7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PW COM VOLUME LXXI, NO. 49. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1949 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Local Laundry On Force 25 Yean Benjamin Cook Knights Hold First Annual Breakfast New Sea Bright Salvation Army Acclaimed By Ends 25th Year Councilman May Band To Appear Trade Journal On Local Force RED A k. BANK Be Named Tonight In Red Bank Praised For Culling He Was Appointed Hoclrr SeeiiM l.ik«|y Will Be Third Annual Insurance Coils By When Harry Clayton f.hi»irr AM Power Vi*it Sponsored Modernisation Program Was Red Bank Chie Pa»Mr* lo I In- (i.O.l". By Local Churches Leon's cleaners, through a pro- Benjamin C. Cook of 149 Brand Appointment of a successor to The territorial staff band of tha gram of reconditioning and modern- ave., completed Saturday 25 year; former Councilman Stanley Fowl- Salvation Army from the Eastern isation, have reduced their insur- of service with the Red Bank po er Is expected to hiRhlisht tonight's territorial headquarters in New ance costs by 40 per cent. The suc- lice department. He will retir meeting of the Sea Bright mayor York city will present the third cess of the laundry in cutting ex- next year on reaching his 83th and council. Sohn H. Hncter. Re- annual scries of local concert* pense in this way ia the subject of birthday. publican, is considered the likely sponsored by the Red Bank Coun- an article in this month's edition of Officer Cook is Red Bank's traf- choice for the job. cil of Churches next Sunday. "Atarchroom," laundry trade journ- fic veteran. Since his appointment Mr. Fowler, alao % Republican, The band will start its day lonj al. to the force as a probationary of program by playing at the 11 a. m. Tha "Starchroom" article points ficer, May 19, 1924, he has directed resigned from the bonrd more service at the Rci Bank Baptist out that the flreprooflng program traffic at the borough's three posts than a month »Ku. Elected last church. The speaker at the service included construction of 12-inch- His hand signals have become a November for a three-year term he will be Col. Holland French, chief thick inside walls in the dry clean- much a part of Red Bunk as th resigned after four months' ser- secretary ot the Salvation Army's ing room. These Walls are parapet- Shrewsbury river. vice. At the time he said he did Eastern territory. Benjamin C. Cook not. like council work and believed ed three feet above the existing roof "I get along with people," sail At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, level. The magazine goes on to say the' officer, "and very few hav his post should go to another man. j the hand will present ft concert at "Metal fire doors guard the two disobeyed my signals or deliber Mayor Thomas Farrell, Demo- the Presbyterian church and »t large openings leading * into the ately disregarded them. Most peo- cratic nominee for a fourth term 7:,",0 that night will give another mar king and finishing depart- ple understand my signals. I can't recommended four selections for concert preceding the evening ser- ments." Class Of 1919 tell you of exciting times on th the replacement May 5. All were vice at the Methodist church. CoL The trade journal adds that all forc« because as far as I am con rejected by opposing Republicans French will also speak at the eve- electrical fixtures and connections cerned there weren't very many including Councilman Neils Jncob- ning service. have been equipped with explosion To Have Reunion Just 25 years directing traffic." sen, G.O.P. nominee for the mayor- The territorial staff band was or- features and that the cleaning room Group To Meet With all the car* that Office alty election thl.s year. The mayor ganized in 1891 and since then has is protected by an automatic sprink- Cook has handled, it took a slei would have had to be given ma- given concerts in many town* and ling system. At Willon brook to injure him seriously. The ac- jority confirmation by council cities In the United States. It hit Another means used by the Red cldent occurred many years ag Shown in Red Bank Catholic high school cafeteria Sunday morning as Red Bank council, Knights within 30 days after the Fowler made two trips to England and.sev-' resignation to make an appoint- eral to Canada. It has played be- Bank cleaning plant to reduce in- The Red Bank high school class when he waa directing traffic at Columbus, held its first annual Communion-brcakfnst are, left to right, Eugene Kenna, district ilupuj fore jieveral President* and for surance premiums is the use of cov- of 1919 will hold a reunion at the Spring st. and Harding rd. John L. Montgomery, referee of the county juvenile and domestic relations court; Lawrence A. Dwyci ment, binding. Now council Re- publicans can make the appoint- three years was featured on a ered metal buckets for trash dis- Willowbrook, Fair Haven, Satur- "A sled cam* down the hill, atate deputy; Thomas Irving' Brown, editor and publisher of The Register; John E. Toolan, former sens weekly radio program over a na- posal. tor from Middlesex county, who was toastmaster; John P. Mulvihlll, Sr., local grand knight, and Fran ment. day, June 25. About 42 class men* struck me. and I was in a New tion-wide network. J. Trlolo, breakfast chairman. t , Lf' Mr. Hooter was narrowly defeRt- York hospital six months unde The program for Sunday ia t* bers are expected to attend as will treatment for a fractured skull. ed by Mr. Jacobscn in the prim- several of their teachers. The com- Warning that "the cold war be- considers impure pictures, but that Michael J. Bergln led the assem ary election for the G.O.P. mayor- follows: The department gave me a year'* tween atheistic Russia and the in this case it should work to bly in singing "The Star Spangle( ll.iptist Church 11 A. M. Rumson To Insiall mittee in charge of the reunion leave of absence." alty nomination. He had the sup- Prelude: Baiiil Allelulah United States" is actually a "hot praise the industry for filming'a Banner" and Frank T. Wise, pas port of the "regular" Republican consist* of Raymond Hurley, Wil Officer Cook's first task was to document on the life of one of the commander of St. James post Ori!nn handle traffic at the intersection o war against the Catholic church party on n ticket including Dan- Cull to worship New Police Radio liam A. Miller, Burton T. DorcmuE and all religion," Mr. Dwycr com- church's saint*. Catholic War Veterans, led in th iel Pearson, incumbent and Wil- Invocntiun, Lord's Prayer and E. Allaire Cornwell. Maple ave. and Monmouth, st Stating "you can shoot men, but salute to the flag. Hymn which at that time was the only mended the presence at the break- liam (Marty)) Cousins, seeking IS "L'rown Him With Many Crowns" Ordinance Passed Traveling the longest distance to fast of members of other religious you can't shoot ideals," ex-Ben. Mr. Trlolo opened the speech election to council. Since his vic- Scripture lesson highway used by motorists travel Toolan praised the local council making by introducing Mr. Mulvi Mslc choruit H.MH-.-M By Boro Council attend will be Mrs. Gladys Wood ing to and from the shore and New faiths. He told the Knights -and tory Mr. Jacobsen has been teamed Garretaon of Stillwater, Okla. Other for the large attendance at Com- hill, who greeted the gathering anc with PearHon and Coualns, who "Cnme Unto Me," BloomQUttt York city. Ben was 38 years old their guests they must stop bigo- munion. "We must manifest eur turned She session over to Mr. Too Pnnloral prayer An ordinance to purchase a two- class members who are expected at the time. try if our democracy is to con- won the primary vote. Bind selection ~ "Roekinghank'* way police radio system was passed are Beatrice Rafferty of New York; belief in God," he said, "if we are Ian. Special guests, besides M Olfertory aervie* "There was no light then and tinue. ever to know success in the con- Montgomery and Mr. Brown, wer< Since the 30-day limit for the rrnyer on its first reading at the meeting Florence Worthley of HarrUburg, mayor to namo an appointee is Offertory selection •'Tranmerlt* of the Rumson mayor and council Pa.; Eluie Conover Morrow of De- there was no stop and go algn. I Mr. Kenna reminded the Knights tinual battle against forces of Peter Urbells, grand knight Vocal Solo, selected. Envoy Frank was the busiest corner I have ev- evil." Freehold council, and members ol past it is Up to council to make last Thursday night. The cost is troit; Mary Kelly Flynn of Ham- they should support the motion the choice. That throw* the fowler not to exceed $3,000. den, Conn.; Elizabeth McEvilly and er been assigned to, "said Office picture, "Joan of Arc." Declaring Breakfast followed 8 o'clock Catholic War Veterans and Hoi) Sermon, Col. Holland French, chief s«c- Cook. "There wa» a little platform Name societies of St. James, SI strength of « vote to the three retary for the Eaitern Territory •( The new system, which will con- Mary Evans, Johnstown, N. T.; it is "a Christian and Catholic" mass in St. James church. Mjgr. The Salvation Array on which I stood to direct traffic.
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