcmuE and all religion," Mr. Dwycr com- church's saint*. Catholic War Veterans, led in th iel Pearson, incumbent and Wil- Invocntiun, Lord's Prayer and E. Allaire Cornwell. Maple ave. and Monmouth, st Stating "you can shoot men, but salute to the flag. Hymn which at that time was the only mended the presence at the break- liam (Marty)) Cousins, seeking IS "L'rown Him With Many Crowns" Ordinance Passed Traveling the longest distance to fast of members of other religious you can't shoot ideals," ex-Ben. Mr. Trlolo opened the speech election to council. Since his vic- Scripture lesson highway used by motorists travel Toolan praised the local council making by introducing Mr. Mulvi Mslc choruit H.MH-.-M By Boro Council attend will be Mrs. Gladys Wood ing to and from the shore and New faiths. He told the Knights -and tory Mr. Jacobsen has been teamed Garretaon of Stillwater, Okla. Other for the large attendance at Com- hill, who greeted the gathering anc with PearHon and Coualns, who "Cnme Unto Me," BloomQUttt York city. Ben was 38 years old their guests they must stop bigo- munion. "We must manifest eur turned She session over to Mr. Too Pnnloral prayer An ordinance to purchase a two- class members who are expected at the time. try if our democracy is to con- won the primary vote. Bind selection ~ "Roekinghank'* way police radio system was passed are Beatrice Rafferty of New York; belief in God," he said, "if we are Ian. Special guests, besides M Olfertory aervie* "There was no light then and tinue. ever to know success in the con- Montgomery and Mr. Brown, wer< Since the 30-day limit for the rrnyer on its first reading at the meeting Florence Worthley of HarrUburg, mayor to namo an appointee is Offertory selection •'Tranmerlt* of the Rumson mayor and council Pa.; Eluie Conover Morrow of De- there was no stop and go algn. I Mr. Kenna reminded the Knights tinual battle against forces of Peter Urbells, grand knight Vocal Solo, selected. Envoy Frank was the busiest corner I have ev- evil." Freehold council, and members ol past it is Up to council to make last Thursday night. The cost is troit; Mary Kelly Flynn of Ham- they should support the motion the choice. That throw* the fowler not to exceed $3,000. den, Conn.; Elizabeth McEvilly and er been assigned to, "said Office picture, "Joan of Arc." Declaring Breakfast followed 8 o'clock Catholic War Veterans and Hoi) Sermon, Col. Holland French, chief s«c- Cook. "There wa» a little platform Name societies of St. James, SI strength of « vote to the three retary for the Eaitern Territory •( The new system, which will con- Mary Evans, Johnstown, N. T.; it is "a Christian and Catholic" mass in St. James church. Mjgr. The Salvation Array on which I stood to direct traffic. Anthony and Holy Cross parlahe Republican whose decisions have sist of a transmitter and two mo- Rose Kohler •Cudmore, Flushing, N. film, he said that Communists are Joseph T. Casey, St, James pastor become closely related—Council- Hymn, 214 "He Usdeth Me," tun* <«»> It was a tough assignment. O and chaplain of Red Bank council, The Colonial restaurant prepared Bencrliction bile units, will be installed by July Y.; Charles Otterson, Willmettl, working against it. He said the men Jacobsen, Pearson and Les Postlude „ Hallelujah Chorus 1, 1960, according to Charles B. 111.; Francis Haley, Newark; Niveh course, the corner Is busy when the Catholic church condemns what it opened the program with a prayer. and served the meal. track is in operation," the office ter E. Perrine. It has been widely Harding, police committee chair- Richardson, Long Island; George rumored, without denial, that Mr. Frenbyterian church. 3 P. M. man. Part of the present radio V. Leddy, Jackson Heights, N. Y.J added. Hymn "America the Beautiful" Hooter is favored by these three. Openinir prayer hook-up, one of the first installed Ernest Turner, West Long Branch; Officer Cook was not one o Mr. Hooter, a North Beach resi- Introduction of chairman for police departments in thia part Isabelle Seeley Kearney, Keans- those children who always wanted Answer This $110,000 Question- D.A.R. Memorial dent, is a sales executive with the March _ "Armee Du Salute" of the atate, has broken down and burg; Martha Abel and Margaret to be a policeman. After gradua- Phllco Radio corporation in New Air Varie "The Valiant Heart" Otterson Larkin, Osslning, N. Y.; ting from Long Branch schools, he Male Chorus ..._ operations are being carried on York city. "All Praise and Glory," Gounod with the aid of an emergency «t, Helena Macintosh, Bloomfleld; learned the steamflttera trade in Just Who And Where Is Eva Esmond? Honors War Dea< Cornet trio "What a Friend" Mr. Harding stated. Hugh Brewer, New York, and Wil- New York city. He worked through- Mayor Farrell recently told the March "Swedlih Festival March" Is there anyone around these tween 1908 and 191Q, and, **a Dedictted Sea Bright Women's Democratic OtWin« A new wave length will be as- liam Rafferty, Brooklyn. out New York state until one time parts who remembers when the was reared by Ei»ra l^mond.w signed to the Rumson department he wag told to leave Tarrytown club that he soon would name an- Hand (election • Class membera from this area, lights were turned up> on the Long ever, Mr. Doherty said, a medical Mofiday At Brisbane other candidate to run on the "Moments With the Masters" by the Federal Communications because he had no union card. Branch stage, back toward the turn report he received tends to prov Stricture commission, which also approves who will attend are James Thome Democrato ticket in November for Trombone «oln ....;.... «TI» Palms* He returned to Red Bank and re- of the , and audiences ap- Siva could not have been .Flora' .^flagpole, given in memory ol Vocal nolo, selected, Envoy Frank Fowler all installations. ,.„. and Elsie Smith Hennessey of Fair quested appointment" to* the- fore election to Mr. Fowler's unexplred Haven, Nina Cottrell Coyne, Ray- plauded the specialty vaudeville daughter. Countering that" arc T;h"r«e members of Mary Stillwel council term. Whoever the Re- March "JlarcJiliia- To Yon" Councilman Francis Nary report- after it waa suggested to him by a acts of Flora Esmond? statements by some oldtimers tha society, Children American Revo Benediction ed that the lire department hast mond H. Hurley and Isabel Kettel, friend. publicans appoint would serve for Xumson, and E. Allaire Cornwell, Do you also remember a show Eva either was the blood or adopt- lutlon, was dedlcatR at special ser- the balance of this year, but would Preliminary Music, Methodist been enforcing the rule prohibiting Officer Cook was born at Mon ed daughter of the actress. Church. 7.-30 P. M. firemen from jumping on flr« ap- Albert VanNostrand, Mildred Bar- girl who had the last name of Du- vices Memorial day at Camp Bris- have to enter the November race rett Magee, Burton Doremus, Wil- mouth Beach, ton of the late Mr. pree (perhaps it was spelled Du- If that should toe proved said Mr, bane, camp sit* of the Monmout" If he wished to aeek an opportun- Msrch . "Torchbearer* paratus in motion. He alto reported liam A. Miller and Irving Shomo, and' Mrs, Jesse Cook. Thirty-eight Doherty, and Eva could be found, Council of Boy Scouts. Honore Cornet solo "Glory to His Name" that the recent purchase of 450 years ago he married the former preux or Dupress) and did a rou- ity to remain on the board. Male chorus feet of half-Inch hose completes Red Bank. tine on the same program? DI SUB would inherit Flora's entlr were Robert Rue Campbell, Infan "The Old Time Religion." arr. Hols Rose VanNest of Oceanic, now she have a daughter and then die? fortune. If not, the money would try private, who waa killed in ac- On Mayor Farrell'i ticket, seek- Meditation ... "Rockinjrham" the equipment on the naw. firs Faculty members expected to at- known as Rumson. He was appoint go to the rest of the family, in the tion in Italy in May, 1044; Ehrick ing to unseat Mr. Pearson and Band lelection "Kins of Kln»s" truck of Oceanic Hook and Ladder tend are Edwin C. Gllland, super- ed to the force officially Jan 1,1925. If you know the right answers, succeed Mr, Perrine, who is not the missing link in a $110,000 mys- U. S. and in England. Parmly, Jr., seaman second clan, Methodist Church 8 P. M. .._ .... company. vising principal of Red Bank The late Harry H. Clayton was who died at St. Albans hospital, running, are Harry Lovgren and More than 100 loads of trash schools; George Lovett, Miss Irma tery may be in hand. Mr. Doherty Is following on< Opening hymn 301 "Guide Me chief when Ben waa appointed to lead that Eva may have been the Long Island, in Feb., 1944, and Lawrence McCormick. U Thou Great Jehovah Tune (300) were collected by the road depart- vonGlahn, Mrs. Florence Norton the force. His present boss, Chief These answers could mean four Spafford Walling Schanck, Jr., in- Prayer ment during Clean-up week, Coun- Q'Shea and Mrs. Mary Johnson daughter of MUs (or Mrs.) Du Should Mr. Jacobsen defeat Scripture Harry T. VanNote, Sr., waa a mo- of Flora's relatives in thia area and pree. Some people have reported fantry sergeant, killed in Germany Mayor Farrell in November, yet cilman Harold J. Ooetschius re- Yawger of Red Bank, and Mrs. torcycle officer at the.time. Officer six In England may shar.e her for- Band lelection _ "Silver Hill" bh Hbk f that actress died, either in or short- in Dec, 1644. another council seat would be va- Vocal mlo, selected, Envoy Frank Fowler ported. This represented 164'4 Edith Hobrough Hawbecker of Cook was employed at Lovett'a tune. Or, it might mean the whole ly after childbirth, at or near Long The pole was the gift of Mon- cated when he took office as mayor Personal testimony hours of labor. Maplewood. sum go to one woman whose very Instruments! trio .. "Gabrielettea* Nursery, Little Silver, before join- Branch. This lead shows Eva had mouth chapter. Daughter American next January, and another appoint- Chorus sintc life Is a riddle. However, tha 1 ing the force. the real given name of Ludivlne. Revolution, sponsors of Mary Still- would have to be made. That Offertory _ "A»t VeruBs * Mr. and Mrs. Cook are parents woman, Eva Esmond (Ketr), dis- That first name has been traced well society. At the base of the would give the Republicans abso- Male chorus ...... appeared 14 years ago without a to an aged woman in New Orleans pole a plaque, bearing the names "Peace. Be Still." arr. Leidien Jersey Central P. & L Expanding of live children, two of whom trace. (Flora once was married to ute power in Sea Brlght's local Sermon, Colonel Holland French, Chief served in the marine corps during who, Mr. Doherty has reason to be- of the boys In whose memory the government, Secretary ot the Eastern Territory •{ World War II. Benjamin Cook a man named Kcir.) lieve, is the sister of MUs Dupree, pole waa given, has been placed The Salvation Army - and the person after whom Eva on a granite atone, a gift of Pau However, if the Farrell ticket Tone poem "Divine Pursuit" System At Cost Of 25 Millions Jr., of Eatontown, now operates a The American relatives Include was elected in November, the Re- Closing hymn 25S "Take the gas station at Eatontown. Jti»t John Ryle, Jr., rl. 4-A, Point Pleas, was named. The lawyer wonders Bennett of Sea Girt. The flag which Name of Jesus With You" Tons (2T7) Jersey Central Power and Light mitted to customers in the shore publican* would lose control to the Cook, who served overseas with the ant, a nephew; Mrs. Ivy May Has- "Sid Flora Esmond take over the will be'flown on the memorial was Democrats. '•nediction Co. hat announced a $25,000,000 area. A 14-mile gas transmission Marines 28 months, lives on,Tower sebusch of Jamaica, a niece and care of little Eva when Miss Du- the gift ol Boy Scout troop 31 of Fottlude _.,_..... "Homtwari Bound" expansion program to increase main is near completion from Hill. ave. Other members''of the tofr-porary administratrix of the pree, her real mother, died? Spring Lake, and during the war electric and gas generation capac- Brielle circle to Toms River. family are Miss Gloria Cook, Itv- Esmond estate; and a grandniece it was flown over the Naval sta- Mixed manufactured and natural Someone who knew these actres ity and extend and Increase trans- ng at home, Mrs. Audrey Clarke and grandnephew, Eileen and'Gil- ses, Mr. Doherty believes, could fit tion at San Francisco, Cal. mission and distribution facilities. gas, when the latter Is available, of Long Branch and Mrs. Eleanor bert Simpson, both also of Jamaica F. Howard Lloyd of Matawan Presbyterian Church To Observe will be piped through this main. these pieces of the puule together. . Demand for electrio and gas ser- Catalano of Belmar. The Britons include a sister and a To learn more facts, he also is mak- who gave the principal address vice in the continuously, growing Mr. Werner said the projects un- total of five nieces and nephews ing inquiry in Glasgow, Scotland, told the 75 Scouts, parents and communities served by the com- dertaken in this program are a Take a tip from a man who Its 97th Anniversary Sunday knows his business. Officer Cook With her wealth hidden In more from where the Dupree family was guests, "They who forget the past pany requires this program, E. H. part of the company's policy to than a dozen bank accounts along £aid to have come. He has been cannot build monuments for the First Presbyterian church of Red 18S3-1854; William Scribner, 185J- Werner, president of the company, keep pace with rapidly expanding said that the most frequent traffic violation seen in Red Bank la that the old "eastern vaudeville circuit" able to get little information from' future. Keep before us the heritage Bank, which was organized June 1858; Daniel D. Battler, 1858-1883; said in making the announcement. communities it serves, and to pro- that reached west to Chicago, Flora or about Miss Dupree's possible of the American freedoms, and the 8, 1852, will observe its 97th anni- D. V. McLean, 1864-1869; J. R. vide customers with the best pos- of not staying, within the white "Thia Is a four-year program," lines whun parking a car. "These Esmond died from malnutrition sister, in New Orleans, other thin patriotism set forth for us by the versary at Sunday morning's ser- Hamilton, 1870-1873; F. Reck Har- Mr. Warner said, "provisions have sible service at the lowest possible last October 2.' The westslde New that her name is Ludivine. founders of our nation. We must vice, Rev. Charlea S. Webiter, pas baugh, 1874-1897; R. a. Davey, 18»7- rate. people come to work early and been made for all major facilities don't realist that others will come York apartment, where her body Eva now would be about 40 years place principle above expediency, tor, will preach on the theme, 1900; Samuel H. Thompson, 1900* required to expand and stabilize As a part of its $25,000,000 com- o town later In the day." was found, was littered with junk- old. She grew up, apparently un- and live as bravely as did our war "What is Right with the Church." 1909; J. W. Hogsn, 1908-1916; WIV increased electric and gas aervice munity growth program in the Of Officer Cook, Chief VanNote old trunks, boxei, newspaper c!|r> der Flora's care, although the law- dead/' Herbert E. Werner, president of liam C. Stiiuon. 1917-1919; John to all present and new customers. Red Bank area, J-C.P. ic L. is haa thia to say, "Officer Cook Is a pings and a variety of trash. yer said he has documents show- Other speakers were Col. Charles the church brotherhood, who was Muyakena, 1920-1937; John A. These facility's expansions include spending approximately $256,000 in oyal and dependable man. He will Flora's former real estate holdings ing they did not always get along D. Y. Oatrom, commanding officer ppolnted a commissioner by the Hayes, 1927-1948; Charlea S. Web- turbo-generators, electrio trans- expansion of its electric distribu- be greatly missed after his retire- on Long Island were lost because well together. One is an unpro- at Fort Hancock; Comdr. Lewis A. Monmouth Presbytery to the Gen- ster, 1949. Rev. John A. Hayes, mission lines, substations, trans- tion equipment to meet the in- ment next year." }f unpaid taxes. Everyone thought cessed will oftabout 1920, in which Thompson of the Naval Ammuni- eral Assembly of the Presbyterian whom the present paator succeeded formers, conductors, gas pipe lines, creasing demand in this area. ihe was flat broke. Flora reportedly left $1 to "my so- tion depot at Earle; William C. ihurch in Buffalo, N. Y., will pre- a few months ago, ia the only liv- meters and all other equipment The largest item of expenditure Only a lawyer, who was asked to called daughter, Eva." Another % Rue, a former member of Mary ent a brief report on the assem- ing former pastor. necessary. It is the biggest expans is budgeted for an additional trans- War Wuk Stlllwell society; Mrs. Charles W. ily. ; During its history the church hat ion program in the company's his- when you can now buy plastic win- settle Flora's affairs, held to an Idea clipping from Variety, printed mission cable for Red Bank sub- dow draperies for every room In the many years ago, in which Eva de- Cohen, first vice regent of Mon- Organization of the Red Bank experienced' phenomenal growth tory, with work already started on house. Attractive patterns and color. that, maybe, Flora had salted away mouth chapter, D.A.R.; Dr. Edwin station at a cost of Approximately little money. In her day she was nied any relationship with Flora. :hurch close to a century ago re- and today* enjoys a communicant many ot the major items of the $153,000. This line will run lrom Only $2 a pair. Come and aec. They F. Stewart, oldest living Eagle lUlted from a petition presented to membership of 800 members. In program." look juat like fabrics. All you need ll big-time, earning $1W a night and However, between 1905 and 1930, scout; Rev. Theodore Franklin, Red Bank through' present ducts a damn cloth to wipe them clean. Sher- up. said Mr. Doherty, "there appears the Monmouth Presbytery by about fact, deliberations are now under over Ridge rd., through Fair Hav- man's, Home Decorator!, 45 Broad pastor of Shrewsbury Presbyterian Electric capacity at Rarltan Searching through an old, broken to have been a reconciliation." 80 persons in this community. A way relative to the building of a river plant- will be increased up en and terminating in a complete- tt Rd BkAdit church; 8«nford-C. Flint, vice pres group of 27 men and women, all new Christian educational building ly new circuit at Rumson. trunk, he came across some odd The last anyone knew of Eva ident of Monmouth council, and and for a much larger church sanc- proximately 80% by the installa- Anthony Durnar bits of paper being code-like notes, was when she broke up a vaude- of whom belonged to the Prcsby- tion of a $5,000,000. turbo-genera- To establish this circut $13,000 Anyone knowing the present where- William Buschbaum, a, council di- eria'n church of Shrewsbury at the tuary to accommodate the rapidly lome said: "N.J. Long B, me," ville act in which she was appear- rector. tor. The output at South Amboy will be spent for switches, regula- abouts of Anthony burner (or Turner) 'N.R. for John," "Hud me," etc. ing with a man named Fat Orant. ime, were the charter members of growing congregation. The church plant will be doubled with the in- tors and other equipment., formerly of Red Bank and New York The flag raising and pledge of he Red Bank church. They were is anticipating many commendable city, please write, R. Stuart, P. O. Box The attorney took a long shot*— That was in 1935 In Boston. Mr. John R. Conover, Francis Chad- innovations as it looks to the cela- stallation of a $10,000,000 turbo- The company also plans to In- 461. Hoboken, N. J.. or phono Hoboken lupllcatlng hundreds of form let- Grant said Eva told him she wa> allegiance waa in charge of Boy 2-2448.—Advertisement. wick, William S. Smock. Benjamin bratio of its centenary anniversary generator. stall a bank of two 5,000-volt trans- ters to bank to ask If Flora had going to Chicago to marry a Dr. Scout troops 24 of Fair Haven, formers to replace two 3,750 kva 87 of Red Bank, and 73 of Mata- S. Smock, Timothy B. Winter, John in 1952. Seventeen miles of 88,000 volt Notice made deposits while in show bus- Charles Obelie. But a search in. E. Johnson, Jane E. Johnson, Jos- transformers here at an added March Kara Book Shop, under the iness. The results were astound- Chicago failed to turn up Eva, and wan. George Guthrle of troop 40 electric transmission line U being management of Clarence vanRaelte, has of Belmar, was bugler. All the boys eph Morris, Deborah.Morris, Lydia Stopper's Spelll«.t run from Cheescquake to a sub- cost of $39,000. Thia phase of con ing. medical journals disclose no Dr. It's free. It's fun. It's the Wriikt struction will help take care of moved to 13* Broad street, Distinctive in whose memory the pole was giv- Nowlan, Lydia White, Drusilla S. station being built at Whltesvllle, cards and books for sale,—Advertise- "Hud me" led to $17,000 deposit Charles Oberile, said Mr. Doherty. Conover, Margaret Clayton, Han- Store. We're on the air every Monday the growing demands and make ment. • "She just seems to have completely in were former scouts. 6 to « P. H. Vour local station. WCAP, near Earte Ammunition depot. 1 the Hudaon Trust company at nah Parker, Archibald Antonides, 1310 on the dial. Shoppers in Hussion, From this substation additional the present transformers available Hoboken. Stacked In a Manufac- disappeared." ' for use elsewhere. ' I Sal* Continued Hrkrii S«s c«rn Diana Antonldies, Lydia Woolley, Bed Bsnk and Mlddletown with telephones lines wilt run to Eatontown and Beacon not curtains. Cool, airy nrtB. turer's Trust deposit box in New Mr. Doherty has had good luck Jersey certified numbsr 2-4-T and u, Margaret Thompson, Catherine get thu breaks. Hear your own voice Farmingdalt. An 8,000-foot, subma- To insure further continuity of Ready to hang. In soft color tones. (Inly fork city were $30,000, Including by his endless letters—"six or seven IS; also soy bcutu, tweet corn and on the radio. Crack the jack pet. You'll . electric supply and voltage regu- 12 a pair. Exclusive at 8herman's Home i complete line of field and lawn mix- Combs, Aurella Conover, Margaret not be sorry. Mrs. Betty O'Connor of. rine cable haa been laid across Decorators, 45 Broad street, Red Bsnk, 2 $1,000 bills. Franklin Savings thousands were sent out"—In find- tures, Conover Bros., Wlckatunk. Phons Jhadwlck, Temperance Simmons, Miildlotown won the Wright atore prise) Barnegat bay from Ocean Oate to lation in the entire Red Bank and —Advertisement. ank New York, had $28,501.74 on ng the fortune, He has had noth- Hoi. •••121.—Advertisement. this »eelt. Next week It may be you. Christian Longstreet, Elizabeth The Wrfsht Store of Red Bank, Inc.— Seaside park. This cable wilt tie-in Long Branch area, the utility is deposit, North River Savings, $10,- ng but bad luck in trying to find Hanford, Joseph P. Hampton, Mar- with a new substation being con- expending $51,000 in this locale for Fewer Lawn „ 847.22, Reports of more money still Eva, He said he will make one last "Yam Can't TaVe II With You" Advertisement. a bank of 5,000 kva. capacitors. SO-lnch tnd up, by MotcMowsr; al. Benefit Folio fund. Shrewsbury play- garet R. Conover and Sarah J. structed at Seaside park and will a Planet Jr. gardtn tractors, equip, are coming in, tab at that job through ndvertln- ers. Rumson high school, June 3 and 4. niton, Marlsafe Specialists act al a link to an eventually two- R. P. McGalllard, cost division merit, supplies, and eerrlce. Order notr. The lawyer, James E. Dohcrty, >ng. But, just to make sure who Tlcketa ft and $1.50. Phone R. B. I- Privilo and Institutional loans, lee way volt feed. Municipalities served electrical superintendent, said that ConoveCono r BrBros. . 8ales and SsrvlceService, Phone iva really in, he wonders if anyone 21H-J-—Advertisement. The first church edifice was lo- us when you want to buy or reflnance.- Hoi. 1-1131. . Wlekstunk.—Advertise- faced by the duty of distribut- cated on the corner of Broad and (!, I. snd i'HA loans our aiiecialty, Con* south of Point Pleasant will bene- these construction moves are In mint* er this wealth. He la worried nywhere can till him more facts. Notice EVallace sis., the site of the Second fidential, fast service. Moderate inter* fit upon completion from this trans- line with the company's policy of ibout to whom it should go. The Remember the Long Branch con- Entertain your frltndt or club with est rstea. Schwartt-Macklin, 8 White' mission line, which will run from keeping its facilities geared to Lawn Mowers nection. plsstlc psrty. Exclusive line, lovely latlonnl Bank and Trust com- street. Phone RE 8-3121.—Advertise- Headquarters for power and hand center of the problem is the dis- prlaes and fun for nil- Peg Cofcoln. iany. The church experienced such ment. Lakewood to Toms River, through meet growing demands. mowers, Large selection. Merrltt Ma- appearance of Eva Esmond in 1935, Did you know Flora Esmond? 'hone Eat. 3-1010, est. 5S0. :ommendable growth that it be- to Ocean Gate, under the bay and The company will' also Install chine Shop, 24 Mechanic street, Red from Boston. She has not been Miss Dupree? Little Eva? Want to ame imperative for a new edltlce Save (1.00 a Pair , back to Point Pleasant transformer banks and regulators Bank,—Advertisement. eard, from since. Prelect roof table pads, Madu to your o be built in 1910. In consequence, i full elsht-inch rume, 100 Inches wide Work ia rapidly going ahead on at Belford, Keansburg, Matawan AcMsaUnf u4 lucent U* Available information indicates $110,000. Write if you know the rder. Call HE «•'.!«!«. Kepresentntlvo ho cornerstone of the present :o the tmir and 81 inches inns, at only the construction of a 40-mile plpe- and Bradcvelt. At.Long Branch Earl 8.. Rlttenhouis, accounting. In- Iva was born In Monmouth coun- nswers. His address: 80-80 Par- rlli come and estimate. Shermnn's Ifomo ihurch, located at Broad st. and 12.99 a pair, ivory only. Sherman'e llno from a point near New Bruns- $84,000 will bo spent In expansion come tsi consultinhurtg. 170 Liberty •treat, at or near Long Branch, be- Decorators, 45 Broad street, Red Bank, tlomo Decorators, 45 Broad street. Rid Lon« Branch. "Phon" e L. B. |..8s,.w,— ons blvd., Jamaica, L. I. —Advertisement. feckless pi., was laid Sept. 20,1910, Bank.—Advertisement. wick to Long Branch, through of electric service facilities in that Advertisement. ind the church was dedicated Sun- Yard Gooda Remnants which ^natural gas will be trans- area. Crisp While lay, Oct. 6, 1912, at which time the Notice T«e Juue Bride Bull Stub Wants* In cottonn, rityan*, wnnlcns, Mlpcover To all Red Bank branch collectors. Malm her happy with a gift from the Wllllni to purchsi'j up ta 2,0011 Permnmint nnlnh oi'Kiuuly ruffled cur* ind ilrnpery fahrlci, Drastically re. ate Dr. Robert E. Specr and the Cnmo to the luncheon at the Methodist lares or anf part of 2,000 shsres ol Inlit!, ,',4 Inrhca IOIIK, al 13,DM n twirl Annual iprlnv itumioi', Mlddlotown Re- MoHSMt Monty Rcndmvana Gift Shop, 1123 RanKa ave. luceil for quick drsriuicf. HHRMII'I ate Dr. Francis L, Patton, former church on Tuesday, 'June 7. If you cat (or homo, farm-, country ••tuts, busi- nue, Anbury Pnrk.—Advcrtliement. ;ock of Ssuonif National Bsnk of Red IntiKcr Intfuthn Hllirlttly hluhw, Hemem- r'abrlo Fair, 10 Mechanic street, Red ennto. l>hono the branch, RE A-2130. Frli' formed church, Juno ID I 4|IIO to 7 1'. M. ness bulldlngi, existing or new. Loni nk, John Wtrmtrt, TtUphone Atlsn- iH'i- ltn Khm'miiti'K Homo iWorHtftt-fl, 45 resident of Princeton university, Tlck«tt II,—Advertisement, Sunk,—Advertisement, day A. M., or I'. M,, or Saturday, A. «V Urn), easy payment, liberal loan on Don't ncratch your toe, Use Viingl. Highlands t-OOOf.—Advertisement, Urnitil street, Ittul Hunk.—Advertisement, :nve the addresses, —Advertisement. acceptable ino|nrtin. Joitpn a. McCut Km. All druggists.—Advertisement. The Splnnln Wh..l Ghryitir, Plymouth, International Silei Agency, Realtoia. Mortumte Depart* Thirteen ministers have served Chr»il«r, Plymouth, International fluid ChrjiUr, Plymouth, Intwnstlonsl flitis (lilt Shnp, 0 Mprhnnlc ntri-tt, next Chrjiler, Plymouth, International lalea" end Mjvlct. Maurlci Behwstts, fhont ment. Phone Ruoiioa 1-04U,—Adttr. Hoys can make pocket he church during the 97 years. Iliimant, IOMJF by sslU ad service. Maurice Schwwls, ff end ssrviM, Maurice Schwsits, Phoos oor to lire house. Gifts, cards, novtltUl. They art Revs, F. Reck Harbaugh, and atrflea. Usuries' Schwwta. fteM ' lag The Bsititer,—Adv< A ••07IT.—Adfsrtlmnsst, . K) >, imAdUiW Airtli BED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 2,

questioned Mr. Krauss, without answer, on the salary being paid to Questions and Answers JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Kiernan Sees Council Rejects Ameerse Nelson, beach supervisor. To Vets' Problems He said he had heard this salary is to be increased and asserted he Q. What assistance can be given AK CONOITI0NIN6 WITH NO "MTEAK LINK"... Hamc old problem. Eren/ ncir generation thinly Wene Victory Beach Tractor believed a raise is unjustified. Mr. me by V.A. in furthering my claim 'its youny people arc the worst tier. A famous *•//<-nicer Clean-Up Job Left Krauss called that question out offor compensation when the official order. records are not available or are in< ths WestinttaN UMTAIRE with Us laid, "They do the same thinys as oilier youngsters In Monmouth To Four Lifeguards Air. Krauss said that because complete? Shore Democrats council, in his absence, had voted A. V.A. contact representatives used to do except at different hour*; it utctl lo be airly By a split vote. Councilman to reduce the charge of season bai are authorized by law to aid claim- in the evening, now it's early in the mommy." Just Hold Hallv At George Krauss was defeated last ges to residents to $1 while holding ants in the preparation and pres- Thursday night in an appeal to at $3 the charge collected from entation of claims. Tour contact a matter of hours. The BH! Question is: How muck Atlantic Highlands provide the borough beach with a "outsiders" it may be necessary to representative will assist you in clean-up tractor which would have make changes in the color or other preparing an affidavit giving com- real help arc WE giving them? Remember, most times A prediction that Sen. Elmer H. coit Sea Bright about $2,600. Diaidentification of beach badges. plete history of sickness or injury. it's delinquent jHircnts thai cause delinquent rhildren. Wene will carry Monmouth county cussion of the proposed equipment Mr. Perrine still indicated he Q, I am a World war II veteran In the November gubernatorial purchase has been in progress in- felt a mistake had been made in re- termittently since the first of the and would like to know if a medi- ...the cempreiter theft tier«»tl«en> As we yet older we rcalixe what a great thing it is la election was made last Thursday ducing the fee, since the residents cal examination is necessary be- night by Paul Kiernan, date com- year. and taxpayers would have had more Males I* rieel. MriaeraM Males l«- The split vote saw Councilman fore my claim, filed at discharge, alrt MU evt, far e KMm ef Trim. be dam, Clean in mind and soul and body. The mlttecman of Long Branch, before to gain if the beach fees had been can be rated? onhj place ire come, in, on this, is to keep yon rlnin at the North Shore Democratic league Lester E. Perrine and Councilman kept at the general $3 level. Wtietfcer ye» nesd ta elr oMdHiea eae > rally held at the Homestead inn, Carl Nelson support Mr. Krauss In A. It is not necessary If the ser- ream er Mverel, lkei*'i e UNITAMI Is his request, but saw the move fail vice records give sufficient informa- home by earing for your personal and hnuaelinlif ap- Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Garnsey Leaves Mr. Kiernan charged that the to win a necessary two-thirds of tion in your claim filed at dis- parel; at that, folks, ice realhj can do the job. (The state is being run by "Boaaiim," majority with rejections by Coun- Estate To Children charge, or if a claim is filed with- «ese> «ef iaMMdisfe aWhrery e»- and that people in the state are cilmen Daniel Pearson and Neils in six months after discharge. ,/littlc cut below tells where to fjo.) living under a, czaviat or police con- Jacobsen. Mrs. Laurada D. Garnsey, of 12 Q. Is there a time limit in which 0LD-TIJ1EK dition. He further charted that Mayor Thomas Farreli also said East westside ave., who died May I, a World war I veteran, may Ale TreelU MiddletownRefrigeratkNi Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll i« playing he considered a tractor necessary 10, named her children, Julian E. a claim for compensation for dis- ls7Vi«sUlie.ilaei politics with' every politician and to keep-the beach in order, but as Garnsey, Helen G. Haring and ability caused by my war service? political boa in the state. He de-thers was no tie vote, he could not Laura G. Seabury, equal beneficiar- Phone Ml 54)299 reverse ths decision. ies of all automobiles, furniture, sil- A. There Is no time limit set for scribed the state employees as a filing claim for compensation- How- I CASH AMD CAW SAVtS tM%~Z Croup of "tattlers who run back to Both Mr. Krauss and Ur. Per-verware, jewelry, books, works of Highway 35, rine told of the need of having a art and all other tangible property, ever, if a claim for disability com- the boss and tell him everything pensation is not Wed within one Middletown, N. J. that is going on." tractor, not only to even out theaccording to the terms of a will wind- and sea-tossed sands on theprobated in the Freehold office of year from date of release from ac- Guest speaker was Ben, Wene, paid beach, but Mr. Pearson was Surrogate Oorman McFaddin. Af- tive service, compensation may not NION LAUNDRY who attacked the admtnUtration'a just as definite in his opinion that ter provision for a 130,000 trust be awarded for any period prior to ' UUNDEIINS • FUR ITOKAOI • IUO ITMAOE budget policies. He attacked the the machine would be a luxury for fund, residuary estate was be-date of claim. policy of transferring funds from Sea Bright. queathed equally to surviving is- Q. What is meant by presump- one department to another and One of the deciding factors w sue. tive service-connection? charged that $19 million dollars that there was not onough money p&ei/c s/fte The $30,000 trust is created tor A. There is a provision In the was borrowed over and above the in the beach account to pay for the $190 million operational budget ir. the benefit of Cordelia Burd Davis law to presume service-connection tractor without an emergency ap- of 12 East Westside ave., sister of for specified disabilities that be- Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Mulhollano, Park Ave. New York' City, will order to balance the budget. Sen. propriation. Borough auditor Jos- Wene said that a way must be the deceased woman, who will re- come manifest within stated per- veil at Public Auction HoutehoU floods, Furnishing;*, medical and et** eph Seaman, In a communication, ceive interest payments for life. Up- equipment. For convenience of eale all Items will be moved: to Mi found to relieve the taxes now be- said that such an appropriation iods of time following separation ing paid. ' on the death of Mrs. Davis, it is di- from active service. sold from: could be made provided the money rected that the principal of the es- Nariow-mindednesa of those in was paid back to the surplus fund tate remain in trust with income power is costing the state millions in the 1950 budget. to he paid to Josephine Davis Mc- BORDEN'S AUCTION GALLERIES, of dollars in school construction, Mr, Pearson recommended that Queen during her lifetime. After he charged. He said an opportun- the borough hire a bulldozer to death, of the two beneficiaries, the KIDNEYS ASBURY PARK, N. J. ity several years ago to, help the even up the beach and clean the trust fund is to be divided equally schools was ignored and as a re- uanda once and, thereafter, let theamong Mrs. Garnacy's living issue. sult many schools are being con- four paid lifeguards keep it in Asbury Ave., Traffic Circle and Highway 35. From Aabury Park, go The son, Julian E. Garnsey, and MUST REMOVE west on Asbury Ave. From Freehold and points west, take Highway demned and must be re-built at a order. tho Fiftli Avenue bank of New 33. From Red Bank and points north, take Highway 36. high cost. Mayor Farreli said that the York are executors and trustees. Sen. Wene stnted that he wasbeach had been placed in a rough Tho will was drawn April 8, 1947. EXCESS ACIDS certain that changes in county and condition by northeast storms und Help It Miles ef Kidney Tubas that the borough could have the John Norton Allen, Long Branch, municipal officials will be made ai who died May 8. named his wife, Flus- 'h Out Poiaanoueenoua Wa Saturday, June I lth,at 10:30 A.M. the people are tired of thair pres- assurance of maintaining a clean when disorder ef Mdiwy fmetlon IMIHUIS ent administration!. and even beach with a tractor in Bernice Colcman Allen, beneficiary kotanous muter ta ftmaln In year blood, use. and executrix, with a contingent It may eautt nafiins" bachache, rnnunaUo 131-plece Dresden Dinner set, including 12 place plates, Oriental Others who spoke were tht At- clause naming a daughter, Ila Al- Bains, lei rains, raw of P«P and cBtrn. «U Rugs (Sarouks), 9' 6" x 18/ 9' 8" x 12' 8," French, Italian, Chines* lantic Highlands Democratic can- Mr. Perrine said: "We can't do tine up nlihtt, ewtlllat, rufflnm undtr tke didates for mayor and council, Jos- much If we don't have something len Crowd], in event Mrs. Allen ejH. btaaaeltM end dSiinas. Frtquuit or Vases, French Table Lamps, Duncan-Phyfe dropleaC Table inlaid with died,before her husband. The will •canty pussies with amartlnf snd burnliw end drawers, Radio Console (Plillco), Colorful Venetian Stem Glass- eph Splcer and Edwin P. Philllpi, to do it with" and, therefore, in was drawn Oct. 27, 1944. •onetimes ahowa then it something wnag ware, Combination Radio and Phonograph (Capehart), Bathroom Lauren Parsons, John Petlllo, Red his opinion, purchase of a tractor With your kidnnn or bladder. Bank attorney, was master of cer- "is essential." Jennie White, Monmouth Beach, Don't wait! Alk vour druggist for Dean'* Scales (Health Meter), Secretary in walnut (Governor Winthrop), Sew- who died April 8. named her hus- ing fable (Martha Washington), Coffee Table (Walnut), with twiate* emonies. Councilman Carl Nelson said he rope legs, Handsome Settee (Chippendale), Occasional Living Room believed "we can't get along with- band, John H. White, beneficiary and executor in a will, drawn tubes flush out polionouSWUUtrwa Chairs, Oil Paintings, Nine-Piece Sheraton Dining Room Bet, Oc- out it." »mir blood. Get Doan'a Pill*. . casional Tables inlaid (Walnut), Telephone-Book Stand, Cabinets, Two It was the opinion of Mr. Jacob- June 26, 1929. Preventoriiim Richard J. Rogers, Rumson, who Mahogany Bookcases (pair), Vacuum Cleaner (Hoover), with «H at- NEW YORK sen that the bad feature of the tachments, Magazine Rack (Mahogany), Chinese Table Lamps, Three purchase was to be found in hav- died April 23, named his wife, Jes- sie H. Rogers, beneficiary and ex- Electric Fans with covers (GE>, Seven-Piece Walnut Bedroom Set ing to provide for its purchase in with Box Springs and Innerspring Mattresi, Oil Painting of Windmill To Start Drive next year's budget. ecutrix in a will, drawn April 20, S.S. SANDY HOOK 1948. 32H" x 45 V Original by Yon Mocckea—Vienna, 1871, Portrait ot Naval Open House Will Begin John Lindsay, who made his "de- Officer by Louis Granier, End Tables in Mahogany and Walnut, Grilled "Always On Tim*" but" as an argumentivc debater be- Healing Restored Metal Radiator Covers. OFFICE EQUIPMENT and FURNITURE:. 1949 Campaign fore the council a week earlier, Jailed For Stealing Elaborate 60" Flat Top Executive Desk (Walnut), Green Leather Of- DAtUONT SAVING TIMI DAILY SUNDAY came through again with an out fice Chairs with Swivel Chair to match all, like new. Professional The Tuberculosis preventorium spoken protest' against "municipal Truck 760 A.M. for children at Farming-dale will Model 8-2003 Hanovia Super Alphine Bun Lamp, White Metal Cabinet*, waste." He said he felt waste to Christianity Floor and Wall, Sterilizer, cabinet type electric with pressure tank IV. ATUNTIC WOWAWOS 300 f.M. TMtM. hold open house Wednesday, Jure would be involved in buying the Henry T. Foster of Keantburg 700 *.M. 8, to open a drive for funds for was committed to the county jail (Castle). This beautiful piece should warrant the attention of every tractor. He questioned Henry Sand- Through the Christian Science Medical Doctor. Examining Table, white metal with chrome trim, •00 A.M. special projects to commemorate lass, operator of a beach pavilion, last Thursday afternoon following . IV. Mil W. NOIfM IIVII leather top. Office 8cales, and other Items. MO Ml. KM AM. its 40th anniversary. who said he' kept his beach clean arraignment before Seymour Klein- teitbook, "Science and Health berg, Raritan' township recorder, root or CIOAI IT. •i«sr.M. Funds to provide psychiatric by having two lifeguards rake It with Key to the Scriptures" by A complete kitchen unit of floor and wall cabinets with stainless treatment, playground equipment every day. on charge of stealing a truck. He IV. et* V.. MOOMTN MO AM. ti 00 A.M. steel sink and electric garbage disposal unit. All items are In excel- and modernization of the. kitchen Mr. Lindsay said that since the was arrested by state police at Mary Biker Eddy, the lost ele- lent condition and many are practically new. For the convenience etf as well as operating; expenses will municipal beach was to have four Keyport last Thursday morning. ment of spiritual healing is re- all Physicians and Surgeons, equipment and office furniture will ft CM w«r MM f |« CHUNIN be sought In thff drive. lifeguards there was no apparent Police said, that Foster was re- oa sals at 11 * a. . OINCT MK CONNtCflONS TO MAT stored for all mankind. The Mrs. August Regan of Belmer Is reason that "a taxpayer can see" leased from the county jail May Sale under direction of Mtk Iw tn% hi* Sin Schrinltl chairman of the open house, and why a tractor was needed to keep 16 and is on a year's probation. He thoughtful study of the Bible in B. Q. COATS, Auctioneers 4*0 Bath Ave., Long Branch, W. f. vnmxr lowif WOK $«.OO_IO TRIP §OOK $20.00 will be assisted by Mrs. Edward M. the beach clean. It was brought was jailed on a charge of stealing the light of this great book has Wller, Mrs. Howard Hayes, Mrs.out that the borough beach is 1,000 liquor from a Keansburg tavern. J. W. BUBNS. Phone MMf • DfWNO • DANCING • BAR • J. Russell Allgor and Mrs. Harold feet long, compared to the 800-foot Foster had also served time in New- lifted countless thousands from Members "National Society of Auctioneers" Choate, all representing the Bel-Sandlass beach. ark jail for stealing a car in North sickness to health and from fail- mar woman's club, which sponsors Mr. Krauss was annoyed by Mr. Jersey. The stolen truck is owned • PAILY SUNSET CRUISE f many activities at the prtventor* Lindsay's questioning1 of borough by Ted Baldwin of Keansburj. ure to success. Such experience TO NIW YORK AND RETURN ium, policy and coundlmen's decisions, it equally available for alL, ^ IIAVH ATUNTIC HI0.HIANM 7i©0 f.M. Ons of the features of tha open and told him that "while this ALL-STAB RADIO SHOW house program will be the shew- beach la making money we do not Visit a Christian Science MHi« Tkw hr AN ON W«v Tri#t I Hr. A radio show starring Connie ing of a color movie depicting intend to listen to your questions." Reading Room today. Here you many of the activities of children In turn, he asked the resident: Haines and the Page Cavanaugh trio, with Mel Allen, noted sports may read, borrow, or purchase SPRING at the preventorium. Another fea- 'Why, If you are not satisfied with ture will be a folk dance given by the way things are done here, did announcer as master of ceremonies, Science and Health and the the Girl Scout group at the pre-you not come before this board last will be presented June 4 at 10:45 ventorium. year and say so?" a. m. ever station VVCAP, Aabury Bible, as well as other authorized Park. The program is presented in Christian Science literature. The 40-year-old tuberculosis prt- Mr. Lindsay pressed for answers co-operation with the United States Remodeling Time! ventorium for children U a non- to financial questions, and Mayor Marine corps and will be heard sectarian agency which gives Farreli Instructed Mr. Krauss he weekly. health building care to boys and did not have to answer the man. Christian Science girls between the ages of 4 and 14, The mayor said If Mr. Lindsay A NEW ROOF ... now U "wants to constantly interfere in APPOINT RIPANDELLI Reading Room who are referred to it by tubercu- tht tin* to reptir that leaky losis clinics. The work is support- council business, he can run for Felix Ripandelli of Long Branch U Bittd Si, M Bank. tt.t. council." Mr. Lindsay' retorted .te ed by the city of New York, coun- was appointed official representa- roof, while the weather it ties of New Jersey, the Greater "only wanted the public to know tive Qf the Italian-American Demo- Information concerningelturdi itnieet, what was going on." New York fund, foundations and cratic league of Monmouth county, fret public lecturti. and other Christian favorable. Or why not beau* individual donors. In another Issue, Mr. Lindsay it was anounccd Monday night by Seitrut activitiei olio available. the association which met at Long tifjr your bouse with a com- atr comNffftMsf for cool Minimor shopping Branch. plete new roof?


installed will keep oat am* Here*« vslue DELCO-HEAUBURNER pecked jacket thtt'i mar's heat and pay for itoelf . letlly in tune in fuel saved next winter. with the time*. It's windptoof and wttet You have a choice of several repellent... made of a luxurious GtwPOpOffW Ofifjiltfli ORDER NOW. types of insulation, all quick* »ool blend gabardine thtt'i In fin* sturdy'and wrong , ,v*-- Moygaihal llnon ly and efficiently installed. meticulously IT'S DEPINOAILE HEAT ttyled for Khool wear and Summer rotor! distinction General Motors engineering, action, cut for outdoor . design and craftsmanship ia in crisp cool Irish linen, Cask* sports. There's a beautifully shaped, tho ImMlM In your aiiunnce. AN ADDED ROOM... al. wonderful assortment entr fwnece lowly batoau nocklino •rhdltr IT'S ECONOMICAL HEAT of colors.1 \nt-4 ' ways needed in summertime hlfhlllhtod by • hand, PoiitiTS 19 so t TnrbuUtion— crocheted yoke .. • (our Oil and air art properly mirtd ... so why not add that Silts: 1010 22 afternoon dress collections for most efficient combustion* . .. 10.95 to 130.00). "tpare" room now? The (tee H ta e»r famevt dealaiier IT'S INSTALLED IT selletricM, feetwrlitf •rigliwls FACTORY-TRAINED MEN cost of an added room is re- wf Maurice Bsnfnsr... Nettle Delco-Heat dealers take courses mi U»» htm COM' fe COW 1 in proper metHods of taitalllaf Je Cepelead ef paid many times in added Pettvllt • • • r#H>BrawRle • . • • and servicing equipment. Vleeeat Ceapella ... Oenhel • • • 95 OlMirtrf fRll H SATING 1URVI comfort. Outer Klein ef leu Re% • •.. hllu Cuiillkmlt i PlwTBFWFSJ VVnVHOIeii e g. • w'FHIVi Ml H»a a Dtlco-Hsat tspmeauiha call T Cell Chaainea. •. anal many, Ifyour preuni heitina plini it Inidtquilc, and auke a htidn* rantr la rout many Mere). aik rotir dialer tbout replacing ic with Boait. No obllsidon.Wtiu or phoae An FHA Title No. 1 Loan is available in amounts «p to a D«lco-He

for fashfon Ivtvru & HEATING COMPANY, Inc. S3-S4 Braid St., Red Bank since 1919- 59 MAPLE AVENUE RED BANK i montcMr. $prin§ l«k« . aljanhurst • TELEPHONE R..B. 6-1041 Pact ThrM J. LEWIS Pour Injured Young Ailuli • BAIL'S for Loans • PIANO LESSONS ot Your Homt llolil-i $ii|i|M-r on Jewelry, Watc-hra, .Musical Instrument*. Camera*, Binoculars, FREDERICK A. WOHLFORTH, B4. Ed. POISON The Young Adult chili of Ih,' Rod Licensed and Bonded OAK w SUMAC B. B. y Build a complete set of world-famous The funeral of J. Lewis Hay, 82,East Keasnburg, Is in a- critical of Silvcrside ave., Little Silver, condition at Riverview hospital af-' Chiincc." who died Friday at Monmouth .Me- tcr being struck by a car on route Rev. Jesse Lyons of Summit will morial hospital, was held Tuesday 36, near Main st., Bclford. He re-be the speaker at an outdoor sup- ORIGINAL ROGERS afternoon at St. George's Episco- ceived a fractured skull and bony per meeting of the club to be held pal church, Rumson, with Rev. bruises. The accident ocurred at Wednesday, July 20. George A. Robertshaw, pastor, ot- 11:15 p. m. Friday. Fred Hallo- Attending the last meeting were SILVERPLATE Hoisting. Burial was in Old Ten-maicr of Elizabeth, driver of 'he Rev. and Mrs. Reiser J. Squire, nent cemetery. car, told township police that ne William N. Dura, Mnrjiaret Schlc- did not see Mr. Wclwardt cross the ALMOST AS A GIFT'. Mr. Hay was former president gelmilch, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wil- highway in front of his car near ber, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rart Wood, Mr. of the Hay Foundry Iron Works the intersection of route 36 and of Newark, a dim started by his and Mrs. William Vesey, Mildred m Main at. Palmer, Robert Stout, Peggy Stout, grandfather, and wan a former start with 3 teaspoons ffffi president of the Wilkinson, Gaddis Mr. Welwardt was taken to Riv- Emma L. Smith, Jack .Jeffrey, Mr. YOURS plus label! company of Newark. He had been erview hospital by the East Keans- and Mrs. Roland E. Vergagni Mr. iU two months and had recently re- burg first aid squad. Hospital au- and Mrs. Harold Ross, Amy Clay- tired from the board of trustee* of thorities still ltst him as critical ton, Alice Bclkmip, Elinor Hoyd, Monmouth Memorial hospital. He but report that he is improving. Mr, and Mrs. Ciordun Md'herson, had lived at Little Silver since 1919 Action against the driver pends Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyliln, Mr. and had retired from, business in the outcome of injuries. and Mrs. William Campbell, Mr. 1931. and Mrs. John Post, .Mi-, and Mrs. Two persons were injured aO7:45 William Snydcr.Mr. and Mrs. Hub- FLAGSTAFF Born at Newark, he was a son of p. m. Sunday when the car in which ert Browne, Mr. and Mr.y. Arthur the late Ebenczcr C. and Annabellt they were riding hit a curb, ran in-Hotaling, Mr. and .Mrs. Juhn Hell, Lewis Hay. He was graduated from to a utility pole, rolled down an Mildred Schmidt, Margaret Hem- FOODS Newark academy and at the age of embankment arid overturned. Po- bling, Janet Horrc and Mr. ;ind 17 joined his father in the foundry lice report that the car was driven Mrs. Thomas Beers. business. When his father died in by Heron W. Sloan of Rahway. 1919, Mr. Hay beenmc president of The driver was unable to tell po- F. J. Walden's race horse, Circu.s 1-2...HERES ALLYOUDO' the foundry until 1931 when the lice what happened. Mr, Sloan and Clown, is aptly named. At every op- 1 - Buy an/ three of Flagstaff's famous business was sold to the Bethlehem Maddie Williams of Rahway, a portunity the impish three-year-old passenger, were taken to Monmouth fine foods - Steel company. lolls in the -sand outside his-, kirn Memorial hospital by the Heiid- Under Mr. Hay's guidance, the and refuses to net "P, 2 - Attach Ihe labels, carton or bog company became one of the stated den's Corner Hist aid squad. Mr, fronls, or vacuum-pocked coffet coupons leading industries. In its (ilant was Williams, who suffered a broken to a piece of paper or coupon below with left arm, was treated and released your name and addrtsi on it. Add 50( in fabricated structural steel used In lovely the National Newark and Ray-Mr. Sloan, who suffered a possible coin - no stamps please. Thtn mail to mond-Commerce buildings, New- concussion, in reported an being in Convenience FtAGSTAFF, WALUNCFORD, CONN. f We Poffent' ark. fair condition. Police action was Is the Keynote taken. After leaving the foundry busi- of LEON'S ness, Mr. Hay was elected president George C. Sagot of Belleville of the Wilkinson, Gaddis company, was dicharged from Riverview hos- Certified Storage Service Co., Maria***, a, pioneer Newark wholesale groc- pital Monday after being a patient • Convenient Location (riuht Cwi*. ery concern which later sold out there Sunday. He was injured ear- In the heart of Red Bank) to the American Stores chain. ly Sunday morning when his cur • Convenient Service (Hniul- Mr. Hay was also a director of collided with a vehicle operated by Frank Florit of New York city. e

| Village Kinanis Club Open Plans 2d Air Show Graduation Gift Watch FABRIC That At a meeting of the Lincroft- *Rf|. T, M., GoodiU-Saaford, Inc. See fiberconten t oa Charge Holmdel Klwsnis club Thursday Account night at Lincroft inn, plans were Today dlscuased for the annual art show June 12 (rain date June 19). at from Colt's Neck airport. James Howard, president of the Reussilles' club, Is chairman of the show. Serving on his committee are Dan- iel S. Ely, secretary; Henry Cross, grounds and ticket collector; Lar- "# JXridel ry Buck, ground! and parking chairman; Tony Fiasconaro, re- freshments chairman, and Joseph RED BANK, N. j. Mendres, publicity chairman. The show is for the benefit of underprivileged children.

6Kx8K not this big* 751x10 72 sq. in*

Compare the picture area on Du Mont's Savoy console with that of other direct-view sets. Com- pare the picture quality-clearness, brilliance, freedom from flicker and distortion. Compare tone quality on AM, FM radio and recordings. Compare ease of tuning. Compare cabinet work. See how much more value DuMont gives you in overy way for your television dollar.

TUB8AVOY .00 BY BVMOXT 695 Plus installation

All ' our watches are time-tested before on the WatcK- Master for true accuracy. Each watch has a .one year's ser- r vice guarantee by our repair department. Priced from $19.75. Federal Tax Included. Hamilton • Om«ga • Bulovc SOLD ON EASY TERMS Elgin • Girard-P«rr«gaux • Gru«n J. H. KELLY COMPANY 36 Bread COlt. BKOAU ST. & HARDING RO. TELEPHONE RED BANK 6-3900 Monmouth*s Leading Jewelers Since 1886 Page Four BED BANK BEGISTEB, .TUNE 2, 1919 emblem, were given to Spring Lake and Brielle in the smaller branch Red Cross Work, division, and to Asbury Park, in the RED BANK'S larger branch division. Asbury Park's quota in the fund drive was ONLY Fair Haven Yacht Works Services Praised 119,270, and they collected, 114,- 325.49. COLD STORA6I The annual, election concluded By Director the session. New officers are Hol- VAULTS combe Ward of Mlddletown town- Organization Called ship, chairman; Harry A. Isaacs, for Jr., Little Silver, executive vice tun and Winter 'People's Partnership* chairman; Monroe Eisner, Red Oarmants at By John L. DUinultea Bank, vice chairman in charge of Strawberry -/?" finance; Mrs. William J. Church, Spring Lake, secretary; Mr. Whit- "The American Red CrtSO0 Shortcake .'aid John L. Dismukee, at the an- Members of the board of direc- •ONOIO ROUTIMIN nual meeting of the Monmouth tors are Mrs. Douglas Craik of 2-29c County Red Cross chapter last Rurruon; Mr. Church, Spring Lake; Thursday at the Molly Pitcher ho- John A. Day, Belmar; Louis Farb, A brant] saw tiMtl Made ef Irsyan famevi Vanilla lea Crtam an delicious coke, tel. The speaker is a Bed Cro« West Long Branch; Max Feingold, «*•» White St. B. a coMred wlM freieii crutM strawberries ana* aVcarotad with whippad-cream ro- field director «nd served in Europe Freehold and Mrs. Robert G. Ilsley, aertas. E«h Ireyen lea Crsea Strawbarry Shsifcak* Is a aanaraua individual serving. during the war and during the post- Fair Haven. Delegates-at-large Donald E. Lawes, Little Silver; Dr. w.ir period, and was recently tributions, Red Cross represents named fund raising director of the James W. Parker, Red Bank; Dr. in the NEW 49 you and I to the ends of the earth, Nicholas G. Ransohoff, Long North Atlantic area, of which thi» in many places where we can not chapter is a part. Bntrch; Dr. A. E. Robinosn, .As- sver serve." bury Park; Mrs. Ferdtrick C. Using: "Why I Give to the Red "Red Cross conference table*" Tatum, Mlddletown township, and Cross" as his topic, Mr. Disnvukes said the director "the world over Gen. VanDeuSen, Fair Haven. , said "I like Red Cross lor its or- are a potential medium for under- Branch representatives from this ganization, because it has no pre- standing between peoples and na- area will be Mrs. Joseph C. Devi- judices, and it is a bridge of un- tions. All the people of the world son, Mrs. Hazel N. Ford, Mrs. Plum derstanding between me and my have one great thing in common, and MlM Flora Willgues of Red fellowman. Through Its Confreav that U a desire for peace and un- Bank; Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton, slonal charter it is the humanitar- derstanding, agaimtt war and blood- Jr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gorsuch, ian arm of the government. shed. Through your service M Red Middletown; Mrs. Henry Knochel FLAGSHIPS Through home eervice It is the Cross volunteers, and your contri- and Mrs. Edward Walder, Atlantic Taara la aothintf you and yout lamily can do that will git. euch tine liaison between the serviceman and butions, the Red Crow takes all of Highlands.* relotattoB and pleasure fls yachting 11 it is rat! and peace that you. his family, and through our con- us on a great adventure and gives wont, drop anchor in ono cl the million* ol quiet covet throughout us the opportunity to share in and Mr. Ward read a resolution from Aaserica. Prepare to eat the beat food you have tarred la yeare, as4 promote, international good will." the board of directors of Allenwood afterwards enjoy a sound and refreshing sleep in your coo/, comlortobl* hospital, thanking the county chap- hvrtb while the city ewelttr*. li you and youi wila art in a livelier aiood, In speaking of the organization's lavitt year Irttnd. along—or tie up at one ol tha hundred, ol yacht club, ter motor service workers, for their aad tajoy dub lilt with tellow yacht.men~lht tritndlitit aod fia.af services during disaster, Mr, DU- help during the past year. This ptoptt la tea world. Keval in unbridled hoppluttr II aerrr etotalae or ' Now Is The Time mukes remarked "When Texas City service transported patlenta to va- trolickiaf sport U your lorte, there ora twiamlag, turning, doac/af, suffered Us tragio explosion and rious T. B. clinic* in the state, and IATING CONDINSID mier tklltg. racing, or lust good old CJOS/OJ. When yau Mel fires, when Maine endured its dis- to Philadelphia and New York city. edfuture ead new worlds, .imply weigh your anchor aad head tato TO ORDER YOUR astrous fires and when last win- tha sparUiag saa. You can cruise in purt tnioymtnt to lancinating, cttitt, htttortcal tpott, or aveo uncharted watttt. Owaisf oa O*r*ae' ter's blluard struck all Its fury'in Cited For Safety FOOD TABUTf llagship Is aa investment la living that you cannot oHord to overlook. . the West, you and I were there Tfc.ee boats ate built lor years ol service. Thty art particularly dattg&td Summer Awnings through our contribution to Red By Slate Department let eaa/ortoUe cnililng and lamtly lilt abcaid. Salttr aad tea Cross. At the same time, we were ftfarfftat.l art traditional highlight, in tha popularity ol aa Owana. in Mexico, helping stranded In- Twenty-eight county municipali- Tea 4» aat aore to b. oa eld salt to capials en Owen, feecausa wa hove' ties have been inscribed on the roll - ' ' ' ' made them lust at easjr to nit dians on a mountain side, and too, THIS I00K IS YOURS •>• <»<» «•• B.« d au u.«« we were In Greece, helping starv- of honor of the state department of tritboit sttrvitiMi. lanrfil Aift in* tut aciriitr • * ° n°fllhiP «•">' /oar with; ing Greek children." law and public safety for their rec- rOR IHI ASRIN6! tha tad ol a IMp, a vocation. "We were chocked at Texas City ords in completing 1948 without a (native*, tititiM tr mmgi •Thi» hooi tell, you o! or a aaatoa, but la oa ot»al because it happened in one place1' traffic accident fatality. Uiafun.l.ctsandllg. thai la physically good /or' They are: Red Bank, Rumson, Vea, tha Kyron Plan, the new food U blrt my to radue*, wDlhtlp urt. cl pl.isur. boat, yeorf, alwoyt has Ugb re- the speaker concluded "but we have you low up to 7 lbs. first 7 days-or yo u pay nothiBf. M your no* ting. Order your copy ea/e ro/ua, oad paya aalra our own individual 'Texas Cities' Shrewsbury borough, Little Silver, weiiht i» caused by over-cotin| (ami not glandular), the Kyron today lor 29 cente divldeod. la o new lit* tkal every day in the week, with our Monmouth Beach, Ailenhurst, Al- Plan i» designed to act 3 ways: (1) To help appataa your buowr. 4dttck wi* arslai). cansot ha aqwlti. .' - : high rates of accidents in the home, lentown, Atlantic township, Avon, to cut down your appetite automatically, yet you^never leal Bradley Beach, Deal, Englishtown, huury; (2) Indudei nutritioia elements to help maintain your < in industry and on the highways. energy while raducinf, (3) RacpauMndj UJ FUST IN QUALITY AT LOWEST COST Your Red Cross through its first Farmlngdsle, Freehold borough, package man y foods often falaely labeled in aid and water safety program, ac- Freehold township, Holmdel, Inter- ordinary di»U as "fatt«nin»."F- laken, Keyport, Manasquan, Mata- by your physician recommends «WINI CMIHMS cident prevention work, and home nursing services, offers to you pro- wan, Matawan township, Neptune Tfca Baa*hl» in any Uaal Our better made awnln«t> City, • Oceanport, Roosevelt, Sea Ihroa «la»—26, 33, and •rUJ five added beauty, com- tective skills which will help you to prevent an individual 'Texas Girt, Spring Lake, Union Beach •41-foot Designed lor lax- fort and durability to your and West Long Branch. tosr u nunt M / mm* vrious Irving ofloat. Tops in home. City' In your own home." —toyi. Mn. Kortrjw Walter Mtaty.Ma kindline::. Fn-»d Gen. George U Van Dcusen, chap- 3332 Wait Potomac Awiuif, Chief boa $4480." In over SO yean In basinet* ter chairman, paid tribute to the Lautman Headi we have gatfofled thousand! of more than, 100 workers attending, customers. You don't have to for the many set-vices that they Municipal Group pay us more to get the best OWINI mHIIMIN are now carrying on in their own Mayor Solomon Lautman of Deal always tirnd. Now I feel so much jrounjer In workmanship and mater- communities since the end of the - • y huibind can't gat ovac the Ultlaut. in «j>orti rijh. tola. waa named president of the Mon- and gayer. My friends and my - anaan* Butlt in thraa suae— war. He also lauded A. Alvin mouth County Municipal associa- chug* that hue token place in 7 tbort waalu." 76, 33. ond 42-faot. Saltlr We have on band a full a*> Whiting, who has served as chap- tion at the annual eleotion of of- ol strong, seaworthy hull ter treasurer for the past 32 yeara, ficers Wednesday night of last week and depandabla powar lection of beautiful pattern! to and Mrs. William T. Plum, who has REDUCE UP TO 7 POUNDS FIRST 7 DAYS... Frn! Doctor's Scientific naku than Idea] lor Ilih- •tripes and aolld colon. Re- the highest record In the chapter at Ardena. He succeed* Mayor Al- Ing in any ata. Priced member Globe Awnlnc for bert H. Kirms of Bradley Beach. OR NO COST! MAM THIS T.DAY TMTI s*lieirfHsM»se|»s»j!»l Iron tSSBQ, • • - " for hours of volunteer service. Weight Chart Available quality and >iervlce. , Arthur Martin, an Atlantic High Other officers elected were Mayor Get a package of Kyron Tablets from a Bun Bar Dnia- Store. Cat thaw John W. Applcgate of Matawan, condensed fowl tablet, for 7 daya—and folio* direction* aa exolatrie* Window shades made to or- lands high school pupil, and presi- In package. Check your weight before and after wring Kyron. If you- dent of the Junior Red Cross coun- first vice president; Mayor Peter art not 100% delighted with rtaults . . return the empty paekag* to itiflSun Ray Drugstores OWINI UTIUTIU der. All (Trades, all sites. Maclearie of Belmar, - second vice your Sun Ray Drug Store, and «e trill return roar money. Make thle ftunabaut perlornahet. Manufactured on premises.. cil at his school, told of their pro tut today. Aak our drusgiat for the Kyron Flan .. the condtnsad too* gram, their work here in the coun- president; Rarltan township Com- tablet. NO OBLIGATION TO BUY etuieer aafely. SpoeSs up mitteeman Woodlyn W. Bowne, a* 24 n.p.rt. Large, deep, A full selection of hlffh ty and the manner in which this BUY THE ECONOMY SIZE AND SAVE MONEY prottettd cockpit. Enjoy day trade Venetian blinds at helps juniors throughout the world. third vice president; Clinton B. at) water with solely and special prices. He said that he felt that this work Lohsen, Keansburg borough man- CMtnanttncti ol toilet, dress. ager, secretary, and Mayor Edgar t»a;rooDi.P«cad(rom}2630. is "good training for all of us, for ESTIMATES future service to Red Cross, to our O. Murphy of Farmingdale, treaty WALLACE STS., RED BANK school, and to our community." A urer. CHEERFULLY GIVEN large delegation of Junior Red Cross members from various coun- ALL MODELS ON DISPLAY NO OBLIGATION ty schools, ushered, and distributed programs which contained the an- nual reports of the chapter volun- PHONE 6-3889 teer services. ' Gen. VanDeusen, who was also fund chairman this past year, re- Fair Haven Yacht Works ported that only (74,449.38 had been contributed towards the chapter'* Calling All Boys and Girls! DeNormandie Avc. Pair Haveu GLOBE $100,900 quota. Four branches who went over the top In the drive were Atlantic Highlands, a branch which Tel. Red Bank 6-3010 AWNING ft SHADE CO. mil recently re-organized; Brielle, 1H West Front St Bel Beak 8»a Girt and Spring Lake. Fund raising flags, bearing the Red Cross Get Your Entries In NOW Only Chrysler Offers FOR

Drive through high 'water... Start instantly fn dampest weatherf Kiwanis Koaster You can't stall this amazing Chrysler High Compression Spitfire Engine even if you play a hose en it! TOWER HILL

latest jr«*tMt a1a»al»msi»M in high com. creation! Pionewred by Chrysler engineers who first introduced high compression to America 25 years ago! Featuring still higher compression Chrysler's mighty Spitfire again steps years ahead.' Now you get completely waterproofed ignition system, coil, distributor, wiring-harness, Spark Plugs—everything! And again our developments in engine protection keep pace Kith our advances in performance! Full Pressure Lubri. Saturday, June 18,1949 cation prolongs engine life. Exclusive Full Flow Oil Filter keeps oil so dean that a change is necexary only every 5,000 miles. Chemically, treated cylinders reduce cylinder wsll scoring, save on oil. New Wide- Boys and Girls 9 to 16 Cap Resistor Spark Pluga cut misfiring, conserve . fuel. Superfinith reduces wear of moving pirti. And these are only t few of the Chrysler engineering "firsts" the others can't match. Phone us today for " • Aamomtration. MANY VALUABLE PRIZES! BICYCLES - TROPHIES Get Your Entry Blanks Today " AT

•sf rtl *I»U brio Dorirs Photo Shop Neil Seoul's Market WALLACE ST. 118 SHREWSBURY AVE. J. H. Mount Co. . Kelly's Luncheonette. BROAD ST. FRONT ST. Waterproof Ignition SPONSORED BY MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS RED BANK KIWANIS CLUB WIST FRONT STREET RID BANK, N. J. ."*? N



PRESIRIPTIOnS FIllED £xactltj A5 VOUR DOHOR ORDERED BROAD &. WALLACE STS., RED BANK j «g? ffiMP/Afftfr ^piiiiii^^ Check Htat Fatigue! %r&hV Stationary Elictric'* mSkk&6tmM*L 50c OEXTROSE SALT TABLETS With Switch Thumb »er»«r for tilting la various potUieni, )"Cfktll# finish wilh ilurdy matil guard. 639 Blado turn quitlly — •conomicil opatation. Undtrwritin' libertlery Apprend rgbbar I^ For Only I SACCHARIN H^) Xd. >^gal I1* Or. Tablets

Value .r 26c RAYVE Grimi Shampia Klips Motht ft Dull Out! \mrsmim *•" ^^K I^K*] / / Snug Fittintj Full 8-Of. Bottle f /| FOOT p. Witch SOCKS ^? mr Hazel 1a4 (•»! tint. We

ISSCNOXZEMA .RTON OF 50 BOOKI Midlcittd Skin .MATCHES CREAM 1000 Lights ?:fvi5!2at^!SaK^

Vel. ICALAMINE ILarge Roll Toile LOTION TISSUE ACLE;:r. OFFER! Salt. AhtarkMt Smart Plastic] Calf Laiiet' ASHOWERI •APER OiNNEf SPRAY 1 l«nf lift twbbar lubingi moors 1 s ' Tou C^n BclH'vi' —louctf c*nntt*)*n. IAPKINS four lyi>^' They're Onl y tkq. of SC Mlnlalwaa at aarfatHaa I* **a>y J—•' -^illla • *W. Trim! amfl FULL FASHIONED Trim.' Tidy! «h ef rail-tail, packef, bar* MERCURO- flM Vil. f anal hab itnbi. CHROME Value BATHING Wotar OCULENSJ froof .FRENCH r Appltcoter lelllt WMMt ialtill.illl » tt mm thtdthtdta '* BEACH SUN GLASSES in \\%n fall fitklanaai. Scientific lam filtars tun tint anility CAPS PURSE i and deal. iil 9 Bit l BAGS 25c Whlta Act 1NEW LOW PRICEll S9 SHOE WHITE C«l«rs

fllaiaMlMtwt waftf • STANEET I •" »la«Ht «H. |ira«f rukkaf I ta|i. Comn In oitorlad twa^lan* • canblnallan «l plailit

Jstthi* 20c Value dANTSAU IMOTH BALLS Sensational New ior FLAKES CRYSTALS Mais or Nugget* CIIJriTlIIBinniSITTTD a>urt napthalan« )• -. kail «f Ilak« form, | Airwol O.O.T.I *anjou» Bonk

Flu* ftfatn Fan«kr»itntl« film. T«W» nuti* ft \il alaturai in^Mriar «ul, kUuif, rilny •Iwkff ilia EXTRA •r IUHRV. •••I* iilnli I* MUUTtllHWT TMf MOD Ika fait- •alia Vaa» *f frnl mwlll-pu .HCTWEt II YM MT Intaitklet*.

S A S •.?,.,- -V ., Associate Editor note that the state isn't fooling when itaski clubhouse located on Monmouth *t. other dealers at 39 cents were be- The ladies auxiliary of theBrev- M. HABOLO KELLY. Assistant Miter near Pearl. The main portion of ing sold by Mrs. Weis at 23 cen ant park and Leonardo fire com- motorists using its roads to be cautious an pany cleared $40 at a balloon dance W. HABBY PENOTMGTOK. flut Supt. the clubhouse was originally the and she stated the kind usual!; to obey the law* on the books, state and l former St. James church located sold by others at 75 cents she wouli at the nrehouse. The committee in Meatkcr A«*t BartM of ClrcalftHons fa I. This group may say the penalties are at Pearl and Wall, which was sell at 39 cents. charge comprised Mrs. Fred Meyer, moved from the original site to the The Eagle Clothing Co. whic] Miss Rose Kalmulsky, Mrs. Ben- Member «l Iht Aeeectatei rraw stiff but arrests are down because more church's Monmouth it. lot.v The had its store on Broad jamin Haulboskey, Mrs. Ruth Dob- The Aisociited re-en It entitled cxdiuinlr to the on bins, and Miss Valerie Gtadoski. lor reiiobliotlon of ell the lotal nevre printed in this newn people arc using brains to be cautious. building cost over $4,000 with the stated it was not necessary foi pii-tr, e» well it all AP aiwi diipitchei. money being raised as the work men to have their clothes tailor- The boys of the young men's as- made when a purchase of one Ol Eldueite National Adlttttliing BtcnientttlTt, firealer This newspaper can recognize the facl progressed, was dedicated free of sociation of Belford with Ward Weeklies, 225 Welt 89th Street, New Vork CitJ that lines arc sleeper than they once were debt. Principle addresses were their $7.50 ready-made suits wbulc Jeffreys as their leader, enjoyed Chieaco-Phlladelphla-Dctroit made by Rev. James A. Reynolds, cure the most obstinate case of a Chinese dinner and moving pic- made-to-measure customer. Thit ncirtpaprr eieumei no reipontibllitlia for It can recognize, too, that traffic accident the pastor; Thomas F. Grady and tures at Red Bank, The boys wer* Statement! of opinion! in letters from Iti renders. cost state residents a f34,582,2fl0 IO?M IUH James E. Degnan. Supper and Graduating exercises of the At Myron Golden, Ralph Jonas, Lester dance followed the dedicatory ex- lantic Highlands public school wei Smith, Bradley VanBrunt, Charles year, and that 507 people were killed i ercises. to be held'in the Methodist church Tllton, Bradford Johnson, Austin state motor vehicle accidents. That loss Several hundred spectators wit- of that place and County Superin Johnson, Winston Banbury, Regi- nessed a series of games put on by tendent Enright was to present th« nald Banbury, Otto Schnoor, and and those deaths give considerable Wrigh members of the Monmouth county diplomas. Graduating were Isa- Harold Couter. Sabecription Pricti in Advance. One fear 18.00; ill to the argument that traffic enforcemei) cavalry team. William T. Wilson belle VanMater, Mary Logan, Ma- Adrlanius VanEngelen of Broad Month!, 12.00; three monthi, 11.50; eintfle copy, 7 cent*. with its "no-li.v" tickets, was brought abou carried off the honors in the head mie Corion, Mary Emma Zebley, st., Keyport had his throat slashed cutting contest, being more adept Walter J. Roberts, Henry Loux and Iteucd Weekly, entered » 8econd-Cla» Matter at the POM- William Burdge. by an unknown person who was sffka at Red Bank, N. J., under the Act or March i. 187». as the result, of negligent driving. with a saber than any other mem- evidently after money. The vic- ber of the troop. Others outstand- Professor J. M. Ralston whi tim's assailant was dressed in wom- Tor our part, we believe the police ing in the contest were Frank P. taught school for 36 years and whe en's clothes bat everything pointed THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 must, do a thorough job in traffic control fo Stryker, Dr. Edwin Fields, Walter had been identified with Asburj to the fact that it was a man. public safety. Violators must be punished Fields, Fred Hope and Bugler Van- Park schools for 17 years, reslgne The girls' sewing club of Holm- KelfTt. on account of poor health. He was del was to hold its last meeting of Time To §prucc Up for they "ask for the music and must pa A game of baseball between ama- a frequent visitor to the schools the season at the home of the club's (he piper."' teur teams of Keyport and Red in Red Bank. instructor, Mrs. Bronson Butler. This is tlio time of year when moist vitation was extended to all the Bank resulted In the Red Bank- Garments wade by the group were commissioners of Long Branch, ers losing by a score of 11 te 4. Twmty-nve Years Ago to be judged at this meeting by the American communities are thinkiug about LETTERS FROM I three of whom sat at the head table Herman Cady was umpire. Red Joseph Mori purchased from Mrs, lounty demonstrator of home eco- with Edgar F. West, our company Bank players were Elwood B. Edmund Wilson, three lots on the nomics. preparing lo put on their prettiest appear Eliminate Soot Nuisance OUR READERS| president, and Democratic candi- ance for the summer months. It is thtjn date for freeholder, and incidental- Ivlns, Albert D. Cooper, George D. east side of Harrison ave. Mr. Mori, The commuter's hat was light gray, hi ly are all Republicans. Cooier, John Forsythc, Burd who owned and conducted a res- tliat everyone, your neighbors and slieirs, UOVSISO A COUNTY MMU Hance,.James H, Hubbard, George taurant on West Front St., plannei 1 shirt white. He was waiting for the "Earlj Senator Herbert had no know- are out looking tlie plturu over. It is tlnjn 1 LENT ledge ot the invitation and was K. Alfem, George Conover and to do a little real estating on th Uird, ' the (i:3» a. m. Pentnsy to New York, quite surprised when we came in- George Burd. side. Editorial Views that it is iip to the individual householder rutting at, the station, ready to depart foi P. O. Box. 828, to the Sea dirt inn. Senator Her- James E. Degnan, receiver of the Patrick Carton of Everett, th Red Bank, N. J. bert extended to Senator Wene the only surviving veteran of the Civl whether his place is to be praised or t Trenton was the P.K.K.'M cross-state chug usual and recognized courtesies ac- Red Bank trolley cc, bought ten about _. _ May 31, »4», corded to any guest, nothing more cars from the Brooklyn City Rail- war in that locality, was on th Of Other Papers gei*. Time came for departure and amid The Editor, and nothing less. These were tlte road co. They were to be put on sick list and everybody who knew This also is the time of year when it is Red Bank Register, same courtesies extenedd to J. Rus- the local line and Improved service him was hoping for a speedy re- lot of chugging and hissing away it went Red Bank, N. J. was promised, covery, (The opinion! espreiud In the EJ1- most advisable to get rid of a lot of t|ie sell WooUey and Ira Wolcott on torlnl Viewi hercuniler do not necetiw* As it passed the waiting commuter, it gave Dear Bit; the following Thursday night at "The Deestrict School at Blue Reginald B. VanBrunt of Ea« lly carry the endorsement ot Tht iteg* trash that lias accumulated in our the second banquet held by the berry Corner" was given at the Front st,, purchased a new hous liter.) off its waste. 1 Firemen's league. I am sure that and attics through the past winter. d "Rural Zoning Headache Red Bank town hall by the Chrli on William st. Mr. VanBrunt waa THE FLAG Kesult: That gray liar, just back from pointed out a very serious go\ the members of the league, of Dem- tlan Endeavor society of Grace M soon to be married to Miss Kath- Rubbish, newspapers, rags, junk should ernmental problem. On the one ocratic leanings, did not resent erine Tobln of Fair Haven. the cleaners, took on the appearance of the hand, local ttovernmenta, In many their appearance at the head table, E. Church and $40 was cleared. President Truman has signed • be cleared out. Think of this waste as gopd Instances, face economic suicide i Let us be fair about it. I saw no Those taking special parts in the Harry Ervlng of Vanderburg proclamation designating June 14 hide on" a leopard—big black smears of soo( they permit unrestricted conttruc- editorial in your paper condemning program were Howard Watts, Mr. was again at work on his farm af- as Flag day. As a patriotic occa- tinder for u costly lire, if nothing else. tlon of "economy" houses, because Mrs. Geraldlne L. Thompson, the and Mrs. James S. Throckmorton, ter being laid up with a sprained sion, Flag day Is not new, but this clung to its side and brim. It was oil; such homes (all to carry their Republican state committeewoman, year it will have special signifi- It is not too early to get the furnace share ol the local ta* buroen. Yet. Mr. and Mra. William B. Mount, ankle for several weeks as a resul stun". It wouldn't blow off, and penetrate on the other hand, not only have when she entertained Mrs. Frank- Mr. and Mrs, William A. Sweeney, of a fall from his hay mow. cance. In asking citizens to show cleaned in readiness for fall, particularly!if lin D. Roosevelt, the wife of the Mrs. Howard Whitfleld, Mrs, Jamei he colors at their homes, Mr. Tru- deeper when the man tried to wipe it clean. we a national need for' smal Democratic President, nor have you The Patterson homestead atthi it burns oil, wood or soft coal, which leave homes, but we also have a real Fitzgibbons, Misses Allie Mount, corner of Shrewsbury ave. and man wants them thus to "give The white shirt looked like it had been worn problem of housing the low-Income commented on the Attorney Gen- Grace Child, Jessie Throckmorton, thanks for their privileges," The thick deposits of soot. It is veil, at the groups that cannot afford even an eral Theodore D. Parsons and his B«ech st. was sold to Raymond l»,r a miner. The man's face needed Hash- 'economy" house. close association with Theodore Alice Blaledell, Sadie Williams, Jones for $7,000. He planned to flag, he reminds us, "signalizes our same time, to look for possible cracked Labrecque, one of the county Dem- Julia Little, Sadie Child, Clem Ken- erect a. building to be used as a respect for human rights and the ing. It would appear, therefore, that protection such rights are afforded flues iu f outstanding service. A success- erest and eagerness in opening the and barrels and baskets full of waste, just ul attack on this problem would Yours truly, Eugene Keough of Wall st. was ker. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mr. Clague remarks: "This year's demonstrate that our democracy Is Ted Breton employed as clerk in E. Clayton Charlse Conover, Misses Anne vay for Protestant DPs to And at those hours that the shopper is most capable of' satisfying the basic The Breton Exchange. and Sons grocery store on West •aasch, Emma and Paula Kessler. homes and a living in the Mew- graduates uud those still attending colleges needs of the great majority ot our Mrs. Jamea McPhee, Mrs. William World. anxious to do his business is a nuisance, if BOBBITT BACKS HERBERT Front st. , may adjust to the situation in several ways. ltUens. William U Covert of New Mon- Kaney, Miss Margaret McClean, Yet it Is estimated that of the not a hazard. On Friday uight, of all night, Cordially yours, Emil Dennlnger and Charles Bren- it would seem worth the borough's while to Some may find their best course is to aim Samuel !!• Flsher.Jr. Long Branch, N. J. mouth died of acute indigestion at lose to 1,000,000 DPs still in Eur- at a job in a field related to their training. Mr. Thomas Irving.Brown, the age of 76 years. k*ir. ipe, about one-third are Protes- order this operation to start after 9 o'clock, SATS HE INVITED WENE. Editor and Publisher, Robert C. Trafford, a popular George Frank Odell of Red Bank -ant. It is sad that these people Many engineering graduates, for example, The Register, young man of Red Bank, died at >pened an automobile service sta- ihould be penalized by the lagging when the stores close and the shoppers go Highlands, N. J. the age of 34 years after an ill- interest of American Protestant*. will find their training helps them main Hay U, 1M9. Red Bank, ,N. J. tion on the east side ot the Eaton- home. It is in the public interest that we My Dear Mr. Brown: ness of a year. He was a clerk own road. The Lutherans, however, have don* Editor, Red Bank Register. in the Red Bank post office but re- good work in opening the way for make that recommendation. tain administrative or technical sales jobs. Broad Street, -Was I surprised that a paper of Mrs. George Curtis ot Little Sil- Red Bank, Mew Jersey. tired on account of poor health. ver, who had b.een laid up with a numbers of their own faith, and "Others will wish to continue in school the long-standing political Inde- other Protestant denominations are Dear Sir: pendence of The Register would Garrett Thome, CentervUle broken leg-; -was able to get about for postgraduate work in the same or re- I read with a great deal of In- impeach the Republicanism, of farmer, died in his 72nd year. His on crutches. setting up DP departments, with Traffic Fines Take Big Jump terest, your editorial in the Issue ot Senator J. 8tanley Herbert because passing was due to a kidney dis- Miss Louise Hampton of Sea Church World Service available a* lated fields in order to improve their May 2ttth. As a member of, and Senator Elmer H. Wene was a coordinating agency. There is guest and speaker along with Re- order. Bright was employed in the tele- Chief Justice Arthur T, Va»d«rbil't of chances for employment. * * * Some under- in fairness and justice to, the mem- publicans at the annual banquet phone office. iope that DPs will not continue te Ders of-the Shore Firemen's Bowl- Miss Norma Swan, daughter of find themselves doubly displaced be- graduates will want to cousider changing ing league, I wish to protest the of the Shore Firemen's Bowling Webster Swan of Naveslnk, was Miss Xaihryn Hance, daughter the New Jersey Supreme court has reported league which he heads! The league if Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hance cause they are Protestants, —Th* their course of training to a related field unwarranted and untrue Implica- is not political, but concerned with elected literary, editor of the year Christian Science Monitor. that adoption of the new statewide "u.i fix" tions and insinuations- contained sports. Its members are of both book of the'Baltimore Women's ot .Riverside ave.. was one of th* traffic tickets has produced a CG.4 per cent which will otter better employment posi herein concerning Senator 3. Stan- parties. Wouldn't ° It have been college. graduates from Hood college at bilities," ley Herbert. pretty petty and narrow for its The handsome residential proper- Frederick, Md. THANKS VB increase iu fines collected, despite a 7.1 per The members of the league are president to have attempted to bar ty of Mrs. Anne M. Duffey oh Lc- Henry Kruse of Rumson pur- cent drop iu the number of summonses is- Best yet, according to the labor statis- 'olunteer ; firemen ot Monmouth him from a social affrflr? cust ave. was sold at public auc- chased a new Ford coupe, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC county ot both Democratic and Re- The Register says that Senator Oordon Morrow of Oceanport en- EDUCATION sued. ! tics commissioner, is a student policy of publican persuasions. The league Herbert owes "his entire political tion and bought by a Mrs. Wright Red Bank, N. J. strictly a non-partisan organlza- .of New York city who- held the tertained at a birthday party on success and prominence to the Re- Decoration day.' Among those pres- May 37, 184». The report covered the' first three adopting "flexibility and adaptability in ap- n interested solely In bowling publican party in Monmouth coun- mortgage against the property. Mr. Thomas Irving Brown, months of 1949 and was based on .figures proaching occupational choice." He point- nd good sportsmanship, and polit- ty." Does it not overlook the fact Lots <0 by ISO were being sold lo ent were Jean and Shirley Morrow. tod Bank Register, ical discussions or propaganda have that out of the 18 times he has rurn the vicinity of Bank st. and Leigh- Wlllard Watklns and Robert Forbei led Bank, N. J. submitted by 302 municipal judges. These ed to these fields as among those which will ever entered Into any of its pro- In tthhe countty he hha « bbee n highih ton ave. for $80 to $100 each. Re- ot Red Bank, Douglass Berry] >r. Mr. Brown: ceedlngfl. ' I, personally, and the man on tthhe ticketik t some tet n timesti , George Lake, Ramon Masvadahl, figures showed that tines totaled $247,J95 be overstocked with college graduates with- many members with whom I have pulling along his weaker running- cent buyers were Arthur E. Smith, Thank you for the fine article discussed your editorial, resent mates by his popularity, even Theodore F. White, Daniel H. Cook, Bennie Smith, Walter Luken and oncernlne our special concert at iu the first three mouths-of 194!), compared in the next few years: engineering, law, ac- •our attempt to instill and infil- when he was elected senator in and Charles R. D. Foxwell. Leigh Millar. Jarnegle Hall, which you published io ?l»8,570 in the mi me months of 1948. counting, business administration, person- rate partisan politics Into the spite of threats of a bolt by some Mrs. Christopher Gramman of Alfred Brower of Locust Point this week's edition of your paper. argest bowling organisation of its party leaden? May this not war- Wayside entertained at a quilting and Miss Alice Williams of Newark, Please extend my appreciation Tickets, it was said, decreased from iiaMl nel work and journalism. Shortages, be clnd in American bowling circles. rant the* assumption that ho is a former librarian at Navesink, .nd thanks to Miss Frey- for ax- iVc are not interested In a bowler's stronger than his party in 'the party Mrs, Michael Fary, Mrs. Ed- ang the material and writing th* to ($1,263. said, will continue in teaching, nursing, Mlitlcs or his religion, but only in county? And would he have been win L, Lavcns, Mrs. Everett Mil- were to be married within the week xtlele. ts ability to bowl and to be a good if he had sought to dictate to his ler, Mrs. George Dangicr and Mra. at a Newark church, Sincerely Yours, Other statistics: Number of oll'enders medicine, dentistry, medical-service occupa- friends, the firemen bowlers, as to William Gramman. Rumson's victory park band gave port, the politics of their guests «t a so- Emma Jane Lafetr*. failing to appear in court decreased '8!M! tions and social work. Perhaps you received misinfor- cial affair? Daniel C. Reed resigned as ov- its flnt concert of the season be- mation regarding Senator Wene'n erseer of the 4>oor at Sea Bright fore a very larga audience. Rich- TO RECEIVE DEGREE per cent,; court costs collected, iiim-aned It has been said, I think In the ard L. Halle was band conductor. The old saying was: "Shoemaker, stick appearance at the banquet. He Bible, that there is a time and a and Mayor P. Hall Packer appoint- SI.8 per cent; convictions, incrcasod l(j,4 was my guest and the guest of the ed William P. Goff as hi* succes- Richard E. Devesty, son of Mr. to your hint."' It now is appureiit that the nembersot the Independent Fire place for all things. Surely a so- Rusaell Hodgkiss of Little Silver nd Mrs. William E. Devesty. per cent; dismissals, decreased 6'3,1 per ompsny, the winners of the "A" cial gathering Is no place for sor. ' was operated on for appendicitis Naveslnk, is a candidate for a Uc modern shoemaker also should know how drawing party lines. Gov. Dris- A valuable horse owned by W. cent. vision. On March 16th, Senator coll and Senator Wene even sang at, the Spring Lake hospital and gree at Syracuse, university's ttlnt to shoe a horse and a brakeband. The. more Wene and I attended a meeting at a duct or so at one gathering last A, Coe of Keypoft was taken with was. Improving very nicely, commencement to bo held Monday. This report may make a lot of people, adaptable a young fellow is to more than he MaeAmlc temple In Long Branch winter. Don't you think It unfair lockjaw as a result of a fall on his Capt. Benjamin Bldrldge, Mrs. Devesty, who has majored in tnd after the meeting, we visited to jump at such conclusions as back and the animal had to be iuken Ruth and Walter Luken, to shout: "Unfair!" "Unfair."' They may he fire house at Long Branch, A your editorial voiced? r inrnallsm, will receive a degree one job tin- more likely he may be in land- Ilicuwlon on our chance of win- destroyed, rthur Boras,. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- •om the College of Liberal Art*, want, to say this is proof local niaglslrale's The Register will grieve many Mrs, E, Wels, who had the Red I ward Berry, and sons Douglas, Ed- ing a job that will eventually send him ing the league, resulted In *n In- Frlend.i If it thus spoils It reputa- o is a 1942 graduate of Mlddle- vitation to the senator In the event tlon for broadmindidnesii, Temple of Fashion opposite the Ward and Robert, and Mr, and Mrs. wn township high school, Leo- •r« beiug UKI »irkl iu judging violations, ou Uie'ruud lie wuuU to travel. RagUtir office, advertlnd htr an- Charlis Walling and son, Charles, nardo. w» ,won ttu itwut. In Jut, to. l* . .. A B. Babbitt. RED BASK REGISTER, .WSK 5, Paw Itcd Bank Guardsmen Coinrdy For Itrncfit 'Blue Baby' Dies Become Markemcn Annual Library Of I'ojio FIIIKI Seven Red Bankers, along with Large attendances are expected MABLE COLEMAN In Hospital members of Company "A." 644th Benefit Party at the presentation nf the comedy, Tank battalion, Red Bank's unit "You Can't Take It With You," to- Keamburg Child morrow and Saturday niKht-s at U>« of the New Jersey National Guard, Listed for Tuesday Rumson hiRh school hy the Shrews- SCHOOL OF DANCING Had Heart Ailment have qualified as marksmen, ac- bury Community Club Players for CLASSES MAILV — IN ALL TVI'ES Oi UA.NC1.VG William George Turner, Jr., 14- cording to an announcement of Proceeda Will Co To the benefit of the polio fund. month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lieut. Philip E. Bailly, commanding Oceanic Free Library The audiences will net many a PRIVATE LESSONS William Turner of W Washington officer of the company. laugh from the mad Russian danc- ave., Keansburg, died Sunday at Book Fund Treasury ing teacher, the Dutchess now n Dance Recital, M<»n«la>, June 13, H:00 P. M. lionmouth Memorial hospital. The Included are Lieut. Gordon Kidil, waitress In Child's, the Impish de- infant waa a. "blue baby" and died 8gt. George Griggs, First Sgt. The book committee of Oceanic light of Mr. DePinnn and his host ST. JAMES AUDITORIUM of a heart ailment. The child was John W. VanBrunt, Cpl. Walter B. Free library, is sponsoring a card in their fireworks, Essie's attempts the grandson of Councilman Wil- McCoach, Privates First Class Wil- party for the benefit of its book to emulate Pavlowa, Penny's dry BKIt BANK Dlaiur SarvH II to • P. M. liam Turnsr, Jr., of Keansburg. lis M. Smith and Palmer W. Scott, fund, Tueidsy afternoon, at 2:30 wltldams and Grandpa's cnlm phi- OpM AU l'MT * Pvt. George B. Baker and Recruit o'clock, at Peter's Piping Rock at losophy of relaxation and the The child was afflicted with a Leonard' Delapo. Qualifying as umazement of their various Rue.its. Ttl. F«mlli«tol* ••Mil heart ailment shortly after birth. Rumson. Tickets are being sold at Cla«4 sharpshooters were' Lieut. Paul the library and at Peter's. The trials and tribulations of Alice SINCE 1IIS Several months ago an operation Kennedy, Lincroft and Lieut. Bail- Mrs. W. Rons Chapman is in and Tony will provide sentimental was performed at John Hopkins ly, Red Bank. The company was charge, asuisted by Mrs. John C. entertainment. hospital, Baltimore, Md. Doctors competinp in battalion firing exer- Borden, chairman of the book com- A star cast under the direction then predicted the baby would out- cises at Sea Girt. mittee, Mrs. Eric Williamson, Mrs. of Allan Carman will provide an grow paralysis in the left side. Robert Berg, Mra. J. M. McGuire, evening of fun and at the same Surviving besides his parents HOME FROM THE SOUTH Mrs. Philip Goodwin, Mrs. A. B. tlmo aid a worthy cause. ara a lister, Lynn Turner; four Mr?. Edith Worth of Brown pi., Murray, Mrs. James Ward, Mrs. grandparents, Councilman and Thomas H. Lafon and Mrs. James CLASS niNNKU Mrs- Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elsie Slinton of Battin rd., Nelson. Ralph Mundy and a great-grand- Fair Haven and Miss Irma Scha- The public speaking class at the fenberg of New York city have re- The book collection of the li- Monmouth Adult .School nt Ashury father, William Turner, Sr., all of brary is an excellent one, and ii Keansburg. turned from an eight-day tour of Park, gave a dinner last week at the South, going as far as the his- constantly kept up to date. Recent Joseph's at West LonK Branch, for The funeral was held yesterday torical city of Charleston, S. C. and additions acquired are "Point of class Instructor, Vincent Kcuper of afternoon at the Kaansburg Meth- visiting other points of Interest en- No Return," J. P. Marquand; "The Asbury Park. Milton A. Vreelnnd odist church, with Rev. Sanford route. While in North Carolina, Big Fisherman," Lloyd C. Douglas; of Mldletown village was toast- if. Hanty, pastor, officiating. Bur- they called upon Mr. and Mrs. Har- "Cutglass Empire," VanWyck Ma- master, and Mrs. Eva Brodcr and ial was in Fair View cemetery un- ry Grossman and family of Kan- son; "Dinner at Antoines," Fran- Miss Matilda M. Bcr?, both of As- der direction of the Bedle funeral napolis, formerly of Battin rd., Fair ces Parkison Keycs; "The Chain," bury Park, were dinner chairmen. home. Haven. Williams; "The Brave Bulls," Tom The class gave Mr. Kcuper a t'ift Lea; "Kinfolk," O. Brick; "The certificate. Young Lions," Shaw; "The Golden Warrler," Hop Munti; "Cheaper by the Dozen," the Gllbreaths; "The Finest Hours," Wlniton Churchill; "The Greatest Story Ever Told," WE SPECIALIZE Foulton Oursler; "The Seven Storey in Mountain," Thomas Merton; "Beau HO indict «'•* te patr James," Gene Fowler; "Peace of Gleaning & Dyeinp fOlfishiileiii ,„„ ,,,,, Soul," Usgr. Sheen; "Roosevelt and Hopkins," Robert E. Sherwood; Domestic & Oriental "The Doctor Wears Three Faces," Mary Bard; "The Great Plerpont Rugs Morgan," F. L. Allen; "Peace of Mind," Liebiman; 'Pride's Castle." Yerbey; "Feather on My Nose," LEON'S Billie Burke; "The Life of Dick- •J-M WHITE STKfcET ens," H. Pearson; "Coral Sea," Zil- lers, and "In High Jungle," Wil- Red Bank 6-2800 I FOR GRADUATION liam Beede. » 1fli«liHwiistes«lr A fine two volume edition of ^ -^K fO IMIIW tout "Furniture Treasury," by Wallace II0.M M< These aristocrats of line watch- making will bring the graduate Nutting, and new books on gard- lasting joy and happiness for many ening, dog training and many oth- for Graduation er hobbles are to be found on the years to come. Our really stunning shelves. A large juvenile collec- timepieces are as dependable as tion was added throughout the they are beautiful. Illustrated are year, as a result of lait year's ben- efit. Many 'new reeords for the A NIW DECORATIVE NOTE but two from our vast collection of watches suitable for graduation music collection are alto available. a FOR THE HUMUS OF This year a story hour for chil- dren, held bi-monthly on Saturday mornings, was Inaugurated, and was most successful. The project was sponsored by the book commit- r' tee in co-operation with the Red curtains require no Bank-Keyport branch, American starching ... no fetching ... and Association of University Women. retain their fin* finish. Mode of The library is largely supported Smith-Corona sheer marquisette, with wide full ruf- by voluntary contributions and performs a valuable service to the PORTABLE fles... with all tdt detail of custom community. Van R. Halsey la pres- workmanship for which KENNETH ident of the board of trustees. Oth- is noted. IN lOVftY IVORY COLOR er memberi of the book committee, Whether tha road ahead besides Mrs. Borden, Mrs. Lafon hwds to further schooling and Mrs. Chapman, are Miss Edith Of to business, • Smith- K. Kneeland, Mrs. William Orldlty, CUSTOMIZED SIZES FOR WIDE ... Mrs. George B: Cortelyou, Mrs. G. Corona will mako tha naxt |ob aasltr. REOUIAR ... OR SNORT WINDOWS F. Lawrence, Jr., Miss Sofie Ship- 8 pen, Mrs. Hooker Talcott and Mm. Stuart Young. 100 IMIIM wMt to pair AS LOW AS PER MO. Wlnihwl.nf /'/I SHERMAN'S Rainbow Division Veto Home Decorators •""*- 7/ 45 BR6AD ST. To Meet at Asbury CONVENIENT MONTHLY BED BANK SPECIAL! BRANDS IN STOCK The Rainbow Division; Veterans TERMS ARRANGED Air Conditioned for Your of New Jersey, will hold thslr 10th ON ATX MOIIKLS. Shopping Comfort HAMILTON annual reunion Sunday, June 13, at All Nylon Gowns ELGIN the Berkeley-Carteret hotel, Asbury LONCINE Park. WITTNAUER REG Election of officers will be held at rVvrU# BULOVA 7.95 ' '« TAVANNE 2:30 p. m., a cocktail hour wilt fol- MATHEY.TISSOT low at 4:30 p. m., and the banquet Fine, sofr, beautiful nylon that dries In a wink, re- PARKER will begin at • p. m. A floor show and dancing will follow. The la- quires little or no ironing. Exquisite sassy pleat ujlon Priced from «W.TS up dles' auxiliary will meet at 2:80. top insures a perfect fit. Light as a feather. Surelock Frank E- Mitchell Is chairman of the banquet committee. Kcd Bank 6-OOO1. weave guaranteed against runs. Tea rose and white, in sizes 32 to IG. OPENS CANDY STORE 17 Broad St. Keil Bank ^•llwhtiwlottoaeb Mrs. Mary Stranlero, formerly of ej.es >«ir WILBUR'S Starvlew farm, Keyport, haa opened a candy and Ice cream parlor at 81 I2.M fair River st. She will also have an as- $J.§0 B BROAD sr JEWELERS sortment of flower plants for Me- ». U.S. Pet. OH.. morial day as well aa a stock of vegetable plants. jjj plan •hnjourTEC&HOtfES!

• Building ot remodeling? While your plans are in the SCOTT blueprint stage it's a good idea to decide where you want telephones placed. • During construction it's a simple and inexpensive mat- ter to have telephone conduit (ordinary iron pipe) placed in the walls. Then when your telephones are installed, QLOR all wires will be concealed, and every instrument will be where you planned to have it.

• Our "Architects and in washable rayon gabardine Builders Service" will be glad to assist you, without charge, Here is washable rayon gabardine—America's favorite in planning telephone sport shirt fabric— tailored by McGregor into as handsome a conduits. Just call your shirt as ever graced a clubhouse or a fast-riding convertible. telephone Business Office. And dyed in a brilliant range of striking shades ranging from rich detptones to frosty pastels. Name your favorite shade NIW JIRSIY ... and be sure to find it in the Scott Sport Shirt by McGregor! BILL TELEPHONE CHAHOK IT! Ki DOWN-BALANCE 10 WEEKLY OR I MONTHLY PAYMENTS. COMPANY NO CARRYING CHARGE

SMi Broad Si Red Bank, H. 3. Pace Eidif 1»ED BAXK REGISTER, JUNE 2. 1949

hooked rug design. Also a small Roofing • tiding Window Insulation WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH G. A. ft. Parade Picture arrangement of any flowers in any It U NOT T»KE TO SAW WK UIU EVtlll THING POSSIBLE" Atlmrl* Allt-iiliitn School News Garden Club KFI) container not to exceed five inches OLSON UNLESS CHIROPRACTIC WAS IKCLUOED IIUMKO.V IIIOH SCHOOL ' in an all-over period. Through the courtesy of J. Dr. Charles A.' Wolbach, Miss ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION Thompson I.ovett of Litlln Silver, K.ithur Barnes and Miss Inna von- Lists Schedule More than 70,000,000 baseball fans Installed by Olson Company's Trained Mechanics DR. WARREN FOWLER The Register has been piivilngcd have attended showings of the an- Estimates Without Obligation 1'HO.VE Olabn attended the annual meeting lo exhibit in the oltice window dur- of the Monmouth County iiducn- nual World Series movies since the W. W. KCNNCDVi Local Repra«tnUtivo •M BBOAD ST. Chiropractor s-.ia.ta ing the pnst week H laiye, framed For Flower Show iitm association at the Kcansburg first one in 1931. — Phone: Be* Ruk fi-lUI : , s= | lithographed picture in color of theschool May 19. I parade of the Gland Army of the Annual Event To Be [Republic held in Washington, D. Tile Tower PUiyers, Rumson high SPRING SPRUCEUP WITH C, Sept. 20, 1S92. .school's dramatic organization, un- Held June Jtt M der the direction of Eailc Thomp- With tlii." picture is also shown son, has choecn the play which is Cross' Barn, HMIIIIUVI a dipping from Life, magazine is- 1 Micrl Jan. 24, 1!MB, .shnwing the pic-to be giv-cn a.-i the annual produc Garden club, R.F.D., has planned ! lure of Theodore A. Pcnland of (ion in the fall. The play, "Thean interesting schedule for its Moon Make* Three," by Am and coming flower (how June 18 at j Portlnnd, Ore., 100 years of age,Harris, wa.s selected after the club Having readied our ambition, after many years, of acquiring the "OLD MILL HOUSE* aai flif- who was elected Commander-in-chief Holmdcl in the Cross barn. "Sum- It with "Antiques," it in with reluctance that due to Ulnem, tbe'fiature of which make* It impera- hail spent several weeks in the mer Fantasy" will be the theme of the G.A.R. last September, at rending of various plays. tive for UK to liquidate mir real and pcnonitl properly, we have sought the most practical aa* ttipcditloua which time only 87 men remained for arrangement Classes, and there way and will therefore «ell at fublic Auction without reserve on the premise* at: of Unit gallant army. List full, The Tower Players pic- will also be classes foi: men, in- The picture has ;i local interest, senlrrl "A Date With Judy," as ter-club competition, juniors and w n inasmuch as Anuw.smith post No. tlirir lir.-'t pioduction of the year, specimen exhibits. 61, G.A.R., of Red Bunk, cngiig.uf 'flip group followed with "Sugar "Summer Fantasy," heads the OLD MILL HOUSE several Pullman cars and went In a and .Spice," the second week in arrangement classes and calls for body to the nation's capitol to take April. In tiie interim the group a miniature floral arrangement not MONMOUTH ROAD, 0AKHURST, NIW JIRSIY leniaincd active by reading plays, part in the big parade mentioned to exceed three inches in an over- Opposite Lake Ave., between WM Long Branch and Oakhurst above.. Quite a number of members holding meeting.", and discussing all pattern, "Phophesy" is also a of Arrowsmith po.st were accompa- the various aspects of play produc- miniature, an arrangement of a nied by their wives or other female tion. garden in « cig-ar box. Saturday, June 4th, 1949 members of their families. Kcv. The following student* actively 1 Roses are to he the predominat- Starting promptly at U:W A. M. James A, Reynold*, the new pastur PHilicipateil during the preceding ing Rowev in "Jewels of (be Gar- of St. James church of Red Bank, school year: Mary DiFiore, gen- den," and "Forecast of Summer" New England Chest of Drawers (Straight Sides), Double Hanging Student Lamp, Open Dutch Cup- accompanied the G.A.R. men oneral director; David Willard, sec- en Us for any flowers, but they board (Pine), Pair Bannister Back Chairs (one arm, one side), tlant Stand iPine), Small Stand! In Cher- this trip and. he was the "life of retary; Barbara. Bennett, publicity; must be grown by the exhibitor. ry-Maple-Pine, Solid Rosewood Marble Top Victorian Dresser, Snakefoot Sewing: Table (Maple), Bracket the party." Susan Emery, Mary Ann Jcwctt, "Portrait of Summer" is to be a Lamps in Iron and Brass, Ladderback Chairs, Dough Boxes, Low Tavern Table with H Stretcher (Pine), The Register has been informed Ronald Clayton, Robert Barr, Fran- still-life arrangement of flowers, Queen Anne Desk Table with Pad Foot, Small 'inee-hole Desk (Mahogany), New England Desk (Pine), that since the article appeared in cine Pronderville, Marilyn Jones, fruits, fabrics or accessories. All Pair Windsor Chairs, Pennsylvania Dutch Sink (Copper Lined), Four-Postcr Bed (Maple), Harvest Tablt Life magazine, Mr. Penland has Harry Nelsen, Jack Dixon, Patricia white flowers are to be used in 6 ft. (Pine), Stretcher Base Tavern Table 5 ft., Four-Poster Tiger-Striped Maple Bed, 2 Spool Bedi, Tiger- passed on, as well as several others MeGuinnes.s, Maury Cagle, Bar- an ail-white container for "Sum-Striped Blanket Chest (Pine) with bracket icet, New England Tall Chest (Pine), Victorian Settee with 2 of the 27 mentioned above. barn Hubbnrd, Marna Feldt and mer Breezes." , Chairs to match (Rosewood), Rush Bottom Chairs, Hitchcock Chairs, Delft Tile Picture Signed, Early Elna. Mi.segadcs. Limoges Soup Tureen, lG-piecc Limoges Ice Cream Set, Delft Tile, Lazy Susan (Mahogany), Berry S«t Next month the Sons of Vet. A display for a terrace luncheon erans will meet in annual ses- The Tower Players have a full (Imperial Bonn), Limoges Berry Set, Tole Spice Cabinet, Early Brass Candle Holders, Coal Scuttle (Brass), table for two is in the schedule Early Copper Sauce Pans, Copper Kettles, Foot Stools (Mahogany-Pine-Rosc-.vood), Pressed Glass, Milk sion and wit) otllcially disband the schedule for the coming school listed as "Pleasant Interlude," and G.A.R., which had been c.nrvicd on year, with many plans for expand- Glass, Table Lamp of Large Copper Coffee Pot, Lustreware Hanging Shelves, Chinaware, large Pine "Sunset" calls for an analagous ar- Framed Mirror, Tea Sets, Mantel Clocks, Andirons, Carousel Horse, large Chopping'Bowls, Brass Buckets, so nobly by their fathers following ing the organization. rangement in any style container, the terrible strangle known in our Miss Scott's ninth grade collfge pair Pennsylvania Pottery Water Pitchers, Queen Anne Winged Chair, Hind Hooked Rugs, Dressers, country's history as the Civil war. preparatory cltus wrote short. "Day Dreams" calls for a small Chests and Bureaus in Pine and Mahogany, Bamboo Porch Furniture with Spring Cushions, Country Din- ?tories as JI final, lengthy conipo- arrangement, to be displayed on ner Bell (Iron), Club and Winged Chairs, Four Saddles, Riding Equipment, Double Set Driving Harness, There's a dependable DUTCH BOY .11 KV INDICTS TIIKKK -ition. Stories receiving grades of the tea garden tables outside the Equipment of wood working rcfinishing shop including all power electric tools and machinery. product for vour oaint needs. Tile county grand jury last Thurs- "A" were written by Connie Per- barn. A special class for individ- itlCAI, KSTATK: The quaint "Old Mill House" original structure over 100 years old of two and one- day indicted three men on charges rine, Jeanne Plant, Mary Ann uals who have never won a prize half stories, frame construction, steam heat with oil burner, five baths, three acres of land more or less of boolinmliing. Thr.v arc James Jc-.vell, Martin Bosch, Joan Polak, at a flower show is entitled "Fer- with giant shade trees which stand like a guard of honor about the house. Shade and porches affords Com* to KLARIN $ today J. Hurley of Shadow i^awn Manor, Helen Hendrickson, Robert Ban', vent Hopes," and nil red flowers one with relaxation in -win or shade at any time of day. Through the trees you glimpse the fresh water Nanev Wnliter, Edward Hofmann must be displayed in a black con- House Paint Waldo Kldriiige of Neptune City brook that is the line and from which the "Old Mill House" derived its name. By day it is warm and Leo Staebler of Bclmar. Hut- and William Cnssldy; those receiv- tainer. with the color and fragrance of flowers, its air thrilling with the songs of innumerable birds. Such a spot, (while and tint;) $6.55 PER GAL' Icy and Staebler had been previous, ing "B" were Betty Cater, Phyllis For the inter-club competition, will beckon you out-of-doors and while basking in the sun the ripple of the brook' gives rest and relaxa- Wonsover ly fined for gambling in this coun- Gosling, John Hunt, James Mc- the arrangement must be in triad tion that no other atmosphere can produce. "Old Mill House" is in the heart of great estates and fine $3.80 PER GAL. ty. Guinness, Susan Emery, Mnury colors and is entitled "Nature's resorts. From the second floor the views command streams and rolling acres of vast estates, avenues of oil flat wall paint Cngle, Marilyn Chapman, Robert Paint Brush." trees, and beyond, the broad blue ocean, the sea tang, the cool breezes. On June 4th, history will be on Primer-Unde&oater $6.55 PER GAL. Sheneman, Elna. Miscgadcs and The men'.s class call for two ar- parade and you can buy the "Old Mill House" at your own appraisal. Fiancino Picndeville. rangements. Under "Love's Labor Perch and Deck Paint (5.80 PER GAL Rewarded," men may exhibit a col- Highest bidder will be required to pay a deposit of 20% (cash or certified check) at time of sale and HESITATION Jack Dixon will go to New York will be given Immediate possession. Inspection of the premises prior to sals date can be given by con- Sash and June 4 to receive his medaf for ex-lection of shrubs in a basket, and tacting the Auctioneers. The Sellers and Auctioneers shall not be responsible in'the event of accident or About Storing Furs in "Love's Labor Lost" weeds may injury, however occasioned, to any person or ;crsoiis in, on or about the premises. All visitors attending cellence in French. Jack took part be shown in any container, Trim Colors aWo»<»s $6.55 PER GAL. and Winter Garments in the national contest which is di- the sale do so at their own risk. Sale will be held on the grounds with seating accommodations limited, rected by the Association of Ameri- Junior classes are called "Sum- In the event of inclement weather sale will he ncld indoors. ran he Expensive. can Teachers of French. mer Pastimes," and children up to There will be a program in eight years old may enter ar- CARL & ETHYLE RAYMOND Specially blended by DUTCH rangements for a doll's tea table, BOY chemists - Ready-mixed Fur Full Prolcelion French, and winners will be pre- sented their awards. using flowers as the main decora- and all set to use. The DUTCH against Moths and tion or a display of vegetables and B. G. COATS Auctioneers J. W. BURNS BOY label is your guarantee of Summer Heat Nancy Walker acted as usher at fruits in a bowl. top quality. Come in today! a Red Cross banquet at the Molly In the Junior class for children 490 Bath Ave., Long Branch, N. J.. Phone 6.3599 Call R. B. 6-2800 Pitcher hotel last Thursday even- between 8 and 15 one arrangement ing. cr.tta tor a display of flowers and Members "National Society of Auctioneers" Immunization dates for pre- leaves In a flat pan to represent a TODAY ! school children entering the Rum- KLARINS son public schools in the fall: June 8, smallpox vaccination; June 15, PAINTS AND WALLPAPERS LEON'S leading smallpox vaccination. 2 - Ctrtifled Vault* - 2 Above clinics held in Lafayette 26 Monmouth St., Red Bank-Phone R. B. 6-3838 On Our Premineft at. school at 9:30 a. tn. 84-16 WHITE STREET The Junior-Senior reception of Runuon high school was held at the school May 27. The decorative RUMSON PROPERTIES, he theme was a large garden with trellises, flowers and a wishing GENERAL HOWARD S. BORDEN, DR. WILLIAM C. BALLARD, well.' The rcccpUon wag sponsored by the clasa of 1950 in honor of President Vice President the class of 1049. Tltc following were chairmen of the respective committees; Decorating, Pat Noo- OFFERS nan and Marie Cantalicc; refresh- ment, Betty Moncrieff; entertain- ment, Janet Jones, and invitation*, Pat O'Keefc. Bobby Wilson's orchestra sup- plied the music. Entertainment Authentic Ranch Type Home was proviled by Alan Canfleld, who was master of ceremonies,- Bctte IN Xniflin, Alonzo Moore, Buddy Laz- arus, Laura Williams, Janice Scovel and Bob Spiwak. PINE RIDGE RIDGE ROAD AND AVENUE OF TWO RIVERS, RUMSON, N. J.

J.H1 growing process in your childSerTgots ;«h every single second! But only cue.... and constant care,.. during these formative'yeus mmt determines whether they'll grow straight gntt itrong and healthy. STRIDE RITE shoes encourage normal foot health by tested lasts, gentle support, flexible leathers and ample "growing roonr.v They fit correctly and look as welUijhiy.

Brinj? in your "diildrerTmu) to Bemeasurea to* STRIDE RITES... then come infrtqutnth to have containing three bedrooms, two baths, large living room with fireplnce, modern kitchen mid utility room. their shoe sizes checked. It makes the difference Somiair eonditioiiinj:, oil hunt, liiirajfo: ttcuutifully and completely lundseniicd. Secluded. Tlu-ee"niinutus between "just growing" and growing"bitttrJ' to school, 5 minutes to oeean, ou bug line and 10 minutes to 1{. H. station. ALSO ' Two Colonial Homes In Oak Woods FOR V-i $ SHOE SCQ.OO 13,5OO and • III! PRICED FROM $4.95 TO «7.95 ACCORDING TO SIZE located ,in nicely wooded area. 2 bedroom's, living room, dinette, kitchen, full cellar. Semi-air condition- ing, oil licat. Expansion attic. Garage' Equally n«ir schools, ocean, station and churchi* Completely landscaped. : • ., _ . Also 1||; acru lot corner Kunison nl. and Avenue of Two Hirers, beautifull wrought; iron gate culi-aiive mid private roml. . Also U acrcH of the late .1. Horace Harding i.state with* 1110 feet of Kunison id. frontage, beautifully landscaped with private entrance. • S. WL RUMSON PROPERTIES, INC.: lias many plots for sale in Pine Ridge nnd Onk Woods and other properties in Rumson up to' two acres. We are equipped to build your home to your own specificationg. Consult us today. SHOE CO. MOUNT-ENGLISH FINANCING ARRANGED 18 BROAD STREET RED BANK SALES Cl)|. TELEPHONE RUMSON 11450 OR 1-0750.J lied italic 0-()l70 HEP BASK BEOWTEB, FAMOl/S BAND CQM/NG HERE THE TERRITORIAL STAFF BAND OF THE SALVATION ARMY WILL PRESENT A MUSICAL FESTIVAL IN RED BANK NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1949

FREE FREE CONCERTS CONCERTS Under the Auspices A free will offering will of the Red Bank be taken to help defray Council of Churches expenses


FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank 11:00 o'clock' 3:00 o'clock" 7:30 o'clock' —PROGRAM— —PROGRAM- —PROGRAM—_ HYMN—"America the Beautiful" PRELUDE: Bend—Alltluiah MARCH—"Torchbearer" Orgaa- OPENING PRAYER CORNET SOLO—"Glory to We Name" CALL TO WORSHIP INTRODUCTION OF CHAIRMAN MALE CHORUS—"The OM Tim ReKgieii" . err. Heb MEDITATION—"Rodungham" INVOCATION-LORD'S PRAYER MARCH—"Armee Du Salute" BAND SELECTION—"King of Kings" HYMN 18—"Crown Him with Many Crowns" Tune (139) AIR VARIE—"The Valiant Heart" OPENING HYMN 301—"Guide Me O Tfcou Great Jehovah-.... Tene (WO) SCRIPTURE LESSON PRAYER MALE CHORUS—"Come Uato Me" ... Bloomqui.t MALE CHORUS—"All Praiie and Glory" Gounod SCRIPTURE PASTORAL PRAYER CORNET TRIO—"What a Friend" BAND SELECTION—"Silver HU1" BAND SELECTION—"Rod VOCAL SOLO-Salected ENVOY FRANK FOWLER MARCH—"Swedish Festival March" PERSONAL TESTIMONY OFFERTORY SERVICE OFFERING INSTRUMENTAL TRIO—"Gafcrielettes" PRAYER CHORUS SING OFFERTORY SELECTION—'Treumerit" BAND SELECTION—"Moments with the Masters" , OFFERTORY—"Ave Vorum" MALE CHORUS—"Peaee, Be Still" err. Leidasa VOCAL SOLO—Selected ENVOY FRANK FOWLER SCRIPTURE SERMON COLONEL HOLLAND FRENCH, SERMON COLONEL HOLLAND FRENCH, Chief Secretary for die Extern Territory of the Salvation Army TROMBONE SOLO—"The Palms" Chief Secretary of the Eastern Territory of the Salvation Army VOCAL SOLO—Selected ENVOY FRANK FOWLER TONE POEM—"Divine Pursuit" HYMN 214—"He Leadeta Me" Tune (46) CLOSING HYMN 253—"Take the Name of Jesus with You".... Tune (277) BENEDICTION MARCH—"Marching to You" BENEDICTION POSTLUDE—Hallelujah Chen* BENEDICTION , POSTLUDE—"Homeward Bound" THIS BAND PLAYS EACH SUMMER AT THE OCEAN GROVE AUDITORIUM WHERE IT IS EXTREMELY POPULAR. THIS FULL PAGE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING RED BANK MERCHANTS:

THE MERCHANTS TRUST CO. J. KRIDEL STRAUS CO. MONMOUTH DINER HONEY BEE FLOWERS TETLEY'S J. YANKO WALKER * TINDALL FRED D. WIKOFF CO. JOHN B. ALLEN SHOE CO. SHERMAN'S, INC. COLONIAL FLOWERS MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. STKAND RESTAURANT SNYDER'S ENGLISH MOTORS IRWIN YACHT WOKKS SCHULTE-UNITED Second National Bank & Trust Co. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. , . SIMON'S "NICE THINGS" COLONIAL RESTAURANT WILBUR'S KIRSCHBAUM'S SILK SHOP VICTORY MARKET Mainstay Federal Savings * Loan Asso. Red Bank Savinge & Loan Association DAVIDSON BROS. PnwnV National Se, lOe A II Store ALBERT S. MILLIER SHOE CO. BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP J. H. KELLY COMPANY BAYNTON'S LINOLEUM SHOP CLAYTON * MAGEE UNION PAPER CO. THE WOHDENS H. T. YOUNG PHARMACY Paw Ten BED BASK BEGWTEB, 2. Our Wonderful Five New Members New Jersey A. Leroy Baker Join the Triad Club \\'« hn\c hoard described continually Five new members were initiated the beauties of the West, Glow inn verbose advertisement! of tht On Army Test at a meeting ef the Triad club, last place* folks like bmt, Thursday at the Community "T While ndtnittiiiK these are beautiful Service Unification on Riverside ave. They were Mrs. Now Open For Let lib iriilin: tht k'lorifS of New Jer- Program At Camp Lee Allan Randall, Mis. Phillip Car- sey, our fair home man, Mrs. Viola Elgrim, Mrs. Ivy They describe the ruKtttd mountains with Jlaj. A. Lcroy Baker of Tower Feutlsnder and Mrs. Lillian Bauer. innjt'Mir; prakfi in view, Hill avc. Is at Camp Lee, Va., Uk- The recent rummage (ale, direct- Ballet Summer Course Jlifc-h l'oitit Park Mid other noble scene* ing part in the army's first experi- ed by Mrs. Walter H. Dohrn, was ON nhow wonders e\cr new; Hock lcdt:cd bearhf b of Ntw England, ment in unifying all services of-sup- eported as successful. During the or hun d«t»|'lfil Suutlicru skies, ply, communication and transpor- current drive, members are assist' Arc nn liner thiin our own resorts where tation under a "logistical com' ing with the campaign in the local KOMAROVA FARM chflnciriff beauty lies. mand." theaters. Others are assisting with Arc there «ny brighter blossom! to be the program at the Red Bank "Y" Chapel Hill Road, Atlantic Highlands found upon thn soil Friday and Saturday nights. There Thnn Hit: Kiowths uf this. "Tht! Garden 3 Miles North of Ked Bank litHtiv" rewarding loving toil? were 18 members present. White, rich fruits and arnins MO succu- lent, provide the bent of food Daily Dance Classes i'or a thriviriK population daily blessed Gilmour Wa» Youngest with whaL is good I For Have you uvev viewi-d Ml. Mitchell with Keaiuburg Official the mot»i oVl* Sandy Hook, In tb« May 13th edition of The Children aud Adults Ur brlicld the Irnntiuit Delaware with (aim mid-Mimnici' look? Register it was erroneously report- By Our StHti! Forrats nve no licaciful; rol- ed that Leon A. Waitt, who was ling hiKhwnya SHUI and wide. elected to the Keansburg council MISS SLAVIXSKA Passing roiintlths milrs of rural charm, May It and who took office last wind swrpt on *;vrry side. week, was, at 33, the youngest man Hark >t shrinos of old Virginia, we, too, From lhissian Ballet know historic f«mc, to ever ait at the Keansburg coun- Our^ the nHt-rrd Inrr uf Washington, cil table. SfllCt brave lluddy's valiant name: de Monte Carlo and Visit TYntpe Wickc's «(i«int hiHaida It was brought to the attention of farm, nr Clara Rnrton's home, The Register that T. J. Gilmour From Paris Ncnr the haunts of loved Walt Whit- was appointed to the council HI mnti, tir nn further searches roam. Jan.. 1»23 at the age of 31. Mr. Mort ftttltr MADAM KOMAKOVA Ours the KIOI'IOUK fin me of History's Gilmour .was elected mayor of might, the crntDo of invention. Xeansburg in 1924. The prrnvdrcl marts cif industry. Our • BALLET and TOE • GRACE and POISE children's irlsd rrtrntion Of worth whtlr things in many ichooU • MODERN and CHARACTER of rvery sir.e and jrradr. • SPECIAL EXERCISE FOR REDUCING Whrro disrriniimition is unknown, nnd RESIDENTS NON-RESIDENTS 1MM*-DAV none i\t-ft\ he. afraid. A biggtr (ail STUDENTS Nrw Jrrnry is thf Hplrndid home *if Boom and hoard Danrc lessons only every fnith and race. "WHY" 2-hour lessons No matter what your sphere hi life, hrir you may find a place. A. Uroy Baker 3-hour lessons 2 hourt daily Lunch, beach KOT fhis SITIHII state is trrent indeed", Jail.v beach sessions •ions through infturnpr and worth. One of 600 staff members and Send Your Furs Solarium We hpfRk with pride and ijulouixc the students, Maj, Baker is acting u Solarium Use of s round ground whirh KRVC UR birth 1 signal supply officer of the Thir- J'lorcncc ti. Bowman (Mrs.) TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED 44 Or*vi>}}y Point, teenth army in a theoretical in- and Winter Water Witch, N. J. vasion of southern France, pat- REASONABLE RATES terned after the campaign of 1914. Office Now Open Every Day From 10 A. SI. to 12 Noon. Amcfca's Btst Corstts Designated Exercise LOK Lee, a Garments five-day administrative maneuver BED Tf'f,. For Further Information, Fitted by GrAdutUi ConetlerM expected to determine the feasi- Write Chapel Hill, bility of using a separate logistical Out of Town Box 182 Atlantic Highlands TUCKER'S organisation to support an entire or Phone R. B. COMET SHOP ombat army. jIllBUlOi 13» Broadway Long Branch Maj. Baker served two years in for Storage? the Signal office in India, was in- spector for the Army Air Force in India and Burma and wag Signal Training officer In the Air Fore* LEON'S ITS SMART TO H THRIFTY-SAVE ON OUR during the war. He holds a bach- elor of arts degree from Lafayette 2* Certified Vaults.2 college and a masters in education • ft you purchate a can of thue beans and find they art not SLIPCOVERS - UPHOLSTERY from Rutgers university. He i> a On Our Premises the but you ever tatted, Libby will pay you 3 time* Me pttrtham graduate of Fort MontnoUth's Sig- price, Just send the label from tht new 16 m. can, along withtb*' A rainbow of new colors We help you select your nal school and the Signal Training Are at Your Service. sam* and address of your daaler—and toll us tht priot you paidi •nd texture* designed to fabric, then we pick up your school at Springfield, 111. He was complement your decorating assigned to the army in Alaska Libby will pay you 3 times what you paid for on* can. Offer |oe4 suite, strip it down to the this year. We Invite Your schemei. Fitted in your own until June 30, 1949. No "strings" attached. Libby, MfNtUi * Libby, Chicago 9. Illinois. home to assure perfection frame, reweb the bases, add WINS STUDENT MEDAL. Inspection. and complete satisfaction. new springs if needed, re-up- The Cervantes medal and aeroll, given annually to a Monmouth M-11 WHITE STBEET Beautiful selection of smart, holster with fabrics' you Junior college student who has new patterns. have chosen, return your achieved high proficiency in Span- ish, were awarded-last week to Red Bank 6-2800 LOOK ro suite renewed inside and out. Maj. Braxton Small of Fort Mon- mouth. The presentation was made SPECIAL: by Dean Edward O. Schtacfer dur- ing the annual Spanish club fes- tival. The medal and scroll were ,95 awarded by the Spanish Institute 3-PIECE SET CLEANED! 19 at'Columbia university, and com- memorate the death of CervantM, CALL RE 6-4038 FOR FREE ESTIMATE noted Spanish author. ELECTED P.r NO RED Misaea Alice VanBrunt and Eve- ctk TAPE lyn Oafgard, both of Long Branch, SLIPCOVER FABRIC 15 Months To Pay ...... 1.25* have been elected officers of the 1949 Alumni aasociation at Mon- AND LEATHERETTE mouth Junior college. Minn Van- FURNITURE Brunt will be. president, and Min SOLD BY THE YARD AND 4 Dafgard will serve as secretary. Both are active in the school'j DICORATING CO. many activities, and members of I Lambda Sigma Tau, honorary «tu- 10t SHREWtlURY AVK. ' RED BANK I dent leadership society. F— I You ought to be MOTOR OIL!

iim**"* *Hydra-Matw Dr'nt, uhite sidmall tires, bumper .guards andjmder shields qtuifaMe at ixtra cost- America9* Lottest-Prieed Straight Eight!

Until ilicy sec the actual figures, few people realm that the big, beautiful I'outiae eight is America's lowest-priced straight eight. Not only does it undersell all other straight eights by a substantial margin, but it actually costs less than many six-cylinder cars! The fact that the Pontiac' eight gives so much for so little is the- basic 1 yew CAR m raft TM reason for (he great and grouiiip popularity it enjoys. >H HOT WIATHR AHIADI I'ontiac lias distinguished appearance, and distinctive Silver Streak styling. Its spacious llmly liv Fisher is handsomely, upholstered and appointed. It Hers'* •xlra sjlUwsalhsr «n|lns offers the amazing driving case nf CM Hydra-Malic Drive,'1' And it carries ' prelection... iisw ell •csntmyl - the well-known I'ontiac promise of long Jifc and hut, dependable perform* Hav* your list Dealer drain mi • refill your crankcsjst wild freth, auve over the years. •ummer-trade NIW ine blra We honestly hclicve that no other car carries such definite assurance of WORM'! IWIITMTINMNII Meter Oil le help that h«reWerk> really cujoyalilc performance at sn low a cost. We invite you to come in and fng en|lne beat the heat. Fer', You really don't know what topflight |ierf»rniance it until lake the wheel •yourself. We're sure you'll be my pleasantly surprised. you've driven behind the great Pontiic engine. It* power, it* smooth, poweMull "Happy Metes. Ing]'... fill 'er up with Impravaa'' •luiel nuioottintsg mil its economy are a revelation—and will •na • be for niilei sod milett A Product «J General Maori i l*lra fiaselinel , Issl I RASSAS BROTHERS COPS.1141, IS«6|»1. 19-21 Mechanic St. Ked Bank, IN. J. ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY RED BASK BEGISTEB, JUNE 2. 19i9 Paze Eleven "Enbracable You," and "Here I'll Stay." Arlor Knlrrlaiiin Rumson Girl School News In the receiving line were Mr. Bonier* KED BANK MICH and Mrs. Clement Jalilowaky, Mr. J PETER'S CUSTOM TAILOR Is Bride-Elect The Red Bank high school art and Mrs. Fred King, Mr. and Mis. Kail Dt'jgpit of West Kf'an. bin^ classes, under the supervision of Chailes Schomeman, and Mi. and entertained the Middlctuwn Bowl- — OVKK .IKAX FROCKS — pc/ei/e s/tte Isabel Lcvi Plans Mrs. Fiancee Moore, will finish up Mrs. Paul Young.—Gene Kelly. ing league at a bun^uM a work ni;o ( )—Itiisiucss ( )—Dress ( )—Formal the fichoo] term by doing modern yesterday in Bnckstadt's tavcin. i Havtaf Uken » position out of state MceMtittttinf moving thereto, June 12 Wedding art. Each student will plan a plc- The Teacher's association hns East KiNinKburg. I ( )—Casual ( )—Travel I will sell at Public Auction to the highest UMar m$ home in West luie, draw it in crayon, after which istablished the J. W. Helm Memor- Mr. Desert, whose stage name is Long Branch, N. J., at; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lcvi of j it will be soaked in water and then ial Award in memory of the late Karl Kinwood, was a recent guiMt principal of the River Street pub- of MHvvn nougl.'i-.-, movio .star, in C'llrX'K VOl'lt MARIJKOBK NOW Rumson, have announced the en- paimed with water color. Featur- Made to .Measure Clot hex at 1'iipular Prices gagement ot their daughter, Miss lic school. Now Yui U Hty. lto appealed in a ing this design will lead to good Broadway piny la.n September at SelKi't your own fabric, pattern an I miit style from our hroad Isabel Levi, to Julian S. llerz, son lines as the picture was planned, The committee has recommended range nf materials. Won't you stop in'.' that a minimum fund of $4,000 be the Channin theater. of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Herz of New but will give the .students more i; IN \LTKRATIOXS training in design and a better feel- established, the income of which Rochellc, N. Y. The wedding will will be used to further the voca- Boy.* cJn make pocknt money by «cH* l>. R. I'KOMIY-KI 11.16 Brand St.. ffed Hank ing for color and a better know- Ing The Ueirister. Advertisement take place Juno 12 at the home of ledge for color combinations. These tional or educational needs of a the bride-elect. designs will be simple, free, spon- student. Miss Lcvi is executive director of taneous in color, reflecting the Tnc supervising principal, • the the» Mount Vcrnon, N. Y., Gill -student's personality. principal of all schools, the guid- Scout council. She was graduated After this is completed, their ance director and the senior class from Washington Square college of final work will he students viewing adviser will select a graduate each New York university, and received Red Bank's business center on year of the Red Bank high school her master's degree at N. Y. U. Broad st., and sketching In pencil on the basis of leadership, citizen- School of Education. After teach- and ink such places as town hall, ship, initiative and scholarship, and ing high school two years, she was postofllce, library. Marine park and who will receive greatest benefits attached to the Army Signal corps the various business shops. This from such an award. A certificate 1st ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW at Fort Monmouth, and later served will give the students a commer- of merit will accompany the award. with the Red Cross In the China- cial type value when worked out. —Rita Minei. Burma-India theater. Before go- —Terry Sacco. Ing to Mount Vernon, she was a This year, Dorothy Kerr, Maiy TO BE HELD AT district director of the Glri Scout Harry Goldenberg, a student at Lou Madreperl and Carolyn Zach- organization of Allcghuny county Rider college at Trenton, has been bold were the recipients of mini- in Pittsburgh Pa. teaching commercial geography at ature megaphones which are Red Bank high school for the last awarded annually to senior cheer- Mr. Heiz, is an alumnus of N.Y.U. leaders. and served with the Seventh Ar- ten weeks. REDMEN'S HALL mored division in Belgium and He was born in Newark, where The charms which were pur- Germany. Employed by the Ameri- he attended grammar school, and chased from Reussilles' jewelry 1 CHURCH Hit IK 1IUMSON, N. J. Lak« Ave., two blocks unuth of Broadway and flrat dwdllnc nest of can Society of Quality Control, he Hist two years of high school. stoic, may be had In cither gold or Locust Ave., overlooking franklin Park Lake. is studying at N. Y. U.'s graduate He then moved to Middletown, silver and arc engraved with their name and years which they — on — school of business administration. and graduated fiom Middletown township high school. cheered. AUGUST 25 - 26 - 27, 1949 In 1943, Mr. Goldenberg joined Money was raised for the pur- the U. S. Army, and received his chase of these charm megaphones Tuesday, June 7th, 1949 basic training at Fort Riley, Kan., through the fall dance, sponsored (For Rc*crvalioii«i Call l{uin>on i-l'.iiil-W) with the horse cavalry. He was by the cheerleaders.—Caroline • at 1:10 P. M. Zachlod. Modern Ranch Type five-room bungalow, two bedroom* each a cor- SHIRTS then transferred to the Tenth FRANK IRISCIA ner room—large, light and airy admitting sunlight at all hours and each Mountain division as an army .ski room with ample closet space. Tile (colored) bath with tub and shower. trooper. He trained in the Rocky Philadelphia and Pittsbiirg have Living room 15' x 20' with open fireplace, coat closet, largo picture win- beautifully I mountains. more ten-year veteran players dow affording broad vision of the picturesque lake. Ultra-modern kit- He was in combat duty for eight than any other teams in the Na- chen with stainless steel sink, built-in cabinet!, Hotpoint Electric Range, months in Italy, and returned to the tional Baseball league—five apiece. forced draft allowing for coolness during the hot weather and complete Finished U. S. in Nov., 1945, and shortly af- change of air at all times, Full concreta cellar containing laundry and ter, was discharged. recreation room if desired. Automatic Electric Hot Water heater. Mr. Goldenberg entered Rider Eight-foot cellar with a seven-foot clearance. Hot Water Heat with oil By Our college at Trenton, where he ma- burner. Large one-car garage attached 15' x 21'. Outside dimensions jored in commercial subjects. His assignment ended here May 13, and 1 of dwelling 28' x 45'. Roof of heavy asphalt shingles. GROUNDS: 75' x 150' terraced several feet above street level, New "Formatic" he will return to college where he concrete drive and sidewalks. Garage large enough to allow for storage will graduate in June. and garden tools permitting access to any part of it without removing Basketball was his favorite sport your car. in college and high school.—David Pressing Method D. Dillon. PLEASE NOTE: This dwelling was constructed by me personally for my home and no expense was spared In putting into it the very best The junior!! paid their yearly re of material! and workmanship. There are many features not found in : NOW! BUY YOUR 21-Hour Service spects to the Seniors of Red Bank the average home. The dwelling is equipped with insulation, inlaid high school last week, by holding linoleum In kitchen, Venetian blinds, full length screens and itorm win- on Shirts Is Now the annual Junior-Senior reception. dows, cedar lined closet, air conditioned, circulating hot air heat, wall A crowd, which was estimated at reeeisea with indirect lighting. Dwelling has aouthern exposure, view 200 couples, by Clement Joblowsky, of which can never be obstructed. Located In a very fine residential I Possible class adviser, danced to the muile section and convenient to schools and all points. Taxes are $105. High- of Bobby Wilson and his orchestra. est bidder will bt required to pay a deposit of 20% (cash or certified ! The decorations for the reception check) at time of isle. Buyer may have immediate possession. j i were in blue and white, in keeping Inspection prior to sale date please contact the Auctioneers. Dwell-1 lEON'S j with the fairy story of Cindrella his; will be open'for inspection on sale date from 10 A. M. until tale and her Golden Slipper. time. Someone will buy thia home at their own price. At Plant Only- A committee of ten, headed by FOOD AT Ann Erickson, did the decorating. GEORGE and ROSE CURTIS Slight Extra Charge. Another committee of four, headed by Marcia Hoffman, were respon- B. O. COATS, _ Bath ATB., IMI Branch, N. t. sible for the invitations, programs AW.BDaWfl, AatMlmtm MioneWM*. •4-76 WHITE STREET and entertainment. Members "National Society of Auctioneer^' Carolyn Sindlinger welcomed the Red Bank 6-2800 guests. "TODAY'S HOME BUILDS TOMORROW'S WORLD" Stella Donato tang, "Make Be licve," and Sam Cameron sang REDUCED PRICES! Pay less for meat and fish!

i Pay less for vegetables! Pay less for fruits! /fbfiher (feso/e/ie Pay less for ice cream! THIS 6-E HOME FREEZER IS A CONVENIENCE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY!

HEN vou OWN • General Electric Home WFreezer, you cm buy much of your food at aa/a prices—or at quantity discount!. This is why: The General Electric Home .Fleeter you we here holds 280 pounds of assorted frozen foods. You buy food not the day you need it—but when you see wonderful bargains I You can buy • whole quarter of beef and get a sizable discount. The butcher will be •lad to cut it into convenient family por- tions for you. You can stock up on berries in June; chickens in the spring of the year; peas and other vegetables during harvest time! You can buy ice cream by the gallon instead of the pint) You make very worth-while savings all along the line! You can have luxury foods the year round —without paying luxury prices! Drop iii to see us. Let us prove to you how you can help pay for your freezer out of the taWfifa you cut m*k$t.


*DHI$M4 for rtt Mtw fffffc-Compttsifoii inglmt FREE DEMONSTRATION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th, 7:45 P. M. -ftrfs Hiw life, Ntw Np to All Cars EVERYONE'S INVITED DOOR PRIZES GEORGE C. KOEPPEL & SON Plumbing & Healing Contractor*, Sheet Mctul Work, Air Conditioning, Oil Burners, Chumliers Ranges Home of General Electric Appliunccs SERVICE 139-141 FIRST AVENUE <«„„<,.»<, ,,igh M, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 10890


Our convenient parking lot in the rear Sliop the easy ChargaPlate Way! Ope* »/ the store makes sliv[ii>in

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PLAID COTTON bare miilrili' anil "MaiIn-. tex1' t'lii.slic .shii'rin^ for snug lit. Wine, blue, brown. Small, inriliinn, skirl, :n cad.. 10.98


One-piece swim suit of faille liistex. Bed, brown, green, black. 32 to 38. 17.98

m FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE19th Grey .Coral Tailored by Manhattan Beige Skipper "VerkooV Black JUNE SPECIAL FEATURE.' JUNE SPECIAL FEATURE/ Shirts , r BETTY BARCLAY 17.95 to 22.95 3.95 SUNBACKS Wool Topper# s 8.98 Give Dud an "air-condi- tioned" shirt that will keep 12.50 FASHION SCOOP! The most versatile of till him cool and comfortable all an miner costumes, Hie sunbuek-bolero dress . . . through the summer! This F1VK WONDERFUL STYLES! • We-"Searched. here, at a crisp, young price llmfs quite as at- lighfweight summer shirt is the coal, markets far am] wide, CUJJIC up with this tractive as the dresses themselves! One, a fresh iiupecciihl.y tailored by one Huper-special purchase to wive you important little wafflu pique print with dark bodice for of his favorite shinniakers, dollars in June! These are beautifully tailored contrast ... in brown, green or black ou white. too! "Size-Fixt" for residual toppers, carefully detailed with an expensive The other, a dark-toned broadcloth with bauds look thnt, you'd hardly expect,/for such a tiny Nhrinkuge for 1% or less. of white braid encircling the full skirt ... in price. 100% wool with lovely rayon satin lin« green, brown vor Jmv.y. "Both in junior sizes, U .White only. ings. But hurry in ... unit see yourself. Size* to 15 . .. bath values NOT, to mitsl 8 to 18. Palm Beach tie$ in plaidi, Itripea and so/idi. 1.00

Tea and Fashion Show of Dresses made with Bates Fabrics and Simplicity patterns Berkeley-Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park, Friday, June 17th. 7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COf» VOLUME LXXI, NO. 49. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 12 Leonardo High Wins Towners In Lead Victors Pose With Officials Caseys Even Score Conference Crown In Shore League; Rangers Win Two WithBucs OnlO-2 Win Victory Over Neptune Settle* Race- Mayer, Hurley Toes Eddie Bahr HurU One-Hitter Pair of Victories; Score 10 Wins in Shore Loop Play GulifttatM Whipped Before Large Memorial Day Crowd -• Coach Arnie Truex and hit Leo- The Red Bank Towners moved Red Bank Catholic high school's! nardo high school baieball team into undisputed possession of flrBt Junior Legion Team baseball team Monday evened the Saturday at Neptune Memorial St. James Stage place in the Jersey Shore baseball season's score with Red Bank high stadium became Shore Conference league over the week-end, whip- Opens Play Tomorrow school by pounding out a 10 to 2 champion* for the second year in ping West Belmar 10 to 8 Sunday victory behind the one-hit pitching a row. and coming back Memorial day Red Bank Junior legion •>»««•- of Eddie Bahr. Surprise Win with an 8 to 1 victory over Leo- ball team tomorrow at 6 p, m. on They accomplished this by tak Bahr thrilled the holiday crowd, ing Neptune, 7 to 0, behind the County Parochial nardo Field club- Red Bank high achnol diamond. Freehold Gulistans meanwhile Wett Bergrn pi-, open* it» de- which filled the West Bergen pi. two-hit twirling of Ted Lauer, out- Meet To Local. field stands for the. fliBt time this standing Middletown township were splitting the week-end fare, IiMine of Ifw Monmnuth county losing to Freehold A. C. Sunday, champlori»hip. year. He had a no-hitter going un- athlete. Tuesday on their home til mid-way in the sixth Inning St. James grammar school 11 to 2, and winning .Monday with The local juniors arc hosts to field the Lions ended their season sprung a big surprise Thursday when Phil Smith sliced a pitch In- by losing to Lakewood, 5 to 3, but a IS to 5 victory over West Bel Aurmri I'ark'N Junior I.eeitin morning at Red Bank high athletic mar. The GulLstans are in second to light field, which landed a cou- the defeat did little more than cut nine. Kid Hank'* team, which ple feet Inside the foul line, well field when it copped the county place with three wins and one loss l» brine coaehfid by Valen Ue- down their win-loss percentage, parochial' school championship by out of Lrfirry Kerrigan's reach. which stands at a magnificent tun and the Towners are unbeateen In Kajln. in made up of high Kchnnl a wide margin. The Bucs offered shoddy support and two in Shore Conference play. four starts. HCi' player* from Jf'd '» ink St. Ann's, Keansburg, defending lo Alvin Grlgps, who went the route Lauer pitched again Tuesday, In the Leonardo triumph Fred Catholic, Hoi Rank and liuni- champs, were in second place, but Hurley gave up four hits and had «on high school*. for the losers. They committed nine but this time it was the Pincrs 2V/, points behind. Fred Crineand errors, four of which helped the chance to howl.. And it was an a shut-out up to the ninth when Jimmy Lang were the main point Red Bank's only error figured in Caseys pllo up a 5 to 0 lead in the important win for the Lakewood getters for St. James, heading a first two Innings. nine for it gave them a tie for the score. Against West Belmar well-balance team of cinder Warren Mayer turned in a good Red Bank Catholic, meanwhile, second place with Manasquan in grinders which was a threat In Junior High Tins the Conference, a position that seven-hit hurling job, but his was giving Bahr an amount of good every event, mates were doing all sorts of Following the Memorial Day Horace Booker, captain of the win- Kneeling, left to right, are Joe fielding upon which he could rely. rates a trophy or at least a play grammar tchool track meet staged ning team; River st. Coach Tom Condlna, "Sonny" Claglia, Steve off. Rumson's Holy Cross team took tricks except good ones. They com- By Single Point Only hooter was Ralph "Foo" Mar- third place, and one of its mem- mitted seven errors. West Belmar at Red Bank high school's athletic Phipps: Stanley Haviland, school Gaw, Bob Schloesser, and Bob chetti, who was charged all three There wasn't much to Saturday's bers, Barney Creighton, had the aided the cause, too, by chalking field by the school board, officials board president making the tro- Holiday. Seated are "Pee Wee" School Hoard Event Casey errors, one of which was re- game once Leonardo dented home honor of being the individual high up four miscues. staging the meet pose with some phy presentation; William Beaty Guilliams and "Bucky" Keating. sponsible for letting In one of the members of the winning team. Jun- and Michael Nero, school board plate a half dozen times in the point-maker. In gaining this the In both games the Towners dis- Gaw and Schloesser arc holding the Aguin Successful Red Bank runs. The Bucs tallied third inning. The victory wasn't Holy Cross youngster registered 5 ior high school. members; Junior high Coach Lou both counters in the fourth, a ses- played plenty of power in the hic- Pictured standing, left to right, Jacoubs; Bill Bradley, official an- trophy awarded to River st. In a battle fought to the very too surprising, the Scarlet Fliers feet, 4 Inches in the high jump sion in which Bahr showed his only kory department, Sunday they had are Frank J. Pingitore, meet di- nouncer at the meet, and Vincent school's fourth, fifth and sixth finish, Mechanic st. and Junior ending their season without a vic- to set what Is believed to be a eight hits, Including a homer and graders for winning the special sifin of wlldncss. After getting grammar school mark for the rector; Fred Brown and Charlas Paladino of the high school coach- high schools, a team entry, eased Griggs to fly out deep to left field, tory, a double by Jim Genovese. Mon event, "Red Bank championship." county. He also captured the shot Hembling, school board members; ing staff. out their second .straight cham- Eddie got himself in trouble by Tuesday's game was more of a day Ralph Mazzucca was poison to pionship In the annual Memorial thriller. The Lions can trace their put event and took part In the 410- Leonardo, He had a perfect day walking Mike Basso and Phil yard relay event as No. 3 man. clay Kiiinirn.-u- school track meet of Smith. A boot by Marchettl ad- cause of defeat to inability to hit at bat, rapping out three doubles 12 County Boys Red Bank's board of education. runs home, They left 11 runners The 440 relay was one of the and a single in four appearances. vanced both runners, filling the Belford Blue Sox Caseys Lose, 7-6, Mechanic-Junior high won with bases. Tommy Gambacorto filed to stranded on the bases, succumbing highlights. St. James held a three- He drove in two runs and! scored Honored At Rutgers 37 points, nosing out the entry of yard lead going Into the final three times. Hurley also chimed in left, sending in Basso and sending to the able twirling of Lakewood'i Oakland-River sts. schools, •which Smith to third. Marchettl dropped Larry Westervelt. *• . stretch, but Stan Kruse, Holy for his share of safeties, getting Win In Tenth, 4-3 There were a dozen county resi- In Tenth Inning had 36. The deciding factor was Cross anchor man, uncorked some three singles in four appearances dents among the 300 Rutgers uni- a throw from Bahr In an attempt In the final inning, in which the the final event of the day—the to get Vince "Bones" DIPonte com- dauling speed in the final 110 to drive in three runs. Ray San- Wild Peg Figures versity athletes honored at New broad jump. River st.'s Bill Dotts Lions scored once, two men were yards to pass Red Bank and bring born also helped the cause, poling Brunswick last week at the annual ing Into second and Smith tore for left on, Buck Jones opened by To Long Branch took a first to bring his team the home on the play. his team needed points. out a double and single in three In St. Mary's Lou presentation of letters, numerals flvc-polnt reward, but Bobby Holi- drawing a walk and moved to times at bat. and trophies at the winter-spring There were 300 entrants In the Joe Madure Pokes day and Steve Gaw brought second Smith's triple caine after two third on Tom Wright's double, nine-school event, with each Belford Blue Sox squeezed out sports banquet. With all the signs of a last-Inning Sunday's game started with and third place to Junior, high for were out. Though It cauld have school taking a share In the points. a 4 to 3 victory over St. Mary's of Included were Laurence Ham- rally coming up at him, Wester- West Belmar taking a 2 to 1 lead Port Monmouth Sunday, Hillyer Three-Hun Homer; tho four points necessary to In had a nerve-shattering effect on Totals were St. James 70%, St, by the third inning. Red Bank mell of Red Bank, freshman nu- suro victory. Bahr, the strong right-hander velt stiffened, however, getting Ann's 4B<4, Holy Cross 43, Holy denting home plate in the tenth meral for fencing; Bob Ferguson made It 4 to 2 in the fourth and Bahr Suffers Loss Five entries made up tho field. proved his stuff by getting the next Lauer on called strikes and Larry Spirit, Asbury Park, 24; St. Rose, inning when Sinlskl's peg to catch of Little Silver, freshman numeral 6 to 2 in the fifth. The Black- Littlo Silver was third with 17 and batter, Diponte, to strike out on Scott by striking out. Wilbur Lube Belmar, 18; St. Margaret's, Spring him off third went into the out- for track; Dick Wackar of Port Long Branch high school visited hawks made three in the sixth, Tinton Fnlls fourth with nine. three pitches. And Bahr continued got on when Herman fumbled his Lake, 17; St. Agnes, Atlantic field. Monmouth, sophomore, varsity Red Bank Catholic high Tucscluy but Red Bank pushed across four Shrewsbury was unable to score a strong in the seventh, In which he grounder, sending In Jones and ad- Highlands, 15; St. Joseph's, Key- George Stover was the winning track letter; Charles Oeran of afternoon to make a clean sweep in the seventh. Genovese started point. In the special feature, for retired the side, in order, on strike- vancing Wright to third. Lube port, 17, and Star of the Sea, Long pitcher, although he gave up seven Matawan, freshman wrestling nu- Of th« season's series, winning 7 the rally after Gray had filed out, which a Bed Bank trophy was outs, stole second, representing the ty- Branch, 13, hits, while his mates were collect- meral; Richard Karl of Belmar, belting a double. Ralph Mazzucca presented by the board, River st.'s ing run, but Chauncey Lehmann's ing five. Bob Fix led the victors at freshman basketball numeral; Bahr not only was effective on Msgr. Joseph T. Casey, St. James sent him to third on his single and . Joe Madure, classy first sacker fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys chance to be a hero faded when bat and in the field, rapping out Harold Mackay of Octan' Grove, the mound, he also had a neat day pastor and chairman of the paro- Fred Mazzucca drove him and his for the Caseys, celebrated his birth- and girls copped the Red Bank he was called out on strikes, two for five and gave Stover good sophomore, varsity rifle' marks- with the hickory, getting two for chial league, presided. Other brother home on another safety. day by poking out a three-run horn championship by scoring 24 points support. manship letter; Joe Qo«)ma four, Including a powerful triple in Lakewood opened up early, get- Judges were Rev. John McKeon, Mayer was walked, but was out ; M(e fifth, but the only good Mechanic st. was second with IS ting two easy run* in the first in- Rev. Francis Piccolello, Rev. Fred at second on a fielder'* choice, BELFORD Elberon, freshman.,f _ jVJras to allow the Catholic! the sixth Inning, which sailed far AB n H and Oakland st. third with seven over Gambacorto's head and rolled ning'. Hooper started off with a Clancy, Rev. Michael Clark and Harry Estelle being safe at first. Stewart, 3b - - 5 0 1 ilr first and only lead of the Wayne Brocklebank of Freehold; A large holiday crowd gathered single, taking second when Wright Paul Kiernan, former mayor of John "Lassie" Mulvihill drove Lehman, lb. . .» ~ » 5 1 0 junior, varsity-lacrosse letter; Emll game. The poke placed the tally to the fence in centerfleld. In was Fix. cf. .. for the show, which was presided fumbled the ball. White walked Long Branch, Fred Maizucca and Estelle borne Schroth and Richard Featherman at 6-5, but Long Branch came bk the second triple served up by Hillyer, n — \ 0 over by Stanley Haviland, schoo Griggs, Tim WcVcy blasting one in but Oluek singled to send Hooper Officials were Rev. George E with a slice to left Held. Craig, c • 1 of Deal, freshman crew and fresh- in. the next inning to tie the score, B, Lehman, rf. and then, in the tenth, win it. hoard president, as referee, and the fifth inning. Bahr's triple sent home and White to third. White Everltt, Rev. William Koskoska, The Blacknawks shaved the man fencing numerals, respective- Frank J. Pingitore, school athletic lukten. If. ly, and William J. Belleville, fresh- home Charlie Naughton, who was tallied on a fly to deep center. The Rev. William J. Haughney, -Rev. count to Its final standing with Governaie. 2b. .: Long Branch combined a hit, an director, who was meet' director on via a walk, for the seventh run. Plners sewed it up In the sixth Joh,n Callahan, Rev. Edward three runs in the eighth when Stover, p. 1 1 man, and Samuel Kuker, sopho- error, a walk and a fielder's choice Bill Sherwood was starter and more, both of Asbury Park, fresh- Bahr came home when Charlie on another two-run splurge. Oluek Hughes, Rev. Edward O'Connell, Mayer loaded the bases after two 41 4 S to put over the clincher in the Coaches Lou Jacoubs and Vince man track numeral and varsity Bruno dropped Joe Madure's fly to started with a, blooper single, and James Griffin, William Hanlon, were out. PORT MONMOUTH third extra inning. Madure figured Paladino, clerks of course. short right Held. McCoy, who made after Ouido filed out, George hit Ted Labrecque and Adam Kreto- AB R H fencing letter, tespectively. prominently in the play in this inn- Red Bank's Rangers, meanwhile Coach Tom Phipps was head the game's most spectacular catch, a hefty triple to left to send Oluek wicz, Red Bank Catholic high Naungton, 2b. 6 12 Ing, too, though not so Epectacu were having themselves an equal- Htmberiieer, a«...... S.I 1 came home on an attempted squeeze school athletic director. larly. finish judge, assisted by Edward home. Oeorge tallied shortly after ly enjoyable week-end. They Shciipard. lb 5 0 2 H. Conway, Dr. Larry Burdge, play when Walt Trevors succeeded on K fly to center. Besides Wright Victory gave St. James Its first SlniBkl, c -... BOO evened their win-loss record at Chevalier, rf 5 11 Gene Raab led off with a hit, Dick Barnett and Jim Patton, Wil- in laying down a bunt, which went and George, Lube chimed in with leg on the Bayshore council, two-two by posting a 9 to 3 victory CrOHbec, If - 8 0 1 Kirchhof Makes taking second when Vito Sorrenti liam Pazicky, Rudy Hawkins, Joe for a single. Trevors' tap was at an extra base clout, a double. Knights of Columbus, trophy, a po- over Adelphia Sunday and a S to MacLennan, 3b 5 0 0 no was safe on Madure'a bobble of Fettner, Mike Nero, Jim Worden, pop-up to Griggs' right. The Bue sition they now share with St, Downs, cf -... 5 0 0 Both hurlers gave up seven hiti, 2 win over Belmar Monday. George Went, li. _ - - 5 0 0 his grounder. Eddie Bahr, who James Humphreys, Ralph Davis, pitcher, with a double-play ball al- with Westervelt striking out nine Ann's. First threee-place winners Adcock hurled Monday's victory Challenge Bid came on in the fifth, walked Char- M/Sgt, Philip Schloesser and most in his hip pocket, couldn't 45 1 and walking three. Lauer struck were presented medals. on a five-hitter, and Jackie Brls- Seeks Wood-Pussy lie Stout, loading the sacks. Clement Jablonsky, Vernon Ben field the ball. ter took Sunday's game on a four- Al Carclli grounded to Madure. nett was head timer, assisted by out six and also Walked three. (Summaries In Section 3) Bahr struck out nine while giv- hitter. Sharabba Announces Joe stepped on first for the out, William Beaty, John Giblon and LAKEWOOD Title For Shrewsbury ing up five walks. Griggs gave up but his peg home was late and Bob Worden. Fred Brown and AB B H E Leonardo Field club split its seven hits, walked three, hit one Keansburg Wrestling Raab dented the platter with what Charles Hembling were custodians HoopcTi c« —» *• its week-end work. Their loss to Grover Kirchhof of Eatontown, batter and fanned two. Each team White, If. 1 1 « Allaire Sweeps Red Bank's Frankie Sharabba member of the Shrewsbury Sailing was the winning run. of prizes. Gluck c» • »•••*•• »«•.••• 12 0 the Towners came after Sunday's uncorked one double play. Red Ruldo, rf. — 0 0 0 whipping of Belmar, 9 to 4. Saturday night makes his second club, has received word that the Bahr was charged with the de- Edward J. Macklin, Red Bank Bank Catholic's came when Mar- (•eorgc. M. .— «... 1 1 1 STANDINGS appearance of the season as an- National Wood-Pussy Class asso- feat, he having relieved "Sonny" realtor, was announcer. He sub- chettl tossed to Madure to each Schlanl, Ib - ~. 0 0 0 Week-End Sailing nouncer of Mushky Jackson wrest- Herman, 2b ...... 0 0 1 R*d Buk Towntra 4 0 1.000 ciation has accepted his challenge Conklln in the fifth inning. stituted for Attorney General Romard off, after Stearns flied out. Kabak. 3b 0 0 0 Fruhold CuUaOna s 1 .7BO ling matches in Balbach's auditor- for the Palmer Scott . Perpetual The locals collected 11 hits to Theodore D. Parsons, keeping the Red Bank's double play was Catch- 0 0 0 Monmouth Boat Club West Below 1 2 MH 'WeBtervelt, p. Belmar V, F. W. 2 2 .SCO ium, Keansburg. Challenge bowl. Long Branch's ten, as well as com- crowd amused during the infre- er Smith to Basso, catching Trev- S7 B 7 2 Opens Lightning Seatson Uinardf F. C 2 2 JOO Mushky is staging another of his The trophy currently la held by mitting two less errors than Long quent lulls in the program. ors off base when Conklin's at- LEONARDO ft.d Bank Kant*r< ..2 2 .500 Australian tag team matches. Wal- Fred CJadc of Larchmont Yacht Branch, who were guilty of «ix The program began with brief tempted bunt was a foul pop-up. AB R H E Kunibur* ..... 1 2 J33 ly Dusek and Tarzan Hewitt will 1 1 1 Strong winds and chilly weather, Use Branch . I t -.333 club. The association set Sept. 17 miscues. But it wasn't their day. flag-raising ceremonies conducted Victory was sweet for Bahr. In Lchmann, c. meet George Linahan and Rocco Jones. If 0 1 0 plus plenty, of enthusiasm marked Fmhold A. C - 1 3 9M and 18 as the dates for a five-race by Frank Innacelli of Shrewsbury their ftrat meeting the Bucs drove Wright, cf. 1 2 1 Columbia In the featured go. Two championship series to be conduct- ODD the bang-up opening Staturday of Adalpkla I 3 J Mrs. Connor Captures poEt, American Legion. The high him from the mound when they taller, p GAMES SUNPAY SO-minute matches have been ar- ed on Long- Island Sound, spon- school band and twirlers per- Scott, lb 0 0 0 the 1949 point races for the Lightn- Wait Balmar at Belmar pounded out an S to 6 victory. 0 3 ing class association of Monmouth ranged as preliminaries. In one, sored by Larchmont Yacht club. A formed at intermission, after Lube, rf 0 0 Leonardo at Adtlphla Dutch Schweigert will swap grips, Low Net In Deal Golf RED BANK CATHOLIC C. Lehmann, 2b. Boat club. Ransera at Frtihold A. C. victory for Kirchhof will mean the which boys and girls of River, AB R « • Frelbott, as 0 0 0 grunts and groans with "Red" 0 0 0 LOBS Branch at Red Bank Townera sailing of the 1950 national cham- Mrs. J. J. "Millie" Connor of Mechanic and Oakland sts schools NauKhton. 3 b ....-___ 4 Flannasan. BS, .. The first race was sailed in a GulUUna at Ktanaburf Kirkpatrlck, and in the other, Sam Ilnhr, |t ..„ „... 4 Keelen. 8b 0 0 1 pionships on the Shrewsbury river. Branch ave., yesterday made the were heartily applauded for their 0 0 0 heavy northwest wind over a*6%- Berg will have it out with Joe R. Kerritffln, cf 4 Barry, 3b. ...- The Wood-Pussy is a smart, 13- opening ladies' day at Dual Golf colorful Maypole tlance. Mi3S Ella Madura, lb . J *Colleran —«. 1 0 " mlle course. Charlie Allaire In his Ludlum, ••Governalo 0 0 0 Avenger, with hla crew of Fred foot, 6-inch catboat, which is rapid- club personally successful by Healy was in charge of River st. Marchetti, 2b _„ 4 0 0 0 fourth grade, Miss Mae McCue, I~ KcrriBnn, rf. . _. 4 •••Tretia 0 0 0 Trenery and Don Hubbard, took Kiwanis To Hold ly gaining popularity. Kirchhof winning the low net prize with a McCo£ If 2 ••••Boberts_ top honors. He was followed one Cooper Hurls Lions hopes to interest local sailors in 91-16—85. Mrs. Samuel Halper of Miss Lillian Jordan and Mrs. Tina Trevors, c 3 V M"1 7 > minute and 12 seconds later by forming a fleet. Those Interested Naveslnk River rd- was second DeFalso were in charge of Me- Conklin, M „ 3 •Rao'for Jonea In 7th. Reed Dlckerson in Windward. Soap Box Derby To Win Over Tigers can write him at Box 515, Eaton- with 94-17—77. chanic st. fourth grade and Miss ••Ran for Lube in 7th. Beulah Brcckinrldge and Miss 32 10 7 » • ••Pinch hit for Freibott In «th. June Methot in Bon Gre finished Tom Cooper pitched Leonardo town. Other scores were Mrs. John RED BANK ••••Finch hit for Keelen In 80.. third. Tower Hill Event to a 6 to 4 victory over its tradi- Kirchhof comes from Long Is- McLachlan, Little Silver, 95-14—81; Louise McCue were in charge of ABIBI Umplrta—Vol«, Egtdio. tional rivals, Atlantic Highlands, land Sound, where he established Mrs. William Sullivan, Deal, 95-14 Oakland st. fifth and sixth grades. Romanl. If. 3 0 0 9 In Sunday's races the wind held Miss Emma Jane Lafetra was the Bruno, 2b ~ 3 0 0 3 Set For June 18 Friday afternoon on the Middle- an outstanding record in the 1947 —81; Mrs. Jack Kllpatrick, Deal, steady northwest. Allaire repeated music director. West, 2 b 0 0 0 » his previous day's victory, closely The Red Bank Kiwanis club will town township field. racing season. He will not have a 120-J7-83; Mrs. C. T. Williamson, Stenrna, 3b 3 0 0 2 soft touch in his return to the Phalanx, 102-18-84; Mrs. J. Vic- GiKKS, p -... 3 0 0 X Speed Skiffs Try followed by the 83-year-old veteran hold a soap box derby race Satur- The Tigers gave the Lions a The Junior high-Mcchanio st. BRSSO, lb 1 1 0 0 skipper, Charlie Burd in Frog II. day, June 18, on Tower hill, Red scare for a while, but Coach Sound, however, for he will face tor Carton, Asbury Park, 124-39— combine gains a second leg on the Smith, c 2 110 Serena,'sailed by Roger Brown, Bank. The club held a special Arnie Truex's charges piled up a 20 skippers who represent the 85; Mrs. Edwin Cowen, Deal, 94-8 board of education trophy. River DIPonte, M 3 0 0 3 —86, and Mrs. Norman Baden- Cnmbncorto, cf. 2 0 0 0 43-Mile Marathon took third honors. meeting Monday night at the Mol- four-run lead in the third, which cream of Long Island and Massa- st. receives the junior Red Bank Acerm, rf —.- 1 0 0 0 ' Memorial day brought out 15 ly Pitcher hotel to arrange plans equalled the belt Atlantic could do. chusetts sailors. hop, Allenhurst, 117-27—90. championship trophy, also present- •foster 10 0 0 Long Branch Club boats for the first competition of for the derby. ed by the school board, for per- ••Cfcborn _1 J> J> J> the Atwater trophy series. Allaire Walter Noble, committee chair- manent possession. Red Bank Ro- 23 2 1 • Visits Ocean City again got home first, overtaking man, said several entries already St. James Boys Stage Surprise tary and Lions clubs donated •Batteed for Qambacbrto In 7th. Bev Dlckerson's Windward, and medals for the first three places In ••Batted for Acerra In 7th. have been received and that sev- Umiiirea—Bermnn and Dobryniki. Jersey speed skiffs, sponsored going on to win by nearly seven eral cars are under construction. every event, Bill Bradley donated by the Long Branch Ic« Boat * minutes over Roholnl, helmed by The race Is open to boys and girls the public address system and was Yacht club, .Inaugurated its 1949 Shep Poor. Sailed over an eight- between the ages of 9 and 16. En- assistant announcer, and Edmund racing season Memorial day when mile course, the race was made try blanks are available at Dora's Bud" Delatush donated the pro- C. M. Bryan Wins they entered the John E. Tite Me- extremely tricky by light, shifty photo shop, Nell Scottl's market, grams. morial Marathon—a 43-mile race northwest winds. J. H. Mount company and Bob (Summaries in Section 3) at Ocean City. SUMMARIES Kelly's luncheonette. In Rumson Golf The regatta was sponsored by SATURDAY Prizes, which have been donated Miss Alma VomStccg the Ocean City Yacht club and the Start—8:10 P. H, Shoots 79 To Take Boat Owner Time by local merchants and Individ- American Power Boat association. Avenger, Allaire 4:06,1 uals, are on display at Anderson's On ARC Swim Faculty Joe VanBierck, driving his Qold Windward, Dictation 4:07.111 Memorial Day Event music store on Broad st, All cars Mis* Alma VomSteeB of Tower- Cup Aljo, won the gruelling con- Son Cre, Methot 4:0».0H must be inspected before the race, 9«m, Kcator „ 1:0!l.2!l hill ave., director of girls' athletics Things aro in full swing at Ruin- test without too much competition. ? roir II, Burd .. 4:10,05 Inspection hours are from 9 a. m of Kumson public schools, will son Country club, with week-end Local skiffs, Steve Schmidt's Su- Bl Toro, Bull 4112.48 until noon at Pokua auto service, icrve on the facslty at tho Anteii- golfing starting things oil in An* san and Marshal) VanWinkle's If, Ben Gay, Bennett 4;11,2« LaFreda Sales A Service, Tomalno Ann Lee, Baynton 4115.12 :nn Red Cross National Aquatic fashion. G. MacW. Bryan won the ran sixth and last, respectively. Service station, all of Red Bank; SUNDAY ichool, Camp N'okomla, Mahopac, week-end's feature, the Memorial In a special exhibition for the Start—2:30 P, M. Bud's Gulf station, Fair Haven; day flag tournament. Avenger » ai2,i.4Ii N. Y. 8,000 spectators who lined Ocean Kennedy's Service station, Rum- Miss VomSteeg was granted a Firing a 79 over the well-mani- 'tog II , 8124,HO son; Shea's Service station, Sea City's inland waterway, VanWin- eri'iin, Brown 3!2 Pete Foster worked alx Innings Shown after staging a surprlia victory Thursday In the second annual Monmouth County Parochial and Mrs, Raymond B, Magwlro of Winkle, John Boland, Eddie Cam- Ham 413H.02 and was credited with tho victory, league track championships uro members of St. James grammar school, atonic with Msgr, Joseph T, Casey, he Kumson Country Day school Mr. and Mrs, George V. Coe, Jr, panella, Jack Reid, Ken Adams, Horenn 4i3D.oa aro also on the A.R.C. faculty. won Sunday's combination tonib- Don Gay 4:at,20 Ho was relieved by Alvin Qrlggs, St. James pastor who was host at tho event, Rev. John Rollly and Coach Adam A. Kretowlcx. Pictured William VnnWinkle, Miss Annette who started in conterflcld, led the standing, left to right, «ro Father Rollly, Frank Maloncy, Ed Ostrander, Fred Crinp, Msgr. Casey. Jim .stono* tournament, ondljr play on Galaxy II. Mend l::W,mt The Chicago Boars hold a aeries Brown and Miss Sheila Ennls, Shuru Lnavu II, Snowden 4111.21 BUCK In , getting two hits, Phovallcr, John Murphy, Mlko Kennedy, John Martin, Jim Divers and Robert Hcrmlon. Kneeling, left to the apron of tho 10th green, Mr. and Mrs. Richard R, Thomas took The ficot—ten strong—next will Illim Ghlpa, UanDold 4|4'J,I8 Tom Romurd had a pel feet day at •Ight, aro Dave Doolgcr,.Paul Slclllano, Charles Glblln, Jim Lang, Joe Diiscoll, Don Ciinil, Lou Musllllo, edgo In victories over every Na- tAC» July, IT. en Likt Ann Leo 4HI.01 iccond Jl 4 49M bat, ont for trail ..... R.lch»r

at Rutgers university. She recently installed as president of the Mis-Eleanor VanBrakle, secretary, and cently aboard the S. 8. Argentina Mrs. Knud Hansen of Cornwall, annual meeting at the Legion mond Lindemann, treasurer; Mrs. completed a secretarial course atsionary society of the Baptist Mrs. Everett Hazlett, White cross for an extended visit with their Ont., daughter of tha elder couple. home. Other officers elected were Claude Brideau, historian; Mrs. Barbcrio Plaque the Berkeley school, New York churrch. Others Installed were Mrs. chairman. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and' Mrs. F. O. Oswald was recently Mrs. Edward Vanderbllt, first vice William Aylward, chaplain, aad city. George Porter, vice president; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ulricheen of Mrs. Andrew Ulrichsen, 100 Beers elected president of Raritan unit, president; Mrs. David Schank, Mrs. John O'Neil, sergeant at Unveiled Here Mrs. WilbeH Smith was recently T. Fred Young, treasurer; Miss East Jutland, Denmark, arrived re- st. Also visiting the Ulrichsens is American Legion auxiliary at 'he second vice president; Mrs. Ray-arms. Liberty How Co. Honor* Wv Here 9 Norici it iiMiria Memorial day ceremonies at Red 1/GGF7T "gots to bat' for budgets with a mighty Bank Monday morninf were high- lighted by the unveiling •* » PlMM on the Liberty Hole company truck in memory of John U. Barberlo, a CRtSatUMIiTSIiNit. member of that company wbo mi killed on Iwo Jima. OVERSPECS The plaque waj unveiled at tbt Tampered «pring front; me- Coral, toNing who*to 4m borough hall monument by Domi- nic Figaro, Red Bank lire chief. niiciii gloti lent. ^Bk^k In e«orf ncy, h yowi with The ceremonies started when bor- Ma camoliawnK «f wt ough firemen, led by the 83-plece WITH CASff 70* flre department band, matched from the Navesink Hook and Lad- der fire house on Mechanic it, to borough hall. Following unveiling of the plaque, addresses were given by Mayor Charles R. English, Chief Figaro, Walter Boskey, Jr., com- RAIMOUVI MUSHUSf mander of Shrewsbury poet, Ameri- can Legion, and Frank Jnnacslli, a etoo Sphll Legion number. Miaa Maureen THURS. • PRI. o SAT. Hayca of Leonardo, winner of Ue VALUE Red Sank Catholic high achoel ora- torical contMt, recited "Our Amer- 37c tot ican Heritage." She won tha con- GIFTS FOR FATHER'S DAY test with this rtceptlon. At 11:45 a. m., the Bom of Co- 9fth lleiiMi fovajvci t.. lon Veterans auxiliary raised ft asw flag, a ciutom which has botn DEVELOPING 1 The Odds brly AMtrkM FRIENDSHIP CAIMM Carried out since the monument PBlfcol was erected. Mrs, Gladys Matthews PRINTING -and you COBA lost! m wnn WAHR presented a wreath and Mrs. Car- HaMi 30 "TOK" WITH •n o charming flaeon with t\r. aW I rie Patterson raised the flag after THE RETTER KIND Cfgwattoil making a presentation speech to 6ILLETTE PAYS OFF DOUBLE MltMCO tl»of"fif«c}.on"B,,>n|,av>>| 4 oil. /*>' Mayor English. Wreaths were also 124 HOUR SERVICE laid by the Legion post, the Vet- H yew eweni tenvliicee] Ihat the new HIM erans of Foreign Wan and John -••Mi %vt*r-tpt*4 lawaffivm yewfhecleen- 0010 TONI I >OYA1 BUmm, Spanish-American war vet- •*>, ejulikeil th«v*a «f ywr Hfel eran. iO.V01UMl| CIGARITTE CASE ^3 RICNAID Nimri Prayers were offered by Msgr. Salvatore DiLorento, pastor of St. PEROXIDE ^^•AH RMVTV RITVAI KIT Anthony's church, and' Msgr. Jot-

BEFOBT UOHT TBAFT10 : Kayport state police Mid that 'traffic over the holiday week-end «H light. Sunday sight's traAo GUARANTEE; Xl£8S£^f!SSS&l ibe easiest shaves ever, return raior end anusetf bladei to JUST $QUK» W iOltlfJ was described as lighter than nor- Gillette Safety R.sor Co., Boiton «5, Mese., with tipboator* ttal and Monday night's trafllc WM letter, and §tt •2,O0-V^k(^s^^>^C< $land McCue. Special gifts were depleted lott. given to Mrs. James Halllgan, Mrs. PINT Tt PINT CIGARS •William D. Cromey and Nancy • MI«*Ua»arfadail *>me. Other winners were Mrs. •William Allen, Mrs.-J>. J. Byrne, RUBBING ALCOHOL MILK MAGNESIA He'll be glad to know, whtn l» bin. Claude Minaldi, Mrs. Nellie 1 r OUUXI Vlnnirty, Mrs. Raymond Desmond, CIMM flnlih.1 lh. boxful, h. co« buy JOX Mt: Edward Ott, Mrs. William 19 19^ 5fora3« Of 1 Tanner, Mrs. William D. Cromey, NOME 3trs. John Bannon, MM. William Hiahoney, Mrs, Margaret Ferrettl, 4* Airs. Hartion Howland, Mrs, Joe- 3ipb Healy, Mrs, George Harvey, DR.WISTIni0rtjvti ' Mokaa a §wy, STA-PUT ^rs. Blla White, Mrs. Jamtl H»l- 1 «. k. 3igan, Mrs, George Grause, Mrs. KIHNEXTISSU!S| Mlraclo-Tuft •roMO SButh Mary, Mrs. Dannie K. Byrne, tOX Of 900 Waty Sirs. Otto Strobmengsr, Boasld TOOTH BRUSH MINtUN Sliddle, Leonard Marthens, Stanley •MY BEST CANDY DWY IN TOWIi ... SCrufe and Misses Nancy Byrne, Sealed lit ASH Evelyn Porter, Judith , Desmond, I WllhMW ^R^R^R^R^R^V #_i^2^^^f^aa* Senl-tleti Claris Fanning, Marie Costlgan and 27'»->79' 49' tATTU T0*l r«* TRAY IKegina Mcuggc. ROOIR'S AiR.mi f##« RRACH'S Roit Rtx ." Mr, and Mrs. Howard Stanley ol V3 price! |«on-bag fabric boio K)UCHU,from.. f 3>tlham Manor, N. Y. and lire. M. Siendricks of Bellerose, L. I., were UNGUENTINE ELECTRIC tloyt pu» on — •"•*" aNDIES ««Na«lrt,M Iweek-end and Memorial day guest* FOR SUNIURN Orfttoxotf lot Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Effray TOASTER lot Windmill la. ; Mr. and Mrs. William Lagroterla r«6o SPECIAL ONLY S9*ABOX ;«f West at. had Mrs. Evelyn l*u REG. $2.00 §00 tot Hawaii and New York city as SJ.M ;• gueet for the holiday week-end. •»'« $2.00 to $1.00 '• Richard H. Ward Is home with •his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard .Ward of Forrest ave. He has Just HIUNI CURTIS 'completed his freshman year at GALLON AMIRieAN !We\v York university. CREAM SHAMPOO J Holy Communion will he obierved PICNIC land new members received at the With lanollnl 111 o'clock service, Sunday morning JUGS Sat the Presbyterian church, % Ik. 000 IHAVI Mua • i Mrs. Joseph April of First it.'hae returned home from Paul Klmball FITCH Jar m $2«« UP IKNSIR .hospital in Lake wood, where she ,*i.s© VMUII Nra.5 a surgical patient. OANDRUFF.RIMOVIR : | Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Caughey of VITO-Colgato'* CARIONA f00 '.ittw York were week-end and Me- SHAMPOO Miorlal day guests of Mr. and Mrs. CREAMDEODORAHT .CUANINO Mtmes M. Watrous, 45 West River .^•^^•^^•w mm a _». ^m* :*d. '«(S'io 4*0€ PLUID : i V. D. Hatch was the week-end ;gucst of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ;Ward of Forrest ave. RIXA11 •; Elizabeth Labrlola of Bingham f T S •ftve. will appear before Magistrate YARDLEf ;ArnoM Tulp, Monday to answer a ANTISEPTIC STAG •charge of driving without a license VINIDA ;Jn her possession, wit on •Vw/DREMI SIAPORTH '•' T. E. Waters of East Orange wai Neti.tfryfnef SHUITON ZONITE CALAMINE iihe week-end guest of Mrs. S. WIK Ria.«9c SHAMPOO ^ HAIR I l«herleehl '.ion Laird at her summer cottage YARDLIY '.on Rumaon id, -••• Heir kMsmei ee Mtarehr Bfl^li LACHUIt sett mti Iwfrtve wild MUs RMaWll MVW1*WBn UVINDEt IIAUU eaa^aealdl BATHASWEET „ „ In etenlier .ftgJU I WILLIAMS Lfl CROSS LEATHER : • Kejport Twe r.r,, | f , ,, ','. John E. Tilton has returned to lh n| f |ftBe ( TWEEZERS LUGGAGE •iis home In Swarthmore, Pa., after mtwm TAGS . . 'Visiting his grandparents, Mr. and ;ltr«. Samuel E. Tilton sf Division, M Ton aoiyf Than you'll want j; Mrs. Clyde Egglnson of Atlantic •at. haa returned from Paterson, ' ftffMf 0MfMf StlUOtfMli ! where she visited relatives. 1KOI IAN SUN OIL t I Mr. and Mrs. John Ooets of F/GHW D£WMl D£C4f. If m ffarfavg «o»««r taiil ,Ka4n et, and Mr. and Mm. Irving SUHTAH 10TI0M Oemmtll of Oolt'e Neck attended am I Open houae and a concert at state $1.00 SAMMONIATID ! teachers college, Trenton, recent- Sit* !; Robert ahaw, Horehead City, I. ; TOOTH POWDER !C, has been vUltlng his parents, 1 6on. ;»lr. and Mis. A. H. Shaw of Clark •St. Mr. Bhnw Is marine dslsel tech- THERMOS" lmHenye»raeeekevr nician in Moreheud City. Nn lese-et'i Dleeel. Saniltivo eklnt You'll naa«J ;; Mra. Harold E, Tippett hu re- VMUUM MTTll! jturned to her home nt Landsdowne, fJANOUTM0t Prtttxtivt PH., after visiting her cousin, Mrs, 9 on. IThomas A. Julftre, ONLY CRIAM LOTION ! Mr, and Mrs, J, Leon Schank ol exalt IMitplo pi, me taking an automobile (trip to Holland, Mich. |; Miss Adelaide Crammer, Bread • aOTH lenellitel IOTH by jsnhent <0, has accepted a position at ne* TeUry in the office et the dean of the eoiieej* erf AM oaf CMARCKS IIROPPKIJ Winners At Carl Ion Kiddie Show Two Ne>v York city mr.n paid court costs on appearance heforc Keanshur? MaK'stratc Henry JAMES F. SMITH Schwcizer Monday on charges of FLOOR SANDING McalinK a car. The chai-gpa wen: AUDIOMfTIIST dropped during the hearing by Frank Carbonc, whose cm* the men HEARING EXAMINATIONS were accused of stealing. Accord- CALL RED BANK 6-42S5 ing to Kcansburg police, the cur was stolen in that borough at 2:30 ' Hearing Aids • Accessories • Batteriei a. m. Monday and was recovered on Pincvicw avc., at 3:15 a. ni. ACME UPHOLSTERY 'Phone Red Bank 6-3075 During the off-season the Mialcah horse racing atrip is plowed and I CARPET CLEANING Co. 485 RIVER ROAD, FAIR RAV£N, N. J. planted In vegetables. Roll Along With Tetleys 1 WHEEL GOODS FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK Bif tt-inch nd body with whiU trim. Fire gong, bump- •r, ftnder Umpi, hand rails, front and ««r Mats, two DRAMATIC SALE Itdden.

COMMiTi THREE-WHEEL of McCALLUM HOSIERY PARK CYCLE Winners in the Western costume parade held at the Carllon theater kiddie show Saturday morning. Left to right, front row, Dana Applfgate, Sandra Hendrlckson, Johnny Mcnna and Joseph Thompson; back row, James Sanford, Glcnda Grimmer, Janet Hanlcy, Charles VanOvcr, Jr., and Mlchcle Sacco. Red chain drive type with for o limited time only white trim. 14-inch wire spoke wlieeli, adjustable han- Mr. and.Mis. F. C. Wcgei, Mrs. C. eight years and was in charge of N. VanLecr, Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. the Netconn station. He haa been dlebars and seat, leather coil Rector Addresses VanBrunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. stationed at Shrewsbury barracks spring saddle, ball-bearing Swertfeger, Mr. and Mrs. William two years. rear axle. Robinson, Mrs. J. E. Robertson, Supper Meeting Kenneth L. Reeves, Sr., Charles L. Here it is! A "once-in-aMfetinw" sale of perfect, Reeves, Sr., Mrs. Thomas Kraan, ONIY 'Mr. and Mrs.' New Mrs. William H. Egolf, Mr. and high-fashion nylon stacking* by one of the most '29* Club Name Adopted Mrs. A. C. Conrow, Mr. and Mrs. famous brands in the country! In the new shades TWOWHEEL Harry G. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- SHIRTS The young couples club of Trin- vin Carhart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles you will wear all summer! All price* drastically ity Episcopal church nict for the h. Reeves, Jr., and Rev. and Mrs. PARK CYCLE first time last Thursday evening Robert H. Anderson, Jr. Beautifully reduced for one week only. Choose your bent-wear- 14-inch wire spoke wheels under its newly adopted name of with aemi-pneumatic tires. "Mr. and Mrs." club in the pariah ing length: fall, medium, short. Choose your best Equipped with fenders, bell house. Kenneth U Reeves presided Finished and Rev. Robert H. Anderson, Jr., it runup shade: Starlight, to near with white, beige, and parking atsnd. Also has Trooper Kondrup rector, gave the invocation. and pastels; Peter.Pan % lo near with green, amber and chain guard (not illustrated The rector spoke at the supper By Our hire). Suitable for boys or meeting on "The Objectives of a To Retire spiced tones. Sala prices effective one week only— gtrli. Parish Religious Education Pro- gram." The objects, he said, are Was Wild Slate New "Formatic" from today, June 2, until June 8th. to stimulate, guide and enrich the ONLY experiences of children, young peo- Police 25 Years ple and adults in such a way that Trooper Victor Kondrup, 58, who they will increasingly develop joined the State police in 1921 and Pressing Method 00 Christian relations to God and our who is second-ranking officer at the 45 guugu—Reg. 1.35 Sol* 1 pair fellowman, loyalty to Christ, Chris- Shrewsbury barracks, will be re- tian Initiative and valuation of tired next month, A legislative or- *24»Hour Service the individual, intelligent grasp der signed last week by Gov. Al- 51 gauge—Keg. 1.05 Sal* 1" pair and use of Christian truth; knowl- fred B. Driscoll requires retirement edge and appreciation of the Bible, on Shirts Is Now DGMVXVKD KBKE of all state troopers with 25 years' T prayer book and other pails of service at the ago of 85. .93 IN THK SHORE AREA. the heritage of the church and par- Possible 61 Kaugc—Ki-g. 2.r.o Sol* |' * poir STORK HOURS: ticipation in the corporate life of. Trooper Kondrup, who lives at • A. M. to 5:M P. M. the church. Neptune, was born at Copenhagen, Red Bank 64001 Fridays 'HI • P. M. The next meeting will be held Denmark, He is a veteran of 51 gauge |»utc silk—Reg. 1.95 Sol* 1'** pair 17 BTOMI St. Red Bank Mall or rhone Orders. Thursday, June 23, at 7 p. m. at World War 1 and is a member of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Brien-Major post, Veterans of LEON'S L. Reeves, Jr., Laurel St.. West Foreign Warg, Neptune. •At Plant Only— Long Branch, and will be an out- Before joining the state police, door supper. Trooper Kondrup was employed Slight Extra Charge. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED. Those attending last week's eight years by the Pennslyvania meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Charles railroad. As a trooper he served at •«-76 WHITE STREET PHONE RED BANK 0 0138 Allaire, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert every state atation except Pomp ton P. Worden, Mr. and Sirs. Carl F. Lakes. Forsman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. He was formerly a member of the I Red Bank 6-2800 Zoldak, Jr., Mrs. J. Gordon Wilson, state police detective bureau for


QUESTIONS- QUESTIONS- June is the month QUESTIONS! Yea, more and more follu are i ahwt conversion* and extenioiu to the home. Qua*. tiom lilw "Can you convert our hutment into • WEDDING GIFTS for BEACH WEAR for COOL FABRICS recreation room?", "What about miring our attic Women's dress maker bath- Washable French crepes, JEf%c Milk glass lamps, brass m over into'a guest bedroom?", or "Can you attend bases, parcbuient shades ing suits by Sun-Surf, at 39 inches wide. Reg. 1.00 O W oar Irilcnen with a breakfatt nook?" a very special price! 1 ' Frankly, they'rt the question! we like to hear., China luncheon set by Sa- and 2-piecc iu prints, lem; service for 0. Open plaids, stripes. Sizes 10 Triple sheer printed Bern- 4 And we've got the answers you'll like. Just give i» bergs, 10" wide. Reg. 1.85 |' a call this week! stuck 14" to 20 Covered casserole of ham- 73O Irish dress linen, crease if ,95 mered aluminum 2-picce beach suit special- resistant. Regularly l!.»5 I • NO DOWN PAYMENT • ly priced, by Jantzen. Bra. • UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY • California cigarette and and short of fine cban* .93 candy boxes; gaily decor- bray. Sizes 12 to 18. Skinners rayon crepes, 42 4,39 > REMEMBER MONMOUTH FOR i ated inches wide. Reg. 1.95 1 All brass bridge, •floor Conversions Roofing ' 50 Finely woven terry robes lamps and torchicres 14 in short and long lengths. Pre-shrunk dimities, An- derson & Duuiari. Reg.1.00 Yfc Extensions Sliding In white and colors. All .93 69' 19-picce hostess glass set. sizes, from Carousel decorated 8 Alterations Garagts White eyelet embroidery, f.00 TCj Regularly l.W> to :'.5O •' _ 3-piece eliina tea set Porch Enclosurts De lustered swim suite de- VBi signed by Rose Marie V* Combination Windows SO-iiicii aluminum tray Reid (if California, with Imilt-ln bras. I and 2- ,93 Anderson's dotted Swiss; .piece styles. All sizes white and colored grounds,

— Basement — — Secoud Floor — — First Floor — RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 2, 194$ Atlantic HighlnnHt Barberton, Akron and Cuyahoga Memorial Plaque Falls, mosquito control is becom- Unveiled Sunday / Edgar N. McCIees In Memorial day parade, the ing accepted practice. POLIO FUND BENEFIT marchers aezembled at the yacbt For effectiveness, two summer A memorial plaque, presented to harbor and proceeded up First ave, applications are recommended—ons the Hed Bank -Methodist church by Honored By Bank to Memorial parkway. Mayor Wei- along about the first week in July one of the members, «u unveiled dion P. Smith delivered an addreis and the other early in August. This "You Can't Takt It With You" by MID. Fred Boyd of the local End* 25th Year With at the high school. In ths parade is satisfactory for most northern MOM HABT-GEOBGE KAUFMAN COMEDY HIT SING SING SING church at Sunday evening*' service. Merchants Trust were Mayor Smith and Councilman areas. In the South, the spraying The plaque honors those of the Red Harry B. Murtha, Everett C. Cur- periods are earlier. Some sections EVERY MONDAY MGHT WITH THE Bank church who served their coun- Edgar N. McCIees, secretary of ry and Leonard D. Hofmsnn, all go in for three seasonal DDT FAIR HAVEN CHORAL SOCIETY try in World War II. the Merchants Trust company of borough veterans' posts, the firs sprays, the initial one early in May. Rev. Arthur Joice, who served as Red Bank, wss guest of honor at a department and auxiliary, the vet- Friday & Stbrday, JHW 3 & 4 Anyone who wants to sing ii welcome! chaplain In the late war, brought testimonial dinner Friday night at erans' auxiliaries, first aid squad, the message. Member* of Red Bank Peter's Piping Rock at Rumson. civil air patrol units from this bor- FAIR HAVEN METHODIST CHURCH post, Veterans of Foreign W«r»,and The dinner was given by the board ough and Asbury Park, Soy, Girl RUMSON HIGH SCHOOL • River Road, Fair Haven the auxiliary attended the service of dirtctors of the bank. and' Sea Scouts of the borough, ATLANTIC n a. body. troops from Fort Hancock. And PRESENTATION OF tanks from the Had Bank National |Tfcurs., IH. Sat. Sat, Hat. ==•—=—=== ~ ' Cusrd unit. THE SHREWSBURY PLAYERS Highlands Mayor Waldron P. Smith indi- JOELMcCREA •sjMiniiniiiH ADMISSION IMS lad. tax RESERVED SEATS I1.M The Memorial day parade was cated Saturday that the borough ALEXIS SMITH SYMPHONIC CONCERT held Sunday. Veterans' organiza- might operate a beach on property ZACHARY SCOTT FOB RESERVATIONS CALL RED nANK «-37IM tions, civic groups, borough officials which Harry Hauser may give the. WALTER R. PFEIFFER, Conductor and members of the fire depart- borough. DOROTHY MAtONE Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Nordmaa ot Spontored Bj ment and first aid squad partici- pated. Music was supplied by the Los Angeles, Cal, recently visited "SOUTH OF*ST. LOUIS" CarJton This Sat. Eve. at 11:30 P. M. Atlantic Highlands municipal band. Mrs. Lillian Marvin. Mr. and Mn. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Red Bank Nordman motored her* treat tat AIM: , DONIZETTI'S ROMANTIC COMIC OPERA The marchers, who parade on Bay EseiUag Jungle Adventure) ave. and Navesink ave., stopped at West coast, "THIS WINE OF LOVE" SUNDAY, JUNE 12, AT 3 P. M. The Lions dub will hold Ladlet' the Huddy monument, the honor "URUBU" ' (English Titles) At Mechanic St. School, Red Bank roll and at the grammar school. night next Monday at the Home- stead inn. Moa., Tues. Sun. Coat NELLY COWUDI—TITO COBBI—ITALO TAJO Tickets now available at home of Mrs. Herbert Lindner, 41 = The boroughs' patriotic organisa- Mr. and Mrs. W. Harry Poaten LORETTA YOUNG Ail Seaa* tie, Tai Included John St., Red Bank, or Eugene Haai, Leonardo. Adults, $1.20; jj tion* attended services at the returned Thursday from Texai, children, 6 to 11 years, 60c; under B years, free. =• Methodist church Sunday morning. where they spent two weeks with VAN JOHNSON More than 40 persona received their son and daughter-in-law, M«J. first Communion Sunday at the and Mrs. John H. Posten. RUDY VALLEE Church of Our Lady of Perpttual Mrs. Edward McHenry has vs> Help. Rev, Joseph J. Donnelly offi- turned from Monmouth Memorial ciated. A May procession was held hospital, where ths was a surgicsl kAFrtslHtti" at the church Sunday, patient. (la Tactnlcalar) The Women's Guild of St. An- The Phllathea group of Central THIMDIANK drew's church will hold a card par- Baptist church will give a dinner | Wed. One Day ty this afternoon at the parish Edgar N. McCIees in the church social room June it. John Wayne house. Barry FlttgeraM *•• Ths affair marked the comple- Mrs. Thomas Gould, Mrs. William A birthday party was given (or Maxson, Mrs. William Rausch and Thomas Mitchell Mrs. Jesse Clark last Thursday at tion of Mr. McCIees' 25th year with A WALTER READ! THIATRI the Merchants bank. He is the only Mrs. Thomas Plltnik are committee In the home of Mrs. William R members. "LONG VOVAGE HOME" MONMOUTNiT. • • . TaL ft. I. ••1100 117 Prospect Ave. v- Red Bank, N. J. scher. Attending were Mn. Doro- ons on the staff to have started with the original bank. Arthur Martin, a junior at the Ala* thy Rauscher of Jackson Heights, high school, last Thursday night SAT. Red Bank 6-2220 Mr. and Mrs. James Lepis of Jer- At the conclusion of the din- Guy Madison attended the county Red Ciois Diana Lynn sey City and Mrs. Emiel Aufler of ner, formal presentation of a testi- chapter dinner at ths Molly Pitcher RECITAL this borough, monial letter and a television set, hotel, Red Bank, as representative la Tho Girls' Friendly Sponsors Of which had already been installed of the junior Red Cross group. "TEXAS-BROORLYN- JUNE 11th - 8:30 P. M. St. Andrew's church will meet to- in his horn* at SO West Front St., Irving B. Zeichner, local attor- HEAVEN" morrow night at the parish house. were made to Mr. McCIees. ney, has been named; to the nomi- ST. JAMES AUDITORIUM Three pieces of fire apparatus Members of the board who gave nating committee of the National TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT STUDIO put out a flro at the borough dump the dinner were Mayor Charles R. Air Fore* association. Mr, Zeichner Sunday afternoon. English, chairman; Kenneth Mc- AT ST. JAMES, JUNE 11TH is head of the state organisation. Mrs. Benjamin Compton is ill at Queen, bank president; Chester B Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Young sre home. Adams, vice president and treasur- operators of a new delicatessen Mrs. Lawrence Worth and U&ufch- er; Thomas P. DoremuB, and Har- store, which opened Saturday »t Highlands, N. J. ry C. P. Worden. If you liked "BOTTOMS UP!" ter Beverly of Long Island, spent the site of the former American Fri., Sat. Sa<- Mat. the holiday week-end with Mr. store on First ave. you'll LOVE Worth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rich have ABBOTT & COSTELLO SUN. - MON. • TUES. liam Worth. returned from Indianapolis, Ind,, IH[ MOSI UNDIR Yll HRRIIYING Of Alt lOVf S10RIIS Grammar school graduation will Legion Plans where they saw the try-outs for "HOLD THAT GHOST' bs held next Wednesday evening the 500-mile auto race. Alas "SMILES' In the school auditorium. The 38 For Convention Miss Audrey Buzby, daughter at Itod Cameron • graduates will hear Rev. Charles Mr. and Mn. Clyde N. Buiby, ww Dona Masaey V. Webster, pastor of the Red JENNIFER JONES the Avon-Bradley Rlwaals Musical Revue Event To Be Held recently named president of the la Bank Presbyterian church, deliver College club section of the Mary- the commencement address. Class At Highlands land association of Home Econom- •THE PLUNDERERS" JOSEPH COTTEN Directed by John Toland night will be held tomorrow and ics. Mils Busby u, a junior at St. (In Color) school will close June 16. Program details of the first an' Joseph's college. Sun., Mon. . Bun. Mat Dances by Dorothy. ToUnd nual convention of the Monmouth Borough officials are seeking a county organization of the Amer- C. J. Dodge, managing director BINO CROSBY conference, with state officials at of the New Jersey society of Pro- RHONDA FLEMING With Many Red Bank Start! Trenton to discuss the water situa- ican Legion and auxiliary at High- fessional Engineers, will be speak- tion at Highlands and to review lands June 25 were announced last er at high school graduation exer- SIB CEDRIC HARDWICKE night by Irving B. Zeichner of At- WILLIAM BENDIX fee* aad Peter Mattel, Dolores Chevalier, Charles Gotsehalk Oreh. state' department of health protest lantic Highlands, general conven- cises tonight in the school audi- and dancers Iron Dorothy Toland Dance Studio; which stated that a leak in the bor- tion chairman. torium. Grade school graduation "A Connecticut Yankee in ough's outfall sewer pipe is tend- will be held next Thursday. Clas* Kinr Arthur'* Court" WED. AND THt'BS. aMahaal Peart* Oarotkr EUwaucfc. JMH Heaawr, Cay SiM la June 25, with a welcome address bombing mosquitoes have to be the "HIRED WIPE" A WALTER RIADI THEATRE at the Marine theater. The auxil- uninvited guests at every picnic. AlM> MOAO ST. • • • TeA It. 9. «.1100 iary group will meet Saturday New DDT spraying techniques, suc- Steve Brodsr morning at the grammar school. cessfully developed within the past Myrna Deli NOW THRU SAT. few years, have put the nip on According to the constitution of •ROSE OF THE YUKON* the county organization,, each post these pets. is allotted one delegate and one Under old methods, cost of spray- alternate delegate for each 25 ing parks and. picnic grounds was members and an additional dele- prohibitive. Not so now, says Bill gate and alternate for the post as Lauck, field representative of the FLY INi whole. Davcy Tree Expert Co., who points out new control methods are econ- SUN. THRU TUES. The morning session will include omically safe and sound. Today discussion ot resolutions to be many communities are preparing forwarded to state headquarters, their recreational areas against in- and to the nomination of officers. vasions by the pests. County Commander Job Ireland Fog and' mist applications arc of Freehold and Mrs. Qussie the new methods whereby very fine HIGHWAY #M, t Miles South White, auxiliary president, will droplets of DOT are blasted at of Colllngwood Circle conduct the meeting. great velocity into the air stream Freeholder James S. Parkes is as opposed to the old use of hy- Two Shows nightly starting scheduled to open the afternoon draulic sprayers. Mist blowing per- at S:SO P. M. session. A parade through High- mits greater area coverage with STARTS WED. lands will follow the installation accompanying cost reduction. Fri.. Sat. •June t, « . "KISS IN THE DARK" — "STATE SEPT. FILE W»" of officers. At the end of the pa- Geographically, northern Ohio Is Don't take chancel frith rade, memorial servies will be one ot the leaders in the DDT mist held, with Eladio A. Rodriguez, war against flies, mosquitoes and formils ?!rour cleaning vice county commander, in charge. other insect malefactors. In this MAVMtft PARAMOUNT IYRIC •, The dinner-dance will be held at section, there are many Ideal breed- AMUjtr **•« AMURV MIR AMURY PARK ~ get*_out the dirt-oK of the Villa Roma at 8 p. m. Morris ing places because of the large New tkru Wai, New thru Wad. Naw thru W.I. Miller of Shrewsbury is arranging number of lakes and ponds. In "FLAMINGO "Mr Draam It "Th. Forblddaa it Tvi removes even the to obtain speakers (or the dinner, many communities notably around MAD" Yews" "lad Bey" Sttaat' toughen spots... restores all the beauty of color ST. JAMtS STRAND AMttlVMM 'RIIHOIO and texture to even. the. New thru Sal. ••Stancaath" most delicate fab Long Vojif a Home rics with careful / pressing and hand it finishing KED Sun., Mon. June (. • STRAND BANK A WALTER READE THEATRE — COMING — SANE DAY SERVICE WEEK-STARTING WED., JUN. 22 AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 1NCOMPAXABU PRODUCTION...


Start Saving Today Tu«f..W«tt, Thurs., June 7, % t Sure, Dad toots all the bills and never complains ... not even when you charge hi* Birthday and Fatair'a Day gifts to Mm. "DANIEL BOONE'* Start to save on vour own at the Red Bank Savings * Loan. Hell Heather Angel George O'Brien be proud of your endeavor and your choice of a financial Instltu. Plus Laurel * Hardy In Uon, for we pay generous dividends that will make your fund* "MUSIC BOX" 24 ¥. FRONT ST. grow by }«api and bounds, Thursday Ntte Special—Early CLEANERS INC. cartoon show for the kiddles. The cartoons and comedies will RED. BANK SAVINGS be shown first!! Come early NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ot the bidder and propontij work on and bring the kiddles. Starting the outline and accompanied by a tcr- I may bo obtnlncd ut tho otllco of ,Uooi*ga BUS P. II. Netlee Ii btrtby given that bldi will llflad ehiek payable to the Townthlii In K. Allen, C. E., 60 Uroad Street. Rad M ncalv.4 by the Committee of Shrowi- n «um of at leaat tea (10) |ier ccnl ot Bnnk, N, J,, during bualneu houra, utu •wjf Townihln (or bituminous t.entmnit the amount Wd. nn payment of 70,00, which amount will Children Under School Age • •f varloua road, in the Tovmahlii. UIcl» lllil» mint be made on thu I'mponnl bn rclimiPil If lilr) In mHcle, Tito Town- PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY will b« rtctlreit In the Tounnhlii Com- lurmi nltuth'il to the micclricatlont, hi hhln Comniltt''p r«Bi!i'Vff» the rlirht to re- l''reo! Mlttae Room, Public School, In Tlnlon the manner dfilgnmnl Ihnrdn mul musl ject, ntiy or till IIIIIK If decmod to the ADULTS, MAT. »O| EVE. fl.tO • frill, Manmoulh Co., N. J. on th* Mth be dtllvtrad at or by lha houi' above beat Interest (if tho Towmhlp HO to do, 10 BROAD AT.f RtD BANK NEW JERSEY' aty •( Jun». 1949. «t moo p. M,, en- nnmed. KENNETH FIELDS, Chairman. CHILDREN, Mo AT ALL TIMES Tax Included tlf*4 k atalatf •nrtloMi wlla tha nanu Sticlncatlcmi and fioKJiali forma J«AKOK£'n'A U hLEU, Clark, HWff ftTRIf,

You have all day . .. next Monday take advantage of These Bargains Are these One-Day Specials advertised on this page. On Sale This One 32 Different Specials Day Only! From 32 Different Stores and MONDAY Every One A Bargain EACH WEEK THE SAME JUNE 6th • TORE8 WILL HAVE OUT- STANDING BABGAIN8.,. WATCH THIS FAFEB FOB THE "•MONDAY'S BEST Bt'VK" PAGE. WALK...RIDE A BUS...TAKE A CAB OR DRIVE TO TOWN DON'T MISS IT!! FOR THESE UNUSUAL MONDAY SPECIALS! I O R MONDAY ( ; FOR MONDAY FOR MONDAY ONLY

SPECIAL! STERLING SILVER IDENTIFICATION HURRY! HURRY! GOLD MARKS 51 GAUGE LADIES — DEPARTMENT Assorted cotton Group of Summer Dresses BRACELET NYLON HOSIERY Regular Price, C ^k 50 REMNANTS • Drrtwy Sheer Values To $14.95 S O «00 Stripes — Prints • I nil I u«)iioued .00 14.50 J Solid Colors • New Light Shades Now vaiii* Vss 8 Monday Only ^J • I irsl Ouulily Broadcloth • Chambrajr • Butcher Linen • Shantung KNORAVING FREE J. J. NEWBERRY CO. SHERMAN'S SNYDER'S BROAD STREET NATS JEWELERS 77 BROAD STREET 4>» BROAD ST. HUD BANK, N. J. FOR MONDAY 72 BROAD STIOF. I MONDAY REi > ND I VBANK 64)229 FOR MONDAY ONLY FOR MONDAY ONLY MEN'S "UTICA" KNIT This "Ad" Is Worth *2 METAL SHOE RACKS Brass Lamps, Student Lamps, Table Lamps If you buy one of these Assorted model* am] POLO SHIRTS eolors. Value 89c 20% off Maize, white, blue, grey Westinghouse Irons Save ctouft floor spare with this «tvi.-l "line rack. Blur or at regular price Ivory baked enamel finish. Completely aKurmtilpil. Hold* six »f lite original price Small, medium, large pairs of shoes. Kquipped with rubber feet tn prevent tlaniUKc to of any model 59c (Clip and bring with you)i the finest floor finish. Ribbed Knit, with Breast Pocket BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP. Inc. STRAUS COMPANY TETLEY'S SURPRISE STORE- 8 Broad St 46 Monmouth St. Red Bank as BitOAii si HI;I;T 17 Broad St. It. B. 60001. Itcd Bank FOR MONDAY ONLY FOR MONDAY ONLY FOR MONDAY ONLY 9x12 GENUINE PABCO GOLF SHOES REYNOLDS ALUMINUM HKUI.AK S22.50 LINOLEUM RUG 5-Pc. Dinette Sets RAINCOATS Regularly $9.95 Formerly $139.0(1 Regularly SQ.95 Reduced to $7Q.5O MONDAY $A.95 Monday Only Satin Finish Aluminum; Mahogany or $9.98 8 Bleached Oak Tops; Chairs covered in. ONLY T Genuine Wathable Ouran. •;....: 9 NATIONAL 5,10" &'1" STORE SHERWOOD'S SPORTING GOODS STERLING FURNITURE COMPANY J. KRIDEL 47 BROAD ST. FREE DELIVERY 7 Broad Street Red Bank 21 White Street It. (I Bank BKOAD & FRONT SIS. IOR MONDAY ONI FOR MONDAY FOR MONDAY ONLY FOR MONDAY ONLY Here's a Real Value QUESTION-MARK 75 PAIRS OF WOMEN'S SHOES A GROUP OF BOLERO BUY A NEW PAIL „ , „ , n Monday Only BRAS lied,. Green and Brown JL L SUNBACK DRESSES Regularly and White $1.50 — $1.95 Galvanized Garbage Special $^.99 1 Regularly $8.95 to $12.95 Monday Only ' Pail - 1.73 No Returns — No Exchange* 3 79c JOHN B. ALLEN CO. CARROLL HOSIERY SHOP JACOBS HARDWARE CO. RUBY LANE STORES Broad & Monmoiitli Su. Kcri Ha.ik OUR NEW STORE NEAR POSTOFFICE 28 BROAD STREET RED BANK 273 ShrcMshury Avenue Kcd Bank, N. J. 93 Broad Street Red Bank FOR MONDAY ONLY TOR MONDAY ONLY OR MONDAY FOR MONDAY ONLY $1.00 Sleeveless, Slipover and ROOF COATING *1" Hosiery 1 10" EMPTY Button Front PURE ASPHALT & ASBESTOS All Our $1.65 • $1.50 • $1.35 Grade RECORD Sleeveless Sweaters Regular ALBUMS 2-79" "Mojud" and "Holeproof" Hosiery Gabardine — All Wool $2.95 All Colors that sold up lo $J.25 For Monday Only ANDERSONS-MUSIC 1.50 2 KIRSCHBAUM'S ABBEY MEN'S SHOP, I?!C. MORRIS BECKER & SON 21 Broad Street Red Bank, \ J. X. B. IMMfiS Shrewsbury Avc, Corner Catherine 8k 23 BROAD STREET 62 Broad Street Kcd Bank* FOR MONDAY ONLY FOB MONDAY ON I Y FOR MONDAY ONLY FOR MONDAY ONLY TWO .WAY STRETCH TRADE IN YOUR OLD MATTRESS Hi • Dent Antiseptic EXTRA SPECIAL 15*° Cash Allowance MOUTH WASH Nesco Chef Range G IRDLES BEGAKDLESS OF AGE OB CONDITION TWs afar applies only to Serta'i Katlonally Advertised 1MB Regular 63c Inneraprlng Mattrest. Regular £9" Regularly $7Q>50 $-1.00 Bony N« Mall or Opposite Railroad and 2 BOTTLES FOR n Orders Boro Bus Station You Save 37c 89 SIMON I WHITE FURNITURE & BEDDING CO. u $99.95 J JJ "nice things" 170 MONMOUTH ST. WHELAN S s% .f JERSEY CENTRAL APPLIANCE CO. Uorrjr, No MtU or Opposite Railroad and Red Bank 58 Broad St. Phone Orders. Boro Bus Station. Broad & While St*. 7(> ^oniiiotilh Street Ited Bank' FOR MONDAY ONLY FOR MONDAY MONDAY ONIY FOR MONDAY ONLY Room Lots—Fadcproof and Washable WALLPAPER -HUBER'S- BEACH TOWELS Tek Tooth Brush 20 BROAD ST. 28x56 Inches Monday Only ' C^% BEACH SHEET TOWEL 10 Single Rolls, 9 M 98 GAY BLAZER STBIPKS Regularly 49c each for Values to $12.00 ifa TERRY CLOTH BEACH ROBES Actual 98c Value TWO AT THIS PRICE 76 Formerly $10.95 HO-82 PAINTS KLARIN'S WALL PAPER BIlOAn PARKE DRUGS 26 MONMOUTH ST. R. B. 6-3838 Now 6 SCHULTE-UNITED 8TKKKT 51 Broad Street Red Bank 6-3940; TOR MONDAY ONLY OR MONDAY OH MONDAY ONI V FOR MONDAY ONLY 89 Pairs Women's The color-tuned play yard with tin- rain- CANDLEWICK THKEE-SECTION Sandier & Spulding 98 proof upholstered floor,, So extra pud to liny . . . ^Rubbish Burners *1 ioftly padded floor, covered in wct«nronf plastic CANDY DISH RED LOAFERS Regularly 92.98 fabric. New rectangular shape . . . roll yard thru doorways without folding. Bright, gay color*. Regularly $^.50 R«««l.r $ A .95 Heavy gauge, falv. wire SO" wide, 3d" high, accordion top. S3.95 lust the ticket for trash, rubbish and leaves. $15.95 Reg. $19.95 2 $7.95 Monday • CHINA & GLASS SHOP ALBERT S. MILLER SHOE CO. The Wright Store of Red Bank, Inc. ACME FURNITURE CO. 87 Broad Street R; B. 64224 18 Broad Street Red Bank 30 MONMOUTH ST. 137 MONMOUTH ST. Free Parking \VK IIKLIVKK AND GIFT WRAP WITHOUT CI1ABGK CLIP THIS PAGE Endentd and Guarantttd by Tht Mttail Tradt Committtt of Tht Rtd lank Community Chombtr of Commtrct CLIP THIS PAGE Pan Si» RED B.\Xlv REGISTER, ,TUXE 5, 1919 Bernier—Kurinja Nuptials BE RIP OF INSECTS NURSES Convenience The following fee schedules Is th« Keynote r«i'uu—HoniPE—-Keslnuranlg-—Cotl«(trB——Lawns for Nurses, approved by the •r LCONV SPECIAL SALE State of N. J. Labor Dept. for C«rtlfl«*J Storage Sonic* Bayshore Nurses Registry Em- INDOORS OUTDOOKS ployment Agency, Kcyport, N.J. • Convealeat Location (right la the heart of Bed Bank) Make your lawn or Icrrare Dm't let moth* devour jour 10% of first 14 Days, • Coavealctit Service .'Bond- doth** or carpet nettle* your an extra living room; plinne ed wumumgen fer pickup us For free e»timat<> for ••<>n- or fraction thereof, •a* delivery) Columbia rugs, and don't let ants rule Irol of flirt, m»N>]uit m'Oft age I* foriOyra.) for20jrs.) low price. Come in and pick them up. Don't trust to luck—Uck ol •d««,u»t. 25 $53.25 $106.50 M$T OftriNO PENCE protection invite. trt.ptMill*, encaurmtrt froptrty ttntruction •»• •»• [COUwr MM SMI amount, proportion.!*/ Hf si PAINT SCUD dangers chiidren'* livcl. A PROPERTYCUARD FENCE lor Ikt home, edite or ««rdtn InlurM privity, BEN RAWED Lynne-Sherman, Inc. FOR WOODWORK • FLOORS • FURNITURE >nfcly and protection. Lifetime con- 117 U4 AVINUI struclion i» comhln*< with attractive Mr. and Mrs. John 3. Karinja Tsl. LOns Branch 1.1142.M 102 Wctt Front St. R«d Bank 6-2243 nppearance. Write or phone (or etti- R**r*Mntlng mate. No obligation. Eliy MmMnU. MIM Ann Louise Bernltr, daugV ond Nile green. Both were nude TUB TRAVELERS, Hartfor* WiKB, IKON ANr» WOOD FENCES ter of Mr. and Mn. Paul I. Be: like the on* worn by the maid of ERECTED ANXWHEBK . nler of Broad St., Shrewsbury, w, honor. They carried old-faahioned Monmouth Plumbing Supply Company married Saturday at St. Jam bouquets of pastel shaded flowers. church by Msgr. Joseph T. Case; Samuel Karinja, Jr., of Rumson, PLUMBING ft HEATING SUPPLIES . F. WlTTEL & CO. to John S. Karinja, aon of Mr. a wa* bast man for hi* brother. Ush- Bed Bank «-MM Hn, Samuel Karinja of Rumao er* were Bruce McCoach and 163 West Front Street Fed Bank, N. J. 592 Lyont Ave, Irvinfto*, N. J. A nuptial mass followed the cer James Stalford, both of Fair Ha- Let us fill your bin with mony. ven. The soloists were the bride's si; A wedding breakfast for the im- ten, Mrs. Elisabeth Gilbert mediate families wai held al Wil- New Mexico, and Miss Mary Bei lowbrook, followed by an after- nler of Shrewsbury. Mrs. H. ilaj noon reception at the home of the THE mond Phillips was organist. bride's parent*, Shrewsbury. The 'BLUE COAL The bride i FLANNEL.CREPE POLO SHIRTS to 8. KIMOMAS Shrewsbury Dog Wins, A Veteran can buy with $8SO cash and $78 monthly pays everything. A fresh supply, Fine Appear* On Television quality combed cotton flylmar's Token, a miniature Value Pekingese owned by Miss Sylvia We invite you to visit Colonial Terrace today to inspect the fine homes under Prldham of Shrewsbury, was pho- tographed Saturday at the Morris construction as well as the few remaining lots not yet developed, k Essex dog show at MadLson for the NBC newireel, He also ap- peared on NBC television news on TODAY AND EVERY DAY— Monday night as the smallest dog exhibited. He weighed slightly SHOP AND COMPARE over two pounds, Der Han Cruan of Bel-Ahli-e, shown by Miss Prldham »t the Plainfield Kennel club dog show ALLEN BROTHERS, Inc. YOUTH CENTER Sunday, took first place in the open dog class. He also took first place Formerly in the America n-brod dog clasn at the Burlington county xhow Me- BUILDERS DEVELOPERS 20 BKOAD ST. morial day at Mount Holly. Sylmar Nlkkl took second place in the 51 BROAD ST. KED BANK, N. J. Red Bank open dog class and Sylmar'a Robin Adalr took first place in the 6 to FOR TWO BEST BUVS IN » month*' puppy dog: class. Three TEL. RED BANK 6-4440 of these dogs were bred by Miss CMLDHKN'S WEAK . . . Pildliam.

Tnt io«d to bolter nnd hlsilcr busl- men, AUvirtlicinciiii aiumni'lna r«g>j. Urlr Ull Ue ttttr_Ad«sruitii»«. 1tET> BAXK BEOfSTEB, iNjJs'B 5, 1H9 Parr* KAVI

NOTKS. NOTICE. ries, candy mints, cookies and cof- Take notlc* that Abraham Baiiin T/» Tak* aotlee that John J. Genovesr, Hazlet fee wcr* served. Mr*. Ralph Roth- Heritage Liauor* hai applia* to th* Peter £ Oenoveso, Harry tienovese, JtMrica'i tat Ctrstts Yale Croup Told Mrs. William J. McCormick, Jr., bart suggested that the group Major and Council of the Borough of trading as Crate's Beverages, intend to Fitted by Grasliist« Cfcnetiertw Red Bank for a Plenary Retail Distri- apply to Mayor and Council of the Bor- and Mrs. Frank A. Ccrraty gave a dress in the "Gay Nineties" in Oc- bution licenn for premises at T Broad ough of Red Bank for a Plenary Retail surprise baby shower Friday for tober instead of the Hallowe'en Distribution license for premises situ- TJCKIIS Of New Hope For •tret. Bed Bank, N. J. Mrs. Malcolm W. Peseux at the costumes. Attending were Mr. and Objcctione, if anr, should be made ated at le-20 North Bridge avenue, Red COMET SHOP Mrs. Ralph Kothbart, Mr. and Mrs. immediately in writing to Amr E. Shinn, Bank, N. J. homo of Mrs. Ernest E. Pesiux, Clerk, of the Borough of Red Bank. Objections, if any, should be made 139 Broadway Long Branch Cancer Victims Bethany id. A blue and pink crepe Rudolph J. Chval. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. (Sinned.) immediately in writing to Amy E. Shinn William Urstadt, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- Clark of the Borough of Red Hank, N. J paper decorated bassinette guarded ABRAHAM IAMIN Hulnitlel ltt'*i£*• •"•• a recent lecture given by Wlllard town; Mrs. Lola Hugh«« of Shrews- Mrs. Robert E. Calt, Mrs. John H. •ediatclr in writing te> Howard W. Rob- NOTICE. .Your FiiiTwill Cost Ackerson, Mrs. Thomas Rathbone *rts,! Clark el the "Township of MIMIa- Tak* notice that H. D. Klttinger Co. C. White of Holmdel to a class in bury; Miss Virginia Moeller, As- Inc., trading ae Schulte-Unitcd has ap- , Moiw This Winur cancer control at Yala University. bury Park; Mrs. Eleanor Reed, Un- and Lester W, Bahrenburg. t plied to the Mayor and Council of the ion Beach; Mrs. P. Otto Weigand, Hlllcrest school's ball learn BOMS OlUKinY. Borough of Red Bank for a Plenary Re- Ileaddan'i Comer, Mlddlatown Township. Rock Wool Insulation Jr., Mrs. Isabel O'Hanlon, Keyport; played Centerville at the HUlcrest tail Distribution License for the prem- school grounds Sunday afternoon NOTICE. ise! situated at 80-B2 Broad Street, Red Will Cut Your Fuel Cost Mrs. E. Van Pelt, Mrs. Leonard REYNOLD'S ALUMINUM Bank. N. J. Stokes and Mrs. T. J. Sinnett, Met- and won by a score of 24-22. Taka notice that Pntsjr Bruno and Objections, If any, should be made i Mr. and Mrs. William Hinson, George Grob, Jr., T/A Bergen Bar have snedlattlr In writing to Any E. sbinn, U n awan; Mrs. Henry Maher, Holmdel; applied to the Maror and Council of tba Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. CALL Mis. William J. McCormick, Sr., Asbury 1'ark, and their daughter, Borough of Red Bank for a Plmarr Re- (Signed) and Mrs. William J. McCormick, Mrs. Joseph Giler of Coronado, tail Consumption liceme for tjtemlses H. D. KITTINGER. CO., INC., Cal., were guests last week of their DISH PAN Jr., Holmdel Heights; Mrs. Emma aituated at 11 Watt Bergen Place, Red A. P. HOLZEMEB, Pres OLSON cousin, .Miss Anna Cowles. Mrs. Gi- OMcar* of Corporation T. Rudiger, Mr*. Edwin R. Peseux, Heavy 18-KaiiRfl aluminum Objection!, if any, jhould be saa A. I*. Volsemer, 902 Broadway, Net Mrs. Henry J. Warnock, Miss Dor- ler will visit her twin sister, Mrs. immediately in writing to Amy E. thinn. rlish |i»n fur prartlral house- i York. 10, New York, President. is J. Peseux, Mrs. Eva Sulimann, LeRoy Pierce, at Aberdeen, Md., wive*, llnlrie 11 (|iiarN of | Clerk, of the Borough of Red Bank. I. E. Williamson, 902 Broadway, New before returning to California. This (Signed) York, 10, New York, Vice President INSULATION" Mrs. Henry W. Schaefer, Mr*. John water. Will last you a life- PAT3Y BRUNO, H. R. Boynton, 902 Broadway, New York AttMtta HlfhUnd* 1-0540 B. Ackersoh, Miss Ruth Sulimann, Is Mrs. Gller's tint visit eait in time. GEORGE GROB, JR. 10. New York, Vice President. Fir* ••. UartVM Ate* Miss Anna Cowles, Edna Wanda 23 year*. H. Wolfaon, 902 Broadway. New York AtlMtle Hit MM.* Peseux, • Mrs. Frank A. Cerraty, Ruth Neighbors entertained at NOTICE 10, New York, Vice President. her home on Holmdel rd. Friday Madt to Mil for $2.20 Take notice that Madeleine D. Hub- M. Polk, 902 Broadway, New York 10, Mrs. Ernest E. Peaeux and Mrs. bard, trading as Atlantic Hotel, ha New York, Secretary. Malcolm W, Peseux, guest of hon- afternoon in celebration of her applied to Ibe Mayor and Council of Fai H. L. Green, 902 Hroadwny, New York, or. birthday. Dancing, music and tele- Haven Borough, for a Plenary Ratal 10, New York, Treasurer. vision was enjoyed and refresh- Consumption licenee for premises situ C. M. Edelmann, 902 llrondwar, New The iliBt aid squad held its ated at 121 Fair Haven Road. Fair Hs York 10, New York, Assistant Treas- monthly meeting at Haxlct Urn ments were served. Guests were ». ii> ven, N. J, urer, ' house Tuesday evening of last Sally Folcy, Helen Tremble, Kath- Objections, it any, should be mad. Board of Directors arine Infanti, Catherine Gahler, immediately in writing ta M. FIoy< H. L. Green, 902 Broadway, New York week with a large attendance. The Smith, clerk of.. Fair Haven Borough. committee included Mrs. Chcston June Bennett, Wanda Peseux, An- (Binned) City. toinette Nunziato, Nancy Seigle, WH ELANS MADDELBIN1 HUBBARD A. P. Holiemer, 902 Broadway, New Matthews, Mrs. Joseph R. Peseux, York City. Rudolph J. Clival, Jr., and Ernest Antoinette Infanti, Lucille Cosolo. NOTICE. E. J. quintal, IS Rudd Court, Glen E. Peseux, Sr. A program of sing- and Marie Reisinger. Taka notiea that Red Bank lost* No. Ridge, N. J. Hazlet fire company participated 233, B. P. O. Elks, has applies! to tas J. M. Nicely, First National Bank, Nc ing, gkits and< games was present- St»le Department el Alcoholle Beveraie York City. Willard C. White ed. The table, was decorated with in Memorial parades at Sayreville Control for • Club llsense (w premise; J. M. d'Assun, 70 Pine street, New York spring flowers from Mrs. Peseux's Saturday and Morris Plains Mon- • ituated on second floor of 1 Broad City. Mr. White is in charge of t'ne garden and Mrs. Matthews used day. atreet, Rad Bank. N. J. J. <;. Rolph, 227 East 57th street, New post laryngcctomy department at Objections, It any, should ba made in. York City. us a table centerpiece a Maypole mediately in writing to the Stat* Com. R. I,. Morris, 2i Broad street, New York THIS PICTURE ... the National hospital for speech dis- with miniature character dolls. Rs- Th* road to hcttar and bisKar busi- missioner of Alcoholle Severs** Control City. ... ttarted folks thinking orders, New York city, the largest freshments of ice cream, strawber- ness lend* throilKh The ReKister's ad- 1060 Broad atreet, Newsrk, N. J. NOTICE. hospital of its kind in the world. vertlsinu columns.—Advertlsemtnt, (Signed) Mr. White said, "Remarkable RED BANK LODGE. No. ill, Take notice that Samuel Birzaro, T/A about their fire insurance B. P. O. Elks, Bisiarra'a Bar, has applied to the Mayor strides have been made In the re- CHARLES A. KIND, Exalted Ruler. and Council of the Borough of Ked Remember: if you had to habilitation of patients who have JOHN L. MONTGOMERY, Secretary. Bank for a Plenary Retail Consumption license for premises situated' nt 258 buy your home furnishings had their larynx removed since the The trustees of this lodf* arat Bridge Avenue, Ked Bank, N. J. 1870's when the first successful SPORTSWEAR FASHIONS JOHN P. MULVIH1LL. Fair Haven, N. i Objections, if any, should be made 1ns today —you'd pay almost larynz operation waa performed. PETER 3, E1CHELE. Fair Haven, N. I mediately In writing to Amy E. Shlnn, Today better than 80 per cent learn HARRY KLATSKY, Rad Bank, N. J. Clerk of the Borough of Ked Bank, twice as much for (Signed) to speak again, whereas in the ear- NOTICE. SAMUEL BIZZARO. them! Have you ly days of this typo of cancer, the Take notlca thnt Shore Point Distrib- .patient was fortunate to survive SLACK SUITS 3.93 uting Co., Inc., has npplled to the State NOTICE. enough fireinsur - Commfssioncr of Alcoholic Beverage Con- Take notice that John Gualtieri. T/A ance toco ver these the operation, and no thought was trol for a State Beverage Distributor! Central Bar, has miplied to the Mnyor given to his voiceless future." 8KIRT license for the premises situated at East Hitd Council of the RoroiiKh nf Keil higher values, in He went on to pay, "it should be 3-PC. SETS HAI.TKR 3.95 view avenue and Connvcr place and Eest< Bank for a Plenary Jlt'tail Consumption SHORTS view avenue and Oceanport avenue, license for prcmiRPs situated tit Vi Moll- case of loss? broug-hl strongly to the patient un- Little Silver; and to maintain a ware mouth Htreet. Red Hunk, N. J. dergoing this type of surgery that house at Eastvlew avenue and Conove Objections, If any, should be made Im life is not over for him, nor should SUN DRESSES 2-|ic 5.95 Place, Little Silver: and to maintain a mediately In writing to Amy E. Shlnn, Wl STaNk II1WIIN hia living be any different than eelesronm at Eautvlew Avenua and Con- Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank, N. J, over Place. Little Silver. (Signed) TOUaNBlOSSI that of any other person." The names and addresses ef all of' JOHN GUALTIERI. "Learning to speak ngain is not SUN DRESSES 3-pc 7.95 fleers, directors and stockholders are: J always long and arduous," he con- James Annarelln. Willow Drive, Little NOTICE. only four to she months, but it doca Silver, President. Director: Agnes An< Tak* notlc* that Molly Pitcher Optr. 5-WAY SKIRTS 2.95 narclla. Willow Drive, Little Silver, Sec- ating Company. Inc., trading ft! the BOYNTON & BOYNTON call for determination and work. retary, Treasurer, Director; Amelia Molly Pitcher Grille, Intends to apply INSURANCE — MOHTGAGES Group work has proven more sat- Matus, 1(7 South 11th street, Newark, to Mayor and Council of the Borough isfactory than private instruction SHORTS & BRA SETS 2.95 '"SACCHARIN New Jersey, Stockholder. of Red Bank for a KeUil Consumption • Drummond PI. Red Bank Objections, if any, should ba mada In License for premises situated at 8B as it lends Incentive and compe- writing to the State Commissioner o Riverside Avenue, Red Bank. New Jersey, Fhone B, B. 6-0952 or 6-4180 tition, teaches consideration for SKIRTS 1.95 • 2.95 Alcoholic Beverage Control. 10«0 Brosd The officers are Sydney Clamnn, pres- others and through association, it Street, ident; Lillian Friedman, Vice President Is possible to learn some helpful DimiBUTINO Abner Friedman, Secretary-Treasurer. tricks of manner and dress." SWIM SUITS 3.95 to 8.95 MINERAL OIL - By Jamea Annsrells. President. Tha stockholders are the same. Willow Drive. Little Silver. N J. Objections, If any, should be mada Im U Mr. White pointed out the prob- mediately In writing to Amy E. Shlnn, lem of future employment piovns NOTICE. Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank, New WHY' not to be as gigantic as might oc Take notic* that the Laird * Comtsny Jersey, HOSIERY EVENT trading as Laird * Company has appllld (Signed) imagined. Many patients arc ;ible BORIC ACID to the Stale Commissioner of Alcoholic MOLLMO LY PITCHER OPERATIOPERATING CO., to return to their jobs and new Beverage Control for a Limited Distillery INCC. TradinTdi g as MollMlly PitchePih r GrilleGill . fields open surprisingly. FULL-FASHIONED NYLON HOSE, perfect. .79c license tor tha premises *Uu*t*d at LILLIAN FRIEDMAN, Vice. Pros. Seobeyvllle-Phslani Road, oeobeyvllls, Send Your Furs Mr. White underwent this opera- and to maintain warehouse* at Seobey. NOTICE. tion seven years ago. Since that SUPPOSITORIES vllle-Fhalans Road, Seobeywll*. Tak* notice that H. G. Degetirtng. Inc. time he has been in charge of the I J. Lalrf. ScobMTvlll., N. J, PrtsUest. has applied to tho Stat* Commissioner of Director and StockhoMtr. Aleoaolle Beverag* Control for a State speech clinic at the Massachusetts J. T. Laird, III. Fortaupeck, M. •?« Tie* Beverage Distributor's license for th and Winter ' General hospital, Boston, for two CARROLL HOSIERY SHOP premises situated at rear of 16-18 West President and Director. Front street. Red Bank, N. J., and to years, and tho National Hospital W. R. Woolley. Red Bank, H. J. Vise maintain a warehouse at rear of 1«-11 for five years. He has also been "" WLK OF MAGNESIA President and Director. Wast Front street, Red Bank, N. J., and Garments associated with the Memorial hos- COR. MONMOUTH & BROAD STS. W. B. Johnston, Freehold, N. J, Tr**s. to maintain a salesroom at rear of H-18 urer and Director. Weet Front atreet. Red Bank, N. J. pital, New York city. He has been Mabel A. Wlllett. Scobeyvllle, M. I., invited to speak at many institu- Secretary and Director. Objections, if any, should ha mada Im- Agnes Morris, Belford, H. 3, Assistant mediately In writing to the Stale Com- Out of Town tions among them Brown univers- ""• EPSOM SALTS missioner of Alcoholic Beverage Control, ity, New York Post Graduate hos- 10«0 Broad street. Newark, N. J. Harold* D. Stevenson, Short BUI*, N. J. H. G. DEGENRING, INC., pital, Memorial hospital and Yale Director* for Storage? University. Objections. If any, •houid b* saad* !•• H. 0. Degmrlng. President and Treasur- midlately, In writing, to th* 8UU COB- er, *l South Straat, Red Bank, N. J. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 2 41 missioner of Alcoholic Bavsrace Control, Charlss H. Smock, Vlca President, lie Two Hurt Here 1010 Broad Ctnet, Newark 2, N. J. Hanca Rd., Fair Haven, N. J. SALE! R. W. Branln, Secretary, (0 Undan LEON'S In Car Accident IRD * COMPANY. Place. Red Bank. N. J. J. E. LAIRD. PrssldenU Stockholders. Two persons received minor In- NOTICE. H. G. Dennrlng, 63 South Street, Red 2 - Certified Vaults • 2 juries Monday morning when cars CASTILE SOAP Bank, N. J. operated by Lieut. Weaver A. Turn- TAKE NOTICE that P. Ballantina 4 Charles H. Smock, US Hanc* Road. Fair BETTER Sons has applied to the Stata Commis- Haven, N. J. On Our Premises er of Camp Kilmer and Earl A. sioner of Alcoholic Beverage Control for B. W. Branln, I* Undan place, Red Bank McGowan of Long Branch collided a, Limited Wholesale License for prem. at the intersection of Bridge ave. isea situated on the North Bide of West Ma* E.' DuganrlntT, •• South Street, Rad Are at Your Service. NURSING BOTTLES Bergen Place, West of New York and taak. N. I. and West Front it. Long Branch Railroad Tracks, Red Bank, Miss Mae Jones of Long Branch, Mew Jersey, and to maintain a ware- NOTICE. We Invite Your a passenger in the McQowan car, house and aalearoom on the aforesaid lake notlca that Tommaso A. Plngltore premises. ha* applied to the Mayor end Council of suffered knee Injuries and wai Officers, Directors ani Stockholders th* Borough of Red Bank for a Plenary Inspection treated by her family physician. RUBBING ALCOHOL Holding Ten or Mora Farcantum of Retail Distribution license for premises Miss Mary Etta of Bronx, New Stock Arc: situated at 7t Ltlghton uvenu*. Red DRESSES President-Treasurer ani Director. Csr Bank, N. J. M-71 WHITE STREET York, a passenger in the army offi- W. Badenhaumn, Old Short Hills Bold Objections, If any, should b* mada Im- cer's car, received head bruises for Short Hills, New Jersey. mediately In writing to Amy E. Shlnn, which she was treated at River- Vice President-Secretary and Director, Clark U th* Borough of Red Bank. Red Bank 6-2800 view hospital. Officer Philip Otto A. Badenhausen, Brookeide, Morris (Slgnsd) county, Naw Jersey. TOMMASO A. PINGITORE. nine investigated. Assistant Secretary and Assistant treasurer, Eugene H. Jeffrey, 110 Rota NOTICE. Street, Interlaken, Naw Jersey. Taka notice that Jennie Kelly. T/A Kelly's Tavern, has applied to the Town- Assistant Secretary, John E. Farcell, ship Committee of the Township of At- 17 Elm Court, South Oranga, N. J. lantic for a Retail Plenary Consumption Assistant Secratary, Herbert L. Bowen, license for premises situated on Route 1143 South Warner Street, Baltimore, 14, one mile south ef Colt's Neck road, Maryland. Colt's Neck, N. J. Chairman Board of Directors, Gilbert Objections, If any, ahoald ba made Im R. Potts, Kerhonkson, New York. mediately In writing to Harry Crlne, REPAIR SERVICE OR PARTS Director, Richard Meyer, Hilltop Towaship C1*rk of Atlantle Township. Farm, R. F. D. 2, Sugar Hill, Lisbon, N. H. """JENNIE KELLY. 40% Director, George T. Delacorte, Jr., If 1 7 Fifth avenue, Naw York. N. Y. Colt's Nack. N. J. FOR ALL MAKES ELECTRIC Stockholder, Dorothy S. Badeahaussn, NOTICE. Old Short Hills Road, Short Rills, Hew Take notice that Louis Aeerra. trading Jersey. as Lou's Bar and Grill, has applied to • REFRIGERATORS Stockholder, August Horrmann, 122 tha Mayor and Council of the Borough Regular Prices Prospect Street, Stapleton, Statan Is of Red Bank for a Plenary Retail Con- land, Naw York. sumption ticenie for premiies aituated J* HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL Objections, If any, should he mad* at 102 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, Immediately In writing to tha Stata Com New Jersey. missioner of Alcoholic Beverage Con Objection!*, if aaiy, should be made • RANGES AND WATER HEATERS trol, 1080 Broad Street, Newark 2, New immediately in writing to Amy E, Shlnn, Were 14.99to 29.9 8 Clerk of the Borough of Red Bnnk, P. BALLANTINE * SONS, (Sinned.) • MOTORS 87 Freeman Street, LOUIS ACERRA, Newark 1, N. J. NOTICE. • WASHING MACHINES AND IRONERS NOTICE. Takea notlca thnt FerdinanFrdinand Aeerrra Tak* notlca that The Great Atlantic T/A Aeerra''* Bar and GrillGill , hah s NOW end Pacific Tea Company has applied to applied to the Mayor and Council of • FREEZERS, FOR HOME AND FARM the Mayor and Counell of tha Borough th* Borough of Red Bank for a Plenary of Red Bank for a Plenary Retail DlstrU Retail Consumption license for premises button License for premises situated at aituated at «4 South Bridge avenue, Red • VACUUM CLEANERS 37 Broad street. Red Bank, N. J. Bank, N. J, Officers: Objections, if any, should ba made Im- • ALL TYPES AND MAKES OF ELECTRICAL D. T. Bonnier, President, Til Carroll mediately In writing to Amy E. Shlnn, Place, Teaneok. N. J. Clerk of th* Borough of Red Bank, C. A. Drooki. Vice President, 1117 (Signed) APPLIANCES Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh', **nn< FERDINAND ACERRA, 8 99 to 17.99 sylvanla. O. C. Adams, Vice Presldaat, Cambrldl* NOTICE. Road, Haverford, Pennsylvania. Tak* notle* that Siacoast Liquor Dls- PHONE RED BANK 6-2761 W. M. Byrnes, Vic* President, 1 Dolna rlbutors. Inc., haa applied to the State Road, Scandals, New York. fommlssioner of Alcoholic Bsverage O. L. Hartford, Treasurer. | Crastaont Control of th* Stat* of Naw Jersey for a Road, Montclair, Naw Jersey. State Beverage Distributors' license for Sim 9 to IS, 10 to 20, 16/i It. W. Burger, Secretary, 5! Locust Avs- 'remises aituated at 260 Third street, nus, New Bochelte, New York. 'air Haven, N. J., and to maintain a saltsrbora at 210 Third itrsst, Fair Hav- — All S«1M Final — OirKte'e tentber wltk tie failawtaii an, N. J. •- • • • G. & D. J. A. Hartf ird, Valhalla, New York. Offlcere of th* Said Corporation Are J. M. Toolin. US Clovtrly Road, Grosse Michael Calkndrlello, 32 Fisher Place, Polnte Farms. Michigan. Red Bank, N. J., President, Robert M. Smith, 1*48 San Marco Bou. ennio M, Calandrlcllu, 22 Klsher place, APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. levsrd, Javkionvllle, Florida, Ked Bank. N. J., Secretary, William F. Leach, Kenllworth Lakes, Annette 0. Ollmpl, 91 Lake avenue, F«lr 60 WHITE STREET RED BANK, N. J. Mnrlton, New Jersey, Haven, N. J., Treasurer. Robhlnft h. Pierce, Schenley Apt., Pitts- Stockaolatra Holding Mora Than One burgh, P, Par Ceat *f Stock la Said Corporation J, D, Ehrgott, Pocono Road, Denvlllt, Am • NEW RANGES, WATER HEATERS BLUEBIRD Michael Calandrlello, 22 l'lahcr Place, D. B. Austin, 1041 Franklin Ave., River Red Bsnk. N. J. Forrest, III. tnnle M, Calandrlello, 22 Fisher place, • WASHERS, FREEZERS, VACUUM L. M. Casiyoux. Coply Plaia Hotsl, Bos- Red Bsnk, N. J. ton. Mais. Annstte 0. Ollmpl, ft Lake avenue, Fair Slockholdsra boldlnf aura i*a» *•• p*r Haven, N. }. CLEANERS - cent of Ik* slock) Dlractera of Said Corporation Aral SHOPS ' Ths Orsst Atlantic and Paall* Tea Com- Michael Calandrlello, 22 Flshor Place, pany of Amirlca, 4JO Lulngton A?*. Red Hank, N. J. • IRONS, ETC. nue, New York, New York, snnla M. Culandrlello, 22 Fisher place, Objection*, If any, should bs mad* Im. /Red Bank. N. J. 91 Broad Si ineiJIaUly In writing to Amy R Snlnn, Lnnstte C. Ollmpl, 06 Lake svenui, r'ntr • REBUILT CLEANERS, REFRIGERATORS, CORNIR BROAD * WHIT! ST1 Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank, Haven. N. J. THE GREAT ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC Objections, If any, should bo mail* Im- WASHERS Inc. RED BANK • PHONI 6-OJJJ C0M Ain( mediately In writing to the State Com- I 0. .« ,14. ™* ' - missioner of Alcoholic Bsverag* Control Next Door to Allen Shoei Newark, •, Kaw J*rt*r. H 1910 Iroid Btrist, Ksw.rk" N, t, Pas* Eiriii RED BAXK REGISTER, JUNE 2, Edith Leon Weds Dr. Cole ORDEK NOW FOR MEMORIAL DAY MOTH HOLES*rfAPs KM/rTtD HOU FOR INVISIBLE SUN CALL fcrv / k RB. CON^ FASHIONS 2329-J\\ COLONIAL FLOWERS We've atfentbled m gay collection of summer TIXritE RE-WE*VM{ play-tog* that keep you lemonade-cool, emerge lit BOLD FERRY * OtOKCiK GI.ASSKV AHO mtiotwc tmtiti from each iud»ing pretty as new. Choose a 5 EAST FKONT STREET RED BANK • in^.tkit, «ca bathing $uit of cotton ... lastcx ... UtffeUt... pique. In many color*, in many styles . . . Shorts of denim . . . cotton . .. tuill . . . guh- ardine . • . corduroy. And midriffs of pique » , . Jertey . . . broadcloth or denim. And at SHIP AHOY low . . . low price*. SEA BRIGHT, N. J.

• -Strapless, 2-piece cotton Complete a la Carte Dinner From $2.50 stcim unit Dr. and Mr«. Norman Cole 7.95 Miss Kdith June Leon and Dr. Mrs. Leon was attired in gray Other Swim Suits KM up Notmon Cole were married Sunday lace with a corsage of orchids, and at the Metropolitan hotel, Asbury the bridegroom's mother wore light Table d'Hofce Luncheon * * Park, by Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon blue with a corsage of orchids. Mrs. of the Congregation B'Nai Iarncl. Rachael Doirs of Perth Amboy, the Red Brink. The bride is the daugh- bride's grandmother on her mater- On - or • off • shou Ulcr ter or Mr. and Mrs. Max Leon of nal side, was dressed in an aqua cotton midriff Fair Haven, and the bridegroom's costume with a corsage of orchids. • Beach robes puirnls n\e. Mr. and Mrs. I, Cole A reception was held at the 9 1.95 DINING ROOM OPEN TO 11 P. M. of Buffalo, H. Y. hotel, The couple left on a motor Sun-backs Mr. Leon gave his daughter In trip to Florida. 'I'lie bride wore a marriage. Her only attendant was three-piece suit «>f tan and dark •T-shirts Hturtlu, icashuhle her sister, Mrs. Milton Kosene of brown, with brown alligator aeccs- Fair Haven, the former Shirley sot leg. shorts RESERVATIONS! SEA BRIGHT 2-0060 Leon. David Cole of Buffalo was •Cotton blouses bcil man for Ilia brother. Dr. and Mrs. Cole will make their 1.95 home at 2288 Sheridan dr., Tono- The bride's -wedding gown was wanda township, N. Y., where he •Cotton skirts white xatin, with an over-skirt of practices veterinary medicine. OTTO A. GILLie white lace. The gown wae designed with an Elizabethan neckline and The bride was graduated from had a full lace train. She had n Rumson high schnoj and Rider col- crown cap of seed pearls, from lege, Trenton, where she was a which fell a fingertip length veil member of Sigma Tau Delta and of tulle, trimmed with lace match- the Girls' Athletic association. She i Ing her gown. She carried jsprnya has been employed by her father ' of white orchids over a prayer at the Leon establishment on bo lilt. White st. Mrs. Kosene was dressed in a Dr. Cole was graduated from gown of aqua crepe. Yellow roses Ber.nctt high school, in Buffalo, Fabrics for June wcic used in her bouquet. and Alabama Polytechnic institute. Month of Graduation, Waddings, Proms, Dances Open a Convenient Budget Account er, William Weatherstone of Chapel Pay 1'3 down; bal. in 10 weekly or 3 monthly Riverside Heights Hill. TAFFETAj 10 shades, incl. white 98c yd. Mr. and Mrs. George Dangler 32 Broad St., Red Bank payments •itr/ arid 'Mr*. John ROJ« of Mor- spent the week-end at Somcrvllle, 72-iii.NET: 6 shades to mutch taffetas 9Uc yd. ristown and Mrs. Lewis E. Waring visiting relatives. FRENCH LACES: 36-iti., white, pink, blue, Mack of New York city, spent the week- XIr. and Xlis. Russell Armstrong end with Amory 1» Haskcll at of New York city, spent Monday yd. Woodland Farm. with Mr. and Mrs. John T. Arm- Mrs. A. J. Alexander was given strong. DOITED SWISS: while, |iink, hluc, yellow (»9c yd. j a birthday party' Saturday by her Mr. and XIrs. Cary Baldwin of THE WHITE ENAMEL THAT STAYS WHITE... ORGANDY: perm, fin., white, blue, yellow, aqua, orchid, family and friends. Yonkcrs, N. Y., spent Sunday with Mrs. F. Price Cooper i. nilc green; 3*Mn 79c yd. ical patient at Monmotlth Memorial Week-ends guests of Mr. and Mrs. EYELET BATISTE: white, pink, aqu;i, navy, hrowu. hospital. Robert F. Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Mack .' J.89-2.39 yd. XIr. and Mrs. Julius DuBoy of Robert L, Taylor of New York city, Chapel Hill id., gave a party Satur- and Albert Zorn of Statcn Island. Du Pont DUCO WAFFLE PIQUE: 6 solid paslcU, pre-shrunk, U9c yd. day for their daughter, Vera. Frank Phillips. John Toner and M*.«. r Mr. .Guests were her classmate*, who George A. Snyder of Sayrcville, 'white . 79c yd. will be graduated in June. There spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. wci'e 51 young* people present. Albert E. Snyder. IT'S ONE-COAT MAGIC RIBBED PIQUE: 6 shades, inel. while 69c yd. John P. Murphy of Whipporwill BIRDSEYE PIQUE: white, 36.in. wide 1.79 yd. rd. won a medal at the Red Bank E'S A rorrix" Catholic high school track meet Members of the Employee Wel- for WALLS...WOODWORK...FURNITURE las', week. fare association of the Naval Am- Kdward Finn and Joseph Alexan-, munition depot, Earle, will present der spent Saturday at New York a minstrel, "Earle's A Poppin," city. Friday night, June 3, at 8 o'clock BASKIN'S FABRIC FAIR in the recreation hall of the depot. John K Rashoft* has accepted 10 MECHANIC ST., RED BANK. new position at Dark Harbor, Me. A dance will follow. Depot em- John and James Corcoran (pent ployees of Monmouth and Ocean counties will take part in the spe- Junt Off Broad St., Oppoalte Merchant* Truit... Open Friday* Till 9 V. M. several days in New York city last week, visiting points of lntereat, cialties, solos, dances and chorus "Largest Fabric Store Along The Shore" and later went to Bear Mountain numbers. ami West Point." Brooklyn is the only team In the XIr. and Mrs. J.'Wright Brown National league without a single have returned from a motor trip to ten-year playing veteran. Canada. A party was given last week for Elizabeth Murphy, the occasion be- ing her first 'Communion at St. MEN James church, Red Bank. Protect Your Winter XIrs. Kittie Satter of Little Sil- Garments With ver entertained the Community So- SANItONE CLEANING cial club last week. Prizes were 1'lllH awarded to Mis. Emma F. Snydtr Storage in Leon's and Mrs. John Bamback. XIr. and Mrs. George Webster "Certified Vaults" and daughter of Teaneck, spent Call R. B. 6-2800 Sunday visiting friends here. UGLY Fffl! tor a Bonded Me.inenjer XIr. and Mrs. John B. Carpenter and daughter Carol of Westwood, tJptol Pounds fur wnk spent Sunday with relatives here. LEON'S John' Weatherstone of Hoboken, Since 1912 CATING CONDENSED spent the week-end with hi» broth- 81-7* While St. A. B. 6-2800 FOOD TABLETS xmusmmnurm : OBI NEW HOME InNn lltllfllvll, !WinH mm Ivar with every painted surface in your kitchen was ai snowy-white, ai easy to clean as the finish on your ^IWHIUwv9y ^PA^^V l^P^^v ^s^s) s^iwJPsjej^s^pftpV New Jersey Beauty refriierator? You can have your wish.;. with Du Pont T«. the Kyron Plan, the new food tablet way to reduce, will help. yen late up to 7 lbt. 6nt 7 d»y«—or you pay nothing. If your extaai DUCO, the "One-Coat Magic" enamel that stays ««tfht ii caiued by over-eating (and not glandular), the Kyron Culture Academy Flan M designed to act 3 wayi: (1) To help appeals your hunger, white, itaya color-bright through yean of wear and to cut down your appetite automatically, yet you never feel HOW TO MAKI •entry; (2) Include* nutritious elements to help maintain your Has Moved from repeated washings! energy while reducing; (3) Recommend! in OLD THINGS NIW package many food! often Calmly labeled in 313 State St., Perth Amboy DUCO is easy to use ft; flows smoothly ;t: dries ordinary die*a ns "fitUeninK." Kndonement Aik your drabr for • copy of the by your phyaicinn recommended. quickly without brush marks. You'll finish painting to neto 'Tnniformagic" book. It's the kitchen and plan DUCO jobs in every room in picked with ideal forturnin g old •7 iosr 35 founts in i wwts the house! attic discard! into "ihowpiecei." —«nv« Mr*. Kathryn Walhrr 199 Niw Brunswick Avt 33.TJ We$t Potomac Avenue, Chica/to A little DUCO goes a long way. Try this economical "Kyron renulia hnv« been •binltUrly *a> ton in hi DC. 1 nm 27 ycnrn old, nttri hnvc n "One-Coat Magic" today. In 18 modern colors. T-ypflr-nlrl dnuRhtrr. When 1 •tarlerl im- Eleerm J. ll^n. D«. NHll W«f| >• Ji inR Kyron, I weighed 163 pounri", und fnll OUARI Awfully old and let-down. In f w«rkc, 1 Imt .'jr» pnundp. 1 u«rH tn fc«l •lugff.ah nnri, —^ •Iwnyii tired, Now I f«l an much younger Oor Niw Offices Offer Thi Following Advantage: tttd iiyir, My friend• »nd my btiahnnd rnn't R«t over th« etunr* that hni tnkcti plaoe in '/short «NkV K* INCREASED SPACE ALLOWING FOR BETTER FACILITIES J. H. KELLY CO. K» ACADEMV LOCATED ON ORODND LEVEL Cor. Broad St. ft Harding Rd. MDUCC UP TO 7 POUNDS FIRST 7 DAYS... FREE! Doctor's Scientific »* LESS DIFFICULTY IN PARKING. DUE TO SIDE STREETS »* MORB ACCESSIBLE FOB TRAIN SERVICE RED BANK PHONE 6-3900 OR NO COSTI MMBTHI«T>DAVTUTiwHr)MrirMilngiamnyl Woight Chart Available * NEW CLASSES NOW FORMING; at Your Druggist. Save the surface and you saw all? NO OBLIGATION TO BUV TEL. P. \. 4-1220 w-w win r.mra ynur money, Nam linn lent Indnv. Aik your I •lepartmmt alur. [,„ ||* V.y,Bn I •Ian . . , Ilir ™n>lri»,,l l,»»l Inl.lcl. WE WELCOME YOUR INSPECTION • UY THE ECONOMY SIZE AND SAVE MONEY. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST LJGGETTS RED BANK Eleanor J. Bower* , try* % TIMOTHY R. H0UN1HAJN EXPERT PICTURE FRAMING Piano Pupils Install Officers CHARLES H. HOWER Contractor and Builder Mason Contractor UP-TO-DATE FBAHEI AMD MOULDINGS, WOBKMANSHIP Win State Prizes At WSCS Meeting SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Jobbing . Flattering THE BEST, SEASONABLE FBICES. Lillian Terhune Gets Life Membership Pin SCREEN AMI STOHM ENCLOSURES • HJI PLACE TEL. RED BA.VK H-llSt-4 Nut Swamp Rd., Red Bank R. B. 6-2140-M — RESTORING OF OIL PAINTINGS — Special Award Given Mrs. LauBer ARTIST MATERIALS Miss Lillian Terhune of Hudson Officers of the Woman's Society ave., local music teacher, thia week of Christian Service of the Red received word from the Griffiths Bank Methodist church were in" Music foundation that all of herstalled at a meeting last night by REINES ART STORE K« students, who participated in thethe paBtDi', Rev. Roger J. Squire' Surprise Store ... CM COOKMAN AVE. A8BCBV rABK S41M-B foundation's all-«tate auditions last Guest soloist at the meeting was April at Newark, were prize win- Mrs. J, B. Bell, who received a gift. ner*. Miss Terhune also received She has served the aociety as re- special award for teachers. cording lecretary and Is moving 1 PriM winning students were south thia summer. A lire raem- Sensational Purchase! Misses Stephanie Glover and Lil-ership certificate and pin was pre- lian McDonald of Red Bank; Shir- sented tit Mrs. Albeit Lauber, retir- ley Austermuhl, Rumson. and Flo-ing president. Devotions were led ra Haynes and Laura Williams, by Mrs. Howard 8- Hifglnaon. and Driveway Coverings Fair Haven. All will receive their readings were siven by Mrs. Lilian prizes at a special concert at theTucker. Special guests ware glrlt BL17ESTONE CINDERS Mosque theater. Newark, June 5. of the graduating class of Red At this timt, Claudette Sorcl, con- Bank high school who ars members cert pianist, will give a special re- of th« local church, GRAVEL GRAYSTONE cital for the winners. SHEER BARELEG Mrs. Parker O. Griffiths, head of Mrs. William MaoaemaM was in. TOP SOIL tha foundation, in her letter to stalled aa •resident; Mrs. A. Mel- Miss Terhune retarding her award vin Morris, vice president and pro- Sl-Gauge — Equivalent said, "We are delighted to inform gram chairman; Mrs. Lillian |, you that you are7 to receive an Schmidt, promotion secretary; Mrs. award in recognition of the line Carroll Arford, recording secretary; if perfect would not teaching shown by your pupil* in Mrs. Belford Trultt, treasurer; Miss Shoemaker Fuel Co. Flora Wilfuit, secretary miisionary tell for le$* than 89c! our audition. We arc fully aware of the excellent musical skill which education and service; Mi*. Roy In- scoe; Mr*. Harold Coddlngton, MC> NYLONS LITTLE SILVER, N. J. you have extended in the interest of your students, and the commu- retary student work; Mill Irm'a Bareleg nylons arc the most popular hosiery for summer wear. Here they arc vonOlnhn, secretary youth work; nity. We congratulate you and in a beautiful quality "you never expected tn buy under 89c! The aliRht ir- TEL. RED BANK 6-2238-J wish you further success." Mrs. Leon Turkington, secretary children'! work; Mrs. Albsrt Lau- regularities do not afffct their Hppcurnncc! or wear. Wide choice, of colors. her, secretary spiritual life; Mri. Robert Oardiner, eercatery litera- S!» to 10!t. Values like these, don't stay around long, no come e«rly! ture and publication*1; Mri. Henry fltoyVo *J*s/fftW J. Palmer, secretary supply work and Mrs. Fred Krill, chairman of from • moftWc committee on status of women. An hour of fellowship with re point of Wonreef freihmenti concluded the evening's program.

**'- Leonardo Mr. and Mri. Harry J. Hughei are Child's Goodyear home from Belmont, Mass., after visiting their son, Comdr. and Mrs. J. Gerard Hughes and son. They Welt Sandals were accompanied by their daugh- •USTER BROWN ter, Mr!. Sylvester Bitwinski ef Blue • Red • Green • Bayonne. $5-00 Mr. and Mri. Theodore Bryan Brown • Whit* and ions of Woodbridge were Sat- SANDALS urday guests of Mr. and Mri. Ed- ward Bryan. Buster Brown makes smart sandals the way Guests at the home of Benton MoArthur this week-end were Mr. you want them for your children, mother. and Mri. Douglass Marshall, Mr. True, trim fit.Plent y of room to grow in. and Mrs. Russell Keefer of New York city and Mr. and Mr*. Fred FOOTCRAFT Top quality leathers. Goodyear welt. Laible, Newark. Sunday gueets Instep and ankle support. And, best of nil, were Mr. and MM. Fred Lear of South Amboy; Mr. and Mri. Rusiell MEN! something to plenty of pretty styles to pick from! VanHouten, Chester, Pa.; Mri. George VanHouten, Belmar; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Newark, shout about! MEN'S SANDALS and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Worth, Oakhurat. LADIES' INFANTS SIZES 3 TO 6 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Palmer have left for Las Vegas, Nev., where LLUANA RAYON Pastel Colors RED OR BROWN they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Leo Herbstcr. TURTLE NECK TEE SHIRTS Mill Florence Ullrich of Boston, SPORT SHIRTS and her niece, Miss Marie Ullrich OF FINE COMBED YARNS of Elizabeth, are visiting Mn Rob- POLO SHIRTS LIGHT BLUE ert Search, PINK $0.95 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welmer ,29 $0.95 and son of Bronx, N. Y., ipent ll.M GREEN Sunday at their eummer home here. C Values' 2 Mrs. Anna Meade and daughters, RED 3 William Mehler and Mr. and MM. ea. Lluana rayon sport shlrte are Usu- Frank Mehler of Fort Lee ipent 55 WHITE Turtle neck styles are to be found ally sold only In the better clasf 2 Tun* ki tile •aster Brawn Radio flue evtrr tha holiday week-end at the Meade stores for around S3.05. We made horn* here. only on the more expensive polo 39: BROWN SIZES 4 TO » Saturday aornkv at lt:so on Station WNVC. a special purchase, therefore thie Rev. and Mn. Bllwood S. Wolf of •hlrts, Then are made from fine Bonafide 55c Values! Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mri. combed yarni in a choice of pop- low price. Convertible collar*. Truman Reeves of Little Silver ular luscious pastel shades. Miss- Pastel shades of gray, blue, natur- were among the out-of-town guests Tou'lt wisely stock up for the eummer with al, pink. Washable. Small, medi- attending the Sellegren—Pomphrey es and junior sites. wedding at Leonardo Baptist these fine combed white tee shirts while um, large. church this week-end. you can get them at this ridiculously low Footcraft Shoes Mill Katharine Outtormsen of price. First quality — perfect. Not skim- Washington, D. C, U visiting her '(FINg SHOES SINCE 189!,) parents, Mr. and Mri. B. P. Gut- BOYS' py—but full cut with non-stretch necki. tormsen. ' Small, medium and large sites. Mrs. Samuel Putnam hse re Headquarters for, Official Boy c£ Girl Scout Shoes turned to her home here after vis- itint; her daughter, Mrs. John 8S BROAD STREET RED BANK 6-2873 Brodiky and family at Summit. POLO Mr. and MM. Frank Pattiraon are entertaining Mrs. Frank Wil llama of Hillside. Mrs. Harold SHIRTS Patterson and daughter Patricia of East Orange are spending a month with Mr. and Mri. Patterson. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wakeflcld of TJnden were week-end gUMti of Mr. and Mn. Clifford Huddleston. 69 Mr. and MM. Arthur Kolb of A REPEAT OF A GREAT SALE' Brooklyn are spending a few day*, at their home here. Their week- MEN'S end guest was their daughter, Mri. $1.00 Value. Howard Weden of Bloomfleld. The Women's 4-t Republican elub Vine combed yarn GABARDINE of Leonardo will hold their final meeting of the aeaion Monday af- polo shirts in ternoon at Community lire house. " character" AND TROPICAL The auxiliary of the Brevent prints, stripes Park and Leonardo are company, and solids. A SLACKS will hold lta weekly card party Tuesday night at the lire houae. grouping of our Howard Day and family of higher priced MEN'S Springfield spent the week-end at sellers. Juvenile their home here. and growing boy* Mr. and Mn. Dennis T. Lftcty lists up to U. and daughter, Betty; Mr. and MM. John E. Laeey and sens, Robert Wool (or sturdiness — rayon KNIT BRIEFS for coolness! All first qual- and John; Mr. and Mri. Frank Toomney and daughter, Jane, and ity. Pleated fronts. Zipper Mr. and Mrs. Jamu MeCauley and BOYS' SANFORIZED files. All sizes. chillren, Roger and Barbara, all of All Sfee« — 8.10-12.14.16 11M. Jersey City, and John G. Fanner ef 3 for c Philadelphia tpeat the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mn. Wil- BOXER SHORTS Ib liam Lacey. ONE PRICE ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rennemtn ef 35: 51 New York city, spent the holiday week-end at their summer home ALL LEADING BRANDS here. pair Certified 50c Value! c Mise Kathlyn Outtornuen and 89 READY-TO-EAT OR TENDERIZED HAMS 55 Mrs. B. P. Outtormien spent .Tues- Value* to $1.50 Ik day at ParkchMter, N. Y., visiting Think of the lowest price you ever heard Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Outtormsen. Boys can never have enough shorts of for a line QUALITY knit brief—and FRESH Mr. and Mrs. Henrlk Nelson of for summer. You can afford to KILLED Greenwich, Conn., were Sunday you'll realize what a value this Is! Fine BROILERS & FRYERS 33Ik. guests of B. P. Guttormaen and buy several pairs at thin low price! combed yarns, All perfect. Elastic waists. family. In solid colors or iRnolen, with Small, medium and large sites. Week-end guilts of Mr. and MM. sturdy elastic waists. Sizes 4 to Frank J. Miller were Mr. and MM. 10. FRESH KILLED DUCKS 33Ik Miller, Jr., and family of Auduben. Donald Gordon, a student at THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FRIDAY ft SATURDAY Scton hall, and Rodney and Bruce From First Gordon, student! at Ohio-Western PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Six Rib* university In Ohio, have arrived 59 home for their summer vacation with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford F, Gordon. Mri. D, R«y MacDonald of Brooklyn was a week-end gueiit at the Gordon //SURPRISE//^ MOLONEY'5 MRRKET5 home. Mr, and Mrs, Harry A. Gauch en- tertained last week-end for Mr, and NOTE OUR NEW' .msm^, * _. mm, N0TE 0VR NEW Mrs. Hubert Nylander and diugh- MONEY MONEY ter of Arlington, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry A. HaUch, Jr.,,and daughter BACK ADDRESS 3 BROAD ST. ADDRESS BACK 4MAINST. ctMtottoH/i) • PHONE, 3-0743 of Kearny. en request Mri, William Williams of We«- NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE IN MONMOUTH COUNTY on request — EATONTOWN, N. J. - • tcrlclgh, S, I,, was a week-end guest of Mri, Thomas Lama. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK Pa jrft BED BASK REGISTER, XVXE % 19*9 Dcmpscy Urges Rollo Retires Local Worker* From Truck Firm INSURANCE HARTFORD FIAKIES We are direct Agents for the following Key|xtrt Business COAL Companies: 1IKE At Race Track Founded 30 Years Ago the New, Easy . We never employ high pressure selling American Insurance Company of Ntwtvk INSURANCE Highland* Mayor James Hollo has retired from the Automobile Insurance Company flollo Trucking corporation of Key- .'.nellioifc. Consistent good (service, good coal Continental Insurance Company SCIMU Li-llrr To port, a firm which he and Ralph Olens Falls Insurance Company Xappi founded 30 years tgo. Pete and the right price never needs it. But ni»y Great American Insurance Company COOKIE MIX MOIIIIUMIIII I'ark J. and Louis D. Rollo, his sons, also Hartford Fire Insurance Company How many cookies do you sup- MH.VOI' Joseph A. Dempsey of withdrew from the business. .The «e remind'you that it Mill won be two lale Insurance Company of North America Highlands has written a letter , corporation will now be conducted Northern Assurance Company pose you can make with a 15 l'jdnnrd Brcnnan, ficneial mana- ! by Mr. Nsppi and his five sons. for the lowest Spring price on coal? United States Fire Insurance Company ger (if Munmouth Park Jockey club, The firm name will be retained, V; ounce package of Flakies. 10? however. Yorkshire Insurance Company K icqucsting employment of sonic 20? Nothing like it. Flakiesgivea Highland* people at the track tills During the past 30 years the firm 0 season. The letter, dated May 21,grew from a two-horsc-and-wagon Aetna Casualty * Surety Company you 36-48 is as follows: outfit to one which transported HANCE ft DAVIS 136,000,000 gallons of petroleum an, Qreat American Indemnity Company COOKIfS, "As mayor of the borough of chemical products last year. Tel. RE 6-0103 Hartford Accident * Indemnity Company Highlands, 1 am deeply concerned Mr. flollo came to this country Indemnity Insurance Company of North America jpproiimately one pound. The with the rise of un-eniploynicnt In in 1890 with 85 cents in his pocket, National Surety Corporation right amount for one baking, to my borough. Mindful of this fact. he said. By attending night school HI I am writing you in the hope that he qualified for appointment to the 611 up that cookie jar. Just add I may secure employment for some New York city police force. He was WILLIAM H. HINTELM ANN (ftrm) of my residents. in egg to Flakies. appointed an officer in 1901. After ''The Camden race track employs a years' service as a uniformed of- Heal Eitatc & Insurance < ficer, he was assigned to the detec- A MESSAGE approximately 125 men who arc not residents of the state of New Jer- tive bureau. Ridge Road, Ruimon lei.: 1-0600 sey. I understand that Monmouth After organizing the trucking from Park last year employed approxi- business with Mr, at New mately 100, men who were not resi- York, the plant was moved to Key- Don't Wait dent ot this state, port in 1919 when it was felt "I know that in the operation of would be more economical to keep MAINSTAY FEDERAL Send your Fur* »ml Winter your business, it is necessary that the trucks near the produce grow- certain jobs require skill, but I ing area. Carmenti for Certified Cold In 1934 the firm was granted on.c Storage Now. know thai there are jobs, the du- SAVINGS & LOAN ties of which residents of this state of the first licenses issued by the could very aptly fulfill. I have ref- Interstate Commerce commission Call K. B. (.-21100 erence to sellers, cashiers, sheet for hauling general freight in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylva- ASSOCIATION For a Bonded Messenger. writer*, ticket checkers and di- Highway 35 vision heads. I am suro (hat with nia. The Rollo company sold Us your co-operation, these jobs could general freight business to Jersey North of Bridge LEON'S be filled with residents of the stale Coast Freight lines in 1915 and con- of Nrw Jersey instead of nun-res- centrated Its efforts on transport Kcd Bank 6-0110 ing industrial fluids. •MS WIIITK STBKUT idents, j^ You don't, have to *'I would appreciate your co-opcr- iillcin in this mallei' and also your New I'IA. President put. off essential re- viewpoint, I am sending a copy of pit irs or building. T lc this letter lo the secretary of theEntertains At Tea AT I ACT ' racing commission as well as to the George Malone, new principal of Let us show liow a press of Monmouth county." the Shrewsbury township school, At LAtM You've Been Waiting For. was guest of honor at a tea held Building Loan will last week by the president, Mrs. help Musical Nolcs Control James O. Pickering, of the Parent THE SENSATIONALLY NEW Call'Swilcliing System Teacher association at her home Tinton ave., Katontown. Any day now you may call up 'Wo supply cash for nminj worthy purposes someone in a north Jersey com- Miss Jean Kirkpatrick, who is CALLING ALL GARDENERS f* V Altr*f\ "PACKAGED" munity and hear music in your tel- leaving the township school system with, loiiij-'tvnii jiuniiuiinj ul low rates. Din- ephone receiver sounding for Jllto take » position at Tuscon, Ariz., Ihc world as though Piccolo Pete poured. Newly-elected officers pres- vuss your needs Kith us. Everything For the Trowel & Spade Set' hail gotten loose in the telephone ent were Mrs. J. heater Rigby, Mrs. (jLMLU Air Conditioner exchange. Robert Miller, Mrs, C. W. Moore But think nothing of it, says the and Mrs. Bryan Syer, and the past Vou'U And everything jnu need for jour garden at Hagwmail'a With the Most Advanced Engineering Achievement* president, Mrs. A. Jackson Linds- In Air Conditioning Hl«1«ry! New Jersey Bell Telephone com- WHITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET fully equipped garden *pot. Whether you've • four-foot tlsi pany reassuringly. It's just the ley. Teachers attending were Mrs audible evidence of a new auto- Raymond Kachler, Miss A. M or • four-acre farm—whether jnu need tools or an iltaect afrajr Fields, Mrs. William Carhart, Mrs BETTER FOR— BECAUSE— matic call-switching system being inaugurated here to speed up hand- Edwin Creswick, Mrs. J. W. Helm, Mortgage Loan* Insured Savings • • # • • come we us. The best top-notch garden aid* the market II'* ejuiH ling of interurban calls. Mrs. Sol Shein, Mrs. Edward Stega, OFFICES Mrs. Edward Ottinger, Miss Joan hat to otter are right hero ready and waiting for you. Stop •*» BEAUTY FAKLOR5 It tike* lea* ipat When you place such a call, the Coughlin, Miss Alice Belanger, operator "punches out" the called It'* efficient Miss Kirkpatrick and William RESTAURANTS number on push buttons at herRamsey. Outgoing officers present DRUG STOKES It'* *turdy switchboard very much like the were Mrs. John J. Newman, Mrs. MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINGS Keys on an adding machine. Elec- SUPER MARKETS It'* mere attractive J. S. Gilbert and Mrs. W. P. Strica- tronic apparatus translates these land. numerals into musical notes that AND LOAN ASSOCIATION •.agerman Lumber Go. APrAREL SHOPS II can In moved M »>lly flash out over the line to a center SMALL PLANTS It'l ccMWmical ID nperjt* in Newark, Here electronic deluo Farmers To Discuss tors rc-translatc the signals into 21 MONMOUTH ST. Tel. Red Bank 6-0663 » Cfwttaat St Red Sank M242-M243 numerals again, and automatic Potato Situation switching ' devices send the; call The annual summer meeting of along to the called exchange and the New Jersey State Potato as- Let Gemco Help You Keep Business Out of the called telephone. sociation will be held at the Clif- The center at Newark has been ford and Richard Ely farm, 2 miles S-U-M-M-E-R ' S-LUM-PS in use for many months, and the cast of Hightstown on Route 33, !•>(• prove that air conditioning in ator*t incruic* traffic, hold* customer* faster action it provides is being Tuesday, June 14, at 1:30 p. m., ac- limner . . , c*uae> them to huy more. In afftcea, itore*. unopa, and plants it extended to a. growing list of cen- cording to John C. Campbell. Rut- improve* employee efficiency and increaaea production. Keep ahead nl your tral iifllccs. Latest to join the list gers university, secretary of the as competitor ... air condition your place of bueinea* the more efficient, more economical way . . . with CEMC0. ate the central olliccs at Red Bank, sociation. Asbury Park, Long Branch, Point Warren W. Olcy, director of the Pleasant, Atlantic Highland*, division of markets, State Depart Spring Lak« and Rumson. ment of Agriculture, will report on ANTHONY'S AIR CONDITIONING For the technically minded, the the potato situation In other states. William B. Ouryee, Allentown, will Our 3rd Anniversary telephone company explains that the signals gu over lift line at the discuss plans of the potato Indus & HEATING COMPANY, Inc. audio frequency levels of 700, 900, try committee, of which hi is 59 Maple Avc. Phone Red Bank 6-1011 1,100, 1,300 and 1,500 cycles per.sec- chairman. ond, and that R pair of tones is John C. Broome, Aurora, N, C, needed to transmit each numeral manager of the Virginia-North of. a telephone numijer. Carolina potato marketing agree' ment, will explain how the market STATION ESSO SERVICE, LTD. LKAD INCREASES ing agreement works. Frank M. Smith, Allentown, president of the C , * a * • * r LJ110 ILIIi flJIVIl W <* •• • mJ • vvi*lv >*•* U*> Ills ouncHman Roland J. Hii.es of | gta, polaU) agaoclallon> wUI pre. Opened For Business Three Years Ago At IhAsburc 27-voty Parc kmargi gainend witfiveh votewhics hover he, sidc oyer tnc meeting, P&81/C S46£ Campbell said that Richard W. won the council election over Don. ovan J. Mancini May 10. The mar- Lipplncott, agricultural agent for I, the umlenifiied, will wll at Public Auction to the highest bidder gin was increased as the county Mercer county, is arranging an ex- 47-51 Shrewswsbury Avenue, Red Bank my home at: election board checked the returns tensive display of farm machinery, of, two of the city's 12 districts. The Th* Red Bank Regiiter It iupt»rtc4 '

Serving RED BANK AND JERSEY SHORE AREA forNEONSIGNS Carroll Fox Koad, Metedcconk, New Jersey. From Laurelton Traffic Circle take Princeton Avc, (Black Top Road), two miles east to Mid Streams—turn left across bridge—flr.st Cold Cathode Fluorescent street to the right and third duelling on left. Directional arrow* will Our steady growth since the opening three years ago is the result, we hclievc, of gir« be posted. Ing SATISFACTORY SERVICE TO ALL MOTORISTS. Wednesday, June 15th LIGHTING Our parking facilities adjacent to the Railroad. Station. have also proved a real at 1:30 P. M. Modern two-story frame dwelling of six rooms, three bedrooms, one "ENGINEERED TO YOUR NEEDS" convenience to scores of'commuters who are taking advantage of this accommodation ia bath. Hot air circulating heat. Automatic electric hot water heater. increasing numbers. Open fireplace. Screened in porch. Living room finished in knotty pine. Modern kitchen with built-in cabinets, Full concrete cellar. All bed- rooms arc corner rooms giving cross ventilation and capturing the sun We shall continue to give, courteous and prompt service iu Gasoline, Oil, Tires* during the day, with ample closet apace. A year-round home in excel- Batteries and Other Accessories as well as improved and expanded parking facilities. lent repair and one that ia fully equipped with storm windows, full length screens, inlaid linoleum and interior features that arc most at- tractive. The floor plan of this dwelling is one that will not fall to meet On this our third anniversary we wish to take this means of thanking all our the approval of those who taka the time to inspect it. See for yourself an opportunity, that seldom is available and one that you can buy at customers for their patronage which is responsible for our success. your mVn appraisal. • GROUNDS: 75" x 2S0', large one-car garage. Beautiful shade trees, maples and oaks, large front lawn. In these days of large glass nrcas, open planning and outdoor living, it's more important than ever to keep the outdoors exactly where you want It. There arc many ways lo hold Hun, wind, rain and neighbors at a comfortable distance and that is how this house and grounds was planned. When yuu enter the front door of this hnuBc, you're In for a pleasant surprise; n spacious light-filled living room flowing- out to a screened In porch and Uinlns STATION ESSO, LTD. room and to a private view which you control. In a very real Rcnac, Iho drslpn of this house In "self-centered." While it jiresenls a most favornhlc face to tho public, Its main Impact is reserved for Ihc people ASBURY PARK who llvo In It. It offers a surprising amount of choice of apace, inside 47-51 Shrewswsbury Avenue, Red Bank nnd out, where each person can do what he likes, This dwelling ia own- 1-1180 er occupied nnd may lie Inspected prior to date of sale, Highest liidder will be required to pay a deposit of 20% (cash or certified check) at PORCELAIN ENAMEL . STAINLESS STEEL \RTHUR C. RYERSON, Proprietor LT!U e antl lf dCBlred 'mmedlato possession will be given. Taxes Indoor and Outdoor Electrical DONALD M. WACK Di»play$ & Lighting TELEPHONE RID BANK 6-2036 f W mum Auctioneer. m B*«» Ave, Long Branch, V. J. .». n. nvH>s, mono C-3S00 KOAD-AD SERVICE, INC. Mcmhcrg "Xutional Kwicty'oj Auctioneers" 49 So. Main St. Asbury Park We Are Also Licensed Dealers For The Buying And Selling Of Used Cars "TODAV'S UOillS BUILDS TOMOHBOWS WOULD'' BED BASK SEGMTER, JCNR S, Page Eleven Main st. ore the parent* of a «on, j their first child, who wan bojn Sat- I Church Benefit unlay, May 28, at St. Peter's hos- pital, New Brunswick. Mrs. EgK?l- FIRST ANNUAL RECITAL NEW BORO BUS SERVICE FOR ston is the former Miss Marguerite Concert Program Sayer of City Island, N. V. Mrs. Richard Eidmann. Jr.. en- DOROTHY TOLAND DANCE STUDIO RESIDENTS of SOUTH E ATONTOWN To Be Presented tertained her bridge club Tuesday Sunday, June 15 evening. The prize winner* were Mrs. Louis Paiienza, Mrs. Gerard Saturday, June 18th, 8:00 P. M. EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd The program for the symphonic Devlin and Mrs. Warren Vreeiand. ST. JAMES AUDITORIUM concert Sunday, June 12. at 3 p. Mrs. Phoebe A. Zlrgler, Mrs. Mi- BUMS m. In the Mechanic at. school au- chael J. Eovino and .Mrs. Harold Rare Will After lit Fment Alfred Vail Reuto Te Include ditorium for the benent of the Red Ziegler attended a. shower given Twice Is HOII: un snlu nL studio or al »S't. Jamcn -June IS The Fellewina Sectian Of South Eatentewn—South Street Te Bank Lutheran church has been for Miss Mary O'Herin of Poll Locti* AY.., Lacuet Ave. Te Wyckeff Reed, Wyckeff Reed Te arranged «• follows: Monmouth at the home of Mrs. HufttfariNn Concert Ovpi-(.tirr. Krter BW« Jack O'Herin, Port Monmoutb, Sat- Mein St., Oceeneert And Centinue Te Lanf trench. Symphony No. 2 In D Mnjor (Lon- IJiiring The Summer There Will Be don* Hayda urday evening. Miss O'Herin and See Schedule lelaw Far Timetable . laritone aolo, "The Loi-d'a PiHyei"" Robert Ziegler of Matawan are ; Mnlotte planning to be married aoon. Mitrning Konald G. Clark Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop of Fantafiir from the t>prra "Hnnne! anil RID BANK TO LONG BRANCH LONG BRANCH TO RED BANK Gretel" Humprrdinck Montclalr were the holiday week- VIA AIMIO VAIL HOMIS Triumphal March from the oppm end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack VIA AlFMD VAIL HOMO "Alda" Verdi Van Pe;lt of Broad it. AND SOUTH IATONTOWM AND SOUTH IATONTOWN Baritone eolo«, "Until," Sanderaon, and CHARACTER TAP ACROBATIC "JnvictuB" „ Huhn Mr. and Mrs. George Zumbano Ranald G. Clack and son, Charles, were the week- Darotar Moreoood at Piano end guests of Mr. Zumbano'* fath- Hie DancM from "Henry the Eighth'' ..._ Gorman er and mother, Mr. and Un. 'At the Beautiful Blut Danube" waltz Charles Zumbano of Broad st. BALLROOM TOE BALLET -\ StratiM Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo White and The orchestra of 25 member* will daughter of Baltimore. Md., were be conducted by Walter Ri Pfeif- the week-end guesti of the former's fcr, who waa first violinist with the mother, Mrs. Alonto White. ' Philadelphia Symphony orchestra Miss Patricia McKeen spent the for 10 year* under Leopold Sto- week-end visiting friends at Lan- kowskl. caster, Pa. AM Tha procetda will b» uaad to ac- William J. Babel ha* returned Children t'rum Three Up Xt.H 7.00 7.10 AM quire motion picture equipment 7.30 7.3S 7.40 7.4S T.45 7.59 7.55 9.M to his hom» on Jackson at. after *.» I.3S 1.40 8.41 9.25 I.W 1.15 (or Sunday-achool purpoaea and for week's buainesa trip to Cuba. K t.*> I.M S.M 4.00 4.19 4.11 Harriek and Mn. Harry Kahn. of Lincroft, Mr. and Mr*. Alfred 3.W 1.15 5.20 5.25 5.30 4.15 4.S3 4.30 4.15 4.M *M 4J4 I.W 5.35 Mm. Ltroy Sickeli, a former mem- Mathiaaen ot Red Bank, Mr. and 5.OS 5.10 I.1S I.M l.1t 1.11 5.M 5.15 5.M 5.40 5.45 s.oo 4,45 4.50 4.55 7.09 ber, was welcomed back. Mrs. Philip Neidlinger, Mr. and 5.50 5.M 1.00 4.05 4.04 4.11 f.M 4,19 7.05 3.45 t.M 1.40 0.41 4.50 4.15 7,00 7.10 7.15 •.30 (.35 4.40 1.45 t.35 Alexander Smutko of Broad, it. Mrs. Peter Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Lt- 7.20 7.30 7.31 7.31 7.41 1.11 4.10 t.M 4,10 4.40 4.45 7.13 T.M I.O0 •.It 4.45 •.50 •.55 10.00 haa recovered from the chickm roy Sickels'and Mrs. Jennie Voor- 1.50 » 1.00 t.01 t.H t.11 t.N 4.W 10.05 pox. hces, all of Matawan. a.43 ».3S MI t.M t.40 Ml 4.50 1.55 10,00 11.20 10.10 10.15 t.M 10.20 10.30 10.35 10.14 10.41 tt.M 11.00) 11.15 11.35 11,15 11.30 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kenarney Dr. and JfJ). J. Wallace McCue 10.15 11.05 11.15 11.M 11.1* 11.11 11.S0 11.21 11.30 11.40 11.45 and children, Ann and Dick, were and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Erd- 11.00 11.50 if.OO 11.45 MS the Memorial day guesta of Mr. mann attended a performance ot x Will not Hun •una'ayi. and Mrs. J. Donald Miller. "The Big Knife" recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Hailctt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Singer and Mrs. Lawrence Aitken and Miss children, Barbara and Donald, CLIP THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCES OR YOU MAY OBTAIN Edith Aitken spent the week-end spent Sunday at Atlantic City. at Fulton, Miss., where they at- General and Mrs. George Van SCHEDULE FROM ANY BORO BUS. tended the graduation of Jack Alt- Deusen and Mr. and Mrs. Philip ken from Westminster college. Neidlinger spent the holiday week- Mica Nancy Erdmann in enter- end at Washington. D. C. WEEK-END SALE taining her class today at her home Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer and on Valley dr. Nancy is a pupil in Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bliss were BORO BUSES, RED BANK Miss Blau's sixth grade class in guests at the 50th wedding anni- the grammar achool. versary of Mr. and Mrs. John OF TIL R.B. 4-0567 Misi Gloria Curran of procpect Kliegl at Sherry'*, New York city, Point gardens has returned from Thursday. (pending the holiday week-end at Mr. and Mrt. J. Donald MIlKr Boaton, Mass. and children, Ellen and Jack, Mr. and Mn. Leonard Smith of spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Cucamonga, Cal., are visiting Mr. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mn. and Mr«. Charles Perrine of James Brian, at Trenton. Schenck ave. Jack Miller, ion of Mr. and Mil. Mr. and Mn. Richard Burlew J. Donald Miller, was the we;«[-end are entertaining Mrs. Burlew's par- REFRIGERATORS gueat of hi* cousins, Ann and Dick ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Fischer, Kenarney, of Princeton. of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hunt ' John Anthony of Maiden lane-Is of Green and White village enter- AND seriously ill at Hazard hospital, tained friends at a buffet aupuer Long Branch. Monday evening. Mr. and Mr*. Story E. Hallock The Thursday Afternoon Bridge and sons, Banford and Peter, of club is planning to have luncheon Edgemcre dr., attended the gradu at Deauville inn Friday in honor atlon of their son, E. Story Hal- ot Mrs. Leroy Slckcls, who haa lock, from Westminster college, just returned to Matawan after Fulton, Mo. year's stay at Hinesdale, 111. Thoie Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bauer of Read attending will be Mrs. Joseph TELEVISION SETS ing, Pa., spent the week-end as the Baler, Mr*. William R. Craig, Mr*. guests of Mrs. Martha Luig of Edward Currie, Mn. Raphael C. Broad at, Devlin, Mrs. Paul A. Egan, Mr*. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Anderson Margaret Erdmann, Mrs. Ralph AT of Park ave. entertained on Me- Herrick, Mrs. Harry Kahn, Mr*. morial day at « picnic given at William Wasmuth and Mr*. Adrian thtlr home. Guesta were Mr, and Mount. Mrs. Harold Walling and Mr. and Mr*. Howard Erdmann *nter- Mr*. Angelo Lo Presto of Keypoit. tained her Tuesday Evening Bridge Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cialg club recently. The prize winner* of Main st. and Mr. and Mr*. were Miss Laura, Gordon, Mrs, Ger- Thoma* Anderson of Park ave. at- ard Devlin and Mr*. Raphael C. tended * breakfast (Iven by Mr. Devlin. and Mr*. Herbert Burrowes at Mr*^ Adrian Mount, the former thtlr Keyport home on Memorial Miss Barnlce Brown of Matawan, day. is visiting her aister, Mrs. Ralph Herrick, and will return to her BIG SAVINGS • Why suffer in airtight dioei? Get Mrs. Frank H. Conover of Ma- plewood spent the week-end as the home at Washington, D. C, Sun- into our crois«veniilatedKooIiei...«ti guest ot ber aister and brother-la- day. /eel that breeze! Every flap pumps in law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Her- Miss Marilyn Knoell of Texas ;&. FLOOR SAMPLES AND DISCONTINUED MODELS cool air, pumps out hot air, Ask to tea rick, of Main st. entertained at a hot dog roast Fri- Mr. and Mn. Jay F. Hostettir day evening. The guests were CUT WaJk-Orcr Koolies... the original entertained on Friday evening In Misses Jo Ann Lazow, Carol Craig*, fresh-air shoes, in smart town or loafing honor of Miss J. Mabel Brown who Lynne Johnson, Jana Anderson, will leave Wednesday to attend the Jane Pengel, Joan Hughes and Pa- •tylet. National Editorial conference at tricia Egan all of Matawan, and Salt Lake City, Utah, Guests were Mia* Fannie Fedel* and Connie Mr. and Mr*. E. H. Dominick, Mr. Vena of Cliffwood, also Robert REFRIGERATORS and Mrs. Ralph W. Herrick, Mil* Gray, Ronald White, Daniel Mat- Mary Llsk and Charles Neidlinger, thews, Jack Shafto, Richard Ba- all of Matawan; Mr. and Mrs. Le- der, David Decker, Christie Mason, REG. NOW roy Collins and Mr. and Mrs. E. Charlea Rinear and Leroy You- Murray Todd of Holmdel; Mr. and mens. $23900 Mr*. Harry Jonea of Freehold; Miss Mrs. Phoebe A. Ziegler enter- 10 Ft NORGE •359*1 Mary E, Stack of Perth Amboy, tained the Pinochle club recently, and Mia* Cora Dllllston of Pattr- Prizes 'Were won by Mrs. Dora, »on. Druga*, Mr*. Ethel Ptnnetti and Mr. and Mrs. John Eggelston of Mrs. Marguerite Schuber. 9 Ft. Westinghouse •269" '209*° $34900 trtyf ******** 8 Ft. PHILCO •399" 8 Ft. NORGE '269" '239" t**ts*i kinks kp m§H, TELEVISION NOW PHILCO 134930 I24990 WESTINGHOUSE $32500 $27900 RCA $32500 $27900 JOHN B ALLEN CO. BENDIX $45Ooo Our Ntu) Stort Near (he Postofficu 93 BROAD STREET RED BANK INSTALLATION EXTRA

PUBLIC NOTICE. termlno and Vury the Application of the Population! All With a View of Con- An Ordlnunco entitled* "An Ordinance Regulation* Hereby Eitabllihed In Har- serving the Valua of Property and In- to Amend an Ordinance Entitled 'An mony with Their , Oeneral Purpolo and cournglna! tho Moat ApnronrlaU Uao of Ordlnunco Donning, Regulating anil liu- Intent I Providing for th« Enfurcemnnt Lnnd Throughout the Hnrough of Rutn- ntrlcftair tho Locution, Uf*», Hcluht, nf (hn Prnvlilnn H#r»ln and fmnoHliiir tmii,' Panel) nnd Approved Mnrch 2H, Number of Storlci nnd Sim of Buildings Ponaltloa for Their Violation l All in Ac- 1IMU," Wan Introiluciliil by tliu Muyur Better Housekeeping Shop and Other Structurea! Tho Slie of YariU, cordance with K Comprahemlva Plan nnd nnd Council of tho llnrouirh nf Ruimon Court! and Other Open Spaoeal Tht on H«y U, 194(1. and nn May 26, 1II4U &5HDND NATIONAL u«»litni'il for One or More of tho Fol- wn» flnnlly adopted mid appvuved by Denalty of l'i>|mllltion I Tho Lonitlnn lowing PurpoHcti: To Loaaen Congcjitlon tliu Mayor, and (In of HulldltiK", Structurea nnd In thn Slreotai Secure Safety from l'lri', BONK &TRLJ5TIID. I Land for Truilo, liulutttry, Uoitldunco ur runic HIIII Other Dan«i:i«{ Prnmotu AMIEH'I' A, KEHI1, .III., Clerk. 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Other Purpoaeal Crentlnir Zmir« for ilnld Health, Muraln or thn (itwt'ral Welfare i J, KUWARI) WILSON, Mayor. FurDOHa and E«(Kbll«hln« the Bonn. Provide Adequate Light and Aln Pre- l)«rk« Thiwnfi K»tnl>ll«MriK H Xnnhiff vent thn Oi'mTdtvHInK nf l.nno of Tlullrl- Uuv* cnii ni.iko uucket mniiey by nil. lBS*d <* AlUlUtBfSk irlla £UUT la Uf iBUi Avoid Uaau* UutintraUga si BED BANK BECISTEB, JUXE 2. 19»

DR. ERNEST C. GIERDING . Eggert Wins Army -II Dentist mnd Dental Surgeon Knitting Yarns SOS* Hour* 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Award At Revue EDUCATIONAL 1 I II I-oi. ikeilM Hon. Through Sat (exrept Thurs.) BUD passe* th« door. Rtd lank 6*0001 SW MAIN ST. Phone K«n«burC 6-1213 KEASmVRii, JV. J. fiiiv. Driftcoll is iluettl 1.1U At Fort Moiunuulh 3-PLY ALL WOOL 17 Brtad St., Ui lank Auort«d Color*. PLAY CENTER Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, ac- companied by leading state offi- Money Back Cuaraatee. cials, was a guesl Friday on a tour of Fort Monmouth and at a cere- Phori* After 7 P. M. monial revue on Grecly field at DAY CAMP 4:30 p. m. Atlantic Highlands l-«82S-tV The revue was highlighted by the Boys and Gitla 5*13 Yean (presentation of one civilian and two military awards. John J. Eg- fiert, 181 Hudson ave,, Red Bank, an electrical engineer at Coles Sig- nal laboratory, received the Excep- tional Civilian Service award for ABOUT outstanding performance of duty in NURSERY SCHOOL the European theater during World Clottt Spoct War II, the Bikini Atomic tests and the atomic tests at the Eniewe- •tor* All ThoM Children Under Five toc proving grounds. WinUr Oarmantt at Sgt. 1-c John P. Conley was deco- CHOCOLATE PARFAIT...TIM Ntwtst CMffmi Ctit rated with the Bronze Star medal for exemplary conduct in ground N. J. Dept. of Education Approved Combine 'i cup cocoa, 'i cup sugar, blended. Do not stir. Place '-i the combat on, or about, Aug. 1, 1911, >4 cup Iwiling water »nd H t«u>poon batter in another bowl: pour cocoa . Certified Vaults -2 red food coloring and stir untiJ smooth. mixture over it gently, folding until in the European theater. expert iaitruetloa la all syerta laelu«lar ewlmmiaf at Cool. blended. Pour alternate layers of dark Major Edward H. Olsen received On Our and light batter into ungreased 10- Cetanjr Surf Club art Deal CMIIM 2 cups sifted Gold 7 unbeaten inch tube pan, 4 inches deep, imme- the commendation ribbon for meri- CALL Medal Flour egg yolks diately. Bake in slow moderate oven torious service in the Normandy Hot "Lunch Tranaportatlo* (don't pack) (medium- (325") for 55 minutes, then increase to campaign from Feb. IS to Apr. 1, R. B. t-ttOO l'« cups sugar sized) moderate (350") for 10 to 15 minutes 1945. •ONDID ROUTIMEN 3 tsps. Davis \ cup cold or until top springs back when lightly M-Sgt. Robert Janacek and Sgt. Monmouth Road, Oakhunt Deal 7-8759 Double-Acting water touched. Turn pan upside down, place "I thought then was uaaetklnf ftsky akwt Mr. Curie*'* aueMen aeiire <• Baking Powder 2 taps, vanilla. over neck of funnel or bottle until cold. 1-c Oeorge Casone, retiring from try out the new pencil sk*rp*Mr a** typewriter ribbea we •ra'sred Iron 7-2932 1 up. salt. 1 cup egg Remove from pan. autive duty, received plaques com. TETLEVS." ',-; cup cooking whites (7 or 8) memorating their long service. White St. M. B. S-2MM . MARIE C. YOUMANS, Director "(salad) oil such ',; Up.cream For surer success in all your baking, as Wesson Oil o! tartar use Davis Double-Acting Baking Pow- Bift together, flour, sugar, biking pow- der. Get a can of Davis at your gro- Youth* Plead Guilty der and salt. (Important-don't risk cer's today. Iailurc.be sure to use Davis Double- Acting Baking Powder.) Make a well To Five Burglaries and add in order salad oil, egg yolks, water and vanilla. Beat «ith spoon un- Throe youths involved in a sorlcs til smooth. Place egg whites and cream DAVIS of five burglaries or attempted burg of tartar in large mixing bowl. Whip Doubft-Acfing larles at Red Bank, Fair Haven until whites form stiff peaks (stiller than for nngcl food or meringue). Do Ocean township and Long Branch not undcrbcai! Pour cte yolk mliture •AKlXS pleaded guilty when arraigned last over egg whites, gently folding until •••WBBa* Friday before County Judge J. Ed ward Knight at Freehold. All ad IT NEVER LETS YOU DOWN... mittcd a burglary of $»2 from Elite's Cleaners, Fair Haven, May 10. One of the tt'Io was Edward YOU PAY NO MORE Daly of 62 Spring St., Red Bank who also pleaded guilty to the theft of $11 from the Dixon Oil company VICTORY FOR IANCE LESSONS AT Pearl at., Red Bank, May 8. In other cases Irving Rccvoa, Jr. 10 Wharf avc., Red Bank, pleaded not guilty to assault with intent to TEL 6-0508 MARKETS TEL 6-5292 kill Eva Mhy White of Long Branch, whom he is alleged to have /Irfttur shot in the leg Mar. 18. Murray Cohen of 51 Wallace st., Red Bank pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault and battery against his wife, 21 WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK 112 MONMOUTH ST. Bertha Cohen of Hillside, at his home Mar. 22. Peter Whalen of Keansburg pleaded not guilty to a • You actually save money be- charge of grand larceny in the cause you learn the new dances in theft of plumbing scrap valued at Deliveries Will Be Made From Our Front Street Store a fraction of the usual time. $3,000 from the Cochrane Chemi- cal company of Matawan, over a Dance After Only 1 Lesnon period of months prior to J»n. 15. Arthur Murray's amazing, new dis- covery—'The First Step To Popu- CALIFORNIA larity"—is the short cut to all Rotary Club To Honor dance steps. With it, his talented Edwin C. Gilland JERSEY experts can quickly make you a SWEET sought-after partner . , , yes, and The Red Bank Rotary club will give a testimonial dinner In honor in only 1 lesson. The whole secret'* of Edwin Q. Gilland, retiring su- FRYING in his basic new method. pervising principal of Red Bank So, cave time, money and disap- schools, Wednesday night, June S, pointment. Learn to dance the at 7 o'clock at the Molly Pitcher CHERRIES hotel. The dinner will be in lieu of new Arthur Murray way. Come in that weck'a regular meeting. CHICKENS to the studio or phone Red Bank Quest speaker will be Thomas 6-440«. B. Harper, supervising principal of county schools. E. Allaire Cornwell is in charge of the committee which Includes Maurice Schwartz, ARTHUR MURRAY Elmer Hesse and Willisyn A. Miller. 157 BROAD STREET Mr. Gilland will retire at the end Bed Bank of this month. He Is a member of Open 1 I'M. to 10 P.M. the Rotary club.

NOTICE. Take notice that Glob* HoUl Com- pany. Inc., has applied to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Rid Uanlt, TOWN AND COUNTRY SHOP N. i., for • Plenary Retail Consumption license for premiies situated at No. 20 ALL-GREEN 12 Linden Place, Red Bank, N. J. East Front street, Red Bank. N. J. Objection*, if any, ihould b» made tin* mediately In writing to Amy E. Shinn, Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. TENDER (Slimed) ' GLOBE HOTEL, CO., INC, PAUL RITZAU, President, KATHE RITZAU, Secretary, HERMAN RITZAU, Treasurer. FRESH NOTICE. BROCCOLI Take notice that Elisabeth and Thorn- .s Kaney. tiadinit as Pleasant Valley Inn has applied to the Township Committee of Holmdel Township for a Plenary Re- KILLED tail Consumption License for premises situated on State Highway Rout* 34 at Holmdel, N. J. 56 lb. Size Objections, if any. should be made im- mediately 1n writing to Daniel S. Ely, FOWL clerk of th« Township of Holmdsl. (Signed) PLEASANT VALLEY INN. ELIZABETH AND THOMAS KANEY. BUNCH NOTICE. SWIFT'S BEST WILSON'S FRESH Tnke notice that Domcnie A. Acertit, T/A Pom's Bar and Grill, has ap- plied to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Bed Bank for a Plenary BROOKFIELD Retail Consumption llcenie for prtmlsa* CHUCK ' TASTY SPARE it's fine situated at 103 Herbert street, Red Bank, H PRINT N. J. • - RIPE Objections, If any, sHould bt made Im- mediately In writing to Amy E. Shinn, ehambray Clerk of the Borough of K«d Bank. (Signed) LOOSE —all the way! DOMENIC A. ACERRA. ' NOTICE. STEAK MEATS 19.95 Take notice that Daniel Dondlefo T/A Airport Inn has applied to the Town- ship Committee of Shrewsbury Town- TOMATOES ' When Sacony doe* ship to' a Plenary Retail Consumption cliambray, it'* the pick of icense for premlics situated at Shrews- bury avenue, Shrewsbury Township. ' the cotton crop—ju«t as Objections, If any, should be made you'd expect! Soft, mmcdlately In writing to Marfretta L. Reed, Clerk of Shrewsbury Township. lustrous, lupcr-rtnooth. (Signed.) 1007° ehambray dipped in DANIEL DONDIEGO. Sacony V own dye pots NOTICE. of enchanting'town and' Take notice that John F. Mahonsy, country colors. And Joseph F. Mahoney, Lnwrence K. Mo- honey and Michael L. «Mahoney, trading lilcsBcd with those 100% at Mahoney Bros,, hare applied to the wonderful Sacony Township Clerk of Holmdel for a Plenary Retail Consumption license for finishing touches: easy prcmltes sltunted at Iloute II, Holmdel, BEST shoulders, gentled skirt, New Jcney. Objections,- if any, should be mnde ALL a handsome Tuscan straw Immediately in writing to Daniel S. Ely, belt. Just the Yalue you'd Clcik of Holmdel Township. GRADE HOME - GROWN (Signed) expect of Sacony, too! At JOHN V. MAHONEV, LEAN 19.95-it't a wonderful JOSEPH P. MAHONEV. SLICED BACON BOSTON or buy! Misses'lizei.' LAWRENCE F. MAHONEY. MICHAEL L. MAHONEY. ICEBERG BEST GRADE LETTUCE FIAKO SKINLESS FRANKS PIE CRUST MIX r(»TIWTHOM£-M««QWUTY A good crust it the making of a. good pie. And no crust could be FRESH more light and flaky than Flako because ingredients a're the s..~ne CHOPPED HEAD fine ones you use-precision- BEEF mixed for sure results! I 7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER pat cow VOLUME LXXI, NO. 49. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 SECTION THREE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Red Bank Honors Its War Dead Give $20,000 Weit Point Graduate Shore Committee Second Carton Raid Fizzles For Hospital To Ask Financial Delivery Rooms Aid From County Mr. and Mrs. Teeter Wants lo Fight New Of RunMon Donate lo CM Rate Hike Plea; Monmouth Memorial Urgei Transport Facts Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Teeter In an effort to launch a major of Rumson have subscribed 120,000 protest against proposed gas rates to the $760,000 Monmouth Memor- that have been applied for by the ial hospital building fund, and will Jersey Central Power * Light Co. create two delivery roontt in the an emergency committee of the new six-story addition planned for Jersey Short Protective committee the hospital in honor of Mr. Teet- will confer with the MonmouUi er's father and mother, It was re- County Board of Freeholders Mon- ported this week by Walter W. day. Reid, Jr., fund chairman and prest This committee, appointed at a dent of the hospital's board of f ev meeting of the inter-municipal irnors. shore group Tuesday night, will Mr. Teeter, a member of the hos- ask the freeholders to agree to fi- pital's board of governors, has been nance, in co-operation with the associated with the building fund Louis H. Benilng Ocean county board of freeholders program as chairman of the me- Louis H. Benzing, son of Mr. and a legal fight against the utility morial gifts committee. His par- Mrs. E. H. Benzing, Borden pi., Lit- Arm. ents, David A. and Rebecca Teet- tle Silver, is among the cadets The hearing of arguments in this er, reside in Plainfleld. graduating next Tuesday from the case has been Bet by the New Jer- In accepting the subscription on U. S. Military academy, West sey Board of Public Utility Com- behalf of the fund, Mr. Reid said: Point. missioners (P.U.C.) for Wednesday "Mr. and Mrs. Teeter have gen- The young man attended Borden- Juns 33, at Newark. erously undertaken to assure th« town Military institute, Lafayette Mayor J. Edward Wilson of Rum- construction of two of the three college and the University of Dela- son, chairman of the shore com delivery rooms which will be an ware prior to his appointment to mlttee, appointed the delegation integral part of the enlarged ma- West Point from Rep. Harry L. which will confer with the free Scene at Memorial Day aervica at the monument on the Red Bank borough hall property. Walter ternity department, Their thought- Towe, 9th New Jersey district He holders. Besides Mr. Wilson it in- Boskey, Jr., (left center) commander of Shrewsbury post, American Legion, 'of Red Bank, is reading the fulness and foresight cannot hut served in the army and was a cludes: Mayor George Smock, As- Legion'g memorial service. Standing in front of the monument, his head bared, is Mayor Charles R. Eng- serve as an inspiration to many private in the air force. bury Park; Edward M. Goddurd lish. other families and Individuals in While at West Point Benzing Ocean township; Charles R. Gng the county who have reason to held the rank of cadet sergeant lish, Red Bank; Alfred M. Beud- honor living relatives or friends and was active in sports, winning leston, Shrewsbury; Albert Kirns. Turner Retains Seat or the memories of those who have a numeral and two monograms In Bradley Beach, and Solomon LuuL passed on." soccer and a minor "A" for coach- man, Deal. Red Bank Senior Fire Department The two rooms will be on the It was brought out that it would On Keansburg Council ing "C" squad soccer. He was also County Detective John Gawler, third floor of the six-story addition a press representative and was on be necessary for the board to act the residence in advance of tb« High Graduation A vote recount of the May 10 Holds Memorial to be made possible by completion the staff of the Howitzer, the cadet immediately if the best form of ac foreground, and Red Bank's De- searching party. Mrs. William Keansburg municipal elections— of the fund, yearbook. tion against the proposed increase tect ivn Cnpt. George Clayton arc Snyder was watering flowers about completed yesterday—showed that A bed in a four-bed room for Upon his graduation he will be In gas rates was to be taken. shown leaving the home of Wil- her home when surprised ay on* Set For June 16 Councilman William Turner, Jr., Day Services maternity patients in the enlarged commissioned a second lieutenant Warren Woods, a lawyer in the liam Snyder, 19 Spring St., yestcr- of the reporters. It looked for maintained his one-vote margin, hospital will be established as a In the ajr force. Arm of Roberts * Mclnnis, of dny noon following a fruitless awhile ap if this reporter was go- ExcrViscu To Be Held which gained him victory over Middletown Companies memorial to John C. Conover by Washington, D. C, which repre search [or evidence of bookmaking ing to be "conked" oa the head James J. Gravany. Councilman a 12,700 subscription to the build- sents the county committee in util- in the Snyder residence. Gawler, with her watering can. At Athletic Field- Turner gained one vote in the first Honor Those Who O'cd ing fund. It was also announced ity affairs, said it would take at armed with a warrant issued on Several county detectives Tues- district, but lost one vote In the this week by Mr. Teeter. Law Suits least two weeks for the legal stalf "information and belief" at the be- day wero observed In Red Bank Baccalaureate June II second district. The count was 910 In Past Year The Allenhurat National Bank to prepari an adequate case against hest of County Prosecutor .1. Victor on Front and lower Broad sts. and to 911. •nd Trust company, of which Mr. the utility firm. Carton, earlier had apprehended on Wharf ave. Bed Bank senior high school The Middletown township flre de- Conover was one of the founders May Arise The committe* also adopted a Mr. Snyd'jr and his brother, J. Le- Just a year ago, the prosecutor's commencement exercises will be The county board of elections men arrested J. Leroy Snyder and said there was no chnnge In Mr. partment held its 12th annual me- as welt as first president, has made resolution, the text of which was roy Snvdcr, as they stood in front held Thursday night, June 16, at morial service Sunday night at the the subscription. Mr. Conover's not released, intended to coax the of The Merchants Trust company, Arthur Davis in the Krldel build* the school athletic field on Bergjn Gravany'i votes. The two men ing, Broad St., also on "Informa- ran together on the Progressive New Monmouth Baptist church. term of office as president began At Keansburg P.U.C. Into supplying to the con- Broad st. pi, In case of rain, they will take Mrs. J. E. Bennett, organist, with the opening of the bank In cerned municipalities and its law- tion and belief" warrants. Both place at the River at, school. Felix league ticket. Councilman Turner After thoroughly searching their men were released in ball. Prose- had been mayor IS years and took opened the service with a prelude 1926 and continued until his death Attorney Contends yers all Information about pending H. Zafflro of New York city will followed by a welcoming address in 1M0. schedule changes or reductions in persons at police headquarters, cutor Carton has not sought la« speak on "Guaranteeing a Tomor his oath as councilman Tuesday Gawler directed a search of the dictments against these men due), when Felix J. Brennan wu ap- by Edward W. Freibott, chief of Borough Manager service as proposed by either rail- row." the Middletown township fire de- roads or inter-city bus companies Spring st. address. Following the it is understood, to lack of owi- pointed mayor and when Leon A. dence. M the time of that arrest, Barbara Brasefield will give tho Waitt took office as councilman. partment. Russel L. Tetley, chap- Has Tenure Right* that serve commuters in either this second search, he told Register re- key student address, "A Blue lain of the flre department, then Attorney General area or Union county. porters that nothing was found and both Mr. Snyder and Mr. Davis Print for Tomorrow." The clatfi gave the Invocation. The new Keansburg administra- Mayor Lautman, who is a sub- no charges are being preferred. contended that no evidence of gift address will be made by Rita Fred L, Beam, flre department tion which took office last Tuesday committee chairman of the Shore Two Register reporters and a bookmaking or gambling waa Anne Mend, and the address of secretary, called the roll of to* Speaker at Little may be faced with law suits con- committal for utilities other than Register photographer arrived at found by the raiders. S welcome by Walter Boyd Stearns, Thomas B. Clarke dead and'a* the name of each de- cerning two of its appointments, railroad!, explained that gas rate class president. Stanley A. Havl- 9 ceased member was called, a light that of Ralph O. Williams as act- Increases would affect about 00 land, president of Red Bank board on the memorial cross was extin- Silver Graduation ing borough manager, and Harold towns in Monmouth, Ocean, Morris of education, will present the dl- Wins Trustees guished. Those members of the de- F. Martin as building inspector. and Cape May counties. He also Van Horn Agency Rumson Church H partment who died during the year Claw pf 22 Will The possibility of the suits was id that Jersey Central would Baccalaureate services will be held Award at Rumson were William Williams, Edward Receive Diplomat made known when a letter was brlM natural gas Into its areas Sunday, June 12, in the River at. Cook and Thomas Larsen of the sent for Clinton B. Lohien, form- within the ntxt few years. Sells Attractive Celebrates 75th ? school, a departure from the cus- Closing Exercises Brevent Park and Leonardo Fir* Wednesday Night er borough manager, by the Atlan- Mayor Lautman said the gas util- tom of having this service at a lo- company; John Johnson and Lat- tic Highlands law firm of Roberts, ity will attempt to obtain the high- cal church. The speakers will be ter Walling of Belford Engine Attorney General Theodore D. Pillsbury, Carton 4 Sorenson. River Oaks Home Anniversary Msgr. Salvatore DILorenco, pastor Held Tuesday by est rat* possible for its manufac- company; Alfred Groves of Com- Parsons, whose three children at- The letter, signed by Lawrence tured gas before it introduces nat- E. Jackson Batchelar of St Anthony's church; Rabbi-Ar- Country Day School munity Fire company, and W. Har- tend the Little Silver grammar A. Carton, Jr., a member of the unl' gas, St. Georges-by-the thur H. Hershon of the Congrega- ris Hewitt of River Plata HOH school, will be the speaker at the firm, stated that Mr. Lphsen Is Mayor Thomas Farrell of Sea tion BNai Israel, and Rev. Roger Seventeen pupils received diplo- company. graduation exercises to b* held "privileged to perform the duties' Buys Former Horace River Had First J. Squire, pastor of Red Bank Bright said that it was known it mas at the commencement exer- Following the rell call, taps were next Wednesday night in the school according to law and "is ready was cheaper to many of the citi- May Residence Methodist church. The high school cises of Rumson Country Day sounded by Harold Copeland and auditorium. Teddy, Jr., is In the and.willing to continue." Mr. Loh- tens of his borough to purchase Service in Cottage . choir will sing. The service starts school Tuesday. Graduates were Franklyn Jackson of the Belford seventh grade, John in the fifth seen had been borough manager at 7:30 p. m. bottled gas than It was to buy gas The rambling one and one-half During June, St. Georges-by-tjuj- Alfred N, Beadleaton, Sd, William Boy Scout troop. After a solo !>y and Peggy Is in the third grade. 18 years before Mr. Williams was from the utility firm. . He said he, story residence formerly owned by river Episcopal church, Rumion, Candidates for graduation are W. Brook,' Thomas B. Clarke, T. Francis Rauch, Rev. W. Calvin Twenty-two member* of the named. personally, bought bottled natural the late Horace P. May, located Ralph J. Acerra, John Ariozzl, will celebrate the 74th anniversary Dorothy Classen Cumming, Lee Colby, pastor of the Rumson Pres- eighth grade graduating; class, U The attorney said the action by gas at slightly more than $11 a at 48 Woodland dr., River t Oaks of the founding of the parish. Knoch Ask, Beverly Bacon, Lois Edwards, Robert Roy Forrester, byterian church, delivered the me- boys and eight girls, will be pre- bottle, this being enough to care for Fair Haven, has been purchased Barnard, Joyce Bedle, Anne Binder, council in appointing Mr. Wil- Organised in 1874, the church 3d, Alexandra Todd Fox, Mary morlal address. Rev. Mr. Colby con- sented diplomas by George Ryser, liams was Illegal In view of a IMS all cooking needs for the average from Mrs. Arthur J. Lynch of Lit- held its first service In the small Diana M. Bovc,'Helen Brancadora, Elizabeth Qamwell, Elizabeth cluded his address with benedic- president-of the board of educa- family for more than three months. tle Silver, executrix of the May es- Barbara Brasefield, Richard Broun- law, which provides tenure for cottage at the rear of the estate, Gray-Lewis, David G. Huber.John tion. tion. Members of the safety patrol borough managers after three The resolution to demand that tate, by Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson now owned by Hufus C. Finch oa ley, C. Fred Bruno, Charles A. F. Huntsman, 2d, William G. Mc- A large delegation from the new- will receive their discharges from Batchelar of Middletown. The Ray Bublin, Mary Caprioni, Dorothy years of continuous service. the P.U.C. give notice of Trans- Rumson rd. Sufficient funds were Kim, Douglas D. Mercer, James C. ly formed Ladies' auxiliary of the Walter A. Burkhardt, chairman of Howard W. Roberts, senior mem- portation service changes in ad- VanHorn agency, realtors of River subscribed during the first year and Carter, Victor Costa^Marie Costel- Parkes, 2d, Elizabeth S. Quirk, Middletown township flre depart- the welfare and safety committee rd., Fair Haven, was the broker lo, Bernard Daniels; Felix Delia ber of the law firm, was not re- vance, was passed on motion oy property at the corner of Bellcvua Antonia Marie Schildge and Isabel ment was present In • uniform. of the school board. appointed borough attorney. New Mayor English, seconded by May- in tho transaction. ave. and Ridge rd. was given to tn» Vecchia, Louis DeMaio, Santa-Ann Palmer Waud. Flowers for the service were fur- DiMaio, Louis DIFuola, Loretta Maxlne Inselberg, class president, attbrney is the Red Bank law firm or Farrell and voted unanimously. The house, which has seven parish to build a stone Gothic James M. Fox, president of the nished by the Middletown flre de- will give the address of welcome of Parsons, Labrecque, Canzona It was explained It will only be pre- rooms, two tiled baths, breezeway church. During the first 30 yean Diseiialo, Nina Egeland, Marjorie partment, Albert and Maud John- Estclle, William Fceny, Antonia board of trustees, presented the after an Invocation by Rev. Or. ft Combs, sented to the P.U.C. if the board's and attached two-car garage, was that St. Georges held services oa trustees' prize to Thomas B. son, the Brevent Park and Leo- Furman A. DeMaris, pastor of Em. president, John Boswell, fails to designed by McMurray A Scbmid- this site, it was a summer church Ferraro, John Fix, Anthony Fon- nardo Fire company, Belford En- The other contested appointment tano, Richard Fuhrmann, Ruby Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. James bury Methodist church. Mrs. Fred- which may also result In legal ac- supply the information now re lin, architects of Union, N. J., and ministering to the summer resi- S. Clarke of Locust. The prize is gine company, Community Fire erick P. Morf will award the Lit- tion was that of Mr. Martin as quested. was built for tho late Horace P. dents of Rumson. Gaddls, Marion Qalatro, Jeanne R. company, East Keansburg Fire tle Silver Woman's club prize to Gardenier, Mario Glglio. awarded to that member of the building inspector to replace Mr, Woods said he felt it was May about nine years ago by Al- The corner stone of the present graduating class who best com- company, Headden's Corner Fire the winner for the essay judged James V. Papa. In a letter ad- wise of the committee to push its len Brothers, inc. Mr. May at the Elaine Gilmore, Richard A. Har- company and River Plaza Hose the beat on the topic, "What's Be- building, at the corner of Water-' rison, Dean Haviland, Wesley R. bines the qualities of scholarship, dressed to Richard A. Jessen, bor- resolution for two reasons. One time was vice president of Cross man and Lincoln avej., was laid in sportsmanship, leadership and company. Ushers for the service hind the Iron Curtain?" Mrs. Earl ough clerk, Mr. Papa requested was because it would be advan- & Brown company of Mew Tork Herrlein, Jr., James B. Hershon, were members of the Port Mo* Joline will award the Good Citi- 1907 by Bishop John Scarborough. Alvin Hoffman, Jeanette Hoffman, character. the "basis under which the at- tageous to his firm's efforts in its city. J. Frederick Talcott was the min- mouth Fire company., zenship medals given each year by tempt is now being made to re- main job; that of advancing the re- Martha Howard, Adelaide Hoyt, The commencement speaker was Monmouth chapter, Daughters nf HB later joined the Ray Van- ister in charge. Within two years, Jack, Martin Jacobs, Sanford P. Rev. Seymour St. John, headmas- move me from the office of build- consideration of recent commuta- Horn agency as a real estate brok- it was decided that the churca Leaving This Sunday the American Revolution, to the ing inspector." tion fares allowed for the Jersey Jones, Howard Kennedy, Dorothy ter of Choate BChool at "Walling- winners, Carol Ravndal, and her er and resigned from his New should hold year-round service! A. Kerr, Barbara Kuhl, Dorothy ford, Conn. Central, Pennsylvania and New York connections. Mr. May died and Rev. W. Dutton Dale was ap- For South America brother, Chris Ravndal. The new council consists of York and Long Branch railroads. LambertBon, Robert Lerner, Mary- Headmaster Edgar B- Blake Mayor Felix J. Brennan and Coun- suddenly in 1946, shortly after the pointed rector. Rev. Mr. Dal* The school band will play the The other reason was because It death of his wife, who was the Ann Lettiori, Richard I. Lowry, made the following scholarship, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Mc- selections, "Heading" and "Suc- cilmen Leon A. Waitt and William served until 1929 when he retired Ruth Ludwig, Joanne Madreperl, awards: Queen and daughter Marianne of would enable the communities con- mother of Mrs. Arthur J. Lynch. and was elected rector emeritus. cess," by Bennett, under the direc- Turner, Jr. The only holdover Is cerned to know in advance of any Mary Loll Madreperl, Irma Massa, Beginners' class—Honorable mention Harris park will leave Sunday by tion of John W. Luckenbill, leader Councilman Turner, who had Mr, and Mrs. Batchelar, the new Two years ago, the parish put* Nancy McCoach, Marjorie Me- 'or high scholarship, James Cowan, Jr.; motor for Mew Orleans, where proposed schedule or service reduc- owners, have recently sold their hijrheat •chofanhlp, Dorothy' Victor. of the Red Bank high school band. served as mayor 16 years, tions, which could be the subject chased a new home in Oak Woods, Guire, Francis Mcllvried, Harriet Primary 1—Honorablo mention for they will embark next Thursday A class poem will be recited and A report on the Lohsen letter Is Middletown farm and expect to Rumson, lor the use of Rev. and Mclntyre, Rita Ann Menei, Anne high1 scholarship. Diana .Ferris; highest on the new ship Del Mar of the of a new fight against the trans- take possession of their Fair Hav the school chorus will sing. Dr. expected to be made at the June portation utilities concerned. Mrs. Dale, who continue to take an Merrill, Clara Miller, Joseph Mon- scholarship, Wendr Cubbage. Delta Navigation company on a 7 council meeting, Mayor Brennan en property In the near future. active part in the life of the parlsn. tano, Robert Morgan, George Mor- Primary II—Honorable mention for 47-day cruise to South America, DeMaris will give the benediction. Mr. Woods said "whether the high scholarship, Arthur Sorennon: hltrh- The members of the graduating stated, The matter has been re- Mr. Batchelar is in the printing Rectors who have served since Rev. ris, Rosamond Xeal, Charles New- •st scholarship, Whitney McClelland. with principal stops at Rio de railroads and bus companies like it class are Jonathan Bair, James ferred to William R- Blair, Jr., business in Jersey City and is well Mr. Dale's retirement include Rev. man, Elizabeth Noglows, George J. Junior 1—Honorable mention for high Janleio, Montlvedo and Buenos or not, w« are going to get more known locally, having resided in Albert J. M. Wilson, Rev. EarlG. scholarship, Whitney Aioy; highest Bruno, Michael Cataldo, Peter Ger- member . of the Red Bank law Information about their proposed Norcom, Ruth Olsen. acholarahip, Mary Thomas. Aires. Mr. McQueen is president of firm. the Red Bank area many years. Lier, Rev. George F. Dudley and the Merchants Trust company of mond, James Harvey, William H. changes. We are prepared to take Janet Opsahl, Frances Oryll, Junior II—Honorablt mention for Herbert, David Jansky, Richard Rev. H. Falrfleld Butt. The prtt- Harold Ostrov, Nancy Ottingcr, high .icholanblp, John Burt: iljrhtxt Red Bank. JACOBS IN GOOD CONDITION certain steps to protect the inter- ent rector is Rev. George A. Rob- Marie Petrofsky, Thomas Pizzo, scholarship and name on junior shield, Ludwig, Joseph Martella, Noel Nik- ests of the municipalities which our Clubwomen Plan Gretchen Smith. Sunday Mr., and- Mrs. Thomas son, Chris Ravndal, Edward Wein- Michael S. Jacobs of Rumson Is firm serves." ertshaw, who assumed the rector* ' Beatrice Plummer, Arnold Ponesa, Junior III—Honorable mention for Irving Brown of River rd. enter- reported in good condition today ship in 1946. Josephine Puglisi, Florence Pye, high Bcholarahip, Jonathan Blake; high- heimer, Mary Lamb Belknap, Su- Closing Luncheon est scholarship, Annt.Marie Hauck. tained at a buffet super and bon zanne Botkln, Kay Gregory, Max- following an operation Saturday at rAFEK ON ATOMIC ENERGY. In the last ten yean, the parish ' Gall Rsssas, Ralph B, Richardson, Senior I—Honorable mention for high voyage party for the McQueen lne Inselberg, Barbara Moon, Bet- Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. The closing luncheon of the ued has grown until today it is one r. Margaret Marie Romeo, William scholarship, Joan Eldredge; highest family. Mrs. Brown Is Mrs. Mc- ty Moore, Carol Ravndal, Marilyn Jacobs retired recently as presi- Dr. Vincent M. Whelan of East Bank Woman's club will be held the largest and most prominent Rosch, Peter 'Rossi, Gloria Sando- scholarship, lllchael West, Queen's sister. ' dent of the Twentieth Century Front st., read a comprehensive Friday, June 10, at the clubhouse, parishes in the diocese of New Jer- meno, Joan Satter, Betty Schenclc, Senior II—Honorable mention for Stillwagon, Cynthia Tyack and with Mrs. Otmar Phillips and Mrs. high scholarship, Peter Sellar; highest Others In the party besides the Carol Wells. Sporting club. paper on Atomic enetgy Sunday sey. There are 800 communicant* Robert Scott, William P. Scott, Ira scholarship, Jamea Clarke. McQueens and the Browns were morning at the third quarterly Irving Rink, Sr., as chairmen. in the parish, 230 children and 31 N. Sheppard, Mabel Shomo, Shirley Senior III—Highest scholarship and Daphne and Allen Carmen will names on senior shield, Antonia Schildge Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kosman, Mr. Communion breakfast of St. Ga- teachers in the church-school. The Slmi, Philip T. Smith, Jr. and Isabel Waud. and Mrs. Harry B. Clayton and briel'* Holy Name society at Lin- present the program. men and. boys' choir which has Dominlck Soldo, Walter Stearns, Selections rendered by the pu- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hurley ot Police Investigate Loss croft inn. Rev. Joseph F. Sheehan, Reports of the State Federation made St. Georges pre-eminent Allen B. Strasburger, Robert N. pils included "Welcome, Sweet Red Bank; Miss Marie Mazza and assistant pastor of St. Oabricl'g convention, held last month at At- among the churches of New Jersey Summers, Herbert A. Swanson, Springtime," "A Merry Life," Eidmund L. McQueen of Shrews- Catholic church, was toastmaster. lantic City, will be read by dele- numbers 42 members. There *r» William C. Thorpe, Barbara Traut- "Aloha Oe," "Country Gardens," bury; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham- Of $3,400 Ready for Deposit About 50 members of the soclet) gates. Final reports of house par- two women's organizations, St wein, Jack P. Trlolo, Josephine "Without a Song," "Sundown," mell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert McQueen received Communion at the 8.HO ties given by members will be an- Mary's guild and St. Georges' gulM. Ann Trocchla, Dominic J. Vattl, County and Red Bank police are the Caramel Sweet shop, 29 Brotd mass at St. Gabriel's church prior nounced. The executive board will "Arise, Arise," "New Vienna Waltz and Mr. and Mrs. William A. st. When she finished her dinner Bertram H. Borden Is the war- Adeline Verange, Angelina Ve- Song" and "The Home Port." Miller of Fair. Haven; Mr. and investigating the loss or theft of to the breakfast. meet Monday at the clubhouse at den, and vestrymen are George V. range, Marian Wallace, Janice Mrs. Grandln Hammel of Rumson, $3,400 In cash and checks which she left the restaurant without the 10 a. m. Coe, Frederick H. Douglas, Rufus) Wegeman, Jean Wenzel, ThomaB Mr. and Mrs, Alan Woolley of were reported milling Tuesday money, which she said she had Te Tie tkarekeldirs, Leonard. Bulldlnf C. Finch, William B. Potts, Nich- West, Dorli Wilson, Robert Wil- Ritnuon P.T.A. Will placed next to her. ana Lean Aasaclatlon, Or to Whom Long Branch; and Mrs. Allie Ing- afternoon. The money Was to have II May Center*:— olas G. Rutgers, Stuart A. Young, son, Jean Wisseman, Alien* ling of New York, formerly of Red A few minutes later, said Mr. Reduction Announced Robert R. Forrester, Jr., Dr. Junes Wright, Carolyn Zachlod and Ed- Install Officer* been deposited in the Second Na- Conway, the cashier returned for Please Tako Notice ot the Annual Bank. tional bank by the Seacoast Fi- Meeting of tho Shareholders ol Leon- On Notorstokors G. Van Nostrand and Schuyler Van- ward Zwollnskl. Offlcen will be initallid at the the package but could not find It ardo Building and Loan Association to Vectsn, treasurer. Mr. Kosman, a brother-in-law of nance company of Broad it. The company is not Insured for be bald st the rooms of the said Aa- A general price reduction ot 10% Juiw Vacation Silt StarU Jaina 4 final meeting of Rumson Parent- soelatlon, In the Whltehouse Building A corporation Communion of the Mr. Brown, took group pictures of According to Edward Conway, this kind of loss, said Mr. Conway, has been announced by the manu- Therraoi buttlci, regular |1.76, sale Teacher association Tuesday, night he party, on Center Avenue, in Leonardo, Mon- entire parish will be offered at tht 11,1'J i electric fnn», noiseless, efficient, at Rumson high school auditorium. the owner, a company cashier took who added that an attempt will be mouth County, Hew Jeraey, on Thurs- facturers of Motorstokor and ap- 11 o'clock service Sunday morning M.7D: bouch nrobrellni, clKht-foot, etKhl Mrs. Paul Jahnes, retiring presi- the package from the company made to have payment on the day, June It, A. D., 19«», at Eight plics to all models of anthracite ribs, reirulnr 110.115, SS.9S; picnic juits, June Sale For The Home Starta June 4 checks stopped, Bight hundred O'clock In the evening thereof. The pur- at which the choir will sing special unfl-jrullon aizc, reuuhir 93.2V, ll.Urtl dent who has served for the past Garbage cans, large gnlvanlied, re«. and was -to have deposited it In pose of aald meeting being the flection conversion stokers, The reduction music. At 4 p. m. the Right Re*. htinimuukii, colorful and camfortnblu, two terms, will Install officers. Buf- ulur 12,10, |1.4D; self wringing raoiis, the bank. She went to lunch at dollars of the amount was In cosh. of Director!, and the tranaactlon nf «uch is effective immediately. Alfred L. Banyard, D. D., Suffragan .uiculiir 10.08. 16.118; reltular IS.9H, fet-supper will follow the cere- no rough hands, regular II.OK, 68 cents; other bualneji! aa mny come before snlu Motorfitokcr, an automatic coal vl.UUi picnic kits, aluminum chost, two mony. • pollihlnit and Krlnillnit heada, big value, meeting. Poll! will open at 8:00 p, m, Bishop of New Jersey, will admin- . ..euum hottlca, rciiulnr tl4.ee, 17.06. regular»|4.95, (1,93; Homko 20-inch eut and close at 9:00 p. m. burner, which conveys coal from ister the rite of confirmation to W .ii'luht Stum, lied Unnk, Inc., SO Mon- Itower lawn mower, no down payment, hr lridaa.Te.Be "You Can't Take II Wilk You" ; At the final executive board Orders now taker, for Printing el Benefit Polio fund. Shrewsbury play- Leonardo Building and Loan Ais'n, bin to burner, and ashes from the candidates. :' i.iouth street.—Advertisement* > • 109.501 receded bath fixtures, one James A. Orodeika, Secretary, meeting Tuesday at Mrs, Jahnos' third off. Wright Store, Kcd Hank, Inc., Wedding' Invitations. Marriage An- era. Kumaon high school, June 9 and 4. burner to sealed containers, Is nouncements, Reception and Beipond Tlcketa fl and 11,50. Phone R. B. a- —Advertliement, Within the next two weeks, a hi* "Hallmark" home, members gave a gift to Miss ,10 Monmouth atroet, Red Bank.—Adver. celebrating its 21st birth this year. tlaemcnt. Carda, Betrothal Announcements, ate, J716-J.—AdvertUement. tory of the parish, prepared by Mrs} flrnilnntlon Cnrd« nnd F»th«r's Day Charlotte Halloran. Miss Halloran We uso "Quality Unweave" Tapcri, Electrical AssllMcee Lawes Coal company, Inc., Shrews- Lelghton Lobdell and Mrs. Stustt Cards wo tinw on display. Select yours expects to bo married soon to Wi (SIN. Shop, 41 Monmouth Street, Party Sandwltfhss to Ordsr a ill tqutpmtnt. Water hiateri, auto- bury, Is the locnl distributer of A. Young, will be published and dis- curly. Fox's fllft Shon, 41 Monmouth Frank Lovekln, , Bank Stock Wantee Red Bunk.—Advertisement. nf homc-mailfl nut and date bread!, matlo btankata, cangei, refrigerators, Motorstokoi' products, Strept, Ilcd Dim It.—Advertisement, Willing to puruhass up to 1.000 l'hono AT I-090II.J,—Advancement. fnestri, pumps, motors, etc, by 0, K., tributed. lharea or am part of Sf.OUU snaraa of Auctlonm and Ablator. fotpolnt, Fairbanks.Morn, and Myers. Chrysler, Plymouth, inievnHtlnnnl Salei Chrysltr, Plymouth, Internnllonil Snlu tock of Second National Bank of Red B, G. Coats, 4110 Bath a»enue, !.'. li' fmllirentlun l»copa you awftlte, take Vhnl nre your requirements? Conover Chrysler. Flymouth, International Salt! Chrysler, Plymouth, lntwnatlanillstti • nd service, Maurice Bchwarta, fhont •nd service, Maurice Schwarta. Phone Bank. John Wwmert. Telephone Mlaa« Branch. Phoni Mill, "Am hint Iroi. Salt! and Service. Phone UL and service. Maurice Scht f nd Mrvlc«,. Kiutrlce Schweeta, VkNs) Si f. thmit-Aiiulinaunu H, I. •OmAdMrtlMOIt ei I two Mnyplnka for Koodnen lake. All U« SliUd AfUdaAlUb «A»|t * « niluUm « «9t»MfHiUssnK 77 Twn BED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 2, • Personals Probe Ar§on Attempt At Neptune Two Soldiers Hurt Dorothy Eigonrauch, Xlicha>?) Catholic High Sodality Congress At Little Silver Philatelists Pay |"*nta, Guy Sneden, G*il Fowler, Two Fort Monmouth soldier] Kathleen Kelly, Barbara Hauf, Di- To Graduate 122 Meets at R.B.C.H, were injured yesterday afternoon Honor to Noted ant Hoyt, Eileen Brenner and Lois when a car in which they were Davidheifer, pupils of tbe Dorothy Toolan To Speak 2OO Pupils Attend riding struck and cut off a utility Toland dancing studio, will take pole at the intersection of Beven Pan-American part in the Avon-Bradley Kiwania At June 19 Exercise* Religious Discussion Bridge rd. and Rumson rd.. Little club show tonight, tomorrow anJ John E. Toolan of Fair Haven, Silver. Monmouth County Saturday in the Asbury Park high Red Bank Catholic high achool The soldiers were P.F.C. Thomas School auditorium. former state senator from Middle- was host Sunday to the Trtnlon sex county, will address 122 Red O'Laughlin and P.F.C. Edward J. Society Hears Talk The Short club of the Progres- diocesan high school sodalities' Fox, both of Fort Monmouth. Both sive party will meet next Wednes- Bank Catholic high school gradu- congress. Purpoat of the event was *tes at the June It exercises In tht mtn are patients at tbe post hos- By Alfred F. Kutue day night at the home of.Mr, and to increase Apostolic xtal in indi- pital. O'Laughlin received sevtrt lira. Richard Stra*sberger on Oak- school auditorium, Member* and friend* of tJtt vidual studinti and to unite th* ntck injuries when he was throw* Monmouth County Philatelic se- land at. Maureen Hayes will deliver tht sodalltlt*. Rev. Robert T. Buunan through the windshield, while Fox Tht Woman'* Missionary society oration and Michael Buckley tht ciety enjoyed a real treat list Fri- of New Monmouth. diocesan mod- received cuts and bruises. Their day night when they heard Alfred i of th« Presbyterian church will welcome address. Both were win- erator of high school sodalities, condition* are reported a* good. / hold it« closing meeting ot the sea- ners in the school oratorical con- F. Kunse, chief of the phlletelM prnided. Th* men were taken. to th* poet division, Pan-Amtrlcsn Union, ; «on next Wednesday and it will be test Friday afternoon, Michael Buckley, ton of Col. and hospital in the Red Bank ambu- preceded by a covered dish lunch- The graduates arc: Mrs. Michael Bucklty of Fort Mon- Washington, D. C. lance, driven by Chadwlck He*- The meeting, which was htld at con at 1 o'clock. William Turner, Miry Theresa Abbatemarco, Mil- mouth, was general chairman.' Af- drlckson. 1 former assistant pastor of the dred Rose Abbatemarco, James ter registration of the delegates, the Red Bank borough hall, waa 1 church, will be tht speaker. Michael Alexander, Elizabeth he directed committee meetings. preceded by an informal dinner Tht annual summer lawn des- Marie Archer, Edward Joseph Talks were given by Robert Hoff- Mayor Oenise Issues and testimonial to Mr. Kunse at sert-bridge party of the Woman'* Bahr, Virginia Mary Barham, Rose maa of lUd Bank Catholic, Wil- Warning About Dogs th* Molly. Pitcher hotel. guild ef Trinity Episcopal church Marie Barnes, Claire Lucille Bel- liam Barry of It. Peter'* and La- The guest of* th* socltty spoke will be htld Thursday afternoon, mont, Kathryn Helen BetU, James meat MeLoughlln, Red Bank Cath- Mayor Edgar V. Denis* of Fair oa stamp Issues of the countries In June 16, at tht home of Hn. Wal- Robert Black, Eugene Franclt olle student council prasldtnt Haven today issued a warning to the Pan-American Union and 1W ter H. French on Riverside ave. Boehler, Doris Veronica Brannick, Fttbtr Bulsiaa also addressed the dog owner* that both th* Fair Ha- lustrated his talk with attractively Mrs. Mary Grause and son-in- Isabella Mary Brodtrick, Sheila sodalitt*. vin ordinance covering dogs and prepared exhibit*. His talk was law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Theresa Brown, Michael Joseph A playlet, "Our Lady ot Fatlma," the state statute* will be enforced. prefaced by an explanation of the William 8. Anderson and daughter Bucklty, Patricia Mary Capra, Lts- was presetted by R.B.C.H. union. His action came after complaint* Pan-American Union,, it* organisa- Carol of Morford pi. returned ttr Anthony Carbont, James Lang- Taking part wtra Carol Oirard, had been received from many resi- tion and functions. The talk In- •unday from a two weeks' trip to ton Carroll, Patricia Margartt Car- Maurata O*BHtn, Joan Lsddy, dents of tht eastern atction of the cluded a great deal more than the Miami, Fia, -n-here they visited roll, Henry Michael Cloffl, Barbara Muriel McOuIre, Anne O'Britn and borough who had been annoyed for •ubject tf stamps, as tach exhibit Mr*. Grause1* daughter, Mr*. Louist Clark, Patricia Ann Clark, Robert Tatom. Tht congrtas closed several dayi by a group of XI dogi was Introduced with tht historical Kalph McCallan. Mrs. McCallan Joseph George Clayton, Paul John with benediction of tht Blessed following a female dog. background'*f tb* issue. Tht tub* and daughter Marion will leave by Cole man, Bernard Patrick Conlon, Sacrament by Msgr. Joseph T. Police Capt. Karl Jakubccy, wlttJ jeet matter.on stamp issutt gave plane this week for San Juan, Eleanor Genevieve Conlon, Mary Catty, pastor ot St. Jamti. Re- (lie help of several volunteers, final- opportunity to Introduct many Puerto Rico, to join her husband, Jane Coyne, William Anthony freshment* la tht tchool cafeterit ly caught the female and: took her pieces of informational material who it luperviaing a recreational Cross, William Michael Crowley, followed. to the S.P.C.A. shelter. Mayor D* regarding: our Pan-American project for the United States gov- Marjorie Joyce Desmond, Patricia Tk* 100 todalltt* attending'rep- nist believe* the dog had been neighbors, such a* industry, art, ernment, Joan Deimond, Donald Daniel De- resented, btildet R.B.C.H., Star of dropped off from a car.. Pointing politics, economics, music and vine, Jane Frances Dombrofki, Monmouth County Prosecutor J. Victor Carton (center) examine* matchts placed In Inflammable ma- others. < Frank DeMarla ha* purchased a terial in machinery at the Mario G. Mirabelli and Co. clothing factory at Neptune City in what Carton de- the Sea actdtmy. Cathedral OlrU' to the recent Ane ot 110. Imposed home at 66 Oakland st., where he 'auline Celeste Domzsil, Richard scribed as attempted arson. County Detective Merrit Kent (left) and County Detective Harry Zu.ck.wnan high, Trenton; St. Mary's, Perth a few days ago by Magistrate John Phllatellcally or educationally is residing with his wift and four Edward Douglass, Patricia Ann (right) hold lamps to help the examination. Amboy; St. Mary's, South Araboy; V. Crowell for violation of the new- the talk w*s considered by all children. Eager, David Lawrence Emmons, Sta. Philip and Janes, Phlllipaburg ly adopted dog ordinance, the may- present to be an outstanding pres- Mr. and Mr*, Victor Marascio of Patricia Ann Farren, Patrick and St, Fittr'c Ntw Brunswick. or asked for the co-operatt of tht entation. Th* meeting was cli- Indianapolis, Ind., are parent* of Hugh Flanagan, Joan Marie For- bt Mrs. Mary D'Affltto, Mrs, Nor- residents In controlling their dogs. maxed by a question period and nlno, Church Newt man Hiillam and Mm. John U. Geb- If thi* I* not done, he said it would detailed Inspection of the exhibits. a daughter born two week* ago. Rutgers to Offer hart. Highland* School Has be necessary to adopt more drastic Mrs. Marascio is the former Miss Madeline Ann Gallagher, Rose PRESBYTERIAN The consistory will meet tonight measures. The Philatelic division of the Emily DeMaria of Red Bank. Marie Gallagher, Philip Anthony Atlantic Highland* at the church at 8 o'clock and the 29 in Graduating Clan Pan-Amerlcsn Union tells th* new Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morford of Genovese, Carol Anne Glrard, Two Courses at Rev. Elmer T. Schiclt -will ad- issues of Central and South Amer- elders at 7:30 p. m. to receive new Graduation exorcists at High- Branch ave., have returned from Aileen Agnes Grant, James Joseph minister Holy Communion and memuers. Little Silver Opens ica countries at face value for a a trip to Miami, Fla., where they Griffin, Anne Kristlne Hammer, preach Sunday at the 11 o'clock lands grammar school will be held limited time after issue. visited their son, George C. Mor- William Francis Hanlon, John Rumson School crvice on "The Happine** of the BAY8HORE COMMUNITY next Wednesday night In the au- Drive for Riverview ditorium. Rtv. Charle* ft. Webster, (ord and family. Thomas Harris, Mary Theresa Humble," Iht first of a series of Bast Keansburg Little Silver'* house-to-hou»e cam- Trooper Addressee Mr. and Mr*. Chester J- Beaman Harrington, Maureen Elijha Will Be Parl of Off. sermons on "The Beauty of the pastor of Red Bank Presbyterian paign for Riverview hospital'* Rev. John P. Euler will preach church, will address the class. Atlantic Grange Of Maple ave. have returned from Hayes, Marie Therese Hcffernon, Beatitude*," Church school meets Sunday at 11 o'clock on "Th* building fund began yesterday with a two weeks' motor trip to Canada, Edward Leroy Hennessey, Joseph Campus Program of at 10 a. m. ihurch'o Birthday." Bible clan Graduatts art Margaret Grace a committee of 35 person* working A motion picture, "Your State Mr. Beaman was on vacation from Charlea Herrmann, James Patrick Tht senior young people'* (so- and church school meet at 10 a. n. Bailey, Joan Bellavance, Daniel J. under the co-chalrmanshlp of May- Police in Action," was shown by his position as editor of the Daily Higgins, George Paul Hoffman, University, ciety will meet at 7 p. m. A midweek service, featured by a Bills, Howard F. Bray, Richard W. or Frank M. Gregory and Jules Trooper Willl* H. Bull of the State Record, Long Branch. Donald Walter Horner, Jean Chris- A missionary motion picture, Collins, James Edward Crelghton, Dlstel. Poliet at a mitting of Atlantic tine Keen, Franci* Patrick Kelly, The school of education of Rut- hymn sing, will be held Wednes- grangt last week at Atlantic town- Miss Betty-Rae Beck of Hudson gers university will offer two "Santiago Story," on Chile "will bo day at S p. m. ' Robert Howard Duncan, Robert J. The committee met la«t Thursday eve., who was a surgical patient Richard Croxton Kerrigan, Theo- shown nt the evening worship Flanagan, Edna May Johnson, night in Little Silver's borough hall, ship school. Lesttr Heulitt of Marl- dore Joseph Labrecque, Joan Coop- courses during the first semester of boro, chairman of the grange state nt Riverview hospital, returned the 1949-50 school year at Rumson service at 8 o'clock. Helen Kampf, Patricia King, Jo- at which time plan* for. the cam- home last week. er Leddy, Joan Patricia Loftus, Motion pictures will be shown seph Knittel, Jacqueline LaMarr, paign were outlined. It Is the flrkt police committee, arranged tht Timothy Joseph Lynch, Joan Marie high school as part of their off cam- program. Mr. . and Mrs. Peter Cook of l»is program. The courses will be .omorrow at 8 p. m. at the church. New Officers for Robert E. Larsen, June Loder, drive of such magnitude ever un- MacDonald, Jean Elizabeth Mahar, The Christian Endeavor society Dolores McGowan, Robert A. Mar- dertaken In Little Silver, original Th* grange will hold a faint Alston ct. are the parents ot a Joan Margaret Malloy, Mary Ann presented under the auspices of the con born Monday at Riverview Rumson Teachers' association. will hold its monthly business ses- tin, Leroy Maxson, Joy Mazzacco, home of Riverview hospital, and es- party tomorrow night at Atlantio hospital. Manganelll, Andrew Benjamin sion Monday night at the manse. Court St. James Margaret Reidy, Kathleen Rosen- timates of anticipated receipt* township school. At tbe food salt Manning, John Richard Marks, A course in "community rela- Saturday at McGuire'a aUnd, $47.41 Mr. and MM. Frederick Jordan tion*" is designed to meet the *pe- A birthday luncheon will beheld Mrs. Margaret Evold berg, Joseph Shea, Robert Leon- reach as high as $10,000. Kathryn Marjorie Marks, Nora ard, Barbara Smith, Lewi* Di was cleared for tht grangt trtas- of Drummond ave., tre the par- Elizabeth Martin, Martin Joseph cillc requirement* for certificates Tuesday at 12:30 p. m.. followed ury. ents of a daughter born Thursday McAuley, Lenore Mary McDer- of elementary school principal, sec- by the business meeting ot the Conducts Ceremonies Smith, Sd, Thomas J. Thompson, Charles Jones Heads at Monmouth Memorial hospital. mott, Patricia Ann McDonald, ondary school principal and general Ladies' Aid society. Jr., Alfred Vaughsn, Jamti White CBOWNINO AT ST. MAaWS Mr. and Mrj. George Origga of More than 75 member* attended and Ltwli J. Worth. Id. Local P.B.A. Group Muriel Agnes McGuIrt, Lanont supervisor. It may also be used as The mid-wttk -prayer aervice the annual installation ceremonlt* Tht annual May crowning of tht Herbert it. art the parent* of a Adrian McLoughlin, Eugtnt Mi- an elective course required for the with Bible *tudy is htld Wednes- Patrolman Charles B. Jones of daughter born Saturday at Mon- certificates of *upervialng principal* day nights. of Court St. James, Catholic Daugh- Red Bank, was elected president Blessed Virgin Mary was htld chael McMahon, Charles Joseph 1 ter* of America, last Thursday Holy Crow Show Cut Monday evening at the outdoor mouth Memorial hoipital. Hears, Edward Charlei Mehm. and administrators. Among the A dessert-strawberry festival of the Patrolmen's Benevolent as- night at Red Bank Catholic high sociation, local 39, of Red Bank, •hrlne of St. Mary's church, New Mrs. Mary Reed has returntdto phase* of community relations to will b* held Friday of next wetk school auditorium. Mrs, Margartt To De Feted June 18 Monmouth. MUs Josephine Oraito her home In El Segundo, Cal. Mr*. Theresa Marie Molloy, Mary Lu- be considered are partnta and pa- in the church achool room. Ice Middletown and Little Silver, last Evold of Freehold, district deputy, Rtv. Jottph A. Sullivan, pastor night at the Liberty Hose company of Belford was crowner and was Reed was a guest of Mr. and Mr*. cille Mullin, John Thomas Mur- tron* of the school*, churches, re- cream, strawberry ahort-cakt and presided at the ceremony. of Holy Cress church, will he host assisted by a court of sodality Walter Garrigan of Wallace at. phy, Rosemary Emily Miutlllo, ligious organization!, local builnens coffee will be served. Tht affair ia Are house, Red Bank. He succeed* Officers are Mitt Marguerite at a dinntr-dane* at Charlts Manor, Patrolman Edward Brooks, also of members, including Mints Emily vapuii jo poaqajt »\%\% -tin put Austin Raymond Naughton, John tnterprlzes, civic organization*, lo- sponsored by the Ladies' Aid so- Sea Bright, Saturday, June 18, to Brand, Lol* McDermott, Margaret pi. last week. Paul Naylor, Thomaa Clark* Nel- cal chapters of military and pa- ciety. Ward, who waa re-elected grand' Red Bank. triotic societies, boy and girl regent; Mr*. Theresa Daubtn- members of the cast of tht highly Others elected were Albert E. Hess, Lorraine Alward, Mary ItMr • Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Forsyth of son, Mary Elizabeth Newman, schmldt, vice regent; Miss Halm successful "Hello London," musical loney, Patricia Eggleiton, Ollvt Wallace st. are the parents of a Nora Frances Ncylon, Anne Marie scout*, the local press, and labor CHATEL OF HOLY Newman, Jr., vice president; Fred Heyer and Patricia Dlvar. Mar- organizations. The class will hold COMMUNION Lang, lecturer; Mrs. Ceiila Domld- oomedy, prictnttd three wttkt ago Olsen, secretary; Irving L. Krak- son born Saturday at Monmouth O'Brien, Maureen Elizabeth ion, treasurer; Mis* Margaret Kel- In Rumson. garet. Mullaney was banner bear- Memorial hospital. O'Brien, Agnes Lorraine O'Gor- its first meeting Thursday, Sept. 22. Fair Haven owltch, treasurer; Alonxo S. Cur- eri Th» nrst Communion das* and man, Eugene Harold O'Rourke, Holy Communion will be cele- ly, financial secretary; Mrs. Blanch* Tbt affair originally was sched- chin, Jr., sergeant-at-arms, and Carl A. Swertfeger, ion ot Mr. The second course to be offered Chapman, prophetess; Mr*. Lucille uled for this Saturday night, but other children of the parish par- and Mrs. Carl A. Swtrtftftr of Marion Catherine Paris, John Mi- by Rutgers is one In curriculum brated Sunday at the 11 o'clock Philip A. Jlannine, deltgati to the ticipated in.the services. Tht ser- chael Phalr, Hugh Joseph Phillips, Williams, historian; Mrs. Dorothy was postponed btcause of ecclesi- state P.B.A. All these officers are Hillside pi., Tower hill, Red Bank, material* and activities for elemen- service. Rev. Christopher H. Snyd- Janaen, monitor; Mr*. Evelyn Fun- astical fast rules. In connection mon was given by Rtv. Leonard was promoted from farm C to B Patricia Clare Price, Charlotte tary grades. Tht course will con- er, vicar, will bt tht celebrant and from Red Bank. Elected trustees Toomey, and the benediction by Lorraine Purgavle, Antoinette derberg, sentinel, and Mr*. Georgia with tht aocount of the musical, were Melvin Leek of Middletown Bt the graduation exercises Thurs- sist of constructing, evaluating and will iptak on "The Holy Spirit." Mason, organist. Truttet* for ttarta which appeared In the May 19 Issue Rev. Robert Bulman. Four mem- day at Peddie school. Anna Rampino, Marilyn Ann Red- adapting unit* of work In the va- The choir will alng the offertory township and William Brooks,.Sr. bers received into -the sodality den, Kathleen Theresa Rtllly, year*, ai*o Installed,. were Mr*. of The Rtfiiter, Information ws* and Emerson R. Williams of Red Mr. and Mrs. George Koch and rious subject* of the elementary anthem, "Come, Holy Spirit," and, Anna Ryu and Mrs. Thertta inadvertently omitted that Mattti wire Eileen' Dunn. Patricia Egg It- jon, George Koch, Jr., of Tork, Frederick Anthony Ruecktl, Bar- field. It I* de*lfntd for claisroom Mis* Mabtl Hendrlckson, organist, Bank. • aton, Emily Brand and Patricia bara, Annt Ruf. Robert Edward Herold. R**d Stock, . exceptional young Pa., spent the holiday week-end teacher*, - principal* and super- will play the preludo, "Utaaia pianist, and Miss Jeanne Buehanan, Nowak. with Mrs. Koch'* mother, Mr*. Schaad, Rose Marit Schreiber, Ann visor*. The cln*» will also (tart Soltnnt," by Edmundion, and Coleman Studios Marie 8chumacher, Dolores Anne Port Monmouth taltnttd soloitt recently arrived in Vary Jansky of Shrewsbury avt. meeting Sept. 32. postlude, "Allegro Apputlonate," this country from Scotland, ptr- s Cut el TasalM. Mrs. Anna Shay of Shrewsbury Searlej, John Charles Beasler, Mil- by Gullmant. To Give Recital We «i«h to thank our ntnr frlendl dred Madeline Setaio, Margaret Couple Wed 35 Yean formed In tht show. Mabel Coleman will present her and neighbors for thllr klndntss tad ave. is a medical patltnt at River- The guild, will hold a rummage •jrmpathr. uUndsd to us In our iictot view hospital. Ellen Shea, Rosemary She*, Rob- New Pariih House for tale Tuesday at 10 o'clock in the Mr. and Mr*. George Kronemeytr pupils in their annual recital Mon- bartavement, caunad by th< death of our ert Joseph Sullivan, Violet Mary of Port Monmouth observed thtir Three Soldiers Fined day night, June 13, at Rtd Bank beloved father. Michael Dowd. Xsptcltllr Mrs. Frank Loversidge, Sr., of Sullivan, George August Suter, Jr., St. Thomas' Church parish house. Catholic high ichool auditorium. Rer. John Corrtsan, Bar. J. Callthan, Locust ave., has been confined to The cabinet will meet the Drat 36th wedding anniversary Saturday For Being Drunk Here Kav, Lto Cox, Funeral Dlitetor Martin, her home by illness for the past Robert Carlisle Tatom, Mary The Handy home at M Bank It. Friday of each month during the with a reception. Decoration*, w»r* Mrs. Coleman, who conducts her pallbearers, thota who offered and can- two weeks. Agnes Tighe, Marie Elisabeth will be formally dedicated as the white wedding bell cluster*. Three Fort Monmouth soldltrs dancing studios on Rector pi., bat trlbuttd ears,' spiritual bouquets and Travcrs, Frank Patrick Tully, Jr., new parish house of St. Thomas' summer, beginning tomorrow designed all the coitumei and floral tilbutas. Mixes Beatrice, Agnes and Jo- night at S o'clock. Mr. and Mra. Krenemeyer wtra wtrt'flned In Rtd Bank pollc* court Charles Francis Wahl, Leon Jo- Episcopal church at special ser- married at Newark, and have bttn this morning by Magistrate John V. danct routines for the recital. Her Tkt CklMrta. sephine Valentine of Bank st. seph Warnock, Daniel Edward vices Sunday, June 19, at 5 p. m. assistant* are Clare Smith, a for- —Atvartlaamant, spent the week-end with their METHODIST Port Monmouth resident* for the Crowell on chsrgei of being drunk Welch and Marion Elizabeth Bishop Alfred Banyard of the past 21 years. Reception guests and disorderly at Max'* bar, Maple mer member of the Rockettes. of NOTICI. sister, Mrs. Joseph McGowan ot Veaelis. Trenton diocese will be In charge. Atlantic Highland* Radio City Music hall, and Jtsile Nutlet is htrabr sWen that tn offer New York city. Tht Sacrament of tht Lord's were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krone- avt., Saturday night. Fined $10 has bean rtcalvai by the Township Com- Rev, Charles Dukes, rector, will meyer ot Keanaburg; Mr. and Mra. was Charlei Bonn, Jr., who pleaded Kirby. Mr*. Sarah Valttau and mittee ot tk* Township of Middtttowa, David Morson of Lelghton ave., assist with the ceremonies. Ser- Supper will be observed at tht Mlaa Prudence Stont will be plan- Sunday morning 21 o'clock service James C. Walling and James and not guilty, while Manuel Alvare* for the purchase of all lots owatd »» who hag been confined to his home vices will be followed by an Infor- Bruce Walling of Port Monmouth; and William J. Cross, who pleaded tho Towntklp of Middlatown in Urla- by illness for the past two weeks, Redcayi Deficient with the pastor, Rev. Roy E. Wil- than Park, tor tho aura of One Thous- mal reception for parish member* Mr. and Mirs. William Harvty and guilty, wire fined |3 etch. and Six Hundred (|l,«00.) Dollars, up- returned to his class at River St. and guests. In the future all par- liams, officiating. The choir will daughter, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- on the followlnc .terms e«k. and tkst school Tuesday. $2,900 iu Income Taxes sing the anthem, "Jesui, Word' of Offlctr Chirlet Jonei laid that STBAWBERRY FESTIVAL^ a hearltit on tbo said matter Is to he ish activities will be held in tht eph Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Bonn caused the most trouble and Rev. Henry Burke, son of Henry A decision of the United States new house. Ood Incarnate," Elgar. Roy Jeff- Dobbins and Misses Caroline and The Ladles' auxiliary of Oceanic held at the Middletown Township Htll rey, organist, will play a* the pre- in thi count of arrest Bonn struck Hook and Ladder company of on Wednesday afternoon, the 8th ally J. Burke of West Front st., has tax court has held that Mr. and Gloria Tobias, all of Newark. Offlctr Jontt, Chief Harry T. Van- of June, t»4». tt 1:80 o'clock at whleh been appointed pastor of St. Denis Mrs. Paul I. Redcay of Leonardo lude, "Communion" by de la Tom- Rumion will hold a strawberry time tht Township'Commlttat will re- Bay View Forest Plans belle; the offertory, "Quietude" by Mott and Capt. Charles Erlckaen. festival next Wednesday night ia ject tke nu or conntm and ratify th* and St, Peter's churches in South were not entitled to deductions (or PTA Gives Dinner Resitting arrest charges were not tamt, provldlnc thtt no hither prtca n Carolina. Ordained but four years losses or bad debts in the amount Donkey Baseball Game Oregh and postlude, "Chorale" by th* Are house, from 7 to S o'clock. better tarns sasll bo Md fir ssld P»P- Bach. For E. C. Gilland mads against him, however. Mag- The auxiliary has arranged a pub- he is in charge of the largest par of $5,250 for 1041 and $3,000 for A donkey baseball gamt will bt istrate Crowelt said Iht men would erty by any other parsons. ish area in South Carolina. Hia 1945 in computing income taxes. There will be an Informal go*. The Junior-Senior Parent-Teach- lic band concert by the Atlantic By order ot tkt Township Committee played on Red Bank high school's receive W-day sentences the next Highland* Community band In Vic- of tht TewnsMp of Middletown. address is 110 Townsend St., Ben- The court held that the bureau athletic field Wednesday, June 22, pel aervlc* in the evening at 8 er association gave a testimonial time thty wtre arresttd on. a sim- HOWARD W. ROBERTS, nettsville, S. C. of internal revenue committed no o'clock, with a message by the pat- dinner last night at Willowbrook tory park, across from tht flrt sponsored by Bay View Forest 18, ilar chtrgt in Red Btnk. house, from 7:45 to 8:45. Township Clerk, Robert W. Stout, 189 East Ber- error in determining deficiency for Tall Cedars of Lebanon, tor on "Steps in Christian Living." at Fair Hsven, for Edwla C. Oil- gen pi., will receive the bachelor the taxable year 1945 by reason ot The contest will bo a regulation Sunday-school will meet at 9:30 land, who win retire thtt month Special Feature From of arts degree Sunday at the 176th the. bureau's failure to allow credit softball game played on trained a. m. tor beginners, and,primary as superintendent of Red Bank's commencement of Dickinson col' for the amount of ttx withheld donkeys. Bay View Forest mem- children and at 10:15 tor others. school*. Th* P.T.A. gave him a Newark Star*Ledger lege, Carlisle, Pa. Speaker at the from wages. bers will be the player*. Earle B, Youth fellowship will meit at 6:46 gift, and the presentation was graduation exercises will be Jolin The bureau determined that Mr. Henschel will manage the team* p. m. made by Mr*.. 8. M. Hoffman. In thi* Uiut of The Register W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treas- and Mrs, Redcay were deficient in and is novvjtccepting names tor the The W.B.C.S. will mett Tuesday Representatives of Mechanic st then is a full pagt special feature ury, who will receive a doctor of income taxes in the amount of SI,- lineups. Elmer Hesse Is in charge at 2 p. m. tor its June station. and River at. P.TA. groups also captloned "Ancient Monmouth Iron 395.73 for 1944, and 11,539.79 for attended. The dinner was arranged Mill Blossom* Into Pottery." laws degree. Bishop Fred P. Cor- of ticket sales. METHODIST son, a former president of the col- 1945. by Mrs. Max Benowttz, Mrs. Al- This ftatur* was carried In tht lege, will preach the baccalaureate Buc Tennis Team Naveslnk bert W. Worden and Mils Elisa- May 15th itsus of th* Newark sermon Sunday morning. Holy Communion will be admin- beth Kelley. Star-Ledgtr and It had so much 75 Local Knights Sweeps Caseyn, 5-0 istered by Rtv. Roy B. Williams reader interest to resident* of this Mr. and Mrs. Louis RlbuatelU of at the 7 o'clock Sunday evening PERSONAL SHOWEft section of Monmouth count? that Monmouth st. are the parents of a Receive Second Degree Coach Harold Potter'* Bed Bank aervice. He will bring a *hort Mlfs Helen Young of Belford Th* R*giitir sought.permission to daughter born yesterday at Mon< high school tennis ttam yesterday Communion mtssagi. The choir was given a surprise ptreonal us* same In our column*. \ mouth Memorial hospital. Red Bank council. Knight* of afternoon swept through Red Bank will alng "Ood So Loved the shower last week at the home of Not only did Mr, Maxwell, libra- Raymond Irving Ayers, son of Columbus, last night met to confer Catholic's racqiietters,

MONMOUTH POTTIRY MAKERS—Geza and Virginia de TOBY JUGS THeIR SPECIALTY—Hungarian-born Geza Vegh are enjoying life at Tinton Falls in Monmouth appreciates American traditions and is making Toby County where they use Jersey cloys to turn out Jerssy Jugs in the Colonial tradition. Lewis Morris, first gov- characters and scenes, combining the decorative with ernor of New Jersey, presides at left over this motley the practical. • (MOTOR BV V;V.—• •••—•STI>:E> array. * • k Lstaff is still there on the hotel, now Monmouth school a dwelling near the corner. Geza camp to Tinton Fails .six proved a success years 030, filled with Ideas about Its 7 stories from creek bed The Monmouth Adult School was new use; for Jersey clays ot the neighborhood and a longing to sup-la wonderful success, Geza told me, plant experience In sculpture and and .student.-, were turned away. ranked it as a skyscraper ISEVENTEENTH CENTURY 'SKYSCRAPER'—This old mill The de Veghs have converted it into a pottery, and arc Obviously, he had a part in that, was built in 1674 at Tinton Falls, once Tintern Falls, teaching their neighbors how to fashion and decorate architecture in the cities of thei)i " . . , , . , , , ,, , , 1 lecturing and shown)? pcopla ho\» By HENRY CHARLTON BECK and actually has seven floors from creek bed to attic. objects of Jersey clay. world mm country living in New! mQ lhc|r hand, nll/c,4ting a Author of "Jertcy Gcmaii", etc. Personally, I do not believe that Gov. Driscoll would CorOltl/c creations find an ironworks there you will writers of early deeds couldn't spell. Virginia deVegh, the daughter Jersey. Once he cat ve« limestone. u.holeal,e nm, who|etome |ntcrcrt find a Leo'nard." Until I looked up These operations were considered of the Rev. Henry Watson Arm- Hlswrkinarcnltecturclcdtofei-;,,, crnfl3 Ccza,, crcatlonSi ,roin look well Immortalized as a Toby Jug. I said as much one strong, a retired priest of (he of such importance to the general lowshlps and work In Italy. There il)oolcclKh to figm.lnc3 and crockSt day to a gentleman believed to be well-schooled in all the the records I never had heard the Episcopal Diocese of New Jer- e b ga 1 1 1 S i art widely known \ i!future,. I .'o;f bot^ Lh potteriVL!!y anL^d archl-Lr il"vj c .he countryside in them with •mwers. He confused me by countering with the question, "What saying which, as you will agree, public that by an act of the Legisla- sey, that letter before I go hence tccture, the little Monmouth County farm- on earth Is a Toby Jug?" I explained, using carefully the terms of my Oeza laughed. "Naturally we sent proves how faulty I am. James ture dated April 6,1676, on the peti- and be no more seen. for oar friend, the country paper- Orover was a resident of Oravesend, tion of Col. Morris, the lands and In Rome he met Gordon Berry, dl- house, weathcrvanes, and product* ** dfctloniry. A toby, I told him, is a drinking Morris was at odds with Uie pro-rector of the Institute of Education, of the ficld.s worked into-the de- ' mug used for beer or ale shaped like a fat manhanger, right away. He came with N. Y., and in 1665, with a number work belonging properly to the Iron and through Gordon he came to signs and decor. "I myself am doing with a cocked hat which forms the brim. vincial government but, even so, a bast of materials, with which to of associates, he took patent from works were rated tax free for seven John Angel and Ralph Cram, then'nothing" iie insists. "Jersey clay Then I added hurriedly that the governor was sufficiently prominent to be 1 make paste. 'I am going to Gov. Nichols of New York, to what years except, it was pointed out, in at work on the Cathedral of St. 1 hw little to worry about Inasmuch as they had appointed, in 1712, chief justice of doc ; It all. I sometimes wonder why Florida,' he told us. 'Here is the was known in those days as the case of war. George Scot, in "The John the Divine, in New York. As jiut begun to "jug" the celebrated governors New Jersey, and, in 1720, of Net-aw n assistant, he worked under Angel: potters Import clay from so far of New Jersey, starting; the line with the llhis pasts, You will have to do the Monmouth Tract. Grover soon ba- Model ot the Government of the on st 1 HP ivis rnmnved in mi lw - Paul's School, the Princeton'away when Jersey clay has so much Province of East New'Jersey," pub- Yolk. ICIllmLU Jl trlous first governor, Lewis Morris, appointed to worit yourselves. Up to now* we came the town miller under an „ i , " ."^university chapel, and other notabloj-color, form and composition. Givs office, in KM. "There are," I pointed out, 'iL, nnt t.MrA ,hat ..,„„-.. lished in 1865, described the Town have not tackled that ceiling.'' agreement to keep the mill, as Gov. Cosby, for a reason whichj|)Uji(||nRiii n|| |,, the Gothic tradi-a man or woman a handful of clay, lot of governors in between." of Shrewsbury In these words: All ot which served, arid still will serve, to However, in the charming setting sturdy now as it was then, in good would seem to indicate that his tlon. Prom this turn of events lie>a piece of oilcloth and a paring early habits followed at his heels in swung into design In glass, metal knife and he's in business 11 ho Introduce to you some new friends, Ceza and of an old house, with Geza's ceramic repair, and to grind corn for the "There Is within its Jurlsdlc- 1 1 S Virginia de Vegh, who live and work at Tinton creations everywhere, ceilings mat- inhabitants of Middletown. tlon Col. Morris his Man*ur«, public life. Having failed to put i"!^"^^ jc^sey's '^^^^ i^"tei%s' he ^^ '° ^ " ' ' ter scarcely at all. So widely dis- Falls, Monmouth County. Foe longer than I The corn mill witli its dam and being of . , . thousand acres, an appearalice at court, saysifomKi himself' in the clutches of a "The story of whole civiliza- care to remember I longed to know more ot tributed have the deVegh ceramics mill pond had been built about 18 wherein are his Iron Mills, his Gustav, "the people went toward desire for a factory that didn't loo!; tions lias IHXII tnlit in clay. That Tinton Falls each time I passed through on mybecome that Geza and Virginia months before James took over, w Manoun, and divers other build- evening to his manor to inquire the like one. is why I think tlic story of New way elsewhere but beyond knowing that Ails wasrarely take their children to a mo- indicated by a deed dated Christmas ings for his servants and de- reason for ,hls non-appearance, and Jersey can be retold in the same the first ironworks established in the Province tion picture without seeing pottery Day, 1669, in which "the mill pendents there, together with found him still sleeping off the In Tinto Falls, filled with medium, using colors that lie of New Jersey much more remained elusive. from Tinton Falls somewhere in damme' and pond and Swimming S« or 70 Negroes about the mill effects of the previous nljfht's dissi- folklore, he found his house all about us, frum the hue of Of course, I knew that the name, in the be the sets. River are named specifically. The and Husbandry In that Plan- pation. When they awakened him ur.ee a boarding house for .Mime the cat-tail ill the meadow to — ginning was Shrewsbury or Monmouth Furnace first Ironworks used this same tation." he mistook the roseate hue of sun- of I'lirBatnrv's many enterprises, the wonderful shade of Iresh- Geza's conversation 1.1 shy and only to discover with .1 shudder Heary C. Beck and that the alias, Tinton, had been a much water power which, even today, re- set for the first blush of dawn, and plowed earth at the same scattershot. So it was at the point that the old Hutch oven hail more picturesque Tintem when changes more than 250 years ago that he brought out two figurines, mains utidiminished. The authori- Tom Gordon, writing in the berated them soundly for rousing time, we must strike a balance made it the Tintem Falls Iron Works. But it was not until I met ties still argue as to whether the earliest 1830s, described Tinton hien removed, (hat (lie old doors between the decorative and Cits squat little angels attired in the him so early. had been modernized and that Geza that the real surprise was thrown into my ecclesiastical camp. Victorian manner, with those old- mill was on the Shrewsbury ElverFalls as "a village and mill site of practical. We have always dor.o or the Hope River or the Darling the amirnt hardware, hand- that in America, although Geza told me there was a tine when Tinton Falls was known as fashioned purses that dangled from Shrewsbury t-shlp, Monmouth co., wrought, had disappeared. Geza Purgatory. branch but, looking at the timbers upon a branch of the Nevisink Spring was known American:! mar be the last ti> an hourglass waist. "I wanted to that were used over and over, no tool, it as it was. with the old 1 turn out some very different river, 9 miles E. from Freehold" appreciate il. You have only t« "You should know that one, Charlie Holmes of the Holmdel matter what changes were made for curative power tiii'l am>ss the swanl, and be- look on the grouping of farm- Geza said, reprovingly. "It seems Holmses, who had died not tooangels," the ceramist said, handling with the years, I will side with those containing "from 15 to 20 dwell- gan dreaming of a complete the little figures lovingly. "These ings, a grist and saw mill, 1 tavern, builttitigs in New Knglund anil that an early missionary at Christ many months before at an age un- who honor Tinton Falls, or where "Nevertheless, lie continued leader restoration, year by year, some nre»s of New Jersey to see arc some of them. Perhaps only Geza works now. By June, 1701, theand 2 stores. The water of the Church. Shrewsbury, started out certainly over 90. Charlie, who :he wings give you A clue to what S. E. branch of the Swimming of the opposition, and in 1733 was what 1 mean, liven in those Ironworks had been well established. appointed the first governor of New I've brcn telling you for a long Tuby Jims there should be some- for Trenton and wandered about didn't have a tooth in his head and they are. When a buyer came to River falls over a sand rock, filled time about people who pass by thn see me, she liked many of the other Jersey, as a province separate from thing of a utility as well at through the woods for almost three fared well without any through at with animal remains, and forming NNe w Yorkk He died « Kingsbury most wonderful things, people, and antique , .." things we had been doing but she a cascade about 30 'feet high. From skin weeks without getting anywhere. least two decades, told the most declined, definitely, to handle the Group was granted* neaS^m,li.»M.™,Kr Trenton, May 21, 1746, and wa; sPtac« flu™*. » Z questions. Tinton Falls was his undoing so he this rock flows a copious chalybeate Geza says people look on products Virginia suddenly produced coffea wonderful stories of Tinton Falls, angels. They must be Protestant buried at Moirisanla." Then Gustav of the oldest crafts without askin?, s iron mining right spring, which is frequently visited adds this Intelligence concerning the and sandwiches and the tall ta!H called the place Purgatory, a dis-mostly to children who gathered ani»l - she said, inasmuch as they by those who seek health or amuse- anything of their background and J J murky spring, across the dam from went on In the old seventeenth cen- tinction it held in some circles for around him where the 'had purses danglin g "at their ment at the boarding houses near how various products were made sides..." And Geza laughed again. It was in October, 1G78, that Col. Geza's old mill: "There is a never- tury house where the kitchen, a» a long, long while. roared below the dam. Lewis Morris and his "associates in the coast." and developed. "People drink a cup usual, is the oldest part. Here it I seem to have missed another the Iron Works" obtained a patent 'alling chalybeate spring nt Tinton 0/ coffee," he points out, with an- Geza de Vegh is talllsh, merry- Now, for a moment, while Johji Barber and Henry Howe, Falls whose curative virtues the was that I realized fully how Geza colorful character, too, who shall be from the East Jersey Proprietors other laugh, "and never usk howdiffers from many a creative artist. eyed and quiet-voiced. A Hun- Cesa Is pattering about the writing their "Historical Collec- Indians prized so highly that they the coffee cup was made or what garian, he has been in this Aiuntry unnamed at least in this record. mill which, he points oat, is for 3,540 acres on the Shrewsbury tions" In the 1840s, put Tinton Falls He agrees with them that the de- He was once a potter Elver where rights were given "to reserved it and the right of access materials went Into it. Most people 30 years and in that time has truly s> "seventeenth century down with 25 houses, a furnace, a don't, know and let it go at that. signer should also be the manu- picked up more American history, who, coming to this country from skyscraper" because, actually, dig, delve and carry away all such to it, so that it remains public prop- facturtr, following the processes all grist and saw mill and two stores.erty, with a large helping of Jerseyana, his native England, set up as a from the creek bed up. it boasts mines for iron as they shall find or What I've tried to do here is toithe wny step by step, But rurther, paperhanger instead. Geza see fit to dig and carry away to theNone of the records indicate, how- One of the piazza posts of the than some Americana absorb in a and seven floors, we will go Into the ever, what type ot iron was pro- show people the whole ceramics wJien he works out an idea whlch lifetinMA ™ulptor » painter and Virginia hired him to paper some matter of Tintern rails and its Iron works or that shall be found Mineral Spring Hotel is a portion process, from jlesignln? tofiring to, hc belicves nas value- he ls no6 m M duced at these works, the East in . ,wt«t hH«*,Sn«ntrated of th.e rooms in thei—r very ancient history. The first ironworks In that tract of land that lies en- That i3 •n architect, he has concentrateconcentted closed between the southeast branch Jersey Proprietors contenting them- more recentltl y on ceramicics at TiTinn-house, up Hie road from the old were erected here by one James selves with the statement, In 1684, become a Grover. Charlie Boytr has writ- of the Raritan River and the Whale udio for that came before Christmas. "We ten that it never was ascer- Pond on the sea side...." From this that there was "good iron" made colon to express some ot the (acts no less a researcher than Charlie at "the Smelting furnace and forge . - . . . - , , „ ; all the old mill machinery that Iic3 and figures the best New Jerseg y aswer*e all about to sit down to Christ- tained that Grover himself w«« their spring and a carpenter who whn,t Gez. a deVegh is doing, down , ,„ mas dinner," Geza said, "when activo there but by 1674 Henry Boycr concluded that the Drover already set up." By now the falls |d 50 f th damplsh depths historians have tucked away in the will know is the erstwhile flag-1 a countrnintry road steeped In tradition. hc U|ms om what lhc worW *ayJ there was a fearful ripping noise Leonard and his friends had ar- works wero either on this very tract is lower but Geza told me he ts lively footnotes of dull books. By or on one of the other paresis which thinking about that. The "sand it needs In the hundreds of thou- next (all jou will hear o( him in ain this very room." I looked up rived, extending their interests sands—with the help of those h8 and saw that although the ceiling in bo: iron from Massachusetts.. Morris bought from him, and that rock" is still there, the base of the new book on pottery, "The Amateur the raw material used was bog orole d mill as it always was, and the has taught. It was that way with Ceramist," which Van Nostrand will had been scraped, there was no The Leonards were the first Geza's leaf-plates, worked out In 23 nuhii.h livw hi«BUM and that of P"!*' at allLl ModerMd n papers havh e skilled ironmasters to emigrate found in th'e neighborhood. In a "magic spring," which you may to America. deed to Jededlah Allen of Shrews- have concluded was a thing of the varieties of shades—suddenly there J|^K£w|fn?aKr? £?«!*«•««-• & -fcifc they bury, dated 1701, mention Is made past, is merely concealed by the was a demand from the department stores and the leaves came tumbling It seems that there is an old Newof a piece of land on the west of jungle growth that has sprung up of its kind in 05 years. 'lron-min-bogg." Some of the best in the old meadow and lake bottom. down first by the 10.000 then by tha over all the furniture." England expression, "Where you 100,000 and, finally, by the 250,000. Qaltory includn Brothon obtained American potters ffofabf* figur«s rich (and grant* content to copy ThU, you see, is where the Toby But who, you may well demand, Jugs come In. Gov. Lewis Morris, was this Col. Lewis Morris? First, To supply the sudden surging de- in all tab finery, is not the only he was associated with the Bar- mands for this or that, Geza has toby of Oeza's creation. When I badoes. He was a brother of Capt. used, in these latter years, an idle cautht him the other day, his gay- Richard Morris Who had, in 1681. factory in Penh .'Mnbov which sud- hued short set off a notable gallery received a grant of 3.000 acreas ot denly put 200 and 300 hands to Including a. colonial magistrate, a land on "Hacilem River." After- work. "And you must remember," he doctor of pioneer days, a British wards, the land mentioned in this cut In affably, "the initial cost must tar,.* British marine, ,» member grant became Morrisania. At the be kept down in order to allow a, of the governor's bodyguard, an death of Richard, Col. Lewis Morris profit for nil the in-between sale3 innkeeper and his wife, a pirate ol came to New York and assumed people. Geza doesn't asree with, the days when treasure r*as buried the guardianship of his brother's many of the'artists that the creator In the Monmouth hills, and one Infant son who, as I have told you, and designer must also go out on 16m intruding Indian. "These pep- was to become one- of the most the corners and sell his wares. At pie are not imaginative," he pointed colorful figures In the affairs of the moment he Is holding his breath out. "X used some of the villagers the colony. Col. Morris obtained on a new idea, the creation of all for models—but I would not dream other New Jersey grants, including kinds of dishes for outdoor eating. of teUlng you who .they are." one, dated 1081, for 1,000 acres along "Life has become very informal," ha the Delaware River In the vicinity told me, "and one mustn't expect I fcoMi from Virginia, hit of Finn's Point which, In 1685, he to use gold-edged plates outside.' In < wUc, first of all A kindly re- exchanged for an equal acreage American pottery we have an op« •orter had told her aboat mo, on Alloways Creek. portunity to do something distinct" ill* ooeastonal wanderer who ly different. Since Josinh Wedge« looks far •«•»)• ap4;atoctf that Col. Morris died in May, 169], and wood died, nothing has happened. ' enee were fanou ana now are his nephew, Lewis, later the gov- Potters seem content to go on copy- •aattd »y every day by those ernor who was eventually to be- ing or imitating. That, I think, is -. who for sea* reason are alwaya come a Toby Jug, obtained pos- very wronj." In a harry. Virginia wrote we session of his estate. . to My that ahe thought I wauld So If, one of these days, you sea tint the aid mill at Tinton Falls Our old friend, Guntav Kobbe, an ash try which has a definite ' rather aaasMl.' "According-to- writing his Jersey guidebooks of Jersey chnracter and, at the same tho original deal wa have, It the 1»W«. "Jersey Coast and time, is fashioned to hold countless WM Mil In 1«4," aha went an. Pines" and "Jersey Central," de- stubs, thwarting the Jtttevy person "Oar first colonial governor, clared that "the future gover- who feels she must empty the tray Lawk Morris, resided here and nor was a youth of rapid pro- every 3 or 10 minutes, conclude that had MM* to do with the politi- clivities. Our first knowledge of Geza de VC3I1 had something to d" cal and social Ufa of the neigh- him." he wrote, "is through a with It. And, if you see pottery th3 borhood. Ot tonne, the mill presentment at the Middletown color of the meadow nt dusk, . am has been converted Into a Court Setsiqns 'for running of whether it bo a tobacco jar with •otlcry. but oven so ,.." races and playing of nyncplns a Jersey farm IJ its design or A When I met the de Veghs X told on the Sabbath Day.' Never- pair of bookenns with a bit of them this WM the kind of invita- theless, In 1700, desiring, for Jersey landscape deeply Ingrained, tion I had waited tor through more political purposes, to ally him- remember that Gem rtnri Virginia than 15 years. Now, an you will see, self with the Church of Eng- MASS PRODUCTION—Geza has the supply to meet the had something to do with it and It was well worth the waiting. land, he wrote a letlrr denounc- demand as his moulds and other wares are stacked in that they, with the neighbors at FRONT VIEW—The seven-story mill presents quite o different aspect from the road, ing many of his neighbors for Tinton Fulls, once Shrewsbury and Oesa was a little,concerned that proving how steep is the bonk which drops away to the creek bed at the rear of the Immorality." neat rows among timbers that won't take a nail. These Tintern Furnace, mid even PurgR* I had not come prying before, toiy, are having fun. »tr,ueiyr«, -Th* mill, ii on thj •J.ti,?.t..|hrflrit irgESgrfci In. yi.wj timbers in the mill are the originals. Page Four BKD RA>K BICGISTPn, Jt'KE 2, Bee Swarm Settles on Store Window HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. Sherwood's "The HoUy«° ANTIQUES MAPLE AVE. RED BANK for PHONE R. B. 64)910 TENNIS 128 River Rd., Ruintun, N. J. ltiiuison 1-0778 * Arlicki of Charm and Dittinction. Gifti for All Deration*. 'Announcing the opening of their Vied Car De- EQUIPMENT partment, located at the ubocc addrcst. The name policies that mode us munif friends in the pant will be Carrier tirictly followed. For Dependable and Complete ASK THE MAN WHO BOUGHT ONE t Wait AIR CONDITIONING gemd your Fan and Wiater Garment* for Certified Cot* Hoora Coolers l>phumldlflcr« Storage Now. Store IVrathtrmakcrt I.OH Temperature Cooling 1948 CADILLAC 60 Special Fleetwood body Call R. B. 6-2800 NOEL R. NILSON Moor sedan, black, h>dramatic aMve, white wall Mm; for a Bonded Messenger. BROAD STREET RKD BANK complete equipment; leather bolster rolls an Mats. Only K. B. 0-3451 SJM mile*. Thi* car is perfect la every respect.

1939 OLDSMOBILE Mode! 70 •Mi WHITE STREET Moor sedaa; radio and heater

Erntat DIFIore, proprietor of the Community hardware store at 152 Monmouth St., points to the 1942 OLDSMOBILE Model 98 swarm of bee* that gathered on the ahow window of his (tore yesterday morning. The bee* remained Holly Trees there about two houri before departing en masse in the direction of West ft. 4-door sedu; radio and heater; fcydramatic tUMMMk C*uat* ••* awlrue U wtU known aa ••• *l taw fc*stkoll f •rawins dim!**. Writ. can Legion post and auxiliary ami 7*r list *4 Ikt M«. fti», Sea Bright by the Lions club. The graven of Fair Haven 1947 PONTIAC Convertible Mr*. Joseph Bteelman wai ten- aar*>, Asuricaa Holt, the deceased members of the post The Ladies' auxiliary of the flrt Radio and heater; MM miles ud rare tkruks. dered a atork ahowcr laat Thurs- were decorated. company will entertain members of day night at the home of Mil. The nominating committee se- the lire company at a dinner next MONMOUTH Ambers* Neleon on Surf at. Mr», lected a slate of ottlcerg for the Monday night at the fire house. A call at the above number will bring any of the above cars Stanley Fowler wa» aasistlnf hoat- LANDSCAPE ' §4 W»lt Front St., Red Bank, N. J. Woman's Society of Christian Ser- Children of the Methodist Sun to your home for Inspection and demonstration without any obli- e«3. Guests Included Mm. Joaeph vice at a meeting Monday night day-school were models at a fash- SERVICE Henly, Mm. Laroy Layton, Mra. Ce- at the home of the chairman, Mrs. ion .show Tuesday afternoon in the gation on your part. Allaalic Hliklanfs, N. J. cil Layton, Mra. Edgar Welch, Mrs. Allan Johnson. The election will basement of the church. Bo> 52 Louise Woods, Mr#. Jerome .Welch, take place next Thursday night at Dinny Hurwitz, son of Mr. and Mra, Allan Johnson, Mra. Lester a meeting to" be held in the Meth- Mrs. Henry Hurwitfc, in home from "SHOPPER'S SPOTLIGHT" Perrine, Mra, Jack White, Mra. Pe- odist parsonage. Mrs. Violet John- Rutgers university, where he has ter Perrlne, Mra. Kenneth White, son and Mrs. Eleanor Johnson will completed his junior year. IT'S FUEL Mra. Lawrence Fowler, Mra, Ray- be hostessen. Mrs. Harry C. F. Worden, 8 Coo- IT'S FUN mond Hellker and Miaset Oeraldlne Lawrence Fowler was Interlocu- ney terrarce, was admitted to Rlv- Welch, Mae Welch, Linda Perrine tor and Mis. Joseph Steelman was ervlew hospital last Thursday af- ITS THE WKIGHT STOKE Mr. and Mra, Frank Ceimak and a member of '.he chorus In the Ma- ternoon for an abdominal opera- daughter Marianne returned Mon- acnlc minstrel show given Satur- tion. Her condition Is reported aa day from Lake Worth, Fla., where day night at the hall at Long good and she is resting comforta- they npent the winter. Branch. Other local residents at- bly. She U the former Virginia L. WE'RE ON THE AIR Mrs. Walter J. Sweeney and aon tending were Mr. Steelman,'Mr. Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mra. have moved from Ocean ave, to Charles H. C. Clark, Long Branch. BIG TRADE-IN and Mia, Herbert Young, Mr, and EVERY MONDAY 5 to 6 P.M. Brooklyn. Mrs. William R. Fowler, Jr., Mrs. Mrs. T. V. V, Kendrick of Fair The seventh and eighth grade Leroy Layton and Mis. Lawrence Haven id. has ben visiting her YOUR LOCAL STATION pupils enjoyed a frankfurter roast Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Wendcil niece at Sclvsncctady, N. Y. WCAP 1310 ON THE DIAL yesterday afternoon on the beach. Powell of BurllnRton, who worn vis, Peggy Ann Minton of Fair Hav- Parents who plan to enter chil- iting Mrs. Powell's .parents, Rev. en rd. attended the Rumson high dren in ichool for the first time and Mrs. Joseph S. Eldtidgc, also SHOPPEKS IN in September are requeated to school prom Friday evening, attended the show. Mra.' John Hobrough entertained RUMSOK — RED BANK — MIDDLETOWN bring auch boys or girla to the school for registration between School children kept home by her niece from New York over the holiday week-end. ALLOWANCE with telephone*., get the breaks June 2 and 10 with birth and vac- measles arc Judy Anderson, Doro- cination certificates. thy Hauser, Beverly Fowler, Co- Frank Scott of Doughty lane will Commander Victor Perottl, Jr., t'lnne AxeUsen and Virginia Cham- return to his home from Mlllburn HEAR YOUK OWN VOICE ON THE RADIO— of the American Legion post con- berlain. next Saturday. ON YOUR OLD Crack the Jack Pot — You'll NOT he sorry! ducted the dedication rites after There will be a Rummage sale the post's presentation of a plaque Fair Haven Lions Club at, the Episcopal parish house next to the Methodiat church at Sun- Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mri. Betty O'Connor of Middletown won the Wright day morning'a aervic* "in memory Nominate* Officer* Miss Audrey Shippee, daughter of *Store priae this week. »xt week it nmy be you. of those who served, 1917-'U, and Mr. and Mra. C. C. Shippee, 17 19«l-'45." The post and auxiliary Albert G. McCracken, 123 Orange Orange ave., haa been named a attended in a body and the fire ave., Fair Haven, was nominated member of the nrst crew of the REFRIGERATOR department, first aid aquad, Llona for president of the Fair Haven class of 1949 at Wellesley college club and ather organisations were Lions club at the last dinner meet- in Massachusetts. Miss Shippee represented, Councilman George A. ing held at the Willowbrook res- has been active in swimming, aery- THE WRIGHT STORE Gray, Red Bank, waa the speaker. taurant. The out going president is ing as president of theawlm club Lieut. (JG) G. J. Freret, U.S.N. PRICES START AT *189" The choir, directed by Mrs. Elea- this year, and in basketball and nor Lindsay, rendered an anthem. Others nominated were William badminton. She haa received an OF RED BANK, INC. Wreaths were placed at the hon- L. Baily. Jr., first Vice president; athletic association blazer and a or roll Memorial day by the Ameri- Harold B. Perry, second vice presi- "W" in crew. An economics maj- THE GREAT; NIW dent; Donald B. Mills, third vice or, Miss Shippee is a graduate of president; Ralph J. Pastine, secre- Dana Hall school, tary; Wallace S. Davidson, treas- George Williamson, son of Mr. urer; Joseph Sacco, tail twister; and Mrs. George Williamson of Gil- Lewis E. Conner, lion tamer, and Icapie ave. spent the. week-end at Albert G. McCracken, Peter J. home. He has just completed his Eichcle and Fred Gregg, directors louse senior year at Princeton univers- for two years. ity and will be a candidate for graduation at the commencement In 1946 Ted Williams of the Bos- exercises June 14. ton Red Sox went hitless in eight of the 11 games his team played Boys can make pocket money by Mil- REFRIGERATOR-FPiiZER COMBINATION ut the Yankee Stadium, Inn The Register.—Advertisement. JUNE RECORD CLEARANCE with made possibli by during new, exclusive automatic June only SALE WHOM* :oii IJ i> jocc^^TlJTl $325 Get COLDER COLD—sero WW RECORDS fc ALBUMS Ms* flit Mart) —(or (aster food freezing, and at the tame lime, steady, safe cold (or normal food-keeping, thanks to sensational HOLD-COLD Come early CONTROL! Giant Freeze Chest and Ice Cube Storage Tray freeze and store safely 66 pounds of food for best selection and ice—tray holds 108 cubes off —big Meat Keeper—new 50? Butter Keeper—two big Humi- drawers—Automatic Door Closer and many other great features in the new Aristocrat 10! POPULAR RECORDS BY

Tommy Dorsey Tex Beneke Freddy Martin Waym King Tony Martin Son* of Pioneen Glen Miller Perry Como Vaughn Munroe Fat, Waller Artie Shaw Three SUM David Rote

LOW PRICED CLASSICAL RECORDS BY LONGER RANGE Jwatite MacDonald Arthur Schnabel FriUe KreUler BETTER Jswtes Melton Thomas Bcecham Boston Symph. Orch. f#_f£ Algm^kAg) ^^ sMaU g IMJMB VvMJMMsJ MAT MHfJ Arthur Rubinstein Boston Pops Orch. Robert Merrill PERFORMANCE OMAT, NIW WIITINOHOUII MPRIOI Jascha Heifeti Jose Iturbi Arturo Tosciutuii FINE Philadelphia Orch. - Leonard Warren Vladimir Horowiti L. Stokowtki Richard Crooks Leonard Bermtein FURNITURE TVNf W TI0 MAIONI rn London Phil. Orch. NBC Symph. Orch. William Kapsll FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION THE TUSTING PIANO CO. Opth Evenings Till 10 P.M. Better Housekeeping Shop 16 Monmouth Street Red Bank 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK N.W. Cor. Bangs and Bond Asbury Park EATONTOWN RADIO & TELEVISION UPPER BROAD ST. RED BANK Open Friday Evening 15 MAIN STREET IAT0NT0WN, NEW JIMIY 156 UOADWAY LONG MANCH TiHfHONIJ IA. 3-0568—3-0910 Rumsoii Garden Come to your THRIFTY,UP tor Club Plans Annual Show Earth, Sea and Sky Theme for Famousj^^Foods Many Classes Earth, tea and sky comprise the theme of the annual flower show ef Rumion Garden club at River- landi, estate of Bertram H. Bor- If you like Libby's Foods (and who doesn't?), you'll den on River rd., Runuon, June be delighted with A&P's big assortment of them. Just IS and 16. The ihow will open at 3 p. m. the Drat day and noon the think! Our shelves are stocked with over 70 different second day. Libby items! Pick plenty for your pantry so you can In addition to beauty the pro- gram stresses year-round arrange- enjoy your favorites often! ment* of dried plant material. The eonaervation exhibit is aimed at residents interested in conserving the natural resources of Moll- mouth county, including beach Tnmalo Juice '•» 2 for 25* *t« 2He •reaa, wild life and agricultural properties. Sweet Peatj n «can2 fo, 20c w «.car.I He There will be 25 classes with spe- cial claisei for husbands and chil- SH eel Cora Cream tfyle t Ib. can 2 fer 3 Je dren of members- The inter-club competition is open to member* of Whole Kernel Cera • i m. «n | f)c •11 registered garden clubs and horticultural BOcieties. .Last year Apricot Jufee • • • Ues can life this class attracted entries from •11 sections of the state. Pear Juire • • • n «ean 2 for 29e Competition in the arrangement elassei Is expected to be keen, as t rail t«jrklail<7., c.n 21 r 30 =, „» 3.1e the club is competing for the first time for the award of the Federat- Barllell Pears . • • io«e.n4le ed Garden clubs of New Jersey for the best show of the year in the Pineapple owned»« 2 fe> 27e 20 01.27 e •tate. Bpecimen class judges arc Ar- Whole Aprieola reeled 29« «t,:||e thur Herrington and Ernest Wild ef Madison and Donald Brighton of Convent and arrangement Halvn 17o«.can|9e JOeicanlHe classes, Mrs. Walter K. Hine and Mr*. H. A. Price, Short Hills, and Mrs. David L. George of Prince- ton. Mrs. Hooker Talcott, Mrs. De Luxe Plums . . Clement Despard and. Mrs. John C. Borden will Judge the class for Freestone Pearhea • children and calls for an arrange- ment of flowers in a shoe entitled Peaehes cimg 17«ca« 19e 10 01 can 20e "Down to Earth." Mra. Ralph C. Draper and Mrs. TomalOeS P*»ed 1901. can23e 21 ot. can 2fle Lloyd H. Lawrence are show chair- men and Mrs. Frederick Freling- Carrots and Peas • n«can 17e Vienna Sausage • . *« «n I He huysen, club president, is honor- ary chairman, Mrs. George B- Cor- Mixed Vegetables t ib c. 2 f« 2f)e Veal Loaf • • • • . 7«• «n 21 e ttlyou, Jr., is treasurer.. SpS|(helli With mat 11b. can 2 I C 11b. tin 33e In charge of entries are Mrs. Ripe Olives large liie »oi.can20e Corned Beef llassh Letchton Uobdell, Mrs. Richard Mseller and Mrs. Sheppard Foor; Potted Meat 314 oi. canf)c 5«oi. can Me Corned Beef • • • 12 ox. can 4«C staging, Mr*. Peter Cummlng, Mrs. in eel Pickle Relish • •< i« 2 >« 23e Oliver H. Vietor, Mrs. Anthony L>. Lunch Tongue • • a ox. can 29e lleKim, Mrs, Geoffrey Azoy, Mrs. Baby Foods Strained, homogenlied 1 0 iar* f)3e Louis M. Hague, Mrs. J. Ups'.iur A&P Food Moorhead, Mrs. Robert Forrester, Lexington A\enue Mri. James Fox, Mrs. Edgar A. ••4. Knapp and Mrs. Joseph Lord; •pectmens, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. W. Dins- Mml-O-BH Prmtmammd more Banks, Mrs. Arnold Wood •nd MUs Emily Goetze; publicity, Mrs. Robert G. Ilsley and Mrs. William T. Plum. SUCED AMERICAN Refreshments, Mrs. Williamson Thomas and Mrs.. Richard Scud- AsparagUS Spears All grean-Riffar'i M'4 ei. can 35« der; prizes and shopping, Mrs. Hague and Mrs. McKlm; admis- Cut Asparagus Spears mttar'i I4*os.c*n23e sions, Mlas Goetze, Miss Grace Porter, Mrs. J. Prentice Kellogg Sweet Com- fona-cream ity'le 20 or. can 2 for 23e and Mrs. A. F. Lichtenstein; hos- pitality, Mrs. J. Marshall Booker; Sweet Peas lona 20 ex. can 2 for 23« consultant for specimen classes, Mri. Fox and consultant for ar- Diced Carrots lona • JO or can 3 (or 25e Our own brand of tine pasteurized cheese tanfement classes, Mrs. Knapp. . .. processed from whole milk cheddtr. Fruit Cocktail A&P fancy 30 01. can 33e Shrewsbury MMMH-Urfi Irmn mi WMU Yellow Cling Peaches lona 30 01 can 23c There are 13 members in the Fresh Eggs C>«*A *.67e graduating class of the school. Ex- Social Tea BisCUitS Nabisco 5 ox. pkg. 2 for 27e ercises are aet for Friday, June IT, «lrttor 1 Tw •nd school will close for the sum- mer vacation the following Mon- Chocolate Chip Cookies Nabiico 7 ox. pkg. 25c Sharp Cheddar *69e day. The eighth grade pupils are Carol Berg; Mary V. Mason, Vir- English Style Assortment Nabisco lib.pkg. 53« ginia deVegh, Nancy Nevius, Peg- Muenster Fr«h-miid R>. 39O gy Feist, Jeanne Walker, Audrey Nectar Tea Bags MI flavoredpk g.of4«ivgi4lc Barkalow, Ivan Kuhns, Roger Lc- Gold-N-Rich A taity d.i»n chaate Ib 65o Valley, John Mies, Kirk Phillips, Borden's Malted Milk Choc, flavored 11b. can 39c ^ Edwin Cowen and Robeit Jenkins. Blended Swiss Maioni n>55c The graduation program is being Grape Juice A & r> fancy pi. bot. 19c qt bot. 33c PotHoast Sf Chopped Beef Purs btal-lrmhly ground Ib. 49c arranged by the principal, Howard Blue Cheese Domestic Ib. 65c Smok R d s o E. • Matteson, Mayonnaise Hallmann'i 101 jar 25c pi. iar 43e Hams th oi: oV:iln .: h'.i: '"•59« There will be two vacancies in Ched-O-BH C haddar cheeie food 2 Ib. box 75c Chuck Roast or Steak tone in ib. 47c the teaching staff to be filled be- Light Meat Tuua Fish A « P 7 01. can 37a Breast or Neck of Veal . • . n>-29t fore the re-opening of school. Mrs. Cottage Cheese Fooderait IZOI.CUP19C Top Sirloin Roast Boneless-no fat added Ib. 85e Dorothy Lanterman, who has been Tuna Fish Flakes sultans 6 01 can 31c Fresh Ducklings iong islandsiin«t n>.35« teaching the third grade the last Cream Cheese lordan't or Phiia. 3 01. pkg. 17e Bottom Round Pot Roast No tat added ib. 85e two years, and Miss Martha Hu- Marshall's Herring In tomato sauce 14ox.can33c Fowl Siws undar 4 Ibi. Ib. 47« * *»• «^ »v« "»• 49« ber, Belford, are giving up the Baby Goudas • • . . e • each 45c BoneleSS Brisket Beef Fresh or corned Ib. 69e teaching profession at the end of the school term. Chinook Salmon ASP fancy 7ttox.can47c Roasting Chickens *v, and undar s ibi. ib. 47« Gruyere Cheese lerdan'i «oipkB.39e Plate and Navel Beef Fresh-ior boiling ib. 19c Garbage collections are now be- Minute Rice • • • * . Sttoipkg. 13o Sliced Bacon Sunnyfield lugar cured 2 "•" Ib. pkgt. 53* ing made Tuesdays, Thursday and Pabst-Ett Allvariatiet «»oi.pkg.23e Beef Short Ribs Fiavo^i ib 39c Saturdays throughout the bor- ough. Minute Tapioca • • • • • (ot.pkg.16e Smoked Beef Tongues • short cut ib, 55e Sweet Cream Haavy H pint COM. 31e Boneless Veal Roast shoulder u> 59c Spaghetti or Spaghettini *ontoni iib.ek .16e Smoked Pork Shoulders shortcut ib.45« Holmdel s Sour CreaUl lorden'a pint cent. 30c Leg or Rump of Veal • • • • ib. 65c Members of this year's gradua- Halibut Fresh ib.49c Whiting Frash ib. 19* tion class of Holmdel school at- Ronzoni Spaghetti Sauce io*oi.can2(fe tended orientation at Red Bank Mackerel Fresh ib. 23c Flounder mitt ib. 49« high school Tuesday, May 17. They Kellogg'sPep 2pkgs29e were Mary Catherine Antonides, Judith Holmes, Sonya Schumacher Sunnyfield Corn Flakes • ox. pkg. 2 for 25c Jt««f mipv... Rntfw «• Sttem and Rose Petruzelli. Mr. and Mrs. William Pitcher en- Davis Baking Powder • , I2ox.canl5e tertained guests Saturday. They were Mr. and Mra. Guetzlaff and Duffs Muffin or Waffle Mix Mot.pkg.25e TOMATOES children Mickey and David of Oan> hurst and Harry Stryker of Ocean- Betty Crocker Party Cake »'Devil's Food Comb, both 43c port. Mrs. .John Morgan and infant Noxon Metal Polish • • • . How21c daughter, Judith Marie, have re- turned home from Monmouth Me- Old Dutch Cleanser • M OX. can 2 for 23c The fresh, rich flavor that makes it morial hospital. sponge America's No. 1 favorite will make The Holmdel Federated Ladles' Gresolvent Cleans dirty hand* 11b. can 13c 3 Ib. can 33c hortcakc. Aid society will hold their annual it yours, too! dinner Tuesday evening, June 7, at Willowbrook inn. Dash Dog Food Fortified with liver I fb. can 2 for 25c MM tokir-ili*iir aliettt Members of the Sunday-school Eight O'Ctoek M.ld and mellow 2 lbs. 79f will meet this Saturday at 2 p. m. Delicious Bread for rehearsal for Children's day at lib. bag 40* . . 31b. bag 1.15 Amm «*«0« Itaifjiftcrrir New Potatoes 100% Whole Wheat Bread J»» P^ker i ib. 20c the Reformed church. Rich a d Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moeffler are Red Circle " fuii-bodied 2 ibi. 87« ha.d9e Potato Sticks Jane Parker $ oi. pkg. 25e the parents of a son, born Satur- Iceberg Lettuce lib, beg 44a . , 31b. bag 1.27 day at Riverview hospital. PRESERVE The Holmdel Junior Yankees Cheese Topped Roll Cluster

COUNTY BIRTHS Questions and Answers Memorial Services Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell To Vets' Problems Held at Leonardo of Maple pi., Keyport, are parents Deaths In Red Bank and Vicinity Q. Is there any way I may get Under the direction of Leonardo tees of a son born last Thursday at a waiver or an adjustment on the honor roll committee special ser- BAPTIST Kingdom, 0 Lord, and thou art ex- EMAMJEL BArTIST Monmouth Memorial hospital. vices were held Memorial day fit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reilly o amount I owe V.A. on my default- Red Bank alted a* head above all." (I. Chron. Atlantic Highlands MABTIX B. CASSEBLV, EDWARD W. PONCE; SB. ed GI loan? The default resulted the memorial monument, Leonardo, 29:11) Correlative passages from Matawan arc parents of g. ton born The Salvation Army staff of New -tew Howard M. Ervin will p last Thursday at Riven-lew hos Martin B. Casscrly died sudden Edward W. Ponce, Sr, of Albany, through no fault of mine. Lieui. Charles Collier of the Earle "Science and Health with Key to ly Sunday at his home on Churc York city will be in charge of the the Scripture*" by Mary Baker Ed- on "Paul's Exhortation to Consecra- pitaJ. a former Btlford resident, died Fri- A. A committee on waivers and Naval base, Leonardo, was the 11 o'clock Sunday morning service. tion" at the Communion service Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olsen of St., New llonmouth. He was 7 day. Mr. Ponce was formerly principal speaker, and Howard W. Dete.Ua are given elsewhere in thi« dy include: day at 11 a. m. The women's chorus years old, and was stricken with court stenographer at .Newark and compromise* has been established "This creation consist* of the un- Washington ave, Atlantic High Roberts was master of ceremonies. i will sing the "Communion Hymn." lands, are parents, of a son bomheart uttack at his. homo, Friday later joined the accounting depart- In each V_A. regional office and at folding of spiritual Ideas and their Mr. Casscrly was born in t f th M g p A church planning conference will identities, which are embraced in The pastor will bring the evening Friday at Hazard hospital. ment of the Magnus Metal com- central office in Washington, D. C, Services opened with a parade be hell Sunday afternoon at the message at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson dletown township, a son of the iatt pany, The company was formerlyy with authority to determine in in which the American Legion, the infinite Mind and forever re- Church school convenes at 10 a.m. Patrick J. and Mary M. Casatrly home of Mr. and Mr*. Ellwood Pow. flected." (p. 903) of West St., Eatontown, are par located at NewarkNk . MrM . PPonce left each case whether all or part of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ore ere, Fliher pi. In the chapel with Dennis M. Lingo, cnts of a son born last Thursday He was a farmer and u*as acth*< Belford 15 years ago when the com- the amount paid in settlement of companies, and Boy and Girl Church school will meet at 9:45 METHODIST superintendent. Youth fellowship at Hazard hospital. until his death. Mr. Casseiiy \va pany moved its offices to Albany. meets at 7 p-ni. under direction of a member ot St. Mary's churcl a veteran's defaulted loan is to be Scouts participated. Orchids were a. m. and missionary programs will Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peters of Surviving are three sons, Edward be presented in the various depart- Miss Elsie Stout and adult fellow- Leonardville rd. Belford, are par-New Monmouth, the 'Holy Nam waived, collected or otherwise ad- given to mothers and wives of *ev- The Sacrament of Holy Commun- 4 society, and was on the board o. Ponce, Jr., and Raymond J. and ments. ship meets at the same hour. ents of a son born Friday at Mon- Wilbur Ponce, all of Albany, and justed. The central office commit- era] Leonardo men who lost tbelr A group making a study of pray- ion will be administered by the The midweek fellowship and pas-mouth Memorial hospital. directors of Mt. Olivet cemetery, pastor at the 11 o'clock Sunday three sisters, Mrs. Irene Titus of tee will have original jurisdiction live* in the war. They were Mrs. er will meet with the pastor Sun- tor's Bible study class meet Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson of He is survived by four sisters, Albany, Mrs. Dennis Sheehan oi day evening and the young people'a morning service. The Communion day at 8 p.m. Essex st.. East Keansbutg, are par- Mrs. Peter Lang of Red Bank, Mis- cases involving mote than 12,500; Morris Josephs, Mrs. A. Lauer and meditation will be on "The Land Verona and Mrs. John Galloway of groups will hold their Sunday night Rev. and Airs. Raymond J. Davis ents of a .•son born Friday at ilon ses Ellen and Jane Casserly o Madison. the regional office committee in Mrs. Max Whitman. A memorial meetings. of Beginning Again." New mem-of the Sudan Interior Mission home "mouth Memorial hospital. Middletown, and Mrs. Gordon bouquet was placed on the monu- ber* will be received into the fel- Woodey of Keyport, and a brothel Mr. Ponce was a member of the cases below $2,500. • Flowers in the church Sunday on furlough from their field in Af- Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thorson it Red Bank Elks club. The funeral ment by Lorraine Llsk, honoring were given by the Philathea »oci- lowship of the church by confession rica, win be guest speakers at both Glen Mary ave., Leonardo, are par- James P. Casserly, of Flushing, Q. Does a veteran have to be of faith and by certificate of trans- L. I. His wife, Mrs. Delia Kinney was held Tuesday morning at Out her father. Throughout the year ety in memory of deceased mem- service* Sunday, June 12. Mrs. Da- ents of a ton born Friday at Mon- Lady of Mercy church, Albany, honorably discharged to .be award- ber*. fer from other churches. The Ben-vis Is the former Miss Evelyn Carr. mouth Memorial hospital. Casserly, died several years ugo. ed monetary benefits by V.A.? the honor roll association will place ior choir will sing the anthem, "O The funeral was held yesterday a where a high requiem mass was Baptized »t the morning service by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Plant of offered. Burial was at Albany. A. Under existing law* it is not fresh flowers at the monument. the putor, Rev. W. Clinton Pow- Holy Jesu," Lvoff, and Portia BEtORMED Reynolds dr., Eatontown, are par-his home, and a solemn high ma.ss necessary for a veteran to have er*, were Betty Jane Lowrie, Elea- Mean will render the soprano *olo, Middletown ents of a son born Saturday at of requiem was said at St. Mary's an honorable discharge to be DIRECTORS TO MEET nor Hopkins, Fail William*, Robert "My God, Thy Table Now is Monmouth Memorial hospital. church by Rev. Robert A. Bulman. BIBS. CHARLES LEONARD Spread," Buckingham. Dr. Hugh B. MacLean of Aber- awarded benefits. However, it is The Funeral Directors asiecla- Dane*, Richard Springsteen and deen, Scotland, will administer Mr. and Mrs. William llelssner of Interment, directed by Mount Mem Mrs, Clara C. Leonard, 64, wife of neceuary that he be discharged tien of Monmouth and Ocean coun- Fred Baden. Altar flower* for Sunday will be Stone rd, Keyport, are parents uf orial home, was in Mt. Olivet Charles Leonard, died Sunday at her presented by the Misses vonGlahn Holy Communion Sunday at the under conditions other than dis- ties will meet next Wednesday The Baptist Woman's league will morning service and will admit a daughter born Friday at River- cemetery. Benediction was said u home on the David H. Marx estate, honorable. evening at 6 o'clock in the Hotel in remembrance of their parents. view hospital. the grave by Rev. Bulman and Sycamore ave, Shrewsbury. She bad hold a' cake *ale Saturday morning, The Married Couples' Bible class new members into the church. Q. A* a World war II veteran Arnold, Point Pleasant. Harry C. June 11, in the Strand theater lob- Church school will meet at 9:15 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dempsey of Msgr. Joseph T. Casey of St. James been ill six months. F. Worden will appoint the nomin- has presented to the church satin Bayside dr.. Highlands, are parent* :hurch, Red Eank. will I have to pay a fee to have by. Mr«. Harry O'Brien is chair- covert for the American and Chris- a, m. Mrs, Leonard was born at Croton- someone represent me in my claim ating committee. Election of of- man. The junior choir will meet Fri- of a daughter born Saturday at Bearers were Thomas Salmon On-Thc-Hudson, N. Y, daughter of ficers will take place at the an- tian flags which »r« displayed in Monmouth Memorial hospital. William Kelly, James Murphy for benefits for V.A-? Cub pack 23 has been organized in the sanctuary, day at 3 p. m, and the adult choir he late Clarence and Anna Frances nual dinner meeting Aug. 10. the church with Marshall Smith at will rehearse Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk of John Massey, Francis McDermott Munson. She had lived at Shrews- A. If you are represented by an Children may be presented for Port Monmouth are parents of a nd John Wermcrt. official of an accredited service or- cubmaster and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Christian baptUm at the morning A meeting will be held next bury two years. Clartnce Johnson as den mother*. Thursday night at the church daughter born Sunday at Mon- Besides her husband, she Is sur-ganization or the American Red service June 13, when Children's mouth Memorial hospital. MISS JULIA X. LITTLE Cross there is no fee. If you are Clayton Service chapter, WWO, day will be observed. rooms for all Interested in working vived by two daughters, Mrs. Anne WE SPECIALIZE will meet tomorrow night at the with the Daily Vacation Bible Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stintzi of Miss Julia _N. Little of Wallace DiSantis of Ossining, N. Y., andrepresented by a lawyer or agent, home of Mis* Florence Pye, Spring school being sponsored jointly by Riverview rd., Oceanport, are par-5t. died yesterday at Ivy House Mrs. Dorothy Carroll of Shrews- who has been admitted to prac- in LUTHERAN terrace. the Baptist, Episcopal and Re- ents of a son born Monday at Mon- Vursing home, Middletown town- bury; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Dur tice before V.A., such attorney or Cleaning & Dyeing The Philathea «ociety will hold its Red Bank formed churches. mouth Memorial hospital. hip. She had been a patient there ham of New York city; two broth- agent is permitted to charge $10 annual banquet Tuesday night at Rev. Harold Hornberger will Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sparks of three months. is, Clifford and Clarence Munaon in an original claim, or $2 in a Domestic & Oriental the Wlllowbrook restaurant, Fair preach Sunday at 11 o'clock on the BAPTIST Salera lane, Little Silver, are par- Miss Little was born at R«d both of New York, and five grand- claim for increased benefits. Haven. subject, "Witnessing This Day." Mlddlctown ents of a son born Monday at Bank, a daughter of the late Fran- hildren Q. May I appear personally be- Rugs The Men's fellowship will hold a Those who have received instruc- Rev. James Howell will be in Monmouth Memorial hospital. cis A. and Susan Haviland Llttlu. The funeral was held yesterday a fore the rating board in my own dinner meeting'next Thursday eve- tion will be confirmed and newcharge of the 11 a. m. service Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Molyneux of She was an active worker with the Ossinlng. Local arrangements wer< behalf? ning at Pleasant Valley inn, Holm- member* will also be taken into day. Sunday school meets at 9:45 Sycamore ave., Tlnton Falls, are Red Bank branch of the Red Cross In charge of the Woiden funeral parents of a daughter born Mon- A. Yes, but you must make a LEON'S del. Thomas S. Field, Jr., will be the church, a. m. Miss Ida Grover will speak and of Red Bank auxiliary of Kit- ome, definite appointment to do so and the speaker. As election of officer* Mr». J. H. Gordon's class of Jun- at the Youth Fellowship meeting day at Monmouth Memorial hos- kin hospital. She was also a mem- M-76 WHITE STRICT pital. ber of Red Bank Methodist church be punctual if the hour of hearing will be held. iors will lead the worship for the at 8 p. m. MRS. PAULINE KRIEGEB has been designated. Red Bank 6-2800 A group of women from thto senior division of the school with, Rev. J. Edward Bates of Up- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bond of and the Red Bank Woman's club. church will attend the Peddle house a program concerning deaconesses lands, Pa., a graduate of Cros- Lafayette St., Rumson, arc parents She is survived by several cous- Mrs, Pauline Krleger, 88, former- party at Hightstown the week-end at the 9:45 a. m. Sunday-school ses- ier seminary, will deliver the ser-of a son born Tuesday at Mon-in*. y of Union Beach, died Saturday of June 10, 11 and 12. sion. Those participating are Pa-mon at the Juno 12 service. He is mouth Memorial hospital. Miss Little's father was one of it the home of her daughter, Mi's. A reception for members who have tricia Hansen, Elvira Schildge, a candidate for the pastorate of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Conklin of the organizers of the Merchant »Iary Halligan of Verona. Besides joined the church during the past Helen Norgaard and Daniel Moore, the church. Comanchic dr., Portaupeck, are Steamboat company which oper- ler daughter, Mrs. Krleger is sur- H. L. SCOTT year will be held Sunday afternoon, The church council will meet to- parents of a daughter born Tues- ated the steamboats Sea Bird, Al- vived by four other daughters, Mrs- day at Monmouth Memorial hos- Herbert Hawkins of River rd. Fair June 26, at the church. nlght at the church. Port rVfoiimouth bertina and Elbeion between Red The B. W. L. will serve a turkey The Ladles' Aid society will meet pital. Bank and New York, Haven, ili$B Jeanette Krieger o MORTICIAN ealad juppcr Wednesday, June next Wednesday at 2 p. m. at che Mrs. Margaret Clark of Main st. Mr. and Mrs. George Boyce of The funeral will be held tomor- Verona, and Mrs. Pauline Lutz and church. The members will discus* spent the week-end with her son Vertina pi., Keyport, are parents Mrs. William Friewald, both o 29, from 5:30 to 7 o'clock. Mrs. Dew- and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. row afternoon at the Mount Mem- ey William* is committee chairman' plan* for a Garden Sunday. Mrs. of a son born Tuesday at Mon-orial home. Rev. Roger J. Squiie, Newark, and four sons, Frank and Church Street, Belford, N. J. The choir* will rehearse Wednes- Walter Grubb will preside. Edwin Conwell of Brooklyn. mouth Memorial hospital. pastor of Red Bank Methodist August Krieger of Newark, Jos- Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert And Mr. and Mrs. William Hall of church, will be In charge. Intern- spli Kricgcr of • Verona and Al day evening and Boy Scout troop 23 children Maty Ann and Rose Mary will mtet Thurf day night. TJUMTY EPISCOPAL Buena Vista ave., Rumson, are ment will be in Fair View ceme- irieger of Florida. Phone Keansburg 60333 of New berry, Conn., spent the parents of a daughter, born Tues- tery. The funeral was held yesterday Red Bank week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- owing at St. Peter's church, New- PBESBVTEBIAN sell of Main st. day at Riverview hospital. Sunday'* service* will bt Holy Mr. and Mrs. George Janus oi MICHAEL DOWD ark, and burial was in Falrmount Red Bank Communion at 8 a. m., church Mr. and Mrs, William Sheery of cemetery, Newark. Rev. Charles S. Webster will school at 9:30 and Holy Commun- Jersey City were the week-end Navesink ave, Atlantic Highlands, Michael Dowd, 94, of South Laur- preach Sunday at the 11 o'clock ion with sermon by the rector, Rev. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvestor are parents of a daughter, born el ave., Keansburg, u retired farm- •ervice on the theme, "What In Robert H. Anderson, Jr., at 11 Nestor of Main st. Monday at Riverview hospital. er, died last Thursday. He had lived MRS. GUST AVE PETZOLD. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Emmons of in this vicinity 75 years. Mr. Dowd Right with the Church." The quar- o'clock. In commemoration of the Mrs. William Skinner of Poplar Mrs. Ida Elsie Petzold, 51, wife tet will cing "Fear Thou Not," by400th anniversary of the Book of st. had as week-end guests Mr. and Maple ave., Fair Haven, are par-was born in Ireland. He was a SERVING THE ENTIRE COUNTRY ents of a son, born Sunday at River- member of St. Ann's Holy Name so- if Gustave Petzold of Leonardville Woodman, and "Peace I Leave Common Prayer the services will Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, Sr., Mr. and d, Leonardo, died yesterday AS ONE DIG COMMUNITY with You," by Roberts. Allan R. be conducted according to the First Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, Jr., Mr. andview hospital. ciety, Keansburg, and tho Ancient Woolley, baritone, will sing "Cal- Prayer Book of 1549. Mrs. Frank Perzctti and children Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moffler of Order of Hibernians. onmouth Memorial hospital. vary," by Rodney. Phillip Roy will Thtre 1* a celebration of Holy Frank, Jr., and Richard and Miss Ho'.mdel, are parent* of a son, born Surviving are two sons, Thomas Surviving besides her husband be welcomed at this service as the Communion Fridays at 10 a. m. Jane Skinner of Jersey City. Sunday at Rivervle-w hospital. Dowd, a member of the Jersey Cit, arc two daughters, Mrs. John C. WUi notified of *** in • dM.nt cHy we trie tmmediste dura* new tenor of the quartet, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lockwuod Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller ot police department, and John Dowi Fowler, with whom she lived, and Oireuoh our membership in ,he ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS Youth fellowship meets at 6 p. METHODIST and Infant son of Woodberry spent West River id, Rumson, arc par-o£ Keansburg; four daughters, Mrs Mrs. Jay R. Smith of Milburn; a SERViCi Our affftttioa wHh members of ttii prefeuieiul «*»oei»Hon m. Edward Swikart will lead a dii- Fair Haven the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.ents of a son, born Tuesday at Harry Smith of Keyport, Mrs. Jo sister, Mrs. Andrew Broderson of •nblH M to ttrvt tfw •Mir* nation « OM Big Community. mouth Memorial hospital. Hartford, Conn, and a brother, cuasion on "How to Get Rid of Rev. John B. Kirby, Jr., will de- Sam Alsback of Main st. seph Reilly of Arlington and MLss- Ert«bMwd moderate fen protect tho family finances. The contributory Prejudice." -The session will be at Mr. and Mrs. John Bundy of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cas- es Madeline and Margaret Dowd, Fred Mc-yncnn of Baltimore, Md. liver a sermon on the theme, "Are tigllone of White and Broad sts., service* of competent, dependable funeral director* throughout the 8 p. tn. Sunday in the pastor's You a Figurehead?" at Sunday Woodcliff and Mr. and Mrs. Henry both of Keansburg, and seven The funeral will be held Saturday country make for efficiency, economy and the fimily'* peace of mind. Itudy. morning's service at 11 o'clock. The Happs of Cliffside Park spent'Sat- Shrewsbury, are parents of a grandchildren. afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Posten Members of the youth fellowship senior choir will sing, "It Is Well urday evening with Mr. and Mr*.daughter, born Tuesday at Mon- Tho funeral was held Monday funeral home with Rev. Paul G. will meet at the church Saturday with My Soul," and the youth Louis Werse. mouth Memorial hospital. morning at St. Ann's church, where Alberti, pastor of the Long Branch at 2:45 p. m. and go from there choir, "God I* Love." Alma Baker, Miss Lucy Willett of Washing- a solemn high requiem mass was of- Lutheran church, officiating. Bur- tU hemn, every afeAf to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph church organist, will play the pre-ton, D. C, spent the week-end with Middletown fered by Rev. John L, Callahan ial will be at the convenience ot R. Eckert for an outing. lude, "Laudate Deum," and the of- her grandmother, Mrs. William Burial was in Mt, Olivet cemetary, the family. ' ' A Communicants' class for young fertory, "Poem.'1 Children are In-Willett of Main st. Mr. ana Mr*. Kenneth Wagen- under direction of the Martin fu MKviHa wnoN-wut people between the ages of 12 andvited to attend the service with A cake sale was held Saturday back, Miss Margaret Thompson neral home. John Kenny, Jersey MISS SARAH K. BRADY. II will be held Monday at 3:30 p. at Brady's store for the benefit of and E. W. Swackhamer, Jr., of their parents, and a story-sermon City mayor, was a close friend of Miss Sarah E. Brady, 72, died tn. in the pastor's study. At 8 p. m. entitled, "Tht Story of a Friend," the Brownies. New York city irpent the holiday Mr. Dowd and attended the funeral John E. Day Funeral Home the monthly meeting of the board will be addressed to them, A nurs- Mr. and Mrs. William Mallett, week-end with Mrs. E. W. Swack- Saturday at her New York city res- of trustees will take place. ery for the younger children will Sr., of Walnut st., and Mr. and Mrs. hamer, Sr., here. MRS. NELSON K. VANUE.BBEEK idence. Misa Brady was born In 85 Riverside Ave. Phone 6-0332 Red Bank The Mariners, formerly the Or) Matawan township, daughter of the be in operation during the major William Mallett, Jr., and son Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Des- Mrs, Cornelia W. Vanderbeek, Scout*, will meet next Thursday portion of the service, under adult mond of Matawan spent the noil- preaux had as their house guests late Thomas and Marie O'Hara Keyport Branch-Mi Maple Pt Telephone 7-JS5» at 3:30 p. m. under direction of day week-end with Mrs. Amy Mor- lnst week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-wife of Nelson K. Vanderbeek, died Brady. Miss Brady left Matawan supervision. Friday at her home on Wallace st. 40 years ago. Surviving are a sis- Mr*. Elston F. Combs. The week- Sunday-school will meet at 9:45 ria of Harrisburg, Pa. liam Canington, Sr., and Mr. and Von-Sectarian Lady Attendant ly meeting of the Boy Scouts will Mrs. John Shea of Hollis, L. I, Mrs. Vanderbeek was born nt ter, Miss Eleanor F. Brady and a a. m., with cjaues for children and William T. Brady of Main st. Salinas, Cal., and tas been a Red brother, John B. Brady, .both of be held that evening at 7:30 o'clock youth. attended the funeral of his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Carrington, with June* Davlson as director. Jr., and William BOOB of Ridge- Eank resident for the past 25 years. Matawan, and several nieces and The monthly meeting of the James Finnegan of Jersey City, She was a member of the Red Bunk Monday of last week. wood, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. Har- nephews. FIB8T CHURCH OF CHRIST, Men's Brotherhood will be held at Methodist church and of the church the church next Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs, George Search and old Sheppard, patience and Caryl The funeral was held Tuesday SCIENTIST Sheppard, Mrs. Belford Sheppard' Women's Society of Christian Serv- morning at St. Joseph's church, at 8 o'clock. daughter Lynn of Waldo ave. spent ice, a member and past president of Red Bank Tomorrow cvtnlng the Wesleyan the week-end at Cape May. and Chester Husted, Shrewsbury, Keyport, where a requiem mass L. I. Little Silver Woman's club, and a was offered by Msgr. John Services in First Church of service guild 1* sponsoring a Fun The Scout Mothers met at' the member of the Red Bank Woman's Christ, Scientist, 209 Broad St., areNight to which everyone is invited. fire house Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Kenneth Robinson was Burke. Burial was In the church held Sundays at It a. m. and club. Her interests in the Red cemetery, under the direction of the People are asked to come in play Luncheon was served by Mrs. Rose chairman of the food sale Friday Bank club centered around its Wednesdays at 8:15 p. m. Sunday- clothes, so that they can partici- Rauch, Mrs. Alvina Schmidt, Mr*. by the Needlework club. Ninety Bedle funeral home. school meets at 11 a. m. welfare projects, and she was a pate in horseshoes and other out- Mary Werse and Mrs.. Eugene dollars was cleared. steady worker in that field. Om, ifripmtnl and facilitL, •„ Ut, nmptth Christian Science Lesson Sermon. door games "for young people and Reardon. The meeting was con- The Needlework guild will meet MRS, HENRY LLOYD. "God the Only Cause and Creator" those who stay young." If it show- ducted by Mrs. Alice Freibott, Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wil- Besides her husband she is sur- miJlk*m kt mdtr* ttnJinf diitutttiom tV tlu is tht subject for Sunday, June 5. president. The group donated $25 vived by two brothers, Glenn H. Mrs. Ada Lloyd, 66, wife of Henry f f ers, the party will move indoors. liam Ridgeway on King's high- Lleyd of New Monmouth, died Sat- Golden Text: "Thou art worthy, O The affair will begin at 7 o'clock, to the Boy Scout drive. way. Whiteman of New York city, and Lord, to receive glory and honour Kenneth Whiteman of California. urday at the Ivy Nursing homo, llmpiut ttmitt. and- 8 o'clock will be time for hot The Youth Fellowship of the Re- King's highway, Mlddlctown. She . and power: for thou hast created dogs. New Monmoutli The funeral was held Tuesday at all things, and for thy pleasure formed church held a plastic party the Mount Memorial home, in had been a resident of New Mon- Members of the New Monmouth Tuesday and cleared $20. mouth 27 years. Besides her hus- they are and were created." (Rev. BAPTIST charge of Rev. Roger J. Squire, 4:11) Baptist church and St. Mary's Theodore Lethbridge and family, pastor of Red Bank Methodist band, Mrs. Lloyd is survived by a Sermon: Passage* from the King Leonardo Catholic church attended the formerly of Portaupeck, are nowchurch. Interment was at Brook- daughter, Mrs. Judson Clark of I r hunt fffentoria nte James version of the Bible Include; Rev. John E. Johnson will Ad- Brooklyn Dodgers - New York living in the Cahey house here. side cemetery, Englewood. New Monmouth. "Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, minister Holy Communion at the Giants baseball game at the Polo Misses Ann and Lou Burke of The funeral was held last night and the power, and the glory, and 11 o'clock Sunday morning service. grounds Tuesday evening. Brooklyn spent the week-end with MRS. ROSE FISCHEB at the John J. Ryan funeral home tht victory, and the majesty: for Church school begins at-9:45 a. The Amico class met last Thurs- their aunt, Mrs. Leroy Martin. with Rev, Sanford M. Haney, pas- Tel. 6-0226 all that U in the heaven and Inm. with claue* for all age* includ- day at the Baptist church. Host Miss Polly Gamwell, daughter of Mrs. Rose Betz Fischer, 80, of tor of the Keansburg Methodist 135 W. %ont St. the earth is thine; thine is the ing adult, Bible and nursery esses were Mrs. Mildred Maxson, Mr. and Mrs. William Gamwell, Shore rd. and Park ave. Union church, officiating. Burial was in groups. Mrs. Joyce Perry, Mr*. Edith Wil- was graduated this week from Beach, died Friday at the home of Fair View cemetery., Youth fellowship meets Sunday II, Mrs. Leah Russell, Mrs. Carrie Rumson Country Day school, her son, Robert E. Fischer of at S p. m. and the senior group Roberts and Mrs. Alice Freibott. The young people of the Bap-Orange, Mrs, Fischer was a mem- St George's by the River at 7 o'clock. The program was in charge of Miss tist church will hold a strawberry ber of the Rosary society of Holy Family church, Union Beach. Waterman Ave., one Mock Children's day will be observed Nana Helwig who upoke on his-festival Saturday between 5:30 and torical churches in Monmouth Besides her son, she Is survived eeuth ot Hunuon Rd., Sunday at 4 p. m. when all de- 8 p. m. on the lawn at the Thom- partments will take part in a can- county. The group made plans to n« Morford home, Cherry Tree by two daughters, Mr*. Richard Cal- MONUMENTS THE OAOE*. Bunuon. tata, "A Child Grows Toward visit Monmouth Memorial hospital farm. lulian of Union Beach and Mrs. Max COIOEN AUU (Take Ben Bright But) God." There will be hymn singing in July. Plans are under way for a Grocl of Newark and three broth- Tht Bev. George A. Bobertshaw by the congregation. The ladies' aid will meet next square dance Friday nlgbt, June ers, Joseph Bctz of Union Beach and The deaconesses will meet Tues- Wednesday afternoon. 17, at Lincroft fire house. There Gus and Peter Betz of Newark. Sunday day at 10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Rev. Edwin Coddington and chil- will be a three-piece orchestra and The funeral was held Monday Robert Search, Highland ave. dren Joy and Donald of Altoona, refreshments. Miss Marie Dobbs morning at Holy Family church Si00a,m. Holy Com* The Elsie Kittlitz chapter of. tile Pa., spent several days this wceK is in charge. with Rev. Edward R. Sullivan of- munlon World Wide guild will meet Mon- with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Codding- Mr. and Mrs. William Bosscrt of fering a requiem moss. Burial was day, June 13, instead of Tuesday, ton. Fleetwood, N. Y., were week-end in St. Joseph's cemetery, Keyport, First— 8:30 a. m. Church School June 7, at the church at 8 p, m. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Magwlre guests of Mrs. Charles Weinheimer under direction of,the Day funeral 11(00a.m. Morning •erv- A prayer and Bible study hour and son and Mrs. Hazel Sherman of Laurel ave, home. Wednesday at 8 p. m. will be fol- left yesterday for Lake Bomofen, LEARN THE FACTS! lo« and Sarmon lowed by a meeting of the trustee*. Sherman's beach, Va., where they Men and Boy*' Choir of 40. The Ladles' Aid society will meet will spend the summer. Your Expreiiion of It M food practice to Mlect your next Thursday at the home of Mr*. Tho men's club of the Baptist DISTINCTIVE If you wish to attend a John Olsen, Franklin ave. church will meet at the church to- True Remembrance funeral director before the need service of unusual music Members of the Edna Woodward morrow night. No other act of a normal ariiei, while there U time to learn and inspiring worship, this auxiliary will be guests Friday, Thomas Bedell left Friday for ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS man's life gives him more and check the facto, and when tht church welcomes you. June 10, at 8 p, m. of Mrs. Everett West Virginia with his daughter, complete sou) satisfaction H. Thome, Mlddletown. Mrs. J. B, Summcrfield, with whom Perfection of Material and ' than the building of s Mem- mind ii clear and reasonable. We he will live Mr. Bedell suffered orlnl to his loved ones who invite you to make inquiries any* a stroke several weeks ago, and Workmanship In Beautiful have gone on. New Designs where regarding Worden aervicet has been under the care of Mrs. Our select Barre Memorials MONMQUTH MONUMENT Marlon Packer, nurse, of Belford. bear the Guild mark of ap- OOMZAL TO JOIN FIRM Our memorials are manufactured proval, your guarartee of a COMPANY ' by skilled artisans tn • our well liner Memorial at no extra J. T. Domzal will become asso- cost. Visit our showroom Headden'a Corner, Middletown, Route 35 ciated July 1 with the firm of equipped plant at West ' Long •nd see our displays of thoe Boynton & Boynton, 8 Drummond Branch. certified memorials. p!., and manage the real estate end L. H. Francis, Manager of tho business, For 32 years Mr. en, Formerly with Francis O. Squires, Frethold Domisal conducted an automobile repair business on West st, and JOHN VAN KIRK FUNERAL HOME PHONE KliD BAKU C-3810 for the last two years operated a LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. Next ta Mt. Ollvil Ctaiiltry 60 CFRONT ST..RED BANK N.J wholcsntc and retail automotive Wall St. Tel. L. B. 6.3567 West Long Branch NIGHTS: POINT PLEASANT 5-0547 parts business nt ICO Monmoulh Phone Red Bank 6-0319 M. He has rented hi* store to Ro- 8END FOR ILLUSl'KAiEirCAXALOGl'E PHONE RED BANK 6-O557 dak's, jewelers. R.F.O. Bos 108 Red Bank (Toeirlhiriii'l/earsof Dependable, fconombl Service " HAXK Paere Seven In the class wer* James A. Kel- ler McCormack, William Brush, I OK YOUR NKXT To Preach Sunday First Communion Class ly, William Kelly, Willism Moore, Joseph Griifeth, John Walker, She- lia. Bolger, Alargaret Dempscy, MONEY LOANED In Middletowu Church William Parker, David Shields, Pe- «w Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, America's tat Corstts At Highlands Church ter Verrone, William Roberts, Vic- Mary Kohlenbush. Dolores Hel- Fitted by Graduate Corsetiena neck, Joan Horan, Mary Moore, Ar- PAINTING JOB <'amera», Binocular!, etc. Rev. Hugh Baillie MacLean, Th. Thirty-six children received their tor Parker, Clarence Welch, Paul IJcrtiMd and bonded by St«t« et N J. D. will preach the sermon and ad- Gross, Robert Anthony, James Mc- lene White, Gloria Sen/., Jean Me- TUCKERS first Holy Communion Sunday at Cowan, Janice McGowan, Carol j, CAIJ. "MKCK" WE I'AY CASH roit Ol.l> liOMI and SII.VEB minister Holy Communion on the Church of Our Lady of Per- Gtail, George Patterson, Michael CORSET SHOP Whitsunday, June 5, at 11 a. m. in Wolf, Roy Sedler, Gerald Ryznar, Brown, Mary Ellen Smith. Karen petual Help at Highlands. Rev. Roy and Stephanie Kilbridc. F Itiini«»n 1-O59O-W (39 Broadway Long Branch the MiddletoK-n Reformed church. Joseph J. Donnelley officiated. James Arkini, Joseph Arkins, Wal- !«Broadwat Broadway y LoanLon gCo Branc.h

HEAT-FLO ROASTED Ideal Orange Pekoe N Dr. Hugh B. MacLean Tea Bags ^r 15c A visiting professor at the New Brunswick Theological seminary, Dr. MacLean was formerly a No finer tea at any price—famous for over 58 years. chaplain in the Royal Air Force Vacuum Packed Pound Can He was Senior Chaplain Levant of the Royal Air Force training SPECIALLY PRICED FOR school in Jerusalem four yeais. Teiiderleaf Tea Bags J* 2Oc Since that time he has. become THREE DAYS ONLY! known worldwide as lecturer, scho- lar and preacher. Tetleys Tea Bags *ZL?7.«18c If you prtfer a hewy-btiitl c*ff««—try IDEAL •t this ipeciil irict, ytu tavt 9c pir tin! Lincroft Topi them til Ur flmr t*i value! Nt A delegation of Lincroft firemen AscoTea *s:it 26c S 49c attended the Middletown township finer ceffee it My price! fire department memorial service at New Monmouth Baptist church Tetleys Tea »»<» .«>» 32c Sunday night. 2 Herman C. Balster of St. Paul White Rose Tea "a 32c Minn., spent the week-end with Ills Asco Coffee ft 44c & daughter, Mrs. Robert Daverio. The Simon family of New York RICHER BLEND, flavor fully developed by our "heat-flo" roasting method. city have moved into the Or. Wil-

liam Thompson bungalow on Iced or Hot, It 2 •^>. Brookdale farm. Wincrest Coffee ft 40c T£ Miss Adelaide Lichtcnberger ol n Brooklyn and Joseph J. Guilfoyle Hits the Spot! LIGHTER BODIED, VIGOROUS FLAVOR. Ground fresh to your of Long Island spent the week-end •vith Mr. and Mrs. William Lich- tenberger. William Phiney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phiney of Long Branch NO GUESSING! —Jfems ire Price Marked! Receipf With Joint Makes Rejecting Easy! You Pay Only Once! «'U a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willgerodt. NAll$co ACM! Fancy Whelt | Q- Mrs. Nellie McGrail is visiting NC Orange Juice 2 r 29c -5"^.... 2...... 25c Grahams rV.. 28c Ktrntl 20^1. can I #C Mrs. Kenneth Vrccland at Engcl AICO 0»W«n *% 20-«i. QT. T Gin er Sna s 31c 1 wood. Blended Juice 2 ^ 23c FiS?Sd ail T 35c 9 P "'""• Cttam Styla at cant w/C Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Tevington 24-Pc. Silver- LJ__L tlOADCAST Carnid 01 - of New York visited over the Grapefruit — 2 ','." 21c rruir V^OCKTOII jo....,.n OJC » WN$HIIM . iveek-cnd uitli Mr. and Mrs. John Fruit Cocktail TL ....33c nasn i*.* u..,. ,.„ 51 c F. Kelly. WITH mmKm rig oars iou.o«. <.II» Pkt. AIC 1DI Miss Margaret Murray of New ftware Set CARD Tangerine «• 2 r, 25c Peaches Hmm 29c York city spent the week-end with 11 Catsup " °' r. ..,„. 20c Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Mullln. Lemon Juice 2 ';.*:. 19c Peaches "" ?,...„, 19c Crackers ST".l«.";i.. 20c Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angerolo C H c p Spaghetti ISXfL. 19c entertained Saturday evening Mr. Grape Juice «!, , JL 39c t, JO-M. can 27c Marshmallows, ;;, :;-,31c 1 and Mrs. Gordon Kelly of Dual, IDEAL Spaghetti SCHINS A2 eiAUI r. V25 AJcr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Updike of In Grape Juice M..I. k*mi 35c Purple Plums 10-ai,».„. «can 23_vc« CrackeRange.._..;,>._,rr Jo Jac_e «"k " -22P X....^Z 29 9—cc Cho— w Mein Z terlaken, Mr. and Mrs, John Ed' . ASCO inger of Allenhurst, and Mr. and $U I! ^^ 4 ti< «._ #^_»._ 20-01. 1C-' D._l. O D-__- A 10c Mrs. James Dunlop of Wallingford Prune Juice ,T. L, 27c Apple Sauce 2 ^ 33c 3-Minute Oats ri5c Pork & Beans Conn. Mr. and Mrs, Angerole spent a few days this week with Mr. and 1 ••\ Mrs. John B. MacDonald at Esto- $7.95 rejlue! F«mou« m«kt! 6 Armour's Armour's Wilson's Thrifty Liquid Dash nia, L. I. knives with stainless steel blades. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Layton and daughter Evelyn visited Sunday _ 6 forks, 6 teasjioons, 6 soup TREET Vienna Roast Beef Starch Dog Food •with Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan spoons. Well plated with pure silver on of Far Hills. finest quality nickel silver. Hurry, offer «n 39c Sausages *Z 18c kit. 21c r 37c 2 '£.' 25c The Ladies' Aid society of the expires June. 1 lth! chapel will hold an all-day meet ing next Thursday at the home of « O'CIOCK PONAIO DUCK Mn, Charles Conovcr, Everett, It n£0 will be in the form of a covered Com Muffin Mix 7; 16c Gold Seal Cake Mixes Drinking Straws ?» 10c -dish luncheon. Save at •w» A baked goods sale will be held Colgate VEL ^'.27c "Oven-Fresh Delicious Cakes Blu-White ,2SM7c at the chapel Saturday, June 11, DAW CCNW In No Time At AW KODAK from 2 to 4 p. m. by members of n 0 the Ladies' Aid. Toilet Tissue " r.n 10c 14oi. Films Z 32c .i, 38c ll! 49c Mrs, Frank Andreach of Burling- fWIITNIAIT pacfcii* ton, Mrs. Evelyn Buruge aim i\ita. k 23c SCOOP X 30c Thomas Doyle of Freehold visited Toilet Soap £. 4 « « 26c on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- IWilTNUIT Palmolive Z" 3 - 25c ard P. Domidion. IWilTNUIT Just add water and bake! White, Final plans for the Lincroft-Ev- Bath Soap ,1 4 <*• 37c devil's food, chiffon or spice Palmolive Bath Soap 12c erett P.T.A. dinner were made tit cake mixes. Also hot roll mix. nkn an executive meeting Monday eve- DOOW Soap MUOUIT1 3 25c ning of last week at Lincroft Hunt Club ^B.. 63c Try them today! school. The dinner will be held at l«Uelt« Butter Lincroft Inn at 7:30 p. m., Mon- Puss N Boots "VoTl 9c Octagon day. Installation of officers wil WcMand Butter <- take place with Mrs. Walter Mead' ows of Long Branch performing Bleu Cheese AJAX Cutrite the ceremony. Eugene Peck will be Super Suds FAB DREFT master of ceremonies. Square danc- Del h M 21-«s. ppk|.| , ISUIMI *Vl Wax Paper ing will follow the dinner. with 10c in Mih. Pki. Vi PRICE SALE CLEANSER Mrs, Lena, Clark, Mrs. Harold Princess •tout t 28c Willgerodt and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Kissit win Creswick attended the Mon- 2 —• 42c 12c raH 23c mouth county council banquet last Thursday evening at the Officers' club, Eatontown. Sliced Swiss Cheese Mrs. Joseph Heinrich, Mrs. Les- Rich 0>edd« Cheese Serve Mme SAW TRIM MEATS lie Cornell, Mrs. Harry Seylas f'timi fruits I Vegetables Received farm-fresh Daily! Mrs. Floyd Lum and Mrs. Haroid Willgerodt attended the coun'.y Cheese P.T.A. school of instruction today The prc-school round-up was held May 25 at the health center, Frying Chickens 37c Campbell's Junction. Eleven chil dren were signed up for next year. Tomatoes •="- 19c Serve tender golden fried chicken for a change. Three of these were examined at the health center, the others will go to their family doctors. Perfect slicing, firm fancy selected tomatoes! Serve a tasty salad! R Y F R A successful story hour was held Eviscerated Fryers ^? PA N Ib. 55c at Lincroft me house for 37 chil ICEIERG dren Saturday morning of last Costs no more than undrawn poultry. Head, feet, entrails removed. week. Mrs, Edwin Creswick, assist- ed by Mis. Edwin Boylan, were !ii9 story tellers. Mrs. Floyd Lum and Lettuce & 2 -19c Mrs. Herbert Kaul assisted in transportation. Volunteers are Prime Ribs Beef "> 59c needed for story telling. School pupils will enjoy a picnic U. S. No. 1 New Potatoes 5 "" 29c 7" cut, 1st 6 ribs. Sav-U-Trim removes much surplus fat before weighing. Friday, June 10, in the picnic grove on the Conovcr Woodhollow farm, Everett. In case of rain they Home-Grown Beets 2 •»<>••• 15c will stay at the school. Veal Legs& Rumps i>> 55c The cake sale held Saturday by the Bosary and Altar society

FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED PET SHOP HEADWUAHTERS—Fariil. MAO1C CHEI' K:IS Kimiic. In excellent GIVE VOUHSELl or boy profitable TWO LADIES' English bicycles. Good ESTELLJE DECORATING Service. Estab- PAINTINC, INSIDE or outside wcrk. SALESMAN. Experience not accessary. emeiliet, birds and cages; fish and riindiliuii, liT.honabIu olTer accepted. hobby raising jumbo aquabs with our condition; Console radio. Phone KU lished 19:0. Plain and iecoritllrr Also papotha:ix'w%, and uprayihg ot This cofiijiany will train fully for ou* aquariums; frcflh, frozen horse n.eat. Phciin! HE tJ-;!li-l. _ king pigconi;, $4 a pair, crosses $2.50; 1-03(0. painting, paperhanging, property main- furniturr. Call R B. 6-2242 for «it,i- of the beBt positions now offered in the Free delivery. Red Bank Pet Shon. 8 AKAIIIAN-PALAMINO "stallioii." thri-o fitting fciiunbi* fl.5U tmeh; gl^o fancy yu,k 7.60x20 truck tires, En very good tenance large and small estates. Phone mute. M, K. Morion. selling field. New home appliance. WANT ADS East Front street. Kcd Bank. Phone ytiiix old. N<» linci' liort-c in New Jrr- pig'-ons. Samuel Hoi-rocks, Box 412, condition. Used on River Flsza firo •!•_?• JbM? --• Phone evening* 7 to t P. M., H. B. 6- N(Ttun.-._J'lliinc AS ^J truck: low mileage. Phone RK «-027*-W. IN KED BANK—fipHO Cruft Studios, ii.4,ig3. puv. Muni seo to appreciate. Shcar- UUtai lUW lll.lC-f-aSjtTB • tlUaiTC KmEJ l'UblU*ni lais-w-i. FURNACE BLOWEIlii, also Me u» forWnod. Tiilt'f Neck. vVASil.NG MACHINE, E«Vy S|»1n-I>r/ir, TE**»!£A M '*.WAGON* 1 „,-..,". , new ^three-piec • - e ' mlKroehlc " " i • r' picture framing; oil paintings, etch- AUTOMOBILES ings and engravings restored; fuli-»ir.e BEAUTICIAN, yeur around, Expert oil burner motors, pumu motors, etc. _SFlJf~KLECTil()LUX, Hoovi-r. WeBlinn- »6tt. two yeara old. Call BE 6-2063. living room ' suite, drop-leaf tables, ringer waver and manicurist* Phone juelai Electric Co.. 35 F.ast Front Ht;A"TiAULB "TELEVISION, with odd dining room chaira. Hutch cabinet, frameleBB mantel mirrors, window val- MAURICE SCHWAB'lX Chrysler. Piy< hmiKir and fcvrrnl otber vacuum ances, lawn signs, framed mirrors, 87 LO 6-4417 or LO 6-2659-M. Classified • . utrrettrret. PhonPhoee Reil_ltan_ k C-0128. c.-li'i>lir!-3, all in Kond to eM-cllcut eon • lai-goi'. Best oiler. 120 Little Silver breakfast sets, ten-piece dining room nioutb und International truck aalee YOU MAY BE THE one we're looking ELECTRITRIC MOTOhSNovMOTOhS—Nov."" VVrr a liuve East Front street. Phone Red Bant 6--.M9s «lition. .srimi' almost ni.-w. UaraginK Ht Parknny, Little Silver. Phone KE 6- suite, odd livinsl room chairs, office desk, EXPERT' REPAIRING on Swiss and service headQuartera. Phono Ke-d for. We need two Bmart women to plenty of nu» 1-6. 1-4. 1-3. 1-H Hji;. . In x;,u. Diinii^ AT I-U921. any tim<-. 37J 2-J. _ new and useri wnshinK machines, elec- Bank 6-0787. act as neighborhood repreeentatlvee, to Advertising Kales P AUo used electric motoiB. Doupias tric stoves, wheel chair. Other items too American watches. Guaranteed for one GUOI") MILKING "COW. liciiiionablo l>rice. TABLES, TWO SOLID mahogany "iTom- year; also jewclsy repairing. All week D0DG2 AND Plymouth patstnicer can. earn good money. Write, "Avon," Box Electric Co., 35 East Front itreet. Phone numerous to mention. Ensy credit terms Dodg* job-rated trucks, authonsad 511. Red Bank- 10 Words MINIMUM 60e Red Bank C-0128. .Inbn Kovclehky, Wilfion avenue,,Port modes, perfect condition; Ilxi2 Big- done on premises, H. Rosin, 18 West Red Bank C01 . rlow bt-oadloom, with Ozlte pad: 9x12arranged. Burdge'a WarchouBe. (next to front street. Phone R. B. H-0072-M. service, modern service station. Frauk WOMAN, white, to do housekeeping for Each Additional 30 word! or frac- HOBARTTHillWASHERTHllWAS , model A-M-4. ^ Steinbarh building). Clay atreet, or rear Van Syckle, 140 West Front ttreiu etad small family. Live in. Phone BB 6- TliP"~.S(llL—C. 11. Moiinwk lirondloom, both ncu*, all lesa JAMES H. DEAN. JR., landscape~c~onT 'lank, West of Maple avenue. tion thereof Me. Good condition. Inquire Rollo Post than li.ilf pijce. Phone_KE 7-1370. of 12* Broad street, Red Bank." 2470. House, Keyport 7-1800. _ (1-1K-IG. tructor, mason, sand, fill dirt, gravel, E BUY USED CARS—Any make sir YOUNG MAN—For retail store worV. Advertisement leaded or double POltti) lilCAN nm"Wilsonl regula.r Phonawecet RpoE- MCCORMICJK-IJEERING_ _ _ ' rle delivery top coil, cindfrs, srardens plowed, grnd- space inserted at double rnte. V BELTS FOR lawnmowera, washlnu model. Mount-English Sales Co., »• Limited knowledge of typing and ti>to plant*. Floyd W. Lum, Newman rake and tedder; tractor hitch; almost NEW CHROME SETS with pearl ini*, ccssiiools built, 82 Lewis Btreet Monmouth street. Phono Red Bins •• 11 chnrged, fill ads are 10c ad- machines, power tools. Men-it Ma- Springs road. IM10110 HE 6-237U-M. new; late model, j*ood condition, half Eatontown. Phone Eat. 3-0*24. bookkeeping required. Good permanent chine Shop, 24 Mcchanla street. Bed array formica tops, bed snd array 017b. job. Write, "General Store worker," Box ditional each insertion. PICKUP HAI.KH. New of used New Hoi- price. T. V. Leonard, Beers street. Key- SNU'FEN Brothers. Pointing and Dank. _^ • port. One Mock south of Highway 35.* four-leg chairs. Regulir price DOES YOUR CAR steer hud I Do rout 611, Red Bunk. Night to classify, edit or reject land and CiiKr. Conovt'r Bros. Salea - pnperhnnginji. Call R. 11. , 6-2,187.J, wheels shimmy T Let us correct too "•OUCH SCREENS, six aections and $139,50. Now In our shop for only or R. P. 6-U35-W. PART-TIME WOhK. We have openings any advertisement it reserved by TOYS, DOLLS, BOOKS. A toy (or and Service, Wickatunk. Phone HO 9- trouble. 8are your tiles. Latent Beur for ladies' with retail store or sumo The Kegisler. 6121._ screen door, «*ach 41 inches wide, $?9.r,0. Ruscil's Art Galleries, 25 FIELD MOWING, by contract. No"~ioT> axle and frame straightening equipment. all ages, on* month to 80 yetre. seven feet high. Used one season. Bar- business experience. Should be able to We will r.ot be responsible for THREE SOIIF'RODS, two boat roits, Esst Front atraet. too large or too umatl. Hammond's Frank Van Syckle. 14V West r'ront work from » A. M. to 1 P. M., or 1 House of Toys, 121 First avenue, irain, |45 for all; also old mahogany True and Lawn Service. Phone High. 3- •treat, Red Bank. Wist of Maple avenu*. errors unless they are detected two ni'W I-CI'IK and t%vo 'used reels. rocker, i-ane trim, f*. Phone LO •- P. M. to 6 P. M. See Mr. Flintier 1 Atlantic Highlands. I'hone 1-0741. Phono HE 6-231H. _ 1263. Our own building..Ask for Jack Harder. before the second insertion. 1490-jVI. SONITOR WASHING machine, apart- to 3 P. M. Monday, June 6. N. J. State LET ME HAVE your old lawn mowers USED CARS BOUGHT, sold and ex- Cla."Eified advertisements will be GAfOLINK " LAW'N" mower,' 86-Inch mi!nt_size._Coll_rii:_6.0579-M. Employment Service, 48 East Front SUELL-AKT—A fascinating and protit- COMPLETE LIVING~1IOOM set. includ- and saws, and make them like new, changed. I'ontiac eales and service. received up to 5 1\ M. on Wt-d- bladf; in pci-fLTt condition. Price FRESH GUERNSEY heifer. Dennis Me- »tre __Hed_ B«nk. \ able hobby for making enrrinUB, l-r.-iponnhlc. Miko Cing^liK, Nutswamp ing msilu to order slip covers. 8x10 Called for nnd delivered, Stevenson, Icrrm. G. M. A. C. Rassai Brotners. XF ncsday, except real estate ndver- ruir. brown; cotree table, three, end Nicholt, HoBfortl road, Leonardo. Ui-alnard avenue, Port Monmouth. 19-21 Mechanic street. Bed Bank. Thone ICED FLOOR LADY. To break tiscmcnli which must be received brooches, bracelets, etc. Assorted 111111I, near River Plnza school. in girls on all type* of machines on shells in colors, metal pin backs; ear tables, book case, bridge lamps and mir- Phone AT 1-1620-J. phone Kcana. 6-1340-M. e^sisOsisO; by noon Tuesday. POToK~MATs;"~to lit most all cars. PHILCO CABIIlET RADIO: Karpen children's underwear. LaParee Under* screws, plastic foundations. Instruction \cry reaiuliabjc. Brooksidc Inn, near ror. Highest offer over 18* takes it. BUSES—We have neveral rcur engine No cancellations vili be ac- Lcnvintf for California in ten days. Call made sofa, in srood condition. Sell buses in good operating condition. garment Co., Inc., 5 Johnson avenue, op* booklets. House of Toys, 121 first Stono church. Atlantic Highlands.' HOME MODERNIZING by expert*, posite railroad station, M»tawsn. cepted for or chanses mud* in avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Phone 1- RE -*422H.J.-^ reasonably. Phone RE 6-1315 before These buses would be excellent fur Mo- classified ads one hour after re- TW(1 iSrMPUTINfl SCALES, one Btand- 8:80 A. M. or after 6 P. M." No job too email or too large. HOUSEWORKER AND COOK. Family of 07G1. _ .. J.TTCH'EN rtXNUE, combination gas and bile shops, frosen food* distribution, rtipt al office. aril ami one Toledo. \*ry reasonable, Tha best in mSBonry and carpentry, construction uses, etc. SjK-cylinder adults. References. Mrs. Maurice SWEF.T I'OtATO PLANTS, ii-d and yd- Bronksiilc Inn, near Stone Church, At- coal; also hot water boiler and Frae estimates, payments ae low at Mack engines, air brakes, three forward Schwarti, 278 Broad street, R'd Bank.- Phone Red Bank 6-001S low. T. 1'. Gill. R. 1'. It.. Kox 17G, l.inlic Hlithlar.ils.* booster, all in ffooii condition; dining FURNISH NOW with good used SALESMEN—We have openings for two Hnl Hank. Plione Mid. n-0564. room net, table -leafs tour, six «r ei;rhr, 15 par month, Phone A. f. 1- speeds. Bpro BuBts, Red Bank. BUTCHERS, storekcepM-s. The btHt furniture. New furniture and an- 1942 CHEVROLET Special Deluxe Town men to handle our excellent aluminum PAINT—From factory to you. Hilfli sideboard, chins elosft and six chairs. 1555-M. (liinlity nnd make refrigerated show- tiques, etc. Visit our showroom* sedan with heater. Good condition. Can combination windows. Experience not grade pnint enamels, varnishes nt biy cases. Lowest prices. No down payment Set your own price. 3 Parmiey street, RuniBon.* be seen flt George W. Howland residence. essential, Our eales policy of selling sutiliKii. Atlantic I'niut and Wall Tapir niui two ycais to pay. On diBplay at and inspect our goods. Ruseil'fl, 28 THE BEST PRICES paid for rags, iron, direct from factory to home ownere of- LOST AND FOUND Co., 119 West Front street, l'ctl Bank, ITIGII CHJtlR snd child's msple ward- Cross und Woodbine Avenues, Little Sit- Middle-town Itefrigrratlon, Highway 35, East Front street. metal, and paper. Gettis, junk dealer, ver, or call RE 6*6162, fers lower sellinK prices and higher Miifil!elown_._ Phonn Ml 5-029». robe, both in perfect condition, Phone 211 Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. oarningB to you. Come in and investi- LOST—May 80th, in vicinity of Chest UNITED STATES tele-vision, I Sx2<5 RE «*_4-J9.!_ 194S CHRYSLER, two-iloor New Yorker, nut street, on ShrShrewsbury y iivi'iiuc, BLOND MAPLE bedroom «uite," modern Phona li. B. 6-1567-R. Will call, radio and heater. Perfect condition, gate. Mush Aluminum Window Com- screen, with built-in rmliii. Oiit-innl Mr. and Mrs. ilrcshi-r, coil aprlng FIREPLACE WOOD, top poll, fill dirt COLD WELL POWXR MOWER, twin CUSTOM KARM WORK. Plowing, disc- pany, 45 South Broadway, Long brown HIM, roniniiiinii K idi-nti- liriio 12,800. Siicriflco fur $1,000 in- and (.-ravel. Phone RE 6-4388-J if. 32,681}; 1949 Chevrolet four-door l-'leet- i-apt-*- hospiinliziitinn cimi. pit-- Amerieiin Beiiuty mattress (inner cylinder, good condition. Bargain. Ing. planting, cultivating, hay haling. Branch. iicnlion stalled. Club 30, Jtoutc il6, Kcnnnbiirg. ter * P. M.» Ine deluxe, fully equipped. Phone AT tiircs iind ivccipts; also a $10 Mil. Itkn- Kl>rin»!). little UHed. Paid $400, nHking Merrltt Machine Shop, 24 Mechanic mowing, raking, and combining, corn -1777. IMMEDIATE OPENING. Special po- 1 r* KrnnH. C-iMli'l. SL'OD: iilsi> L. C. Smith typewriter »25: BOV'S CHAIN f)RiVE tricycle, roll top street. Red Bank. picking, tree pulling, ground clearing, tilUatioi. p«roi> \itJuiil>It ..mi importHiit TliUtK. INTERNATIONAL 3i*ton pnnel, Bitions as pictured In McCall's nini;- i7JKS—l'up*. ready to stiirt.'ymiiiK- iriis rimt'e, ivory nnd grern $20. Call desk and chnir, small tublc and two tractor work of any kind, by ncrc, hour atine, page SO, June issue. If you havu to owner. Kcwtini. Kindly mum to Mif-R BAN'S FULL ~DRESS SUIT; Tuxedo 1037, in good condition, $395. Fred Vivinn -Hodtre.-. 72 Bilbhuw avenue, Vail storH. A Tew broken bounds; all 13- Mir. Knkr. KE G-0S2O between 11 A. M. chairn. Cnll RE^«.|»62-M.' suit, both size 37: girl'B evening dresc, or contract. No job loo large. Firat- Kood appearance, personality, car, need inch slnrk. at sp« ciiil low summer nnilS P. M. fDEAOOWER MOWER. 32-Inch cut. rlass equipment. Ralph Maher. Phone Fai-wcli. 31j Bingham avenue, Rumson. for $75 In a wcuk, can work evenings, Homes. Kntiintown. Bizc 15. All practically new; reasonable. Phone Rum. 1-1499. prirrs. ,1. M. Rue^Jr_.,_fMHI*t. Call RE 6-3354-W. S7 puiDhel .._. Ltttercraft. «» Broad street, led 1 pnired. House of Toys, HI First or evening. Phone LO 6-41112-R. 1942 KOftD DUMP TRUCK; 1932 Bulck WOMAN—Housework, plain cook Call iivt-niH. , Atlantic JI.Khlniu.x. Thone AT KA 3.0059 nfter 4 P._M.» Locust nvenue. Fair Haven. TUXEDO, size 30, in good condition, ___-____* i.0il» RE 6-0760. nvenue, Atlantic Highlands, Phone GENERAL CONTRACTOR, landscaping, Bedan, excellent condition; Cndillac 1-11.,70-M. Cili(.'KKNHOtISE~20x8x«, "three rloora, EASV~W"ASHINr. MACHINE, wringer Itke new. Sacrifice at 16, Phone RE wrecker with Msnley crane and he?pct-B; WOMAN—30 to 45 years of age to as- Li)~ST—Lifc'ht colorud* lcntKi-'r wnllYt, A. H. 1-0761. iiKlnwK, lifihtp, Nturdy ennui ruction. tS-pp, copper lined tub, new wrlnirer. grading, top soil, nil dirt, cinders, d-1742, 4»_7ailey's, 98 Port Monmouth in country store. Room and hoard, plus attT. Contained driver'H license, cur GLAUIOM UULIIS, bloomers, 151) forhnns<'. As_ij._»20il. Cull RU l-l^-SS. «-CI3*7-M-2. built, driveways repaired. Lionel Simon. feet; chaira (attached), 200 in all.Phone R. B. 6-0561, road, Keansburg. : $20 weekly. Write, "C. O. L.," Box 611. rrpist ration, fociiil .security mrd and 52. 1'oKlpiiid tif ordircd now.) Bri.-liEYWdOD-'WAKEFIELtnMdlnir liaiiy SKIL BELT SANDER. "No71"257~Uaed Other chairs and tables. Make offer. Red Bank. * Final! nmount of mmiry, .Tinder lilente. liant deep orunKC-varieltated. Beautiful lilU CONVERTIBLE Cndillac, hydri- t-iin-iiiKfi with nviltresB, rhromc trim, only oner, bsrKnin, Can be seen nt Wine press. Call KE 6-1785-J after 5 matlc, radio nnil hctitcr. , near Green Grovt*. writer, $12.50; telephone Btand, INSUltfc VOliR HOME, busmen, auto, grocery store or some hiislnusB exper- ..amlinc. WCF. I'rtnil t-trret and Rector Highway 3T., Hcnriden's Corner. IF MOTHS DAMAGE your I-IIB within 1177. Phone KE 7-3091-W. $3.50: bird* eye maple dresser, mobile and other property with Haw- ience, prefer married men with high Placr. TnllJlK fi-0:..2-lt. five ycnrE, Bcrlou will repair or re> kins lii-others, Real Etntes and Insur- BUY YOUR CAR NOW. Carefully se- Hchool education. See Mr. l-'lintzer DISCONTINUED washable and aun- plnco it without enst to you. Buy Ber- SINGLE MATTE bed and sprint;, good lected, low mileage cars. Outstanding l^OUNP—'White" male dop. wiih "black clean bed, larieo fish nqtiarium, shade S12.50; beds, complete, $1R: ward* ance, 77 Broad street. Phone Red Bank Monday, June 6, 1 to 3 P. M. only. N, ffilt n-nl] papera for every room in iou today. Wright Stores, Red Bank, values, all priced below the prevailing and bi-nnn mnrUnxf, about rar» and mjipio trep; Call RE 6-l*B5^ rr.be trunk. •9.50. Ruscil's Art Gal- mmke:'. 1946 DeSoto, custom club J, Statn Employment Service, 48 East fnce. Call itK 6-2807-11. Inc., 30 Monminitn atrect* Kcd Bank. 1 1 your home. Values to 112.50, now WAtNirT~BEDRdOM SETrtwTii'TiTds, leries, 35 East Front street. Q EN ERA L CONTRACTOR and cesa-,ools coupci 1948 Ruick super scdanctte; Krone ylrei? ' Red Bank. LOST—Pafsh'jnk No."'"42.7 R1", l^ned by PhoueJtB 6-2222. _ •1.93 for 10 single rolls. Klnrin'a Rest quality; also other household cleaned, carting and grading, top 1042 Chevrolet club coupe; 1942 ilEAtlTlCIAN. steady or part time. 297 tint Second KaUoiuil Hank and Tnmt JUST IMAGINE—A room cooler for •oil, manure, fill dirt, cindere, gravel and Bulck sednn: 1946 Ford super deluxe: Main Htreet, Keansburg. Phone Tainta und Wallpapen, 2« Mon. your bedroom, for flu little an $261furniture) : trsratre doors, like new. Call VEEVGOOD USED clothing. All mi-i- Company of K nbn''f ba_nk. Riouth atrtet. mplftrly installed. No one ran beat 6-14(4. Oscar Becker, 47 Seeond *tre*t. Chrysler Windsor sedan: 1946 Pontlar ; Ci5WPXriTE~EQmi-tlENT~for a fou'r- bargain! for men, women and children. MAID— Mult be (food cook. Reference*. LOST—MH> Tfi, ManmtfiPttc tie clasp, if. MMdMown RpMg.-intlon. Hiithn-ay chair harbor shop. Including mirrors, Over 200 garments. Open until 12 noon Fair Haven. sedan; 1946 OldsmobHs sedanctte; 1947 35, Mjddlrtnwn. Phoni- MI 5.0299. Phono_RE_6-2797. initial* K. K. N. Rpwnrd. flrliirn to Tractors, plows, srbln frames, sterlll-er, vash stands, daily. Dean's, 89< Kedmond avenue, WE PAY highest prices for your (jOiil- Ford sedan; 1947 Ford club coupe; 1946 S Wrht Front lUrrrt, upstairs, Bed Bank. harrows, cultipackers, grain drills, Sff)T)EL ll-14TNF,fS deep sea fryers, Uuick super 4-door sedan, fully equipped. D£P'ENDABLE~high school senior or He. Located In New York city, to settle Oakhurst. l>hon*_D*al_7.iO««.l tr». Writ* or phone. Long Brunch college student ns mother's helper. Thonp RE (.-422...M.* sprayers, manure spreaders, hydraulic floor model: Fitco frlatator table estate. Any rensonable offer will b.* 1-UnO, 8» North Brosdway, Lung All have radios snd heaters. Lowest USKiJ "STOVES, "andironi, hot air rei- down payment, longest terms possible Must have pleasant disposition, Imagin- loaders, lirr.e, fertilizer sowers, mower*, model No. 1. and potato cutter. All good . ..;. Phono EA 3-0507-M after * iBters, two and three-burner gas Branch. Zwlekl's Live Poultry Marnft. pick-up balers, w.igoti!, etc. Manufae* an new. D MorninjfBide- nvenup, Keann- Open Sundays, William J. Levlne, 43 ation, be fonrl of children and capable plates, gat grill, bathroom basin, tingle Occanport nvenue, Wost Lone Branch. of minding them at bench. Pleasant FOR SALE lured by Case, Mnssey-IIarrls, Myers, burir. rhono KE 6-1785-J between B washtub. Ice box, lamps, Other things FLOWING AND discing done. Es. Planet Jr., Dunham, Super Six, Cobcy ami 7 V. M. NEW, AT A BAR"GTIN7 .ray green surroundings and congenial home, on bus Broadloom Ilxtl. Complete Vflth too numerous to mention, IK Shrews- timate* given on largo fields and Phono_ LO _6-2J68_oi-_3;OS22-J. line, near Red Bank. Write, "Depend- ANTIQUES, BRIC-A-BRAC, furniture, and new Holland. Conover Bros, for SIX RESTAURANT table« with marble bury avenue. Red Bank, 1837 UODUE "two-door sedan. Tires better service. Phone Hoi. 8-6121, Wick- tups nnd 24 thnirii. Imported Czecho- nounrl eiltres and pads. Cost $150, Never small gardens, Call Edward Cross able. "_llo^ 51 l._I.ed_Bnnk.* bought and sold. Soho Houie An* unpacked. Will sell for |10O. Kirk. ITALIAN PlrToVIN. reasonable. Phone _gpod.__ty G. Phone_AT _ 1-0270-W.* tlquei. George Msrtin, Prop. 7< Shrews- ntunl:. "Invakln, brnncl new. Phone KE B-I997-M at. RE S-4218.R evenings, nfter < MAN—Immediately, to" cut down dead Phoni! LO ».S858. _ * KE i-0310. 1048 GMC PACKAGE delivery"'iianeli trees. Can also use person exper- bury avenue, at the «nd of Monmoutb ATTENTION HOME OWNERS'—Save Frlfli^y thr_ough_Monday. o'clock." $1(850; 1948 Uodgo vs 12-font closed MAKE FENWICK FROZEN G iTTiEFliTGERATOR, Lawaon divan. POWER LAWN MOWER, 20-Inch cut, ienced in correct pruning of shruba. Call atreet. Phone Red Bank 6-8736. money by modernizing your house FK FROZEN veBTtBbir, boily, f 1,760; 1947 Ford one-ton vs. S- mid fyiltfl s thhe i important pnrt of your dinlni* room furniture, Hat top office 1 Vt H. P. Mow* and trims the, finest RE 6*0070, giving leference and pay.* TYPEWRITERS, adding machine! and yourself. We are equipped to lupply desk and two chaira, kitehen cabinet, lawns, tall Brass, or weedB. Cuts on BLKCTRIC MOTOR rebuilding is ourfoot stake, 11,150; 1946 Chevrolet »i- office equipment, new am) used, you with ill the material! naceuary. reducing dji't. btl*lnes». Call us for quick ssrtl-e. ton vs 8-foot stake, $875. Terms ar- GROCERY CLERK—Apply nt A. Ribu. chairs anrl table, antique secretary, b«rl- smooth, rough, or terraced land. Easily stelll, 159 Monmouth street, Red Bsnk. bought. iold and repaired. Serpieo'i, Small monthly payments arranged on UPRIGHT PIANOTlTiT FrM~3JTiverj; room furniture, miscellaneous furniture. handled. Carl Beekroann, Sea Bright. Douglas Electric Co., it East front ranged. H. L. Zoliel Co., 1110 Main purchase ot any materials. Hen fire 105 Monmoiith street. Red Bank. in vicinity of Red Bank. Call RE •- Dorwln. Phone_ KE 7-1118.* Phone SE 2-0079. 041 FdTfP, TWO-DOOR Bcdnn, now of age, for year around work. Apply than at J. H. Mount. Co. New Good* Attic Insulation, application of tile- CUSTOM-BUILT wTKi cTinlK down condition. Price $50. Call after 6 P. rcaaonable. Call RU 1-0356. tanks cleaned and Installed, drain* In- pnint job, good tires, good running Donald's Laundry, 44 Marlon atreet, yesr tires, guarantied recap tirea, «uer. board in kitchen or bath*flmsh your cushion; Schumacher fabric 6x9 Co- stalled, Phone any time day or night. condition, liiBfi. Must sell, goinic to Cid- Phone REJ_0204. basement or attic into a playroom, bed- M.. RE 6-0429. HEREFORD PIGS—Heady to go. Severs! iintecd used tires: plus a liberal allow- lonial I'UK; 10X13 Oriental rue, used. Humson 1-O74O.J. Harvey C. Tllton, I fornin. Call RE_«-_22H-J.'' . Cook~HOUSEKEEPER. Sleep in. Small ance on your tire*. J. H. Mount. Co., room or den, Complete line of lumber, IVRU;J1MS to select from. Walter H. Willey, Iruce place, Bumion. miM'vork, h&rdwnre, paint, wall board, NOW IS TUB TIME to net the best Oakhlll road. Phone RE 66-itia-R. i947~"PLYMOUTH SPECIAL deluxe, home, two adults, two children; no 11 Mapli avenue, Red Hunk. Phone «• LAftGE BLOOM Chrysanthemum plants, SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned'; four-door bedan. Perfect black finish, laundry. Own room, bath, radio. Refer* ' (1404. roofing, siding, plywood, iloori, windows, in home freezers. Come In and PTJT.CELAIJ.CELA N tRHbAtHR00H~basln~ . with Insulation, etc. Free house plan book. Jii cents cneh. Call KE 6-2204. elso dry wells, drains installed. Es- fine running condition. Priced to sell encea required, $150 monthly. Phone RE UUARANTBED u.cj niii games.Put ftee. the famous deepfreeze on dt«« trap and ffaucets; four chrome-kitchen timates given. Oscar Becker, 4? Sec- 6-0826-M. American Building Supply, Highway 35, pTfEWAY KEROSENE heating Stov7, chairs, ZVixS-toot mirror. Call RE 6- this week. Seibcrt, Little Silver, Phone lome life In that recreation room or r\Cf-lli.,|it condition. Complete with rlny. ModflB for any alse family, ond atreet. Fair Haves. Phone Red Bsnk RE 6-1342*M.-_ GENEIUl, HOUSEWORKER. Reference!. at Hcndden'l Corner, Middletown, Phone 1785. s-1464, cellar btr racm. Also used juke box**, fittings ami tivo '-gallon fans unit two r9-38T6"R"l"TcT)NVEKfinLE. $151). Call $100 and up, in guaranteed condition. Red_Efniik «-«44<. any size purse. See It tod*? at SO-INC'H WHITE porcelain tlnk with No laundry. Call Thursday, 6 to 7 P. "."-c»illrin ilruins. Call after 5:30 P. CARPENTER WORK of any kind done LO^6-4n92,-W aftcrJJP. M. ._ ! l to Cat! or write, Majestic Amusements, IS. VENElTAN~BLiNl)S. Custom made. Cash American Freezer and Appllnnce dralnboard $10; New Home treadlo f."-fj' '!V-K 'J>______RIT 1-D676, M.. liU 1-116IJ_. by day or contract. Jobbing a spe- YOUNG GIRL—To "care for~yeafTolii 17 West Bergen place, Red Bank 6*^1.17. or time payments. Lynnc-Shcrman, sewing machine with > attachments $20 ; cialty. J C. Marvin a. Son, Box 41,1939 FOCR-DOOR" Packard Bciliili. Good nr.. 102 Wctt Front itrtet. Phone R. B. ELECTRIC RANGETTE. like new. *3r,; Company, Highway 35, at Head* running condition. 1150. Cnll KE 6- child, five afternoons a week. Will pay CALL US WHEN bellintj four antiguea, new folding bed with mattress $10; Belford. Phone Ketniburg 6-0691-J or 0-2243, two.burner KIIH plate, $2: aqiiarlums, lien's Corner. Middletown, Phone walnut chlirerobe $20: walnut what not S-0434__ 0652/ . 810. Call'AT 1.1623-B. china, bric-a-brac and household ar- equipment: patch iiuilts: novelties; un* MAN—For pleaBant outside Work. Ap- ticles. Sea Brii-ht Antloue * Gift SOU—Acres of sod, five cents per pnuiire UK «-3S77. $22; several sets chain; small marble LIGHT HAULING. Tall icrasa mowed. 1937 FOUR-DOOR UodKO seilHli. |250. finiBhfil nui'dcry chairs: crocheted chair top tabla; antique pinecupboftrdi odd _ir.J_WnII atrnct, West Long Branch. ply nt Exclusive Cabinet Work*. Shoppc. Phone Sta Drlsht 2-0009, or fout. Middletown Stock Farm. Thorn* sets, two itu boxes, ?,1 each; two-inch Call before It A. M., or after < P. M., ONE-CAR UAKAUE. 8x10 chicken coop, tables; desks: china, glass, lamps, pic- RE «-3008-n.' 1937 STUWl.A'KERT'Dictator. six-cyl* Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. Vail Long Branch 6-4137. s S. Field. Phone li. II. 6-IIS61. ('cnti-ifutrnl pumps. Phonn RE 6-4340," Homes hiis.* 6LUESTONE—Give your drlvewny that movable; nai'i glass showcase; 18x24 tures, mirrors and vases, Other thinga Inder. four-iloor seilan. S175. h. How- PARADISE FOX JACKET.~sh7oTT4Ti6, too numerous to mention.. Come in and WE BUY AND SELL anything I . rich blue color cf distinction, lasting white porcelain sink: white norcclain SANDING, reflnlshlng, wax- arrl. Wilson avenue. Port Monmouth.* AfTRACTiVE YOUNG lady, with sales Good comlitinn. Leaving for warmer tub^_^,BU_RE_6-3363*Jtb^'URE63363J . browse. Stamberry, Middletown Five m9~STUDEBAKER~Tihamplon, fotir- ability, to sell chances on auto, six Contents of homei, atores. estates, service nnti beauty. Shoemaker Fuel Co,, ing, old floor* mid* Ilk* new. As- Little Silver. Phone It. B. 6-223H.J. climate, _.«2*. Phoni' RK 6-4Z81.* NEW SOFA DAY "Bfili, maple bed, Corners, Route 3li. opposite Town Hall. door, radio lind heater. |4o". Call days H wci'l; on Broad street, Red Bank. cellars, altics, china, glaasirare, an- liEliROOM" KtlRNITURErbressinst tablcT spring and hair mattress; cheat of TRACTOR, double disc, and plow. Com- phalt and rubber tile serviced. Es- Cnll HI 3-1268 after 6:16 P, M., or all tiques, art objects and fill bric-a« FARMALI, A TRACTOU. Complete with chest ami bid. DenlCTed hy Modern- plete, ready to run. Phone RE <• timate! cheerfully flvcn. Arthur W. ilay Saturday. plow and cultivator. H. Kissel, Eat. drawers; 0x12 rutr; boudoir chair. Phone 1«48~PACKARI» custom built scdnn, am-. Perfect .condition. Call RE I-RE 6*411«-J. 4494-W^ brae. Kuscil's. 25 East Front atreet, 3l)lJ.iMl)l'J.'i-M.. Acker, Chestnut street. Port Mon* like new; 1947* Cadillac convcrtlblo COOK—From 6 or »!30 to 8 or 8:30. 204S.' AUTOMOBILE RADIO. Motorola, to fit coupe, excellent condition; 1937 Dodge rnone Red Bank «-UM. «*•:• H. P. BRIUGS 4 SfRATTON, raoilel THREE SHIMMERING, sparkling white mouth. Phone KE 4-20S6-J. six days a week. Phone morning* be- VERY HKAVfll'VL iti-ecn trrout-ht iron Zircons, linnet, one is '%-carat, two are l»40 Oldsmoblle and other make ears. two-door seitan, ns is 5245; 1946 Pack- foro 1 o'clock, RU 1-1875. ZZ air-cooled, new, $75; two l--vuit, BIIIES top tnlilr, 48x30 inches; four J NUN-KAU1NU, full fiber tCNilcne teat 40 ampere generators, with regulators, ,i -carat. Benutiful III ring, Very rcna- Perfect condition, just overhauled, $20, nrd four-ilonr Bedan*, 8-cyllnder, complete WAITRESS—Experienced, and counter ma^chln^ strnlk'ht back ' chairs, cush- oimlilp. Call AT 1-1694-M. . or best offer. Helper springs for 85*40 BUTTON HOLES, two for 5 cents. 116 with clectromntlc clutch, radio, hratct, covers $1'J.'J5 at J, 11. Mount Co., cor- Uhcd, perfect, $15j new oil bunur, com. ioned jicntH. Excellent condition. Phono Shrewsbury nvenue, Red Hank.* tt girl. Call in person. Bow Knot Sweet Ford, 17.50. Phona SE 2-0079.'" smt covers, *l«4 r>: 1947 Plymouth four* Hhojinj1. 69 Broad Street, Kcd Rani:. ner Maple avenue and Wnitt itrect, nlete with Ihree controls, $115, and AT__--02R.|. LADY'S BfCVCI.E $10, pairlady's white F6R MORTGAGE LOANS aee R. V. K. RtdBank. I'hone >*fi40«. 'c-inch heavy duty, clcctrin drill, new. shoe roller skates, size 7, IS; baby PAINT SPECtAtl-th. b.lt door seilan, Specinl ilt-luxp, complete with EXPERIENCED all around kitchen mari H. Btout, Lewis building, 77-7» Broad air cushion!, tires, punctnro-proof tubes, $43. Fred Farwcll, 31 Biugham avenue, '(•"SEAT OPPORTUNITY to purchmie Bcale, $3; Imthinctto frame, $S; black five-year outside white, 11.10, regular or woman. Hour* » to 6. Salary open. VuUI! SI'IKELLA I. an indivldua-l gar. thoroughbred Guernsey heifers, with street. iOvtr Newberrv store >. radio nnd henicr. 9f,44<*. All cars fully nicnL, styled juit for you, based on Ilumsou. velvet'evening wrap, hood, $10: vacuum 1575: special outside white $2.9". Alky Call RE6-033B. nr without, 1'oKintration papers. Frank cleaner, S6._ Call RE «*4S58-M. flat enamel covers sheetrock and wall- equipped, radio, hciitrr, «tc. T. C. Otto, measurements of our improved Igure. VanSycklc Colt's Neck. Phono FR I- COMPLETE LANDSCAPE service. Inc., Packard dlHtributoi-.'Hiirilini; mail, COOiC AND GENERAL houscworker, es* l'its perfectli all over. Call for (reeSMITH TYPEWRITER, recondition*,!. BA"KG7\TN—Pizza rla ovun, "fullyVqulp'edT paper without sizing. Xi.ts, regular $-2.50 fui! price, two-yenr irtiariiiitce. OfiOl-J. $3.75. 155 Shrewsbury arcnue. Red Roses, perennial ahrubs supplied near Broad street. Open nil day Satur- perienced. References; live in or out. fittings, no obligation to buy. Phone Phono FA 6-4502. Charlie'* Cottage Other help, on bu* line. Call RU 1-133?. Serpieo's, 103 Monmouth street. Phone FENWIcTrTrIOXEN~R5ODS come from Bank. dny. Kalontown 3-0811. K. ». 6-046*. Inn. •nd planted. Lawnt mad* or ren- the (.-ooil 1'iirth, are tenderly hnndled. ovated. Maintenance by week or 19.12 CHIIYSLER tro*door scdnn, osceU YOU CAN'T UET a better buy ou lires PIANOS—Vied, U you now own a pinrio, AIJ_ tli£_j:orHlncHS preserved for you. 00x17 TIRES AND TUBES. 1.000 mlW, li-nt condition, $930. Call EA 3* heavy duty, $40 for pair, Thurer. 33 than at J. H. Mount Co. Nuw Guutl- keep it tuned and in good condition. P1I1LCO COMBINATION, excellent con- BUSINESS NOTICES month. Steven*. Phone R. B. «- 0378-W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES year tires, Kuaranteed recap tiics. guar- Bruce E. Anderson, concrr'. tuninjr, ret-. Chestnut street, Bed Bank. Phone RE 0852-M. anteed u&ed lircs: plus a liberal allow- dition, rml tnhlnn, fireplace, occas* 6-424S-M. 1941 C'HEVROLET sedan, 1947 unltine, uliiUm: nnd rcpiiirinE. Photic R. B. 6-iiuiiil i.haii's. Will Bell separately; ulmt CARPENTER, PAINTER, rspsir work Rood running condition, $'00, or 1042 BUSINESS PROPERTY—Lpcatsd at 11 ance on ypur tin*, J. U. Mount Co., 4SS!»jjr Rum. 1-13S5. TT.A1LER—Good condition, Prico $50.' 11 Maple avenue. Tied Bank. Phone 6- dressrii, some ln-iinil new. never worn, aid odd Job* don*. Call Bed Bank SCENIC INN. 100 Ocsan Boulevard. Pontlac. One must bu sold. Call RE' Union atreet, Red Bank, adjacent to 0404. ^_^ others almost now. size 14. Phono RE Call RK 6-07:i6-M. •-28S7-R. Atlantic Highlands. Call Atlantic 6-1682-W. Boatman's Shop, 80x50 feet, First and COMPLETE BATHROOM outfit! R-ji_iloa_nr _R-4 0_HI - J/ DELICIOUS F..YEHS and roRBtlng t-hirk- VACUUM cleaners «tuair*d, any mak* HighUnds 1*0388. Catering for weil* 946 CHEVROLET two-door Flootlinc second floors, office. Inquire Boatman''* ADI) THAT EXTRA room to your ' ens at rciiBonnblo price. Order taken house. No down payment, small with either recessed or corner COOLEI1ATOR—Holds 100 pounds of Allen ElMtrl. Slop. II Whit* Itrwt. ding*, parties and socltl functions, any- nciinn, two-tone brown, fully ciiuippod. Shop. 24 Wharf avenue, Red Bank. ici*. KOOII condition, rensonnble. 28 also for dressed chickens. Also eggs. Red Bank where. French cuisine. John (Pop) and four nuw tires. Excellent condition, KENf~RE>'RESHMEN* stand. with~*Ti monthly payments. Monmouih Construe bathtubs, automatic gns or electric Phoni. I!B 6-13I8-R.1. tloii Co., iimhnay Si, lit Ifcaifden's Ki>int]^ avcnj£r,_Atlnntic Hichlnmls. FOR INSURANCE of nil l*lnds."s« K. V. M*hD__ Low mileaKr. Inquire after 5:30 P. M., equipment, for summer. Next to Sea Corner. Phone Red Bank 6-5060. Frte hot water healers, kitchen cabinets NEW HIGH POWER~Mau«or sportinS WIItE-HAIREir Fox Terrier puppies, R. H. Stout, Lewis building, 17*19 SMALL MOVING JOUS und trucking up 121 Maple avenup, Eatontown. Hone Tavern. Located on waterfront, estimate. nml sinks, combination sink n:A rifle, test fired four times. Uses atand- champion stock. Must sacrifice. Males 8road street s NNewberri y stor*l. to two tons handled promptly, cour- Ideal Beach. Call Bergen 3-6673 Tues- •1948 SUPER BUICK convertible, litlht day through Thursday. KE «*1897-M CONVERT YOUH ATTIC or second llooi itrd Smm Kleimbni-c ammunition. han«l SI", fimnlcH }10. Charles Dresser, 113 UU1TERS. LEADER*EM,, In coppsr or ga,- teously nnd reasonably, "C." Furr, R. B, prray, llko new, 8,000 miles, private laundry Irays, toilets nnd toilet West Front street, Red Bsnk. Phone Friday through Monday. into apartments. Part of rent from ninilo walnut stork, 20 power hunting vaniitd. Call uss fo foir an estimat* on 6-5256 before 8:30 A. H. or evening! owner. Phone RU 1-0386.* scats, wahh basins, medicine cab- HE 6-421S-J.* after 7 o'clock. - AS STATION, doing year-'round but- apartment nnys for tht job. No dowr, scope. Price JIBO, Phone EA 3-1060, any sheet metal work. J. V, Bogart: 73 1939 BUICK LIMITED, Just overhauled. 1 liajmenl, seven jcur. to pay, Fret estl* i:icts and numerous other items for HAVE YOU SEEN our line of girl's pin. Potter street, River Plus, Ktt Bank. Incsi. Completely equipped, long lest* cxt 422. at $50 per month. Price $5,1100. Wear*.* miitc. Mnnmoutn Construction Co., the home builder*. Come In nnd BARGAIN. Hcywooil-Wakefielil inriint-f. afores and child's sun suits; They're Phone R. B, $*07»8*M I4-HOUP. SERVICE on the repair ot Hlghwity 35. at Headden's Corner, Phone knockouts and all vpiy reasonably 1942 CHf£YSLER~Royal. radio anrTheaf- Nemeth Agency, 42 Broad street. Phone look arouad. Open evenings. Amer- deluxe model, llko new. }2,'; also JOHN DONATO—Mason and pla.terlng radio, and electrical appliances. cr. SHOO, 10 EBSCX street, Enst Bed Bank 6-2240.* lied Bank 6-iOeQ. priced At Cohen's Dcpt. store, 220 contractor. Headden's Corner, Middle- ican Freezer t Appliance Co., High* Thnyer stroller,.like new. tilt: bassinette Shrewsbury avenue. Open every night We call for and deliver. Harold's Kcnnnburg. ^^ jo. Phono EA 3-0694-M. town. P. O. Bon 143. Red Bank. Phone VETERANS AND OTHERS—free eit- way 33, 'at Headden'a Corner. until s." Ft. B. 6.8259. Radio and Electric Shop, 34 West 1034 f&NTIAC SEDAN—Good condl* PLYWOOD— «4", «,". >.i". Garaga MINIATUitE AUTOMATIC washer. GiioTl tion, now tires. Asitinir 9125. Evim, slogue describing 400 course*. Vet. Jours, special, (49.50: No. 1 Per- Phone R. B. 6-3S77. for infiint's' clothlnit or small nrticlo, IES BATHING SUITS In one and BUY AND SELL second-hand clothes. Front street. Red Bank. Phone •- 17 Grovo stieet, Enst Keansbury, cor- erans accepted under G. L Bill. Writ* International Correspondence Schools, fection wood shingles; uours, elipnii. Cnll mornings, 30 Hudson avc- two-piece BtyleB. Very famous make Must be in good condition. I. Kerber, 2744. ner of Hlghway_36. that wo urcn't allowed to print, are on 209 Shrewsbury avenue. Red Btnk. Boi 15»3. Scranton. Pa. Local phon* novelty siding, moulding?: kiln dried UAS KANUK, cabinet typo; also wash* sale for only S2.99 and «3.99 et Cohen's 1940 OLDSMOB1LE, radio and heater. Market H-1164, ing machine, with electric rmuiKlc. Phone R. B. 8-046S-W. lOVING DONE very cheap. Cull Flaher lnlO, 1x12 white pine. National BTPORTUNITY SHOP—Old salt ilisKoT, Dent, store, 220 Shrewsbury avenue. Op. Good condition. Call KE V2882-J.* both in good condition. Blom, 38 La- picture frames, wash stands, table*. Brothers or Scbwart* Auction Roum, AN OPPORTUNITY. Confsctionery Lumber Co., U0 Btlniont avenue, posite River Street school • AL. BERNTSEN. Fort Monmouth. 'hor» HIM) Bank 6-321.1. GOOD BUY. 1037 Terraplnne. Pri- fayette street, Uunison. Phone Rum. 1-ilressorn, rhairB, curios, old anil new. vati- owner. S250. Cnll BE B-32O3-R.* store, established 25 years: year- Long Branch, Phone Long Branch loss. Tho public invitei], Come in and browse HANDSOME TRU.VAL~^hlte shirts In We do interior painting, psperlng 3jruui.a ULiE.Ar.ISI> and dug, cellars 'round business, good location, good In- Ml sizes, are on salu for only $8.28. pumped, trucking and hauling. How- 1938 PLYMOUTH, four.door nc.tnn" come, Owner but new interest!, Phone C-240D. GOSLINGS, EMDEN, Toulouse, and li round. _ Tho Mntthews, 115 Brondvny. and bloek ceilings. Civ* your rooms srooil condition. Must sell. A steal at while Chint-se; nlso Pekin duckllnxs. You save- p.xnctly 701 cents on each one. ard Tilton, 80 Center strest, Rumson. B. B. C4322-J, Tru-val pajamas on sale for S2.95 at tho new look. With over 15 years Phone 1-U978. $32fi. 128 Belehnw nvenue, Vail Homes. It. n. o-«aaz--i. I'Ati BELTS AND PULLBVS for «lec- Phono Key. 7-11011. W. D. Swurtic), oiTriiuiiNETrairdlin-nari'. in food run- Phoni- ISA a.O488*,I.___^ . PROFITABLE self-service luundromat. Fnrm Supplicg. IInj.!pi. Cohen'n Dcpt. store, 220 Shrewsbury of lino* how. We guarantee our ANTON' HALVOKSEN—Painting con- trlc motors in stock. Douglas Eltc* nlntr roniMt_lon, Cnll_RI" Js.3740." 1847 CHEVROLET club ciuipn, fully Must sell because at illness. Write, avpniip. Open every Tiight until 8.* work. The best of tnnterlsl* used on tractor, interior, exterior, paperhiu.g* trie Co., US Caiit Front street. Phone PIGS—Inocuhited. Now available^ CnlT COLDSPOT, Blx cubic feet. In" pi-rfect equipped: RISO uniler coatine*. Excel* ^Lnundrotnat." Box 511. Bed Bank. lleil Uaiik 6-llU'ij. after 5 P. M. or.ly, Ent. 3*0116. Ing, East Washington avenue. Atlantic JERSEY SHORE, all-year income prop- • condlllon. New motor. Call RE 6*177;. MANY FIND IT inUTcstins: looking all jobs. Free estimates. Call Keanl. Iitrhlands. Phone Atlantic Highland! 1- lont_conilltlon._Call_KE 7-2882-J.' NUW IS THE TIME lo, a.terutlont to Nl.W B'EI/ro'NE henrlnv aidr. OriKimit erty; four families; all new and mod- over the odd and qtmlnt pieces (-1404 and asked for AI. 1880. 1937 PLYflO"JTH"two.rloor coach. Rood your house. No money Uuwn. Smai! WE HAVE FOrt immediate delivery, cost "Ili,',. Will sell for «.-*. Cnll LO con.mion, $185, I.* Wall street, Red ern. Magnificent location; 1'-3"Ti>— monthly payment* unruugtu. Free esti- e-Ofl'ti, of china, plaRswarc and bric-a-brac, Dank.* flO.000—-1-.000 cash, balance llko mute. Phone R. 11. ii-OUOO. Munmuuih elcctrlo refl-igcrntors, gas and LAWN MOWERS and power mowers C. JOSEPH SMITH. Wallpapering rent. 6 Third avenue. Atlantic High* IILACK~"Cf)MiiINAfiON~So1il and Sis paintings, Oriental rugl. clocks, por* ConsUructioD Co., Uighwal 35, Head- electric i-nngcs, Maytay washing sharpened and repaired. New and UBcd and painting, remodtling, bath* 1941 MERCURY four-rloor sedan, heater. lands. Phone AT 1-0586-J. tlen's Corner. _flnv(.,_f2^ Phnnc HI II-I.Q6. celnin's, silver, old frames, etc, Rus- lawn mower* for ssle; Coldwell power Call RtM.iaSD. machines, frcczei-G, Dutches! wash- mowers: Parker lawn sweepers. Pick up rooma and kitchens, all types new JUMFEK—Aim tood lor hacking for AUCTION AOTiES, on Route 34, every cil's Art. Galleries, 25 Eaat Front i9STPLYMOtJTH"aKDAN. heater, gooil ARE YOU INTERESTED? If ao I ing machines, water pumps, sump Tucsilay nlKht. New nnd •liuhtly Ir- and delivery service. Davis Lock Ser- ceiling! Installed and all kind* of tirel, upholstery and body In sni'c, or exchange for easy goini; puio a street. Phono RE 6-H93, vice, Clark street, Highway 35. Phono have a business proposition to of* Pony or child's jiony [mil carl. Clcdmar p_mp . SOTo savings on all floor Kuliir auction Roods nt IcBii thnn wholc- cabinet* made, tight on the job, All roari condition, A-klntr $«7.". or best ....If! values. Iloutr 34 nt 18th avenue. Key. 7-2881. fer. Need financial backing. Beat of j'nrrot. Call Knt. 3*02118.W-l. samples. Open evenings. Ameri- jobs financed, no down payment!, up offer: also Philco suto radio, $15. Phnnn Just west_of Glendola Hiul Bclmnr. GENUINE LEVl'S dungarees on sal* for ALCTIONER AND Appraiser. BO. any^lmp. RE 6--290-J.* references. Write, "Busineas Prop* can Freezer ft Appliance Co., High- $j.95, size 27 to 38 waist; also Adam CUSTOM PLOWING DONE. Numbtr fHR"EE:plECE maplo llvlKiTronm Bet. Coats, 4*0 Bath annu*. Long Branch, to 3* months to pay. Phono K. B. 1D97 FORD COUPE, reasonable. Cnll one hay. We nlso bale hay. Call It. U. way 35, at Hcnddcn'a Corner. hHts arc out in. full array, straws are Phnnei$.3599. otltlon," Box 511, Red Bank, 6-131S-R.1. Bofa-hi'ii. Good contlitioii, |50. 14" 6-0360 or R. B. 6-4318-R. JIU l-08-«.« Phone R. B. 6-3S77. Hl'iclco avenuf. Phono RE «-3M.\, white and chrome, Phono RE_-_|88.* • feed, poultry supplies, fertilizers, lime. nnd II-OIIB in Icntber ImgK: InrlleH and r'Olt UUAHANTEED radio service nt cery, delicatessen, ice cream. Low Co., Highway 35, at Heailden's Cor- 75-pound capnclty. Good looking and price, low rent, nice fixtures. Mcfarland Power lawn mowers, Harden tractors anil gentlt'menH. llkit ti^w; fitted picnic kit onnhlii ratesI4I| , call| M\KRE 4 6-16H2-WD1. i HELP WANTED ner, Mlddlelown. Phone R. B. 6- many other-, Mlslirow llrothurs, Whnln. efficient. Phono_EA 3'OtN-jR, _____ FLOWING AND discing done. Es- Agency, 38 Front street, Keyport. in iiL-i'onlnni! IUKKIIKP, Hi'rvlre for Bh: A FINE LOT OF DHES_E8, STIB 16 to AJON WORK, plastering, cement And 3877. pcind load, West Louis Branch. Plione bii'Ke bingo game and enjn1: lady's over- timates given on large fields and ncnerai mnson work, Mnuro Bnsso, L. H. ri--0MI. 20; fur coats and nthor wearing ap- MAN—Full or part-time, take otdcrt, niuht fltt"il pigskin bag; two Indy'n pl^r. jmrnl; Singer vacuum cleaner, n«w Wtist* small gardens. Cnll Edward Cross 13 PeforreBt avenuu. Red Bank, Phono ,- RISMINGTON TYPEWRITER, "Ti9.>a>'. TOP QUAXriTY"lx3 RLMI OaiTlloorlng, skin, iio-lnch wardrolio !uiteniieB: Indy'n RE «-3QHQ._ nationally advertised quality merchnr- BOATS niwijuse iron. Other items too numer- at RE 6.4218-R eveninis after • dlse (appnrell repent businen. Protected Reconditioned, guaranteed, Joseph kiln dried, In iiunntltlrs not less than mlrrol'iMl viutlty tnbk>: briilirn table, four ous tn mention, reasonable, Phono Mf SEWING MACHINES repaired. I'Vee in* Serpico, 103 Monmouth itree'.. Phone 00(1 boanl fi-i-t, in llio fnllnwlni* Ki-a,li._ chairs anil Htand to hnlil tnhlii ami aesjH. o'clock.* customers. Personal nnd cuitomet con* roaesH apcctlon. Pick up nnd delivery. Ma- '.acts. Write, P, O. Box 181, Belmar. r'ORD MARINE INOIHE3. Unman . R. II. 6-0485. at nricM liidicaU'd 1 Clear H1.1l Onk floor- fhaii-H: ivory bnok ruck, i-lt'ctric fftuam TflEEE-PlECK living room aulto, |first* chines bought and sold. Sewing Ms* converted, 100 h. p, V-8, eliht-cylin. 1048 JEEP with Mustanit trailer, Black* ing, 1x3, J235, ilcllvrri'di select Iti'd (Ink Iron, Mstiliu- kit and polm, 18-luth cWc. class condition; nlso Easy waHhlng FLOOR SANDING at eight cents a chine.Service Co. Phone RE 6-2138. WOMAN—Full or part-time, take d*r. 1471; 65 h. p. *l»eyllnder. $445. hawk snowptows trailer capacity five floodlit-, 1x3, (Tii, delivered. Terms 2','0 Iric fun. All in-tlvlea In fino eomlMon. mnthini?, electric, nrlngor type, large. Bimare foot and mi. Phono RE 6- orderi. Personal. Introduction con- Conversion kit for your 1937 to 1941 l\ tons, hydrnulic brakes, vacuum booster. cash. Call Ili-il Bank Lumlicr und Sup. Phonp LO li-171,1, Prico very reasonabli', Phone LO 6*2977 324'J. Myron Morson. FLOOR.WAXINO. 43*11 Bed Bank tact!. Protected customers. Write, P. O. Ford V-g engine, 1120. Mount .English dual wltccU, new snow plow, outnt pc* lily_ f-'ii.. !l Wall stl-M't, 6*0153. nOST' UTrlfUeFlv|.ler or 372 Bsth avenue, Long Branch. JlILL—Local and Ions distance moving, Box 191. Belmar.i 11 A t 4-8478, Superior Floor Waxing Salts Co., Kurd dealer. Red Bank. feet. I'rlcc 2,:Ul0. Cnll Ent. I1-0891-J, YANKEE •rRAiiEir"frfrow~ii7iprutiiig~ai modern mnplo dinette rrt, mnplo roucll tjNTVERSTlTTJTTrftY four msrlne en. ISO West Bergen piste. Phone RE *• Co, Private homo* or spscl«lty. . BOATS—Any site lowed or delivered TOP SOIL, (travel, and fiij~3Trt, locust the old fttnnil, 25 West ITIIIII street. null rlinlr, five-plprr brdrnom Bet, slnffln glni>, 36 D" 24 P" propeller. Morse 4382-M." SINGLE NEEDLE operators, Good anywhere, 68-foot boat for charter by urn I'll- lull, i-iimblnntloii i-adln anil posts; lawns ^ruded, seriltd, anrdtnj Buys, si-lle, IrailiiK nufu|iirp, old (li-rrirmb l*trill),'lit-llnr rMluctinn gear, model K. CARBURETORS and magnetos rabuilt, pny If qualified. Steady, ytnr- hour, day or week. Fred Farwall, II - plowed; any kind of crndlim done fct anil sportlnit KUIIS. Just enll Mr. Mnr- pbiitiognilih, il'-hk, bnokcnBi; and many 'Julc-k, factory workmanship. DOUCKIB EXPERT CARPET flaying, rupaii.ng. Cnll nftrr 6 o'clock. 42 Moran place, flinging, binding nnd roiiovstli.g. Hlnirham svenuc, Rutnsnn. ' day or contract, I'hone Mid. C-D163 rill, R. B. 6.2.47. >>tli'f Itrnn-. Very rmiBoiiablc Phoni. KpiinshurK. Electric Co, 31 Enst Front street. Red 'rutiml work. Apply Adams Bros.. atUr «_!'. Mj_Mnn!iliio. KBB»4J[SJ Percy Gray, 45 Wnverly plate. Red |6*FOOTx6*FOOf Inboard, liuincT. T\V() SLiniNC Kn"riiKi'""iloiTrf,' 'InHiiiiliiV ilOMlN'li i'lOEONSC VSTy iPKminiTbir. Punk_^__ , Phone n-iiiwu6fli«. S<4 West Front jtrcct, Rtd Bank. freebonrd, with *Vi h. p. Briggs 4 ;;, W*fi JIAVK MATKKIAL fo dolour Bunk. I'll'""- Roil Dunk 6*a228. _iillJHtlnl!»1_l.'nll JIB 6-:iH48. Phone RU I-0594.J, Robert Benson, PAINTER DECORATOR AND paper* CESSPOOLS AND sepUlit tanks cleaned, Stratton motor: bout and motor new. rooflnsj or siding )ob now. Pay ss AUTO HAlJIAfOllS, nnw »nd~iiinir"nl* fronon fond iMihlnet, Il» Ward avenue, Rumsun,* hanger. Interior and exterior 1 25 LIVE-IN JOBS AVAILABLE. Domestic, Mske offir; 450.pound muihrnnm an- . little ai $5 monthly. No down pay- built and repaired, Modern drainage 1 wayK on tinml, I,pt us Holvo your I'IHI- 20 culili'_fi--i-l. PI101111 111 a-1321. DOUBLii"B7f3Sr$Tooni'-"sr«c, g'ood con.' »••»• mwrlrae*. Estlmsles ekttrfully inttallod Robert Albs, West eTeansetirg. genera); cook and nrtt-floor; first* chor, 40-foot '/.--Inch chain, Will sacri- mint. Call K. I). C-COCO, Monmouih gl'snI— . . SP_LouiA-|_s Cssssn-*• a._^ , 44i J*» .«hrswsbnr*••- -m ^ _^_ ^*k-^ dAy^ Intor pnihk'iii ruircclly. SIIIIII; day Bor- WEfPffNfTffOIISB refrlKcrntor. Plione illtlun. CUBS needs repnlra. May be Phone Koansburs! 6-04H7 clusi cooks, waitress. Apply Roberts. fice, S50, nnd vvntci'-coolcd exhaust Construction Co,, Highway 3[i, at Mead vli-i-. UIMI Bnnli llndlntor Works, 11 ;l aTenue. Red BBanka . Pheno «.40»4.W, Employment Agency, 77 Bcoiid street, manifold for Jeep cr Willys, new, $20, . den's Corner. HB r,.nK!)r,.n, suen anytime, 7 Forrest avenue. Hum *E ACCEPT GENERAL bookkeeping. Wi-«t l'ront alnxt. Phone H, II. (1.1177. son nr phone RU I-I5H2-M, Red Bsnk, • Fred FarwelJ, 81 Blngham avenue, Rum* ; WSBIStJUJ POWElI'OWKItt BBTKAYKRTlnTumTcu. r SI:VEN:INCII TELEVISION n.-t, mag- OIL LAMPg eonnrted (or elestrit. partnership, corporntlon nnd tnx nc- Yr.H POSTS ANTi KAILS—Spilt TiiJitnuT iillliir IniB mill niiti'iinii, $60. Call a'- LAKdK Crtnr"f''rtArlfRlVBtiliycl«rExc«ir counting. -For iiartlculan, phone R. B,SPARE TIME HONEY makTnp; plan BOIL ^ dlllon, Cunovcr Ikcn,, Wickulun) I'o.ilj nml rails, lorusl llii4thUH furniture repHlnted ment necessary. Nationally known nnd single, $04.50i 3 1). p, slnglo $D8,50| onnbk. Conovir Uroi Wickntiliik. JilJCJrf- All" in 'i-sri'lli'iit VondUrmi. '"nnil udvertltcd company. Write, P, O, Box 5 h, p, twin •IST.fiO| 12 h. p, twin $215, Phone Hnl. ll-lil'Jl. full IINSB. 0-015:1.W,RLTllSrpHrBTM5allB" , ttibln nnd two benches! pair of marble Red Bank. Phone 41-1744 Called for and delivered. Wllkfns Mo- •••"•" than half prk-i-i two 11x12 Wiltons, bimp, Torchli-ri' flunr lamps; nve.ilrswpr tor Hales. Phone lied Bank 6.0040, A*« 113, Trenton. Authorlieil asrvlce parts, J, H, Mount ' Otfe'tTTSfoVES, niiil'lrima, IMIIII n,u for Illlllllil-U, ^hri'l', boitpillln, niftld'B utll- Co,, cormr Whit* street and Miple av«. e S;..". 1.11,1 SII5 ra.-li; S.Jll Wilton, SI.'. • fiirniB, nml iti-. I'llonn LO 6* 171.I. imlnted enbjnt-t. Plump RE 6-0421-11. for Mr. Brltton OlvES fit ni monuy In smiro lirupUfc, v.an urill, lawn mown-, bit lilmi ••Iglil.foiil riiminr- SI2.;,(l. N,.i. «,,,! PAIITTvTrblfoTf'riroii, antique flnlsli relirlstled. Allen Cleetri* Shop. If tlmi.'. Illrf profit, onsy jitOHng house- nue, Red Bank. iur bMhriiom, old farm bell, tumii*, p IIKA"H(JNAHLK— Twii.plrci' living room ARTHUR K. BOYCK, painting contruc !i?in-l'-'?- —i"--"'"• ''I""'". KB 7-I37II* sultp, two llnvi'liport tables, floor Hint andirons; also four*plRco let fire Irons, Wlilte strest. Phone Weil Bsnk «-0«l. tor, exterior and Interior painting, as- kcrplng noeil", Huy wholennlc, ncll re- MtiKCURV OUTHOAltD motor, Author! boxer. Olhir llili.ti loo iiiiniennis i, BBfllffi! M Al'li fHrTTTr tail, A cur helpful, For dnUlla, cnll AS lied dealer, Stilt* nnd service. J, H, ra.nlldm 111 Hbrowaburr aienuc, Kcd I.1I1I" In IMP, crib, Kprlnt- nnd matlmin! Inns), poker, ultovrl and xlnnrl, wrought WHEI.AN AND CLARK. Palntlntt 'nd tlmstes supiillid on Urge nr -mull tubs. 1 liny', suits, ilr.r 13, 6 ami r., excellent Iron with btaBs Inpi, Hoth for *) 10, pnpsr hsnilng, By day nr contract, Flrst-clsss work by nrsctlcal painters 1*1520, Thursdny and Friday, hctwoon Mount Co,, corner Whits itrcel and Bk« fhSl.. M I.J S and • P. M. Mipl* avtnue, .'hone R. I. $.0404, condition. I'tiont SS ••I11..J. rh 1.1 LOIII-MI* 1-.0.I U It. ».1I*7.J 4» Sit. 1*10.4, rhoat B-imioi 1.0IM. BED BA*K BEOWTKB, MXK I, Mi* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SAJ-t BOATS SITUATIONS WANTED APTS. wd ROOI» TO KENT APTS. and ROOMS TO REN1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALfc REAL ESTATE FOR SAL£ bUNUALUN— lu luwn. liivinK ruum, OOM HOUSC; two-car RarnRe; RETIRED MAN'S ESTATE—12 \_ acred, KbVI'OHT tiU3IMvcS buiMinx (brick): POSITION AS GREENHOUSE mower 91 SOUTH STREET—Comfortable.home- LA1JY LIV1NU ALONK, would like to 16-FOOT JERSEY weed skill, practical!* ghure her home with Christian l;uly Jiroj il:t t.f. modLTJl kill'hi'11, Lwu lji:d- lot 1o*32'£. Second house from r'roitf half tillablf, brook. Comparatively new thrte stoics, thrte a^.«-lments. Good new, fully equipped. L*M engine. Mujl or E.-irilcnef. Uox 525. KcU Hank.- like rooms. Phon. Kcd Bank (-28U. M r». P. Klmsen. or coupltH. Mi'i. Srliumar.n. :ia Statisir nutiiis, l.mh. i-MHiiihion Httie, autunintic nvttiijf, KivtTb'fle H-'iphtfi. H'ffhwny 3', five-room b-injfalow. Open terraro in nveeioient; aikit-g price $13,000; Bet to appreciate value. Jim Davn, 2 IUDLBTAGED COUPLE seeks year lit nt; $1-,OUU. lifurjrc H. iactiHiirk 1 mini. d:.i't: po.«sf.-'ion. Mrs. U. A. front, r'icturcsque »ettlnK, dfsirably sH- terrni. Conatance Sm'lh, 14 Maple ave- around genera! mninteminre work in It MAPLE AVENUB—Furnished r«on». plarc._Jli_v»r_Bidi!_Hrii:hts. Ri-d Jlank." ___ JJeacon Uuulevard, Keanlburf. Phoue COMblNATlON' liviriK room and double A«*.'iify, b Lindfii I'hivv. I'honi; HtJ ti- r..«i..r. 1'hnr.e A.JI. I-IfiSi-J. uat*>d for quiet and jrood livinKl Kuejtt n'i*._Fair ilaven. Phone RE 6-'^3Q8. Ktans. 6-0532. - private home. Live in. itolinlilo. indus- O:,e of Red bank's most '.onveoicnt '(UHrtprn; xarnge: imall barn and poul- locations. CsU Red Bank 6-1681. Mrs. bedroom, twin bt-di*, in privnto tuime. KfTANSHURC—Three" H»IK." ZhxXft'i each. MlDiJLKtuWN HIGHWAY a:, imaTT UN1VEKSAL MARHJB motor, JO H. P., trious, capable. Man chautfiuT, mechnn- A'! Mt ilitii *, nfiir Itii*, shirrs end try hnils*- make this complete: $22,000. ically Inclined: hnndy with tools. Ilcf- Uao of kitc-hc-u if dp»ir^«l; also KiiraKe JMMUDIATE roSSKSSION'." White flan- house, &£l impioverncr.ti; garage. Plot 2'.i to 1 reduction gear, lB'.jxJl IK u h . Would ndl on trrmi sfpiirn'.ely. Rny Stilimin k Anioclnt*, ft 48 Broad 50x100. L'jca:d in .bj.iir.cts zor.n. Atk- erences. Write, "Middlo Asjcd," Box SlAl'LE GltOVE HOTEL open all year. jilnblr. Can RE I-.-1.131-K. liuard. Thn-i! bcflruumv, liath, itn-plaru Mrft. Red Bank. Phone HE 6-5111, Bruuelltr. All in good condition. Uric. i living room, oil heat, n.-wly ik-coi- Phoi.c Kt:nt.. 6-ir,71 or write, J. M., Hif price, l.i.'j'vu, IZ.iil") cash, b:i!anct «»sn"^Al. Steel. Phone High. 3.1209.. oll.Ked Unnk. Italian meals; uewly decorated, kitch- NEW DUPLEX^ live-room apartment. en privileges, reasonable rates. Furnished ttil iiiniilt; nml out. Excellent vnluu j Rji'itr 1, Un\ 17, Katnntnwn. 200 FEET ON* HIGHWAY 85^i:ireproof >i.g term mru 1- room mudern bunnalow. Excellent for reajy to go. Ideal river and Bay boat. kitchfn; unfurnishrd: ?100 a month. .j seashore iioints, nr without truck. AiliinticHigjilands. I'hone 1-1587. roftm, twn 3-room; double garnjie; hot heavy eijulpment uales or storage; aluo l'UKTAUI'ECk—Oi7 b'u~i;r.e, "ciosr~to Can be seen at Scott's boathouie. Welt Will accept private chauffeur job if of- Jngcph 8tbta. 181 Riversiile avenue. THE MARYLAND—Boom and board, Phone Re 6-06,14." KAKI.V AMERICAN. t'harminx furm- Wat. r hrat; lot 75x165 ; varant, m-wiy trurk repair: S22.O00. ftay Stlllmnn Ac sens hoi t and Mor, muuth race traclc, Front and Hubbard avenue. River Flasa, fered anywhere. Mr. Furfaro. l'honii AT di-oiratdl. Move riKht. in: lin.OOn. KnrlatfB. Phon" KE 6-S111. or nhone RE «-2810. with plenty of hot water. Juit a ft* linusr. Mudviniztd kttchtn. iircpim-,-, nut i fill home, approximately I \_ or pnon* ita* »'*otv- . 1-1059-K.' • _ . Muriu Cox AKI ncy, Comnnche Drlvr, acrtfc, e.ght rooms, two baths; «xtra doors from Broad street. 31 Wallace in- living room: barn; Kin-*t ai-;ua- BKICK SEMI-BUNGALOW. Living room BOAT HAbDWAbE and trim chrom. PRACTICAL NURSE. Part-time, re- street. Phone Red Bank S-0U31-M. i with fireplace, dininw room, jaKc; oil burner. A*king l-'i.OOO. Kx- plated and rennished to look like new. n-ifief, ft*,. »u0. Kolstou Wiitt-rlmry, mod' rn kitchen, two bedrooms, 1 *•.* Monm.uth Plating and Polishing Co., your aged mother during day or ritrht. •nllor, 16 West Front street. 1'honu HE bath, full rt'llar, st<;nm heat, oil bur- cl'isive a.-rr.i, Conitcmx Smith, 14 Ma- 113 West Front atrxt. fhona I. I. »- Ho housework. PIIUBC call RU 1-0366.' DUPLEX APAETMBNTi — F.v, NUHSEKY SCHOOL. Urubsen minimum ner, coM" >' plu[nl)itiK. oak flours, (IIHS- bathn; set-omj floor partially fini»ln!d, in- C5HFEfENT~W0MAN would like to 51,000 pvr nionlli. Six-room, yuc- MilAiion thrnii«hout, oil heat; attached rooms, iitivsts cellar; SJ.foot OllKKN^i-'OhONiAL—Srx^ftirK« rootni., terrd throtiKhout; plot 120x1(19. Cald- Ifar«Kc: scrfenn and storm windows, ^iTDANK7^is-; J. lTio^d^Tr€ct. beaioT mind child by dny or week for work- bath ^-cbidcncc, hut water heal. Liirne u. II nvi-ntu>, SI*.40b. (all Kenns. 6- SKStx SPORT SPEtD skiff, ltat. MeT- living room-dining combinations; tile hath; Karaite; luvely garden. Kx- mean maximum comfort; low upkeep; tiful hotfi« w.r.i four bedrooms, larg* cury marine enulnc, hull in good con- ing mother. Kessonable rate. Can nldu imrBc'ry tepanito Horn main rcsMenti?. OHIU-M. virjt room, dir/r.g room and moden prlvst. front and rear entcanccs. OH heat, l:iv«tory; ¥^4,000. Joseph (i. cell'-nt rn.in!il>orhood. in Little riilvor. hi.'Ruti fully land urn pod lot, rxr client dition. Guaranteed .pud over 40 ml lei. do baby littintr evc-ningi. If interested, CIVILIAN OK (J." [.—New four Tnom* ni-inhborhooil. trnnspnrtnion nearby; tcitclicn. U;irsa;n at 512,£00. Con- please call RE6-0897-J.' Availabl. no*. Repre.entstiv. on McL'ue Aguncy, m-Hltur. 1'hono KU 1? Nciir school find bus; H:i,!i00. 'l\-vmu. Fhone R. B. «-»El». Elaur Morris.' lluUttm Wal'-rhury, Hpallor, 1C West nnd but Ii; hnrdwonil Moors, built-in lU.Oiiu. Hay Stillmiin A Ansorial^ii. stance SrnJh, U Mnp> avenue. Fair TfcK-FOOT DUCK hunting bost. goou CARPENTER, repair work, painting and preslse. daily, evenings and week- 044-i or iCE ti-llTl)/ . rnliin* ts. kitchen nnd bathroom walls Hi^hwny -IS, (Iiutwet-n I(,-<1 JI nk & I a v*j n. I'h o rn* If K 6 - - !»0 &. IIUNUALUW. £xcclli*nL condition, i'ivu ['ni.it Mi-wl. I'lu.n,' UK f,-:!.',ilil.' compk'tf* Cnn«ii-w;ills, tile Hoor; o'.'. H condition. Call LO «-!«4IM after t odd jobs. Call AT 1-011U-M. enda. Trctnsven Village, Trtshaven -ShK'Wsbury), Ilt-d Bank. Phone KE 6- 'AIR™KAVKN — Near Red~Bank lint. ronmu, bnth, oil ht-at; k'urnjce. plot SMIlliWSHUUV— Colonial, seven roonw, if at; f ilOfl down piiy merit, full tejcnJ P. Mm. DAY'S WORK or- laundry, Tuesday, liW- bath, powder rnotii, linpljuv, U'«ll con«*i nctcd n r.d in perfect con- Garilens, il'-'ti Batta avenue, Long "0x200; ?y,0utt. Junt;ph G. MfCuu frci $39; purchase price {6,TOO; month- dition. Four roomB first floor, lavatory, lt-FOOT RUNABOtlf bost. Ford motor. Wednesday or Saturday. Call RE 6- beautifully decorated. Pi-rfc:-! condition; y iiaymcnls J47.U5, 1G yc.-irs. F. Spiti- Inquire Burdge's garage, Little Silver.' Branch. iifiiltur. l'huiic KU 1-0444 or RK1J HANK—Ono ncrr, portion of for- inclosed porch, ihrce bedrooms, bath Ige's gar 4280-R. (i-cnr irnniKe. Make oliVr. Kolstmi ioif", ('.j\inpbell ayenu**, I'ort__Mnnmi>utn_ mcr i-stMtc, and w«]| ronstructed PACKARD MARINE enflne, compl.te JjJJTU.* icron'i floor; larite plot; two-car garage; WOMAN WISHES to care for child in Wiili-rbury, Realtor, lfi Weal front liulldinir with livitiR quarter! which in- oil hent. For quick na'.o 115.a00. Imme- VanBlerck conversion 100 H, P. In her own home. Ono block from town. FAIH HAVEN—Well furnished room in KfcMODfcXED fiirnihuuav, iti nttracTivu beautiful old house, privileges; one ktreet. Phono UKji-3500." __ ON UK.'UST-NAVESINK rond. cludrj threw b^drnonm, and imprnve- d'ai« occup:inry. Co:;sUncc Smith, 14 A-l condition, with instrument panel. Phon« RE 6-0471-J.' _ setting. Kntianco hall, tivintc room, RlVElt UltiHT.'i. Spacious iiome. r'nur bW>ck_from bus. Ph«n._K _tt_6-m6 ll. fireplace, dining and kitchen first Haul, mtnts. 'Could rendily he converted into Maplfl avenue. Fair Haven. Phon* Rfi Can be seen at Welsh's Oarage. Phone tfHFASIOiinroUSEKEEPER. Refined, : ; Tnpe Cod eotlaKu on lot 80x127. nnirnifirent home.) $ 16.000. Hay Still- 1'INB itlDGK, "Bumion. Lnrgc beilroom, three lovely bedrooms, two bathi net- bedrooms, two baths, 32-foot living HE t-0785.' references, one or two adults only. Call oom, lireplnce. First lloor Invatori". oil Two bedrooms, livinc room, kitrhrn nan k Associate*, fi (M lipond strict, in private home; near bus line; ga- ond; hubby room; two-oar attached gfi- SHlfEVVSIiURY TOWNSHiP^Oin but 24H-FOOT WOTORBOAT, IS cedar RE (-85U-J. leat. ConvellienL to town; $13,000. Hnl- mid bath, oak (loom, hot water rlr- rowboats. Scotty's Boathouae, River rage available. Business man. Phone raye; oil; sis ncrt-s. Ankinti $23,50U. tin*. Inrnme property , three smnil SUPERVISOR, industrial, wishes po- Joseph (J. MeCue A«ency, Kealtor. hton Waterliury, Renltoi", 16 West Front Plata. Red Bank. Hum. 1-0139-11. minting hrnt, oil burner, full rollnr. [tn-EItFRONT— L.nVK« lotT"f 300~f>7t~ul furr.ished apnrtmtr.ts; two-car garage, sition ss building superintendent or 1 Phon«_RU 1-0-K1 or RE_8-U"_0/ Very attract; v« exterior it ml interior, LARGE CAMOE— 4 Randall place", property maintenance for renl estate MEWLY MODERNISED 4 ,i-room apart- r J»tione AT I-O-IST-M, Rufinell W. depth), boat dork, npic and npnn ment, in two-family house. Tile bath, IIVB-KOOM Oupe Cods to nine-room UTTLK"~STL^rfi^C^)mV'iii r~CiTiie"~r'oif. lhrr« her) room, modern cnmfortabU heai'd by nil. Income $250 a month. concern, private estate or Institution, 1 Mount Sr., HarUhorno rond, Nnve- Keansburg.* i_ automatic heat. Mngnificlent location: ColoninlB, |iy,r»OO to $3S.U00. Kivcr Four bedrooma, two baths, automatic home; nttnehed garaife. Pricn S13.00 0. 'onstanc? Smith, H Maple avenue. Fair Maintenance experience. Write, "Indus- ] •SEDAN CRUISER, 25-foot Chrla-Craft, 3 ,-f-room apartment and comfortable OiikB, Colonial Tcrrare, Pints Kldge, heat; hobby shop; Karaite; landscaped nink.' Kny Stillman 4 Associates. Phone JIE fa\rn. Phon" RE B-2-TO^. 1985, 65 H. P. C.C. engine, sleeps trlal." Box fill. Red Bank." rooms, day, week, season. 6 Third ave- Urund Mnnor, The ilci'chei. We are til- lot ToxlJO. Askint; SIO.TSO. Kolstnn •Sill. four, head, galley, ample cockpit, eaiy RESPONSIBLE COLOREJ1 woman will nue. Atlantic Highlands. I'hone AT 1- completely tMiuit>i)td to finuncc nnd Watrrbury, Realtor, 1C West Front BKAUTirUL SIX-KOOM houte in Co- ATTRACTIVE NEW bungalow* la on gasoline and oil, good condition. care for children any age, by the day tt-pct. 1'hono UK «-.15OO.* RUMSON—UnuiUMl buy. Lnr«« buntcn- 05h6-J. . niHrso airanKemtntd for homes to bo ionial Terrace. Two full but ha, play- iow type home. Six roomii nnd lar^e Li tilt Silver. Easy terms. Se# Mnny accessories. Owner moving, needs or week. Reasonable rntos; also will built. Juaeph G. McCttc Aitrncy, Heul- P"ICT"URr'.'~liOUSE. l)rliS}itful Ciilunlnl, room In cellar; nt Inched ganigt; Btenm cabh. Any reasonable offer considered. bosrd children. Phono UK fi-4Q6l-J. MOLLY PITCHER VILLAGE. Branch fxpanalon nttic. Hot WHt»-r hpiit; plot Constance Smith, 14 Msplt avenue. find Madison. Occupancy in ten days: tor. Phone RU_K0444_or »B B-1470.'. in perfect condition. Threo muster cnt, o\\ Hrcri: rtnsonable tnxei, I'rlre S0x2,>0. Conveniently located. Kranon- Can be aeen at Wilaon'a Boatworks any REFINED GIRL WISHES position a» N THE SHKEWSBURVRlVKR. Fur- >pdroon)H, two tiie baths, powder room, JHi,.')00. Immediate occupunry. AI In! re Fair Haven. Phono RE 6-2303. time. Phone LO 6-1188. ;H=-*S2< 4fc-f93; live rooms, 110,1. ably priced. John Mtirtanrli, Realtor. cook and genernl houscworker. Phone ntshed, two iicrt'i, innin house with uitommie heat: two-rnr KarnKC Ua- it Sun Agenry. Inc. PKoiie II. H. 6-^4fiO I'hnnft llonilpreon 4-233.1 or Florence TTTIJeR EA 8-0SS1-M.1 after 6 P. M. Thursday Modern aliartments. Near schools, iMiully line riMtUlencc. Oilers eonsidereil. 7 churches, shopping, commutlne. Rolston vp rooms nnd two liutlm; two-cnr nt- "iHKEWSHUklu Immeilintp oi'cuiiiincy. tnu, UK 6-14*8. •JOCTOR S OPPORTUNITY. Red Ba.'ik, HATTOURCYLIrTI Sea Stout «n- and Friday and nlljlny Sat'irdny. 'Inlston Wntcrliurr. Realtor, 16 West K:mt Front strctt, aeveti rooms, batri, Bine, Very cheap, needB overhauling. Waterbury, 16 We»t Front, street. Phonu tactu-d k'ltrnge; KvifHi cottaK« of two New Cflpo Coil, four rooms, Imth, *>» LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes po- roomK nnd bnth. Will sacrlficv. ARkliu; ended nttic, full cc-Mnr, oil hont: 75x15** THOMPSON AGENCY — Attractive new citt ii lavatory ; two-car Karate. V«ry Owner installing larger engine In boat. RE B.HrjQO.' Colonials. Living room, din< tie, kUch- Vood catidiuon. Kor iippoin'.menl, wnti Call AT 1-0II71-M.' sition for summer months coring for UOUBLB CHEERFUL rnom, desirabla * 17,000. Joseph G. McCuo Aict-nry. AT TOSSESSION. Pn-.wnr K.-tby trrms, Hryti, 3 Monmouth ilreet. KlFl 28 feet, shelter cabin. Chrysler Colonial. Three bedroom*, till- bath, cx\, two bfdrooms, tile bnlh, automatic or phone Consltinee Smith, 14 Mau>e child, In vicinity of Red Hank, mornlnit location. 180 River road, Red Bank- Kualtor. Phonu KU 1-0444 or KU (i- Koyal. button controls, toilet, Ice box. or afternoon, five clays per week. Write. fire pi nee, Rut omit tic ln>at: nttiuhcrl «a- hent; onc-cnr ifnrnKe: $11,"SO. Thomp- nveiMJf, i'air linvtu. I'h on*; RE 6^2 30 h. Phone KE 6^61 ±J_S 1470.* ^ri'S—All lots nlenncil. Hnve till fnclll* son Ajrenry. 81 East Front street. Phone two bunks. Dr. W. C. Ballsrd. Phone RU Summer months," Box Till. Red Bnnk.* -AHM JIOUSK. "Seven nttractivv iHtnlHcnpiiiK: lot tic? in new development. Size fi0x 1 J»0 ATLANTIC HKYHLANIIS." Nice rciidenT 1-U750-J. TWO FURNISHED bedrooms, with t00:vl*>0. IlarK'nln: fl^OOll. Rolston RF. fi-0700.' GIRL WISHES iKifilion us I'liamhefmaid ...... _. Inquire after t mitiutv to MtatUin. Nino roonm, mod- jlose *o bui nml business. Phone It, tin I section. tJI JC ht rooms, bath, all oDTBOAhi) MOTOR, B H. P., ms Roy. kitchen privileges. WiiUTbury, Itnnltor. 16 W«nt Front irnscovemenU, nt-'Aiy renovaltd, oil heat, or work by day. Call RE 6-4156-M...... ilt Mechanic street, Red Bank. oi-ri bnth, oil heiit; burn; other ouLbuiid- .,. 6-3207. _____ THOMPSON AGENCY—New home. K!« al. Used two months, reasonable. P. M ••- Ktr.u-t. Phoiif KK fi-SBOO." Kor 'iulrk sale ilu,.'0U. Terms, Con* PIANO, HAMMOND organ nnd Solovo\ Phone Red Bank 6-1'm. iuilinR tenant cottage: lfi ucrrs. LiNNVCHKSr, (.. 1. bomiB. MVi'muu* room I, til*] bnth, ho*, water hr,it, oil; John lloycc, Second and Central ave- player seeks summer position. Write, f^S.ROII. Jos<>tih G. McCuo AThVTwcir plot 10 (-Jt I 00. l'ictuts window; 111.001. tiince Smith. 14 Mm^e avenue, Fair nue*, Port Monmouth. Phone KE <>• LAKGE DOUBLE room, with twin bulk. Llrothtre, Little Silver. Phon* Rod Piano," Box Bit. Red Dank.* Ky, Healtoi-. Phunu HU 1-0444 or t Ku cJirriHRu liouun, Httitabl«> nnk_«-jWrT_pr_R«d Ban__*-<\]}_b> Thompson A/cnry, HI Enst Front street, 1567-W. Suitnblo for married couple or two SECRETARTV^STENOGRAPHER, general gentlemen. Would rent single. Phono RK 6-1470.*. for reconvert inn to Hrvpii«ronm hourc Phon a RK 6*0 70 0. • RUU HANK. -Smith street. Convenient IK-1 DOT ROWBOAT, 14!. Can be seen office work, switchboard, perBonnel. RE D-17S4. CliUISING DOWN THE RlVElt, nnd Rivor view. Uiumual opportunity at $•!,- J. CRAWFORD COMPTON, Inc. THUMTSON AfiERCY—NeVTiJniealow". litcntinn. Ki^ht rooms, two kltchena; in rear of 482 Salrs avenue. West Available for month of June. Evening; this is just what yeiu'll be ahle to do 200, ltolston Wntcrhury, Runltor, It! Four rooms and bnth, oil hrat; $ S,« Iftruu Int. For rjuick nalti $11,500. Con- Knd. UUUBLU ROOM, all conveniences, Kcnl el trite nnd insurance. If it'» •ork considered. Phone AT I-(1343. walking distance to bench; kitchen when you move into thi« duliKhtful river West I'nint Mrppt. rhono UK B-jlSOO.' 000. Low down payment for nnn-vrt- stance .Smith, M Maple Rvenue, Fair H»- 14-FOdT PLYWOOD, t% H. t. Uw-" gAN~WSULD LIKE work as gardener, home. Completely modern nnd bi-Bliti- ILJtiAL "1-Uit YOUNU"HOUPLK. Two a hotr.e, lott or Insurance, we hnv« (••iins. For veterans, }tinrh (I. I. loan. . _!'hnn» RK B-'iSOS. Hon inboard engine. Can be Men at privilege* if diisircd. Wl'ito "Beach," bedroutns, fircplnco in living tenter, hnndy man or mason's Box 511, Rud Bank.__ fully decorated inside and out. Three It. Routn 36. Bclfoid. Plione Thoni|i«nn Ac^nry, HI F-HU Front strrct, FAIR" HAVKN'—Xtw" 'ii*uni:ai77w, ti« Peter Pauells Boat Vard, or call RE •• bedroomn, tilo bnth with tub and stall room, mi'del liitclicii, hot wnter lirnt; # helper. Call MI 5-03G2-J.* SUSfSfER RlENTAL— Attractlvn four- Koaiu.buri; 6-00,19. dItK ti.n;no. nnma, h.-iih: y.nn\Kc: oil heat; SI 1,» •U07-W. Price lUfi. New last year. shower, pine den, living room, iiinin< war:i;:rt. Jn p< -ifiH't fiMwIIlioii. Kulstntt .'i00 Trrma. ('imMiinrts Smith, 14 Mapl* room furnished apartment overlook- Wittt-rliury, Ronlior. lfi Wrsl 1 tout THOMPSON Ai;'tis"CV—Mut\, ,-n hoV,^ LAWLEY BUILT, UO-clmss sailboat. room, ict'uened porch, pine brettkfiibt Convenient locru ion, Little Silver. Five line, V-Aie IIavi!!i. ['hone IIFJ 6-2308. Phone RE 6-868«. ing river. Adultk only, Call RE 6- room, tile powder room mid dream Rtrcct. Phone Kli ti-.T.IOO.' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1466. tiun, acr* plots; a modern r*»tricied OIJtut, tile batii, flreplnrc, oil hent. Lot LH tLti'ii'ILVKH—Near VUH line. Attrac- 24-FOOT SKIFF. V «" b«am, powered kitchen. Maid's room in hafiemrnti two- tiUAIN't "FARMHOUSE. "Eiiht roiimV, ..kiUvnlKil d«vtloymeiit; r'. ti. A, ap- J2 Vi; xi7 fi f attached ftarn«e; $] 3,000, tive, modern nomp, five rooms, sun TWO COMKOBTARLE cheerful fur- car nttnclmd K'lrnwe: dock nnd (lout: low four bedrooms, oil hrat, barns and otit- by 85 If. P. Chrysler Ace. Hull mil OFFICES—In Kelly buildlnjf, corner i>rov«d; school adjoluinu, olosi to rnll* Thompson Agency, 81 East Front street. room and {tarn^t*; oil heat. Immcdlata i>nuiue in first-cliis. condition. Phonu nlfhrd rooms. Can b» rentrd ainaly taxes. Ella Wiltshire AjuMicy, I'hone buildiiiKs; ^f» acres; fruit trt-eH: taxen occupancy. Omstnnre Smith, 14 Maplt Hroud street and Hai'dins rond. Apply or iloulilp. 40 Worthlry strto'.. Red rood station; Ink* privileged. A few tn« Phone ItK «-p700/ HK8-4768. V HK C-2161. fii. Eiuiy poHHcHfclon; $1,1,750. Rolstmi homt altcs still atallnble. Se* your rent* T avenijt\ l-'n]r llajrpn. Phone RE 6-230M. your broker, or J. H. Kelly Co., Red Mank. j^hone RE <1-1644-K, WaU'rbury, Ki'altnr. 16 Wt.*»t Front flln'M P.S(iN^A7JKNC ¥— ( o"Kv^i.-"ntly"!»""- SinTEWSBOKV—New upTto-thn mlnut* J)O YOU WANT a trim 16-foot bost for I. 1IOMK, with four bed. tor; also E, Alexander, on th* prtmlaas. cnttui In itnd Hunk. Six rnomn and Dank. SINGLK ROOM, furni»hi'il,"on river, ciml Photif RE fi-3BUU.* Imni'nlow, Fivn rooms, cxtiansinn at* fishing and crabbing? Call RE 6- TWO GAi'.At.KS— $.") a mouth citch. 28 roonip, two tile l)aths upxtfiirH; living Phone Keii Bank 6-1476-J. bnth. hot air hrat, coal; nnc-rnr Karate: and ciuict. in small private fnmiiy, I Vi Un—"Six-room Bunniilow. tic: attached tfarnirc; lot 11-ixCOO, nil H9.v(i-W, Clinker built hull and 8 H. P. South Ktiect. Red Bunk. Phone 6- room, dining room, screened porch, pine tiOUI* WUV —In a guod ncitfiiborliuod. Sl'J.OOU. Tluimpaon ARf'nry, hi Eimt miles from Fort Monmouth, Call RE 6- stibntnntlal pre-war coiuti'ui'Ufm. ftf h*nt: JI 4,'JUO. Constance Smith, 14 Wisconsin engine two yesrs old. 1300.* 41S1-W after 6 P. M. dett, powder room, nnd modem' kitchen Jiylu rooms, nencfoua plot; taxes $SS, Front *}j_ *____*)__>__* RK fi-0700," SLOOP, 1 d-FOOT, two luits ef main- livo-c;ir uttaclied Knrntfe. 1-nrt/c mm iiurili, thrvu bedroomx. Deep Bus line at your due* step. Price $12,- Mni>lf> avenue, r'nir ilaven. Phone RE sails; built by True Boat Co.; 123(1. E(J(TS—With private kitchen, ten mm" Situated In a liietureHriue neighborhood lot, with fXcc-IJcnL Kfu'ilt'ti. Lucutf'd In fiOf). Immediate oecuimncf. Allaire k ffioMTsoN ACtNCV-pfiVwaT""^" DESIRABLE STORE. Cnrllon tho« utes walk to Fort Moiimouth, $111 n that is wonderful for ehildrfn. I.eHKon- i f cnhitncing: valucM. Adjncrnt to Inniril homr, in oxrcllrnt location. Phone KE 7-0411-W. W. H. Wallace. Son Agtut-y. Inc. I'hone It. ». 6«ai50.. Sevrii rminifl, four bedrooms, bath, l«v- fcXJR YOUR CONVENIENCE the Wtart- IT'S HERE!— If It's for • boat, we have Mtcr b'lildidic. Kent $150 per wwk. Phone EA 3-0811. ably priced. KHa Wiltshire Ajienry. bus »linc, crt'iites ideal lionio for enm- Li^llTF&TsoN AGKNCY. INC—New. KoUK-KOOfi apartment or small cot- Phone RE «-2l6l. mutcr. Priced nt fU,7G0. C. F. Boi- alory, flrcplnrft. Plot 75x150. Automatic Nemcth Agency can be contacted at it. We carry tfin largeit stock of ma- month. Apply Mnnngcr, Cflrlton ly built bungalow in Rumaon. Living any time after oflire houri or Sundaya tage fnr summer. Good neighborhood, den. Shrewsbury. Phonn ItK 6-1C61 or 1 h.-nt; lU.SOO. Thompson Airenry, 81 rina supplies in the state. Agents for theater* fi'EU B'ANii—Compact, comfortiible, room, klLchen, two bedroomsi fnfftw^ ; on r n RE by rallintc F,A S-0546, RE 6-3209-M or near station, reasonable. I'hone RE 6- modern five-room cottiiKC, unclosed JlfNijl.__j E 6l«33J_J,^ 55!L_?"*r ^ "iI ?i--_r_ °iL* . 6-0700.' U. S. Count find Geodetic aurvey charts oil ht-at. Excellent locality. Asking TlfOMPSO'ff AGENCY—lionrh houies. RE fi-4200-W.» nnrl puhlirationr. Manila ' and nylftn UtlGK BfcAtillFUL HALL. All facit- nrpeKewny: attsched RarhKe: rlvht In OCfciANPOUT—Meal "home for boat I,;•;,•(• tlOjBOO. Call RLII Bnnk B-a-ifill. ma^ town; itttractivc setting, landscaped owner. Six-room cottage on nhnderi Ail size* and prices, $10,800 to 128,- SHREWSBURY—Ntw sla-roore brick rorip. Dnnforth anchors, children's life itiei. Suitable for weddinsi. banqutt*, JUItliE UOUriE—Stven room. m.'J 000. or built lo yyour plans. Farms. vests, outboard motors, Are extinguish- BEAUTIFULLY furnishod Inonif, with lawn nnd trarden, 140x100: 116,000. Uny arcn. with rear line entranco to Smith venrcr hom« with attached faract. partiet and meetings. Reasonable. In hot and cold running water, twit) biith. Rtttntly rcnuvated: lurxt loi; hoivir-i, «F.tntcHFtntcHtt ,, lotsllotst ,, arrraao,, ThompsoThompson Tile liftth, nctomatlc heat. Only on» ers. All your boating n.eds under one heart of Red Bank. For information, StiMmnn & Associates. Phono IEE 6- Hhi'wsbui-y liver. Moat dndc and deep two-car yiriiKc! uoo,OUt). 00't. Wrart-Nt-mslh Acenfv. 42 Broad AKHUftY I'AIIJC AH'KA—Si-mr-iriinBaTow, (>rn I.HcInn IUHI bath: nttncli'd ^nrni:!'. Ll!T1^i avenue. .Ph'""" MB _*_-0!ll. fiOAT SUPS—Wholo •eaflun. special line. Phono LO 6-B884-!!. _ i Alttiiio & S')ii Atccncy, Inc. 1'ho tie It. B. ltTAUPUCK— Six Yrmm?. frnme Rf»l linnk. I'hoiiff KK 6.2240.*^ ATTENTION" BOAT MEN—Are your live ruiMll}', liMlh, oil hent: I -', ni-res SicKtR^-.s t'fimpcls f)H charts up to date? Come in and suit boat! In nd-locked harbor, deep, rooms. Modern, In private home, quiet, fertile Full : neeessible tratis|n>l'l[tlioti nml WR HAVI'.N—Nenr srliunl nml IJIIB. hot water hratcr: lr>t 1 ."• 0x 1 ni>: low tn-.ps, low with attached c.irajrf; tils bath, check our lists of charti, cancelled hy wnlcrcouraes: SI :i,li(i(l. Uny titillinnii & 1110 6-ltifil «r (J, ir._Ni'vhiM «-1 fi:i:l-j.- H(H!H\ lour moms IIIMI linlii, ixiiiitiKtou clcHti water, excellent bathing, cnibbin*. situnted top of Mt. Mitrhcll. M |.er LITT'liE"!-iLVKIi—E.\i'i-piliiim"l "locntlon", Owprr circuiiird. House in wood tcm- steam, nil heal; lot 100x104. Excellent the U. S. Coast and Gendttle survey. The fishiiip; location, directly on BarneKut Assnriutcs. Pliimi- UK (i.r.m. ntlic-, hot walcr hint, till burner. Stmtll ilitinn. Priced very rf-HSiinabla for (-uic^. couple, dny, werlt or HcaRonnl rates. ii<-ar InnimiH Litlli! yihvr cnulo hdionl buy ut $13,000. Weart-Nemcth Afttncf. RoHtsmnn's Shop, 24 Whsrf avenue, Red Bny, foot of Bay avenue, Cedar Gvovo, Private beaeh. Mrs. N. W. Hnmes, Plume BUN'(;AU)\V— I'iv'e "fTii.ras, luith, inrno iiwn pitymtnt, bnhmce on ensy terms, Mil.-. Ph.uu.^Ll* fi-:ur.|. ii Hrniul Htr-'t. _Phoni» RE_<-2240^ l-'oui' titdt'oonis, inclmlitin cijinpU'to hi-il- : { Bank. Toms River, For reservation, writ<* AT l-lOoO-n." eticlosed porrii, iiutomiilic oil beiil, hut «ll R. H. fi-HiiUS nftrr ^j__ \_ HOME— In ifooil" nclKfTl.whootl. Uvir.^ EAT ONTO W N '—~ Four-bed room~~bunita» Shelter Cove, Shrewsbury Yucht Railn. wnter; low tnves: $7,500. Phone KU I'onm nnd li'ilh on HrriL fioiir. K.vcrllcnL FURNISHED ROOMS—One nvailabfe prn-wnr coii.structioii. Modern Kilt-lien: nnd diriinsr ruoni, fire-place, four brd* lo'.v, Buta malic hot a:r heat; lot 31-FOOT SLOOP, fully equipped, Offica 043 Broad *trert, Red Hank. Phone nov, the other Saturday, Men pre- 1-1269-W. 4 Mnplewood avenue, Rum- PAUL K. STItVKKR, Uenltor, Fnrma ioms, hot, watar hp-it. oil burner: lartifc 50x200. Convenient location. Alttini RE 6-Bllt. nights RE 6-0441. son. ^_ drtiichrii rtnrnttCi Priced tn rltcrt ()iiick reasonably priced. See Mr. El- ferred. 87 Branch avenue, Phone RE nnle nt 516,600. C. F. Borilcn. Shvew*- and farm estates. SLnte Hi«h- plot: ?12.7.'0. ficrn«e ft. Schan-k price $11,500. Wenrt-Nemeth Afencf, 6-16BII^ iJTlARK RIVER Hli7LS~tiIrVo~!ots on mer, Pullen'e Boat Yard, Itumaon. hury. Phnnft RE 6-1661 or G. H. Nevlus way St. Holmdel. Phont Holmdel A^iipy. 8 Linden place, Phono RE 4'i Hi'£ful street. Phone RE 6»2240.* SUMMER RENTALS. All iliii, all ROOM—Call after 5 P. M., AT 1- Overlook Drive, 80-foot frontnKC, 125 6.0337.* SHltEWSBURY township — Bungalow, _1687-M.- feet deep. Will sacrifice. Contact owner. UJ5. _£:!*?.•! "LI 9-6601. : ROWBOAT, 14-foot. Bargain, iff?, prlcis. Marie Cox Acencr. Co- CAPE CO!\ ~HdME -Nenr "Knollwooi Six roomi: irr.raee. Corner lot 88x164. LAR"r,rT~nbUnLE ROOM, with private Phone LO 6-1006. RED HANK—A very comfoTtablFTwrnft Phone LO «-!490-M. manche Ptive, Tortaupeck. Phone with four bedriKims, in one of l!cd IUUAL HOMK— On Uroud *tr*tt. lor ft Bchool. Llvinti room, modern kitchen, Zoned for business or residential occu- bath, shower. Good location. No rook- CoSRTii'liA'NClI—Seven-room house, on two bedrooms, bnth, radlnnt hent: $11,- pancy. Hot water heat, with oil. Price 18-FOOT SLOOP. Sails and rigging, A-l L. B. 4-M02. Intr lirivilcgeg. Phone RE 6.2J108-J.' Hroadwny. Good location, easy and in- Psiink'K best ronltk-titiiil areai. Modern doctor's olllcc. Four rootni, lavatory condition, 1400. Phone RE «-21S8.» kitchen, firnt floor Invntory, tilpd bnth, for the doctor and six roomi for hlx *t00. G*>orga S. Schnnrk Sttencj, 8 Lin- $8,500. Wenrt>Nfmcth Apcncy. 42 Broad i'UIfNISHEl) threo-room apartment. expensive to heat, storm windows, i den place. Phon*! RE^ fi-0397.* strrct. Phono RK 6-2240." CKSnCSS&S TYPE, 26 feet. Complete. MMER RENTAL—Furnished, rlveri screens, porch encloBed, warm, dry i-el- nun porch; itctnrhnd Kam.vf>; »U ep plot, fnmiiy. Three-car yarnKO: hot wateT Knmi-privat. bnth. All MtilitieR pro- J125 fofit; exccllr-nt, Kivrden soil, rluntcd hent, gtis II red. Occupancy wllliin • SlSTfiOi[5»r"HdUSft." N.ar racVTrB^lc FAIR" AVEN—Thrce-bedtoom leml. Bargain. Call Saturday AT 1-0086. front upartmcnt, four loome, bath, vided. Adults preferred. Phone RU 1. Inr; two-car uurage. Reasonable. Cnll prlvntfl fntrnnce i sandy bench, mat;* with berrlen, fruit tree*. Priced nt reftsonuble time, i'rlro S29.O0O. Allnre and «f a shore. Oil burner anrt traravr, bungalow, near river; an excellent buy STFbOT OPEN SKIFF. SaerlJeeTPoT. 1157-M. owni-r, I,O «._ljlO6. SI 6,000. O. 1". Harden, Shrewtthury. 4 Son AKency. Inc. Phon* R. B. 6-34^0. Inquire .lolin Mnnf.l, B0 North Lindrn for 3S.O0O. W-nrt-Nemeth Acencj, 4.! ten's Yarht Basin. Rumaon* nifkent view. May-Novcmbor season. PANOKABIC VIEW. House, elelit FURNISHED ROOM—All conveniences, Phone RE 6-1661 or C. H. Ncviim RE nvrnue, Long Urnnch, or phone L. B. fi- Rrond struct. Phjm* R_E_6;!1Up.* Children over 14 years acceptable. Ren- rooms, all modern improvcmentH, 3060.* tal $1,000. MinuKh Agency. Phonti RU singlo or double. Phone RE 8-1604. RUMSON—Open for Iniptction. Two QtTLE SILVER—New nv*"-room bun- Lundscnpcd Krounds; barn; Karatxe: galow, expansion attic: attached KK- .OTIC* 4li7tiOOM FURNISHED garden apart- lame house: 1,000 chickens: five ncrex. EATON to WN— New OTuniM Home, new flve-ruum houHcn In "Oak* U1GHT-RO0M HOUSE, at H6 Herbert MISCELLANEOUS ment to sub-let for summer months, fine construction, living room, firo- street, lied Bank. Phone R. I), 6 rnge; hard wood floors, hot water with HTt^E FURNISHED room* nnd bath, Holmdel section. McFarlnnd AKency, 38 woods"; also two new ranch houtt*. oil. flreplnce. Price 113.500. Wear4.- in center of Kcd Bnnk. Call HE 6-2667 CalIJtE «.3225-W dnyjifjivening. Front atreet, Keyport. place, den, modern kitchen, four lante 28S9-J after 6 P. M.« LISTINGS WANTED—If you hsve> a bed room •, two tiled bathi, Koehlcr heat; three bcdroomi, two bath*; in Pin* OABIN—Smnll," peaked roof, completely Kcmeth Agrncy, 42 Broad street. Phon* house for salt! buyers waiting. R. V. •ftcr B_PJ__MTJ FURNISHED RI1OMS, single or double; TITREE LOTS. 25X100. Oceanport. nnjj - 224 0. • ^ summer rental. Three also apartment, furnished or unfur- attached garnge. Price below coit, at It id tf* section. Inquire- General ihiniiled. practically new, well con- H. Stout. 77 Broad atreet. Phone Red RiTlii ental. Close to Shrewsbury river, nil water $21,000. '0. F. Horded, Shrow»bury, R1VKK PLAZA—New 4',3-room, i*mi- Hank 8-2141. bedrooma nnd maid's iiuartcrs, s|>n- nished. Business people, (adults), brand sport?. Improvements: nenr all transpor- Howard S. Borden. I'hono Kum. 1* structed. Has four I.II-KC windows, eloua lawn, duck, boat. Convenient to new home and furnishings. Country at- Phone KE fl-1661 or G, H. Nevtut KE double flooring, site Rxl2 feet. Pricu bungalow, expansion attic, spacious ARE YOU HAVING a pirtrT Why tot tation. J. I'ettinato, 286 VnnlJnrn 1450. shor#» race track, station. Frank V. mosphere. City limits, Newman Springs street. Keyport. Phone KE 7-1544-M. g-1633-J.* rcasonnble. Call after « P. M., MI 6 rooms, fireplace; attached tenrage. Com- rent • Juke Box for that apeelsl oc- r road. Charlie Landau, Phone RE 6, OUR BEST OFFER in a lon« time. Larjco 03A6-W-1. plete basement, automatic hent. Reduced casion, or a P. A. system for a aoulnal Lawea Agency. Phone RE 8-287. i.* flfEEROOM ImiiifHlow, «ll-yeai^ lave 3574-.T. brick faced bunpalow, completely UUUSH—Includcb plumbing, tltctrlc, LEONARDO—Bight ro'omiT two bath"«. to 111,000. Weart-Nemeth Agency, 43 fee? Call or write MajMtto AmuM- number of 'round living. In Leonardo, near heat, dlze U4x2B. Owner to lurniih Broad street. Phono RE 6-2240.* attractive homes nnd npartments in AVAILABLE JUNE 1st until September modernized, in me a of lummcr rcntulti, newly d or or a ted. kitchen remodeled, mtnta. 15-17 West Ber|en pile*. Red bench, new bathroom, full cellar, oil Three bedrooms, two of twin bed f,\tk. paint for Interior nnd extcri»r: lot EATONTOWN—Highway 35 location. Bank. Phone 6-2137. Rumson. Monmouth Beach. Sen Bright. lGth, four rooms and bath, lower floor h«at; lame plot of Kround. Very renfl- two oijen tirepiacrs, bin enclnK«d porch, Plot havifisr 120-font frontHtre; nt< &U.\146, Evtrythintc 16.450, Call ft. ti. tile floor recreation room; twu^ar gn« Combination dwelling and buitne3s. On or near river nnd ocean. Immedi- of house, private entrance, one block onnble. Phone AT 1-0781-J.* 6-3207. VANESSA KENNELS, speclalitsi In from bus line, furnished and utllltlei tached Kirntfe with ndjnccnt tool rnom. raxc; landscaped with hnautlfut ihrub- Five rooms and bnth; plot, 75x100; |8,- clipping and brtthlng of pet dogs. ate poHRession, nil siscs. Sweeney BEAUTIFUL iievcn-room home, two ARency. Monmauth avenue, Phono RU 1 Phone KU I-0606,• Lftttst type humidified hent. Living EXCEPTIONAL BUY. Six-room house. hery, lot 100x250. Call Saturday cr 750, or make offer for entire tract of German Shepherd puppies, blsck with bathi, tiled, oil heftt; two-ear Karate; room. dinlnisT room, and hnll-way com approximately six acres, with 480-foot 1492. „ FURNISHED ROOMS. Complete housi On bun line, near ttores. two icbooli. Sunday, AT I-01K9-W. tan markings, females only good type. *tx nerra, 150-foot frontasta on main pletfly enrpctrd, ln»nlnted efiilintr, Located In Shrewsbury, Asking iirica Mn'NMOUfK' COUNTY~:olonial~home. frontage. Wtitrt-Nemcth Agency, 42 with good start. Reasonable. Phone COTTAGE—On Shrew7birry river, fo" keeping. Suitable for couple. Next road. Fine cellar, Other outbuildings; Roofed pntlo and out-door fireplace. All Bummer months. All conveniences. S'J.GGO. Allaire A Son Affency, Inc. The "Alfred Wallenstein Estate" at Broad street. Phone_RE g*2240.* Mid. 1-0082-R. door to Carumel lea Cream Shop. Near very low tax«i. Cnll MI 5-0:i68«R. for 312,000, Act quickly by consuitlnK VMll HAVEN—Attractive horn* In con* One block from aconn. 26 Center street. Eisner's. Good location. 63 Morford Phone R. B. 0-3450. Holmdcl, on road to Everett. Very large AfLAr/flO Hl(!HLAND'S=One Kcfe C. F. Uorden, Shrcwnbury, KB 6-1C61 ventent location. Six rooms, oil heat; Sea JMicht. Ca1I_SB_2JL0l 3fl. Place. Phono REJS-I^SMI.* or G SIX-ROOM STUCCO house, In excellent living room, drawing room, den, iaritt) landscaped Kiirden, marine .view. ciKht- * H.Ncvlui CmssJ. neivhborhood, Fair Haven tocatior.. center halt, powder room. • large dining taxps only $100; $9,300. .Constance) SUMMER OR all-ynir-'rounti rcntalfi, on BEDKYIOM, LIVING, dlnottST kitcheTctti rnom houne; tmrnKe. Priced for quick WANTED private c»tatp, \cs& than ten minutes RUMSON—Attention G"."ir^Twner mov* Handy tt> bus, utorcs, schools. One-car rnnm, hutlfr'a pjintry, kitchen, servant! Smith. 14 Mnpln avenue, Fair Haven. .ind hath, (90 monthly. Lease required, n«le. 17.000. Call AT_N1539. Inp. River view, six-room dwelling, 1 PhJlRR 23p8\ from Red Bank utation. Comfortable, on bus lino. Refrigerator, all modern K^raRa; hot wnter oil hent. Asking price quartern , two rooms, with bath. Four WE BUY GUNS of any type or dssofip- F'irir with extra apart- excellent condition, two bat hi, hot water $I3,r-G0, Immidlnts occupancy. Allaire ft replace* on flrst floor; second floor hnt ROME SITE. Lance bcfiutifully Und* completely furnished, modern, insulated conveniences. Phone between 12 and 3 nc tlon, used or new. Klslln'i, Broad a»d ment, tile kitchen nnd bnth, oil heat. hcHt. oil. Immediate occupancy. Low 4 Son AgenvVt ^ « Phona R. B. 6- three tar»e bed rooms, two baths, and «caped corner lot. In best residential houses, automatic heat, all utilities, tivu P. M.. EA 3-0897-J.' No rent ceiling, excellent Viilu*1. Cnll for Front streets. Open dally • a. at. to room*, bmth, porch, \ % roomn, bnth; ejiiTytntr chnrtres: $10,760. Sweeney 3450. one fireplace; swimming pool; four-car section of Little Silver. Call RE 6-338*. D p. m.. and Sunday mornings. COUPLE WISHING a furnished room appointment. William S. Throckmorton, AK«'ncj\_Phone RU_1-U92, VtUliOOM lilCICK buniiiiluw, with ex ffnrnire; beautiful treei and landscape, Ope_n_ to reasonable offer. two rooms, bnth, porch; gsntire*; well ' with kitchen privileges, in a, one-fam- landscaped, Imyo KI'DUIUIK, «Iulct niir- broke_r,_LO_6-57_97 and_LO 6^1600. RUMSON. Parnily ParkTNice location. pitnslon attic, flreiiluce, til* powder about ten acres of land. About 12 min- LTfTtE S ftVElf^Lovely vesldentlt! ANTIQUES—But ericu paid. Chun, ily house; also use of living room snd POR SALE OR ENT—Goinif confectTolT- room, two hnths, hot water heat, ell ute* from Matawan or Red Rank sta- glaatwui, pictur.f, siatuss, buttons, rmindtnKH, ready for occupancy. Refer* dining rnom, like. home. Flcase call RE Inrxe plot, nenr bur Many nhnde nt'lKhborhood, yet rear bus, storei »nd encrs required. Phone l-'ridny, Sitturday, ary and grocery huEinean, nenr school trecn. All utilities nt curb. 1950. Chnrlcit fired. Excellent condition: reasonable- tion* of the Pennsylvania, railroad nml school. New Ji \_ rooms. Modern bath metal tofs, lamps, plttoU, geld wins, N4M and station and church. Livlnff quart- •u. (urnitun, Motooutl aounty books, Sunday AT 1-09".".. or write, Suite 1802, E. Sweeney A«cncy, Monmouth avenue. taxes. Immediate occupancy. Asking C. It. ft. of N. J.. and the beautiful and kitchen. Must be seen to appre* 80 Proitd street, New York city. Phono NEW "MljllERN furnished apartment, ers. Write, "Confectionery," Box 511, Phone RU 1-U92. ptleu J 1*1.000. Allaire ft Son Agency* Shrewsbury river; $,'.0,000. Immediate claU value. Pric« $10,500. Veteran maps. Pearl Cllman, It Spring str.lU one bloc* from bus nnd water: elec- Red Hunk.' Hcd BsnK, Phon. t-OI41.M; Bowling Green_ft-4J)Sf^ KUMSON — Splnndtd srea. Laruo Inc. Phone R. B. 6-3450. possession. Your broker or Mrs, Adrian ni'udi $500 down payment. Non veteran tric refrigerator, a/n* range ' zoned hot TW"O SPAUTMENTS. Income iT«0 EATrnVBHOOM bunffRlow, in K E. Moreau, owner. Phones HO 9-7751 12.000. Schwartz-Mncklin, H Whit« HIGHEST l'KICES for roar old car. W. RET> MEN'S'HALt, Riimion. t« rwniTfor wnter heat, iivliiK room, bedroom and K>'oun8r, per month. Adults. Phono AT 1- occupnncy. Askine price 112,200. Al- Hunk. Adjoining ReadVa Oarltoo tatatir. ing for Floridn. In Shrewsbury, on bun for cummer; $18,000* Sweeney Agency, view, eitfhe roorriH, fireplace., den, four lartco bunKalow, Six rooms and bath; IlUMSbN-— BungRlow, houHn nnd rnnmi l<0«. line. Lot S0r.ltS. Phono EA 8-0297-J. laire & Son Agency* Inc. Phon* R. B. bedrooms, two bdths, oil h«at: iraratre. i'hone B, B. 6-522I. . *lth kitchen privileges. Phone KU 1 Fhone HU 1-1492. two car jrarace. Everythlnjf modern 4>i-ROOM APARTMENT—Large, mod- ATLANTIC HIOHLANUS A~real buy". •SilfiO. Asking $1G,000. Grosslnirer A Heller. and bripht: low taxei. Let us show it. SPEEDBOAT OR CABIN cruistr. Poit- 1174. ern, tilo bath, stall shower. Overlook- SHREWSBURY RIVER. Owner mov- Lovely location; six-room house and intr. Will HHcrifice, Sevt'n-roum Co* LAUtih KOOMY HOUSE, in excellent llrond nnrl Mechanle streets. Fhone RE Prico $9,2"i 0. No down payment for wur only. Olftc in czchang. one FCKKISHEI> MODERN bunftalow. Three ing Shrewsbury river, HPudoun grnundti. condition. Four bedrooms, oil neut; €-2100.* or more choice building plots with KsniKe. Asking *H.0OO. Call John Innial liomc, tiled bat hit, hot wnter heat, veteran who makes 260 per week. rooms with nttached Kflragp. Located private, quiet; garage; $1 IS unfurnished, Newtagh, Realtor, Henderson 4-2335 or Inrye lot 135xG00 feet. Open porchis; CAPE COD—Comfortable and conven- pc-ram view. Phone AT 1-1741-M. one mile from Red Bank, on Nutnwamp oit, fireplace. Completely furnished. Per- Schwartz-Macklln. 8 White street, Red SI30 furnished or summer rental $650. Florence Rau. E 6-U66. two-car gnrnge; nenr river. Men! neigh- ient arrangement. Fireplace, din in* Bank. _Phon* HE 6-3121, $7,U00 tlftST MoRTOAGK on highway road. Avnllanlc Immediately. Phone Write, "L, M, A.," Box Oil, Bed Bnnk. fect condition; ' f 16,000. Sweeney VAN HORN—Near river. Rumson. SixT Agency, Monmouth avenue. Phonu borhood. Asking pric* liO.ODO. Allaire ronm. tw«> bedrooms, tile hath, oil heat, RTVEft PLA77\—Five rooms, tiled bttti. business property, 100% aecurlls. V. RE ••8233.R, FUHNTSHED A'PAR7TMENfr"Threo at. A Son Agency, Inc. Phon* R. B. ft- Arena, Modtin Hose Kuricrles, Highway room home, two baths, hot wnter heat, RU 1-Mi)2. refrigerator: Attached garage: $12,000. nir conditioned hent. Lnhe privilere*. NEW HOME, y«ar around, four rooms tractive rooms, private entrance, fire- 345O._ • GroiiHingcr A Heller, Rrond and Mechanic :I6, Port Monmouth. Phone KE «-U17-K. oil fired, Insulation; Karaite. Price only KUMSON—Entate nnw. Excellent locu- N«'.v and lovely. Price $10,000. No and hath, nil heat, hot water. $65. place, refined environment; alxo studio 111,500. Van Horn Agency, lair Ha- SIX-ROOM HOUSE, in Fair Haven. Re fltrreU. Phone RE «-2100.* JioUSB CLEANING? i'or the authen- bunvsiow. 581 Patton avenue, Lone tion. One acre, landncaperi nicely, Sim* down payment if you urc A veteran, Located at 14 Ftnr,cr pliicc oft Port yen. Phone RE 6-410O.* ccntly radecorited. Convenient. loca- 6~N nAYTftlddletown township. Six-room tically old Article, you no longer.need, llonmouth rond, Kennsburg, References. cioui fii.x-room dwellinK, hot water hent, earning S60 per wrofe. (Same thin* In we will pay you a fair pric*. Telephone Branch. VAN HORN—Smartly" styled Colonial" oil. Ki ver nceesi; $ 15.750. Sweeney tion. Hot water, oil heat: taxes $110. Dutch Colonla I. Large living room, four roomi Is SD.non.) Schwnrt««Mark- Call KE 6-0615-W. 1 Asking price $10,000. Allaire 4 Son "The Mollys" Antiques, RU 1-0778. We FURNISHED APARTMENT. Monmouth U-aern plot; six rooms, I /, tiled Aj«iicy^Phf»ne KU 1 - H92. fireplace, tlla kitchen, breakfast room, lin. H White street, Red Bnnk. Phont , Beach, one- block from ocesn. Summer Agency. Inc. Phone R. B. 8-3450. call without, obligation, Particularly need baths, tiled kitchen, stalnleis steel sink, MONMOUTH~I1EACH.~ Attrnctive Rum- three bedrooms; two-car garnge. Ask- colored glass, good old furniture, cut or yearly rental. Two bedrooms, bath, oil hent: ifarage. Offers invited. Van DELIGHTFUL HOME for n delightful ing 816,000. Groisinptr A Heller. Ilrond WE~HAVE~'f{CnfSKS" you cun affcrdT* kitchen, living-dining room comblnattoa, mer home, 14 roomn, four baths, family. Living room, dining room, imd pattern glass. REAL ESTATE WANTED Horn Agency, Fair Haven, Phono RE beautiful ocean private heneh, river nnd Mechanic stresti. Phone RJE 8-2100.* Vetrrans Tied littln or no down P«y« Phonn MO 1-3532-J. 6-4100.' tile kitchen, lavatory and den. Four SUlXn IN A planned neighborhood LATE MODEL CAR and amall amount frontAfce. Completely furnished. Owner mrnt on most of our houses. Price* LISTINGS WANTED—We have clients LARGE ROOM, furnished, suitable for VAN HORN—Waterfront, 3 ',4 acres. At •acrlficinff; 110,000. Sweeney AKency, heilroonu, nnd til* bath, steam heat WelUdesIcned home*, good construc- from S6.SOO to Sll.., Rod Bank. Phone ttn consider eedan or ',4-ton pick-up. Call Afency, 197 First avenue, Atlnntir for business women. In prlvnte family. $10,000, but wilt consider any reason- Immediate delivery. Catalogue. Phon<> RK H-2100." HllhUndu, fhone 1-1600. N'enr Borough hall. Call RF, 6-1907. Fair Haven. Phono RB 6-4100.* HU 1-1239-W evenings.* tihlo ofTer, Seo Lnwley Agency. Just Wcl'.e Everett If, Thorn*, King's LOT WANTED—To build a homo In KURNBHEirKOOAfTwith kitchen prlv VAN HOBS—lair Haven riverfront 'icrosw the bridge In Mlridlctown. JUtiT UEDUCBD—Up-to-date all-year- SPANISH TYPE BUNGALOW—Betwet-n SMALI, SINK AND TUB omcblnatlon Highway, Mlddlelown. Red Bunk urcn. Plcaso Htato price, lo- HcRfS; ono child welcome. Closo (o home, ftutkliend, snndy beach: seven A SUNNYCRlTSUNNYCRlTSff HOMEHOM . "SUSUili t when 'round bungalow- style home, tola ocean and river, with wide views jf n!th or without flttlnta. Call AT 1- rooms, tiled Imth, silTomntlc hent, in. lorice and airy rooms, bath, pantry, each. Three full slzo betlrooms, 1 ^i or, (II.-IE. cation of lot, and »lzc. Wrlle to "Lot bug nnd tra_ln. Phone RE 6-4390-J. ntHterlnU werr> plentifull . Nenr every sulation, fireplace: $1G,75O. Rny Van LITTLE SILVER. Bungalow, new, mod screened poreh. Uewly built and decor- baths, open porch, Inrge living; room 1940 TO 1948 SF.DAN. No dealers. Wanted." Box Ell. Red Bnnk. THREE UNFURNISHED largo rooms. thlmr. Modern five-room buBKalow with Utilities^ supplied. Phone MI E-0392. Horn Adency, Fnlr Hnvcn. Phono RE 8» nxpnnoion nttie; iitttiched KuruKe; nicely ern, wry dt-'Hlrablc, excellent lountlon, ated, Kitchen cabinets, dry collar. with fireplace, dining* room, spacloua State price, irivc nhono number. FARM—Of onn nr two ncreH, five or Bix- 4 ijm." steam hent; low taxes; lot 50x100. Price modern kitchen, p;.tio; attached garagu; room bungalow, with uttlo nnd cellar, LARGE. CHEERFUL room, in private htndficoporl. Owner haH moved to North near bus und train. Kor details, phone Ehcftelman, 341 Wells avenue, Oakhurst. RIVERFRONT—One of tho finest eiitht- Jersey and ii anxioun to itll, Aikinu R. H. fi-4387. 17,C00. Owner will consider first mart* oak floor throughout. Everything In reasonable. P. Hauck, 30-24 33d street, home; excellent location to bus, Fort KBKC> US Ksst End avenue. Belford. perfect condition: Ski.000. Ray Still- Antorln. Lonic hlnnd, N. Y. Monmouth, Watson Laboratories. 50 room homes in New Jersey. Three- 910,000. Sec Lnwley Agency. Just RUMSON PARK—Three lovely building tiled hnths, nutomntlc heat, two fire- ncrowB the hridtfe in Mlddletown. sites, each a well landscaped plot of Call before Saturday or Sunday. KE ti- man & Associate!. 6-IS II road street. JOHN MURTAGH. Realtor, Is desirlous Lcwts street, Eatontown, Phone EA 3- 0.184.W. Hed ^nn)i. Pliono RE fl-SUI. SITUATIONS WANTED places, slnte roof: tfarnKe; dock. Asking A MODERN like homu in tho country, one ncre. The prict for c:tch plot U of Ustlns your property for aule or OflDS-J. S42.0OO. Van Horn Agency, Fair Ha- $1,800, or all three plots can be ac- KE\V7~TWO-I'AMI£Y" honif, at Itltal rent. Call Henderson 1-2335 or Flor- with a few peaceful ncrept. A flvo CULT'S NECK—Excellent chicken farm,* EFFICIENT TYPIST would like work to LARGE THREE-ROOM apartment, with ven._Phono HE 6-J100.* quired for $.',000, Driveways, septic Beach. One block from bench, on bun •tocl;c(| find equipped, l,400*bird en- enco Tlnu. BE H-146H. bath, in Middlotown township, 10 mln room liunKalow, Incnterl within a tpti- do at home, Will call for and deliver. VAN HORN—ElkUB estute (ElWidge). minute drlvu of Fort Mnnmouth. The tank, utilities und house foundation nr« line, near at or us. Ideal year-'round .tncity, nine acres, five-room brick bun* Phone AT 1-OOat-R, WANTED TO BUY, from owner, dairy iites from Red Rank; furnished or un on property. Rl«ht of way to Shrcwi* homu. Cull KE 6-0093. Reasonable ttalow, expansion attic, tiled bnth, hot farm of around 100 tillnblt' ncres, furnished; country sotting; lovely Hiltsite nnd acrenKe, Southern prico is rcHtonahlc. SPC Lriwlcy. Junt FABMUR'S ATTENTION I Farm band* bury rlvor also included. William H, price., Comfl«tcIy_furMshed.* water oil heat; Kara ire. Price 125,000. with, or wlttout stock nml fiiuliimcnt. nulifhborhorid. Phono KE 8-12G2-M. Cnlnnlnl rcsidenco, 14 rooms, 5 hnth*, ncrona th» hrldKn in Mitlrilttnwn, Hltitelmann (Firm). Rcnltors, Uumton, and dairy hands (applied. Phone you* nutomntlc hont: outhui]dinf[s; 947,500. RTVEKFftONT LOTS and ncrnaK* at t'AIK HAYEN—Spacious, Immuculatti Mlnugh Agenry. Phono RU 1-0716.* order and 1 will send the help, Qulnn'e Box IBS, Rural Delivery 1, hone DOUBLE OR SINGLE. Convenlenrioca Phone 1-0600. KUMSON—Idcnl locution on Rumioa Branch.* Offer, invited, Ray Van Horn Agency, BHHfllltln iirirrs. I-ocittJonii Ineltidf Con- aevt'ii-room dwelling, bath, downstair* Employment Agency, 121 Park Row, N. tloh. Call RE 6-3890-W after S P. M.» FARM—l'i\_ at;res, ncveii-room housfl lavatory, sunroom, picture window, in- rond, near ocean, river, but, ElghS POTS13HE'I>~KUOlia: 119 Shrewsbury Fair Hnvun. Phone RK fi-4100." ovrr Lam-, Middletown, and Fair Haven. Y. C. I'hone Cortlandt 7-7865. VAN HOKN—Fine river vl«w. Attntctlvo nnbcstOB shingle*, oil liont; two.car Bc« sulation, automatic hsnt; two-car BU- rooma, three baths, fireplace, hot water avenue. Red Bank.* See Lawluy Agency. Junt ncroas th' rnco; 2,000 chicken capacity; 600 peach RESPONSIBLE WOMAN will car. for Hoven-room home, tiled batll, breakfast brlilgi' In Middlt-'town. niKi', tastefully planted corner plot. oil hent: garage; H-*cre corner plot* WANTED TO RENT EEEDIUIrsIZE trees, raspberries, strawberries, On paved Price Hit,(JOG, Mlnugh Agency. Phone child or children week-ends or in TTTir room, porch, oil fired hot water lieutl J Frlce $22,000. John L. Mlnugh Agency. light, Kit and water. rooms. Heat, inVETVPITONT^pTfofEnTV, on Nave street, six miles from Red Dank, 1 ,i HU 1-0716/ Phone RU l-071«.# emergency. Beat references. Phone R. B. zm-nue. AKkinit SI,1,000, I!,,y Van Horn fink River rond, Kinht-room house, 6-40'JS-R. SHALL HOUSE or apartment. Unfur* 1415 after 6:30.* Phone RE 6 mites from Kcnnsbui-B. Phono Mid. 5- niahid, wanted by Cbrlstlnn bualneas ABoncjr, J'nlrirnvrn. Phoni! RK 6-4IO0.' with 4\'s acn'K of hind. Robert (J, Al* 0 2HB-n. KUMSON — Completely furnished U* KuftSdff=ESTATE area, eleven rooms! STENOGRAPHER-Offlce) ••elitant, diver, ft]RNRHEI> ROOM, suitable for con VAN HORN—IliinTaon nere. Secluded room house, two hstha, automatio i\_ biiths, flreplace; stenm oil h«At| couple. Yenrly basis. Write. "Small IfM. Phone AT 1-09S2/ l^tR IILOCK housr, four rooms ami nlned experience, familiar general rou- House." Box 511, Red Bank. servatlvn business woman. Rest loca, Kettlnir. Kxcellent neifthhorliond, nlnn hent; two-car garage! corner plot, near three-car B«race, npnrtmcnt abovtj tine. Write, "S, O. A.," Box 611, Red tlon. References. Inquire at 136 Brond RUMSON—Oolunial home. Lai-ffft living bnth; zni rniiKo nnd hent. Unlit Init ocean, river and bus. Price 114,000, landscnpect lai-acre pint. Price) 120,* YOUNG CHRISTIAN couple druirc fun reomf, 'ili bnths, two firenlnees, oil heat, rnom, fircplnrr, oil burner, thmo bod- Bunk. itrerl, RmlBrnk." playhouse; KnraKe. Asklnit 123,000, year. Camp br. 11 avenue, Port Men John L. Mlnufh Agency, Rum ion road. 000. John L, Mlnu.gh Agency, Rumson hlshcd or tlnfui'nislivd, Hmal] houun or room*, tile bnth, full linHnnient; la # SUTlMRIt SUB-LF.T. Room anil kitchen. Rny Vsu Horn AKency, Fair Haven. mouth, Cull F. Mollcr, Kcnn». 8-2093 Phone RU 1-071«.' road. _Phon^ RUJ-07j_fl. LAUNhKY—fo doit home. Phone KB bunicatow tin year nround hnsln. l're- l-lot: 915,000. V.ftnr." S. Srhnnck for dftnils, <'cntrnt Incatlnn. Cnupln or woman pru, Phono PR 11.410(1," 1 CTTTLK SILVETft—Owner trnnsferred. VA"CUfi!l & TINPALL offer In Shrew-.. 6-3717-M, forRod Bank arcn. PhnnoRR B-3S07-W. forml. Phono RE 6-4691-W. AKonry, H Linden pUcu, I ho tin KG ft- CONSCIENTIOUS, eompetont green- ATATTfBtTNf=->1oHi' roTmin, In" Red VAN"~IKJf!N=Rlvcr onlt!.. "tSTaffuTiy Substantial six-room brick bungalow, bury, Hvtnff room, dining room, mod- 'iilRBE-KOOM APARTMENT, bath, tit it. UKO HANK co-o[icrntlvc. Modern near railroad station; 1 Vi tiled baths, ern kllclun, two lirdroonid, bnth. hot house nnd estate) man, with 22 yesrs Rank. Young couplf, with two small Iftiidncnped plot, rail fenrint;: el^ht 1 NO 'noWTTTTYMENT tor *vnUriin" fou !•• room cnrtn:r iinartnient In fireplace, hot water oil heat, full dry sir hfat, rlrrtrii* r^frlirrratoi , Kns rnnffp; experience, desires Immediate employ* children. Phono RE 6-1724. IffH supplied. Phono HE (i-3424-W. rooms, IVi tilctl hnthK,. imnntcd niimn Only $47 monthly buytt modern innch merit. References furnished. Call MA 1- UNFURNISHED apartment. Four room's rnom, oil henl: Karaite, Offers Invited. Warwick fjardciiH, Fnci titles for collar! attached garage. Reduced price one-car iriiraco: i>lot 60x13 0, Js'Icn treps .Rny Van Horn Agency, Fnlr Haven, typu home! All ttixea, liisurnncc Ifeclurled. $14,000. Minush ARency. Phone IW nnd shrubbery. Price 5S.OD0. If) East 02.M-H after r,l30 P. M. nnd bath. Walter J. Coons. Seventh Full price Jfl.400. Located In qulpt, children, Kxccllcnt transportation, KNGLlsH LAl)V will take comi.Ute nvcnuo and Hillside, Atlantic Highlands, Pliono_ KK (1-1100,* 1.0 7 lfi.' __„ Front street. Ra\ Bank. Phune RE fl- FOR EXCHANGE park-llku yenr-'rniind enmmunity, with Prico $l!,ri2.*i. Monthly mntntrnnnce charttn of hotixi'holil and children Inqiilro after 6 P, M. VXN HORN—Modern riverfront home. windliiK rnndH, lakes, wonded hills. Two noN*—Fully furnished. Includlnif while parenta hnvc- vacation, Phono RU LOVELY EIGHT-ROOM house. Two NKTE COSFOffTADLE room for husl. Radlnnt hent: -17 feet of pinto Kins* miles (n Matawan Htniioti (l>6 trnlns Ififl, Terms nrrniurcil. For Informn- ['lillco iKJiiaolt- tcluvislou sot, ultrac* \VAUf\ER &'flN])AM< OITPTTI' Lftfll «1I4R" baths, scml-flnlshed attic. Nltu riRRH man. 62 Throckmortnn avenue, walls, Many unususl features: itarnitei dally,) Why not Inspect this "nparkllnir tlon, cnll DE 7-86SG. tlvcly ilocnrntfd moilcrnlifld five* room Si Ivor, homo ton yenra old with four Red Bunk. Phone RE 6-21S8-M.1 $.18,000, Rny Vnn Horn AKCIICV, Knlr white home" with tfrenn roof, C'nm* housi* (three bedrooms), buth, flreplnco, nrilroome, two hnths, Uvlnu roont, din* ldow de irroundi. Can be used ns one-fnmily or r sires position as companion to elderly two completed fnur-rnom units, rosidrn- fW. Ihpcn Hlitf'3. Sunny Idlclicn with tirrnk* bbetwee n ('(move(' r LunL o and RlvL-raldRlldo Prlcn 913,000. Mlnugh Agency. Fhone heat, Ras, storm flash, yerconn; onc-cnr «43iJ well' traveled hlithwny, Bu»lni'»s urnncr- ernnefx. Onn block from tlrnsd Htrcet. ment, nenr Cuiniibell'H Junetlon. I'nved fitst. nrtnli t'.Ntfndrt nrrnfis xl50. AaUltifr llff.800. VOUNO LADY DEKIHE3 employment ly, Approximately 51',1)1)0, Wrltu, "K No othrr roomers. Call mornings, 30 street and improvements: SHOO per lot airnrdliiK two nutHldr* I'NfioHUieB, Two tn Mm. .1. )'. Niiit'll, M0-A South CtH N^VVESINK—t'omplttely furnishud bun* 10 Fust IVunt sticet, Rod Dank, Phon* ohsliRC," Box fill, Hed Hunk, MtieLcnn, llox Illl-A, Atlnnlii-, lllch- curlier 'licdrunmn with wlndnwn on both tttlM't, LilH_ Vf'KIIH. Nl'Vllllll. ffnlow, ready to move into, PoUr RG C*2716> * near homo Tueadayi, Wednesdaya Hudson avenue. _____^ FIIIOH. Comiilftr linlh. Ini|uirr>, Plnitn and Thursdays, Knowledge of psyroll, LAR(iR lUUNlSHKh hrilruomi. In ml- |nndn, _' \ fiUMSON-— SucI-UU'irhuJlIilntf lot hi raomi, bnlli. front nnd rear enclosej Shirt Hcnlty Older, Itmiln .1,". CII.TWIIIKI porrhes, full cellar. Plwd hot air hent; bookkeeping «nd typing, two years «x- cut, Vrry (rood condition. Will trade vate home. South Sunnycecst Drive, to ATL-YRAR-'tlOUNII 'hmiKe,"four room's Itcach. Kvcninut cull Mr, Wobiter. MA iT!>ltl

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. MEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Tale notice that Walter C. Dtnnie An Ordinance entitled. "An Ordinance Memorial Day tint npplicd to the Mayor and Council of ft TINDALL offer in Red to Amend an Ordinance Entitled, 'An the Borough ot Little Silver for Retail "BEFORE YOU BVY, BURH OR BORROW! Bank, fine view, five roomF, large UrdiriRfuc 3;.\:n».' Comi'eijsfl!ion «f Bor- Music Lessons Limited Distribution licence for premises >astm«nl. hot water hent, oil, tile roof: oufih Olliceis and I'ertiiin Ktirough Em- Sherwood's • JIANOOLIX • COR.NKT located on south side of Rumson load. ployers in the HoiiMiirh of iitimsnn,' ^•st of Prospect avenue, Little Silver. lwo-r«r parajrr: riot about i.i-ntrr. Ask- Adopteil February In. 1549." »as in- • (.IITAIt •CXARI.NKT At Fair Haven ing 118.000. 19 E»*t J-'ront street, Ked fi troducetl by the Miiynr «nd Cpum-il of Will Traili at lour Home in n k. rhon** K K__ - •* -1 fUj the Borough of Itimison on May 12, for Borough Holds 3Olh Objections, if any. should be made im- ft" TINTMLL offer in Bed 194U nnd mi May -'«. V.Hf. «>! finally mediately in writing lo Kred L. Ayers, Bank. Immediate occupancy, *i-\ Clerk ol th* BoiouKh of Little Silver. ^RS adopted nnd aliprovol by the Mayor. Annual Service (Slencd) (room*, fircpliife. bath, hot air boat. AI.I1ERT A. KEIII1. .11!.. (Ink. Louis Bennett K-«alhprMiil>P«(I. »*»' root. Wnclian FISHING WALTER C. DENNIS, r r p |ot J. F.lnVAKH. WILSON. Mayor. AGENCY ^blind*; one-cm* K «c : P '•(>-'• ••'<*• 53 ri.ORKXC'K AVENI'K Fair Haven held its 30th Memor- Little Silver. N. J. W BROAD ST. BED BANK «A»).ij)ir I1S.0OO. Mak* offer. 1? hapt NOTICE. KKsTOUT MMW. ial day service Monday in Memor- ^Front strr«t, Red Bank. Phone HE «- ial park. The borough began hold- NOTICE. Take notice thht Elizabeth Fisler, TACKLE Take lioM'.e thnt Fred Teti has p HEAL ESTATE tradinjr as SniiK Harhor Inn. iini ap- I ing such services in 1919 and is plied to the Mayor and Council of tbe plied to the Towni.h!p Comniiltet ol j Borough of Little Silver for a Limited ', MUST SELL—H.'UO. Neptune City. ; one of the few towns in this vi- Middlriown Townah p for a Plenary Re- cinity to have continued holding detail Distribution license for premises • Very neat tnracc apartment, tail Consumption license for premises 7 Broad St. Red Bank situated at Parker Avenue and Willo f Four rooms, bath, new kitilien, titLialcd on Uroadwny, Htlford. N. J. them without interruption. Drive, Little Silver. N. J. INSURANCE - ALL FORKS '. electric rawer, breakfast nook, Vc- Objections, if nt^y, should he made The service was presided over Objections, if any. should be made im- immediately in writing to Howard W. mediately in writing to r'red L. Ayere, - nctian blinilf. automatic oil hot air by Walter E. Boskey, commander Roberts, Clerk of Middlctown Towushia. of the Shrewsbury post, American Clerk of tha Borough of Little Silver. < heat, hot «altr. Call BE 6-601S.J.* Signed, (Signed) MONMOUTH COUNTr it , ELIZABETH FISLEB. RED BANK'S CUPLE1S Legion, of Red Bank. He intro- FEED TETI. JTTOLONlAiraTSiboWrTJ duced Mayor Edgar V. Dcnise who NOTICE. k three b.d.oo.ns. bath: [>w« • NOTICE. CUP CAKl MIX, thanked all those who had partici- • erel. Near transponiuion. 1 rice » 10,- Take nulii-e thnt Fred Mail no, T/A ONLY Take notice that Kall>h Ribustelli hns X. S N Y DE R & CO Freddie"* Hsir has up plied to the tiny or pated in the service. applied to the Mayor nnd Council of the ,500. 1'r.nt B. Law* ARe.iey. I.•„>>.••»; X Precision blended for "man Spring* i"»'l- _ IMione_M>_«_-.» .... . atid Council nf the HoroUEh of Fair Ha- Included in the participants were Horouitu of Little Silver for Plenary lie. ven for a Pleimry Itctnil Consumption COLD STORAGE delicious, home-baked ctip taiMJietrihution license for premises git- 'BtUWS—IK-lislitful four-room liuniw- Shrewsbury post, which conducted unted on corner of I'rosiicct avenue and |0w. LIvlnR room, moclrrn kilchon. lii-msi; for premises piluatrri ai r,!>3-.",97 Itvo bedrooms bath with shower, l.ooniy Iliver Road, Va'ir HHVCH, New Jersey. ciikcs every time—that's the service; James A. Smith post, Church alreat.'Little Silver. N. J. hall closet, hot air oil hral. csnannnti Objections, if nny, nhoulri l>e made im- VAULTS Cuplets. Ju'sl ;iJcl an egg Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fair Objections, if any. should be made im- INSURANCE attic Asking HO.00O. Hyrnc Aeemy. eiliatPly in vntinjr lo M. Floyd Smith, V1 Haven; Red Bank post, V.F.W., mediately In writing to Fred L. Ayers, for and milk, for !2 to 18 Clerk of the Borough ot Little Silver. liUAlll MARlNf AVIAIION I I H Phone 11U 1-1I.-.IV rik of f'ni'r KM en Borough, Ladica' auxiliary of Shrewsbury (Signed) real treats. (Sistned) XTEAKTICTIIUHLANUS. Grand two- Pur* and Winter post of Ked Bank, Fair Haven lire RALPH RIBUSTELLI. apartment home. Ineomo beni'inis. FRED MAFFEO, SURVEYS and APPRAISALS 198 Fair Haven road, Fair Haven, N. J. Garment* at department and Ladies' auxiliary, Red Bank. N. J. Each apartment ha. four rooms, (two Fair Haven Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, bedrooms), hot air oil heat. bciiarato NOTICE. NOTJCt. Girl Scouts and Brownies, and fir- heatlnc units, modern I.'"*""- Ajkinc Take notice tbnt Harry L. Landau, ' MOW AVf ATLANTIC HIGHIANDS N J »».«<"'. Bync Agency. l'hon« 11U I- Take notice that l^ouis Becker hai np- ing squad and buglers from Fort trading as Silver Hnr, has Hpplied to the 11 ;,<'.• . p!!cd to the Mayor nnd Council of the LEON'S PMONi AT I 0^00 Monmouth. Mayor nnd Council of the Boroutrh of Borough of Red Bunk for A Distribu- THE DENNIS K. BYRNE astnry ii Kid Hunk, N. J., for a Plenary Kctuil tion license for premises ftiluntcd al £30 CALL j Councilmcn present for the occa- Consumption license for premise!; situ- anxtotil to lilt four home for rent Mrchnnir .Strtfl. Itcd Hank, N. J. ft. I. 6-2800 AUTOMOBILE | sion were Tony Hunting, Rusccll ated at 26 West Front street. Bed or •>!«. Call at 8 West River road, Objections, if any, should be made jm* H. Minton and 'Arthur Rienian. Rank, N. J. 1 mediately in writing lo Amy E. Shinn, BONDED ROUTEMEN KuBlion, or phone. RU 1-1 ISO. j Councilman Hunting was in charge Objeetlonii, if any, should be ma.:*e im- Jlcik, of the Borough of Hed Bank. PAINTING mediately in writinit to Amy E. Shinn. 1 (Signed) ) of arrangements. jAiiTHAvW. —Quaint little bungalow ALSO Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. NOW OPEN! wlia living room, dining room, MU-h- U)UIS RIOCKEK. LEON'S (Signed) ,„ i«o beuroomJ, bath, not air CUM NOTICE «I-J« White St. K. B. 8-2800 JIAKRV L. LANDAU. hc'kl! ° one-car !.•<• Atliacl.v, Body & Finder Work 32 Receive Coiiimiiiiioii grounds. Asking i.,itm. Uynw Agency. Take notice that Henry R. Stndlcr. NOTICE. nnd Dorothy J. Sudlei, trading H» KI:» BANK J'hone KU Mil'". . At Holy Cross Church Take notice Hint Vincent P. Maniiinn SWEDISH HOP Willow Brook RcstHurHiH, intend to has applied to the Mayor and Council of j(JSSsii«—Attractive tivcraum cinu.'i- !.v to .Vfl.vfli* nnd Council • ot tJie block bungiilnw. Uhree liclroum.). 6-340S | Thirty-two children received Sea ilright, for H Pleniiry Retail Con- nujfli of Fnir Hnven for a Plenary their first Communion Saturday sumption license for premises situated screened back poicli: twu-cnr atlacncl ail Coltsuin 1)1 ion lieflin^ for [cemiftcs •arace Kitchen wind for clectrii' nintic. at l.'i New street. Sen Bright. New Jersey ntfd fit 740 Itivcr Iload, Fair Haven. morning at the 8:30 mass at Uie Objections, if any, should be mndfi im- 10 EAST OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT, N. J. :„', ™fdi.r" occupaney. A.k'nm V».««». N. .1. . Holy Cross church, Rumson. The Hyrne Agency. IMKUR- HUJ-ll.it). BURDGE'S GARAGE mediately- in writing to Clarrncc Stevens, Objection*, if siny, should be made im- ! ma£s was celebrated by the pas- Clerk of Sen RliKht. l'ClS~H\VliN— lirnnd six-room clui'll- mc-diat'-l.v in wntinit to M. Floyd Smith, tiranrh Avc, Little Silver 'ins. Bunk house anil pond in rinr. ''lk oi the Hoiou^'h of Fair Hnvc-n, tor, Rev, Joseph A. Sullivan, and VINCENT P. MANNING. Good Times Are Here Again Cottage hn» litre* nice bedrooms. Law; iSitrncd) the music, furnished by a choir linen eloset. steam coal blo»<>r. As..n K HBNKY K. STAni.ER, NOTICE. $16,001). Byrne Agency. I hone KU l- composed of children of the third, UOUOTHV I. STAUKER. fourth and fifth grades. Take notice Ihnt Louii Felshmnn and 1150^- SAME DAY SERVICE Harry Felihman T/A Louis Fclshman as Accordion Player Week-Ends JfUM SON—Estate area. Living room, NOTICE. Boys in the Communion class Sun have applied to the Mayor and dininc room, kitchen, pantry, seven Tnke notice thnt Christian L. Beige ON were Joseph Runiere, Joseph Ho- Council of the Borough of Red Bank Full Line of Sandwichea bedrooms, hot water oil heal; three-car t nul inn ns Rerce'H Mni'ket, hit applied gan, James McCarthy, David Guy- for a Distribution license for premises zarage with four-room apartment over- o the Mayoi and Council of the Bor- nor, Anthony Palise, Edward Ken- situated at 228 West Bergen place, Red lend. Asking l-.i2.500. Byrne Agency. iKh of Red Bank, N, J,. for a Plonnry Our Specialty: Hot Dogs Cooked in Beer SMiono KU 1 - LIJILIJIL _____ Kctatl Distribution license for premiseH Unbalanced wlietls, bent txks, misalincii DRV CLEANING nedy, Elmer Blumer, John Leary, Bunk, New Jersey. VACATIONER'S ATTENTION 1 — Wo situated nt 27 West Front it reel, Red frames spell "welcome" to unwelcome Thomas Garland, Thomas Galla- Objections, if any, should be mndc Im- have many fine summer rentals IHIIK- Bonk, N. J. "STEERING WOBBLIES". Once in your car, CALL ! gher, Kevin Higgins, Edmund Ma- mediately in writing to Amy K. SUinn, ine in price fiom f."00 ui>. '-'all at Den- Objections, if any, ihoulrl be made im- they cause excessive wear on tires and I lecki, Robert Hlnteimann, Travis Clerk, of the Borough ot lied Bunk. Coll S: B. 2-0183 Ask for "Big" Stanlty nis K. Byrne Agency. 8 Weal lllvcr mediately in writing to Amy K. Shinn. steering parts—result in blow-outs, bad (Sinned) ,-oaii, Kum-son. I'hnr.c KU j_.jjj!-.' Cteik of the florou^li of Red Dank. steering, ACCIDENT! Ger more SAFE tire | Thomas, Francis B. Ruthrauff, IV- LOUIS WELSHMAN. liUMSON—Estate area. Approximately (Signed) RED BANK 6-4828 I ter Hurst and Thomas Finn. HARRY FELSHMArf, _ three, acres on Shrewsbury river. Ele- CHRISTIAN h mileage by getting a safety check-up and 1 gant dwelling with six-room Hardener s correction on our industry-approved "The Most Modern Plant in Girla in the class were Aimce NOTICK. ————«!^a_^—•^^__B______^__B^B*a__MH^____B_H^__M^_M^_____^———^___M—• i-ottage on grounds. Will dispose, of NOTICE. SEAR equipment.! Hillycr, Kathleen Kaufold, Patricia property divided or undivided. Contact T.ikc notice that Jnmei Ace IT a and Monniouth County" Hintelmann, Jo Ann Maloney, Mar- Take notice that Harry Moller. trad- Htra's Mason-long btouty for your boat! Anthony Mn7.^»vi:o, trading us the nen ing m Moller's Delicatessen, Wilson avc> "'_•"•!*. Agency RU 1-1 UP." .. igarct Wheeler, Barbara Riddle, Pa. Port Monmoulh, N. J., has applied to IftJMSUN—Unique four-room bungalow. Sheridan Bnr nnd (.rill, have applied to Tknk Yaw Repair Ma Fit the Mayor and Council of the Boroutfit of tricia Sherwood, Anita Vietor, Joan the.township committee of Middletown MAklNi Combination llvinc-dining room, kitch- 7h- Accident That FIFTH AVENUE hmnship for a Limited Retail Distribu- Red Bnnk for a Plenary Retail Con- en, two bedrooms, hath, grand stonr fire- ! Max, Sharon Killccn, Ann Cailin, tion license for premises jitunted at Wil- rlate, »te»m coal heat. Many fine trees. sumption licetuc for premises ni tit a ted Cornelia Rikcr, Maureen Dougher- DU PONT DULUX FINISHES at fi West Front ettcct, Red Bank, N, J. Didn't Happen" son avenue. Port Monmouth, N. J. eis.ui.rti. Mr. Asking *T,900. Byrne Agency, Phone. ty, Patricia Sinclair and Gail Me- Objections, if any, should be made RU 1-1150.- Objections, if any, should he made CLEANERS .mmedtntely in writing to Amy E. Sliinn, Hugh. immediately in writing to Howard W. NAVESIKlE—iJellghifuf stucco bunga- 57 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK Roberts, Clerk of Middletown township. low. Five rooms, (two bedrooms), Clerk of the Borough nf Red Bank. (Signed.) (Signed) modern bath, hot water circulating oil STORE HOURS: HARRY MOLLER heat: two.car garage: large plot. Owner JAMES ACERRA, It's Been "Quality" Since 1922 9 A. M. to 6' P. M. Everett ANTHONY MAXZACCO. has to move. Asking «[>,S0O. Byrne Monday Ikroufh Saturtor Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams ol NOTICE. Agency. Phone RU I-1150.' Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office. Long Island visited over the week- Take notice that Stanley Pokrywka In thr mutter of the estate of Mlna end with Miss Ruth Williams. T/A Swedish Hop. has uliplled to the NOTICE \V. Jr.coh, deceased. Notice to creditors Joseph Wildanger Co. Mayor and Council of the Borough oi There's eitrs durability, extra AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE to present claims against estate. Mrs. John Portin was a medical Sen Bright, for a Plennry Retail Con- PURCHASE OF A TWO-WAV TO- ITCHING, ECZEMA patient at Riverview hospital Sat- sumption license for premises situated sparkling beauty in every can Pursuant to the ordtr of Dormnn Me* body Builders nt 10 East Ocean avenue, Sea Brisnl. of DULUX Marine Finishes. LICE RADIO SYSTEM AND THE Faddin, Suirofituc of the County of Mon- urday. A large splinter had tu i>c APPROPRIATION Ol' THE COSTS mouth, made on the sixth day of May. Rebuilding Reflnlshinir Objections, if any. should br made They're made right, for hulli, THEREOF. 1940, on the application of Lillian Mead removed from her left foot. Immediately in writlnir to Clarence •pan, decks and interiors ... BE IT ORDAINED by the Major and iinri .Alice K. Wid/nee, two oi the acting Gallon IIOJHIN and Dump Indies BURNING Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Leasi of Red Stevens, Clerk, of tho Borough of Soa for every surface, from mast- Council of the Borough of ltutmon, survivina cxccutricen of the estate of Bank visited over the week-end Bright. head to waterline, County of, Monmouth and State of New Mina W. Jacob, dccciisrd, notice is her** ISS Shrewsbury Avc, Phone with Mr. and Mrs. Portin. (Signed). lersey:- by Riven In the (toilHorn of laid de> STANLEY POKRYWKA. "ff «MS)HI.H«WIIII, rejit-diying ceased to exhibit to the subscribe™, two Red Bank, N. J. R. a S-OS0I SKIN? James Hickcy ot Marlboro visit- Section 1. That a two-way, police NOTICE. . radio a/stem including one complete of the acting surviving eNecutricci M ed over the week-end with Mr;. . 1949, and Edith tirntcttet decensed, noltct is here- NOTICE. will come up for final consideration and by iiivc-n to the cieditors of »nid d»- George Gould is attending the ecnstd to exhibit to the *ubscriber. American Heart association con- Take notice that Felix R. Santangelo passage at a regular meeting of the said exe?utor, ns aforesaid, their debts nnd (Trading as The People's Liquor Store) Governing Body to he held • nil Tliur*. demands against the xnid estate, under vention at Atlantic City this week haa applied to »he Major and Coun- Hay. June 9. 1949. at 8:3(1 T. M.. at onth. within six months from the date and also the American Medical as- cil of the Borough of Red Bnnk for a Memorial Bmoilffh Hall. Rumson, N. .J., of the afcrcsaid cider, or they will be Plenary Retail Distribution license for at which time and place all persons «]c. forever barred of their nctions therefor sociation convention. premises situated at 103 Shrewsbury airinr to he heard thereon will be given ngr.inst the said subscriber. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox enter- avenue, Red Bank, N. J. full opportunity. tained Monday with an outdoor Objections, if any, should ba made im- ALBERT A. KRRR. .IT... Dated: Frrthold, N. J., May 2, 1049, EHWARH STANLEY GRAZETTE, baibeque. Those attending were mediately in writing to Amy E. Shinn, ' Borough Clerk. _47 DeCntur Street, Clerk, of tha Borough of Red Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith nnd N. J. Trigidaire Mcnmoulk County Surrogate'! Office J. I.itoy Jordan, Eiq., family of Matawan, Mrs. Carl (Signed.) In the matter of the estate of ;»» Brotid Street, Paulson and children, Mrs. Julia FELIX R. SANTANGELO. Lauiada O. Garnscy, deceased. Notice to Elizabeth. N. J. Strauss and Mrs. Rogert Nelgher- creditor* to present claim* against es- Attorney. tate. NOTICE Room Air Conditioner bauer of Atlantic Highlands; Mr. Pursuant to the order of borman Mc- Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office INGEB and Mrs. John De Vries of Eaton- iJL.ilcd piopoiala will be received by i i > i Faddinf Surrogate of the County of Moll- In the mtittci of the estate of Emi' the buaul uf Education, Buiough of mouth, made on the twenty-tifth diiy uf W. Hortfall, deccmtd. Notice to cred- town; Jack Walzer of Little Silver; Little Silver, County of Monmouth, State May, 1849. on the application of Julian itori to present claims against estate. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stilwell, Jr., of New Jersey, in tha oltice uf the E, Garnsey and Bank of New York and I'-i-Unnl tu the oricr of Dorm mi Vacuum Cleaner Board of Education in the Little Silver fifth Avenue Bank (successor by mer- Yes, here is the SINGER* Vacuum and son, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Xiadc uvhoot, located at Mark ham Place, McFaddin, Surrogate of the County of Stillwell, Sr., Miss Barbara Stil- ger to The fifth Avenue bank of New Monmouth, made on the second day of Cleaner—with 5 Mil new, exclusive dtt Branch avenue, Little Silver, New •375* York) executors of the csthtc of Lnu- May, 1941*. un tht fliipHontion of Fred- features: well, Edward Stilwell and Mrs. Jersey, until 8 o'clock (Daylight, Saving rada V. Gainscy, deceased, notice is erick W. Horsfail. Sole Executor of the Time) on Tuesday.- J»ne 2ath, l»4y, for hereby given to the creditors of sniu • CORD RIWIND mil In ceri witlwiit Esther Cox. estate of Emil W. Hcr=fall, deceased, windmi kr hand. tho construction of an addition to the deceased to exhibit to the subscriber... notice ta hereby given to tht trpditors Rev. Joseph Sullivan of Sayre- existing Bchool building, at the above executori, at aforesaid, their debts an • CORD (III stirtl <»4 tar «•• within of snid (jeeensed to e^vhibit to the sub< Pop, Did, Father, Paw,' tht cleaner Unit. vilie spent last Thursday with Mr. location, toirethcr with incidental work demands against the said cstntc, uiuler • rrlbcr, vole c.\ci:utoi', ns aforesaid, their in connection therewith; eath, within six months from the date • TWIN FANS maintain • ttrtni, uni- and Mrs. Frank Kelly. debts ai.d demands atcnhibl the said es- whatever you call your form current ol suction alone, the ana's i The new addition to tho existinn of the aforesaid order, or they will be Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Martin- wil1 tate, under oath, within six months from father, it's his day—June of tha nmile « well as with the center! Hchool building he one story in forever barred of their actions tberefot the date of tha Aforesaid order, or they 1 •gainst the said subscriber!.. • PIVOTED FLOATING IRUSH requires o(f, Jr., of New York city, visited height with basement and •hall consist will bo forever burred of their actions 19th. Choose his card no oojuifmtnf far f rrfinary tyat tumt. • over the v.rck-cnd with Alexander of four (4> classrooms, storauo rooms, Dated: Freehold, N. J., May 25, 19<». therefor against the said subscriber. • STRIAMLINID HOUIING hai traatar and recreational area, stain, etc. from our complete selec- r> Martinoff, Sr. ___" JULIAN E. CAKNSEY, Dated: Freehold, N. J., May _nd, 1 U4i*. "aet-under-abllity". It's only S hi|ht Separate iiroponsls will nc taken In 150 Cleveland Lane, FItEDERICK W. HORSFALL, tion of *tlfg. U. «. rm. PIT, by Th> BINfim MTr. Co. Michael luster, son ot Mr.1nWork. 530 Fifth Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. *•• stration in your own homo turned from Monmouth Memorial Instruction*, to bidden, form of pro- New Y'ork City. Attorneys. posal, general condition*, supplementary £.'. Edward Burr, Esq., j told—serviced—iutnntted only I hospital to his home at Brooklyn. general conditions, plmis and specifica- H2 Newark Avenue, Monmouth County Surrogate** Office. » af your • tion!, and other contract documents may Jersey City 6, N. J. In the matter of the estate of Mar- During- the first half of the Bas- liu examined at the office of the Archi- His In mail wlnslaws Attorney. gtirtt 'J'. Cooke, decreed. Notice to FOX'S GIFT SHOP ketball Association of America tects, Fcri'etu ft Taylor, \»i West 42nd creditors U piuifiit claims Against e_- SINGER SEWING CBNTM direct, New York I**. New York, or In COMMON-LAW 1/333 tHlt. 41 Monniouth St., schedule, tho teams in the circuit the «n,ce of the Board of Education In t Newly designed for easy installation in almost SHERIFF'S SALE:— By virtue or n writ P'-iriiiant to the ordtr nf Dormati Me- IS MONMOI'TJI ST., hid a 32% average on shots taken the Little Sliver st'R- is hereby given to the it-editors of laid condition within U, days after the open- light Stvlng Timt) in the nfternoon o' deceased to exhibit to the subscriber. in* bidn, provided that a formal pro* •aid day, nt the Court House in theKxccutor, as aforesaid, their debts and COOLS sir to comfortable temperatiir Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- demands ngninst the said cstnte, under ponnl has hcen submitted by tho bidder. meuth. New Jersey, to callsfy a judg- oitlh, within six months from the dstt Each bid must be accompanied by a DEHUMIDIFIESalrbyrenoTioiexeettmoUtue c or 11 fled check for the five per cent ment of aatd court amounting to «pproj>- nf the RforeriHld ordfi*. or they wtfl bo BEFORE YOU BUY r 1 imately $3sclaf 'rl|W«lrt S-fair Warranty Beginning at H point in the emterl.v ft Cni-nwr-ll, K«f|t,, tract and » snttsfnctorjf performnnco line-of Maple Ave. diHlanl _91 feet, 6 Red Bank, N. .1. bond. Upon failure to do fin he shnll Inches southwardly from a marble mon- Altorneyi, forfeit the deposit a» liquidated dam- ument at the sotitliwcbl corner of i.r- CONSULT MSCS and the •rcrptanrc of thf* bid w)l| Roy PUce, where the inme is intente-icu Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. hf continuant HJIPH tho fulfillment of by said east^itrdly bide of MH)>U> Avf,, In tin- mutter of thr estate of EmrtiH thin requirement by tho hidder, 'The •kid beicinninK Point Win;,' n]M1 dlstnnt. Fnx. flc-easrd. Notice to KI'cilitorB tu •htckit of all, rNceptlri? the time Inw- northwardly 'jfcO fret from N marble PITS cut claimi) Hi;nins1 estntr. •'•t hldHn-o. will he rrturnfd within five monument at the north-west corner of I'm-Mianl lo the onlnr nf Unrmnn Mi*- IS) days after (he npcninff of bids, anil Irving Place, where thu anmc ii Inter- FaiMin, Sui'i'oKiittr of thn County of Mnn- 111* l-pmninliiK chocks will Im t'ftiirnrd i.eted by said uutwardly line uf Mnplr ninuth, made on ihr Twrnty-nrvorith liny (mmflrffntrly after tht* contracts and Avc, Itienc- running 1'HHtwHnlly on aof Mny. I If-Jit, on tho application of bond* have been exemtpd. lino at right angles to Manle Avc., 'JOd Ktoifn O. Bishop, Administratrix of the FRED D. WIKOFF CO. No bidder may withdraw his hid for feet to a stake: thence southerly on n r.state of Emma l-'nx, dcceiiKcd, nottco In H period of iiO dnys nfur the date* nti line parallel trllh Maple Ave. 70 hct to lierehy given' (o the creditors of mid for the npcnlny thereof. ft stake] thenc* irehtwardly «n a tine deroaar-H In exhibit to tho Kuhfjcrlbnr, Tho Huuceksful bidder will bo rcqulrcH parallel with the flnt mentluned line. Admlnihlnitrlx, AH nfott'nnld> their1 dehts DISTRIBUTORS FOR to provide and pay for A statutory per- 100 fwl to th* eaiterly line of Hntilo nnd drmandK aunt nut tlm unld oiliilf, un- formance bond In approved form as set 76 MONMOUTH ST. RID1ANK I Ave.) ttience northerly along the eiiHt der onth, within H!N mnnthn from tho forth In "Instructions to Bidden,," which n illon tu Toms Rlvar I T line of Maple Ave. 70 fp*t to the |iUc_ dotn of the nfoiTMiiil onlfr, or they bond shall he In the full amount of the i < si P'kw'y, Loni Branch I of beginning. will ho forow-r lmrrod of their itellnmi contract. 1 East Main St, FrttboM 102 Rojeriras Ava,, Hlfhlilown ** Belted as the properly of Anthony therffor nttnlnnt \\u> Hnld •mhKcrl.if-r. The Hoard nf Education rertervefl the V FinelH and Mra. Anthony Finellt, wife of Datrdi Fi-cchnld, N. J.. Mny 27, 1040 General Electric Heating Equipment i-lnrht t» v^Jfrl nny or oil htdti, nnd/ni Anthony Finelli. tMkcn In execution ai EI.OISK C RtRlinp, tn accept tho hid thnt in Its Judgment 1h« suit of M. Sllbenteln, tradlns a» The 4-!9 wmt ir.Jlnl Sli-cM, will bo for th* best Inlnroiits of the Iior- COMMIIIOM a COMMMCIAl MHIOHtATOM e BIIP1AV CASH Urholitery Shop, nmi tr. h* t0)r1 bv Nrw YnrU CUy. itrh of Lltttn Sliver, IRA K. WOLCOTT, Sheriff, Ry ordci* of thr Bnnrd of Edurntlnn, litdnr* HOIIIUPIH, KR(|., TEL. RED BANK 60552. tfATII, ilVHAOl, MllK C001IM a All CONDIIIONIM a HOMI MIUIII »«<•« May 17, ]»40. ft'il Bnifi'ii AVPIMIP. nnrunRli at Mttie Silver, County of Mon* Mfi'lP Kt, Att'y. Jersey City *. N, J, mouth, State of. Vrxv JriMy.. |2l| Attorney. SARAH M( LIPPINroTT, , Plitrlct Clerk. n I»A*K ntfimvM, wxt, t, Pact Elms QUINS, DOkEMUB, MeCUC • Leaving For Germany Mrs. J. C. Finucan, is recuperat- BDMELL ing following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Halliday COUNSCLLOU AT LAW and family of Brooklyn spent th* Weitfiele) BuiMlac *** Btak holiday week-end with Mr. and John J. Quinn Tkcau t. Daraaua Mrs. William Halliday. FRANKS Vincent J. McCu, Erne* Faun Misses Helen, Doris and Gloria WlUlia U Bwwil, It. Colson and Norman Colson spent Monday at New York city, where PAH9OXS, LABBECQUE. they attended a show. BAR and COCKTAIL LOUNGE CANZONA * COMBS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Merrick WE SELL, COUNSELLORS AT LAW and daughters Nancy and Friscilla of Atlantic Highlands, Mr. and 132 RIVER KOAD RUMSON • w.iuc si. aw a*nk Mrs. Geoi'ge Meyer of Port Mon- Theodore I>. Parson* Edmund J, Caucus* THE BEST/ Sow In our new (oration ivifh everything modern lor four Theodore J. Labrecque mouth, Mrs. C. J. Smith of Key- E)«tcn P, Combe Thora«» J. SmlUl port, and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer pleasure and comfort. Drnji in for a rcfre«hUi| driak Eobert H. Maid* William B. Blair. Jr. Abraham t. ZM" Bennett were Sunday guests of Mr. and one of our famous Hot Sausage Sandwlrhei. and Mrs. Edward Bennett. WALKER & TINDALL The ladies' auxiliary of Inde- Realtors and WILLIAM E. BEATV sndent fire company will enter- TELEVISION * SANDWICHES ATTOBNET AT LAW aln the Middletown township aux- 19 Eaat From St., Hr.l Rank, N. J. YES, iliaries at the lire house this after- • DANCING * lumi Tax ConsuUamt noon. Tel.phc.iir: lied Hank 6-2776 Everyone Say§ Reareteittifit THE TRAVELERS, Hartford PKOI'RIETOK»_FRANK AXD TONY MFXLACI M CM* Freeil Si. *•• tub «-447l Boys e«n malt* pocket montr by eell- BERLOU isi The Reliiter.—A4v*rtlM«MHt. la Wonderful! MILTON KOSENE Miss Norma Herber Safe, sure BERLOU* ATTOBNEV AT LAW protection against rnothi MUs Norma Heiber. daughter of It; MONMOUTH IT. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Herber, 350 eoiU little ... a unall year- MD BANK •>•«» Prospect ave., Little' Silver, will ly Investment buys guuran- leave Monday for Wiesbaden, Ger- t«ed protection (or clotning, many, where she has taken a po- rugs, blankets, and furni- sition with the Army Air Corps, MOVID TO She will be away two years. ture. Used and proven Miss Herber attended Syracuse since 1(30 by thousands of LARCH university, and is a graduate of prof«Mional mothprooferi, Katherine Gibbs Secretarial school, BERLOU guarantees in PRIMISIS New York city. writing to stop moth i'am- age for 5 years, when ap- Belford Look to SAFEWAY lor low-cost VEGETABLES plied as directed, or pays MM. Dorothy Thompson *u {or the damage. Be safe ADAMSON BOOK guest of honor at a birthday party Vafttablas art food value* now. It'a tht season of plentiful • t . buy BERLOU today! given by members of the birthday auppliM. Nevar have our product atanda presented a grander club at the home of Mrs. Helen CUCUMBERS 2-19* STORE Rosata of East Keaneburg Wednes- array of freah (nanfooda a t money-saving prices. They offer urn* nai imii day of last week. She received a you an opportunity to plan low-cost vegetable meals like the gift from the members. KINDS The mariners were the Saturday platter pictured hare. Cnaek l':t below far ideai-and savings. RHUBARB - The Wright Store evening guests at the bridge of tmtt, ram imn OF honor at Red Bank Catholic high OF RED BANK . BOOKS school. Commissioner Alida Cham FIR SLICIRI * SAUIS j* 4 CELERY - BOUGHT AND SOLD bet-lain presented awards to Mary 30 Monmouth Si. CezeskI, Marie Oswald, Dorothy TENMI MlUN . _ 104 MONMOUTH ST. Enqulst, Marylee Antrim, Beatrice Phone RE 6-2222 Parleman, Marylu Richmond, Jo TOMATOES "-21 Opponlte The Carlton hanna Bnumg-ajtcn, Francis Tar- FRESH CORN - ••• 18« now, Barbara Smith, Betty Wll- CM* MS IHMf helmc, Barbara Hnrnett, Beatrice h Novack and Isobel Hashing. Others attending were Mr. end Mrs. 'Lc- MIS? MI Jiiev _ SCALLIONS - land Richmond, Mr. and Mra. C. R. TIMS ttMWl MIRARCHI PIANO STUDIOS Smith and Mrs. Gertrude Rich- 1M BRIGHTON AVE., LONG BRANCH, N. J. mond. NOW TO PRIPARE THIS Miss Helen Young wiu guest of WATERMELON 5 BEETS - 2 •«*«• 17< a» RIVERSIDE AVE., RED BANK, N. J. honor Saturday at a bridal shower »nr mil aust VEGETABLE PLATTIF, Offering a Full Scheduk of Studies in given by Mrs. Harold Green of ^~* It's easy! Full.ife. Golden's Bridge, There were 22 JEW TENREK Appliad and Theoretical Music guests present. JEW TEHKN latM.V H ^._ CABBAGE 2*"13e rections for/this Donna Susan Schmitz, daughter •«w an miw and another vege- of Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitz, table platter in th« was christened Sunday at the Bel. POTATOES 5 "27 ONIONS •- 2*15 a-ticle, "Look to JUM 20—August 19 ford Episcopal church. The baby's Vegetables for godparents are Mrs. Milford Van JIK sn.su nutt _ Low-Cost Meals," Tel. Long Branch 6-4510 Brunt, Miss Marylee Antrim and > in JUNE issue of Alfred Yarnall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz gave a buffet lunch for 14 PINEAPPLES 2-15 guests following the ceremony. HUtM, Will HI NICT David Wallace, Jr., celebrated his eighth birthday last Thursday with a party. Those attending were ORANGES 5 »>• 51 REFRESHABLE CLOTHES Irene, Preston and George Gillatn, Carol Ann Geiger, Arlcne McCar- ron and Lynn Wallace. Robert Foster, Sr., celebrated hit CHICK THIS LIST birthday en Memorial day with a TYPICAL SAFEWAY party for members of his. family. Rolls' 'SSSS'ioJS* in*. Miss Lois Salmon has completed 'her freshman year at New Jersey Margarine DM*OOO im>i 21« college for women. New Bruns. VALUES 1 1 wick, and returned home Monday Lunch Box W3? •-»»» to spend the summer with her par Examples of the money-saving price* ents. you can expect to find on our shelves. Mayonnaise •*»"*" »«i«24e/ Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Andrews of Mildind mellow-Ihe mrld'e Washington, D. C, spent three days Yf HOW ClINC - HALVES Salad Dressing <""» V" 20c most popular flavor in coffee this week with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jones of Morris ave. Spam HOIMII n°tx '"" °^"1 i n I Timothy Lee Kelly, son of Mr. i.rtttn pmi HlMtne riiimifh Wed., hint tih; VjUD OOOd PIJI Otpom :2 it be< I U JC and Mrs. Raymond Kelly of Main JELL-0 - 3-20' produce Hi WKH ihrxifli SeU JUK 4ik. st, waa baptized Sunday afternoon at St. Mary's church. The infant's godparents are Mrs. Mary Eddy of Evap. Milk' «•«» New Monmouth and George Four- If A 41 » nler, Sr. A buffet supper was held Tea . % * »*• after the ceremony at the home of the parents for 35 guests. . White Bread •**«£« w 14« Mr, and Mrs. Carl Geiger and Gi»»triuif daughter spent last Thursday vis- JUICE TOWN HOUSi 2ST21* •UNOEO SAFEWAY iting Mr. and Mrs. Gus Geiger of KINO O «HD Philadelphia. JUICE 2 HUT 23* Here's further proof your OtANCI money buys more st Ssfc.f Miss Emma Snowflack of Jersey JUICE •Ml O-COlft City spent' Sunday and Monday 2 IT 29* Check tht wide selection and way. See below how much you can get ' tOMATO ' y with William Meyer and family. JUICE SUNNT0AWH LOW PRICES we have for you for just 3Vc. Kevin Nolan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nolan of Bayside Tomato Sauce "SaT 3 T«tri9« Cheese Food A. 25<"75< 'YOUR CHOICE - - - Heights, was baptized Sunday af- ternoon at St. Mary's church. Hit Tomatoes C*«DB«$W 2?«25« Cheese Food »*•«••»« *J»»*23t SLICED .„. godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dan- SMOKED PICNICS iel Jamieson of Brooklyn. Follow- Sweet Peas ******* 2 ST 23« Cheese Spread ** ing the ceremony, a buffet supper BACONT was held at the home of his par- Sweet Peas ZBft&t 2 •lAM. •IMINTO, MUSH. CNM, MILD ents. Present were Mr. and Mrs, CUDAHY'S George Suess of Brooklyn, Mrs, Cheese Spread «*** '." 23c andTINDIR * GOLD COIN Samuel Nolan, Mr, and Mrs, John •IHINTO C«f AM, OltVf HUJNTO. MMEA**lt. KUiH Kerr and three children of Keans- Lima Beans IIMMCII burg and the child's sponsors. 21 HASPEL CORDED SUITS Mrs. Melvin Leek entertained past presidents of the ladies' aux- CUT OUT THIS .- . RIHIkfrUBCCe The original Haspel fabrics—100 per cant iliary of the V.F.W. at a luncheon MONEY SAVING COUPON NOW: DULR' V.nCCOE BOLOGNA BRAUNSCHWEIG combed cotton, washable, will never fade, dis- Tuesday of last week. Plans were HERE'S color or lose its shape. made to hold a card party June 14 ON SALE AT at Independent fire house for the benefit of the building fund. Those MEAT SECTION 50 present were Mrs. Dora Tarnow, Mrs. Ethel Morvan, Mrs. Frieda' DOMESTIC ,^ CHICKENS %»?&" • 57c FRANKS *20 Winkleman, Mrs. Arabella Burk- c hardt, Mrs. Agnes Frank and Mrs, FRYERS .tt.'&K.. -41c BOILED HAM ",«. Emily Levering, swiss.. «>69 Mcr fmuu HASPEL "SIR-PREME" John Finucan, son of Mr. and PROCESSED . _ DUCKS ' • *• 35* MEAT LOAVES •»«"• fc PUKE LUNCHEON MEAT 5S8 •• 55* A luxurious fabric that blends the firm dura- AMERICAN 45 c bility of cottons with the lustre of celanese KITCHEN QUtflHiOUR MHO _ * PORK SAUSAGE TONGUE " n,\*K mnirmtn, PABTV FOR BRIDE-ELECT. mandatory in a Zone B section of WOODMAN— the central part of the North Wedding. Miss Peggie Charlotte Wood- A miscellaneous .'ridal showtr Council O.K.'s Beach area. Elsewhere in the bor- man', daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Community was given recently (or Miss Thelma ough, including the Shrewsbury JKN.N'IXGS—LLOYD Charles J. Woodman of Matawan, FRANK B. LAWES Kruscr at the home of Miss Mar- river side ot the South Beach, con- Miss Joan Marie Jennings, became the bride of Oliver August Elects Officers ion Weber nt Keyport. The party Zone Amendment struction of two-family houses arc daughter of Mrs. William Jennings Leifeste, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- 15 Newman Springs Road was given by Miss Weber and Mist approved, subject to the issuance of MrLarrn St., became the bride ert Leifeste of Mason, Tex., Satur- J. D. Tuller Is Janet Lufburrow. Miss Kiu»cr of certificates of occupancy by the of John David Lloyd, son of Mrs. day at Matawan Presbyterian will he married June 12 at Keyport, At Sea Bright building inspector. John Lloyd of Wariamassa, Satur- Church. Rev. Robert B. Berger President of Board to Edgar 1* Disbrow of that place. Measure Prevents The amendment al.vo fnovldes day, at St. James church. Rev. Ed- performed the ceremony. X Daniel Tuller was re-elected Coal - Fuel Oil NOTICE. hat businesses which do not con- ward J. Dalton, pastor of St. Jos- The bride waa given in marriage president of the board of directors form lo tlic zoning law but wcic eph's church of High Bridge, a by her father. Her ice blue satin Note Take no;ir« that the Brscon Hill TucFainily House* ot the Community Y.M.C.A. at a Firrt Best Quality • Prompt Delivery Country Clul>, lm\, hit applied to the in operation prior to Jan. 1, 1948, friend of the bridegroom, per- gown was made with a form-fitting meeting Wednesday night, May 18. Township Committrc of MiddJeloMN now arc ginntrd variances allowing formed the ceremony and officiated jacket designed with a peplum, a Nam» Townthir for a rhib licriuc for prem- Along llic Ocran for their continued operation. at the nuptial mass. Vice presidents elected wcre-Rob- iers litustfd at Beacon Hill Rond, Mid- full skirt and a short train. Her ert Eisner, J. Raymond DeRiddtr, Tel. Red Bank 6-2875 dlctown Township...... A revised amendment to Sea These businesses, including room- The church was decorated with hand-embroidered Brussels net Dr. James W, Parker, Sr., Arthur Ohjrctionf, if iiny. fchouln *>e made ing houses, boat rental establish- all white gladioli, carnations, laiK- veil was made by her grandmoth- immediately in writinz to Howard W. Bright's zoning ordinance which ments and a clog kennel, must, spur and snapdragons, palms and Gibb and Harry H. Neubergcr. Rob BoberiF, clerk of th« Township of M:d- will prevent the building of beach er, Mrs, A. P. A. DeStrzelecki of ert de la Reussille was elected sec- dlctovrn. clubs or two-family houses or the however, secure and pay for an- ferns. Michael Bcrgin was soloist, England. She carried a small bou- retary and Edward H. Conway, (Sienrrl) operation of apartment houses on nual licenses, according to Mayor and Mrs. H. Raymond Phillips was quet of sprays of fleur d'amour. BEACON HIM. COUNTRY CI.UB, IXC. Thomas Farrell. Any businesses organist. A wedding breakfast fol- treasurer. VENETIAN BLINDS noY TRUSWKLI., rrr». the ocean side of the South Beach Mrs. George Louiubury of Ka- Directors elected for terms of (,KORGK MILLER. Trr»«urer, seeking to open in the future in lowed at the Molly Pitcher hotel. became law lagt Thursday night. restricted ureas, or which were in tonah, N. Y., was matron of hon- three years are Mrs. E. Jackson H E. MANNING, Scerclary. Council'* adoption of the amend- The bride was escorted to 'he or and the other attendants were Batchelar, Frank F. Blaisdell, Juies Made Right Here At Our Modern operation after Jan. i. 1948, must altar by her brother, Thomas D. Misses Elizabeth PresnikofT of Vir- ment was hailed as a "110 per cent be granted official variances before Jennings of Atlantic Highlands. A. Distel, Edward J. Dodd, Arthur victory" for several of the section's being allowed to open or remain ginia and Helen Moore of New Gibb, Mrs, H. W. Hubef, Edwin O. Plant In Red Bank! large property owners by Harry She wore a candlelight satin court York city. Their p»le blue hooped- Lomerson, Burton Moore, Harry H- SAME DAY active. style gown, made with a marqui- skirted gowns were trimmed with Green, Red Bank attorney, who has It was in marked contrast to the sette joke, long sleeves and a full Neuberger, G. Harold Nevius, James represented their interest* in a argumentivc spirit that has char- blue lace and they had matching VanMater and William Worthley. SERVICE drawn-out plea to keep business train, The edge of the yoke, md headpieces of dark blue and car- Russell H. Minton was elected di- acterized previous hearings on zon- the edges of the bodice were ried old-fashioned bouquets. from crossing Ocean ave. ing amendments that the action trimmed with satin leaves and seed rector for a term of two years and NOW AVAILABLE Mr. Green, member of the. dim wag taken Thursday night. Not one William Kroh of Glendalc, N. _Robett H. Young for a term of one of ApplegMe, ¥03101-, • Reussille, pearls. Her fingertip length illu- year. Garment! •roup.ht in word ot opposition to the new sion veil fell from a coronet shaped Y., was best man. Milford Nealis Corn well 4 Grtcn, congratulated amendment was voiced when May- headpiece of illusion, satin ami of Matawan and Richard Fiat- Trustees elected for a term of •efore 10 A. M. the judgment of the mayor and or Farrell threw open the discus- pearls, and she carried a bouquet, tcrigi of New York city ushered. three years are Thomas Irving council and the Sea Bright board Brown, Edwin C. Gilland, John L. Shall Be sion prior to a vote, and the meas- of white carnations and baby's A reception wa* held at Button- of adjustment in "filling in the ure was passed by the board with breath. wood manor. The couplt left for a Montgomery and Theodore D. loophole* of the zoning reqquiie- Moore. Ready at 5:00 P. M. .in unanimous vote. Mrs, George Hallarin of Mala- wedding trip to Mason, Tex., and | ments." He said he considered the The only question that remain* will make their home at Glendale, NEW JUMIOVED I local law as amended will "do wan was her only attendant. She open is what Mr. O'Connor may wore a powder blue taffeta gown, N.Y. Girl Scouto Close ' much to preserve the value of do with the three big houses he Ocean-side properties." with a marquisette yoke, and RIDLEY- REHRIG Meeting Programs SANITONE owns on the ocean side of South gauntlets which matched her gown. One of the results of the meas- Beach. Earlier this year, he ad- ure will be to prevent Stephen J. Her" feathered headpiece matched Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Ridley Girl Scout troop 62 of Leonardo, Cleaning mitted he had used these houses her dress, and she carried a bou- of Worcester, Mass., have an- enjoyed a bus ride to New York O'Connor, Runnon developer who last summer as apartment dwell- once planned the establishment of quet of yellow roses and daisies. nounced the marriage ot their city Saturday, marking the closing ings without first having scoured Thomas L. Lloyd, Jr., of Orange, daughter, Miss Janice P- Ridley, of its program until fall. They a beach club, bathing cabanas and, legal authority, such as certificates LEON'S perhaps, a, swimming pool on his the bridegroom's cousin, was best to Charles D, Rehrlg, son of Mr. toured N.B.C.'s Television studios of occupancy, to do so. He also had man. The ushers were James A. and Mrs, Morgan H. Rehrig of and saw the movie, "The Stratton White St. R. B. «-2SW beachfront land, from undertaking been extending his apartment facil- any such construction. Until he O'Kcefc of Nutlcy; Harry H. Ca- Lake ave., Fair Haven. The wed- Story," at Radio City Music hall. ities in anticipation of this year's rothers, Matawan, and William ding took place May 21 at the In charge were Mrs. Herbert withdrew hi* plans for this club, business. to re-instate original plans for n Neff, Belford, a cousin of the Central Congregational church at Morgan, leader; Mrs. Charles Ober- 8S one-family house, Mr. O'Connor's Mr. O'Connor gave the borough bride. Worcester, lin, assistant leader; and Mrs. PRICES START AT 2 his assurance several weeks ago, The bride wore a white mar Charles Hc-ssc, Jr., Mrs. James scheme had been widely attacked he would not try to open the The bride's mother wore an aqua by Mr. Green and the fieople he dress with toast colored accessor- quisette gown trimmed with lace. Glllespie, Mrs. George MacGregor, Travel Topics apartments this year, after he ha.l Her finger-tip length veil waa at- Mrs. Walter Schoellner, Mrs. Helen represents, ies. The bridegroom's mother wore been instructed by state officials tached to a crown of orange blos- Dear, Mrs. Morris Curtis and Mrs. Perhaps the outstanding result his buildings, as altered, did not an ice blue and orchid print dress MOBILE VENETIAN BUND CO. BY TERRY ODONNELL, wag to eliminate the threat of a with black accessories. Both had soms and she carried a bouquet of Claude Smith. Scouts making the meet New jersey Tenement law re- white iris and white orchids. trip were Emma Curtis, Charlotte lawsuit which Mr, Green had been quirements. The zoning amendment corsages cf orchids. UPPER IROAD ST. (At Th. MilroWi) RID IANK LURE OF THi LAKELANDS retained to bring against the bor The couple arc on a wedding trip The attendants were Miss Vir- Rousch, Mary Ann Aichele, Margo now restrict* these big houses to Gillispie, Barbara and Joyce Not to be ough unit** the rights of the bi one-family use, as it does the tot to Canada. For traveling the bride ginia M. Clough of Worcester, who CALl R. I. t-4379 over looked— property owners were protected by chose a powder blue suit with navy ;was attired in a green organdy Schoellner, Nan MacGregor, Clau- if you're look- mer boat he has converted into a gown, with a bouquet of yellow dia Smith, Betty Lou Barth, Jac- inc to Canada rigid zoning. house atop a pile-supported plat- blue accessories, and a corsage uf "It would have been a vigorous orchids. Iris. Bridesmaid* were Misses queline RonaJdson, Delores Hesse, —is a 10-day form in the central part of South Barbara Damon, Jean Finley, Olga , Motor Coach and costly court battle," said Mr. Beach. , Beverly Dahlquist of Swampscott, llCruise. A drive Green. "I was prepared, to go ahead SKlXGHfcN—POMPHBEY Mass., and Marilyn Ridley, Hold- Morgan, Jacqueline Hesse, Beverly through the While Mr. O'Connor or any prop- en, Mass., the bride's cousin, They VanBrunt and Mary Ann Sorby. LAWES COAL CO. Inc., with it." erty owner may seek a variance iPoconos. on to Just why it was a "110 per cent Miw Aiden Sellgrcn, daughter of were dressed in lavender organdy Girl Scout troop 51, also of Leon- !Niagara FslU from the board of adjustment, it John A. Scllgren of Water Witch, and carried bouquet* of purple Shrewsbury, N. J. and « leisurely victory" waa explained by the law appeared to observers that local op- ardo, closed its season at an infor- cruise across yer. He said Borough Clerk Clar became the bride of Richard Pom Iris. mal dance at Community me houcj, position would prevent any hasty phrey, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- announces .bake Ontario. ence Stevens had shown him en action by that board in granting Morgan H. Rehrig, Jr., was best Leonardo, last week. Each troop |T h e n there tries in old council minute* illus- liam Sofleld of Fair Haven, Sun- member invited a guest. Refresh- will be the St. many exceptions to be made: day at Leonardo Baptist church man for hi* brother, and usher* trating that the zoning ordinance were John M. Petrillo, Edgar M. ments were served and a social previously had been amended Aug. Rev. John E. Johnson, fastor, per- evening of dancing was enjoyed. Lawrence cruise and two night* Scholarship Honors formed a double-ring ceremony. and Waynt D. Ridley, the bride's at the famous Chateau Fronte- 15, 1946. That amendment also was brothers of Worcester, and Harvey Mrs. Oberlin, leader, and Mrs. nac, with enough time to per- mentioned by Nelson E. Finch, Easter lilies, gladioli, peony blos- Marcellus of Fair Haven. Hesse, Jr., assistant leader, were mit a trip to the celebrated preaident of the board of adjust- Pacific War Hero soms and ferns decorated the in charge. shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre. church. Mrs. Ralph Pease was or- The couple are on a Florida ment. Mrs. A. Barton Cross of Eaton- wedding trip, and upon their re- In recent discussions, both coun- lown, Is spending this week-end at ganist. A reception for 100, guests The above escorted tour will was held at Cedar inn. Highlands. turn will make thtir home at Bal- Formal Dance Opens leave New York each Sunday cil and the board of adjustment Ashvlllc, N. C, where sho will pre- timore, Md. beginning June 26 to August 28, had been considering the revision sent a special scholarship at Christ Given in marriage by her father Yacht Club Season inclusive. It's a popular-priced of the ordinance from the "ground school for Boys at Ashville. The the bride wore a gown of white tour, so vou can realize the im- floor," that is, from the original scholarship was given to the school Ballaiitinc Driven The Shrewsbury Yacht club of rayonctt, made princess style with Fair Haven formally opened its nortance of seeing vour Travel text which had been drawn and by Mr. and Mrs. Cross in memory a long train. Her fingertip length Honored at Dinner Agent immediately. Terry, in approved in Dec, 1931. Nothing of of their son, A. Barton Cross, Jr., veil was trimmed with lace and season at 3 o'clock'Saturday after, his usual efficient manner, will the 1946 change had been men- who died in a Japanese prison The Red Bank branch of P. Ba!- noon with a flag raising ceremony handle all details for you. held in place by a gold coronet, at the flagpole in front of the O'DONNELL TRAVEL AGEN- tioned in any of this year's debates. camp, and who was a student at and she carried a shower bouquet lantine & Sou, 2 West Bergen pi., THE AUTOMATIC MOTOR CY, 12 Broad St.. Red Bank. However, the new amendment im- that school before the war. of' white rosebud* and baby'* held a dinner at Llncroft inn Mon- club. Tel. Red Bank 6-5080 or 5081. pose* restrictions considered by The scholarship winner is select- breath.. day night, May 23, to honor the The ceremony was conducted by COAL BURNER THAT Mr. Green to be "much more bind ed by the school headmaster and Miss Lee Kucinski, of Pateraon, branch drivers for letting a new Commodore Fred Glasier who in- LETS YOU RELAX STOKOR ing" than thoie of 1946. troduced the speakers. CapUin faculty, and is given to the boy who was maid of honor, wad low accident record the past year* Ralph Smith, veteran of, the Spaii- Both amendments allow for the showing leadership and citizenship. dressed in a floor length' dress of A safety plaque was presented to breaking up of large plots of land ish-A'merican war, offered a prayer, Mr*. Cross will be the guest of D. orchid taffeta with a matching hat. Ray Birehler, shop steward and followed by a brief address by on the ocean *ide of South Beach F. Youngblood of Ashville, who re- She carried a bouquet of. yellow representative of the drivers, by into smaller building lots, 79x100 Mayor Edgar V. Denise. Lieut. Effective immediately, MOTORSTOKOR, the automatic coal ceived the scholarship last year. roses, Henry Bloxom of Middle- H, V. Haley, general transporta- Jack Frerct officiated at the flag feet. However, whereas the 1946 The prize will be presented by Mrs. town was best man. tion manager of the company. burner, will cost you 10% less. The price cut applies to amendment would have allowed raisins, which wa« performed liy Cross at the annual senior banquet The bridegroom's mother wa* K. B. Hemming, manager of the the Fair Haven Sea Scocts. the cost of the stoker itself. This is the same fantoua 15-foot driveways for access from tonight at the school. dressed in a light printed taffeta Red Bank branch, gave the key- Ocean ave., the new and now bind- with matching accessories, and . The club opened Its social sea- heating unit which shovels your coal, empties your ashes, ing regulation ii for 25-foot drive- note speech, introducing other son Saturday night with a formal Mr*. Edward Darke wore a corsage of pink roses. members of the management from dance which was largely attended. gives you even, healthy heat. And with NOTOMTOXOB you way*. can have domestic hot water all year 'round. The 1M« ruling established $10,- Is Shower Guest The couple will make their home the Newark office. Drivers honored 000 at the minlmum-' Longer Because of the Controlled Moisture. Meyer and Mrs. Leonard Nelson; st, Rev. W. Clinton Powers, pas- DANCING tor of Red Bank Baptist' church, . # Summer Cooling BOAT CLUB MEETING. performed the ceremony, TWELVE LARGE BOOTHS FOR Seaboard Serrice The June meeting of the Mon- The couple were attended by the • "Packaged'* Air Conditioning mouth Boat club will be held Mon- bride's sister, Mrs. Vivian Kllllan "SERVING THE SHORE' day at 8 p, m, In tho club house, nnd Frank Shlrnlll, both of Now • Automatic Central Heating , VARIETY OF ENTERTAINMENT •• * f-2M0 It B. 6-0241 «~ •• I President William L, Bennett will York city, The couple will make preildt, thilr bout »t City. Wand, K. Y, BASK mobile dealers' conference at Phila- Lions Hold Successful Carnival Leonardo delphia labt week. THE BEST Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Patterson Week-end guests of Mr. and MTB. visited relatives »t Rutherford last William Luwler were Mr, and Mrs Hammond's Tree & Lawn Service week. Oeorge Perkins of WMI Orange. J16 LINDEN AVK. HIGHLANDS, N. J. Mrs. Henry Batters of New York Mr. and Mrs. Henry Namcndorf, city, a former resident here, visit- Union City, and Mrs. Alma Vogler. PHONE HIGHLANDS 3-1263 ed her son-in-law and daughter, California. Mrs. Namcndorf and Hospital-Surgical Plan Mr. and Mrs. James MacPhec, Jr., Mrs. Vogler hail been attending a Complete Landscaping and Tree Service. last week. She recently returned stato Eastern Star convention at Complete Stock of Shad* Treat. from Florida, where .she *4»nt the Asbury Park la.it week-end. Ornamental - Evergreen - Shrubs - Roses • on the market winter. Mi*, and Mrs. Willirm Moser and Mr. anil Mrs. William Meier, all of Fruit Trees. Mr. and Mrs. I.uul.s Vclgcl visit- Power Spraying and Feeding. ed Mrs. Mary Kress of Newark, Newark, aic spending several , n $100 sav- Friday, June 3rd, at 1 P. M. OLDSMOBILE, 1941 , ings bond. Other prize winners were Mrs. Kolston Watcrbury, who PUBLIC KXIIIHITION TIIIRS., JUNK 1, » A. M. • S V. M. llydramatlc, iport coupe took home a television set; Mrs. Margaret Fcrrl, winner of the LITTLE SILVER RED SANK 6 1132 electric knife sharpener, and Mrs. Norma Waivers, who won the Ga8 Range 1948 (O'Kccfe & Merrlt, with Dutch Oven, like new). 1940 BUICK — Special 4-Door Sedan chaise lounge. The only double winner of the evening wns Lester ClMMa III flcwcr A>r«*ft*MDt N»w IN tto^itt H. Kennedy, who won a set of silver jnd an electric clock. Pro- Electric Lawn Mower, Rums«y Gate-let; Table and 4 Chairs, 1 TheM outetandlni car* and other rood valuM can be MM at ceed! of the carnival go to the Lions club welfnrc fund for charity. single 4-Postcd Mahogany Bed, 4-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite, 3- West & Monmouth Streets Wellington Wilkins was in charge of arrangements. piecc Llvinp Room Suite, Kenmorc Vacuum Cleaner, RCA Victor TBADKS ACCEPTED LOW FINANCE TERMS Console Radio, 7-piecc Dining Room Suite, Odd Living Room Ealontown house. The bnzar was well pa- Chairs, 1 pair Maple Youth Beds, Lamp Tables, End Tables, Coffea tronized. Tables, 1 pair Hand-Carved Occasional Chairs, several Indian DeRIDDER BUICK Inc. Thomas Erb was entertained Sat- George J. Wldlcy, airman ap- urday at a dinner party given by prentice, U.S.N., son of Mrs. M*ry Drugget Rugs, 2 9x12 Rugs, Porch Furniture, Studio Couch, 163469 MONMOUTH STREET his wife In celebration of his birth- C. Wklloy, Wyukoff rd., has boon Kitchen Ware, Dishes, etc. RED BANK 6-2089 day. Fred Erb entertained with hid assigned to Putrol Squadron 8, accordion. The celebrant received based at the Naval Air station, ANTIQUES many gifts. Present were Mr. and Quonset Point, R. I, Mrs. Oeorge Ploger, Mr. and Mrs. French Mirror, pair Love Seats, old Chest of Drawers, Empire Robert Means, Mr. and Mrs. Janus Little Silver Shaving Mirror, Victorian Marble Top Dresser, Brlc-a-lirac, old DO YOU MEED A CAR?! Rudd, Atlantic Highlands; Mr. and Mantle Clock, Rayo Lamps, Silver Tea Set, Vlctorinn Hang Lamp, Mrs. Fred Erb, Miss Carol Erb, The final parent-teacher confer- Eatontown; Miss Mary Spieler, ence of the school year will he held Victorian Sofn, 3 PInnk-Bottomed Chairs, Ladder Back Rush Bot- - LOOK! - New York; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monday and Tuesday. It will We tom Chair, and many other items not listed. DIsbrow, West Long Branch; Mr. necessary for all pro-primary chil- 1935 Chevrolet, 2-door 150.00 and Mr*. Valentine Erb, Ocean- dren to come to school in the morn- By order of port; Patty Meant, Carol Ann ing from 9 to 11:45 o'clock on those SALE/ 1936 Ford, 4-door ; 195.00 Rudd and Jeffrey, Roger and Su- two days. LT. OAKLAND MITCHEL !an Jeanne Erb, 1938 Buick Convertible (a steal) 295.00 Rev. Dr. Furman A. DeMaris will ALBERT A. SIX After the final performance of deliver the baccalaureate sermon HOWARD 8. OOBDEN" 1939 Buick Special (very clean) 695.00 the Lions club minstrel show Fri- to the Little Silver school gradu- 152 Maple Avenue Auctioneer* 1011 Fourth Avenue WERE $29" day at Long Branch, the cast held ating class Sunday at tho 11 o'clock Red Bank S-424O-R Asbury Park 2-9881 1940 Olds "76*% 6-cyl.. hydramatic 795.00 party at the Moulin Rouge, Eat- service. His theme will be "The 1940 Chevrolet, 2-door special de luxe .... 650.00 ontown. Frank Haley acted as mas- Higher Curriculum." REDUCED TO ter of ceremonies and «ome mem- The school will close Friday, 1941 Pontiac Streamliner "6" 795.00 bers of the cast repeated their ear- June 10, for the summer vacation. lier performances. Refreshments Tha Woman's society of Chris- 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaeter (loaded).... 1,295.00 were served. tian Service of Embury Methodist HOME 1946 Pontiac "8" Torpedo (like new) 1,475.00 Charles Hankinaon, who was church met yesterday afternoon at born here 79 years ago and moved the Middlctown home of Mrs. Ever- 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupe (immaculate) out west with his mother about CO ett H. Thorne. Installation of ofli- OWNERS-Ccm You Imagine... years ago, has written friends here cera took place. 1,550.00 that he' saw their names in The Miss Elizabeth DeMaris of A Complete, Guaranteed Installation Red Bank Register and thought he Brooklyn lias been visiting her 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline (low milei, would drop them a line. He and father. Rev. Dr. DeMaris. at tno loaded) 1,595.00 his wife are now living at Verona, Methodist parsonage. of a 111. He has never been back to George Quackenbush was among 1948 Chevrolet, 2-door (spotless; low Ms native town. the graduates at the Newark Diesel Misses Virginia and Allda Zln- institute. miles) 1,595.00 fale, who have government posi- Tho Little Silver school baseball NEW Master Kraft tions in Washington, spent the team will play the Oceanport week-end with their parents, Mr. school team tomorrow at Ocean- COAST AUTO SALES and Mrs. Thomas Zlngale. port. OIL BURNER Mayor F. Bliss Price gave a mem- Children's day will be observed We Buy — We Sell — We Trade orial address at exercises held Sunday morning, June 12, in the OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Till I. P. M. Monday morning by the American Methodist church. The pastor will Including 3 Minneapolis Honeywell Legion post and auxiliary. Rev. be assisted by the young people in Ill Monmouth St., Red Bank Dunham V. Relnig, pastor of the the service. A class will be admit- Contrails (Neit to Carlton Theater) Methodist church, made a prayer ted into full membership and there and tapa were sounded. Wreaths will bo infant baptism. In the eve- were placed at the foot of the mon- ning the Sunday-school will be in AND A 275 GALLON TANK ument. Boy Scout troops attend- charge. ed as well as the fire company and representatives of other organiza- W.S.C.S. TO MEET tions. Tho W.3.C.S. of the Atlantic FOR AS «> Q C PROUDLY Mrs. Edith Lewis and Mrs. Flor- Highlands Methodist church will 00 ence Knight were among the 200 meet Tuesday, June 7, at 2 p. m. LOW AS We Announce Our Appointment As A from the Sons and Daughters of at the home of Miss Ethel Sr.ul- Liberty councils throughout the thorp and Mrs. William Whitney, county who attended the memorial Mount ave. The hostesses will be services Sunday at, Old Tcnnent Mrs. Ella B. iCIark, Mrs. W. Bard FRANCHISED RETAILER church, Wright and 'Mrs. Milton Kruse. Mrs. Blisabtth Turner, wife of Seaboard Service For 8gt. Burton Turner, was called last Coach Frank Leahy's college foot- week to Tennessee by the death of L.B 6-5151 o A. P. 2-2620 o R. B. 6-0248 a sister. Her husband returned ball teams have lost only five games today from maneuvers his outnt in his entire career. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiM WESTINGHOUSE has been on in Virginia for the past month. Electric Home Appliances. Just name it, anything' Mrs. Ethel Messingcr and Miss Jennie Watkins of New York spent from an Electric Iron to a Modern Planned the week-end with MUs Adclia Watkins, Lewii it. Don't Wait! Kitchen. A penny sale will follow the meet- ing Monday, night of Pride of Cres- If your wardrobe demands cent council, Sons and Daughters Molly Pitcher Super Market of Liberty. a lightweight Coat and Joieph Truswtll •pent the week- • WE DELIVER o your budget just hasn't end with his mother. Mrs. Mary Free Installation On All Ranges Truswcll, Old Bridge. 18-20 Monmouth Si THE BEST FOR LESS Phone R. B. 6-3144 permitted, here is your Mrs. Maude Polhtmus has been Coat for those cool eve< visiting h«r son-in-law and daugh- STRICTLY FltESH KILLED STRICTLY FRESH KILLED ter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hallen- nings and vacation wear, And Water Heaters • bake, Freehold. as well as next fall. They Articles mad* by the girls as well FRYING or as homemade cakes and cookies JERSEY are priced for quick clear- Westinghouse Colder Cold Refrigerators were sold at a basar held Satur- ROASTING ance. day by the Girl Scouts at the tire 189.95 to 379.95 Electric Ranges 189.95 to 374.95 COMMON-LAW 1-371 NEVER BEFORE SHERIFF'S SALE:—By virtue of > writ FOWL of execution to m« directed, iiaucd out CHICKENS Electric Water Heaters 94.95 to 207.95 of the Monmouth County Court (Law SUCH MASTIC Division) wltl be txuoaetl to aale at pub- Washing Machineo lic venduc, on 99.95 to 172.95 Monday, the 27th day o( June, 1949, ABSOLUTELY FARM FRESH ABSOLUTELY FARM FBKSH between the houi'i ot I'i o'clock and 5 REDUCTIONS Laundromats 299.95 Dryers 239.95 o'elock <«t 1 o'clock' Daylight tiavlns Time) in the afternoon of Bald flny, fit VERY, VERY, VERY GOOD GRADE FINEST GOOD GRADE the Court Home in the Borough of r'reu- •Coven Btandard Electrical InitallatleB OaJjr hold, County of Monmouth, New Jerucy, to Htiify a judgment of laid court *mountln.K to approximately* $967,00. PRIME SIRLOIN or COATS AND SUITS All the defendant's rlxht, title and In- tlreit, it liny, in »nd to tha followlnKI TELEVISION All thosi) certain loti, tract! or par- A limited number of better Coats, and Suits that are cel* of Innil und premlaei, hereinnftor RIB PORTERHOUSE particularly ileitcribed, situate, lying and suitable for year around wear* Just grand for that Weitinghotisc Motorola Admiral being in the Horough of Fnlr Jlnvun, in tho County of Monmouth and State of vacation ahead and at a price that will suit any New Jcricy. . 269.95 up 189.95 up 329.95 up Being loti #207, 298 and S98A on budget. man entitled "Section 'B" Knollwood, The! New Suburb of llti) Hunk. N. J., owned ROAST STEAKS by Qeorg* S. Inxriilwm, Wm, H. II. * tinnier M. White, Scalu 100'—1" Sent. TENDKB AMI JUICY $ REST CITS Of COURSE All Television Installed and Serviced for One Year 22, 1*24" tnndn by Kinky M, White. WERE 00 Surveyor, AM In Ihn oilier <>f thn Coun- From Date of Purchase by MR. FRANK'GBEOH Thru ty ('Ifrk nf Mnnmmitli Cmintj', Krhnmry SWIFTS PREMIUM FRESH JERSEY 3, IQ2.~i a* Mnn #S in Caiw #11. $35. NOW 22 Urine; tlir *nnu> Inml nnrl nremlnnn iron- BONELESS KIB SIDE veycil by Kmillnomt llumva, Inc., In Our Own 'J'elevisiou Service Department. Wnlter J. Conk nml Julln M. (Jnnk, ill* wife, by Ueed dated January 6, 111411, and recorded In thu Ufficn nf the County Clem of Monmouth County on Jniitiniy II. 111411, in Dood Book 21118, pngi' 4»«. BOWNE'S HOME APPLIANCES Prtml«ce located on Dartmouth Road, VEAL PORK Fair Haven, New Jcmcy. Silted •)• tho property of Wnltor J, Cook nnd Julln M, Cnok token In execu- SCHULTE UNITED 48 CHURCH STREET tion nl thu milt of Fidelity Union Tm»t . . Opp. Police Headquarter! Company, a roiporntlon of tho Stnto of 80-82 BROAD STREET New Jcricy und to IM> noli! by 1IIA K. WOI.COTT, Sheriff. ROLLS LOINS Keansburg, N. J. Tel. Kcaniburg 6.1058 Dnli-d Mny Id, 1040. RED BANK . Phont RE 6-0099 r,rnr%« n, Turton, Att'y. .<«• UMU . 1,0,1, . Page Fourteen BEDBANKBEGISTER, JUNE 2, 1949 Parochial Summane* Cniininar School Meet Stearns singled to tend in Moran I Hines' announcement. Thematchai and Romard and West (cored begin at 9 p. m., with Act Fre«. til-Yard Da«h— Conrad Sunky, Holy Mtr-t won liy Mechanic at.-Junior Bucs End Season when Griggs grounded out for thi Rumson Pounces man and Tony Cbiensa meeting Spirit, Aibury Park, fir.t: Patrick Da- 37. second Oakbnd-Itivcr »ts. 3d. third second out; Basio, up for his sec- SURF, FIELD AND STREAM to. St. Aj:nes. AtInntir IliKhlanils, sec- Little Silver 17. fourth, Tinton l'ulls s. Abe Stein and Joe Kamoroff in s ond; Joe Curtln, St. Amies, third: Kd». Code: M.I, Merhanic *t ami Junior ond whack in the inning, singled tag team match. The second bout Timely Notes On The Great Outdoors (iiiinro, Holy Cros., Itummn, fourth: hiuh, OR, Oakland st and River Bt., L, With 8-7 Loss to right field and took second when On Caseys, 5-1 will find George Macricoitaa going Kdward Kennedy, St. Jonettti'it, Kry^ttrl, J.ittlc Silver anil T. Tinton Falls. fifth. .10-Yard Dash I Sixth Crude) —Won Matauan Overcome* the ball got away from the out Pitcher*' Battle against Texas Babe Sharkey. BY STEW VAN VUET 60-Yard Da»h-Irvin» Walling. St. by Hays (Tl. "rend I'atton (MJ), fielder. Smith singled but Basso At.ti's. KeanMiurii. first; Paul Siciliiuio. third Cuji! 10KI. Timi-—i.l. U..I Bank's 7-0 lead was out attempting to score from Turns Into Rout St. Juan Urd Bank. second: Aificd 2:o-Y*rd Helay (Sixth Grade) —Won aecond. SS-Poundrr Starts Sertey Siripei catches of big fish are being mad> Htvaeijua. St. Ann'?. KeanshurR, thinl; hy |, lUlsrn, Satter, DravvbaiiKll. 4py), Coach Tom Phipps' Red Bank Rumson hi?h school pounced on Season from the rock jeltics in the vicin- Richard InniHin. Hnly .Spirit. Aslmry «econrl T i i\umicn)—Won by ple" Rountrce set Rumson's rally rr set a mark » one of his spoon*. No one landed n doormat weighting 6 nches, first; IJato, St, Annul!, Atlantic Holiday (MJ/. Dhtancc—3S feet. subject of a rhubarb between Tom GambacorW,""cf. ble to Bend home Connor for the For Full Protection pounds, 4Vi ounces, while fishing Highlands, second, 13 feet, 5 Inches: last run. KPFIIU to be very sure of the exart Curtis, St, Agnes, Atlantic Highlands Broad Jump (Open)—Won liy Dotts Phipps and the officials. The Buc *Bruns against Moth* and out of Paucls' boats, Rumson, It (OR), second Holiday (MJ), Ihir location of the catch, lie was re- hlid, 12 feet, II Inches; Hn>»in«ei coach claimed the rimer left third 27 1 turning' from a mackerel trip and is the first fluke entered in the Holy Crosfl, Rumson. fourth, Jones, SI Gnw (MJ). Distance—16 Icet 11! before the catch, but his objection Mr. Summer Heat 1949 fishing contest conducted by Ann's, KcannburK, fifth, 12 feel, D! inches. •Btttccd for DiPonte In 7th. America Visits decided to look the striper situa- SPECIAL EVENTS was lost when the base umpirp e MATAWAN Paucls' Boats, and stands a good inches. AB R Saturday Call R. B. 6-2800 tion over on the way home. He put chance of being a prize winner. A Broad Jump (Seventh Grade)—J 40-Yard Dnuli (Fourth Grade Doys)— claimed he was watching first and Harris, rf I t in "somewhere hi-twecn Sandy Hook Latin. St. James, lied Bank, first, I Won hy Simms (Rl, second I'atton, G«ri*o, lb 4 I Gene. "The Body" Stanlee, bet- six pounder won last season. "eet, s inches; Paul Siciliano, St, Jami:: second. und 'rakanaKt.iT.'1 As the writer (Ml, third Cuju (O). Time—0.2. Devlin cleared the banes and put Scbeiuk, 3b 2 1 er known to wrestling devotees as TODAY! Heil Dank, second, 11 fiet, 4 inches IH-yard Dash (Fifth Grade Hoys) — Marvel, cf : 4 0 Mr. America, comes to Asbury drilled the Hook area ten hours 01 From Mmiteo to llatteras Richard Inisram, Holy Spirit, Anbiir. Won hy Ellison (M). aeeoml Monis Matawan into an 8 to 7 lead with Sttln, If 9 1 Sunday and failed to we unythiii Park, third; Arnotii', St. James. Ued (Rl, third niKlqro - (O). Time—6.: a .single on the next play. That was DIBIaip, SII 4 2 ark armory Saturday night in a When we reached Elizabeth Bank, fourth; Martin, St. Margaret's, tO-Yni'il Dash (Fourth Grndo Girls) Dephi'ine, . i* 1 2 Roland Hincs show to meet Bib- like a 55-pnundcr caught, our guen* City, N. C, on our way North af- SprhiK Lake, fifth, — Won liy Ellison (Ml. Becond Ji-rnliian the story. Emci-fion, 2b 2 1 LEON'S is that it happened at the Mon Broad Jump (Biiihth Grade)—Kreil (R), third Stnnton (K). Time—b.. Ked Bank piled up all its runs in DIPoslo, l) • 0 ber McCoy, former Holy Cross col- ter our recent Southern fishing Crlnc, St. JHmcf. lied Dunk, first, 1 of cge athlete. month Beach grounds. trip, which covered 4,200 miles in 40-Yard Dash (Fifth Grade Girls)— the second inning when 11 batters Devlin, ii 2 0 t • Ctrtiflcd Vaults - t feet, 4 U inches; Cooper, St. Rose, Bel Won hy Hcrnani'ei (R). second, Wil- Prior to the featured match an search of the elusive finners, we mar, second, 15 ft. 3 Is inched; Lambcp liam. (R). third, Delk (M). Time—S.H, took their turn at the plate. Mike 26 . 8 7 4 On Our Premises The June I'arade Has Started on, Keyport, third, 15 feet, 3 U inches Asbury Park "Mr, America" club were advised to run down to Cape 60-Yanl Daah (Sixth Grade (iirl.l— Basso opened by being hit by a «4-78 WHITE STREET The June run of big striped basi Hatteras and get in some of the Heelsel, Holy Spirit, Anbury Park, Won by Hopkins (O), second Clark pitched ball. Phil Smith filed Out Gene Bearden of the. Indians de- will be formed, according to the is swinging into high gear and at fourth, 15 f*-et, 2 inches; Fagan, St. (Rl, third, Watson (R). Time—7.3. cxcelent drum and blueflshing Ann's, Kcansbui'K, fifth, 15 feet Hi 60-Vard Dash (Seventh (I'raclc Glils) and Vince DiPonte got on via a feated every American league team the pace it has started it looks a: which were running. We were told inches. Won by Gillinm (R), second Gilmore fielder's choice, both runners being except the Yankees as a freshman though it will surpass anything wi there was a heavy run of blues Shot Put (Oi.cn) Burncy Creiiihton, (Ml, third Lima (H). Time—7.U. safe. Ralph Acerra. singled to load pitcher last season, The Yankees have had in years. The parade o Holy Cross, RumHon, first; Willlnm 70-Yard Dash (EiKhth Grade Girls)— and channel bass at Nags Head, Roth, Holy Slitrit, Anbury Park, aecund Won by Frost (ID. Hecond Lewis IR), the bases and Moran got on due topped him twice. trolling boats has started at th Oregon inlet, Cape Hatteras and Maloney, St. Jnmcs, Red Bunk, third third, Sehwcnier (Jr HD.Timc—7.1, to an error, Basso scoring. Tom Hook and give the run anothc Chevallcer, St. Jamcn, Ued Bank, Rid Bunk Championship—fouith, Romard was hit by a pitched ball, Calumet farm had won two of the Hatteras inlet. fourth: Bredln. St. Rose, Bclmnr, fifth. Fifth nnd Sixth Grade Boy» nnd (iirls MASTERSERS OF week and it will be a madhous llaschall Throw (Open)—JOIIOR, St. forcing in DiPonte and Tom West last five Kentucky Derbies and also along this famous beach. When we arrived at Nags Head — Won by River »t., a4 points! second. we learned that some one had Ann's, KensmliurK, first; Kitrrell. Holy Mechanic »t.. 15 points; third, Oakland walked, forcing in Acerra. Walt haa gained two seconds and a third. There will be riggings lost ti Cross, Rumson, Becond: Ostratuler, St. St., 7 points. landed a 34-pound redflsh the week James, Keel Bank, third; Purcell, SI M01OMM1OMMG ECONOMY big fish which straighten out 10-C before and the day before, a half- MarBiiiet'a, KprlnK Lake, fourth; Shu- liooks; there will be rods an mann, St. Jnmes, Red Bank, fifth. tackle smashed on big bass and dozen small sii a per blues were Football Throw (Open)—rarrcll caught off the fishing pier, but Holy Cross, Rumson, first; Ostrander by having some game hog cu hey were not biting today. How- SI? James, Red Bank, second; Schtl- Junior College across the lines. This last has al iHint, St. Jante.^, Red Bank, third; C ready happened hy a boat which ever, if we went on down to Ore- 'arren, St. MaiKarct's, S|irin« l*ke gon inlet we would be sure of good roiirth, Maloney, St, Jamce, Red Bank GET IN THE SWING deliberately cut on* the riggings of fishing. They advised that the lifth. Honors Athletes a trolling- bass fisherman. road to the inlet was pretty tough Threc-U'EKe-il R»cc (Sixth Crailcl— . Wo fished in fast company las Guincn and (tooilnin, holy Crotin, Hum. Red Bankers Among on cars, and in order to get down son, first: Sullivan and Travel's, St AT Sunday when Capt. Ad Howland, here we should go over to Manteo loKe, Belmar, second; Kennedy and .Rumson, tagged a 26-pounder. A'elstcad, St. Joseph's, Keyiiort, third Those Getting Awards John Robinson, Sea Bright, a 24- and take a bus, which makes one Snxenmeyer and Manahan, St. Mar- round (rip to Hatteras every day, garet's, Spring Lake, fourth; SeKno nml Intramural athletics held the jiounder and Al Stein, Bloomflcld provided the tide was not too high Kcm-nan, Star of the Sea, Long Branch, boated a 22-poundcr, while the old Jfth. * spotlight last week at a Monmouth boneflsherman failed to connect. or a new inlet cut during the Junior college asembly program We had a thrill for & short while night. when 15 basketball players and 12 PERRY'S when our plug tangled with John's We found no accommodations at Mothers' Club Honors softball participants were awarded IN RED BANK Just after he had hooked his fish. Oregon inlet, so decide to push on Kcyi»ort High Athletes pina for their athletic prowess. During the day Capt. Jack Wel o Hatteras. That was a ride to Awards were made by Charles Hig- be remembered all the rest of our Keyport high school athletes and gina, director of athletics. lcr pascd us and held up a bass cheerleaders were guests last week weighing over 30 pounds. In check ives. Sixty-four miles in four and Member* of the top three cage 42 at a dinner in Cottrell'tj restaurant ing the score along the coast we one-half hours. On the way we quintets jn intramural competition GOLF RANGE sponsored by the newly organized find that Capt. Alex Steel out of passed through the little towns of were awarded pins. Included Koxy's landing, Highlands, ac- Radanthe, Salso, Avon Buxton, Mothers' club. BROADWAY Stanley "Tuffy" Baker, Keyport were: Aces—Gordon Forbes, Red *• nm ST. counted for fish up to 15 pounds. consisting of a dozen or two dwel- lings, a postofflce and a small, gen- coach, was toastmastcr. Speakers Bank; Walter Ham, Asbury Park; Capt. Otto Reuth, sailing from the Al Rescinio, Long Branch; Bill (Opposite Flock'* Cemetery) °Pen Friday Evening tame berth, had two with a 33- eral store. The population was were Russell Wright, Lakewuod made up mostly of retired Coast high coach; Arnle Truex, Leonardo Yoegel, Oakhurst; Marty Groppe, pounder at the top. Capt. Johnny 1 Asbury Park, and Eugene Lowy, Bisso, out of Johnny's landing, on Guardsmen, men who had spent high coach nnd Charles "Buck fm THURSDAY heir lives on the treacherous Jones, Matawan high school teach-' Deal. Atomizers—Joe Cillo and his new boat, The Baby Four-of Jack. Oakley, Red Bank; Larry thrauilt TUESDAY Us, had a 25-pounder aboard. Nine shoals of Cape Hatteras; a few r and sports official. Special guests LONG BRANCH commercial fishermen, a school were Herbert C. Burrowes, John Roth, Eatontown, and Larry Kapi- •tripcrs were brought into John loff, Keansburg. Boppcrs—J1 m ny'a weighing up to 27 pounds by eacher and a minister. They were Conway and Charles Koenig, mem- Open Dally 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. 11 happy, hardy and healthy. bers of the school board; Rev, Al- Plummer, Red Bank; Fred Hall Bert Cisco and Arie Tambeur, and Nat Russell, Long Branch; These scores are far from being fred C. Arnold, Jr., pastor of St. Door PANEL BOARD Jersey Fishermen Cover Ground Mary's Episcopal church; Dr, Jo- Larry Williams, Asbury Park, and complete and many more are be- Gene McGee, Matawan. ing caught each day, but they are When we finally bumped to a seph Rudnlck, school physician; sufficient to illustrate what striped top at the end of the line we Nick Giampalo, assistant coach; On the softball team were Char- bass fishermen are in for, especi- :arrled our rods and duffle into Melvin Jones, manager, and Rob- lie Paris, Red Bank; Fred Maffeo, ally during the June moon. he Atlantic View hotel. Upon ert Culp, a teacher at Keyport. Rumaon; Al Strauss, Marvin Gold- Most any kind of lures, includ- signing the register we noticed stein, Bert Cottrell and George ing No. 4 Drone spoons, plugs, eel hat four Jerseyltes were also at Noumair, Asbury Park; Walter ho hotel—Henry Schaeffer of the Betting, Attendance Burke and Clarence Goodrich, Bel- WRESTLING Tigs and strip squid, are proving effective. Our tip for the week is Newark Evening News, Charley Up At Garden State mar; William Wright, Avon; John to try high-riding plugs. It is Farrara, Sea Side Heights; Ar- Kcmmerllng, Wanamassa; Harold hur Kraeger, Iivington and Art Garden State Park added up the great thrill when a big bass Loeffler, Long Branch, and Dick SATURDAY, JUNE 4th, 8:45 P. M. smacks a surface lure. romach, Newark. first half, of a split racing season Hubbs, Bradley Beach. They told us of receiving the to a substantial increase over the BALBACH'S AUDITORIUM Boats Being Inspected same reports about a big run of same number of days in 1948's fish, but after several days and one-session meeting. ftfonmoutli County Surroftti'i Offict It is our understanding that the The figures showed: In the matter of the estate of Harry 311 CARR AVE., KEANSBURG, IV. J. Coast Guard is making a very nights of hard fishing they had S. B. Shapiro, deceased. Notice to cred- n!y caught skates and sharks, For 24 days of the track's spring itor! to present clatmt against eitatc, SENSATIONAL • careful inspection of all craft, wen session total attendance of 373,692 Pursuant to the order of Dot-man Me* he next morning Mr. and Mrs. 'nddin, Surrogate of the County of Mon. AUSTRALIAN TAG TEAM MATCH If powered by an outboard motor. William Frank and I hit the beach and total mutuel handle of $28,- mouth, mudc on the third day of May, Be sure and check your required >arly, and after several hours of 981,544. 1,949, on the application of Albert Shell- WALLY DUSEK and TARZAN HEWITT For the first 24 days of racing der, Benjamin Shcnder, Harry Shender equipment before starting out- iquidding and walking the beach and Edith M. YonVs, executors of the Big Year For 'aiue Claws or miles without a hit, Mr. Frank in 1948, attendance 324,688; mutuel estate of Harry S. B. Shapiro, decenscd, 'vs. Reports from Barnegat state laid, "Well it is nice to walk the handle $26,219,011. notice is hereby Btven to the creditor' GEO. LENIHAN and ROCCO COLUMBO acach again anyhow." When the New Jersey Racing of said • deceased to exhibit to the sub- that there is one of the heaviest scribers, executors, as aforesaid, their TWO SO-MINUTE MATCHES runs of big crabs they have seen I guess the moral to the above commision last spring ordered the debti and demands against the said ei> in a number of years. Crabs have itory is fish and fishing are where Camden track to split Us season ta'.e, under oath, within six months there were gloomy predictions, from the date of the aforesaid order, Dutch Schweigert vs. Red Kirkpatrick also reached the Shrewsbury river, , find them. r they will be forever barred of their as evidenced by the appearance of and a track official told reporters ctlons therefor against thi tnid sub. "Chum" Chandler, who for many County Clerk Wins management anticipated a drop of icrlbers. " Sammy Berg vs. Joe Liidlum years has taken up his position in Dated: Freehold. N, J., May 3d, 194). Entire Balcony 1140 MnnM** »!••», TM Inel. front of the Second National bank Novel Golf Tourney ALBERT SHENDER, & Trust company with his shoe County Clerk J. Russell Woolley 1135 Hetlerman St., Advance ticket* at Balbach's, phone KE MSN, and Shmrabba boxes of soft crabs. occasional sip of champagne. The Philadelphia, Fa. earned with Miss Rita Bowman at bubbly stuff was provided every BENJAMIN SHENDER, "Chum" tells us that the crabs Old Orchard Country club Monday 3 Wemaconk Drive, Barber Shop, IM Monmouth St., Bed Bank are not only early but are big for afternoon to win a novel Memorial few holes. Enitlishtown, N. J. this time of the yeCr, and that he day tournament on the' Eatontcnvn Woolley and Miss Bowman won HARRY SHENDER, with 44-26—18. In second place 850 Longshore Av>., looks to the June moon to pro- Inks. Philadelphia, Pa. Baby Hammock duce a lot of soft crabs. Playing a nine-hole Scotch four- were Frank Ciambrone and Mrs. EDITH H. YONKS, Sam Weinsteln with 46-24—22. In S3 Wallace St.. tome with such mental and physi- Red Bank, N. J. The heavy run of mackerel is cal obstacles as whistling caddies, third place were Tom Procttr, iwii S. Jlcobson, Esq.. still going strong with catches up lolses of varied descriptions and club president, and Mrs. Dot Sulli- 14 Smith Street, in the hundreds per boat. Black- ther fun-provoking items, includ- van, wife of pro George Sullivan. 'etth Ambor, N. J, They had 45-20—25, Attorney. flsh have moved inshore and good ng the pleasurable pastime of an >*t I? «»*» Cash Loans

More Beautiful Than Ever $5 to $500 Start. At Dunk — Hin or Clear ON YOUR NAME ONLY Thura., Fri., Sat., June 2-3-4 PROMPT PRIVATE SERVICE CHROH SONJA HEME — MICHAEL KIRBY Don't borrow unnecessarily-—but. if « loan HOOD RINGS ASSIST "Countess of Monte Cristo" it to your benefit, apply for as much as you CORDS • ALSO - need. We want to say 'yes' In your loan rc» ; 16 Fathoms Deep" quest.

Sun., Mon., Tues., June 5-6-7 • JAMES STEWART — JOAN FONTAINE "You Gotta Stay Happy" OIL DELIVERY me COMPANY 3 Herbert St. T«i\ 6-0510 *•orer, 48, and George ganville, where memorial services Mr. end Mrs. Edward ilowe and week-end with Mrs. J. Kingman here. I'of pel, 43, both of East Orange, were hold at the honor rolls there. son of Irvington were weekend Far Away farm, left this week for and Mr. and Mrs. John Ncilierllen. Lackland Air Base at San Antonio, were drowned Saturday nignt LeRoy VanPelt, grand marshal, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuvc- Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes JIIIIJ when theii- boat upset in Rarltan led the parade, assisted by John son. Colt's Neck Tox.. to joJn the Army Air rorps. son spent Sund:iy at Whitings ve- He has been a student at Admiral bay off Keanaburg. Fourteen-year- Radin. Floats were entered by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dunn spent iling Mrs. Holmes' hrethcr-in-lnw Nancy DeGaimo, dnughUr of oltl Donald L. Doi-er and Kenneth EDDIE BAHR cam* mighty close to catering high achool'a hall ef Robertsville 4-H club, Morganville the holiday week-end at Wcst- Fmngut academy. and sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Noll. Mr. nnd Mrs. George J. DeGarmo Miss Sue Lechtrrcker was chosen Lnmbeit, 40. swam ashore. The fame Monday at Red Bank higb'a diamond. The Caacy twirler missed a Sports club, Liberty grange, Marl- hampton, L, I., guests of Mr. and Mr. end Mrs. Robert Vanclon- of Mine Brook farm, has beer, party had been fishing. no-hitter when Phil Smith sliced out a triple in the nest-to-last inning. boro Brownies and Marlboro and Mrs. Jay Dunn. sponsor for the first company at burgh of Cranbury spent Monday named a member of the Girls' Admiral FarruRut academy, and The brjdy of Mr. Dorer waa The hit, incidentally, interrupted a atrlng of five atrlkeouta the claaay Morganville Parent-Teacher asso- Mr. and Mrs. William Nciberlicn with Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Whit- Gavel board at the Princlpia'Uppcr wjLshcd ashore Sunday afternoon. tpeed-baller was regiaterlng to wind up the game. ciations. The auxiliary of Marl- Monday will review the final parade Up to this morning the body of observed their 41st wedding anni- son. school at St. Louis, Mo., where she there. She will also attend a. tea Had luck beea with Was, the aa-bltter would have bera a boro fire company served refresh- versary at a dinner Saturday at Is a junior student. She was named Mr. l'oppel had not been recov- •Mag valedictory far a youatjtcr wh* haa beea M •vtataaaiai ments at the fire house at the end Mr. and Mrs. William Stulz, Mr. at the home of Admiral and Mrs. Magnolia inn. At the same time and Mrs. Arthur Muncini ni\d Mr. to the organization last week at ered. athlete for Bed Bank Catholic. And wa thlak the VMnoeiag of the parade. announcement was made of the Arthur S. Calender. Miss Lech- and Mrs. Lester Cook last week the school's annual swing out ban- trccker will attend the annual acad- coach, Tom Phipps, aad assay of hi* players were alssaat seny Other groups participating were engagement of two 'of the guests, saw the musical, "Where's Charlie," quet. The Gills' Gavel board u~ RUMMAGE SALE. that BssJth's hit had t* nua Raar'a perfect attehlag. Miss Betty Neiberlien and James emy hall as a guest of Lieut. Rob- Freneau, Morganville and Marlboro in New York city, and later had the key organization at the schooi, ert Johnson. The Ladies' Aid society of the The Casey victory left the interborough series knotted up at one fire companies; Girl Scouts and Iverson. and is the school'* student govern- victory apiece, a condition which is a duplicate of lM8'a play. Thia supper at Billy Rose's DUmond pii Bank Reformed church will Brownie troops from Marlboro, Others present were Mr. und Mrs. Horseshoe. ment, body. Bill Kennedy of the St. Louis hold a rummage sale tomorrow close competition in the diamond sport is a healthy thing. It helpa Freneau, Morganville, Boy Scouts arouse an interest in baseball in this section which ia badly needed. John Neiberlien and Mr. and Mrs. Officers of Marlboro Parent- Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rogers and Browns was the only American night at 7 o'clock in the church from Morganville and Marlboro, the Henry Nelberlicn of Freehold; Mr. Teacher association will be in- son Donald, attended the annual Ltiigue pitcher last season to par- basement. Mrs. Russell Clark Is Although (he attendance traa a little abort «f »a»t year's Marlboro Gold Star mothers, Marl- reesra-breaklng flgures, the crow* was bjr far the largest of and Mrs. Frank Ratcliffe, Miss stalled Wednesday, June 8. A sports banquet of the Freehold ticipate in a triple play. chairman. the season. It la aaother InalcaUoa «f great public appeal for aporta contcete between the local high schools. Credit for booking the Memorial day game, giving parents a chance to aee the boys in action, should go to Frank J. Pinfitore and Adam Kretowicz, respective Buc and Casey athletic directors. It'a a healthy, enjoyable way for the family to spend the holiday and we hope its suc- cess again this year will insure Its being a traditional event, ATLANTIC WtVra Putting SHOP ATLANTIC POLO RETURNED to the shore Sunday at Rumson Country club when the Elephants quartet took the home club 7-4. Dr. Clarence "Bud- Ona THIS WEEKEND dy" Comba led the victors with a four-goal production while Manager GREAT Ray Harrington cracked in three for Rumson. Shrewsbury's Mayor Al FOR THE Beadleston accounted "for the other home foices' tally. Dick Vi«tcalf 1 had one for the victors and Fort Monmouth's Lieut. Seldon Htatlsy had U66EST "BUYS two. FRANK WARREN of Fair Haven is naving a great year as cap- AT TNE SHORE! tain of Colgate university's tennis team: He holds the distinction of being the Red Raiders' first student to captain an athletic team for three consecutive seasons. RIVER PLAZA'a W. S. "Bill" Cptton has many friends in this aes- tion and they must all keep pretty close check of his race horses. After making an error in last week's column, several of his pals quickly ap- , prised us of the blunder. We wrote that Dick Moran had saddled Damson for an 111 40 win. Damson is Cotton's mount. Dick's winner that particular day was of Our Mew Jersey Queen at $25.80. We regret the mistake. And we resolve to return to Palmer method for our future note-writing. It may t>s ler~ embarrassing. Long Branch „ YOUTH TOOK over in Red Bank the past week, with track meets • ties. We couldn't get to see the parochial meet Thursday morning, but we can imagine the 300 kids must have had a big time. And we're Store glad that one of our favoflte Register salesmen, Jimmy Lang of Fair Broadway at Third Avt. - Haven, had such an important part in bringing the county title to St th James. He scored two firsts and a second. (The Bmiett Spot in Town) We did aee the Memorial day meet put on by Bad Bank's board of education under Frank Plngltore's direction. Aad we enjoyed It a* much as did the large crowd of adults who were Saturday, June 4 on hand. Everything went off troll, Including Eddie Macldln's humor over BUI Bradlejr's nubile address system. It was fuH* FREE TELEVISION an accomplishment for Sir Macklla to be on deck •* sack w earty hour as t:M of a holiday morning. Join the Crowds at the Celebration of the Newest sfssV SB _ ^ _ The Mechanic-Junior high victory by a single point over Set to Some Lucky Person! River St. was a feat which kept the outcome la doubt right down to the last place la the last event. And Ms narrowness and Most Modern of Atlantic's Great Stores! proved that the official scorer couldn't have Included points *8IFTS! •PRIZES! •FOOD! for Blver st.'s cheering section, a loud, spirited group If you <_—• - - m •vtysjaysi ever saw or heard one. That the flve-school meet' was aucceasful is due to the fact that so *50UVIIIIH$! •SURPRISES! ' many localites offered their services in helping Pingitore stags the meat. Mayor and Officials of Long Branch Will Open the Show! We won't try to mention names', for fear of missing some, but the * RADIO BROADCAST! 1 whole group deserve hearty applause. Such Interest In the community's youngsters Is indeed well placed. The Lions and Rotary dubs rate a special bow for providing all the medals. Everybody Welcome fiwW fljpMiif bkkntha Uh Spttkl! Riverview Ball Tanners Discuss Set for June 11 Doctors and nurses of the staff at Nationally-Advertised Rivervlew hospital, will hold their 'Potato Production annual charity ball Saturday, June i Potato industry leaders from al: 11 at ths Molly Pitcher hotel. Pro- Important producing areas of the ceeds will go to the hospital build- United States met recently at Wash- ing fund. ington to consider plans to bring P«te Galatro's orchestra will play potato production in line with ex- for dancing, and dancers from the isting consumer demand, and thus Arthur Murray studios will enter- TELEVISION prevent burdensome surpluses. Wil- tain. Chairmen are Mrs, Dorothy . Ham Duryee of Allentows, chair- Nicosia and Roland 8. Scott, •nan of ths N. J. Potato Industry committee and A. J. Holland' of AWARDED VARSITY T BUY IT WITH Freehold, represented the New Jer- James M. Fox, Jr., son of Mr. sey potato interests at these meet- and MM. James H. Fox of Rum- ings. ? son rd., has been awarded his Jun- ..Presenting th» results of their ior varsity letter in tsnnla at the NO DOWN (•liberations to members' of the Choate school,; Walllngford, Conn. : sub-committee on Apiculture of ths House o( Representatives, the Hazlet * potato growers asked that the Ag- Thirty-two, members of the grad- ricultural Act of 19*8 be continued; uating class of Haslet public PAYMENT! and, that as far as potatoes are con- school were guests of the Parent- cerned an amendment be written; Teacher association and enjoyed a and, that Congress write into this theater party at Long Branch and law an acreage goal formula based later dined at'tin Fllcka Inn, Eat- LIMITED QUANTITIES! H1JRRY! on. a seven-year moving acreage. ontown. Adjustments from this basic ac- Mrs; William M. Ackerson, Holm- reage, in order to meet consumers' del rd., is visiting .her son and I Heads, are to be made • on daughtjr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Grand Opening Celebration Sale Special! 1 ^across-the-board" basis—uniform S. Ackerson and daughter at Min- Grand Opening Celebration Sale Special! for all potato producing sections neapolis, Minn. • Growers also asked that a reserve Mrs. Dorothy Havens, Mrs. Jean- of one per cent of the national nette Everdell and Mr. and Mrs. FA s goal acreage be set aside in 1950 James Leach attended a dinner- for necessary adjustments as deter- dance st the Monmouth County 'Vi.IV REFRI6ERAT0R r AUTOMATIC WASHER mined by the Secretary of Agricul- Country club, Eatontown. It was N E ture. These motions were passed the 27th annual banquet of the upon favorably by the repreienti- Monmouth County Parent-Teacher itives of all araas except California, association, Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt and APARTMENT SIZE RANGE [whose representatives stated that ROTARY TABLE IRONER children. Marjorle and. George of such an amendment would adverse- Mauch Chunk, Pa,, spent the. week- ly affect their acreage allotments. end with Mr. and Mra. Elmer A. Both For the Low Price of Refrigerator Alone! Both For the Low Price of Wisher Ak»e! These proposals of the growers Bahrenburg. were favorably received by mem- William Brockie, Jr., U. S. Navy, ' bera of the Agricultural commit- spent a few days' furlough with tee. The National Potato council his parents on Union ave. ,was asked to present these recom- Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ross, Mr. mendations in proper form for ac- and Mra. Roland Emmom and Mr. tion on the part of the Congress. and Mrs. William Vrstadt spent :' Members of Congress stressed ths week-end at Delaware and tin fact that unless the problem Washington, D. C. of non-compliance with acreage Mr. snd Mrs. Frank McCliasUr goalr is controlled, there will like- and son, Frank, Jr., Mra. Theodora ly be no price support for potatoes O. Bailey and Miss Marie Bailey BOTH FOR- in th« future. Industry leaders and spent the week-end with relatives BOTH FOR- ;th» Department of Agriculture of- it Mtddletown and Bambridge, Pa. ficials must work out a plan to pre- Mrs. Stella Emmons, Beers st, vent plantings outside of th« goals has returned home after (.Binding If Bought Separately // Bought Separately If the price support program Is to two weeks with her sister, Mrs. continue. Frank C. Hyer, Crawford's corner. REFRIGERATOR ...... 299.95 WASHIR 199.95 , - Marketing quotas as a rsqqulra- • A court of awards of the Haslet APARTMENT SIZE RANGE . 69.95 IRONER 59.95 «ent for price support wsrs dia» Girl Scout troops was held «rlday p pp evenevenini g at HasleHlt t firli e househ , MMrs. Missed by members of the industry, rloward Chamberlain, commission- TOTAL PRICE 369.90 TOTAL riUCI 259.90 in 1850 a. industrsty hadm.Maden eIl that &&y ^"S^Jg"!!ncil, ad* the measures suggested would dressed the group. Mra. Mary. Only 29.95 Down Only 15.99 Down bring production in Una with de- Groft itnd Mrs. William Strother, mind. However, Congraiiional council members, presented badges Delivers Both!! Delivers Both!! . leaders indicated that quotas might and pins. An entertainment was be lavoksd In the future If the given by the scouts. measures of the industry tail to Mr. end Mrs. Oeorge H, Tib- prevent surpluses and growers con- batti end children, Judy ind Rich- tinue to desire price support. In ard of Aberdeen,. Md., spent the the discussions st the metinfs it week-and with Mr, and Mrs. Hud- was dearly pointed out that com- son D. Carhart, Sr., Brailley lane. aerclal potato producing areas not Mrs. John H. Bahrenburg, Beers Grand now undsr a marketing agreement st., was hostess to the Crescent program must gat such a program club at the home of Mrs. Qeorgo into •Kept in 1980 If that area wish- Emmoui, Beers at., last Thursday Opening es to continue to receive price sup- evening. Mrs. Joseph Carlton Cher- port for potatoes. , ry wilt be hostess at the meeting June It at hef home on Haslot ave. Celebration Mrs, James Neldlnger conducted DISCHARGED FROM ABMY. the buslneis session. Refreshments RED BANK Sgt. Henry J. Schaible, Jr., son Mr. end Mrs, Russell Walling, Sale AtBURY PARK LONG BRANCH of Mr. and Mra. Henry J. Schaible Broad st., and Mr. and Mr«. Nor- 77 Monmouth ft. of Kesnsburg, is expected-home man Whit*, Red Bank, VJslUd Wil- 715 Main Street 21t Broadway from San Francisco shortly. He fred Morrell at Boonton Sunday. At All 3 Phono R.B.6-04M waa discharged from the army this The eighth grade graduation ex- PhoneA.P.MMS Phono L.B.C-36S4 week after serving three yean ercises of Hazlet school will be OPEN JBVERV EVENING OPEN EVERY EVENING OPEN TVES., FRl., SAT. with the army engineers In Japan. held June 9 at Keyport high school. Great Stores TILL 9 P. M. I Ernest E. Feseux, 8r., celebrated his birthday Monday evening with a family gathering. Page Sixteen RED BASK REGISTER, 2. 1949 if none wer< placed there Memor- the national organization. Mrs. ial day. Wetherbie has just completed a Patriotic Croup Repoits of state and national three-year term as treasurer-gen- ARl YOU ONI Of SUMf Kf RS COMPLETE BATTERY meetings of the organization ware eral, and at the national congress, given by Mrs. Watson Wetherbie was given a past officer's jewel. SERVICE Has Active Year nni Mis. Paul Forest. Mrs. Wether- The chapters' fifth annual card bie wns elected state treasurer; party will be held Thursday, July New • Rentals • Recharge Several Members Are Mrs. Swingle, a state director; and 8, at the home of Mrs. Swingle in Mis. Forest, treasurer-general of Loch Arbour. - Douglas Electric Co. National Officers Arthritis-Rheumatism An outline of the accomplish- 35 Eatt Front Street ments of Army of Potomac chap- ter, Daughters of the Union, was Amaiinc SURAL Tablet* Mag Ked Bank shown in the annual regent's 'c* quick, bleated relief fro* the Tel.: It. B. 64)128 port, given at the final spring Just riiht in tofturci of Rheumatic aad Ar- meeting last Thursday nt the homo thritic paint. Tested product «f of Miss Ethel Sculthorp at Atlan- biochemical march. SUXAL tic Highlands. Mrs. Elizabeth S. size and shape •rorfci ca a correct tciiatMc Neill, regent, read the report. principle. Sale, tfcpcaa'iMe, The chapter gave five boxes of iodbithsl non-habit formiag; «aa A-ONE AUTO BODY clothing to students at Lincoln Me- will not harm tat heart — and — morial university, Tennessee, and vital organs, fteacribedb y dae> $10 to their scholarship fund for the same university. Five dollars ton ^ ncMUMftdttf by thoti* RADIATOR REPAIRS was contributed to the Salvation atadi of grateful Mta aa>4 Army, the Grace Nettleton Home h Ma fMl •oy'i or Girl's Full SIM 0 Auto Spray Fainting for Girls, Girl Scouts and Red •ctivttUvM.tfcaatototURAU 0 Guaranteed Work Cross. TOWN HOUSE So grtatartcd M yaw SURAL IALLOONTIREIICYJCLI 29." 0 Pick I'p and Delivery Mrs. Ernest M. Swingle, state re- tftfttMCflttnMVCfy For free Estimate R. B. S-SOU gent, urged members to display the baabh the Mate* Tlw M*tf Cwnakte SCUCHM •* Or Inquire at American flag every day, and sug- fy KEEBLER laky CirriaaM, NuiMiy Furniture, Toys out) Bt. S3 at Hcadden'a Corner, gested that the chapter place small licychs—AT LOWIST PRICES Middletonn. flags on Civil War veterans' gravtt ll U5LE SPOT SERVICEJ




tint BACON PK0S- DOUBLE SPOT SERVICE! quart THE BEST ' THE BETTER A & B LIQUORS KSUPER AND Frankfurters FANCY AYRSHIRE CHEDDAR 'MARKET **??.":?'& I »V/// R! J Ht WIM CREAMERY 1 LI. WINES lv / ( OMOMI21 J Dixie Style 33° 59° BUTTER "*• >lb yUg 1-lbpkf BACON ALLSWEET DAVIDSON a SQUARES rib OLEO 3 9'A BROAD ST. 95 BROAD ST. RFD BANK ft - 3 334 RF-[) RAf<^ 6 3262 4 3263

Puts N Boots Uncle Ben's M&M'fCeot*d POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL ALL Converted Red Heart Olive Oil Soap Vamplele Laundry Cleaner Cut Food Chocolate Candies 33 59° $109 RICE C Dog Food S-oi tin 16-4II (ill 2 r 29 can 23°° Z3 2 *"