Wither fa 4«wioptaf«. qg py WS COOWT WMtttCf ,V. ij rri*. J tomorrow. High today near H, tow tonight IVM. High tomor- Copyright-Tha Red Bait Register, Inc., 196$. row in m. Outlook Sunday, DIAL 741-0010 (air and seasonably cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOSIE NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 88, NO. 175 FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Greatest American Air Power Display Planes Blast Communists By THOMAS A. REEDY Hanoi and another 85 miles from the capital A subsequent flight of six Air Force F100 SAIGON (AP)-U.S. Air Force, Navy and on the same rail line, and cut the tracks and Super Sabres at noon caught about 100 Viet Marine jets unleashed the Viet Nsm war's damaged cars 100 miles northwest of the city. Cong in a rice field after they firedcon a greatest display of air power in the past. 24 . The Air Force flew a total of 30 missions. spotter plane, a spokesman said. The jets hours of attacks against Communist targets Navy planes flew 25. A mission usually in- killed 26 and pulverized seven buildings, he in North and South Viet Nam, vplves more than one plane. The spokesman said. "It was our maximum effort," a sj»kes- declined to reveal the number of individual On the ground, the U.S. 1st Infantry Divi- man. said. .. \ . sorties flown in the north but said they were sion opened a new campaign near the Cam- With the first good weather' in more than ' twice the usual figure. bodian border in an effort to chop off what a week, American planes flew 55 missions — The pilots reported anti-aircraft fire but spokesmen called an old infiltration route. A Si double the usual number — deep into North there was no announcement on any planes brigade moved 10 miles southwest of Tay Viet Nam. / lost in the' north. In the south, Viet Cong Ninh, the provincial capital 50 miles north- For the first time since the 37-day bomb- giins brought down a Marine F4 Phantom west of Saigon, while U.S. pilots flew 184 ing pause ended Jan. 31, they ranged far south of Chu Lai. The pilot, 1st Lt. T. P. sorties in support of the force. north of Hanoi. ' , Keenan, and. his radar officer, Capt. C. R. Four Viet Cong were reported killed, 15 ~- 4.. < Air Force Jets pounded bridges; trains Fairchild, ejected over the South China Sea captured and tons of rice, dynamite and am- and other, railipad installations on , tracks and were rescued by. aircraft from the Ma- munition seized only yards from the frontier. along the Red River line leading to' Red rine base at Chu Lai. The 1st Infantry also reported three base China. .,•'." . Planes of the three American services camps and two tunnels destroyed. NEAR RED CHINA flew an unusually high total of 501 combat 27 POLICE CAPTURED One flight Went as far as the Lang Bun. sorties against targets In the south from yes- terday until dawn today, - the spokesman said. The South Vietnamese disclosed 27 of railroad bridge 120 miles northwest of Hanoi their policemen were captured by the Reds in and about 40 miles from the Chinese frontier, VAST DESTRUCTION ambushes yesterday in the six-mile-wide de- the spokesman said. There was no assess-, Forward air controllers reported 370 militarized zone straddling the 17th paral'el ment of damage. • ' buildings destroyed, 350 damaged, 10 sampans frontier with North Viet Nam. These were in But other Air Force planes, he said, ' sunk and 10 fuel or ammunition dumps blown knocked out a bridge 110 miles northeast of UP- . '. (See VIET'NAM, Page 2) • DKAWBRIDW STUCK OPEN — This it view of damaged Raritan River drawbridge «fW i» was struck by a, ship yesterday and could not be closed. IAP PhotoJ Forum Ponders Possible Results Freighter Hits Bridge, If Inlet Sliced Across Sandy Hook By JACQUELINE ALBAN Those were the questions asked "Sandy Hook Bay has a tidal An April, 1962, state surveys stressed that the.state has nqt HIGHLANDS - Will the pro- last night at a forum on the current and flushing system revealed that two major clam taken.an official, stand on the 8,000 Riders Delayed posed Sandy Hook inlet increase proposed inlet, conducted in the capable of producing a superior areas In the bay—west of the proposed J8 million inlet project. pollution in this area? Will it in- Highlands Public School by the hard clam population. I must say Naval Ammunition Depot pier in After an explanation! of the PERTH AMBQY, N,J. (AP)- said local bus companies were open to let the'13,000 ton freight crease flooding in Highlands? Parent-Teacher Association. that to disturb the hydrography Leonardo yielding large old proposal, he detailed, these Some 8.000 Jersey shore com- co-operating by adding" extra bus- er through the channel. The shi Will it deliver the final deadly Some of the answers: with more rapid flushing could chowders, and east of the pier "benefits" and "detriments" as muters were delayed an hour or es to make the shuttle run be- struck the drawstand about blow to an already waning shell- Cites Pessimism lead to the complete loss supporting mixed sizes, small submitted by the Army Corps of more Thursday after a freighter tween stations. a.m. The drawstand is the part fish industry in Sandy Hook Bay? "As a biologist, I!in pessimis- shellfish in this area," on up—produce 600,000 bushels. Engineers. • .' damaged a railroad bridge over A.veteran New York & Long of the bridge which swings ope tic of engineering projects," said stated. > Terming it a • "conservative The "benefits:" A decrease in the Raritan River, cutting off Branch Railroad employee, to permit ships to pass through Dr. Harold H. Haskins, professor Hastening to add that "It is estimate of the standing crop in boat traveling'time by 20 miles rail service over the river: Woodrow Herbert, 52, of Long Two railroad men in the shac of biology at Rutgers University, not in my province to be for or the bay," Dr. Haskins held it to desirable fishing grounds^ Spokesman for the Pennsyl- Branch, suffered a fatal heart atop the bridge, Philip Rain Freighter a panelist. "Man's history up and against an inlet, but to view as a sign of active reproduction quicker access. to . a harbor vania and Jersey Central Rail- attack at the scene of the acci- mone pf South Amboy and Don- down the coast," he said, "has it through its effect on shellfish year after year. '..:.- refuge in bad weather; ,aid in toads said it would take four to dent. The railroad owns and op- ald C. Fuller of Long Branch, been to destroy natural seed bed biology," Dr. Haskins told the No State: Stand . combatting, pollution;' proposed eight weeks to repair the swing erates the bridge. an engineer and signalman re- Refloated after natural seed bed. by audience of more than 100. per- H. Wallace Boud,- chief engi- jetties' to alleviate erosion, of bridge. No other injuries^ were report- spectively, were-knocked to the fooling with water, diversion, sons that shellfish areas such as neer of the Bureau of Naviga- beaches to the south of the pro- During the Interim commuters ed by the railroads,or the Grace floor by the impact. dredging, and building dams in Sandy Hook "Bay are "all too tion of the state Department of posed Inlet; relief of flooding in the lowland areas of Highlands; would have to take buses over Lines, which owns the freighter A Grace Line spokesman de- without prior knowledge of the few up and down the coast, and Conservation and Economic De- : By Tugs (See INLET, Page 3) the,river to Stake connection's " nta Isabel. We freighter suf- clined to estimate the nrrtoirot of end results^ are relatively rare." ; velopment, a panel speaker. b*tw«if'«h* Wfflroad statfonVlri ^•'••itoM' .damsge- and • was damage dona to the/ship'.' Coas1 SANDY HdbK~The Japanese South Amboy and Perth Amboy. taken' to ' a pier in Brooklyn, Guard investigators visited the freighter Awajiasan Marue, To Break College Education Logjam- ; Rail officials estimated that N.Y. for'repairs.—*"i«v-- ship at doctaide Thursday after- which ran aground on « sand commuters would be delayed According to a railroad dis- noon. bar in the fog early Tuesday in about an hour by the detour and patcher the bridge had swung (See BRIDGE, Page 3) Ambrose Channel, was refloated at 2:45 a.m. today by Moran tugs. •'••'• Freeholders to Get Proposal Six previous efforts to free the ship had failed. The U.S. Coast Guard Station WEST LONG BRANCH -Mon- hope that it will receive prompt grants, was .not available for $260,000' grant as a service Petition Scored .charge, and will credit against at Rockaway Beach, N. Y., re- mouth College trustees proposed attention. comment. ported that in addition to remov- a plan yesterday to break the Dr. Van Note spelled out 'the the tuition of ait county residents Freeholder Director Joseph C. enrolled in the. junior, division all ing 100 barrels of fuel oil, some logjam on higher education, in Irwin, who generally favors the county program_ to include: additional, monies contributed by of the cargo of rubber and cot- the couhty, both for its own pro- college study committee, report 1. Current tuition for all stu- At Hearing in Newark ton ' was .removed yesterday af- gram and for a technical col- outline, said the trustees P'an dents, wMdi had been, scheduled the. staip-and county. ternoon. lege, i : .
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