É Incululekco Pubjlicatriris Distribut
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .~ . ... ... 4.......... ~~' K ldø 5I til. .4''é INcULULEKcO PUBJLICATrIrIS Distributors of The African Communist Shubsmriptior PFrice for 1991 SOUTH AFRICA AFRICA, EUROPE AND ASIA NORTH AMERICA All enquiries for The African Communist and Umsebenzi to: South African Communist Party, P.O. Box 2424, Johannesburg 2000, South Africa £12 per year including postage surface mail £18 per year airmail $24 per year including postage surface mail $36 per year airmail Address until December 1, 1990: Inkululeko Publications, P.O. Box 902, London N19 3YY Telephone: 071-2638417Fax: 071-2639947 After December 1, 1990: Inkululeko Publications, P.O. Box 2424, Johannesburg 2000, South Africa. Telephone: Johannesburg 836 6867 ISSN 0001-9976 PROPRIETOR: Dan Tloome The African Communist is available on microfilm and microfiche from University Microfilm International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Department P.R., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48106, U.S.A. Typeset on Scantext 2000 by Point Five Studios Ltd. (TU) 55-56 St. Martins Lane, London WC2 Printed by Blackrose Press (TU), London ECl Tel: 071-251 3043 HM E A FRICANM COMMLNI ST Published quarterly in the interest of African solidarity, and as a forum for Marxist-Leninist thought throughout our Continent, by the South African Communist Party. No 123 Fourth Quarter 1990 C~ E~II H r4TS 5 HEITORIAL N4OTES SACP launch opens a new era; Negotiations Under Threat; The threat from the right wing; Members of the Interim Leadership Group. PHINEAS MALINGA 20 cAALISATION OR FREE ENTFERPRISE? An examination of the economic policy options which will accompany the national democratic revolution. M ZALA 34 TlHE BAT'UISTAN SSTE rM Is AT FHE CENT lRE OF MNATAL eOLEaCE It is the KwaZulu bantustan that provides the social facilities and the protective machinery for the vigilantes.
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