r:he IRISh orncncccc No. 84 January - February 1998 I R£J.SO THE IRISH ORIENTEER ADDRESS LIST 1998 ') The Irish Oriente(i\ )}allailable from all Irish orienteering clubs AJAX ORIENTEERS che lRlsh oracnceec Brendan O'Connor, 31 Moyglare Abbey, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. or bll direct subscription from Ph. 086 2419428, e-mail
[email protected] the Editor: John McCullough. 9 No.84 Februaru - March 1998 ATHLONE RTC ORIENTEERS Nigel Foley-Fisher, RTC, Dublin Rd .. Athlone, Co. Westmeath (0902-2M65) Arran Road. Dublin 9 BISHOPSTOWN OC Ted Lucey, Kilpadder, Dromahane, Mallow, Co. Cork (022- (e-mail
[email protected]). A Good Year For The Race 47300) BLACKWATER VALLEY OC John Geary, Marshalstown, Milchelstown, Co. Cork (022-25306) CORK ORIENTEERS Miriam nl Choitir, 6 Ashton Pork, Blackrock, Cork (021-319838) Annual subscription costs paraphrase Richard Kavanagh. "The next CURRAGH-NMS ORIENTEERS John Colclough, 28 The Villoge, Newbrldge, Co. Kildare (045- IRfl,50 for 6 issues including World Cup race In the entire universe Is going 432267) postage, DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Denis Reidy, Adj. Genoral's Branch, Parkgale, Dublin 8 o be In Kerry". 1998 has the potential to be a DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary. DU Orienteers, House 27, TCD, Dublin 2. great year for hish orienteering. For the first time we FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS Bill Regan, 9 Floraville, Enniskilien, Co. Fermanogh BT74 6AP (08- NEXT COPY DATE have World Cup races In Ireland. an opportunity 01365-326213) 15th March 1998 FINGAL ORIENTEERS lillian Quill. 640 Collins Ave .. Dublin 9 (01·8376506). which we have to grasp and get as much from as we FORESTWARRIORS OC Tom Conlon, Curratrench.