THANASSIS CHRISTOU Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary History Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies University of the Peloponnese

Thanassis Christou is a historian. He was born in 1963 in Thespies of Thebes and he studied Modern and Contemporary History at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Thessaloniki, Munich and . Today he serves as Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies (Kalamata), University of the Peloponnese. His studies and articles focus on the history of the Modern Greek State (from 1830 to the present) and specifically the formation of the political institutions, the foundation of the University of Athens, the development of the student movement, the writing of biographies of important figures who left their mark on Greek society. At the heart of his most recent research interests is the illumination of the unknown aspects of the history of the German occupation and Greek resistance according to the German archives. Also, the formation of the ideological waves in as well as in Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries. His scientific work is comprised of 10 books and 100 studies. He is the scientific director of the research program “The role of the Young People at the Front, the Occupation and the Resistance (1940-1944)”, materialized in the University of the Peloponnese and sponsored by the General Secretary of Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education. Since 2004, he regularly teaches the course of the Modern and Contemporary History in the University of the Peloponnese. In addition, he has participated in numerous Greek and International Conferences and is a member of several related scientific unions and societies.

University of the Peloponnese Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management Palaio Stratopedo – Anatoliko Kentro 24100 Kalamata, Greece Tel: 27210-65156, Mob. 6977-677042 e-mail: [email protected]




1. Konstantinos Dimitriou Schinas (1801-1857). His life, work and era, Athens 1998 (1st reprint in 2003) (Association for the Expansion of Useful Books Publications) 2. From the First National Assembly of Epidaurus (1821) to the incorporation of the Dodekanese (1947), Athens 1999 (Dimiourgia Publications) 3. The borders of the Greek state and the international treaties (1830-1947), Athens 1999 (Dimiourgia Publications) 4. Approaches to Modern Greek History. From Rhigas Velestinlis (1757- 1798) to the involvement of Greece in the World War II (1940-1941), Athens 2001 (War Museum Publications) 5. The intersecting routes of in sports and culture, Livadeia 2002 (Prefecture of Viotia Publications) 6. The Kopais matter and the social struggle for its solution (1865-1953). Dimitrios G. Papaspyrou (1902-1987) and his contribution to the settlement of Kopais matter, Athens 2002 (Centre for the Development and Renewal of the Western and Southern District of Thebes Publications) 7. Georgios P. Kremos (1839-1926). A leading historian from , Athens 2005 (Municipality of Arachova Publications) 8. Political and social aspects of the Greek Revolution of 1821, Athens 2013 (Papazisis Publications) 9. The role of the Young People at the Front, the Occupation and the Resistance (1940-1944) - Political and military archival documents, Athens 2016, Vol. 1, approximately 320 pages (sponsored by the General Secretary of Lifelong Learning and Young of the Ministry of Education) 10. The role of the Young People at the Front, the Occupation and the Resistance (1940-1944) - Diplomatic documents,, Athens 2016, Vol. 2, approximately 240 pages (sponsored by the General Secretary of Lifelong Learning and Young of the Ministry of Education)

Articles and Studies

1. «History of Friedrich von Triersch’s Regency», in: Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1989, p. 99-108 2. «Die politische und bildungspolitische Situation in Griechenland im Spiegel der Korrespondenz K.D. Schinas’ mit Fr.v. Thiersch (1831-1857)», in: Balkan Studies, vol. 312 (1990), σ. 307-320 3. «20th century: A century of German history?» in: Tomi 301, issue 2 (1990), p. 89- 91 4. «Views on the education’s organization in the beginning of the foundation of the modern Greek state», in: Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1991, p.105-120 5. «The political correspondence between Friedrich von Thiersch and K.D. Schinas», in: Friedrich Thiersch and the genesis of the Greek state from the point of view of the 20th century, Athens 1991, p.125-143 3 6. «Die politische Korrespondenz Thiersch mit Konstantin Demetrius Shinas», in: Friedrich Thiersch und die Entstehung des Griechischen Staates aus der Sicht des 20. Jahrhunderts, Athens 1991, p. 141-156 7. «Der Nachlass Thierschiana Ι und seine Bedeutung für die Griechische Geschichtsschreibung», in: Balkan Studies, vol. 321 (1991), p. 23-33 8. «Research and record of the modern Greek history sources of the Bayerische Staatbibliotek and the Bayerisches Hauptstaatarchiv München», in: Mnimon, vol. 13(1991), p.302-308 9. «United Germany’s international orientations and external policy», in: Tomi 301, issue 3 (1991), p.98-100 10. «K.D.Schinas and the first deanery of the Othonian University (1837-1838)», Istorika, issue 17 (1992), p.371-384 11. «The attempt of Nicolaos Voilas for a Greek-Albanian understanding on the Eve of the First World War», in: Proceedings of the 12th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1992, p.431-449 12. «An antiquities sales agreement in the 19th century!» in: Tomi 301, issue 4 (1992), p.14-22 13. «K.D.Schinas and the first deanery of the Othonian University (1837-1838)», in: Proceedings of the 13th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1993, p. 303-322 14. «“A project for the national nurture and the public education in Greece (1827)” by Alexandros Stourtzas», in: Tomi 301, issue 6(1993), p.90-97 15. «Political persecutions against archaeologists: the case of Andreas Moustoxydis (1785-1860)», in: Archaeology, issue 46 (1993), p. 76-80 16. «The institution of study guides in the University of Athens», in: Proceedings of the 14th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1994, p.601-613 17. «The students’ movement and the University of Athens in the decade of 1840», in: Septième congrès international d'études du sud-est européen, Athens 1994, p.30 18. «K.D. Schinas und das erste Rektorat an der Ottonischen Universität (1837-1838)», in: Balkan Studies, vol. 352 (1994), p. 301-316 19. «The 3rd September 1843 and the University of Athens»: Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1995, p.199-217 20. «Hellenism of Northern Epirus and Greek-Albanian relations (1897-1918)» (Ed. Β. Kontis») (Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation S. Onassis), Athens 1995 21. «The students’ movement and its first manifestation in the University of Athens (1839)», in: Proceedings of the 16th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1996, p.289-308 22. «Pontos, the unforgettable homeland», in: The Calendar of the Military Museum for the year 1996, Athens 1996 23. « The students’ entanglement into the conspiracy of “Filorthodoxi Etairia” (1839- 1840)», in: Proceedings of the 17th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1997, p.193-209 24. «Entries: “Hemerologhio” and “Satira”», in: Greek Educational Encyclopedia (Ekdotiki Athinon), vol.26 (1997) Universal Literature, p. 164-165 and 355-356 25. Epirus - 4000 years of Greek History and Culture” (Ed. M. B. Sakellariou) (bilingual edition of Ekdotiki Athinon : Greek and English)- (Period of Modern Times) 26. Guide Report of the University of Athens and the Athens Municipality on the subject : Rigas’ Vision. Rigas in the Danubian Principalities (Ed . K . Svolopoulos ) , Athens 1998 27. «The student demonstrations against the celebration of the 25th March 1841», in: Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1998, p.147-165 28. «Children of the war: the military museum calendar for the year 1998», in: O Mikros Romios, nr. 26 (1998), p.3 4 29. «Vassilios Oikonomidis as a Professor of the University of Athens (1843-1874)», in: Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 1999, p.261-271 30. «Die Gründung der Athener Universität», in: Das neue Hellas. Griechen und Bayern zur Zeit Ludwigs I (Catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum München from 9.11.1999 to 13.2.2000), Munich 1999, p.398-400 31. " October 28, 1940 : ascertainments and protagonists " in bifoliate separate edition of the British-Hellenic College , Athens, October 1999 32. «Memories of the Greek-Italian war (1940-1941) …in pictures» in: Anazitiseis, issue 11 (1999), p. 29-30 33. «The administrative foundation of the municipality of Thespies and its protagonists (1830-1997)», in: Proceedings of the 20th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 2000, p.299-312 34. «The foundation of the University», in: Athens-Munich. Art and Culture in Modern Greece (Catalogue of exhibition organized by the National Gallery-Alexandros Soutzos Museum from 5.4 to 3.7. 2000), Athens 2000, p. 57-71 35. «The Olympic games in the 20th century: cultural and humanistic messages», in: Ta Athinaika, issue 105(2000), p.35-44 36. «The town of Thespies from the mythical to the historical times», in: Journal of Sports Club of Thespies, Thespies 2002, p.1-4 37. «Ancient Thisvi “town of doves” and its courses through history», in:Journal of Sports Club of Thespies , Thespies 2002, p.7-8 38. «The city of Thiva: A crossroad of myths, history and culture», in: Program of the 58th Athletics Balkan Championship, (Thebes 12-13 July 2003), Athens 2003, p.10-11 39. «The foreign rule in Egypt and the Barbarians», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 19 (24.2.2000), p. 28-35 40. «Weddings and … divorces of the protagonists», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 20 (2.3.2000), p.16-25 41. «Alexandros Papanastasiou. A passionate democrat», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 22 (16.3.2000), p.6-9 42. «The 4th Constitutional Assembly. The transition to a Republic of no monarchy», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 22 (16.3.2000), p. 28-31 43. «The Great Patient», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 24 (30.3.2000), p.16-17 44. «From Zaimis to the departure of the European force», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 51 (5.10.2000), p.48-49 45. «The “Japanese” Modernizers», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 72 (1.3.2001), p. 32-35 46. “The Paraclete Eleftherios Venizelos" , in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 92 (19.7.2001 ) , p. 14-19 . 47. «The alliances», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 104 (11.10.2001), p. 20-23 48. «Military operations before 1917», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 123 (21.2.2002), p.26-37 49. «The decisive moments of the war», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 124 (28.2.2002), p.14-26 50. «The military landscape and its protagonists», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 149 (5.9.2002), p. 24-37 51. «From the capture to the execution», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 179 (3.4.2003), p. 32-39 52. «The declaration in Salona and Livadeia», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 229 (24.3.2004), p.38-41 53. «The chronicle of the massacre», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 241 (17.6.2004), p. 22-29 5 54. «Pindaros (518-438 BC)», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 272 (10.2.2005), p.24- 29 55. «Loxi Fallanx and Ieros Lochos», in: Istorika-Eleftherotypia, issue 272 (10.2.2005), p.40-49 56. «Shame on those who joined the Bavarians!», in: Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia, nr. 1208 (24-25th March 2001), p. 42 57. «The institutional establishment of the 25th March as a national Day», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 4 (2000), p.17-19 58. «The burning down of Davleia (5th May 1943) and the holocaust of (10th June 1944): the beginning and the zenith of the Resistance in Boeotia», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 5 (2000), p.38-39 59. «The burning and the destruction Domvraina, Thisvi and Prodromos by the German troops in the 29th August 1943», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 6 (2000), p. 59-60 and 51 60. «The battle in Petra and its protagonist Dimitrios Ypsilantis (12th September 1829)», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 8 (2000), p.85-87 61. «Boeotia’s unknown holocaust: Kalami and its heroes (11th June 1944)», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 11 (2001), p.33-36 62. «The revolution of 1821 and the fighters for Boeotia», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 22 (2003), p.124-126 63. «The battle in Pyli and its protagonists (16th October 1943): the tragic role of a father», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 25(2003), p.163-166 64. «The temporary rise of the city-state of Thebes and its destruction (335 BC), in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 34 (2005), p. 305-308 65. «The town of Thebes from the byzantine era to the modern times», in: Voiotika Analekta, issue 36 (2005), p. 337-339 66. «Τhe first project of the drying of the lake Kopais (1833) after the foundation of the Greek State (1830) and its instigator Friedrich von Thiersch», in: Proceedings of the 21th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 2001, p. 131-139 67. «University of Athens: “The University of the East”», in: Pemptousia, issue 6 (2001), p.103-107 68. «The political situation in Boeotia during the fragile democracy (1946-1967)», in: Proceedings of the 22th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 2002, p.625-638 69. «The innovator Doctor Nikolaos K. Louros (1898-1986) and his contribution to Greek linguistic controversy», in: Proceedings of the 23th Panhellenic History Conference, Thessaloniki 2003, p.649-661 70. «Ancient Boeotia and environment», in: Proceedings οf the Conference: Sustainability and environment. The European and national perspective, Athens 2004, p.457-462 71. «The contribution of Georgios P. Kremos (1839-1926) to the modern history of Boeotia», in: Proceedings of the 1st International Roumeli Conference for the culture and development of the Cultural Centre of Roumeliotes , (14-17 September 2001), Athens, p. 243-259 72. «The foundation of the University of Smyrni and Konstantinos Karatheodori», in: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of KE.MI.PO., organized by the municipality of New Ionia “The Hellenism of Minor Asia from the Antiquity to the Catastrophe of Smyrna. Culture-Education in τhe unforgettable homelands of the East”, Athens 2006, p. 258-285 73. «Eleftherios Venizelos into the political scene (1909-1910)», in: History of Hellenes, vol. 11 (2006), p.444-483 74. «The education system (1881-1910). Requests, reforms and deficiencies», in: History of Hellenes, vol.11 (2006), p.484-525 75. «The ideological range of the life and fights of Ioannis Makrygiannis (1797-1864)», in: Proceedings of Hemerida for Ioannis Makrygiannis (8.12.2007) organized by the 6 Faculty of Humanistic Sciences and Cultural Studies of the University of Peloponnese, Kalamata 2007, p.33-45 76. «The cross-related relations between caricature and politics. Ioannis Makrygiannis signs the first caricature critic», in: Proceedings of Hemerida for Ioannis Makrtgiannis (8.12.2007) organized by the Faculty of Humanistic Sciences and Cultural Studies of the University of Peloponnese, Kalamata 2007, p. 47-63 77. «Ioannis Nikolaidis of Livadeia (1800-1871). The first boeotian Professor of the University of Athens», in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Boeotian Studies, Athens 2008, vol. 4b, p.475-489 78. «Three landmarks in the Revolution of 1821 in Messinia», in: Messinia: Contributions to its history and culture, Athens 2012, p.373-479 (Papazisis Publications) 79. " (1752 - 1804) and his relations with the Modern Greek Enlightenment " , in: Parnassos , vol. 54 (2012 ) - (released in 2014) , p. 344-371 80. " ( Arachova ) since the establishment of the Greek State up to date ", in : Arachova. The place and people (Ed . C . Castanas ) , Athens 2015 , p. 77-90 .

Prefaces to books

1. C . I . Charitos , The Battle of Arachova under Marshal C . Karaiskaki and its coefficients ( 18-24 November 1826 ) , Athens 2001 , p. 9-10 . 2. C . I . Charitos , The death of G. . Karaiskaki . A new discovery , Athens 2002, p . 5-6. 3. C . D . Mitsainas , Greek Wings in Cyprus. Enterprises 1964 - 1974 as they were lived and narrated by the protagonists , Athens 2005 , p. 12-13 4. C.M. Woodhouse, Modern Greece-A Short History, Athens 2008, p.9-15 (Touriki Publications) 5. C. Petroulias, My captivity and the life of the political refugees in Tashkent (1949- 1956), Athens 2012, p.13-14 6. P. Ch. Koumantos, Study of life and work Alexandros Koumoundouros (1815- 1883), Kalamata 2015, p. 7-10

Book Reviews

1. I. Willharm, Die Anfänge des griechischen Nationalstaates (1833-1843), München- Wien 1973, in: Balkan Studies, vol. 282 (1987), p.397-402 2. H. Kocój, Wielka Rewolucja Francuska a Polska, Warszawa 1987, in: Balkan Studies, vol.282 (1987), p.404-405 3. H. Kocój, Obrady Sejmu Wielkiego w swietle relacji posla Austriackiego w Warszawie, Warszawa-Kraków 1988, in: Balkan Studies, vol.282 (1987), p. 406-407 4. D. Karel, The time of the Thunderer. Mikhail Katkov, Russian Nationalist Extremism and Failure of the Bismarkian System (1871-1887), N.York 1988, in: Balkan Studies, vol. 292 (1988), p. 359-364 5. D. Karel, Lost Illusions. Russian Policies towards Bulgaria in 1877-1887, Uppsala 1988, in: Balkan Studies, vol.292 (1988), p. 364-369 6. M.A. Hatschikjan, Trandition und Neuorientierung in der bulgarischen Aussenpolitik (1944-48), München 1988, in: Balkan Studies, vol.292 (1988), p.371-379 7. B.K. Kiraly, A.A. Nofi, East Central European War Leaders: Civilian and Military, Columbia 1988, in: Balkan Studies, vol.292 (1988), p.388-390 7 8. J. Reuter, Die Albaner in Jugoslawien. Untersuchungen zur Gegenwartskunde Südosteuropas, München 1982, in: Balkan Studies, vol.301 (1989), p. 161-166 9. W. Roustopani-Sourla, S. Flogatis, Georg Ludwig von Mauer. Die Wittelsbacher in Griechenland als Nachtrag zu dem Buche das “Griechisce Volk”, Athen-Komotini 1987, in: Armenopoulos, vol.12 (1988), p.1272-1273 10. T.Stammen, Die Weimarer Republik. Das schwere Erbe (1918-1923), München 1987, in: Recht und Politik, vol.19-20, p.275-278 11. J. H. Wolfe, G. Heinritz, R. Hilf, L. Kellner, Zypern. Macht oder Land teilen?, München 1987, in: Recht und Politik, vol. 19-20, p.278-282 12. S.C. Selianitis, The dark courses of the agricultural policy (1962-1999), Athens 1999, in: Thespies in the past and the present, issue: 12 (2000) , p.15 13. Greek-German spiritual “Friendship”, in: Eleftherotypia, 22.6.2005, p.30 14. F.B. Perra, The Lion against the Crescent. The first Ottoman-Venetian War and the occupation of the Greek grounds (1463-1479), Athens 2009, in: Platon, vol. 58 (2012), p.356-358

Participation in Evaluation Committees of History Books

1. Participation in the Evaluation Committee of the General Education History Book of the second grade of General Lyceum of the Ministry of Education, History of Medieval and Modern World 565-1815 , edited by OEDB , Athens 2001. 2. Participation in the Evaluation Committee of the General Education History Book for the third grade of General Lyceum and the fourth grade of the Evening Class Lyceum of the Ministry of Education, History of the Modern and Contemporary World (beginning from 1815 to present), OEDB edition, Athens 2007