Lew1srpdst Western Communities at Bonds' Appreciation Evening the Oldest Ang(O-Jewibh
, , . ' , Thursday, February 1, 1962 Page Three Page Two THE JIEWiSH POST Thursday, 'February 1, 1962 THE JIE.WISH POST To Present Friendship Award 9 Launch Fro... the Editor s BellA lEW1SRPDST Western Communities At Bonds' Appreciation Evening The Oldest Ang(o-JewiBh. Weekly in Western Catu1d4 Israel . Histadrut Cam'pai'gns '(Issued weekly in the Intereets of Jewish Community actlvltl. ?anist, Clara Pearlman - Litvack, In Wlnnlp,"" aDd W ... tern Canada) Western Canada's annual Israel 'whose interpretations of Hebrew, I Me'mber of the Jewish Tel~aphic AgencY Histadrut drives open, 1!'ebruary 11 when a specially organized tour Yiddish and Israeli folk and popular I Puhllshed evelT Thunday by cavalcade visits Calgary to open the nusic haye been lauded ,by every EMPmE piuNTERs LTD. first of a series, of campaigns Jommunity in the west. Prjnters and Publlsbers scheduled t;fliS rp:orith. The activities, of U.S.' General NEAR• RIOT: Store window promotion of an ' hat~ w;orn by sportsmen Who were leaving' Israel ',RUPERT SHRIAR; Ph.D. LEO J. WACK , " Marshall, career soJdier and writ~r, 'amateur play almost caused ,a...riot in St. John's', after participating in the Hapoel'Seventh Inter , Editor Advertising Manaller . Partfcipating in' the tour will be' nave hl\d a unique ellect upon Israel Newfoundland, when sailors on leave from a ,national Sports Gathering. Among them was Head Office: 1244 Main St., Winnipeg, Canada General S. L. A. Marshall, Winni , , ' and the Middle East. A journalist Polish ship were alarmed by Nazi emblems and Isaac 'Berger, the Jerusalem - born, American SubScription: $4.00 per annlllJl, , peg folk ,singer, TV and concert whose' experiences have included insignia they passed on 'the main street of this weight-lifter, who had the d~y before set :i world Phone JU 9-7331- 2 - 3 Eve.
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