Wither fa 4«wioptaf«.

qg py WS COOWT WMtttCf ,V. ij rri*. J tomorrow. High today near H, tow tonight IVM. High tomor- Copyright-Tha Red Bait Register, Inc., 196$. row in m. Outlook Sunday, DIAL 741-0010 (air and seasonably cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOSIE NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 88, NO. 175 FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Greatest American Air Power Display Planes Blast Communists By THOMAS A. REEDY Hanoi and another 85 miles from the capital A subsequent flight of six Air Force F100 SAIGON (AP)-U.S. Air Force, Navy and on the same rail line, and cut the tracks and Super Sabres at noon caught about 100 Viet Marine jets unleashed the Viet Nsm war's damaged cars 100 miles northwest of the city. Cong in a rice field after they firedcon a greatest display of air power in the past. 24 . The Air Force flew a total of 30 missions. spotter plane, a spokesman said. The jets hours of attacks against Communist targets Navy planes flew 25. A mission usually in- killed 26 and pulverized seven buildings, he in North and South Viet Nam, vplves more than one plane. The spokesman said. "It was our maximum effort," a sj»kes- declined to reveal the number of individual On the ground, the U.S. 1st Infantry Divi- man. said. .. \ . sorties flown in the north but said they were sion opened a new campaign near the Cam- With the first good weather' in more than ' twice the usual figure. bodian border in an effort to chop off what a week, American planes flew 55 missions — The pilots reported anti-aircraft fire but spokesmen called an old infiltration route. A Si double the usual number — deep into North there was no announcement on any planes brigade moved 10 miles southwest of Tay Viet Nam. / lost in the' north. In the south, Viet Cong Ninh, the provincial capital 50 miles north- For the first time since the 37-day bomb- giins brought down a Marine F4 Phantom west of Saigon, while U.S. pilots flew 184 ing pause ended Jan. 31, they ranged far south of Chu Lai. The pilot, 1st Lt. T. P. sorties in support of the force. north of Hanoi. ' , Keenan, and. his radar officer, Capt. C. R. Four Viet Cong were reported killed, 15 ~- 4.. < Air Force Jets pounded bridges; trains Fairchild, ejected over the South China Sea captured and tons of rice, dynamite and am- and other, railipad installations on , tracks and were rescued by. aircraft from the Ma- munition seized only yards from the frontier. along the Red River line leading to' Red rine base at Chu Lai. The 1st Infantry also reported three base China. .,•'." . Planes of the three American services camps and two tunnels destroyed. NEAR RED CHINA flew an unusually high total of 501 combat 27 POLICE CAPTURED One flight Went as far as the Lang Bun. sorties against targets In the south from yes- terday until dawn today, - the spokesman said. The South Vietnamese disclosed 27 of railroad bridge 120 miles northwest of Hanoi their policemen were captured by the Reds in and about 40 miles from the Chinese frontier, VAST DESTRUCTION ambushes yesterday in the six-mile-wide de- the spokesman said. There was no assess-, Forward air controllers reported 370 militarized zone straddling the 17th paral'el ment of damage. • ' buildings destroyed, 350 damaged, 10 sampans frontier with North Viet Nam. These were in But other Air Force planes, he said, ' sunk and 10 fuel or ammunition dumps blown knocked out a bridge 110 miles northeast of UP- . '. (See VIET'NAM, Page 2) •

DKAWBRIDW STUCK OPEN — This it view of damaged Raritan River drawbridge «fW i» was struck by a, ship yesterday and could not be closed. IAP PhotoJ Forum Ponders Possible Results Freighter Hits Bridge, If Inlet Sliced Across Sandy Hook By JACQUELINE ALBAN Those were the questions asked "Sandy Hook Bay has a tidal An April, 1962, state surveys stressed that the.state has nqt HIGHLANDS - Will the pro- last night at a forum on the current and flushing system revealed that two major clam taken.an official, stand on the 8,000 Riders Delayed posed Sandy Hook inlet increase proposed inlet, conducted in the capable of producing a superior areas In the bay—west of the proposed J8 million inlet project. pollution in this area? Will it in- Highlands Public School by the hard clam population. I must say Naval Ammunition Depot pier in After an explanation! of the PERTH AMBQY, N,J. (AP)- said local bus companies were open to let the'13,000 ton freight crease flooding in Highlands? Parent-Teacher Association. that to disturb the hydrography Leonardo yielding large old proposal, he detailed, these Some 8.000 Jersey shore com- co-operating by adding" extra bus- er through the channel. The shi Will it deliver the final deadly Some of the answers: with more rapid flushing could chowders, and east of the pier "benefits" and "detriments" as muters were delayed an hour or es to make the shuttle run be- struck the drawstand about blow to an already waning shell- Cites Pessimism lead to the complete loss supporting mixed sizes, small submitted by the Army Corps of more Thursday after a freighter tween stations. . a.m. The drawstand is the part fish industry in Sandy Hook Bay? "As a biologist, I!in pessimis- shellfish in this area," on up—produce 600,000 bushels. Engineers. • .' damaged a railroad bridge over A.veteran New York & Long of the bridge which swings ope tic of engineering projects," said stated. > Terming it a • "conservative The "benefits:" A decrease in the Raritan River, cutting off Branch Railroad employee, to permit ships to pass through Dr. Harold H. Haskins, professor Hastening to add that "It is estimate of the standing crop in boat traveling'time by 20 miles rail service over the river: Woodrow Herbert, 52, of Long Two railroad men in the shac of biology at Rutgers University, not in my province to be for or the bay," Dr. Haskins held it to desirable fishing grounds^ Spokesman for the Pennsyl- Branch, suffered a fatal heart atop the bridge, Philip Rain Freighter a panelist. "Man's history up and against an inlet, but to view as a sign of active reproduction quicker access. to . a harbor vania and Jersey Central Rail- attack at the scene of the acci- mone pf South Amboy and Don- down the coast," he said, "has it through its effect on shellfish year after year. . '..:.- refuge in bad weather; ,aid in toads said it would take four to dent. The railroad owns and op- ald C. Fuller of Long Branch, been to destroy natural seed bed biology," Dr. Haskins told the No State: Stand . combatting, pollution;' proposed eight weeks to repair the swing erates the bridge. . an engineer and signalman re- Refloated after natural seed bed. by audience of more than 100. per- H. Wallace Boud,- chief engi- jetties' to alleviate erosion, of bridge. No other injuries^ were report- spectively, were-knocked to the fooling with water, diversion, sons that shellfish areas such as neer of the Bureau of Naviga- beaches to the south of the pro- During the Interim commuters ed by the railroads,or the Grace floor by the impact. dredging, and building dams in Sandy Hook "Bay are "all too tion of the state Department of posed Inlet; relief of flooding in the lowland areas of Highlands; would have to take buses over Lines, which owns the freighter A Grace Line spokesman de- without prior knowledge of the few up and down the coast, and Conservation and Economic De- : By Tugs (See INLET, Page 3) the,river to Stake connection's " nta Isabel. We freighter suf- clined to estimate the nrrtoirot of end results^ are relatively rare." ; velopment, a panel speaker. b*tw«if'«h* Wfflroad statfonVlri ^•'••itoM' .damsge- and • was damage dona to the/ship'.' Coas1 SANDY HdbK~The Japanese South Amboy and Perth Amboy. taken' to ' a pier in Brooklyn, Guard investigators visited the freighter Awajiasan Marue, To Break College Education Logjam- ; Rail officials estimated that N.Y. for'repairs.—*"i«v-- ship at doctaide Thursday after- which ran aground on « sand commuters would be delayed According to a railroad dis- noon. . bar in the fog early Tuesday in about an hour by the detour and patcher the bridge had swung (See BRIDGE, Page 3) Ambrose Channel, was refloated at 2:45 a.m. today by Moran tugs. •'••'• Freeholders to Get Proposal Six previous efforts to free the ship had failed. The U.S. Coast Guard Station WEST LONG BRANCH -Mon- hope that it will receive prompt grants, was .not available for $260,000' grant as a service Petition Scored .charge, and will credit against at Rockaway Beach, N. Y., re- mouth College trustees proposed attention. comment. ported that in addition to remov- a plan yesterday to break the Dr. Van Note spelled out 'the the tuition of ait county residents Freeholder Director Joseph C. enrolled in the. junior, division all ing 100 barrels of fuel oil, some logjam on higher education, in Irwin, who generally favors the county program_ to include: additional, monies contributed by of the cargo of rubber and cot- the couhty, both for its own pro- college study committee, report 1. Current tuition for all stu- At Hearing in Newark ton ' was .removed yesterday af- gram and for a technical col- outline, said the trustees P'an dents, wMdi had been, scheduled the. staip-and county. ternoon. lege, i : . ' . ' ; will be considered immediately. to be raised $5 a credit hour, or 4. The college Will guarantee NEWAiflX — Jersey Central Several attorneys waging the controller,' was cross-examined The 44Woot, ship was inbound i suggestions announced by He predicted that the freeholders $160 for 32 credit hours, will be to accept all county students who Railroad's petition to terminate battle against termination of ser- for nearly- two hours. ' •• from Casablanca to Port New- Dr. William G. Van Note, col- will decide its course of action held unchanged this' fall and will apply.and meet requirements in its seashore service was attacked vice between Atlantic Highlands Mr. Mausner, Mr. McGann an ark, where it was proceeding af- lege president, would implement very soon. be advanced the following Sep- accordance with existing enter- yesterday on several fronts. and Matawan joined in endorsing former State Sen. James M. Da- ter it was freed this morning. the report of a special County tember. The new total for 32 ing standards. Freeholder Eugene J. Bedell, Red Bank attorney Milton A. the motion, . vis, Flemington attorney repre- The ship was about two miles College Study Committee to the hours will be *UH The new 5. The proposed agreement ' Maiisner, representing the eight- Plenty of Merit senting several railroad brother- east of where the British tanker Board of Freeholders last fall. who opposes any further county price is $37 a credit hour. would be offered, for a one year cftmmunity Municipal Public Ser- Patrick J. McGann, Jr., rep- hoods, attacked the line's con- Chelsea Beacon ran aground in Dr. Van Note told a press con- development with Monmouth Col trial with options to fix a more vice Co-ordinating Committee, of- ference the proposal will be sub- lege and is questioning legality 2. Freeholders will be asked to resenting Keansburg, ventured tentions of near-bankruptcy. They a snowstorm Jan. 23. It was continue support of the college lasting contract afterwards. fered a motion to dismiss the mitted to the freeholders in the of past and current county the opinion that while the motion drew admission from the rail freed 28 days later. at least in the present amounts :6. TOe proposal by Gov. Rich- petition for lack of jurisdiction. has plenty of merit, a ruling executives that Central's hold- ard J. Hughes for a $200,000 . In a lengthy brief Supporting of $200,000 a year for operations will probably not come until hear- ings reach into at least 10 othe of the junior division—first two state grant to Monmouth, County . his motion, the attorney contends ings on the petition are complet- railroad companies. for the college in the current • state statutes and the agreement years—and $150,000 for student ed-' ' ' • . ' The officials said that most of loans and scholarships. year would be considered as a • between the tail road arid the state the lines had either profited or County Money for College Mr. Mausner's motion was' re- dearly provide for petitions to ferred to Highway Commissioner broken even during 1965. 3. The college will retain the . (See VAN NOTE. Page 3) the. Highway Department for Dwight R. G.-. Palmer.' Also belittled were railroad schedule changes, not discontinu- For most of yesterday's seven- claims of vandalism against the ance of service. : ..•.'-•'' hour session, railroad President seashore branch tracks, trains Legal, Lawyer Tells Board i He asserts that a petition of Perry M. Shoemaker answered and switching ' equipment. The this nature may only be heard questions under cross-examina- cross-examination drew admis- By CHARLES A, JOHNSTON ty and state counsel and its own For instance, in its request for by the Public Utilities Commis- sions that all branches of th ! tion. • . ' legal authorities. [payment of $200,000 from a 2965 sion. ' • ) Robert Frederiokson, railroad (See RAIL, Page 2) FREEHOLD — Appropriations by the Monmouth County Board He also explained the college's appropriation, the college report- To College in Scrip of Freeholders for Monmouth system of apportioning funds re- ed that 62 per cent of its enroll- ceived from the county directly ment was in its first two years, FREEHOLD — The first grant In aid from the Mon- In Raritan Hall March 12 College, and the school allocation mouth County Board of Freeholders to what Is now Mon- of them, meet al] requirements to operations of tlie junior divi- or junior division, and that 62 sion, which is comprised of the per cent of the total college op- mouth College was $500 In 1936 and was paid In scrip. >f state law', County Counsel John "And It wasn't every place that you could spend it," M. Pilisbury said yesterday. first two years and is-the suc- erating cost for five months was cessbr to Monmouth County Ju- $655,113,53. Clarence W. Withey, vice president for business affairs re- Slate Arka Waste Parley called yesterday of the Great Depression days at the then Advice to this effect, he said, nior College. Although the college Had been three-year old Monmouth Junior College. By JAMES M. NEILLAND and.municipal officials to attend efficient method of handling the has been given to the freeholders Aid for the college so far has given $300,000 in 1965, $100,000 "We needed books as we were just starting to grow In i a.Sprle and participate in the talks. problem. to buttress past legal opinions to been rooted in a law permitting was reserved for student loans the same end from the state at- counties, to aid junior colleges. the Long Branch High School," he said. The late Dr. Ed- ,, The stage is set to open talks , Expect Full House • , Mayor Hyrne said he is willing and scholarships for needy stu- torney general's office and the Under.laws of 1962 the state Is dents. ward G. Schlaefer, founder of the junior college and the «n-the creation of a regional' Responses from area' mayors to discuss regionalization of both state Department of. Education.-' first dean of Monmouth College made a deal In New York. 4ypn'ies equal to support given "He went shopping hi the department stores, and Bloom- tion system next Saturday.at K ' TJie session promises.'to be a (See PARLEY, Page 3) Mr. Pilisbury said er for payment of the $200,000, logdale's agreed to take Monmouth County scrip In lieu of a.m. in Raritan: Township;Hall prelude to the following Satur- Eugene J. Bedell, who has ques- two-year colleges and these funds Mr. Withey submitted this letter: may be passed on by the free- cash so we got our books and they were desrly needed," Matawan Mayor Edward E day's .Monmouth and- Ocean tioned grants totaling $1.65 "This is to certify that we have said Mr. Withey. "The helping hand was Just as important million 1948 through 1966, has holders to the college. Hyrne reported last night.thai Counties mayors • conference in Howard Backs/ (See LEGAL, Page 3) then as It Is now." he is accepting the: offer, of Rari- Asbury, Park to discuss garbage had the benefit of these legal Prorate Total tan Mayor' Marvin .Olinskry to use and sewage disposal. Bayshore Plan conclusions. Mr. Bedell has Monmouth's plan of cost ap- the township's Airport Plaza An attitude of willingness tp asked, however, for a review of portionment is to prorate the WASHINGTON - Con- meeting.hall for, the discussions. discuss all possibilities is preva- the case by the commissioner of total operating cast of the insti- Letters are going out today gressman James J. Howard, education. tution on a basis of the per cent lent among ; most mayors; ' • D-N.J., 3d Dist, took time Proposed Shopping Mall from Mayor. Hyrne inviting, and . ' Poling Cautious • Clarence W. Withey, vice pres- of freshmen and sophomores, and urging, all Bayshore area mayors out from a White House re- apply the county grant for oper- Only; Keyport Mayor Carlton ception lait night to relay ident of the college for business affairs, said the institution has ations against the prorated to- H. Poling has Indicated a hesi- his enthusiastic support for tal. . tancy .to become involved with ' a move by a group of Mon- relied on the opinions from coun- Draws Business Interest Council Backed an authority-type operatiqn. His mouth County, N.J., may- (See PHOTO Page 2) being made to attract branches fears are believed'to be based on ors to reduce garbage col- scheduled for March 31. RED BANK — The two-level of city department and specialty On Waste Plan an unsuccessful attempt to oper- lection , coats in their mu- Mr. Wilhelms has engaged his pedestrian shopping mall pro- stores, and give the shopping KEYPORT — The Board ate authorities for parking and nicipalities. Todays Index architect, Gerard A. Barba. of posed for Broad and Monmouth mall a Fifth Ave. atmosphere. of Health last night gave a sewers In his borough. ' In a telephone message to Shrewsbury. Mr. Barba had Two suspects are nabbed In Ocean Township within SLs. has drawn inquiries from 40 Interest Runs High vote of confidence to Bor- The Register, the New Jer- drawn the first sketches of mall From all officials, however, interested businessmen. , While business interest is run- ough Council In.its effort* sey, legislator said he stands ll minutes of robbery in Long Branch page S concept for J. Beverly Anderson, come expressions of concern for ning high, planning Is still in to participate in Joint gar- ready to offer any assist- Red Bank Catholic. High School loses in first state Howard Dexter of the Allaire- former holder of the contract to the rising costs of garbage col- preliminary stages. bage collection service lection and disposal. All anxious- ' ance possible In getting the tournament basketball game by score of 10-51 page 14 Farrow Agency, managing and purchase the building from Pru- with other Bayihore com- renting agent for the complex, Frederick Wilhelms, mayor of dential. Mr. Wilhelms credits Mr, ly seek a more economical and project off the ground. . Buyers go shopping as stock market stages brisk munltlei. . ' He s»id: said two of the inquiries came Mountainside and owner of the Anderson with the idea for the recovery move -.,.....,.,', ,«.i«.,._..™..«...... page 5 Wilhelms Construction Co. of Eliz- : Steak Lonch-Wc , , "The Register and top from New York City stores. mall. - ,' Board member! said they abeth,has not bought the Schulte Sizzling broiled ' steak, salad, Baysnore area mayors/are • Page "I think we could fill the build- Detailed planning has not start- have favored •regional Page building yet. His title closing with baked potato, Texas toast. Bonan- to be congratulated for ••• ' .'I'; j;' HerWock ...... -.„ . I ing with local tenants right now," ed, but according to the sketches concept for ' nearly six the Prudential Insurance Co. is yean, adding that they feel za Sirloin pit. Rt .35. Middle- their, forthright and coUr- : Amusements —,. Hone and Garden ...... 84 he added. ' the fire-gutted Schulte building town, N.J.—Adv. But no one is being signed up ; tot nwadowlands of this ageous'stand.In meeting a Movie Timetable ...... J8 Uniform Sale would be renovated Inside and Births •-..•1—-.^. yet. Local shoppers, however, are borough and MaUwan will most difficult problem. Obituaries 4 Now in progress at The Shirley out. The inside would- be opened MaUwan Township Residents Jim Bishop _..._.__ ,.... I« being given the chance to say be Ideal for landfill opera- "I am certain their prog- Religious Services .:...... Shop, Red Bank.—Adv. to allow two levels of walkway* ' lions M.proposed by Union Clean-up week will be held dur- ress will be watched by of- Bridge _...... X Sylvia Porter ... : - | what stores they would like to to take shoppers from Broad St. Beach Mayor Alfred T. Hen. ing the week commencing March ficials throughout Mon- John Chamberlain ..... I Sports • ..._.... see In the former Schulte-Unlted Public Notice! to stores qn the street and bass> nesiy, Jr. 14 on regular collection days. ) mouth and Ocean .counties Classified _.._: IMS Stock Market ....„.._...„ I building! A coupon -for 'that pur- Open every Sunday from 9 a.m ment levels. ,- •, i They voted to assist COUB- Richard T. Schwartz and. Indeed, throughout the Comics ...:.:....._._..t _...M Successful Investing _...... I pose appears on page 12 of to- to 12 noon. Becker Hardware, 197 Cost estimates ar« running bat 4&k |i"«jd'' | Acting Township Manager Crossword Panto 7, 38 TatevIsM -...-...... ~JtM» day's Dairy Register. Shrewsbury Ave., corner Cathe- tween $450,000 and 800.OW for Editorials ,'••,••:• ;, ;# Waraeo'a No*s .,. Mr. Dexter said etforti are rlna St. Red Bank. 747-O4M.-Adv. land and nconstrocUan, -. . < 7 i : S-^ruUy, Mutfc' *, 1«« THE DAILY BEGKTER Tax Board Releases Figure* ; Z; ' ,-, College Expansion In West Long Branch atables Up$t58 MlUoi? WEST LONG BRANCH - The this street. He said the college FREEHOLD — The final tax for retl estat« tre up by $1,- Purpose of the ratio figure is question of Monmouth College's had understood the equalization table for Monmouth €65,000, to $59,360,652. to determine the amount of rata- expansion in the borough was would be Beachwood and planned County released yesterday by Freehold Borough had a drop blea that must either be added T. raised again at the Borough to buy land already vacated tht Board of Taxation ihow* a of $482,000, and Matawan Town- or subtracted to totals iet by-lo- Council meeting last night. there. $157,870,611 gain in iron rata- ship, $187,000, both in real es- cal assessors in fixing total val- Greg C. LenUikis of 490 Cedar Mayor Fred Schantz told Mr. ble* over the last 12 months. tate. Middletown Township real ues for county tax purposes. ^ Ave. asked the Council where Lentzakis the Council has con- The new total value of real estate jumped $194,000 In the re- Ratios ranged from i low of Milton Cranmer, the college's at- sidered extending the college zone tangible property view and MiUwtn Borough, 58 per cent In ColU Neck, «8 per torney, got the idea it could e» to Beachwood in' one block be- uied In business and tgrlculturt $48,000. cent In Ocetnport, 67 p«r cent in pand in the north up to Beach- tween Brookwillow and Norwood ( U $2,436,960,373 for tax purposes, Among tangible property, the Engllihtown and 75 per cent in f wood Ave. between Norwood and Aves. The Council cannot act Tht final sum li 12,006,476 only significant change was a Runuon to highs of 108 per cent r Pinewood Aves. on the proposed zoning plan un- higher thin that In a, preliminary $76,000 rlie In MaUwm Town- in Howell Township, 105 per cent '; At the Planning Board's public til it is received from the Plan- list published by the botrd Feb. •hip. in Ftrmingdtle, 104 per cent in "hearing on the proposed zoning ning Board. In making adjwtmeritj be- Roosevelt, and 401 per cent In }• ordinance Wednesday night, Mr. The council received a letter Real estate for 1966 tdds up In tween tht preliminary table and Belmtr. - Cranmer requested the college from Bruce J. Cvetko of Piscata- value to $2,338,147, up $153,439,- the final, tht Ux board — which * zone be stretched up to Beach- way commending Patrolman Her- 656. Tangibles total $91,813,319, now consliti of only Commit- Tht t«x board igr«od perfect- wood. bert Van Note who helped him up $4,530,785. •lontr Frederick Felbott, who ly at 100 per cent with ttitsiors ' The new zoning map shows its change a flat at 4 a.m. last Sun Sixteen municipalities showed hit tht tld of Acting Secretary In Hotmdel, Little Silver, Sea • border to be half a block before day. changes In real eststt and 11 In Dorothy H. Rtlchey — held to Bright, Shrewsbury Borough and tangibles between the prelim- tht tame Judgment of ratios be- Shrewsbury Township, All of MIND'S EYE VIEW OF MALL — The ptdtitrian ihopping mall proposed for Broad inary and final listings. Thi tween tHtunttnti and the these municipalities recently completed up-to-dttt revalu*- Inlet and Monmouth Sts., Red Bank, is shown in preliminary skttchtt by architect Gerard meet significant was in Frathold board's tttimtte of total true Township where revised figures v«lue. tions. f (Continued) (Continued) A. Barba. Mr. Barba hat bean engaged by the Intended builder, Frederick Wilhtjms Increased sport and commercial of Mounfainsida, who fiat a contract to purchti* the former Schulte-Unittd building. line, as well as all other rail' fishing, and sale of recreational Final Monmouth County Tax Table roads, suffer from vandalism. equipment, with a predicted dou- They maintained, however, that bling in size of the 39 marinas 1966 • the Bayshore spur has a heavier and boat yards and 2,400 berths 196S 1966 Ptr Cent of 1965 1966 concentration of such incidents. In the vicinity. Atlantic Highlands Plan Board Municipality Real Estate True Value Tangible! Countered with equally Some Drawbacks 1. Alltnnunt Borough 9,482,679 9,364,221 97.00 262,821 294,8(4 vigorous probing was the line's 3. Allentown Borough 5,485,890 6,059,739 79.00 234,001 231,171 claim that flood conditions con- The "detriments:" Few peo- To Reveal Revised Master Plan 88.00 9,664,652 9,755,403 ple would benefit at the expense 3. Astury Park City \ 73.729.94S 75,800,428 tributed toward the decision to 26,735,813 27,578,244 87.00 971,546 1,019,54} geek to discontinue. of many; increased motor boats ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Mr. Hymofl said, "People are The board voted to put the lettei 4. Atlantic Highlands Boro 11,830,373 19,317,834 94.00 420,673 373.8U »: Although denied bji Mr. Shoe- in area; possible decrease of The Planning Board last night accepting the fact that we are on file and send the club 5. Avon-By-The-Sea Borough 38,770,198 102.00 1,288,158 1,285,610 maker and Mr. Frederickson, at- shellfish in Vicinity of ' Sandy adjourned until tomorrow at 4 willing to go out and meet them." letter stating that many of tht 6. Belmar Borough 37,429,021 7. Bradley Beach Borough 25,319.770 > 37.773,417 91.00 830,742 925,684 ' torneys Davis and Mausner threw Hook Bay; need for annual p.m. when it will present the He said also that letters have alleged charges were under con- been sent to "every conceivable sideration for revision. I. Bridle Borough 29,631,959 31,614,557 83.00 811,155 533,273 countless questions that suggested transfer of sand at cost of $200,- revised edition of the mastei 000 per year from south side of group" in the community asking 9. Colts Neck Township 35,999,407 47,323,507 1,309,257 1,100,306 the curtailment move is in retal- The board chairman, Mrs. F« ' 360,129 , iation for the loss of an estimated inlet to north side to keep north- plan to the Citizens Advisory permission of the committee to 10. Deal Borough 23,521,805 34,770,034 89.00 346,469 ny McCallum, made the follow- 4,293,027 $1 million in revenue from mail ern beaches from "starving." Committee. speak at their Institutions. 11. Eetontown Borough 44.601,373 53,357,390 91.00 4,060,944 ing committee chairmanship aj 67.00 455,831 451.517 service. Martin Feldman, secretary of The two groups will meet a The board received a letter 12. EngUshtown Borough 3,925,810 4,316,345 2 p.m. to engage in workshop pointments: land use, Willia 13. Fair H*yen Borough 39,203,679 41,365,603 80.00 361,502 318,651 - The officials said costs In Han- the North Jersey Fishermen's from the Republican Club re- 394,083 dling the mall matched the reve- Association, Belford, another sessions. A public meeting will questing to go on record as re- Baird; traffic and circulatio 14. Farmingdalt Borough 4,610,166 5,028,359 105.00 convene at 4 p.m. when decision John Misson; community facility 15. Freehold Borough 47,367,708 41,463,431 94.00 4,868,119 ,4,719,305 nue. panelist, reported that, at a solving to reject recommenda- 2,614,478 meeting Wednesday night, the as to whether the revised edition tions of planning consultants Robert Duncan and public rel 16. Freehold Township 53,919.407 59,360,652 94.00 2,379,816 Mr, Davis questioned the rail- 350,598 group tried to take a stand on will be presented for public hear- Brawn and Anthony;, New York. tions, Alfred F. Kate. 17. Highlands Borough 14,373,259 15,061,655 97.(10 339,634 road president at length on al- 11,855,739 leged agreements between Com- the inlet proposal "but ended up ing will be made. T It. Holmdel Township 61,578,312 72,610,709 000.00 11.690,093 2,665,585 2,745,360 missioner Palmer's office and the with mixed emotions among the According to various commit- 19. Howell Township 65,836,291 71,270,416 108.00 railroad that the petition would members." 20. Interlaken Borough 9,709,730 9,857,172 90.00 36,522 38.133 teemen, revisions were almost 767,463 'be viewed with favor when sub- completed at last night's meeting, 21. Ketnsburg Borough 20.850,930 32,004,018 94.00 734.755 The fishermen in the associa- Manulapan Planners 94.00 2,564,536 3,666.947 "mitted. tion "mostly favor It," he said, after which all board members 22. Keyport Borough 30,670,941 32,471,920 concerned went Into executive ' 23. Little Silver Borough 43,835,086 48.240,721 100.00 812,732 759,782 Mr. Shoemaker heatedly de- but the clammers "are against 76',771 nied this. session to complete revisions. 24. Loch Arbour Village 2,305,880 2,512,520 86.00 80,592 it." Urged Not to Act 5,647,111 • He also denied that recent re- •Indications are the revised 2}. Long Branch City 118,448,464 121.888,726 92.00 5,363,562 He pointed to the fact that MAiMALAPAN — Only half are not located 756.7J1 quests for increased subsidies master plan 'will be approved for sureoi, thuiec minings »D iivi wu*t 26. Manalaptn Township 25,252,410 .39,908,364 93.00 666,298 clamming, once a multi-million the 10-member Planning Boan 1,015,691 were made because Erie-Lack- public presentation on Saturdav. on tine fill, and also on the r 27. Manasquan Borough 41,567,872 42,647.068 84.00 1,051,924 dollar business here, has stead- was present last night whei awanna withdrew from state con- ducu'on of the gradient on Ker 2». Marlboro Township 43,874,433 38,322,658 97.00 1,082,394 1,385,605 ily gone, downhill with the clos- In a conference after the meet- George MatteS, Lexington Dr tracts that were netting that line sington Rd. 29. Matawan Borough 37,302,573 41.942.412 89.0ft 895,421 1,021,819 ing of polluted Sandy Hook Bay ing, Edward Hymoff, temporary urged the board not to take an; some $2 million yearly. The planners also recommend 30. Matawan Township 71,378,280 75.787,414 86.09' 1.797,106 3,041,502 five years ago. chairman of the Citizens' Advis- further action while the problem ..-. Mr. Davis retorted: ed that the Township Commit 255,416,392 270,689.878 «7.W 5,549,438 6,372,085 Stressing that a clam purifica- ory Committee, indicated that of the oversiied board remain; 31. Middletown Township -;• "Why didn't you? You need tee grant final approval to Sec 11,051,172 13,875,973 91.(10 334,265 432,159 tion plant, if it becomes a real- there would be a meeting of unresolved. 32. Millstone Township ; money. Why didn't you go after tion E, Manalapan Estate*, which 32,530,315 14,550,689 76.00 129,848 139.407 ity, is "just a stopgap measure," that group and as many mem- 33. Monrnouth Beach Borough :: Jt? I'm sure you thought about Taylor Palmer, Jr., the dial has 29 lots. 128,305.389) 133,824,880 98.00 3,821,316 4,173,141 Mr. Feldman called for more bers of the Anti-Master Plan 34. Neptune Township •••• that money that wasn't being man, said die board had beer 22,140,119 23,771.634 85.00 1,192,218 1,245,955 study by the U.S. Public Health Committee as possible at the This is the final section of the 35. Neptune City Borough • passed, out." The company presi advised by Its attorney, Witliai 39,449,039 98.00. 1,307,528 1,475,482 Service of the passible effects home of Mrs. Sadie Elmo, 37 development on Pease Rd. Th 36. New Shrewsbury Borough 37.921,241 dent replied that Central pre- O'Hagan, Jr., that it can con- 92,523,623 95.00 2,252,192 2,280,403 of an inlet on pollution—before South Ave. tonight at 8 p.m. The completed subdivision will hav« 37. Ocean Township 89.042.7S7 ferred to stand on its own feet tinue to conduct its business de- 65.00 628.384 703,060 the project is started. public is invited. approximately 90 lots on 60 icres 38. Ocetnport Borough 32.406,781 31,733,106 ,,when seeking state funds. spite the problem of an extra 39. Rtrltan Township 73,701,242 79.495.3S3 88.00 2,084,925 2,089,208 A pilot purification treatment ,-: •. To which the attorney retorted: member. 40. Red Bank Borough 68,455,834 75.158,768 81.00 6,287,223 plant is under study in the for- .."You call that standing on your 41. Rocewelt Borough 3,210.719 3,246,387 104.00 49,013 31.2W mer Coast Guard station at Mon- Viet Nam Mr. Mattei answered Mr, Heart Attack . own feet, when you were begging Palmer by saying that an au- 42. Rumson Borough 65,890,192 74,131,851 75.00 531333 609,923 tor money?" mouth Beach under a grant ob- (Continued) 12,078.573 12,775,833 100.00 - 351,844 399,905 tained by Rutgers University. thority, whom he identified oril} 43. Sea Bright Borough No Subsidies? addition to 11 police killed and as an attorney, had informed May Have 44. Sea Girt Borough 34.N6.1U 36,167,639 82.00 356,093 358,779 Mr. Shoemaker insisted that Dr. Haskins is participating in two wounded announced earlier. 28,346,212 100.00 1.585.310 974.4M the study. him that nothing the planners df 43. Shrewsbury Borough 26,576,80$ --.his line has »pt received "sub- The international control commis- will be legal until they get 48. Shrewsbury Township 712,404 712,404 100.00 •7J090 11.535 >< sidies," contending the state 'Study. Flooding' sion for Indochina has begun an deoision from the attorney on th< Caused Crash 47. South Belmar Borough": 9,350,664 9,343,264 : f .238,776' 221,792 .-, funds are in payment for service As for flooding problems here, investigation. question of who is the extra mem- HOWELL TOWNSHIP —,,A.|7?" 48,3 51,870,153/ l,67f.<76 I,65>.687< rendered to the state's commut- Mr. Feldman stated that he ''had 84.00 The roll, of American combat er. year-old man apparently suffered Boro 19,0 20,092.609 . S6J;051 371.243 ers'In keeping unprofitable trains heard so many ideas—some say 93.00 dead.in Viet Nam now exceeds In addition to Mr. Palmer, a heart attack while driving east 50. nion Beach Borough 20,809,158 21,024,158 1,489,316 i,475;9or it would create more flooding running. U.S. battle deaths in three 19th board members in attendance on Rt. 33 yesterday and los 51. Upper Freehold Township 13,718,462 17,400.506 ; 84.00 • SO6.28A 3403,352 and some say it would not— Matawan Borough Attorney wars. The Defense De- last night included Mayor An control of his car which struck 52. Wall Township 87,262.384 90,194,14$ J90.00 2,*42,|04 3.946.90J Louis R. Aikins, drew an a that I think there should be more partment announced in Washing ton Skwarko, Committeemar a utility pole, injuring two wom- 53. West Long Branch Boro - 35,203,357 35,339,220 92.00 2,073,491 2,730,726 mission that the company Is not study there, too." ton that 130 Americans died in TOTALS 2,3'38,147,056 James Sobechko, Mrs. Mary La- en passengers. J.184.7O7.200 94,282,564 98,813,319 u concerned with parking and traf- "I'm sorry that we can't claim the week which ended Monday, rr zmvski and Mrs. Constance Drey- John J. Barmvell of HigMam fie conditions that might result In an inlet would help the clam- raising the number that have er. • -Matawan if service to Atlantic ming industry," remarked panel fallen in Viet Nam since Jan. Park was pronounced dead on -Highlands is disrupted. member Timothy A. Lynch, Sr., 1, 1961, to 2,335. Mrs. Dreyer's status on m arrival at Ktian Memorial Hos 1 Mr. Shoemaker said this is a chairman of the Sandy Hook In- This toll pushes the battle dead board was challenged in a letter pital, Neptune. Dr. C. Malcolm Manalapan Engineer Says • problem tor individual munlci- let Committee, "But the Army past the tosses for the War of to the Township Committee last B. Gilman, county physician, '• palitiw and does not come within Engineers' report says it won't 1812 (2,260), the Mexican War week which was sent by the said he died of a heart attack. the realm of the railroad. He hurt it. (1,733) and the Spanish-Ameri- Citizens for Intelligent Action. Hospital officials said his wife, said the company limits Its con- can War, (385). Mr. Mattel said that the ques- Anna, 71, who suffered chest and "And it's the opinion of the tionable legality of the board' leg injuries, will be transported Long Block Deters Traffic cern to stations where parking Public Health Service that the The Pentagon said the number • areas are railroad-owned. actions presents serious ques- o St. Peter's Hospital, New inlet would not contaminate wa- of wounded increased by 489 to a MANALAPAN - The 7,000-foot tee rejected the application say- A sprinkling of commuters tes- tions for Mayor Skwarko, but h Brunswick, since it • is closer ti "We have no record of that." ter not already contaminated." total of 11,574. Seven names Nock which (tailed final epproval ing that no approval ihould be tified, pleading for rejection of did not elaborate on this point her home. Mrs. Clara Burt, 85, Taylor Palmer, Jr., the board's Contending that "few of us went off the list of missing In of the first five sections of Mon- the petition, claiming undue hard- The mayor made no comment of New Brunswick juffered rib granted unless the lots conformed chairman ssid. here will live to see the Rari- action, lowering it to 151, while mouth Heights last week, is a ship and inconvenience will be The board gave its approval injuries and was. reported to be to the requirements of aThe firm indicated that It would tan River and Bay decontami- the number held captive re- deterrent to through traffic, says forced on them and others if to the preliminary plats for the n good condition. major subdivision. like to review the minutes, but nated—and that's where we get mained "at 31. the township engineer, Donald M. service ends. Kent development. This subdi- The firm has an application Mr. Palmer told the president, some of our problems" — Mr. China's Report Howell State Police said Mr. Barr. Move Out? vision on Gordons Corner Rd. arnwell was traveling east on pending for a major subdivision, Sid Gellman. that the board's Lynch said he'd "rather hope One section of the township Windswept Knoll, adjscent to the •••-Charles Nesbitt, 154 Wilson Despite Defense Secretary Rob has 82 lots on 51 acres. Approval Rt. 33 yesterday at 11:05 a.m minutes were not available. Wil- for a clam purification plant ordinance limits blocks to a mul< lots in question. Ave., Port Monmouth, said he ert S. McNamara's statement i was conditioned on the addition wfoen he lost control of his car liam 0'Hagan, Jr., has the min- than expect to see Raritan Bay mum of 1,300 feet. A letter claim .: will have only two choices: Pur Washington yesterday that thi of inlets to the storm drains a nd crossed the westbound lane Spokesmen for Economy Enter- utes, Mr. Palmer explained. The purified." ing there k a 5,000-and a 7,000- prises said chase another car — which he Red Chinese have "no reason Tennent Rd.; care in the use ol midway between Howell and that tht Planning chairman said he did not know 1 foot block In Levitt and Sons Mon- Board had refuses to do — or sell his prop- It was Mr. Lynch's opinion to fear military action ' by the fill and notification of the build- Faitffield Rds., and struck the told them in 1964 when Mr. O'Hagan would be fin- that the inlet would bring an United States, the official Pekin mouth Heights development was '-erty and move to another area. ing inspector, so that he can be pole. Out they would look favorably ished with them. average net annual gain of $700,- People's Daily sharply assailec received by the Township Com- on the minor subdivision request ; Robert C. Hoffman, Belford, He told Mr. Gellman that the •.-a New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. 000 to the area and "intangibles his announcement on Wednesda mittee at last week's meeting. because tiie two, lots in question that can't, be predicted, such as that 20,000 more troops would be could not be sewered although minutes could be reviewed . ,: West Long Brandt Is sponsoring nessmen on charges of hoarding cipal Court here yesterday, tht ter, yettwrday. thi township's new high school; "I know there is an organiza- morrow, and 4:26 a.m. and 1:48 Sines the father died, ityi the At Wr and art sale. Proceeds tion formed to gain support for and bribery, If convicted, they ind 8:48 p.m. Sunday, south ilx ommand forth e first 12 from Mr, and Mrs. Rkhard Cipitan Mr. Scott was prindpU of Avon: face mandatory death lentencei. lagiatrate Seymour Kleinberg Grove Area; Jr^r. High School "$ Chartes^X wW be used to benefit tht li- the inlet and Mr. Lynch it one times and north of New York (nee Ellttbeth Kriitofek), 92 diverted tttnles and profits to brary. Officials *aid one of tne men City 57; 20 and 16 and B7 and 1, rat a (literal "Line forma on the in West Grove, Pa. His appoint' of the members. But is there any Prospect Ave., Red Bank, a son, his own use and has failed to Mrs. Gerhardt Platau is chair- organited opposition to it? If to, was the multimillionaire owner 4ght." Twelve persons pleading ment was confirmed at tht ind 42 and 72 degrees above yesterday. give his brother an accounting man of the fair and Mrs. Alex- how doe* one Join it?" of an Import-export firm who guilty in violation, of the town- board'* Wednesday nutating. horizon, respectively, moving or shara of the proceeds towhic h ander Shields head.? tht »rt ex- He was advlied by another allegedly hoarded illegal goods NE. SE, and NE twice; and SB, ship's dog ordinance lin*d up on A native of Trenton, Mr, Scott he claims he is entitled* hibit Artlits wishing to exhibit unidentified persons "Writ* to and bribed official*, The pthtr ind NE twice, the right and paid the court cltr* Mr. an* Mn, John Nooni (ate received His bachelor and mas. •bftuM present their paintings at Congressman Howard and. tell was said to havt contacted to ECHO II it 10; 59 today north the minimum fin* of ff and r*< Gloria Byrnt). M Cfctiipeikt tars degrMt in eductffcm from Richard E. BUrke, M««HWtown 8ft* Bow* Had on tVwdiy bt- him what you don't like about; selling iron «t black market of New York City, 0 degrees ceived Hit ndawnition ta Hm Ave., BagUsktdwn. son.- yesttr Temple University to ffeliwto* Township, filed the ettmpWht b) tlw dameerjr*»W'»- i M pr p.m. it." prices, . above horlion, moving.NE, their dogstsi home. day.'' ;•; -; ; "• •• • v' v THp DAILY REGISTER MM** *, m Juvenile Conference Units Tql4 Ad-ifers For 1 ~ Give Important Service Symposium WEST LONG BRANCH - W - An apprecia To help cope "with the situa- pany of a child seeking to over- Gov! Richard J. Hughes; Dr. tkm-dinner was tendered last tion, he said, the four Essex come juvenile problems. Mason W. Gross of Rutgers Uni- Hfght to members of the Mon- juvenile Judges have devised Other Speakers versity; Brig. Gen. W. B. Latta, njouth County JuvenBe Confer- ways of keeping files open dur- Other speakers included Mon- commanding general of the ence Committees for their efforts ing trial probationary' pe- mouth County Judge Alton V. Army Electronics Command at *> prevent delinquency. riods and dismissing complaints Evans, who formerly presided Fort Monmouth, and Dr. Fred- i Juvenile Court Judge Led Wein- where good conduct warrants. As part time in juvenile and do- erick J. Raubinger, state com* itein and the Board of Freehold- a result, he said, several thous- mesticLrelations court and who missipner of education, are on ers were hosts at The Shadow- and youngsters have been spared is president of the State Associa- the advisory council for the brook as 250 member* of the records. tion of Juvenile Court Judges; fourth annual Junior , Science approximate 350 who serve took Judge Weinstein follows a sim- and Essex Judge Horace S. Bal- Symposium* to be held at Mon. pkrt. . ilar procedure In the Monmouth fatto, president-elect of the mouth College next Friday and "Yours is a continuing com- court. National Council of Juvenile Saturday, munity effort by neighbors for "If I had my way,' Judge Court Judges. Irving A. Balton, chairman of neighbors," Judge Weinatein de- Lindeman said, "no juvenile Judge Weinstein and Mr. Wein- the executive committee for the Cared. . - . court records would be made heimer recalled ' that the con- event has invited the council to jHe said the committee not only except where the youngsters re- ference committee system, which attend the sfftiposium at the col- Ji»'oed reduce his court load by quired placement in institutions has been mandatory for all mu- lege and a banquet in their honor more than 15 per cent, taking and a record was necessary for nicipalities since 1953, had its next Saturday night. jii of 1,500 cases presented to them to get something that they start in Asbury Park in 1945 and Participating will be 190 him, but they also gave atten- heeded/' Highlands in 1947. science students from 58 high tion to Improvement of local Chief Monmouth County Pro- They hailed the devotion to schools of the 11 southern and hazards- to good morals. bation Officer Jack Weinheimer county youth and government of central counties of New Jersey • Cases referred to the commit- said that of an estimated 5,200 the late John L. Montgomery and 58 science teachers. They will exchange scientific informa- tees were all first offenders cases heard by juvenile confer- who simulaneously had been ju- SUSPECTS IN ROBBERY — Long Branch Patrolman James West (left photo] takei John Green of Asbury Park charged with lesser infractions. ence committees in the last 20 tion' and ideas at the science and venile court referee, chief coun- from Ocean Township headquarters to Long Branch for questioning. Sgt. George Naylor of Long Branch (right Judge Weinstein said that by years only about 12 per cent of ty probation officer, county wel- humanities symposium program handling them in. the informal the youth defendants have been fare director and county adjuster. sponsored jointly by Monmouth photo) takes Ulysses G. Leslie of South Belmar from Ocean Township police station. Sgt, Naylor, who holds two returned to juvenile court for College and Fort Monmouth. •tmopshere of the committee Mr. Montgomery brought the con- bags of confiscated goods, is followed by Long Branch Detective Wesley Mayo, chamber . the youngsters were other offenses. ference system into being and no Other members of the ad- laved from acquiring a juvenile "You have given the first bite the attention of the Supreme visory council are Sister M, Jo- court; record. (violation) to 4,500 youngsters Court which later mandated it seph Anita, president of the New (Mean. Township, Long Branch Co-operate The question of juvenile rec- and they have been spared as an auxiliary wing of all coun- Jersey Catholic Round Table of ords, which are not supposed to a court record and have sihown ty courts. - Science; J. Fred Billett, execu become matters of public knowl- their appreciation by staying out live of the Monmouth Counoil of of trouble afterwards," he said. Chief Weinheimer noted that Boy Scouts, Lloyd Christianson, edge, concerned several speak- members of the City Council In ers during the program. Dr. Stanley Lofchie, co-ordina- president of Electronic Associ- Two Held in Robbery of Restaurant Asbury Park at the time of the 'Essex County Juvenile Court tor of a mental health program ates, Inc., West Long Branch; first conference committee in- Jerry Dischler, owner of the Flame, told Long Branch Judge'Harry, Lindeman, dean of for the juvenile court at the Dr. James W. Parker, Sr., Red LONG BRANCH — Two'men held up the Hollywood Flame cluded County Judge Thomas J, police that two men, one carrying a pistol, robbed him and his New Jersey juvenile judges and Children's Psychiatric Center, Bank, a member of the New Jer- Restaurant in West End Iaist night, escaping with $105.40 in Smith. mother-in-law, Eva Goldberg, as they were leaving the Ocean former president of the National Eatontown, discussed courses sey state Department of Educa- cash and bus receipts. Through the combined efforts of two Ave, restaurant at 10:03, Council of Juvenile Court Judges, now underway and planned for Deputy Chief Probation Officer tion; Superior Court Judge Elvin police departments, two suspects were arrested 16 minutes said he has been apalled at ways police and probation officers, J. Lester Rogers and Mrs. Louise R. Simmill and Dr. William G. later on Rt. 35 in Ocean Township. They then escaped in a car and headed north on Second in which juvenile court Informa- parents, and delinquents on pro-Clark Hughes were leaders in Van Note, president of Monmoubh Long Branch police charged John Green, 49, of 1402 Mat- Ave., he told police, giving them a partial description of the tion has Seen obtained. bation and on parole. the effort, he added. College. tison Ave., Asbury Park, and Ulysses G. Leslie, 25, of 1615 F. car. He said that business firms, The speaker said there Is a Committee dinners as tokens St., South Belmar, with armed robbery and held them without Minutes later. Patrolman Robert Graziano spotted a car including prominent companies, great need for Big Brothers and of gratitude, which were revived bail for a preliminary hearing today. going through a red light at the corner of Norwood Ave. and now ask applicants for jobs if Big Sisters, adults *whp will vol- after a lapse of several years, Legal The suspects were both charged with possessing stolen Broadway and took down its license number. they have ever appeared in ju- unteer a half day or a few hours probably wilt be annual events, goods, and carrying a gun by Ocean Township police and With this information relayed through a county-wide .alarm, Vflille'court. each week to spend In the com-Judge Weinstein said. (Continued) released to Long Branch police on a detainer. They are ex- two Ocean Township patrolmen spotted the suspect car head- in our files paid invoices cover- pected to be arraigned in the township today. ing south on Rt. 35. Patrolmen Albert Mansfield and John ing the operation of Monmouth Van Dorn, a member of the police department for some three College for (he period of Jan. 1, $50, and the trustees' plan was weeks, stopped the 1955 model car on Rt. 35 near Deal Rd., 1965 to May 31, 1965. These costs, accepted, credits of $450, would \Parlex arresting Leslie and Green at 10:19. . exclusive, of any monies used for be available against the $1,(124 j ^^ Long Branch police investigating the holdup, aside from (Continued) capital improvements total: tuition charge for 32 credit hoiirs Patrolman Graziano, are Det. Sgt. John Naylor, Det. Michael posal only. He stated that there "Administration for the term starting in Septem- Irene, Det. Wesley Mayo, Sgt. George Naylor, and Patrol- $260,563.31 is a definite ratio of number of "Operation, Maintn. ber. man James West. ; 129,269.16 trucks needed per 1,000 residents "Library 61,621.24 In September, 1967, when the and per mile, of roadway in- "Instruction urday's conference. service; : 605,181.02 tuition will jump to $1,184, Dr. volved. Holmdel is not a likely mem- Highlands Mayor John A. Van Note hinted, even, more Mayor Olinsky, commending $1,056,634.73 county money would be sought. ber of any regional-type opera- Bahrs and Matawan Township The Register for its artioles spot- tion for at least two or three Mayor Walter H. Gehrfckermild "An equivalent full time stu- "Ideally," he said, "we would lighting the problem, said he dent is one who takes a full ac- like to see $400 from" the state, years but Mayor Alfred C. not be readied for comment but couldn't begin to comment on a Poole reported: both officials are expected to ademic load of 16 credits per $400 from the county and the personal preference. semester. The total equivalent balance from the student. This "I wouldn't miss It (the meet- have representation during dis- He said he is interested in ex- full time enrollment an Mon- would be over and above the ing) under any circumstances. cussions. ploring regionalization and con- mouth College for the spring se- $200,000 service charge and $150,- "We wiill be faced with the HigWands is the only mufrici- tract operations to evaluate their mester of 1965 was 2,931 . 000 loan and scholarship mon- same problem and we will be pality in the area which present- costs in comparison to the town- ma,de up.. ey." very fortunate in having an effi- ly operates its own trucks'with freshmen, 1,057, ship's present scavenger system. sophomores; 755, juniors, 513, se- The county college study re' cient operation already estab- borough personnel. The vehicles "We are interested in the most lished when we are ready to must travel to Neptune for dis- niors, 581, com. inst. 25 . , .to- port recommends that a board economical system." tal, 2,931. change." posal, however, and the shorter of trustees be established to con- From Union Beach' Mayor Al- Up 62 Pet Cent tract with Monmouth College lor Referring to yesterday's article distance in Union Beach has fred T. Hennessy, Jr., who pro" drawn Interest., "The equivalent full time ju- supbrt of liberal arts programs, poses use of borough lands for in this series, he continued: nior college, enrollment il>J,812 and to develop the existing cqtyn- a landfill operation to serve area "Should an authority be de- Matawan Township has three or 62 per cent of the total. The Vocational Board of Edufca- municipalities, comes word that termined as the-best method of years remaining of a five-year fe ^ Co; tion's post graduate Techmcal operation, for th> sakef of service; pact but .*$4raling costs r the political static he'origin^lyl !e' firf Wheats, theV - Institution at Chapel Hill into a feared has riot 'attsen/'A large and economy, the suggestion of been felt there. ••"! the fofal cost of operating' the full fledged Technical College. delegation from his community a member on the authority from Junior' College for the period of Dr. Van Note said Monmouth is expected. each participating municipality is Jan. 1, 1965, to May ?,U965, College was not concerned from Reaction from Atlantic High- an excellent one. It will guaran- Bridge amounts to 62 per cent of $1,- a standpoint of its own interests tee fair representation for all." lands Mayor Jay M. Kellers was (Continued). 056,634.73 or $655,113.53." whether the county freeholders Instantaneous. Keansburg Mayor Leonard S. Mr. With'ey said that as long create a special board of trust- Bellezza has indicated interest in Railroad, officials said a total "Fine. I'll certainly be there. of 68 passenger trains use th<3 w.w... CONFEREES — Attending testimonial dinner last nighti at The Shado*« as the operating cost exceeds the ees or contract with it directly. I'm sure most of the councilmen participating in the talks al- total contribution there is no But, he said, the most pressing though his borough has just em- drawbridge daily. They said jjkjropk, Shrewsbury, for members of Monmouth County, Juvenile Conference Com- will be anxious to attend also. (hat there were not many trains threat to the validity of the ap- need for the county to concen- "All of us are interested in barked on a five-year contract jnittees were, lift to right, Essex County Juvenile Judges Harry Lindeman and Horace portionment plan. This is always trate its own initiative is in the for collection and disposal. south of the bridge to make the any possible way to reduce run to Bayhead, 38 miles away, 5.'Balf«tto, Monmouth Judge Leo Weirutein and Dr. Stanley Lofchie of the Chil- the case, he added. technical field where no ade- Keansbutfg suffered a substan- which should result in quite a If the county should require as quate facilities are now available. tial increase in costs this year. Arkit'i PsychiatriP ' ever, questions were raised about increase in enrollment that fa- and appetites intact. • Reference* to Bedell lor's degrees. Throckmorton St., daily from 3 the legality of the county contin- They were Involved In a plan by the Pennsylvania Rail- "We are getting along very Running through the press con- to 6 p.m. The.girls will serve cilities would be over taxed.; nicely. Nobody seems too angry, Demand to Grow uing aid, authorized by law for He said the school is.budgeted road to outflank the damaged bridge at Perth Amboy by ference were repeated references as hostesses, ... ' • junior college,?, to the school. using another trestle 10 miles or so up the Rarltan River at I don't believe. We got a mess to, the criticismi of Freeholder ' Said the resolution In part: for 4,500 students in all capaci- of buses here and I hope we "The demands for college ed Ribbons will be presented ^ On Dec. 12, 1956, Deputy At- ties next year and can handle New Brunswick. As an exercise, It was a brilliant technical Bsdell about county subsidies of first, second and third places. torney General Thomas P. Cook, success, but none of the riders suggested that it be tried get them all home in time for the,college. ucation in New Jersey are likely 5,200. their roasts and so on." All Brownies and Girl Scouts will responding to a letter from Su- Neither, he said, does he ex- again. They all got borne three hours' late. .VI;«fh'itH| waiting," said Dr. to treble during.the next 15 years participate in displaying art perior Court Judge Elvin R. Sim-pect that the opening of county The Idea was to run the train (In this case, the 5:15 out of Van Note," for him to give, me and the geographical area served work depicting the theme "Girl mill, chairman of the college colleges in Middlesex and Ocean New York) down the main line to Monmouth Junction, ex- onp reason, aside from personal by Monmouth Juniqr College U Scouting, Promise and Laws in Board of Trustees, set the pat- counties in September will drain change the electrically driven engine for a dlesel, and cut prejudice, why the facilities here removed from the proximity of Action." ...... tern for legal opinions which a large number of students from back to South Amboy (a regular stop on the Shore commuter •hould-iiot be used, why some- an institution of higher educa- Mrs. William Hakim and Mrs.continue to be received: Monmouth. service) over a freight spur, that goes through such places thing else would be better." tion ... : Daniel Chestnut were'appointed "I am informed that with the Whatever the loss may be, he as Jamesburg, Helmetta and Spotswood. Having thus put • TV- educator said he would "Monmouth Junior College now chairmen to arrange a dinner approval of the state Board of added, probably will be made up the damaged bridge behind It, the train would How be po- like Mr. Bedell tostate whether enjoys accreditation by, the Mid- meeting for the leaders in May.Education the two-year from new students qualifying sitioned for Its regular trip through Monmouth County to he is aga Sm. li40, Jl40. Ml, TM, W0 BANK to monl«« for ilnce 1899. > m tfae county «4d ww tocrtsjed 33." i % 4_Frid«y, March 4, 1966 T$l VJ&X REGISTER Five County Studenis Fire Damages Houstir Ransacked TJTCI i Manttm/i A_ •IMHMMII. *^*t A ****** l?ti>A«Ma*n *+A+M1 ftlllt findd breakinDrfiftKllMgt lfltintOo totbe>« wMj T KEANSBURG — An unoocu residence. Firemen stated that pied frame dwelling at 5 Camp- the blaze was believed to have omes. , \ OBITUARIES In Contest Tomorrow view PI. was gutted by fire yes- been started with lighter fluid. The youth has been «rMd terday afternoon and four other A mailman in th« area reported ver to Sgt. George Preston for NEWARK - Five Monmouth School, reading 'The Shell,' dwellings on Campview PI. ran-to Patrolman Thomas Dalton ction by the juvenile iuthorltlei. THOMAS 3. FITZGERALD DRAPCZAK SERVICES MRS. WILLIAM A. LUTZ County students are participat- "Hate," and "Little Things" by sacked, according to police here. that two young boys-were seen MATAWAN - Mrs. Elizabeth LAURELTON - Thomas J, ENGLISHTOWN — Services ing in the 28th Annual Poetry James Stephens. ; Firemen of the New Point leaving one of the dwellings and M. Lutz, 68, of HI Middlesex Fitzgerald, 72, of 131 Tackle Ave., for Michael A. Drapczak, 47, of Reading Contest slated for to- The purpose of the contest, ac- Comfort and Keansburg Fire Patrolman Dalton later picked Rd. died yesterday in Emery died Tuesday at Monmouth Med- 8 Dey St., who died Tuesday of morrow here at the Rutgers Col- cording to Dr. Edward Huber- companies answered the call but up a 12-year-old boy who al- ical, Center, Long Branch. Mr. injuries Suffered in a fall at Oys- Manor Nursing Home, Madison lege of Arts and Sciences. Some man, professor of English at the were unable to save the summer legedly admitted starting the fire Township. She was the wife of Fitzgerald was the father of Mrs. ter Creek, Lacey Township, were 70 New Jersey secondary schools college and contest director, is William A. Lutz. Ethel D. Hakim of Freehpld. this morning at the Hulse Me- will be represented by student to increase the ippreciation of morial Home, with Rev. Ber- Mrs. Lutz was born in Hun- readers. Preliminaries get under the reading of poetry among high Asbury Council, School Board Born in Ireland, Mr. Fitz- way at 9:45 a.m. at the 18 Wash- school students. gerald lived in Cliffside Park be- nard McK. Garlick of St. Peter's gary, daughter of the late John Episcopal Church, Freehold, of- and Gazell Marhoffer, and carm ington PI. building. Semifinals Three prize winners will be se Compromise Differences fore moving here seven years will begin at 2:15 p.m., and fi- ficiating. * to this country as a child. She lected from six finalists and ASBURY PARK — City Coun Teachers, encouraged by the stgo. He retired in 1958 as su- nals at 3:15 p.m. A panel of 12 „ Burial was in Old Tennent lived here for the past 36 years books of poetry and phonograph cil and the Board of Education school board, concluded that the ; perintendent of Lever Brothers, poets, critics and educators will ; Edgewater, where he had worked Cemetery. and previously was a Newark records will be given as prizes. compromised their differences on operations reduction would bar judge the contest. A trophy is given to the winning • 43 years. Mr. Drapczak was injured as resident. the 19G6-67 school budget last continuation of a five-step sal She was a member of the Firs Participating local students are high school, to be kept for a night, adding $70,000 to assure ary-makeup program. The plan Delicatessen • An Army veteran of World he worked at the Jersey Cen- Methodist Church, here. Jeanne Applegate, 1500 Juliet year. teacher salary raises. is now on its. third step at $350 • War I, Mr. Fitzgerald was past tral Power & Light Co.'s nuclear Mrs. Lutz was a member ol Dr., Belmar, Wall High School, a year, to put all. teachers on s grand knight of Benedict Coun- generating plant. William Novogrod, school board the Midway Hose Company Aux. who will read "Miniver Cheevo" president, announced after a a new salary guide. Departments 5 cil. Knights of Columbus, Cliftf- Born in New York City, Mr. iliary of the Matawan Fire De and "Hillcrest" by E. A. Robin- Special Purim conference of the Board of > side Park. He was past com- Despite assurances from Coun Drapczak was a member of Mol- partment. son; Carol Dodds, Highland Ave., School Estimate that $35,000 of ; mander of Moro Caravan, Order cilman Joseph F. Mattice that ly Pitcher Post, American Le- Highlands, Henry Hudson Re- Program Is Set a $173,000 cut will be restored NOW AT ;of Alhambra, West New York, , Surviving in addition to hei salaries would not be affected, gion, here; the Lakewood Local gional High School, who will read LONG BRANCH — Congrega- and that the school board will ' and was a member of Pope John husband are a daughter, Mrs teachers withdrew from super- of the Carpenters' Union; St. Pe- 'There Was A Child Went Forth" tion Bnai Sholom will hold special add $35,000 from Its surplus ? XXIII Assembly (Fourth De- Everett W. Tremper of thi vision of most after-school stu- ASBURY PARK ter's Episcopal Church, and a and "Who Learns My Lesson Purim and pre-Passover activi- funds. \ gree), K. of C, Cliffside, and place; a sister, Mrs. Charles dent activities for three days New York City lodge of the Ma- Complete" by Walt Whitman; W. ties this weekend and Wednesday The Board of School Estimate BRICK TOWNSHIP j the American Legion post, here. Neubauer of Toms River, and last week. They also threatened sons. .' ' . Scott Holderer, 3626 Rt. 33, Nep- Tomorrow a Purim service is made up of two councilmen, { Also surviving are his wife, three grandchildren. to boycott all extra-curricular tune, Neptune High School, read- starting at 6:45 p.m. will feature two school board members and CLIFFWOOD J Mrs. Marie Fitzgerald; a son, He is survived by his wif< programs Including sports .start- The funeral will be tomorrow ing "A Consecration," "The West the reading of the Megillah, the City Manager Carney Lebra. J Maj. Edward T. Fitzgerald of Mrs. Edna Drapczak; a stepspn ing Monday If the dispute was NEPTUNE CITY at 1:30 p.m. in the Bedle Fu- Wind," and "Cargoes" by John Book of Esther from the Old By a 3-2 vote, the councilmen j McGuire Air Force Base; two Robert Craig of Memphis, Tenn.; not settled to guarantee their neral Home, here, with Rev. Masefield; Patricia Thorpe, Bri- Testament. and Mr. Lebra had cut $98,000 • sisters, Mrs. Fred Bontemps, three sisters, Mrs. Marian Rb| anticipated raises. LITTLE SILVER Donald Phillips, pastor of th arwood Rd., Rumson, Red Bank from capital improvements' and : here, and Mrs. James Sullivan ers of Manhattan, Kans., Mrs A Purim carnival will be held Mr. Mattice had said that the First Methodist Church, Mata- Catholic High School, reading special items and $75,000 from POINT PLEASANT • of Parkchester, N. Y.; a broth- Josephine Egner of Manalapai Sunday for children at the tem- cuts imposed from city hall were wan, officiating. Burial will be "Birches" b/Robert Frost; Bar- operations. ; er, John Fitzgerald of Bath, and Mrs. Charlotte Brudnidk ple. The Sisterhood plans a Pass- based on school board state in Old Tennent Cemetery, Ten- bara Williams, County Rd., Cliff- over seminar starting at 10 a.m PORT MONMOUTH : Maine, and six grandchildren. here; .two brothers, Stanley Dra ments that It had a $100,000 re- nent. wood, Matawan Regional High Wednesday. • The Van Hise and Callagan Fu- czak of Toms River and An serve. RARITAN TOWNSHIP : neral Home, here, is in charge drew Drapczak, here, and threi Jail Terms W00DR0W W. HERBERT However,. Mr. Mattice said, I of arrangements. grandchildren. SHREWSBURY LONG BRANCH — Wopdrow concessipns were made when Jo- W. Herbert of 441 Brighton Ave., For Youths seph Zach," board secretary, said WALL TOWNSHIP an employee of the New York John F. Kiely, 67, he had overestimated the sur- FOR ANY OCCASION MIDDLETOWN — Magistrate and. Long Branch Railroad, suf- plus by $40,000, to $60,000 Seymour Kleinberg in Municipal fered a fatal heart attack yester- HONEY BEE FLOWERS day morning on the Raritan Bay Court yesterday found James RUSSELL T. HODGKISS railroad ' bridge after it wa Dies in Florida O'Donnell, 187 • Port Monmouth struck by a ship. 464 BROAD STREET DEAL — John F. Kiely, 67, Rd., Port Monmouth, and Ronald Mr. Herbert, 53, a machinist of 18 Queen Anne Dr,, died Marigold, 16 Leighton Ave., Red SHREWSBURY for the railroad, was pronounced yesterday in Doctors' Hospital, Bank, guilty of creating a dis- dead at the Perth Amboy Gen- Coral Gables, Fla., where he had 741-4020 eral Hospital. turbance Feb. 22 in the Dog been critically ill with hepatitis. A Grace Lines freighter, the House Restaurant, Rt. 35, on a tollable SIRM 1*27 Mr. Kiely was president of the Santa Isabel, struck the railroad Kiely Construction Co., Long complaint by the owner, William drawbridge at 9 a.m., disrupting BY WIRE ANYWHERE Branch. Graham. The two youths were commuter rail service on the Jersey Central's Shore line. Born in East Orange, he wa sentenced to 90 days In the Free- the son of the late William and Mr. Herbert was born in hold county jail and fines of $250 Catherine Kiely. He had resided Oceanport, son of Grace Her- each. here five years and earlier in bert of Little Silver and the lab Long Branch. A third boy, Bruce Kent,. 145 John L. Herbert. He has lived Coyne PJ,,.Belford, arrested in in the area most of his life. He was a communicant of St the same incident, was fined $50 He was a member of St Mary's Catholic Church here. and given a 30-day suspended Jail I'B Monument Selection Luke's Methodist Church here, Also head of Thomas Procter OUR FAMOUS sentence. the Long Branch BPOE Elks, Co., Long Branch bulkhead firm w*f wuke you dwtqrt nmtmitr and the Neptune Hose Co. Hi Mr. Kiely maintained a summer . Patrolmen William Higgi'ns and was a U.S. Air Force veteran home in Coral Gables. Walter Davis were the Investi- gating officers. of World War II. A Republican The irt of commemoration is varied and Alfred and Robert Evernham, "JERRY" Also surviving are his widow, He was active many years In subtle. We should IHte to help yoa ts we Lorraine PI., East Keansburg, Helen Herbert; a son, Robert, Long Branch affairs, having l«e helped so many otters. Our prof**- and Robert Zaborney, 98 Braln- stoMl knwrfedee wiM correctly (vide jw. and a daughter, Mrs. Joan Scic- served on the city Planning ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS J : ard Ave., Port Monmouth, were chitano, both of Long Branch; Board and as president of the |C||||n MBBDlfltS found guilty of being disorderly wo brothers, John L. of Asbury county organization of affiliated JOHN VAN KIRK & SON persons and using profane lan- IS Ccop*r Rd., Mlddlttown off Rl. 1! of Park and George of Port Mon- Republican clubs. mndon's Cernir J4W1» mouth; two sisters, Miss Lucy guage in Sunny's Restaurant, Rt. ConvMilut Tinra 74MM1 He was the oldest living member John F. Kiely 36, Feb. 28. Eleanor Martinez Herbert and Mrs. Ruth Gunder- of the Long Branch First Aid son, both of Little Silver, and tor was in critical condition he was. the complainant and the men Squad and was onetpf its organiz three grandchildren. flew to see him. were fined $150 each. Patrolmen ers, and also was an exempt Ernest Volleiand and Robert Services will be Monday at 1 Mr. Woolley, too upset, had member of the Independent Fire ; Foster were the arresting' of- < • INSTALLED a.m. from the Woolley Funeral Co. of Long Branch. He was a nothing to say last night about Home, here. Interment will ficers. Richard Schwartz'repre- • Triple track • Cleons easily from Insltfr director of the New Jersey Bank M5. Iflely's death. sented the1 defendents." v' : • follow in Woodbine Cemetery, and Trust Co. of Long Branch, Francis' Soles, 16 LelgWoh PI., • Fulty Weatheritripped * Frwt medwrfng ©ceanport. iff a member of the board of gover- Surviving are his wife, Mrs John & Day and John A. Menna, 25 Branch nors of Monmouth Medical Cen Ann S. Kiely, one daughter, Mrs Ave., both of Red Bank, were QUALITY AT A LOW, LOW PRICE STEPHEN WILLIAM PAVLICK ter, Long Branch, and treasurer Kathleen Stafford of. Columbus 1 found guilty on charges'of drag CLEARWATER , Fla.-Stephe of Old Orchard Country Club in O., one son, John Fv Kiely, Jr. racing Feb. 28 on "Dwight Rd. «^r^W •* •WWIMIDMIT TUMIMUH»I • Hit PPUVMV FUNERAL HOME William Pavlick, of 2304 Green, Eatotown. He had been active in of Long Branch and two grand- The youths were fined $50 each " t A.M.-W0 fM briar Blvd., died Wednesday al the activities of Monmouth County children, Kathy and Jay Stafford and Patrolman William Thome Tl ^^.^ his home. Council of Boy Scouts, and the of Columbus, 85 Riverside Ave. Red Bank was the arresting officer. Mr. Pavlick was the uncle ol Young Men's Christian Associa • i A High Requiem Mass will be Ave., Port Monmouth, was found Mrs. Joseph Martinez of Ret tion. 747.0332 offered Monday at 9:30 a.m. in guilty on a charge of creating a C. SIDUN, Mgr. Bank, N.J., with whom he spenl He also was a member of the the summers. St. Mary's Catholic Church disturbance, and fined $25 with a Long Branch Lodge of Elks, a Burial, under the direction of the He had lived here since 196 60-day suspended jail sentence. Oppoiltt Molly ntehtr Inn charter member of the Christo- Robert A. Braun Home for Fu- and previously was a residen Douglas Kenner, 157 Ridge Ave., pher Columbus League of Long nerals, Eatontown, will be in of Greenlawn Island, N.Y. Belford, made the charge Branch and a member of the Woodbine Cemetery, Oceanport March 1. , Mr. Pavlick was a retired em Professional Engineers of Mon- ployee of the Humble Oil Co mouth County. He was a member of Our Ladj Had Heart Surgery of Lourdes Catholic Church, here Mr. Kiely never completely re- ,A .veteran of World Wars I am covered from delicate heart sur- Worden Funeral Home iff he was a member of Veteran gery performed in a Houston of Foreign Wars Post 2550 am Tex., hospital last fall. After the the George C. Barrett Chapter 7 RED BANK operation he returned to his Dea 60 », FRONT STREET of the Military Order of the home and then went to Florida Purple Heart, St. Petersburg When Monmouth County Clerk Fla. J. Russell Woolley, one of Mr. Day and Night Phone , . . Surviving in addition to his Kiely's closest friends, received niece are his wife, Mrs. Wilwor- d last weekend the contrac- hemenla M. Pavlick; ; three 747-0557 brothers, Peter Pavlick and MRS. MARY V. O'NEILL Frank Pavlick, both of Ridge- JERSEY CITY-Mrs. Mary V. wood, N.J. and Joseph Pavlick Beunkle O'Neill, mother of Mrs. of Roselle, N.J., and two sis- HARRY C. F. JAMES* A. , ROBERT F. Theresa C. Burney of Keyport, ters, Mrs. Katherine Hubacho died here yesterday. and Mrs. Mary Lake, both of She had lived here all her i Bayonne, N.J. and was married to the late A High Requiem Mass.will be John T. O'Neill. Surviving, be- offered Monday at 9 a.m. in St. sides Mrs. Burney, are four sons, James Catholic Church, Red Thomas J., Charles F., John E. Bank, N.J. Burial will be undei and William J. O'Neill, all of the direction of the William S Jersey City, two brothers, four The Adams Memorial Home Anderson Funeral Home, Red sisters, 15 grandchildren and Bank. eight great-grandchildren. The funeral will be tomorrow CARLTON H. THEALL from the McLaughlin Journal PATBRSON — Carlton H. TJie- Succaisor to Mount Memorial Horn* Square Funeral Home, here, all, 65, of 153 Katz Ave. died with a Solemn High Mass of Wednesday at St. Joseph's Hos- Requiem in St. Aeden's Catholic pital. Mr. Theall was the father Church. Burial will be in Holy FUNERAL DIRECTORS of Robert C. Theall of Middle- Name Cemeteryj here. town. •Born in Newfourgh, N. Y., Mr. JAMES F. FINNEGAN Theall lived In West Orange 12 KENVIL — James F. Finne- years and- East Orange eigh gan, 65, of 446 Rt. 46 died Tues- 1 310 Brood Strwt Rtd Bank, N. J. years before moving here I /; day In Dover General Hospital. years ago. He was-the brother of John A. He retired a year ago from Flnnegan of Shrewsbury. the Insurance Companies of Born in Mount Hope, Mr. Fin North America, where he was negan lived here 28 years and employed as a olaims adjuster in the area all his life. He re- Mr. Theall was a member of tired in 1960 as an ordnance the Men's Club of the Firaf!Pres- supervisor at the U.S. Naval Air byterian Church, here, and the Rocket Test Station, Lake Den- Quarter Century Club of INA. mark. He had been employed Besides his son, he leaves his there 45 years. wife, Mrs. Margaret Mlerop The- He was a member and past all; another son, Jon Theall president of the Holy Name So- here; two sisters, Miss Louise ciety and the men's choir of St. Theall of Newark and Mrs. Rus-Mary's Catholic Church, Whar- sell Grlggs of Paokanaok Lake, ton. and five grandchildren. Also surviving are his wife, Services will be 1:30 p.m. to-Mrs. Helen M. Flnnegan; two morrow at the Vermeulen Fu- sons, John B. Flnnegan of Dover neral Home, here. and Jam.es F. Flnnegan of Whar A puwtmMmi mtMmrat. camd *f itltct l«rm ___ l ton; three daughters, Mrs. Helen •rmlM, «m Ml mm riMMlaw y wmls. So our BAR RE PIZZI SERVICES E, Choy of Syosset, N,Y., and tilipiuf #f lflif# 6vlM Mjflmitnffi bttcked by tb# yM tii r\| Mtstry'i ttwagt* nwtimrat qmiimtt. liUILUJ LONG BRANCH — Services for Miss Mary Agnes and Miss Judy Daniel J. Pizi), of 130 Second Finnegan, both- at home; "thre» Ave., will be held tomorrow at other brothers, . Edward G. LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. the Damlano Funeral Home, arid Eugene Finryegan of Mount here, at 8 a.m. followed by a Hope; and nine grandchildren. WALL It LOCUST. W. LONG BRANCH 222 - 0300 Requiem Mass at 9 a.m. In Our A Mass was offered this morn- Xfptf OWICI AND DISPLAY Lady Star of the Sea CatKolIc ing at St. Mary's Church. The Church, (wrey.JBurJeJ',will-be in Bermlngham Funeral Home, Maple Ayenffff Wharton, was in charge of ar- >UTH MONUMENT CO. St. Catherine'! Cemetery, spa tMCOLdMIEWSURT I MIPDUTOWN 74* SfiOGirt. V\ rangement*. T id (hcold I twitd) to THE DAILY BEWSTEB ftiixy, Mtrrft 4, 196$*-5 ttocfc for f4U*tr jrowthr M. V. Market Piices A) I do not,beUev«'that any- thing very mWi further wttl bap- Sticeessf ill pen as regards' Telephone stock. FURNITURE The shares at present yield over co. ij- Buyers on 3% per "cent and this return KEYPORT, N.. J. i[ should allow them to hold near By ED MORSE Investing more striking than the net Raytheon gained 3%, Zenith current levels. On the other hand, 264-0181 • NEW YORK (AP) - After tw change on a day-to-day basis. 1%, Eastern Air Lines . 31/,, you are a very young man and days of battering, the stock mai For Nimble Traders Pennsylvania Railroad 2>/i and By Roger E. Spear I don't believe you will see much jet yesterday got back on Jones & Laughlin 1%. Spear forward action in Telephone for feet,' Waging a technical rail It was a great day for the nim- ble trader. Gulf and Western proposed a 3- Q) "Each year 4, American Smelt- Louis Kravatz (Zemsfcy), Ivan C. •tde. • • . First National Bank of Spring Lake 1.50 ing 1>4 and Chrysler 1%. Lyons, Irene Meyer (Dunsmoor), Analysts were, agreed in cal First National Bank of Toms River .72 Ruth Pehnington, Doris Rugg First State Ocean County Ing the rally "technical." The Yesterday's closing stocks: (Deohard), Fred Sanderson, Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 background of the declining ACP Ind I-T-B Ckt Brk 87 Adama Kx Johna Man Mary Stone (Melton), Lily Taylor Monmouth County National* (xx) .18 S . market-HClimbing interest rates, Air Prod Jonea * L and Robert West.' N. J. National Bank (xx) .60 • Worries over Viet Nam, concer Air Reduc Joy Mfg AllCf Cp Kaiser Al as The next committee meeting Ocean County National $10. over a possibU increase In tax- AUet Lud 4514 Peoples National, Keyport Kennecott «2»4 is scheduled for April 18 at the 3.00 Alter Pw 24% Koppen People* National Bank of Lakewood es or the imposition of controls Allied Ch Kreafe SB 129H home of Neal Haviland. Allll Clial *"'a 61-i Sea Bright National on business if the hostilities in Kroger 69 1.25 Alcoa Leh Port C Trust Co. of Ocean County " I J2V. 52 " Asia continue or widen — nonu Am Alrlln 60* Leh Val Ind of this seemed to have changed Am.Brk Sh •7% LOF Glail >H INDUSTRIAL Am Can B5V bit Am cyan Llh McN*L 1 Atkon Industries * - Am Ufdy «7!f Lilt * My n% Democrats Brockway* The level of stock prices, how- Am Mot Llttona Ind »o Am Smelt • Lukeni 8(1 4»"i Laird 3 SIZES. CHOICE OF SILVER OR GOLD TONES ever, had plunged to a buying Am Sid Mack Trjc .48% Monmouth Capital' ... (: area once again, with the re- Am Tel Til Hafnavoi 105>i Pick Aides Am Tob : Maralh Oil 5414 Monmouth Electric A whole trctaiur* of banglet . . . brilliantly cut facets in many •ult that many of the worst los- Amp Ine Martin M 20«i MARLBORO — The Demoorat- Monmouth Park* • Maaonlta . 42>, widths, styles. Baautifuiiy twisted engraved", floral patterned, all er* among glamour issues SIH Merck , 1c Club met Feb. 23 and presi- N. J. Natural Gas' Caih climbed back several points and •4 MOM dent Michael Ryniewicz made the Rowan designed and crafted in the manner ,of Monet. Mix them, match xmour Middle I Ut 24% •CO % wide range of blue chips posted Aimit ck ffi* Minn MtM following appointments: Mrs. Jo- Spiral Metal them, wear them by the armfull gains of fractions to. 1 or 2 Aihl Oil 52' Mo Pac A 87'/, seph Lanzaro, Sr., hospitality U.S. Homes points. In many cases, the Atchlfon 2»\ Mont Ward 32 U Walter Reada • Sterling Atl Refln 71 Nat Blic 8014 chairman; Mrs. Herman Hart- STEINBACH'S JEWELRY, Str.tt Floor, ilia Aibury Pirfc, Brick Town spread between the.high and low Avco Corp N Caah Ret SO man, program chairman; George Wimlow.Tel. BaBcock W S7«S Nat Dairy 1\> (s) Dividend (xx) Plus Stock prices ffpr the' day was much Bait * Oh Nat Distill 32T-, Hertling, Walter Dunn, ways and Bank Cli Nat Gypi Bell * How Nat Steel means; Mrs. Joseph Lanzaro, Jr., Bendlx NY Central publicity, and Lindsay Lamoine Beth Steel Nla M Pw Boelil 158H No Am Av Jr., building chairman. Borden 40 Nor Pac 6014 Bori Warn 46% Nwat Alrlln 174 The,club will hold a card party Bruniwk Vl'k Norwich Ph S5 and Chinese auction March 12 Bucy Erla 731,4 Outb Mar 2114 Balova. JO* Owena 111 87 «4 at 8 p.m. in the Morganville fire url Ind Pan Am .62% house, Tennent Rd. Recently Beautiful Dreamers by Fern at Caie, JI Param Plct 73 \ Cater Trac Penney JC t>1V. elected are Mr. Ryniewicz, pres- ttaneae 77* Pa Pw * Lt 34 >; Che« * Oh Pa RR" ident; Ray Garner, first vice Chryaler Pepil .Co president; Mrs. Eugene Lanzaro, Cltlea Bvo v& Pcrkln Sim second vice president; Mrs. Herr KTfcA INTRBT BAYS Coca Cola Pflner Coll Pal «H Phil El man Hartman, recording secre- ; O« Tew rM.Mercktiitt Colum Gaa 77H Phlll Pet 53'* CODII Solv Pit Steel 14« tary; Mrs. James Denton, oor- Con Cdla Ml, Pub 8v E*<3 *PASSfOdlC MVtHtt ACCOUNT Con Can 2SH jespondtng secretary; Irving Per- 45H Pullman B4H ftSapo«fe.S*itt°«a or tttan Kwok M Corn Pd 47H RCA 63 ry, treasurer; Walter Dunn, ser- Coming G 26J Readmit Co 30H geant-at-arms; Mrs. Martin Rayn Met 54"4 « MM Rey Tob •«v» Michael Ryniewicz, historian, and Del * Hud Rob Control! ,37'._ trustees George Hertling, three ;, .,,-..,/.• -. ent. Sup 33 M St Joa Lead 47«, >ouf Aire 102 v, St Reg Pap 40 years, Oharlej Smith, two years, >ow Chem 71 Seara Roeb Mi Hert>ert Lowen, one year. 5r«i« Ind Shell Oil S8H u Pont ' 320>i Sinclair 56 «i NOW YOUR SAVINGS luq I.t 31H Smith AO 3811 !ait Kod 114 >t Socony 85 Ind John Sou Pac 43 EARN MORE! rie Lack 12 Sperry R4 20 Plan Pay Rises rireitone 41 Std Brand 70 MC Cp atd Oil Cal 73 'ord Mot 52V4 gt Oil NJ 76 In Oceanport Compounded [en Accept Btudebaker 39i len Cigar 31H Texaco 75-Ji OOEANPORT— Borough Coun- Owrtertjr en Dynam Tex O Sul 12.1 «i ien Blec 108 <4 Textron 43 H cil last night introduced an en Vdi t 44% ten. Motors 7JS' Tldewat Oil 37«4 amendment to the local salary OH PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS len Pub Ut Traniamer 85'.4 code. Un Carbide 4314 Tel * II Un Pac 7214 The ordinance would, hike en Tire t Un Tank C 82% a Pao Cp wages of borough employees ] to Interait 33% Unit Alro 8 V. 1 • lllette 33 United Cp 39 5 per cent. • • • . . Paid By lien Aid 1214 US Llnei 50 Cheek ioodrlch 88', US Plywd 33'i The measure will be aired at Etery oodyear US Rub 40'(i 70»1 i the April 7 borough meeting. - I Man. Irace Co 53'i I US Smelt 49 i 1 Aftp 32>i I US Steel 22 «i reyhound — Vasco Metall 10'4 i! lull Oil SI Walworth IS 14 W.TIfrUVBKCERTIFIUTB :unm Pap G2 Warn B Pic 19V« •..'.» lerc Pdr W«ls Mkta ,10»i BOYS! GIRLS!, I Cent Ind 80 '4 Wn Un Tel II Rand 49T4 Wentl El it-Bu« Mch-50314 White Mot •8* it Harv 48% Woolwth 2> it Nick ' 93% Xerox 22711 Paper 3m Ynut Sh A T 393, Tel * Tel T0»i FREE WHISTLE AS SEEN ON PU* e'lM Bank • Mto«. American m '• mrtk, Aibtur Pirlt • Mr Rtna • HoJmdel • Brlella • Com dn Marc 714 Molybden Ql P 37<4 Ocden Cp ,' lUek f A^en — JWotuna Cllr laulty Cp 4U_ , Phoenix Stl !'ar|r> Otis 3% 1 Pren Hall Marabti '.fM*ril R*Mrr«/f»iJ«ral en Plywd ""M• i Rollins lnc • D«D«all innrtnM Can. 49H Sperry R Wl P on Technlcoi. n Ark Oil 514


WAKE UP YOUR HghHy prleml at 4.00 each Sounds like a Dolphin Just like on ths Waking or ilaaping, you'll enfoy the airy-lighf love* TV "FLIPPER" Shaw REBUILD YOUR LAWN lineit of these feminine dreamers by Fern. Softest YOU GET • Power Airdtlsn ONLY dacron^-eotton washes at the drop of a soap flake, • NirlllidHdn 3S-5-10 pins * Magic Dolphin Whistle J8% U. P. 50 dripi dry ready to wear. Choose the shift gown, • Stml (1 Ib. par * Coder-Decoder 1,000 n. ft. *39 baby-doll or sleepeoat that doublet as a robe — (All lobar ond all * Signal Flasher •Money •n•bPfi l BUHrloli tor Up foil H 4Mt M- fl.) * Secret Message Chamber each Is lavished with embroidered ruffles, priced * Complete Instructions •Labor only 4.001 White, pink, blue, maize. Small, medium, YEAR ROUND PROGRAM Don't mitt a minute of the SPKINO SUMMglt fun! All your friends will large sizes. • PtWtr *irotlo« • NrlliinNMi be making the TV DOL- • F«miiioiiMi (u o Aibury Park, trick Town LATilPKINO MU. Get In On The Fun! Come • WtM Cantral • Pawn- Aeration Service PM«Mt«wie.,a • Fjiillliollon (»•)•!• in ... Today . . . for • Uthl *«ll- minimum DIM II* U "I • Hmtr AtrarlM (rlc* • SMti (I Ik. par your P-F Flyers and P-F t( Magic Whistle . .. While pbt M% U. P.) • Rail ** They Last! Ib «•! SNEAKER LAWHIMVICE SHOPS * In**! St., R*4 lank 747-2183 lit •rem Aw., Irltlle SHOP Red Bank, Asbury Park W.dnaday and Friday Nights 'til 9 t, T •*•• The Register's Opinion ^CallUp Albaaia And See If Y and would like to pass out a few bouquets of red roses. ' ' heavy fall of soft, wet snow. It was his first framed by those who have tagged him a Everyone, from the doctors,, registered nurses, practical BoVs for Bosch: LBFs Neutral snow, and it seemed to puzzle and bemuse Communist. nurses, the wonderful ladies who fix the trays in the kitchen, him. Then he went on into the hall where After reading Bosch's own book, "The WASHINGTON-Senator Robert Kennedy, to the school girls who volunteer their services to bring the matic and military authorities to take no he made the first public Unfinished Experiment: Democracy In the D-NY, is getting set to give vent to what trays to your room, mad* my stay at Riverview one of the part in the contest other than to ensure a speech he has permitted Dominican Republic," I wouldn't know what may turn out to be more foreign policy most memorable occasions of my life. They couldn't have been free and democratic ballot. himself since he was hus- he is. The book is filled with windy cate- differences with the Johnson administration. more considerate arid, thoughtful. Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Maine, tled against his will by 4,* gorizing about "the masses." Bosch loves Latin America and Africa are to be the To the Riverview staff, I sayr Please accept my most a ranging Republican member of the Armed 000 American soldiers out the "masses'* because they don't have' ''com^ new targets. heartfelt thank you, and may God give you good health and Services Committee, has confirmed that this of the Dominican Republic pi exes." But! the' "masses," as a concept, Major speeches on the strength so you may continue in your chosen fields. policy is in effect. last summer. are Marxian, Nobody talks about "masses," two crisis-troubled conti- Mrs. Chester Raab Unlike the snow, the unless they propose to use them. Close up, nents are in process of be- Following a recent first-hand study of the situation in the Dominican there a're no "masses," there are only ing assembled by Kennedy Dominican situation, Mrs. Smith reported to JRepubllc . did not puzzle individuals. and a number of advisers- the committee, "U.S. policy is merely to By Interlandi Brigadier General Ellas What makes It unlikely that the Domini- Cynic's Corner some of them not members hold on until the election takes place. The Wessin y Wessin In the can problem will be solved in a democratic of his official staff. Such U.S, does not have a candidate. We are not CHAMBERLAIN least. Speaking In Spanish, • way is that the country.doesn't,know how to outside assistance was im- supporting • or opposing anyone!" the general said that only a catastrophe make use of good men like.General Wessin portantly influential in the * * * could result from holding elections in the y Wessin. A man of Lebanese derivation, preparation of his contro- THE GREEN LIGHT-Senator Kennedy's Dominican Republic this June. His country, Wessin was; never tarred with the brush of tUPN versial Viet Nam address. aides claim he has discussed his contem- UJ M he said, had been too convulsed by hatred, "TrujlJloism." He got, his military training * * Staff aides of Kennedy plated Latin American and African speeches Intrlque, and division to abide by fair elec- at a Peruvian general staff school, At one are indicating his Latin American and Afri- with high-placed State Department officials- tion rules. The various political parties, point in his1 younger life Wessin used_ his can pronouncements will be as politically foremost among them Ambassador Averell Marxist for the most part, have their pri- position as captain in the air force to prevent explosive as his advocating that the Viet Harriman. [WO 10ITERIM&] (WS vate armies. The guns distributed in last, the coming of a military dictatorship. The Cong be given a "share of power and respon- As related by Kennedy's aides, the State year's uprising have not been turned In. Yale students pressed him on things like sibility" in the Safgon government. Department authorities he consulted encour- The labor unions are Communist-infiltrated; the Peace Corps. He probably surprised them It is also intimated aged him to voice his views. While not fully the money from the U.S. Treasury to support by praising young volunteers who go abroad 1 that to dramatize his Afri- agreeing with him, they saw no reason why life in the Dominican Republic has been with a mandate to teach. V • •_, can views, Kennedy may i he shouldn't speak out. passing through Communist hands. It would expound them in one of the;' In squeezing out men of character like be at least three years, so the general said, speeches he is slated to A leading theme In the Latin American General Wepsin the U.S. may,think'it is be/ore elections could properly, be held. make at the Universities of speech under preparation is understood to clearing the;way for the emergence"lii the call'for the U'.S. to support only "progressive Wessin y Wessin, who Is a four-square Alabama and Mississippi. Dominican' Republic of "middle .way" lead- leaders." Kennedy also will advocate mas- character with a level gaze, a well-disci- He has been invited to ad- ers who will be acceptable* to everybody. sive economic aid for the ^progressive" re- plined sense of humor, and a contempt for dress student groups at But when (he strong and the honest go, who ; gimes in Chile and Peru, and urge helping beating about the bush, seemed to have some both Institutions later this can keep demagogues from sowing the wind? them to work out arrangements to take over hope that the Organization of American States Wessln's Yale analysis of the situation in month. •:••-, large U.S, business Interests. and the U.S. would not permit the "30,000 According to Senate col- Dominica would lead one to believe that the arms-bearing Dominican Communists" (his ' SCOTT leagues, Kennedy is con- drift to the Marxist Left will be registered stated figure) to takeover as a result of a sidering making a statement designed to In the coming election because no strong THEMLY premature election. But history seems to be promote the candidacy of Juan Bosch, one- characters are there to stand against it. V J REGISTER against the doughty general. The United Even more foreboding, than Wessln'i analysis ) time Dominican president who Is again seek- States Is so bound up with Viet Nairn, which ing that office In the- June election. 8- FRIOAY, MARCH 4, 1966 were the remarks of a Cuban friend, Gustavo Is haW the world away, that It Is in no posi- Marin, who was traveling with the general. , * * • '••• «M1 Brad St.. H«d Bub. M. 4. tion to think straight about the Caribbean. The Cuban predicted'trouble in Haiti, where, 871 Bt. 35, Ml/ldlefcmn. N. 1. REPORTEDLY, Bosch would , be ac- M But Main 81.. Freehold, N. J. Juan Bosch, who had Ms chance as president he said, the shaky dictator, "Papa Doc" claimed as "one of the progressive leaders iTi Btoidwity, Imt Branch, N. i. of the Dominican Republic and flubbed'\it Duvalier, has a cabinet which contains two of Latin America." Eitub. IS7S tpr Jotn H. Cock »na Itunry Cl«y through what Peter Nehemkis, a first-rate Communists. The .Johnson administration is keeping FnUlttod by Th» lUd Bunk BwtlttCT Incorporate! observer, has called a "delusion of intel- While we are preoccupied with Viet Nam, think a free country iWet hiadi-off the bnninlcan election. The ' M. WkBOUt SJ5U.T. robllrter IMS flwWM Mitmier lectual omnipotence," Is again riding high. the whole eastern froup of the Antilles may , President his aenonally directed U.S. dlplo- Artnar Z. Mrtiln. editor ' , He is the favorite of many In our- — he sliding; tmritfd CMtttiam. •. - • •' would hov» Saritony n6«no's!" tint* paper, tad .feomemadt v at jix ,dfj*n.. tor » THE DAILY EEGISTER JFii&r, M*wb 4, 19«—7 OAltT XKOSSWORD flour j»*te. quarter. . . U.SNM Helea Wills The doctor, busy if he was, ever tasting champagne or eat- CORRECTION '' tpranunpl* 30. Ones- Looking Back, A always had Mm*, for a can of S.XM-UDtd comb. The sports world was startled ing a raw oyster. I LONG BRANCH - Tb« cap- cuckoo form coffee in the kitchen when-mak- tkm accompanying a photograph In 1923 when Helen Wills, 17, ing a home call. Many of the nation's best foot- •.Stafly 4. Affirmative 32. Other- known' as "Little Miss Poker of the Long Branch Sportsman'* 10.V«Ueyi ball players went to Harvard or (LBxaggerate wis» Face," won the national singles The Dude Yale. Club dinner in Tuesday's Regis- 13,Obnfedeivt« •.Venture 23. Stem ter incorrectly stated that Vin- president 7. Ouldonlan Tonic to the Spirit tennis title and Bobby Jones, 21, A dude was a fellow who 24. Type There were only two wonder cent DeNinno was president. He 18. One of the note took the National Open golf owned more than two pairs of Of : drugs — aspirin and castor oil. is a past president. The club's Muses S.Delayg hat By HAL BOYLE over whether Mary Pickfofd or championship. The U.S. motto spats — and had at least one 14. Chemical 9. Hades: became: "Youth must be pair of bright yellow shoes. Those were the good old days! president is Russell Frease . of NEW YORK (AP) — Tired of Mary Miles Minter had the .pret- 1 : Remember? 392 Hampton Ave., Long Branch. •ufflx OldEng 2S.Weap YtfrUft A»nr« tier curls. served/ ' " Nobody thought the American IE. Neighbor 11. Moat 3LSmliil 38.Deo«rt coping with the present? flag would ever have more than ofWaih. painful '"'vt 39. Mountain Some of the best restaurants There were more people play- Well, forget it for a few mo- ing checkers than gin rummy. 48 stafs in it. 16. Land 15. Dollar bin 82. Bajflahment paai - were on wheels. Everybody ments. Let's take a short men- But to be really, in the social On a cold winter morning the meuure 18.B«cnd S3.Lalni 40. Finnish tal buggy ride into the past. The lT.Taxei bull Sfi.Nemeata Beapprt looked forward to a railroad trill swim you had to own a set of only way to get warm was to trip will do you good, and you'll SO. State of so they could eat at least one mah-jongg. dress over a furnace grating In being: 1 1 » come back refreshed. the floor. •ufflx % meal in the dining car. Only after harvest season did % It's always a tonic to the spir- a rural minister usually find No parent was thought of as a 21. Feigns 10 it to look back and remember •In most Mgh schools you 23. Step anything larger than a quarter child'slaver If he let his husky s % when— '•-.• couldn't graduate unless , you 14-year-old son sack potatoes at 36. Inclined, \t IS had taken at least two years of in the Sunday collection basket. MtKhlp % Only a rich kid in kindergart- Everybody in the neighbor a grocery,store on Saturdays. 14 Latin. Can you ever forget dear en could afford a box with more In a" working class area a sa- CHAMIwllh T 27. Divides into old "amo," "amas," "amat"? hood knew father had received & than eight colored crayons. NwWn'Y'" RmMnf CHnrjt 29. Clear If you didn't have a nickel to promotion when mother loon sold more beer by the pail N E^VBER R Y'S AcMdnfc y«i Mvt Him ami *Hort 17 Mi Hr DOWNTOWN RID IAHK ... It malm tUwpMt H toy, SO. Saluted if' The Boston bull was one of buy a store- kite, you could al- bought a new set of wicker fur- than by the glass. u fal and yov hav* wtwl yw 84. Adjectival America's most popular dogs. ways make one in the kitchen niture. It was commonplace for most open every nira til »:3O wni WMH you m* a. suffix You coiitd start an' argument with a few pieces of wood, some You could get two packs of people to go through life without 88. Purchase u 24 25 88. Cutting Open 9:30 to 9:30, Sat. to 6 tool V w 87. Resin % % 89. Cottage 19 4LGlrl'a w » vrsr nickname M » 56 41 Greek coins % 43. Poetic 57 contraction % 44. Learning 41 4i DOWK 45 so low... l.TUt we cjan't mention its famous name Rutgers to Honor 3 of Its Presidents There's Nothing More Iinp^o^ Good Night's Rest NEW BRUNSWICK - It may dean of men at the University of •eem a most unlikely time to Pittsburgh before , coming > to break with tradition, but 200- Rutgers as president. the kind that you want and need .. .is year-old Rutgers University wil During World War II he was not make its customary awan a consultant to the secretary of yours on our very special super-comfort, to an alumnus at the annual AH' war. Under his guidance Rut- Alumni Dinner here March 26, gers became a pilot college in a super-firm mattress made by 120-year old in University Commons. program to train 3,000 soldiers as Rather, the State Universit; engineers or language and area Stearns & Foster ... a truly luxurious will honor three men who are specialists. graduates, respectively, of Cam- quilt-top damask tick mattress bridge, Reed College and Prince- He presided over the New Jer- ton. sey Constitutional Convention of 1947, held at Rutgers, which The honored guests will be Dr drew up a new state (Charter. Mason - W. Gross, president ol Twin or Full size Rutgers since 1959; Dr. Lewi: Dr. Jones, an economist and a Webster Jones, who was presi' graduate of Reed College, re- dent from 1951 to 1958, and Dr, ceived his doctorate at the Brook- Robert C. Clothier, president ing Graduate School of Econom- from }932 to 1951. Among them ics and Government. He was 50 they have led Rutgers through 3' an economist for the Committee years of growing pains, a timi on Costs of Medical Care and (luring which enrollment ha: the Foreign Policy Association grown from 3,300 to 25,500 stu and was president of Bennington Nationally Advertised ai $89S0 dents. College. He came to Rutgers Dr. Clothier, a Princeton grad- from the University of Arkansas, Matching ^ uate, began his career as a news- where be was president from permari, worked on magazines 1947 to 1951. 80-cofl Borapring, $59.5<> and as an industrial consultant Dr. Jones left Rutgers to be- before entering the educational come president of the National field as assistant headmaster of Conference of Christians and Here's an extraordinary mat* Haverford School in 1923. He was Jews. He is now chairman of tress value ... one of the the board and chief executive of- finest made at any price ... ficer of the Joint Council on Economic Education. reduced only because of the Dr. Gross, president since manufacturer's decision to 1959, holds degrees from Cam- change the color of the tick. bridge and Harvard. A professor 308 offset coils assure com-* of philosophy who has served plete comfort with support TSorden's on the faculties of Harvard, r for every bit of body motion. Columbia and Rutgers, he was university provost before being 15% Black Horse Mane Hair named president. and quilted white felt pad- FAMOUS Dr. Gross has guided the con- tinuing development of the ding ... found only in the Science Center and major build- Your Purchase Price returned if finest bedding. Beautiful NAMES ing projects in Camden, Newark foam-quilted champagne-tone and New Brunswick and has in 30 days any bedding i$ not ticking. All of Stearns & expanded programs of research and graduate studies. The presi- to your complete satisfaction. Foster's exclusive features 9 dency of Dr. Gross also has ... Seat Edge construction seen the State University enter ... Insulo® Seat Cushion. the field of medical education and acquire 540 acres of what was formerly Camp Kilmer. Charles H. Brower, a 1925 graduate of Rutgers and chair- Oiir 100% Foam Rubber Sets by U. S. RUBBER means Yes, they make quits a man of the university's board of pair. Yet, they stand for governors, will be master of cere- quality. Yas — Pay lest monies at the dinner, and Frank for Brand Names with P. Travisano, president of the the kind of comfort that comes from being floated ' "BIS W" Alumni Federation, whioh spon- Diicount Prices! sors the dinner, will give the welcome. on a sea of soft, bouncy rubber and cool air

reg. $99.50 7Q50 f -^'twin; set; WHEN YOU NEED IT! f reg. $119.50 i50 THROUGH 99full let Our "Regalaire" , , . the firm foam mattress that of- fers a lifetime of sleeping Mainstay Federal Savings luxury. The exclusive double* coring design gives it thou- sands of columns of air to and Loan Association make it perfectly responsive to the weight and shape of the individual sleeper. Self- SAVINGS ventilating . . . millions of tiny air cells actually breathe ACCOUNT with every movement. Spec- ially engineered 80-coil box- START YOURS TODAY! spring is included. Cham* pagne tone covering . . . quilted on one side for win-; nstay Federal Savings ter, smooth coolness on re- Budget your purchase if you verse side for summer • . . wish! Take up to 18 months to another special value due to and Loan Association . pay, on our Extended Payment a change in manufacturer*! I Plan, fully insured for your specifications that will not ef- 36 MONMOUTH ST. ^"protection. No down payment. fect wear or looks. ' RED BANK 741-0663 INSURED SAVINGS 1OU1I 35, EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIR 2-lOliWMei: Stpre$ Iht Springfield, ftacfcentaek, Potnptan Plaint, Ftanklin Laket, Ramuy • ••• : .• ._?. . . < •::.. l ty, March 4, 1966 Tffc DAILY REGISTER Heal Estate, Garden Review Holmdel. Th« property waa listed by Mrs. Margie Callan of the! Roland Piirion Agency, Uneroft, and aold by the Lawley Agency, Middletown. Red Bank Area MLS Mr. and Mrs. Francii E. Wright of Middletown hive! moved Into their new home at 7 Kamar Ct., which is the second Closes Nine Realty Sales home'in this development soldi RED BANK — Members of themoved to Red Bank. The prop- Crawford of the Applebrook by the Crowell Agency, Red Bank Area Multiple Listing erty was listed by William H. Agency, Middletown, who also Bank, for Karatr, Inc., builders,! who have listed their homes with Service reports nine transactions Hintelmann, Jr., of the William listed the property for sale. H. Hintelmann firm, Rumson. Also sold by Mr. Crawford was members of the Red Bank Area] Scotts closed this Week. the ranch home at 18 Holly Ct.,MLS. Mr. and Mrs. George Maier, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Storves in the Applebrook 3 section or Mr. and Mrs. George Kolznak formerly of West River Rd., have sold their home at 91 Heron Middletown to Mr. and Mrs. from Long Branch have Rumson, have taken up resi- Rd., Middletown, to Mr. and Willard Borden, formerly of chased the former home of the dence, with their four children, Mrs. Gregory Hillman, Jr., for-Hazlet. Mr. Borden U with the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hampton at in their new brick ranch home merly of Navesink River Rd., New York Telephone Company. 92 Lakeshore Dr. in Middletown. et 143 Avenue of Two Rivers, Locust. Mr. Storves is with E. I.The former owners, Mr. andMr. Kolznak Is with National which they purchased through du Pont de Nemourd & Co. and Mrs. Berton A. Purdy, have Lead. The Hamptons have Mrs. Margaret E. Randall of thehas been transferred to Toledo, moved to Redondo, Calif., where moved to Boca Raton, Fla. Ella Wiltshire Agency, Sea Ohio. Mr. Hillman is a student Mr. Purdy was transferred by Charles P. Buterbaugh, Jr., of Bright. The former owners, Mr. at Monmouth College. Negotia- the Mattel Co. The property was Navesink Associates, Middletown, tions were handled by Harden L. EARLY BIRDS • and Mrs. ; William N. Sullivan, listed through Walker and Walk- handled the sale. Mrs. Mild er's Holmdel office. Liming of Walker and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cath- Shrewsbury, listed the property.! cart from Wilmington, Del., Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Tomaino] have purchased a four-bedroom of Red Bank have purchased steps from ranch house at 34 Fish Hawk home at 44 Monroe Ave., Dr., in Oak Hill, Middletown, bury, formerly owned through Marion A. Morris of and Mrs. Charles Cox, SAVE'l Rolston Waterbury's office, Red moved to South Jersey. Mr. everything Bank, Mr, Cathcart is with K. Tomaino la employed by the Na- It's the best price we've had en TURF BUILDER, America's I. du Pont de Nemours & Cotiona. l Guard at the Red Bank favorite lawn fertilizer. So tow,i n fact, you'll probably want • Private swimming pool and play area right on th» Formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Armory. William D. Ryan of premises! Louis Adams, who moved to the McGowan Agency, Red Bank, several bags. The sale is authorked for a limited time only, • Complete shopping facilities on and adjacent to Washington, D. C, the property negotiated the sale. Mrs. J Dorothy Adams of the Dowstra so stock up this weekend. the property I - was taken over by Potere, Inc., and listed through Navesink As- Agency listed the property with 10,000 SQ. FT. 5,000 SO. FT. • Bus and train connections to Newark (40 min.) and sociates, Middletown. members of MLS. New York (55 min.) ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison, Mrs. Lydia I. Allen has pur- 95 Reg. VFihe schools within walking distance ! Jr., from Plainfield, have moved chased river front property at _ 8 4.95 into their home on Priscilla Dr., 70 De Normandie Ave., Fair 7 • Excellent highway connections including Parkway Lincroft, which was purchased and Route 35! Haven, listed with MLS by Jer- from Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. rold Meyer, builder. Mrs Caprioni, who have moved to Natalie Heermans of the Ellen Matawan. Mr. Ellison is with S. Hazelton Agency, Rumson, re- $ miles ahead of Bell Telephone Laboratories at | ported the Mle. , ••••••••••••ease SAVE 4 County Realtors Hear HALTS PLUS is our best setting combination lawn aid. It com- anything! bines HALTS, the leading crabgrass control, with TURF Luxurious apartments just steps away from schools, Expert on Advertising BUILDER, America's favorite lawn fertilizer. Prevents grub shopping, and commuting.' Each apartment features KELVINATOR refrigerator-freezer, oven and range, FREEHOLD — Realtors should by cutting your ads down to the and mole damage too. Permits immediate seeding. individually-controlled heat and air-conditioning to avoid the self-serving approach bone to »ave a few pennies or go suit your mood. Color-matched ceramic tile bath- in their advertising and begin to the other extreme of putting 5,000 SO. FT. 2,500 SO. FT. roam fixtures. Built-in clothes hamper. Master TV to speak to potential customers up your ads with meaningless trite words and phrases, and if antenna system. Built-in sound barrier insulation. in terms of customers' own $1*95 Reg. 795 Sea HAMILTONIAN AT SHREWSBURY today 11 i needs, dreams and wants, Jo- your sales people make a poor seph Goldblatt, assistant vice impression on the prospect in re- Reg* 14 9.95 / president and director of adver- sponding to inquiries." Using and public relations for the Mr. Goldblatt also advised the 4&5 J. I. Kislak Organization of New- broken against putting all their ark, told members of the Monad eggs in one basket and urged mouth County Board of Realtors them to explore the opportunities at the American Hotel last week. available in avenues other than from Speaking on the subject, "Are classified advertising. He also You Wasting Your Advertising warned against using such time- $ Dollars?" Mr. Goldblatt, who honored real estate ad cliches as SAVE*. has directed the advertising of "Won't Last," "Just Reduced," First-time-ever sale on WINDSOR, the most amazing new the Kislak firm for 30 years, re- "Must Be Seen to Be Appreci- 114 cited a long list of "do's" andated" or "Shown by Appointment grass in a generation. This Mend's high WINDSOR content 'dont's" in the preparation and Only." enables it to thrive in heat and drouth that turn other grasses INCLUDING: HEAT, HOT WATER, placing of real estate advertising "Speak to your potential cus- AIR CONDITIOl^jG^ copy. tomers," Mr. Goldblatt said, brown. Supply Is limited, so don't delay. VYou are wasting your' a adver< - 'about comfort, security, pres- »lng doUe'ra," 'tMsaid, "if you tige, convenience, warmth, *SS0%SO. FT. 1,000 SO. FT. permit an inexperienced clerk or ty, relaxation, status, $f» $995 salesman to write your ads; if ness, gracious living, a future for 95 g th you don't have an experienced their children, good neighbor*, 3.95 person check every ad for con-better schools and more, conve- « 7 tent, appearance and number of nient commuting." hamiltonian insertions; if you don't run pe- John H. Folk, president of the riodic check-ups on ad costs board, announced that the pei against inquiries and sales vol- from May 22 through May ume; if your inquiries are nohat d been designated as Rea • at Shrewsbury followed up quickly and effective- Week and urged partidptttoii OFF SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP, N. J. ly; if your ads are lost on a all members in its observance. page dominated and buried by (Paul Bova of Middletown,! 'Directions: N«wm«n Spring* Rd. to bhr*wsbury Avt.i l.ft to other better-appearing ads; if SAVE'2 tartar /if.', right 100 f».t, then left eh Crawford St. to model. vice president and progh your ads in content and appear- chairman, introduced Mr. Gol on America'* leading crabgras$ preventer Agent! BRITE REALTY, Inc, Broker — 264-0664 / 741-3636 ance are not competing success- Matt. . : . .. Model Apirtmeht. S42-0893 fully winh- other brokers; if you HALTS stops crabgrau before it starts. Prevents grab and are penny-wise and pound-foolish mole damage tod. Will not harm good grass—lets you seed Agent Tells the same day if you wish. GO - BRIGHT ACRE About Bloom 2.500 SO. FT. On Bushes SE95 OPEN SUNDAYS FREEHOLD — Every once In Reg. 7 a while some home owner com- plains about a lilac, or a dog- 5 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. wood, or a wisteria, that fails to bloom. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY This lt • little bit frustrating for people who like these plants because of (he flowers and are EVENINGS not interested In them Just as foliage plants. According to County Agent Mar- SAVE'5 vin A. Clark, some of these JOIN THE EARLY plants are naturally touchy about their blooming habits. A few Extra sturdy Scotts lawn spreader at an . common causes of failure to flow- extra big savings. Just buy it with any BIRDS... er art over-fertilization, too much Scotts shade from other plants, or the m Scotts product and we deduct Sffrorn your ' mere fact that the plant hu not 'sales ticket. Full 18-inch spreading width. AND SAVE ON yet reached a proper chemical when bought balance In It* makeup. New rust-resistan$ t finish. Where the possessor of 95 with any non-folooming bush Is pretty sore Reg. that none of these factor! if the Seotti product WE WILL SPREAD SCOTTS cause, he might take a chance 14 on some of the practices mat will TURF BUILDER AND possibly make the plant btoom. Mr. Clark says. The county BECKER HARDWARE THE VILLAGE GARDEN CENTER agent explains there are so many Shrewsbury Avt. * Catharine St. Rod Bank 24 Cherry Tree Farm Rd. New Monmouth LAWN CHEMICALS . . Ifa , ands, and buts In (he pro- cedure* that nobody can prom- DIAL 747-0465 DIAL 671-2022 PURCHASE MUST BE $40.00 OR MORE ise anything. Some people report, BRIGHT ACRE •Spread at double rate as recommended by Scotts however, that they have made J&M HARDWARE these plants bloom by root prun- Iroad St. ft Oiioon Anno Dr. Shrewsbury 47 Leonardvlllt Rd. Now Monmeuth ing in the early spring. Where T there is a possibility that the DIAL 747-5555 DIAL 671-1600 WOULD YOU ACCEPT A FREE BAG OF plant* have been overfed, just withhold any fertilizer for a cou- CERLIQNE'S GREENHOUSE LA WES COAL CO., INC. ple of years, he adds. Highway 35 ' Holmdel TURF BUILDER? Another and drastic method is Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury to girdle the stem of the plant DIAL 264-3430 DIAL 741-6300 Cluck the back of your Idlest lawn ear*. A number from 1 to 9 will appear. or the trunk of the tree by run- Bring this back page to us and we will cheek It against the first number In ning a knife Wade all around the UNCROFT HARDWARE plant in the early spring with- COMMUNITY STORES Scetrt "Patent". If they match, the Turf Builder Is yours. out removing any of the bark. BOO Prospect Ave. Little Silver 657 Newman Springs Rd. Lincroft This Is particularly effective, Mr. DIAL 741-7444 1 OUT OF 9 WILL WIN — NO PURCHASE NECESSARY Clark says, on flowering crab- DIAL 747-2133 apple trees. \ FAIR HAVEN HARDWARE RED BANK HARDWARE IN NEW HOME 752 River Rd. faff Haven NEW SHREWSBURY - Cot. 30 Monmouth St. Rod lank and Mrs. D.A. bunloy of Fort DIAL 741-5200 Monmouth have recantly pur- DIAL 747-2222 chased the home of. Lt. Col. GALE'S KEYPORT HDWE. and Mrs. Frank D. Secan, 31 HARRIS HARDWARE Woodland Manqr. Col. and Mrs. ** We* Front St. Koyport 30 Main St. Secan and sons James and Ste-| DIAL 264-2000 DIAL 566-1013 'A\|i SUNDAYS phen are moving to Tucson, HOLMDEL VILLAGE HARDWARE Ariz. 7474555 Holmdel VIDofle BROAD STH SHREWSBURY Sell Fasti Th* Dally 946-8228 I'caeealfied, Keep Cattle Land Planning THE DAH.Y fHAty, March 4, Improving residential land we appearance and HvaWtty U OffWoodlot in conanuniUes wJH nittaaitttte toiatnunitles can only be Builders, Officials aMeriag • established patterns' of achieved if new housing and sab- residential land development. division guidance is encouraged, Expert Says said Mr. Fablano. Improving the he added. FREEHOtD — Mend your To Meet Tuesday fences to keep Hvettock out of the farm woo

*9s Annual Spring Luncheon Beipefits County Family Service ^^ profes- Mist Mjcrtia Laitman, fashion Mrs. Wallace Barrett, Mrs. Al- tlMtJ fashion moOeti and the consultant of Bamberger's, was fred E. Beck, Jr., Mrs, C. L. d#ftc*O»t itaixli serving u th«; commentator. Simonson, Mrs. William Q. Meek- e«rterpiece» w«re th« only la- Guests were welcomed by er, and Mrs. Donald G. Hem- dle* who kept their hats off at bllng, all of Rumson, and Mrs. 1 Mn. William' J. Ryan, 2d, presl< yesterday ! "HaU Off touring" dent of the auxiliary. Mr*. Nor- William R. Thomas, Deal, and luncheon here in Shadowbrook. man Moody, Fair Haven, was Mrs. Howard R. Young and Mrs. Guests and members of the general chairman, assisted by Howard R. Dutcher, Fair Haven. Navarumsiink Auxiliary to Fam lly and Children's Service chose to keep theirs firmly anchored to. their well-collfed heads, which improbably at it should be at a dl luncheon. The event, which was attended by more than 350 women, was the auxiliary's ninth annual spring benefit for Family and ChlMren'i Service. Bamberger'a of Newark pre- sented fashions from Hong Kong, Switzerland and Italy and a rep- resentative selection from Amer- ican designer*. Bright, hot - ETIQUETTE DECREES that ladies wear hats to shades with easy body lines, of- ten of a new textured linen luncheons, so this trio calmly ignores the "Hats Off to crepe, appeared throughout. The ahow closed with a group of ' Spring? theme oj'.yesterday's event held in glittering-beaded evening gowns. Shadpwbrook,'Shrewsbury, by the Navarumsunk Auxiliary Local Clubs • ':••' to Fanidy and-Ckildren's Service. From left to right, Mrs. William J. Ryan, 2d, president; Mrs. IN MAUVE1 SILK, a In Theater Norman Moody, general chairman, and Mrs. three-piece evening ensemble Tournament . Howard'J. Dutcher, committee member. Spring and > from Bamberger's with slim ASBURV PARK — Five clubs in District Five of the N. J. '• 'summer fashions were shown by Bamberger's Newark. { skirt and rhinestone- State Federation of Women's Club Junior Membership De. i . buttoned jacket, worn by psrtment are competing tonight in the 36th annual Little Theater 3 v B'AT STANDS fashioned from wine bottles, right, ! Bernice Hollenbeck of Tournament. The program, West Orange. open to the public, will take i: ij served as table decorations and were sold, after the . place at -7:30 o'clock In the Women's Club of Asbury Park •••'. luncheon. Admiring the-colorful centerpieces are Mrs. RUMMAGE SALE clubhouse, Wlckapecko Dr. RED BANK •»• A rummage Tickets may be obtained at the Thomas W. Ward, left, vice president, and Mrs. H. sale, sponsored" by the Ladies door. Ernest Thompson, past president. All proceeds from, the Aujdliary of the' Mystic Crafts- Entered in the tournament men's Club, will be held March are the junior dubs of Asbury of fair.went to the Family and Children's Service. 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Park, Beimar, Dover Township, Masonic Temple, 512 Maple Ave. Freehold and Matawan. Certif- Donations of runimage are to be icates of award will be pre- brought to the basement of the sented for Best Play, But temple. Details are available by Actress, Best Director and an calling Mm. Blanche Heaviland, award for the club which has 200 Maple Ave. sold the most tickets for the tournament. 'Cultivate Your Curves. 'Advises Oleg Cassini Mrs. Robert L. Brass, Colts FROM SWITZERLAND, via Bamberger's Newark, a FREE BOOKLET REVEALS... Neck, state drama chairman, Women and men grow Increas- And as long as we're talking and personality to overcome the use. Heels on non-wedgles has coordinated the tourna- white silk short evening gown with high-rise waistline, ingly alike in the social, econom- about decolletage, there is really I neutralizing etfests .of •>'' their range from perfect spheres to ments throughout the State bateau neck and gently flared skirt. Professional model ic, emotional, and even physical nothing wrong with a lady us- ctotlSeji'ctot^s - j sayijjg, little cubes, when' thfcfe are sanse I«J pw.rojjntuny;,, roovea THE TRUTH v ing a., little outside assistance in * " " heels • at atl. So, as I said; don't wbichare taking place in Para- is Jo Ann Schenck of Trenton, photographed at . .1 clothes, are s to^dd mui, Hsddonfield, Woodbridge, atongi-^-And -while^ there- is much the form of somet subtle padding som'ethjng, riot gwrj^f irnoft be surprised at what passes for Leonia, Maplewood, and Rear- Navarumsunji Auxiliary luncheon in the Shadowbrook about it to be applauded, I con- and. coaxing. Surely it is a bit stacle to overcome* I believe shoes these days. And I won't 7 ^ fess that I weep for the vanish- artificial, but so what? What is that giving you clothes that ob- be surprised if you choose to ABOUTNERVE ny, through March 19. yesterday. ? Ing bosom. Sacrifice your home- Judges, who will judge under a little artifice in this artificial scure the glories of your figure, pass most of them by. ^—-"\ baked bread, sacrifice your de- world -of ours? And what is the that obscure the fact that you the rules of the American Coun- pendence and your domesticty, DEAFNESS! cil of Drama Judges, trill pick difference between a padded are a woman, does you a great ART-AMERICAN HOME DAY Weekly food Review but don't sacrifice that absolute push-up bra and false eyelashes disservice. It surely 'doesn't NEWARK-^Art and1 American the winning play in the state and, unmatched femininity pro- 1 which will be presented at the or a wiglet? There Is no mean- help. Home Day of the New Jersey duced by the exposed hint of a ingful difference except that one "Buy a tent dress if you must, State Federation of Women's Junior State Convention in At- bosom. lantic City May 14. Mrs. Wil- is more closely tied up with sex- wear chemises, if you can't re- Clubs will be observed Tuesday, liam Ayres, Summit, and Julius A Jolt for Budgets Of course there is a place for ual attraction, and that seems to sist, but once in a while please March 15 in the Newark Mu- threaten some people. your man and wear'a good and seum, 43-19 Washington St., be- Sulmonetti, Bound Brook, will sedate, covered-up clothes — un- By SALLY RYAN pounds, 2$ per' cent less than a sexy low neckline.. It may'Re- ginning at 1 p.m. The program Judge all the district competi- til at least five o'clock nearly And so, being primarily con- NEW YORK (AP)—The family year ago. every day. mind him that yoii'ye got ammu- will include highlights of New- tions. • y y. cerned with the attractiveness of .-.:•::«" But when the sun nition you haven't even used yet. ark's abOth anniversary. •••'•'<• food bill received another jolt Egg prices jumped 2 to 4 cents goes downd , so should your neck- women, I opt for bras that fill this week. a dozen in the New York area line if you're going anywhere but out a low neckline, for girdles Stewart Johnson, curator of Beef prices touched the high- this week- and 1 to 2 cents in into the kitchen. That is not so that encourage good curves. FASHION MIRROR decorative arts, will conduct a est mark in three years. The West Coast markets. much a fashion rule as an es- Now what can possibly be wrong One of the more offbeat tour of the newly constructed prices of butter and eggs rose, Prices of small hens rose 1 to thetic one: it is pleasing to a with that? styles' to emerge from the re- !.180O House" staged in, the mu- COIN' TO seum- as-a: •historically accurate •'MA' and it looks as If milk will fol- 3 cents a pound in California; man to see the curves of a wom- cent spring showings of Euro- low next month. an — or a tantalizing hint of pean designers was a hemline tribute to colonial workmen, and But a New York area super containing- displays of the mil What do doctors advise? The increases came as the market chain advertised weekend them now and then. unlike any other hemline you U. S. Department of Labor Re- I am told that many women are used to seeing and wear- seum's antiques in suitable set- What research is being done?. KANSAS specials.on.fryers, down 12 cents tings. ported January food prices were a pound to 33 to 37 cents, along are brought up to regard low ing. Normally, of course, What do scientists believe? I Miss Ann Coleman, assistant 4.S per cent higher than in Janu- with a veal sale. necklines as something nearly hems are perfectly straight, What causes nerve deafness? ary 1965. equivalent to the mark of a fall- horizontal to the . ground. curator, will give a gallery talk Turkeys are featured in many Is a hearing aid really effective? In the Midwest, consumer re- en woman. That is their loss, Sometimes, an enterprising de- on "American Costumes Since CITY areas. Supplies are big. 1800." The oldest of-this collec- sistance to price Increases of since It Is not what she shows so signer may fool around with a The answers to these quea- Lamb is beginning to move to much as what she does that hem that dips In the back or tion is a gown of Empire style tions and many more im- . . . 'eeuie there'* a lot some major food items — par- ticularly meat — has slowed de- market, and may foe on special types a woman. Decolletage slants to one side, but these made for Mrs. Julia Johnson portant fact* can ba found in' of pretty, gfrli there . * . mand and inspired special, sales next week. does no harm, unless you regard have seldom found favor' in Toler who lived In Locust Hill. the new booklet, "The Truth, In the tour of the exhibition of this weekend in ah attempt to Potato supplies are much above enticing a man as harmful. any substantial numbers. About Nerve Deafness/' or for any othar reason Costumes and portraits of New- lure shoppers back. last year, and prices are down Well, in this latest varia- Write: today fpjr yoiir free Supplies of rice, peanut and .pea- irkers, there Is included a por- copy. There is no obligation...... Phone ui . . . wa'ra Prices of choice grade steer tion, the hem Itself is perfect- trait of Mr. and Mrs, Marcus beef cuts, including rounds, nut butter also are higher. The Cfyurch Hall ly straight.' It's, just that at all mambart of ... Bureau Of Labor Statistics com- L. Ward whose home stood on chucks, trimmed loins and ribs, regular intervals the straight- the'slte of the museum. -.; ., rose on the West Coqst. piled what it called a typical ness is broken by an inverted Rd.,C«i>on«burg, RAO Mrs. Raymond Motter, director Lenten Rules Ease breakfast shopping list and aver- Calendar V — not very big; perhaps, two Panna. "T!Z North Jersey Shore aged the prices for last year. inches deep — whose purpose of education of the Newark Mu- Prime and Choice cattle, were NEIGHBORHOOD seum, will welcome the guests, Rush to ma a free copy of your revealing expected to remain In short sup- A one-pound can of coffee was is solely decorative.- Mori or new booklet. I understand there is no Travel Agents Assn 83.3 cents, a six-ounce can of ECUMENICITY less., ' ,J including federation officers: obligation. ply in' the weeks ahead. The eas- WAYSIDE—Mrs. Frank Mar Mrs. S. Heifcert Taylor. Cherry 741.5080 778*8100 ing of Lenten rules on eating frozen orange juice concentrate 23.7, one dozen eggs, S3, one chlon spoke on "Neighborhood Hill, president;-Mrs. .Joseph A, meat may create an additional FASHION TH» "irgo, Union, "American home 741-6500 775-0050 pound of bacon S1.3, one pound Ecumenicity" at a meeting of Don't be surprised at what demand for beef. With supplies the Women's Society of Christian cttairman and Mrs. William F. Address. 842 • 2227 iff-1300 already short, additional demand of white bread 21, one pound of passes for shoes these days, butter 75.5 and a 12-ounce box of Service of the Methodist Church-. Pratt, Nutley, art department may mean higher prices. for the current crop Is the chairman cornflakes 28.9. Mrs. Charles Applegate, presi- wildest in many a moon. It's Butter prices, up 2 cents a dent, announced a spiritual life pound last week on the West That adds up to $3.90.4 cents not so much that they're dif- for the 1965 breakfast bill, com1 study group will be held on three ferent from what you're used Coastt rose another 3 to 4 cents Monday'evenings, March 14, 21 FEATHERS MAKE ..DANCE.. this week. They are up 1 to 3 pared with $3.75.1 in 1956. to — they're that too — but THE Coffee was down 20.1 cents and and 28, at 7 p.m., with Robert FANCT FOOTWEAR that some are just plain pe- cents in Chicago and 4 cents'in McCarthy, church lay speaker, Enroll Now . the New York area. \ eggs 7.2 cents. Everything else culiar. Plastic is making a was higher, with bacon up 24 as leader. comeback in some social cir- U. S. production of butter last cents a pound. Dress designers who choose to cles (especially European week was about 23.3 million for And now eggs are higher too. RUMMAGE SALE ignore the distinctive curves of ones) and wedgies <— that's WALL TOWNSHIP - St. Mi- a woman are falling their custo- right, those same old wedgies Spring Term chael's Guild of the St. Michael's mer* In a serious way. For the — are being given all kinds of Science Festival Episcopal Church plans a rum- Ultimate purpose of fashion Is to rationalizations f o r current mage sale to be held March 31 eancenhancee a woman, to make her To Aid Library and April 1 at 10:30 a.m. more ffeminine , not lessl . YYet the TRADITION , couture world RA1R HAVEN - Sixth grade Rev. S.R. Knight announced trend in today's the speaker at the March meeting the body fe- pupils at Willow Street School Is to streamline b ... With spring juit around • See how have organized a Science Festi- will be Mlsg. Ethel B. Callahan, male, or to submerge it beneath val that will display their proj- PhD, a former professor of Math- vast quantities of fabric. Nei- the corner, a lovely way to you can lose ther alternative makes a wom- ects, offer : science equipment ematics' at the University of give your home a fresh up to 15 pounds for sale and benefit their school Bridgeport, Conn., and Harwich an as attractive as she might •Ballet «i Jap library. College, Oneonta, N.Y. be; from a male point of vieiv, spring look is with flowers. In just 30 days In co-operation with the Par- When I speak of attractive- We have a wide selection • Toe • Acrobatic ent-Teacher Association, the stu- House Hunting It's open sea- ness, I mean physical attractive- ;• Baton • Jazz It yea watt I* IM* Mlaht, MN dents have arranged for the pro- ion in the Dally Register Classi- ness, Surely many women have of flowers and floral ar- w. We'll skow yea low very ceeds from Mies of science ma- fied DOW. great warmth and enough charm rangements from which to ' CHILDREN to ADULTS •osy It *M kei Ne •bflftrtca. terials to b« used for; the pur- : chase of library books. Call teeVrf. SPECIAL TPTS.CLASSES The festival. In the school gym- Our lyitinv ln«ludai I firming nasium, will be open to jtudenti JU$T A HOLE . QUALITY LESSONS AT and toning of th» ITIIIICIM. from 1 to 4 Monday afternoon and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues- LOWEST PRICES day. Parents and guests will IN THE WALL "Why uarch All ovtr town Hone 7471832 have opportunity to view • it' at ; the PTA meeting Tuesday at 8, to tome 'of our old friandt who Ilka to (oka with, us, when Brown A«»6cl«t»i hat h Leah Mauer p.m. , but one thing all of our cuitomari agree,on ii that boui* ydu'r* looking for." SCHOOL OF DANCE With Mrs, Louis Bret} as ad- ' there It nothing 'small about the quality of, our eut- BROWN 4SSOCS. 37 EAST FRONT ST. viser, th» pupils have been oohr y torn illpcovenor draparlei and the service tha+floei •true, ting" proj»ct» - relating „ >to with them. Phone 747-4421, for Slio«HBf.Home Stf. '.;•'•- REAL ' RED BANK natural if l, 4W ir—: St., f Whit* Si.; Rfd lank , ••• • of course- 7470552 OCUfi- botany* I . Out of NJSIAA Play RED BANK - St. Joseph's, lead on baskets by junior John their deficit to seven points, 34- Maier and Tom Stine each had Metuchen, is the first winner of Baier, sophomore Tom McBride, 27. That was the closest RBC 12 for the winners. the NJSIAA state basketball and junior Hector Delgado. St. could get. A few minutes later, Koenig was R.B. Catholic's top tournament after defeating Red Joseph's started scoring at this St. Joseph's netted five points scorer with 11 points, while Del- Bank Catholic, 60-51, last night at point, but a pair of buckets by in a row for a 15-point lead, gado and McBride each had 10. Mike Koenig gave R.B. Catholic Red Bank High School in a first 43-28,. its biggest advantage of St. Joseph's was 13 for 17 from round game of South Jersey Pa- a 10-5 bulge midway through the game. the period. the foul line white R.B. Catholic rochial A competition. Red Bank Catholic rallied with was seven for 13. St. Joseph's will return to The Caseys appeared to cool seven consecutive points to cutSi, Joseph'* IK. B. Catholic Ml) tournament action Tuesday at off at this point as quickly as the winner's margin to eight, 43- • G PP V P FUl'erald 10 9 25 Deliado 0 10 Woodbridge High School when it they got hot. St. Joseph's stormed 35, but Mike Rapacb. converted Rapach 1 1 « MeBr!d» 010 meets Christian Brothers Acade- back to score the last nine points a foul shot to give St. Joseph's O'Connor ft o o O.'Nflll 0 3 Maler 6 O 12 Koenlc 5 1 11 my, Lincroft, at 8:30 p.m. The of the first period, and the first a 44-35 lead at the buzzer. That Kolako'ikl 0 0 0 O'thea. 3 3 9 Stlne 8 8 12 Baler, 5 3 8 first half of the doubleheader pits three of the second for a 12-point nine-point Falcon lead was thWelngare t 1 Qberto 113 Mater Dei, New Monmouth, string and a 17-10 advantage. The same when the final buzzer sound- 3 S 24 12 60 21 T 51 against St. Mary's, Perth Amboy, Falcons were never headed again. ed as each team scored 16 points St. Joiepiri ...14 10 10 1«-W at seven o'clock in a South Jersey The go-ahead basket was netted in the fourth quarter. R. B. CMholIc .- 10 13 12 1S-81 Official*—Wolfe, Tl.rnty. Parochial B contest. by 6-5 junior Frank Fitzgerald Fitzgerald led all scorers with The victory gave the Falcons thit made the score, 12-10. Mc-25 points, collecting 10 of his Gerald MaWe, St. John's (New from Metuchen a 12-9 record. Red Bride stopped the winner's scor team's 20 In the second period. York) University half mile run- Bank Catholic closed out its most ing spree on a jump shot with He had 10 field goals, ^mostly ner, is the only out-of-state man FINGERTIP CONTROL—Tom Stine (33) and Jae Wain- successful season, as far as.num- 1:30 gond in the session. from underneath, and five free on the Redmen's track team. He'a gart 141), "in dark uniform*, of S+. Joieph'., Meiuchen, ber of victories are concerned, in After both clubs tallied two throws. from Fort Lee, N.J.. hav*. fingertip* on ball in rebounding action la»t night the school's history, with a 15-9 points apiece, St. Joseph's went WHATJS IT?? — Unidentified St. Joseph's, Metuchen, mark. , T /•" on another scoring spree, this againit Red Bank Catholic in a NJSIAA South Jeney player'holdt basketball, but teems to wonder why. R. B. Having played on this court time getting' seven straight, to Parochial A basketball game at Red Bank High School. Catholic's Hector Dslgado 124) also looks on in wonder- once during the regular season, extend its bulge to 12 points. Gene Oberto (521 of R. B. Catholic goes up for re- R.B. Catholic started out last ment. Mike Koenig (32), right, of RBC is an observer. R.B. Catholic started the second bound in the middle while Hector Delgado (24), fort- night as if it had played every half just as did in.the opening St. Joseph's ousted Red Bank Catholic from further com- game on the Buc's court. minutes of the game. The Caseys ground, and John O'Neill (10) in background, watch the petition in NJSIAA. South Jersey Parochial A competi- The Caseys hit on the first tallied the first four points of action. The Casey* were ousted from further tourney five shots they took from the tion Jiy virtue of a 60-51 victory. the third period on baskets by floor. They jumped out to a 6-0 Koenig and Delgado to narrow 14- FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1968 action, 60-51. . Paul Moran, Warriors Maloney, Frank Robinson Still Housen Pace Golf Defeated NEPTUNE — Amateur Bob inches from the pin on the 146- Housen of..Lakewood, scored his yard 16th hole. By 79ers Holding Out; Versalles Signs 10th straight tournament victory Dale Meyers of Colonial Ter- 'PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Wilt tiling except working out each the smallest park in the league the Reds first offered him t one in.tbe. Jersey Shore Winter Golf race won the amateur net with Chamberlain calls San Francis- By MURRAY CHASS contract, an $18,000 increase from day at the VMCA, running and with couple of no-hitters. per cent raise, then proposed a League yesterday by shooting a an 84-17-67. co's Nate Thurmond the best Jim Maloney is worth more 1965. . playing catch. It takes spring They/re getting a bargain at $40,000 salary. 3|W7-r72;at the Asbury Park Golf Individual Fro defensive center in the world. than the cars he sells, but the "I've asked to be sold or trad- Paul Moran, East Orange .SS-SS—70 training to get into pitching what I want. That puts Maloney and the' and Couptry Club. However, Thurmond last night Cincinnati Reds aren't about to ed if they don't think I'm worth Waller Gariliwnltp, Falrmounl 41-33—74 shape, so it looks like they are "The club says I'm out ofReds further apart than Robin* The only ;time Housen did noBut d Edward!, WlnnepeK, was out with a back injury trade him in. as much as I'm asking," the ace Canada ...40*15—71! the losers. bounds with my demands. son is with his new owners, ttaa, win was in the first tourney of and Chamberlain poured in Frank Robinson, meanwhile, is right-hander said in Fresno, Rqy Faber, Colonla 38-37—T."> Calif., where he sells used cars. "I only want what I'm worth. There is no way I'm asking too Baltimore Orioles. the season when he shot an Doug Sanderson, Rumaon 37-(o—77 62 points as Philadelphia's 76ers having difficulty adjusting to the John Bellu&rdo, Pines _....3M8—77 trade the Reds did make. "They don't seem to be doing I've won 20 or more in two of much." The 30-year-old outfielder to finish-five strokes out of-the Ed Pamula, Warrenbrook 30-39—78 beat the Warriors 135-125 in the BUI Moran, Shackamaxon 4ft-3»—7fl anything. I'm not doing any- the past three years pitching in The 25-year-old Maloney said earned about $60,000 last season prfte category. • night's only National Basketball Maloney, a holdout following Dan Goldlnr, Twin Brook 41-38—70 a season in which he pitched two and reportedly wants $65,000 this • Pro Paul' .Moran of East Joe Lanzetta, Jr., Colonial Association game. Terrace ...40-3S—79 no-hitters, said yesterday he'll year. However, he's concerned Orange, won his second straight, Harold Cahoon, NavesInK 40-39—79 The Warriors threw 6-foot-8 stay home until he gets a $50,000 about something beside.* money. and fourth over-all, individual Amatrur Grois Bob Housen, Lakewood ...*~ 35-3T—72 rookie forward Fred Hetzel Buckpasser Just Makes It "I wouldn't say I'm looking event with a 35-35—70. This was John Zaccaro, Galloping Hill ..39-35—74 against Chamberlain and the forward to playing in the Amer- his second win at Asbury Park. Frank Cortajio, Orchard Him 3B-37-r76 Rick Taylor, Galloping Hill ,.:.37-3»-78 strategy seemed to be paying off MIAMI (AP) - Buckpasser, ert Lehman entry .of Rehabilitate, Atta Boy finished second,.pay- ican League/' Robinson said, "I He also has won twice at Jump- Tay Alarelll, Bdgemonl, Pa. 38-10—78 for three quarters, as the War- Hudson Faculty Reg Miller, Jump Brook _.39-39—78 apparently a beaten horse one- and Turn for Home, Stupendous, ing $4.40 and $3. Summer Bee haven't gotten used to it — the ing Brook. Paul Mcdowan, 'lalnfleld riors pulled ahead by as much as sixteenth of a mile from the fin- returned $3.60. trade yet. West ...40-38—78: a stablemate ofBuckpasser, A record field of 30 pros and nine points. The Warriors led Dumps Rumson ish, rallied in the final strides Handsome Boy and Gunflint. Pimllco "I'm going to miss Vada Pin- near record number of 72 ama- Anutenr Nrl 65-60 at the half. Dale Meyers, Colonial Ter. _.84-17—fj RUMSON - Undefeated Henry yesterday and edged Abe's Hope Florida Downi Peterj Fischer's Waterloo Bridge son, who was my roomie for so teurs -.competed yesterday. But Chamberlain kept turning n the betless Flamingo Stakes came from well off the pace in long and all the other guys as Hudson Regional (9-0) turned Roman Navy won the feature in on Hetzel, who eventually re- at Hialeah Park. winning the Conniver Purse at well as all the people in Cin- Charles Tati of Ash Brook won back Rumson-Fair Haven Re- at Florida Downs by a head tired to the bench with five foals. Pimlico by a length. The winner cinnati who have helped me so the hole-in-one contest when he Eddie Kranepool gional, 83-68, Wednesday night Abe's Hope, owned by the over Keepers Choice. Giftwrap Then Wilt pulled the 76ers away paid $18,80, $8.60 and $5.60. much." '< - hit a 6-iron shot two feet, six in a Shore Faculty Basketball Grand Prix Stables of Chicago, was tihird in the six^furlong racei in the final period. To Be Platooned League game. came down the center of the run in 1:12. Waterloo Bridge covered the Robinson, who played with Cin- cinnati for 10 years, was traded ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP)Chamberlain hooped 26 field This was Henry Hudson's 27th track and bounded into a two- six furlongs in 1:13 4-5 under Roman Navy paid $9.20, $3.40 to the' Orioles during the winter — Wes Westrum, manager of thegoals and 10 free throws. One. ofconsecutive victory over a three- length lead as Willie Shoemaker Jockey Phir Grimm. and $?.6O. Keepers Choice re- for pitchers Milt Pappas and Jack New • York Mets, made 'it offi- his-goals was a tap-in on a jump year span. battled .on bhe rail-nvitti Buc8? WrneiT&OO and$i.40, and Gift- ty Rubra finished second, HOSPITALIZATION cial yesterday: Ed Kranepob! will ball. He also pulled down 37 re- passer. With less than'70 yards returning $8.80 and $6.40. Tuffy Baldstfiun and outfielder Diok Henry Hudson will meet Tri wrap paid $2.40. split his time this season between bounds as the 76ers won their to go in the l'/4-mile race, Abe's Rullah was the show horse at Simoson. . ; ACCIDINT and HEALTH Boro next Thursday night at first base and the outfield, pla- eighth in their last 11 games. Hope still held a half-length lead Fair Grounds $5.20. While Robinson and Malonev Middletown Township High AUTOMOBILE tooning at first with Dick Stuart. The 76ers are 2% games behind but Buckpasser got up to win Slipping through on the rail in Lincoln Downs were among a celebrated group School in a first round game of the purse of $88,660 and establish the last sixteenth, jockey Do- .Decalage, owned by a 21-year- who haven't signed 1966 coo- Stuart, the right-handed slug- Boston and 1% games ahead of the league's playoffs. Mon- HRE Cincinnati, tonight's foe. himself as the horse to beat in nald Holmes steered Expecta- o!d Boston University student, tracts, Zoilo Versalles, the Amer- ger acquired recently from the mouth Regional meets Neptune the Kentucky Derby May 7. tion to victory in the $2,200 Un- ican League's Most Valuable Philadelphia Phillies, . will not Linda Macdonald of Newton, The 76ers have 10 games left, the same night at Middletown. comm6n Gold Purse at the New Mass., won the Wickford Purse Player, agreed to terms with'tjje play against "certain right-hand- five at home, while Boston has The official chart showed only Tri-Boro and Neptune are in thea nose separated the pair as they Orleans Fair Grounds. at Lincoln Downs. champion Minnesota Twins. ••' '. ed pitchers," Westrum said. nine, to play, six of them away. Southern Division of the league. hit tihe finish line with Hghtly Laying in third place most of The 3-year^ld son of De(cath- The aggressivg e shortstop're- When Stuart is not on first, The key game of the week willHenry Iladaon (S3) Rumson-FH <68> O F P a T P regarded Blue Skyer 2'4 lengths the way. Holmes sent the horse Ion paid $12.40 to win and '$6.20 portedltdl y wililll receivi e aboub t $*ft INSURANCE Kranepool will be. When. Stuart be tomorrow's Boston-Philadel- 1 13 Hudson 14. 1 29 1 back in third place. It was an- into a momentary opening to take both to place and show after 000, a healthy raise from the phia game here. Bird 113 Rlchter 8 1 I plays, the left-handed hitting Dziadora 11 1 23 Bradford 0 0 other 214 lengths back to Wilth- e rail position and win by a scoring by 2>4 lengths over Miss $26,000 he earned last seajon. Kranepool will be in left. Chamberlain's basket with 2:34 Walton Oi' "l * Bsposlto ,3 O liamston Kid, also lightly regard- Waldron 2 0 4 Aibell 3 1 neck. The time over the mile Escar. ' Others who agreed to terrris Westrum said the Mets will left in the third quarter put theSzenz'at'ln 10 2 Zakanlck 10 2 ed in the field of nine 3-year- and 40-yard distance wa,s 1:44The latter paid $10.40 and $7.20. were third baseman Bob A^spm- earn/ seven infielders — Stuart, 76ers ahead, and Philadelphia 8 3 IS Gltten : 4 2 10olds. 2-5 on a heavy track. The payoff Robert L. finished third and re- monte of Houston and piteher Weort-Nemeth led 94-90 at the quarter. But San 10 2 Bain 6 1 13 Ron Hunt, Roy McMillan,. Kenny Then, in order, came the Rob- was $18, $7 and $4. turned $5 to show. John Wyatt of Kansas Qty. ,;> Francisco pulled even at 94 early 31 II 68 Boyer, Eddie Bressoud, Chuck Henry Hudson -.20 22 28 16-83 Agency Hiller in the final period. Rumson-FH ..- 18 10 16 24—68 OJW.FronrSr.. RtdBartk Kranepool will be listed as an Surf, Field and Stream out-fielder.

SPORTSMEN ARE FINDING SIGNS OF SPRING In the al in West Virginia, and brought back to New Jersey for stocking and on the water. There were 250 canvasbacks seen by th

favorite place for anglers from our area to christen the jeason. * * * .'"•.'•• :.•;:'.'.'.'; AVENUE Bloodworms are the favorite bait of the spring surf angler, with A NATIONAL FISH HATCHERY IS PROPOSED as part some clams finding use after a spring storm. Sandworms ar of the Tocks Island Dam complex, according to CommJMloikr almost unknown at Barnegat for some reason, so if you like ti Robert A. Roe of the state Department of Conservation. TOr1 use these worms, you had better bring them with you. Boat proposed hatchery would be built as a co-operative !| anglers on Barnegat use leadhead jigs at this time of year with of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Corps of "~ yellow and white the favorite colors. Rebel plugs will see action and the N. X Fish and Game Division. Located a little later in the season as the fish become more active. proposed dam on the Delaware River, the hatchery

* *• , * provide trout as well as warm •water species loc ' ' THE FAMED CRYSTAL GLUEPOT of Hal Lymaa, noted New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. angler and publisher of Salt Water Sportsman magazine, ha* ' , . ,-.* * * : •' •••' .;:.-;*••; SATURDAY once again been fired up and Hal has been gazing deep into IS GRANDPA'S OLD FISHING TACKLE still in your I the pot to come up with his annual predictions on salt water Is his 1895 reel in a corner of your cellar? The Twinljghts. ,,T fishing for the coming season. "Key to much of the Inshore torical Society and the Twinlights Museum at Highland* are coastal angling lies in the amount of rainfall between now planning dispjays of the history; of clamming and fishing ajfiftg SPECIALS and early summer," according to Lyman. Striped bass should the Jersey Shore as their main attractions at the museum this be good, with many small fish moving along the coast this summer. Zack Taylor, boating editor of Sports Afield .magaJ^ntef FIRST QUALITY MARINE MAHOGANY spring. Basa In the 12 pound bracket will be fairly common is looking for Indian fishing artifacts, pictures of fiahing'along V4" PLYWOOD and New Jersey will be blessed with a good crop of 20 pound our shores, and any old items such as rods, reels,' handll^S, MAHOGANY PANELING class fish. Very large ftrloeri will be scarcer, but those etc, that would fit in the fishing display.' Sam Smith, Monrnotith flnlstiid Regular 12.80 that do appear will be enormous. Lyman predicts excellent Beach author and historian, Is looking for the Items relate,m.; St. •HI MKl^pitaly «f «xMi|Mratlta avallabla ooca tfaf< ;« > tlab ra«iy tobslpT I," 1 Built by 7 NAVBSINK - G. Corson Ellis, sler-EHis Products, Atlantic High- other model, and an additional which ctn fit in th» btefc of « it*- ol to rope. When letting up iiiM dt Ml, Jr., Cooper Rd., developed the lands, for the actual work in the one Is ready for the market. lion wagon. Up to five grownup* of titete tows, it takes only l! wife Jo** it contacting prot- right idea for skiing enthusiasts building of the tow. can be towed at one time, mlnutw to get one Into operation peeth* customers and it In Three others are almost ready. a . «. , ••.. • •_• -lain 4 A '* * " |i| .. . . a charie of advertisement. who own property with slopes The first model to be made was The tow is operated by a 10- These tow» will work on any once the machine ii at die riding tite, sufficient to handle the iport. set up on Mr. BHis' property. horse power motor which is type of terrain u they can be The ails children think, the Mr. Ellis designed and built This tow has been operation Work It continuing in prepa> mounted on a heavy steel sled. funotional at any angle and can tow Ii just great, and they art home ski tows. He spent one during the winter, and Mr. Ellis ation for next season. Thirty-live daddy's be»t boosters. In fact, made notes of any (laws for Set up this way, the entire ma- be used up to 1,300 feet. The motors are now in the process year in working on the deiign. they ton the skiing now toat they Once he got the idea the wty future reference in making other chine can ba pulled or carried only thing that needs to be of being built. HA'PPY BIRTHDAY, FjlED S. MORRIS '—i.H«re models. , / over the snow. Only two men changed in using the equipment Wife Joan Help* have a "tow" fight in their own he wanted it, Ellis took the blue- : Is a gentleman who at 19 years of ago had .serious prints to his own company, Ke»- Mr. Eliis since haj sold one are needed to carry the motor, at various distances is the length While Mr, Ellis i* supervising backyard. • ' , ' - .; probletns and was written off as a cripple after having five ribp removed. Sixty one years later he stall is go College Adopts ing strong, and tomorrow night he'll celebrate his 80th Sanders Setting birthday. K. C. Chiefs Fred Morris, Eaton Crest KANSAS CITY (AP) — There's Eatontown, will dine at going to be more of the old CBI with a group of college rah-rah at the home game* of the Kansas City Chiefs Pensacolatoda yPac with a two-strokee :i«*tl over PENSACOLA, F1*J (AP) - De- friend*. They'll be honor- professional football team, fending champion Doug Sander* Brewer after the two.triggered tag one of the, most active The University of Missouri at is setting a fast early pace in a par-wrecking attack on. the 6,- men In bowling circles Kansas City, which has 3,600 stu- the $63,000 Pensacola Open Golf 380-ya'rd, par-72 Pensacok Coun- Fred has loved this game dents but no football team, will Tournament, but he's looking ov- try Club course. ' • . adopt the Chiefs, the American er his shodder nervously at a Fifty-seven of the 1M 'Competi- a long time. Being a part Football League club announced dimple-cheeked young man tors matched or be»t par, in- I of the early bowling In Monday, named Gay Brewer. . dicating it will lake a par score or better to survive the.'..cot to- Monmouth County, he has In return for supportinppgg the Gay used Sanders as a step- night when the list is cut,to the Chiefs' season tickek t drivedi , the ping stone, to one of his most helped it progress through low 70 and ties. , • students will be assigned their successful stretches last fall and ' Sanders, drinking orange' juice the years. Fred started own section at Municipal Stadium he'd welcome the chance to do it and complaining « pains in his bowling in 1908 and won for the forthcoming football sea- again. stomach, rang In ssven bfrdies son and will have their own' cheer "I wouldn't be unhappy if that his first medal at the Red on the last nine holes Thursday leaders. , old Georgia Cracker and I came Bank YMCA in 1909. for a 34^^93. A ticket booth will be opened up to. tha last putt Sunday just Fifty seven years later on the campus Tuesday, Jim as we did at Seattle last year," Brewer camo up a few hours vlorris still is mixed up Schaaf, Chiefs publicity director, the Wooter from Middletown, later — his putter steaming — Fred S. Morrto said. Ohio, said today. with a 33-32-65. He ran in two With the bowling clan On that occasion, the two tied putts of 25 feet and another of Fred has held office in the huge Shore Firemen's Bowl- for the title and Gay killed off 30 feet. Ing League, sometimes called the largest in the world. MCBA Meeting his rival on the first extra hole Each of the leaders used only MIDDLETOWN — The Mon of a sudden death playoff. It 27 putts. For years he has been in charge of trophies, one of the LOCAL FIRM CONSTRUCTING SKI TOWS — A ski tow designed by G. Corson mouth County Bowling Associa- started the husky Mid-westerner With such players as Arnold toughest jobs In the circuit Ellis, Jr., of Cooper Rd., Nave jink, it shown here towing Mr. Ellis and his family on a winning stretch that netted Fahner, Jack Nicfclaus, Gary tion will meet at. Middletown ; lines, Rt. 35,. Sunday, March 13 him three tournaments. Player, Bill Casper, Ken'Ventu- Fred was born In this section when Mon- up hill. Son Kevin, 7, is in foreground, followed by Mr. Ellis, daughter Laurie, 12, rl and Rorry Lema not competing, 1 at 2 p.m. Sanders, former University of mouth County was one of the main sports centers and Mrs. Ellis. Mr. Ellis did the designing and his company Kessler-Ellis Products, This will postively be the last Florfda player now registering the $10,000 first prize here ap- y pears to be. a free-for-all —If of the nation. After completing his education in Atlantic Highlands, the building* day fof r entriei s fof r thhe statt e from OJai, Calif., goes Into the tournament- second round of the tournament Sanders can be cooled off. the local school system, Fred took up kegling with Three shots off the pace Is the the team originated by the Consolidated Gas Com- Australian, Bruce Devlin, run- pany, and here started a record that few men ner-up ln; four tournament^ last • • have compiled in a life time. •year but winner of none, with 35-31—66, followed by « trio at • Oldtimers say of Freddy: "He is probably the best County Bowling (7 — Ken Towns of San- Jose, Calif., Dick Crawford of Bellvis- Jinown bowler in all Monmouth County." Back in AIBPOHT FLACA COMMERCIAL R. Orynar ~. HARMONV 84T LEAGCE LEAGUE E. Wlnlarskl ... ta, Ark., and George Knudson of those day, Morris and his crew brought the public out B. tJoujh', CooiMr Xlectrlo ..45 W L ,Banfor d Auto Body. 44(4 Canada. , Of their front rooms to the alleys. Colts Neck Inn 54 21 w. Brti**.."ZZZ 151,72 MiddletowMiddlt n JewlerJl s 3D Two players never to be taken Ruttlno Wines ,. 49 26 Whal«n 151.33 Tony's'Barber Btiop . . 3 ' Fred and his bowling buddies took to the al- Harrys Liquors ,.:_.._•. 66 29 Demkowakl 1.U 141.74 all] Travel Agency :— .31' lightly are. within shooting Rex Diner ...... _..._. 45 30 M. * Kenney ,— 75 33 Harmony Bowl - .-, J334 range. Julius Boras, celebrating leys up and.down the Shore. Early followers Hennles Tavern' 4414 3014 V. Brady _...« 113.24 Eddie's Barber Shop _ .. ..,.'.27 Donato Construction 42 33 " Monahan 31 142.48 Louis Cusrrleri Const J..23H his 40th birthday with a cake, turned out in droves to watch the then "hot Schancks Fuel OH -.42 33 S0O Club—Phil Megna 23S, Fred New- Dearborn Firms ... 4154 33ft RED BANK TUKBDAV MIXED Ion 201, FrtS Fleming 264, Earl .Living* governor's proclamation and all shots" of the sport. They say Morris and crew cut Airport Llquora „....- .. 40 35 LEAGUE: aton 214. Rudy Saiena, 200, Jim Dunn the trimmings at the 16th hole, I. r. F. —., 40 35 W I, 201, Don Krtse S00, 201: CAtrlei the maples down like woodsmen. Toms Ford Inc. . 39 36 H. Kelly Co. _ 44 23 Lambreoht 213. Chat Pswjewskl J00, putted out for a: 68. PGA cham- Monraouth Lanes 38 37 Chris' Delicatessen . 43 23 Tony Rodregues 202. pion Dave Marr shot a steady When the Shore Firemen's Bowling League began Boro Barbers-Keyport __.nn».38 37 anborn's Awnlnis ,._...J8 IS Kahle 4 McFarland 3714 37' Marino's Parkway Service ...30H 35V AMEBICAN CAN CO. SHUT "B" 3M5-70. . . Houde Glass Co 37 38 Little Silver Market . -30 36 top Scorer to take over Friday night, Fred took a great Interest Appliance Repair Service 3554 3SVi lhamberi pharmacy - 2854 37V TU. Door Sanders .• 34IS-«3 Magnolia Inn 34 41 Matthews Auto Imports -27 39 Clay Brewer in it, and this league has been one of his "babies" ever Airport Plaza Lanes 33 a Blalsdell Lumbar . _...- 23 4J Brace ^ " Shore Point Esso -32ft 4254 since. Seacoast Carbonic Gas .30 45 HARMONS INDUSTRIAL M. T. T.. Mas'ffi 2954 , 4554 PtS. ' Fred was not only an official of leagues In Qlll Travel Service ..._= ...26 49 Harry's Llquora Cerllones Oreenhous«s . .25 60 Federal Paelllo Ellct those early days, but he was a fine bowler. He Burlews CIIHwood Inn . 21 54 CoDonald Bpeedea 3014 HlgHiglh Team, 3-Qames—Harrys Liquors Donato construction ». 300 Club—Ronnie Giordano 2JJ. Ml; rolled in numerous leagues and always turned " High. Team Oune — Hairji Plnast _. Jphn Bally 204, Ceo. Connelly 321. Llquora 1,028. Harmony Col'ee Shop _ in those score sheets with games over 200. Known AVIS. 0111 Travel Service . SYCAHORB OWLS LEAGUE J. AschetUno .. 189.41 Ouarantced Lames as "Happy" in earlier days, he also was known as W. Sysyn 185.10 Lenta Auto Bodd,y — 49)4 Uncroit Cleaners 0S8V4 73% F, LeMunyon Crates Beverage. Frank's Llncroft Barber Inop 9T the inventor of several fancy bowling steps. E. Stevens Bchwelzer Bros. 48({ J * T Equipment _^C« F. Leo American Lumber _._: ...48 ' Llttla Sliver Electrlo -.-'.: .53!4 , The • birthday party boy has rolled in so many H. Oros Local 464 .^i._^-i^-_.-.i Ryctmote ^"g'^p1 m- *"*<">*•£ <"£ FP Terrell fight, kicked out of thhe commission to announce that the Today at Monmouth Rumson, moved Into second place 2 12 Ca'psnella 1 Gat the melt wear arid Beaty 2 12 Geronl 4 14 United States, has lost the large arena would hot be available mileage out of all-your WEST LONG BRANCH - mouth College plaque as will in the Northern Division of the Sullivan 9 1 19 Cove 6 2 Montreal Forum as a site and for the bout. 6 8 Figaro l ; tire* 6/ having therrV prop- members of the winning relay 0 8 may wind up today in Verdun— Monmouth College will host the Monmouth County CYO High Dlf'ndofer Betaro o i Reached at his home, Selke de- teams. A team trophy will go to 2 6 Belovusfl 100 2 erly rotated. Tires checked first annual NAIAOistrict 31 Kavokjlan 0 0 0 Maletto 0 0 0 a Montreal suburb—if it ever the winning school and also the School Basketball League clined to confirmj or deny the for cuts, bruises. Swimming and Diving Cham- Lawrence 0 0 0 lands any place at all. statement. He said anything fur- runner-up. Wednesday night by defeating St. pionships, sanctioned by Henry 26 13 65 I 31 12 54 In the midst of a stormy meet- ther would have to come from Anthony's, 65-54, for ita «econd Holy Cross 1T 31 IB 9-65 Ing last night between members OKLY Schmidt, district chairman, •tart- Bob Winfield of Little Silver, ~, Till! 13—94 the. commission. victory in two days. of the Montreal Athletic Commis- ing at 1 p.m. tomorrow at its will be the head official. St. Ann's (49) Holy Cross (67) The commission, In a MO^word Holy Cross defeated St.: Ann's O FP. O YV sion and the wouM-toe promoters, new pool. Tonight at six o'clock, the Vest Lobello 4 6 14 O'Nelt 9 23 20 a member of the' commission statement at the end of the Keansburg, 67-49, Tuesday bight, 2 20 Beaty Participating schools are Mon- Krb'benor 9 7 0 14 ijajs ,«id an official, of the 15,000- meeting, said it is interested in Long Branch school will be scene The pair of victories gave the o 2 15 Sullivan S 4 16 mouth, Trenton State, Glassboro Beatyy 0 0 0 Shields 2 seat" Montreal Forum, had re- having the fight but said MBI Of the) Monmouth College Invita- Rumson team a W record. RobinsoRbi n 2 0 4 Dlffendofer 3 1 State and fllattsburg, N. Y. Koehlet 1 4 e LeBaron a 0 4 jected the controvMiial fight. and promoter Loren Cassina of . The championships will have 11 tional Interscholastic Swimming Creg Sullivan was the high Kavokjlan 0 All-Canada Sports Ltd., would "We'll take Jt to Verdun," said 'events conducted on a dual meet and Diving Championship for scorer for Holy Cross last ngtht II 13 49 | lave to comply pith five condi- ALL WHEELS basis. Awards wiU be presented with 19 points, while Sandy O'Nell Ann's „ 13 11 Robert Arum, a New York; law- ions "before the commission is high schools from Monmouth and 1« 18 . Meanest* Shipping Cetfer to the first six finishers In the in' and Bill Beaty each had 12. I. ph 1«8.I! yer and an officer of Main Bout tile to study a request for a Ocean Counties. W. oarner 18S.31 Inc., ol New York, which owns latewowa i dividual races, and the first three O'Nell led Holy Cross' scoring H. Dickie ^ „ ...75 188.41 tennit." teams in the relays. Each indi- Check in time for this event Tuesday with 20 markers. Sulli F. Ko«a .. -.89 16S.44 the closed circuit television and B. cruclont w. ...Til 18S.M vidual winner will receive > Mon- will be five o'clock. van added 18 and Beaty had 14 Bob Verga B. Vlaousl ...—„ other ancillary rightrof the pro- ...89 1*1.37 3J Hlglhis ... « WTM jected March 29 heavyweight S, Malaw»lii/ W. JShle _.,.. "fle bait, • ' •••,"••: , .; :•.••:"'• REBUILT O. Plrottl ...... Scores 29 D. Mandlgo "Yeah, if« like BrooWryn," V, Bonoada adaed Arum.: ,• • (RALEIGH N.C. (AP) — Bob H. Popei ENGINES R Aln He *aid the fight could be Verga scored 29 points as top- Let Sean factory - trained ttaged in the 5,$004ett'Verdun ntechaniei insiWl « re-Wamc seeded Duke crushed Wake For- Auditorium In the Montreal tub- factored AJUtaU GngiM at est 103-73 with a brilliant second uijb. He hopep d to arrange that in Sean low prices! Jut ask anj half surge last night in the open- conferences today, Mayor Sean automotive sataqnan GGeorg e O'Reillyl . • ; v about our low engine lastaUa- ing round of the Atlantic Coast The commission member, Paul. don rates. Conference Basketball Tourna- Bmile Sauvageau, told reporters ment. City Hall, the meeting place, Sears-Automotive Center North Carolina met Maryland that Frank Selke Jr., an official im B S>-M«. thro SM. SiaM:SI in the other night game to com- plete first round action, i In games earlier in the;day, defending champion North Caro- lina State built up a 24$olnt lead and oeat down a late rally to whip Virginia 86-77, and. South Carolina carne frqm behind' to oust Clemson 60-52. South Caroli- na and N.C, State form one semi- finals pair. ., » Jiuke, ranked No. 3 nationally, controlled the backboards in rout- ng Wake Forest. Will insure m» whtn my auto iniurance hat b««n eanc«j«d? Stanley G. Si»b«nb«rg will. T A CAR or \We specialize in replacing TRUCK from HERTZ canceled pollcit*. THOM McAN TROPHY WINNIR— Sal Mararchi, center, manager oHhe Them Mc- U-DRIVE . , . Call An^store, Broad .St., Rod lank, prasemts the Thorn McAn football award to Bob Car-*^ lone, Red Bank High School, wWU coach Tom Karlo, left, looks on. The award make* STANLEY G. SIEBENBEftG Ca.r|one eligible to compete for the $1,000 scholarship associated with fh» trophy. • INSURANCE Tht winner was chosen for athletic ability, sportsmanship, leadership, competitive 583-T300 (Oppoilt. Stnrth Ccnttr) RT. 14 MATAWAN v that «4J It U tfco&M «.t Hie pfsjailBf ltvdjte Viet ttartMr* fee* made up of lor, H«rnsolI. Oo»rs — at rtn- names chosen at random but dom,— h^ve b«en::«s4«d.Star- easier to speak of Operation consists of names that can be Martin, Mas^f, Dou- Seen Easy to Use Buckskin than - to say that men transmitted with ease and with ble Eagle, i and so op. Soms by ROBERT MOOREFIELD U.S. 1st Infantry Division to of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division a minimum chance of misunder- names have been taken from are; engaging the enemy, cap- comic strip character*.. SAIGON, South Viet Nam Hau Nghia Province called Op- standing by voice, telephone and [AP) — "Operation Buckskin, eration Buckskin? Why hot Op-turing him and his arms togeth-radio. , Two famous opettg^mal vhich terminated recently, ac- eration Rover? or Operation Big er with tons of rice, and are It would obviously be courting names are remembered from Shot? suffering . light casualties, as :ounted for 93 Viet Cong killed, trouble to have Operation Doily World War II: Operation Over- 1 captured," and so on. was the case in adjoining Hau The operation actually could and Operation Polly being car- lord for the invasion-of'Europe That was the account that have been called JUst about any- Nghia Province. ried out at the same time. and Operation Olympla for tht iriginated in Saigon. Why wasthing. Troops afield on a specif- The name of an operation is hat particular mission of the ic mission carry out their oper- taken from a master list, and Several operations in the war invasion of Japan.

PROGRESS ON PAVING—Taking part in Central Jersey Paving Institute Tuesday night •t Old Orchard Country Club, Eatontown, for contractors, businessmen and officials were, left to right, Harry J. Thompson, Titusville; John Gray, executive director of the National Pavement Association; Charles I. Smith, former Monmputh County free- holder who will become county road supervisor May I, and A. L. Ruefer, Princeton, a member of the New Jersey Bituminous Association. ' . ANNOUNCES THE NEW ThdseWho Enjoy Voting to Get Their Fill in Jersey This Year HOME MOVEMENT WAN By BOB DUBILL after Labor Day had, been one baby that won't be rushed TRENTON (AP) — New Jerbroache- d in the past by legis- through." • \.>v. • • I ' seyans whose chief form, of ex- latures under heavy .worklqads. The date to watch as,far as ercise, is their right ; to vote But it takes oh more credence the primary is concerned . is could wind up in pretty good this year because of the knotty April II. That's when Superior lhape this year. problem of congressional redis- Court Judge John. Wick in Cam- New Shadow Lawn flexibility in Home Improvement den' has ordered the legislature But It may be a while to thetricting. ._..'.." Loans now makes it possible for you to have any next workout. The constitutional convention to produce, a satisfactory plan •The constitutional convention which .meets March 21 is as- for realigning the state's 15 con- type of work done on your home or grounds. If you election Tuesday was the first signed the task of apportioning g^J*siphal districts. are holding back on having necessary Improvements of three statewide elections to the legislature on balanced pop The Democrats, which have made, you need delay no longer. We've added extra be held during the year, one ulation standards stemming majorities In both houses have niore .than the normal ration. from the "one man, ope vote' begun, -drawing blueprints on people to handle your financing quickly . . .with . The next is ticketed for June decisions of Che courts. The legvarious alignment possibilities. more attractive terms, arranged to fit Into, your 7, a-primary election for selec islature, on the other hand, has But whether the plans can pass plant and Income, without undue financial strain. tion of candidates to run for the problem of realigning con- the tests of party leaders in the Congress and a U.S. Senate seat. gressional seats. big countjfes of Essex, Bergen, The-general election will be held Hudson ftnd tFnion could be a Noy,-8. ••.,-.- Time is running scarce. fly' in the ointment of time. YOU WANT FAST ACTION- ; A'heavy workload in the leg- The legislature returns nekt New Jersey's ejection laws islature covering controversial Monday from a brief recesi to •equjre that nominating peti- PAINTING Ojfi Items, such as taxes, congres- take up the governor's $906 mil-tions be filed 40 days before the MORE FLEXIBLE TERMS? • slonal reapportionment,, the ion budget proposal arid plans primary election, or April 28. state budget and gun controls isto balance it with an income "How can we file," asked a INSIMD generating talk of postponing skeptical Rep. Peter H. B. Fre- the primary by as long as three 'And no matter what "you tinghuysen, R-5th Dist., "when PAPERHANGING^j Come To Shadow Lawn montfis — to September. hear," said one influential Dem we don't know what our districts The idea Of a primary election ocratic lawmaker, "the tax is will be? OR PHONE 222-0011 One method of resolving the time problem- instead of post- Traders, Businessmen Get poning the primary could be to fXPERIENCED HOME PLUMBING amend the jaw to reduce the 40- Ask For Upset by Better Times day filing deadline. The Idea of holding a primary FINANCING PEOPLE ELECTRICAL By SAMDAWSON income taxes would bite into in July and August also has FRANK SAVAGE AP Business News Analyst profits, into enthusiasm fof been kicked around but the feel- WORK NEW YORK (AP) - The bei business expansion, and into ing among election officials and ter that times get the mo stock prices. : many lawmakers is that the Ready to Discuss Your Plans businessmen and stock tradei Along with this is the fear that public prefers pools to polls AIR worry. And this week tlhey'v if inflation becomes an acknowl- during vacation months. been jvorrying about how a! edged fact, the government may "There is a' possibility," an at 5 CONVENIENT OFFICES CONDITIONING this obvious• prosperity is gbi: aide to Hughes..' said, "that an to- pay ofL^ SPd. for whom. turn voluntary wage and price acceptable plan will be devel- 4 r • • ' "CurretiUy it's paying'off ft restraints into something much oped without necessitating, a 600 Broadway, Long Branch CONCRETE WORK for a- majority "of businessme closer to actual government postponement." '.... for most workmen, for a largi controls. Neither business, nor The people who measure their Oakhufsf Molmdel Keyporf Middletown (MASONRY) percentage of all. American labor, nor the. stock market exercisi e on theihir trips to. the But some binds are developin •mils, in too, and more seem to be in fchi making. . 'Tighter money is beginning pinch here and there: Mone tar experts warn that there's likel to be less funds available f bomwhtg than Industry want'If it goes through, With it« plgna for expanding Its plam Toflnd rtnd buying new equipment. And the Intentions of indust where al firms to expand7 go' right p; expanding, too. Tney want spend much more this year thai to gel last.'BUt accountants warn ths annual reports show that man; onythliig corporations have less availabl cash assets to draw upon than fiHEd yfcar ago/ despite their recor profits. *The corporate cash bind wil hurt also in the current buildu; In '} inventories. Many corpor tions must borrow to ordji) YellowPages these stocks and to carry them Fictory- Inventories stood V $68.4 billion at the end of Jan ary, up $400 million;t>n th month. New factory orders row You'lf find all kinds tor $44.3 billion, with unfilled o de'rs increasing by $1.3 billion of.repairmen who can the month to $67,3 billion. ' do what all the king's Both the inventory rise aft the-steadily increasing backlo horses and all the of. unfilled orders are cited b those who worry about the econ- king's men could not. omy overheating as it.starts i sixth year of upturn. Profits are «fc a record high. Most companies are predicting still higher net income afte taxes this year. But an increas- ing number of observers ar saying the gain won't be much as last year. And a few are warning that production costs may be rising faster tha prices, so.that, profit' margins will be clipped and the big profit boom brought to an end. AJI these worries can lie based on interpretations of availabl figures and projected trends: But businessmen, and especially stock traders, have other uncer- tainties, nebulous now because they're mixed in with politics. One disturbing fear is tha before 1966 is over taxes will go up again, reversing the 1984 and 1965 course, higher corporate

ONLY JAVIER REMAINS ST. LOUIS (AP) - The St. Lauis Cardinals have. traded three-fourths of the ill-star In- field that boosted them to the 1964 National League pennant and a World Series victory over the New York Yankees. Third base- man Ken Boyer was' traded to the| New York Mets and short- stop Dick Groat arid "first base- r.v.,i BfU White went to the Pfttt adelphia Phillies. Only second baseman Julian J«vier remains.

« ;; <•> *•'•. • J CARDS CUT IN HAL)?. of the 2S players who

%' in . 1{(. .11-F I,. If,!1 ,., ' -r *"' '."•••' •''•»' ' ••' •forQuick HOME DELI\ERY 0«e Our Want Adi

ank Register, We., U66. 741-1110 NIGHT SECOND NEWS SECTION • J* op: FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1966 7c PER COPY Howard Given Pen, by President

WASHINGTON the Third District with, almost Veterans eligible can receive • years nor mately 9,000 veterans in Mon- ;$723,0|» in (Hrect.-benefitsin-that educational and guaranteed home up to 36 months,of schooling or shall it expire: before. 10 years. mouth and' Ocean, counties arefifst year,' Howard' declared. loan benefits who were oh active training, and they must complete The congressman said that potentially eligible for benefits The; educational provisions of duty more than ISO days after their programs within eight years guaranteed or insured loan ceil- and services under the GI Bill the bill go into effect June 1. Jan. 31, 1955, and honorably dis- after discharge. ings remain at ;$7,500. signed iftto law . yesterday by The program aisa is expected charged or who were discharged Rep. Howard noted that the GI Medical and hospital care is President Jfohnson. to provide guaranteed loan's total- with less than 180 days service home loans provisions would in- available on the same basis as Rep. James. J; Howard, D-3d ing $7.7 million to veterans in thebecause of a service-incurred dis- crease activity in building and for wartime veterans. Dist., N.. J., who had supported first year. , abiUty. • real estate throughout the coun- "I am confident many ex-ser- the strong measure, attended the 'Veterans covered'ttnjJer this Under the program, monthly try. • vicemen from Monmouth and signing at the White House at payments for full-time training Ocean Counties will take advan- measure also are. eligible for The formula for eligibility in the invitation of the President. hospital benefits and. 1,400 patient are $100 for veterans without de- tage of this program and in doing Because of Mr. Howard's work days at a cost of $36,800 are ex-pendents; $125 for veterans with the home loans program is 10 so will eventually more than re- in behalf of the legislation, Presi- pected to; be, .made, available to one dependent and $150 for veter- years from date of discharge, pay in tax dollars the original dent Johnson presented him with applying veterans the first year. ans with more than one depend- plus one year for each three investment needed for the pro- one Of the .'pens used to -sign Rep. Howard}asserted. ent. months served. This shall not gram," Rep. Howard remarked. the bflfc tike The Others : TJie new bill provides education and\ training 'programs generally Will New York City Beat Jersey? patterned .after the highly sue- cesiiful GI bills, of World War II fcnd the Korean conflict. . Rep. Howard explained that, Income Tax Race Is Seen in the first year alone, more than 1,100 veterans are expected By WILLIAM HENDERSON ropolitan area as well as on the state house, Trenton. U SCOUT AWARD — Richard Stra+ton, 17, Mt, « junior at Middletown Town- to take advantage of the educa- TRENTON — The race is on to see whether New Jer- Jerseyites working in New York now pay a federal In- inip High School, tfandi with poisa and prida at ha receives tcouting'i top rank, that tlonal program, according to sta- «ey or New York City is. the first to enact an income tax come tax and a sales levy there. But if New Jersey gets the e.f EagU Scout, from Orving C. Olsen, 129 Heightj Tar., Middletown, the scoutmai- tistics-from the Veterans Admin- »-H>r kill the proposal. . broad based tax these commuters may also pay the city's 1 istration. ;•'•••• . . . • But it appears Democratic Gov. Richard J, Hughes, who income tax unless some' agreement is made between this t»r of Troop 142. Looking on are the boy * parents, Mr. and Mn. Robert Strafton.of advocates a graduated one to five per cent tax on incomes, state and New York. • ' "•'•'.., -193 ||,r Dr., Middlttown. ' * ' This- ;edu<»Uona| • provisiohT 8 expected,t« provide veteran* in will beat New York Republican Mayor John V. Lindsay to die That is a financial wrinkle which Gov. Hughes and his punch. aides will have to iron out. Mayor Lindsay announced yesterday he also will bid for State senators and assemblymen return to work next Raritan Set for Sewer Authority an income tax on the same,.one to five per cent .ratio. Monday after vacationing for three weeks. It can be expected However, the mayor faces a long haul in trying to get that the next few sessions, will be taken up with arguments the City Council and the state Legislature (both controlled by between the Democrats and Republicans on Gov. Hughes' Democrats' to even consider his tax proposal. The plan faces $9.1 million budget which has just been scrutinized by a tough many roadblocks and may hot be voted on this year. State Wants Regional System Joint Appropriations Committee. On the other hand, a source close to Gov. Hughes' office I TOWNSHIP — Thebers, would be bipartisan, three signed SQ that we can region- sides of Middle Rd. He also noted told The Register last night the stage is now being, set for The, $180 million which the Governor, hopes to raise through his proposed income tax is included in the record Township Committee last night Democrats and two Republicans. alize." ' • • • '• that appraisals will be started a tax vote in the New Jersey Legislature "in April, right : unanimously introduced an ordi- , (Meantime, Mayor Marvin Olin; At the last-meeting) Mr. Olin- for Middle Rd. sidewalk ease- after Easter." He added: breaking budget. ' ' nance creating a five-member sky reported that the committee sky said he .haprvJce,.' fpr" X.; Shields,•; a former committee- holding taxes retroactive to Jan. 1, this year, be dropped." The psychological effect would be bad if Jersey commut- ft* March 22. state cannot approve Raritan Raritan Valley USA. Last night man, has been elected chairman If New York city does push through the income tax it ers started paying a New York tax before their home state Maximum salaries of the five sewer plans unless it regionalize? Mr. Morales asked that the may-of the Recreation Commission. will have a terrific impact on Jersey commuters to the met- invoked an income tax law, according to a state official. members are cet at $2,000 each. with Union Beach and part of or also write to U. S. Senators The authority, after it is created, HolmdeJ. Clifford P. Case and Harrison A. On the subject of the upcoming will decide on salary -amounts It will mean that Union Beach Williams. Mr., Olinsky quickly Wednesday session on alleged tod whether the figure will be will have to build larger mains agreed. , '-,.. ",..'. trailer park violations, Mr. Mor- Punishment less than $2,000. than planned. Committeeman Stephen J. Fil- ales sand, "It is is not really a formal hearing, it is a meeting to Colleague Praises Howard Committeeman George J. Pat- For Raritan, the mayor stated, ardi reported that the governing ergon said "it is pretty well set" it will be no problem, "sines our body is. attempting to obtain state decide if there will be a formal Suspended that the five members of the proposed system is -being de- approval to ban parking on both hearing." Township Committee will name For Battling School Aid Cut themselves as authority mem- For Larceny bers. WASHINGTON — Rep. Jame: am sure that you, and all other fight for.Monmouth County." OCEAN TOWNSH3P - Magis- A. Howard, D-3d Dist., N.J., haselected officials and citizens of trate Vincent J. Agresti gave . Other committeemen indicated card in Keyport The government gives funds to Andrew Hughes of Atkins Ave., been hailed by a House colleague the Third Congressional District, .that while there is some chance areas where children, ot federal Asbury Park, a suspended $100 this, plan will be changed — his fight to prevent the fed-Can take justifiable pride in the employees attend school. In outstanding performance of Rep. fine and a suspended (our month .it probably wiU nM be.jand the eral Bureau of the Budget from Monmouth, this particularly ap- substantially reducing aid to Howafd. ' If this reduction does jail terra for larceny,; ^ opts New Master Plan frltes t« children ot parents who •••He. also- was 'jjlaced^o'n pro- governing body, Joseph • A. "Impacted school areas" through- not take effect, it will'certainly KEOTORT - After more than out New Jersey, including Mon- be a major victory for Mr." How- work'at Ft. Moftmotith or are onbation for four months, for tak- Morales and James J. McKay, Mr. Cununons, after the'board 'Raritan Bay, Luppatatong Creek, ing a case of soda, from the Jr., will get the one and two-a year of revision, the borough's explained it will get up to 50 and Maple PI. mouth County. ard whp has waged a tireleis the staff there. master- plan wa* finally -adopted Pepsi Cola; Bottling Co. on Rt. year terms'. -s•'•-• •". per cent in state aid in the first Two industrial areas are The praise came from Rep, 35. . ."...:' Initially, terms will be for one,by the Planning Board last night. year, 40 In the second, and so planned, one of 59 acres along Dominick V. Daniels, D-14th Dist. two, three, four and five years. The plan was adopted after a on, declared he "is glad to see (Jersey City), N.J., in a letter Two persons were fined $19 Rt. 35 near Rt. 36, and the sec- each for speeding. They are John As new terms come up, they will five-miittte public hearing, dur- it's completed." ond of 61 acres in the Locust to Monmouth County Freeholder Cut Raritan Tax A. Menmuof Branch Ave., Red ait be five years. ing which there were no objec- Main Features St. area. Director Joseph C. Irwin, a Re- More Familiar tions from the three member publican. Bank, and Donald Meggers of audience. , These are the main features — Commercial development, Walker, Iowa, who also was fined The governing body's theory on of the plan: Mr. Irwin, following the lead primarily along Front St. and in of Rep. Howard, had written to $5 for improper passing. membership is that members of Councilman Hillary J. Cum- — Urban renewal for most ol the bayfront area. ' Another 2 Cents the committee are more familiar mons asked only that the board U.S. Sens. Harrison A. Williams Joseph Napolitano of Poplar the borough, with redevelopmen — Extension of First St. from RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The "We needed more time to study Ave., Deal, was fined $19 for with the planned sewer program clear up a paragraph pertaining suggested for only portions of and Clifford P. Case and the thin anyone else, and that the to state aid available to the bor- Broad to Beers Sts. state's 15 representatives, urg- estimated 1966 tax rate here will it," he said. ".It possibly could careless driving. On the same Van Doren and Fulton Sts., and be $4.62 per $100 assessed valua have been cut more." charge, Louis Bouchet of Brick- Authority, with committee mem- ough for planning purposes. nearly all the area bounded by — Shopping mall on Front St., ing support of Rep. Howard's with an additional 620, parking plan. tion. Mr. MaKay disagreed on town was fined $15. spaces in five lots. Rep. Howard has taken on the The Township Committee, grounds that a further cut would y Improper Turns Unexplained Neptune Murder < ••*-:%. Commercial Areas Johnson administration because on the recommendation of its have hurt the educational system. Seyen persons were fined $5 — Highway commerical areas nf_jts proposal which would cut education liaison officer, Repub- The three Democratic commit- eadh for making improper turns. along Rt. 36 to Beers St. and onaid to" New Jersey school areas lican Committeeman James J. teemen said they felt the same They are^Henoh Cone of Apple Rt. 35 from Luppatatong Creek tby $4.7 million and $1.3 million McKay, Jr., last night reduced way. Orchard Dr., Eatontown; Anthony Woman's Body in Yard to the western boundary. from the present funds given the the twice-defeated school budget After the first defeat at the Branda of Hoboken; Marian Jew- — Four neighborhood shopping congressman's Third District by $28,000. polls, the board Itself trimmed ell of Dwigfot Dr., Ocean Town- •EPTUNE ••— Monmouth blows on the heaiTTeh. 11, were to the ground.and then smashed areas; one in the Six Corners comprising Monmouth a h d The Board of Education had the budget by $42,000, cutting the ship; Edward Sukowski of Ridge ; C&lnty's third unexplained mur white and unmarried. on the head with a piece of solid •egion, near tfie railroad station, Ocean Counties. stated Tuesday night that the tax rate three cents. Ave., Neptune; Helen Ruskus of dflf of a female vWibse body was Miss Klinsky's body was found concrete block which was found, at West Front St. and Broad- Rep.. Daniels, in his letter to budget should not be cut further, The committee's out accounts Pavilion Ave., Long Branch; left in an open .area stirred an on the roadside off the Garden blood-stained, nearby. way, and at Fulton and Second Mr. Irwin, said: but that if it were the cut should for two cents. Thomas Combe of Rt. 35, Nep- intense investigation here'yester- State Parkway in H61mdel Town- Capt: Atkinson said Mrs, Hop-Sts. "I.-'have spoken to the con- be no more-than $25,000. Originally, the over-all tax rate tune; and Paul Macolino of Hill- ship, Miss Fantazier's on the iceson had been at a"'; tavern until — High rise, and garden apart- gressman from your district, Board members last night ex- had been set at $4.57. side Ave., Long Branch. latest- victim was- 39-year. surface of Yellow Brook, on a late hour and presumably'was ments on Front St. and Qsbprne James J. Howard, who repeat- pressed pleasure that the re&%- The five-cent cut will mean Fined $5 for delinquent inspec- ©W Geraldine Hopson, of 1005 Muhlenbrink Rd;, Colts Neck. walking across baj;k yards .at St. respectively. • l edly has urged me to join with tion was not severe, and close $10 on a $20,000 house. tion were: Knapf Truck Service Hj$ck Ave.,'Neptune, whose'fully Dr. C. Malcolm B.' Gilman, about'3 a'.m..when.-she was at- — A park and promenade at in opposing the reduction to the $25,000 figure. \ The budget certified by the of Irvington; Peter Trimbolt of clothed body -was discovered be- Monmouth County physician, said tacked: • ' •• ;'•••• the waterfront. of. federal funds. Republican Commltteman Jo- committee totals $3,289,419, an in-Belshaw Ave., Eatontown; Eaf-N' niath a discarded, double bed Mrs. Hopson may have been A man; who Jfves;:in the neigh- — Rehabilitation and redevelop- % must say that Mr. Howard seph A. Morales split with his crease of almost $400,000 over the Donuts of Rt. 35, Eatontown; Vir- mattress In a yard about 100 feet criminally assaulted and robbed. borhood, whose' name police with- ment of the downtown area. has "been a most eloquent and colleague, Mr. MoKay, and Vot-current year. gil Glassetti of W a y s i d e Rd., bdhlnd her home/ • . •, He said her under clothing had held, found the body at about — Expansion of municipal fa- persuasive spokesman for the ed "no" to the $28,000 cut; His The teacher salary account to- Neptune, and Stephanie Burgess (Unlike me two teenage girls been 'torn and that her pocket- 7:30 a.m. Police'.said he noticed cilities. Monmouth County taxpayers. I was the only negative vote. tals $1,863,205, up $237,479. of Clifton Ave., Long Branch. Wiled in earlier attacks, she v/asbook and wallet; clutched sepa- a shoe and -onj investigation saw Klgro* and married; though sepa- rately in her hand, had no money. a red sock' on i; woman's foot rated front .her. husband, accord- It appeared, he said, that'.the protruding from .under the mat- Foulks Says Practice Will Bev Stopped Ing to Detective Capt. Alfred J. pocketbook had been closed while tress. • ' • .•.•.?• .,"" Atkinson. ' she was on the. ground. because Mrs. Hopson ^'survived by a $oth Mary Ann Klinsky, 18, a blades' of. grass were caught' in son ahd an aunt-With whom she Rjtfltan High School senior who the opening.. ., ...... , lived. . . • / Secret Session on Raysnore Erosion w|i. raped and beaten to death Death, he said; was due to head The F. Leon Harris 'Funeral S»t. 16, and Joanne Fantazier, injuries. She apparently had been MIDDLETOWN - Local and A number of closed-door meet-of public protest^rer tick of in- closed by. James K. Rankin, Mr. Foulks said he was sur- Homp, Asbury Park, will be in state officials met yesterday to ings have been held during the form's tion and con'timA! project chief engineer, state Bureau of prised that it had been closed. IMof Perth Amboy. killed from struck In the face and knocked charge of arrangements. discuss the $7.9 million Bayshore past four years, unannpuqeedjo postponements. \k Navigation, was opened as a He added: "As far as I'm con- erosion project — stalled for the public or press. Jh 'the face'' One of the sessions^ |equested result of protests by a Register cerned, any meeting of this type more than four years —but.the newsman whb at an Aug. 31 in the future will be open." session was conducted behind meeting , in. Raritan noted that Several hours after the morn- closed doors. Marlboro Planners Shiti state Conservation Commission' ing session was over, Mr. Seuf- The meeting was ruled, "closed er Robert A. Roe has made it a fert Issued a statement giving a to the public" by township Ad' policy not to restrict public in brief explanation of three ero- mlnistrator Richard W. Seuffert, School Site Plea Hearing formation. , sion projects. . . _^_ ....__ . . ^ \ml m, , *m I J ' III • J J -i.. Raises for and reporters who attempted to MARLBORQ;/— Another-, spe- It called a special public ' No Middletowr^ Township com- Asked if he would answer ;aln entrance to the room were cial meeting-was scheduled"'by meeting Wednesday, March 16, mitteemen were!) present yester- questions, he replied, "No ques- abruptly turned away by, the ad- day at the; time Mr. Seuffert tions." |JEW SHREWSBURY — Bor- Assessor, $400; treasurer, ,|150; the township Planning .Board to take, action oh the plans. Mr. ; ist, $2! per houh and part-time ministrator who refused to dis- last night to discuss a Freehold Bauman said, the location of the ruled the meetlrig closed.' May- The administrator's statement ough Council last night adopted borough clerk, J770;- secretary, laborers, $1.75-per hour. , cuss the closed-door policy. or Ernest jG4 Kavalek and Com- the ,1966 salary ordinance? It pro-$382; tax collector, $59O( deputy Regional High School' site ap- school on its'land and the'town- says Middletown must contribute The bbrtugh ittorney will re- ship's ability to meet appropria- mitteemah tfarofd H. Foulks ar- vides Increases for' most" borough tax eollecjrfr? $462; magistrate, In recent months, the,Town- proval application forj a third $83,144 toward its 1966 cost share ceive $2,700 pejj year plus fees. high school here before-, a school tions for the .proposal would be rived later. • Committeemen by June 15, and that the town- employees but, council admits, $300; court clerk, $337; superin- The building inspector's compen- ship Committee has come under increasingly heavy public; pres- referendum March 22. ',, discussed with st^ool officials. Douglas R,: Burke, Joseph M. ship will try to obtain project not.very big ones. tendent, of highways and sanita- sation .wilDbe Wsed on fees cbl Malavet and Edward P. Makely sure to get the storm protection While board approval is. not Although the board's er hour; jpart-time eleVk typ- Ine St., Red Bank. 747-048S.-Adv.Education. based on the existing ordinances. Adv. Carthy Chevrolet, 291-U0J.-Adv. A • tm DAILY KEGJSTEE um uorr AMD FOUND AUTOS MW AUTOS FOK SALE a M.ttL.t. U (uwt noire to IH wtmttmwx. «dt it nv,» «t tht Pliu Tbt«Ut, Ktt. mo. J UA*«. DRIVE INTO SPRING AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE WITH ONE OF THESE BEAUTIES! 1965 MS 1962 RENAULT '60 SUNBEAM r-EXTRASPECIAL — 1100 ledan, two-do or. Whifowalli. radio. heater. Hardtop convertible, radio. New leftover. Perfect second car. „ |,out wliitewelli. SPECIAL SALE! Witn wit 1955 $1495 $495 $795 ...NOW AT BUHLER X BITTER, INC. MS-TF I964VOLKS L^S^.! 1960LANCIA Sun roof radio, one own.r. t?QR Four-door, blue. Classic, black. Whitewalli, 2 new snow tirei. ^Z.73 Leether interior. ALL FORDS & AMERICAN Clean, new interior. $"95 I960 AUSTIN $295 Good top. MOTORS CARS ARE NOW 1964 RENAULT CDDITC I960 PEUGEOT $

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% I .-,y



'to DATSUN SPL 1600 •63 PONTIAC '63 BUICK ELECTRA •62 BUICK LE SABRE This sale in. effect March I thru March 5th, ONLY. Convertible, bucket teats, GRAND PRIX 4-doar hdtp., fully equipped. 4-door hardtep, auto, trans., 4 on floor. Fully equlppid, air cond. P.St., P.Br. '62 BUICK ELECTRA HURRY fN TODAY! '63 BUICK RIVIERA '61 BUICK SPECIAL '66 FORD FAIRLANE 4-dr. ledan, fully equipped, 2-deor Sport Coupe, full :; 2-dosr ledan, Fordomettci 4-dr. tedan, itandard tram. power, leather Interior. air conditioned. : r SAVE SAVE SAVE' . lilt* new. , '40 BUICK ELECTRA '63 CHEVY IMPALA '62 FORD 22S 4-elr. tedtn, full power. '65 DODGE DART GT Super Sport Convertible, Country Squire, 2-deor Sport Coupe, bucket auto. tram, on floor, P.St., 1 put. itation wagan, auto. '60 BUICK LE SABRE laatt, auto, tram., on floor, P.Br., bucket leatt, tram., P.St. 2-door hardtop, automatic vinyl roof. Electro Crulto Control. tram., P.St. P62 BUICK SKYLARK •64 BUICK LE SABRE •63 BUICK RIVIERA •60 PONTIAC, 2-door Sport Coupe, auto. 2-door hardtop, auto Irani., 2-deor Sport Coupe, Bonneville 4-door hardtop, tram., P.St., bucket teats. P.St., P.Br. full power, air conditioned. fully equipped.

'64 BUICK LE SABRE '63 BUICK LE SABRE '62 BUICK SPECIAL •59 PONTIAC 4-door hardtop, auto, tram., 4-door hardtop, auto, trim., 4fdoor Sedan, auto, tram., lonnevllle J.doer hardtop, P.St., P.jr. P.St., Mr. low mileage. fully equipped.

CAPRICE — Big car look, big car luxury, and a really big buy '64 BUICK RIVIERA '63 CHEVY IMPALA '62 PONTIAC •5? BUICK INVICTA duriqg Double Dividend Day*. "Bulek'i Flnott", full power, Super Sport,, 2.door, Bonnavllle Cony., auto. Station Wagon, automatic CIRCLE air conditioned1. hardtop, "Four on Floor". tr«m., PSt., P.Jr. trammliiion, P.St. CHEVROLET DOUBLE MOTORS Join the crowd—but try to be at the head of DIVIDEND thei linel Because right now you'll get a .mighty handsome buy at CIRCLE CHEVROLET DAYS! CO. during Double bivldend Days. (That meant INC; No. I Buys on America's No. I Can.) Pick No. I Buys ' from 45 great' models of CAPRICE, CHEVRO- -—KEYPORT. M.J LET, CHE/ELLE, CHEW II or CORVAIR. ' Chooser too, from a virtually endless selection "WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANT" No. I Cars : of colors, custom tpuchei, engines and Interior trims. Availability and variety have never been NOW greater—the buys have n»v«r been batter, tut hurry—Double Dividend Dayi won't lait for- • ev.rl So tee CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. NOWI

ILKTIU III <-Dlt HAUDTOP 4-on IIDAN FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO BUICK OPEL Home of the finest double checked used cars HWY. 35 ^m.t^^m\m 264^000 R0 BANK Swetpitakei limited t* mm*n* evarll llvln« In ContlneMal 0. $. Entrt#» mui» U pestmarltad fc«f«r*'mldnrikt, March J I, <

A AOTQS J4LE 8KISTEB , xmtmnm «u 4. 1966-1$ fUeHftf,' tWM,, SSL 4 1MB. »>uue TMUt mile*. ^xeeUei* eonililpa. Vull pAiiimmLCMi'iii- FUXN*e.ew food, Phone M»4(m Blfht* or weekeadl. 11*1 TRAVEL — TRANSPORTATION an cHivnourr-Four-eoor MMS* Standard ihlft, low mlleaxe."•• Xeajoa- , C0RV4UI COUP* ~ ' npwer tfteerlcK, rmdlo,' ' he4ter. auto* eble. 787-3WI r at (1.2M. .tXeCARUlJ CbCberrolee t CARS WOMAN WANTS RIDE — To KliM- m»Ue truimteilm. whitman tires, ex- burg, from Perth Amboy Oenera.1 Hw-cellent condition. 11,376. 220-1534 elter ft. tun pllel Letve 11:30 p.m., « nlihu. Otll 1*81 CAPIULAC -7 Sedan OeVUle. Full: Ttf-Ql&l. 1W FORD COUNTRY BqUlRE WAO- power. No money down. TAKT OVIB ON Air condlUonlm, V-8, automatic, -Buy a -car as4 set. c - HASH AM B^*ai*i)OK — Kura iMt vouamAatm — gm nmntj; QVTBR PAYMENTS. Call T744J02. Call now T744700. H,3«e. UcCARtSy Chevrolet . Cki»a Ure*. Heeilj valee w"Jg. CHANGED... flan ba teen,aJS»r,S P'<"- •* J™S wuon. Excellent condition. By owner: 1663 SISCATNI - lilt, HI- 391-UOl AMBASSADOR DPL HARDTOP 747-96M I860 FORD SQUIRE — WM. MoOAR- 1, * •mtS I**-, AUeJitle Bla% thy Chevrolet . , cylinder MoCARtby herrolet. i»ndi. ;; >« •" ' -I- IW3 CHEVY II Nova - rower tUde; 2B1-110L 291-110], oower. No inoney down. TAK£ OVIR rawer iteerlni. I1.28S. McCjStlW • t74<7(B. ~- Chevrolet. 291-UOi. 7\ DESIRE INTERESTED PARTttB TO AUSTIN RDALDY — »«4-3O0O — Con- uke over unpaid balaccee oi> repot- vertible. White, excellent condition, FOftD JlOAMTBR — Bulck po«- (More Am VOLKSWAOBN - IBM. Radio and aeeaed forelko and domeetie car*. No 11,000 mllei. Fully equipped ineluillni vren. Three' two! and cam. .75 per ESPECIALLY RAMBLERS ieat belts. 9,000 tnllei. Like w. money needed. Oalifor OK. Mr. Neloverdrive- . BeM offer. Call after 7 p.m.eertf «nH6«f (of ttreet or «tHp. 7*1- Oi-'thp 5 J1.325. Phone 741-UM. i. 542-2414. . KM' . ____^ AUTOS Ft* SALE Her#e Changed. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE but the Savings, Service and Satisfaction you get at Twin-Boro Rambler never changes ALL PRICES SLASHED THIS WEEKEND ON NEW AND USED CARS! 1964 MGB f-1963 BUICK Ro«d«Ur, lilt* new, bright Convartlbl*, automatic. red. A iportimtn't dream. $1695 Radio and heatar. 1963 RAMBLER ACTI 1964 OPEL KADETT Two-deer tletion wagon 330. Convertible, like naw. $1050 R&H, power top. 1962 CADILLAC 1964 SIMCA 2-door hardtop. 4-dr. udiii, heater. $795 1962 RAMBLER 1964 RAMBLER Wagon, auto., RSH. Like 770 1-dV. hifdtop, «ute. new. Two-tone, whltawalli, MH, power ifeerlnj. $1495 1962 STUDEBAKER 1963 RAMBLER Wagon, radio, heater, V-8. CleuU V-l 4-dr. >ed«n. Automatic, power (tearing. Alf eon,, auto., R»H, PS, PB. $1495 1961 RAMBLER Ambassador 4-door, auto. 1963 RAMBLER Radio and heatar, full power. Four-door wigen, euto. Radio, ri»«t»r. $1375 1961 DODGE Dart V-8 four-door hardtop. 1963 FORD Automatic, radio, heater. hlrl.nt "500", iutomeHe. Radio and hearar, lit* ntw. $1095 1961 CHEVROLET Impale 4-dr., auto. 1963 RAMBLER R4H, power steering. Two-door sedan. $795 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Sun viior, heater 1963 FIAT I960 T-BIRD 1100 medal, vary eUan. $ 750 Automatic, radio, heater Two-door hardtop. 1963 PONTIAC I960 CHEVROLET Hardtop, automatic, radio, Auto., R&H, P.St. keafer, pewar ttaaring. $1695 4-door hardtop. RUSSELL TWIN-BORO RAMBLER OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC JEEP SALES AND SERVICE NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 747-0040 RED BANK -'« Vs BLAST PRICES on Br$nd New Factory Fresh WHATU YOU HAVE? • ' 'i Beauty? Economy? Performance? Price? You Name It! When It 1966 Comes to Cars, We've Got 'em!

\ *«tr/ | * 1 STATION WAGONS FORDS COMPACTS OLDSMOBILES '41 STUDEBAKER $450 '59 GALAXIE $ 395 '63 CORVAIR $ 850 Lark 4-door, S.W. 2-door Hardtop, FOM. 4-door, automatic '.1 FORD $ 495 '60 GALAXIE $ 495 eVeyl., 4-door Ranch Wagon, •64 COMET $1150 RDM 4-door Sadan, FOM, "202", 4-door Sedan. MOM power iteering '42 FALCON BUS $ 695 '64 CORVAIR $1250 '61 GALAXIE $ 595 •42 COMET $ 850 Hardtop, FOM, Monia Sport Coupe, P-SI Cuttem 4-door Wagon, MOM power itearing '64 COMET $1495 •42 FALCON $ 895 '63 FAIRLANE $ 995 Squire Wagon, FOM Caliente V-8, 2-door, hardtop, "500" 2-dr., FOM, P.St. - MOM '62 FORD $1095 i-paitenger Country Squire. '63 GALAXIE $1295 '65 VOLKS $1450 FOM "500" 2-door hardtop, Like new. •62 MERCURY $1050 FOM, power steering •65 COMET $1495 Colony Park, MOM, '64 GALAXIE $1450 power steering Cuitom two-door. f'500" 4-door, overdrive, !WE' RE OUT TO SELL 40 NEW :> '44 FORD $1450 power steering '65 MUSTANG $1795 ' | :. - •• • •• •• - : .1 • •-••.• •'.->•'• •;, i,•-'...;• \ '•,}'•'. A ••'•'.-- •• : t ; ' ; • . ' •. ,, . >,; • '• ;; . ;*, : • • . •- •;„'•;. \>. >• I •>.,:,•?'- 's'' '•'"' ••'.- ,.-.'•'''.: ;: " • •••••' 6-panenger Country Sedan, i-cyl. Hardtop, RAH. FOM, power iteerlng '64 GALAXIE $1450 '65 ECONOLINE $1750 "500" 2-door hardtop, FOM, •65 COMET : $1950 OLDSMOBILES DURING MARCH* Window van. FOM. power iteering Caliente, 2-door hardtop, MOM, power iteering MERCURYS •44 XL $1750 4-door, FOM, power steering •62 METEOR $ 750 LINCOLN- Custom 2-door MOM. '65 GALAXIE $2395 "BOO" 2-door, FOM, CONTINENTALS '44 MONTEREY $1495 power iteering '64 CONT'N'TAL $3395 4-dr.' sadan, MOM, P.St. 4-door, full power , '64 MONTCLAIR $1795 COMPACTS '64 CONT'N'TAL $3595 2-door hardtop, MOM, P.St. '41 CORVAIR $ 595 4-door, air conditioned •44 PARK LANE . $2095 Monza, 4-dr., automatic. 2-door hardtop, MOM, •65 CONT'N'TAL $3995 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY power steering, air cond. '43 FALCON $ 750 Bucket leeti. 2-door, Standard transmission 4-door, full power SPECIAL PRICES SHOP AT OlOS ACTrONLAND ... SHOP NEW FORDS and MUSTANGS Custom "500" Sedan $2229—$150 Down—$66.42 for 36 Months (LIMITED TIME ONLY) ' ! ' ' RUSSELt, CADILLAG CO MONMQUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORD DEALER 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS k v.tlt MOUNT - ENGLISH Ico? 741-0^10 1904 , MQNMOUTH * MAPLE AVE, RED |ANK—741-6000 THE DAILY ftEOSTEt WTMIDI IALE armwmuw wrm.t9m.uvt, 20—Fri4»y, M*refa 4, 19(56 irtiw Ml CKW muum mm*. cor. tax, tu-ll N Fint •uat o AUTOS FOE SALE 1M> ItAXBUCK - TTO CUadC low door auuoa *uoa ati-eyllndar, *0K Mt CHJBVROUtT IMPALA - Ortfl- - Hirtu*. r«ir aMa, mitlc, nils, healtr. COW. iKntt tal ownv. SMJB. OranMra-crutaa, this is d f S1WS. McduUhy. Ouno- DM OLDeUOBILS M — An powtl dick, lour-door. Call 741-1W* iltpr * 1IH PLYMOUTH—1PORT TOltT CAUJ M**TS«. ASTIR * P.M. W- 1M3 OLDSMOBILK N — row-door IMJ FORD FAmLANE ••»'• - roar- hardtop. Full power. No money down. UM IMPALA aPORT COUP*. — V-4 loor Kick «hltt. OrlUmJ ownlr. MuM1S6J ALTA ROIOO — 1M0 aerial Lincoln TAKB OVBR PAYMENTS, till TT4- mm ataaring. power gU4«. S3U*. If » i«n to bi a|>pr«dM«

SOON THE DAISIES previously owned . FROM WILL BE and proudly cared for ANY ANGLE PUSHING UP PRICES ... Besides being little more than nicely broken Inj the major THE DATSUN SPL-31T IS YOUR BEST BUY! difference you'll consciously note between one of our late- BUY NOW WHERE PRICES USED CARS model Continentals and a new one is tn» remarkable - Fully aquippad — no "axtrai" 1o buy: ARE STILL AT savings i previously owned Continental affords its second owner. The ride, the look, the performance, the quality are That's why It's tha "world'i bast packaga daal." WINTER—LOWS classic, timeless, unmistakably Continental. Come in and PRICE:' ' • •."'•' " : , 1964 CADILLAC inspect our fine selection—this week. $2,550 DATSUN n.JZT±Z 1966 VOLKSWAGEN ....$1695 Complett Immadiata dalivary, Java qraan. S«d«n Dftvill*. black, rad leather Intarer loaded with extra t including, power windewi, six way 1963 BUICK Riviera—$2295 ENGLISH Full Powar power teat, factory air conditioned. Monmouth Motors Inc. LINCOLN MOTORS MERCURY HWY. 35 542-2414 EATONTOWN 1965 VOLKSWAGEN ., $1495 34-36 Maple Ave. 747-4545 Red Bank Ninft'passtngtr Kombf 1964 CADILLAC 1961 CHEVROLET _ $695 Graanbrier Nina-paiiangar w«o,on Model sixty two, four door ledan. Whit* with 1964 PONTIAC $1995 black and white interior. Equipped with power Bonnavill* convertible. 1961 VOLVO $1195 windows and six way power seati and factory Four-door 122-S air conditioning. Like new throughout. 1964 CHEVROLET ;...... $ 1350 leacoast Corvair Morns, four-doer, automatic, radio and ht«t«r. 1961 PLYMOUTH ...$ 495 1964 CADILLAC Valiant V-209 2-door hardtop AUTO LEASING - FINANCING - AUTO SALES 1963 VOLKSWAGEN ...... $1050 ConveVt&U, white, red leather interior, white Nina-pauang.tr wagon top, 16,000 original miles. Excellent through- 1964 CHEVROLET $1695 out. , Chavalla 4-door. Exeallant condition FOR THE SMARTEST 1964 CHEVROLET :...$! 395 FOR THE Monza Spydar. FINEST POSSIBLE 1961 PONTIAC $ 695 1962 CADILLAC USED CAR BUYS • ,'• • - Tampait wagon. PERSONALIZED Availabla anywhar* . . . aach of tha follow- Sedan DeVille. Gold with matching interior. ing can hava baan pamparad, sarvlead and 1964 CHEVROLET ...... :; ,..,v...:..i. ...$T750 maintainad by SaacoasVs axpart larvie* da- Bal Air 4-door. Exeaptienally claan . . " Equipped with power windows, six way power AUTO LEASING partmant tiilea' new . . . and ara abiolutaly 'GUARANTEED »o bring you yaart of raltabla, for Individuals, Business Men, 1964 FORD ..*...... ::...... $I39S seat, factory air conditioning. Excellent through- dapandabla parformancal Futura 4-door. Yallaw . Professional Men and Companies TOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES . out. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN ...„._: ....$ 895 ..,-',-• AT- THE ••' Fully guarantaad. '65 MG $1395 '64 Ford $1395 LOWEST,POSSIBLE RATES Sport .Coup*. Bucket Swtl CHEAP TRANSPORTATION CARS 1 "65 Cadillac $4795 '65 Pontiac. 42S95 1959 FORD GALAXIE .„$ 395 '66 MODELS ?K ., Csupt DeVllla, Air Cond. Cotsllna Station Wojon. • Two-door hardtop, lix-eylindar, automatic, radio and haatar. M 1955 PONTIAC $ 150 '66 Plymouth .$69 '66 Pon+ic* $86 '65 Cadillac $4795 '65 Falcon $1650 RUSSELL Valiant. - TvwHloor Cotallno Hgrdtop. - Convertible, Air Conditioned J-Ooor MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST and LARGEST '66 Buiclc $75 '66 Cadillac $119 AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. Special. Two-door . Coupa . r "64 Cadillac $2995 '64 Cadillac $3295 '66 Oldsmobile $75 '66 Ford $89 2-Ooor Hardtop Convtrtlblt FS5 Tw(wioor Country Squlr* Station Wgn. 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK '64 Olds $2195 •64 Oievy $|795. '66 Chevrolet $79 '66 Chrysler $89 S-M 4-Ooor Hardtop Station Won., Air Cand.. . SHREWSBURY MOTORS INC. Impola Hardtop Newport Hardtop Rates 26-Mo. Non.•Maint. ins. Lease '64 Chevy $1795 '64 Ford $1395 SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500- SHREWSBURY 741-0910 Folcon Stotloft Waoon . SPICIAL RATES ON '66 TRUCK , .InipDla. >Door Hardtop LOW MIUAftC J'b\ Cadillac $N95 LIKE 'iCV , LEASES "M Plymouth $ 1195 'ftOW AVAILABLE NEW OS'af •6* BUICK $2E95 • '44 Bbict ' $2595 We Will Purchase "Your Present Car .•Riviera "* Electro. 4-bo*'Ho' YOU CAN'T BUY NEWI

OPEN 9 A.M. AUTOMOBILES WHOLESALE TO 9 P.M. DIAL7* Wlwi kamyeii saan automobilts at atttial wholasala? Na foaling. whol«ale7 Ntvar? Wall, liajrefly aver ... localise wa'ra datarmlnad to remain No. 1 In salas and sarvlca, wa kava staked avtry aaa of our A-l used cars to wholasala. So* offa of tho biggest asad ear dls- • play* la the area—Fords—Chevrolet*—Plymouth!—Mustangs—Bulelu—oil available far !»• mediate etaHmry. Don't miss out on rills trtmandoiis on«e-ln-o-llferlme offtrl NORMALLY! END OF WINTER CLEARANCE FORDS 63 CADILLAC DeVille Full power, air conditioned ..$2391 1962 CHEVROLET '66 FORD Hardtop $2291 1965 MUSTANG 1964 FAIRLANE 65 CHEVROLET Imp. Hdtp. Cpe. $209 T Conv., ,8-cy!,,- *tick;shift 4-door sedan, 8-cyl., auto. tram. Impila Supef Sport.Conv., 6-cyl., '66 MUSTANG Hardtop ..... $2171 automatic trans., power steering '65 FORD Galaxie 500 . 'rtt 65 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. Hdtp $18191 , $1395 Four-door sedan, leaded „.. $1991 '64 FORD Country Squire *„.._..„ „... $1891 64 CHEVROLET Convertible $ 1791 $995 '66 1964 FORD FORD Falcon Sedan 7$I79J 64 CHEVROLET I m pa la Hdtp. ..,.$1591 1965 MUSTANG '65 FORD Mustang . , "> Custom 500 4-door, 8-cyl., / 1962 FAIRLANE Hordtop ..._ „..„..;. $1791 64 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan, V-8 Hardtop, 6-cyl., automatic trans. radio and beatqr. ' . - '65 FORD Galaxie 500 ' > 500 4-door sedan, 8-cyl., Sedan _ ,,,;...... _... $ 1591 Autoina'Ke, Power Steering ....$1391 • $1895. automatic transmission '63 FORD Country Squire < tlKOI FORD Falcon •;.. ? 61 PONTIAC Bonneville Conv $ 1291 $895 '64 Sedan : _ ..$"991 1965 MUSTANG 1963 PONTIAC FORD Galaxie 500 ^65 FIAT 60QD Sedan '.. $ 891 Bonneville convertible., 8-cyl., •63 Hardtop, 6-cyl., standard trans.' Sedan. V-8, automatic, power steering.. $ 991 automatic trans., power steering 1962 FALCON -FORD 500 •• " 61 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan 1$ 791 '62 Sedan... , $ 691 60 CHEVROLET Convertible $ 691 $1795 4-door Deluxe, 6-cyl., auto, trans. '60 FORD Country Sedan $ 391 $I69S '60 FORD 2-Door Sedan ...... !.. $ 321 59 CHEVROLET Sedan $ 291 $795 1965 VOLKSWGN 1963 OLDSMOBILE 59 BUICK 2 Door Hardtop $ 291 RED TAG SPECIAL 113 Sedan 88 2-door, hardtop, 8-cyl., 1962 CHEVROLET autorpatic trans., power steering, Bel Air 2-door, 6>eyK, stand, trans. '65 CHEVROLET MONZA COUPE $1391 A GROUP OF $1495 power brakes Loaded, mint condition. $795 COMPACTS REDUCED 1965 VALIANT $1595 TRUCKS 65 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan, Sliding Roof ..$1391 \ 2-door sedan, 6-cyl., stand, tram. 1963 FORD I962RAMBI-|R '66 FORD PICK-UP 44 VOLKSWAGEN Convertible $1191 ; Country Sedan, 8-cyl., stand, trans. Classic Custom 2-door, 6-cyl., $1891 63 CHEVROLET Moma Coupe 991 $1495 ,:, ; standard transmission '65 ECONOLINE VAN 63 FORD Fairlane 500 Wagon 891 $!(#$ J $1691 61 VOLKSWAGEN Station Bus 891 1964 CHEVROLET $695 '64 FORD PICK-UP 62 CHEVROLET Moma Sedan 791 $1091 Impala, 4-door hardtop, 8-cyl., 1962 OLDSMOBILE 61 FORD Falcon Station Wagon 591 '63 ECONOLINE VAN automatic tram., power, steering 88 2-door hardtop, 8-cyl., (961 MERCURY 61 RENAULT Dauphine, ; automatic trans., power steering, Colony Park Station Wagon, 8-cyl., 61 RAMBLER 4 Dr. Seda $1695 power brakes automatic trans.j power steering 60 TAUNUS Station Wa l9HpLD$MOB!LE $1095 * $895 Jetstar 88, 4-door hardtop, 8-cyl., automatic tram., power steering, 1962 CHEVROLET I960 T-BIRD power brakes Bel Air Station Wagon, 9 pass., Hardtop, lull power $1695 ; 6-cyl. $89$ : $995 '


A . 5V. nvau rtm tt&z 90ATS AMD A0CEMOHEI . THt DAILY SEGISTER Mtn* 4

sail. BOATJ AMD FAIR HAVHX TACHT WORK*, INC. wsuhar. •OATS AND ACCKSOMIS rt. DeNormaiKM* AT*. 11 H.P. BVRWUBC — "• two tnyw CHBVKOUDT - 1B» Bel Air N.J.'s Frl«Bi t 1» I h.». Oil WM. FALCOW — TwWoor - mat •ONI, Ml W. Front it,, Rtd Bank. Whits. Oood '. eoadtttloB. .IU»sons.W SAILBOAT CENTER CRUISER INC. — W, Mercury elec- Call tll-tm. SALES RENTALS SLIPS tric ttawer, M hj>. Convertible lop. -CONVmilBia: — Plymouth aEH ~ MM Vtnut wxm, BUICK — IMW Invacu. Power Hnrlnt BUSINESS NOTICIS and bnu»i; Oood condition, mu*t tell. MOTORCYCLES Demonstrations Instructions Fully equipped, Xx^U^tt condition. , wtllu, Mull top, rsd InUrlof, UM 'OHEVROliBT • — Bit cytlndn 11798. IBM B*t*V 1JO0, illijln* roof, CHRYSLER Reasonable. 22S4L81 n XCOO mllM, prlc. n.Mo. •<]• «39O. 2644399. WRKI'LACBS A aUPCCMUTI-JUI ntiMo,' ht&tsr,' automttic tranemlsslot 1215 CaU 2Mw pillt d. Eicellent condition. tllSOO. MONMOUTH MARINA - BAILBO>ATS PI., Red Bank. t-uas Uter • p.m. and anytime New and used boat* and motors. M AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE West Bt., Monmouth Beach. 222-3482. MOBILE HOMES AUTOS FOR SALE AOTOS FOR. SALE tn CHEYRmxrr wxoon — CAPE COD SAILBOAT — Dacron calls. litt MONZA . -^ Convertible. Thru Nice family boat. Best offer. Call rrtlndvr.'Whlt* Brookwood. OtU tp««d and extrti. J1,(B5. Call after « BLOAR 10xW _ Completely (uriUHwl. p.m. 2S1-382O. Wuiur, air conditioner. t2,MG. nil 881«7«« IW< MOB — Alqwrt ill at«r. Excellent Ml power, afcr conditioning. Leather up- NEW MOON — 10x51, wall-to- Many extras. 291-0990. VALIANTS -.«• S41.91I Ion. 1423. CaU TIT-OT07. holM«ry. Mlr.t condition. New Urn. m 12150. (71-3231. wall carpeting, partially furnished, 1964-24' TROJAN — 190 Interceptor, 1M1 OLDSMOB1LE F-8S. V-S, radio, awnlngn. Job transfer. 671-1747.- LESS THAN 100 hours; moving must PLYMOUTHS tlfllir * itattr, itandard. Exctlltn" t' oondltlou, ««3 STUDBBARER WAGON — Bed196, 3 MARLETTB — Expando, 10x65,18' sell, call after «. 281-S383. mllnaii. t«-0TS7. 6-cyilnder, atandajrd, raoio, ho&ter, tlld- 11 Ing roor. New clutch, Urea. 23,000 mllea. living, front dlnlrje; and porch. Setup CHETBK - 17'4". 19M with MercUry CHRYSLERS Nllil " S6O.54. MO FALCON Matlon «tfpn..«ui- Excellent condition. SUM. 741-24111. In nice park. 2*4-2089. S5 h.p. 1964 and Alloy It' trailer, 1666. la*d thlR. Oood $»M.$»M mUftaft. S2T6. MOBILE HOME — —8'x«'. Furnished. Call 741-2181. Jood oondltjeo. IjilJOJ. lMO COMKT — Excellent condHlon, automatic tratumletlon, whMewalu. A-l condition. Call anytHm*. 1»' THREE QUARTER — Mahogany IWAGONS •* S53.55 M3 COVAIR MONZA — Convertible. Oall 223-37S. Call 747-6907. 2 Door, RiH $1995 116' LYMAN lapstrake runabout, steer-1] RiH, Whltt Walls 4-Weed trentmlalon, Utffl original •41 CHIVROLIT t1)QC Ing wheel and controls. Needs work. mllH. Ntw ear guaranttt. Impolo » door. 9*919 | MS. 741,aoeL " $1495 Hardtop < eylinaV. Fully e«ulpp«(. Full Powtr. AUTOS FOR SALE 62 CHEVROLET 62 FORD •»IMUITAN» G.l.xie, V-8, Auto., Hardtop, ttirt* spwJ199d 5 TALK TO ME AT Conv., Full Power, Itondord tronimlijlon, radio ond '42 COMIT Auto., RSH P.S., RiH, Whit. Walll Hsotsf, erlolnol 13,0CO mllM. Fully SCHWARTZ & SONS Dtluxt 4 door Station $995 puarontttd. Black. r*d Interior. $895 Wagon. Fully tqulppsd. Showroom SOMETHING WONDERFUL Condition. 'MCHIVROI.IT C1QQC NO MONEY DOWN — UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY Impala V* 4-deor. vl#7iJ HAPPENS Hartftop. Fully tqulppsd, fully '«2 PONTIAC IMwtrtd, fully auararrl«d. Ttmptti 2 door Isort $895 Coup*, original Whltt Standard Trammlulon. Radio BAYSHORE •MMIRD Htattr. Horoop. Ohfrlflal wtiltt $2595 CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH flnWi, rid mtsrlor. Full! -. ^ndudlflfl olr cohd. 19/01 'U FALCON 1st Ave. 291-9200 Atlantic Highlands milt*. This bNuHhH luxury auto- mobile. QM/ntiy Squirt. Whltt rinlth. Ktd'Vlnyt Inferior, Radio and Htattr. Mint Condition. BY •MOODftl THOROUGHBRED OF SPORTS CARS! Dort Waoon. '42 KARMANN BOB WHITE .Mly guormtMd. •MIA . $1095 Radio and Hwttr. •M OLDS B U I CK lyptr U Hardtop. $2095 Fully tqulpptd. Fully powtrtd. Llk* '42 CHIVROLIT 1965 BUICK Impala Convtrtfblt. $1295 «-cyl. (tandord trorwmtwlon. LtSabr* n«re!top. "Mint" condition. •44 VOLKS $2795 % Original Blut $1395 PlM You Ccn'l Tall From '41 FALCON 1963 VALIANT 1963 CHRYSLER 300 •64 KARMANN GHIA Sptclal Oiluxt tdoor. $775 31,000 mllH. light' grten. Two-door.. Economical. Standard •. Four-daor hardtop. Ona owner. $1795 car In shewraom condition. Intlrt •*l CHIVROLIT shift. 5-y»«r 80,000 mil* guaranta* Fiva-yaar 50,000 mila guarantao. 1964 BUICK : Cully OM powtr ItMrlna. '41 CORVAIR Wildcat co.nvtrtlblt. Low guarontMd. Monta Sport Coup*. $895 $1799 '66 TRIUMPH Fully tqulpptd. $999 $1995 •»1 FORD •40 CORVAIR 1963 BUICK Saknlf 500. $1295 Monia 4-dow. $695 Spteial eonvtrtiblt. TR4A , DELIVERED Moor fully •qtripotd. Showroom Fully tqulpprt. Showroom condi- 1965 PLYMOUTH tion. 1964 FORD FALCON Fury, Four-door sadan. Rva-yaat $1495 guarantee. Low mileage. WITH FLIP-UP TOP •'« CORVAIR '40 CHIVROLIT Four-doer. Automatic transmission. 1963 FORD Fairfalnt Squirt. Monia Sport Coupt. $1395 Impala +*w hardtop $895 12,000 milts. • Dite Bi-aW , • Topi. 110 MPH, ....'• Fully Hulpptd. Original wh Fully tqulpptd. Pull Powtrtd. flnUh, rtd inttrltr. Immaariott. btoutyl $2199 $1350 • Independent rear suspension optional. $1399 1963 CHEVROLET • SCCA National Road Racing 1962 CHRYSLER SS hardtop. • • Champion'-for 4+rY Straight Year. ' $^1495 -; Four-door. White, red interior.' 1961 BUICK 1959 PLYMOUTH |1'.- ' t-ej, - One owner.- ' $89 Convtrtibltji '"Station Wagon, *- $1299 $1195 ALLfNE\rV TRIUMPH 19*1 VOLKSWAGEN NJ.'s FRIENDLIEST DEALER Two-door. SPITFIRE MARK II $795 141 W. FRONT ST. I960 VOLKSWAGEN $ MAURICE SCHWARTZ Sunroof. 2Mb ••"• WSS, I.Nf. $795 RT. 34 SINCE I9lf RED BANK I960 BUICK' . DELIVERED CORNER Hardtop. ATLANTIC AVE. 747-0787 $595 DISC BRAKES, RACK and PINION STEERING I960 OPEL ... NEW RACING SEATS . . . MORE POW- Two-door. ER . . . 'ROLUyp WINDOWS . . . 4-WHEEL PLUSMANYMORE III " INDEPENDENT SUSPENSION. BOB WHITE REti BANK AUTO IMPORTS BUICK-OPEL AUTHORIZED TRIUMPH DEALER Shrtwibury Avt., Shrtwibury 119 E. Newman Springs Rd. 741 - 5886 Red Bank

BOB WHITE BUICK MONMOUTH COUNTY S LARGEST BUICK DEALER featuring OUR STAFF WELCOMES YOU TO TEST DRIVE 13 big, new-generation COMETS Wt'ra launching our second million THE BUICK OR OPEL OF YOUR CHOICE. Comet, with the biggest savings spree in i generation! There's a deal to be FIND OUT THAT BOB WHITE BUICK'S had on every Comet in our showroom —arid when you pocket the savings you'll feel like a million. What a big, beautiful performance champion this ill-new Comet ill II you want action >I45 DUWN for your money-you'd better '2145 RELIABILITY AND PRICES CAN'T BE MATCHED! 43.19 lot 14 monthi come ••tunning! BOB WHITE BUICK- OPEL Authorized Dealer in Monmouth County (Near IW Bank Airport) SHREWSBURY AVE. NEW SHREWSBURY ENGLISH LINCOLN •< MERCURY *_ E^EPIWIPNESDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. MOTORS 14-36 MAPLG AVENUE 747-4545 RED BANK J7 Tttt DAILY REGISTER HELP WA>tTED-MAUe M 4, MACHINE SALESWOMAN ELECTRONIC DATA PROOKSfN© One of New Jersey"! Urgtit diaptr P«-rf-tfmt icrvicei hai an immtdlaU opcnlnc wr Any Hours. *U*JL» (Wtour. Cu BUSINESS NOTICES OPERATORS an attracUve woman to eeU diaper PROGRESSIVE. WiILt L EtTABI-IIHEp NON-DEPENSE COJIPANYla -CONj and phone rtaulitd. Cau Mt-XUI. O» EXPERIENCED SDJoLE NEEDLE • en-Ice In the Bayihore area. Ap- VERTING PRESENT B.D.P. OPERATION TO I.B.M. .-. AND HA OPHmNd \ PURCHASING - ASSISTANT 'nun** " ;:. .', INGOUK TAX RDTURNO — Individual DAT SHOT plicant muit have a car. Previous FOX A SYSTEMS ANALrtST AND ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OT COM and buatntss; alto New Toik IUt«. salei experience deiired, but not neces- PUTIR OPERATIONS IN ADDITION TO STARTING SALAMBS AS «TAT«:n / nrepartd completely. Business estab- sary. Hours or lelllnr, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. THIS COMPANY OFfERl LIBERAL FRINGE BENEf'ITt AND EXCELLENT llshed 15 years la Mlddletown area. Mattel, Inc. Highest earning! plus commission! and OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. POSITION LOCATION IS LONO BRANCH AREA. ^ ••-..•. TO PURCHASING AGENT Margery Trovato trading u Reliable exp*nsei paid. If you are a ictf starter Tax Service. «71-lJBt. HWY. 35 HOMfDEL and appreciate not having to report in MAXJB AND FBUALX out drlMrs. CALL MRS. CA8SIDT, 264-8700 and out of an office each day, this Expanding plant located central N. J. leaks man With buy- Townsnlp residents. Full and J»rt-ume. CLEAN CELLARS. «AHU*J, QARAOES WOMAN to work In bookkeeping d.- job le tor you. To arrange for Inter- SYSTEMS AND METHODS ANALYST Mlddlttown Township Board of Dduoa- — Have truck. Ughi hauling. Call after t>artmet3t ol •tUbUihta local ctmcwn. view, call 747-3443. Ask for Mri. 8!ier- ing experience in light manufacturing industry. Uon. 871-HO6. t p.m. u\sM Must hftvi pleaiant personality, be * f>r. BABY SERVICE, INC., 124 S. 15th. MODERN METHOD PAINTING and good typlit and work well with (tgurti. St., Newark, N.J. MUST HAVE I TO 1 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN SYSTEM! DESIGN. PR«. (ALE! — Three evenings. IM a. wtek Excellent company berAfiti. Reply in FERABLE ON I.B.M. >«01 OR SIMILAR EOITIPMENT. FORMULATE iYS- Applicant mutt bt capable of independent action and be guaranteed. —"call o<-coratiwg Co. Interior and exterioi own handwriting to "A,T.", Box 520, winter special, any room painted 01 WAITRESS — Campus Luncheonette, TEMB AND PROCEDURES DIRECTBD TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT OF able to supervise small department. Inventory control and I42-ZT12. papered, J19.95. 291-3229. Red Bank, statins put experience, Rum ton. Experience deaired, but not r?^n?i'liiJr?^?ili*J>PLICPLIC//TI0TI0N T0 BDR C0LLBGB ORADUATB WTH iTRONO reftrencfei and • alary required. necetsary. lluit be over 21, pleuant LEADERSHIP ABILITY. GOOD POTENTIAL FOR ADEMENTADVANCEMENT. . OTArVT warehouse background helpful. ATTIC*. CELLARS CLEANED - Llgnl WTlt>aO SALARY 17,00(1frOOII ' TO 19,00(1900(1 DEPENDING OONN Qt/AUFICTIONB SD SHORELINE hauling. Free tsUmatta. Oil after • MOTHER'S HELPER — Live in. AJ- and willing (o work. Interview* all Qt/AUFICATIONB p.m., all day Saturday, Sunday. 747-aotB. •1sl t witih cookingki , cleaningli , laundry, day except between 11 and 2. S42-9S12 EXPERIENCE. RESUME MUST OIV8 COMPLETE DETAILS Or K three childrenen.. _ Kef*r*ncMRefe-rencts. Salary RY WRITB "C PERSONNEL MRVIO GARDEN STATE TR8II EXPERTS— open. Apply N.J. State Employment PLEASANT PART-TIME POSITION— HISTORY. WRITS "C.L"rBOX Complett removal, prunelng, and toi Service. 4» E. Front St., Red Bank. General • houiewoork. Uon., Wed., SALARY OPEN Broad at Ktd Bank 741-JMe ping. Haullm. Call 257-7201 or S94-O3J No fee charted. Thun. afternoorw. Bat. morning. Re- cent references required. Phone after ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR COMPUTER OPERATIONS EXCELLENT BENEFITS PLUS PENSION PUN INCOME TAXES PREPARED - In- COOK — Relief. Two dtyi. Plain cook- 6 p.m. 842-166*. . dividual or buitneii tax rtturn. T" ing. Small lAirftlnt; home, Call 741-2059 Send resume lncludtns. txntrtenct and salary history to •arly. J.W. Julian. Call 7S7-78SJ. In th« afternoon. QM AUTO DEALERSHIP Red Bank "A. G.", BOX 520, RED BANK MASON — Brick fronts, slept, side- CLEANING WOMAiy - I|olmdel area. area needs experienced Burrouths BARB EMPLOYMENT AOUKCT walks and patios. Call after S p.m. "" Own' ifunjporrtatlon. Write "C.K.", Box bookkeeping machine operator. Good Qualified personml for Quality Ordsrs MM United S Sliver Door Co. 520. Bed Bank. salary. Start immediately. Must have J10 Broad Long Branch aa-l74t transportation. Call for appointment KITCHItTHaJLP — Mttdtd tot ntw TENNIS COURT SUPPLIES — Stan- WAITRB8TRB8S WANTED - Apply ittitt perp - .•41-0910. MT. Ortley. dard freen topping, tapei. nets, ate. nurslnghome^ For Inttrvltw, eail at*- • on. BkBowknot t RetaReitaurantt , w BBroadd SStt, PERSONABLE. , RESPONSIBLE. „ HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WAVTED-MALE »00 or 721-1201). B. Baton. After t p.m. M1-3J7*. Ud Bulk. perlenced legal secretary for one mar CUSTOM LANDSCATOJO - J"rse e«- office. Write giving educational back REAL OPPORTONTnr — fa tRtai Bs. tlmatei. Oil after • p.hi. Ask for Mr. HAIRDRESSER ground, work expedience and salar> PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ute and Insurance for •tlatpawit, Grasso. 747-llot. Experienced only. de*lred to "B.C.", Box 520, Red Bank. PAUL P. 80VA, Realtor. KM* *71. Vlnmar, 741-7789. ELECTRONIC 2M4. . •i TON HEAVY DL'TY PICK-UP FOR UVB-IN MAID — Experienced, refe HIRE — With driver. Hourly or daily CAR WASHERS: FULL TIME ONLY encci. Full cha.rgt tioohlrjfe and In PROGRESSIVE AND EXPANDIN' SALES rate. After I p.m. 291.3379. — QlrlJ. 19 to 29, tor detailing can; forma.! ssrvlnj. Family of two tduUs CIRCUIT DESIGN cleaning laelde wtadowi and outside one child. Ugttt laundry and Ugh; COMPANY WITH HEADQUARTERS Itudents, liouiewlvei . and traployed drying. No experience necessary. Good cleaning. Som« suparvlslon of chili workers letklnt tt supplemtai regu- HELP W/WTED-FEMALE IN THE ASBURT PARK ARSA. MAI lar Income. Your art urgantly needed EMPLOYMENT wages. Apply Country Sudier Oar Salar3aij y open. Apply N.J. State Em HELP WANTTED-MALE ENGINEERS for full or part-time work In Una area, Wash liwy 35. Mlddletown ployment OHlce, 48 E. Front Visit our office Immediately for In- HELP WANTED FEMALE SEVERAL TERRITORIES OPEN - Red Bank. No Fee Charged. OPENING FOR A PERSONNEL Dl Openinti for experienced circuit dt- formation. N.J. BTATE EMPLOY- NURSES, RN *ltn«ri. position responsibility •— com' Kor women' who are Interested In hav- Jr. Industrial RECTOR. COLLEGE ORADUAT1 MENT SERVICE! ing a good iteady Income, plus U.8, CASHIERS pl>t* dejlfn of electronic test lnstriv U last Front St. Bel Bank COUNTER HELP Savings Bonds. Experience unnecei mcnUtlon. Thorough knowlidgi of f«ed< Full and part-time. Must bt over lg. NOW STAFFING ENGINEER WITH EXPERIENCE IN EMPLOY. NO FEE CHARGED Part-time, days or nights. No ex- nry. Call 7(1(343. Or write Mrs. Mai Good opportunity. Permanent poiltlont. back circuitry essential. 8B or Mf, KB perience neceiMry. Good opportunity. garet pulotta, Box 658. Red Bank. Management Trainee or equivalent rtQulrcd. SaUry eora< BOOKKBEPUOR - For auto .Mtncjr. Excellent working conditions and beae- INTBNSIVE MENT. WAGE AND SALARY AD Kxc-llent working conditions Apply to flta. Apply to Drug Dept. Manager. memurata with axptrUoct. Call (201 Take full oharft Immediately. ... . Snack Bar Manager, SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ~ Ex- CORONART CARE UNIT 464*1234 for appointment In person, Downes Pontiec, n Lower perienced, roll or part (Inn. « to II MINMTRATION, ORIEVAMCB' HAN Muln ftt., Milmw. _ TWO GUYS arM weekends. Telephone Answering TWO GUYS MECHANICAL HEWLETT^PASKARD CO* Service. 741-4700. Rt. 35 at Twinbrook Rd. Mlddletowi AT DLING, AND NEOOTIATIONS A RE- TWO BXPfflRIBNCED PHBWHR8 — Rt. 15 at Twlnbrobli -Rd. Mlddletown ENGINEER HARRISON DIVISION For dry cleanen. Call SM-0070. After COUNTER HELP AND PRE8SER8 WAITRESSES — Xxctllent J»ar rount MONMOUTH MBDICAL CUNTlin 8 call 323-C8M. BOOKKEEPER — EXPEJIIENCED WANTED. Apply In person, n"o phon--—i i positions avallaWe. Apply In perton, For vibration and QUISITE. MUST HAVE PROVEN 100 Locust Ave.. Berkley Heights, N.J In law office calls. O le Hour MartlnUing, Cam] An B«ual OpDortunlty Employer Call 747-3730. no phorAs calls please. 1 It i p.m Formal training will be provided. Ex- bells Junction, Belford. and 8:30 to 10 p.m. Howard Johnson's, cellent benefits. Contact Director of ihtss work. RECORD OF BKINO A LEADER. NO Rt. 35, MlddlMown. SITUATIONS WANTED-Fem«lt CLERK-TYPIST — Wart good typlit SECRETBRY — RECEPTIONIST - Nurslni Service, 322-5200 ext. 308. A FOLLOWER: AND OF HAVING OROOBRY OLBRK — Fmlt-tlms, morn- who mm) also be accurate with fig- Typing, shorthand; good company WOMEN WANTED — Three. Par ings, all union benefits. Apply In per. GIRL — wishes days work. Two ures, for clerical duties. Excellent benefits, five-day-week, 9-5. Relocating time. Any three evenings weekly. Ca COST son at Foodtown, 1M Main St., Mata- fringe benefit* Apply ATCO CERAM- EXPERIENCED OPERATORS BEEN ABLE TO WORK WITH AND days per wsek, Tues and Ttl. II.50 Colllngswood Cir. Apply Molecu Wlrs and . Please call 7870287. I Eatontown Dress Mfr. hour and carfare. Call 7U-o0M. ICS CORP., Hwy 33, Keyport. !orp., Rt. S37, Scobeyvllle. 542-1200. 787-S631. ESTIMATOR Pnone 5(2-3555 GAIN THB CO-OPERATION OF DE- OUQRK — Part time for liquor Wore, LICENSED HIACTICAL NM; OEXEHAL HOUSEWORKER — Site WAITRESSES WANTED — Rex Diner, Experienced with assembly Red Rank area. Average work Uue Wishes to booh protpictlvt maternity AUTOS FOR SALE Own room, TV. Recent references. Rt. 35. Keyport. Call 261-M21. Inter- PARTMENT HBADS AND 1UPBR- nlirhti weekly. Reply to "B.E." Bo ca«e«. Ricfllent referfncM. 222-13S3. AUTOS FOR SALE Call 741-874!). and/or machine shop 5M.. Red RanK. lew Irom 6 to 9 p.m. IRONING — Done tn my home. You BOOKKEEPER. — Experienced part- HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED — For operations desirable. pick up and deliver, Call 747)830 for lime; posjlbl"• y foln— * Into full-time. new nurslnz home. For interview, call dstalls. Send resume to Box 520, Red I2S-43OO or 721-8200. SALES MANAGEMENT Bank. 'B.B." COMPANY HAS OUTSTANDING RE& MOTHER OP TWO SCHOOL AGE LEGAL STENOGJiAPIlER — Expert' Jr. Accountant TRAINEE CHILDREN Would like babysitting Itt SECRETARY—For real estate and Ii enced. In Hazlet law offlcs. Xxcellent For industrial cost 0RD O> ADVANCEMENT AND her home. Any hours. 31 Pearcs Avt., aurance office. Insurance experlenc lalary. Call 747-3730. Eatontown. 543-9227. pittmA. Good opportunity. Send ri GROWTH. HIGH STARTING SALARY Opening In central Jersey. No travel sum* to "A. P.," Box 520, Red Banl ATTRACTIVE. MAJIRIED IJADH» accounting position. We will par fJOO monthly If you Qualify, J LAD? WILDER Vork. aeveral evening hour* aa faah- AND LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS. College degree, sales experience or Call BE A BEAUTT OOUNBELOR — Whlll lon styllets. Free wardrobe and train* business background with at least flvt T47-3M3. the children are In ichool. Flexlbli Insr. No Investment, dellverlea or can- METHODS years experience. Complete fringe bene- RELJABU: WOMAN—Wishes Is take HELP! hours. Good eirnirtre. Call 5421973 ox iner. $12 mlramum average guaran- GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AD- fits. Days, call 6H-7587. Evenings, 747- 747-9560. cart or children In her home. Will also ee pur evening. Call 2844451. ENGINEER VANCEMENT. REPLIES MUBT GIVE 0151. . board U desired. Call 747-2O0O, WE'RE LOADED WITH 47 HOUSEKEEPER — Bleep-in. Bxperl MIDDLEJIGED HELPER WANTED— Some experience in electro An Equal Opportunity Zmplortr enced references, mld-30's. Two chil- Live In or out. Adults. Fair Haven. COMPLETE DETAILS OF EDUCA- dren working mother. Steady position. Call 7414071, after 5. or mechanical assembly. SITUATIONS WANTED - Male Middlesex area. 634-6090. TION, WORK EXPERIENCE, SALARY BBIXMAN —HOTEL WORK —No pre. LATE MODEL TRADE-INS. PLBASAINT PROFITS lous experience needed, flood Refer ODD JOBS — Csllart, attics and ga- R.N.'S AKD L.P.N.'S AND NtlRBES' ou'U enjoy yoursslt while you enoet. aa9O06 AIDES — Needed for brand new nura- earn HISTORY AND SALARY BEOUIK*- rages cleaned. Trucking. Firewood for with the FajWon Wagon of Minnesota Jr. Electronics safe. 222-40M. ins home. For Interview, call 229-4300 Woolen. Popular and profitable party BXPBRISKOBD AUTO MBCHAN1C- STOP IN NOW AND SAVE! or 721-8200. jlan Advancement opportunities. For ENGINEER MENTS. WRITE '.'C-H." BOX 520, REDMany benefits, hospttalusailou. lift In- HANDYMAN-Wants steady Job. Main- surance, paid vacation and others. Ap- FLORIST EXPERIENCED — Steady IMahi call m^M-tfm comet or terjanct work, caretaker, plpaftuing, rite 2H Tuttle Av«., TrerAon. N.J. Interested in solid BANK. ply In person, Red Bank Auto Im- kafnttng, some carpentry, tltctrtc. position for Perth Aanboy shop, good ports, ll» B. Newman »prln|i Rd. brlves, haa tools. Writs "A.R.," Box salary. Call J2»-iMI>. ••. DENTAL ASSISTANANT — XxparllncXxprllncs state circuitry, led Bank. 920, Red Bank. 1965 BUICK 1964 DODGE I.B.M. TYPIST — Bipartenced. preferredferred,, bubtt nott necessary. KeyporKt TWO MEN — Preferably marrie<. time. Call re a.. SSenend resume to "B.ID." Box 520, with some knowledge of grass. Inter' WANTED — MALJC AOOORDIAN IN- JOB WANTED — Part-time. Cleaning LA SAIRE. Thii four dssr ii M2-170O. . d BaBankk. views Saturdays and Mondays by Su- STRUCTOR Full time. Must be over leaves out of hedges, cutting grass. DART two iaor, six cylinder The Bendix Corp. perintendent at the SEA BRIGHT MCall 222-5322 or 842-4DTS. Anything. Call 787-5753. ' '. HUROH SEORUTAJRY — 35 hour equipped with many •xtraj automatic transmission. A per- RESPONSIBLE WOMAN — To care EATONTOWN, N, J. FiAWN TENNIS * CLUB, MAN -— Wishes part-time woi for child and home, In Red Bank. Jlurt 'wit Typing, dictation, mimeograph- Hwy. 35 Tennis ct. Lane, Runuon. for driving pleaiure. Save. fect economy* car. The price have oar. Call 531-8699, 10 • a.m. to nr, and general office work, write 5H2-20O0.' Ext. J20 MECHANICS gardaner. Call «<2-13«7, after "A.L.", Box 520, Red Bank, Mating An Equal Opportunity. Employee CUTTER — For ladles' sportswear. Malnlanence mechanics, millwrights, now. 5:30 p.m. -- will surpriia you. lualttlcatlons. Steady loo, plenty of over-time. Apply welders, electricians helpers and other LIGHT HAULING'AND ODD JOBS CLDRK WANTED — Apply In person, MACHINISTS — (Wall Twp.) Young DDevon Knitwear 395 Wharburton St., crafts. 4:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. shift. Part- CBS Supermarket, 36 Main St., Keani- and progressive associated machine "Long Branch. 221.0175. Ime or temporary applicants consld Dick Reldeman (Cy) bura-. - . building companies require Orst-clau 74MWI. HELP WANTED-MALE ROUTE MAN — Beverage hMne dl ered. Apply In person, Atco Ceramics, 1964 LEMANS . 1964 PONTIAC machinists and machine operators de- Hwy. jay Keyport. HANDYMAN — mth plsk-up truck. STEADY PART-TIME HELP siring interesting and challenging work. livery. Sun aa trainee, working onk Seeka dally or weekly work. Also cleans Present facility now requires lull time day peff w«e![ for five week*. Than cellars, garages, yards, attics. 747-MST. TWO DOOR. Six cylinder STATION WASON. Fully Flexible 15 houri a week. Household day arM nlrht work. Night personnel take over established route. Benerlti. WANTED — One machlnlsl, oat latht item*. Call 391-1687. will tran»ter to day« when facilities Over 21, married. Write Chokola hand and one apprentice to Jolo In a jutomjtic transmission, bucket equipped and In top condi- MEN Beverage Co.. 1 Qaator) St.. Matawan. growing company dolrfg high precision TWO NIGHT WAITRESSES wltft ex- permit. Present facility now being ex- work. Liberal benellu and paid holi- SITUATIONS WANTED - seaft. Thii ant won't Int. SEE tion. This Catalina it a real perience. .Apply in- person. Martini's panded. This Is not n(gh( shift • We MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY —We days. Sincere Inquiries only. Apply Dlr*r, Hlttvway M. Keansburg. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS tre seeking the permanent employ- art interested in man, 25-40, for sales fctsltr-Xnis Produeu Co., 4* Ctnler Male • Female IT TODAYl buy. ment of qualified men.- All Interviews opportunity. Good starting salary am .ve., Atlantic Highlands. Ask 'for Mr. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER — PRODUCTION WORK will be held strloUy confidential. Call bonus to man who qualifies. Good Smith. 281-0600. NEED GOOD HELP? • To run hom« and ca« for two children 93a-2626. for appointment. education and background essential. Businessmen and homeowhers~*ay yes of working parents. Own room, bath Can earn management job tn six MECHANIC — Bxpariencid. Top pay t> YES! Hundreds of teenaftrt want and TV. Pleasant working condition!. 8ALESMAN — To sell building materi 1964 FORD New Chemical Plant als. lumber and. mlUworlc IncentivI] e months. Write P.O. Box 752, Red Bant. to right mart Apply In person, I to tart-tlme. spring vacation, summer 1963 GALAXIE Salary open. Call 747-6292 before 5:30 basU. Apply Mach Lumber Co . Inc.. 5:30, FINN BUICK, SIS Broadway, rork as helpers in surstrlss, fretn- p.m. Etra Rd., Hlghtatown, N.J. SOD-MI- Long Branch. Ask for Dick. nouses, boatyards stores, arouUd the CUSTOM 500, four deer. A Dayton, N. J., Area SECURITY GUARDS EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — Day HOT. home. Girls will sew, mend, Iron, rail sharp car, that mutt k* 500 XL. Ivory with blue work. Apply. In penon, Peteraon'a, 1S3 INTERVIEW APPOINTMENTS Full and part-time, ciear background. SALESMEN WANTED babysIL Call and ttll us your needs. Riverrtda Ave.. Red B«tnkBtnk, Can Be Made VENDING TRAINEE Car and phone essential. 11.40 pti Youth Bmploymenl Service. 40 Hirer-- taan to ba apprteUfatl. buckets. Priced to tall. ONLY hour. Call 462-3797. ,eadi furnished, big opportunity, high side Ave., Red Bank. 747-4(44. Na . THREE HOURS A DAY — Bix day* by Calling A large national full-line vending and *y. No canvassing. CaU-MS-aoO. ~ chargt for this strvlct* ' SPECIAL $1495. $1495. week. Light hoiutkeeplnf. Small (09-655-0400 food service company has opening!, tor YOUNG MEN — Mechanically In- .ppolnbnenlr. • •• .. apartment. Swvlirr Cooking. Muit Tues., Mar. % A Wed., Mar • trainees in automatic food service. Op- cUned, Desiring to leejn a machinist's drive. Write "A.X.11, Box 520. Red Between S a.m. * 5 n.m. portunity for ampttious young- men to tradeT Must be. II or over. Call 831- CAR WASHERS — FULL,Oft PART- FINANCIAL. Bank. Give fuallticatlons. $25 per week. progress In a fapldly growing lnduatrv. ifK,' for appointment. , , , . TIME — -Experience preferred but~not necessary.' iOcod wages.. Applr Country BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1963 GRAND PRIX 1963 BONNEVILLE SALJCS REPRESENTATIVE — Lead. Stauffer Chemical Co. Must have mfdi»ijlc«l aptitude and.be DISHWASHER WANTED — Apply Ii Sudser Cir Waan, Hwy SsTMMalstewn. \at diaper service. Locnl territory. boltdable. Fringe benefits: Call 671-M»2* parson, Bowknot. Restaurant, - 69 Broad Salary, com mission uid expensoi. \An Equal opportunity Employer ~ Red Bank. FULL TIMB AND PART—TIM* drug Completely aqulppad Includ- CONVERTIBLE. Fully equipped. TWO DISH WASHERS — One '"toi Leads supplied, PL 5-4565 collect. days, one for nights. Apply In person MALE OVER 18 — To assist In lawn store clerk.. Musttfiavt driver's^ llcanse. ing pewar wihdawi and alu- Martini's Dinar, Highway M, Keans For more Information ,call 223-1367. Burgundy with blade Interior, OASHIBR — Over 1BL Apply In person MAN — To work In laundry, 5!i days service. Call after 6, after 6:30 p.m. The Community Th«- burg. 741-21*4. AMERICAN OIL COMPANY minum hubi and drums. maket thii beauty stand out a week. No experience required; Apply ater, Hwy. 36, Eatontown. Sonald's Laundry. 41 Marlon Street, DISHWASHER OFFICE ENGINEER DRAFTSMAN STOCK CLERKS Expanded white' buckets. ' In e crowd. BALBSGIRL WANTED — Experienced ted Bank. Apply Mitawan, Diner, Hvr> M. ExperlerKed' In subdivisions. Contalt Full and part-Urat. Good opportunity Matawan , Mr. Bantry, 120 E. Rlvu Rd.. Rumson. In children's and Infant's wear. Apply LEAD MAINTENANCE MAN — Ex- with largt progressive discount depart- Offsrt high volume Strvlct Station'tor In person. Bob A Betty Shop, 88 Broad perience In welding and electricity. AUTO BODY MAN—Experience not 741-4800. ment stort chain. Rapid advancement least. On highway 39, just north of Street, Rtd BarA. Jood opportunity tn growing company. necessary. Ideal working condition*. opportunities, company benefits. Apply Red Bank. Paid training-. Financial \pply In person. Spiral Metal Co., Many benefit". Apply Dick Matthews. SALESMEN Drug Dept Manager. . assistance offered. For Information call WAITRESS — Experience de»lrcd, but JJUUS. Bt., South Amboy. . Mattbewr Auto Body, 119 East New- not necessary. No nights, no Sundays. mat; Springs Rd., Red Bank. 741-5889. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has - TWO GUVS days MU 7-2100. evenings between 7 Apply in person. Corner Room Coffee «2.65 PER HOUR . openings for men, ages 25 to 45, for and • P.m., DSJ-0623. RASSAS PONTIAC Shop, 757 River Rd., Fair Haven, career In life Insurance sales. Three It. S5 at Twlnbrook Rd. Mlddletown INSTRUMENT MECHANICS, year financed training program. Inter- OULF TWO-B*Y SERVICE STATION LADY — Sales experience necessary !(x men to start work Immediately. No for least. Four weeks paid training. xperlcnce necessary, we will train you. views will be held Monday evenings. MUTUAL FVtWB RBPRBSENTATIVB 395 BROAD ST. RED BANK receptionist in photo studio. Good ELECTRICIANS, March 7. IMS, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at of- — Earn up to 8% on Mutual Funds HE 6-«m I to 5 and 261-04311, 7 to 10 salary plus bonus. Apply Loratan fice, 12 Reckless PI.. Red Bank. Or lies. Full/part-time. Call 542-1700. .m. Btudio 47 Broad St.. Red Bank. Report to 8 Maple Ave., Red Bank, MACHINISTS, call Mr. O'Gorman at 747-2200 for ap- 741-5180 rues., March 1 through Frl., March MAN — For landscaping work. Own IINCLA1R STATION FOR LEASE. APPLICATIONS — Are Mow being ac- at 11 a.m. or 3 p.m. MILLRIGHTS pointment. AVAILABLE MARCH IS. FOR INFOR- cepted tor salesgirl*. Good adVance- anspprtatlon. Call MATION CALL RAYMOND CATER. OPEN EVENINGS ITIL •SOOS SAT. 'TIL i llmenta and salary. Apply in person, STEADY AND PART-TIME HELP — MUST HA VI? HAD THREE YSARS TRAILER DRIVERS — And straight 741-47M. INC. 77t3186. EVSNLNOS 774-7847.. ii Fabric Dept., Superama, New Shrews- Apply In person, Ben's Car Waah. ipprentlced training and three rears ob drivers -wanted. Experienced. AAA bury. [wy. 35 Mlddletown. journeymen's experience. [-rucking Corp., Linden, N.J. Call Mr. PACKAOE STORE AND TAVERN Frank Macela, 486-2200. ' MEN rear Sandy Hook Btate Park^ Chance 11 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR — No sell- FLEET MECHANICS (3)—Second shift, Full tlmt nights. Floor waxing and E., I. DUPONT - THREE ' BXPBRIBrtCBD BUTOHBRS t a llfttlmt. Asking 130,000. llrrjf. Call from your home evenings, own tools, all benefits. R.C. Motor Photo .Products Plant anllortal work. Mlddittawn bulUlng. [Salary pin. boniu. 671-3232, after 4. Jnes, 60 Kellogg St.. Jersey Otty. Year round Job*. Excellent pay, c*HNo tipsrlence-necessary. Tor Inter- THE BROOK AGENCY Parlta, N.J. 78t-6032. ' ' ' An Enual Opportunity Employer view apply Friday, March 4, II noon Realtor ,' to 2 p.m. Harmony Bowl, Rt. 35, Mid- ank Building, Atlantic Highlands AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE VENDING ROUTE MEN dletown. 591-1717 AUTOS FOR SALE A lane national full-line vending and RETIRED MAN — In 60's, for compan- IERV1CE STATION — Flying —A for THE ALL NEW MGB food'service company has openings for ion In exchange for room and board. »ase. Rt 36, KMiutuir*. N.J. Call experienced route men. Opportunity for Tall m-1489. 1-3, 942-008°. After 5 call 747-0971. El- advancement. Must >>t qualified and EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTER — leller.'l business opportunity. bondable. Fringe benefits. Call 671-0342. Over at yean of age. Ovwtlnu and WE'VE GOT THE CAR YOU WANT AND OROCKKY CUBBK — Full-time, ex- other btOttlta. Apply In person, Sstty COMBINATION DBXJCATESSEN - perienced, days, all union benefits. fetal Products. 1 Catherine St., RedBakery and luncheonette. Excellent lo- Apply (n person at Fcodtown, 1M Htln Bank. cation. New equiequipmenp t Growing busi- St.. Matawan. ness. Rtuoni:«bl«' . Cal" l• M2-O0M. ANY DEAL TO FIT YOUR BUDGET QUALITY ATTENTION — Tractor-traJler driven. MAN — For »en»rsi work la lUd (NEED EXTRA MONEY?) Opportunity to buy own tractor with Bank Hardware store. Write Vast Of- Join tht team at McDonald's if you art contract for work; must have substan- BIGGEST DISCOUNTS fice Box SOS, Red Baric. physically fit, neat, young «r old, and tial down1 payment, Contact 668-3400. COOK aro willing to do your share.. between » a.m. -a p.m. LATE MODEL NWHT WORK Stop In at McDonald's Call Lieut Radlce, . MS Hwy, », Mtddlatowa [•AVERN, REBTAURANT, PIZZERIA— HUGE INDOOR SHOWROOM ... Shop Indoor ... UMMS ittwttn »:JM1 t.m.-3 to < p.m. or »• 3wntr retiring. Grosses. $90,000 year. Rain . . . Snow ... or Shine Over 75 TOP QUALITY SURVEYOR — Chief of party. ConUet >:30 p.m. We need full or part-time Corner lot. Well established. Ample Mr. Sentry, 130 E. Rlvtr Rd., Itumton. workers for tvtnlngi. Must bt at least ji.rkJnr Will finance 14 ct total pries, CARS to Choose From! Authorized New Car Dealer USED CARS! 741-4JOO. ... • • • • . U years old. • s Information at 228-5786. • MAN - Working nights, willing to IXPBROTNOED BARBBR WANTED— work days, part-UnW~f eltanlnf ttptle ppiy Comtr Bajrbershop, 57 Church MONEY TO LOAN tanks. £»: «9 or " ., KtusbUrg, or call after 7, 291- CALL FOR 3415. BUS BOYS FIRST AND 4EC0NU MORTOAOEt 1965 CHRYSLER mt ANT> IJAROB BOYS over IM —AVAILABLE — Edwin s. stark. Real - INSTANT I Ptrt-tfmt, d»y§ or nlfhtt. No «xpirl* itate * Mortgage Consultant M4-O3IS 300 four-dear- hordtop. I tnee neceiury. Good opportunity. Hz- anted for agricultural and nursery CREDIT O.K. ||e»Hent worklnr condition!.. Apply to •ork. Steady employment. Lovett't 531-8600 I Snack Bur Manager. . fursery, 741-0200. (More Classified Adi new power...new safety... IAUBKR WANTED '*4 Cadillac $359S OJ Mercury 9U79 1965 CHRYSLER TWO GUYS Call On The Next Page) CONSOLIDATE All Meteor Custom II Rt. 35 at Twlnbrook Rd. Mlddletown 747-9910 your bills Into one Conv. Factory Air Station Wagon Two-door hardtop. single mcnthly pay- •*4 Falcon $1595 ment no matter '43 Chryslar $1495 how many loam 4-Dr. Sedan Newport, 2-door you navi. Wt can •i4 Caddy $3395 hardtop 1965 DODGE '43 Sr'd'b'kar $895 help you. Sedan OeVllle, 4-Dr. GT two-door hardtop. Cruller '44 TempeM $15*5 Air conditioning. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY ii OAF $1710 •43 Mercury $1295 2-Dr. Automatic, •44 Falcon $1495 Wonlerey A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS 1 Svn Roof Stollon Wagon Custom Hardtop •44 Toyota $213* •44 Fore* $1995 •43 Ford $1295 1965 PLYMOUTH Crown P.O.E Cty. Squirt Sro. Wag. Golaxlt 4-Dr. Fury III two-doer hardtop. Custom, 4-dr., SW •ii Toyota $1«»» •44 Cbtvy $1495 '43 Ponrioc $1495 Adding Machine* — Typewriter* General Contractors Painting and Decorating Station Wagon, Cotallrio, 4-dr. hardtop Crown P.OM • Factory Air •42 ford $1195 ADDING ItACKINKS - Typewrite: _ Custom, 4-dr. Sedan 1965 PLYMOUTH told, rsnttd, repaired. StrMoo't. IM »tra,Da»B — Patios, al. THOMA! SLATE. •44 Ford $1998 Country Squire, MoBmooth St. Red jaafc UUm. ••iUons, garages. Call in- Painting and Decorating •ii Toyota $!••* Country Squire, Station Wagon Fury III four-doer htrdfep. Fully lnturtd . • '-'41-4JM 4-dr. ltd., auto. P.O.E Station Wagon •42 Ford $ 991 Free EttlrBatt 'ii Toyota $2fiO •44 Caddy $359$ balaxle, ' Land Cruder, P.O.E. Air A Sea Travel Reservation! CARL B. JONES — Painting tod Sedan dcVllle JDr. Hordtop wallpaptrlng. Fully Inaursd. For frtt 4-vrtitel drlvt Factory, Air. '42 lulck $1395 1965 IMPERIAL Home Improvements LoBaron four-doer Ittrdtop. estimate, call 747-SO4L now comfort 'ii Ford 131 fS •44 Oldi $1895 LeSobre Convertible >E IT A TVEEBilND - At Orosslng. XL Conv. Super 81 4-dr Hdlp. 4-Dr. Hardtop ,er's or.around tbe world In H days, HOME OWNERS—Contractor, altera- •iS Mono SUM •42 T-BIrd $1495 we can ssrvice ail your vacal tions, additions, painting, masonry, •44 Monia $1395 nttda. Petersen Travel, 741-oSoD. •mall Jobs too. (Sunn. Pearl and Bead RMtringUg LonverllDie, 4 speed 2-Dr, Coupe Hardton 1964 CHRYSLER I '45 Chovy $21 fS •42 Ford $ 895 Now Yorker station wagon, INSULATION * SIDING CORP. — Impala Hardtop No Monty Down Galaxlt 2-dr. Alto window!, roofs, gutters, ate. Expertly on braided nylon. «,W I •4S Mttirong $lftl up ta 4 yrs. to pay •42 rWlae $1195 Aiphalt Paving 10-90 Ttar guarantees. Days 77S-I40T. strand. Sttrllng clasps (ram lie, Here's a car for the special breed of Nlgfils Adam Llaimaytr JM-OS03. • MDUSSTLLB'S, H Broad BL, Red Hardtop 1st Payment April Catalina 4-Dr. 1964 CHEVROLET OBNaJRAL ASPHALT PA VH Bank. man who demands the style and per- •45 PaleoR ll»»5 •42 raeflac $1295 Blacktipdriveways and ., Id Air two-door iadan. formance of a thoroughbred—who In- Futuro, M4, 4-tpeed '44 Chtyy $11*5 Catalina 2-dr, Hdtp, Call for free tstlmatt " Nonlng Home sists on the very latest In engineering •iS Chtvy $2SM Nomad Station Wagon '41 Mercury $ 895 sophistication and the very finest In Super Sport, Hdtp. Station Wagon Plumbing & Heating _ '44 lulck $2095 '41 T-IIrd $129* craftsmanship. Besides offering you 1964 CHEVROLET Auto Body Repair HOLMDBL mnuma ROMB - Ac- •»S Clwvy Ston Skylark 9 pauenger Hardtop, Full Power credited (or skllltd nurslns home PLUMBINO — Htatlnc and bathroom such luxuries as wind-down windows, Bel Air Station Wafion Station Wagon '41 Ckevy $ 791 Bel Air two-door itdtn. EXPERT PAINTTNO and I oars. Hwy. M, Houodtl. M6-UO0. remodeling. Air conditioning. , pair. Modtrtte prices. If all-steel mono-construction, and Eng- •4J Dodo. $20fS •44 Chovy $1«95 Impala Convirtlbls Chevraltt, Atlaatlo Highlands. CORRIGAN'S 2-Or. HdTp., 4-tpttd Impala Convertible I lish leather upholstery In the roomy •t\ Oldt S 898 Odd Jofw W Oakland at R«d Bank TiMfM '45 Ford $23*1 •43 Chevy $1795 cockpit, the MGB can zoom from 17 '58 Chrysltr $ 14$ ALL ABOVE to 107 mph In top gear. Come see and Mo Conrsrtlblt Super Sport Hdlp. Building Contractor •i4 Ford $14fl 4-dr. Sedan , steps, sidewalks, Roofing, Siding A Insulation drive this all new MQB... today. '43 Flym. $1295 Folrlone "SOO" 2-Dr. •tlvedtrt 4-dr. '51 Ckrytlar $ 198 CARS GREATLY. •sy room ad- .bit Rates. '44 Ckevy S139S . 4-door tedon # V 1 i4 awry "'(17H •otcca CLBAN-UP s»Rvior Impala J Dr. REDUCED Yards, cellars, garages, sttrta, Bart WE XL$O HAVE X NICE ' Horolop truckT 741-M4» after * p.m. SUMNO — Altco, Dupont Tedltr and SELECTION OF ONE OWNER TRADE-INS Oiuwadi xtougM or lUatylesJ Aloec Work guaranteed. Ut us BUT iht diamonds you don't Painting and D««»rallflg PROWN'S wear or lei us rtstyle Ihenj Tor »ou personally7 Beusslllet. U Iroad Tit •road go , Hid Bank 7H-7M0 MOTOR CY L. it tnUi••<- ralnttt taterlor sad MOTORS Inc. CO. S. Broadway, Long Branch total). V|ry,»»sonablt. Tel. Answering Service HWY.. II. M2-24I4 EATONTOWN 0 PUCE A RESULT DAILY DIRECT LINE TO CWSSiFIS! DIAL 741-6900 CALL TpDAY TO §ELL THE THINGS CLASSIFIED At? AFTER 1:10 P.M. AND WEEKENDS—DIAL 741-1110 YOU NO LONGER NEED OR USE! i

MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS THE DAILY REGISTER Friday, March 4, 1966—23 PAINT CENTER • WOHMOU SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP CASH Thti'j IM) Mix up to 1000 colors W ™ TECOND SECTION NOW RENTING HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE AND WAITING FOR you wilt. Let ui ihow you the actual demonstration on the hldlnt power APARTMENTS WITH EVERYTHING! YOU Cook * puna's No Drip Celling Wftll N. J.'s only apartments with til 18 *S,000 and more regardless of Save money. SAVE TIME! Bt sjoed • Private swimming pool and play area on property. ifolty 'In yoiur mortgage. Home own- yourself. Call Prown'i today, GEORGE V. ILLMENSEE er__s ,pScklf e lloani , low established pro- PRIVATE MARINA • Shopping on and adjacent to property, tected loans. FROWN'S REALTOR Our long year* of experience, your 32 Broad St. Red Bank M1-7IH • Bus and train to Newark (40 min.l ana tua.rs.ntse of satisfaction. J5O0 PRIOIDAIRE electric rmoLJk PRIVATE OCEAN BEACH N.Y.C. (55 min.) Oldest R«al Estate Firm In Colts Neck 't ' 74I-5WI new. Will ••!! [or »260. Call 2 2131. • Fine schools within walking distance. MONMOUTH COUNTY CABANA CLUB RT. 34 Colts N«ek INVESTMENT CORP. DROP-LEAF TABLE — Mahoia Outstanding, features Include KELVINATOR refrigerator-freezer, oven ond range, 462.3172 .Ult. 35, Mlddletown) Duncan Ftiyfe 03x39", table pade Individually-controlled heat and air. conditioning, color-matches' ceramic tile *.O. Box 44, Red Bank eluded, *1S. Hlde-a-bed •0(1. full il INDIVIDUAL TERRACES! bathroom fixtures, ond built-in clothes homper. For quick result! cood condition, ISO. Modern foam n When buying or Selling in Colts Neck < her sofa, ileepa two, SCO. Otrli' blcycll call the Realtor who knows the area. 26", $10. Boy.' KnfUah bicycle, 26" Luxurious appointments In (very oportment include color-coordlnaled KEUVINATO , HOME OWNERS »15. 741-M68. relrloerator-treeier, even ond rangt . . . Individually-controlled heat ond ol conditioning . • • V/i battii . . , mailer TV ond FM onlenna system . . . teen-og four and five rooms from COLTS NECK MARBLE BATH BUT I CAR AND OUT CAM recreation room plus odult party room. ROCK COUaCTION — Crystal1s _ Four large bedrooms, 2'/ baths. Main bath has marble walls and sir your loans, »nd mike minerals. Fluorescent llfht. Two shoi Ideally locotsd between fhe Shrewsbury River ond the Atlantic Ocean. Your own 2 iiht* lower at the seme ca.ei. Call Mt-2279. private marina and swim pool on rhe property- A few hundred fMt away 11 the M 14 vanity top. Spacious living room. Paneled den with fireplace. SHOWCASES — Five, In excellent co ocean end yeur own private feeocfu Just 10 minutes from downtown Red Bonl Large country kitchen with eat-in area. Dishwasher and dothes dlllon. Beit offer accepted. Call T or Long Branch. Including Heat, Hot Water, Air-Conditioning Ctll now 77I-670O. dryer included. Laundry area. Two-car garage. Full cellar. 4211. before 6 p.m. 4 and 5 ROOMS FROM Beautifully wooded one-acre lot. Fine neighborhood. Asking $39,- GRAND PIANO — Small Hardman INSURANCE Peck. Call 900. m-ssw. $135 HAMILTONIAN AT SHREWSBURY , have 'COMING ft GOING 21" RCA COLOR TV — Table modi Including heal, hoi woler, air conditioning and off-street parking. COLTS NECK SHADE TREES NCE7" II you don't, call us 175. Call OFF SHREWSBURY AVE., SHREWSBURY TWP., N. J. Charming three-bedroom, ranch situated on side of hill with many [eiy—the beet bur In travel 2014714. shade trees. Rustic, beamed ceiling in living room, with fireplace. " ever offered by the KBMACCORDION—12- 0 baas. Full eUs. Per DIRECTIONS: Newman Springs Road to Shrewsbury Ave; left to Barker Ave.; •RANCr CO., when you arefeet condition. Call HAMILTONIAN AT MONMOUTH riant 100 ft., then left on Crawford St. to model apartment. Good neighborhood. Non-development. Low taxes. Asking $29,900. lar-or riding Jn a bus, taxi, Agent: BRITE REALTY. INC Broker o 3«H)6osV74l-363d/Model Apf.i S42-0SW tirllner-or even on foot- 747-OOOD. OFF OCEAN AVE., MONMOUTH BEACH wherever you travel any- HOLMDEL " LOW TAX RATE wwld-only $15 a year- Call DIRECTIONS: East on Rumsoa Root] (county Route 550) to Ocean Avenue, Sto Four bedrooms, V/t baths. Large kitchen with eat-in area. Two- protection. YOU—TOUR 741-4S80. Brlnhti right (south) to Pork Rood, Monmouth Bsaohi rlgM to Hamlltonian COMMERCIAL RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT car garage. Ons acre lot. Near transportation and stores, $28,- _T ^HIliD CAN *E PIW- Mtnmovtt) eportmsnts. ID B? THIS POUCY. Call your ANTIQUES! Contents of torn*, vie 500* -• . ..__.._._ :___,__ let*:. aTANUOY BTIX.WBLL torlan chairs. Tables, rookera, atands, PHONE: 222-8120 EXECUTrVB OFFTOE SfACE—At 25 LJTTUB BILVIHliR RANCH — Available, >lne cabinets, camel-back trunk*, gar Reokless FK, Red Bank. 6Q0 sq. ft. In conrenlent. Two-car gantge. See Mrs. ., HOLMDEL, N.J. TEL; MB-len Implements. Old frames Victor dignified modern office building with fiance, 134 Maple Ave., Red Bank. COLTS NECK GOOD VALUE Ian beds, rare china, flam, silver «n HOLMDBL-KKYPORT AREA complete services. Carpeted tbrough- Four-bedroom, two-story older home' In good condition. New oil- brlc-a-brac. RU8C1L8 8YCAMOR1 out with most attractive wall treat ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Scenic Dr. CF.EBNS. Sycamore Ave., Little SI ment and electrical fixtures. Call 747- Three small bedrooms, living room, fired baseboard hot water heating plant. One acre lot. Prime 'INSTRUCTION ver. 741-&506. 3730, between 9 and 6:30. modem kitchen, bath, $85, Call after 5. 291-1750. location. $27,900. LIKE NEW WEST1NGHOHSE ROAS1 GREEN GROVE GARDENS PUTKR PROORAHMINa - ER — OVEN, (20; G.E. DeimmldUle STORE FOR RENT — River Rd., 1VPUNCII, AUTOMATION. S40, uied 2 months. Call 291-0048. Fair Haven. Call XPlNO, COMPTOMETER. Day and 747-2435. W4NTED TO RENT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE evening classes, co-ed, free placement ALLWIN CARRIAGE — Crib srM rnsl FOUR ROOMS-$115 iress. Portable air cooler. Reatonabli NEW STORE — Rt. 35, north Mon. THREE—BEDROOM — Unfurnlntied ttrviec, NORTHEAS34T BroaBUSINESd St.S ,M ARedPhone 741-29S9, • (ONE BEDROOM) ' • mouth Shopping Center, next laundra. apartment. Adults in family. Perma- RUMSON — Choice residential CHIN* SCHOOL. + Five Roomt (Two Bedroomi) $140 mat, 1,500 m. ft. Ample parking, 775- item tenants. Call afteF 5 p.m. 532-3740. FAIR HAVEN vicinity. Colonial. Center hall, BartV. WM847. CRUSHED STONE 3783, 5 p.m. WK HAVTC an overflow of bona fide rXCEU-ENT JUILUARD ARTIST— proepects looking for two or four bed- Three-bedroom ranch, Separate formal dining room, den, sun- ACHKR will accent serious piano • Efficiency HVi Rooms) $ 95 RJGD BANK — Two large fooma. Ap- SWIM CLUB FOR TBNANTi proximately 419 n. s. Ad uttlltlet in- rooms; Call usj lot fast action to have dining room, full basement, at- room, seven bedrooms, three ).»o4e»'students. 8(2-1215. after 4:30 All ilies. your home rented. THE BERQ 1. weekdays and Saturdays. H1AT, COOKINO OA8, HOTWATER AND. AIR CONDITIONINO cluded. Will decorate to suit, ideal tic, $18,300. baths, and two halt baths, hot 542-M36 or 54M5M. T.V. and phone outleU, U en.'it retrlgeratora, parkin* and walk-In storage BrotsesfodeJ ares/ Reasonable renL AOKNCY. Rt 35. Mlddlfftown. 871-1000. DOUGLAS HART ELECTRtC BOWLING OAMB • lajllitisa. Spacious rooms, large elossta, Wallcli ahopTtag plaia. buses ana LADY WISHES tumtshel apartment water oil, detached three-car ga- Piano, Beginners and Ad•M- . Call alter 6 p.m. •cnool, '•,,,,-' J5, Xatmtown, M2-Z223. BrelMng? sua S Red Bank. Otfe Or two roonw with • MI0DL6TOWN rage. Over two acres. Asking upllt in (lie Clasalcal Field. M2-1M2. HoUdsws, Oart Pet«rsefi — —^ fcuxttenetite, Private bath, m-1643, be- Four-tedroom split. Three air River Road, Red Bank atea. DIKSOTIONS t 1: OardeBo tW«»t8o Woek Silere. H.P. ELECTRIC MOTOR — New ONLY $139 ate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER able. No smokers. 7*1-9114. 741-5888 ttrtft iilly til 9 p.m. Sat. til t p.m. V1 electric drill, electric heaters, se ge eat-In kitchen with dishwasher. Corair of Main St. at Mattlson Ave. $125 AGENCY, ocaanport Ave.. OceanporL GENTLEMAN — Rent lovelly alailr con-Harry D. smith Harold A. Dining room, living room with fire- rigid pipe dies, new < electric shaver U2-3S00. Brass candlesticks, old kerosene BEAUTIFUL NEW HEAT AMD COOKINO OAS SUPPLIED ditioned room, with private bath. Must place and built-in TV. Wall-to-wall USED ORGAN SPECIALS lamps, electric blowers. Hand vacuum 3 STORY GARDEN APARTMENT THREE BEDROOMS — IV, baths, full be seen. Call 671-0293. TWO-YEAR OLD. four-bedroom ranch. carpeting. Large basement. Attached load Xtra-Volce Organ Located on Navesinlc River garage. »M,500. 7*1-4863. ..$393 cleaners, slide projector; picture view* 105 Locust Ave. Red Bank dining room, modern kitchen with dish- ROOM FOR RENT — H Locust Ave., Living room, dining room, kitchen, iplnet Organ »39S er, vases, brass shells. Radio/ old NO EXTRAS. washer. Within waiting distance to Red Bank. Call den. Hot water baseboard heat. Full branion Spinet Organ -.1493 clocks, curtain stretchers, Ironihl shopping, busllM and both public an< 747-9545. basement Oarage. Lot 100x100. Ex- icnd ChorChdd OrgaO n M :..»49:49S3 boards. Levels, meat grinder,. Ue_ c Phone 776-8118 775-1915 parochial schools, *175 per month. Th cellent condition: J23.50O. (More Classified Ads Spinet Organ ...... (493 trie mixer, antique victrola, Christmas FREE AIR CONDITIONERS Dowitra Attncy. 741-8700. RED BANK — Rooms for rent. Ample On The Next Page) -j~~n gplneSpinet Orgaorgan . 139decorations5 . Child', tricycle, like new, FREE GAS RED BANK — Attractively furnished 8EA. BRIGHT — Nicely furnished. Two- parking space. Comfortable size rooms Spinet Organ with AOO ....M50 and a lot of household Items. No led-lmng room, kitchen, semi-private Call 747-1860. dealers. May be seen 0 to 8, 220 South FREE SWIMMING POOL bath. References. T47-40U. bedrooms, (ante. Available till June THE BROOK AGENCY Brand Piano (Ebony) ...... 1750 St.. Eatontown, 1. »1BO per month. Utilities Included. EXCELLENT ROOM — Bay view. Two 111 Items sold with a guarantee — KEANSBURO — Two-bedroom apart Phone 747-l«5». walUln closets. Refrigerator. Fully Realtor APARTMENTS fittdgst terms available. fftANSKERRBD — Must nil to 4»Ui YOU MUST SEE ments. Heal, hot water, air cosdltiorA OAPB COD — Three-bedroom, fire- tiled bath. 291-9334 ait«r 6:30 p.m. Refrigerator, 170; waaher, 150; If Ing supplied. Inquire 18 Hancock St. place, full basement, one-car garage. Bank Building Atlantis. Highlands boat. SIOO. beit otter. 291-326S. LOVBLY BED-SITTrNO ROOM FOR ', 775-9300 CHEESEQUAKE Quiet street. Little Silver. 1150. 747LADY-Wit- h kitchen privileges. Call FRESH EGO8 — Frozen food. D NEW TWO — BEDROOM, alr-cond 5753. 671-5424 Multiple Listing Service Brand- New! Luxurious 1 . CHAIRS RECOVERED — llverrd to your home. Bayshore area, PARK APARTMENTS LOVBLY COTTAOE— On attracUv. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, Two ttta and bar stooU. Monmoutli Mlddletown, AUaiAlo Hlghlanda. 964- Morristown Rd. \y. landscaped country estate In Phablocks from Red Bank High. Inquire HI Monmouth IL. Red Bank. 6030. . , , THREE ROOM FURNISHED — Apart- ir.i-IJncrort area. All utilities fur 17 E. Bergen PI.. Red Banlt. $330 DOWN— DINING ROOM SET — Five pieces, S66-O283 ment for rent. Couple only. 108 Cather- jlshed. Available April J. Writ' NICELY FURNISHIID ROOM — Nea blond wood, upholstered . seata, $50 St., Red Bank. .".... 'A.M.," Box 520. Red Bank. $65 MONTHLY MIPDLE8R00K k"- Brand new SB note piano Call 56M325. " ALSO. OPEN EVENINGS transportation, shopping. 747-0046 -Uf Two-ibedroom bungalow, fully Insulated, lellvered. Tenxir's Muilc ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Artistic, ~ p.m. , , -• One-car garage, enclosed porch, alumi St. Lakeweod. ,Near Exit No. 120 of the Garden BEAUTIFUL) modern three- furnished three-bedroom home. Stone AIR' CONDITIONER — • -Carrtsor i.320 ... ' . . State Parkway.._ nlshed apaHments. Also ; niurv storm and icreens. Ideal for IS THE MOST! volt, 11.000 Btu, $75. Win trass (01 flrepiabe, panoramic view Vernizano small famiJy or retired couple. Quiet yonr old furniture wlUk no Call anyfinTe.'. 7U-3218" W Bridge. Two-car garage. Private beach. ent and get a new parlor •el- f- propelle"' d' o r rldlnt lawn mower Acres of Lawns—Residential com a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE location. Kaiy to own. 'Immediate oc- if room set at sal* prices. Wll- 741-2175 aftST 6. iimlty, near Cheeseiiuake St. WE HAVE NUMBROUS one. and two-Option . to buy. $225- Phone after cupancy. Only 17,500. Full price, 'ark. bed-room apartments available Immed p.rn. M1-0M2. HOUSES FOR SALE EXCEPT FOR THE RENT... — rumlture Inc., Hwy ISMOVIN, G — MuK sell. Kenmore wash ately, from S75 up. c. DeLuola AgerKy, THE KIRWAN CO. town. J41-3213. open evenings till er, Hamilton gas dryer, Crown kitchen SAVE J18 PER MONTH - Sublet love- 37 Church St., Keahsburg. 787-4434. SIX' ROOMS AND BATH—HALF Healtor stove, d.JC. retrig«rator. Sunbeam ele Open 7 days a week. two family house. Oakland St., Red THAT'S THE LEAST !v trie lawn mower, garden tools, eofa, r one bedroom apartment. New. Bank, near station. Rent ISO. Cai Belford Office 787-5500 .Y AND MEAT FIXTURES Iveirthlng supplied except electricity. Groesinger ft Heller. Broad and Me !i and steel shelving, chairs. 78H W. Front 8t. Red Bank. Qon«nleni looatlon. Calf 233-1KO PAUL P. BOVA LAKBWOPD AND' SHORE 'AREA — 4-Room & 5-Room Suites. .', _rtglsters and icaleis. 747-OM5 741-0348. Red Bank's Most Beautiful chaiJle Sts.. Red Bank. 741-2100. Four-bedroom country home on almost .-47M after 7 p.m. ROA 21' TABLE MODEL — Admlr deluxe. 2-bedroom apartment l4arg FIVE-ROOM HOUSE In Leonardo. Un 671-2544 two acres, near Parkway. Nicely land- Console TV. Call 747-M76 after . RED BANK'S FINEST rooms, closetso . Free parking, finer urnlshed. Conveniently located. 291- scaped. Oil heat. Full basement. Two- paclous ly Apt. 24, Molly Pitcher Village Court tilr Haven 741-7686. Member Multiple -OLMDBL — Xnsllsh Tudor. Seven baths plus enolosetf pMlo,- -reoreatlon IT call Mr. Bam Lomajuo, 741-9U5. FOUR ROOMS — Beautifully tarnished, listing Service. rooms. Two baths, two sunporches. room, basement. Storage attic, laun- Elegant Swim Club and Tennis ,& up. FILES, tables, cnalrs. MERCHANDISE WANTED Private entrance, patio. All utilities. two fireplaces, full cellar. Full? land- dry room. Low gJO's. Call day 7U-48M, laeblnas, typewriters, of" ONO. BRANCH — Furnished, tour Adults. 2J2-O757. HEWLY DECORATED HOWE — Four scaped. Income property If desired. night 222-6503. Courts on ttii PrtmlMs. • ' , etc., at bargain prlcea. new ooms, bain.. , Heat water supplied. bedrooms, two baths. Centrally locat 2S4-37S2. CAUh (or ola toy trains, trolley cart ewly decorated. $100 monthly. 32t- FURNISHED MODERN — garden ed. Near schools and shopping cen- MARLBORO — Nine-room bi-level. AAC DESK OUTLET, Rta- DEAL RD. at Route 35, Oakhunt St. 831-3990. and east Iron toya made befor* 1940. tpartmeUe. Reasonable rent, one .er. Two-car garage, I17S a* month. SCENIC, DELIGHTFUL; WATER Ons acre. Three-bedroom, 2U bath, 741-1999 after 5 p.ra. >lock~ from buses and shopping eenter. FTO0NT HOMJS' — Locust. Three bed rilRKE—ROOM APAfRTMBNT —Un- 3alt after 6. 7U-2184. - paneled kitchen and reoreatlon room, COLLECTOR — Wanu old toy trains- )ff Hwv 35, In CliHwood. rooms two baths, two fireplaces. Oa- wo-car garage. Gold Medallion home, 'urnlshed. East Bergen PI., near Broad UM6ON — Waterfront Bungalow i-> rage. Almost Si-acre. Very little up- S37.O0O. 4S2-7342. , CRYSTAL & OKUN 'BENT A TV any condition. Pay cash or will trade: Red Bank. Can be seen Sat. and CENTRAI, PARK APARTMENTS ^ beorooms, baseboard,, gas, • hulk- keep house exterior. Private .sale. AeK- Sruiple.dar. week. BAYSHORE TV. H.0. 027, 0, standard gauge, 774-3710; Call 741-MW. Xttce No. 10 . 568-3735. ead with doddnc faclUUee, H65 mo:lr« 137.200; Call mornlnga or after 8 THRKli-BEDROOM HOUSE UNDER r. Oluirvti St., Keansburg. 7J7-4400. )NE-BEDROOM ~ Realtors WE BUY — All household goods, clean UDIO OF FOUR ROOMS and apart- Oarden, clear TATR HAVBN — Bur^julow — twblied- .n>., 2M-23U. CONSTRUCTION — On WJllM' lot In CbnXA — Combination TV —attics garages cellars. Highest prices lulet. Central Red Bank. Heat, hot rooms, hot water oil, garajCi *160 ".nni«on. Call »feO173 :: ieot, four, rooms and bath. Bright, Cupe Cod Ityer and AM-FM radio: Inpaid. THE ATTIC, 172 Westwood A ry. Rent g90. 74MO41.' ' water included. See Superintendent. monthonth. Nop pets,, leaae*eae*. DENNISDI ' K. MADISON TOWNSHIP, ,774-7714 cabinet. TV needs new pleLon- g Branch. 228-4985. . Apt. 10. SO Locust Ave. BYRNYRNEE , RltRealtoro , > %%. RiveRiverr IM Un years old, five rootna, utility and twwth; down. One room, xalmost com- and record player 'ERRACE APARTMENTS .— Fivi tBANSBURG — 4!4 rooms, heat and tumson 842-1150. APARTMENTS ANTIQUES — Furniture, glassware, ooms, secorAl floor, adults only. Im pletedr In expansion attic. W z 100 lot china paintings, statuary coins, attic ledlate occupancy. Five-room duplex, lot water Included. 199 monthly. Adults B»HA,TE AREA — Three-bediroom,", two- Ietui schools and huses. Owner. M3- NURSERY FURNI- .ml cellar contents. Highest cash vailable March 1. Spaolous closets inly. Call 787-7526 between 8 and 8 p.m bath ranch on several acres of leclu- 1277. .rices paid. COPPER KETTLE AN- ree parking. 741-4850. THREE ROOMS and bath. Heat and lon but convenient to everything. Dou- 842-2528. . 'IQUE8 Oakhurst. 53M699. hot water. Adults only. 175 per month >le garage, full basement, hot-water COME ON DOWNII1 AST KBANSBURG — Four rooms 182-2911. 13» Bay Ave.. Highlands. teat. Small bam. $220 monthly on See My House. 'O.H?!965 AUTOMATIC - WANTED nd batii. Second floor of twtHamlly. Nearly lease. VAN VL1ET AO-BNCY, H You Like It...It's For Sale 1 Beehives or bee equipment. vailable April 1. Call 48S-ff9e>, after UDAIN8BURQ — Five-room modern REALTOR MR.44S4. Call 7B7-7325 » IN EATONTOWN : SEWING MACHINE ' Call 776-72S3 apartment, cellar, dryer. KM. Top p.m. £EAN8BURO — Biveiroom hoime com- HAMOH — Three bedrooms, two baths, [erythlng. Darns,, monograms, WRINGER WASHER — In good work- loor. Call 7S7-3151. paneled sunroom. kitchen with dish as, etc. In portable, take over IVE^OOM FURNISHED APART- pletely furnished, large fenced yard. Ll ing condition. Call Ben's . Car Wash, [ENT. One-cat garage. Plenty of heat. HIGHLANDS — Three-room turrXshed DO month plus UlllUes. Call after washer, and wall-oven. % acre. Ask- of 152.80 or 11.30 per 'Week. • $24,900. 671-1813. It, (67.60 or 11.55 per week, lot water. Kitchen newly deoorated. 189 a month, all utilities Included. p.m. 787-0.703. lit Sept.. S45-M01. > to 8. ANTIQUES — Paintings,-N. J Atlas ftnverJIent. 741-M80. Nloe section. 741-3754. 4 ROOMS- ' FIREWOOD Estates purchased and appraised. 747* IED BANK — 20 West St. Thre.L [•HRDE ROOM APARTMENT — With APARTMENTS t3 A TRUCK LOAD 2003. The Hudson Shop, Inc. 611 Broad •oom efficiency. Near all convenience's. irlvlte bath and entrance. Utilities In- APARTMENTS Rt. 79 "Marlboro St. Shrewsbury. utilities. No children, no pets. Parking cluded. Call between 12 and 5 at 1' STAMPS IT one car. Private entrance.' Ca£ trldge Ave., Red.Bank.. IJIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVE 11-4008. days or 8*2-1117, nlghu. icfllr.nt condition: Reaionablt. Call U.S.. FOREIGN, U.N. HUM8ON — Two rooms and bath, 1 BEDROOM fHOJW afier 5 p.m. • CALL 872-1985. ATONTOWN — Two rooms and show- 'urnlshed. All utilities. Near bus idea IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! llNOER SEWING MACHTNE — Used, r. Completely furnished. Including or one person. 7 Lafayette St. 842-3798. tilltles. ?65 month. Close to bus. Prl- •Hereto JJO, Oood condition. Call any PETS & LIVESTOCK ate entrance. Brook Ave.. off Broad RED BANK — Four-room unfurnished FROM lime. !M»V3671. apartment. Downstairs, private home. M2-4078. , Near towrt May 1. ,741-0127. . OOINO AWAY? • I iia'new' or used. Ouaranteed. Boarding, bathing, grooming. , HRBE-ROOM ' FUJINI3HBD APART rHREE LARGE ROOMS — With bath -121. Berplco's. 101 Monmouta BR1GOSON ' KBNNEHy 741-3310J ENT — And bath. All utilities. Park UI utilities. ISO. April 1. Call 2*1- tlto theater. Ui-OUS. space. 83 Shrewsbury Ave., RedM37. Adults. • INSTANT OBEDIENCE — At all times. jik. ' AND SELL anytnmg and Specializing In pupplei and protection OUR ROOMS Upstairs a] MORE rtjnent Give the hlgbest prices; dogs. Lowest rates and best' Service. iTTRIAcnVE furnished apartments, 70 per month. xou pay 'tat] Leff Furniture, Inc., Hwy.Stan Lerner, 531-8854. 'our rooms, bath; two room, bath. Llpert, Box 74, Bound*ry~~R4,,' of' itown. 711-321J. Open evenings .dults. Residential. 222-2847. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERDS Route SiO, near Marlboro Hospital. • FOR LESS lemales Bhota, wormed, flue bone IED BANK — Furnished apartment TLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Large • CENTRAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING structure, markings, bloodline. 363-8742 [jiving room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. ree-room unfurnished, 1st floor. ALL REPAIRS II utilities. AduKs. ISO monthly. 741- adults preferred, g^j. E. Highland Ave. 175 Broad St. PURE BEAUTIFUL HOUND DOG — 04. • Pupss! '«A_ beavlebeagle, M redd boneb . -B Barn EATONTOWN ' 9, lAILWAY — Complete hoist. 1/22/66/66. Female, (7. Miles, (11. call fBANSBURO — Unfurnished five-room ALL INCLUDED! Umbers. Call ipartment. Heat, hot. water supplied. COUNTRY CLUB. •' 872-1600. ; 87-0405 after t. EIGHT WEEK OLD BEUMJLE PUP- APARTMENTS tt gWIM CLUB SOIL — Blusstone. road PIES — Call HRBE nicely furnished rooms and ttnd, rill dirt, etc. Eckel's 741-5183. ath. private entrance all utilities, TINTON AVE. IN EACH APARTMENT. ; Horgaovllie, Call (!»y [alt block from Broad St. and 'bus M1-K07. • -,- FRENCH POODLES — Beautiful white 53 Wallace St., Red Bank. Iwlmmlng In your own private swim miniatures. Females. Four montha old. :lub right on the site . . . only minutes • GAS FOR HEAT AND COOKING MINTED FURNITURE Paper trained. (65. 566-1633. UM8ON — Three rooms, Heat, water .way from ocean bathing, white sandy GET ALL IHIS FROM Dd electric' supplied. 65 E. River Rd. leaches, boating, fishing and Monmouth • HOTWATER •PARKING ' tS*OF> CASH CARRX DISCOUNT KARIM'AiR CoLUES — Ch. HiUredge allable now, call after I. 229-3403. ping Center . . '. one block from fin l transporta • Dresm kitchem with KELVINATOR refrta.rstor.fr.Msn .nusrlj's, S5 East Front St. 741blood line, best offer over $75 takes )n. To Inspect see superintendent on OFF-STREET PARKING! * PRIVATE ENTRANCES! * her. 5(2-6727. Evenlnm 842-0535. emises or call Mr. Carlln. MA 3- IH-ROOM • APARTMENTS PRIVATE SWIM & RECREATION CLUB »90. (ONE-BEDROOM) ITABLE DISHWASHER . .SMALL MINIATURE POODLES — 1122 MONTH EAT-IN KITCHENS! * DINING ROOMS! * CLOSET nlil. l.ke. new/ Moving • Two elementary schools next daor—juit steps Clll NMDM after rl Beautiful black. A.K.C. registered. Six NO JAMES APARTMENTS —' Val- SPACE GALORE! • TILED BATHS! • PRIVATE SWIM weeks old. Call 1118552 after 6 and • Drive, Route 3«, Atlantic Hlxhland*. 4H-ROOM APARTMENT from Estontown Shopping Center THE pilhl'lDCT . WBDU1NQ week ends. 'hree miles from Sandy HOM State (TWO BEDROOMS) t RECREATION CLUB! + 2 SCHOOLS ACROSS THE -Bridesmaid dresMi and all ac- 'ark. One- and two-bedroom vntU. •150 MONTH with Individual personal set" IRISH BETTER PUPPIES — AKC^irnlshe. d or unfurnished. Swlrrunlng STREET! • WALK TO SHOPPING I BUSES! BEDROOMS from '109 ' Dorotby Kslth. Freehold. Champion-bred. John Crowley, 47» Tin- DOI and recreation area. Patio or ba)- FREE HEAT e> HOT WATER ton Ave.. New Bhrewebury. BW-2408. any, • each unit. Rent from (132. ln- ludlng heat and hot water. 201-0770. Renting office on Premises, atest wallpaper CUPPING AND BATHING- ONiraMINUnSfKOMTHePAtUCWAYI service. Becker All brefdi. Mania Schmidt, by ap- URBB ROOMS — Unfurnished. Sea TEL! BlJ-MM pointment 717-MM. irs. 1»7 Shrewsbury Ave., cor- right. Heat, hot water, around floor. MRECTIONS: From Red Bank, Route itlierlns «;, Red Bs«k.' ,)Plior/e FRENCH POODLES r- Miniature. iar rourM. MS. Call 84JO525. to Tlnton Aye., turn *lj|ht on Tln- GET MOK-M V IKS AT AKC. Champ blood lines. Jet jjlack. 'ARTMENT TO SUBLET — . Kut. i Ave.. approximately £009 ft. to LBABY FURNTTBIUBI Play- SU weeks.' Reasonable. 741-MM. shed or unfurnished., One bsdrooni Country club Apartments and Swim . Hlg1> chair HJO. Bassinet Igtit-raonth lease,. Swim club Inolua- itr*ed M.IB. Child's table, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 5O-05M. after «. 632-1615, before e. ,„.,, Ir set, M.50. Baby carrlagii WIN OABLES — M Riverside Ave.. COMMERCIAL RENTALS iCNt. Crib complete 118.00. Etc. RU»- :ed Bank, on river. Three and four IKeyport Gardens rr nl fll ' APARTMENTS "\-9lf *>• ° - 741-1893, »m» mJurnlslled. 741-23M. IESIRABLK RIVER FRONT suite- ! Gardenss WRE — ContenU of Little ill- TIBBD OF COMMUTINOT «ew en*:BD BANK — THREE modern rooms, m first floor In the Tuller Building. 2S1 ATUMTIC ST, KYPORT, H.J. • PHONE: 26+8311 GRANT AVENUE, EATONTOWN, NEW JERSEY Ir home. French provincial anil traill- operative apartment, Slaten Island, h. UnfurnishedUnfurnised. DesablDesirablee llocationc . 3*11 T*>24«. •• . • • .. '•.' bIRtCTIONS: Nertti en R». IS to Rt. 3*. Follow Off The fitrdMi StaU l>rfcw*y Exit 10$ EXUMIM nal and accessories, Aflef », 747availabl' e April 1 30 minutes to< Man- MMcLareL n att ProspectPt . 77117l7s7;117lii. hattan, U.500 plus monthly malnte- ietOIW t FFT. .UOOT manutaotunng Rt. 34 toward Ktyport ta thlrsi trofile light a*sj •mtCTIOKfc lusts SUII rirtMT all IM ssl» rtirwn irlssiles. Cetuiu nance, Cai evenings a»-TU I4UB. HRKJi ROOMS AND BATH — Fur- MUl to, leuites Can be Isassd isparats- MM|n>tUie „ Of OLD HOME — Sum- imm. No pel*. W*M ton* Branch), mate U-tMni. Csmo bock «n Rt. li !• AHauHe St. NMtNMllUCmll>ltUUlH tS.75. M«UI fcooK rank »1.15. hone Ja5-M94. (flnt Iftjhf} WKJ turn rfgkt to Ktypttt Otnltu. U... intk M It Ji tt tMsMHn tlrcli. fsr. rii« ' »1.75. Folding chain (1.2A. sUPsttqmlVllUVMitVi l*M CI0.50. M*taJ Mda »J.J». ^]»K APARTMBNT r lilMi. W.80. Mattreilss IU btjf er bnlld. Reduc chairs. tl.M, CWA; glass- Mis) of »<|L Rive ' brlo-a-brao-brao. RUsraiL'lRUsra , 3» - Complete ,f Ud BankBak. 7el-l7l-l6»36 . all uflllUe*. Hou*EJi ro* wx 24-Fri«Uf, VUtrh 4, TOE DAILY HJEGJSTER mumnmuiM W0(i$U WO». MAIM HOUSE* FO* MIX HOUSE* rm MIS, EARLY AMERICAN STYLE M. NEI7ER HOUSES FOR SALE C*ntury Building Co. fttttnh: Htra modern convenience. Thli krvtly HOU«E» JoloniaJ combines the beat of •«* «a. VAN HORN REALTORS fcuntry ityle *«che» with beeuneil Jail, •mi tic, (laistone deolttd den and flr«. ilaco adjoining. Dishwasher, air con- OVER THIRTY YEARS SEA GIRT ESTATES lltloner and electrio ranie blend right THE BER© AGENCY i Three fine bedrooms (master 22 MULTIPLE LISTINGS A Prestige Community of Luxury Hom»i long) and two baths. Two-car garage Large, rear patio overlooks fenced 462-4151 REALTORS lhaded yard. All In Immaculate con PICTURESQUE VIEW OF OLD BRIDGE - An older house, com 12 DISTINCTIVELY STYLED MODELS Won. Early occupancy. Asking *23,IK)0. pletely restored. Seven rooms, l'/j modern baths. Brass plumb- Ranch, 2 Story Colonial, Split Level and Bi-Levels HALL BROS., REALTORS (More CIuilRed Ad*, $11,900 ing. Three-zone hot water heat. New 100-Amp service. 75' bulk- 113 River Rd. Fair Haven 741-1881 headed waterfront. Duck boating. High bank. Summer house From $24,900 to $45,000 Member Multiple Listing Service On The Next Page) Cute and Cozy Many extras. $28,000. •TEW MONMOUTH — Enjoy bulU-l An elegant setting of privacy featuring unique convenience to shopping- areas, x32 pool, sight-room split, large lot $89 Per Month CHARMING MODERN RUMSON COLONIAL - On a wooded highway and railroad transportation, schools, houses of worship, Shore rec- lead end atreet. Watt to school, HOUSES FOR SALE reation facilities and Just 25 mln. to Bell Labs. lores transportation. Priced I*1*™ Brand new listing. First deposit takes it. Three bedrooms. Lar, elevation. Excellent schools. Near everything. Eight cheerlu .H.A! appraisal. *18,700. 7B7-3<38. living room and kitchen, tiled bath. Two-car garage. Plenty rooms. Two fine baths. Top condition. $30,600. Taxes $725. MODELS OPEN DAILY NOON TO DUSK closet and storage space. Low taxes. Immediate possession Model Phone 449-3535 or 531-0090 MORE LISTINGS SHOWN HOUSES FOR SALE closing. WATERFRONT EIGHT ACRES — Delightful view. Magnificent DIRECTIONS: Rt. SS south to Sea Girt Crossroads Shopping Center. Turn MORE LISTINGS SOLD trees. Box, holly. TWO Colonial homes. One rented $4,200 yearly. left on Laurel Ave. (ooDoslle Sheh&dt Ru« Co.) % blocks to Old Mill Road, VeU No Down Non-Vets W Left to models. (2 blocks In back of Old Mill Restaurant) Main house has 12 rooms, three baths, two fireplaces, oil heat, CHARMING MIDDLETOWN asbestos roof. Set far back from road. Barn. Taxes $1,914. Stone VILLAGE RANCH on dead $13,500 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE end itrttt, 3 bedrooms, living bulkhead. Asking $85,000. Inspect our choice listing* from $25,000. room wltti flr«ploct, dlrtlno Full Basement Some on Hie river.. room, kitchen with toting bar FAIR HAVEN — Seven-room CUSTOM-BUILT and stooli. paneled family room with burned celllns. Formal Dining Room OVER FIVE ACRES IN RUMSON — Delightful wooded hill. Near split. Nicely landscaped, sur- A delightful three-bedroom ranch schools, ocean and country clubs. Nine-room Colonial. Excellent fully alr-condltloned. vsar-oKI Ideal location for those used to convenience. Older home In tip-tog rounded by large shade trees. Large, modern kitchen with pantry. AX watheri goi dryer ond re- condition. V/i tiled baths. Electric kitchen. Breezeway. Two-car rooms extra*large, plus full basement. Thru th* R«d Bank shape. Three master size bedrooms. Tremendous kitchen am Screened porch. Excellent condi On a. dead-«nd street. Can to yours frlotrator • frtewr Included, utility room, oarage, V18xl» living room. 1V4 baths. Garage. Plaster walls. Economical garage. Oil heat. Many unusual features. $68,000. Offers wanted tion. Conveniently located. $22, with only S1.000 down. Call 8NYDH1B Multiple Lilting S.rvle* Taxes $1,500, AOENCY, REALTORS, 291-0903. Afte lot beautifully landtcaped; heat. 000. ° 787-1700. nlc« n«lohbors, June occu- $„ Pitt 216 In « Veto No Down Non-Vets S pancy. M!,900, by ownir. 804 River Rd. 747-4100 Fair Haven RUMSON — Charming older 071-3571. three-bedroom Colonial. Formal HOUSES FOR SALE $14,900 dining room, fireplace in living COURTESY SHOWINGS WITHOUT OBLIGATION room. Full basement. Garage. Four Bedrooms MULTIPLE AND OTHER LISTINGS Fenced-ln Yard $23,000. WALKER & WALKER Don't be tony tomorrow, call today! Custom Cape Cod In on« THE DOWSTRA AGENCY ROLAND PIERSON our finest rWMeatlal areas. Modern, paneled kitchen plus 81 E. Front St., Red Bank Realtors 741-8700 REALTORS and INSURORS aeparato dining room. Full basement. Gang*. Corner lot wi AGENCY trees. Many extras. . -.....-- NEAR SCHOOLS, SHOPPING AND TRANSPORTATION REALTOR SHREWSBURY OFFICE Vett W Down Non-Veto ttt Fair Haven split level. Big living room, dining room, kitchen 640 Newman Springs Rd. three bedrooms, game room, 1% baths, screened porch. Excellent 661' BROAD ST. 741-5212 $15,800 condition, and only $22,000. Lincroft Center 741-7575 Beautiful Split Level FOR A LITTLE SILVER FAMILY RED BANK SPECIAL! A new offering at $19,700. 22' Family Room Spacious split level, entrance hall, big living room, big dining MEMBER Eight yaan young with attraefve aat-in kitchen, 17 ft. family room, 3 bedroomi, baiement, . room, four bedrooms, recreation room and den, 2J4 baths, base- OF BED BANK ovartiied garage. < :' Selling well below market value. Don't miss this one. Spacious acre tplit level featuring three large bedrooms, separate dining are* men^ two-car garage. V4 and just nine years old. All in MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE and kitchen, l'/£ baths. Extras include aluminum storms am beautiful condition $37,500. Many extras included, including rights COUNTRY VIEW Nice at $23,000 screens. Immediate possession at closing. to the jiver. RUMSON RANCH From your living room; far at you can «aa — woods and patture. Ranch home, 7 roomi, plijl Vets No Down Non-Vets 1601 Close to river. Three •xcellent bed- large game room, laundry room, baiament ttorage, 2 full bathi, diihwaiher, «nd attached «•• AN UNUSUAL CAPE COD room*, two full bathH. Huge pine rage. Occupancy — ion graduate! June IS, 1966. L paneled family room with loads of Daily 9-9 Saturday-Sunday 10-7 If you like Colonial, (bis to tin house you should see, at a very storagt and built-in cabinets. Living reduced, attractive price; living room with fireplace, and pan- WALK—BUS—TRAIN STATION $I9.5OI>, Mddetotm 671-1M room with, fireplace, •eparata dining eled den with fjrep&ce, dtataj room, kitchen, large master bed- room. Modem kitchen with diahwasher. Full, dry basement with laundry. Over- Seven roomit 4 bedroom!, 2 full bathi, fireplace in living room, formal dining room, kltthe*..- m w<<** ^}( bathi — Center hall, living room and paneled REALTOR HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Member Multiple Listing* Service dan, both with lireplacei—built-in bar, Florida Room, fully heated for year- round enter. FAIR HAVEN taining — icience kitchen, beiement, end oveniie 3 car garage. Beautiful landieeping and Cor. Old Mill Rd. and Rt. 520, Holmdel SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL—Wooded B B B B New three-bedroom ranch. Hot water In excellent condition — Lot 28O'x2°3' — and more land available. Cell todeyl property. 3.9 acres. Three-bed- Hert If a most unusual opportunity to heat. Full basement. Taxes approxi- 946 - 4443 own a lovely, large, modern home In mately 1429. Asking $18,300. 90% fi- room residence. Two-car garage. the country without the responsibility nancing. 1 APARTMENT DWELLERS! $20,996 HOLMDEL — Three-bedroom ranch. Two-zone hot water hea Other building suitable for ken- connected with farming. This attractive Ideal home for small family. Grounds and home immaculate Cape Cod Colonial la beautifully tltu Juit for you! No need to buy major appliances, they're Included in thli 3 bedroom ranch. nels or horses. Near Red Bank. ated on 2^ acre* overlooking a golf COLONIAL SPLIT It alio faeturei a kitchen with family room, ipacioui living room, dining room, 2 bathi,'utility Low maintenance construction. $32,000. $23,900. course with a sweeping view of the Three bedrooms, lhl baths/ panolod Mid die town countryside. The home Is den and gameroom, basement, one-car room, air conditioning and garage. Immediate occupancy. • HOLMDEL-MARLBORO LINE — Secluded. Two- and three-bed well built and has a sunken living garage, screened porch, hot water LITTLE SILVER -Three-bed- room, dining room, kitchen with break- heat. Taxes $583. House la excellent room ranch with screened porch, patio, two-car detached garage. room, 2'/£-bath split level with fast area, paneled den and powder condition.. Asking 523.300. ANXIOUS TRANSFERRED OWNER Asking $21,990 room. The master bedroom and bath This 15-year-old home, on approximately two acres, has good 15x16' gameroom, large plot, at- BROWN ASSOCIATES, INC. Will coniider reaionable offeri. Vacant and ready for quick occupancy. Beautifully kept 4 are on the first floor. There are twoS White Bt. Bed Bank possibilities. Taxes $585. Price $27,000.* ached garage. Reduced $2,000 large bedroomi on the second floor, bedroom home with hot water baiaboard heat. Living room, 14x14 dining room eat-in kitchen, bath, and attractive sewing room, or 111-2125 for fast tale. Now offered at $23,- I '/i bathi. baiement and garage. Call 471 -3311 NOW! ' HOLMDEL-LINCROFT AREA — Three-bedroom split ranch. Reai small bedroom. The taxes are low andGREAT POSSIBILITIES — A charm- 900. It is convenient to commuting. Priced Ing old nine-room Colonial featuring a yard fully fenced, ideal for youngster. Carpeting and many extra at $45,000, far below the coat of dupli- fireplace In the living room, a family JUST WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ....Priced at $27,500^ $21,900. cation. Call ui for an appointment. room off tr» kitchen, a study off the New center hall Colonial. Gracloui 23 ft. living room, formal dining room, Mother'i delight living room, and two full baths. Need* WEART - NEMETH kitchen with loti of eating area. 4 Urge bedroomi, panelled game room, 2'/i bathi, full COLTS NECK PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. a new kltciier/ and decorating, but It hu a new furnace and a new roof. baiement and 2 car garage. Cell 671-3311 now, and look no further. SPACIOUS — Four-bedroom Colonial. 2'/£ baths. Richly paneled AGENCY Real Estate for 72 years A quiet street with nccesa to river. 60 White St. Red Bank 741-7200 family room with fireplace. First floor interior nicely papered. Of- Vacant. Asking *29,000. Neighboring REALTOR property values as much as J60.000. EXECUTIVE'S RESIDENCE $37,500 fered at $37,750. RIVERFRONT — OREAT POSSIBILI Well worth seeing! WIMJAM H. HIN- TIES — An, attractive brown shingle TBLMANN (Firm) Realtors. 23 Ridge In a delightful wooded letting. It features 3 bedroomi, formal dining room, tunken den with 102 WEST FRONT ST. Colonial on an aore of land rlghj at Rd., Rumson. 842-0600. Member of Mul- fireplace radiating warmth and charm, 2 bathi, a spacioul icreened patio, full bright baie. the water's edge. Only six rooms, a tiple Listing Service. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE flrepl&ce and a. screened poroh, but ment and 2 car garage. (201) 741-2240 there Is great "add on" potential. The TWO DEUO-HTPUL COTTAGES — In setting Is beautiful; a very quiet spot excellent condition, on one property. 24-HOUR SERVICE In an excelleiA neighborhood. Vacant, Front hou9e-ttva rooms plus enclosed, OLDER HOME owner asking }37,50O. Solve your boat heated porch. Hot water baaeboard REDDEN AGENCY Member of Red Bank berthing problem! WILLIAM H. HINheat- . Rear-three rooms plus utility WALKER & WALKER This three^bedroom home is i Multiple Listing Service TELMANN (FIRM) Realtors, 23 Ridge room and attached garage. Lovely a choice area. Nice size liyin Rd.. Rumaon. 812-0000. Member of Mul-chaAn link fence-enclosed lot on dead- 741-9100 tiple Listing Service. end etfeet.(L75 lncam« per month. REALTORS and INSURORS room formal dining room, kitch Tenants pay utilUles. fl5,BO0. Call 6T1- Realtor. — Iniurors en, full - basement and one-cai $14,900—$116 MONTHLY NEW MONMOUTH — Four-bedroom, 9M9. Member of Red Bank Three bit bedroom Cape Cod with 23' Hi bath, ranch. Wall-to-wall carpet, MIDDLETOWN OFFICE garage. Also heated sunporc kitchen, blf two-etr attached garage, storms and aoreene, large kitchen, rec- MIDDLETOWN VILLAOE — Four-bed- Multiple Listing Service and open porch on back of house, an extra large room over garage, reation room, baaement, gaimge. Ex- room split, paneled recreatioO room. fully Insulated, making low heating cellent location. Aakmg (21,900. Owner, M acn fully landscaped. Tenet a- Aluminum siding on whole house, In bs.de rtti. $M.50Ci. STl-IBSl 2068 HWY. 35 471-3311, WANT TO KEEP A HORSE? coats. Clott to school! &nd UanspoT- Owner transferred. $20,000. tstlon. Or with $2,400 you can mume mttta Colonial home on rustic four the preient FHA mortgag* and con- •cres. Pleasant living room, large tinue to pay only $96 per month. Alt HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE DIFFERENT conditions subject to Government tip- dining room, three bedrooms, ga- If you would like over an acn proval. rage. Outbuildings. Can also be with tall trees plus many beauti THE KIRWAN CO. •ub divided. Good value at $23,- ful hollies, dogwoods and fii Realtor 900. Rarltan Office 7J7-SBO0 trees, and you could use four- FOR SALE RUMSON COLONIAL — Attrac- bedrooms and two baths and tive three-bedroom home on love 29x15' living room with rea BOATING FISHING stone woodburning fireplace, and MONMOUTH BEACH — On SBrewi- ly, wooded lot. Living room with bury River, excepUonal builder's custom Heatolator fireplace, dining room, you are willing to spend a smal brick ranch. IV pier, 3 bedrooms, amount to decorate, call righl science kitchen, dishwasher, 3 bathe, modern kitchen, den, two baths. garage, andersoo thcrmopane picture; Many extras. Top drawer neigh away to see this vacant, verj windows. Features too many to list lovely log cabin style home, dust see to appreciate a truly beauti- borhood. Reduced to $30,600. ful home. PRICE M0.000. PRINCIPAL* Priced very low, only $15,500. ONLY. Owner 233-4160. PARKLIKE SETTING — Irnmac. DON'T MOVE — Until you have sees ulate four-bedroom home in one this extra special house In LlncrotL LAWLEY AGENCY Four bedrooms, three baths. Large of Little Silver's nicest neighbor- gameroom and two-car garage. Superb hoods. Large living room with Established 1932 landscaping and tall trees afford com- fireplace, dining room. Eye pop- plete privacy. Top school area. Call today. Asking 138,000. ping kitchen with eating area. Realtors- Inturors Den. Family room. 1lA baths. STERLING THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS Basement. Carpeting plus too Multiple Listings Hlddletown 747-WOO many other extras to list. Re- placement cost over $40,000. . 741-9204 CHARMING CAPE All I have to offer Is six bedroomi, Priced to sell at $38,500. living room, dining room, eat-In kitch- PLENTY OF ROOM en, den with fireplace. Two-car am.. SPARKLING RANCH — Three rage. Walk to all schools, and NY and Newark transportation. Can be had bedroom charmer with 28' living for as little as 51.500 down Cal AGENTS FOR ELMWOOD PARK roonj-dining room combination. SNYDBR AOENCY. REALTORS, B71- "i irim irees. rair Haven-numso 2590. Mr. Nelson. (Pleasant kitchen with breakfast school area. Many extras. Owner want MIDDLETOWN—NEW JERSEY nook. Laundry. Gameroom. Two to go to California, asking only 525,.MX LITTLE SILVER Call us today. baths. Two-car garage. Fenced Attractive four-bedroom, two baths, liv- ing room, dining loom, large kitchen, in yard. Two-home owner says HALL BROS., REALTORS 113 River Rd. Fair Haven 741-761 and den. Full basement with recreation sell! $20,700. Member Multiple Listing Service room, utility room and work area. Ex- cellent neighborhood. Close to schools CUSTOM-STYLED COLONIAL shopping, railroad elation and For BIG RANCHERO Monmouth. Asking 121,800. BRUCE Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. This three-bedroom ranch In a nlci AOBNCY, Real Estate. 542-U4J. 2-story... Split Level setting, with all the comforts of ai older home, jilus a large den. Asking Corner Bergen PI. only $20,B0O. Call SNYDER AGENCY, FISHERMAN SPECIAL ... and Ranch Homes... RED BANK REALTORS. 671-25BO. After 6, 74 This two-bedroom home. In excellen 3656. condition, with a scenic view of N Y ~ay, and low taxes, is on the market on -fully landscaped, Call or write for a t 518,500. Call SNYDER AGENCY 3 complete brochure RUMSON — Attractive rancher In ex- REALTORS, 291-0003. After 6. 787-1700 estate-size A -acre plots BI—LEVEL RANCH — Frame and Evenings and Sundays cellent condition.. Three, bedrooms, tw masonary construction. Ttiree bed- Ml. -a***. rooma, playroom. recre* 940-8383. IS' llvini-dinlnc roam, three bedrooms, agenta. »32,800. Call Ul-5398. WO HOUSES (or the price ol on*. two baths, full basemerA with family Two bedrooms, Large frowt porch, heat. Emerson Split Level room, garage, on S acra landscaped enclosed, on house in front. Bungalow plot. $21,000. Principal! only. Call RED BANK, — House and atore. 11 In rear for retired couple. Botn houses $25,990 §42-3132. .19 Shrewsbury Ave. Reasonable. Cal »n lot ioo'j.150', Income property. Both 7*7-4467. houses. S16.6OO. STANLEY STILWELL NBAft RED BANK — Spacious home AOBNCY. Holmdel, T«\: »W-o383. r 1 10INETTE1LORY-UTIL^ Windwood 2-story Colonial lor salt by transferred owner. Built APPLEBBOOK—Three-bedroom ranch DINING RM1 in 1962. Nine large rooms, 2'-. baths. COLONIAL CAPE COD — Four lied UTILITIES (CITY LIVING RM. ||'5"ilO'£j Wall-to-wall carpeting, paneled famll] rooms, two baths, living room dJnlng $28,500 Two-car garage. Quiet court. Near room, fireplace, aluminum storms and room, 17x10 modern kitchen, ilen, ful WATER, GAS, •chools, buses, recreation. 741-0572. screens wooded H acre 671-0743. BVXIIV r GARAGE HAWTHORNE basement, garage. Don't delay cal: CURBS and KEYPOHTV— Threa bedrooms, M WELL-KEPT — Bl-Level, four bed, today. $1B,BOO. 8CHANCK AGENCY, baths, modern kitchen, largo living room. ly, baths, many attractive tea, Realtor, s lindsn PI,, Red Bank. 747 1 FAMILY ROOM 2-Story Colonial lures, near schools, transportation. Ca 0387. SIDEWALKS... arAt dining rooms, wall-to-wall carpet, , RECEPTIONHALL |9'2"xll'5" full dry cellar. Located in quiet neigh- assume 4!i% mortgage. Prlnclpa ETC.) . . . $29,400 only. 671-2088. MIDDLETOWN RANCH — Built by borhood. Walk to city transportation, owner. 8lx years old. Three bedrooms, PAVED ROADS •hops, church and schools. City water HOLMDBL VILLAGE — Restored Co Heatllator fireplace. Large kitchen. At- and sensr. Immediate occupanoy. lonlal, nine-room, zy, bath tl\r«« tire- tached oversized i&fage. Many astraa. INSTALLED BY PrlLi-it to sell. Call 201-1)552. places, landscaped, 75x22B lot. Near Excellent condition. 5 minutes to Red BEDROOM schools and stores. 046-4403. Bank. $10,900. 747-0379. PORTICO NEW SHREWSBURY COLONIAL - BUILDER, NO II'5"*9'H" MORTGAGE Four bedrooms, three, baths, garaga, MIDDLETOWN — Near Bt, 35, flVL TOUR. BEDROOM OAPB COD — Ha. ASSESSMENTS basement. (27.500. Call 717-5:130. room Cape Corf. Full basement. Three •verythlng. STANLEY STILWILL acres of beautiful land. $10,900 HOSE AOENCY. Holmdel. Tel: B4«-S383. AVAILABILITY COLONIAL SPLIT — Eleven roomi, PAPPIDA8 AGENCY INC. Call 251-0404. 3^ baths, ft wooded acre lot, two THREE BEOnOOM RANCH — Two- ear garago. New Shrewsbury. Call 741- BE A SNOOP — Sea Inside Uus three car garage. Located on one aore lot 10% Down, 30 year 8861. Principals only. bedroom raised ranch featuring cozj In Holmdel. Asklr/g *S2,5O0. STANLEY BED ROOM living room, den, dining room, modari JTILWELL AOENCY Holmdel. Ter BEDROOM IIAZLET — Foiir-btdroom Colortal, lii kitchen, attached garage and, fo: >4S-S3S3. I31ll'5" I3'5"xl2l Mortgage for all bathi, dining room, recreation room, added pleasure, swimming pool wltr 1UM80N COLONIAL — Three bed garage. Call owner for appointment. diving board. Only >33,O0O. Call for ap 'ooms, den, living room, fireplace qualified buyers. M4-6573. No brokers. polntment, noLSTON WATEBBUItY, lining room, kitchen, basement, ga- BELFORD — Three-bedroom ranch, Realtor. I« W. Front St., Red Bank. 'age, excellent condition. Lovely 16' Large living room and kitchen. Full 747-.13OO. nation. 123,000. SCHANCK AdENCY, basement witli large panfeled recrea- C0L18 NECK — t'our-bedroom Cape Realtor, g Linden PI., Red Bank. tion room. Attached garage. MaHy oth- Cod. Quality, privacy. Wooded Mo. '1J-0397. er emns, 787-3672. Cannot be duplicated for (41.000. J.D. AGENTS ROCHE, REALTOR, Long Brldfa lid 1ANCI! HOUSE WITH FOUR aorta Colts Neck. 940-4055. and In Holmdel. Low taxes. Central COMMERCIAL RENTALS ilr conditioned. Hot water heat, beau INCOME PROPERTY — Red Bank. Iful locatlor.'. Asking 133,000. STAN Bevtn-room houti. Two baths- Con- [,KY 8TILWXSLL, Afanoy. Holrodil veniently located. Call 6(2-081)7. Tel: 9I6-B383. fpplebrook Agency WATERFRONT — Completely restore' BIGHT-ROOM 8PLIT—LUVBL-LaJUl- older home with 22x24' living room icapecl. Busement. Patio ITmmUy room, OFFICE Pull dlnlag room, modern kitchen, mnelfd den, eat-In kllchen. 7J7-1313. 9B0 HWY. 35 MIODLETOWN three bedrooms, 114 deluxe baths. I>en. NEW MONMOUTH — Thraa-btdroom Screened porch. Barbecue. Egcellen SPACE ocaMon and only 128,000. Bv aopolnt ranch. (11,100. Prlctd below FIIA ap- m«nt only BOLSTON WATEJtBURY, praisal. Owner r«-looatmir. Many si Modern Office* lust complsttiL Can- Realtor, 16 W. Front St., Ited Bank. iras. Principals only; 7sT.37<>. • trti Ited Bank Business District 147-3500. UNCRpFT — Near CBA. Thria-bso) room ranch. Den, two fireplaces, hit! • Central Mr Conditioning I.1TTLB SlLVBft - Two-story colnplel. ;ellar. OrM aer«. 131,000. 7U-1171 • Self Bnrlet Elovllor Four huge bedrooms, 13x23 living room, • Prirat* parking Spaci ilen. Two fireplaces, illnlng roirni. 10NUOIITI1 BEACH — ThrtS bH • JWnl Reasonable slate foyer, custom-designed kitchen, oom Cape Cod. In excellent condition • Inipsot and Cornrnr. fi-acte. River rights. 144,500. Owner taking 118,800. Call JJBOaiB must move nsxl summer. Call owner, 747-IH85 iaWtUNE -• tHm-bearoom Ce.j» od, l'.fe bath, storms, screens, full •>V ' IX TWP, - Manasquan area. Five- isatnani, 79x100 landicajisd lot, 747-1100 room ranch, one bath, pantUr! kitchen, •noediln yarn, waahir, dryar, r»frl«- Full, dry bailment. Overused garage. irator, tu rarJW. 300 am». Merles. MlroidSf. RtdBflnk Smell family or retirement. Call «"rl- saw Partwty. oVnef botibt UriK 'T1.1 day er Saturday for details, 3*1-0*07. tmi, Avsilaola In April. MM*. T7I- nipect Sunday. H«,000. i MOUSE* rat. uut HOUSEI rot MJdjt HOUSES VOftttU! NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE- tniay, UuA 4, ; New .' RUSSELL M. BORUS REALTORS McAUSTER AGENCY Monmouth St. Patty's 600 mm RD. Wrtft^EN, N.J. REALTORS vdpea to male citlzena, twtw(o yeara The Junior Group of the p nddent Id Holmdel Township. •ATE or TOWARD J. LJBDDT, Ameonced ctotint data for Tiling ep- DKCXASCO tist church were guests of His Dance Set 109 E. Riv.r Rd. 842-1894 pUcallUcallOO M Maron Si, 1M«. For appl Pursuant to tha order of DONALD Junior High Group of Fair Ha- 747-4532 ' eatloostloos, ddutieu s anadd minimumumm ququallflcaa - J, CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the tlons applappll y to DepartmenDrt t off Ci County of Monmouth, this day made, ven Methodist Church Feb. 27. Si St on the application of the underalgtWd, In Keansburg Member Multiple Lilting Service RUMSON — Charming Dutch Colonial. Five bedrooms on second Service, State HouseH , TrentonTt , Dorothy E, Leddy, Sole Executrix 01 Miss Vicky, Sanchez of Spain, ex Jersey. the estate of the said Edward J. Led ,, , floor, five bedrooms on third floor. 5>/5 bathi, very large and Candidates who file applications am change student in Middletown KEANSBURG — The Irish are IIAL In dyy, deceased,, notice Is hereby gftsi In are quaJIMed may receive no furthei ie credit - - - High School and sponsored by £)^i?^i2! ~ ftSS^^j1°"*»<».trees.location, trees. LivinUvlngg rooroomm elegant living room, Urge formal dining room, both with fire- notice to appear. Those not qualified to ththee creditoritors of aald deceasedeceased b expected to whoop it up here with flrepJace, dining room, kitchen, den and full bath downstairs, places. Library with fireplace, large kitchen. Basement, two-cai will be so rMlfled. present to thh e saiid SolSl e ExecutrEt l the American Field Service, was next Saturday night as the Em- three nice bedroonu and bath upataln. Full basement, oversized Examlnatloni will be held Wednes- their claims under oath within *'• garage, hot water oil heat. All on tour beautiful acres. Partially day, April 13, \m at 6:00 P. M. months from this dats. a gueit and answered questions press Hotel, Laurel Ave., stages garage. Convenient to excellent achoola, shopping, buses, tennis wooded with lovely old trees, including magnolia and dogwooi Aipplicant* will report to Mlddletowr Dated: February Oth. 1049 on education, religion, cultur its second annual St Patrick's court), churches, Asking (30,600. Township High School, Tindtll Road DOROTHY B. LEDDY Exceptional offering at $49,500. Mlddletown, New Jersey. 48 Dogwood Lane and teenagers in Spain. Accom- Day Dance. March 4, 11, Is f Fair Haven, New Jersey panying the group were Don RUMSON — Immediate occupancy. Quiet street with load* of INCOME INVESTMENT — Large two-family duplex house in one Sole Executrix The affair features all the trtM. This three-bedroom ranch has 1V4 baths, a den, a dining of Red Bank's finest areas. Has three bedrooms one side — four Messrs. McCue * O'Hern Tshudy and Edward McNamara, NOTICE 60 Broad Btreet Miss Sanchez is a guest of Mr. corned beef and cabbage the sons room and a fireplace in the living room. A detached workshop on the other. All in excellent condition. Just reduced by $3,000, MONMODTH COUNTY Red Bank, New Jersey d KTtmtiAn 0 AttorneyAtt s and Mrs. H. E. Burnsid* of of Erin Can consume for & The «™ Ji> P "* completes this comfortable home. Asking Now low price)« ,t (25,800. Hurry to see this. We have key. StmROOATES COORT Feb. 18, 29, March 4, 11 S27.M hotel's Go-Go girls will add to Xotlee to Creditors to Present Locust. RUMSON — Beautiful waterfront ranch with dock. On 1% acres Claims Against Estate the evening's festivities. LJNCROPT HORSE COUNTRY - Nestled in the wood* - secluded ESTATE OF JOHN GALATRO, D NOTICE with lovely view. In quiet witd>duck area. Four large bedrooms, CEASED MONMOUTH COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. H. Lane Losey, Tickets are being sold at the and yet plenty of playmatei In this lovely area. This three-bed- four baths, sunken living room with fireplace, large formal dlnlnj Pursuant to tlie Order of DONALD SURROGATE'S COURT room ranch offers a charming living room with fireplace/ \% baths, J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Pauls PL, entertained tor Mr. hotel and in most borough tav- room, pretty eat-In kitchen, big family room, screened patio over- County of Monmouth, his day made Motto to Creditors to Present and Mrs. Robert Reed of Aving- erns. dining room, and an eat-in kitchen. Fully tiled 24' x IV basement. looking water. Marvelous storage space. Basement, hot water on the application of the undersigned Claims Against Estate Asking (28,500. William Galalro, Sole Executor oF th ESTATE OF ANNA BELL HOYT, ton, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred heat, two^ar garage. Priced $85,000. estate ot the eald John Qalatro, de DECEASED ceased, notice Is hereby given to thl - Pursuant to the order of DONALD Lampa, Philadelphia, Feb. 27. RANC H - In delightfull yy Pprivat e ] locatioUm nn on 1% cmacres. Lar, creditors of said deceased to preeen' J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the uT ~ 'LJr'Jr i *i ™ J> £Z*.* :tMWKVMSOH - Three-bedroom California ranch. Has living room to the said Sols Executor their claims CoutAy of Monmouth, this day mad< New Uvlng room with fireplace, dining room, den, kitchen with disn-with beamed ceiimg and fireplace, compact kitchen, drnini area, on the application of the undersigned, The sixth birthday of Michae under oath within six months front C. Douglaa Hoyt and Anson O. Sort Conti, son of Mr. and Mrs, washer, three nice bedroonu, two tiled baths. Oversized two-car carport. View of river with river rights. Priced $17,500. this date. Executors of ths estate of the sai< attached garage. Lovely trees and shrubs. Asking $38,900. Dated: February 21st, vm Anna Bell Hoyt. deceased, notice George Conti, was celebrated WILLIAM OALATRO, hereby given to the creditors of sali Shrewsbury 156 West Front Street deceased to present to the said Ex- March 1. Guests inoluded Mi- HOUSES FOR SALE LOTS AND ACREAGE Red Bank, N. J., ecutors their claims under oath within chael Queenan, Frank La Buda, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Wood, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Sole Executor alx months from this date. Messrs. Reussllle, Cornwell. John King, Robert Smith, Rob- 17 Wellington Dr., gave a cos- NEW MONMOUTH — Hair acre build Mausner, Carotenuto A McQann Dated: February 4 H«6 tume Mardi Gras party recent- SPRING. IS JUST AROUND Ing lot. Sewers In and paid for. Ask 3* Broad Street, C. DOUGLAS HOYT, ert, Terry and David Walker, HOME, SWEET HOME HOLLY TREE FARM Jng to.OOO. Mullaney Realty, 67WUJL Red Bank, N. J., 907 River Road, ly. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Where a car Isn't necoiary, since you Fair Haven, N. J. David and Mark Acheskey. THE CORNER AT are only a few block* to schoolt . . , Homes that reflect the eleganci COLTS NECK — l',4 acre lot foi Attorneys ANSON G. HOYT, Edward Fox, Mr. and Mrs. John •torei and buies. This new listing wll of yesteryear's country mansloni, sale. Partially wooded. Call 461 Feb. S5, March 4, 11, IS 128.5: 3 Dogwood Lane, - BELMAR PARK ESTATES 49W. Doug Harvey, playing for Balti- Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sing- Model reduced' to 119,990. A Ticiutlfn! hold Iti value for years. Living room Rumson, N. J. large family-sized bl-level. Four bed- with fireplace, dining room, kitchen as . . Exceptionally large and luxurloi EATONTOWN — 13 acre comnwrclL NOTICE Executors more in the American Hocke er, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mac- roomi, Hi bathi, recreation room, at pretty as any room in the house. Three Colonials In tne estats area of UtUi ropertr. 400" ot Hwy. frontage on Rt. MONMOUTU COCNTY Alston Beekman, Jr.. Esq. Donald, , New Shrewsbury; and tached garaie. On 100x150' wooded lot bedrooms, screened porch, basement, Sliver t. All utilities available. All or part- 10 Broad Street, League, is in his 20th season of attached garage. Easy to care for yard S SURROGATE'S COURT Red Bar*, N. J Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Barbour, The Ideal family home with everything Bee A. KOZICKY, Real Estate, Rt. 39, Notice) to Creditors to Present you detlre. with tall trees. Rumson-Falr Have; . . . Built by custom specialists and BafrHltown. 542-2223. Attorney pro hockey. High School area, Aiking 938,900* priced from HO.Ooa. Claims Against Estate Feb. 11, IS, 23, March 4 130.38 Middletown. . ! ESTATE OP HERBERT D CHAM- SEE OUR NEW DROY, DECEASED. HALL BROS., REALTORS LOCATBD AT BUSINESS PROPERTY EGAL NOTICED QUALITY RANCH MODEL 813 River Rd. Fair Haven 741-7686 Pursuant to the order of DONALD NOTICE Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Campi, WlUi three bedroms, large f&mlly Mcirttjcr multiple Listing Service Saven Bridge Rd., Little Silver J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the MONMOUTH COUNTY kitchen, fun basement, attached garage. SEE THIS IDEAL INDUSTRIAL SITE County of Montnouth, this day made, 222 Riveredge Rd., and Dr. and On beautiful 100x150' lot of your choice. With modern offices, two-car garage SURROGATE'S COURT WEsf"~KEANBBURQ — Larse olclei OR CALL 741-1200 on the application of the undersigned, Notice tn Creditors- to Present Wall Twp, Belmar Blvd., near El. 34. home, THreo bedrooms, largag e llvlllvlnni and Income property. Centrally located Mary Chameroy, Bole Executrix, ol NOTICE Mrs. Vincent Marscio, Little Sil- 111,290. Excellent financing for qualified In Red Bank area. 165,000. WEART— Claims Agalntt Estate NEW 4KBKKV STATE I1EPABTMEN room, fulf l dining room, moderd n klich SO YOU WANT TO LIVE the estate of the said Herbert D ESTATE OF LILLIAN B. APPLE ver, have returned from an buyers. Mr. Mai«ey on premises, till en, Hi bathK. Hot water radiation, loon NZMETH AOENCY, Realtor, 102 W, Chameroy deceased, notice Is herebj OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS 100' lot. Selilni to settle estate. (13,500. Front St., rieil Bank, 741-2240. GATE. DECEASED .r- Announced closing date for tiling ap- eight-day vacation at the Desert IN PORTAUPECK given to the creditors of aald decease( Pursuant to the order' of DONALD plications, March 1066. For. appl! 100x150' fenccrt-ln corner lot. Two-stoi BUILDING FOR 8ALE OR RENT—01 to present to the said (Me Executrl: J. CUNNINOHAM. Surrogate of the cations, duties and _.minimu_ .m _ qua! Inn', Lag Vegas, Nev. M1DDLETOWN—Ready to close. F.H.A. Colonial. Three bedrooms. Large II' x42' corner building. Lot in back 60s thetr claims under oath within si: CourAy of Monmouth, this day made, Ilcatloru, apply tt> Department of Clvl TRADED (ppralsed. Selling below F.H.A. valua- Ing, dining rooms. Fireplace. Full ce] 100', lot on side 20x100'. 440 power. months from this date. on the application of the undersigned, lion. Three-bedroom ranch. Livint Service, State House, Trentoi/, N( Exceptional bargain. Btiy for leas than lar. Full screencd-in rear porch. Eal Ideal for manufacturing. Call 767-3100 Dated: February 2}st. 1966 First Merchants National BanK. Soil Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Mikity, the coat of renting. Selling for SHOO room, dining room, kitchen, utility In Colonial kitchen. Huge closets. Two or S71-03U. MARY CHAMEROY Executor of the estate of the sali leu than FHA appralial. Three b«4- Open to oltlcens, 12 months resident room and bath. $13,800. 140O down, car garage. Ready to live in, no re 250 Spring .Street, Lillian B. Applegate deceased, notlc In Holmdel Township. 12 Willow Rd., spent a week in rooml, two bathi, full basement, beau- $117 per month to Qualified buyer. decoratlnn. $23,SIX). 222-0096. Red Bank,-New-Jersey, Is hereby given to the creditor! Assistant Building Inspector, Salary, tifully landscaped property, In rxcellent Bole Sucutrlx Bald deceased to present to Uie nld Bermuda recently, staying at the condition. In family community near COLTS NECK — Gentleman's farm. REAL ESTATE WANTED DOO per rear (Fart Time). EDWIN S. STARK Uessrs. Reuss411e. Cornwell, Sole Executor their claims under oath arch 4, 11, U I9.M Lantana and the Glencoe Hotels. •cbools, shopping, and transportation. New four-bedroom, 2^ baUi Colonial "uausner, ''Oarotenuto 4 McGann within six months from this 'date. S Don't mlia It, IK,800. Call for appoint- 264-0333 home. Ideal Investment against lfl NEED VACANT LAND 34 Broad Street Dated: February 2nd 1S6S . ment. , tlor/. Owner must sell. See Red Bank, New Jersey, FIRST MERCHANTS NOTICE KOZIOKY, REAL ESTATE, Bt. 35, Small lot or large, tracts. Call MUL • MONMOUTH COUNTY Also in Bermuda for a week DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LANKY REALTT, Hl-SUl. Adorneiye . • NATIONAL BANK NOW'S THE TIME Datontown, 642-2223. Evenings and Hoi Feb. J5, March 4, 11, IB $28.5! By: JOSEPH F. MUUJN, SURBOOATE'8 COURT were Mr. and Mrs. George Van- To buy thli riverfront split-level toi Idays, Carl Peteraen. 642-2827. HELP — ACT1ONI Vice-president and Trust Office: Notice to Creditors la Fnsem Claims Ageloit Estate ko, 78 Edgebrook Ct., who stayed LONGSTREET this summer's enjoyment. Bulkheaded RUM6ON — 75 year old Colonial HELP us; our • -13, aaleepeople need 601 Mattlson Avenue Realtor .<— 'Insuror — Appralier lot, riparian rights. Den. Dining room listing on your home. " ' NOTICE Asbury Park, New Jersey ESTATE OF HARRY KISSEL, DE four acres with stately tree* and NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT CEASED. ' at the Bermudian Hotel. SU Morris, Ave. Spring Lake 449-3400 three bedrooms, Hi baths. Basement spreading lawn. Large living room ACTION Is our moUo-professlonal >et- Sole Executor Evening! and Werkrndi 681-1W1 taraie. 128,000, vice* art Just a phone call away, OF ACCOUNT, AND DIRECTIONS Burton T Doremus, Esq Pursuant to the order of DONALD center hall, formal dining room, al FOB DISTRIBUTION. J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of th with fireplaces. Second floor: laundry. Tridt'lfH "ETrlmnget 16 Mechanic street LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING Commercial and Investment properties ESTATE OF 8ABA WOOD Me Red Bank, New Jersey County of Monmouth, this day made Just back from a month In Der/. 5W baths. 10 bedrooms ahop, on the application ot the undersigned REALTOR two-car garage. One mile from beachei Member Two Multiple Listing Services CAMPBELL. DBCBASBD Attorney Florida is Mrs. Walter Canfield, FALL LIST Willow Dr. and Parker Ave. WALKER t WALKER Henry Kissel, Sole Executor of th Monmnitb County, farms, aareais. and schools. Sewers, Needs decorating Notice Is hereby given that the ac- 'eb. .11, 18, 23, March 4 130.36 estate of the aald Harry Kissel, d Little silver 149,500. Call 842-3OH3. Realtor! counts of - the subscriber. Executor ol Wayside Rd. Mrs. Canfield vaca- borne and commercial property. Uani 747-4121 Shrewsbury Mlddletown-Holmde the estate of slid Deceased will b ceased, notice Is hereby given to Ui< tioned at the Key Biscayne Ho- real good buys, Ml Broad SU SOS Hwy. I NOTICE creditors of eald deceased to prssenl RUMSON — Flrrt time offered. Two audited and- stated by the Surrogati to the said Sole Executor their claims story Colonial near schools, shops and 741-52U ••• «7,M3U of the County ot Monmouth and re MONMOUTH COUNTY tel In Key Biscayne. V • MERRin R. LAMSON, INC. FOUR ACRES OF LAND bus. around floor contains 11'4x23 liv- ported for settlement to The Mon- under oath, within ttx months from REALTOR plus a three-bedroom house. Basement, ing room with fireplace, separate din- WE NE£U — Five or six, 1-3 bedroom mouth County Oourt, Probate Division, SURROGATE'S COURT ttito' date. • ' •• \ hot water heat. Refrigerator, waahei homes, furnished or unfurnished, from Dated; i February }4th. 1B6S as Wait Main K rninold Ing room with two built-in corner cui> (39 to SITS per month for Incomln on THURSDAY, the 7th day of APRH Notice to Creditor* to Present Leighton WUlgerodt, son of and dryer Included. Also two-car ga- boards. Sunroom and kitchen. Threl A. D,, 1066, at 0:30 o'clock a.m., a Claims Against Estate: HBNRV KISSEL 4J2-0440 rage and other outbuildings. Fruit trees personnel. THE BERO AOENCY, Rl 44 Woodland Drive Mrs. W. J. McClellan, Peaceful bedrooms and tiled bath upstairs. Full 35 Mlddletown. S7MUW the County Court House Monumen ESTATE OF JOHN J. DELANEY, TAKE OVER PAYMENTS as well as shade trees. Ideal for horses basement. Forced hot air oil heat. Ga- and Court Streets, Freehold, New Jer- DECEASED. , Eatontown, New Jersey Acres, Sr/camore Ave., left Mon- and gardening. Asking 123,800. rage on 79x168' plot. Low taxes. BUILDING LOT — Within commutlm sey, at which time Application will Pursuant to the order of DONALD .Sole Eieculftr ;-• S490. Aaiumt morla-age. Three bed- 123,000. JOHN L. MINUOH AOENCY, distance to Fort Monmouth. »i aori be made for the allowance of Com J. CUNNINOHAM. Surrogate of the Messrs, Amone 4 Zager < day for a IMay trip to Venezu-' roomi, dining room, full basement. k STERLING THOMPSON Realtor, 35 Rumson Rd., Rumton minimum: couple a&res considered (oi missions and Counsel teen and Direc- County of Monmouth,' Oils day made, 348 Broad Street ' bathe, breeieway. garage. .All alumi- AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS Dial SU-35OO. reasonable price. 774-5X8, evenings a tions for Distribution. on the application of the undersigned, Red Bails, New Jersey ela, Colombia, Martinique, Trin- num itorm and icreen wlndowi, Closed- Mlddletown 747-SSOO ter 5:30. Dated February 21st A. D. 1966. The Chase Manhattan Bask, blr.'3. Just move fn-that simple* Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18 »3O.3i CEASED .Asking only $20,500. See It no*. Call around. Complete immaculate. Three bedrooms, tw< NOTICE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK arounroundd . CompleComplette listing!liti . hhomes NEW JERSEY STATE DEPARTMENT (National Association) Pursuant to the order ot DONALD BNY/DBIt AOENCY, REALTORS. «?!• arnu,arnub. businessesi . Member multiple battts, den. Full basement with game- J. CUNNINGHAM. Surrogate of the S"S0. After «, 741-385S. room, hot water heat. Easy location OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS NOTICE (By: FLOYD A. DUNSTON, listing, Service. Large private parking Announced closing date for tiling ap- Trust Officer) County of Monmouth, this day made, lot.' for convenience. Asking J25.000-new COUNTY OF MOXMOUTH on the application ot the undersigned, ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN BEE listing. QLAZEBROOK ASSOC. INC, plications, March 31, 19M. For appli- STATE OF NEW4ERSEY ; East cations, duties and minimum qualifica- One Chase" Manhattan Pita Vincent J. McCueV~Sole Kiecutor" 6 FOBXVBR , a-top Little Silver blllelde. RAY STILLMAN, Realtor Your Favorite Rumson Realtor. 45 W, Notice Is hereby given that sealed New York, New York, the estate or the tald Jane Covan Converted can-lace home on Hi acres. River Rd., Rumson. 842-1700. tions, apply to Department of Civil bide will be received by the Boarc Bole Executor "Our 47th Year" Service, State House, Trenton, New deceased, notice Is hereby given U 15x23 living room with fireplace. Un- I Hwy. 33 ghrewsbury T41-MO0 of Chosen Freeholders of the Count; Messrs. Soons A Soons the creditors of said deceased to ere usual »' kitchen. A 30x15' finally CO-OP DUPLEX APARTMENT — Twt Jersey. Monmouth for the Reconstructloi Keansburg bedrooms, tiled bath, kitchen an r paneled living room and foytr. Oil In Monmouth County. Vacancy-Union over i. Branch of Ramanassen Brook A double birthday celebration £. M, •' »™wi'* «ps «n a heat. 198.50 a month pays everything Attorneys from this date. Three full bathi. If you like the tin- quiet llltle etreet has four ftedrooms Beach Bon. on Longitreet Road, Holmdel Town Feb. 11, 18, 25, March 4 •32.31 Dated: February Bth, IBM uaual you'll fall In love with Dili one. JS-,b*.S.*' ««">••". separate dining except heat. Call 542-15B6. BuUdlnc Inspector (Fart Time), ship, Monmouth County, New Jersej was held Feb. 27 by Mr. and SM.M0. Shorn by appointment EL- room, 7T norrh - 20x50' mtro. b"»». ary, (600 per year. and opened and read In public to thi VINCENT J. MC CUE Mrs. Ralph Munday at their I WOOD A. ARMSTRONG AOENCY, «?"*- », M9.S0O. JOSEPH O. Me- DREAM HOUSE — Custom bulk. March 4, 1! KM NOTICE 7(6 Broad Street Southern Colonial facing South. Corner. Hall oN-f JRecords on ,Tui Main street. Free Realtor. 555 Prospect Ave., Little BU- CUB. 8ft Kldge TM., Rumiwn. IHIM ?SJ , ^. *»»y March 15th, MONMOUTH COCNTY Shrewsbury- New Jersey home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. vef. T41-4MO. Acre. Lindscaped. 10 LARGE rooms. Sols Executor Three baths. Suitable Doctor or largi at 2:00 o'clock, p.m., Prevallln, SURROGATE'S COURT UIJCROPT - Convenleirt to Garden REQUEST FOB BIDS Time. Messrs. McCue and O'Hern Harold Patterson and family, A BEAUTIFUL ltl-TOOM COLONIAL- State Parkway, BUI and Cole Lslx. family. Six bedrooms. Two years old Notice to Creditors to Present 60 Broad Street, Don't fall to Inspect this offerlnrln]f The Board of Education ot the Bor- Plans, specifications and form of bid Claim, Against Estate. Union Beach; Mr. and Mrs. John Heticulously maintained Inside and out. Tnree bedrooms, kitchen, dining aren ough of Fair Haven in the County contract and bond for the propoae< Red Bank New Jersey . - Decorated with a professional touch. i^arsre pl»vrm>m. Rcreened oorch. Spisplint you are earning £20.000 or morei,. 8.1 ESTATE OF ANTHONY TRAINA Attorneys Trupb, Martinsville; Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN - Broker. M2-5900. of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, work, prepared by H. Leroy Martin DECEASED. A rnatctitaea two-acre letUns;. Features Beautiful! landscned or requests bids for Janitors' Supplies. Monmouth County Engineer, have beer Feb. 11, IS, 25, March 4 127.50 a den, plui a family room, two (Ire wooded half acre. Low $20's. Call Pursuant to tha order of DONALD Edwin Mundy, Plainfield; Mr. places, 4H bathi). a three-car rs-raie, 747-0792. FIVE MINUTB8 TO FORT MON- Specifications may be obtained trom filed In the office of aald Ertglnee: J CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the and Mrs. Walter Mundy, Free- Baptjrtor condition. Why not call us for MOUTH - Close to .Bell Labs. In New the Secretary, Board of -Education, 120 In the Hall of Records aforementioned County ot Monmouth. this day made, NOTICE nUMBON _ on large. welMandernped Attrewatoury. Lovely four-bedroom; two- Fair Haven IVoad,. Fair Haven,. New and may be Inspected by promectlvi on tha application of the undersigned* a more detailed description or a Dboto. 1 HONMOUTH COUNTY hold; Horace Daley and Mrs.. Sa- Asking HM00 WILLIAM H. HINTEL- lot near schooli. transportation. Three- bath ranch. With paneled living room JtrseyJersey. SealeSealed ^14» must Te receivereceived bMders during business ho6rs. Bidden Irving Trust .Company and Francis -A, SURROGATE'S COURT MANN (Firmt Realtors, 33 nidge Rd., h«droom Colonial «tv].. Ooorl coMltim and basement, bar, many extras. by the •eoietary at Uithee alxabov. _e ad- will be fumlthed with a copy of the Kelly, Executbri of the estate ol thi ., Notice to Creditors to Preieal die Daley, keansburg, and Mr. ItunMon. 84S-0MO. Member of Multiple Fireplace In large llvlnsr room, heated 121.800. May aa»uma O.I. mortgage dreu no later than 4:0000 P . M. plans and specifications. by the Coun- said Anthony Traina deceased,- notice Claims -Against Estate and Mrs. Ronald Nancy, East sun noreh. Priced at J23.non.-y,,,, cnn Jail H2-2174. •• Monday, March 21. IMS. ty Engineer upon proper notice and Is hereby given to the creditors o ESTATE OF MARGARET Urse Llncroft, 81. Leo's parish? I have It foi The right Is reserved to reject -.. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES — Mid- sale for (111.000; buy It and create you man, deceased, notice -Is hereby given HONMOUTH COUNTY COCBT Feb. 18, 25, March 4, 11 - 127.80 Fdb. 28. Members are from Port dletown. Cape Cod. 13ilT knotty pine living room with beautiful fireplace, to the creditors of said deceased to • all bids if deemed to the Interesl PROBATE DIVISION g* leparate dlrtng room, 'three-mus- own estate. J.D. ROCHE, M.L.S Real- of the County of HonmoOUi SO to do. Monmouth and East Keansburg. kitchen. Uvlng room wtth wall-to-wall ter bedrooms. 1H baths. Big jalouiled tor. Long Bridge Rd., Colta Neck. nreseut to the said Sole Executrix Docket No, NOTICE cafpe-Unj, V'Three bedrooms, den. two 04M9SB. their claims under oath within sh By order of the Board of Chosen Civil Action baths. Fenced (melt yard.'Transporta- •v>rrh. nurd modern eat-In kitchen. months from this date. Freeholders ot tha County of Mt M., Red Bank. 741-8700. Bole Biecutrlx the Court by Thomas J. Ryant at- Mark Well, son of Mr. and FROM ONE LOT TO 100 ACRES - torney for the plaintiff, Albert A. Man- Pursuant lo the order of DONALD NE=TLED IN THI TREES — Im- Either commercial or residential. Call Julius 3. Golden, Esq. NOTICE . CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Mrs. Fred Wen, Marlboro St., maculate rancher juai listed. Three RIVERFRONT — 100' dock, five bed- MULLANEY REALTY, ST1-S151. 190 Broadway MONMOCTH COUNTY COURT ganefll and It appearing from' the bedrooms,' cozy fireplace, beautiful rooms, two baths, paneled den. hot Long Branch, New Jersey verified complaint tiled In the cause County ot Monmouth, thle day made celebrated his ninth birthday PROBATE DIVISION that Anna Clrllndone was a resldenl on the application ot the undersigned •amemera. Won't laM at S29.900. A. water oil heat, delightful terrace, HOLMDEL TWP. — BU aores, In- Attorney DOCKET NO. Elsie Van Huel Morris and John Mer- tTlED MArrEO.Ageney. Realtor, M9 aandy biach. JIO.OOO. JOSEPH O. Me-! cludes burned-out houas, repairable. Feb 29, March 4, 11. M (27.10 ot the County of Monmouth, Stale ot with a: party in his home. Gueste WVT M,i Fair Hlven. M-M33. CUE. 30 Rldts Rd.. Rumton. 142-0444. Call S42-4M0. Civil Action New Jersey, on November 13, IMS, rlrt Reyer. the Executors of the es- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSB nd that said Anna cirllnclone was tate of uie said Belle A. Field, di were Edward Chavan, WaiJy Se- In, the Matter of the Estate ot FRANK NOTICE passsnger or/ the cruise ship, Yar- :eased,, notice i_s_ hereb_ ereby givegL—n t-_o th—a ber, and Michael Jubinsky, Al- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ANTHONY CIRLINCIONE, alleged louth Castle, which caught, fire and redttors of eald dece'serl to nresenl Take Notice That Application has to be deceased. lank at sea -on said date; "and It o the eald Executors their claims un< so present was Freddie Weh. been made to the Mayor and Council This matter having been opened to urther appearing thst said Anna C|r< ier oath within six months from this of the Borough of Shrewsbury to trans- tie Court by McKentle ft Hehl, at- Indotle was not among the passen- ate. fer to B and B Liquors, Inc. a cor- torneys for the plaintiff, Richard V. era rescued from said disaster; and Dat»>1: February 28th, 1866 House guests of Mr. and Mrs. ooration or th* St«te of New Jersey, Orosta, arJd It appealing from Uie further appearing that the said Anna EL9IE VAN HUEL MORRIS the Plenary Retail Consumption " verified complaint filed in the cause Clrllnclons left no Last Will and Test- 6M AverAle C - . ... Howard Johnson, Roosevelt Ave., cense No. C-2, heretofore Issued that Frank Anthony Cirllnclone was a ament; and It further appearing that Bayonne, New Jersey Benjamin Cohen and Beaslt Cohen, resident of the County of Honmouth, all of the heirs and next of kin* of JOHN MBRRITT HEYBK : this past week were Mrs. John- partnership t/a B e> B Liquors, for State of New Jersey, on November the said Anna Cirllnclone have 200 Monmouth Road • son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl >remlses located at 415 Shrewsbury 13, - 1965, and that said Frank An- ounced their right to administration West Long Branch, N. J.. Avenue. In the Borough of Shrews- hony clTllndone was a passenger on rf the estate of Anna Cirllnclone and Xxecutara. . W. Sauer and children, Mary . bury, New Jersey. the cruise ship, Yarmouth Castle. equested that the .plaintiff be ap- Meesn. Xteussllle, Cornwell, Carol and Peter, of Attleboro, Following are the names and rest- which caught fire and sank at sea on Minted Administrator of the said ei- Mausner, Carotenuto A McOann lences o< all officers and directors, •aid date; and It further appearing and for- other good cause ap- M Broad Street Mass. ho have no other rimed office, and that said Frank Anthony Cirllnclone earing; . Red Bank, New Jersey .he names and residences of all stock- was not among the passengers rescued lolder* holding more than ten per from laid disaster; and It further ap- IT IS on this 27th day of Janu- Attorneys , ent of the stock of tha corporation: pearing that the said Frank Anthony ry. I9da. ... March 4, 11, 18. » 133, Christopher John Chavan, In- H'rry T. Kasalnger Mrlinclone left no Last Will and Testa- ORDERED that Salvatore Rocco, fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 1&5 Geary Drive ent; and it further appearing that melia. F. Webb, Concetta Paparoztl, NOT1CK Mlddletown, New Jersey all of the heirs and next to kin of Louise, M. Selbert. Mildred , Vento, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Chavan, Wilson Ave., was chris- President and Director the said Frank Anthony Oirllncione Matthew Rocco, John Selltto, Jean OF ACCOUNT tened Feb. 20 in St. Clementa Doris J. Kissinger have renounced their right to admin- Haley. QeMvleve O. Miller. Farmyma OF LEWIS C. HAOEN. 1W Osary Drive > Offrey, Daniel Offery, Mildred Set- istration of the estate of Frank An- Inert, Lucy Manganelll, Dade steam- « Ohurch, Orchard Pkwy., Mor- UMdletown, New Jersey thony Cirllnclone and requested that ihlp Co., Chadade Steamship Co., Inc., Notice Is hereby glveu that ths ac- ganville, by Rev. Joseph Ruscin- Secretary and Director the plaintiff be appointed Administra- rarmouth Shipping Lines, Yarmouth counts of the subscriber, Executor of Tho"nas T. Warshaw. tor of the said estate; and for other 3rudie Lines, Inc., John Hancock Mu- the estate of said Daeeaasd will be ski, pastor. The child's godpa- 24 -Michael Drive good cause appearing; ual Lite Insurance Company and Pru- mdlted and statad by the Surrogate rents are Mrs. Ronald Haokman, Mlddletown, New Jersey rr is on thi» 3r" d• day of Febru- isntlal Life Insurance company show f tha County of Monmouth and re- RIVER RIGHTS. NO BULKHEAD RIVER VIEW, FISH InLyjtir awn Director ry. IK*, auie before this Court at the Court ported for settlement to The Mon- Matawan, and John Forstervhaut- WORRIES — Cuitom built 4 back yard. Relied ranch with ] Objections, If any, should be mads ORbBJlED that Joseph Cirllnclone, House Freehold, New Jersey, why a mouth Cr.unty Court, Probate Division, ler, Linden. Guests for dinner btdroem ipllt, btsutiful field- Immediately In wrlttUg to Mrs. Paul 3atfcerlne Crosta, Frank Oreco, Anna udgment should r»t be entered d«- on THimapAY, the Tth day ol APRIL bedroomi ind'2 bathi, ground •I. Fabrv. Olerk of the Borough of DaPaUL Nettle Oreco, Dade Steam- :lar1ng the aals Anna Clrllnclons to D.. lMlT at 1:30 o'clock a. m., at were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mac- ilone fireplace wall with railed Shrewsbury. ship Co.. Cnadade Steamship Co. Inc., is dead as-of November 13. 1985, and a County Court House, Monumenl h'MfTf) In dtn. Family room level offeri 27 ft. dan with B AND B I rarmouth Shipping Lines, Yarmouth nlntlns; plaintiff, Albert A. Manga- md Court Streets, Freehold. New Jer- Donald and son, Joseph, Hailet, 25 Reckless Place Irulie Lines. Inc., Phoenix Mutual ..II, Administrator of the Estate of ly, at which time Application will bs Mr. and Mrs. Hackman and chil- addi to famlly'i comfort. Nu- fireplace, bedroom, Urge utility Red Bank, New Jersey jlfe Insurance Company Prudential Ihe said Anna Cirllnclone, and Issuing niit tn all to whom these presents may he said Frank Anthony Cirllnclone to 'lalntlft. by served upon the follow- Executor. , Mark Inglls, son of Mr. and me, Greeting: is dead as of November 13, 1060, and >( parties, personally, or by certl- maeul«te, wall lindieaptd, WHEREAS. It appears to my satis- Haters Crowtll and Crewell, location in Rumion, all leti I ippolntlng plaintiff. Richard V, Oros- led mall, return receipt requested, Counsellors at Law, Mrs. Philip Inglis, Roosevelt value plui. 3 bedroomi or 2 ictlon, by duly authenticated record a, Administrator of the estate of the rlthin 10 days from the date hereof: 14 Mechanic Street and den, living room with fire- ' the proceedings for the voluntary laid Frank Anthony Cirllnclone, and Salvatore Rocco . " ' - Red Bank. New Jersey. Ave., observed his fourth birth- . and '/j eere or more, beautiful dissolution thereof by the unanimous »iulng lettsrs or administration to Mm 'eh. 29, March 4, 11, II I33.S0 day Sunday with a family party place, full, dry batsment, move) consent of all the stockholders, de- accordingly, and granting such ancil- Amelia T. Webb right In for price of $24,900. •rait, prlt* winning builder. »slted In my office, that QENEtlAL lary relief as may be appropriate un- Concetta Paparotcl in his home. Attending were his •ULSB INC. a corporation of this ler the circumstances; and It In fur- Louisa M. Selbert NOTICE OF RETTLEMENT late, whole principal office Is situated her ORD&nUDD that a true copy of Mildred Vento ' OF ACCOUNT, AND tllBECTIONS maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mi- it No. 2T Mechanic Street, In the Bor- he complaint filed In the cause and Matthew Rocco FOR DISTRIBUTION, chael Weglarz, and son, Michael, : >ugh of Red Bank County of Men- ! this Order, both duly certified to John Selltto ESTATE OF LILIAN A. BAQUET, louth State of New Jersey (Mary O, a true copies by the attorneys lor Jean Haley IECEASED 31d Bridge, Mr. ond Mrs. Jo- tnford being the agent therein and ie plaintiff, be served upon ths foi- Genevleve O. Miller - Notice It hereby given that the ac- ieph Weglarz, Old Bridge, Mr. j charge thereof, upon whom process wing parties, personally or by cer- Parmyma A, Offrey count* of the subscriber. Executor of may be served), has compiled with the Itled mall, return receipt requested, Daniel Offery JIB estate of said Deceased will be tnd Mrs. Frank Weglarz and requirements of Title 14,' Corporations, rithln 10 days from tha date hereof; Mildred settlnert ludlled and , stated by the Surrogate laughter, Lou Ann, Mrs. Nell General, or Revised Statutes of New Joseph ClrllnclnM Lucy Mai/ganelll if Ihe County of Monmouth and re- Jersey, preliminary to the Issuing ot Catherine Crosta Dade Steamship Ce. torted for settlement to The Mon- Itiles and daughter Patty, tnd this Certificate or Dissolution. Frank Oreco Chadade Steamship Co., Inc. loulh County Court, Probate DlvlslorJ pplebrook Agency NOW THEREFORE, I, the Secre- irina DePaul' Yarmouth Shipping Lines .1 THUSTHURSDAYD Y, thth e Tth day of APRIAPRIL Joanne Weglarz, Engllshtown. Al- tary of state of me stats of New Jem Orteo ; Yarmouth Orulse Lines, - Inc. . D.D_. , 1W..W„ . att »;*) o'clock a.m., at so present was Susan Inglit, Jersey, Do Hereby Certify that the >a4t Steamship Co. ' John Hancock Mutual Ufa Insurance the CCountt y Court Houss, Monument »ld corporation did, on Uie Mth d|y aiatlide Steamihlp Co., Inc. and Couri Streets, Freehold. New Jer- 112 AVE. TWO RIVERS RUMSON, N. J. >f February, INS; Ills In my olflce rarmouth Shipping Lines, Prudential Ufa Insurance Company sey, at *»Wch lime >A«illcatlon will b« duly executed and attested eorJsent rarmouth Cruise Lines, Inc. It la further ORDERED that this nade for' Ihe allowance of Commit- Oceanport Appoint* writing to the dissolution' of said Pnoenl* Mutual.Life Insurance com- atter I* returnable on Friday, March Ions and Counsel less, and Directions orporation, executed by all the stock- 9th, 19H 9:30 A. M., and that a >r Distribution. 842-2900 holders thereof, which said eonssnt and Prudential Insurance Company :opy of this Order, shall be published Dated February 19lh A, D. 1MM, \chul% Engineer the record of the proceedings afore- Sun Uie Insurance Company; i the Had Bank-Register, Red Bank, THE MONMOUTH COUNTY said are now en file m my said of- nd II. 1. .lurlh.r- ORDERED_ that s J, , J.( a newspaper, for- tqur times NATIONAL HANK, RED BANK, OOEANPORT - Borough i I It la t ur.fnf four . consecutive - 'Calendar (BY! OEOTtdE L. BIEUTZ, lee as provided by law. cop:>y of this Ordsf shall be published ;il last night appointed Richard n Ills Red Bank Register, Rrr) Bank. reeks, pnee In each week* eornmanc- President * Trust Officer) IN TESTIMONY WHBRBOF, I . §3 »rosd street, . . ,...., hive hereto let my hand and 4ew Jersey, a newspaper, for four ig. within two weeks;, of, Us *sld late 11 A. Scbulz borough engineer.' affixed my ofllelnl isal, at Tren- imes'during four consecutive calendar -S«» Tlsnk, N«w Jeraeyi • ' WAL ton, this l»th day of February aeks, once In eaea week commencing ' ^ **Wtt» i. ASCHER, Executor. Mr. Schulz takes the post for- A. O. one thousand «lne hutAirid within two weiks of the ssld elate of J. 0. 0. .Iston Beekman, Jr., Esq., merly held by tha late Otit R. and sIxty-Mx.' . TU1» Order, True Counsellor at Law, lifiBBRT J. BURKHAKDT DonaldI J. Cunningham 10 Broad Street, Seaman. He haa long bfett a 3. C. Surrogate Red Bank. NN.. J. laortury ef stue. «M.1«*«b. 11, & M. March 4 Maich 4, 11. It. 33 I33.U member o. tha Saajnu.flrm.- W». 3D, Hatch 4, U (3>.U Feb. 11, II, JS. March 4 2&-Frif Professional Engi- VFW Posts course. It can only be guessed. ornamental iron work. But Mr neers. But some, brokers are guessing Boyd raised through 20 bids unti! Scouts Roundup Mr. Smith resides at 263 Dirt- that the drop in stock prices Mr. Grimmer's attorney passed, Join County RED BANK - At Parents' BLUE-GOLD DINNER mouth Ave., Fair Haven, with might not have been so steep A condition of tihe sale requires his wife and two children. nor the volume of trading so construction of a commeroia Night Friday evening, Rev. Stan- EAST KEANSIBURG — Cub Blood Bank high, if the money market building on the 120 by 120-foo ley E. Mugridge, First Baptist pack 80, sponsored by St. Jo- hadn't been offering ever in- parcel within one year. Title wii: Church, was presented Boy seph's Church, Keyport, held its Settles Members from more than ha creasing yields on investments revert to the borough if the struc- Scouts of America 49th charter annual Blue and Gold Dinner In of the 23 Veterans of Foreigi since earfly December. ture is not built. by Neighborhood Commissioner Buck Smith's Restaurant, with Injuries Suit Wars posts in Monmouth Coun G. Allen Clarke, who also pre- 110 attending. ty, with a combined membershi It was then that the Federal Mrs. Boyd said her husbam FREEHOLD-Anthony Alterio, sented the adult membership cer- Guests inoluded District Com- of 2,400, and of 17 women's aux- Reserve Board started the in- will build a headquarters for th Ocean Ave., Long Branch, ac- tificates to the troop committee. missioner James Flynn and Mrs. iliaries have accepted member- terest rate rise by upping the sale and repair of municipal ani cepted $6,000 in settlement of t A dramatization, "February's Flynn, and Neighborhood Com- ship in the group plan of the discount rate which it charges hospital equipment. Superior Court suit yesterday for Patriots," was presented by missioner Charles Vreeland and Monmouth County Blood Bank member banks for borrowing injuries suffered in a fall._ Quartermaster William Loud as Mrs. Vreeland of the Chingarora They will begin their blood do rom the Federal Reserve HAMS TO ELECT banks. - FREEHOLD — The Monmouti sisted by Lee Bergmann, George Scout District. Superior Court Judge Andrew? nations Monday and continui Seibert, David Layton, Burton A. Salvest approved the agree-1:. Bond prices have dropped Amateur Radio Club, WA 2 DN Mr. Flynn spoke briefly on th through the week. Bradley, Kenneth Kidd and Wil- ment between Mr. Alterlo, repre-£ sharply. Today some U.S. will hold a reorganizationa importance of men volunteering Joseph McCormick, blood ban liam Schmidt. sented by Thomas F. Shebell, Jr.,;: business manger said: Treasury Bonds can be bought meeting Wednesday at 8:30 p.m their time to help their sons be- at sp low a price that their fixed Court of honor was conducted and Roma Importing Co., Inc.,,- "We are delighted to welcome in the clubhouse on Georgi: come "more manly men" In interest rate payments yield the by Assistant Scoutmaster Melvin represented by Joseph Zavisky, these veterans and fheir auxilia- School House Rd. Anyone inte what is becoming an America investor around 5 per cent. King and Senior Patrol Leader Newark. ries to group membership be- ested in "Ham" radio is invitee society dominated by "moms". Alan D'Zurilla, assisted by Al- Mr.- Alterlo was hurt when he cause no one knows better tha Corporate bond prices have to attend. Election of officers wi Cubmastcr James P. Woods vin Watts and Scribe James fell on the rear porch steps of a soldier what it means to hav< fallen in line with the decline in be held. presented the monthly awards. King. a home owned by the corporation blood available when it is need The boys who were super sales- Honors were made to Emory at 36 Morris Ave., Long Branch, ed. In helping to maintain a men in the candy drive received Sept. 21, 1964. He contended the MAGIC WAND — In a building program unique in its adequate supply of fresh blow Fields, Red Bank, second class; a one-year's subscription to Boys Plea for Engineer stairway was unlighted'arid'but- approach, the Hovnanian organization took five existing at our three hospitals — Fitkin Burton Bradley, Red Bank, first Life Magainze. H Monmouth and Riverview —these class; Kenneth Kidd, Middletown, tered with workmen'f loo!t on models at Yorktown-., the "total concept" community at Vincent Robinson, chairman of which he tripped. " *x ' " •'. donors also are assured that the; first class; James King, Lin- the pack committee, discussed Gordons Corner Rd. near Rt. 9 in Manalapan, and by and the members of their fam Made by Planners croft, star; George Siebert, Lit- the erection of a memorial to lies will have blood available i tle Silver, advanced to star. Life the can-can and spaghetti. rag.'i ripping the insides of the homes apart and redesigning 'MARLBORO — The township He said the plans did not meei Peter Lennon, a member of the Solos were given by Lauren* Sa-;;. and whenever needed." Planning Board is hoping for a engineering requirements and the scout was awarded to William pack who lost his life last winter them, created what amounts to five new model homes. Loud, Fair Haven. Merit Badges adika and Natalie Beekley and, The VFW committee in charge sympathetic ear from Township board was not obligated to gran in, an effort to save his brothe Various stages of the operation — "Operation Magic were presented to Alan D'Zuril- piano selections by Mary Ann' of the arrangements consists ol Council so that Leon Avajtfjui the 30 d&ys. He added that boare from drowning. Taraskidas and Mary Beth Cbn-: Wind" — can be seen. At top left, finishing touches are Benjamin Moses, Manasquan, la, William Loud and James might remain board engineer. policy was to grant 90 days. King. The memorial is in the form nell. chairman, and William Moser, of a flagpole in Peace Park Gar- put on the wall of a kitchen which grew by some 60 Although council reduced the Rather than resubmit the! There was group singing and West Belmar, and Charles Nor- Adult membership certificates dens, a part of the Carmel Re- board's budget by $4,950, to $6,- plans, the developers reluctantl; dancing. The troop performed a square feet. Top right, new doors and entryways to man, Bradley Beach, co-chair- were presented to the chairman treat House, Oakland. A trip t 000, which would require the agreed to the 90-day extension. Lithuanian folk dance directed make access from home to garage easier in some models men. Heading the Sixth District of the troop committee, Vernon attend the dedication ceremon; board to use the township en Two applications from U. S, by Mrs. Robert Boykin. are created by carpenter. Lower left, existing wall in which all the participating gineer as its engineer, Gerald Homes and Development Corp. F. Loud, Eric Kromann, James in the spring is being arranged posts are located is Emmett Walters, Daniel Layton and John for the Cubs and their families. Refreshments were served by which separated entry foyer from living room was elimi- Bauman, vice chairman told The for 86 homes on Rt. 9 were held Cherne, Middletown. Register that the planners hope for further study by the boan Schmidt. A plea for adults to help wa girls of Cadet Troop 385 under > nated in one model to create better interior relationships that council will reconsider. engineer. Francis A. D'Zurilla of Mid- sounded by Mr. Robinson. Any- the direction of- Mrs. Donald At-, kinson and Mrs. William Master- j and fq add to open feeling of home. At bottom right, To change engineers would dletown assumed the duties of one interested in helping 'maj 1 Westfield Man scoutmaster. Melvin King, Lin- contact him at his home, Essii son. Mistress of ceremonies was' .' Spanish-inspired grille work replaced previous solid wall cause delays on many applica- Vivian Hobson, Leaders of thejj tions until a new engineer be- croft, and Alvin Watts, Shrews- Dr., Matawan. Men are especial in two models. Loses License Carvel May bury, will assist the scoutmas- ly needed to plan the trip t troop are Mrs, Marshall G. Bry-' came familiar with them, he ant, Mrs. Valention Tomaino and LONG BRANCH — Magistral said. He added that Mr. Avakian ter. Oakland, the pack's annual Stanley Cohen yesterday finei Miss Jeannie Limann, senior, was thoroughly familiar with the spring trip, the family picnic in Daniel DeGrietis of Westfield $20C Withdraw scout. • COMMUNITY STUDY the summer, and to organize a for drunken driving and suspend- board's plans and is in the mid- Blaze Guts Interior MATAWAN — Brownie Troop Webelos den. ed his license for two years. dle of many applications. • Mr. Avakian will be retained, Application 645 learned how the mails get A pack organization meeting i UNITS ORGANIZED Roy M. Smith of 231 Edwards he said, for as long as the board HOWEL LTOWNSHIP - Be through and how the commu- scheduled for the near future. HAZLET — An organization Ave. was fined $20 for careless nity is protected when they vis- meeting of a Boy Scout troop was Of Strathmore House driving. Teddy D. Elsea of Agen- can keep him. He said council cause of a tax map error, a was informed of its reasons and application for a $150,000 Carve ited their community, post office GUESTS AT TEA held recently at Union Avenue MATA1WAN TOWNSHIP — Fire Early reports that a furnace ta, 111., was fined $10, also foi and police department. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - School, with school's Ptrtnt- yesterday destroyed the interior had exploded in the home were careless driving. that the board will present its ice-cream storage building here may be withdrawn. The troop is now working on Brownie Troop 475 members wen Teacher Organization as' *jion-i of mi unoccupied Strathmore denied by the chief and fire Jerry Morgan of 8 Seaview case at the budget hearing Thurs- : day, March 17. pictures to enter in the upcom- the guests at a Juliette Low Tea sors. ' '-. i i home, causing an estimated Captain Peter R. Vallas, Jr. Ave. was fined $20 for drivin, Raymond Ganslen, a real estaU hosted by Girl Scout Troop 224 at Council President George E. broker, who has opposed the ap ing Girl Scout art show. The •PTO recently organized t loss of $20,000. The home was believed to be without a license. Strathmore School. Cub Scout pack with Joseph Ele- valued at approximately $25,000, Creevy said last month when plication, told the township Plan Bernard and Sandra Jetter, the reduction was made that DETECTIVE SPEAKS Troop singing was accompan fanta as cubmaster. CWniSrs of the residence at 23 leading to the $20,000 damage es- NATIONAL MERIT FINALIST ning Board last night that the Frederick Kurtz, township en- Goldberg farm, Asbury Ave BELFORD — The annual Blue ied by Leslie Skvarla on the gui Drexel La., vacationing in the timate. SPRING LAKE - Joseph ineer, could perform both func- which Bruce Carvel had contraci and Gold dinner was held Satur- tar. BROWNIES INVESTED Bahamas at the time of the fire, Flames were declared under Schippert, son of Mr. arid Mrs The scouts played a garni tions as Mr, Avakian did last ed to buy, does not have the day, Feb. 19, in the Methodist HAZLET - Brownie Troop 456, have been notified and were en- control in about an hour but the Joseph Schippert, 218 Lorraine called "Peanuts." The Blue Belli year. 300 feet required frontage. In Church. Detective Walter Mon- sponsored by the Union Avenue rpute home last night. last men did not leave the scene Ave., Spring Lake, a senior ai Patrol acted out the stor" ol Technical problems on five ap- stead he said it has only 293 feet, ahan spoke to the cubs of Pack School Parent-Teacher Organiza- until 4 p.m. St. Rose High School, Belmar, "Goldilocks" with Kathy Sulli- Fire Chief James Vena, em- plications from Atlantic Seaboard The tax map listed it with 45f 141 on juvenile delinquency. tion, held an investiture Cere- was named a finalist in the N: van, Terri Galvin, Donna Mer- phasiilng that the blaze was not HORAYS HOME tional Merit Scholarship compe Home and Development Corp., feet. Other guests were Milton Ben- mony recently in the school. Mrs. of .auspicious origin, said it had nett, institutional representative, dinger and Heidi Fine partici HIGHLANDS — Mr. and Mrs. tition. He was a delegate i the board said, required more Mr. Canvel said he would in- Gerald Stewart is leader o(sthe apparently been raging for some and Mrs. Bennett; Robert Si- pating. Jane Zanghi narrated. Alfred G. Horay and son, Alfred, December to the National Yout delays for the home developer. vestigate the olaim and, if true, troop and Mrs. Louis Rabenda, mons, scoutmaster of troop 227 Contributions to the World time ' 6efore an alarm was Jr., have returned from a Puerto Conference of the Atom held i The firm is awaiting approval may withdraw his application co-leader, ) and Mrs. Simons; Rev. and Mrs. Friendship Fund were determined sounded at 12:36 p.m. Extensive Rican vacatioflxThe family Chicago. He was sponsored b: for 314 units in Village Homes He had proposed to build a plan Invested were Barbara Allen, Robert Wright, and Rev. David by shoe size, a week's dues and damage had already occurred stayed at the Mayaguez Hilton in the Jersey Central Power an project, on School Rd. West and which would manufacture anc Margaret Cotter, Jo Anne De- when more than two dozen fire- Light Company. As a Nationa Propert, Keyport, who enter- the number of letters In each the west coast city of Mayaguez Topenemus Rd. and 126 houses store nitrous oxide besides mak- scout's name. Marro, Izola Fix, Gisella Gen- fighters arrived minutes later and toured the western portion Merit finalist, Mr. Schippert ii in Brook Estates, Rt. 79 south of tained ^with feats of magic. tilucci, Melissa Graff, Deborah ing ice-cream. (Refreshments were served by with six trucks from Oak Shades of the island and its communi- eligible for scholarship aid foi Rt. 20. Gunther, Anne Hanrahan, Dlann Mr. Ganslen In January tol' The girls of Mounted Troop Lynelle Chambers, Linda Leven- and Cllffwood. tic advanced education. The developers hoped for a 30- Township Committee that the en- 200 served the dinner. Harding, Susan Herman, Barbara son, Sherry Rippel and Roberta Knoth, Laura Lopez, Colleen >Mc- day extension for their Brook tire neighborhood was oppose' Richard Starnick received a Pelkowski of the Butterfly Pa Estates section I plan for 48 to the application but that Mr. bobcat award. William Van Nerny, Debra Mizak, Llsabeth trol. Murray, Kimberly Newins, I?ath- homes but Harry E. Bernstein, Carvel might win the' residents Brunt, Gerald Green, Thoma The girls closed the festivities board attorney, said it was either over if he would discuss th Charles, James Smith, Robert leen Qulnn, Jeanne Rabenda, with a double handshake. Mrs Janice Riley, Mary, Ann Scott, 00-days or nothing. plan with them. Fox, Kenneth White, Douglas Raymond Pelkowski and Mrs Furce, Ronald Smith and Mi- Diane Shedlock, Theresa Sheehan, Herman Honig are leaders of the Janice Simonson. Susan Squires, chael Schmidt received awards, Junior Troop; Mrs. Richard and John Kennedy, George Stan- Cynthia Stone, Mary Ann Sulli- Hutobs and Mrs. James Smith van, Margaret Van Fechtmann, ley, lion's badges. of the Brownies. Both are spon- 1 Victor Squitieri, who was nol Nancy Ronning and Donna Vari- sored j/by the Parent-Teacher Or- ano. present, will receive his Web- ganization of Strathmore School. elos and lions badge. Cubs of den one receiving den- FATHER AND SON DINNER ART SHOW WINNERS ner's badge were Ronald Ben- LITTLE SILVER - Pack 126 RED BANK - Girl Soout»;.who nett and his assistant, Kenneth hold their Blue and Gold Dinner were winners In the art fhow White; David Whitman, and as- recently for Fathers and Sons at .held recently are: y sistant, Thomas Charles. the Markham Place School caf- Brownies-Phyllis Clark, first Robert Green! received his eteria. A ham dinner was pre- place; Carol Penn, iecond p^lce; eight-year pin, Mrs. Robert pared and served by the moms. Janet Wen ton, third place, «ll of Green a nine-year pin, Mrs. Guest speaker of the evening Troop 64; Chsrlene Mlller-and Claude Smith an eight year pin. was Herman Fritshce who spoke Regina Hall, honorable mwttlon, Others receiving year pins were on "Scouting at Forestburg." Troop 393. Roy Ela, Max Whitman, George Cubmaster Les Stewart pre- Juniors—Donna Wlllltmi, tint Stapley, Thomas Starniok, Mrs. sented Bobby Wills of Webelos a place; Deborah Wunchel, iecond Thomas Starnick, Mrs. John bear badge, and a Scout Hand- place, both of Troop 3; Janesia Lemp, and Mrs, Roy Eia. book. Awards also were present- Fuller, third place. Troop &2; ei to Bruce DeWald of Den 5. Leslie Spencer, Troop 330 and ENTERTAIN MOTHERS Den 3 cubs Mark Gilkeson, Da- Dawn Bradley, Troop 92, honor- (FREEHOLD — Brownie Troop vid Nussbaunv and Tony Pri- able mention. 708 members entertained their vitera received their woll badges. Cadettes — Irene Mtlloi, first mothers at a Valentine party Pat Kehoe . received denner place, Troop 52; Ruth Hatton, Tuesday in the Burlington Road stripes and Mike Kehoe, assis- second place, Troop W; Cheryl SWORD OF HOPE — Actor Gregory Peck, 1966 national crusade chairman of the School. The Brownies^ performed tant denner stripe, Frost, third place, Troop- #9, and American Cancer Society, presents the Sword of Hope to Mr. and Mn. Robert Pat- in three skits: "Be Discoverers." Ellen Kirkland, honorable men- tm, Middletown, of the Monmouth County Chapter of the society. Mr. Patron is "Be Friend-Makers," and "Be FATHERS, DAUGHTERS DINE ion, Troop 269. „' i *eady Helpers." A bird feeder LINOROFT — Girl Scout Troop Judges were Mrs. I-eon Abel, president of tho local chapter. Presentation took place at Military Park Hotel, New- as made by the girls and vlsit- 558 held a Father and Daughter Little SlWer, and Mrs. W.' Kelly ark, where some 500 cancer volunteers haard Mr. Peck speak en the hopeful side ng children. " i, Dinner at Llncroft Presbyterian Warden, Fair Haven, both pro- «f cancer and praise tha 2 million volunteers involved in the fight against the 'YOU BV6R NOTICE SHEOOMT LOOK LIKE Afefrt Leaders of the troop are Mrs. Church. Mrs. Charlei Walker esilonal artists belonging to the • William Benassi and Mrs. Wal- wag In charge of the entertain- Guild of Creative Arts and M WHEN SHE Fl(?ST6enS UP?* ter Cable. ment. Cindy Lou Brandt danced mouth Arts. THE DAILY REGISTEB 4, IW-27 f, Highlights Complete Program \M Channel 1 Channel! WNEW-TV 4~Mod«it Former ,v7tlM:4l (II) — Concert (Repeat.) Thia corded a year ago,- features •elections by . WCBS-TV Channel I ; 4* fpidtl piano recital stars Jean and Kenneth Schubert, Brahms, Wolf, mnd Strauss. Tune Chanel 4. WNBOTV Channel 7. . WABC-TV Channel 11 J-News in for a treat with a great artist. 4—Film—Ifi Always Pair Weattier— Wtntwortb in the premiere performances of FRIDAY .. Snatdien—Ktvln McCarthy-** mln. S—News Gen* Kelly-1 hr., 45 mln.—Color 2—Sunrise Senwtttr pifo mwica! work*-"lnflnitles No. 15" by M-li (2)-Trials of O'Brien. "The Great- AFTIRNOON 4—Film—Courage of Lassie— Hews—Bebtel, Martin l:M 7—Protect Know-EducotlM est Game." Part I, A slick jewel theft, Elizabeth Taylor—90 mln. 9—Rim—Rogue Cop- 2—Finn—The Enforcer- l&yer Kupferman, and "New York, New ' 5—Chuck McCann—Children Robert Taylor—2 hrs. Humphrey Bogort—1 hr., 40 mln. 2—Hove You Read . . .—Zuttt reminiscent if not quite so elaborate as the 2-Love Of LIU—Serial 4—Agriculture U.SJk.—Ce*>r 4—Jeopordy—Gome—Color 7—Where The Action Is T:» Y«rk" by Robert Russell. Albert Goldman is f-AIIke Oouglos—Variety 7—Film-Gunmen from Lands— one in "Topkapi," opens this two-parter with S—Romper ftoom—Children 4—Weather—Arrtoine—Color 7—Film—Shine On, Harvest Moon- Robert Knapp—»0 mln. tfc« program hast. 7—Oonnq Reed—Comedy 1—Eighth Mon—Cartoon 5—Film—they Met In Bomboy— Arm Sheridan—2 hrs., 10 mln. such a bang it practically assures your at- Clark Goble-^1 hr., 40 mln. 7:N 8:30-8 (2)—Hogan'c Heroes. Judging from tention for the rest of the tale. Though the' II—Cartoons—Children—Color 5:00 1:50 2—Shape Up—Excrds* Ij-Electronla At Work 7—Local News—Martin, Beutet 11:15 5— News 4—Crusader Robbit-Cortoert. ftis episode, there's nothing the POW's can't theft of the "Viktor Emblem" takes place 11—Surprise Show—Color 4—Local News—H-rtr—Color CM 12:H 13—Once Upon A Day—Children 1:00 iccotnpllsh. The rrten plant a radar device in Macedonia where it is stolen from a 2-News 2-FHm-Weekend at the Woldorl— 2—Captain Kangaroo MM 5:M 2—Sports—Glfford—Color 5—Cartoon Go-Go—Children on the top of a guard tower in broad day- national shrine," Danny O'Brien gets conned 5—Sandy Becker—Children Lano Turner—2 hrs., 35 mln. 2—Search For Tomorrow 11:15 J;4S 1:11 into retrieving it by the Macedonian consul II—Three Stooges—Comedy 2—Weather—Andrews—Color 11—Davty And Goliath—Color light and get away with the stunt. J. Pat 4—Pott Office—Gome—Color »—Cartoons—Child"" 7—Film—The Sodlst- O'Malley 'plays the latest POW recruit who general who learns it is In thls-country and 7-Fother Knows Best 4—Sports—Teague—Color Arch Hall, Jr.—1 hr.. 4$ mln. 13—Exploring Nature • 3:40 7—Editorial—John O Gilbert (Continued on Next Page) turns out to be a general carrying tiny, for sale. Peter Falk's supporting cast of IJ—Friendly Glont—Oilidren 11:45 l:4S tricky radar boxes. Amazingly enough, it's guest star thieves give Danny O'Brien a 2-Guldlng Light—Serial 7—News—Peter Jemt'nqs 2—Film—Hilda Crane- AT WALTER READE • STERLING THEATRES NEAR YOU devil, of a time, so tune In. Il-Gues» Shot—Interview BVBNIN9 Jean Simmons—1 hr., 50 mln.—Color til quite believable and amusing. (Color.) 11:5! 4—Johnny Corson—Vorlety—Color «: 10-9:30 (4)—The Sammy Davis Jr. Show. 10-U (4) — The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 4—News—Fronk Mrr.ee J—News—Jim Jensen 7—Film—Island In the Sky- 4—News—MocNel), Pressman John Wayne-^4 hrs., 3 mln. A good one tonight, full of high spots from "The Nowhere Affair." Less hectic than, J—News— Dunn, Murray II—One Step Beyond'-Droma 4-POQ—Gome—Color i 7_Fllm— Rock Around the Clock— Sammy and his guests. Sammy's, "Keeping usual, but plot' gimmicks will hold the in- The Plotters—90 mln. 12:00 5—Cartoons—children 11—Passing Porode—NesWtt Out of Mischief," "On a Clear Day," and terest of fans. Solo takes an amnesia capsule 7—Ben Casey—Drama o—News—John Wlnoote—Color 11—News—Martin O'Horo U:S» ''fie Bom" .are grand; the Andrews Sisters' when he's caught in a THRUSH trap in a 9r-Dlvorce Court—Dramo 13-Wtiat's New—Children Collegiate", Is a blockbuster, and so is their place called, Nowhere, Nevada. Involved in 1—Film—Topper— • 5—News Cory Grant—90 mln. new kind of enchantment!! with Met. in h«r jiifeswapping * number with The Supremes; the plot Is a kidnapped scientist, a beautiful J—Once Upon A Day 11—Loral News—John Tlllmon all-new adVtnturtj CIS and meat tKinwtt ballad singer Johnny Hartman's "It Never THRUSH agent, and some complicated com- 1:10 »—Walter Klernan-=Color delightful charactsrt puters Illya and Solo have to destroy. Also, 5—King And Odle—Cortoon« fentered My Mind" is effective; and Jona- «:M inSlurylandll! than Winters does three skits for fans. there's a bit of a love interest for Solo to- 1:11 9—Sports—Mosher—rilor S-News i:ts (Color.) night with lovely guest star Diana Hyland as 11—Weather—Vivian Farrar the vulnerable THRUSH agent. (Color.) 2—As The World Turns • :M 8:304 (7)—The Addams Family. "Addams 4—Let's Woke A Deal—Color S—Soupy Sales—Comedy Cum Laude." A silly outing that should keep 5—Film—The Wild Heart- 10-11 (7)—Jimmy Dean Show. Jimmy's 9—Ctiorlle Chaplin—Comedy series followers laughing. When our family top guest of the evening Is popular song Jennifer Jones—1 hr, 25 mln. It-Music For You 11—Superman—Adventure—Color 13—New Jersey Speaks of. weirdo* has difficulty with the private, . star Al Martino, but fans of country-western 1:10 7:80 school the children are attending, they simply songs have Don Gibson on hand, as well as Espanol—Language 1: 2—News-Cronklte—Color buy the place and change the curriculum the gospel singing group The Statesmen and 4-News-Floyd Kalber 4-News—Chet Huntley, David to Include such subjects as "animal hus- former Miss Minnesota, Sharon Carnes, for J:M Brlnkley—Color i—Password—Gome ' 5-Outer Limits bandry, mine laying, and do-it-yourself variety. 4—Days Of Our Lives—Color 9—Step This Way—Dance dentistry." 10:30 to completion (IS)—College Basket- 7—Nurses—Drama 11—Stlnaray-Chlldren-Cotor 9-Hlm-Murder, My Sweet- W-Compleot Gardener 8:30-9:30 (lJ)-Ellsabeth Schwarzkopf. A ball. Boston College vs. Northeastern Uni- Dick Powell-*0 mln. 7:30 rare hour of song with the internationally versity in the Beanpot Basketball Tourna- 1:05 J—wild, Wild West ment. 13-Books Ttxrt Live 4—Oornp Runomuck—Comedy—Color famed soprano, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, re- 2:11 7—Fllntstones—Cnrtoon—Color 13—Exploring Science 9—Rim—Rogue Cop- CONNIE ON SHIVAREE t:N , . • Robert Toylor—2 hrs. Children 50c MATINEES ONLY! SATURDAY and SUNDAY! 49th INTERNATIONAL 3—House Porty—Llnklerter—color 11—Lloyd Thoxton—Vorlely-Color NEW YORK — The Four Prep- 4—Doctors—Serial 13—To Be Announced and Connie Stevens top the gues 7—A Time For Us—Serlol 1:00 11—Millionaire—Dromo 4—Honk-ComedV—Color list for tomorrow's edition J:« • 5—Lawman—Western "Shivaree" from 6:30 to 7 p.m n—Sounds To Say 7-*Tommy—Comedy—Color on WAIBC-TV (Channel 7). Join Sill • ' - 1:30 VfeterReade-Storllng 5-Nevn 2—HogatTs Heroes—Color ing them and the regulars — Ttu 7—News—Marlen* Sanders 4—Sammy Davis, Jr.—Variety—Color Shivaree Dancers and host Gen J:M 5-WollJ Forgo—Western 2—To Tell Tht Truth 7—Addams Fomlly—Comedy THEATRES Weed — will be The Yardbirdi 4-Another Workt-rSerlal 11—Rlpcord—Adventure—Color COLISEUM Noel Harrison and Shirley am I-Peter GunrH-Mystery lJ-Ellwbeth Schwarzkopf COLUMBUS CIRCLE, NEW YORK 7—Genjral Hospital *:00 L/incoln. II—People At* Funny 2-Gomer Pyle, USMC-Color MARCH 5 TO 13 W—Children Growing 5-fllm—Saigon— Sol. I. Sm.-Mor. 5 t- 6-1-10 P.M. 1:U Akm Lodd—2 hrs. TOWN LraMMUNity 0PENS IVv Sol. Mar. 11-10 A.M. Is 10 P.M 3—New*-Douglas. Edwards 7-Honey West—Mystery •. MinhiMIDbLETOWF N ASBURY PARK l:M 11-Wanted— Dead_ Of Alive T1MOIR0W Sim. Mot. 13,1-7 P.M. 2-Edge Of Nlorrt-Serlol BDONi $1.50 CMMrwi S1.00 To. LUIGI'S 1P.M. 4—You Don't Sayl—Gome—Color 2—Smothers Brothers FINE S—Paul Whchell—Children 4-Mlliter Roberts—Comedy—Color 7—Young Morrlrts—Serial 7—Farmer's Daughter—Color 9—Sergeant Preston 9—Arrest And TrW—Drama America's Playboy Hero! Italian 1!—Boio—Children—Color 11-Mllllonolre—Drama 13-U.S.A.-S>oetry 13—To Be Announced 4:0* 10:00 Restaurant 9—Secret Storm—Serial 2—Trials Of O'Brien 4-Match Gome—Color 4-Man From U.N.C.L.E.—Color 7—Never Too Youno—Serial ' 7—Jimmy Dean—Variety FULL 9—Gypsy—Panel 11-Merv Griffin—Variety COURSE $765 11—Beachcomber Bill-Color 13-World At Ten He's 13-Cltdlves—Education 10:30 DINNER 4:!S 13—College Basketball hotter ™ UP 4—News—Nancy Dlrkerson 11:00 TONIGHT and 4:10 2—News—Tom Dunn 2—Film—Invasion of the Body 4-News-McGee-Color than a TOMORROW NIGHT ALSO COMI TO OUR pistol! Dancing to the music of FREE! PIZZA ROOM PARKING the far family m|«yiM*t AKD SMOKING Any order on the menu SECIIOHS— "ADVENTURES" may be prepared to take plus th« Go Go Girls 1 III III I I.I CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT. LUIGI 9 P.M.'TIL CLOSING RED BANK 741-9220 ©LAIA the It Ntwmaa Springs Road ' Rt. 36 and Op«a 7 days a wMk Middle Read Pin-Up Lounge AIRPORT PLAZA reservations taken for tables ATLANTIC Hmlif THEATRE i.4-4414 Atlnnll.' lli«til:nuk~li I. -"'HUM NOW THRU TUESDAY ENTERTAINMENT ffiS'lttf -fl 3 NIGHTS A WEEK mi WED.. FRI. & SAT. wtwt-mnmm'1 PLUS 2ND BIG HIT ITALIAN RESTAURANT JAY and AMERICANS BEAU BRUMMELS in 1MES COBUflN - LEE J.COBB-€ILA GOLAN AND PIZZERIA ON PREMISES "WILD, WILD WINTER" IfiMPTUNE WALT DISNEY'S SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 "THAT DARN CAT- 103-07 IAT AVE. HIGHLANDS STARRING .nma_,«MiSHSOf»:i»,. Rt. 35 and 872-1149 Ntnmn* City HAYLEY MILLS • DEAN JONES 1 Nominated Best Actor RICHARD BURTON PANAVSlON' , DYNAM«nON*i RaiM • In Hi* "THE SPY WHO CAME JAMES COBURM-LEE J. COBBGILA GOLAN'EDWARD MULHARE tutucoionn Fmhold Mall IN FROM THE COLD" Produced bySAUL DAVID - Directed by DANIEL ii-Screenplay by HAL F1MBER0&BEN STARR SZ ENJOY THE PLUS 2ND BIG HIT 4(2-0*00 "WILD, WILD'WINTER" I III OFTEN "MOLlf rantaiv \\ TODAY MATINEES 2 & 4—EVENINGS 7 & 9:05 FED BANK SATURDAY — 12; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10 « FED BANK SUNDAY — 12:15; 4:30; 6:45; 9:00 P.M. THE TOTAL MAN: SATURDAY II 4 Luwfouj Playmatat; Nueltar In the Jersey Blues Dining Room TODAY — AT 7:10 AND 9:20 P.M. Physicist; 2 Man-Eating Dogs; Dinner Served 6 to 9 p.m. KTASBURASBUR'Y PARK Saturday & Sunday 2:20; 5:00; 7:40; 9:50: P.M. DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF 77UOM KARATE CHAMPION! "CANDY & BEAU" \A sassy Siamese cat .Dancing From 7 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. leads the F.B.L on the wildest chase of all! THAT TOWN "SPECIAL HAPPY HOUR" • MIDDLETOWuinnu N THE TOTAL THEATRES: with hon d'oeuvrei Mon.-Frl. M:IO Amplt FREE Parking; Luxurious DARN Push Back Seating; the Latest In EARLY BIRD DINNER CAT Sound and Projection Equipment. "Molly's Blue Plate" U back KARATE EXHIBITION! SERVED FROM 5:00-8:10 MON.-FRI. 'bile

* by BUCNA VUTA puwMlai O-»» •U«SW>ll)Myrn«iclul SONG FEST Every Friday 9 p.m. in Horn 'n Musket FEATURING paraMDUMt 37th RECORD WEEK! • Food Service 'til 1:00 a.m. MayraiASBURY rPARK Asbury Park Judo Academy If i^*ASBURY P^ r ASBURYPARK • American Express BUCK BELTS IN ATTENDANCE JULIE ANDREWS icatoNtnwN — NOW — •CYRIL J. COUSINS (JUDO) MAT. 2:30 - EVi. 8:30 • E. ALEXANDER (KARATE) NOW BOTH THEATRES IAMY SHOW SUNDAYS Community 8 P.M.—Town 9 P.M. JEAN SEBERti AT T:10 P.M. 1ONOR BLACKMAh NOMINATED FOR 10 •"MOMENT TO| ACADEMY AWARDS • TOTAL MAM-TOTAL THEATRES-TOTAL EMTERTAINMENT MOMENT" Chole. IN6LUDINO RtMrvtd Scan • —,!• Color — IEST PICTURII Now o» NIGHTLY AT THE COMMUNITY Iw OMtf CO-HIT AT ORIVIIM MSTACTOII •rwyWalMr LEON MATTHEWS at the ORGAN CONSOLE It Pays to Advertise in The Register "BID UNI 7000" •Mrf* HMMM Sponsored by BAMBERGER'S. MONMOUTH Ifr-fnity, Mink <, 1966 WE. DAILY

TV Programs a? CAJUTON- . I-, Tb»t D»rn Cat 1:00: 4 00- 7 00; » 05 MIDDLETOWN BAT.—Th»» Oirn Cat U 00: SCO, (Continued) «», BOO. S-Ott l£M. TOWN- S-Trve-Jack Webb ' BUN-^rn»t pan Cat III: 4 SO. Our Man Flint T 10; » 30 •:JS 11-Rocky And rib «4f. »M BAT-Alice o( WonderlandI In P*fl« Color Mm And Weotrter EATONTOWN 2 00 Our Men Flint « 00, « 00, I 00, •:N ,,-Word O. IVINIrW 4—Kit Corjon—Western • - . 4im. . COMMUNrrY- BUN-Alice of Wonderland In Parll 3 00, Our Man Flint 9 19, 7 Ui • 13 5—Junolt Jim—Adventure 4-New Jertey Deon , ' . Oor MUD runt 1 li: s is: s «3:10 a 7—Oavey And Goltatti—Color 2—Sky Kino—Adventure S-Coll Mr. p.-rf«y*|ery BAT—Our Kan Flint 4 15 I 1J, • M f—Film-Abbott and Costelio In tt» 4—First Look-Chlldren-Color o-KlnodomO> The S«o-»Co(or 10 2i; Alice of Wonderland Jn Parli HAZLET Navy—Bud Abboti-40 mln. 7—Bugs Bunny—Color ' II—Subermait-Ao'VMtture J-»=oc. Tie Nartlon^-ieftrvlew 9 00 / 7J»«t» OneiRi»r»)e( 40. Soft SUN — Alice of Wonderland 7 00. OurLOEWS DRTVE-IN- 11—Plnocdllo—Cartoons • ' •..- '*!»,. "'••:• 11-lnsljht-Rellalo" Man flint 5 10, 7 13, » 21 < TRI * BAT —Cartooni 7 10 Hllh f.X 13:30 2—News—Tom- Dww> \.. Beforetbe iloth drWfc J-Hecfcie And Je<*le—Color 4—Nevrt-iRoy Seherer, Robert Moc- DRIVE-1N- Wind In Jamaica 7 U. Our Ma; 1— Losile— Dramo Ma**- 8«.0l»tend 4J.Cbopst Hint « 2S Herculee 4 the HeunUd 4—Jetsons—Cartoon—Color *-Exolorlno—Children—Color Nell-Color 8o e»sw« Tta * BAT —Red Line 7000-7 (0 7-edJMrlot-Jetw jr>. Gilbert World 11 13 _„ , *—Chuck McCann—Children 5-S«aV Out-Sonny Fox ^enlure^T 39. Sao ' U.XMU* Moment •-> Moment » W Day of ' 7—Cbrtoont—Children—color V . .'.:. ,. l;H ..', .' ,.'. Trlflda 11 4.1 BUN -Ctrtoonn 7 oo Our Man runt 7-Mllton The Monster-Cartoons—Color 7—Shlmree—jyiuc 7 14 11 00. Hlih Wind in Jamaica II—Portion Leslonnalre •-Film—lili of Ihe, Deod— >-Fltm—Just Around-the Corner- r ' 4 I 1 BUN—Moment to Moment « 37, 11—Loco) Issue—Discussion Shirley Temprt-i-1 br.,-M mln. i i i 10:19: Red Line 7OOO-S:3e. S20 »:» 1:«t Boris KorloH-W.mln. PLAZA- Il-Clqy. £ole-VorJ»fy Mert ,The Petl 1—Tennessee Tuxedo—Cartooni—Color j_My Friend Fllcko—Droma—Color >The.Oio ASBURY PARK Our Man Flint 8.00; »:00; 10:05. 4—Atom Ant—Cartoon*—Color 4—Research Prolect II BAT. * SUN.—Our Mm Flint l:«i • ' .- ''.' • •*:«? , • SHoode^rnd tire. l,Y|UC- 11—Rim Feature 7—Hopplty Hooper—Corloonl—Color J—Sportt—Don Crlaol • 7-Olr»eHon 3:40; 5:15; 7:45; B:SO. o—Film— Rooue Cop- . • : • '<-7:m,. 'That, Uarn'Cat 7:lO:_f:20. 10:00 »Fll« i BAT. 4VBUIi.—That Dim Cat 3:30; KEYPORT Robert Taylor—90 rntn. J-Newj—Rooer. Mudd^-Cotor A- V. 3-Mlghty Mowe-Color Kooert TaylatvHal mln. W'• — • " -: B:»O. 4—Secret Squirrel—Color II—Roller Derby 4-lr'f Acodemle-»jle* , *•-; 8TRAND- If.! .'•'. 7-Perky Pig-Color 5-Rlm-Hohter Squodron- li.. That Darn Cat 7:10; »:S0. •—Continental Cookery—color 2—Turning Point—Ponel Edmond O'Briert-J hr«.-^Col»r Moment, to Moment 2:20: 7:30: • :*0. BAT.-That Darn Cat S:l»; 7:1S: »:jST. 4—Profile On The Arts 4-Frontler* Of-FohV BAt. A BUN.—Moment to Moment 11—Ttlll l» Tne Life—Rellolon 7-A8C Seape-^-V)ettNm Repart- •-'* , BUN.—Made In Parli 8:20; »:35; »:«0; U:M S-Thln Man—Mystery 7—inuet And ArarMtrt ' ,3:00; 4;05; «:M; 1:00; W:10. Wild, Wild Winter 2:09: 5:13; S:22. : ?/* 2~4-lnus—Cartoons—Color 7—American Bandstand I—Jackie demon %.,. ST, JAMES- . • EAST BRUNSWICK J:M 4—Flipper—Dramo—Color 4—UnderdoB—Cortoon—Color ^international Zone—UN w K ,Our M«T1-FtlDt 3:20: 7.20; 0:35. TCRNPKE- 5—Soupy Salt*—Comedy J—News 7-Oizle An* Harriet-Color SAT.-Our Htn Flint 3:00; S:B5; 8:00; 4—College Bosketboll—Manhattan v«. 7-Pre B«kettMll-7 v>. Celtic* INDOOR-Our Man Flint 7:00; 10:45; 7—Beotiet—Cortoons—Color 11—Film—the Four Skulli ot Jonathan He '.'•>• 8;05; Idjio, ... II—En France—language Fordhom Droke-Eduord. Fro«-« mln. 11—Crand Jury—Police . BUN.—Our Mm Flint .3:95: 4:50; Rio Conchoe 8:90. j_Fiim—The Yellow Tomahawk— -7:M; JM5. . , BAT. * SUN.—Our Man Flint 8:30: 1l:«0 • * ft'N $•' Rory Calhoun—90 mln. '••' ' " :>*•.: 10:19: Itlo Conchbs 8:20. J—Tom And Jerry—Color 4-^-1 Oream 0' Jwnru* PARAMOUNlV OUTDOOR—Our Man Flint T:»0; 4—Top Cot—Cartoon—Color ll_FHm—Red Stallion In the Rockies- 7-Donno ReeO—Comedy WII. ft SAT.—Bovind of Mtiile 2:30; Roy Collins—60 mln. l-*porh Spettociirat- 11:15; Rio Concho» 9:20. 7—Cmper—Cartoons—Color »-Pro Boskttboll—Krtlclo v • :3a •>••.' BAT. * BUN.—Our Man Flint 1:30; •—Him—Rogue Con— 1:09 4-Our Leaol Prefllt BUN.—Bound of Music 3:30: 1:30. 3:20; 5:15. 1—Young Worlds—Panel J-Secre* Agent " • UNkdCltprarfta Robert. Tcylor^SO mln. rarfta; NEPTUNE CITY 4klt8H o fCei Smort-Comedy-Color SAYRE WOODS J—College Counterpoint 11 :M rmm Welk-Coteo f $ NEPTUNE CWV— , SAYRE WOODS- »-Qulclc Draw McCmw-cortoonj— 7—Youth Wants To Know FflnvteunlOfi In Frenw U H • • Th«t X*m cal, 7:io: «;30^ . Color J:0» r.m Joan Crowfort-t*'•*** "i U BAT.—Thet P«rn C4t U:«0l t'M\ Our Man Flint. - , S— Repertoire Workshop 4—Fury—Drama 4-Miv-The Five PennWe— rFltmtmr-R»Ju«'C|>B~'rRJ|,'' •'••-• 8:061 T:15i I:M. • BAT. * BUN.-KWdle Bhow! Tlufty: 7—Herinesey—Comedy ; BUN.—That D»ro C»t J:40l «:DS; Danny Kay*-3 hn., 11 m)n.-4atBr tpbert Toyt»rT*0 mln. .- % Oar Man Flint. «—Film—Rooue Cop- S—Film—The Younaer Br»*Wr»- ^A«yfr*»' in"; Wi) T:00) B:10.i • • ' • Robert Taylor—90 mln, Wayne WorrH—l hrt—Color • • J BRADLEY BEACH MENU) PARK v. 11—Film—The Ape- Ii-Mallywsad a Oo So i CINEMA- DANCE TONIGHT » _ .-. 'ALACE— Boris Knrlofl—60 mln. 4-Blg Three GoHCA ft % Our Man Flint 1:00: J:5i; »;00J 1:05: !:M t-Lsner-We><*m 7_Am»rlco>> Joorhman-CoKr i-i FRI. BAT.* BUK.—Tom Jonee 3:00; Hightsfown Country Club 7-HollyvMod Palace-Color "1 7:30; ]rm» U Douce.4:00; 9:30. 10:09. J-CBS Golf Classic II—To Be Announced S-Fllm-Mlilllon Dollar Kid- l • MiW • • • PERTH AMBOt Don't mlu tin fun *n Frldayi. Andy • •'•-.• •*»». '. . MANASQUAN Leo Gorcey—*0 mln. I—Guriimoke—Wejlern I—Dial M FOr Wutlt AMBOYS DRIVE-IN— Welli Orcn. Adm. JUO. Mark Hllburn 7—Pro Bowlers Tour •— Danger li MyiBuslneu—Color ALGONQUIN- FRI. * SAT.—Cartooni 7:00; Our >Ien >«1. Bight, JH Mucha. Comlnj this 3:45 11-Colllege, BtnkWh-ll Uede In Patli 2:30: 7:19: 9:15. Flint T:l«: 11:41: Return to Peyton j-Mhler fed^-Comeily SAT.—Kiddle Show: Alice of Wonder- Place »:31 Wed. Special. Two Son* Mark HII- 4—Flying Fisherman—Color Id:* 4—Wild KlngaonwWIIdllle-Cotor lanii-ln Parli 3:30: Mede In P>rti 7—An Evenlno With The N«» SUN.—Csrtooni 6:30; Our Man Flint 4:01 SIJkMWSIJakoMfWettert a 8:<»; 11.13; Return l» PiyUn Place tum and Joe Mucho. All aais fun 11-Fllm-The Hrtboll- MltlltreU-Miule-Color r_Ftlm-Forelgn Correeponaent- Bridge Advice BUN.—Klddlr Show: Alice of Wonder- 9:06. • . ' ! - -• e—Fllm^-Craiy vrlth Joyl— alone or couples. Dent mlsi Hill Mlckey Rooney—90 mln. Joel MoCrea—J KM. lind In Peru 2:30: 1:30: Made In spettol Wed. Dane*. 4:1$ Vlftarlo De Slea-50. mln. e-»aV»rt<*-We»»»rfi • . • MAJESTIC- ! 4-Sporti HlghHghtt 11:* ll-Oortoone-Chlldren—Color Pmrle 1:14; »:i». - Tom Jonct 4:23; 10:001 Irm*, ta- 4» 1—Nna—Tom Dunn BRIOCTOWN Douce J:0o: 7:30. ' - im •. SHEINWOLD 5-Wre«llng—Woetiinaton J*moew HoyoHT BRICK PtAZA- BAT. * BUN.—Alice of Wonderland In 7—New* And Sporhi lOrt lmport»nt—bid Parll 2:00; Tom Jonea (t-.SOi »;«>; 4-frI CsUtat'BewMluti-CoMr The Hand , Our Mm Flint «;00; 1:00; 10:00. 11:15 gp|'Tile question 'was Irma La Douce 7:30. -- "Dine in a friendly, intimate atmosphere, •11—-Kin Tin Tlft-W»»fw» ' •'. BAT. ft BUN.-Our Men Hint 1:30: 4-Nevyi—Bill Rron-CWor MONTCLAIR -j 7-Uxal New»—Soott vinetM = •••' ' ."' ''•VININtt tlmost'settjerj lnir recent tea* I:M: 5:30: 7:35; »:J5. where fine food is a tradition" Wutflrihwih : lltM • • ' .«!•»•"•• • matWiv;wher« the South player LAURELTON CLAIRIDGE- j j-Sport»-J fine i«ayer. BAT.—That Darn Cat 7:09; 1S:N: J-Fllm-Doite»— -.' Asol ** Son.of CEDAR INN Zebra in the Kitchen 1:30. GOVERNOR ON TV Gary cooper-rl hr.. So mh.-Color ^1 l At both tables West led a AM4 He&»rM* r »UN.—Tfcit Daro Cat <:05; P:50; 4-Locol Niw»-Poni»-Coler 11—Hawollan Eyer-Mv»1«rv trurigi; »jyt'South, siyon. Both 'de- __ EAST RESTAURANT — COCKTAIL LOUNGE 7_Fllm—uujt for Life— Zebra, la the Kitchen 8:20. NEW YORK — Governor Nd- olartrj; cpished the top hearts and • 74J «« Kirk Douqio»-J hr«., M mln.-Color J-rEyeOn New Yerk: •. North of Red Bank son Rodtefeller will appear as 11—Continental Mlnldturw 4-NBC CWWren'i Theoirt-Color ^» QJ9J tf 64 ; ruffed a Wwrt. Here'they parted guest on "New York, New York... LUNCHEONS • DINNERS • BANQUETS n:»» OJ10« OAK954 • SEAFOOD • STIAKS • CHOPS 4-Sport»-4»ol •H«rnon~Co!W trLwl»bnim(i^bi^l C • QI] * 101762 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS The State Versus The Addict" T—Voyow—OrwiviT*»lor 11:41 : - SOUTH —SAUERIRATEN— e_oea)h VqUey DoV»r-Color At J»e ,fijr»t t«We. South' lei. a ATLANTIC- Sunday from noon to 12:30 p.m. 4—Johnny CmTon—Variety—Colw rw. *BAT.—Ten Little Indian! 7:00; • • ' lllee ll-rBloaraphy—Ooamnnturv low ditjrtond. West won 'and. led »:S5; WIM, WUd winter 1:30. on WABC-TV (Channel 7). J—Film—tooro— • -, . • ... ?:».-.:.. '; •"'• $K3 Entertainment Weekends Gene Tlerney—1 hr, JO mln. ly FavorHe »n«rtkjn-cojor .. - stconrl trump! Now South could OQ«32 mL d 4-Walt Dltney'i WprWrColor" •'snttially rutt a diamond in Amello Bence—W mln: ' ' »-Fllm-The Golkint Hour»- . 'Tom La Pore", piano-organ i Vrh: dunpiy (BWl diswd, another, dia- Norik 1MI 6 All Pass DINING DlttCTtX OVtK THC WATH '"• Diners Club — American Express 7*DroiTCor*BIDCl , ; *-Newi. •' -.- , . • "opato kad— 4 9 W —film—Wln«« over-Atrle»w nv;i.,,;: ...... 1:» :. Joan tt«rdn»r-7»»'mln. : STATE HWY. 36 •»}_• O79 13C1 £ «rA,» nortA 0 J-Film-The Lody.Bvt- At H» ;«h'et- table, the fine Barbara Stanwyck—1 hr., M mm. player aed'the ^eejiVof .diainonds HIGHLANDS Dial 87Z-I351 Highlands Bridg A, good bidder seldom has prob- lilt-' (rorri hi^jhand instead .of the. low •—New> And Weattitr 1—Per/y. Mo»on—Orama lems in the play of the cards. A 1:M diamfind. This fine play-.forced 4-fl«nania—WMteni—Color good player cannot solve; all of J-Communlty Oluloaut F^tei; Menn9»rt»- EaJt^-jWa the trie*. ?!>d. East T-jpjIm—Terror After M«WsM- the'problems'that he has cre- Chrntlne Kaufmonn—1 hr.> 4i mm. couliljnot return a trump. ated by his bid bidding. J:ll •—Fttm—T.'Devll'i'iVya'nton— ' The «0cohd declarer inanaged the GALLEY i-Flfm-Ol.Kle- ' Pl4dlhi»«l to wfiit 12'tricks because he could DAILY 'QUESTION Blng Crssby—1 hr., 4S mln. SINCE 1917 JutlOH 1:JJ priin dtrinmy and Partner deal* and 'bids one "VIEWS TO MME 8Y" * "CUE Mttt H*r ]4 7_FIhn-Greeh Uoht-' ... 1-Comim Comera : ; discard his last dianiqnd, on the spade, and the next player pass- Errol Rynn—*9 mln. 4-Waddm »k>—Comedy—Color ace of', clubs. But this did htm es; Yr>u Jurfd: Spades—Q 6 5. •72-1245 "(Via AT THI BHIOCI" NKiHUNO] %-M . • • • 11-Open »nd-OovW SOMklnd Hearts—A 10 8 7 5. Dlatttonds— on the QUAY t-Rlm-Nlnofdika- no. gopdv .because , aoniehflw be Creta Garbo—t hr«., 19 mth. : 7. Clvto-A « 5 4. What do you SUNDAY J-JWh«»V Mv tine? " ' ' hsd itiajAaged to bid a grand slam MORNIN9 • . ill 'insttad of stopping at lit spadw. THIS SATURDAY NIGHT ENJOY DAHCING Reopens Today, March 4 4" Newi -BUI Ryan—Color Down one also,.7 Answer: Bid two hearts/ You •-Lodlee Of The P.ren 'I'M:- plii) to («how| tJie spade, support ht Proofam heri Hils: *Bet: strong • for i:- raise PRIME AGED STEAKS ^..Bevjn'spades no to. 4wo spades but sot; strong jf>ii«t'wa» led or-how any enough for a jump to Siree STOWAWAY HOTEL : . 5-Patlh To ia inithroke. 1** good bidder wojild ipidei. If jf(>u'^ye~pasjftfi prlg- 280 OCEAN AVENUE 7—Thl« ti The AnMver—Color t\av* made 'six- spades agai&st ' .••••• J-.tt • : : AMERICAN EXPRESS — DINERS CLUB ; 11—ChrKtopher •" f rwinm any l«a|l'but a tmnm 1tf.1t'ii&M •jttni>^|ii».Bf 'ift: 'pw»:snice. your ' • • l:el • sj»rj>s fy 'feart*: ^if'tiMta SEA BRIGHT The Corner ' "the Shore'» Finest Steak Hotue" i; 5^-A«troboy—Cortoon evenly.^ '•;.>. ,.--i-.'"'...!"""'': yptt vcdiild not open the/bidding. 7-Faltti For Tpo)oy-,RelWon-Cotef 842-1994 11—Evqngel Hour—RHIolon •:j$ • •rrLlbrory Ltont—>i<"ijoa that you_ won't stir up trouble. Makerourqal 872-1174 4-Jewl«h.Fourth. R nrfjuitmenis; don't insfst on hiving ybor o«(i way II—tupmnort—Cartoo ,«*B^y :tirne. "Ah ounce of prevention h worth a FABULOUS About Cod VRojmd .of cure,T was never truer. tlim-'ittkkrKCunwit __. .: FOX • .Ojnfigiirition?. :.-:.:,/;.. i ; .- '••• :', ,' ;.•:•. .-.: . Feature •"-Senator.. !: JACK NOLAN'S ll-L«t;» Hove ij^ ^:^;|^kjp."Your•.Sign. '."-,•,. • "GO-GO GIRLS COCKTAIL LOUNGE 3) WIST RIVER RD. RUMSOK! MUSIC by the FANTASTIC • MM. Geed- Be«« if ; r ,-,-...,.. i«Wi»»»k»- :•:•' '• T . Back by popular demand! ^•uru^-Arerjd.taJMar W ! Se*jfp«>l Od. jj> N«. II }V ; K«> aaeyew' r»ite tap when ,: '(kbits karetekB in you, m "PAGEBOYS" 1 "®wi5' ^iFS**' **"t"'il'> ; •>.»>+«« their/omtHea't lie "BAYXITY • f=6rgn>-,lnf»rylew 7-«eany .And t»l •: Daft P ,0( Vlew-otin»tion ..Den't «e rMWinl M.erfrite if-; NO COVER . -. NO MINIMUM ' • II'N ' .family. They mean:#ett<; DIXIELAND BAND" it Offleer-lnferview Ctbrieere. Dee. }I hi Jem 10 ''•^pm••^••rM 'HMIVB: ** iv SutLj March 6, 8:30 p.m. '^.•hotiU/nHl'ewe FRI. AND SAT. Blue Diamond iywo*r:-.i ;; *:;.; ( V Aqu.riiK. Jeiu II •• Feb. I" ; .•}*rp<*lK>H>>ra>tiont T»I¥U|. If SAM BALDANZA .'.4»il m-ocetilt.^h^ni will /«(• r than J*JI tmk« be{« it RESTAURANT and COCKTAIL LOUNGE at Itie Piano fije, Auj: JJ W S»»f. 21 . F»k.ao <« Mertk » il*!" »BW»?»i •«*«# «I»T, JB«rt nlierwrkcK *> aeriooily. 129 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK LOUNGE and ;•• Mini- Bie. fmtir/:ei

Sclenoe SAL «—New»-AHc GIHord IS^Beeta That Live '•• ' '• •. ' • MM . BAND Dldt Pewell-W mlfi. l-l Love lucy-C»fn«


¥ WATCH 'EM, ANWTHSy^ 1 M6MT SUP THUH.L j'Jfcj£ ME CHIN-BUT •E CAME UP. it—--«HA. t _il______l_ 1 TOO OFTEN/ r* t^—BK^ *









MARK TRAIL By ED DODD MARK TRAIL By ED DODD BRING ON THE NEW COOKIC-THArS WHO I )i TO M, 3M& CorUto, lUcUtd Cu- Friday, ifcrdb i. Re*»r tad J«n«* Gut' j Leonardo iormsen tod" MMrs . Gmmm men, MartW Pi^ftSbert DAILY Port comber uA Thouug Green. Detorec JEW, 4aii#>ter of Mr. Monmouth and Mrs. Vincent Van, Nautilus Plans to attend the show "Hel- srgen Croup. Dr., celebrated her seventh birth- Mrs. James Connolly enter- Richard Bateman. Newark, lo Doily," In New York City were day Feb. 28 with classmates of tained members of the Delta PM who has been training at the Hear Walskv the first grade in Leonardo made by the auxiliary of the Sorority "this weefc.'' " •— Xee Walsky of Great Lakes, 111., Navy Center, School. American Legion at the home of t Shrewsbury, headmaster of spent 10 days with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Trembly. Mrs. Top Academy, Morganville, Howard ReCorr. He has left for Mr, and Mrs. Charles Davis Trembly presided in the absence address the Junior Cham- Pensacola, Fla., to attend school and family of Silverton have of Mrs. Walter Barber. The aux- tijsr of Commerce tonight in moved to Oakwood Rd. iliary will again sponsor four S^rgen Pines Hospital. there. ; tor. Walsky, experienced in high school girls at Girls' State Bernadette Daus, daughter of and the winners' names will be youth and, rehabilitation work, The 10th birthday of Robert Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Daus cele- wjH speak on "Individual Needs announced in May. The Junior Morrell, son of Mr. and Mrsbrate. d her 11th birthday Feb. 27 of the Student." Robert Morrell, Sr., was cele- Auxiliary has made stuffed ani- ; Stressing that educational at a family party. Mrs. Mary mals and distributed them in heeds differ among individual brated Feb. 27 with a movie par Dunn was also present. Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, pupils, Mr. Walsky recommends ty at the Town Theater and .din- under the direction of Mrs. forking with children in small 1 ner in the Swiss Chalet, Middle- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koelsch James Letts. groups so each child's needs can town. Guests were Paul and Pe-and Mrs. Eva McDermott at- be met. ter Gullman, Kevin McGrath, tended a baptism and reception "Children need love, patience Feb. 26 for David Johnson, son Birthdays of Misses Eifeen Daniel Boehler and Richard Doyle and Becky Shada, mem- and understanding. Mix these in of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of bers of the Civil Air Patrol, Red gredients properly, and you have Ausberger. Scotch Plains. The baptism took Bank, were celebrated, Feb. 26 at a well-adjusted child," the ed* place in the Methodist Church the home of Robert Green, Jr., cator says. Mr. and Mfs. Robert Putsch there and the reception wa,s held Washington Ave. Also present and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. were Misses Karen Van Buren, • Ed (Whitey) Prokop, former Carotenuto and son, of New H. Ley. Sue Moran,. Kathy Brockway, right winger with Cleveland, SCOUT SHOW SYMBOL — William Mattison, left, Monmouth Council Boy Scout Monmouth, and Robert Hetem, Geraldine Maggio, William' Og- N. J. Providence and New Haven commissioner discusses the symbol of\ft»» 1966 Scout Show with two unit leaders pf Locust, spent last week skiing at The 11th birthday of Kathy den Alan Eckloff. Dennis Hei- hockey 'teams, resides in Cleve- Jay Peak, Vt. Guttormsen, daughter of Mrs. land and works with the Muny the Middletown • Red Bank district. The "Scouting We Go Show" will be held May Berwin Guttormsen was cele- Hockey League there in his spare 28, 29 in the Asbury Park Convention Hall and will feature space exploration. With Mrs. Robert Morrell, Jr., en- brated Feb. 27 at the home of «[toe. .•••••. Mr. Mattison are Frank V. 0. Reedy, center, scoutmaster of Troop 24, sponsored by tertained members of her bridge Mrs. Berwin Guttormsen Jr., New club Fair Haven Lioni Club, and Donald Ogden, .adviser of Explorer Post 201, Red Bank March 1. Attending were Milford. Present were Mrs. Mel- Mrs. Barton Hoeg, Leonardo; ville Guttormsen, Staten Island; N OPEN Air Taxi Service. Mrs. William Wright, Hailet; Mrs. Bernard Amelia, Mrs. Wil-Timothy Tepper, Christopher liam Rose and Mrs. Henry Rose, Hanf and Stephen Runge. )SUNPAY Morgan; Mrs. Carmella Gentile, Mrs. William May, Matawan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Werse > TILL 6 PM Council in Union Beach and Mrs. John Sutliff and Mrsgav. e a family party for the James Triggs, Keyport eighth birthday of their son, Stanley, Feb. 26. Attending were DAILY TILL 30 PM 9 The 10th birthday of Glenn Mrs. Pauline Frank, Mr. and Runge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-Mrs. Louis Werse, Mr. and Mrs.| HUNDREDS OF UNADVERTISED SOCIALS Doesn t Cut School Budget ert Runge, was celebrated Feb. George Search, Mr. and Mrs. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT INCLUDING FOOD UNIQN BEACH Borough rollment as1 against the graduat- quested a meeting open only to 24. guests were Don and Stanley Carhart, Miss Gloria Council, meeting without1 the ing students.in June. the press. Mayor Hennessy de- Board of Education, took n.o\ac- "We .needr•-.': an impact on you," the magis- OVER 1.500 TO CHOOSE FROM OVER 1.000 TO CHOOSE FROM OVER 300 TO CHOOSf FROM ,479 SHREWSBURY AVE. The mayor said: •..', trate said. "Driving is a full- "I feel tot,we.need more)in- SHREWSBURY, N. J. Teen Drivers time job, and cars are not toys," Ladies'and Girls' SPECIAL GROUP formation:!*^ \a better breiffi- he added. LADIES' MATERNITY down on the budget and I do not EATONTOWN - "We seem to • Ladles Blsusts « Is Another New look forward to working without have a lot of trouble with peo- John T. Nolan, 62, of Rt. 206, Branchville, who pleaded guilty PANTIES • Beys'Shirts * Deafer of them since; they' have put-so pie 17 and 18 Driving in TOPS and BOTTOMS uc^;f;, , to making an improper turn, was • Hah • Pants j this state is a privilege, not a fined $10. JACUZZI Councilman CharlesW. Barker right." called for cuts in the municipal Andrew Barban, 75, of Mea^ YAL.TO 12 FOR • Jackets • Shift* This was V4L TO WHIRLPOOL budget: as, well as the school the comment made dowbrook, Navesink, found guilty • Slips • Girdles spending schedule. .""' yesterday by Magistrate William of careless driving, also was 8.95 a BATH UNITS 'Coiindlman Philip J. Cassidy Throckmorton as he fined two fined $10. • Polo Shirts • Etc requested that a complete listkrf youthful drivers in^ Municipal • SALES - SERVICE Court. . "'-- teachers and their salaries be House Hunting! It's open sea- RENTALS supplied by the board. He would Clarke Griffin, 18, of 240 South FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE also like to know how many stu- son in the Daily Register Classi- 741-3490 dents; are attending Keyport High St., who pleaded guilty to driv- fied now. School and what will be the en-ng an unregistered vehicle with no driver's license in his posses- sion, was fined a total of $30. "You've only been driving OPEN ALL YEAR about a year, and already you're in trouble," Magistrate Throck- FRESH BAKED APPLE TREATS morton told the young man. He FROM THE FARMHOUSE KITCHEN stressed that all drivers, young and old, are subject to the mo- • PIES. ApjMt Minot, awry, BIwMrry • Applt Crumb a tor vehicle law and "must obey Appltimiw Cakti the rules." • Applt Cltfir Donurt Thomas R. Tode, 17, of Verona, — SPECIAL -- found guilty of careless driving CRISP * JUICY . . STAYMAN WINESAP Quick Wrap! APPLES For Munching «r Coeklni Printed Pattern In I qt., 1< ql. »r ButhtK ALSO AVAILABLE: RED DELICIOUS AND OTHER VARIETIES. IALKROOM OPEN MON. thro FRESH CIDER SAT.» to* SUNDAY lie*



GO BY BUS! ADVERTISING DEADLINE WILL BE FRI. Alrporf Plaza, Hwy. 36, Hazlet, H. J. 9169 DAY, MARCH 18th AT 5 P.M. and Keansburg Terminal SIZES R,T. Fora $2.10 N.Y.C. 10-20 R.T. For. $1.59 Newark 2(4-9828 — 787-0046— 787-9676 Free Parking: The DAILY REGISTER Happy way to start and end RED BANK-MDDDLETOWN—LONG- BRANCH-FREEHOLD a day — in this cool, perky-wrap; and-button dress. Sew it quickly NOW 24,137 Ltonardo Terminal CHARTER in seersucker stripes, cheery RT. Far* checks, flower-fresh' TJacron pastels. 291-9623 SERVICE Printed Pattern 9169: Misses1 $2.30 N.Y.C. AVAILABLE Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, IS, 20. Size Pfcou: 16 takes 3% yds. 35-in. $2.00 Newark 291-1300 Fifty .cents, in coins for each 291-1300 291-9623 pattern— add 15 cents for each pattern' lor first-class - mailing Parking and special handling. Send to Marian Martin, (The Daily Reg- ister), PatternDept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print name, address with zip, size add style number. NEW YORK'KEANSBURG Go, Go Spring! Be a swinger, (MbfonfiU*! LONG BRANCH BUS LINE ern Catsloj. ^ 1» tend 60c talwi now. A Special Section For Ydling- Adults THE DAILY ~~ ~~~

FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1966 Fresh Start for Dropouts Parkway Youth Corps Graduates First Class WOODBRJDGE — The first federal and parkway funds. An us. I am proud of every.one of graduating class of the Garden advanced training program was you for making the program sue-' State Parkway's Neighborhood sponsored wholly by the park- cessful." Youth Corps received its diplo- way, and Foster had joined that Mr. Tonti said every man mas here Monday. work force • before becoming a needs a break some time in his Among the 22 graduates were Marine, life. He said he was glad the three from the area: James Ad- The parkway now has 16 youths parkway oould provide the break ams otf 22 Second St., High- in a new Youth Corps class, 11 for the graduates, and he hoped lands; Robert Foster of 540 Line in advanced training, and six they would be able to give breaks Rid., Matawan, and William Half with permanent parkway jobs. to younger men during their of 17 Morrell St., Long Branch. -"Several NYC graduates have coming careers, ' The director praised the park- Foster joined the Marine Corps Joined the armed forces and the Federal Job Corps, but those way staff for its enthusiastic sup- Monday, so he was unable to at- port of the NYC, and singled out tend the ceremony in Park- who elect to move on to other jobs will be equipped with a di- Lawrence DeMont, the park- way headquarters. His diploma way's landscape engineer, whom was mailed to him. ploma showing their qualifica- tions. he called "the uncle of the pro- Adams graduated as one of the Recruits are picked from the gram." top men in his class. He com- pleted the six-month program, ranks of unemployed school went on to advanced training, drop-outs^ and for many the CUM LAUDE HONORS and recently was given perma- parkway taught them the first BRISTOL, Conn. — J. Scott nent employment as a mainte- skfflg they have known. Hopkins, son of Mr, and .Mrs. nance mechanic. lists Qualifications Stockton H. Hopkins, 80 Main St., The back of the diploma lists Matawan, N. J., has earned cum Although Adams showed a spe- the graduate's qualification - to laude honors for the second quar- cial aptitude and went into an- operate various types of mechan- ter here at LaureJcrest Prepara- other line of parkway work most ical equipment, such as trac- tory School. A sixth former (se- of fee corpsmen spent their first tors,- seeders and chain saws, nior) at the school, he was ac- six months receiving instruction D. Louis Tonti, executive di- tive in the fall as a member of and practical training in land- rector of the N. J. Highway Au- the varsity cross-country team. scape maintenance oa the scenic thority which operates the park- He Is the nephew of William F. highway. way, told the graduating class, Sandford, associate editor of The Their wages were paid with. "This Is a great day for all of Daily Register. STOMP, will be the contribution of Dane twins, y and Prlscifla, 16, of Keyport, to the musicaJ line-up «f Jhe Holmdel "County Review" to be presented fills m*fand in Holmdel Village School. Performances are Mfceduled ^ 8:30 tonight and tomorrow and at 3 p.m. -qjtimday. The variety show is sponsored by the Holmdef Kuxttiary of the Bayshore Community Hospital. Psychiatrist From MIT Is Symposium Speaker WEST LONG BRANCH — Dr. Some 190 high school students QMBOine Y. Lettvin of the Massa- will participate in the sympo- Institute of Technology's sium. They will represent 58 high Laboratory of Electron- schools in the 11 southern and discuss "Workings of ihe central counties. at the Junior Science ium at 11:20 p.m. Frib March 18, at Fort Mon- Named Finalists in Merit Exams symposium, a part of the RED BANK — Two seniors of Army Junior Science and Red Bank Catiholic High School ities Symposium Pro- who have been named finalists is sponsored by Mon- in ihe National Merit Scholastic CoBege and the U. S. Ar- Examination are Christine Btectronics Command at the Mjindi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tlie March 18 program will Leonard Minch, 113 West End BW at uhe fort and the fol- ~Ave,, Long Bra man, and Linda day will be held at the DeSimone, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. DeSimone, 1110 fie Lettvin, a research assoct- Grand Ave., Asbury Park. Miss M» now working in sensory phy- DeSimone, who also is a semi* received his bachelor of finalist for the Bodman Scholar- and doctor of medicine ship and recipient of a certificate from the. University of from the American Ghemioal So- He interned at the Bos- doty as an outstanding chemis- OUy Hospital's Harvard try student, will enter Merri-. KAKE WALKERS — The 69tii edition of Kak© Walk, oldest collegiate winter carnival in mack College, North ; Andover, , Center. the U, $., unfolded this weekend a| University of Vermont where John Hilton, right, of i bae worked at the Research Mass. She will major in naarthe- of Electronics since Rumson, and Pair! Malorie of New Haven, Conn., representing Sigma Nu fraternity, per* i sad has been senior psychi- Miss Minch plans to major in formed the demanding combination of dance, strut and kick. Mr, HiHon, a sophomore, on consultation at Bos* English at the Catholic Univer- ftsytftopathic Hospital since of America, Washington, U itife ion of Mr. and Mrs. John A* Hilton, 3 Ave> of Two Rivers,, and U an alumnus of : Christian Brothers Academy, Ltncroft. ;

by presenting Ann* School on AprU 24. modatioha." to Monmouth Campus •f NEWARK - Capt. Agnes B. role of WAC personnel in ft* Curom, Women's Army Corps miAUary establishment. Joining the Women's Army ctf recruiting officer for the state of *3 Conpe in September lfttf, Cflpt New Jersey, will visit Monmouth Curom received a direct commto* mouth College, West Long atari to first lieutenant, and at- Branch, Thursday, from 9:30 tended the WAC Officer's Basfe. o S3 a.m. to 3 p.m. ' Course &t the WAC Training Cen- o She will show a 21-minute col- ter. After completing the l&week. t/3 or film, "The Choice Is Mine,** course, she was assigned as an which describes the objectives Instructor in general military 3 and scope of the special program subjects at Fort McCJeflen. _•< for coHege junior women con- She later attended the Army bo ducted every summer at the cbenboatl, biological and radio* C WAC Training Center, Fort Mo* logical officers' course on the o OleHan, Ala. The film depicts same post, and upon graduation

t eadh phase of the four-week pro- was assigned as chief of Held OJ gram and underscores the vital training committee at the WWC Center. She served in that 0a> padty for 10 months before be* ing assigned to her present duly Shore Band Station in Newark. She is a graduate of Boston To Perform OoHege where she majored ul Engtifiti literature.

TOURING BELL LABS in Holmdel during National Engineers Week were a contingent of Next Week area high school students planning college majors in engineering. Students from Red Bank WEST LONG BRANCH -The Seventh Annual Concert by the High School in the group were Peter Berg and Diana Grubb talking here with John R. Shore Elementary Band and Or- Sheehan, right, about data transmission for telephones. chestra witl take place Monday at 8 p.m: in the Cedar Drive —,% rfcl School, Coks Neck, and Tuesday, fi ii*Qf rNf||"*#» at 8 p.m. in the Mea won on the resolution: "that ttt tion, for which a student must Michael Carotenuto, Peter De- Catherine WWtehead. squan, Middletown Township, federal government should adopt attain a 90 average, were soph- schenes, Joseph Discavage, Seniors Neptune Township, Oceanpott, A program of compulsory aita* oniores Mary CaJlaghan, Patri- Gwendolyn Dolan, Joyce Esch- Seniors were David Bailey, Ocean Township, Rumson and tralion in labor-managemea* cia Gallegher, Denise Kelly and bach, Virginia Fernandez, Oona Kathleen Buckley, Ruth Byrnes, Tinton Falls. disputes in the basic industries!4* Kathleen Miller. Flood, Christopher Frey, Judith Kathleen Deneen, Paula Fava- Guests conductors will be Jo- Members of the winning deba* Also listed were juniors De- Gage, Suanne Geiger, Mary lora, Gregory FenneM, PhiHp seph Ctouser, county music help- Ing team were seniors Naaoy »ise Fish, Karen FBsher, Susan Gibson, Doris GiHick, Robert GaJH, Charles Hantke, and Rich- ing teacher of Ocean County, for Mautner, Karen Smith, Gfcuy Sbefton and Patricia Stewart.' Se- Gough, James Hammond, Ruth ard Hirschbein. the band, and Murray Glass, con- Kerstein and sophomore niors were Colleen Butler, Kath- Harris, Margaret Hemachoot, ductor of the Lakewood Ofvlo Gruber. leen Butler, Nancy Bond, Kath- Barbara Hunzinger, Ann Keough, Other honored seniors were and Marilyn Ketehow, Noreen Lahey, Gail McCabe, Symphony Orchestra, for the or- Abo taking part were leen Froelioh and Susan MoUer. chestra. Diane Cline, Gail A total of 154 of the 542 Ser- Other sophomores are Henry Robert Barbuta, Linda McGee, aphs were included on the Hon- Kiernan, Eileen KSJduff, Valerie Edward Minson, Patricia Muflta, The purpose of the concert by bd, William Murray and or Roll. Mater Dei requirement Lahm, Rosemary Lanoon, Ma* Judith Schnoor, Rita Seare, the band and orchestra aseode> Murray. for this honor is an 85 average. rie Launicelte, Stephen MacOfi, Kathryn Smith, Susan Bnmtz, tioft Is to give the more ad- The same Middletown team ad- Among the freshmen were Mark Meyer, Eleanor MacMah- Beverly Franklin, Michael Han- vanced students the opportunity pealed their triumph this paat Deborah BaUweg, John Banks, on, Sandra Peck, Wtfiiiim Shan- ley, James Harkins, Noel Pel- of playing music that demands week by placing first in a Beth Benjamin, Elaine Binton, ahan, Maureen Smith, Mary Mai, Pcgeen Skiver, Frederick the utmost of their ability, 10 with Thomas Jefferson Germaine ConnoHy, Marie Con- Traynor, William Vance, Joyce Whittles, Georgette Ader, give these students the e*pe- Schoo tegdacomo, Theresa Covert, Pat- Valverde, Eliabeth WaWK, Thomas BroUey, Arthur DiPa- rience of playing under a guest ai to ricia Costigan, Donna Chase, George Warrack, Kathleen Wei- dova, Jane Dobsen„.,, Kathleen conductor, and to adlow the re* town Township High Sch Francis Cerra, Kathleen Cronin, don, Celeste Wttdemaa and Geary Lawrence Grogan, Vef- idents of the various school dU- which 20 schools and 7B Angela DeLorenzo, Patricia Mary Wilson. onica Mastelione, Margaret Mas- triots the possibility of hearing participated in an aU-day debattV Doyle, and Claire Ferguson, Juniors were Virginia Amorlo, ko, 'Carmen Patella, Thomas a concert presented by the more Mark Rothstein, instructor,, fft Other freshmen are E&abeth Dkme Bacmeister, Jeanne Beat* Taggert, Mary Ann Thonjtenseo, capable student-musicians d sponsor of the local Foreitftf Formon, John Glass, Irene Gor- ty, Susan Beyer, Wayne Btaen- and Mary Ann Wekkm. these schools. • Club, . .> men, Gale Hannigan, Robert die, Monica Byorick, Catherine Harper, Michaeei Hayes, Joanne Cahtti, Eleanor CahtH, Patrtda Herriger, Marie Hussey, Mi- Caruso, Maureen Cassidy, OaftV chael Hyland, Edward Jennings, ken Coohenour, Sharon Conley, Resisting Pressures to Conform JLaura Kelly, Susan Kirk, Ber- Patricia Coyle, Angel Craney, namd Leber, Gregory Maund, Barbara Jean DiToro, Mary Jo 9 Kathleen MoConneU, OatMeen Durnien, Meiy Federico, John Is Teenagers Major Problem MoLoughlin, Regina Murphy, Keraahan; Arthur Glass, Meal James Oberdick, Dela Percy, Grande, Daniel Harty, link By VIVIAN BROWN lines to foHow. They don't real* tanlty to show the feelings of hot* Kathleen Poole, Lawrence Quirk, Hearn, Kathleen Kaiser, Ebine AP Newsfeaturei Writer ly want to do something just be- tttRy and rebeWonr-maybe bm Patricia Ruede, Kathleen Schei- Keen, Candace Korpon, Joanne cause "everybody else is doing cauae parents let them do S der, James Schultz, Denise Suef- Lyncjh, Kathleen Maguire, Fede- There was a tone when par- it and take it." fert, William Sears, Kathleen, la MasteHone, Carol Mayo, Iin- ents thought youth bad to learn That answer echoes the fceV by experience-slowly but - "Yet they find it terriWy Joanne Soldo, Vincent Valerio, da McGrow, and Kathleen Moo- fkuk to resist pressures to con- Ings of many people concerned form to their group's pattern of irftfi the problem who feet " Growing up wa$ a seriei of behavior, even when they admit youth could have erupted at ttJmonishmente--"don't do that," the pattern may be wrong,** ahe time, in any age, and at ••£ or commands, "do fete". Ko says. place, given the opportunity. Learning By Doing questions asked. Ing a teenager has always ~ By LEE LAURINO learned during dass. She finds young people blame (Parents were seeing-eye robots their lack of ability to resist dUfficutt. r NEW SHREWSBURY — The Groups of two students design, for their children. The Idea was In a chapter, "where it afl 6e> salesmen and women of tomor- plan, and submit for approval pressures on lack of firm guid- that you couldn't make decisions ance from parents, teachers and row may well be former sales their display idea to the Instruc- if you weren't mature. year otos," Dorothy Gordon .fell (students of Monmouth Regional tor. They obtain their subject other representatives of the adult world. of asfcing the preteenem tf High, School. Under the super- materials from local merchants Somewhere along the ine question: "If you.were to vision of Emmanuel Cotiitefo, or personal supplies. things began happening to youth Dr. Bertha Quintana, a pro- ... they were encouraged to give some don'te to your parents Monmouth Regional business stu- Past displays have dealt with fessor of anthropology and so* would they be?" ,'.•••• dents learn the problems and mo- English Leather, featuring a rid- opinions . . , they began to re- oioiogy observed during one of sent their parents ... they the forum's discussions, that Here are the DONTS: taves of advertising, how to sell *ng <*»tf*t; school spirit, display- joined organizations . .. parents Don't nag; make us come home a product, and the principles of *"g school trophies; and a dis- "most of the problems that fa* before everyone else does; ccp» play of sports fashions from the became unsure of ftetnsefres teenagers are fundamentally ad- display. and some gave up trying pect us to jump at a commadd A special supplement to the OU MiH Clothes Shop. Uft ones." Idee an animal; yell or screaofl course is the required display as* In her book, "Who Has the When Miss Gordon probed for quarrel in front of children; &to sigfiment. An enlarged display DOG PATCH DRAG Answer," youm forum modera- answers on hostility of youth at av command o. s minute and case was placed at the disposal RARITAN TOWNSHIP <~ The tor DoronV Gordon potato Out a forwn, a teenager gave this change your, "*»"» the na*i of (be sales class at the request French Club of the high school that

pi W. (.."«, y ELEANOR MARKO elected to membership by facul- science courses wkh a B aver- Association, the International Re- Named to the dean's list for flayers, the dramatic dub at ty members of the chapter. Each age, lations Oub and the Young Dem- the first academic semester at fo State College, is pre- Student must have completed at ocrats organization. She also is Vemon Court Junior Coflege, tonight in the Memorial least 20 semester hour* of social IVfiss Susia Lee Matches, a member of Candle Club, the Newport, R. I., is Miss Jane "Blood Wedding/ by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- senior honorary society. Louise Warren, daughter of Mr. playwright FedericO ert Matches, 72 White St., and Mrs. John R. Warren, 155 In the cast wit! be sopho- Shrewsbury, was one of 31 stu- Thomas Keevll, son of Mr. Ooverdale Cir, New Shrews- tttte French major, Miss Pene- dents of Newark Beth Israel Hos- and Mrs. Ralph T. Keevil, 169 bury. She Is majoring in gener- 106 Lattimer, daughter of Mr. pital School of Nursing who were Broad St., Eatontown, was al academics. v.~;-. -^i-- and Mrs. James C. Lattimer, 88 capped at the traditional can- named to the dean's list at Buck- MUs Patricia A, Mawk, Wil- Jkkcfcsbn St., Fair Haven. dlelight ceremony in the audi- neU University, Lewisburg, Pa., son College freshman, and dau$i- torium of the hospital. The caps, where he is a sophomore with ter of Mr. and' Mrs. Henry J. Working on the committee for are symbolic of dedication and a 3.63 average. He JS a graduate Marek, 505 Sycamore St., Nep- flft annual College Career Day acceptance of the student nurses' of Monmouth Regional High tune, was named to {he deaVs tfcPCh 30 at Mount Saint Mary's professional aspirations. Miss School list for the first semester. Mege, Emmitsburgh, Md,, Is Matches is a graduate of Red QfevMFUigeraid, a sophomore Bank High School and attended Also named to the dean's list fibtory major. An alumnus of Elizabeth General Hospital at Wilson College is Miss Linda fed Bank Catholic High School, School of Nursing. A. Roddy, a senior, daughter of ta to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stockton P*ul F. Fitzgerald, 22 Parker Roddy, 204 Grasmere Ave., In- II Shrewsbury. Named to the dean's list at Boston College is Thomas Daly, terlaken. Jr., a freshman and alumnus of • itaftong new pledges to Iota Dean of students John E. Ibeto Chapter of Delta Zeta sor- Christian Brothers Academy, Iincroft. He is the son of Mr. Hocutt announced that 42 stu- ttfcy at Mansfield (Pa.) State dents at the University of Dela* flMtege during Panhellentc Rush and Mrs. Thomas Daly, 95 Branch Ave., Red Bank. ware achieved perfect grades for V«ek b Miss Sandra H. John- the first semester. One of the ••M, daughter of Mr. and Mia students 3s Miss Claudia H. Mor- Bttvin H. Johnston, 1413 West Miss Marti Morgan, a fresh- man at Shippensburg ('Pa.) State gan, 64 Prospect Ave., Atlantic Iferfc Ave., Wayside. A1965 grad- Highlands, ate of Monmouth Regional High Albert Rothstelo College will return Monday after lObOOt, New Shrewsbury, she is a MWay tri-semester break A Wittenberg University stu- • geoond-semester freshman ma- Student Body's which she spent at home with Jflpfog In elementary education her parents, Mr. and Mrs. dent from Colts Neck has been ttd a member or the Ski Club, George A. Morgan, 19 Elizabeth named to the dean's list for the feCottnctt for Exceptional CWl- New President Ptowy,, Eatontown. She is a 1965 first semester. She is Miss Ju- and layout editor for fcUDISON - Albert Rotfwteia graduate of Monmouth Regional dith A. Jaeger, daughter of Mr* t, die school paper. High School. and Mrs, Richard Jaeger, Hi* baa been elected president of the leah Dr., who earned a straight FUifeigh Dkkinson University Mit Cyathla Nixon, daughter Richard W. Nidioli, a senior A average. The campus is at fC Mr. and Mrs. William Nixon, Student Body. at Brown University. Providence, Springfield, Ohio. M Maptewood Dr., New Moth Mr, Rothstdn, son of Mr. and R. I., was named to the dean's Lawrence J. Cavaiola BttMh, a psychology major at Mr«. J*ck Rothstein, 17 Tratfonl Rat. Son of Mr. and Mrs. An- Named to (he dean's list at flwqathanna University, Setta* SL, Shrewsbury, is presently thony Nkhots. £2 Mitchell PI., Mary Washington College of the Pa., was elected to Ft completing his junior yew at IJttie Silver, he U majoring in Midshipman University of Virginia, Fred- Mu, national social ad* FWrWgi Dickinson University, chemistry. He is an alumnus of eriefcaburg, Va., is NSss Susaa honor society. Students are where be U a marketing major* Notre Dame High School, Fitch- Helen Davidson, daughter of Mr, bung, Mass. Makes Two and Mf& S. Leonard Davidson, 42 Kemp Ave., Fair Haven. She Purvis, 16 Lennox Dr., Honor lists is a 1963 graduate of Rurnson* Students Offer Scenes New Shrewsbury, is one of 33 Fair Haven Regional High University of Iowa Air Force,Re- SHREWSBURY — Midshipman School. serve Officers Training Corps ca- Lawrence J. Cavaiola, son of Mr. dete who were on a three-day and Mrs. Lawrence A. Cavaiola, Miss Gretchen Long, daughter From Broadway Hits California air base tour last H4 Garden Rd., recently was of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Long, By LINDA TRAUIMANN, the diary which was to be- week at the Mather Air Force named to both the dean's list and 249 East Highland Ave., a ju- GAIL MOWELL and come a grim reminder of the Base in San Francisco and Tra- the superintendent's list at the nior music education major, was 1 KATHY PARIGIAN Second WorM War. vis Air Force Base in FairfiekJ. United States Naval Academy at named to the dean's list for the ftlAfflAWAN - The Drama The Showcase ended with a Travis Is (he port of aerial em- Annapolis, where he is a mem- first semester at Lebanon Valley WMtuhop presented their second scene from the Broadway play barkation to the Far East and ber of the class of 1969. College, AnnviUe, Pa. Qmsa Showcase Assembly Feb. "Mary, Mary." The (Characters Mather (he location of the Air Selection for the dean's list seventh grade. The pro* were played by Linda Gertfaon Force's Navigator Training was based upon a 3.4 semester Dennis WyckoFf, 88 Lyons R&, was organized and directed and John Maciotlo, in a comical School. The group also toured average or-fetter, while the su- LincroJt, is one of 25 students ia Patrick Maggio and Mrs, recollection of Mary's past. the aircraft carrier Coral Sea. perintendent's\list was chosen the University of Virginia's inne McCrowan. Cadet Purvis is a senior at Iowa. not only by academic achieve- School of Architecture at Ohar- Background scenery was oon- ment, but also by aptitude, con- lottesviUe, who won a place oe t She Showcase consisted of four tr&uted by the art department flptyfete, the first of whkh was duct, and physical education the dean's list of distinguished headed by Bill Ohme and Mrs. Miss Jeanle Comber, daughter grades. students for the fall semester. ft dialogue taken from the Broad- Joan Soderiund, of Mrs. Gladys K. Comber, 39 ttp ptay "Five Finger Exer* Willow St., Fair Haven, was &»** in which Curtis Washing- named to the first dean's list ton and Tyrone Russell portray- Attend Performance for the fail semester at Wilson The Lively Ones Agree That ed father and son in a discus* College, Chambersburg, Pa. Min- of the son's future. Of French Play KEYPOR/r — Third and fourth imum requirement for this hon- (three scenes from the Broad- year students of Keyport/High or is a 3.6 grade average on a musical "Ottver" were (hen School attended a performance 4.0 syptem. The curtains opened of "La iReine Morte" at the New A senior majoring in Ameri- Batfona Weiss, as Oliver, HONDA Yorit City Center. can civilization, Miss Comber is Muted on a garbage can, while OPhe drama, by Henry DetMon- chairman of the Student Com- Dodger, played by Barbara Sat- therlant, was performed by the mittee on Academic Affairs, offers Oliver a borne with. Comedie Francaise, the French writes a weekly political column IS A HONEY! boys of tite street with the National Theater. for The Bfiboard, 'the college "Consider. Yourself." WIDE RANGE OF The trip was sponsored by Wil- newspaper, and is a member of fa the next scene, Laura (Sard- Sam Todt, a member of the its editorial board. She has been SHARP-STYLED MODELS •K; as Pagan, the boys' protec- French department. Accompany- active in the National Student tor and teacher, demonstrate* ing the students to the evening art of pickpocketing to the' performance were John MeU, Plan Weekend PhY it Smart! Buy Now of "You've Got to Pick a Mrs. Elizabeth LaCount, Mrs. or Two." Mary Befenont and Mrs. William Study Institute IMMEDIATE DELIVERY She final scene finds Oliver hap* Todt gp in tads new f adopted home NEW YORK — The northern NO from the streets and the New Jersey area of Bnai Brlth Fagan. The scene olos- INTERACT Cake Sale will hold awfeeikend study In- 01 wftSi Oliver singing "Who stitute, with the theme "Great DUMB To Buy This Wonderful Set for Tomorrow Jewish Ideas,*' from March 18- Morning?" By MARK OETTELSON 20 at Bader's Hotel, Spring Val- COMPLETE PARTS AND She third playlet was the open- JRED BANK — The local IN- l &g scene from the "Dtar? of TERACT dtub will sponsor a cake' Partfclpating educators will be SERVICE DEPARTMENT * Brank." Anne Frank, sate at Steimbaoh's in Red Bank Dr. Samuel M. BtomenfieM, di- Susan O'Shea, and Pfc. tomorrow. Homemade cakes and rector of the Department of Ed- ttt; played by Robert Fensfik, cookies wit be sold between 9:30 ucation and Culture of the Jew- getting acquainted in the wau. and 5 pjn, The proceeds ish Agency, and Dr. Norman E. HONDA-RED BANK environment which was to will be donated-to a worthy Fdmer, New York regional di- fag their hideout from the Nazis cause* The sale is open to every- rector of Bnai Brith Hilled Foun- 900 Shrewsbury Ave. Did 542-5100 Jtar the next two years. Anne's dations. Mfaer, Mr. Frank, portrayed by INTERACT wiU also sponsor Gig Berl, 735 Greens Ave., Long OPEN 8:30 TO 9 P.M. — SAT./TO 5 P.M. Waoca, interrupted their con- a car wadh at Red Bank High Branch, Is in charge of accom- ^' by presenting Anne School on April 24. - modations. Electronic Age Fosters •13 Rock 'n Folk Popularity By MARY CAMPBELL "It was at t)he 1964 Newport sents them with an AP Newsfeatures Writer Folk Festival when I first heard mediately constant threat of •*• THE POPULARITY of rook 'Mr. Tambourine Man." Some- nihilation. We have not $vffl ^'n* roll and the popularity of body came up to me and said, thorn any guidelines of bow 10 folk music have at least one 'Isn't thaf; * great song?' I said. live with such a rotten VWHW common reason for being, in the 'What does it mean?' 'I don't or how to cope with it Of b0R opinion of cosmopolitan folk sing- know, but it is a great song.1 to function other than oetrtrjfr. er Theodore Bikel. The man was right, It conjures wise—Jet's have a big otgjf fed" "People hankered after a do- up images—different images for fore we all go down. to it-yourself medium to get away your mind than it does for mine. "This is the prevading feefijg from the electronic age we're The listener makes up bis own and Bobby Dylan is their spoke** living in," he says. "A nation mind and the compulsion is in the man. His is that agony and tMl can't exist that way, just listen- words and word pictures. cry in the night that says, 'Wtjrf ing to radios and phonographs "It's a radical departure from have they done to the rain?* •»•> and watching TV. The more me- what rock V roll had meant; which is a song that he wrote** chanically minded we get, the it's a great overlapping thing Bikel was born in Vienna tf more there will be this counter- with folk music." years ago, educated in Israel «d balance—do it yourself, sing It Bikel cites a reason for Amer- fluent in seven languages. Hi yourself, play it yourself," ica's young people, who like the came to the V. S. in 1954 and bit In folk music, Bikel says, a rock sound, at the same time ac- been a citizen since 1961. lot of people bought guitars and cepting "message" lyrics: Just now he is making a ooilh others learned the folk songs "Dylan and his followers strike edy movie, "The Russians Aft and sang them around the house. another responsive chord. It is a Coming. The Russians Are Com- "The next step is inevitable. kind of forlornness that youth ing," in which he plays a ROP* For argument sake, say 15 mil- finds itself in all over the West- sian. After it is finished, ttf POTENTIAL PERCUSSIONISTS shown with instructor Dorian lion kids want to go along with ern World—a feeling that there will start a tour of folk-song ootV L. Parreott, left, are Brian Grammer, II, New Shrewsbury, the do-it-yourself thing but only is an unbreachable gulf between certs. In the spring, he wiM eHS* one million of the 15 is equipped them and the cider generation. er do a Broadway play or* go 4» center, and Charles Anderson, 10, of Fair Haven, students to play an instrument. It U always that way, but truer a rouiuMhe-worid concert tone.' at the Monmouth Conservatory of Music, Fair Haven. "The next thing is tihat you let now than it eyer was before. Bikel has appeared in some H a group of four or five kids blast "They firmly believe, and per- away at the sound threshold of movies, starting with "The AM* haps with justification, that we can Queen" and including "Nfc endurance. The rest of the kids handed them a world that pre- Music Conservatory participate but they do it physi- Fair Lady," and five cally, with the body. It is not shows, ttie last opposite strictly speaking a dance. The Martin in "The Sound of Offers Drum Classes music is not music to dance by sic." He has cut 16 record atmM FAIR HAVEN - TTie Mon- and the dance is not a dance; trumpet, baritone horn, drums, they are kind of welded together, for Elektra, the two newest, *% mouth Conservatory of Music is and C melody saxophone before with everybody taking part." Folk Singer's Choice/' of En- entering Asbury Park High offering a program to young boys Just recently, the streams of glish, Scottish, Irish and Ame»- School. In high school, he played oan folk songs, and "YiddtaQ in Monmouth County who want saxophone and French horn and rock and folk have converged— to become drummers — either at least to the extent that some Theater and Folk Songs." ^i organized a 17-piece dance or- has recorded folk songs from Jkl' professional percussionists or chestra. of today's popular songs with a ! rock beat have the kind of "mes- over and says the most popukfE purely for their own pleasure. A varsity football, basektfoall sage" or protest lyrics of folk albums have been of Jewish fbtt Drum instructor is Dorian L. and tennis star, Mr. Parreott won songs written about the Depres- songs and Russian gypsy Parreott, music supervisor of the a four-year athletic scholarship sion and, lately, about civil rights Bikel doesn't write Eatontown School System, who to North Carolina College in Pur- and the horrors of war. mostly because he finds writing- holds classes every Monday af- ham, where he earned a BA in "The heroes of folk-rock have drudgery. music. ternoon in the Education Build- something to say, not just emp- "I translate a lot of stuff. Tba* ing of Christ Methodist Church. He has set up an extensive ty love talk. Bob Dylan has a is a field that turns me on, Two full scholarships are avail- music program in Eatontown great deal to say. ing Russian, Hebrew, Greek able. Applicants, who must be and in addition to teaching in- "With the previous rock 'n' songs and putting singable lyrtof over eight years of age, will be strumental music five_days a roll stars, it was immaterial to them, keeping the original la* auditioned by Mr. Parreott. week, coaches band students on what the words were. The only tent of the songs—I like to do Saturday mornings. thing that counted was the beat Theodore Bikel that." Mr. Parreott has organized Instruction at the conservatory For once the words count—while 'small groups of students who are Is limited to three or four to a I grant you, you can't under- learning drumming and reading class. stand a word Bob Dylan says. dulls at the same time, accord- ing to Mr. Parreott. Moreover, they learn to play on other per- MARINE cussion instruments as well, such as the bells and timpani. Teens Provide Spice Mr. Parreott, who was born in Asbury Park and lives in Nep- In Holmdel Review •MW.M*. tune, learned to play cJarinet, HOLMDEL — A contingent of anowitz of Middletown wiH play CAN BRA 12 teenagers will contribute their accordion selections. Teen Panelists talents to the benefit variety , In a comedy playlet, teenager GREAT FRIEND Regan Quail plays Robin in a Discuss Problems show, "Country Review" this take-off on TV's Bat Man. weekend in the Holmdel Village FREEHOLD — A panel dis- Performances are scheduled School. for tonight and tomorrow at 8:30 cussion on teenage topics was The production, sponsored by and Sunday at 3 p.m. held at meeting of the Freehold the Holmdel Auxiliary to the WHEN PAYING Borough and Township Hospital Bayshore Community Hospital, Auxiliary recently in the Amer- will include a strictly teen dance, Mods Play ican-Legion Home. "Bongo Stomp." done to a drum FOR COLLEGE accompaniment by Priscilla and Panelists, students of the Free- Phyllis Dane, 16-year-old Key- For AFS hold Regional High School, dis- port twins. A second number by cussed use of the family car, the twins also will do a second dress for all occasions, the hon- number, "Ain't She Sweet." Tomorrow or systems in schools and the Susan Nelson of Rook Maple RED BANK — A student dance harm of cheating in school. Pan- Farm, Holmdel, will sing "I En- sponsored by the American.Field' elists were Meri Horowitz, Sue Service adult committee will be Lamson, Arline McMorrow, John joy Being A Girt" from "Flower held tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Red Your savings account T* a most Important tool for planning Bennett and Phillip Boutote. Mrs. Drum Song"; Terri Chieffalo of Bank High School. Music will be collage expenses. At our institution you receive a high divi- George C. Malone was moder- Little Silver, in hillbilly costume, by the Mods. Proceeds will bene- dend and courteous service. Visit us today. Deposits made try, ator. will play a special piano fit the AFS exchange student pro- the lOtfi of the month earn from the 1st. Plans for a second annual fam- arrangement, and Joseph Kan- gram. ily barbeuce June 12 at the Hap- Mrs. Charles Raynor, Red py Time Day Camp, Smithbung Bank, i,s chairman of the dance. 4'/4% ANNUAL DIVIDEND Rd., were announced by co-chair- VARIETY SHOW TONIGHT Chaperones will be Mr. and men Mrs, Henry Wall and Mrs, M1DDLETOWN — The annu- Mrs. George Blair and Mr, and COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Frank Cantalice. al Student Council-sponsored va- Mrs. Arthur Eckstein, both of Miss Annette Jeter was riety show will be presented to- Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- pointed chairman of the nomi- night and tomorrow night in the liam Magee, and Mr. and Mrs. nating committee to be assisted auditorium of Middletown Town- Morton Winer, both of Red Bank; by Mrs. George C. Malone, Mrs. • filhip High School. The show in- MARINE VIEW"ZSStiSP Mr. ond Mrs. James Deans, Mr. Hltfwoy 35, MMdtetevm Hwv. H, AtlonHc HlgMoa* Warren Sohlentz, Mrs. Joseph cludes singers, comedy acts, and Mrs. Warren Vandervoort, Tammaro and Mrs. Sidney Ge&l- rook and roll bands and a mad- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meijer, all 671-2400 291-0100 rigal chorus. • of Little Silver. lit By NANCY PHIUPPI The Freehold school has en- ton, panny Thompson and Shar- FREEHOLD —Two one-act tered the tournament every year on Sauer. plays Were entered in the Rider since its beginning in 1962, and Mr. Shopped points out that College annual competition for in 1963 captured seven different preparation of H has been tax-, high schools last week by the prizes with the performance «f a ing for the students, most of schools of the Freehold Regional Japanese classical Noh play. whom are also working in the spring musical, "Guys and By DOM LORDI High School District. "We've ahvays been noted for "The Impromptu," Southern the challenging work we've Dolls," which is being performed at the school on March 11, 12, TBw Register will pay f2 to any reader between the ages of Freehold's entry, wae . direct- done," says director Starsanic, M and 21 who submits a question chosen by the editors for t*e who points out that "one of the 17 and 18. ed by WtlHatn ShoppeB and per- About 10 plays are performed. in thli column. Send question* to "The Students Speek Up," formed during the Monday ses- problems with a one-act tourna- Young Adult Section, Tiie Daily Register, 40 Broad St. Red 1 ment is that everyone picks the each day of the tournament, sions. Oscar WiWe's , "Salome/ which is one of the largest high; Bank. . ' : , -.. .' ' .. the contribution of the Freehold same plays year after year." His own choices have bordered on the school dramatic competitions in, PLACE; Red Bank High School. school directed by Williara Star- the country. side, was presented on Tues- more unusual. In addition to the Japanese piay, Freehold has en- Mr. Starsinic, summarizing the QUESTION: What are the greatest or most preeeing prob- tered Tennessee Williams "This importance of the yearly event, lem*you have as a teenager? Property Is Condemned," Mol* said, ANN REICHARD, Main St., EILEEN GALLOP, 125 Wind- iere'e "The Affected Young La- "It gives students the oppor- freshman. ing Way, Little Silver, freshman. Hear Story dies," and "The Diversion" by tunity to compare their work My most The problem Alfred Musset. wkh other schools, to meet oth- er students interested in dra- pressing prob- I've had the Tbe Oscar-Wilde piay stars lem is finding most trouble: Of Blitz matics, it broadens their under- students Nancy Walker, Bruce standing of their state, and it's other teenagers trying to cope Haima, Peter Stark and Sherry who have the with proving to an opportunity for Rider to pre- In England Slade. Joseph Reilly, an art-in- sent Kself as a center for cul- same standards adults that teen- By TONI TOMASELLO structor at the school, designed as 1 do, kids agers aren't all tural activity in New Jersey." MARCIA RICHMOND the simple sets and the more The festival, which is spon- who are willing bad. You'll find elaborate costumes. to stand up for the adult opin- MATAWAN — England during sored* by "Theatre 59/' the on* what they be- I ten of the teen- the Blitz will come alive for Southern Freehold's contribu- campus theater organization ot lieve, kids ager largely Carl Youngman's U.S. History 2 tion to the festival was cast with the college, is held in Lawrence* whose stan- I based on news- classes as guest speakers relate Steve Czaczakes, Suzanne Ca- • ville. dards wiH sel- paper articles their personal experiences during dom vary no matter what "the about reckless and careless teen- Worid War H. crowd'1 says or does, and who agers who are m the minority. Mrs. Jac Cushman, the first respect older people, teachers, speaker, addressed the classes Monmouth Students and their government MICHAEL GRIESI, JR» 78 on Feb. 17. She was a member TONY SINCIUS, 199 Pinckney Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank; of the women's division of the. ..Little Stiver, freshman. senior. . RAF. Bom in Nottingham, Bag* Pick 'Best- The greatest Since I pb- tend, she was called to service problem a teen- j tained a driver's in 19*3. The first position she WEST LONG BRANCH -Miss ager faces Is to license I wish to hdd was that of special duty Muriel AJpern, daughter of Mr. be accepted by [get around derfc in an operations room. She anid Mi?. Harold Alpem, 890 Van older people. E much more, but requested a transfer and started Court Ave. .Elberon, has been You have to I am also bound work as a radar-spotter. chosen as the ''best.dressed girl" prove that you [by my parents After training in Cheshire, Mrs. , Inc., of New York 1.99 create next." sented a balk and a movie about y The Silhouette Shop joins the drafting as a career Wednesday Cadet Flynn, a Junior marine •/ fist of satisfied employers who at Matawan Regional High transportation major, Is a mem- have found help through YES. School. ber of '

Charlie, Ray Yacfeel as Benny . , •• - * Southfltreet, Rodney Borgman CHOIR CONCERT ~ Matawan CounselorsExplam as Arvkle Abernathy, Doug Berry TRENTON — The Trenton as* Angle the Or, Charlotte Bove State Concert Choir will present as Mimi, Glenn Meyer as Big its annual spring concert at Ken* Role of Guidance Department Jule and Kathy Roman as daa HaU Sunday at 3 p.m. Tfaff Arthur Holder, seventh and Agatha. concert is the finst this year on By SCOTT BROWN torn explained In detail a special Appearing for the first time in the college campus wkh the MATA.WAN — A panel discus* aspect of guidance. eighth grade guidance counselor, discussed the orientation of die ft Store Bayers production win choir's new director, Moshe Bud* ftion on the Importance of guid- Miss Margaret Robertson, 10th be Judy Bradley mho has served mor. •. ' ance and the origin of the guid- and 11th grade counselor, ex- junior high student to the atmo- ance department. Mr. Heyee ex- plained toe "'three phases of sphere and curricula in high plained that gukknce Is a rela- counseling, The first phase, in- achoot. He stressed the neces- tively new field in education. It dividual counseling, concerns sity for parents and students to originally wv conducted on t the meetings between counselor know the MRHS courses. stodent-teadierparent taste, but and the student and parents to In a Question and answer ses- because of the complex demands schedule a course of study each sion, one question asked was, of a- rising educated and indus- year. The second phase, group "Do you think'that a guidance trial society, the teacher cannot counseling, concerns the discus* counselor is needed in the ele- fulfill all ffae intricate but fa&e stons between the guidance coun- mentary school?" The answer V necessary details of compil- selor and 10 or fewer students given was, "We sincerely hope ing, analysing, and filing large number of students. of knowledge emphasized, fis pation. Mrs. Helen MacmiUan, 9th and much as U should be?". 10th grade counselor, explained Hie guidance .counseJow of MRHS were then introduced the testing program at MRHS agreed that MRHS emphasizes to the audience and each one in and the clerical duties of the scholastic achievement. More* guidance counselor. The testing over, wbMe tests are important, program uses the standardized the over-alt scholastic achieve- Pat Boone tests published by educational so- meat of the student is the pri- cieties to prepare students for col- mary concern of colleges. Hie lege and to define their abilities. test is not a crucial determinant To Host Matawan Rif.S. offers the Col- of college admittance but one of 9 lege Boards, NEDT tests, the many devices to measure aca- achievement tests and the Merit demic achievement of the sh* 'Hullabaloo scholarship exams. / dent NEW YORK - The man who made white buck shoes famous, Pet Boone, watt be host of MBC Television Network's "HuKat** loo" Monday at 7:30 pjn. . Boone, one of the record world's aN-time bestseWng ar- tists, has bad numerous "gold records." Among his biggest hit* are, "Love Letters in the Send," "Friendly Persuasion," uMnt That a Shame," "Tuttt Frutti" and "April Love.** Boone, who starred on his own network television show, has al- so starred m numerous motion pictures. His credits include "State Fair/' "Bemadtoe" and "Journey to the Center U the Earth." The surfing Henley. BUSY SOPHOMORE LTXHSMSLLE, Ky. — Kenneth' Rosenbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs, 3.95. See it first Edward Rosenfoaum, Swimming THE SYTEILS wlH play tomorrow for the woeWy ctance River Rd., Uncroft, has been named to the Dean's Li* at the sponsored by fhe Lancer* Drum *nd Bugle Corps from 7 U> in the Young Men's Shop, University of LousiviUe. A soph* 11 p.m. in Hie Old Township MaN, Rh 35 and Kings Hwyn omore, Kenneth we* elected a Middletown. The Lancer* ftfio wiN present The Trieste* delegate to the convention of the international pra-medical socie- in a reforn engagement at ftie dance . Memben of Hi* J. Kridel, Red Bank. ty, Alpha EpsJJon Delta, to At- SyieHi, left to right, are Chris Munkett, rhythm guitar; lanta, Ga., April M-|6. Paul Galluccio, drums, and Joe Danker, lead guitar. In the ... He also was recent*/ Inducted Into Phi Kappa Tau, foreground is vocatisf Jim Feltcetfy. Miss High School Pageant Need for Vitamin D Increases in Winter Sets March 25 Deadline Vitamin D has an-easyto-re- are eggs, liver and fish. How- member nickname, "sunshine" ever, the amount of the vitamin NEWARK — In tribute to New- school in (he state. Bolh com- tion of semi-finalists wit be vitamin. Is so small and you need 90 ark's 300th birthday celebration, petitions are open to ail girls made March 25. True, it puts sunshine in your mud), since your body is stM the 1966 Miss High School of New regularly attending high school Judging will be based on scho- personality, but the name really growing, you may have to sup* Jersey Pageant will be held here regardless of age. lastic achievement, extra- comes from the fact that your plement your diet, particularly Marclh 30 through April 1, in the To enter, a recent photo or curricular activities, beauty, body develops its own vitamin D during the winter months. Ask 1 Hotel Robert Treat. The pag- snapshot, together with an out- poise, personality, speech, dic- when you're exposed to sunshine your family physician for hia ad- eant, which begins at 8 p.m., is line biography giving estensive tion, and talent in the perform- (or the rays of a sun lamp). vice. flponsored by the American Col- ing arts. detail^ about high school life Rich sources of vitamin D are lege of Cosmetology and co-ordi- should be sent to Pageant Head- During the winter months In Prizes include a large trophy this area of the United States, liver oils from cod, halibut, and nated and produced by Nancy quarters, 9 Warren St., Newark, and $5,000 worth of scholarships Errico, executive director. teenagers have a difficult time other fish. Some doctors rec- N. J. 07102. Applications wild be to the American College of Cos- ommend taking a tablespoon of screened and processed weekly getting their vitamin D quota, I Both a beauty queen and a metology, The pageant aims to One snowburned nose a winter fish liver oil every day to satis- talent queen will be selected to by the judge's committee. Semi- help develop poise and self con- fy your need for vitamin D. finalists selected will receive a isn't enough exposure to provide represent New Jersey in the na- fidence, and to promote the you with the vitamin D you re- special invitation to participate ideals set forth in the high school The sunshine vitamin prevents tional finals of the Miss High quire. a disease, called rickets, and it School of America Pageant. in the pageant. Noivwinning for- girl's Creed and Code of Ethics, mer contestants may re-enter if a copy of which is sent to every Only a few foods contain vi- helps your body absorb calcium Flyers announcing the contest and phosphorus. That's the rea- have been sent to every high still in high school. Final selec- applicant. tamin D naturally, say foods and nutrition specialists at the son you'll often find vitamin D College of Agriculture, Rutgers added to milk; the vitamin rP Honor Students at Henry Hudson University. Among these foods lends a helping hand. . fBGHIANDS - William H. ending Feb. 4. Students who Freshmen: Rciwn Biederman, Barrett, guidance coordinator, at achieved all A's and-or B's are Jeff Brown, Christine Goleman, NORMAN SELDIN PRESENTS Henry Hudson Regional High as follows: Kate Long, Linda Maxeon, Kar- School has released itfie Honor Sealers: Diane Oaraoctola, Mi- en Matsger, Claudia tPadne, El- RJoti for (the third marking period dhele Gejaghty, Elizabeth Kam- sie Quast, Jeanne Seil, Donna mers, Suzanne Kelly, Michael Thome and Janis Wigginton. Saturday, March 5th Htag, Linda Korefric, Gilbert Eighth Grade: Maureen Burke, Long, Richard Lyons, Lawrence Edmund Caputo, Patricia Coak- Good Citizen Murray, Jeffrey Stoil, and Rob- ley, Earle Dodds, Cheryl Luca- ert Strousa. negro, Patricia Park, Donna IN PERSON In Rail tan Juniors: Liane Case, Martha Rosse, Cynthia Sieber, Richard Conover, Deborah Curry,, Susan Smock, Catherine Steitz, June Dray, Diane Goleman, William Symanski, Katliy Travis, Lynn Hanily, Refoin Long, Gene Mc- Travis, May Truesdale and Mau- reen Werder. "The Lost Souls" GaMard, Pat Noonan," Rob- ert Paiine, Bruce Pollock and Seventh Grade: Alan Ahisen,5 Leith TerMuelen. Deborah Baird, Larry Borges, Sophomores: Lee Barrett, Car- William Bowne, Debra Bruder, ole Dodds, Judith Ervin, Mary Hope DeGuglimo, Sarah Finneran, Evernbam, Lynn Gergahty, Ker- Charles Fortune, Anne Heinlein, ry Gillespie, Mary Ann Greco, Debra Herald, JoAnn King, Kris- Lee Gustafson, Cynthia Guzzi, tine Kiwhwara, Ronald Luddy, Kenneth Means, Kenneth Kathleen Meyer, Karen Mount, Merritt, Patricia Moller, Mary William Moyer, Nancy Neuge- Lou Winter, John Wieczoreck, bauer, Peter O'Brian, James David Whitfield and DeAnn Rem- Redmond, Agnes Sajdloski and ak. Stephanie Stephens. Junior/Hospital Aides To Hold Career Day WNSHIP — Ue Officers of the Junior Auxili- Joyce Gabriel Junior Sectioh of the local Aux- ary include Barbara Rosamilia, RAtRFIlAN TOWNSHIP-^Joyce iliary of the Bayshore Commu- secretary; Nancy Cherry, trea: Gabriel, a senior at Raritan nity Hospital^tnet recently in the surer; Patricia Doyle, program Towaship High School, has been hospital office in Airport Plaza. chairman; JoAnn Sihler, ways anted the recipient of the Sheridan C. Snider, director of and means; Tina Haberstroh, Daughters of. the American Rev- the "hospital, spoke on the priv- telephone committee, and Carol olution Good Citizenship Award. ileges, responsibilities and du- Beaulieu, hospitality committee. The selection for this award was ties of a junior volunteer, Senior advisers are Mrs. A. G. tased on her "dependability, ser- A Junior Volunteer Manual was Rosamilia and Mrs, J. Carlton" vice, leadership and patriotism." presented to eadh member. Cherry. Next meeting of the • PLUS • Joyce has been a high honor Plans were made for a' Hospi- group will be March 12 at 10:30 Student, Student Council repre- tal Career, Day program. Dis- tun. in the hospital office. All sentative, and an active member cussion revealed that four of the interested young people from the of the newspaper staff during all memlbers are interested in be- township are invited to attend. THE ROGUES (our, years of high school. This coming nurses, one in becoming HIGH HONORS JWUr Joyce is president of the a physician and several others National Honor Society and edi- AURORA, N .Y. .- Miss Kit- in pathology and radiology tech- tie S. Woodman, daughter trf Mr. taC of the newspaper. In addi- nician positions. tion, she has taken an active and Mrs. Harrison S. Woodsman, part in the school productions, The group, ranging from 13 to Buena Vista Ave., Rumson ,N.J,, DANCE CONTEST • 8 • 12 Model United Nations, Freehol- 17 years of age, has been meet- has achieved hdgh honors at ders Day, Giils State and nu- ing monthly for the past year Wells College for academic woric merous school clubs. She also and raised $00 for the hospital done last semester Admission still only fcetftres as a correspondent for building fund during 1965. They Miss Woodman is a mathemat- (WO area newspapers. have already equaled that amount ics major in her senior year 0ft for this year. Wells. ' future plans for Joyce include tOBr years of college where she Get there EARLY! Intends to major in languages Complete line of •hd journalism, although she has Limited to 700! Doors Open 7:30 inade no definite decision as to fee college she will attend, she WETTING & SOAKING Ins been accepted at the Una- Wteity of Wisconsin. •Miss Gabriel will receive a SOLUTIONS FOR Certificate of Merit from the Na- tional Society of the Daughters Of the American Revolution and CONTACT LENSES West End Casino ft <3ood Citizenship Pin from the 717 OCEAN AVENUE LONG BRANCH Mommouth County Chapter, ' - • * • Itoese awards will be presented •t the State Conference in Tren- For Sensitive Skin ... ton, March 31. Joyce also is eli- The "Lost Souts" will be signing autographs at g(We for the State Good Citizen- MARCELLE HYPO-AIXERGENrC Products flhjp Award. Seldin's Jewelers tomorrow afternoon at 4:00* Mrs. Marjory L. Purvis, chair- man of the Good Citizens Com- mittee, Monmouth Chapter DAR, PARKE DRUGS vrffl accompany Joyce and other Moomoubh County winners to 51 Broad St. 747-3784 Red Bank Next Week: "THE DUPREES" Trenton......