giganteum — Giant © ROBERTA A. CLARK

text 2017 This eye-popping member of the lily family makes a dramatic statement in the late spring to early summer perennial garden. The large round of individual flowers appear on a flower stalk that can reach 3 to 4 feet tall! The lilac to purple flowers are individually small, about a half inch wide, but the ball of flowers itself can span 4 inches wide. the bulbs in groups in the back of flower beds to create the best effect, as the foliage disappears by the time flowering occurs. Giant JULY onion likes full sun, well drained soils, and is hardy to Zone 4. It also makes an excellent cut flower for indoor bouquets. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Sunrise 5:15 JUNE AUGUST Sunset 8:27 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 To properly thin seedlings, follow the directions on the seed package. Sunrise 5:15 Sunrise 5:16 Sunrise 5:16 Sunrise 5:17 Sunrise 5:18 Sunrise 5:18 Sunrise 5:19 Sunset 8:27 Sunset 8:27 Sunset 8:27 Sunset 8:27 Sunset 8:26 Sunset 8:26 Sunset 8:25 Independence 2 3 4 Day 5 6 7 8

Make sure potato tubers, carrot Keep newly planted watered Apply mulch around young plants A good guideline for watering lawns Cool-season grasses go dormant and shoulders and are covered during dry weather, allowing water to to help conserve soil moisture and Protect blueberries from birds by Let a few plants of cilantro and dill go is to apply 1 inch of water in a single turn brown if not watered during hot, with soil or mulch to prevent penetrate deeply into the soil. control weeds. draping a net over the bushes. to full maturity as they will self-seed. application per week. dry summers. development of green color. Sunrise 5:20 Sunrise 5:20 Sunrise 5:21 Sunrise 5:22 Sunrise 5:23 Sunrise 5:23 Sunrise 5:24 Sunset 8:25 Sunset 8:25 Sunset 8:24 Sunset 8:24 Sunset 8:23 Sunset 8:22 Sunset 8:22 9 s Full Moon 10 11 12 13 14 15

Small infestations of Japanese beetles Harvest crops regularly to keep After harvesting broccoli heads allow Early morning is the best time to Watch for Japanese beetles feeding can be controlled by handpicking in things tidy and encourage further the plants to produce side shoots to water vegetable and flower gardens on leaves of plants. early morning or late evening. production. extend the harvest. Keep the garden weeded. Don’t allow weeds to go to seed. to reduce evaporation loss. Sunrise 5:25 Sunrise 5:26 Sunrise 5:27 Sunrise 5:28 Sunrise 5:29 Sunrise 5:30 Sunrise 5:31 Sunset 8:21 Sunset 8:20 Sunset 8:20 Sunset 8:19 Sunset 8:18 Sunset 8:17 Sunset 8:16 16 g Last Quarter Moon 17 18 19 20 21 22

Don’t forget hanging baskets and Check leafy vegetables for caterpillars containers. They need careful Lawn clippings and plants that are and tomatoes for hornworms. Pick Remove dead or diseased plants Keep birdfeeders and baths cleaned attention to watering and feeding Don’t mow if the lawn is under severe Spray undersides of lacebug-infested ready to be recycled can be used for them as they appear or apply Bt from the garden on a regular basis to and replenished. Change water during dry and hot weather. drought stress. Pieris leaves with horticultural oil. compost. (Bacillus thuringiensis) if necessary. prevent further spread of disease. frequently to avoid mosquitoes. Sunrise 5:31 Sunrise 5:32 Sunrise 5:33 Sunrise 5:34 Sunrise 5:35 Sunrise 5:36 Sunrise 5:37 Sunset 8:15 Sunset 8:15 Sunset 8:14 Sunset 8:13 Sunset 8:12 Sunset 8:11 Sunset 8:10 23 d New Moon 24 Remember to stake Pick green beans when 25 26 27 28 29 tomato plants as they are small and necessary. 30 tender 31 Sunrise 5:38 Sunrise 5:39 Sunset 8:08 Sunset 8:07 Interveinal yellowing of lower leaves f First Quarter Moon Dead head (pick off the spent Wildlife tend to feed more heavily on Blossom end rot is a symptom of on tomatoes is due to deficiency of Don’t compost diseased plants or Cultivate garden soil if it is flowers) of annuals and perennials, as Fertilize plants in the cutting garden vegetable crops during dry seasons calcium deficiency and can also be a magnesium; use Epsom salt to supply lawn clippings treated with herbicide. crusty to allow water penetration. soon as flowers fade. to encourage more flowering. when little water is available. sign of erratic watering. magnesium.