•affic Night March Into Stream Takes Toll 01 Six Marines

tllKRNAN DUNCAN miah Collins of Newark, N. V. the first time he had heard of '.sr, inky blackness and panic were in distress. I started towards died trying to save others.” I Four youths from New York and to'do most—be a Marine,” Cough­ ISLAND. S C. (A^—A “The words Tm sorry’ ex such a thing happening. .Meanwhile, the search fur the mis­them. Pate said before returning to one from Virginia drowned in an lin said ergeant whu led 7S re­ pressed to the parents can’t tell Maj. Gen. Joseph C. Burger, sing man continued. "I brought one man back to Washington by plane that the pur- > icy stream. A sixth from Georgia “Was he one of them?” were the in a tidal itreani where them how I feel because I can’t commanding general of the base, McKeon's statement said; shore. Then 1 started back for pose of the court of inquiry would was missing. ^ first hop<--against-hope words of rned and another diaap- plomitK 1 find words to express my grief," also said the march was unsched “I led them to the water and others. One man whu 1 thought be to ascertain whether the i All were brand new Marines Mrs Frank bond of Clyde, N. V. ^id today he ordered the said the sergeant’s statement. "My uled. sergeant's act was disciplinary. Most were in their teens. 'Pri* went in first. I went out a little was all right grabbed me fur as­ She collap.sed shortly after she t th« rch “to teach them dis- purpose in taking the platoon to Gen. Pate said he felt that the distance and then traveled paral­ sistance. We both went down. against the platoon. | Norman, one of Woods’ six chil­ the river was to teach them discip Marine Corps could handle the lel U> the bank. It is no excuse “I struggled for some minutes “It was the one thing he wanted dren, was a star end on the Bay heard that her 18-year-old brother, Matthew C. McKeon, 31, line.” matter without a congressional that I had nut been in the area to get him out of the water, but to do moat—be a Marine.” Shore High School football team Charles Francis Reilly, was one of ster, Maaa., would not Gen. Randolph Pate, Marine inquiry He said he hoped the before and did nut realise the he fought wildly. He went limp “He liked the Marines and as last fall. the victims. rportera before a closed Corps commandant, said at a news board would complete its inquiry stream, or that it was unusuallV and 1 couldn't find him. long as he liked it. I liked it.” Alson P. Coughlin of Alexandria, In Brooklyn, N. Y., a sister of fito the Sunday night dis- conference that McKeon did not this week. stram, or that it was unusually “I swam towards a group of “Was he one of them?” I Va., said his stepson Jerry La- Donald Francis O’Shea said only an at the headquarters that "there is nothing we can say” have authority for disciplinary The recruits were taken into a deep for the area about four or five men but the So spoke anguished relatives of ^ mont Thomas, 17, left high school ITof this Marine recruit de­ matters nor for scheduling such the young recruits who died Sun-; about his death. swampy marshland bordering this The platoon followed me into tide was too strong and they dis­ two month.-! ago to enter the serv­ a march. training base. As the official in­ the stream. 1 noticed some went appeared. I was the last one out day night on a hike at the Parris The relatives had mixed feelings ne issued a statement Gen. Pate said such a march quiry began some of the survivors too far out. I ordered the platoon of the water.- Island, S. C., Marine recruit train­ ice toward S Sgt Matthew C. McKeon, this counsel, 1st Lt. Jere­ was “most unusual," and it wgs related tales of swirling cold wut- out of the water. Then 1 saw some “Some of the men undoubtedly ing base. “It was the one thing he wanted whu led the recruits on the hike.

Artesia eat her roots a] A Newspaper For Fair today. Varubir high The Entire Family The Artesia Advocate eluudincss tonight and Wed ne-aiay. Warmer. Low tonight ArtesUi^s k'irst NewaiHiiwr - Founded in 1903 14.

alJME FIFTY-TWO ***‘t^K ■’•vit c e n t s THE ARTESIA ADVOC'ATE, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 195« f u l ^ l e a s e d a s s o c ia t e d p r e .ss w ir e NUMBER :m mmarskjold ! Ike May Ask Use Of Yank unches Mission Troops Under UN In The

EL AVIV, Israel —U. N. Secretary G M.%K\TN l^~AKKmVS.MITH reign office officials Ambush Fight Farm Bill Key A l’G l’STA*, Ga. I’ri*i-idont Ki.sonhowor k*ft viitually sc-cretary general declined no (loiil)t today he would a.sk ConKir-ss for authority to use ter new.smen's questuins a< U. S. troo[)s in the turlxilenl Middle Ka.st if the Uniti*d Na­ iraorki N>n ALGIERS, Algeria lAb—A battle By I.KH’IS GULICK nurskjold and Burn.-i were touched off by an Arab rebel am­ KKADY TO (iO—Anywhen*, carrior Franklin D. Roosovi-lf is rocommis.siont'd at Brem­ WASHINGTON — House Re tions votixi to quell any uKU’ession there. l<> Cairo later today for talks bush of two truckloads of young erton, Wash., after two year conversion at approximate cost of $-lS.000JX)0. Major publican chiefs searched today for A s'atement of U S policy deal I (gyptian Premier Gamal Ab- French conscripts cost the lives changes are hurricane bow, angli-d flight di*ck and .steam launcliing calajHiits. a key to victory in an uphill battle ing with .-\rab-lsraeli strife 1 f I A rwi forth the I’resident's view of th* j I L ^ I O S--er The two U .N officials of at least 140 men, French au­ • (International) to shape the election year farm iter in the other Arab cap- thorities reported today. bill more to administration liking. situation ns hi.v vacation head*|uar x w v l o .E AF ters here announced he will make ' and again in Israel after the Delayed reports from east • cen­ Republican leader Joseph M ro visit. tral Algeria said the rebels catight Martin Jr (Mass.) predicted a a major (ureign policy address in ^Continuing bioiMlshed in south the conscripts 2Vx miles from their Approval Of $340,000 Bond Three Resign. winning formula would he found at Washington Apri* 21 lAuract Youth Im e l and along the Kgyptian- po.st at Djuorf Thursday morning. a special eonferenee of all House James C llagerty. While IliniM Strip was reported even The initial outburst of gunfire Republicans this afternoon. pres.s .secretar), said Ki.senhow*-r _ secretary general arrived i§ the arid mountainous region But if Congress doesn’t revise will speak that night at a banquet Into Services scene sounded the alarm and the Djuerf Issue Is Vital, Board Says One Employed the bill again to meet administra­ concluding the annual meeting u( flanel said roving .Arab suicide 'headquarters rushed retnforre- tion wishes. Martin said in an in­ the An^rican Sixocty of .Ncw.spa ments by helicopter. The fight Artesia propsTty owners and reg terview, “I'm reasonably sure” pt‘r Editors Hagerty went into ni. AUGl'.STA Ga — ITesidenl called Fcdayeen — un President Eisenhower will veto it— Lisenhow er railed today f o r •linued on Page Four) blazed for three hours before the istcred voters have a $340,(KM) To Teach Here detail on the foreign policy theme French troops broke out of the school building iMind issue for Eight Firms and keep Congress in session until but it appeared likely the .Mid program to bolster “our power ambush. their consideration at the polls on it approves another farm measure IZast will come in for Pre.sidpn'.ia> for p*'acc’’ through attracting One new teacher was accepted Key Democrats, and some Re­ attention. more U. S youth to military 'Iskad Mine Authorities reported 20 French Tuesday, April 17, Board of Edu and three resignations /rom pres­ cation members pointed nut Mon publicans, have said Congre.ss will A little less (nan four hours after can-ers .soldiers killed and 30 wounded. Bid On Job ent teachers were approved by not pass any alternate legislation They said French tnxips found the day night at their regular monthly th Artesia Board of Education Ei.senhower arrived here from “Only when we have created session. if a veto kills the ponding bill. a military career service which can ^ner Fined Here bodies of 60 rebels and estimated Monday night. The President can hold Congress Washington ye.sterday for a week that the Moslems carried off an The Parent-Teachers Associa­ Bernice T. White, formerly a of golf and work, the varation compete with the attractive op­ tion is arranging to set up trans­ At Central in session, but he can only per­ portunities available in civilian other 60 dwad when they faded pre-first teacher in the Artesia suade it to pass legislation. White House here put out a sta'e Violations into the desert hills. portation to take voters to the var­ ment saying the President and Sec pursuits will we be able to slop ious polling places on the day of district, was appointed to replace* Democrats appeared confident Five helicopters were reported Eight bids for a new steam Norma Saxton, Roselawp pre-first retary of State Dulles regard the wasteful losses from out the bond issue election. they will muster enough votes to armed forces and attract indivi­ Kimbrough of Carlsbad, damaged. A sixth overturned on boiler to be installed at Central teacher who is moving to El Paso win House approval tomorrow of “with the utmost .seriousness " the as for IS years owned the landing. Failure of the bond issue to car­ school were opc-ned .Monday night to join her husband "repeated inculeiUs of hostility in duals to those services.” Eisen­ doll ry will hobble the school building an omnibus measure which a Sen­ hower said in identK'al letters iiy reactivated open-pit min- The French pre.sscd their cam­ at the meeting of the Artesia Mrs. Saxton came here la.st fall ate - House conference committee the Middle f^ st" aiidl erations at the Lone Eagle paign against rebel bands in wide­ program which is planned to meet Board of Education. The statement, issued with full to Vice-President Nixon and the needs and growth of the Ar- from Portales. .Mrs. White has finished drafting last week on the diggings. Monday was fin- spread sections of the North Afri­ Arthur Wood, business manager been teaching in Pasadena, Tex. basis of differing versions passed approval of Eisenhower and Dulle.' Hou.se Speaker Rayburn. on each of three counts of can territory. tesia school system, board mem­ said further: bers pointed out. It will be anoth­ of the board, was instructed fo Resignations from two high earlier bv the two branches. From his vacation headquarters Mining Code violations in They reported 28 rebels killed examine the lowest bid.s for com school teachers. Coach Jack Bar The bill includes the $1,200,000.- “The United States, in accord­ here, the President aliw ' sent e of the Peace John Ellicott's in the Constantine and Bone re er two years before another bond ance with its re.sp4insibilities un issue can be presented, according pliance with specifications. Bids rt»n and Dorothy Box, were ac- (Continued On Page Four) along to Congress a letter to him gions and 14 rebels killed in' the submitted ranged from $5,2.'>0 (Continued on Page Four) der the charter of the United Na­ Iiom Secretary of Defense Wilson ^through told the judge that Oran area of western Algeria. The to law. Bonding capacity of the school from a Boswcil firm, to $7,310 from tions, will ob.servc its commitments which said: nything he had done, or was mop-up around Oran was carried within cunstitu'ional means to op d thrl district is $340,000. Levies assessed a Carlsbad plumbing firm. ^elcli Appointed “The loss of trained personnel was wrong, he only wanted out after the murders of a Catho­ About $9,000 of the bond -issue, Services Toilay pose any aggre.ssiun in the area continues to be the most extrav- it right.” He was charged lic priest and a French prospector. against property owners for the rrofi.i proposed issue, to build more class­ for extensive improvements at “The United States is likewise gantly expensive and disruptive in a complaint signed by Two hundred rebel suspects were Central school, remains, Supt. For Eugene WmtdTo Represent (XI (Continued on Page Four) obstacle to the strengthening of arrested at Khemis in the Oran ar­ rooms at Roselawn School, and a (y Mine Inspector John Grbac Vernon MilLs pointed out, but our armed forces today. I operating a mine without a ea. science building, band hall, and oth­ (Continued on Page Four) er buildings at the High School with remodeling of four restrooms, .Ma.sonic graveside services will “This continuous replacement t, not having qualified per- ceilings, painting, and new light­ b? held this afternoon at Wood­ On Commission (raining program is not only ex­ tl at the mine during opera- will amount to about $2.71 per ('.all Meeting Of $1,000 valuation under a five-year ing installations yet to be dune, bine cemetery for Eugene Ervin tremely exensive. but ii retards and not providing first-aid Ted Welch, vice-chairman of the om< ^ment on the scene, Alnnit 70 New retirement plan. the board considered using some Wood, 68, of RoiPe One, who died Parents-Teachers the combat effectiveness of our A crisis in high .school facilities of the $13,56.') available from ad following a stroke last Wednes Chamber pf Commerce Civic Im­ operational units." nbrough said he hay applied provement committee, wa.s appoint­ State Mining permit, but he Voters Registered is anticipated within the next ten valorem taxes for improvements day while visiting his sons in Council ToauwrowWil.son said raising leadership rd guilty to all counts and years when grades 10 through 12 to buildings, to pay for the new Lubbock, Tex. Mr. Wood had been ed official representative Monday and experience levels in the arm­ will be extremely crowded. Central school boiler. an invalid for 10 years. to the newly organized Civic Im- ed forces would result in “aug­ the $165 penalty, About 70 new voters went on the promevent (Commission, a quasirof- A special meeting of the Artesia vas indicated that the mining registration books Monday at spe­ The bond issue presented for Rest rooms on the high school Funeral services will be con­ City Council of Parents and Teach­ menting further our power for ctor had visited the Lone cial registration set-ups in the voters' approval is to continue a athletic grounds, estimated to ducted by the Rev. Robert A. Wal­ ficial city body. ers has been called for 7 15 p.m. p<-acr over the long haul.’” seven Artesia voting districts. long-range expansion of the dis­ cost about $7..500, were cut out of Bill Brittain was selected as al­ Ei.senhower gave Wilson's view copper mine, located south ler of the Church of Christ at 2:30 ternate delegate at a luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs E vn, when one of Kimbrough's Monday at 5 p.m. was final da^3 trict’s schools to meet the increase the past building program. Funds p m. at Paulin Funeral Home E. Kinney, 707 Runyan hearty endorsement and added: in school population. The high earmarked “Improvement to chapel. meeting of the Chamber board of The group will act on a report “We cannot move too soon in was the only person there. for new voters to register for the directors. Brittain, president of the Ic Ellicott said that $100 on May 8 Primary Election and for school building is now at capacity Grounds” in the Direct Charge He died .Monday in a Lubbock of the scholarship committee, will our efforts to incrca.see the num­ with 508 students attending classes (Continued on Page Four) Chamber's civic improvement group ber and quality of volunteers (or count was recommended by registered voters to change their hospital. He had lived in the Ar­ will hold the alternate post unless discuss ideas for civic impfpvc- iitate Mining office, but he cut precincts. daily. Three large barracks are tesia area the last four years, com­ ments to be taken to the Civic long-term military servjce in both (Continued un Page Four) elected as delegate by some other enlisted and officer ranks." fine in half following Kim- Officials at the registration plac­ ing here fom Feele, Mo., where organization. Planning Commission, and select a kgh's testimony and pica of es reported several voters’ changed iltrnsa Parking he was a farmer. He was born Eleven board members attend­ representative to the Commission. (Continued on Page Four) Fy- voting precincts. .Nov. 30, 1887 in Delaware, Ark. ing the meeting gave the go-ahead Texas Man Held Lot Almost Ready He is survived by his wife, Jes­ to plans on Business Education sie Garner Wewd of Artesia, three Day and the Retail Trade survey, On Theft WarrantMrs. T. C. Williams, chairman, sons, Hayes L. and Wayne W. sponsored by the Chamber. Simms Says Anderson Choice isser’s Desires: To Aid said the 20-car Altrusa i»-/king Wood, both of Lubbock, and Eu­ Howard Stroup, national counsel­ Kenn Dorris Graham, 30, was lot for motorists who work down gene E. Wood, Jr., of Memphis, lor, was authorized to send in the arrested and hold here loilay for town, will be in operation at the Tenn., one daughter, Mrs. W. C. local Chamber's official ballot for For Presidential Nomination ;asants And Crush Israel arrival of officers from Coleman. Petty corner, F’ourth and Main Bradshaw of Artesia. U. S. Chamber of Commerce Board Tex. Streets, on Wcdne.sday. Survivors also include one of Directors. The arresting, warrant stated Cars will be assessed $5 a month brother, Robert Wood of Darden- The board also authorized Cham­ By ED MARTIN reception of the three candidates, KDITOK’8 NOTE: The dreaias of Prim<* Minister Oaiiial that Graham, a mechanic at an oil for use of the lot, Mrs. Williams cllc. Ark., two sisters, Mrs. John ber Manager Paul Scott's trip this LOS ALAMOS ./Pi_Gov John F. told the group that he hoped An­ I'ei Na.sser for the b«‘tlerment of Egypt’s {xaLsants conflicts company here, had stiilrn a black .said. Proceeds from the project Hancock, Danville, Ark., and Mrs. weekend to Santa Fe to attend the Simms, campaigning for the Dem derson would receive consideration |li Ills ambition.s to lead Arab ferment for the crushing of and silver Iwo-whccl trailer and will go to build a downtown pub­ F. C. Berry, Chicago, 111., and 14 New Mexico Chamber Managers' oeratic nomination to retain his not only for the candidacy for vice office, last night told a Democratic i»e|. charged him with a felony theft lic lounge. grandchildren. (Continued on Page Four) president on the Democratic tick In the following story, s«*eond of a series of five AP rally that Sen. Clinton Anderson eL but for president as well. He p’ign News Analyst William B. Ryan tells about Nasser’s (D-NM) is a likely choice for the said the only way the Democrats hnma and its import. Democratic nomination for presi­ roitid lose the presidential election I time friend of the United States. dent as well as vice president. would be for large blocks of atatea By WILLIAM L. RYAN Simms' two opponents for the to walk out of the convention. UlRUT, Lebanon tiO—In the But in this part of the world no Stevenson Undergoes Illinois Test nomination. Ingram B Picket and Simms, recounting his record as titrics surrounding Israel, bit- Arab says publicly he is America's Robert Stephens, also were pres­ governor, said “it’s performance le.ss. frustraflhn and a vast friend. By THE A.S.S4M'IATED PRESS last month, (old fellow Democrats During the 1852 Illinois primary, gates at large to fill out a 64-vote ent at the rallv, attended by about that counts." He said that of the Is inferiority complex have “You ask about the promise of Adlai Stevon.son underwent a the “whole nation" will be watch Stevenson was not an active presi Democratic roster and a 60 - vote 400. 17 planks in the 1954 platform two fled a new hero of pan-Arab- I the Egyptian revolution. Do yoti prestige test in too you want the truth? Do you getting under way in the Arab terday; “This one means a great when the Tennessee senator's ton of Missouri. lumbia. after again calling Stephens a date.’ 7>t to know why our world may world — one in Iraq, where oil deal to me." name was the only one printed on Voters of both parties will elect At a rally of firemen and police­ “stooge" candidate, urged voters He was interrupted by applause, |g youra into war? The truth money U being plowed into devel Stevenson, battling to make a the Democratic primary ballot in 50 delegates to their respective men in Jeraey City, Kefauver to vote for Simms if they could however, when he said: he laid, “we are afraid.” opment — and the other in Egypt. comeback after a serious defeat Illinois. Kefauver polled 526,301 national conventions, with state was met by shouts of “we want not support Pickett. “Lota of people think Simms be* tt* speaker, hu been a long- (Continued On Page Four) at Kefauvcr'i hands in Minnesota Motes in that primary. conventions to choose -liter dele­ Estes'.” and a standing ovation. Simms, who received the best made a woadcrful goveflMr,” TuMday, A|»rll K, 1H(| lay, TBE AtTESIA ADVOTATE, AtTESiA, NEW MEXICO Loco Hills News Ciil) Scouts HoKI Grace Kellev To Honej^moon Den Meeting: Guests of Mr and Mrs IRm Mr. and Mrs Ralph Kelley of AAROir Off Italy: To Slop At Rome Thorp recently were Mrs. Sim Alamogordo were guests of .Mr At Ij(h*o Hills Thorp of Tribune, Kans, and Mr and Mrs Raymon D. Jones and Min / l \ / ) Daryll Friday night. MONTH CARLO, Monaco '.I* Printv Rainier III and and Mrs Dutjley Thorp of Hobbs A Cub Scout pack meeting for The Rev and Mrs. Lynn Shelton Mr and Mrs R L Scott and Grace Kelly will sail on th**ir hone.unoon cmist' in Italian children returned home Monday Den 1 and Den 2 was held al the and children of Tatum visited his Loco Hills School Monday night of watPiN. They will visit the romantic island of Capri. Naples parents, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Burch after spending the Fkister holidays MARKKTl ami U(>me and p**rhaps j{o on to the Greek islands. with Mr and Mrs. Joe Guthrie al last week recently. A dragnet story was presented A hi^ttliKht of the trip will be Bill) and Donald Thorp returned Mcl’amey, Tex. 712 » . Ihik Guests of Mr and Mrs. W. R by den chief Gary Miller. The Cub the (top in Rome April 24 palace to thi‘ir studies at Eastern New Scouts played games they had Mexico University at Portales on McClendon and son Joe during the' fourrr said the> would be housed Rock *11 Roller learned from their theme for the in a villa on the Via Veneto. one Tuesday after spending the Easter Faster holiday, were their daugh Dial SH ter and Min-in-lawi, Mr and Mrs month. "The Bottom of the Sea " of the (how streets of the Kternal holidays with their parents, Mr The Cub .Scouts received their re City, The Italian novernment and and Mrs. Frank Collins. Melvin Freeman of l.a*velland, Tex New Rajie Of Mr. and Mrs Felix Foster and registration cards Cub master, Gar­ diplomatic corps will turn out for Mr and Mrs Kannell Jones and el Westall presented a wolf badge a gala reception daughter Sandra and Nancy of Tu- son Joel spent last Saturday at Jal visiting her brother and family, .Mr to Tommy Ruthledge, a gold and cumcari spent the Easter vacation silver arrow to Jimmy Parrish, and The next da\ Ranier and (trace Boldly Soxers with his brother and family, Mr and Mrs. S. R Snyder will visit I’op«‘ Plus XII The Vati Bob Cat pins were received by Bv BAtON and Mrs Raymon l> Jones and son Jan Short who attended New- SPECIAL can will receive them with cere .Mexico AA.M College. State Col­ Gary Alexander, Bobby McElvaney i HOl.l YVViHlD V Klvis Presley Daryll Saturday they all visited and Freddie Malone. Other Cub monies reserved for heads of state the men's father, K B Jones and lege, spent the Faster holidays with Afterwards, escorted b> the fa ! a rock n' roller who looks a little Scouts present were Daryll Jones. like Marlon Brando and sings like another brother Bill Jones, wnd her parents. .Mr. and Mrs Homer mous Swi.s« (iuards. the*, will visit Short and children Ray and Kay. Don Thorp. Bob Collins, Joel Eos RK.VIIV TO Kll SI Peter's Basilica 'Johnny Rav with the St Vitus family, at Artesia ^ ter, Ray Westall. Roy Collins, also dance, was signed toilay to a long­ Mr and Mrs Glenn Brown and Faster Sunday Mrs Short and chil­ dren visited with Short's sister den mothers. Mrs* Frank Collins Kainier's yacht, the 138 fiMil Deo term movie contract children Glenna. Rannell and Noel and Mrs. Garel Wustall. Juvante II. has Ik'en refurnished Presley, a 21-yearold Memphis of El Paso, visited in the homes of and family, Mr and Mrs F. (J. Pur- IMCMt; man at (>ides.sa, Tex. Others attending the meeting for the honeymoon cruise The blues singer with long sideburns Mr and Mrs Raymon D Junes and were Mr and Mrs. Don Thorp. Mr f*rinee and his bride will b.wrd ' and black denim trousers, is the son Daryll and Mr and Mrs Pete Mr. and Mrs. Story- Till tif Ala­ mosa. Colo., are the parents uf a and Mrs. Raymon D. Jones. Mr a few hours after their marriaKc current swooner among bobby^ Ward and children, recently. Brown and Mrs N M Aleimnder and son April 19 in Monaco Cathedral sjixer. was formerly employed by the .son. Stacy James Jr. Tjwy were Hal Wallis PrvHluctions screen former residents here Kenny. Mr and .Mrs. Felix Foster. Frontier Natural Gas Co Jiggs Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. J A. (trace arrives Thursday aboard testesl Presley a few weeks ago Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn HAMS the v'onstitution. The prince will MI»S. Ill (ill I'.AKKI' last nitjht was clecttKl pri'sident of v •Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams Davis and daughters, Jackie and McElvaney, Mr and Mrs Sam Rut­ after his Ri .A recording of Heart and son Clyde have returned home take her to his yacht a few hun­break Hotel " soared near the mil Hor'nosa P-TA. (Advocate Photo J Vicky Jo, during the Faster holi­ ledge, .Mrs Bill Malone. Mr and dreds yards off short and bring _ mark after a fishing trip to Mexico. day* were Mr* C*. W Davis, Mr. Mrs Arthur Bartley and Mr and Mr and Mrs Arthur Bartley them into the flag-bordered small However, the producer didn't and Mrs BUI Davis and Bob Dav­ Mrs George Miller. harbor of Monte Carlo Yacht own spent Friday of last week at Pur- is, all of Whitarral, Tex. sign Presley until he made three Mrs. Hiiw|i Parry Is Elceted tales visiting her sister and family, ers were requested to show .Ameri­ appearances in San Dtego last Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garel LH ...... can and Monaco flags and give one- Mr and Mrs Leroy Jacobs Westall and children during the Foartvva Laval week The first was on the Milton Mr and Mrs B J. Valdei of minutr whistle salutes Berle television show The next Easter holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Itile Presidriit Of Ilermosa P-TA Santa Fe, spent the Eaater holi­ J Don Hudgens and children, Gary Womva Ta Attvarl Preparations for the wedding in two were in the San Diego Arena days with her parents, Mr. and where turnaway audiences of 5.000 Mrs. IIuKh Parry was elt*cted president of Hermosa and Gayle, of Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Monte Carlo are reaching the scmi- . mostly teen-aged girls, paid SIS.OOO Mrs. O. C. Rogers Ernest Wimberly and children uf Prvshylvrv» » Mwl Ilambiir«rr frenzied stage Sch(g)l P-TA at their reg:iilt.r April meetinR Monday eveninR Guests______of .... Mr. ______and Mrs. J_ B Ad- c * I gniss to hear him sing eight songs at I .JO. Mrs. Ra.v tacaii oiH’ntHl the metding with a ptH*m amson and family from Friday un- Roswell, and Ivy Lee Wimberly of Fourteen women from the Pres­ Presents are arriving at the Presley sings with movements Hope byterian Women's Assn., plan to not unlike those of a burlesque ‘T he St*crt*t" and a pravei . til Tuesday were her parents. Mr Johnnie Nivens, a student at attend the Presbytery at Roswell palace at the rate of one every Mrs .M .A .Mupcs. proidcnt , and Mrs. E E Pearson and son, I queen The effect on bobby soxers New Mexico AAM College, spent from 9 a m to 3 p.m Friday. 3 LBS. ... ! five minutes pn-'ided over the buxinevs sc- The installation will be held at Wayne, of Kay, Tex. They all went 6 ' IS such that the arena manager ■he May 14 meeting Herbert Beas the Easter vacation with his par­ Mrs A R Jewel of Imola, Calif., Even the flagstones of the court­ had to ■ all out police and a p.atuon Sion The grdbp accepted recom Ui Carlsbad Caverns Monday ents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nivens will be guest speaker She is a ley's Junior High Kchol band will Mrs. Hilly Evans and son Billy yard are getting a polishing of shore patrol to help quell the mendationv of the executive boari' and family member of the National Council (Hided and red-and-white flagpoles but voted to do more research play for the occasion Ray have moved there to live with mob which pursued Presley to a Mrs C F Johns, program chair­ Guests of Mr. and Mrs Bill Wad- executive committee of Presbytery. Koiiml Steal have been mounted in a great : : barricaded dressing room work on the purchase uf an auifl her husband's parents, Mr. and kins and son Jimmy, during the Anyone interested in attending circle around th»‘ palace square. I turium curtain, and playground man, presented Mrs John Ctxh- Mrs. Beryl Smith, while he is in j He also has been the subject of ran. J r , health and safety chair­ Easier weekend were Mr and Mrs. please contact Mrs. Mac Rcasner. Prince Rainier has settled his '! two acid take - offs by television equipment service He is stationed in Georgia. Junior Young and family, and Ron­ dispute with .American television I comics Stevt* Allen and Sid Caesar Miss Fern IUs>. Irea.surer. re man. who had charge of the pro­ Mr. and Mrs Bill Edwards of rnth gram for the evening She intro­ nie and Karen Wadkins of County LB...... 6! and newsreel men After talks with ' This hasn t hurt his jet propelled ported a balance to-date of $1. Hobbs spent Fkister Sunday with Line, Okla. representatives, he reversed an climb to fame 1.A4 49 duced the workers from Hermosa Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Shields at School who will assist w-ith the earlier decree barring them from j Elvis plays a savage guitar as •Maljamar. HOSPITAL Mrs Howard l.cwis, membership Pre-School clinic Thursday from Guests of Mr. and Mrs Dan Mor­ ('RKSKNT SI.KFJ th .April 18 civil ceremony. part of his act and averages about chairman, reported 287 members, three broken strings a perform­ 8 to 12 am and 1 to 4 p m in gan for a chicken dinner recently Mrs. Biireli Has Rainier had feared the ceremony- an increase uf 126 over last y'ears the Veterans Building Workers were his mother, Mrs. l,ennie Mor­ REPORT ance Before he took up the gee Mrs John Simons. Jr gave a re BACON might be “vulganied by the wrong tar. he was a $35 a week truck will he Mrs. Don Bush. Mrs E # gan, .Mr. and Mrs Bob Allen and Admi.ssions: April 9 — George kind of commercials " port on the "Fun Night" carnival Kinney, Mrs Hurk Kenney, Mrs daughters. Miss Dorothy Hill all of Rirthday Parly driver in Memphis. She expressed thanks for the _ • • Eraiee, Orald Hart. Mrs. James The press center has issued ’ < omments Elvis, M L Wi.se, Mrs Howard Ix'wis. Odessa, Tex., also Mr. and Mrs B Smith, Eddie Holt, Mrs Samuel more than 175 workers who took Mrs T. E Vandiver, .Mrs James W Williams and .Mr. and Mrs. Pete LB. more than 1.800 accrediution Tm afraid to wake up each part to make it a success It net For Her Daii«liler Roby. __ 2 cants to reporters, photographers morning I can t believe all this Monroe, Mrs Paul Frances. Mrs Williams. Dismissed: April 9—Mrs. Har­ ted S.9.32,58 A C Sadler, Mrs Charles Bullock Donald Hieser, son of Mr. and TV. newsreel and radio common has happened to me—I just hope- Mrs Don Bush, hospitjlitv, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burch en­ old Bynum. George Frazee, Mrs. tators. It lasts ' Mrs RolxTt M'hitted, Mrs Lloyd Mrs. Bill Hieser of Artesia, spent Clayton Lyles and baby. KM ) ( CT Mrs S M l.aughlin. phone chair Foulkes, Mrs Ix-land Wittkopp. Friday of last week visiting Mr and tertained with a party at their man. reported Mrs Richard Gill and Mrs Ray Mrs W. A Uiyd. home in Lixo Hills recently, hon­ W G Short, representing the Young Mr. and Mrs George Westall oring their daughter Debbie on her third birthday. Games were en­ Personal Mention Pork SOCIAL CALENDAR superintendent of schools and the Dr Henry-. L Wall was thc*i and daughter, Ann, of Ruidoso, board of education, presented pre.sented to the group He show visited in the home of his brother joyed and pictures were taken of Mrs. Fred Cole, Mrs. Verle Al- i T ii(*m1i(>. April i« Mrs Mapes with a certificates of the young guesU. OnW of Eastern Star, Masonic Temple, covered-dish ed a film about rheumatic fever and family, Mr. and Mrs Garel len. and .Mrs. John Stewart, all honor in appreciation of the FT.A Westall and children, Sandra and A white frosted cake decorated members of chapter “J ” POE, l#ft and answered qtieslionx after in pink and green centered the I.B...... giijipiT, 6:30 p.m., mwting, 7:30 p.m .^ and Mn. Mapes work. wards Ray, Tuesday. this morning for Gallup to attend E-sther Society Immanuel Lutheran churchy meetinR In .Mrs E E Kinney, councfl pres­ Mr and Mrs Garel WeMall spent table and chocolate Easter bunnies the state convention in that city Hostesses for the evening, whro were arranged on the table as fav­ the home of Mrs. Charlt's Clem, S12 W. Grand. 7;.3() p.m. ident, announced an evaluation served iced Cokes and cookies Wednesday at Carlsbad. from Tuesday until Thursday .Mrs meeting and final council meeting ors. The young guests received Cole if past state president of from a linen covered table, w-ere •Mrs Kenneth Shields of Malja­ horns. Beef i\Jw Xi Iota chapter of B**U Siimia Phi. mwtinc in the home on May 7 at Hermosa .school from Mrs S M l.aughlin. Mrs Howard mar and Mrs. Garel Westall and POE of Mrs. Jim Parmer, co-hosless Mcs. FM Wilson, 7:.30 p.m. 5 p m until 8 p m ; each one to l.ewis, .Mrs C H Johns. Mrs Paul daughter Sandra spent Monday a t ' ‘i'T f T bnng a box lunch She outlined Hobb.s visiting with Mr and Mrs J. "'.5*^.*;.*"** I""*?* WSMMMMNMMMMMMMM Coffin, Ms- Hugh Barron and were served to .Mike and Linda Alpha Alpha chapter oi B*>ta Sinma Phi.meetinR in the the Civic Planning committee Mrs (■ E (k-iser Dan Hudgens and family. which is newly nrgan'zed and ask Prude, Cynthia and Ricky Richard­ LB...... hom e ol Mrs. Tn>y Harris, 913 Clayton, 7:30 p.m. •Mr. and .Mrs. Gene Snow and son ed for ideas to submit to them Sammy entertained with a birth­ son, Judy Rogers, .Mrs. Norman KSVP Mrs E H Ward, nominatinit Prude, Mrs. Gail Richard.son and day party honoring his father, Sam IbM W A 'm Wednesilay, .April II committee chairman, submitted Sewinjr (’in le Snow at their home at Artesia Kri- Mrs. Bill Rogers all of Artesia LEAN PORK Study RToup of .Artesia Women's club, study in the home the following slate of officers for day night of last week The guests 1 «>^»>bie’s l a x ; of Mis.. Rov Richardson, lOOG Runyan, 9:.'to a m. the 1956.57 year and they wers- enjoyed playing Rook and refresh- Mr approved by acclamatinn The\ Ijilertained \l 990 ments were served to .Mr. and Mrs. Thorp ON YOUR DIAL S T F A k Group 4 of the Christian Women’s Fellowship of the First ■were .Mrs. Hugh Parry, president: .Sam Snow Mr. and Mrs. Billy i ______' ______Christian CTiurch, m<>etinR in the home of Mrs. B**nnie Juan*z, Mrs T E Vandiver, first vice F.oco Hills Home Smith. Russell Smith, Mr and .Mrs RADIO president, Mrs Howard l.<-wis Bobby Smith and children, Connie, KSWS PROGRAM second vice-president; Miss Zelma Mrs. Earl Bean entertained the Snow, and Miss Kay Clayton. i LB.... 4S| 501 £. ChLsum 7:.30 p.m. I.OCO Hills Sewing Circle at her BLO Dot's, Elks cluh, business metdinR, 7:30 p.m. Knull, secretary. Mr Britton Guests in the home of Mr. and TV Coll, trea.surer; council delegates. home Wednesday afternoon of .Mrs. Jeff Richardson for a turkey! First Methodi.st church in Carlsimd; vacation church la.st week. She received many nice Tl E.SDAY, APRIL 10 Tl'ESDAV P.M. Mrs M L Wise. Mrs M t; Gs The members voted to have a spent the Easter weekend visiting , dren's Show Groups of Christian Women Fellowship of the First their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. i 5:45 Designed for Listening Christian Churrh, m»H*tinRs as follows; tacky party- and a covered-dish din­ 3:.30 Howdy Doody - Children’s ALL BRANDS P»)RTALF>; m Mr« .lames I) Loyd at Loco Hills and Mr. and i 5:50 Sports, Harry Wi.siner Group 1 in the home of .Mrs. .S. P. Emmons. 101G W ner for their families and the Boy Show 5:55 News Turner of Portales who has *erv Scout troop sponsored by the club. Mrs. B Newton at Artesia. Grand, 2:30 p.m. 4:00 Matinee Time - Feature 6:00 Gabriel Heatter ed as vice-president a* large the The party was held at the com­ Movie - “Now Barahas" BISCUITS Group 2 in the home of Mrs. Bill Cris.sman, 1202 Centre, past year, was nominated without munity- building April 6. 6:15 Eddie Fisher 9:30 a m. opposition today to succeed Mrs The hostess served refreshments AT THE 6:30 News, F'ulton Lewis Group 3 in the liome of Mrs. E. T. Gore, 4i»-l S. Second, Lightner A Burns as president of to .Mrs. Doyle Gray, Mrs. James TV SERVICE 6:45 Navy Show 2:30 p.m. the .New Mexico Federation of Hooker, Mrs John Haney, Mrs CALLS 7:00 News, Lyle Vann W’omens clubs Jack Ca.se and daughter liebbie, THEATERS 7:05 World of Sports The Federation's 44fh annual Free Pirk-Up 8i 7:15 I.awrence Welk Show 32} Veterans of ForelRn Wars Auxiliarv’, meetinR at V'eter- Mrs. It A Pleasant, .Mrs. Rayford ans Memorial bitildinR, 7:.3o p.m. convention got underway this Starkey. Mrs. Jim Starkey, Mrs. 7:30 Treasury Agent morning in a bu.siness se.s.sion that Hoyle Pennington. Mrs. C. A. Bris­ SANDER’S 8:00 Spanish Program \LANDSUN 9 00 Meet the (.'lassies meetinR was concerned with committee re coe, .Mrs. Forrest Blum and Mrs. GRADE A LARfi^ Wesleyan Service Guild, in the home of Mrs. C. ports, revision of the constitution George Miller. Radio & Television 10:00 Maitly Music D. Hopkins, 1205 Hermttsa drive, 7:.30 p.m. and the nomination of officers The next meeting will be held Tl ESDAY. APRIL 10 103 S. F ifth SH 6-3431 10:55 News One hundred eighty one dele Friday afternoon, April 13, at the 5:30 Weather Story 11:00 Sign Off Mary Gilltert Circle of the First Preslwterian Church, gales were registered, represent home of .Mrs Doyle Pennington. Jennifer Jones-Robert Stark 5:45 News Caravan - John WEDNESDAY A.M. meeting in the home of Mrs Rufus Stinnett with Mi.ss Alyct> i"K Ihc t.l69 members in 61 clubs ’ 5:59 Sign On, - IN Cameron Swayze EriclwHi as co-hostes.s, 7:.10 p.m. Visiting the meeting today were Miss Barbara E. Shaw of Roslin- 6:00 Sunrise News k dale. Mass., director of the junior 6:00 Chev Show the president of the Texas Fed 7:00 June Wyman - “Fireside 6:05 Syncopated Clock eration. Mrs J s Hendrick of division of the General Federa­ tion of Women's Clubs, conduct ‘‘Good Morning Theatre” 6:45 F:arly Morning Headline* .Acala. Texas and her publicity- 6:50 Syncopated Clock ed a workshop here yesterday for 7:30 Dollar A Second - Jim Mur­ DOZEN Another New chairman, Mrs EIoi.se Branlon of ray Quiz 7:00 News, Robert Hurleigh Ft Hancock delegates to the 44th annual con Miss Dove” Amazing Pittsburgh vention of the .New Mexico organ­ 8:00 Crunch and Des - Adven­ 7:15 Button Box T h e nominations committee ization ture 7:35 Local News headed by Mrs C R Jefferis of 8:30 You Are There 7:40 State News Digest Finish Tularosa, submitted a li.st of can Miss Shaw- spoke on organiza­ tion of junior women’s clubs New 9:(X) Channel Eight News 7:45 Button Box didafes for the six elective pi.si OCOTILLO 9;: 10 Sports Desk 8:00 World News tions Three of the positions have Mexico has 13 clubs and .358 mem IxTs in the slate. 9:25 Trader's Time 8:05 Button Box two candidates each and the oth Tito Guizar 9:30 Ingram Pickett - Political 8:14 Weather Report er three have one each Other • Miss Shaw Was the guest of hon or at a chuck wagon banquet here I n 9:45 500 Mile Rce 8;I5 Button Box nominations may be made from 8:30 News SATINHIDE the floor last night. 10:15 Crossroads - Drama Today the women are scheduled “De Ranehero 10:45 News, Spots and Weather 8:35 Coffee Concert I Last A companion for Pittsburgh The election of officers is Roundup - Final News 8:45 Second Spring scheduled for late Wednesday and to hear Dr Kenneth McFarland Enamel Vsllhidt Ruhhtriztd Satin Fin- educational consultant for Gener 10:30 Sign Off 9:00 News Ired the officers are to be installed AE mpresario 9:05 Story Time „ . ^ , , ish for walls, SATINHIDF EN- Thursday morning al Motors. Ptrfret for wood and metal AMF.L does the tame excellent 9:30 Queen For A Day VOIS OF FREE PmiHO Other nominations made hy the Mrs R I. C Prout, first vice i r CROSLEY SUPER V re-surfacing on wood and metal committee were- president of the General Federa 10:00 News trim and furniturt 10:05 Here’s Hollywood trim and furniture. Velvet- Fix vice president art large, Mrs tion of Women's Clubs, will ad smcMxh, easy to apply and easier E N. Crosseff, Anthony, now, dress the group at a banquet to 10:10 Instrumentally Yours SHOP BY PH0NK| HERMOSA 10:15 Swap Shop to clean. Fine fix bathrooms and serving a.s corresponding secretary morrow evening. kitchens because it's washable! and Mrs Phil Porter, Los Alamos, DRIVE - IN 10:30 Local News SAVE TIME Mrs B J Edwards. Portales. 10:35 Musical Cookbook now serving as president of the For auditor, Mrs. Ben Ware & MONEY 1st FRFF. "Paint Right with Color Dynamict" booklet. second district Marie Wilsan 10:45 Organ Varieties Jones, of Las Vegas, now serving Robert Cammings DIAL For recording secretary, Mrs at Law at 11:00 News, Cedric Foster L. B Stephens. Albuquerque, and IN 11:15 Bible Study Program Mrs Robert H l,eytle. Las Cm $ 139.95 11:30 Showcase of Music AND C U S S CO. ces SimnnR FikmI Store 11:45 Organ Portra.'ts SH 64771 For treasurer, Mrs. G H Me 5«7 S Sixth SH •■»7» . “Marry Me 10:35 Musical Cookbook Mahon, Santa Fe. for re-election, Selling Dependable Panda 10:48 Plan with Ann OUIVERY ARTESIA PAINT and Mrs William R White. Cltv Since IKS 11:00 Newt, Cedric Foster ive 824 a. FIRST PH.SH6-2211 vis. Yonr Patranage la SaNrMed Again” MMweiit Aato Sw 11;IS Bible Study Program For corresponding secretary. m W. Mata 11:30 Showcaae of Music JBoeooaoooaoeaooooaooo^ 11:45 Organ Portraits » , April 1«, 19M >•. 1«4 THE AITEAIA ADVOCATE, ABTIAU. NEW METirO

•edict Dodgers To Dl/GOUf DIREaOR - - • By Alan Mavor Herb Score Hard ike The National On Po’ Kelations

By JOR RRICHI.KR Poor Herb Score He won 16 Score departed. Giant manager YORK (jR — The unbeat- games and struck out 245 as the Bill Rigney figured Hank might Irombinatiun of the moat Amnrican l-amgue rookie of the further injure hu stiff shoulder Hul bat'inK order in the poit- Ft. Worth Cats year with the Cleveland Indum swinging at Score's fast one yra and a pitching staff deep P 0 R T last season, and all the time his Cleselsnd got its licks in esriy, irters and rich in bullpen “cousins’’ were in the other lea belting Al Worthington for six Jib should brinK another Na- Have Strength gue. hits and five runs in the first three I^eague pennant to the The guys he calls “cousins" are frames Hoot Evers and Jim He- kl>n Dodgers in IMMi with the New York Giants, and he's gan homered off the righthander. labout as much ease as last In Tex. League Calhoun Ready For Fast lieen treating them like po' rela Cold and rain checked the exhi­ tiuns this spring In 22 inningi bition schedule to five games—and |e r first place—well, anything By FLRN HALL against them the 22-year-uld fire pitching dominated each one •ppen. Any one of five teams Sports Kdilor ballin' left hander has permitted ike over the runner-up spot— Company After Last Night Veteran Ned Garver, trying to evening Star-Telegram only 3 runs. 12 hits and 10 walki escape the bullpen, allowed only lukea, New York. St. Louis, Written for The Assorinted PreM < while fanning 21 nnali and Philadelphia. i,asl NEW YORK OP. _ Undefeated other times and cut him over both one hit and faced the 18-man min­ FDKT WORTH, Tex oW Man He's looked so giaid the Giants imum for his six inning ss Detroit only 10 games separated Herman “Rory” Calhoun today eyes Don Mueller, a pretty (air hitter ager Clay Bryant, whune whirl­ “He’s tough, real tough,” said walloped New Orleans of the III place Milwaukee and fifth wind finish at Mobile captured a served notice on the middleweight ranks him No 1 on the Cleveland Cincinnati. contenders that he is ready to IjiBiia who luih fought topnutchers Southern Assn lU-0 r o k \t| Dixie Series, appears to have bat “All he has to do is learn to short­ staff—ahead of Bub Lemon, Early spite the uncertain condition ting power, strong pitching and move against fast company Man Wynn and .Mike Garcia, in fact Rubin Roberts was in complete tehing ace (iene Conley and C H A R L g V ageP Frank Bachman singled out en his punches and he'll be a charge as the Philadelphia Phils tupgrade catching to aulhenlicate champion ” should they meet in the World vk; fiU‘s.se<< at second base and his debut as the new skipper of PR£SSeN, France's Charley Humez as the Senes. Muelter figures it'll take beat Boston's Red Sox 2-1 Robin, field, the Braves may be the the Fort Worth Cats in the Texas next target. Calhoun has scored 10 knockouts ' tile Giants five games (o wui They going nine innings, tossed a six WASM/MCTON six of them in his last eight of the also-rans. The Cards, League. !¥onraer*o Ae^jtrcffMP After his 21-yearold tiger from . swept the tribe in four straight in hitter and didn't walk a man The the best seventh-place club He has brought with him first White Plains, N. Y., ripped sturdy fights. The youngster was cut I 1954, but Mueller concedes one vie Boston run was unearned Richie slightly over the left eye and was to play in the National baseman Jim Gentile, who drove 9eA^of^; Jackie LaBua to pieces at St. '• lory to Score Ashburn, with three of the four Nicholas Arena last night, Bech- nicked on the right eyelid , could conceivably climb in 107 runs wilh 24 homers and a HfU Po Herb was at bii usual best yes hits allowed by Tom Brewer and notches with improved man and trainer Charley Goldman Referee Mark Conn (7-3) and Leu Klley, won it with a two-run 2S0 average for the Bears AU /W5 lerday as Cleveland beat th« ^ing M A ^ rg R - pur Pffprrg ut* feel Calhoun has served his ap­ judge Harold Barnes (8-2) hiad Cal­ ' At second Bryant will have Jack Giants 6-4 Mueller got an Infield homer Giants, a difficult team to RIOR fTARORff »R prenticeship. houn a big winner. Judge Joe Milwaukee gut eight scattered Spears, who socked 16 homers fRg POUPCg-PpMe single and Gail Harris followed 7e because of the presence of while playing shortstop for St PROM “He’i ready to go now,” said Vaccarella railed it even in rounds hits and two runs from Brooklyn ifAPUg g/gM with Calhoun the winner on the with a home run to the opposite Mays, Alvin Dark and Don Haul last season And in center TMf CAR'T yWRfX* Bachman and the fact that he rookie Don Drysdale for six P o o o u r, f TMCfte RARAtA h m g auxiliary point system, 8-5. The field off a low outsnle fast bill per to counterbalance weak- field he'll have Don Demeler, ran­ RORg TAURTiP PRAR/i TRfM TO pfRPT. named Humez. the European 160- frames, then jumped on Dave Cole at second, third, left field faR*mgAgm6 pound champion, showed that he AP card had Calhoun far in front, I in the first inning, but then Score gy Oklahoma Citian whose 17 ro PO wmt cMARtgrp became almost untouchable He for four runs in the eighth and ^hind the plate with a ques ft!* 9x pPAV PRA/M TRgy RhPgrggr meant business 8 2. Calhoun was penalized the won 8-4 Bob Buhl wa.s solved for homers in the Veneiuelan Winter CQACM/A6 eighth round fur low blows. walked just two and fanned five pile pithing staff to boot, League set a rncord He batted OUT OP TRg CgUAR, A solidly built customer, with only three hits before being M r , ^ t, Mmt CMWei SfaeiM "S'* Calhoun weighed 161, LaBua while giving only one mure hit in figure higher than third. .365 for the Cabimas club, which muscular arms and strung legs. chased in the eighth Bob Trow I’ Rrdlegs. wOh power at the Rory racked up his 20th consecu­ scaled 158 3-4 lus five innings—a smash to the Bryant also managed. A crowd of 1,421 paid $3,652 fur mound that went for a single by bridge cut off the Brook rally at exceeded only by the Dodg- Behind the bat Bryant will have tive victory with his unanimous one run. but was evicted himiaelf [could force their way into the decision over l.aBua in the tele­ matchmaker Teddy Brenners' first Whitey Luckman * two top Brooklyn organization promotion. in the ninth when Randy Jackson division only if their pitching prospects who came direct off the The Washington Ifonumeat b cast lO-rounder Calhoun dropped Bob Feller mopped up fur the homered Johnny Logan homered *.s itself Dodger roster — Karl Olson and S. W. (]onferenc*e .555 feet high. the rugged Valley Stream, N. Y , Tribe with four hits- one a two- off Drysdale. a 19-year-uld right­ ■>pite the presence of Rubin Mike Napoli. Olson was a regular There are nearly 500 species of 23-year-old with a right in the One basking shark weighed 8,- run homer by Hank Thompson, hander ?rt.», the best pitcher in base at Mobile, where the Dodger hummingbird. fourth, staggered him several 600 pimnds who wa.s purposely held back until the punchless Phillies don’t working agreement was dissolved, Sharpeins Cume In re to finish in the first division and Napoli divided time between may not go higher than sixth Mobile and Elmira. Mid-Week Tilts Chicago Cubs and Pittsburgh On the mound the Cats have ites are obviously improved but three holdovers—Carroll Bennger, By THE ASSfM IATRD PRK.SS America’s New Railroad tar doomed to battle it out for last year's top winner with a 14-9 Southwest Conference baseball inlh place. record, Mel Waters (7-1), who set teams sharpen up on their game he writer picks the teams to a record by participating in 77 in midweek tilts with outside foes ih in th« following order: games, and Rudy Paynich (5-12). settling down to loop encounters BroiAlyn The spring wonder of the mound Friday and Saturday SI.Kfj Milwaukee staff it big Stan Williams, who Tuesday Rice is host to Sam A k New York required nearly six weeks to get Houston State at Houston while 0 > St. I.ouis Walter Alston's release from the the Texas Aggies meet the Bryan ! S a n ta Fe , Cincinnati Dodgers. Williams won 18 and All-Stai?i at Bryan We — Babe Portales 3 0 1 000 rikson Zaharias has suffered By THE A.S.SOCIATED PR FAS Roswell 1 2 3.3.3 Iher set back in her battle Racing Clovis 1 4 .200 Inst cancer. NEW YORK — Ted Atkinson Artesia 0 2 .000 ler physician • Dr. Robert M. booted home four winners, includ­ Hobbs 0 0 .000 ^re of John Sealy Hospital, said ing High Voltage ($4.80) in the Week’s .Schedule^ America’s New Railroad has set aside $102 million to —the first trains of their kind. They will be made up night her condition “is not prudery Handicap at Jamaica. Tuesday make itself even newer in 1956. entirely of Hi-Level cars—unique, two-story units that lood" and added there was a BOWIE, Md. — Ifabody ($6 60) Roswell at Hobbs. carry baggage on the first floor and let passengers do pght extension” of the cancer led all the way to capture the Friday That’s the largest sum Santa Fe has ever budgeted for m which she has suffered since $5,000 feature at Bowie. Carlsbad at Roswell. their living upstairs. LINCOLN, R. I. — Familiar Artesia at llobb.s. capital improvements in a single year. ($8.20) won the Taunton Purse on All passengers on our new El Capitan (all-coach streani :a m )S I'hile serious, it was emphas Forrest at Clovi.s—non-confer­ It figures out to over $279,000.00 per day for 195S. xl her condition was not criti a foul claim against Triple Bee at ence, liner between Chicago and Los Angeles) will ride at dome- Lincoln Downs Saturday 'This is an important amount of money—but still more car height—well above the clickety-clack of the rails— At Beaumont a testimonial din- SAN BRUNO, Calif. — Miss Portales at Clovis. * [JITS I Iner for Mrs Zaharias, which had Bulldozer ($7.90) caught Monteya important is what’s going to be done with it. We’d like to where they’ll get a smoother ride and a more sweeping iJ^ n scheduled for Wednesday in the stretch to win the top event tell you a few of the details. view of the historic Santa Ps country. "'^Ihl, was cancelled. She was to at Tanforan. Texas W estern ve been guest of honor at the FIghU rth annual Babe Zaharias Golf NEW YORK — Herman (Rory) Releases Schedule 5/HO New Freight Cars Roadway and Othor Imgrevomonts burnament opening there Friday, Calhoun. 161, White Plains. N Y„ EL PASO i/Pi—Four Texas col­ ^oceeds of the tournament go to outpointed Jackie LaBua, 158 3-4, leges in addition to regular Border The biggest chunk is for 5,210 additions to our fleet of We’re laying 3(X) miles of new track—most of it con­ Babe Zaharias Cancer fund Valley Stream, N. Y., 10. Conference opponents appear on flig h t cars. |ch will be used to build a clinic STOCKTON, Calif. — Art Ara­ the 1956 football schedule released tinuous welded rail that assures quieter, smoother riding. i large gon, 1474, Los Angeles, stopped by Texas Western College yester­ We’ve ordered flatcars, boxcars, gondolas, refrigera­ indigent cancer patients, We are planning to expand freight yard facilities all the main street in Beaumont’s Raul Perez, 1484, Cuba, 5. day. tors, covered hoppers, dump cars, cross hoppers, DF SAN JOSE, Calif. — Teddy (Red The schedule; Sept. 22. Texas along our line, provide increased grade protection for gest city park will be named loaders and "piggy-back” cars. her Thur^ay. Top) Davis, 139, Hartford, Conn., Tech at Lubbock; Sept. 29. Abilene outpointed Eddie Chavez, 138, San Christian at El Paso; Oct. 6, New motorists, and install more radio-phones between caboose I Dr. Moore said the tension is at Among them are many specialty cars—such as the 200 ] point where X-Ray treatments Jose, 10. Mexico at El Paso; Oct. 13, Ari- and locomotive on our transcontinental freight trains |iTr applied three months ago and NEW ORLEANS — Gerry Black, zino at El Paso; Oct. 20, North new mechanical refrigerators that can keep 127,500 in 1956. lat further X-Ray therapy is being 1374, Philadelphia, stopped l.nw Texas tSate at Denton; Oct. 27, pounds of frozen food at a steady temperature of 5® below rence Armstead, 1374, New Or­ New Mexico A&M at Las Cruces; Iven. gero or colder on a trip across the continent. . . We’re modernizing 1,000 boxcars, putting new insula­ EN I He also said the famous woman leans, 3. Nov. 3, Hardin - Simmons at El tion in older refrigerators, laying new steel floors in gon­ ^Ifer has developed a new pain Paso; Nov. 10, Arizona State at Tempe; Nov. 17, West Texas State And the 50 new air-slide cars that can carry 50 tons of dolas, and improving existing equipment so it can serve her left side at the shoulder A LOSS IN FURS ' attributed this to pleurisy. at Canyon; Nov. 24, Trinity at El loose flour from the mill and dump it right into the baker’s our shippers better. BROADVIEW, Mont. Uh • - Paso. Mrs. Zaharias was first operated Rancher Herman Knobbel burn- hopper. I for cancer in 1953 and it was C 21 .skunk pelts before he leaned CALL THE SHERIFF! * Many of these cars will not only benefit Santa Fe ship­ New Diesels Ordered rlieved then that she had won threy wee worth $2.50 each on the IT battle. She resumed playing ORANGEBURG, S.C. lAi — The fur market. Knobbel did not com­ burglar who broke into Sheriff pers, but also other shippers as well—because they will Dif and won several tournaments, plain. however. He shot the tkunk.s enable Santa Fe to keep its contribution to the nation’s And we’ve ordered 80 new Diesel units for 1956 delivery krluding the National Open in George L. Reed’s office got le.ss after he found them unde his than a dollar. car pool at a peak level. And that helps to ease the freight —^to make Santa Fe America’s largest completely Diesel- barn but did not return the fire. |l.,a.st May while helping to car shortage for everyone. ized railroad. Richmond, Va., claims it has the nange an automobile tire she rup- U.S. used 230 million pounds of |r<‘d a spinal disc. Shortly after only sun-cured tobacco market in All this progress comes from Santa Fe dollars —earned oleomargarine in 1931; 1,200,000,- the world. Now Hi-Lovol II Capital! dollars—not a single penny comes from taxes you pay. ^dergoing an operation to flemove 000 pounds in 1952. pmm ae disc, X-rays revealed she had lalroduring ...... ' Santa Fe will put six new El Capitan trains consisting of You’ll be noticing lots of activity on the Santa Fe this ^ncer in the base of her spine. A solar year is II minutes and She showed remarkable impsove- 14 second.s les.s than .365V4 days. VODKA by mtirely new-type passenger cars into service this summer yearl phonk | bent after treatment, doctors said, ^d last September, she returned G IL B E Y ’S her Tampla, Fla., home. She re- World • Pamaus Makm a( TIME staying at a hotel near the hos­ Gilbey’a Gin Now NEY Irned to the Galveston hospital pital but could not be reached for p t November but was released in B rinr You Snperiar Santa Fe System Lines \ L )nuary. comment last night. VODKA SnaHty She began to suffer from re-oe- Smooth, dry, it gives ya« full fiRK pains and re-entered the enjoyment — loaves na after spital several weeks ago. P m I’b N e w s S ta n d breath. Her husband, ooe4ime wrestler |n>«Hiai and PHIBm L4 w m pR n nKLivaKT rge Zaharias, and her long- I m Smith Rnmwiwn QUALITY gol/ing friend, Betty Dodd, Hand a Magaiina Today’. UQUOK STORK ^ve been with her since she re- Ica Craaai and Druika lid N. Pint BM SH BddM Itered the hospital. Zabarfas Is T » « ^ y , A»rU la, r»€» r* w T«E A«T«SL% AOVOCATE, .%*T*SIA. W W a rU C O Scholastic Award Ike Acts- The \rle>ia AiImkhIc ilouM* (!hief? Ki^rhl Firms ( f 'e e ttw d rrwB I rtr«i.fa«c»bt m «£>vocATf •«.»LuuiiiM« ca avtatiawM (m « P>f» Om»i (CiMkiuutd from Pwfc O m ) Kno>^ YOUR Schools Wilaoa noted that ig A4S4M i*. 'M <•:' iMtli propoacd by tW »d buigd rwuld be aacd To LK*al Senior to eaiisor appeals by ) fkm iallBrnf TW 4 rti -Kiraiin* witll (IM Atm *f p*yA< imirk, actnrd'ng t« tb* bMfd ^♦frrean already ha* uk*a fW f«M TW Af '*■ I t» u k r Um4 o«t jurptm Supf MifJi said bo wuwiU ttudy SevcBCeen top New Mexico high i^ ^ eri are aware of individual! helped by the apecal educ«iM stepaI to,'attract nnre SI iBirBir-: -5 t i r m rATAiii.t is a : an <;« ■> It abM i»clu4»s ft»- 'bo poottiw^ty of rutting tbo ewa school vensors. inetoding oac from program in a public school system sonnel But the defense” Ml .*.'"• •• TrmM differences in Iheu- atudenU and ' •* *' ‘.i,-. . vbixB nuke »t ~unan*p( itrurtion tout abmrt o«c~fhird by Artcsia. have been awarded csmti- are alert to prosride learning iitua having speeialisU in phystcal. oe there still i* urgent Bm T««r 'MlAr^m W ««" ' Jll " to Secretary ol AitncuJture uvUtg tbo wh'Ml i mamunaaco La ficates 'if .*ncnt by the Njr,.:.n». lic.K* to fit the needs of ALL slu^ eupational and speech therapy and g^ioo by Congress i Bsm T«i# Ar«MwMi ■«* MT B 4M«(. AfWii»A * " uKiiwtiBit » return tbn Bs* Tm* A^WMiM V ~ r^. Ast • ' bar BiH ebon could bo lot for Merit Scholarship Coep for wit special faeihUes for such cUiac* ' , Ren,ove what he uli- 1, ^ i ' Ui tnr [>p«rvocratic • tfiMUtofTtl Bsm T«w Si*w - pfii.mh rg and for men ay th# standing academic achicveaven's Wort and instructHin is planned The** children may be Ujight telf mconauteanT 4..n^, «.»..« « «1« •- ' KW *UP-lui'ding bf'icE* Froat .Vrtesia the certificate of IB each elaaa to present the pro­ care and sometiaaes simple skills, providing a oatem of ^ Bmt »**•« ttOP*- T h e Vocatiuoai agriculture merit went to Oyoald R t.'uilii. ■ gram of study to the slow learner The special cUsaes in tbe .Artesu ben,(,tg After ftep«blKa« lea*len coa system ^ set up lor the third ^ Al Aftmm. B«i4.1.f:n< prngratn u rw* m«>«th.s 810 W Dallas St . Artesia H.gt ,,n * #|ear and unhurried manner TW AmnrtMmi Tim ^ - «i^ Sk tAs ^ •'vvMMtrMM «f *11 «««^ferred yeiterrlay eith Eiaenbower ahead '>f icboduio. tbo tuporui Sc bool electrical engineering gnd to the quick learner ao that be UkiM «M *' SI *ll Af WWtrAi Martia «ai ■ m414 VMS ^«n«r«. I'.-.wv • r NS^B^N'e C: Me* i stes. They were among 80 0i» ArtesM teachers also realize that La.it year Demaecrati Kored a ho stad.um a $4 ikk) yobi now r«- seiiiors IB the aatioo nominated their student* have individual dif chek and Mr C B Goldson are ■ s-„»rt - i. V sM - ’’mjSmS lU^f 2U6-201 iictAry in tbe H'luae on a Bwil> lliHMM W Wit; ~ ' ijAt****-^. qui.'es ten 2B-f'M>t polos School by their h.gh *chool principals to (erences other than mental abilk m..'.e t'l return a price tupporta .-na.ntenan.'e men are presently isympete in contest* leading to tie* Thev realize they are teach­ 15 •mt .—I' at 90 per rent of parity Repubti- '^o^uie^tlnraS T ’ the I . *.>rk ng on tbo box. ft to dito to scholarships ing < HILDREN, not SUBJECTS in the regular offmer categ raRi !'«t 21 >otc« and the DenM>. bo fin.shed by tbo time Kbeol u —Jo Connell children in our specul claiaes are t * raU 29 .n ehat «aa otherwiae a .Names of Oinnerv of th? vchu 4 Proaridc career integ * lut t.h.. year. MilU uid cerebral pnlay, epilepsy, malnutri- itra i^ t pnrtydme ballot Parity ii larship* will be announced aty>ul tion. extreme speech defect* and “‘*<1*‘^** dental officaij i 1/ntAr (httsidf llntkrrs A blar.xct insurance policy (or May I The .New Mexican* were farm product pnee Mid by law be -rbiiol system which would By JO (ONNELL immaturity for age group The in- . >fK r‘-a; = ^titu i»~'. : . ■■ * .il'-tli ' '■JofV- tn^ki^'nible to be fair to farn en ymong thooc who failed to qualify strucUonal program of the special Provide better houvtgg i Pk cover all buildings of tbo enure tor the 304 scholarship* availabb' DID YOU KNOW that the Ar ’ ■■ K in th -ir »•': i.i of {.how? I Speaker Rayburn 'Tee ) u pre­ ne’.wirk if .\rtovia schooU. as class allows each child to develop officer* cite poor q* I * "s T .1 .n % Pit Xli :* dicting a bifier Democratic gain l.hi** year but who qualiftC’l for public School System include* as fast as his handicap permits and their wive* and .nilun hanrflini; and n= !iir. •eii as ad school e<)uipmont wbor the second highest awards. classes for exceptional chil- I ti*.-rp •• :s H d.i .. f ^;,v.,ne rxjid go m to 1 than I'lSi on t/m>orTow i ihowdown ever it .* was d.scussoil to overcome, as (ar a* ponaible, his their chirf ^reason (o lcaii|| The .Ne-w Mexico w innii. in- did you know that tbe service, W iiaoo said. ajid v! .ip an .ffire: accept! *" to mo%« to By law tbo irbooi* must carry individual dificulty. the *xr*»I «ta»e = send tbe bill back to tbe Hawae- dude two each from .Alaroogf rdo Mexico State Department of ;> t ; \ to , ;. 'h : ;irof*.rt> and then ajilect | SO per cent insurance on its total 6. Approval of legisUti^l likttr.4- bark Ik hat chamtei to propose, Anthony, .Artesia, .Aztec. Cimar ‘ u supposed to be aver- comnus-viocicd Army agg dav rn»i.'t • t r \.u.'Mna’i'/r •iri t.. fh'- r: 1. tiTiard. oith the hope of pickinf up tbe coverage at 90 per cent of tbo to r'>n F'airview. High Rfill-s, Lo* {g physical, mental, emotional, (Continued from Page One) al valuation Force officers at curreatiy j ( < T h e y (iHMt (»*. »■ .1 '■> .T-'i-vf raiT,f tiifid, and they , few key lote* was the prime quea- .Alamos. Portales and Roswell. or social characteristics to such an loosed a third “night of terror" temporao’ grades. '• <, la.ifi* fl f.^ ha.EV!!*- ff-e fraan fer of pr >p- Uo« facing GDP leaderv The system fias 3S separate pol The High Roll* winner attends gjtent that they require speeul ed- r murt f>TfAe th»-'. cies, most of them with three on southern Israeli settlements. ' » e rt\ in a rr .'• r . Alamogordo High School a.bd the ucational service* in order to de- The I.*raelis claimed 10 settle H». \RING W HMM I.KD ears yet to run Those policies Fairview winner attends Lo* .Ala- velop their maximum capacity?' RE-sEJtVATIUN Tt> 0f(i| 7nis. of ■ •Ai- ■ ri- t'l [.r'di-i-f fhc [jti o not prosodo complete coverage mentf were attacked during the . oO'i'tjT cviniplaining aiexit Liy~ LI S' \S e — Judge Paul mo* High School Children of this description may night, with one Israeli killed, three RLTDOSO # — T’^ ft • \ Tiiaetf *?s» ra»en uinVr advt-e- was said Actwo on the blan The program i* financed largely be divided into three group*, those Indian Reservation wij rnomr o.jt -i'W V i.n 'I'jr ^fu'e In -i.'jn".e in>fan 'j -. I f ' n«-‘ : ! •v-1! :oe firife-rt; and do not re- Pavqua! 24 charged »iUl man hers could study the matter (urth contribution* from 16 leading L !*. dependent. canteen wiU be opensd I er Those who arc totalK dependent killed and another wounded and turn It.*- f - - ?!aurr>ter .Vnt Dnt Atty Tibo corporation*. cap’ured in the cast Judean Hills, of vacationists >A'ea.lell i,r,:. VI; r"- 'f r-^ .t t i«y ait f*=r?. for “iiorrie- ■■ ;.a.ei n at Hope school expires .Ap- close to the Jordan Israel frontier busines* autum n of Ute OTte to W-M I: ■ 11 ■tv r-r* Th'iy .iiiit? ?*-.arned mg will be held I’riday f'lf Pas lic school, either at home or in an caleros. Mid t£e tribe *m . ni 13 Hope school and all if' iiutituUoa. Draeli spokesmen have charged r¥it tr. d»*i>l '* ‘tr t! f! i<"» f. -I'll i.r-- ’•■a ar*- niHililWid, have a 'I'lal an'l 'a h in H Rough Sur­ the commando strike* from the ______$1 per car. face 24 Vith charged lO the death «{uipfnent automatically would Three He>i"n- iK'e't'* and a t- "i .■ .fl >: Ihi- .*,ifi be covered under the propi-ied Gaza Strip are bring made at the fV-v.irl. - ft.. .->• 1. ■ 'i* I ' T ' '*a-king fo d*i ' ( Dan Hudson Jrvua. direction of tbe Flgyptun mtlitkry tility in the Middle Ea-• It blanket policy premiuin. which (Continued From Page One) hus’n* ir '•• '• ir 11 -'ill r.s-iri^ diiiv .Kefi-^'il. »e have about SI 000 annually for the commend The infiltrations were that the I'nited Slate- u tirokn.. -* liirir ■ ifd vari'iui firms and first four years Tbe blanket pol cepted stepped up after an Israeli Egyp^ dent that other nali' • *ri| thev an- rr *f i Of- r f'l WItfi. 1 If.;- -tat'i > a > M T icy would csKnpletely cover the .Mr* Box u moving to El Pa' Kememliec tian artillery and mortar duel similarly in the cau>< <4 Ttt*-*.*- V '.[.-r-.T- . -ir. ;■ r.ifI'lr.a! '*ali- buildings and cquipih'-nt of all where .*h# will become supervi.sor across the Gaza frontier last Support “in the lulle* (Continued from Page One) f'l. fv ir i,f t f . ‘-it. of schls in the Artesia system of the SIX El Paso high icIkxj I* Thursday in which 64 Arabs were urc" for tbe Hammjr>k)oU pT«li.i'ii> d t Ffisighl to fl', *cr 'ties r m . 1 go the .inKir irnl >-■' '! •1*- -.♦ii*#- .•':.L?-'.t '|iiah fy and Board members arranged to -She has been teaching economic: allied and 102 wounded .Mi>st of sion also was pledged far to vlabliiic t-he Mid !i‘- East nspect the new-completed Hope and history for the last two *ear- W hen... the casualties were Palestine ref The secrrlary general's tjuy .1 !ii • * Both revolutions are menaced by ugees. muldle east stop was Betru;] TPvBte ' ir to .nti 'f.:f»- irr) rra k e .'T.'iW-V school building at 11 am W ed here She i* alwi sponsor for |tu he i.hadow of war nevlay Egypt has denied that the raid banun. where be c»’ahli»?4, ft,. i i-H'.:- anr .«r;9 f'l dent council activities fthotild f»* rixjim*-*! Ml st Arab eyev are turned t'e founty budget hearings are Barron has been b«iyv' physical 54 Years .\gu ■rs arc acting under Egyptian base lor what he exp.< ’j (*) for 4iing fei'in*-- - i wird Egvp' even the cvi-i oT scheduled for 9 a m .April 2S at education teacher backfield foot' E A Cox ha* sold hi* 160 acre army orders, laying they are ref month long mission Awl fti* I 'an d fiiilf th<-^* the fra<)iiii .plifin> t f !. ( 1 i ■ t- IX- ’ of ’ h trx'i''- j•he Arab w'lr.d ha« pushed t'r.me three vear* H'- laid he ha* three sas, and has purchased a bouse There w.-. ni- immedute ri.i from Mhitt Smith on South Sec Cj II OR IS for al yur aft i'll M.r.i'ter Nasser to a place of in. Killed- •>r four po**ibie appointment* un­ tion from either Israel or thr bof» !» ' 'Hlt-.'.ric ; pi - rig 'ej'tervhip But he at der consideration ond street. .Arabs lo President Eisenhower - 1 ■ ■ ....'V ifa the leader and the captive V n*al 1 - .Mr. and Mr* A L Ix-wis arriv­ Is “determined to support and ai aiKarv ■ K '1 :r'l 1 ( 1 ; h;ilt<''l i hi- r<-.e.-nt.-.e-, a man on a hi' vrl> In Paris Premier (,uy .Mollet as set up and app'unted by tl \ ed from Amarillo a few days ago. Dial SH 62 anncMjnred hi.s suppirt of Algeria Artesu Board of Education at it.* *i*t any nation" subjecte I to ag l -si.. 1 snnot stop with'iut danger Mr. Lewis will be rememb«rcd as gresvion in the Middle Flast Resident Minister Roliert meeting .Monilay night, to super our accomodating railroad agent uf I .f fai.ing A White House vtatement is.iu KTI.FR AI.I.ISON cfrfte M call for 2fi0.(XMl more ise and co-ordinate athletic activ­ a year ago. lieallirmalion- Na-^er ;s asserting his own and French troops. ed at .AugusU. Ga left virtually . VIRf.lL J AKEH.AY * K.-.pt - I* adership of tne Arab ities at 7he High School and Ju .1 onlimiH . The request will be discussed at nior High John R Hodges has about com­ no doubt that Eisenhower would niinu'd fri in Pa^ One; ■ i .lid but It far from s*'cure a.*k Congress lor authority to use ' Hadley Kcnstoir riifmenlioti c. . • Cabinet meeting tomorrow The council, composed of Har pleted the stone residence, in didate for pri ^ni .tati V\ dcii-ive t'*feat b> Israel in an France already has more than I’ S trouP' il the l'nited Nation* • General Agent • 'll support and iiiii! -riuning fiattle of renewed war Id Saueressig. chairman; Leslie South Artesia ior Mrs. .Mary B*t a* vocation ' r. shi. h m eht be 'dfe 20nfidenl that ser ha. .eired upon the interna loway Taulbee secretary;, Rccac Bowker Buildiag mefce toumt r. iMi flirt her moalh rebelltnfi and institute re- 24 5> an .Ago dent and Secretary of Slate Dullr* ■ ed re atiivali'in Art* - V M ' I * '■■ a< t -i.Ttliarl) in ti'inal ituatum ffe assert* the form.'. The rebellion has cost tbe Smith. Verlon Davis, Vernon C'O.MP.ANY Mill*. R .M Parham, Ju.stin Brad­ The young people of the First regard “with the utmost serious- “T'iuriM of th< ...k ,1- idi a uf Arab unity by a.sailing lives of 5,724 French and ,Moslem.s nes? the rep<-atpd incidents of h'l* ' • .d-.. p!;-'U:.d r the Krer.i h and aiding rebels in bury. Howard Stroup and Bi.* Christian church had a delightful when if m< t 1. i .1 'I .m by official estimate and more than April Fool party at Mrs. Ben The f'hi- urn Tra.l itt- ;-d tb-'- fl.lc.t r-:-jsd.'.‘ North .-Vfri.a He expresses .-Arab twice that toll by unoflicial count Keys, will meet Wednesday night wheduled t.. ir-.—t in IV- na-n-a-r M Id.'- Kail (H'.di- .Tii-...-.d frustralion w.th the Wes’ by as The new council will outline Dunn's last evening. fiffice at 2 30 p lo t>. .. T I>.i. IIjniTiankjold the 1' N sailing the Rritivh a* colonialisU plan* for the 19.36 57 school year . r: ra! That pledge They are app'unted by the board GOOD I'LIMBING PAYS! Brown Jr :r. and encouraging anti-.-Xmencan \ppro\al Of- DIAL SH «4*32 The aviati ri < in:itti-«- h. ■*■'i Vk 1 '' Hoo -'■ rirrc vaid ; in i?m for a one-year term 14 Years .Ago by Jam*-' (,r ''n w ' i t 10 '.'1 i ’ i.daill.Tloui vote of At th" time of the Egyptian rev (Continue'i From Page finei A class of 40 to SO VA'orld W ar a m Wedn* d.. to di - . s a |>r'> I V M I'i r.mm il. Ih<’ jo'iit on three year* ago, Nasser Ix'ing u.ved for classroom.* It is the II Veterans will be initiated into Jerry Phimhin^ Shop gram to inten >1 youni.’ iii ehuh all 'h<- m'-mlx-r. o!I si-em'-fl to 'he world a young hope of the b'lard to eliminate tbe .More than 90 per cent of L’ S the American Legion at the regular farms have electricity compared 1208 AVEST D.AI.I. AS aviation O'- I liii-d N i .r.. have . onl'-rred I m'lfiva'ed by noble mien inadequate liarrack facilities by April meeting, it was announced by Jerry Hill — Owger I'r.-ri.sr m -.n . 111.*? for Ih' jti-ins toward Egypt ' long suffer new rcKim* for hand, wrxxlworking with 11 per cent in 193.3. Charles Denton, commander. rr. i li.ti n .lfl' '■ I irio-rna'ional p< ai' ■ mg ma'-ie.- The threat of war has and additional dressing rooms. -r": ' i UfltV brought a change Till .-fiiild;' m|iha';. In th' It because pronounced after Keb .Malaria rau.vei an estimateil ' d'-ri.j nt iiiue'l a- Arab J<.ra*'ii ruary 193.3 when the Israelis three milium deaths in the w'^rld :di'r (lehtin.; an'l killing rontin launched a heavy attack on Kgyp every year 111 *.t. on 'I fullilling I iians in the Gaza strip of I'atcs BIGGEST BUY OF ALL FINE CARS... • ni'nitrii'-nti under I'.N iharvr line, an attack f'lr which the L'nit about radios in their homes and t'-rii. ait r<=sp*'ct to 'tuashingled Nations condemned Israel. It coffee shop* nod their heads ea a . ion nd 2i doing . 11 with-! w'a? one of many apparently puni gerly al the words i4 Egypt * new in - .n'liluti'inal means ' live and warning attacks to keep leader who “.stands up to the im A.' for the latter p«iint. Kiven the Egyptian* in their place Egypt THE YEAR >AHEAD CAR! p<'rialist*. On m'rst issues Arab h '.» :; to.il a news fonlerrnce lait sought arms from the l.'nited unity IS a myth, but on Israel there wi-k h*' n'-v'-r would send .\meri Slates, but didn't get them IS unity. ■; 1 -an fo <'s into any action which "Time after time, my inform And .suddenly Na.sser is making loiil'l ?:■■ int'-rpreted as war with ant said angrily, 'lirael humili them confident-perhaps too con out prior approval of f'ongr''v.i a’ed us Hardly a day go*- by fiden’ N'asucr himself has been Vtofi-rday'; vtalemcnt clearly that a punitive expi'dition of some maneuvered by circumstances to irii'an-, that if the L .\ .Security kind I.*. n>it staged Bitlerneui a pcrsitinn from which he cannot, < ouncil lali'-led any nation an ag grows on bilU'rne-,, rage on fru.v if he wishes retreat gn'.sor in the .Middl*' Ka«t and tration All thi* ha« changed the com­ railed for use of force to halt ag ' W'e suspect, with goor] reai-on plexion of .Nasser's rule. Three gr‘--.'ion, the President woultl feel that as thing.? stand right now I- ears ago top priority was given obligated III put the matter tx-fore rael could throw us back again the urgent program for social re­ Longr'-,-.- for a final decision on unless we have outside help How form committing I'.S troop-. long can we stand thi: when the Bolil project* got under way. As Th'- White House .iiatemenl whole existence of a Zionist state, a promise of thing* to come, a amounted to reaffirmation of created by the l'nited State,* and new province was carved in the E:''-rihower * view that a solutum Bri am in our mirijt. outrage* i>ur Western desert Mater ha* chan to the .Mki'lle East dispute must ven.se of justice'’ ' ne.ed from a Nile branch and the ix found through the I' N Even the most pr'eAmerican of deserrt bliximed. .New villages were F'»r month-- the admini.s'ration Arab;; blames the l'nited State.* built clean stone houses, sanita­ ha- kept on ice Israeli'* applica for lhe:r humiliation tion, health facilities, filtered wa­ lion for purchase ol about <{,'1 mil I thank Gixf." sai'i one of them, ter, all the thing* the peasant nev­ lion dollar' worth of r S arms for .Soviet intervention in the er knew Selected families popu­ Drael rontend- the arm* are middle East it has awakened the lated it need'-d to offs'-t tlx- .sale of W'-ap ■whole world to our cau.se " •Some day, the fellaheen were *' ’*:■< •T’. ■ ' ■'W on'« lo Egypt by S'lviet dominated The Arabs have a proverb the told, all F;gypt would be like this f'/a-ehoslovakia enemy of my enemy is my friend The revolution wa* and is impres­ But Ei'-'-nhuwer is on record a.i Nasser got arm? from the .SiA-iet sive in Its earnestness Und re MERE'S MMMAm rRMfTIMTTWEClfliysUR £ -.f ' . Y -a.'.ini the r .S hope* to find a lx'! bloc The Arabs hail this with joy form is well under way. Filthy wmssii¥Aorftf^«eia:tiMf^ ^ ler 'dution than contributing to and c'K-k their ears toward Cairo mud huts were scxin to be re­ an arm: race Hi- also has said Thousands of Arab-; clustewd placed by stone h'nises, and for :% AUv ooi fitiT ftft CARi' however, that l*ra«-rs request for once the unwashed fellah had * A go'xl, treated, wood ('-nee post jrmi still i,-^ under study. slake in the futijrc. F;gypl would iBw M IBM * lh«' promise. If Nasser is to push InttAfll HMtiRf S)T«(«fn* VIS NO NO NO NO NO 94%. 9f fN te I hirtuelf or be pushed into war, hr cannot have the dam, n'lr can he n 0»t your loan her# in I trip Empinyed m»n and woman, phon* fir*t i th« MAai • ««rR »—<«> At Mx tW-Rmio »—»¥<■mn4 Wy ■Ijjlgni ty»A TOMT K afford to extend himself too much ¥ -• »"■*»*;» • •. » f e # ve * A 4 sIh c A CNi l lN r Im * t s W F t 9 9 9 n t —giv* a (*w simple (act*—upon approval, coma in to pick up rash. CHRYSLER I So phone . , . write , . . or come tn today! 'in c'islly reforms lawn* S25 ta $1000 an a#te, Surnitwra or twiwry Now F.gypI s bid for leadership BIGGEST BUY OF ALL FINE CARSI is taking priority over the aims of the revolution The price of lead­ KS\^S-TV ership Was dangerous alliance with the Communist bloc. If war came, thr Arab world might find Itself swallowed by Soviet domi­ (OX MOTOR (0. 9:30 \1 410 WEST MAIN STNCET, ARTESIA nation World War 111 would be 303 SOUTH FIRST Pi PtwiMi SHerwwed 6-U74 • Ash fwr Hm YES MANagar Fte The Best In TV, Bee “Iff a Great Life," “CliaMx!' and ".Shesver CM St*rs'_«ee TV Page F . Times • Mw Inewaiwe 4aqiitra4 ar taM around the corner And Btati4Bs. .Advegtisemriitl OnN IVININCS 4 Y AMOINTMINT — kMONI SOI IVtNING HOUlS Tntnorrow: T h e CisnimuMist fhreni t* MMenatera nil. rtl 1*,

U y , 1*. THK ARTIAIA ADVO<*«r., A im u . UTRW UrtTICO K H m > ^*ir I Ut IB . M l WiAT A RDn^^ »>y E.__, •«k«* j Z. ‘ SSSi

81 Rooms, T ___ iL 5 > 3 L ? S ? ‘«ri « lo d r . ulk^l »l>*fOCia> n 0( r rkiAHlfied Rate« j 19—Education, Instruction 104—Automobiles For Sale I *1 Cift and succeuful oil and gas prop­ (Minimum L'num 7Sc) • erties. Ur) j I'inisb High or Urade School at i FOR SALE—1948 Jeep, 4-wheel HAGKRMAN Oil Operators ay 3c p«r word Colorado, 289, 37, 26; western *®»piUU I name, ipare time, itooks furnish-; dri4e Bargain at 226.9 W M ay» nc prr word I rd. diploma awarded. Stan where, Nebraska. 236, 74, 0. Wyoming. ?*an at cij Lindsey, box 231, Liko Hills 5'E^’S In West On Way 199, 93, 10: northern .New Mexico, lys lOc per word you left school. Write Columbia; 9-8 61 p ays 12r per word Hchool, Boa 1433, Albuquerque. | 149, 4. 121, Montana. 93. 51. 4; “« "hitki A Linns Club S.one .Meeting was North Dakota, 99. 38. 0; Utah, 20. r cent g( I ays 14c per word held Thursday evening. April 5. To Record Year 1, 1; Sojth Dakota, 2. 0, 0; Idaho, ays 16c per word 20—Apartments. Furnished I otflCfT >4 H A K A I N S ! at East Grand Plains following a DENVER '8* — If first quarter 1, 0, 0: Arizona. 1, J, 0, M’ashing cit»i ays 39c per word FOR RENT—F'umished efficiency dinner of charcoal broiled steaks figures are a reliable portent, oil ton, 1, 0, 0 f iaevo -ays , 70c per word apartment. Carpeted, bills paid. which wac enjoyed at all. and gas operators in the M'est Britiah-American Oil producing •* ur less calendar monlb 69c are well on their way toward an­ Inquire 802 West Quay or Dial BARGAINS! Present were Wayne Graham, gut major flows from two oil weds Spare Rates SH (F2993. other record year in Nebraska and .New .Mexico It h'JUilBJ L president, and Bill Knoy. secre­ In an 11-state area they com­ (Minimum Hwcgr 75c) a-28—tfc tary treasurer of tin- Hagerman pumped 239 barrels per day from pobt *01, WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF Mr and Mrs. F M Gomez of / w C /e GOT A DCXX?- / HI.' s e damage fulher than the ') b : l u 'H E 'S too lazy O l OTAXJ aunt received in payment there RADIO ZiND TELEVISION-DUII Hagerman were hosts to an en­ DATE DQO € U=> ‘'S m a Two-w-*y SH 6-3.42 for pompt and effi-i TO B iMG i t l ik e a chilada supper Thursday evening ,yi?AO»o-PHONe cient service. Roselawn Radio k at 7:30 at their home A delicious / g e n t l e m a n 'A * 0 MED Errors BC'reC NOT Sir THCCC fitrs will be corrected without TV Service, 104 S. Roselawn. Rice & Hughes Spanish menu was served to the ANO B low m s h o r n '. ^rge provided notice is given 11/3—tfc following guests: NEW AND USED CARS •Mr and Mrs Charles Lathrop (lately after the riR5?T IN 78— Business Oppsrtuuitles flTION ami son, Bobby, Mr and Mrs John Gamer. Mrs W E Knoy and Deadline MAIN STREET BUILDING .500 South First' sons. Tommy and Runny; Richard acceptance of classified adven­ reasonable price, good terms., DIAL SH 63765 ing is 9:U0 A M. day of publica- 1940 sq ft floor space We also , Long. Vaughn Finch, Frank lU A.M. Saturday fur Sunday Rhodes, Calvin Graham, Cart Gu­ have 100 feet highway frontage - evara, David Wyman. Bobby Estes. % bileation on South first, in center of best j THE ARTESIA ADVOCATE Billy and Eugene Dearman. Mar­ r\% business Don Jensen Realtor, i tin Flores, Wilbert Wrinkle. Or­ nassified Deportment 901 West .Mam, SH 6-4291 3-.V.96 , C /7 Dial SH 6^2788 ville Freeman, Peggy Cumpsten. L WE HAVE a whole bus full of res- | PByllis Jumper, .Mary Shipman. I—Poblic Notlres taurant equipment, booths, grill. I Edward. Billy, Daniel, David, Son­ BIG SLS'lER lUl^H • MlNDkti !»T()CKMFiN refrigerators and the bus. An j ny and Olivia Gomez, and Mr and SAY ideal small business for man Mrs. Gomez. ' SPECIAL I COU.DNT MAKE OUT tueT TUQ BE ' 1 MV . a n d do •"Hev ca ll V ooen lARKET YOUR CATTLiC THE and wife, total price $1000 with OGLIVERY? 1 NAME BUT IT TOOK ALMOS"* . MON7l/5.>] THAT 5PBCIA,. DELIVEBV?'. BETU,' AUCTION WAY low down- payment. Call G. W The members of the Order of LETTB3 PORNOU 8E-TU--J WMO 6 IT •M3EE MONTHS al SH s p e c ia l DCLIVSPV (i H 1CCOM?? •m (TPT AT Adams SH 6-3782, Don Jensen Rainbow for Girls of Hagerman I - PRODUCERS LIVESTfX'K Realtor, 901 W Main, SH 6 went in a group to the Baptist t AUCTION 4291 3-9-96 Church here for Sunday morning V • SALES WEDNESDAYS ' church services The Reverend R IH ox 171 Phone 3 2666 $280 Monthly income, only $2(A)0 ’ A. Long is the pastor Dn>low El Paso, Texas down. 4 unit, 2 bedroom, 3 apart ] i kfrBI t ments furnished, one unfurnish-1 Mrs Ruth Strixner was ill Fri­ II—Help Wanted ed Located south of Main St., I day and unable to assume her du­


The FirniR listed below under This New Classified i *•» Section are prepared to meet your every need! ^ -lO HORIZONTAL 43. units of VERTICAL grow old MICKEY MOUSE 1. kinsman force 1. pouch correlative 4. treacherous 44. mixture 2^Mrs. Cantor of neither All R 3 ht,> S k DCS. 1 LL An v tm in G a 3. sea-bottom row VL NMlE WEAR IT...ON UTU ' 'f V\ \ Plumbiud aad HeaU«8 9. Interdiction for A«-.,Vyi.-i.*A»B wane 1 PROVLSE! TV asS Radio Senrice 12. American 'cooking 4. inland bodies the dill 1 c>RC»)‘! ONE SO lEVLN ^ > • humorist 47. Indian of water Blackmore U 'L CAW DRESSN OONOSeKu-N: heroine THESE nevs Clothes ARTESIA PLG. k HTG. 13. musical matting 5. aside P’Oe THE wHURiH ■ drama 50 single unit 6. symbol for moved ------ao K. & L. RADIO k TV 712 W. Chisum SH 6-3712 14. past 51. weave rope neon stealthily 15. division of 54. epoch 7. wrath Italian- 102 S. 7th Dial SH 62841 make nn ' Plumbing Supples, extended 59. armed 8. fleet vessel poem conflict of 13th violin TV Repair, aH makes Water Heaters 17. rubber 96. more 24. criminal 19. money rational 9. shallow and penal Antenna installations drawers 97. pinch vessel play Specialist, furnace repair Lucifer Radio repair, home, auto 22. bird of cuckoo Answer to yesterday's puzsle. foggy family dogs New and Used Fum ltare sparkle Lumber, Paiut, Cemeat 23. former Dtnnra aoH Hfinff r / aecretery 'dr^aa penitential of state season Funiture Mart—We lYade B [ i 3 a 37. en ocean 5 Electrical Senrte* 29.selU Furniture and Appliances 28. to anchor ( r i H E a n a trip 1113 S. FtraC SH 63133 29. came acihii more recent MANDRAKE THE MAGICIAN CONNOR ELECTRIC CO together go In curve 707 W. Miasouri SH 6-3771 Mattresses, Floor C^ovMMgs again WAIT? YOU HELP 1 NOW— /CAATrUAyF— WAIT? YOU'RE FROM AVIRS! j 31. tun god anecdotes Electrical Contracting [i:r?r3na[^i:iD the AND ME PRISONERS LBAVe TMBYU_ ...---- BSCAfle--—7/OV PIP YOU IN TM THIS Motor Rewinding and 32. paid notices QL'lLl IT SUMS I CANT JAKE VOtT HERE» TMATS OUR COONTHT LESAIXY? HAGERMAN READY 33. gastropod turmeric TO TVIE^ICE, BKAUSe I L L E ^ t HOUSE thbM Repairing 34. ship channel anciDZJu EHaMHPj prefix: TOUVE 8ROKEN NO LAWS^,. thrice SI MIXED CONCRETE 35. symbol for 81—Lawn Mowers tellurium 7EU 11 ITESi one of the , For Free Estimatei on Caroline rv 36. escapes, as [sinij ouQCi TURNER’S LAWN MOWER liquid Islands SHOP Large or SmaU Coutracta 3T. gtrl’a name 92. printer'a IN I West Mate Street 38. amall island measure Pkone ARTESIA Plant Odin'a Laaw Mowers Sharpened k 40. annual Aeeraae tlsw •! seletles: tt mlsales. SH 68718 42. insect DUtrtkvIM Sr Klae mturM Sya«icsu brother Repaired CRYPTOqUIFS Formerly Located HAGERMAN Plant 2357 1000 N. Roselawn OZbIJ MHSCKZ OJHEBJO ODSR lOHLLKP DO KPBK HC ZHEBJ. Yeeterd^y’s Cryptoquip: VARSITY VARIETY SHOW R |. W H O DOES IT? VALLBO rra BROADWAY BROTHERS. Tuesday, April ^ J TH* ARTTSIA ADVOCAT*. A«TESIA. NEW MEXICO f ig r SU RMINMIintlNIIIIIUlHiHM Boom Coe;* On BUSINESS AND PAYNE Amid Risiii" ARTESIA INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Parkin® Co. Business C«»sls f arliers al Kv WAITFK KKF.KIti; JK. PAYNE’S FINES tI NKW YORK .r Th«? boom Raise In Crude Oil Prices eoakted leixurcly into the leeonit (aliaiict* b o i Tax • Beef u quarter this week against a back jtvg^WASHINGTOI ground of rising costs and > iffen MARCH OF EVENTS • Pork ing competition Necessary, Association Says Major busuiess trends were gen Eii«n;.ow(r »• C (l Iwlk I C»n9r*»» Moy OK Up • Hanib (ail May Be Dead Tl'LSA. Okla., April 9 (SiJCciaD—A Reneral incn*ast' in (rally strung Steel operation^ Of Forclqn Aid tequ**!? | M * iollol were close to UK) per cent of ca crude oil prietjs has boon made “necessary and inevitable by • Bacon pacity: retail sales continued to By J At K BKU jtpenoi to CrntmJ Preaa Xtaocialion higher costs of wages, steel and other materials, the Inde- show impressive gams over a year vV.XSHINGTON i.f* — Pivsidcnt Kisonhowyr may haw »r'A SH l.s’GTOX Peapita the initinl how la from Confrema kt the pennent Petroleum Association of America said today. • And other 11 ago killul any chanw for an oil'll ion-year inoomo tax out by iv- W aiae of Preaident Eiaenhower'a 34 9 bUlion foreign aid re­ .An adjustment inin crude oil . 1953 Fine For many businessmen the quostino a !sv4T.liK),iXK.) inoioa.sv' in dofonst' funds. quest cham e.1 are that he will get a big part of wh»t he la asking. prices is "overdue and unavoid­ “Since that r*p I'ommand ba.se> and for accelerat siles least $4 biUioB wrill be approved, and it possibly by the present price structure." w Caliche Roadg The request apparently came as tors leave no alternative to an another important element of bus ing work on the Distant Early might run up to $4.5 billion. 8o. don’t look for mess expense- -the cost of borrow no surprise to Rep Mahon 'D any aharp slash la Ike’s propoaaL early correition in crude oil he Mid Warning radar line Dewline in s • • s “In addition, as the search for • Kchervoirg ing money Falling prices of C S Texi. chairman of a House Appro­ Clarence DavU prices." the far north Secretary of De­ • NEW CABINET OFFICER ?—Interior de­ He said oil and gas have "con­ oil extends deeper and into more government bunds spotlighted the fense U ilson said 24tm millions priations subcommittee consider sistently been among the lowest difficult areas, such as offshore trend toward firmer interest of the total would be devoted to ing the 34S billion dollar defense partment “insideri’’ expect Under SecreUry Clarence DavU to'be CM. budget fur fiscal 1957. starting operations, costs continue to in rates The Bank of Canada se' a BS2 pruductMin the next secretary, succeeding Douglas McKay who is quitting items in the consumers’ cost of price tag of three per cent on the July 1 about mld-Apnl to run for the Senate seat now held by Oregon living," and “will continue to be crease ” The request met a generaH^ "These examples serve to show Money it loan-- t- commercial "We have been expecting it for Democrat Wayne Morse. after the price w adjusted " approving reception on Capitol some time and our hearings have McKay, former governor of Oregon, ia known to be highly pleaned that the need and certainty of a ( ( ’.heck) Berry banks who reluan it to business Hill, but some legislators ques "Uil and gas producers can and firms The previous interest ' it been cunducied on the premise wnth the help he's had from D av ^ who he brought to the depart­ do improve the efficiency of their | crude oil price increase is not a tioned whether it would be enough ment when he became secreUry in January. 1953. Davis, a Nebras­ matter of opinion It is an econ “discount rate" had been i - , per S«*n Stennt-- D-Miss'. a membi*! that the request would be iorth- operations in their own business.” ^ Artesia, N. .M. cent, as recently as la-t .Augus coming Mahon said kan. U highly popular in the department and has made no political he Mid "They cannot control gen | omic fact," he Mid ■ d t.*;c Senate .Armed Services Brown noted that the need for it was only 1W per cent There I Committee, said output of B52' "It IS the minimum that is ni*ed enemies on Cppitol Hill. oral increases in labor rates and | Dial Sll 6-3131 were some who predicted the Ca ed I hope the amount will he materials costs throughout the a crude oU price adjustment had and missiles has been "far too • NE;W Rl'SS LINE—Speculation In diplomatic circlet ia flouilsh- been recognized by other indus­ aadun move winild L-c followed slow ' He adviK'ated a billion dol ^nough entire economy" 709 ('layton Ave. by similar action m the I S side •Mahon said the belated money mg about the poaaible significance of Russia's debunking of the late Brown declared adequate price try associations, and by some oil lar increass- in fund.- for these Josef Stalin. companies and company officials, of the border purposes Sens Kefauver I>Tenn request w->uld not alter the com Is a Vital mTevsity in meeting the Behind the growing scar'-iiy of mittee s plan- to have the big do One theory U that it could mean the beginning of a genuine revo­ nation's requirements fur oil and and called attention to some re loanable cash wen the insatiable mg a big new issui of debentures fense appropriation measure lution among the masses—because the current leaders are striving gas. and explained that rising gional price adjustments whL'?. capital requirements of C S bu.- The I’i'ople- Gas System said • ready fur House consideration late desperately to use Stalin as a scapegoat for all troubles writhm the costs have reduced funds for ex have b^n made "preceding . the iness firms which need money for w'.l need 130 m'llion dollars ir this m-inth Soviet. pluratiun and development "that necessary general incerase " expansion Thi.- week cieneral new financing over the next twi The White Hmise said actual Another U that the whole cpiaode U being pUyed up beyond its Is needed to maintain a proper Electric f'n said it planned to ;-ji- another bu potential nor military expenditures would be true worth in the hope of fooling the world into believing there ia a level of proved oil reserves " FLETCHER raise :RKI million dollars t>\ float rower was C insumer- Power Co boosted 4iK> million dollars in the basic change in the Communist outlook. Natural gas. he pointed out, is New Plastie which announced plan- tor a hall coming fiscal year, thus wiping The only agreement in all clrelea U that something definitely is under federal control and “con hillion dollar expansion pr - !rim out an estimated budget surplus of happening within the Soviet which forces the leaders to make a inues gasoline and other oil pro grandstand play—whether that grandstand audience ia Intended ts With more -a r than buyer- that amount but not upsetting an ducts will carry a disproportion Containers .Allow ELECTRIC be the people of Russia or the people of the Western wrorld. tlie iiiilu-try produgli m. at I3.i 473 anticipated budget balance The • • s • ate part of the oil and gas prioluc cars W.I- the b«--t -ince earlv additional 147 million dollar- SKINDIVERH HARK!—The Maritime admInUtration has no de­ ers' total cost," he added "In ef PiK-kel Martinis ^ a s l i Feliruarv But it a - still a good wuuld go into a reserve fund for feet, the motorist is subsidizing CO. 20 p Treasury Humphrey have coun­ agency Is deluged with letters ssking for information on ships thst carry around that rx'ra-dry mar have been sunk and can be salvaged. attention to rising oil import- MOTOR koii;:li Dry Which way Is busiiies- headed seled against any tax cuts that tini—complete with olive in an i>r! V Maritime's answer U that pnvate ahips and car­ which ho said "arc reducing the FREE now ' T.'.. Northern Trust Cr, ol Would unbalance the budget total income from dnmcslic pro envelope in your poi-kel ' s I'K K I P Sen Williams iR D el'. a mem goes belong to the owners, even if they rest In Davy Trsas««Te Ur when the housewife can Laugh KE-WlNDINt; r Chioa.c ■ VMliinteered an an-wer Jones’ locker, and that government vessels lost in duction and forcing domestic pro i and week in it- monthly new her of the .Senate Finance Corn Trove ducers to carry a costly burden If she dnips a dozen fresh egg> wars are pretty hopeless. Of some 1.200 U. S. ships because she knows they won't ifEl.lVERA otter There ha- b»'en some level mittee. said the i’resident's new sunk during World War II, locations arc knowm for Unlikely of shut-in (oil proiliicing) capac B • tig .iu'. the bank said, but '.ign- request would make a lax cut even crack or break and s about 1.000—but only 175 have ever been considered ity ” B if any appreciablt downturn are IcM likely than it appears now for possible salvage. Hr said a reduction in imports, New plastic film containers fur .lOHNSON not in evidence at this time The Williams pointed out that a SDr Maritime says there just are no known shipwrecks where gold or which has born recommended b) martini.s. eggs and many- other REPAIRING e-onomy has weathered the sir increa-e in individual income tax other fabulous wealth awaits the adventuresome diver. Even the government, "would not eliminate products went on di.splay today a able reituctions in automobile out exemptions, which George has the opening of the American .Man *B : itM of the government Blips would have no more than $150 in cash. the need fur a price adjustment, Z put .ind housing activity very well propo.sed in the past, would cost but it would le.vsen the amount of agemrnt A.ssn's 3Sth annual park laarji;:c ur Small B Irn th and Mivsouri The -■•nfideni attitu.ie> evidenced the Treasury 2 ‘-a hillinn dollars aging exposition and conference B the price increase" Dial SH ^2242 '> businc-smen. consumers and "When you are dealing with tax The annual U S. income lax col­ REPEAT NO. 1 "The exact amount of the need The shell-less eggs are packaged cut proposals. 4 ed adjustment in price is not sub ID unbreakable, transparent poly .pport for business in the month.-, Is not a significant figure," he ethclene containers — in which to about S6(MI a xquare mile* ol newspaper Publisher O. F Arm- ject to mathematical detrrmina 1 .itieail said licld Jr. have no trouble remem­ tion," Brown said "Experience they can he boiled and from which bering his phone numbers. The of has, and will, demonstrate the they can be eaten fire phone is listed as ’’1." the price ni-eded to develop suffici KEMGLO H & H home phone, ’‘1111.” ent reserves All factors leave no Kadiatof Shop .I’jhn Spoir alternative to an early correction in crude oil prices." Now At PIR E POISON the miracle- and (laraRC Brown outlined specific cost in We Are Proud FITCHBURG. Mass .;r — A crea.se# experienced by oil and ^ lustre enamel I ndrr New Ownership .\ppointment girl clerk in the District Court of Our ON ANY MAKE CAR gas producers An ll’.AA cost studv “PEE WEE" ROBERTSON office gingerly opened an en- in October 195.5. he pointed out" and DAKMKK SHOP velupi‘ bearing two labels marked Beauty and Durability fnr JIMMY N. FRANflS • PROMPT SEKYKE showed the cost of finding and Your Walls and Woodwork 1011 MANN AVE. ■poison." developing a barrel of uil had in Artesia Citizenship • ALL WORK It contained a letter from an crca.sed 20 percent since the last Mayes & Co. ••Barked by SH 6-4I04 irate Clinton motorist cotgpluin- ciude oil price incrca.se in Juno And to Be a Part of the Aears of Experienre'* (.1 AKANTEED Ml S. Second Dial Sli « 211« Free Parking ing that he had received sum- 1206 S. First Dial SH 6 2552 mon.ses for overtime parking in PECOS VALLEY Harron & C'oiincr ON THE JOB Fitchburg. BRADLEY BEACH. N. J up_ "I haven't been in Fitchburg INDUSTRIAL AREA At TO & RADIO SERVICE for lix months," the letter sid. .Members of the volunteer fire company had just finished a roast SI7 .S. FIRST "And the way you give out park TA>kS srite telephone or visit ing tickets I'll never go to Fitch­ beef dinner served by the auxili­ SAVE DIAL burg. Please do not send me any ary when the alarm sounded for CAPROCK WATER CO. Welded and Bolted John Simons, Jr. more tickets." a fire. "That was the biggest and SH 6-:H91 fastest turnout we've ever had,” Office 315 W. Quay Field, Phone Long Distance I Manufai-sured by one fireman said. A small blaze 3 0 % Columbian NEW YORK LIFE SNAKE WRANGLER in an automobile was extinguished irtcel Tank Co. INSURANCE(OMPANY DEMING, N.M. ‘/f — Bob Jones, quickly. ■t a tall, lanky cowpoke, reluctantly vh< SOLD BY 212 Booker Building accepted a job riding herd on a Jack’s Radiator Shop Homsiey bunch of snakes at a highway- DAIRY SHOW OPENS CONCRETE DITCH LINERS PORTALES jv-Rivalry is ex­ 311 S. First Dial sH 6-4332 Allied Supply Co. Dial SH 6-1842 trading post because he was broke DIAL SH 6^2991 - ABTESIA - r, O. BOX Dial SH 6 22S1, Artesia He was “scared to death" at first, pected among the top breeders of Lumljcr Co. he says, but that was months ago. Jersey cattle in Texas and New tie read everything he could Mexico as the fourth annual Grcal * Lumber find about snakes and got interest­ Southwestern Dairy show opened HOME LOANS Building ed. He has turned down a dozen here today. The entries are due Leont Studio other jobs. by tonight and the show will end FULLERFORM METHOD' Interest from 4'.% ileiitral ^ alley Material Uis snake collection is one of with a parade of champions the roadside zoological exhibits Thursday night. Photo Finishing Terms 10 to 29 Y'ears Hardware Auto Loans 1 to 2 Years Elet'lric* used by trading post to slow down Life. Fire and CaMialty tourists, l^st year more than GRADER AND DOZER WORK Portrait Cement 300,000 people stopped to sc* it. • For Complete Coverage Sec (lo-Opcralive Commercial Coasult Us When You Have His prize specimen is a 196 MAKE MOVING'DAY a Building Problem! pound python 20 feet long He IIHHIIIIIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIDIH C’tcil Waldrep “Owned by Those haths it in milk every month to FOR YOU... 24-Hour Service One Mile Weal of Artesia EASY 'SAFE THANKS Insuraare and Loan Service We Serve” help it shed its skin and feeds it 415 W. Mail Dial SH 6-2642 Dial SH 6-4709 4 to 10 rabbits every two weeks. FOR YOUR FUR»^ITURE A 112 S. Fifth Dial SH 6 3715 Artesia. New Mexii-o But the poisonous varieties — Cobras, Russell vipers from India MILLION! and rattlesnakes also are popular ARTESIA TRANSFER We Thanh the Many* Old and numbers Jones calls the eastern New fustomers who made diamond rattlesnake Jh e most & ST0RA(;E CO. Our E'lral Anniversary Kale kx'd ENIAHCKD- LAND LEVELLING dangerous in his collection. DIAL SH 6-3416 a huge success! For Your Hotter Service and Convenience Hybrid corn gives the United New Arrivals! Licly|W« A«ro M«yflowtr. New E'ebrirs are coming In Ceiieral Dirt Conlraelini; States a third mive corn on 82 per N«fton wid« Furnitur* Mov«rt cent of the land nsed in 1931. Every Day! And . . . there REFRIGERATION DOSS GARAGE are still many Bargalna at Reduced Piicet! SERVICE BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT ( ..II. “(ilaude” Berry SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS 105 EAST GRAND DIAL Sll 6-3452 (XinMERUIAL Heating and Air Sales and iWac’s RESIDENTIAL li'rn Shop, Dial SH 6-3953 — North Roselawn A-1 AUTOMOTIVE Ihcii (WndiUoning Srrriee Residence Dial SH 6-2513 — .321 West (Jrand .METALI'RODUCTS Fabric Mart riMnes; It's Jim’s, of Course, for That 1115 8. First Dial SH 6^3142 SH IF3422 Rea. KH fr32YI Artesia $96 W. Mala Dial 8H C-3732 Thirteen$li at Rkhardsen Fiiif Footl — Quick Service IIMIIIIIIIIIimiMMIIMIIIIIIMliniltlMMIIIIIIIIIIMIMMnillMIIIMIIHHMIllMIIIIIIH iiiiHiiiiHiHiHWimiiitiiiiiiiMmnj! Increasing Popularity Proves That Wf .Serve CHOICE FOOD. Properly Prepared. GUY'S CLEANERS Asd. Doa’t Forget Our World Famous Root Beer, PHONE and AU Fountaia Service! NOW Ol'EN AT OUR NEW I/)CATIONl SH 6-2741 HOTEL ARTESIA RESTAURANT “The One Good ricaner«” JIM'S DRIVE IIN ALTERATIONS — HATTERS PROMIT — COURTEOUS — SA>’E FINEST STEAKS — CHICKEN — SEA FOOD Pick Up and Delivery Service We Cater to Special Partiea 1012 South First Dial SH 6-3432 208 South Fourth Dial SH S-2422 YELLOW CAB COMPANY Beat Service • Choice Dinnen • Lunchea Breakfi •HIHHIIIIHIIHHINHIinmHNIHIHMHIHIIIHIIIIIHMMUHMIllHHtlHIHIlHniNMUl