Exclusion, Gender and Education
Indigenous girls in 6 Guatemala: Poverty and location Kelly Hallman and Sara Peracca, with Jennifer Catino and Marta Julia Ruiz lthough enrollment rates are increasing in Guatemala, Aeducational attainment continues to be among the low- est in Latin America as a result of late entry, repetition, and early dropout. Vast inequalities in access and attainment— linked to ethnicity, gender, poverty, and geography—remain. Adult literacy, estimated at 85 percent in Latin America, is just 70 percent in Guatemala (UNDP 2004). While indigenous peoples generally have less school- ing than nonindigenous peoples throughout Latin America, ethnic differences are greatest in Guatemala, where indig- enous adults have less than half the schooling of nonindige- nous adults (2.5 years of education compared with 5.7 years) (Hall and Patrinos 2005). Recent trends show the ethnic gap narrowing among younger people, but large inequalities re- main. Among 10- to 19-year-olds, the indigenous literacy This chapter was commissioned by the Center for Global Development, Washington, D.C. Funding was also provided by the Department for International Development (U.K.), the William and Flora Hewlett Foun- dation, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The authors benefited from the comments of participants at the 2004 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, in Boston, and in national forums on “Multisectoral Strategies to Improve the Lives of Vulnerable Adolescents” in Guatemala City, Guatemala, in September 2004 and in Antigua, Gua- temala, in December 2005. They wish to thank Claudia Regina Aguilar for preparing the ENCOVI/LSMS data for analysis; Aimee Lyons for assistance in preparing the manuscript; Maureen Lewis, Cynthia B.
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