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Africa : Conflicts and Crises of the Last Five Years Thematic Bibliography no. 3/13

L’Afrique : conflits et crises des cinq dernières années Bibliographie thématique no. 3/13

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Books Livres


382 /00346 Cote d'Ivoire et Mali, au coeur des trafics d'armes en Afrique de l'Ouest - Bruxelles : GRIP. 39 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 1/2013) Author(s): 1. Berghezan, Georges Subject(s): 1. ILLEGAL ARMS TRANSFERS--AFRICA, WEST 2. ILLEGAL ARMS TRANSFERS--IVORY COAST 3. ILLEGAL ARMS TRANSFERS--MALI Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Dans un Sahel plus instable que jamais, la question de l'armement se pose. D'ou viennent toutes ces armes ? Quel est leur role dans la perpetuation et l'aggravation des conflits en Afrique de l'Ouest ? Ce dossier se focalise sur deux pays, particulierement affectes. Le premier, la Cote d'Ivoire, place des 2004 sous embargo sur les armes, a vu celui-ci frequemment viole. Du cote du gouvernement renverse, quelques courtiers, surtout francais et bielorusses, se sont atteles a approvisionner le pouvoir en armes legeres et de petit calibre (ALPC) et en services et material aerien. Du cote de l'ancienne rebellion, d'importants stocks d'armes ont ete livres par le Burkina Faso, un pays qui n'en est pas a son coup d'essai en matiere de violations d'embargos sur les armes. Les informations livrees par les Groupes d'experts, charges par l'ONU de surveiller l'embargo, ainsi que par la force d'interposition onusienne, sont analysees d'un oeil critique. Dans le second, le Mali, les trafics concernent surtout les groupes armes, auxquels tout transfert est interdit, notamment par la Convention de la CEDAO sur les ALPC. Par l'intermediaire de combattants en fuite et de reseaux islamistes, les groupes controlant le Nord-Mali se sont neanmoins lourdement equipes en detournant des stocks d'armes sophistiquees. Fabriquees surtout en Russie, mais aussi dans des pays occidentaux, elles proviennent de Libye, un pays dont les arsenaux echappent a tout controle depuis la guerre de 2011. L'auteur rappelle aussi les grandes lignes des mesures de limitation des transferts d'armement en vigueur en Afrique de l'Ouest. Un apercu de la

 This list contains material received as of March 26th, 2013.– Cette liste est arrêtée au 26 mars 2013.


production, surtout artisanale, d'armes et de munitions dans la sous-region, vient enfin completer ce rapport.' ID number: 80024809 Year: 2013 Type: M


323 /01324 After bin Laden : Al Qaeda, the Next Generation - New York : New Press. 303 p.; 24 cm ISBN: 9781595588999 Author(s): 1. Atwan, Abdel Bari Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS-- 2. TERRORISM--AFRICA, NORTH 3. QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC 4. QAIDA IN THE ARABIAN PENINSULA Notes: Includes index. 'Osama bin Laden is dead, but Al Qaeda remains the CIA's number one threat. In recent years, the organization has evolved into a complex and far-flung entity, even as American military strikes have killed its most identifiable spokesmen and leaders. Moving well beyond the headlines, this richly documented and fascinating new account of Al Qaeda offers readers a completely new understanding of the organization's aims, strategies, and fortunes in a new era of conflict with the United States and Western powers. Drawing on firsthand accounts and interviews with uniquely well-placed sources within the Al Qaeda network, the author investigates the movement's new internal dynamics, how it survives financially, and how its political appeal has changed dramatically following the Arab Spring. He profiles the next generation of foot soldiers and leaders and explores both the new methods they embrace - especially on the digital battlefield - as well as the full global range of their operations and local variations in Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, , Morocco, and elsewhere.' ID number: 80024826 Year: 2012 Type: M

502 /00009 Ressources naturelles, conflits et construction de la paix en Afrique de l'Ouest - Bruxelles : GRIP. 37 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 7/2012) Author(s): 1. Hellendorff, Bruno Subject(s): 1. NATURAL RESOURCES--AFRICA, WEST 2. CONFLICTS--AFRICA, WEST Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Apres la guerre froide, les ressources naturelles et le changement climatique sont progressivement devenus deux 'nouveaux' enjeux securitaires primordiaux. Dans les annees 1990, plusieurs conflits ont en effet demontre qu'une abondance de ressources pouvait contribuer a l'explosion de violences et a financer les moyens du conflit. Les penuries engendrees par


le changement climatique (en eau par exemple) ont egalement ete considerees comme une nouvelle menace securitaire, au Sahel notamment. Cela dit, la relation entre ressources naturelles et violence armee est heterogene, changeante et liee a une foule d'autres facteurs. Cette evolution a confronte la communaute internationale a des defis relativement nouveaux mais surtout plus complexes. C'est probablement en Afrique de l'Ouest que ces defis s'expriment aujourd'hui avec le plus d'acuite. La region continue d'etre le theatre de plusieurs foyers de tensions (pays de la sous-region du fleuve Mano, Sahel, delta du Niger, zone senegambienne). Dans ces zones, l'environnement et les ressources naturelles participent a la perpetuation de situations de conflit, latent ou ouvert. Au niveau regional, une reforme des modes de gestion des ressources naturelles et des politiques environnementales est donc necessaire au developpement d'une stabilite durable. Ce processus, bien que complexe a conceptualiser et a mettre en oeuvre, constitue une opportunite d'action incontournable pour les partenaires internationaux des pays et institutions de la region. Ce rapport poursuit deux objectifs. Le premier cherche a fournir une comprehension globale et critique du lien entre l'environnement, les ressources naturelles et les conflits. La perspective des Nations unies servira de point de reference. Le second consiste a identifier, sur la base des cas empiriques d'Afrique de l'Ouest, les limites, opportunites et perspectives nouvelles fournies par l'integration de cette dimension 'environnementale' dans les politiques de securite et de developpement.' ID number: 80024746 Year: 2012 Type: M

323 /01308 AQMI : l'industrie de l'enlevement - Paris : Fayard. 301 p.; 22 cm. ISBN: 9782213662794 Author(s): 1. Daniel, Serge Subject(s): 1. QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB 2. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM--AFRICA, NORTH 3. ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM--AFRICA, NORTH Notes: 'Enquete minutieuse et captivante sur Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique, ce livre demonte les rouages du groupe terroriste. A l'aide de nombreux temoignages des acteurs policiers et diplomatiques meles a la traque d'Aqmi, mais aussi des mediateurs ayant joue un role lors des enlevements perpetres depuis 2008, il retrace les conditions dans lesquelles ont eu lieu ces enlevements, le deroulement des negociations, le denouement funeste ou la liberation des otages. L'auteur dresse le portrait des principaux chefs d'Aqmi, restitue leur parcours, analyse leurs methodes. Si Aqmi apparait bien comme une filiale franchisee d'Al-Qaida, partageant la meme ideologie de l'islamisme radical, sa pratique montre en revanche une evolution vers une entreprise purement criminelle, celle d'une veritable industrie de l'enlevement, contre rancon, qui cherche a s'implanter dans tout le Sahel, de la Mauritanie au Tchad. Fruit d'une longue experience sur le terrain, ce document abonde en revelations et en anecdotes authentiques sur le fonctionnement du groupe terroristo-mafieux.' ID number: 80024612 Year: 2012 Type: M


441 /00236 L'investissement de l'UE dans la securite collective en Afrique centrale : un pari risque - Paris : Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne. 60 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 95) ISBN: 9789291982028 Author(s): 1. Guicherd, Catherine Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA, CENTRAL 2. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE, EUROPEAN--AFRICA, CENTRAL Added entry(s): 1. Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne (FR) Notes: 'L'interrogation a laquelle tente de repondre la presente etude est de savoir si, compte tenu de la vision que l'UE a de son role en Afrique et dans le monde, son investissement dans la CEEAC (Communaute economique des Etats de l'Afrique centrale) en tant qu'acteur de securite collective en Afrique centrale se justifie. A-t-il des chances de reussir a accroitre les moyens (capacites) et l'engagement (volonte) des Etats de la region a conduire des actions susceptibles de resorber durablement les conflits et a y ancrer une stabilite propice au developpement ? Le constat, il faut le regretter, n'est pas encourageant. Intervenant sur un milieu il est vrai peur porteur, l'UE ne s'est pas donne les moyens des fins affichees.' ID number: 80024568 Year: 2012 Type: M

495.3 /00155 Against All Odds : Relations between NATO and the MENA Region - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. x, 37 p.; 23 cm. ISBN: 1584875356 Author(s): 1. Gaub, Florence Subject(s): 1. NATO--MIDDLE EAST 2. NATO--AFRICA, NORTH Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'The author describes how the Middle East and North Africa have moved from the rim of the Alliance's security perspective toward a more nuanced vision that recognizes the region's role in an ever-changing and more-complex world. NATO has understood the security implications emerging from the changes taking place among its southern neighbors and the need for dialogue and cooperation. The author gives not only an overview of the different frameworks of cooperation that NATO has with the Middle East and North Africa, but also explains their evolution and potential. As the Arab world is undergoing change on an unprecedented scale, NATO's need for dialogue and exchange with this part of the world is even more important than before. Yet, there are obstacles along the way : burdened by historical precursors, NATO's strategic communication, and the use of antagonistic rhetoric tapping into the Clash of Civilizations, the Alliance faces a number of challenges in its cooperation with its southern partners.' ID number: 80024544 Year: 2012 Type: M


441 /00233 The EU and Africa : from Eurafrique to Afro-Europa - London : Hurst. xiv, 531 p. : ill.; 22 cm. ISBN: 9781849041713 Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. Adebajo, Adekeye, ed. 2. Whiteman, Kaye, ed. Notes: Includes index. 'This book offers a holistic and comprehensive assessment of the European Union's relations with Africa, focusing on their historical, political, socio-economic, and cultural dimensions. In the high imperial period from the nineteenth century, some in Europe advocated the idea of 'Eurafrique' - a formula for putting Africa's resources at the disposal of Europe's industries. After tracing Europe's historical attempts to remodel relations following African independence from the 1960s and Europe's own quest for unity, this book examines the current strategic dimensions of the relationship, especially the place of Africa in Europe's own need for global partnerships. Key issues are then analysed, from trade and investment to the growing priorities of security and governance, offering case histories of the role of key European players in Africa - , Britain, Portugal, and the Nordics - within the context of the EU. The volume concludes by examining the important issues of migration and identity, especially in view of Europe's controversial immigration policies and complex relations with the Maghreb and Mediterranean, as well as perceptions of past and current European identity. This book argues that Africa and Europe still appear not to have fully escaped the burdens of history, and examines the feasibility of elaborating and practising, in future, an 'Afro-Europa' : a new relationship of genuine equality, partnership, and mutual self-interest between both continents that sheds the baggage of the 'Eurafrique' past. ID number: 80024543 Year: 2012 Type: M

441 /00235 Engaging African Diasporas for Peace: Cornerstones for an Emerging EU Agenda - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. 43 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 98) ISBN: 9789291982073 Author(s): 1. Vorrath, Judith Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA 2. AFRICAN DIASPORA Added entry(s): 1. European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR) Notes: 'Over the last decade, researchers and policy-makers have paid increasing attention to diasporas. They have focused on diasporas not merely as a challenge, but as a source of largely untapped potential. Their transnational nature and peculiar position as non-state actors linking host and home countries has been identified as an important basis for engagement. Diaspora groups from sub-Saharan Africa in Europe, which according to a 2008 Council of Europe parliamentary report on immigration are roughly estimated to comprise between 3.5 and 8


million people, are not only a relevant force, but often come from homelands that have experienced or are still facing armed conflict. Against this background, this paper addresses the question of what contribution diaspora communities can make to promoting peace in their homelands and how the European Union can engage with African diasporas in the field of peace and security.' ID number: 80024571 Year: 2012 Type: M

321 /00856 Politics and Power in the Maghreb : Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring - London : Hurst. vii, 410 p.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781849042000 Author(s): 1. Willis, Michael J. Subject(s): 1. AFRICA, NORTH--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. AFRICA, NORTH--HISTORY 3. AFRICA, NORTH--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 4. AFRICA, NORTH--FOREIGN RELATIONS 5. ARAB SPRING, 2010- Notes: Bibliography: p. 387-393. Includes index. 'The overthrow of the regime of President Ben Ali in Tunisia on 14 January 2011 took the world by surprise. The popular revolt in this small Arab country and the effect it had on the wider Arab world prompted questions as to why there had been so little awareness of Tunisia up until that point. It also revealed a more general lack of knowledge about the surrounding western part of the Arab world, the Maghreb, which had long attracted a tiny fraction of the outside interest shown in the eastern Arab world of Egypt, the Levant and the Gulf. This book examines the politics of the three states of the central Maghreb - Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco - since their achievement of independence from European colonial rule in the 1950s and 1960s. It explains the political dynamics of the region by looking at the roles played by various actors such as the military, political parties and Islamist movements and addresses issues such as Berber identity and the role played by economics, as well as how the states of the region interact with each other and with the wider world.' ID number: 80024487 Year: 2012 Type: M


343 /00088 Pirates de Somalie - Paris : Grasset. 315 p.: ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9782246761518 Author(s): 1. Guisnel, Jean 2. Mahler, Viviane Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. MARITIME TERRORISM--SOMALIA Notes: Bibliography: p. 305-312. 'La piraterie maritime est un des dangers qui menacent l'economie contemporaine. La cote somalienne, ou les assauts rivalisent d'audace, se situe en tete des zones a risque. Afin de survivre dans un pays aneanti par la famine et devaste par les guerres civiles, les plus demunis s'organisent pour ranconner les plus fortunes. Pecheurs, paysans, chauffeurs de taxi, voici les nouveaux brigands des mers a l'assaut des bateaux des 'riches', des tankers jusqu'aux navires de plaisance. La geographie maritime des cotes facilite leurs attaques : dans ce passage oblige du commerce mondial, la densite du trafic attise toutes les convoitises. Les auteurs ont mene l'enquete. Qui sont ces pirates ? Pour quelles raisons sevissent-ils et surtout comment procedent-ils ? A qui profite le crime ? Et par quels moyens eradiquer cette mafia d'un nouveau genre ? La piraterie en Somalie comme si vous y etiez.' ID number: 80024780 Year: 2012 Type: M

355 /00615 L'homme qui repare les femmes : violences sexuelles au Congo : le combat du Docteur Mukwege - Bruxelles : Andre Versailles. 156 p. : ill.; 22 cm. (L'International en Jeu) ISBN: 9782874951947 Author(s): 1. Braeckman, Colette Subject(s): 1. WOMEN AND WAR--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) 2. SEX CRIMES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Non, la haine et la violence ne sont pas inscrites dans les genes des peuples des Grands Lacs ! Mais que penser de ces images en provenance de l'Est du Congo, de cette guerre qui a pris un nouveau visage, celui de la barbarie, de la cruaute gratuite ? Avec les femmes comme principales victimes : violees, mutilees, terrorisees ... Depuis quinze ans, Denis Mukwege, medecin-chef a l'hopital de Panzi (Sud-Kivu) fait face a une urgence qui dure : vagins detruits et ames mortes. Le gynecologue coud et repare. A mains nues, il se bat contre le viol, cette arme de guerre qui mine toute une societe.'. ID number: 80024650 Year: 2012 Type: M


323 /01309 The Prospects for Security Sector Reform in Tunisia : A Year after the Revolution - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. vii, 53 p.; 23 cm. ISBN: 1584875380 Author(s): 1. Hanlon, Querine Subject(s): 1. SECURITY SECTOR REFORM--TUNISIA 2. TUNISIA--HISTORY--DEMONSTRATIONS, 2010- Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'In the year since the revolution, Tunisia has achieved what no other Arab Spring country has managed : peaceful transition to democratic rule through national elections widely viewed to be free and fair. The legacy of the previous regime, however, remains. The author assesses the prospects for Security Sector Reform (SSR) in Tunisia and concludes that Tunisia's new government faces major challenges dismantling and reorienting the mandate and institutional of Tunisia's labyrinth of security institutions. Serious SSR will be critical for building trust in the new governments and its security institutions and essential if Tunisia's transition to democratic rule is to succeed in the long term.' ID number: 80024610 Year: 2012 Type: M

355.4 /01807 Slouching towards Sirte : NATO's War on Libya and Africa - Montreal : Baraka Books. 341 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781926824529 Author(s): 1. Forte, Maximilian C., 1967- Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. NATO--ARMED FORCES--LIBYA Notes: Bibliography: p. 309-338 p. Includes index. 'NATO's war in Libya was proclaimed as a humanitarian intervention - bombing in the name of 'saving lives'. Attempts at diplomacy were stifled. Peace talks were subverted. Libya was barred from representing itself at the UN, where shadowy NGOs and 'human rights' groups held full sway in propagating exaggerations, outright falsehoods, and racial fear mongering that served to sanction atrocities and ethnic cleansing in the name of democracy. The rush to war was far speedier than Bush's invasion of Iraq. The author has scrutinized the documentary history from before, during, and after the war. He argues that the war in Libya was not about human rights, nor entirely about oil, but about a larger process of militarizing US relations with Africa. The development of the Pentagon's Africa Command, or AFRICOM, was in fierce competition with Pan-Africanist initiatives such as those spearheaded by Muammar Gaddafi. Far from the success NATO boasts about or the 'high watermak' proclaimed by proponents of the 'Responsibility to Protect', this war has left the once prosperous, independent and defiant Libya in ruin, dependency and prolonged civil strife.' ID number: 80024753 Year: 2012 Type: M


355.4 /01801 La verite sur notre guerre en Libye - Paris : Fayard. 583 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 978221368987 Author(s): 1. Notin, Jean-Christophe Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011---PARTICIPATION, FRENCH Notes: Bibliography: p. 565-566. Includes index. 'De la presidence de la Republique et du Quai d'Orsay aux forces speciales et aux sous-marins nucleaires, de l'Etat-Major des Armees en France aux QG de l'OTAN en Italie, du commandement des operations aeriennes a Paris aux escadrons de chasseurs en Corse, en Sicile ou en Crete, l'auteur a eu acces a tous les intervenants de la crise libyenne, des techniciens aux plus hauts dirigeants. Il devoile ainsi de l'interieur ce qui s'y est vraiment passe. Ce livre propose donc une lecture pas a pas du conflit. Il apprend que, bien avant son declenchement, les forces francaises avaient effectue des reperages pour savoir ou et comment frapper. Il montre que dans les airs, en mer, mais aussi sur terre, elles ont ete a l'avant-garde des operations alliees, dans une relation inedite avec l'OTAN. Et l'on decouvre le role nouveau que la France a joue sur la scene internationale sous l'impulsion de Nicolas Sarkozy. Le lecteur obtiendra ainsi une reponse a une question redoutablement simple : la France a-t-elle eu raison de s'engager en Libye ?' ID number: 80024700 Year: 2012 Type: M

321 /00863 State-Building Challenges in a Post-Revolution Libya - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. xii, 52 p.; 23 cm. ISBN: 1584875518 Author(s): 1. El-Katiri, Mohammed Subject(s): 1. NATION-BUILDING--LIBYA 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'Following the overthrow of Muammar Qadhafi, Libya's National Transitional Council inherited a difficult and volatile domestic situation. The new leadership faces serious challenges in all areas of statehood. Libya's key geostrategic position, and role in hydrocarbon production and exportation, means that the internal developments in Libya are crucial not only to the Libyan people, but also to neighboring countries both in North Africa and across the Mediterranean in southern Europe. Therefore, mitigation or prevention of conditions that could lead to Libya becoming a failing or failed state is of vital importance. A review of the major challenges to the new Libyan regime, including the continuing role of tribalism and the difficulty posed by the new government's lack of monopoly on ensuring security in Tripoli and beyond are discussed. Special attention is given to the key issues of concern that foreign partners should have when engaging with the new Libyan leadership; and a number of policy recommendations are made as well. Libya's immediate future is of critical importance, and will determine whether the country faces state consolidation or


state failure.' ID number: 80024665 Year: 2012 Type: M

342 /00197 Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya - [s.l.] : United Nations. 221 p.; 30 cm. (A/HCR/19/68) Subject(s): 1. HUMAN RIGHTS--LIBYA 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Added entry(s): 1. United Nations Human Rights Council Notes: Advance Unedited Version. Human Rights Council, Nineteenth session, Agenda item 4, Human rights situation that require the Council's attention. ID number: 80024349 Year: 2012 Type: M

338.9 /00701 Libya beyond the Revolutions : Challenges and Opportunities - Washington : International Monetary Fund. v, 20 p. : ill. 30 cm. ISBN: 9781616353858 Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY AND TRADE--LIBYA Added entry(s): 1. International Monetary Fund (US) URI: ID number: 80024467 Year: 2012 Type: M

323 /01304 Crise libyenne : la nouvelle donne geopolitique - Paris : Jean Picollec. 190 p. : ill.; 21 cm. ISBN: 9782864772637 Author(s): 1. Fleury, Jean, 1934- Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR, 2011 Notes: Bibliography. Includes index. 'Le 19 mars 2011, la France et la Grande Bretagne bombardent la Libye pour soutenir les insurges : ceux-ci veulent abattre Kadhafi, qui regit le pays d'une main de fer depuis quarante ans. Ce soulevement est-il un des contrecoups de la Revolution du Jasmin qui vient d'ebranler la Tunisie voisine ? Un des episodes du Printemps arabe ? L'auteur expose les ferments qui ont provoque cette situation de crise, decrit les manoeuvres - plus ou moins occultes - diplomatiques, les jeux des divers lobbies. L'auteur rapporte les combats des rebelles, les operations militaires des pays de l'OTAN. Et en tire les conclusions : la Chine et la Russie ont laisse faire le Conseil de securite de l'ONU : qu'annonce cette position inedite ? Les


Etats-Unis, jaloux de leur role de gendarme du monde, se sont mis en retrait dans la crise libyenne. Est-ce une preuve qu'ils delaissent l'Europe et se tournent vers le Pacifique ? Cet ouvrage tire les consequences d'un engagement militaire inusuel, se penche sur les causes historiques de cette guerre et en retient des lecons pour l'avenir : la crise libyenne est le revelateur d'un nouvel ordre mondial.' ID number: 80024523 Year: 2012 Type: M

961 /00003 Sandstorm : Libya in the Time of Revolution - London : Faber and Faber. xxi, 288 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9780571288038 Author(s): 1. Hilsum, Lindsey Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. QADDAFI, MUAMMAR Notes: Includes index. 'The overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi has been one of the twenty-first century's defining moments : the Arab world's most bizarre dictator brought down by his own people with the aid of NATO aircraft. The author was in Libya when Gaddafi met his squalid end. She traces the history of his strange regime from its beginnings - when Gaddafi had looks, charisma and popular appeal - to its paranoid, corrupt final state. At the heart of her book, however, is a brilliant narrative of Libyan people overcoming fear and disillusionment and finding the strength to rebel. The author follows five of them through months of terror and tragedy. This is the Libyan revolution as it was made and lived.' ID number: 80024601 Year: 2012 Type: M

323 /01302 Libya : Liberation and Post-Qadhafi Transition - New York : Nova Science Publishers. ix, 111 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781619426153 Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Added entry(s): 1. Kerr, Brenton L., ed. 2. Cantu, Meredith I., ed. Notes: Includes index. 'After over 40 years of authoritarian repression and eight months of armed conflict, fundamental political change has come to Libya. The killing of Muammar al Qadhafi on October 20th and the declaration of LIbya's liberation by the interim Transitional National Council on October 23rd marked the end of the Libyan people's armed struggle and the formal beginning of the country's transition to a new political order. This book explores how Libya will face key questions about basic terms for transitional justice, a new constitutional order, political participation, and Libyan foreign policy. Security challenges, significant investment needs, and vigorous political debates


are now emerging.' ID number: 80024514 Year: 2012 Type: M

341.2 /00505 The Responsibility to Protect : Challenges & Opportunities in Light of the Libyan Intervention - [s.l.] : e-International Relations. 42 p.; 30 cm. Subject(s): 1. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (INTERNATIONAL LAW) 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- URI: ID number: 80024681 Year: 2012 Type: M


496.3 /00414 NATO's Engagement in Darfur : A Case Study of NATO's Identity as a Human Rights Defender - [s.l.] : [s.n.]. vi, 77 p.; 30 cm. Author(s): 1. Schjodt, Thea Subject(s): 1. NATO--AFRICA 2. --HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- 3. NATO--MILITARY POLICY Notes: Memoire en vue de l'obtention du grade de Master en sciences politiques, annee academique 2010-2011. Bibliography: p. 64-76. URI: ID number: 80024060 Year: 2011 ? Type: M

341.2 /00460 The Responsibility to Protect : Implementation of Article 4(h) Intervention - Leiden : Nijhoff. xxi, 527 p.; 25 cm. (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library ; 37) ISBN: 9789004191716 Author(s): 1. Kuwali, Dan Subject(s): 1. INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) 2. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION--AFRICA 3. AFRICAN UNION 4. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Notes: 'This book explores the scope and limits of Article 4(h) of the African Union Constitutive Act (AU Act). The goal is to generate new thinking on, and contribute a fresh legal approach to, the implementation of the right to intervene under Article 4(h) of the AU Act in the face of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. The AU right to intervene, though noble in purpose, is problematic to implement owing to the inherently political matrix of intervention and the question of measures for intervention which have usually been reactive. This book seeks to investigate the scope and validity of the AU's treaty-based right to intervene as an exception to the


principle of state sovereignty. Central to the inquiry is the argument that the UN Charter does not expressis verbis provide for enforcement by consent by regional organisations, equally the UN Charter does not specifically outlaw enforcement action by consent by regional organisations. The book examines whether there is any legal basis for forcible military intervention to prevent serious human rights violations that constitute serious crimes under international law; and if yes, when and how ? The discussion involves a legal analysis of the rules that ought to apply in the implementation of Article 4(h) intervention in international law. By examining the rationale and applicability of the right to intervene, the book intends to promote the development of consistent legal approaches for effective intervention within the AU human security architecture. More particularly, rather than focusing on intervention, the book intends to inculcate a culture of prevention and compliance within the framework of the AU. ID number: 80023871 Year: 2011 Type: M

495.3 /00151 NATO and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Security : Prospects for Burden Sharing - Rome : NATO Defense College. 58 p. : ill.; 21 cm. (NDC Forum Paper ; 16) ISBN: 9788896898024 Author(s): 1. Isaac, Sally Khalifa Subject(s): 1. NATO--MIDDLE EAST 2. NATO--AFRICA, NORTH Added entry(s): 1. NATO Defence College (IT) Notes: Bibliography: p. 49-55. ID number: 80023862 Year: 2011 Type: M

327 /01552 India in Africa : Implications of an Emerging Power for AFRICOM and U.S. Strategy - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. ix, 50 p.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781584874836 Author(s): 1. Pham, J. Peter Subject(s): 1. INDIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--INDIA 3. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--INDIA 4. INDIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA 5. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 6. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA 7. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'The establishment of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) is but one indication of America's growing network of political, economic, and security commitments in Africa. Second, the United States is also actively seeking to build a strong strategic partnership with India, a country whose rapid


economic growth, geopolitical position, and proven commitment to democracy make it an especially attractive all not just in South Asia, but more broadly. Third, as it continues its rise to global power status, India is cultivating its own expanding set of relations across the African continent - a phenomenon that is nowhere as well known as the increasing penetration there of the People's Republic of . The author provides here a framework for understanding both India's approach to Africa, especially in the military and security sector, and the responses of Africans to it. He also argues that the United States should engage India in Africa, both as an end in itself and within the context of broader US-India ties. What emerges from this analysis is a call to both greater mutual awareness and concrete bilateral cooperation that would not only positively benefit the two countries, but also redound to the advantage of their African allies.' ID number: 80023869 Year: 2011 Type: M

40 /00195 UN Peacekeeping in Africa : From the Suez Crisis to the Sudan Conflicts - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner. xviii, 270 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9781588267573 Author(s): 1. Adebajo, Adekeye, 1966- Subject(s): 1. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. International Peace Institute (US) Notes: Bibliography: p. 245-253. Includes index. 'Nearly half of all UN peacekeeping missions in the post-Cold War era have been in Africa, and the continent currently hosts the greatest number (and also the largest) of such missions in the world. Uniquely assessing five decades of UN peacekeeping in Africa, the author focuses on a series of questions : What accounts for the resurgence of UN peacekeeping efforts in Africa after the Cold War ? What are the factors that have determined the success, or contributed to the failure, of the missions ? Does the mandating of so many peacekeeping missions signify the failure of Africa's regional security organizations ? And, crucially, how can a new division of labor be established between the UN and Africa's security organizations to more effectively manage conflicts on the continent ?' ID number: 80024551 Year: 2011 Type: M


338.9 /00700 La Chine en Afrique : menace ou opportunite pour le developpement ? : points de vue du Sud - Paris : Editions Syllepse. 184 p.; 22 cm. (Alternatives Sud ; 18-2011/2) ISBN: 9782849503058 Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: Includes index. 'La Chine a repris pied en Afrique. Bousculant l'agenda du developpement et redefinissant les equilibres geostrategiques, elle s'impose comme l'un des principaux partenaires commerciaux, fournisseurs d'aide et investisseurs du continent. Menace ou opportunite, cette presence croissante et multiforme suscite la polemique. La Chine sape-t-elle les efforts de la 'communaute internationale' en faveur de la 'bonne gouvernance', des 'droits de l'homme' et de la 'democratie' ? N'oeuvre-t-elle pas, derriere un discours de solidarite Sud-Sud, a la seule poursuite de ses interets : accaparement des ressources, conquete de nouveaux marches, elargissement de ses appuis diplomatiques ? La Chine ne reproduit-elle pas en Afrique les formes de dependance et de division internationale du travail heritees de la periode coloniale ? A l'inverse, n'offre-t-elle pas plutot une alternative salutaire au modele de developpement occidental et a la 'tyrannie de la dette et des conditionnalites' apres trois decennies d'ajustements structurels desastreux sur le plan economique et social ? Quels sont les veritables enjeux et les implications de l'engagement chinois en Afrique ? Au-dela de la diabolisation a priori ou de l'acceptation beate, quel est le regard porte par les premiers concernes, sur la nature de ce nouveau rapprochement sino-africain, sur ses effets et sur les defis qu'il pose aux populations locales ?' ID number: 80024037 Year: 2011 Type: M

355.3 /00122 African Security and the African Command : Viewpoints on the US Role in Africa - Sterling, VA : Kumarian Press. xvi, 277 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9781565494138 Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND 2. USA--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA 4. AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Notes: Bibliography: p. 261-262. Includes index. 'After the end of the Cold War and a failed mission in Somalia, the US decided to wash its hands of major military operations in Africa. Within the past few years, however, strategic interests in the region have grown, based largely on the threat of international terrorist group activities there. In 2007, the Bush Administration created a new military presence in Africa, AFRICOM (United States Africa Command), professed to be based not on occupying military or fixed bases, but rather on capacity building for and collaboration with African security forces. Some see AFRICOM as the answer to an African security system crippled by a lack of resources, widespread


politicization and institutional weakness. Others claim the program is nothing more than a characteristic attempt by the US to secure its own interests in the region without regard to the actual needs of Africans. A variety of viewpoints on the debate, both from the US and Africa, come together in this collection to examine the objectives and activities of AFRICOM. The result provides the reader with a well-rounded picture of longstanding security challenges in Africa and what might be done to address them.' ID number: 80024024 Year: 2011 Type: M

441 /00222 The EU and China's Engagement in Africa : The Dilemma of Socialisation - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. 41 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 93) ISBN: 9789291981908 Author(s): 1. Lirong, Liu Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA 2. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA 4. EU--CHINA Added entry(s): 1. European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR) Notes: 'China's engagement in Africa has obliged the EU to re-evaluate its own relationship with Africa. Since 2008, in an attempt to resolve the conflicts of norms and interests, the EU has proposed establishing a trilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanism between the EU, China and Africa, which so far has not yielded any substantial results. The differences between China's and the EU's Africa policies are mainly visible in two areas : aid and security. The contradiction between their respective aid policies lies in China's 'no-strings-attached aid' versus European 'conditionality' or emphasis on 'fundamental principles'. The contradiction between their security approaches in Africa lies in China's non-interference policy and the European concept of human security. This paper seeks to analyse the evolution of the conflict of norms and the conflict of interests between the EU and China in Africa as well as the interaction of norms and interests. In the quest for cooperation and dialogue between the EU and China in Africa, the focus should be on seeking common ground and developing a pragmatic approach. Overemphasising the norms debate at the beginning of this process can only lead to misunderstanding and mistrust, rather than enhancing mutual comprehension and trust. Socialisation is not a process that can be imposed from without. If the objective of the trilateral dialogue is expectation of the unilateral socialisation of one party, the results will inevitably be limited. In competition with other great powers - and sometimes giving rise to dissensions among the EU Member States themselves - the EU's attempt to spread European norms and values through the concept of unilateral socialisation will only undermine China's willingness to cooperate with the EU and ultimately weaken the normative power of the Union.' ID number: 80024025 Year: 2011 Type: M


343 /00077 Deadly Waters : Inside the Hidden World of Somalia's Pirates - London : Profile Books. 302 p. : ill.; 22 cm. ISBN: 9781846683633 Author(s): 1. Bahadur, Jay Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. SOMALIA--ECONOMIC RELATIONS Notes: Includes index. 'Stories of pirates have captured the popular imagination for centuries, but the recent spate of hijackings off the coast of Somalia has brought the dangers of piracy into the modern era. The author, the only western journalist to venture so deeply into this most perilous world, sets out to Puntland, a self-governing region in north-eastern Somalia, to discover who is really behind the masks that appear so regularly on the news. He reveals the true details of the pirates' lives beyond the attack skiffs : how they conduct business, spend their cash and why they risk their lives in often suicidal missions. Whether chewing 'khat' with the locals, accompanying the president or meeting with former hostages, he has unparalleled access to all the major players, from government officials to some of the most wanted outlaws. The author's rare experience leads to a unique analysis of the challenges facing this troubled mini-state as piracy rises - and offers new ideas about how Somalia and other countries can escape their fate.' ID number: 80024314 Year: 2011 Type: M

321 /00828 Somalia : State Collapse, Terrorism and Piracy - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. viii, 119 p.; 26 cm. ISBN: 9780415594639 Subject(s): 1. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA 3. TERRORISM--SOMALIA 4. FAILED STATES--SOMALIA Added entry(s): 1. Hesse, Brian J., ed. Notes: Includes index. 'The situation in Somalia today embodies some of the most pressing issues in international relations. How should the international community deal with the collapsed state that is Somalia ? From the presence of al-Qaeda operatives to pirates, to what extent is Somalia a threat to global peace and commerce ? Which aspects of Somalia's economic, social and political landscape can be considered successful, and how do these 'success stories' reflect some of the more problematic issues the country faces ? This book sheds light on all of these topics and more.' ID number: 80023841 Year: 2011 Type: M


623 /01133 Armes legeres a l'est du Congo : enquete sur la perception de l'insecurite - Bruxelles : GRIP. 179 p. : ill.; 21 cm. (Livres du GRIP ; 302-303) ISBN: 9782872910304 Subject(s): 1. FIREARMS--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Berghezan, Georges, ed. 2. Zeebroek, Xavier, ed. 3. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Dans l'est du Congo, la proliferation des armes a feu a pris des proportions dramatiques avec les guerres de rebellion et la combinaison d'une serie de phenomenes connexes : le banditisme, les activites des groupes armes congolais et etrangers, les conflits ethniques, l'indiscipline des forces de securite, l'exploitation illegale des ressources naturelles ..., alimentent une spirale de pauvrete et d'inegalites. Nombreux sont les civils a etre maintenant armes, que ce soit pour se proteger ou dans une logique de predation. Le PNUD lutte depuis de nombreuses annees contre le fleau des armes legeres en RDC. C'est dans ce cadre qu'il a mandate deux instituts, le GRIP et le BICC, pour mener une enquete. La premiere partie de l'ouvrage analyse le contexte securitaire de la region investiguee : l'evolution des conflits recents, la multiplication des bandes armees, les aspects legislatifs, les actions de l'ONU et du gouvernement congolais, les perspectives de desarmement. La deuxieme presente les resultats de l'enquete - centree sur la proliferation d'armes aupres des civils - , et constitue une mine d'informations inedite sur les armes legeres : qui les demande, qui en possede, ou les cache-t-on, quelle utilisation fait-on, comment sont-elles percues et quel est leur impact ? Toute la region a ete passee au crible. Une etudes minutieuse qui devrait servir a elaborer les futures politiques de reduction de la violence armee dans l'est du Congo. Et au-dela ...' ID number: 80023951 Year: 2011 Type: M

623 /01133 Small Arms in Eastern Congo : A Survey on the Perception of Insecurity - Brussels : GRIP. 179 p. : ill.; 21 cm. (Livres du GRIP ; 302-303) ISBN: 9782872910328 Subject(s): 1. FIREARMS--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Berghezan, Georges, ed. 2. Zeebroek, Xavier, ed. 3. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'The proliferation of small arms has assumed frightening proportions in Eastern Congo, alongside with wars of rebellion and other related phenomena such as banditry; operations by armed Congolese and foreign groups; ethnic strife; poor discipline among the security forces and the illegal exploitation of natural resources. This toxic combination has created a spiral of poverty and inequality. Large numbers of


civilians are now armed, either as a means of self-protection or for acts of plunder. The first part of the book analyses the security context of the region investigated; recent conflict developments; the sharp increase in the number of armed groups; legislative issues; action taken by the UN and Congolese government and prospects for disarmament. The second part contains the results from the survey - focusing on weapons held by civilians - and provides a wealth of previously unpublished information on small arms : where does demand for them come from ? Whose possession are they in ? Where are they hidden ? What are they used for ? How are they perceived and what impact do they have ?' ID number: 80024136 Year: 2011 Type: M

328 /00077 Presidential Succession Scenarios in Egypt and their Impact on U.S.-Egyptian Strategic Relations - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. x, 48 p.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781584875062 Author(s): 1. Aftandilian, Gregory L. Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. PRESIDENTS--EGYPT 3. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--EGYPT 4. EGPT--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'Although this monograph was written before the pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt in January 2011, it examines the important question as to who might succeed President Hosni Mubarak by analyzing several possible scenarios and what they would mean for U.S. strategic relations with Egypt. The monograph first describes the importance of Egypt in the Middle East region and gives an overview of the U.S.-Egyptian strategic relationship. It then examines the power structure in Egypt to include the presidency, the military, and the ruling party. The monograph next explores various succession scenarios. Although some of the scenarios outlined in this monograph are no longer viable - for example, President Mubarak is now on trial for complicity in the deaths of protesters during the uprising that resulted in his ouster from power - other scenarios remain plausible, particularly given what we see as the more prominent role of the Egyptian military in this fluid political situation. In addition, some of the possible presidential successors that the author mentions have now risen to higher positions in the Egyptian government. The author also discusses the sensitive issue of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's most organized opposition group that is opposed to many U.S. policies. He examines a scenario of a Muslim Brotherhood-dominated government, but notes that this is unlikely to occur unless both the Brotherhood and the Egyptian military split apart.' ID number: 80024138 Year: 2011 Type: M


323 /01268 Egyptian Democracy and the Muslim Brotherhood - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. 31 p.; 24 cm. (Report ; 10) ISBN: 9789291981809 Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERS (EGYPT) 2. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Added entry(s): 1. Aymat, Esra Bulut, ed. 2. European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR) Notes: 'There is an urgent need for European leaders to make an effort to familiarise themselves with political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood and the new party that movement has founded, and to engage meaningfully in the democratic transition process in Egypt and its attendant difficulties. The aim of this report is to help in this process.' ID number: 80024155 Year: 2011 Type: M

961 /00002 Libya : Continuity and Change - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. xxi, 178 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Contemporary Middle East ; 10) ISBN: 9780415779760 Author(s): 1. St. John, Ronald Bruce Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY 2. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS 4. LIBYA--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Notes: Bibliography: p. 156-172. Includes index. 'This book examines the socioeconomic and political development of Libya from earliest times to the present, concentrating in particular on the four decades of revolutionary rule which began in 1969. Focusing on the twin themes of continuity and change, the author emphasizes the full extent to which the revolutionary government has distorted the depth and breadth of the post-1969 revolution by stressing policy change at the expense of policy continuity. Following a brief look at pre-independence Libya, the author explores the way in which the fragility of the post-independence state, unable to contain rising Arab nationalist struggles and growing economic expectations, opened the way for the Free Unionist Officers led by Muammar al-Qaddafi to seize power. He then traces the progressive development of the revolutionary state through four stages : the consolidation of power to 1973; the projection of power to 1986; withdrawal and retrenchment to 1999; the redefinition of the state after 1999.' ID number: 80024218 Year: 2011 Type: M


496.3 /00419 Final Assessment of Strategic Communications Performance and Effectiveness for NATO Operation Unified Protector - Washington : Rendon Group. 47 p. : ill.; 30 cm. Subject(s): 1. STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION--NATO 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR, 2011 Notes: 'The successful, but relatively short-lived case of Libya and OUP is not sufficient on its own to counter the perception that NATO's relevance is waning. NATO and its member nations need to determine what they want NATO to be, commit to that vision, and advocate for the alliance. If OUP is the type of operation NATO envisions for its future, then it can be used as a launching pad for a redefined brand. The May 2012 Alliance meeting in Chicago could be a powerful platform to showcase how the diverse narratives of member nations, which are the individual threads that make up the Alliance, are being weaved into an enduring image of NATO resolve, relevance and resilience.' ID number: 80024163 Year: 2011 Type: M

495.3 /00154 NATO Partnerships and the Arab Spring : Achievements and Perspectives for the 2012 Chicago Summit - Washington : National Defense University Press. 27 p.; 30 cm. (Transatlantic Perspectives ; 1) Author(s): 1. Francois, Isabelle Subject(s): 1. NATO--PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. NATO--SUMMITS--CHICAGO, 2012 Added entry(s): 1. National Defense University. Institute for National Strategic Studies. Center for Transatlantic Security Studies (US) Notes: 'The author highlights here the synergy between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's new, more flexible and efficient partnership policy and its response to the Libyan crisis. The paper points to some of the challenges facing the Alliance in the context of Operation Unified Protector and in further developing partnership with nations south of the Mediterranean. Finally, the author offers recommendations in preparation for the next NATO Summit (May 2012, in Chicago), so as to make best use of Alliance partnerships if the Allies decide to develop a new strategic direction in the region.' URI: ID number: 80024264 Year: 2011 Type: M


323 /01255 Au coeur de la Libye de Kadhafi - Paris : Lattes. 186 p.: ill.; 21 cm. (Essais et Documents) ISBN: 9782709637855 Author(s): 1. Haimzadeh, Patrick Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: 'Que connait-on vraiment de la Libye, au-dela de la personnalite fantasque et megalomaniaque du colonel Kadhafi ? Aujourd'hui, cette region est une fois de plus associee a la guerre. Pour comprendre les enjeux de cette tragedie, il est pourtant necessaire de reveler la complexite d'un pays et d'un peuple qui n'a d'autre aspiration que de vivre dans la dignite et la paix. L'Etat libyen n'avait pas vingt ans lorsque Kadhafi a pris le pouvoir. Quarante-deux ans ont passe. Analyser les donnees geographiques et historiques de ce pays, ainsi que les structures et les dynamiques de la societe libyenne, est essentiel. Ces 'fondamentaux' ne disparaitront pas du jour au lendemain et, quelle que soit l'issue de cette crise, ils seront au coeur des recompositions et des transitions que traversera la Libye dans les prochaines annees. Avec cette quete inedite, l'auteur entrouvre les portes d'un pays ou l'opacite fait loi. Ses sources : des entretiens avec des Libyens de tous horizons et une longue impregnation de terrain. Son but : nous ouvrir les yeux sur la singularite d'un pays qui n'est ni la Tunisie ni l'Egypte pour eviter la confusion des modeles. Et surtout, rendre hommage a un peuple qui n'a pas choisi la guerre.' ID number: 80024038 Year: 2011 Type: M

341.3 /00211 Barriers to Peace in Civil War - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. xiii, 282 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9781107007598 Author(s): 1. Cunningham, David E., 1976- Subject(s): 1. CIVIL WAR 2. RWANDA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1991-1993 3. RWANDA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1994 Notes: Bibliography: p. 2066-278. Includes index. 'Civil wars vary greatly in their duration. This book argues that conflicts are longer when they involve more actors that can block agreement (veto players) and identifies specific problems that arise in multi-party bargaining. Quantitative analysis of over 200 civil wars since World War II reveals that conflicts involving more of these actors last much longer than those with fewer. Detailed comparison of negotiations in Rwanda and Burundi demonstrates that multi-party negotiations present additional barriers to peace not found in two-party conflicts. In addition, conflicts with more veto players produce more casualties, are more likely to involve genocide, and are followed by shorter periods of peace. Because they present many barriers to peace, the international community has a poor track record of resolving multi-party conflicts. The author shows


that resolution is possible in these wars if peace processes are designed to address the barriers that emerge in multi-party conflicts.' ID number: 80023965 Year: 2011 Type: M


341.2 /00443 Security Sector Transformation in Africa - Berlin : Lit. x, 236 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9783643800718 Subject(s): 1. SECURITY SECTOR REFORM--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. Bryden, Alan, ed. 2. Olonisakin, 'Funmi, ed. 3. Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (CH) Notes: 'The need for security sector transformation (SST) is prominent in the work of scholars, policy makers and practitioners that focus on the security sector and its governance in Africa. At the heart of this approach is the requirement for comprehensive change in the orientation, values, principles and practices that shape the provision, management and oversight of security on the African continent. The evident obstacles to achieving such far-reaching goals mean that it is particularly important to identify the practical utility of the SST concept in supporting positive behaviour change within different African settings. It is also necessary to clarify the relationship between the concept of security sector transformation and the evolving security sector reform (SSR) discourse. This volume seeks to provide such additional clarity to SST and its relationship to SSR. It includes contributions from a range of acknowledged experts analysing dynamics of security sector transformation at the domestic level as well as 'beyond the state'. The resulting insights are intended to help elaborate an understanding of the challenges to and opportunities for the realisation of an operational security sector transformation agenda in Africa.' ID number: 80023595 Year: 2010 Type: M

382 /00338 Controle des transferts d'armes : l'exemple des Etats francophones d'Afrique subsaharienne - Bruxelles : GRIP. 33 p.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 5/2010) Author(s): 1. Moreau, Virginie 2. Poitevin, Cedric 3. Seniora, Jihan Subject(s): 1. ARMS TRANSFERS--LAW AND LEGISLATION--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'En Afrique peut-etre plus qu'ailleurs, l'absence de normes internationales communes sur les transferts d'armes alimente la violence armee, qu'il s'agisse de guerres ou de criminalite, et represente un frein important au developpement economique et


social. Alors que les Etats membres des Nations unies se sont desormais engages dans la negociation d'un Traite international sur le commerce des armes (TCA), ce rapport dresse un panorama des reglementations et pratiques nationales dans vingt-deux Etats francophones d'Afrique subsaharienne. L'etude montre que, de maniere generale, ces pays ne disposent pas de systemes de controle des transferts en phase avec les realites actuelles du commerce international d'armements. Le manque de transparence et les failles de ces systemes (ou leur inexistence) ont, a plusieurs reprises, favorise des transferts irresponsables, voire illicites. Or, plusieurs sous-regions d'Afrique ont maintenant adopte des instruments juridiques de controle des armes legeres et de petit calibre tres robustes et qui pourraient avoir une influence importante dans le cadre des discussions sur le TCA. Enfin, le rapport souligne les defis que le Traite international sur le commerce des armes pose pour ces pays.' ID number: 80023589 Year: 2010 Type: M

338.9 /00696 Japan and Africa : Globalization and Foreign Aid in the 21st Century - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. xvi, 157 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series ; 24) ISBN: 9780415562171 Subject(s): 1. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE, JAPANESE--AFRICA 2. JAPAN--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--JAPAN Added entry(s): 1. Lehman, Howard P., ed. Notes: Includes index. 'Since the early 1990s, Japan has played an increasingly important and influential role in Africa. A primary mechanism that has furthered its influence has been its foreign aid policies. Japan's primacy, however, has been challenged by changing global conditions related to aid to Africa, including the consolidation of the poverty reduction agenda and China's growing presence in Africa. This book analyzes contemporary political and economic relations in foreign aid policy between Japan and Africa. Primary questions focus on Japan's influence in the African continent, reasons for spending its limited resources to further African development, and the way Japan's foreign aid is invested in Africa. The context of examining Japan's foreign aid policies highlights the fluctuation between its commitments in contributing to international development and its more narrow-minded pursuit of its national interests.' ID number: 80023429 Year: 2010 Type: M


327 /01515 The Rise of China and India in Africa : Challenges, Opportunities and Critical Interventions - London : Zed Books. xii, 276 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Africa Now) ISBN: 9781848134362 Subject(s): 1. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA 2. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--INDIA 4. INDIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 5. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 6. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 7. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--INDIA 8. INDIA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. Cheru, Fantu, ed. 2. Obi, Cyril I., ed. 3. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (SE) Notes: Bibliography: p. 243-265. Includes index. 'This book examines in detail the opportunities and challenges posed by the increasing presence of the world's two most populous nations in the world's poorest continent, and proposes critical interventions that African governments must undertake in order to negotiate with both emerging powers from a stronger and better informed position.' ID number: 80023276 Year: 2010 Type: M

355.3 /00118 Security and Stability in Africa : A Development Approach - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. viii, 155 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Letort Papers) ISBN: 9781584874218 Author(s): 1. Bouchat, Clarence J. Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY 4. USA--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA 5. AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'The security and stability of Africa has recently become an important national issue readily seen in the increased time, effort, and resources now devoted to the continent by such new organizations as the U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM). This paper seeks to overcome centuries of ignorance and misunderstanding about the conditions and people of Africa by discussing the fundamental issues of economic development and political governance through which enduring stability and security might be obtained. This paper offers solutions in terms of improving African stability and security and a framework of several key issues which should give policymakers the knowledge they need to work in a constantly changing and very challenging environment.' ID number: 80023102 Year: 2010 Type: M


355.3 /00121 US Strategy in Africa : AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. xiii, 203 p.; 25 cm. (Routledge Global Security Studies ; 15) ISBN: 9780415485104 Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND 2. USA--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA Added entry(s): 1. Francis, David J., 1965- , ed. Notes: Bibliography: p. 180-194. Includes index. 'This book critically examines the construction, interpretations and understanding of US strategy towards Africa in the early twenty-first century. No single issue or event in the recent decades in Africa has provoked so much controversy, unified hostility and opposition as the announcement by former President George W. Bush of the establishment of the United States Africa Command - AFRICOM. The intensity and sheer scale of the unprecedented unity of opposition to AFRICOM across Africa surprised many experts and led them to ask why such a hostile reaction occurred. This book explores the conception of AFRICOM and the subsequent reaction in two ways. First, the contributors critically engage with the creation and global imperatives for the establishment of AFRICOM and present an analytical outline of African security in relation to and within the context of the history of US foreign and security policy approaches to Africa. Second, the book has original chapter contributions by some of the key actors involved in the development and implementation of the AFRICOM project including Theresa Whelan, the former US Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs. This is not only an attempt to contribute to the academic and policy-relevant debates based on the views of those who are intimately involved in the design and implementation of the AFRICOM project but also to show, in their own words, that 'America has no clandestine agenda for Africa', a view that does not seem to be shared by the majority of political leaders in Africa.' ID number: 80023978 Year: 2010 Type: M

441 /00210 L'UE et l'Afrique : les defis de la coherence - Paris : Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne. 93 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Cahiers de Chaillot ; 123) ISBN: 9789291981731 Author(s): 1. Helly, Damien Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne (FR) Notes: 'Economie, gouvernance, securite et multilateralisme se presentent comme les quatre cotes d'un carre dans lequel evoluent les relations entre Europeens et Africains. Malgre les crises, les tendances sont la : croissance forte, nouveaux investisseurs, acceleration previsible des mouvements et des migrations, construction d'une jurisprudence et d'une architecture continentale de securite. Les transformations et


l'heterogeneite de l'Afrique modifient les relations euro-africaines qui gagneraient a une approche a la fois normalisee et differenciee. Une approche qui s'emancipe des cadres coherents existants pour se concentrer au cas par cas sur ceux qui comptent : les puissances regionales et les pays tiers qui assument la responsabilite de leur gouvernance, presentant ainsi un double potentiel de stabilite et de force de changement. Sans eux, l'UE pourra oeuvrer a la coherence de ses instruments d'action exterieure, mais sans garantie d'efficacite ou d'influence. L'UE devra se concentrer sur trois priorites dans l'apres-Lisbonne : la formulation de strategies politiques conjointes avec les poids lourds africains; la definition d'approches coherentes pour la periode 2013-2020; la recherche de partenariats innovants sur le long terme avec le secteur prive; les acteurs non etatiques et les puissances mondiales.' ID number: 80023655 Year: 2010 Type: M

325 /00106 Congo 1960 : echec d'une decolonisation - Bruxelles : Andre Versailles. 156 p.; 22 cm. ISBN: 9782874950780 Subject(s): 1. BELGIUM--COLONIES--AFRICA 2. DECOLONIZATION--ZAIRE 3. CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC)--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1960-1965 Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Une premiere partie de cet ouvrage eclaire les origines de l'entreprise coloniale belge, puis s'interroge sur les forces qui la regirent, lui imprimant son caractere si special. Vient ensuite le temps des turbulences : comment expliquer ce processus accelere qui conduisit le Congo a l'independance, mais aussi les imbroglios politiques et les affrontements qui s'ensuivirent, ou la Belgique sembla jouer un double jeu tandis que l'ONU s'y enlisait ?' ID number: 80023252 Year: 2010 Type: M

343 /00075 Pirate State : Inside Somalia's Terrorism at Sea - Chicago : Lawrence Hill Books. 209 p. : ill.; 24 cm ISBN: 9781569763117 Author(s): 1. Eichstaedt, Peter H., 1945- Subject(s): 1. MARITIME TERRORISM--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA Notes: Includes index. 'This book examines the lives, tactics, and motives of Somali pirates, draws links between the pirates, their financiers, and the al-Shabaab Islamist extremists, and traces the source of the pirate problem to the chaos, clans, and violence in Somalia.' ID number: 80023819 Year: 2010


Type: M

343 /00073 The International Response to Somali Piracy : Challenges and Opportunities - Leiden : Nijhoff. xix, 202 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9789004183056 Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Added entry(s): 1. Ginkel, Bibi van, ed. 2. Putten, Frans-Paul van der, ed. 3. Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen Clingendael (NL) Notes: Includes index. 'The recent surge in piracy attacks off the coast of Somalia has triggered an international response which is unprecedented in terms of the number of actors involved. This book presents a comprehensive treatment of the international response to Somali piracy, exploring current initiatives to counter the piracy threat, both operationally and legally. Moreover, the book analyzes the regional and broader international context within which these initiatives are taken, and identifies the challenges and opportunities for international cooperation on fighting piracy at sea. This volume brings together experts from a great variety of backgrounds and disciplines.' ID number: 80023760 Year: 2010 Type: M

343 /00071 Somalia : The New Barbary ? : Piracy and Islam in the Horn of Africa - London : Hurst. xiii, 277 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781849040426 Author(s): 1. Murphy, Martin N. Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Includes index. 'The purpose of this book is to examine whether or not state failure is a useful and accurate explanation for Somali piracy and if violent Islamism could exploit what the pirates have achieved for their own ends. It reviews the history, motivation, organization, criminal methods and operational tactics of the Somali pirates from their first manifestations in the mid-1990s to the present. It attempts to show that their activities and their fortunes are linked to the rise and fall of political groups within Somalia. It asks why and how violent Islamist groups operate within Somalia and the degree to which they might exploit the maritime dimension in the future. Finally it reviews whether or not the political and military solutions being practiced or proposed currently will resolve either problem.' ID number: 80023662 Year: 2010 Type: M


323 /01220 Somalia : Line in the Sand : Identification of MYM Vulnerabilities - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. viii, 40 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Letort Papers) ISBN: 1584874600 Author(s): 1. Cuevas, Eloy E. 2. Wells, Madeleine Subject(s): 1. ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM--SOMALIA 2. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'Continuing instability in Somalia has increased concern that terrorists who seek to establish a foothold in Africa may use such insecure places as a safe haven and launching pad. Several attempts have been made to establish lawful governments in Somalia; however, warlord and clan interests have managed to take center stage among the population. The Somali-based al-Shabaab (also known as the Mujahidin Youth Movement [MYM]) is a militant organization born out of both successive regional turmoil and international salafi-jihadi ideology. The authors identify al-Shabaad SOT (strategic, operational, and tactical) vulnerabilities organized according to four sources of national power : diplomatic, informational, military, and economic (DIME). After exploring the group's inherent and apparent weaknesses, the authors then provide some suggestions on what efforts or capabilities may be leveraged in defeating and deterring the group. Such instruments do not have to be kinetic or military in nature, but can be diplomatic, economic, or persuasive.' ID number: 80023480 Year: 2010 Type: M

321 /00802 The Fragility of the 'Failed State' Paradigm : A Different International Law Perception of the Absence of Effective Government - Leiden : Nijhoff. xii, 269 p.; 25 cm. (Developments in International Law ; 63) ISBN: 9789004178120 Author(s): 1. Akpinarli, Neyire Subject(s): 1. FAILED STATES 2. FAILED STATES--SOMALIA 3. FAILED STATES--AFGHANISTAN 4. INTERNATIONAL LAW Notes: Bibliography: p. 237-261. Includes index. 'The absence of effective government, one of the most important issues in current international law, became prominent with the 'failed state' concept at the beginning of the 1990s. Public international law, however, lacked sufficient legal means to deal with the phenomenon. Neither attempts at state reconstruction in countries such as Afghanistan and Somalia on the legal basis of Chapter VII of the UN Charter nor economic liberalisation have addressed fundamental social and economic problems. This work investigates the weaknesses of the 'failed state' paradigm as a long-term solution for international peace and security, arguing that the solution to the absence of


effective government can be found only in an economic and social approach and a true universalisation of international law.' ID number: 80023124 Year: 2010 Type: M

323 /01183 The International Politics of Mass Atrocities : The Case of Darfur - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. xiv, 272 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Security and Governance Series) ISBN: 9780415559027 Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- 2. GENOCIDE--SUDAN--DARFUR Added entry(s): 1. Black, David R., ed. 2. Williams, Paul, ed. Notes: Includes index. 'This book examines the conflict in Darfur, Sudan, as a case study of some of the wider debates, currently taking place within international relations theory, discussing what the situation reveals about the response of international actors to mass atrocities. It uses the conceptual framework developed by English School theorists, specifically their concept of international society and the related idea of 'good international citizenship' to provide valuable insights on a wide range of issues. These issues include foreign policy analysis, conflict management and resolution, peacekeeping, human rights, the role of international organizations and Africa's international relations.' ID number: 80023072 Year: 2010 Type: M

323 /01205 La guerre du Kivu : vues de la salle climatisee et de la veranda - Bruxelles : GRIP. 172 p.; 21 cm. (Livres du GRIP ; 297-298) ISBN: 9782872910267 Author(s): 1. Willame, Jean-Claude Subject(s): 1. CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC)--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. CIVIL WAR--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Les images en provenance du Kivu se suivent et se ressemblent. Si le vide politique a la suite de l'implosion de l'Etat n'a fait que compliquer la donne, il reste que la guerre couvait depuis longtemps. Dans une premiere partie, l'auteur decrit et analyse l'evolution du contexte politique et socio-economique au fil des decennies. Sont notamment abordees la dimension ethnique et la situation demographique caracterisee par des densites elevees. Vient ensuite le temps des seigneurs de la guerre - de Laurent-Desire Kabila a Laurent Nkunda - et de bandes armees informes qui n'ont en general d'autre agenda que les razzias et le banditisme. La deuxieme partie traite des 'parrains' du


Congo (ONU, Union europeenne ...) : leurs injonctions diplomatiques sur la 'bonne gouvernance' et la democratie, la lutte contre la corruption, le deversement de millions de dollars en aide humanitaire, de multiples accords de cessez-le-feu et de paix ... Des actions de la 'communaute internationale' sans grand succes jusqu'a present ! La question vient donc a l'esprit : le Kivu, veritable poudriere de l'Afrique centrale, pourra-t-il un jour s'en sortir ? L'auteur apporte des elements de reponse, au-dela des propos convenus.' ID number: 80023253 Year: 2010 Type: M

448 /00086 Operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA and the European Union's Common Security and Defense Policy - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. x, 126 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 1584874651 Author(s): 1. Seibert, Bjoern H. Subject(s): 1. EU--CSDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR /RCA 2. EU--CSDP--OPERATIONS Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College. Strategic Studies Institute (US) Notes: 'The author provides here insights into the EU's new security structure. He examines the largest and most complex EU military operation in Africa, Operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA, and provides an unprecedented look inside the workings of an EU military operation. The author highlights both successes and failures and then scrutinizes the impact of the operation on the ground. He then addresses an extensive list of lessons that can be drawn from this complex multinational stability operation in Africa. He correctly observes that the operation underscores the EU's long remaining road toward realizing its ambitious agenda. This will not merely require a more expeditionary mindset, but also substantial shifts in budget priorities and reinvestment. Though the process may take years to complete, it is undoubtedly the right course for Europe to take, and would be in the best interest of the United States. The author concludes that the United States must remain involved and supportive of the EU's efforts to build a stronger Common Security and Defense Policy. The United States has much to gain from having a strong and effective ally in Europe, and should provide advice and perhaps even material support if the EU is to realize its ambitious agenda.' ID number: 80023592 Year: 2010 Type: M


341.4 /00047 Mobilizing the Will to Intervene : Leadership to Prevent Mass Atrocities - Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press. xxii, 191 p.; 22 cm. ISBN: 9780773538047 Subject(s): 1. ATROCITIES 2. GENOCIDE--RWANDA 3. GENOCIDE--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA 4. RWANDA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1994--ATROCITIES 5. YUGOSLAV WAR, 1991-1995--BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA--ATROCITIES Added entry(s): 1. Concordia University. Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (CA) Notes: Bibliography: p.181-188. 'Despite the handwringing and promises of 'never again', the grim recurrences of genocide and crimes against humanity around the world have made it emphatically clear that the international community has been largely ineffective in stopping mass atrocity crimes. Drawing on candid interviews with eighty key figures involved in American and Canadian responses to the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and the Kosovo crisis of 1999, this book explains why and provides a roadmap for change. Since appeals to the 'moral law' carry little weight in the political calculations of modern states, the authors argue that civil society must persuade governments that the prevention of mass atrocities around the world is in every country's national interest. In a globalized world, violence, disease, and instability triggered by mass atrocities in one place affect the security, health, and prosperity of all other regions. No nation is an island. Impassioned, insightful, and determined, this book is a direct appeal to politicians, NGOs, journalists, and the public to participate effectively in the prevention of mass atrocities by pressuring their leaders to act. With simple, practical recommendations, this book shows how civil society can participate in preventing future mass atrocities and help repair a ruined system of international aid.' ID number: 80023902 Year: 2010 Type: M


623 /01084 Le Traite de Pelindaba : l'Afrique face aux defis de la proliferation nucleaire - Bruxelles : GRIP. 36 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 3/2009) Author(s): 1. Poitevin, Cedric Subject(s): 1. NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION--AFRICA 2. NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Actuellement, lorsqu'on evoque la proliferation nucleaire, l'Afrique est rarement au centre des preoccupations; ce sont d'autres regions du monde, comme le Moyen-Orient et l'Asie, qui se trouvent au-devant de la scene. Pourtant, depuis les debuts de l'arme atomique, l'Afrique s'est frequemment trouvee impliquee dans la proliferation nucleaire : l'uranium congolais a ete utilise lors des bombardements d'Hiroshima et de


Nagasaki; la France a effectue des essais nucleaires atmospheriques et souterrains en plein coeur du ; l'Afrique du Sud a, pendant un temps, ete une puissance nucleaire; et enfin, la Libye a tente de le devenir pas le biais du trafic international. Dans ce contexte, l'entree en vigueur du Traite de Pelindaba qui institue une zone exempte d'armes nucleaires en Afrique permettrait aux Etats du continent de faire face aux defis strategiques, securitaires, economiques et environnementaux de la proliferation nucleaire. Ce Traite representerait egalement une contribution spectaculaire de l'Afrique au renforcement du regime international de non-proliferation, si souvent mis a mal ces dernieres annees.' ID number: 80022602 Year: 2009 Type: M

321 /00784 Maghreb : vaincre la peur de la democratie - Paris : Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne. 71 p.; 24 cm. (Cahiers de Chaillot ; 115) ISBN: 9789291981397 Author(s): 1. Martinez, Luis Subject(s): 1. DEMOCRATIZATION--AFRICA, NORTH 2. EU--AFRICA, NORTH Added entry(s): 1. Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne (FR) Notes: 'Le Maghreb est confronte a des defis colossaux : pauvrete, terrorisme, migration, corruption, violation des droits de l'homme. Les reformes necessaires pour resoudre ces problemes exigent un engagement des Etats avec le soutien de leur societe civile : elles echoueront si elles ne sont pas portees par des dirigeants politiques legitimes, democratiquement elus. La democratisation au Maghreb doit devenir une priorite de la politique europeenne en Mediterranee. L'Union ne doit plus se cantonner a une approche purement economique, mais oser aborder les questions de politique interieure. Et il y a urgence a agir car, dotes d'une faible legitimite, les gouvernements de ces pays sont, a des degres divers, dans l'incapacite de mener des reformes structurelles qui s'imposent, a plus forte raison dans le contexte de crise que traverse actuellement l'ensemble de la planete.' ID number: 80022529 Year: 2009 Type: M


341.2 /00395 Humanitarian Intervention and Conflict Resolution in West Africa : From ECOMOG to ECOMIL - Farnham, UK : Ashgate. xiv, 219 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9780754674443 Author(s): 1. Kabia, John M. Subject(s): 1. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION--AFRICA, WEST 2. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT--AFRICA, WEST 3. ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES 4. ECOMOG 5. PEACEKEEPING FORCES, AFRICAN--AFRICA, WEST Notes: Bibliography: p. 195-212. Includes index. 'This book seeks to locate the peacekeeping operations of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) within an expanded post-Cold War conceptualisation of humanitarian intervention and examines the organisation's capacity in protecting civilians at risk in civil conflicts and facilitating the processes of peacemaking and post-war peace-building. By using the empirical case of ECOWAS, this book looks at the challenges posed by complex political emergencies (CPEs) to humanitarian intervention. It also traces the evolution of ECOWAS from an economic integration project to a security organisation and examines the challenges inherent in such a transition.' ID number: 80022463 Year: 2009 Type: M

338.9 /00692 China's African Challenges - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. 270 p. : ill.; 24 cm. (Adelphi ; 404-405) ISBN: 9780415556934 Author(s): 1. Raine, Sarah Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Added entry(s): 1. International Institute for Strategic Studies (GB) Notes: 'China's relations with African nations have changed dramatically over the past decade. African oil now accounts for more than 30 % of China's oil imports, and China is Africa's second-largest single-country trading partner, as well as a leading lender and infrastructure investor on the continent. Yet these developments are bringing challenges, not only for Africa and the West, but for China as well. This book examines these challenges, considering Africa as a testing ground, both for Chinese companies 'going global' and for a Chinese government that is increasingly having to deal with issues beyond its shores and immediate control. What does China need to do to protect and develop its African engagements, against a backdrop of mounting African expectations, concerns from Western actors in Africa, and the rival presence of other emerging actors ? How sustainable is the momentum that China has established in its African ventures ? China's adaptations to the challenges it is facing in Africa are examined and assessed, as are the implications of these changes for China, Africa and the West.


China's African engagements are certainly changing Africa, but could they also be changing China ?' ID number: 80022568 Year: 2009 Type: M

338.9 /00693 China's New Role in Africa - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner. x, 227 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9781588266361 Author(s): 1. Taylor, Ian, 1969- Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: Bibliography: p. 191-213. Includes index. 'Although China denies that it harbors ambitions to become a superpower, it is on the verge of becoming a major player in the global arena. Against this backdrop, the author explores the nature and implications of China's burgeoning role in Africa. He argues that Beijing is using Africa not only as a source of needed raw materials and potential new markets but also to bolster its own position on the international stage. After tracing the history of Sino-African relations, he addresses key current issues : What will be the long-term consequences of China's access to the continent's oil ? How have cheap Chinese imports affected Africa's manufacturing base ? What is the nature of the Chinese investment in African industry and infrastructure ? What has been the impact of China's arms sales to Africa ? What form will China's fledgling peacekeeping efforts in Africa take ?' ID number: 80022925 Year: 2009 Type: M

441 /00197 EU-Africa Relations : Dealing with the Challenges of the Future - Brussels : Centre for European Studies. 65 p. : ill.; 24 cm. Author(s): 1. Huliaras, Asteris Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA Added entry(s): 1. Centre for European Studies (BE) Notes: Bibliography: p. 55-64. 'Since the beginning of the new millennium and in many different and important ways, Africa has been transformed. The first part of this paper examines four internal changes that prove beyond any doubt that this transformation is both extensive and deep. The second part analyses three external developments that also acted as forces of change for Africa's position in the world. The third part focuses on important changes in the EU-Africa relationship. These changes are evident at three levels : aid, trade and foreign and security policy. Finally, the fourth part examines some future challenges for the interregional relationship and makes a number of policy suggestions. The main argument is that the EU-Africa relationship has entered into the post-colonial era and has a strong chance of becoming a


real - and not just a rhetorical - partnership.' ID number: 80023368 Year: 2009 Type: M

441 /00183 EU Support to African Security Architecture : Funding and Training Components - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. 48 p.; 24 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 76) ISBN: 9789291981366 Author(s): 1. Pirozzi, Nicoletta Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICAN UNION 2. AFRICAN UNION--EU 3. EU--AFRICA 4. CRISIS MANAGEMENT--EU 5. CRISIS MANAGEMENT--AFRICAN UNION Added entry(s): 1. European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR) Notes: 'This paper aims at analysing the EU's support to the emerging African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), focusing on financial and training aspects. During the last few years, African countries have multiplied their efforts at consolidating regional integration and developing common mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts. At the same time, EU-Africa relations have significantly improved and led to the establishment of a strengthened political dialogue and enhanced cooperation. Nevertheless, the full implementation of the EU-Africa partnership in peace and security is still hampered by a series of contradictions and significant constraints in the EU's approach, shortcomings in its coordination with the international community, and huge deficiencies on the African side.' ID number: 80022457 Year: 2009 Type: M

321 /00035 REF The Middle East and North Africa : 2010 - Abingdon, UK : Routledge. xx, 1464 p.; 29 cm. ISBN: 9781857435306 Subject(s): 1. MIDDLE EAST--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. MIDDLE EAST--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 3. MIDDLE EAST--SOCIAL CONDITIONS 4. AFRICA, NORTH--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 5. AFRICA, NORTH--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 6. AFRICA, NORTH--SOCIAL CONDITIONS ID number: 80023138 Edition: 56th ed. Year: 2009 Type: REF


355.4 /01632 Somalia : From the Sea - Newport, RI : Naval War College Press. 249 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Newport Papers ; 34) ISBN: 9781884733598 Author(s): 1. Ohls, Gary J. Subject(s): 1. PEACEKEEPING FORCES, AMERICAN--SOMALIA 2. OPERATION RESTORE HOPE, 1992-1993 3. UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN SOMALIA 4. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SOMALIA Added entry(s): 1. Naval War College (US) Notes: Bibliography: p. 233-244. 'From January 1991 through March 1995, the United States conducted numerous incursions into Somalia, undertaking a variety of missions and objectives. All of the actions had humanitarian elements, yet the operations that made up this of American involvement ranged from benign to aggressive, from purely humanitarian to clearly combative. This book is an account that attempts to explain and analyze these actions and place them within the overarching strategic and operational concepts developing in the first years following the end of the Cold War.' ID number: 80023038 Year: 2009 Type: M

441 /00191 Post-2011 Scenarios in Sudan : What Role for the EU ? - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. 72 p.; 24 cm. (ISS Report ; 6) Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. EU--SUDAN Added entry(s): 1. Helly, Damien, ed. 2. European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR) Notes: 'In a forward-looking perspective, this report elaborates on four scenarios for Sudan's future preliminarily identified by other studies : (1) forced unity; (ii) forced secession; (iii) agreed unity; (iv) agreed secession. It looks specifically at the key variables to be taken into account to anticipate the most probable scenarios and to see which options would bring more benefits than costs to the Sudanese people and their leadership. The report presents the views of a group of Sudan experts which, overall, are strikingly convergent. It also identifies long-term, mid-term and short-term recommendations for the EU and for all stakeholders concerned by Sudan's future.' ID number: 80023094 Year: 2009 Type: M


40 /00180 Darfour : mission impossible pour la MINUAD ? - Bruxelles : GRIP. 29 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 6/2009) Author(s): 1. Liegeois, Michel Subject(s): 1. AFRICAN UNION/UNITED NATIONS HYBRID OPERATION IN DARFUR 2. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- 3. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SUDAN Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Pres de deux ans apres avoir pris le relais de la Mission de l'Union africaine au Soudan (MUAS), la Mission des Nations unies et de l'Union africaine au Darfour (MINUAD) n'est parvenue a deployer que 68 % des effectifs prevus et n'a pas de strategie de sortie. L'heure n'est des lors pas encore au bilan. En revanche, un rapport d'etape s'impose.' ID number: 80022902 Year: 2009 Type: M

323 /01129 Les conflits soudanais a l'horizon 2011 : scenarios - Paris : Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne. 33 p.; 24 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 75) ISBN: 9789291981359 Author(s): 1. Bouzard, Jean-Baptiste Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- 2. SUDAN--HISTORY 3. DARFUR (SUDAN)--HISTORY Added entry(s): 1. Institut d'Etudes de Securite de l'Union Europeenne (FR) Notes: 'Depuis son independance, proclamee le 1er janvier 1956, le Soudan a ete presque continuellement le theatre de conflits sanglants. Si les evenements du Darfour ont, plus recemment, focalise l'attention, le sud du pays est egalement une source de tensions entre le gouvernement de Khartoum et le Mouvement populaire de Liberation du Soudan (MPLS). Le lien entre Darfour et conflit Nord-Sud est present dans les trois scenarios proposes concernant l'evolution possible des conflits soudanais a l'horizon 2011, date du referendum d'autodetermination prevu au Sud-Soudan. Les neuf variables mises en relief constituent une base de reflexion pour chacun de ces scenarios. De la repartition du pouvoir a l'echelle nationale a l'attitude des acteurs internationaux, en passant par l'enjeu d'Abyei, leurs modifications determineront en effet l'evolution generale du pays.' ID number: 80022456 Year: 2009 Type: M


622 /00049 RD Congo : ressources naturelles et violence : le cas des FDLR - Bruxelles : GRIP. 22 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 7/2009) Author(s): 1. Mercier, Brune Subject(s): 1. MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) 2. STRATEGIC MATERIALS--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Comprendre les principales motivations des FDRL (Forces democratiques de liberation du Rwanda) permettrait d'envisager certaines pistes de solutions pour parvenir a les neutraliser et reduire ainsi une grande partie de l'insecurite et de la violence qui prevaut actuellement dans les deux Kivus. Ce rapport vise, a travers l'analyse de leurs revendications politiques, de leurs strategies de combat et positionnement geographiques ainsi que de leurs activites economiques, a determiner dans quelle mesure l'exploitation des ressources naturelles constitue le veritable mobile de leur presence a l'est de la RDC. Cette etude permet de comprendre comment les FDRL parviennent a tirer profit de ces ressources et le role que peuvent jouer directement ou indirectement les societes etrangeres impliquees dans ce commerce, qui contribue a la perpetuation de la violence dans cette region.' ID number: 80022903 Year: 2009 Type: M

355 /00560 La coordination civilo-militaire onusienne : etude de cas : la MONUC - Bruxelles : Institut Royal Superieur de Defense. iii, 147 p. : ill.; 25 cm. (Securite et Strategie ; 102) Author(s): 1. Gasquard, Sarah Subject(s): 1. CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION--UNITED NATIONS 2. UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION MISSION IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO 3. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Institut Royal Superieur de Defense. Centre d'Etudes de Securite et de Defense (BE) Notes: Bibliography: p. 90-96. 'La realisation de cette etude part d'un constat bien connu, celui de la nature de plus en plus complexe des missions de maintien de la paix onusiennes, caracterisees par un entrelacement de plus en plus visible des activites militaires, politiques, humanitaires et developpementales sur le terrain d'operations. Au sein de ce systeme complexe, formalise partiellement par les Nations unies sous le concept de mission integree, un type d'interactions particulier a savoir celui de la coordination civilo-militaire retient particulierement l'attention. Partant des directives onusiennes portant sur la question tout en s'attachant aux grandes evolutions qui ont caracterise le systeme onusien de maintien de la paix ces dernieres annees, l'etude vise a etablir un cadre theorique identifiant les


dimensions considerees comme particulierement importantes dans l'etude de la coordination civilo-militaire onusienne. La seconde partie de l'etude consistant en une etude de cas portant sur la MONUC permet d'interroger le cadre theorique choisi.' ID number: 80022986 Year: 2009 Type: M


341.2 /00389 Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa - Munster : LIT. xvii, 412 p. : ill.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9783825886813 Subject(s): 1. SECURITY SECTOR REFORM--AFRICA, WEST Added entry(s): 1. Bryden, Alan, ed. 2. N'Diaye, Boubacar, ed. 3. Olonisakin, Funmi, ed. 4. Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (CH) Notes: 'This volume provides an in-depth analysis of security governance in and across all the states of West Africa. Emphasis is placed on how the security sector is configured, assessing issues of operational efficiency, civil management and oversight of this most sensitive area of public policy. Although the focus of this volume is largely on analyses of specific national contexts, local, national and regional processes are closely interrelated. In particular, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has a vital role to play in supporting security sector reform within a framework of democratic security sector governance.' ID number: 80022263 Year: 2008 Type: M

323 /01109 U.S. Counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa : Understanding Costs, , and Conflicts - Carlisle, PA : US Army War College. vii, 73 p.; 23 cm. (Letort Papers) ISBN: 1584873639 Author(s): 1. Chau, Donovan C. Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN--PREVENTION 2. TERRORISM--USA--PREVENTION Added entry(s): 1. US Army War College Notes: 'While sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has never been the centerpiece of US foreign or defense policy, the current struggle of the United States and its allies against terrorist groups and individuals motivated by Islamic extremism has elevated the region to a front in the global conflict. The author begins by analyzing the policy debate in Washington, especially the fundamental divergence of approaches between development and defense. From there, the paper shifts to a discussion of the attitudes and views of terrorism and counterterrorism in SSA. The author then answers the central question concerning the most effective long-term approach to counterterrorism in SSA. He suggests a grand strategic approach to attain 'three


standards' that comprise seizing and holding the moral high ground, winning the struggle for perceived legitimacy, and pursuing restrained counterterrorism responses. None of the standards are attainable, however, without a future generation of analysts, officers, and policymakers with deep knowledge and understanding of SSA.' ID number: 80022047 Year: 2008 Type: M

325 /00102 The Security-Migration Nexus : Challenges and Opportunities of African Migration to EU Countries - Bonn : Bonn International Center for Conversion. 90 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (BICC Brief ; 36) Subject(s): 1. EU--EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION 2. AFRICA--EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION Added entry(s): 1. Sommer, Jerry, ed. 2. Warnecke, Andrea, ed. 3. Bonn International Center for Conversion (DE) Notes: 'The security-migration nexus refers here to three major dimensions : the lack of (human) security of migrants on their way; the lack of security in migrants' countries of origin as cause for migration; and the security of migrants' countries of destination and their members of society.' ID number: 80021909 Year: 2008 Type: M

355.4 /01583 The Strategic Interests of the Maghreb States - Rome : NATO Defense College. 66 p.; 21 cm. (NDC Forum Paper ; 4) Author(s): 1. Iratni, Belkacem Subject(s): 1. AFRICA, NORTH--STRATEGIC ASPECTS Added entry(s): 1. NATO Defence College (IT) Notes: 'Strategic interests are understood in terms of security matters that include military aspects (hard security) and other, different dimensions that are less military and increasingly societal (soft security). In the case of the Maghreb, security interests mean the preservation of territorial integrity, the assertion of national identity and cohesion, and the strengthening of solidarity and cooperation with other countries and regions, These concerns are better understood in the light of the perceived threats facing these states both internally and externally.' ID number: 80022354 Year: 2008 Type: M


382 /00328 The Complex Dynamics of Small Arms in West Africa = La dynamique complexe des armes legeres en Afrique de l'Ouest - Geneva : UNIDIR. iii, 56 + 60 p.; 30 cm. (Disarmament Forum ; 4/08 = Forum du Desarmement ; 4/08) Subject(s): 1. FIREARMS--AFRICA, WEST 2. ARMS TRANSFERS--AFRICA, WEST Added entry(s): 1. Vignard, Kerstin, ed. 2. Linekar, Jane, ed. 3. Compagnion, Valerie, ed. 4. United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Notes: 'This issue examines small arms in West Africa, and looks at some of the activities being undertaken to combat the problem, from regional initiatives to civil society projects, from technical and legal fixes to building on the link between disarmament and development.' ID number: 80022437 Year: 2008 Type: M

323 /01096 The First Islamist Republic : Development and Disintegration of Islamism in the Sudan - Aldershot, UK : Ashgate. 183 p.; 24 cm. ISBN: 9780754671626 Author(s): 1. Gallab, Abdullahi A. Subject(s): 1. ISLAM AND POLITICS--SUDAN 2. SUDAN--HISTORY Notes: Includes index. 'By adding a new dimension to the ongoing scholarly and political debate about Islamism or political Islam within the context of modern politics in Africa, the Middle East and the Muslim world, this study details the development and disintegration of the Islamists' Republic in the Sudan. The Islamists' regime in the Sudan has propagated a distinctive ideology whose declared aim was to create a primary model of an Islamist state. Based on extensive field work inside and outside the regime, this book is the story of the social world of Islamism. It provides an entry point into its local and global worlds as they interact and collide with each other. By placing considerable emphasis on the theoretical development and growth of Islamism, this book addresses the profound transformations in the field of political Islam.' ID number: 80021944 Year: 2008 Type: M


962 /00004 The Darfur Sultanate : A History - London : Hurst. xix, 357 p. : ill.; 23 cm. ISBN: 9781850658535 Author(s): 1. O'Fahey, R. S. Subject(s): 1. DARFUR (SUDAN)--HISTORY Notes: Bibliography: p. 311-336. Includes index. 'Spanning from 1650 to 1916, this book discusses the impact of outside forces on the sultanate, focusing primarily on Darfur's ruling elite, which include sultans, royal women, holy men, traders, and other individuals in positions of power.' ID number: 80021926 Year: 2008 Type: M

327.5 /00452 EU-UN Cooperation in Military Crisis Management : The Experience of EUFOR RD Congo in 2006 - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies. 44 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Occasional Paper ; 72) ISBN: 9789291981274 Author(s): 1. Major, Claudia Subject(s): 1. EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR RD CONGO 2. UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION MISSION IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO 3. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) 4. EU--UNITED NATIONS 5. UNITED NATIONS--EU 6. CRISIS MANAGEMENT--EU 7. CRISIS MANAGEMENT--UNITED NATIONS Added entry(s): 1. European Union Institute for Security Studies (FR) Notes: 'This paper explores the internal and external effectiveness of EU-UN cooperation in the area of military crisis management (MCM). It does so by looking at the 2006 EU military operation EUFOR RD Congo and its cooperation with the UN mission already in the field, MONUC. First, the paper describes the background context by providing a short overview of the development of the current pattern of EU-UN cooperation in both the political and military realms. In the second part, it moves on to outline the basic parameters of EUFOR RD Congo, namely, the background, setting, evolution and outcome of the operation. Building upon that, the third part of the paper analyses the political, institutional and operational functioning of EU-UN cooperation in three categories : political, strategic and operational planning; cooperation in the field; and support and logistics. The paper explores how the particular settings at the political and organisational levels trickle down to cooperation in the field, and how they affect the ability to jointly achieve the mission objectives. Section four presents an evaluation of the cooperation and analyses the factors which condition both the opportunities and limits of cooperation and which characterise the current complex framework for EU-UN cooperation. The study concludes with an analysis of both the limits and opportunities of future EU-UN cooperation and puts forward policy recommendations for improvement.'


ID number: 80022058 Year: 2008 Type: M

40 /00168 La mission des Nations Unies au Congo : le laboratoire de la paix introuvable - Bruxelles : GRIP. 27 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 5/2008) Author(s): 1. Zeebroek, Xavier Subject(s): 1. UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION MISSION IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO 2. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'L'histoire du conflit congolais et de la Mission des Nations unies au Congo se confondent depuis 1999. La MONUC fut, tout au long de son histoire, un laboratoire d'une paix qui, apres bientot dix ans de presence, reste introuvable. C'est pourquoi ce rapport tente de faire le point sur les avancees et les echecs de l'ONU en RDC.' ID number: 80022042 Year: 2008 Type: M

323 /01087 La decentralisation en RD Congo : enjeux et defis - Bruxelles : GRIP. 17 p. : ill.; 30 cm. (Rapports du GRIP ; 1/2008) Author(s): 1. Liegeois, Michel Subject(s): 1. DECENTRALIZATION IN GOVERNMENT--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Added entry(s): 1. Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Securite (BE) Notes: 'Plus d'une decennie de conflits incessants, des millions de victimes, un Etat deliquescent, une partition territoriale de fait ... Devant un tableau aussi sombre, peu auraient parie, il y a cinq ans, sur la possibilite d'initier un processus de pacification regionale et de reconstruction de l'Etat congolais. En depit de redoutables difficultes, depuis la signature a Sun City, le 2 avril 2003, de l'Acte final du dialogue intercongolais, le Congo n'a pourtant cesse d'avancer dans la bonne direction. Le choix du constituant congolais en faveur d'un Etat fortement decentralise constitue a cet egard une evolution decisive de l'organisation politique et administrative de la RDC. Cette orientation institutionnelle - qui transforme la RDC en un Etat federal qui ne dit pas son nom - resulte autant de considerations pragmatiques que d'un rapport de force politique entre 'centralisateurs' et 'decentralisateurs'. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'etat des institutions publiques congolaises interdit de raisonner en terme de reforme de l'Etat. La tache a laquelle s'attelent les acteurs politiques de la RDC consiste plutot a la reconstruction par le bas de fonctions etatiques qui avaient, pour l'essentiel, disparu depuis longtemps. Ce rapport


s'efforce de synthetiser les risques et les enjeux, sans oublier de poser la question de l'adaptation des partenaires internationaux de la RDC a la nouvelle architecture institutionnelle congolaise.' ID number: 80021852 Year: 2008 Type: M

40 /00170 Peacekeeping in : The Story of UNAMSIL - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner. xii, 205 p. : ill.; 23 cm. (Histories of UN Peace Operations) ISBN: 9781588265203 Author(s): 1. Olonisakin, Funmi Subject(s): 1. UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN SIERRA LEONE 2. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SIERRA LEONE 3. SIERRA LEONE--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1991-2002 Notes: Bibliography: p. 189-193. Includes index. 'This book relates how a small country - one insignificant in the strategic considerations of the world powers - propelled the United Nations to center stage in a crisis that called its very authority into serious question; and how the UN mission in Sierra Leone was transformed from its nadir into what is now widely considered one of the most successful peacekeeping missions in UN history. The author tells the story of this experience, highlighting the key moments and the reasoning behind strategic decisions. She also captures UNAMSIL's internal struggle as it fought to regain some honor after the May 2000 crisis, when the UN had to rely on the infamous Charles Taylor to broker the release of 500 peacekeeper hostages. This narrative illuminates the ins and outs of the UNAMSIL mission, and also reflects on its meaning for current and future peace operations in Africa and beyond.' ID number: 80022102 Year: 2008 Type: M

341.4 /00039 Madame Prosecutor : Confrontations with Humanity's Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity : A Memoir - New York : Other Press. x, 434 p. : ill.; 25 cm. ISBN: 9781590513026 Author(s): 1. Ponte, Carla Del 2. Sudetic, Chuck Subject(s): 1. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA 2. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA 3. WAR CRIME TRIALS Notes: Includes index. 'The author answered in 1999 the United Nations' call to become the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. She confronted genocide and crimes against humanity head-on, struggling to bring to justice the highest-ranking individuals responsible for massive acts of violence in Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Kosovo. The tribunals have been unprecedented. They operate along the edge of the divide between national sovereignty and


international responsibility, in the gray zone between the judicial and the political. This is a largely unexplored realm for prosecutors and judges, a realm whose native inhabitants - political leaders and diplomats, soldiers and spies - assume that they can commit the big crime without being held responsible. It is a realm crisscrossed by what the author calls the 'muro di gomma' - the 'wall of rubber' - a metaphor referring to the tactics government officials use to hide their unwillingness to confront the culture of impunity that has allowed persons responsible for acts of unspeakable, wholesale violence to escape accountability. This book is the author's courageous and startling memoir of her eight years spent striving to serve justice by fighting the immunity that powerful criminals and political figures too often enjoy.' ID number: 80022364 Year: 2008 Type: M


Journal Articles Articles de revues


In from the Margins ? The Changing Place of Africa in International Relations. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 69-87.) Author(s): 1. Harman, Sophie 2. Brown, William Subject(s): 1. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS 2. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Notes: This article surveys recent literature on Africa and International Relations (IR) and reviews the current place of Africa within the discipline. It notes that critical debates continue around claims of a mismatch between Africa and 'mainstream' IR theories and concepts. However, alongside this set of issues, there is in fact a burgeoning literature on many aspects of Africa's international relations. While some of these studies utilize existing IR theories, and others explore empirical cases that could deliver important lessons for the wider discipline, much of this promise goes unfulfilled. The article reviews literature on China's role and on HIV/AIDS governance in Africa to illustrate how the study of African international relations, the wider IR discipline and international policy could all benefit from a closer engagement between Africa and IR. The article concludes by setting out three challenges for a renewed agenda : a need to address the problematic relationship between universal analytical concepts and regional particularities; a need to give recognition to, and analyse, African agency in international politics; and a need to address inequalities in knowledge production in the field of Africa's international relations. ID Number: JA029175 Year: 2013 Language: English Type: ART

 This list contains material received as of March 26th, 2013.– Cette liste est arrêtée au 26 mars 2013.


Terroristische Bedrohung : Al-Qaida ist in ganz Nordafrika verankert. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 2, Februar 2013, S. 103-106.) Author(s): 1. Forsteneichner, Gunter F. C. Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--AFRICA, NORTH 2. QAIDA (ORGANIZATION) ID Number: JA029198 Year: 2013 Language: German Type: ART

A Decade of African Peace and Security Architecture. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 89, no. 1, January 2013, p. 89-109.) Author(s): 1. Vines, Alex Subject(s): 1. AFRICAN UNION 2. AFRICAN UNION--ARMED FORCES--ASF 3. AFRICAN UNION--PEACEKEEPING FORCES 4. AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Notes: This article examines how the African Union (AU) has handled Africa's peace and security challenges since 2002, defines what has been successful and what remains aspirational. It does so by examining how the AU has responded, from using sanctions against coups, to deploying peacekeeping missions and mediating in conflicts. An African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) has developed since 2002, including a Peace and Security Council, an African Standby Force, a Continental Early Warning System and a Panel of the Wise. This sounds impressive, but the operationalization record is patchy : AU-deployed missions have been fully dependent on external donors; harmonization is a major problem; serious questions remain over AU capacity; and some of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are developing at a quicker pace than the AU. Given these circumstances and its internal capacity deficit, the AU will likely struggle to exercise oversight of regional processes, including the development of regional standby force arrangements. APSA is clearly based on a liberal peace model, yet democratic systems, respect for human rights and good governance aren't always in place in African countries, and the self-interest of elites continues to be a constraint on APSA and its success. Over the last decade the AU has found a voice and, despite some setbacks, it has shown through AMISOM in Somalia that it is capable of conducting a successful peacemaking operation. Its biggest challenge is not making the decision to intervene or deploy forces, but the capacity of most African states to deploy effectively. APSA's dependence on external partners needs to diminish over the next decade if better African solutions are to be found to peace and security challenges in the continent. Yet, the internationalized nature of crises such as the one in Mali in 2012-13 requires international partnerships. Not all of Africa' security problems can be solved by Africa alone, but APSA does provide a vision framework for African and external partnership. ID Number: JA029176 Year: 2013 Language: English Type: ART


Les nouveaux accords de defense a l'epreuve des crises africaines. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 757, fevrier 2013, p. 103-108.) Author(s): 1. Koungou, Leon Subject(s): 1. FRANCE--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--FRANCE 3. FRANCE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--FRANCE Notes: La France s'abstiendrait desormais de conduire des interventions militaires directes en Afrique. Telle est, en partie, la teneur des accords de defense de 'nouvelle generation'. Mais cette demarche se heurte a des pesanteurs historico-politiques et a des contraintes morales. Des lors, les conflits en Centrafrique, au Tchad ou au Mali, contraignent Paris a un role de gendarme ou de pilote des strategies de soutien aux Etats faibles ou menaces. ID Number: JA029187 Year: 2013 Language: French Type: ART

Le partenariat Maghreb-Union europeenne : quelles perspectives ?. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 756, janvier 2013, p. 119-122.) Author(s): 1. Kerdoudi, Jawad Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA, NORTH Notes: Entre Europe et Maghreb, le partenariat souvent esquisse a bute sur des difficultes aujourd'hui identifiees qui ont cree un climat maussade de defiance. Relancer cette perspective utile, c'est tout autant ouvrir les echanges intermaghrebins que developper les relations transmediterraneennes. Le Dialogue 5+5 le permet. ID Number: JA029088 Year: 2013 Language: French Type: ART

Privatizing the Struggle against Somali Piracy. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2013, p. 84-102.) Author(s): 1. Fitzsimmons, Scott Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION 2. PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANIES Notes: Pirate attacks against commercial vessels in the Western Indian Ocean and nearby seas reached an unprecedented level in 2011. Despite concerted efforts by the international community and shipping companies to address this threat by conducting naval patrols and equipping commercial vessels with non-lethal defenses, the frequency of pirate attacks continues to increase. The general ineffectiveness of existing anti-piracy measures has sparked interest in expanding the use of armed private security contractors to protect commercial vessels from pirate attacks. This article argues that armed private security contractors can, indeed, enhance the security of commercial vessels, because these actors can provide onsite protection for commercial vessels, which should allow them to respond very quickly to pirate attacks, and because these actors are willing


to use deadly force against pirates. However, this article also argues that expanding the use of these actors may increase the degree of violence used during pirate attacks, pose threats to the safety of innocent civilians, and violate a number of domestic and international laws. ID Number: JA029212 Year: 2013 Language: English Type: ART

Sudan bleibt Konfliktschauplatz. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT & TECHNIK, Nr. 1, Januar 2013, S. 20-22.) Author(s): 1. Pabst, Martin Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SOUTH SUDAN 2. SOUTH SUDAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SUDAN 3. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- ID Number: JA029124 Year: 2013 Language: German Type: ART

Understanding the Lethargy of Sudan's Periphery-Originated Insurgencies. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2013, p. 57-83.) Author(s): 1. Agoot, Majak D' Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1983-2005 2. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- Notes: The assumption that an insurgency effort must culminate in the seizure of state power became the go-to cliche of the twentieth-century understandings of the Civil War. However, historical counterfactuals about Sudan's civil wars have cavilled at the accuracy of this postulate. This article argues that Sudan constitutes an outlier which does not perfectly fit this established convention. In essence, many factors have combined to be the sources of Sudan's intractable, periphery-originated civil wars. Since the Torit Mutiny in August 1955, virtually all these uprisings have exhibited deep failings in inducing a complete change in the centre; or separating any part of the country through military means. Succinctly put, they have, with no exception, ended in a negotiated settlement rather than through a decisive military victory by the rebels. Based on the findings of this study, state violence, ethnic politics, and power struggle among the rebels, as well as geography, geopolitics, and the permeability of the borders have emerged as key explanatory variables to this alternative hypothesis. ID Number: JA029208 Year: 2013 Language: English Type: ART


The EU, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. (ORBIS, vol. 57, no. 1, Winter 2013, p. 101-119.) Author(s): 1. Lebl, Leslie S. Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) 2. ORGANISATION OF ISLAMIC CONFERENCE 3. EU 4. MUSLIMS--EUROPE Notes: The European Union, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are locked in a struggle for the future of Europe that encompasses very different visions. The EU aims for a highly sophisticated Western civilization; the Brotherhood and OIC see Europe as part of a future global Caliphate, an Islamic empire governed by an Islamist version of traditional Islamic law, or sharia. This competition extends to the United Nations where the OIC is seeking to enforce global prohibitions on criticism of Islam. A comparison of the EU's actions with those of the US federal government shows that US policymakers, in confronting a similar challenge, are making many of the same errors as their European counterparts. ID Number: JA029117 Year: 2013 Language: English Type: ART

Muslimbruder als Alternative im Nahen Osten ?. (OSTERREICHISCHE MILITARISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 51. Jg, Heft 1, Janner - Februar 2013, S. 60-64.) Author(s): 1. Matzken, Heino Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) ID Number: JA029127 Year: 2013 Language: German Type: ART


Supporting the Arab Spring : How the OSCE Can Help Democratic Transition in the MENA Region. (SECURITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, vol. 23, no. 3, 2012, Special Issue.) Subject(s): 1. ARAB SPRING, 2010- 2. OSCE--MIDDLE EAST 3. OSCE--AFRICA, NORTH ID Number: JA029107 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


Turkey Shocks Africa. (WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, vol. 29, no. 4, Winter 2012 - 2013, p. 27-38.) Author(s): 1. Harte, Julia Subject(s): 1. TURKEY--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--TURKEY 3. TURKEY--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--TURKEY ID Number: JA029097 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

The Arab Spring : Should Turkey Coordinate Its Foreign Policy with the European Union ?. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 23, no. 3, Summer 2012, p. 63-81.) Author(s): 1. Noi, Aylin Unver Subject(s): 1. TURKEY--FOREIGN RELATIONS--MIDDLE EAST 2. MIDDLE EAST--FOREIGN RELATIONS--TURKEY 3. EU--MIDDLE EAST 4. EU--TURKEY 5. TURKEY--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA, NORTH 6. AFRICA, NORTH--FOREIGN RELATIONS--TURKEY 7. EU--AFRICA, NORTH 8. ARAB SPRING, 2010- ID Number: JA028787 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Between Democracy and Militancy : Islam in Africa. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 111, no. 745, May 2012, p. 187-193.) Author(s): 1. Villalon, Leonardo A. Subject(s): 1. ISLAM AND POLITICS--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN 2. MUSLIMS--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN Notes: Small numbers of militants present a growing challenge in Africa, but generally Muslims across the region are engaging politically in diverse and often positive ways. ID Number: JA028627 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Going Farther by Going Together : Building Partner Capacity in Africa. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 67, 2012, p.8-13.) Author(s): 1. Hooper, Charles W. Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND 2. USA--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA ID Number: JA028967 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


India's Rise in Africa. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 88, no. 4, July 2012, p. 779-798.) Author(s): 1. Taylor, Ian Subject(s): 1. INDIA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--INDIA 3. INDIA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--INDIA Notes: India's rise in Africa has been largely overlooked, despite the important implications of the growing presence of Indian corporations and a rise in New Delhi's political ties with the continent. Not only are Indian actors providing much-needed investment and capital, but Indo-African connections represent a further important diversification of Africa's international relations, something which reflects a major development for the continent. Indian activity in Africa may be said to constitute a middle ground between China's profit-maximizing and largely statist approach and the much-resented intrusive conditionalities associated with western policies. It is evident that India's growing activity in Africa has the potential to help African companies become more efficient by exposing them to competition, new advances in technology and modern labour skills. African governments could potentially use the opportunity of an increased Indian corporate presence in Africa as sources of appropriate technology, skills and advice for economic development. However, if not handled correctly, any goodwill that India possesses in Africa will quickly be squandered and/or India will become just another actor in Africa. It is up to Africans to negotiate with Indian actors to ensure that the benefits accrued from Indo-African ties are evenly shared and that Indian interest in the continent, alongside that of others, may help to serve as a catalyst for economic revitalization. The key issue is how African leaders can seek to leverage newfound Indian investment and interest in Africa so that Africa's place in global trade networks becomes more proactive and beneficial to the continent's citizens. ID Number: JA028739 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

China-Africa : Experience of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 58, no. 3, 2012, p. 45-57.) Author(s): 1. Boguslavsky, Alexey Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA ID Number: JA028733 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


'Going Out' : Is China's Skilfull Use of Soft Power in Sub-Saharan Africa a Threat to U.S. Interests ?. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 64, 2012, p. 99-106.) Author(s): 1. Wagner, JoAnne Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: This article explores the current state of and reasons behind China's soft power offensive, particularly its scramble for Africa's natural resources; analyzes its impacts on several African states; demonstrates why the potential for generating stability and expanding and deepening our relationship with Beijing through African ventures outweighs the competitive dangers posed to US interests and recommends US policy approaches - including cooperative partnerships - to capitalize on the Chinese model. ID Number: JA028302 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

The Regionalization of African Security. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 111, no. 745, May 2012, p. 175-180.) Author(s): 1. Reno, William Subject(s): 1. AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Notes: Why are diverse states working together to intervene in conflicts in West Africa, Sudan, Somalia, and elsewhere ? ID Number: JA028626 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

African States and the ATT Negotiations. (ARMS CONTROL TODAY, vol. 42, no. 7, September 2012, p. 15-17.) Author(s): 1. Lamb, Guy Subject(s): 1. ARMS TRANSFERS--LAW AND LEGISLATION 2. ARMS TRANSFERS--AFRICA Notes: African countries have suffered greatly from the arms trade but have not been able to adopt a unified position on an ATT. ID Number: JA028885 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


Un an apres 'le Printemps arabe' : bilan d'etape et nouveaux enjeux au Maghreb. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 746, janvier 2012, p. 88-93.) Author(s): 1. Chater, Khalifa Subject(s): 1. AFRICA, NORTH--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. ARAB SPRING, 2010- Notes: C'est la conjonction des calendriers politiques et sociaux plus qu'un effet domino lie au 'Printemps arabe' qui explique le reformisme maghrebin actuel. Les partis islamistes qui en sont les acteurs principaux cherchent a maintenir l'equilibre entre leurs mentors du Golfe et leurs partenaires occidentaux, americains et europeens. Pragmatisme et opportunisme dictent les reclassements en cours. ID Number: JA028283 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

Le Sahel et la contagion libyenne. (POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, vol. 77, no. 4, 2012, p. 835-847.) Author(s): 1. Pellerin, Mathieu Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. AFRICA, NORTH--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: La guerre en Libye a destabilise le Sahel. Des milliers d'armes - dont des missiles sol-air - circulent dans cette region aux frontieres poreuses et les combattants touaregs qui travaillaient pour Mouammar Kadhafi se sont eparpilles dans la zone. L'effondrement du Nord du Mali, desormais controle partiellement par plusieurs groupes islamistes, peut ainsi etre vu comme une consequence directe du conflit libyen. Au Niger, une reprise de la rebellion touaregue menace. ID Number: JA029055 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

The Accidental Pirate : Reassessing the Legitimacy of Counterpiracy Operations. (PARAMETERS, vol. 42, no. 2, Summer 2012, p. 28-41.) Author(s): 1. Anning, Stephen 2. Smith, M. L. R. Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Notes: Taking a cue from British Army 'Influence Doctrine' that was developed in Afghanistan, this study offers new insight into Somalia's pirates by applying the Shade-Shift approach. It suggests a new approach to understanding the motives of those involved in piracy as an entry point for more in-depth analysis. The concept of conflict entrepreneurs, opportunists, and dependants shows there are some within the piracy network who might have reasonable mitigation for their involvement. Finally, the long-term legitimacy of foreign intervention will be decided by the accuracy of who is targeted and whether a justice system sufficiently accounts for the context of


Somalia's complex political economy. ID Number: JA028879 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Convoys to Combat Somali Piracy. (SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES, vol. 23, no. 1, March 2012, p. 74-92.) Author(s): 1. Hughes, Benjamin 2. Jones, Simon Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Notes: As the world becomes increasingly globalized, interruptions to international trade cannot be permitted. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has hampered international trade in the region and poses significant risks to the sailors required to navigate those waters. Over the past three years the global community has attempted, through a number of different naval tactics, to stop these acts of piracy; however, these tactics have proven ineffective. This article looks at historical precedence and military theory to support the concept of using convoys to protect the thousands of cargo vessels traveling round the Horn of Africa every year. This tactic will greatly decrease the number of successful pirate attacks and save countless lives in the process. ID Number: JA028344 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Somali Piracy : A Form of Economic Terrorism. (STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 36, no. 2, March 2012, p. 290-303.) Author(s): 1. Parmar, Sarabjeet Singh Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY--PREVENTION Notes: Piracy over the years has been driven by geography, political instability and the availability of safe havens. Apart from these established factors, economics too play a role. This article reviews and examines Somali piracy, which has flourished due to the international community ignoring the growing instability in Somalia, the rampant illegal fishing and toxic waste dumping. It examines the international response, the legal and economic factors and advocates that piracy be viewed as a form of economic terrorism and be combatted as such, as well as by land-based operations. ID Number: JA028450 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


Somalia at the Tipping Point ?. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 111, no. 745, May 2012, p. 169-174.) Author(s): 1. Menkhaus, Ken Subject(s): 1. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: As a transitional govenment nears collapse and foreign armies battle the Islamist group Al Shabab, Somalis' biggest worry may be a dearth of livelihoods. ID Number: JA028625 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

South Sudan's Year One : Managing the Challenges of Building a New State. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 157, no. 5, October - November 2012, p. 46-54.) Author(s): 1. Wolff, Stefan Subject(s): 1. SOUTH SUDAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. SOUTH SUDAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: A year after independence, continuing tension with the North is not the only challenge facing South Sudan. From the uncertain fate of the disputed territory of Abyei and cross-border inter-communal conflicts, to a lack of economic infrastructure and food insecurity, combined with a persistent failure to build successful institutions, South Sudan's beginning as an independent state is rife with dangers. The author outlines the historical background and the security, political, ethnic and socioeconomic questions the South Sudanese leadership still needs to resolve. ID Number: JA028962 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Le Maroc et la proposition d'adhesion au Conseil de cooperation du Golfe. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 748, mars 2012, p. 117-123.) Author(s): 1. Houdaigui, Rachid el Subject(s): 1. GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL 2. MOROCCO--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: C'est a une analyse de la pertinence du rapprochement institutionnel du Maroc du Conseil de cooperation du Golfe que procede l'auteur. Il montre qu'il repond a une attente strategique et politique precise, qu'il a un cout pour le Marco assorti de certains avantages et conclut en preconisant une approche sequencee. ID Number: JA028444 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART


Salafism in Tunisia : Challenges and Opportunities for Democratization. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 19, no. 4, Winter 2012, p. 140-154.) Author(s): 1. Torelli, Stefano 2. Merone, Fabio 3. Cavatorta, Francesco Subject(s): 1. SALAFIYAH--TUNISIA 2. DEMOCRATIZATION--TURKEY ID Number: JA029072 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Le Printemps arabe a l'epreuve du salafisme. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 751, juin 2012, p. 88-92.) Author(s): 1. Chater, Khalifa Subject(s): 1. SALAFIYAH--ARAB COUNTRIES 2. ARAB COUNTRIES--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. ARAB SPRING, 2010- 4. TUNISIA--HISTORY--DEMONSTRATIONS, 2010- 5. EGYPT--HISTORY--PROTESTS, 2011- Notes: L'auteur propose dans ce texte documente une genealogie soignee du courant salafite qui est aujourd'hui l'un des plus actifs de la saison arabe que connait la Mediterranee. Partant de l'exemple egyptien et de l'experience tunisienne, il montre que ce courant domine aujourd'hui l'Islam politique et structure les differents scenarios d'avenir de la region nord-africaine. ID Number: JA028658 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution : Causes and Impact. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 23, no. 4, Fall 2012, p. 1-23.) Author(s): 1. El-Khawas, Mohamed A. Subject(s): 1. TUNISIA--HISTORY--DEMONSTRATIONS, 2010- Notes: This essay has four parts. In the first part, political and economic conditions within the country are examined to clarify why young people rebelled against a long-time dictator. The events that turned an individual protest over unemployment and police abuses to a full-blown revolution that toppled Ben Ali in less than a month are analyzed in the second part. The third part includes the steps taken by two caretaker governments to stabilize the country and prepare for the first democratic elections in a half century. In the fourth part, the author focuses on the new political parties and the milestone elections in October 2011 to elect a constituent assembly. The essay ends with a discussion of the challenges of drafting a new constitution and dealing with Tunisia's chronic unemployment. ID Number: JA029061 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution and the Arab Spring : Implications for International Intervention. (ORBIS, vol. 56, no. 4, Fall 2012, p. 662-675.) Author(s): 1. Schraeder, Peter J. Subject(s): 1. TUNISIA--HISTORY--DEMONSTRATIONS, 2010- 2. ARAB SPRING, 2010- 3. DEMOCRATIZATION--ARAB COUNTRIES Notes: Tunisia's Jasmine revolution and the Arab Spring are unfolding amidst the resurgence of five sets of debates over the proper role of the international community in democracy promotion efforts abroad, including in the Middle East and North Africa, which were once thought to be impervious to democratic change. These debates, which are explored here within the context of the Arab Spring, range from the normative question of whether the international community should be actively involved in democracy promotion efforts abroad, to what forms of intervention should constitute part of the global arsenal for those intent on seeking democracy's spread. A final section reflects on whether international efforts will contribute to the further strengthening of the Arab Spring or a return to an Arab Winter of authoritarianism. ID Number: JA028926 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Algeria's Path to Reform : Authentic Change ?. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 19, no. 2, Summer 2012, p. 65-83.) Author(s): 1. Zoubir, Yahia H. 2. Aghrout, Ahmed Subject(s): 1. ALGERIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028667 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Elections et mobilisations dans l'Egypte post-Moubarak. (POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, vol. 77, no. 1, printemps 2012, p. 85-98.) Author(s): 1. Rougier, Bernard Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. ELECTIONS--EGYPT Notes: En Egypte, l'armee a use de tout son poids pour eviter l'emergence de forces susceptibles de remettre en cause sa preeminence. Les debats des derniers mois ont porte sur le timing des elections et sur les pouvoirs de la future Assemblee. La plus grande surprise des legislatives a ete le succes des salafistes. Quant aux Freres musulmans, au pouvoir grace aux elections et au compromis passe avec l'armee, ils vont devoir se confronter aux nombreux defis internes et externes du pays. ID Number: JA028472 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART


Egypt's Entrenched Military. (NATIONAL INTEREST, no. 121, September - October 2012, p. 40-50.) Author(s): 1. Kurtzer, Daniel 2. Svenstrup, Mary Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--ARMED FORCES--POLITICAL ACTIVITY 2. EGYPT--HISTORY--PROTESTS, 2011- Notes: The 2011 Tahir uprising focused its wrath on Egypt's authoritarian rule and economic inequalities. The military was spared. But now the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces seeks to co-opt the revolution. It doesn't want to govern but rather to direct things from behind the curtain and maintain its lucrative corporate interests. The power struggle is just beginning. ID Number: JA028772 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Egypte : les Freres musulmans et la bataille pour le pouvoir. (POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, vol. 77, no. 3, automne 2012, p. 615-628.) Author(s): 1. Collombier, Virginie Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) Notes: Mohamed Morsi est le premier civil president de l'Egypte, mais nul ne connait ses pouvoirs. Ceux-ci devront sans doute etre precises dans le cadre de compromis passes entre la confrerie des Freres musulmans et le Conseil supreme des forces armees. Le face-a-face entre ces deux forces dominantes determinera l'issue du processus constitutionnel. Beaucoup dependra egalement de la cohesion de la confrerie et des relations qu'elle entretiendra avec les autres forces politiques egyptiennes. ID Number: JA028864 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

Les freres musulmans egyptiens a l'epreuve du pouvoir. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 138, hiver 2012 - 2013, p. 207-221.) Author(s): 1. Lacroix, Stephane Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) 2. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: The Muslim Brotherhood, helped by the Arab Spring, has succeeded in taking power in Egypt. While they did not trigger the revolution that kicked Mubarak out of power in 2011, they have very cleverly co-opted the movement to emerge as the victors. Just look at the facts : Brotherhood member Mohamed Morsi is the country's president; the Brotherhood has a large majority in the Parliament; and they recently managed to have a constitution largely inspired by their political agenda approved in a referendum. The opposition remaining from the Mubarak era, both judicial and military, has been significantly weakened. Faced with this irresistible force, the opposition at first seemed to be deeply divided. But the increasingly authoritarian stance of President Morsi could well change


things : virtually the entire non-Islamist opposition has recently consolidated within a new structure, called the National Salvation Front. The legislative elections slated for early this year will be critical to the country's future. ID Number: JA029220 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

A Cold Chill Comes over the Arab Spring. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 23, no. 3, Summer 2012, p. 52-62.) Author(s): 1. Sale, Richard T. Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--HISTORY--PROTESTS, 2011- 2. ISLAM AND POLITICS--EGYPT 3. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028786 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt's Unfinished Revolution. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 23, no. 1, Winter 2012, p. 52-66.) Author(s): 1. El-Khawas, Mohamed Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028484 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt's Troubled Transition : Elections without Democracy. (WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, vol. 35, no. 2, Spring 2012, p. 89-104.) Author(s): 1. Elgindy, Khaled Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: The most formidable threat to Egyptian democracy comes from the ruling military council itself, which may end up leaving Egypt looking less like Turkey and more like Pakistan, where a military that refuses to truly relinquish power results in a weak and dysfunctional government. ID Number: JA028540 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


A Case of Paradiplomacy ? Italian-Libyan Diplomatic Relations from the Rise to Power of Gaddafi till the Beginning of the 'Arab Spring'. (STUDIA DIPLOMATICA, vol. 65, no. 3, 2012, p. 93-118.) Author(s): 1. Colafrancesco, Valentina Subject(s): 1. ITALY--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 2. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ITALY 3. ITALY--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--LIBYA 4. LIBYA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--ITALY ID Number: JA029129 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Libyan Election Breaks Arab Spring Pattern. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 47, no. 3, September 2012, p. 13-19.) Author(s): 1. St John, Ronald Bruce Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. ELECTIONS--LIBYA Notes: In landmark elections, Libyans went to the polls for the first time in 60 years to elect a General National Congress which will form an interim government, oversee the writing of a constitution, and supervise polls for an elected government based on the new constitution. Taking place only nine months after the successful conclusion of the 17 February Revolution, the elections were widely hailed as an extraordinary achievement. The election results were a surprise to many observers as Libyan voters largely supported moderate parties and candidates, reversing a regional trend in support of Islamists. ID Number: JA028830 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

NATO's Victory in Libya. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 91, no. 2, March - April 2012, p. 2-7.) Author(s): 1. Daalder, Ivo H. 2. Stavridis, James G. Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. NATO--ARMED FORCES--LIBYA Notes: NATO's operation in Libya has rightly been praised for saving lives and ending a tyrannical regime. But to replicate the success, member states must reinforce their political cohesion and improve the burden sharing that made the mission work. ID Number: JA028410 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


'Responsibility While Protecting' and the 'Arab Spring'. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 58, no. 6, 2012, p. 111-124.) Author(s): 1. Kotlyar, Vladimir Subject(s): 1. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (INTERNATIONAL LAW) 2. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 4. NATO--ARMED FORCES--LIBYA ID Number: JA029154 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

The Latest Test for NATO. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 157, no. 1, February - March 2012, p. 52-58.) Author(s): 1. Laity, Mark Subject(s): 1. NATO--MILITARY POLICY 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. NATO--ARMED FORCES--LIBYA Notes: NATO's Libya campaign was the latest test in the Alliance's ongoing quest to show its enduring value. The author takes stock of the challenges faced, goals achieved, and lessons offered by the operation, in this personal but highly compelling assessment by a long-standing NATO insider. ID Number: JA028422 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Libya's Lessons : The Air Campaign. (SURVIVAL, vol. 54, no. 6, December 2012 - January 2013, p. 57-65.) Author(s): 1. Barrie, Douglas Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. AIR POWER Notes: Air power proved decisive in the Libya intervention, but success was not inevitable. The use of air power to support local boots on the ground should not be the default model for future interventions. ID Number: JA029050 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


NATO's Visegrad Allies and the Bombing of Qaddafi : The Consequence of Alliance Free-Riders. (JOURNAL OF SLAVIC MILITARY STUDIES, vol. 25, no. 2, April - June 2012, p. 149-161.) Author(s): 1. Bell, Joseph P. 2. Hendrickson, Ryan C. Subject(s): 1. OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR, 2011 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. NATO--HUNGARY 4. NATO--POLAND 5. NATO--CZECH REPUBLIC Notes: This analysis focuses on the three 'Visegrad' states who became members of NATO in 1999 : Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. The authors assess the degree of diplomatic and military support provided to the alliance by the Visegrads during NATO's military strikes on Libya. Their findings suggest that these states contributed essentially nothing to the military operation, despite calls for assistance from some contributing NATO allies. This abstention from Operation Unified Protector has larger political implications for NATO, including serious political damage to the Visegrads themselves, who now suffer more meaningfully from the free-rider critique. ID Number: JA028680 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

The African Union and the Libyan Crisis. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 58, no. 1, 2012, p. 71-79.) Author(s): 1. Boguslavsky, Alexey Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. AFRICAN UNION ID Number: JA028639 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Allies and Airpower in Libya. (PARAMETERS, vol. 42, no. 1, Spring 2012, p. 63-74.) Author(s): 1. Borghard, Erica D. 2. Pischedda, Constantino Subject(s): 1. OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR, 2011 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: This article is an insightful analysis of NATO's intervention to end the 42-year regime of Muammar Qaddafi. The authors analyze the model of precision airstrikes, combined with allies fighting on the ground, to determine the likelihood of success in similar operations. The authors contrast the operational methodologies associated with Coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Libyan incursion to raise a number of issues regarding the varying strategies. The authors espouse the position that there are two competing schools of thought regarding the conditions under which the 'Afghan model' is considered effective : 'the balance of technology' and 'the balance of skill' schools.


ID Number: JA028710 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Libya and the Future of Liberal Intervention. (SURVIVAL, vol. 54, no. 6, December 2012 - January 2013, p. 69-92.) Author(s): 1. Chivvis, Christopher S. Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Notes: If Iraq and Afghanistan wee instructive lessons in the limits of military intervention, Libya demonstrates what intervention, given the right conditions and limited objectives, may accomplish. ID Number: JA029049 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Conflit libyen et crise de l'euro : consequences sur l'Europe de la defense. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE no. 750, mai 2012, p. 29-36.) Author(s): 1. Dumoulin, Andre 2. Struys, Wally Subject(s): 1. EU--CSDP 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: C'est en prenant la mesure de la crise economique et des abstentions recentes des pays europeens en matiere de securite de de defense et en relevant que les institutions de l'Europe peuvent etre, soit mieux utilisees, soit completees, que les auteurs appellent a un nouvel effort d'integration militaire des Europeens. ID Number: JA028615 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

Six enseignements strategiques de l'operation Unified Protector de l'OTAN en Libye. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 751, juin 2012, p. 71-77.) Author(s): 1. Gaub, Florence Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR, 2011 Notes: L'operation de l'Otan principalement aerienne a ete combinee avec les forces rebelles au sol. Plusieurs premiers enseignements peuvent en etre tires, sur le role de la puissance aerienne, la mise en oeuvre d'un QG operationnel, la connaissance du milieu, la communication strategique ou la coherence politico-militaire. ID Number: JA028660 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART


Decline of Western Realism. (NATIONAL INTEREST, no. 117, January - February 2012, p. 8-19.) Author(s): 1. Gvosdev, Nikolas K. 2. Takeyh, Ray Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS 2. INTERVENTION (INTERNATIONAL LAW)--USA 3. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION--USA 4. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Nine months after a US diplomat called Libya a 'strategic ally', America sent its military after that country's strongman dictator, Muammar el-Qaddafi, leading to his overthrow and death. No US national interest was cited as a rationale; the action was justified exclusively on humanitarian grounds. This marks a fundamental break with past US policy prescriptions for such military interventions around the world. ID Number: JA028237 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Towards a 'Post-American' Alliance ? NATO Burden-Sharing after Libya. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 88, no. 2, March 2012, p. 313-327.) Author(s): 1. Hallams, Ellen 2. Schreer, Benjamin Subject(s): 1. NATO--ARMED FORCES--DEFENSE SPENDING 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 3. NATO--USA Notes: NATO's recent operation in Libya has been described by some commentators as reflecting a new burden-sharing model, with the US playing a more supportive role and European allies stepping up to provide the bulk of the air strikes. The US administration of President Barack Obama seemed to share this view and has made clear that post-Libya it continues to expect its allies to assume greater responsibility within the alliance. Moreover, unlike previously, changes within the US and the international system are likely to make America less willing and able to provide for the same degree of leadership in NATO that the alliance has been used to. However, this article finds that Operation Unified Protector in Libya has only limited utility as a benchmark for a sustainable burden-sharing model for the alliance. As a result, an ever more fragmented NATO is still in search for a new transatlantic consensus on how to distribute the burdens more equally among its members. While no new generic model is easily available, a move towards a 'post-American' alliance may provide the basis for a more equitable burden-sharing arrangement, one in which European allies assume a greater leadership role and are prepared to invest more in niche military capabilities. ID Number: JA028489 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


Premier bilan de la guerre de Libye. (COMMENTAIRE, vol. 35, no. 138, ete 2012, p. 393-400.) Author(s): 1. Lagane, Guillaume Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: La guerre de Libye a ete gagnee. Ce qui vaut mieux pour une guerre. Mais elle pose de nouvelles questions : d'abord celle des capacites militaires de l'Europe et de l'avenir de sa defense. Puis celles de l'avenir de la Libye qui n'est pas encore une democratie stable. Enfin, celle de la 'politique arabe' de la France. ID Number: JA028651 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

Libya Without Qaddafi. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 58, no. 1, 2012, p. 46-58.) Author(s): 1. Zinin, Yuri Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- ID Number: JA028642 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Libya's Assets and the Question of Sovereignty. (SURVIVAL, vol. 54, no. 2, April - May 2012, p. 39-45.) Author(s): 1. Bellodi, Leonardo Subject(s): 1. RECOGNITION (INTERNATIONAL LAW) 2. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: International law remains silent on who should represent a state, and contains no criteria to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate governments. ID Number: JA028467 Year: 2012 Language: English Cost: 0.00 EU Type: ART

Libye : le reve de Kadhafi devient-il realite ?. (POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, vol. 77, no. 3, automne 2012, p. 645-657.) Author(s): 1. Gaub, Florence Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: La Libye peut gerer une transition relativement calme et efficace parce qu'une partie des logiques et des institutions de la Jamahiriya ont paradoxalement survecu a la revolution de 2011. Le pays doit neanmoins decider de reformes d'ampleur, trancher le debat entre Etat unitaire/Etat federal, redessiner profondement ses institutions politiques et creer un nouveau rapport de confiance avec ses forces de securite. Ce dernier acquis permettrait seul le desarmement des milices.


ID Number: JA028865 Year: 2012 Language: French Type: ART

After Qaddafi. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 91, no. 6, November - December 2012, p. 8-15.) Author(s): 1. Vandewalle, Dirk Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Given the new Libya's lawlessness and corruption, pessimism about its prospects is easy - especially in light of September's turmoil. But beyond the bloodshed lies a more upbeat story. Just a year after Qaddafi's fall, Libya has peacefully elected a new government and is moving on. It turns out that in building a new state, starting from scratch can be a good thing. ID Number: JA028979 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART

Reinterpreting Libya's WMD Turnaround : Bridging the Carrot-Coercion Divide. (JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC STUDIES, vol. 35, no. 4, August 2012, p. 489-512.) Author(s): 1. Jakobsen, Peter Viggo Subject(s): 1. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION--LIBYA 2. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 3. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA 4. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--LIBYA Notes: The dominant explanations of Libya's nuclear reversal in 2003 privilege either coercion or carrots treating these instruments as alternatives. In doing so they ignore that it took a combination of coercion, carrots and confidence-building to turn Libya around. This article demonstrates this by developing and deploying a theoretical framework that integrates these three instruments into a more coherent and convincing explanation of the case. It highlights that analysts and policy-makers would do well to focus more on how different policy tools can be used in combination to achieve desired outcomes than on how individual tools can be employed with decisive effects. It also demonstrates that the Libya success will be hard to replicate. ID Number: JA028815 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


Al Qaeda's Post-9/11 Organizational Structure and Strategy : The Role of Islamist Regional Affiliates. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 23, no. 2, Spring 2012, p. 30-41.) Author(s): 1. Celso, Anthony N. Subject(s): 1. QAIDA (ORGANIZATION) 2. QAIDA IN THE ARABIAN PENINSULA (ORGANIZATION) ID Number: JA028654 Year: 2012 Language: English Type: ART


The European Union's Counter-Terrorism Policy towards the Maghreb : Trapped Between Democratisation, Economic Interests and the Fear of Destabilisation. (EUROPEAN SECURITY, vol. 20, no. 3, September 2011, p. 431-451.) Author(s): 1. Eder, Franz Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--AFRICA, NORTH--PREVENTION 2. TERRORISM--EU COUNTRIES--PREVENTION Notes: This article sheds light on the European Union's counter-terrorism policy in the Maghreb taking into account the diverse influences and interests shaping its strategic thinking. To explain the complex web of opportunities and constraints, the article refers to Terry Deibel's framework for the analysis of foreign and security affairs. The author concludes that the Union's counter-terrorism policy in the Maghreb has been shaped more by the desire for regional stability and greater trade relations and energy security than be the goal of promoting democratic values and human rights. Moreover, the promotion of democracy is perceived by EU policy-makers as a destabilising factor that could endanger counter-terrorism efforts. ID Number: JA028131 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Political Opposition and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa. (DEMOCRATIZATION, vol. 18, no. 5, October 2011, Special Issue.) Subject(s): 1. DEMOCRACY--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN 2. AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028082 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Toward an African Maritime Economy : Empowering the African Union to Revolutionize the African Maritime Sector. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 64, no. 2, Spring 2011, p. 39-62.) Author(s): 1. Baker, Michael L. Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA 2. MARINE RESOURCES--AFRICA Notes: The maritime sector is the key to African prosperity; the continent's leaders recognize this and have taken certain necessary steps. But it is time to pull these efforts together and move beyond policy papers and into strategy-based action aimed not at symptoms but core problems. ID Number: JA027737 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Al Qaida des islamischen Maghreb AQIM 2010 : die Grundung von AQIM. (OSTERREICHISCHE MILITARISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, 49. Jg., Heft 3, Mai - Juni 2011, S. 334-338.) Author(s): 1. Krech, Hans Subject(s): 1. QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB 2. TERRORISM--AFRICA, NORTH ID Number: JA027714 Year: 2011 Language: German Type: ART

Democratization in Africa : Challenges and Prospects. (DEMOCRATIZATION, vol. 18, no. 2, April 2011, Special Issue.) Subject(s): 1. DEMOCRATIZATION--AFRICA ID Number: JA027646 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Pirates and Power Politics : Naval Presence and Grand Strategy in the Horn of Africa. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 6, December 2011, p. 20-25.) Author(s): 1. Willett, Lee Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--HORN OF AFRICA--PREVENTION Notes: Somali piracy is a direct threat to maritime security and commerce. It is also a theatre of international politics and great power competition. Involvement in counter-piracy for some states has been motivated as much by political signalling and wider security interests than it has by national and alliance commitment to solving the piracy problem. Counter-piracy operations have proved to be a useful way for states to expand their influence in a strategically significant region. ID Number: JA028271 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


State Reconstruction in Africa : The Relevance of Claude Ake's Political Thought. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 87, no. 3, May 2011, p. 651-670.) Author(s): 1. Arowosegbe, Jeremiah O. Subject(s): 1. POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION--AFRICA Notes: Studies on post-conflict reconstruction in Africa have glossed over the need for state transformation as a prerequisite for sustainable peacebuilding in post-conflict societies. This article fills this gap and discusses the relevance of Claude Ake's political thought for state reconstruction in post-conflict Africa. It underscores the need for the autochthonous transformation of the state as a central component of peacebuilding and post-conflict transition in the continent as Ake had suggested. Drawing on Sierra Leone, it theorizes Ake's works on the state in Africa against the backdrop of externally driven state reconstruction projects hinged on hegemonic discourses of 'nation-building' in post-conflict situations. It presents Ake's corpus as a basis for critiquing ongoing state rehabilitation attempts and urges a return to endogenous initiatives of rebuilding the state from below as a condition for achieving a sustainable democratic reconstruction of the state in post-conflict Africa. ID Number: JA027816 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

La campagne anti-francaise d'Al-Qaida au Sahara. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 131, printemps 2011, p. 147-160.) Author(s): 1. Filiu, Jean-Pierre Subject(s): 1. QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB 2. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM--AFRICA, NORTH Notes: Faced with difficulties in its 'sanctuaries' in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Al-Qaeda is attempting to open up a new front in its self-declared war on the West. Its aim is for the Sahara to become the scene of an international jihad against the new 'crusaders', singling out France - the region's former colonial power - as enemy number one. In January 2007, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), an offshoot of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), declared its allegiance to Osama Bin Laden's organization, subsequently renaming itself 'Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb' (AQIM). The terrorist group has since waged a series of attacks in Algeria, Mali and Niger in an attempt to push France to send in troops. A growing number of kidnapped hostages have been killed, several of them French civilians. The French government must not give in to this provocation and must refrain from deploying armed forces in the region as this is precisely what Bin Laden and his henchmen want. ID Number: JA027897 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART


The Evolution of the Discourse of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb : Themes, Countries and Individuals. (MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS, vol. 16, no. 2, July 2011, p. 279-298.) Author(s): 1. Torres Soriano, Manuel R. Subject(s): 1. QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB 2. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM--AFRICA, NORTH Notes: This paper analyses the propaganda of the Algerian terrorist group the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat/Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) from 1998 to 2009 and evaluates the repercussions of the group's merger with Al-Qaeda on its discourse. The paper argues that integration into the Al-Qaeda hierarchy has had little influence on such discourse or on the group's strategies. The analysis lends support to the view that the group is lukewarm in its commitment to Al-Qaeda. Although the content of AQIM propaganda now embraces more countries, individuals and issues, the fact is that membership of Al-Qaeda has not brought about any significant turning point. ID Number: JA027967 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Islamism after the Arab Spring. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 110, no. 740, December 2011, p. 358-363.) Author(s): 1. Sherif, Ashraf El Subject(s): 1. ISLAM AND POLITICS--AFRICA, NORTH 2. ARAB SPRING, 2010- Notes: North African Islamists, among them an increasing number of democratic reformists, are experimenting with new approaches to politics that embrace pragmatism and pluralism. ID Number: JA028268 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Soft Power Warriors. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 67, no. 1, January 2011, p. 22-24.) Author(s): 1. Clemente, Dave Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: Throughout the past year Africa has experienced a range of highs and lows; from crowds thronging newly-built football stadiums in support of the World Cup to expanding militant activity, terrorist incidents and governmental corruption. ID Number: JA027406 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Withering Consent, but Mutual Dependency : UN Peace Operations and African Assertiveness. (CONFLICT, SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 11, no. 4, September 2011, p. 447-471.) Author(s): 1. Piccolino, Giulia 2. Karlsrud, John Subject(s): 1. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--AFRICA 2. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES Notes: Consent has always been a cornerstone of UN peacekeeping. However, consent in peace operations is often elusive, as recent events in a number of African countries, where the heads of state have explicitly requested the departure or the downsizing of UN missions, have demonstrated. This paper uses evidence from Cote d'Ivoire and Chad to explore the game of conflicting priorities and mutual dependency that underlines UN peacekeeping missions' relations with African host states. It argues that such a dynamic renders consent ambiguous and volatile. African leaders maximise possible benefits that they can obtain from a UN mission, while minimising the potential menace that 'liberal peace'-style peacebuilding may pose to their rule. Withdrawal of consent may be facilitated when alternative 'resources of extraversion' become available, such as those provided by natural goods or by emerging commercial players. The current situation poses a difficult dilemma to the UN, balancing between keeping peacekeeping missions on the ground with limited or no consent, or leaving and risking breaking its implicit engagements with the civilian population. ID Number: JA028176 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Mediterranee et Moyen-Orient 2011 : crises de pouvoirs. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 737, fevrier 2011, p. 113-118.) Author(s): 1. Assaf, Fadi K. Subject(s): 1. MEDITERRANEAN REGION--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. AFRICA, NORTH--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. MEDITERRANEAN REGION--FOREIGN RELATIONS 4. AFRICA, NORTH--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: De ce tour d'horizon des postures strategique des pays du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord, il ressort nettement que l'incertitude et l'instabilite politique qui les caracterise procedent directement de crises de leadership ou de fragilites institutionnelles qui oberent de nombreuses releves de generation au pouvoir. ID Number: JA027522 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART


North Africa's Epochal Year of Freedom. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 110, no. 736, May 2011, p. 201-203.) Author(s): 1. Norton, Augustus Richard 2. El-Sherif, Ashraf Subject(s): 1. AFRICA, NORTH--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. ARAB SPRING, 2010- Notes: Uprisings in North Africa have electrified the world and inaugurated a new era in the region, but their outcomes are uncertain. The old order could yet prove resilient. ID Number: JA027701 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

From Colonialism to Partnership in Africa-Europe Relations ?. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 46, no. 1, March 2011, p. 53-67.) Author(s): 1. Olivier, Gerrit Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA Notes: The European Union has been trying to achieve its long-term goals through partnerships and cooperation with other like-minded global actors. Africa (through its regional institutional body, the African Union) has been the first and only multilateral entity with which the EU has forged a long-term partnership. Despite its rhetorical language, the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership is unlikely to upgrade the political and economic interaction between the two partners. In the past few years, serious rifts have grown between the EU and its African counterparts concerning trade agreements and development policies. Moreover, new actors have made significant inroads in Africa, providing an alternative to its long-standing dependence on Europe. ID Number: JA027650 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Globalizing West African Oil : US 'Energy Security' and the Global Economy. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 87, no. 4, July 2011, p. 903-921.) Author(s): 1. Raphael, Sam 2. Stokes, Doug Subject(s): 1. ENERGY SECURITY--USA 2. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA, WEST 3. AFRICA, WEST--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Notes: This article examines the nature of US oil intervention in West Africa and in particular the ways in which US strategic policy is increasingly being wedded to energy security. It argues that academic debates of a 'new oil imperialism' overlays the geostrategic dimensions of US policy, which in turn underplays the forms of globalization promoted by Washington in the postwar world. Specifically, the US has long sought to 'transnationalize' economies in the developing world, rather than pursue a more mercantilist form of economic nationalism. This article argues that US oil intervention in Africa conforms


to this broader picture, whereby processes of transnationalization and interstate competition are being played out against the backdrop of African oil. The recent turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa will add to these dynamics in interesting and unpredictable ways. ID Number: JA027862 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The European Union Training Mission in Somalia and the Limits of Liberal Peacebuilding : Can EUTM Contribute to Sustainable and Inclusive Peace ?. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 46, no. 4, December 2011, p. 97-113.) Author(s): 1. Oksamytna, Kseniya Subject(s): 1. EU--CSDP--OPERATIONS--EUTM 2. PEACE-BUILDING--SOMALIA Notes: The European Union Training Mission (EUTM) in Somalia, the EU's mission to contribute to the training of the Somali Security Forces, was deployed in April 2010 and extended for another 12-moth period in July 2011. Despite the positive assessment of the outcome of the first training period, the overall feebleness of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government puts the political feasibility of the mission into question. EUTM Somalia can be subjected to many of the same criticisms as the liberal peacebuilding agenda in general for trying to contain rather than resolve conflict and maintaining a top-down perspective which ignores organic, indigenous local structures. ID Number: JA028321 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The Way Forward in Somalia. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 3, June - July 2011, p. 26-33.) Author(s): 1. Mugisha, Nathan Subject(s): 1. AFRICAN UNION MISSION IN SOMALIA 2. AFRICAN UNION--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SOMALIA Notes: Commander of the AMISOM force in Somalia, the author argues that the African Union mission in Somalia has made significant progress toward fulfilling its mandate. But there are problems - not least the lack of manpower and materiel - which impede its ability to counter the Al-Shabaab insurgency. As fears rise over the push of Al-Qa'ida into the Horn, more needs to be done to support the Transitional Federal Government and stabilise Somalia. ID Number: JA027826 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Piracy in Somalia : Addressing the Root Causes. (STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 35, no. 3, 2011, p. 452-464.) Author(s): 1. Beri, Ruchita Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Notes: Rampant piracy off the Somalia coast has brought the strife-ridden country back into attention. Economic hardship, and a deep resentment and anger against foreign exploitation of Somalia's maritime resources, have inspired the pirates to declare themselves 'coast guards of Somalia'. However, the growing attacks by the pirates have had an adverse impact on global commercial shipping. The international community has responded to this predicament by massive naval deployments in the Gulf of Aden. This article argues that the long-term solution to piracy on the high seas off Somalia lies in addressing the chaos on shore. Such an approach, however, is strewn with numerous challenges. The role of external actors like Ethiopia, Eritrea and the United States has contributed to the instability. The growing division and infighting between Somalian Islamists, violations of the UN embargo and insufficient influence of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMSIOM) have further exacerbated the problems. ID Number: JA027777 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Pirates, Fishermen and Peacebuiding : Options for Counter-Piracy Strategy in Somalia. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 32, no. 23, August 2011, p. 356-381.) Author(s): 1. Buegger, Christian 2. Stockbruegger, Jan 3. Werthes, Sascha Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION 2. PEACE-BUILDING Notes: The dominant approach to counter-piracy strategy off Somalia is astonishingly narrow-minded. Deterrence, surveillance and military operations do not provide sustainable or efficient solutions; better strategic alternatives must draw on the lessons of 21st-century peace operations. This perspective leads to an understanding of counter-piracy as a problem of peacebuilding. This allows restructuring and reframing of the problem to permit a much wider repertoire of policy solutions than is currently conceived. This repertoire may include development and security assistance programmes as well as state-building programmes. The approach also permits integration of lessons learned in the frame of international peacebuilding operations, including avoiding technocratic solutions, focusing on power constellations, integrating local knowledge and incrementalism. If the international community wishes to take piracy seriously and respond to its complexities, it would be well advised to adopt a policy in which such alternatives are considered. ID Number: JA028027 Year: 2011 Language: English


Type: ART

Sanctuary, Shipowners and Paying Ransoms : Refocusing Counter-Piracy Policy in an Era of Austerity. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 6, December 2011, p. 12-19.) Author(s): 1. Donald, Dominick Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Notes: The threat posed by Somali pirates has heightened over the past four years, and the mechanisms currently at the disposal of the international community can only have limited effects. The author argues here that in the short-term, counter-piracy policy must focus on one key issue - banning ransoms. This approach may not provide the ultimate solution, but will at least allow the international community to successfully contain piracy. ID Number: JA028270 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Flotsam and Jetsqam : Towards Ending Somali Piracy on Shore. (STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 35, no. 2, March 2011, p. 237-247.) Author(s): 1. Rooyen, Frank Charles van Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION 3. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 4. FAILED STATES--SOMALIA Notes: Since the overthrow of its last ruler Siad Barre in 1990, Somalia's conditions have worsened and, barring a few islands of peace, are degenerating rapidly; its waves of insecurity surge beyond its shores. Piracy off Somalia is a consequence of its present volatile insecurity on shore, and 20 years of conflict resolution efforts have come to naught. As piracy increases and anti-piracy operations intensify, efforts at finding lasting peace on shore have run aground. Based upon the successful process of the United Nations Conference of the Law of the Sea, the time is now ripe to jettison moribund processes and pursue viable alternatives, which the combined efforts of the nations of the world, corporate institutions and civil society can effect through a world conference designed to address the issue of all failed states. ID Number: JA027515 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Somali Piracy : Why Should We Care ?. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 6, December 2011, p. 4-11.) Author(s): 1. Murphy, Martin N. Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA Notes: Somali piracy is the single biggest maritime threat since the Second World War, with consequences resonating far beyond Somali shores that have political, geostrategic, naval, economic and human security aspects. The author analyses each of these in turn, and argues that only a multi-layered approach, intertwining long-term political and economic incentives with a short-term clamp-down on pirate activities, can provide an effective and lasting solution. ID Number: JA028269 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Innovations normatives, resiliences des pratiques : a quoi et a qui sert l'AMISOM ?. (SECURITE GLOBALE, no. 18, hiver 2011 - 2012, p. 67-82.) Author(s): 1. Bach, Jean-Nicolas 2. Esmenjaud, Romain Subject(s): 1. AFRICAN UNION MISSION IN SOMALIA Notes: La mission de l'Union africaine (UA) en Somalie (AMISOM) est la seule operation exclusivement africaine actuellement deployee. Elle fait office de test de la capacite des acteurs du continent a resoudre leurs differends et, plus precisement, a mettre en oeuvre l'agenda de la 'paix liberale' endossee dans le cadre de la nouvelle architecture africaine de paix et de securite. Cet article demontre que l'AMISOM est un objet inclassable selon les taxinomies existantes en matiere d'operations de paix. En particulier, il existe un hiatus entre, d'un cote, les innovations normatives adoptees par l'UA (Responsabilite de proteger, securite humaine ...) et. de l'autre, son action en Somalie, ou l'operation deployee est fondee sur une confusion entre l'Etat et le regime 'legal' a sa tete. Cette contribution nous invite ainsi a repenser la frontiere entre maintien de la paix et interventions militaires traditionnelles, tout particulierement dans un contexte instable tel que celui de la Corne de l'Afrique. ID Number: JA028390 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

Sudan's Secession Crisis : Can the South Part from the North Without War ?. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 90, no. 1, January - February 2011, p. 19-26.) Author(s): 1. Natsios, Andrew S. 2. Abramowitz, Michael Subject(s): 1. SECESSION--SUDAN ID Number: JA027399 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Sudan's Separation : An Uneven Path Ahead for Two Unstable Countries. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 46, no. 2, June 2011, p. 23-28.) Author(s): 1. Panozzo, Irene Subject(s): 1. SECESSION--SUDAN Notes: On 9 July 2011, South Sudan will become formally independent. Will it be able to avoid becoming a new failed state ? And will its leadership be able to meet the high expectations of the Southern Sudanese people ? Creating a proper administration and facing the many political and military divisions within the region are just two of the many and multi-faced challenges ahead. The South's secession will affect internal balances in North Sudan as well, while the many issues relating to the future relationship between the two regions will need to be settled to avoid further instabilities. ID Number: JA027853 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Le referendum sud-soudanais et son impact regional. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 131, printemps 2011, p. 169-180.) Author(s): 1. Prunier, Gerard Subject(s): 1. SECESSION--SUDAN Notes: The referendum held in January offered the people of South Sudan the chance to shape their own future. They voted overwhelmingly (98.7 %) to secede from the north and the capital, Khartoum. The official proclamation of independence is slated for July 9, 2011, when the six and a half year interim period enshrined in the 2005 Nairobi peace agreement expires. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement puts an end to the broad conflict which had broken out in May 1983 when the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), led by Colonel John Garang, rebelled against the central government. Contrary to fears voiced in some quarters, the South's emancipation has not led to chaos in the region. While it has raised the likelihood of the Sahel region falling into lawlessness and reigniting the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, this unrest is not new - nor is it caused by the civil war in Sudan. It would be unfair to blame South Sudan for tensions that existed before its independence and which are bound to continue afterwards. ID Number: JA027898 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART


Sudan on the Cusp. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 110, no. 736, May 2011, p. 171-176.) Author(s): 1. Williamson, Richard S. Subject(s): 1. PARTITION, TERRITORIAL 2. SUDAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Southern Sudan is set to become an independent nation in July, but potentially violent disputes with Khartoum remain. ID Number: JA027702 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Authoritarianism, Revolutions, Armies and Arab Regime Transitions. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 46, no. 2, June 2011, p. 5-21.) Author(s): 1. Droz-Vincent, Philippe Subject(s): 1. AUTHORITARIANISM--ARAB COUNTRIES 2. ARAB SPRING, 2010- 3. TUNISIA--HISTORY--DEMONSTRATIONS, 2010- 4. EGYPT--HISTORY--PROTESTS, 2011- Notes: Authoritarianism in the Arab world has had a propensity to endure for decades and was seen as an essential political feature in a region where democratisation was said to flounder. Yet, authoritarian regimes are exhausted and weakened. It took massive social mobilisation in 2011 in Tunisia and Egypt to topple them. Those societies have gained an essential voice in the political process with an aspiration for democracy. Transition was about to open up to chaos and then a specific actor, the military, stepped in to smooth the transition. The next step in Tunisia and Egypt is the delicate rebuilding of governments to fulfill this aspiration for democracy as well as to provide a demonstration effect for the new model of transition throughout the Arab world. ID Number: JA027852 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Understanding the Revolutions of 2011. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 90, no. 3, May - June 2011, p. 8-16.) Author(s): 1. Goldstone, Jack A. Subject(s): 1. ARAB SPRING, 2010- 2. TUNISIA--HISTORY--DEMONSTRATIONS, 2010- 3. EGYPT--HISTORY--PROTESTS, 2011- Notes: Revolutions rarely succeed - except for revolutions against corrupt and personalist 'sultanistic' regimes. This helps explain why Tunisia's Ben Ali and Egypt's Mubarak fell - and also why some other governments in the region will prove more resilient. ID Number: JA027800 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and Political Participation of Islamists. (INTERNATIONAL ISSUES & SLOVAK FOREIGN POLICY AFFAIRS, vol. 20, no. 2, 2011, p. 35-53.) Author(s): 1. Pevna, Katarina Subject(s): 1. ISLAM AND POLITICS--TUNISIA 2. ISLAM AND POLITICS--EGYPT 3. TUNISIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 4. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Engaging with Islamists in the process of political bargaining vis-a-vis the post-revolutionary opening up of the political space in Egypt and Tunisia is both unavoidable and necessary. However, their anticipated performance will depend on a crucial and strategic assessment of the nature of the political, social and cultural spheres in both countries as well as a profound inquiry into the nature of the respective Islamists. Generally, the issue of Islamist participation in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries is approached from two directions. One is the subversion and containment of the Islamists within the framework of authoritarian measures, which has the side effect of increasing their popularity; the other is inclusion into the electoral processes, which raises questions over the possible undemocratic performance once in power. Both of these approaches are interconnected and are addressed in this analysis. ID Number: JA027951 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Tunisie : une transition tumultueuse. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 131, printemps 2011, p. 101-112.) Author(s): 1. Bessis, Sophie Subject(s): 1. TUNISIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: January 14, 2011 will go down in history as the day when Tunisia saw the dictator Ben Ali, who had been in power since 1987, flee the country after several weeks of turmoil. His departure paved the way for a period of transition which has proved to be anything but smooth. On January 17, Speaker of Parliament Fouad Mebazaa was appointed interim president and immediately restored Mohamed Ghannouchi as prime minister, the post he had held since 1999. Ghannouchi attempted to form a government of national unity, but one that included members of the old guard. The protestors refused to accept this and Ghannouchi was forced to step down on February 27. He was replaced by Beji Caid Essebsi, a statesman in his 80s who had been shuttled aside by Ben Ali. The new PM immediately announced elections on July 24, 2011 to form a constituent assembly, aware that real regime change will only come about once a new constitution has been enacted. Tunisia's long path towards democracy is only just beginning. ID Number: JA027895 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART


The Tunisian Uprising and the Precarious Path to Democracy. (MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS, vol. 16, no. 2, July 2011, p. 299-305.) Author(s): 1. Murphy, Emma C. Subject(s): 1. TUNISIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA027968 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Moment in the Sun. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 67, no. 2, February 2011, p. 17-18.) Author(s): 1. Spencer, Claire Subject(s): 1. TUNISIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: A week on from the ousting of President from the presidency of Tunisia, a semblance of calm appeared to be returning to Tunisian streets. Protests may continue over details of the transition, but the next few weeks will determine whether the 'Jasmine revolution' can prove that peaceful change is possible in North Africa and the Middle East. ID Number: JA027487 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The Egyptian Military, Part One : From the Ottomans through Sadat. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 18, no. 3, Fall 2011, p. 63-78.) Author(s): 1. Hashim, Ahmed S. Subject(s): 1. CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS--EGYPT Notes: This study is divided into two parts. Part I is a historical analysis of modern Egyptian civil-military relations from the nineteenth century to the end of the presidency of Anwar al-Sadat in 1981. Part II consists of an analysis of civil-military relations under Hosni Mubarak and the political role of the armed forces during the revolution of 2011 and the post-Mubarak period, when the army took direct political power, pending a revamping of the political system. Part II also advances some scenarios concerning Egypt's political evolution, in which the military is bound to play an important role. ID Number: JA028105 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


The Egyptian Military, Part Two : From Mubarak Onward. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 18, no. 4, Winter 2011, p. 106-128.) Author(s): 1. Hashim, Ahmed S. Subject(s): 1. CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS--EGYPT 2. EGYPT--ARMED FORCES--POLITICAL ACTIVITY Notes: This study is divided into two parts. Part I is a historical analysis of modern Egyptian civil-military relations from the nineteenth century to the end of the presidency of Anwar al-Sadat in 1981. Part II consists of an analysis of civil-military relations under Hosni Mubarak and the political role of the armed forces during the revolution of 2011 and the post-Mubarak period, when the army took direct political power, pending a revamping of the political system. Part II also advances some scenarios concerning Egypt's political evolution, in which the military is bound to play an important role. ID Number: JA028293 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Politics and the Army in Egypt. (SURVIVAL, vol. 53, no. 2, April - May 2011, p. 43-49.) Author(s): 1. Karawan, Ibrahim A. Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--ARMED FORCES--POLITICAL ACTIVITY 2. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: The army may not oppose a civilian president, but it wants to maintain four things : its privileges, stability, peace with Israel and its relationship with the US. ID Number: JA027633 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Commanding Democracy in Egypt : The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 90, no. 5, September - October 2011, p. 127-137.) Author(s): 1. Martini, Jeff 2. Taylor, Julie Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--ARMED FORCES--POLITICAL ACTIVITY 2. DEMOCRACY--EGYPT 3. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Despite its vows to speed Egypt toward elections, the country's military leadership is actually ambivalent about democracy. Above all, Egypt's generals want to preserve stability and protect their privileges. But having unleashed democracy, the military may not be able to control it - especially if Washington keeps up the pressure to move forward. ID Number: JA027945 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood : Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 90, no. 5, September - October 2011, p. 114-126.) Author(s): 1. Trager, Eric Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) Notes: To understand the Brotherhood's prospects in Egypt's upcoming elections, one has to understand the organization itself. This intensely disciplined operation has an intricate system for recruitment and promotion and a devoutly loyal membership - one likely to triumph at the polls and move Egypt in a decidedly theocratic, anti-Western direction. ID Number: JA027944 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The Arab Spring : U.S. Democracy Promotion in Egypt. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 18, no. 3, Fall 2011, p. 49-62.) Author(s): 1. Snider, Erin A. 2. Faris, David M. Subject(s): 1. DEMOCRATIZATION--EGYPT 2. DEMOCRATIZATION--USA 3. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028106 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

America and Egypt after the Uprisings. (SURVIVAL, vol. 53, no. 2, April - May 2011, p. 31-41.) Author(s): 1. Lynch, Marc Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--EGYPT 2. EGYPT--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA 3. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: The US has done well in its tactical responses to the wave of Arab uprisings, but is only just beginning to recalibrate its broader regional strategy. ID Number: JA027634 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt at a Crossroads. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 18, no. 2, Summer 2011, p. 37-45.) Author(s): 1. Kandeel, Amal A. Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. EGYPT--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ID Number: JA027838 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


The Chance for Change in the Arab World : Egypt's Uprising. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 87, no. 6, November 2011, p. 1313-1322.) Author(s): 1. Hellyer, H. A. Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. EGYPT--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: As the largest Arab country, Egypt has always played a crucial role in the politics of the Arab world; however, the internal political dynamics of Egypt have until the January 2011 uprising hardly attracted a glance from international observers. This article gives an overview of the political arena and the various political forces at play in post-Mubarak Egypt. With many unpredictable variables currently at play in Egyptian politics, the result of the elections scheduled for November 2011 will likely surprise many, both within the country and beyond. The article also looks at what impact the political changes in Egypt may have had on the relationship between Egypt and Israel. There have been increasingly frequent demands within Egypt to revise the Camp David accords - but not at the expense of war with Israel. While Israel is unlikely to accept any calls to revise the peace treaty, Arab public opinion has become newly relevant for policy-makers and Israel will have to make corresponding adjustments to its regional security strategy. ID Number: JA028219 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt : Time for Renovation. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 57, no. 3, 2011, p. 173-185.) Author(s): 1. Beliakov, Vladimir Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028037 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Egypte : une revolution confisquee ?. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 132, ete 2011, p. 223-234.) Author(s): 1. Delpech, Therese, 1948-2012 Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: The outcome of the Egyptian revolution will have a major impact on other Arab governments, almost all of which experienced varying degrees of insurgency during the first half of 2011. A genuinely democratic roadmap in Egypt would make it hard for dictatorial regimes in the Arab world to remain in power. Conversely, failure by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to manage the transition, resulting in a progressive return to the politics that led to the downfall of President Mubarak, could compromise the first tentative steps to reform and even encourage the most authoritarian governments to push ahead with violent repression. In just a few months, the wave of enthusiasm has subsided in Egypt : the rules of the political game remain blurred, extremists are now operating openly -


manipulated by members of the former regime - sectarian violence has reached alarming levels, and the economy is stagnating. Will the democratic spirit of the 'Nile Revolution' be sustained beyond 2011 ? The answer lies largely in the hands of the army. ID Number: JA027891 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

Beyond Tahrir Square. (WORLD POLICY JOURNAL, vol. 28, no. 2, Summer 2011, p. 89-99.) Author(s): 1. Krajeski, Jenna Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Can Egypt's liberals survive in the post-Mubarak era ? ID Number: JA027946 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt's Spring : Causes of the Revolution. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 18, no. 3, Fall 2011, p. 35-48.) Author(s): 1. Lesch, Ann M. Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ID Number: JA028107 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt : The Road Ahead. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 67, no. 3, March 2011, p. 11-13.) Author(s): 1. Martin, Paul Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: In the aftermath of the overthrow of the Hosni Mubarak regime, the heavily industrial city of Suez provides a unique glimpse into the real problems Egypt now faces, and the possible solutions. ID Number: JA027580 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Liberty, Democracy, and Discord in Egypt. (WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, vol. 34, no. 4, Fall 2011, p. 117-129.) Author(s): 1. Masoud, Tarek Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Shortly after Mubarak's overthrow, Egypt's political landscape is already bitterly divided between liberals who fear democracy, democrats who fear liberty, and a military content to play these forces off against each other in a bid to retain its preeminence. Now what ? ID Number: JA028164 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt : First Steps. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 67, no. 3, March 2011, p. 4-7.) Author(s): 1. Northedge, Leonie Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: On January 28, hundreds of mostly young Egyptians demanding the resignation of president Hosni Mubarak succeeded in turning Cairo's Tahrir Square into a protest hub. Here they shared meals, set up makeshift clinics and organised musical performances - all highly subversive actions in a state where little opposition was tolerated and protest is often subject to violent repression. ID Number: JA027582 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

L'Egypte entre coup d'etat et revolution. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 131, printemps 2011, p. 81-93.) Author(s): 1. Pommier, Sophie Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: The root causes of the Egyptian revolution are shared throughout the Arab world : declining living standards along the middle classes; deepening social gaps; the ruling party's overstay in power; a generation of disaffected, unemployed youth; and an overall sense of injustice heightened by widespread corruption. Other factors are more specific to Egypt, especially the army's preponderant role in state institutions. Yet for some time already the military had had its doubts regarding the ability of Gamal Mubarak - who had been designated by his father as his successor - to maintain law and order. Worse, Mubarak's quest to open up and modernize the economy clashed directly with the financial interests of the army, which controls entire sectors of the economy. It is this dual fear that prompted senior military officials to take advantage of the popular unrest in order to regain control. What does the army intend to do with such absolute power ? The general elections scheduled for September should throw some light on the question. ID Number: JA027894 Year: 2011 Language: French


Type: ART

The Fall of the Pharaoh. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 90, no. 3, May - June 2011, p. 26-32.) Author(s): 1. Shehata, Dina Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Mubarak's ouster was the natural outgrowth of his regime's corruption and economic exclusion, the alienation of Egypt's youth, and divisions among the country's elites. How those elites and the young protesters realign themselves now will determine whether post-Mubarak Egypt emerges as a true democracy. ID Number: JA027801 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

La revolution egyptienne. (COMMENTAIRE, vol. 34, no. 134, ete 2011, p. 364-371.) Author(s): 1. Sureau, Ayyam Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Il est encore tot pour juger de la revolution egyptienne ou meme pour donner le nom de 'revolution' au soulevement populaire, certes etonnant, qui aura conduit, en dix-huit jours, au renversement d'un President en place depuis trente ans puis a l'instauration, moins etonnante, d'un gouvernement militaire de transition. A peine peut-on, a cette heure, commenter l'enchainement apparent des faits et tenter de combattre certains prejuges communement partages a leurs propos. ID Number: JA027804 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

The Berlusconi Government and Intervention in Libya. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 46, no. 4, December 2011, p. 31-44.) Author(s): 1. Lombardi, Ben Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. ITALY--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 3. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--ITALY Notes: Rome's approach to the Libyan unrest has been guided by two objectives : to protect the commercial relationship that it has built up with Libya over the past decade, and to prevent a mass exodus of migrants toward Italy. Initially, it was believed that these objectives would be endangered by the intervention advocated by Great Britain and France. By early April, principally because Washington's support for the military missions became clearer, the government's policy changed. Italy secured commitments from the rebel leaders to honour existing agreements and to scale future relations to the level of support they receive. Although Rome's concern about immigration proved to be exaggerated, it was also addressed in late April when France agreed to support a proposed reform of Schengen.


Once it concluded that the Qadhafi regime was unlikely to survive, Italy cast aside its earlier caution and joined the NATO-led war. ID Number: JA028318 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The EU and the Libyan Crisis : In Quest of Coherence ?. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 46, no. 4, December 2011, p. 11-30.) Author(s): 1. Koenig, Nicole Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. EU--LIBYA 3. EU--CFSP 4. CRISIS MANAGEMENT--EU Notes: The EU's reaction is slow; the EU is divided; the EU is unable to deliver : time and time again, newspapers depict the image of an incoherent and uncoordinated EU foreign policy. This time, the topic under discussion was the EU's response to the Libyan crisis. Many have compared the EU's internal divisions over Libya with those over the Iraq war, and often used example to illustrate the limits of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). This article aims to assess the coherence of the EU's short- to medium-term response to the Libyan crisis. It distinguishes between the horizontal, inter-institutional, vertical and multilateral dimensions of EU coherence. The analysis shows that unilateral actions or inactions of the member states mainly account for the EU's incoherent response. The post-Lisbon institutional structure has done little to compensate for these internal divisions. While the EU cannot change the course of national foreign policies, it should increase its 'leadership for coherence', Europeanise its crisis response in the medium term and aim at preventing incoherence in the longer term. ID Number: JA028317 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Libya's Lessons. (SURVIVAL, vol. 53, no. 5, October - November 2011, p. 5-13.) Author(s): 1. Barry, Ben Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- ID Number: JA028060 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Libye : les defis de l'apres-Kadhafi. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 133, automne 2011, p. 253-265.) Author(s): 1. Filiu, Jean-Pierre Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Following in the footsteps of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya is the third dictator to be swept away in the democratic revolts of the Arab Spring. His fall, which only just preceded the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, brings symbolic closure to a decade marked by the shadow of Al Qaeda and the 'global war on terror'. Astonishingly, Gaddafi has managed to turn the international situation to his advantage. After the toppling of Saddam Hussein, he quickly dismantled his non-conventional arms in exchange for guarantees for the safeguard of his regime. Such opportunism allowed, for a time, a rapprochement with the West. But a stubborn (if heterogeneous) domestic resistance finally exploded in the winter of 2010-2011, and succeeded in ousting the 'Guide of the Revolution' after months of bloody combat. The new Libya is a major player in the emancipation process that has only just begun in the southern Mediterranean. ID Number: JA028186 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

Was Iraq an Unjust War ? A Debate on the Iraq War and Reflections on Libya. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 87, no. 3, May 2011, p. 687-707.) Author(s): 1. Fisher, David 2. Biggar, Nigel Subject(s): 1. IRAQ WAR, 2003-2011 2. JUST WAR DOCTRINE 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- ID Number: JA027813 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Libya after Gadhafi. (SURVIVAL, vol. 53, no. 3, June - July 2011, p. 61-74.) Author(s): 1. Genugten, Saskia van Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Fears that Libya will become the next Somalia are probably over-blown, but any democratic transition is likely to be protracted and fragile. ID Number: JA027768 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


The End of Autocracy ? The Seeds of Libya's Civil War. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 3, June - July 2011, p. 12-19.) Author(s): 1. Joffe, George Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Libya has been ruled for decades as an unrelenting autocracy : there has been little space for political competition, despite Colonel Gaddafi's belief that such a system exemplified 'perfect governance'. The regime's rapid loss of control in the first half of 2011 is explained by the geography of power in Libya, which splits the country between east and west, and by the inability of such an autocratic regime to make concessions to popular demand. Can the new interim council in Benghazi wrench control from Tripoli or will Gaddafi be able to resist change, despite the determination of the international community ? ID Number: JA027825 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Libya and the Responsibilities of Power. (SURVIVAL, vol. 53, no. 3, June - July 2011, p. 51-60.) Author(s): 1. Jones, Bruce D. Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. USE OF FORCE (INTERNATIONAL LAW) Notes: Libya is a small test for the international order. When harder tests come, rough norms not underpinned by an underlying, shared security concept will not suffice. ID Number: JA027767 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

L'Alliance en 2011 : Lisbonne, Abbottabad, Benghazi. (SECURITE GLOBALE, no. 17, automne 2011, p. 17-42.) Author(s): 1. Kempf, Olivier Subject(s): 1. NATO--SUMMITS--LISBON, 2010 2. NATO--STRATEGIC ASPECTS--NEW STRATEGIC CONCEPT, 2010 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Le sommet de Lisbonne en novembre 2010 a ete un sommet important : il a permis l'adoption d'un nouveau concept strategique, il a decide de lancer une defense antimissile de territoire, et il a acte le principe de reformes qui ont ete precisees six mois plus tard, en juin 2011, touchant notamment la structure de commandement et l'organisation des agences. Toutefois, le premier semestre 2011 a vus deux elements d'importance : la mort de Ben Laden au Pakistan a lance la dynamique des retraits de troupes, de facon plus rapide que prevue; et les operations en Libye, declenchees sans l'Alliance, ont vu celle-ci prendre finalement en charge une operation delicate, avec des moyens mesures et une cohesion transatlantique et intra-europeenne mise en difficulte. Cela ne remet pas en cause les resultats de Lisbonne mais force l'Alliance a poursuivre sa mutation.


ID Number: JA028086 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

The Case of Libya and the State Sovereignty Problem. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 57, no. 4, 2011, p. 48-55.) Author(s): 1. Kuznechevsky, Vladimir Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. SOVEREIGNTY ID Number: JA027986 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Families, Tribes and Cities in the Libyan Revolution. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 18, no. 4, Winter 2011, p. 140-154.) Author(s): 1. Lacher, Wolfram Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: This article analyzes the composition of the forces that led the revolution, and traces their social origins. It argues that the interests of prominent families, as well as tribal and local loyalties, played a key role on both sides of the Libyan revolution. This does not mean that the conflict represented a tribal civil war or a contest among Libya's regions for political supremacy. However, political mobilization and military organization largely occurred along tribal or local lines. ID Number: JA028294 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Libya : Dream versus Reality. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 22, no. 3, Summer 2011, p. 42-52.) Author(s): 1. Lewis, William Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- ID Number: JA028007 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


European Defence Policy from Lisbon to Libya. (SURVIVAL, vol. 53, no. 3, June - July 2011, p. 75-90.) Author(s): 1. Menon, Anand Subject(s): 1. EU--CSDP 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: The EU's inactivity in the face of a crisis with obvious security implications for its member states has led to anguished soul searching. ID Number: JA027769 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

NATO After Libya : Alliance Adrift ?. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 6, December 2011, p. 56-61.) Author(s): 1. Michaels, Jeffrey H. Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. NATO Notes: At the May 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago, the 'success' of the Alliance's Libya operation will no doubt be a cause for celebration. However, despite the positive outcome, Libya will have a very limited impact on the future direction of the Alliance. Undue focus on recent operations deflects attention from the more important drivers of NATO's future course - ones which will likely ensure that the Alliance remains an active global security actor, even if many of its members do not always want to take an active part militarily. GoPAC Report ID Number: JA028275 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Libya : Roots of a Civil Conflict. (MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS, vol. 16, no. 2, July 2011, p. 313-319.) Author(s): 1. Paoletti, Emanuela Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY 2. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Libya's civil war has taken most observers by surprise. The political divisions that have emerged since 17 February 2011 invite reflection on the role and relative influence of formal and informal institutions in Libya. The article seeks to unpack the intricate internal socio-political dynamics exposed by the current civil war in Libya, and reflects on possible future scenarios. ID Number: JA027969 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Dernier tango a Tripoli. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 132, ete 2011, p. 253-264.) Author(s): 1. Prunier, Gerard Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. LIBYA--HISTORY 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: The Libyan conflict is very different from the upheavals that have shaken several other North African and Middle Eastern countries since the 'Arab spring' began. Libya is a sparsely populated country with only the rudiments of civil society. It has no 'Facebook generation' equipped to organize peaceful protest, no labor unions capable of relaying grassroots discontent, and no organized opposition that could have expressed specific grievances and, given the opportunity, negotiated with the regime. In more than forty years of bloody, absolute and occasionally grotesque dictatorial rule, Muammar Gaddafi, 'the Guide', has eliminated all forces of dissent and thereby any channels of dialogue. This is why the Libyan uprising has been so violent and extreme. The rebellion which began in February had a single demand : the end of the dictator, by bloodshed if necessary. What comes next ? Since Libya is an artificially constructed state, partition now seems to be a credible scenario. ID Number: JA027892 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

Saints Go Marching In. (NATIONAL INTEREST, no. 114, July - August 2011, p. 6-15.) Author(s): 1. Rieff, David Subject(s): 1. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (INTERNATIONAL LAW) 2. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: Armed intervention is on the rise. And there is an ever-growing belief that eliminating atrocities the world over is the responsibility of the great powers. Yet these idealists adhere to a false promise of abolishing not only war crimes but war writ large. NATO's Libya campaign proves once again that humanitarian adventurism is a mere shroud for Western imperialism. ID Number: JA027880 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


La Libye : un enjeu pour la diplomatie russe. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 740, mai 2011, p. 71-73.) Author(s): 1. Romer, Jean-Christophe Subject(s): 1. RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 2. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) 3. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: La question libyenne interroge la plupart des pays qui ont des interets en Mediterranee. Mais aussi tous ceux qui sont attentifs aux questions des minorites de confession musulmane. C'est bien sur le cas de la federation de Russie comme nous le montre l'auteur.' ID Number: JA027757 Year: 2011 Language: French Type: ART

A Security Community in the Making ? Sweden and NATO post-Libya. (EUROPEAN SECURITY, vol. 20, no. 4, December 2011, p. 585-603.) Author(s): 1. Wagnsson, Charlotte Subject(s): 1. NATO--SWEDEN 2. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- Notes: The article asks what the evolution of NATO-Swedish relations signifies for the understanding of the evolution of security communities. Given the astonishing evolution of NATO and Sweden as a community of practise, it is logical to imagine the two as forming part of the same security community. It could then be argued that common practise can bring about new security communities rather hastily. Analysing NATO's and Sweden's recent discourses on security, the author identifies a significant gap between a principally realist and a predominantly idealist discourse that indicates that the two parties do not share key characteristics of a security community - identities, values and meanings. However, if Libya is the case of the future, the discursive differences may fade and Sweden could more easily pursue its journey towards inclusion in NATO, not as a member of an Alliance, but as a member of NATO as a security community. ID Number: JA028333 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The War in Libya. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 57, no. 4, 2011, p. 85-94.) Author(s): 1. Zinin, Yuri Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- ID Number: JA027983 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART


Sarkozy vs. Qaddafi. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 57, no. 4, 2011, p. 70-84.) Author(s): 1. Zvereva, Tatyana Subject(s): 1. LIBYA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2011- 2. FRANCE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 3. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--FRANCE Notes: Paris was the first to recognize the Libyan opposition, resolutely supported the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 that, to all intents and purposes, opened the way to military intervention in the Libyan conflict, and also lobbied for the creation of a coalition of states willing to participate in bombings directed against the Qaddafi regime. What explains France's radical departure from its traditional reluctance to use armed force ? What are the first interim results of this approach ? Does it represent a fundamental change in the country's foreign policy or is it only a 'zigzag' resulting from the opportunistic domestic policies of the French president ? The author tries to give preliminary answers to these questions, recognizing that the conflict has not yet been resolved and that the full truth still remains to come out. ID Number: JA027984 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

Mercenaries in Libya : Ramifications of the Treatment of 'Armed Mercenary Personnel' under the Arms Embargo for Private Military Company Contractors. (JOURNAL OF CONFLICT AND SECURITY LAW, vol. 16, no. 2, Summer 2011, p. 293-319.) Author(s): 1. Liu, Hin-Yan Subject(s): 1. MERCENARY TROOPS 2. PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANIES 3. EMBARGO--LIBYA 4. MERCENARY TROOPS--LIBYA 5. PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANIES--LIBYA Notes: The inclusion of 'armed mercenary personnel' within the terms of the arms embargo imposed upon Libya in SC Resolution 1970, and further elaborated in SC Resolution 1973, although largely unnoticed, holds three significant implications. First, there is the apparent reduction of mercenary personnel from the category of combatancy to that of a method or means of warfare. This may have the subtle effect of reducing or eliminating the human dimension in any such persons. Secondly, there is an implicit departure from the notoriously restrictive definition of 'mercenary' under international law. While this may have the welcomed effect of reinvigorating the stigmatising appellation and renew its potential utility such an inference may not only be subject to a semantic explanation but further obfuscate what objectionable characteristics are being targeted. Thirdly, the explicit use of the broader term 'armed mercenary personnel' is likely to include a significant category of contractors working for Private Military Companies (PMCs). The effect of this is not only to deny armed PMC contractors access to Libyan territory, but crucially illuminates their close proximity to the stigmatised individual mercenary, as defined under international law; the result will be to elucidate the contrived and artificial nature of the legal distinction


between the traditional mercenary and the armed PMC contractor. This proximity questions the appropriateness of recent British suggestions of employing PMCs to aid Libyan rebels and may act as a yardstick by which to gauge contemporary regulation frameworks. ID Number: JA027998 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The Uncertainties of Change : The Arab Spring and Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 156, no. 4, August - September 2011, p. 72-79.) Author(s): 1. Harris, Alistair Subject(s): 1. QAIDA IN THE ARABIAN PENINSULA (ORGANIZATION) Notes: Al Qa'ida has historically used Yemen as a safe haven rather than an active front. But in recent years Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has effectively fused transnational and highly local grievances, resulting in a conflation of internal and external targets. A kinetic approach using increased aerial attacks will not decapitate the organisation. They key to its demise instead lies in the calls for good governance and economic opportunity found in the Arab Spring. ID Number: JA027979 Year: 2011 Language: English Type: ART

The EU's Military Operation in Chad and the : An Operation to Save Lives ?. (JOURNAL OF INTERVENTION AND STATEBUILDING, vol. 5, no. 1, March 2011, p. 23-42.) Author(s): 1. Bono, Giovanna Subject(s): 1. EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR CHAD/RCA Notes: EUFOR Chad/CAR, a European Union-led military operation deployed in Chad and the Central Africa Republic (CAR) between 2008 and 2009, was officially justified as a humanitarian operation. Critics argue that next to this motive there were French geo-strategic and economic interests. Other explanations are derived from the neo-realist approach and frameworks of analysis that focus on the EU and Western powers' internal dynamics. The results suggest that the goal of the operation was not humanitarian. The French government, with the support of pro-Darfurian lobbyists, used humanitarian concerns to 'Europeanise' its military commitments to Chad and CAR and attempt to beef up the deployment of 50,000 African Union-UN troops in Darfur. EU officials used the language of humanitarianism to attempt to strengthen key aspects of the European Security and Defence Policy. Overall, the findings provide evidence that there is a lack of EU strategic vision because of internal dynamics : a political decision was taken to launch a military operation without EU member states having a firm commitment to engage militarily or a vision of how it could provoke resistance on the ground. EUFOR Chad/CAR contributed to the escalation of the conflict. ID Number: JA027645 Year: 2011


Language: English Type: ART


Failed States and the Spread of Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa. (STUDIES IN CONFLICT AND TERRORISM, vol. 33, no. 11, November 2010, p. 960-988.) Author(s): 1. Howard, Tiffiany Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN 2. FAILED STATES--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN Notes: Plagued by systematic state failure, sub-Saharan Africa's failed states have helped facilitate internationally sponsored terrorist networks and operations. However, until recently, this type of activity was primarily relegated to North Africa and the Horn. But that has begun to change. Now, what was once a seemingly benign terrorist presence in sub-Saharan Africa is starting to transform into a movement, with states such as Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) now lending arms, financial support, and radical militants to the extremist jihadist movement of internationally sponsored terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda. Further, with the recent bombings in Kenya and Somalia, and the failed bombing attempt on a US airliner by a Nigerian national, it is becoming increasingly evident that internationally sponsored terrorist networks have found a permanent home in sub-Saharan Africa and within the hearts and minds of its people, which poses significant challenges for the international community, given the region's patchwork of failed states, where terrorists can easily hide and thrive. Consequently, this study discusses how the conditions of state failure have fostered support for internationally sponsored terrorism in sub-Saharan Africa. Terrorist groups are now actively recruiting more militants from within the region and popular support for extremist acts is on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, the article argues sub-Saharan Africa will soon become the site for the next generation of terrorists, and the next wave of terrorist activity. ID Number: JA027299 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Rhetoric from Brussels and Reality on the Ground : The EU and Security in Africa. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 86, no. 5, September 2010, p. 1091-1108.) Author(s): 1. Vines, Alex Subject(s): 1. EU--CSDP--OPERATIONS--AFRICA 2. EU--AFRICA 3. EU--AFRICAN UNION 4. AFRICAN UNION--EU Notes: This article overviews the development of African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) to date and examines EU involvement in this. The European Union is the major financial partner in both military and non-military assistance to the African Union (AU). Europe has shifted from being a major UN troop contributor towards the funding of African-led peace operations, as well as the emergence of time-limited,


high-impact, missions. With the exception of Somalia, these ESDP operations have provided little direct security benefit to Europe and their success has been limited. They have provided experimentation opportunities of ESDP capabilities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad and Bissau. Events in the eastern Congo in late 2008 demonstrate that the EU needs to consider carefully when it intervenes militarily in Africa : non-intervention and coordinated bilateral diplomatic efforts by EU member states can be more effective. ID Number: JA027225 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Taming the Outlaw Sea. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 63, no. 4, Autumn 2010, p. 73-83.) Author(s): 1. Stavridis, James G. 2. LeBron, Richard E. Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--HORN OF AFRICA 2. PIRACY--HORN OF AFRICA--PREVENTION Notes: Piracy in the Horn of Africa presents the international community with a complex and multidimensional challenge but also with a golden opportunity to come together and work collaboratively to solve it. ID Number: JA027223 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Misinterpreting Ethnic Conflicts in Africa. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 58, 2010, p. 13-17.) Author(s): 1. Aapengnuo, Clement Mweyang Subject(s): 1. ETHNIC CONFLICT--AFRICA ID Number: JA027111 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

African Peacekeeping in Africa : Warlord Politics, Defense Economics, and State Legitimacy. (JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH, vol. 47, no. 2, March 2010, p. 217-229.) Author(s): 1. Victor, Jonah Subject(s): 1. PEACEKEEPING FORCES, AFRICAN--AFRICA Notes: Since the end of the Cold War, sub-Saharan African states have substantially increased their participation in international peacekeeping operations in Africa. Their contributions have become highly valued and even facilitated by major powers. This article examines why certain African states might contribute more than others to peacekeeping. In particular, prominent arguments are considered about the primacy of regime security concerns and the dynamics of warlord politics in the foreign policymaking of African states, the economic incentives of peacekeeping, and the importance of African states' concerns over their state legitimacy and territorial integrity. First,


this study investigates the possibility that peacekeeping might be utilized as a diversionary strategy to divert the attention of both an African state's military and major powers from a regime's misrule. Second, this study examines the extent to which financial and material assistance from donor states encourages poorer states to engage in peacekeeping. Third, the study investigates whether states with less legitimate and more arbitrary borders might have greater incentive to contribute to peacekeeping operations to promote the territorial status quo in Africa. Empirical evidence from a quantitative analysis across 47 states of sub-Saharan Africa from 1989 to 2001 suggests that states that are poorer, with lower state legitimacy and lower political repression, participate more often in regional peacekeeping. ID Number: JA026630 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Dragon Boats : Assessing China's Anti-Piracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden. (DEFENSE & SECURITY ANALYSIS, vol. 26, no. 2, June 2010, p. 213-229.) Author(s): 1. Lin-Greenberg, Erik Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA, NORTHEAST 2. CHINA--NAVY ID Number: JA026969 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

La politique africaine d'Obama : un semblant de rupture ?. (REVUE INTERNATIONALE ET STRATEGIQUE, no. 77, printemps 2010, p. 55-64.) Author(s): 1. Desloire, Constance Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND 2. USA--MILITARY RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--MILITARY RELATIONS--USA Notes: La creation fin 2008 d'un nouveau commandement militaire americain en Afrique (Africom), dote de pouvoirs civils et militaires, remet en question toute la politique africaine des Etats-Unis dans un contexte de lutte contre le terrorisme, de recherche de nouveaux approvisionnements energetiques, de concurrence de la Chine et d'exigence accrue vis-a-vis d'Obama. La crainte d'une militarisation generale de l'action americaine croit dans les pays africains, qui multiplient les accords militaires tout en refusant d'accueillir une base permanente, et chez les observateurs americains sceptiques face a l'empietement croissant de la Defense sur la diplomatie, l'humanitaire et le developpement. Ainsi, Africom doit preciser son role encore ambigu s'il veut etre legitime et efficace. ID Number: JA026656 Year: 2010 Language: French Type: ART


An Indian Perspective on United States Africa Command (AFRICOM). (STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 34, no. 3, May 2010, p. 371-396.) Author(s): 1. Singh, Gurjit Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: AFRICOM is a new institution representing the new manner of US engagement. This is different from the EU model of engagement and comes at a time when India and China are seen as important partners of Africa. This paper is written to provide an insight into AFRICOM from an Indian perspective of Africa. This differs from the EU view and also from Africa's own response. US policy towards Africa consists of African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) + AFRICOM; whereas AGOA is better understood, AFRICOM is not. This paper proposes to fill some of the gaps in its understanding. It points to the perception that the US manner of engagement is more political than economic, and it differs from the functional engagement that India, China or even the EU have with Africa. ID Number: JA026876 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

The Multi-actor Game of Peacekeeping in Africa. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 17, no. 3, June 2010, p. 327-342.) Author(s): 1. Brosig, Malte Subject(s): 1. PEACEKEEPING FORCES--AFRICA Notes: This article focuses on emerging patterns of inter-organizational cooperation in peacekeeping missions in Africa - between the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union. The overwhelming majority of current operations build on some kind of interorganizational arrangements. At least three forms of cooperation have emerged on the continent, of which sequential, parallel and integrated deployment of troops are the dominant forms. Based on rational and sociological institutionalist approaches, the article explains the selection of cooperation types by international organizations, by exploring the conditions that trigger the selection of a certain form of cooperation. ID Number: JA027246 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Der neue Rivale : China in Afrika. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 59. Jg., Nr. 4, April 2010, S. 71-75.) Author(s): 1. Pabst, Martin Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA ID Number: JA026671 Year: 2010 Language: German Type: ART


Africa and Russia : Prospects for Cooperation. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (MINNEAPOLIS), vol. 56, no. 4, 2010, p. 67-79.) Author(s): 1. Fedotov, Vladimir 2. Sidorova, Galina Subject(s): 1. RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) 3. RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) ID Number: JA027260 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Securite et defense : les relations entre l'UE et l'Afrique. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 731, juin 2010, p. 67-77.) Author(s): 1. Nivet, Bastien Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA 2. AFRICAN UNION--EU 3. EU--AFRICAN UNION 4. EU--ESDP Notes: Les relations de securite et de defense entre l'UE et l'UA consacrent aujourd'hui un veritable partenariat strategique interregional. Une conjonction de circonstances favorables et de convergences objectives d'interets consolide les deux acteurs dans une relation d'interdependance complexe. ID Number: JA026892 Year: 2010 Language: French Type: ART

Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Need for Triangulation. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 45, no. 3, September 2010, p. 27-39.) Author(s): 1. Youngs, Richard 2. Echague, Ana Subject(s): 1. EU--MIDDLE EAST 2. EU--MEDITERRANEAN REGION 3. EU--AFRICA, NORTH Notes: European Union policy towards the Middle East and North Africa suffers from geographic fragmentation and an increasing functional imbalance which reflects a growing trend towards securitisation. While policy towards the Mediterranean is highly institutionalised, the Gulf Cooperation Council states receive much less attention and policies towards , Iraq and the occupied Palestinian territories exist in isolation. A narrow focus on an exclusionist approach to security has taken over to the detriment of political and economic concerns. The shortcomings in European foreign policy towards the broader Middle East in terms of lack of breadth and coherence need to be addressed in order to forge a more cohesive and effective policy. ID Number: JA027239 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART


Die Afrikapolitik der Obama-Administration. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 59. Jg. Nr. 9, September 2010, S. 31-36.) Author(s): 1. Dehez, Dustin Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA ID Number: JA027106 Year: 2010 Language: German Type: ART

'Africa's Future Is Up to Africans' : Putting the President's Words into Action. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 58, 2010, p. 6-12.) Author(s): 1. Ward, William E. 2. Galvin, Thomas P. Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA ID Number: JA027110 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Soft Balancing among Weak States ? Evidence from Africa. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol. 86, no. 5, September 2010, p. 1109-1127.) Author(s): 1. Whitaker, Beth Elise Subject(s): 1. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA 2. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA Notes: Recent literature on the use of soft balancing to counter the hegemony of the United States has focused primarily on middle powers in Europe and rising powers such as China. But what about weak states ? Do they simply go along with the hegemon, or do they challenge its policies despite the odds ? And to what extent does the soft balancing argument explain their behaviour ? In recent years, several historically friendly African countries have used non-military means to undermine the unilateral policies of the United States. Leaders in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Mali, Namibia and Niger especially have resisted US demands in areas such as the 'war on terror', the International Criminal Court and the US Africa Command. This article seeks to explain the strategies of opposition that some African countries have pursued. It finds that the behaviour is driven both by regional power concerns and by domestic political considerations. Interestingly, public opinion in these relatively democratic countries is motivated by disagreements with US policy and by resentment of the predominance of American power. Thus, the evidence both confirms and challenges the notion of soft balancing. On one hand, the behaviour of African states is driven at least in part by the global balance of power - directly, as leaders respond to power concerns within the continent, and indirectly, as citizens pressure leaders to resist the hegemon. On the other hand, these findings challenge the underlying premise that state behaviour is determined solely by structural concerns. Instead, the oppositional behaviour of African states has both systemic and domestic explanations. ID Number: JA027226


Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

L'Afrique du Sud est-elle une grande puissance ?. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 734, novembre 2010, p. 39-45.) Author(s): 1. Gille, Maxence Subject(s): 1. SOUTH AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: L'Afrique du Sud s'affirme comme une de ces nations a fort potentiel qui emerge au premier plan des puissances du XXIe siecle. L'auteur fait un inventaire soigne des facteurs de force de ce pays austral. ID Number: JA027305 Year: 2010 Language: French Type: ART

Will the Real Jacob Zuma Please Stand Up ?. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 66, no. 2, February 2010, p. 23-25.) Author(s): 1. Hamill, James Subject(s): 1. SOUTH AFRICA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: It is twenty years since Nelson Mandela walked free from prison on February 11 1990 and over fifteen since the advent of democracy in South Africa. The country has faced multiple challenges, but only one of the post-apartheid presidencies - that of Mandela himself - has risen to meet them, and even then only partially. Thabo Mbeki's presidency was notable for an abdication of responsibility in crucial areas, and, so far, Jacob Zuma appears more concerned with a careful balancing of party interests than providing bold leadership and a coherent government agenda. ID Number: JA026577 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

A Private Security Solution to Somali Piracy ? The US Call for Private Security Engagement and the Implications for Canada. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 63, no. 4, Autumn 2010, p. 56-71.) Author(s): 1. Spearin, Christopher Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION 2. PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANIES--SOMALIA 3. PIRACY--CANADA--PREVENTION Notes: Recently expressed US interest in encouraging commercial shippers to rely on private security companies against pirates is a matter of concern, both in practical terms and in fundamental terms of 'who does what' at sea. ID Number: JA027222 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART


Tackling Somali Piracy Ashore : Maritime Security and Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean. (STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 34, no. 5, September 2010, p. 717-727.) Author(s): 1. Holmes, James R. Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION Notes: As high-profile incidents of piracy become more common off Somalia, strategists have taken to urging the US government to send expeditionary forces ashore. The article uses history and Clausewitzian theory to estimate the nature of the threat and the likely efficacy of a land campaign. Even successful operations would entail costs exceeding the value of the political stakes. For this reason alone, going ashore is inadvisable. The article also spotlights the geopolitical implications of counterpiracy, forecasting that an overbearing of botched campaign would damage the US efforts to marshal a maritime coalition in the Indian Ocean region. This further mitigates against hasty action. ID Number: JA027150 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Against the Current ? Somali Pirates, Private Security, and American Responsibilization. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 31, no. 3, December 2010, p. 553-568.) Author(s): 1. Spearin, Christopher Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA--PREVENTION 2. PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANIES Notes: The American call for commercial shippers to rely upon private security companies (PSCs) to protect their vessels from Somali pirates presents several challenges to sea users. Though this call for responsibilization inherently reveals state limitations, not all commercial shippers embrace it because it upsets traditional conceptions regarding order at sea. Also, the call's American origins suggest that the United States Navy may not work to ensure freedom of navigation in the last resort despite longstanding practice and the expectations of sea users. This, in turn, underscores the lack of structure in relations amongst states, shippers, and PSCs, which could have detrimental consequences regarding the management of violence at sea. The United States Navy may cease working to ensure freedom of navigation in the last resort despite longstanding practice and the expectations. While greater utilization of PSCs might seem to be an effective alternative and European states might add substance to the American call, perhaps through the Montreux Document, European activism is likely to be tempered by the different approaches towards private security that vary from country to country. PSC activism may affect the ability of navies to perform roles beyond the protection of commercial shipping. ID Number: JA027449 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART


Improving Policy Responses to Piracy in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region : What Role for India ?. (STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, vol. 34, no. 4, July 2010, p. 625-638.) Author(s): 1. Boilard, Marie Christine Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. INDIA--NAVY Notes: The participation of the Indian navy in anti-piracy operations off the Somali coast is perceived by many as a manifestation of India's apparent willingness to take on a larger role on the global stage. This article explores the possibility for India to play a more important role in solving the Somali piracy crisis. While recognising the limits and short-term impact of the military response, the author argues for the continuation of intervention by foreign navies in the region, the necessity for international consensus on how to deal with the pirates and the implementation of a land-based military response aimed at destroying the pirates' networks. The latter would have for their main objective not to eliminate the threat posed by Somali pirates but to lower its impact. Nevertheless, the author warns against the potential consequences of using military raids and air strikes to counter piracy. In that context, and as a major proponent of the principles of non-intervention and respect of state sovereignty, the greatest challenge India will have to face will be a political one. ID Number: JA026978 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Jihad and Piracy in Somalia. (SURVIVAL, vol. 52, no. 1, February - March 2010, p. 27-38.) Author(s): 1. Stevenson, Jonathan Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA Notes: Piracy and rising Islamist militancy have intensified US and European diplomatic interest in Somalia, while African perceptions of the establishment of US AFRICOM and the growing likelihood that the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa in Djibouti would become a long-term American base, have posed a strategic communications challenge for the United States. A deteriorating humanitarian situation in drought-plagued Somalia, precipitated by the October 2009 US suspension of food aid over fears that aid workers were diverting it to terrorists, and the prospect of unmanageable numbers of Somali refugees fleeing over comparatively stable Kenya's border, have increased pressure on Washington to revise US policy. These factors could lead to a new approach, consonant with the evolving emphasis on nuanced counter-insurgency, involving the application of soft power, such as development aid, with less scrutiny on governance. Robust, high-profile international diplomatic or military initiatives in Somalia, however, are unlikely. Near-term developments in Somalia will probably follow the depressingly familiar pattern whereby the Transitional Federal Government and Islamist militias maintain an uneasy military stalemate, with neither building the political infrastructure and good will required to tip the balance decisively. ID Number: JA026562


Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Pieces of Eight. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 63, no. 2, Spring 2010, p. 61-87.) Author(s): 1. Warner, Lesley Anne Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA 2. PIRACY Notes: This article outlines the casual logic that led to the spike in pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia in recent years. It then, after an overview of the nature of maritime piracy in this region, highlights the counterpiracy methods employed by the United States and assesses their prospects for success or failure. It concludes by proposing a comprehensive and sustainable counterpiracy strategy that targets both the root causes of piracy and the symptoms that emerge from lawlessness on land. ID Number: JA026791 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

The New Piracy : Three Contexts. (SURVIVAL, vol. 52, no. 1, February - March 2010, p. 39-54.) Author(s): 1. Wijk, Rob de 2. Anderson, David M. 3. Haines, Steven Subject(s): 1. PIRACY 2. PIRACY--SOMALIA Notes: The sharp escalation in ship hijackings by Somali pirates on one of the world's most important trade routes, highlighted by the headline-grabbing seizures of the Ukrainian MV Faina, with its cargo of tanks and heavy weapons, in September 2008 and the fully laden Saudi-owned tanker Sirius Star two months later, shows little sign of abating. In November 2009, the European Security Forum at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels, co-sponsored by the IISS, addressed the question of 'Somalia and the Pirates'. These three essays, offering a range of contexts for the new piracy, are shortened versions of three of the papers presented. ID Number: JA026563 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART


Rethinking State-building in a Failed State. (WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, vol. 33, no. 1, January 2010, p. 81-97.) Author(s): 1. Kaplan, Seth Subject(s): 1. NATION-BUILDING--SOMALIA 2. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 3. FAILED STATES--SOMALIA Notes: Instead of repeatedly trying to foist a Western-style top-down state structure on deeply decentralized and fluid societies, like Somalia, the international community needs to work with the country's long-standing traditional institutions to build a government from the bottom up. ID Number: JA026544 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Prickly Interdependence. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 66, no. 12, December 2010, p. 27-29.) Author(s): 1. Thomas, Edward Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. SUDAN--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1983-2005 3. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- Notes: Sudan has seen some of the most violent conflicts in Africa with mass displacement and charges of genocide. Now a referendum is likely to see the state divided between north and south in a rare redrawing of boundaries. Still economically interdependent, the two may not be able to afford more war. ID Number: JA027375 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

La logistique de l'operation EUFor RD Congo en 2006. (REVUE DEFENSE NATIONALE, no. 727, fevrier 2010, p. 96-103.) Author(s): 1. Major, Claudia Subject(s): 1. EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR RD CONGO 2. LOGISTICS Notes: Cet article analyse la performance logistique de l'EUFor RD Congo en 2006 et propose des solutions applicables aux operations de demain. Il commence par la presentation de la situation generale en soulignant les defis logistiques et en rappelant les conditions de deploiement de l'EUFor. Il decrit ensuite la logistique de l'operation selon trois perspectives : le cadre (destination, distance, demande et duree), le caractere multinational et partenarial de l'operation et l'utilisation des sous-traitants logistiques. Enfin, apres une evaluation generale des voies d'amelioration des futurs accords logistiques sont degagees en matiere de soutenance, d'autosuffisance et d'efficacite des operations de gestion de crise. ID Number: JA026655 Year: 2010 Language: French Type: ART


'Energising' EU-Algerian Relations. (INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, vol. 45, no. 3, September 2010, p. 71-83.) Author(s): 1. Darbouche, Hakim Subject(s): 1. EU--ALGERIA Notes: With Algeria still self-excluded from the ENP, unconvinced by the UfM and indeed now seriously questioning the added value of the Association Agreements, EU-Algerian relations could not be at a lower point. Interaction with the EMP has conspicuously failed to lead to a meaningful convergence of the dyad's interests, even if it has encouraged a process of familiarisation of sorts between actors on both sides. Although energy has traditionally been the area where EU-Algerian relations are strongest, reflecting their market-rooted interdependence, it remains frustratingly under-institutionalised at the bilateral level. The conclusion of a 'strategic energy partnership' could help overcome the extant sterility of EU-Algerian relations, capturing the specificity of their shared interests and focusing minds on tailored 'enhanced bilateralism'. ID Number: JA027241 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART

Egyptian-Iranian Relations : Retrospect and Prospect. (JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES, vol. 35, no. 1, Spring 2010, p. 11-22.) Author(s): 1. Bahgat, Gawdat Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--FOREIGN RELATIONS--IRAN 2. IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--EGYPT Notes: Egypt and Iran are two major Middle Eastern powers. Mutual suspicion and occasionally open hostility have largely characterized the relations between the two nations. Diplomatic ties were severed shortly after the 1979 Iranian Revolution and efforts to restore them have yet to succeed. This essay examines the two nations' stance on major issues such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and proliferation of nuclear weapons. The analysis suggests that a thaw is unlikely in the foreseeable future. ID Number: JA026673 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART


The Military Operation of the EU in Chad and the Central African Republic : Good Policy, Bad Politics. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 17, no. 3, June 2010, p. 395-407.) Author(s): 1. Dijkstra, Hylke Subject(s): 1. EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR CHAD/RCA Notes: This article evaluates the military operation of the European Union in Chad and the Central African Republic in 2008-09. Despite a promising conceptual approach and close cooperation with the United Nations, the operation created significant political problems between member states. It led to a split - France arguing that it carried too much of the burden and Germany and the United Kingdom sensing that they were sponsoring a pet project. When the UN failed to achieve its ambitious promises to establish a parallel presence and follow-on-force, tensions arose with the UN as well. This type of operation is therefore unlikely to be repeated in the near future. ID Number: JA027247 Year: 2010 Language: English Type: ART


Competing for Africa's Natural Resources. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 55, no. 3, 2009, p. 47-58.) Author(s): 1. Abramova, Irina 2. Fituni, Leonid Subject(s): 1. NATURAL RESOURCES--AFRICA ID Number: JA026584 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

The Root Causes of Terrorism : Why Parts of Africa Might Never Be at Peace. (DEFENSE & SECURITY ANALYSIS, vol. 25, no. 4, December 2009, p. 355-372.) Author(s): 1. Feldman, Robert L. Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--AFRICA Notes: The author identifies numerous problems that fuel ongoing turbulence in Africa, for example : poor governance, widespread corruption; rapid population growth; diminishing resources; economic decline; divided communities; ethnic tensions; a generation of AIDS orphans; environmental degradation; religious fanaticism; and many groups stoking and benefiting from conflict. These factors and many more ensure a steady supply of disenchanted and disenfranchized recruits willing to join insurgent and terrorist organizations. Though the developed nations want both to stem the tide of terrorism and give assistance to the growth and stability of African nations, they lack the resources, as well as the overall political will, to make a significance difference. The author somewhat pessimistically concludes that, 'in the end it will have to be African leaders making difficult decisions who solve the problems of Africa'.


ID Number: JA026389 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Africa : The Piracy Hot Spot and Its Implications for Global Security. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 20, no. 3, Summer 2009, p. 95-121.) Author(s): 1. Anyu, Ndumbe J. 2. Moki, Samuel Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA ID Number: JA026339 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

The Broader Horn of Africa : Peacekeeping in a Strategic Vacuum. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 16, no. 4, August 2009, p. 499-513.) Author(s): 1. Bah, A. Sarjoh Subject(s): 1. PEACEKEEPING FORCES--AFRICA, NORTHEAST Notes: This article analyses the challenges confronting the international community as it tries to deal with the conflicts in the Broader Horn of Africa through peacekeeping. The contention of the article is that peacekeeping efforts in the region are undertaken in a strategic vacuum, thus undermining efforts at resolving the conflicts. Peace operations deployed across the Broader Horn are not synchronized with the political processes, and this is exacerbated by five interrelated challenges : the lack of a political framework; the lack of consent; the issue of protection; issue of overstretch; and US counter-terrorism policy. The article concludes by calling for the development of a strategic regional framework aimed at reconciling national, regional and international interests that are often in conflict. While deployment of peacekeepers may be part of that framework, it should not be a substitute for viable political processes. ID Number: JA026316 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Maritime Operations off the Horn of Africa : New and Permanent Task for Our Navies ?. (NAVAL FORCES, vol. 30, no. 4, 2009, p. 36-40.) Author(s): 1. Annati, Massimo Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA, NORTHEAST ID Number: JA026162 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


La piraterie dans le golfe d'Aden, un cas d'ecole. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 65eme annee, no. 10, octobre 2009, p. 51-61.) Author(s): 1. Charvet, Thomas 2. Prevost, Cedric Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA, NORTHEAST Notes: Le spectaculaire renouveau de la piraterie dans le golfe d'Aden constitue un veritable cas d'ecole de la piraterie moderne, tans par ses causes a mer et a terre que par ses modalites et ses consequences qui vont bien au-dela du seul versement de rancons. La lucidite dont a fait preuve jusqu'a present la communaute internationale face a ces enjeux ne doit pas masquer le necessaire renforcement de son action. ID Number: JA026224 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART

Coalition Strategy and the Pirates of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. (COMPARATIVE STRATEGY, vol. 28, no. 3, July - August 2009, p. 197-216.) Author(s): 1. Kraska, James Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA, NORTHEAST Notes: The April 2009 seizure of the US-flagged Moter Vessel Maersk Alabama and its twenty American crew members off the coast of Somalia should signal a change in counterpiracy strategy, away from a focus on major warship deployments by distant state major maritime powers, and toward development of a regional maritime security force constructed around numerous smaller patrol craft. Outside powers should focus on further advancing new international law and policy frameworks, which have become the most significant force multipliers for developing maritime security and offer the most effective approach to counterpiracy in the Horn of Africa. Complementing this effort will require a long-term program of regional maritime-security capacity building to support implementation of the new law and policy approaches. Piracy flourishes at the seams of globalization because jurisdiction is unclear and pirates exploit the inherent isolation of individual vessels and nations. Regional powers in the Horn of Africa have underdeveloped law enforcement and judicial systems and suffer from a severe lack of resources. In this setting, global and regional legal and policy frameworks in the areas of operational maritime security, judicial institutions, and law enforcement will be more effective in addressing piracy than adding another warship from an outside naval power to the equation. ID Number: JA026111 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


The Global Maritime Partnership and Somali Piracy. (DEFENSE & SECURITY ANALYSIS, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2009, p. 223-234.) Author(s): 1. Kraska, James 2. Wilson, Brian Subject(s): 1. PIRACY 2. PIRACY--AFRICA, NORTHEAST Notes: This article briefly describes the threat of maritime piracy in the Horn of Africa and, in particular, in the Gulf of Aden. The challenge of maritime piracy arises at a time of political instability in the region of East Africa and economic turmoil throughout the world. An unprecedented array of warships from the world's navies have deployed to the region to collaboratively battle the common threat. Next, the authors turn towards a discussion of the greatest force multiplier in the fight against maritime piracy in the Horn of Africa - new co-operative maritime strategies and associated authorities that serve as the basis for deeper maritime security partnerships. ID Number: JA026281 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Fresh Thinking for an Old Problem : Report of the Naval War College Workshop on Countering Maritime Piracy. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 62, no. 4, Autumn 2009, p. 141-154.) Author(s): 1. Kraska, James Subject(s): 1. PIRACY 2. PIRACY--AFRICA, NORTHEAST Notes: Rampant piracy off the Horn of Africa has focused world attention and produced a variety of commentaries and prescriptions. An April 2009 Naval War College workshop of experts in the field pointed to the hard realities behind the platitudes. ID Number: JA026284 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Failed States or Failed Concept ?. (STUDIA DIPLOMATICA, vol. 62, no. 2, 2009, p. 9-22.) Author(s): 1. Gentili, Anna Maria Subject(s): 1. FAILED STATES 2. FAILED STATES--AFRICA ID Number: JA026066 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


La France et l'Afrique du Sud. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 65e annee, no. 1, janvier 2009, p. 140-147.) Author(s): 1. Lafargue, Francois Subject(s): 1. FRANCE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SOUTH AFRICA 2. SOUTH AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--FRANCE Notes: Quinze ans apres les premieres elections democratiques (avril 1994), l'Afrique du Sud s'est imposee sur la scene internationale. La France qui a longtemps manifeste une certaine bienveillance a l'egard du regime d'apartheid, entretient aujourd'hui des relations complexes avec l'Afrique du Sud, percue autant comme un partenaire naturel pour construire un monde multipolaire que comme un rival sur le continent noir. La visite du president Sarkozy en fevrier 2008 dans ce pays a-t-elle permis de dissiper les malentendus ? ID Number: JA025631 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART

In the National Interest ? Authoritarian Decision-Making and the Problematic Creation of US Africa Command. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 30, no. 1, April 2009, p. 79-99.) Author(s): 1. Burgess, Stephen F. Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: US Department of Defense change agents pursued transformation in creating US Africa Command and focused inwardly to win the bureaucratic struggle. In contrast, they did not bother to consult the African leaders and made assumptions about African reactions to AFRICOM, which demonstrate a lack of empathy. The authoritarian leadership style of Rumsfeld brought about the unworkable directive that AFRICOM headquarters should be placed on the African continent in less than two years. The directive was rejected by most African leaders and media. A subsequent 'strategic communications' campaign to repackage AFRICOM and sell it to African leaders failed because of already established suspicions. Only the reversal of the directive to place the command on the continent brought grudging acceptance, along with the American offers of training, joint exercises, and other forms of security assistance. At issue is the viability of AFRICOM in the face of Congressional scrutiny and the possibility that the new command will not be fully funded. Members of Congress have not been convinced that AFRICOM will advance American national interests. ID Number: JA025772 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


AFRICOM's Relationship to Oil, Terrorists and China. (ORBIS, vol. 53, no. 1, Winter 2009, p. 122-136.) Author(s): 1. Davis, Carmel Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: Why a combatant command for Africa ? The author argues that AFRICOM was formed to implement the US national security strategy that seeks to strengthen states and eliminate ungoverned space, as well as establish relationships with African states that offer a means to greater state stability and foster economic development. In so doing, it counters global jihadist by denying them haven among weak governments or in ungoverned areas. It protects US interests in resources by helping governments become more stable. And it competes with the Chinese approach that could worsen the status quo of inefffective states and ungoverned space. Indeed, the US approach of increasing state effectiveness makes African countries less susceptible to the problems that may arise from the Chinese approach and so serves China's interests in access to natural resources. ID Number: JA025620 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

AFRICOM : Troubled Infancy, Promising Future. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 30, no. 1, April 2009, p. 5-27.) Author(s): 1. Forest, James J. F. 2. Crispin, Rebecca Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: Officially activated on 1 October 2008, US Africa Command (AFRICOM) is first and foremost an internal consolidation and reorganization of Defense Department personnel. Its primary mission is to help Africans address their security challenges. AFRICOM differs from other Defense Department organizations by focusing primarily on activities that contribute not to warfighting, but war prevention. Even so, it has struggled with controversy since its inception. The views of key constituencies range from lukewarm acceptance to outright hostility. The central lesson from this research is that the views of the foreign audiences toward American foreign policies have a direct impact on the success of those policies. One of the most difficult tasks will be be convincing key audiences - African government agencies and militaries, NGOs, international media, and not least other US government agencies and Congress - that the effort and funding put into this command were worthwhile and should continue. Confusion still remains over exactly what AFRICOM is and what it wants to do. Sorting this out will require consulting, listening and learning. Its leaders must develop and lead a new type of organization that runs counter to traditional instincts of senior personnel in the Department of Defense who continue to resist the notion of interagency coordination. In sum, the authors remain hopeful that the past need not predict the future of American policies in Africa. ID Number: JA025771 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


China in Africa : An AFRICOM Response. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 62, no. 3, Summer 2009, p. 79-100.) Author(s): 1. Hofstedt, Todd A. Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 5. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: The author presents a response to the 2006 Chinese white paper 'China's African Policy'. He considers Chinese involvement as an actor in Africa's economic, environmental, and political spheres. China's policies have included debt forgiveness to 23 African nations and large sums of developmental aid which includes 13 billion dollars for Angola, 9 billion dollars for the Democratic Republic of Congo, and 2.5 billion dollars for Ethiopia. The article also discusses international security issues, single-party governments in Africa, the One-China principle, the use of Chinese emigrant labor in Africa, and China's relations with both the African Union and United Nations. ID Number: JA026288 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Qui s'est approprie la gestion de la paix et de la securite en Afrique ?. (REVUE INTERNATIONALE ET STRATEGIQUE, no. 75, automne 2009, p. 37-45.) Author(s): 1. Esmenjaud, Romain 2. Franke, Benedikt Subject(s): 1. CRISIS MANAGEMENT--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Notes: Le concept d''appropriation africaine' est devenu une formule 'passe-partout'. Des initiatives comme le NEPAD ou la Strategie Afrique-Union europeenne en font une condition de la stabilite et du developpement du continent. Or, l'Afrique est encore loin de maitriser son destin, notamment dans le domaine du maintien de la paix et de la securite. Nombreux sont les obstacles a la mise en oeuvre de l'africanisation et, plus encore, a la notion plus qualitative d'appropriation africaine. L'analyse des motivations qui incitent les acteurs africains et non africains a privilegier les 'solutions africaines' pour la gestion de certaines crises revele le caractere selectif et instrumental du soutien qui est apporte au principe de l'appropriation africaine. ID Number: JA026175 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART


China and Africa : Emerging Patterns in Globalization and Development. (CHINA QUARTERLY, no. 199, September 2009, Special Issue.) Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA ID Number: JA026187 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

China's New Security Strategy for Africa. (PARAMETERS, vol. 39, no. 2, Summer 2009, p. 23-37.) Author(s): 1. Holslag, Jonathan Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: The author paints here a picture of an evolving People's Republic of China that is evermore dependent on the resource-abundant African continent. This dependency and the associated security challenges have placed the PRC as Africa's prominent economic partner. The author examines several of the many sources of uncertainty associated with China's aspirations in Africa to conclude that the nation will, for the immediate future, continue to rely on a strategy of security cooperation with its partner nations. ID Number: JA026096 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

China's Diplomacy toward Africa : Drivers and Constraints. (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC, vol. 9, no. 3, 2009, p. 403-433.) Author(s): 1. Jakobson, Linda Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: The increasingly multi-faceted engagement of China in Africa is part of China's growing global reach. Chinese diplomats strive to promote an image of a peacefully rising power, whereas Chinese businessmen seek natural resources and export markets. As a result, those responsible for Chinese foreign policy strategic thinking struggle to accommodate the needs of this diverse group of actors in Africa, well aware that as a major power, Beijing is expected to address international crisis. In Washington and Brussels, China is criticized for its support of despotic African regimes and its aid programs 'with no strings attached'. In Sudan, in particular, China's credibility as a responsible nation is questioned. This article provides a concise overview of China's evolving diplomacy toward Africa, highlighting the Sino-Sudan relationship, with the aim of shedding light on the drivers and constraints on Beijing's motives and actions on the African continent. The article


assesses some of the implications of Beijing's policy choices in Africa for its international relations. ID Number: JA026146 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

The EU and Military Conflict Management in Africa : For the Good of Africa or Europe ?. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 16, no. 2, April 2009, p. 245-260.) Author(s): 1. Olsen, Gorm Rye Subject(s): 1. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT--AFRICA 2. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT--EU Notes: During the 1990s, conflict prevention and conflict management became core priorities of the European Union's policy towards Africa. In the current decade, conflict management with military means has become increasingly important to the EU. The article scrutinizes the efforts of the EU to develop a military conflict management policy and it shows the dynamics and the interests lying behind the two core instruments : EU military operations within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) / European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) and the funding of 'African solutions to African problems'. It is the argument that development of a military conflict management policy has been and still is motivated by European concerns and European interests. Only secondly is it motivated by concerns for Africa. Because CFSP/ESDP conflict management is guided by the principle of intergovernmentalism, some member states, particularly France, exert significant influence on the EU's conflict management policy in Africa. ID Number: JA025853 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Obama's Africa Agenda. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 108, no. 718, May 2009, p. 195-201.) Author(s): 1. Cooke, Jennifer Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Notes: The first African-American president will need to make the case to a skeptical Congress and public that the growth of US interests on the continent warrants more investment there. ID Number: JA025841 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


Thinking through US Strategic Options for Africa. (NAVAL WAR COLLEGE REVIEW, vol. 62, no. 1, Winter 2009, p. 31-43.) Author(s): 1. Fulford, Carlton W. Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Notes: It is high time for the United States to define its strategic goals and objectives with regard to Africa, to coordinate the actions of its departments and agencies there, and, most important, to help African partners improve governance, security, and economic opportunity. ID Number: JA025686 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Afrique du Sud, de Mandela a Zuma : les ambiguites d'une politique etrangere. (REVUE INTERNATIONALE ET STRATEGIQUE, no. 73, printemps 2009, p. 33-41.) Author(s): 1. Lafargue, Francois Subject(s): 1. SOUTH AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: L'instauration de la democratie en Afrique du Sud, symbolisee par l'election de Nelson Mandela (1994), a suscite de nombreux espoirs. Le pays, l'une des rares democraties du continent, a incarne un modele de transition institutionnelle. Pourtant, quinze ans apres les premieres elections libres, la deception est reelle. Sa politique etrangere a renonce a defendre les valeurs et les principes de liberte, fierement affiches au debut des annees 1990. Au nom de l'amitie nouee dans le combat contre l'apartheid, la jeune democratie s'est parfois fourvoyee a soutenir des regimes mis au ban de la communaute internationale. Le pays peine encore a trouver sa place sur la scene internationale. Le prochain chef d'Etat qui devrait etre elu au printemps 2009 - probablement Jacob Zuma - aura pour obligation de definir une ligne politique claire. ID Number: JA025741 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART

Piracy in the 21st Century. (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Minneapolis), vol. 55, no. 3, 2009, p. 59-67.) Author(s): 1. Kotlyar, Vladimir Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--SOMALIA

ID Number: JA026581 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


Into the Mogadishu Maelstrom : The African Union Mission in Somalia. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 16, no. 4, August 2009, p. 514-530.) Author(s): 1. Williams, Paul D. Subject(s): 1. AFRICAN UNION MISSION IN SOMALIA 2. AFRICAN UNION--PEACEKEEPING FORCES Notes: The African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM) endured a difficult first 30 months of operations. Deployed into an active war-zone, it was not long before an international debate began to revolve around how the mission should be brought to an end. This article analyses the main challenges as well as the most important local and international dynamics that affected the operation. It concludes that AMISOM was an ill-conceived mission that attracted few serious political champions partly because of the dangerous environment in which it operated and partly because of its lack of stable funding and capabilities. The predictable results were a dangerously under-resourced operation that placed peacekeepers in harm's way for morally and politically dubious reasons. ID Number: JA026317 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Somalia : What Went Wrong ?. (RUSI JOURNAL, vol. 154, no. 4, August 2009, p. 6-12.) Author(s): 1. Menkhaus, Ken Subject(s): 1. SOMALIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: After almost two ignominious decades as the world's foremost failed state, Somalia's prospects had seemed brighter at the start of 2009. Only a few months later, the country is once more in the grip of despair as an emboldened insurgency and a feeble government together frustrate national reconciliation. ID Number: JA026154 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Somalia : Prospects for a Lasting Peace. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 20, no. 2, Spring 2009, p. 95-112.) Author(s): 1. Dagne, Ted Subject(s): 1. SOMALIA--HISTORY ID Number: JA026135 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


The United Nations and the African Union : Assessing a Partnership for Peace in Darfur. (JOURNAL OF CONFLICT AND SECURITY LAW, vol. 14, no. 1, Spring 2009, p. 93-113.) Author(s): 1. Barnidge, Robert P. Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- 2. PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SUDAN 3. AFRICAN UNION MISSION IN SUDAN 4. AFRICAN UNION--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SUDAN 5. UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN THE SUDAN 6. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--SUDAN Notes: This article focuses on the response by the United Nations, in particular the Security Council, and the African Union to the Darfur conflict. It begins by exploring the role of peacekeeping operations and regional arrangements or agencies in the overarching architecture of international peace and security. Having laid this frame of reference, it then looks at the modalities of peacekeeping in Darfur. These operations began with the African Union acting in isolation but have transitioned to an increasingly important role being played by the United Nations and a hybrid peacekeeping presence. Finally, this article asks whether, assuming that a legally dispositive conclusion can be drawn that genocide has taken place in Darfur since the outbreak of hostilities there in 2003, there exists a legal justification, or even obligation, for non-compliance by states with the sanctions regime established by Security Council Resolutions 1556 and 1591. This regime of sanctions has played an important part in the Security Council's approach to Darfur but has been, unfortunately, left largely unexamined from the standpoint of international legality. ID Number: JA026200 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Sudan : A State on the Brink ?. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 108, no. 718, May 2009, p. 208-213.) Author(s): 1. Prendergast, John 2. Thomas-Jensen, Colin Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 2. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- Notes: Darfur remains a catastrophe. A peace accord with southern rebels is in danger. On the plus side, the indictment of Sudan's president improves the odds of regime change. ID Number: JA025842 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


The Responsibility to Protect and the Conflict in Darfur : The Big Let-down. (SECURITY DIALOGUE, vol. 40, no. 3, June 2009, p. 287-309.) Author(s): 1. Badescu, Cristina G. 2. Bergholm, Linnea Subject(s): 1. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (INTERNATIONAL LAW) 2. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- Notes: This article discusses the international response to the conflict in Darfur from 2003 onwards in order to explore some of the key challenges related to implementing the responsibility to protect (R2P). First, the authors show that the debates on R2P in connection to Darfur translated into little more substantive action than the pragmatic decision to deploy peace operations with mandates that included civilian protection, as suggested by the African Union (AU) Mission in Sudan (AMIS), and later by the hybrid UN-AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID). Second, the authors argue that the international response to Darfur illustrates three major challenges to R2P implementation. These are : political limitations inherent in the R2P framework; moral dilemmas emerging from military action; and tactical challenges, as exemplified by the struggles faced by the AU and the UN in Darfur. The authors conclude that the international failure to offer meaningful protection in Darfur highlights the need for continued caution and critical analysis of the ways in which R2P is conceptualized and implemented. ID Number: JA026000 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Security Reforms and the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo : Protecting Civilians in the East. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 16, no. 2, April 2009, p. 273-286.) Author(s): 1. Mobekk, Eirin Subject(s): 1. SECURITY SECTOR REFORM--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) 2. UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION MISSION IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO 3. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Notes: The Democratic Republic of Congo has been plagued by continued conflict and violence in the East despite the official ending of the war and civilians have borne the brunt of this conflict. Security sector reform (SSR) is a critical element in ensuring security, stability and sustainable peace. This article examines security sector reform conducted by the UN Mission in Congo, and also refers to other actors involved in the process, focusing primarily on the East where insecurity is prevalent due to the non-integrated Congolese forces, the Armed Forces of the DRC, other armed groups and foreign, mainly Rwandan troops. It contends that SSR is vital to protect civilians and that thus far MONUC has not fulfilled its mandate of protection. ID Number: JA025855 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of Congo : Waging Peace and Fighting War. (INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, vol. 16, no. 2, April 2009, p. 215-230.) Author(s): 1. Tull, Denis M. Subject(s): 1. UNITED NATIONS--PEACEKEEPING FORCES--CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) 2. UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION MISSION IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Notes: The UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) has been derided as one of the world's least effective forces. This article assesses its performance by using two indicators : mandate implementation and the reduction of human suffering. The analysis shows that effective peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been hampered by two major problems. First, MONUC has had a struggle with, and inconsistent approach to, the vague concept of 'robust peacekeeping'. During key moments of the peace process, it tried to wage peace when it should have used force. Second it failed to adapt to a dynamic conflict environment. Both problems were underpinned by flawed assumptions about the peace process, the behaviour of local actors and the presumed benefits of 'post-conflict' elections. ID Number: JA025852 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Les mutations du terrorisme algerien. (POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, 74eme annee, no. 2, 2009, p. 345-352.) Author(s): 1. Benchiba, Lakhdar Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--ALGERIA Notes: Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique reste fondamentalement une organisation algerienne (le GSPC) qui s'est donne un 'projet maghrebin'. Mais elle incarne aussi un second age du terrorisme qui tente de fondre la problematique algerienne dans une geopolitique globale centree sur l'antagonisme Islam-Occident. Cette mutation a pris au depourvu le regime algerien dont l'action reste fondee sur la repression et sur une offre d'amnistie qui semble avoir produit le maximum de ses effets. ID Number: JA025952 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART


The Local and Global Jihad of al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghrib. (MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL, vol. 63, no. 2, Spring 2009, p. 213-226.) Author(s): 1. Filiu, Jean-Pierre Subject(s): 1. QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB 2. JIHAD 3. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM--ALGERIA Notes: Al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghrib (AQIM) was founded in 2007 as the latest offshoot of the global jihad. But it is deeply rooted in a long and complex history of Algerian violence, with the 'Afghan' volunteers in the 1980s, the civil war raging in the 1990s, and the more recent crisis of the jihadi networks. Despite all its global rhetoric, AQIM has not fully transcended its local dynamics, between its Kabylia strongholds and its Saharan groups. ID Number: JA025792 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Egypt and Iran. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 16, no. 4, Winter 2009, p. 47-54.) Author(s): 1. Bahgat, Gawdat Subject(s): 1. EGYPT--FOREIGN RELATIONS--IRAN 2. IRAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--EGYPT ID Number: JA026446 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

L'Europe, terre d'influence des Freres musulmans. (POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, 74eme annee, no. 2, 2009, p. 377-388.) Author(s): 1. Amghar, Samir Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) Notes: Les Freres musulmans, groupe islamiste le plus important du monde arabe, sont largement presents en Europe. Leur mouvance comprend plusieurs types d'organisation, des plus autonomes aux plus orthodoxes. En choisissant de jouer, en particulier en France, la carte de l'insertion dans la societe politique locale et nationale, les Freres connaissent desormais une certaine normalisation, qui se traduit par une crise de leurs enonces ideologiques et de leur force militante. ID Number: JA025954 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART


The Muslim Brotherhood and the Emerging 'Shia '. (ORBIS, vol. 53, no. 2, Spring 2009, p. 284-299.) Author(s): 1. Helfont, Samuel Subject(s): 1. SUNNITES 2. SHIITES 3. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) Notes: To form a more prudent foreign policy toward the Muslim Brotherhood, we must understand it not only as a domestic actor, but also as a major regional player. In fact, the Brotherhood has a complex relationship with Iran and the Shias, which blurs the lines of the so-called Shia Crescent. This article addresses the Muslim Brotherhood's foreign/regional policy by analyzing its attitude toward the Shias and Iran, thus placing it within the context of the emerging regional order. Addressing the complex relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Shias/Iran will help to clarify the regional fallout were the Brotherhood to gain control of a major Sunni Arab state. This is a vital issue for policy makers who are considering the US position vis-a-vis the Brotherhood. ID Number: JA025693 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Arming Libya : Transfers of Conventional Weapons Past and Present. (CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY, vol. 30, no. 3, December 2009, p. 505-528.) Author(s): 1. Lutterbeck, Derek Subject(s): 1. ARMS TRANSFERS--LIBYA Notes: Up to the mid-1980s, Libya was one of the most outlandish arms buyers in the world, purchasing huge amounts of weapons from both Western and Eastern bloc countries. After almost twenty years of arms embargo, Libya has returned to the global arms markets and is commonly seen as a potentially major purchaser of conventional weapons, with a large pent-up demand and vast funds to spend. The article seeks to identify the main internal, regional and systemic factors behind Libyan arms purchases during Muammar Qaddafi's previous decades in power, as well as those factors likely to drive arms transfers to Libya in the post-embargo period. While as in the past, Libyan arms purchases might be driven by (rather elusive) internal or systemic factors, Libya's improved relationship with neighbouring countries as well as Israel and the West more generally might work against a massive military build-up. The article examines the likely roles of major suppliers -- France, Russia, Britain, Italy, Belarus, Ukraine and the United States -- but concludes that in the end much will depend on developments and choices within the Libyan regime itself. ID Number: JA026479 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART


Carrots, Sticks, and Bombs : The End of Libya's WMD Program. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 20, no. 3, Summer 2009, p. 77-94.) Author(s): 1. Newnham, Randall Subject(s): 1. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION--LIBYA 2. SANCTIONS (INTERNATIONAL LAW) ID Number: JA026338 Year: 2009 Language: English Type: ART

Eufor Tchad-RCA : les principales lecons du terrain. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 65e annee, no. 722, aout - septembre 2009, p. 10-19.) Author(s): 1. Ganascia, Jean-Philippe 2. Pouye, Raphael Subject(s): 1. EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR CHAD/RCA Notes: Operation militaire de l'Union europeenne, l'Eufor Tchad-RCA a acheve son mandat d'un an le 15 mars 2009. Elle est consideree comme une etape majeure dans la construction de la PESD. ID Number: JA026033 Year: 2009 Language: French Type: ART


Postconflict Reconstruction in Africa : Flawed Ideas about Failed States. (INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, vol. 32, no. 4, Spring 2008, p. 106-139.) Author(s): 1. Englebert, Pierre 2. Tull, Denis M. Subject(s): 1. POSTWAR RECONSTRUCTION--AFRICA 2. FAILED STATES--AFRICA Notes: Postconflict state reconstruction has become a priority of donors in Africa. Yet, externally sponsored reconstruction efforts have met with limited achievements in the region. This partly due to three flawed assumptions on which reconstruction efforts are predicated. The first is that Western state institutions can be transferred to Africa. The poor record of past external efforts to construct and reshape African political and economical institutions casts doubts on overly ambitious objectives of failed state reconstruction. The second flawed assumption is the mistaken belief in a shared understanding by donors and African leaders of failure and reconstruction. Donors typically misread the nature of African politics. For local elites, reconstruction is the continuation of war and competition for resources by new means. Thus their strategies are often inimical to the building of strong public institutions. The third flawed assumption is that donors are capable of rebuilding African states. Their ambitious goals are inconsistent with their financial, military, and symbolic means. Yet, African societies are capable of recovery, as Somaliland and Uganda illustrate. Encouraging indigenous state formation efforts and constructive bargaining between social forces and governments might prove a more fruitful approach for donors to the problem of Africa's failed states. ID Number: JA024837


Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Piraterie : Neuer Schwerpunkt Sub-Sahara-Afrika. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 57. Jg., Nr. 10, Oktober 2008, S. 23-27.) Author(s): 1. Pabst, Martin Subject(s): 1. PIRACY--AFRICA, SUBSHARAN Notes: Modern piracy is not only a local criminal phenomenon the shipping lines and insurance companies have to deal with, but also a threat of global dimension. Germany, with the largest container fleet and the third-largest merchant fleet in the world, is primarily affected by that. Successfully combating this security risk is possible only in an international combine and with a unitary strategy. ID Number: JA025210 Year: 2008 Language: German Type: ART

Islamic Radicalism in East Africa : Is There a Cause for Concern ?. (STUDIES IN CONFLICT AND TERRORISM, vol. 31, no. 9, 2008, p. 829-855.) Author(s): 1. Kfir, Isaac Subject(s): 1. ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM--AFRICA, EAST Notes: The article explores the development of Islamic radicalism in East Africa by examining specific states. The author argues that the evidence suggests that although Islamic radicalism has not made substantial inroads into the region, it may still do so, as East Africa suffers from political repression as well as socioeconomic problems. The author concludes that that the region must undergo significant changes to improve political representation and socioeconomic conditions. ID Number: JA025199 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Ontwapenings-, demobilisatie- en reintegratieprogramma's in Afrika : minder maar beter. (INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR, jg. 62, nr. 9, september 2008, p. 461-464.) Author(s): 1. Koper, Martin Subject(s): 1. AFRICA--ARMED FORCES--DEMOBILIZATION 2. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT--AFRICA Notes: The author deals with disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programmes. In countries or regions recovering from armed conflict these programmes for ex-combatants are often included in the peace process. Although DDR programmes as such cannot resolve or prevent conflicts, they are important as ex-combatants are pre-eminently capable of undermining the still fragile peace process. Yet, in many cases the execution of DDR programmes has not run very smoothly. The author advocates an approach in which the central question is which DDR programmes are appropriate in an often


very vulnerable post-conflict situation. On the basis of his experience with DDR in Sub Saharan Africa he describes the purpose of DDR, reintegration of ex-combatants, the ownership question, security sector reform and the rivalry between the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank in the implementation of DDR. ID Number: JA025133 Year: 2008 Language: Dutch Type: ART

Why Africa ?. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 64, no. 8 - 9, August - September 2008, p. 12-15.) Author(s): 1. Meyersfield, Bonita C. Subject(s): 1. HUMAN RIGHTS--AFRICA Notes: Do human rights in Africa have the same meaning as in the rest of the world ? Almost more than any other continent, Africa seems removed from the global commitment to such rights. Roosevelt's Four Freedoms - freedom of religion, freedom from want, freedom from fear and freedom of speech - which underpin the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are rare privileges there. ID Number: JA025036 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Al Qaeda in the Maghreb : The 'Newest' Front in the War on Terror. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 19, no. 1, Winter 2008, p. 80-96.) Author(s): 1. Celso, Anthony N. Subject(s): 1. TERRORISM--RELIGIOUS ASPECTS--ISLAM--AFRICA, NORTH 2. QAIDA (ORGANIZATION) 3. JIHAD Notes: The author argues here that the al Qaeda - North African Salafist alliance is a response to post-9/11 organizational and ideological problems. Al Qaeda's loss of its Afghan sanctuary and the breaking up of its command-and-control operations have made it dependent on affiliates to recruit terrorists. The inability of the North African Salafists to overthrow any government in the Maghreb, moreover, requires the commissioning of a cause that could give them new life. The crossfertilization of al Qaeda and North African Salafists is a mutually beneficial arrangement designed to compensate for past failures. The argument proceeds on four levels. First, the author analyzes various jihadist movements, their common problems, and the reasons why they crossfertilize their operations. Second, he examines the role of extremist Maghrebi communities in Europe in facilitating this intermarriage between international and nationalist jihadism. Third, he notes the role of wars (Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, and Kashmir) in raising Muslim consciousness and Islamic extremism. Finally, the author provides an overview of the security threats created by the Salafists' incorporation into al Qaeda for the Mediterranean region. ID Number: JA024552 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART


Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa : A Comparison of US and EU Policies. (MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS, vol. 13, no. 1, March 2008, p. 43-62.) Author(s): 1. Huber, Daniela Subject(s): 1. DEMOCRATIZATION--AFRICA, NORTH 2. DEMOCRATIZATION--MIDDLE EAST 3. DEMOCRATIZATION--USA 4. DEMOCRATIZATION--EU Notes: This article compares US and EU efforts at democracy assistance in the Middle East and North Africa. Although the substantive content of what the US and EU view as the type of democratic institutions to promote does not differ greatly, some puzzling variations are found in the area of funding party development and decentralization, a balanced top-down/bottom-up versus top-down approach and slightly different thematic foci. The actors use similar implementation methods, but have differing approaches to partnership. ID Number: JA024673 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Washington's Africa Gambit. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 2008, p. 50-53.) Author(s): 1. Dehez, Dustin Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND Notes: A US military command center exclusively for Africa, AFRICOM, is now operational. Its establishment reflects US concerns about energy security and Islamic fundamentalism on the continent. But Washington is not relying on hard power alone. ID Number: JA024613 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

The Challenge that is USAFRICOM. (JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY, no. 49, 2008, p. 110-113.) Author(s): 1. Kfir, Isaac Subject(s): 1. USA. AFRICA COMMAND ID Number: JA024697 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART


China and India Go to Africa. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 87, no. 2, March - April 2008, p. 95-109.) Author(s): 1. Broadman, Harry G. Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. INDIA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 3. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--INDIA Notes: Economic activity between Africa and Asia, especially China and India, is booming like never before. If the problem and imbalances this sometimes creates are managed well, this expanding engagement could be an unprecedented opportunity for Africa's growth and for its integration into the global economy. ID Number: JA024573 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Washington redecouvre l'Afrique subsaharienne. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 64e annee, no. 5, mai 2008, p. 164-171.) Author(s): 1. Struye de Swielande, Tanguy Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN 2. AFRICA, SUB-SAHARAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Notes: Continent delaisse par Washington a la fin de la guerre froide, l'Afrique occupe, depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, une place nouvelle et particuliere dans la vision strategique des Etats-Unis, qui ont insere la region dans leur strategie integrale. Il n'est pas interdit de penser que les modalites de la gestion politique du continent puissent a l'avenir servir de banc d'essai aux politiques menees dans d'autres regions du globe. ID Number: JA024886 Year: 2008 Language: French Type: ART

China's Ventures in Africa : Patterns, Prospects, and Implications for Africa's Development. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 19, no. 4, Fall 2008, p. 91-110.) Author(s): 1. Anyu, Ndumbe J. 2. Ifedi, J-P. Afam Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: In this essay, China's involvement in Africa is examined, including China's main objectives, and the prospects and implications for Africa's development. Also analyzed are the changes that African countries must implement in order to enable them to leverage China's involvement to enhance their development. Whether Chinese interests and involvement bring the danger of renewed exploitation without development or lead to sustainable progress depends on the extent to which Africa is able to take advantage of the opportunities of China's growing interest to address the many social, cultural,


economic, and political pitfalls that challenge the African continent. ID Number: JA025390 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Commerce and Prudence : Revising China's Evolving Africa Policy. (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC, vol. 8, no. 3, 2008, p. 325-352.) Author(s): 1. Holslag, Jonathan Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: This paper evaluates the extent to which China adapted its Africa policy to external criticism and expectations. It is found that policy modifications mainly occurred when long-term interests were at risk, with regard to issues of limited importance and non-binding initiatives. The article departs from the vast literature on adaptation and tests this concept on several aspects of China's engagement in Africa. This approach not only allows us to revise the PRC's changing Africa policy but also permits to contribute to the debate whether China is a status quo or revisionist power. In this regard, it turns out that China's ostensible compliance with the demands of other actors is designed to give leeway to its revisionist aspirations. ID Number: JA025116 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

La Chine en Afrique, neocolonialisme ou opportunites pour le developpment ?. (REVUE INTERNATIONALE ET STRATEGIQUE, no. 72, hiver 2008 - 2009, p. 219-229.) Author(s): 1. Hugon, Philippe Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: Si les relations entre la Chine et l'Afrique sont anciennes, leur intensification souligne l'emergence d'un monde multipolaire et le deplacement du centre de gravite economique mondial. Ces relations sont essentiellement economiques et fondees sur le principe 'win-win' (gagnant-gagnant). Elles reposent sur la specialisation postcoloniale entre les fournisseurs de matieres premieres africains et les pourvoyeurs en produits manufactures ou en services. Les partenariats militaires se sont egalement developpes. La Chine est ainsi porteuse d'opportunites pour le developpement du continent. Sa presence n'est toutefois pas exempte de risques a terme, si elle ne parvient pas a entrainer l'economie locale et a etre en conformite avec les droits de l'homme, les normes environnementales et sociales, ou la bonne gouvernance. ID Number: JA025534 Year: 2008 Language: French Type: ART


When China Met Africa. (FOREIGN POLICY, no. 166, May - June 2008, p. 38-46.) Author(s): 1. Michel, Serge Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: It seemed a perfect match : a growing country looking for markets and influence meets a continent with plenty of resources but few investors. Now that China has moved in, though, its African partners are beginning to resent their aggressive new patron. What happens when the world's most ambitious developing power meets the poverty, corruption, and fragility of Africa ? China is just beginning to find out. ID Number: JA024777 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

China in Africa : The Push Continues but All's Not Well. (DEFENSE & SECURITY ANALYSIS, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2008, p. 33-43.) Author(s): 1. Pant, Harsh V. Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--CHINA 3. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 4. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: This article examines the growing Chinese engagement with the African continent and argues that despite the positive aspects of this relationship being emphasised by China, tensions are brewing beneath the surface as Africans are gradually beginning to realise the costs of their ties with China. ID Number: JA024760 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

China in Afrika : niet-inmenging als PR-troef onder druk. (INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR, jg. 62, nr. 6, juni 2008, p. 331-336.) Author(s): 1. Hoeymissen, Sara van Subject(s): 1. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: The author looks at the principle of non-interference in China's Africa Policy, which serves as an important PR tool and a facilitating factor for China in its efforts to establish commercial relations with African countries. However, as China becomes more engaged as a major economic and political player in Africa, its interests get intertwined with the internal situation in its African partner countries. This makes it more difficult for China to maintain its non-interventionalist stance. Moreover, the image costs which China has incurred on the international stage as a result of its proclaimed policy of non-interference, especially in the case of its relations with Sudan against the backdrop of the Darfur conflict, have let it to reconsider its interests. These factors create opportunities for a limited adaptation of China's implementation of the non-interference principle, provided that key Chinese


interests, for instance in the African oil sector, are safeguarded. ID Number: JA024936 Year: 2008 Language: Dutch Type: ART

Africa's Evolving Security Architecture and the Concept of Multilayered Security Communities. (COOPERATION AND CONFLICT, vol. 43, no. 3, September 2008, p. 313-340.) Author(s): 1. Franke, Benedikt Subject(s): 1. AFRICA--NATIONAL SECURITY Notes: Following decades of feeble attempts, Africa's states have recently made great strides in establishing an elaborate security architecture to tackle the continent's many perils. The author argues that the emergence and particular structure of this architecture and its institutional layers are best described by the constructivist concept of multilayered security communities. While this concept is based on the original idea of security communities by Karl Deutsch and its later adaptation by Emmanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, it recognizes the increasing prominence of elaborate multi-level security cooperation in the developing world and the difficulties of the original theoretical framework to account therefor. Consequently, it combines security community terminology with notions such as organized complementary and multi-level governance to do conceptual justice to systems like Africa's decentralized collective security arrangement. ID Number: JA025139 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

France in Search of a New Africa Policy. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 2008, p. 28-38.) Author(s): 1. Mehler, Andreas Subject(s): 1. FRANCE--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--FRANCE Notes: France's Africa policy has always attracted more attention than those of other European states. In the run-up to the 2007 election, Nicolas Sarkozy indicated that he planned to 'normalize' France's special relations with the continent. Yet as president, he has so far refrained from major changes. ID Number: JA024612 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART


How Europe Lost Africa. (INTERNATIONALE POLITIK, vol. 9, no. 1, Spring 2008, p. 10-15.) Author(s): 1. Johnson, Dominic Subject(s): 1. EU--AFRICA Notes: The future of Europe's special relationship with Africa is at risk as former colonies react to a blase, if not hypocritical , European attitude toward the continent. European-style institutions could enter a profound crisis of legitimacy if things do not change soon. ID Number: JA024611 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

The US and Africa : Prisoners of a Paradigm ?. (CURRENT HISTORY, vol. 107, no. 709, May 2008, p. 225-230.) Author(s): 1. Mills, Greg Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--AFRICA 2. AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA Notes: More of the same mix of trade, aid, and military assistance will not fix failed states, check China's penetration, or ease suspicions of Western motives in Africa. ID Number: JA024790 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Thabo Mbeki y la agenda exterior de Surafrica. (POLITICA EXTERIOR, vol. 22, no. 123, mayo - junio 2008, p. 163-172.) Author(s): 1. Chevalier, Rony Subject(s): 1. SOUTH AFRICA--FOREIGN RELATIONS Notes: Con un PIB que representa el 25 por cien del total del continente, Surafrica defiende la agenda de desarrollo africana en sus relaciones internacionales. La UE y EE UU piden un mayor compromiso surafricano a la hora de resolver crisis como la de Kenia o Zimbabue. ID Number: JA024866 Year: 2008 Language: Spanish Type: ART


L'Afrique du Sud a l'aube d'une ere nouvelle. (POLITIQUE INTERNATIONALE, no. 122, hiver 2008 - 2009, p. 217-231.) Author(s): 1. Gazeau, Antoine Subject(s): 1. SOUTH AFRICA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Eighteen years after the end of apartheid, fifteen years after the first multiracial elections and Nelson Mandela's election as president, South Africa readies itself for a new turning point in its history. Next spring, general elections will probably mark the end of an era in which the African National Congress (ANC) governed alone. ANC dissidents close to former president Thabo Mbeki have created a new party, the Congress of the People (COPE). Already several opposition parties have made it known that they would join in a coalition, if it could offer a strong and credible alternative to the ANC. But change will also be in economic terms. More and more, South Africans are calling for a better distribution of the fruits of growth, as unemployment remains unchecked and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. With crucial elections only months away, the situation is explosive. ID Number: JA025595 Year: 2008 Language: French Type: ART

Broken City. (WORLD TODAY, vol. 64, no. 1, January 2008, p. 23-25.) Author(s): 1. Healy, Sally Subject(s): 1. CIVIL WAR--SOMALIA Notes: Mogadishu is a broken city on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe. The international community' set piece strategy - intervention, the establishment of a government, a peacekeeping force, and stabilisation - is failing to deliver peace and stability in Somalia. At the heart of any new approach should be an early exit for the Ethiopian forces and a Somali-led process of political reconciliation. ID Number: JA024456 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Will Darfur Steal the Olympic Spotlight ?. (WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, vol. 31, no. 3, Summer 2008, p. 181-190.) Author(s): 1. Morrison, J. Stephen Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- 2. CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--SUDAN 3. SUDAN--FOREIGN RELATIONS--CHINA Notes: The Save Darfur Coalition has entered into an unprecedented dialogue with Beijing and contributed positively to changing Chinese policies and approaches, but it continues to routinely undervalue the significance of China's shifts. ID Number: JA024971 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART


Beyond Darfur : Sudan's Slide Toward Civil War. (FOREIGN AFFAIRS, vol. 87, no. 3, May - June 2008, p. 77-93.) Author(s): 1. Natsios, Andrew S. Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: While the crisis in Darfur simmers, the larger problem of Sudan's survival as a state is becoming increasingly urgent. Old tensions between the of the Nile River valley, who have held power for a century, and marginalized groups on the country's periphery are turning into a national crisis. Engagement with Khartoum may be the only way to avert another civil war in Sudan, and even that may not be enough. ID Number: JA024751 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Do Something About Darfur : A Review of the Complexities. (JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES, vol. 33, no. 2, Summer 2008, p. 229-264.) Author(s): 1. Murphey, Dwight D. Subject(s): 1. SUDAN--HISTORY--DARFUR CONFLICT, 2003- Notes: A great many well-meaning people in the United States and elsewhere have long called upon their governments to 'do something about Darfur', citing the promise George W. Bush made to himself in the context of the earlier Ugandan slaughter, 'Not on my watch'. Many, including the United States government, assert that what has occurred in Darfur is 'genocide'. In this article, the author admonishes that the facts and issues in Darfur are not nearly so simple as such a view thinks them to be. He sees the war in Darfur in the context of a long history of conflict in the Sudan and in Africa. The article seeks to be informative rather than exhortatory, leaving it to readers to form their own conclusions about what, if anything, can be done about 'the situation in Darfur'. ID Number: JA024927 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Twenty Years of Change : Tunisia's Journey of Progress Continues. (MEDITERRANEAN QUARTERLY, vol. 19, no. 2, Spring 2008, p. 1-4.) Author(s): 1. Hachana, Mohamed Nejib Subject(s): 1. TUNISIA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Notes: Since 7 November 1987, Tunisia has embarked on an ambitious undertaking framed by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, aiming to position the country among the developed nations. From the beginning, President Ben Ali has been aware of the condition of success of this enterprise : a comprehensive and gradual development approach, taking into consideration the interdependent and complementary nature of the political, economic, and social dimensions. ID Number: JA024909 Year: 2008


Language: English Type: ART

L'histoire et l'avenir non ecrit du salafisme. (COMMENTAIRE, vol. 31, no. 124, hiver 2008 - 2009, p. 1083-1093.) Author(s): 1. Fradkin, Hillel Subject(s): 1. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (EGYPT) 2. SALAFIYAH ID Number: JA025419 Year: 2008 Language: French Type: ART

The Russian-Libyan Rapprochement : What Has Moscow Gained ?. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 15, no. 3, Fall 2008, p. 122-128.) Author(s): 1. Katz, Mark N. Subject(s): 1. RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 2. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) 3. RUSSIA (FEDERATION)--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--LIBYA 4. LIBYA--FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS--RUSSIA (FEDERATION) ID Number: JA025157 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Libya's Nuclear Turnaround : Perspectives from Tripoli. (MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL, vol. 62, no. 1, Winter 2008, p. 55-72.) Author(s): 1. Braut-Hegghammer, Malfrid Subject(s): 1. NUCLEAR WEAPONS--LIBYA Notes: This article examines Libya's nuclear rollback in light of sources that have emerged since December 2003. These sources offer new perspectives on the Libyan regime's motives for pursuing nuclear weapons, why it concluded that the effort to acquire nuclear weapons was becoming a threat to national security, and how this reflects on Libya's security policy under Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. It is argued that this particular case illustrates a recent trend towards post-revolutionary realpolitik in Libyan foreign and security policy. ID Number: JA024545 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART


Libya and the United States : A Faustian Pact ?. (MIDDLE EAST POLICY, vol. 15, no. 1, Spring 2008, p. 133-148.) Author(s): 1. St John, Ronald Bruce Subject(s): 1. USA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--LIBYA 2. LIBYA--FOREIGN RELATIONS--USA ID Number: JA024704 Year: 2008 Language: English Type: ART

Tschad : EUFOR im 'Wilden Osten'. (EUROPAISCHE SICHERHEIT, 57. Jg., Nr. 4, April 2008, S. 31-34.) Author(s): 1. Pabst, Martin Subject(s): 1. EU--ESDP--OPERATIONS--EUFOR CHAD/RCA 2. CHAD--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 2005- ID Number: JA024713 Year: 2008 Language: German Type: ART

Turquoise, une operation necessaire, une mission delicate. (DEFENSE NATIONALE ET SECURITE COLLECTIVE, 64e annee, no. 3, mars 2008, p. 14-20.) Author(s): 1. Lafourcade, Jean-Claude Subject(s): 1. RWANDA--HISTORY--CIVIL WAR, 1994--FRANCE Notes: L'evolution recente des relations franco-rwandaises fait revenir l'operation Turquoise dans l'actualite. Constatant que les realites de cette operation sont mal connues et souvent deformees, il parait utile de donner le point de vue du commandant d'operation, acteur directement concerne, confronte a une mission difficile qui a ete l'objet de graves accusations. ID Number: JA024690 Year: 2008 Language: French Type: ART


Previous Issues Anciens numéros

No. 1/12 Iran’s Nuclear Program / Le programme nucléaire iranien No. 2/12 The Arab-Israeli Conflict since the Oslo Agreement / Le conflit israélo-arabe depuis les Accords d’Oslo No. 3/12 From Conflict to Peace-Building / Du conflit à la consolidation de la paix No. 4/12 The Russian Armed Forces / Les forces armées russes No. 5/12 Deterrence Strategy / La stratégie de dissuasion No. 6/12 Arms Transfers / Les transferts d’armes No. 7/12 Vladimir Putin and the Evolution of Russian Foreign Policy / Vladimir Poutine et l’évolution de la politique étrangère russe No. 8/12 The Iraq War, 2003-2011. Books / La guerre d’Irak, 2003- 2011. Livres No. 9/12 US Middle East Policy after the September 11 Attacks / La politique des Etats-Unis au Moyen-Orient depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2011 No. 1/13 Counterinsurgency / La contre-insurrection No. 2/13 The Arab Spring Two Years On / Le printemps arabe : deux ans plus tard