Common Vocabulary in and Turkish Language: A Case of Historical Onomasiology

María Isabel Maldonado García Mustafa Yapici

The current study must be framed within the discipline of applied and historical linguistics and historical onomasiology. One hundred and fifty apparent cognates in Turkish and Urdu languages will be analyzed in order to confirm their origin as well as lexical similarity through their distance. This research work has the purpose of discovering whether the similar terms analyzed in this study are cognates or rather loanwords that Turkish and Urdu have borrowed from different languages. In addition, the level of similarity through etymological, lexical and semantic comparative analysis will be revealed with the same purpose.

Turkish Language Turkish is a member of the Altaic family of languages. According to Ethnologue its classification is Altaic, Turkic, Southern, Turkish and it is spoken by approximately 50 million people, not only in Turkey, where it is the national language, but also in Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.1

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Table 1 Altaic Languages- Turkish2

During the Ottoman Empire which lasted more than 600 years, the Turkish language flourished as the language of the administration, receiving loanwords from and Persian. The language was then named Ottoman Turkish, actually a formal version of the everyday spoken Turkish of the time. Some of Ataturk’s reforms included a new Turkish . However, “the aim of the Turkish language reform was to eliminate the Arabic and Persiangrammatical features and the many thousands of Arabic and Persian borrowings that had long been a part of the language.” (1999, 2)3. The borrowing of Persian words was without any doubt of a considerable importance. Arabic on the other hand had a larger infiltration, due to two main factors; a religious factor since it is the language of the and the other because had itself borrowed innumerable terms from Arabic and when an Arabic term was borrowed it brought with it the complete family of that very term (1999, 6)4. The new Turkish as proposed by Atatürk, aimed to eliminate the Persian and Arabic borrowings

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from the Turkish language. In this manner, Suleyman Pasha was the first to publish a grammar of the new Turkish language which was titled Ilm-I Sarf-i Türki in 1874. Turkish language also stopped being called Ottoman by virtue of the Constitution of 1876 and retained its official status as Turkish language. The first dictionary of Turkish Language Kamus-i-Türki (1900) of two volumes was written by Şemseddin Sami which was an attempt to rid Turkish language of its Arabic and Persian elements.

Turkish had utilized a Perso- for thousands of years. Şemseddin Sami with Abdul Bey, his brother, created an alphabet composed by 36 letters from Latin and Greek. After this move, an Alphabet Commission was created which took several steps for ridding all remains of Persian and Arabic from the Turkish language by changing the pronunciation of the Arabic sounds. Another step taken by Atatürkwas to propose Turkish substitutes for the Arabic and Persian terms on the newspapers and let the public comment on them. A Language Society was created in 1931 as well, following the wishes of Atatürk, and its purpose was not only ridding the Turkish language from the Persian and Arabic influence it had enjoyed until then. The aftermath of this linguistic reform was a modernization effort. The aim of this effort included the thought that at some point in the future, when the new generations would learn the new script they would be unable to read the old script and the works in the new script would be controlled by the government. At the same time, since the old script would not be read, the old Islamic works in Arabic and Persian would progressively lose their influence, achieving the modernization Atatürk so much craved. The Language Society was to exist even after Ataturk’s government and for this reason, it was made a non-governmental entity.

As the language reform achieved a substantial amount of objectives in a short span of time, it cannot be said that it was not a successful attempt. However, a large number of terms from Arabic and Persian still remain an essential part of the Turkish

196 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1 language through a considerable part of the rich Ottoman linguistic heritage has forever been lost. It is perhaps due to this contradiction that Geoffrey termed the reform a catastrophic success (1999).

Urdu Language Urdu is a South Asian language from the Indo-European family, and within the central zone’s Indo-Iranian branch. Ethnologue classifies it as Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo- Aryan, Central zone, Western Hindi, Hindustani5. It has 193, 238, 868 speakers in Pakistan where it is the official language along with English, although other languages and dialects are spoken in the country such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Saraiki, , Balochi, etc.6 Because of the neighborhood relationship in these geographies, Turkish has lots of similar words with Urdu, Chinese, Persian, Arabic, and other languages.

In fact, the evolution of Urdu language started with contact with Persian and Arabic due to the invasions on India by Persian and Turkic armies in the 11th century and afterwards. It continued from the Delhi Sultanate (1206 to 1526) and later on during the Mughal Empire (1526 to 1858). Already in 1908 Dowson said “Urdu abounds with Arabic derivatives which have brought with them the grammatical powers of their original language” (1908, 18)7.

Interestingly enough, the word Urdu, derives from the Turkish ordu, which means army. Urdu language is written in utilizing the Persian alphabet to, style. Both languages have received Persian loanwords due to the closeness among the countries. shares borders with Pakistan as well as Turkey which facilitated the expansion of the Farsi terminology.

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Table 2 Indoeuropean Languages -Urdu8

The expansion of and Saudi Arabia’s proximity to both countries facilitated the spread of Arabic as the language of Quran and a new form of life which included innumerable words for the new realities which could only be named using the original terms in Arabic.

Like in Turkish, there have been purists attempts which tried to rid Urdu of Persian and Sanskrit loanwords. According to Maldonado (2013)9, the new vocabulary of Urdu is derived mainly from Persian, Arabic and Sanskrit, although also from Prakrit with a minimum influence from other languages.

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This map illustrates the closeness among Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Cognates or loanwords? The main purpose of this study is to figure out whether the sets which will be analyzed in this study are cognates or loanwords. For Whitley, “a given word W from Language X and a word W from Language Y are termed cognates if and only if they have been inherited from the same ancestor language of X and Y”, and if their similarity is a coincidence they are not considered true cognates (2002, 305)10.Holmes & Ramos define cognates as “ítems of vocabulary in two languages which have the same roots and can be recognized as such” (1993, 88)11.

On the other hand, “The best-known generalization about lexical borrowing is the constraint that core vocabulary is very rarely (or never) borrowed”. (2009, 36)12 Of the same opinion are Hock & Joseph (1996)13 as well as Thomason (2001)14. Loanwords can be recognized if their form and meanings have considerable similarities with the form and meanings of a word in another language from which it could have been received due to a possible historical event and scenario having in consideration the exclusion

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the chance for descent from a common ancestor and if there is a source word to which it can be traced orlinked. (Haspelmath & Tadmor, 2009)15. Thurgood (1999)16 adds to the equation the similarity of the phonemes through which they can be recognized. Language contact does not require complete bilingualism, or multilingualism either, rather, the utilization or presence of two languages in one location, at the same time. For Maldonado (2013)17 one of the relevant aspects of semantic relations or lexical solidarities apart from etymology is synonymy. Synonymy will play a vital role in the identification process. In this case we will have to reveal whether the sets have a common origin or not and if they do, whether they actually belong to the language itself or are in fact borrowings from the same language. At this point we will proceed to the analysis of the Turkish-Urdu sets, of term.

1. Methodology The sample of our investigation consists of 150 sets of Turkish and Urdu terms. The degree of similarity with reference to different aspects of linguistics will be assessed. These aspects include:

1. Identification of the Turkish-Urdu Sets. 2. Etymological Aspects. The etymology of each word in Turkish language will be extracted and compared with its counterpart in Urdu language in order to contrast the origins of both terms and verify whether, in fact, they are loanwords received from the same language directly, they have been received through another language or rather, the terms are cognates. 3. Interlingual Synonymy Related Aspects. 3.1 Semantic analysis. Definitions will be compared in order to find out if the loanwords are synonymic or not.

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3.2 Phonetic analysis. The phonetics of the word pairs will be compared under the following parameters: a. There is no difference in phonetics. b. The difference is one or two sounds, usually at the end. c. The difference is found in two or more different sounds, sometimes at the initial position. d. The difference is more than half of sounds. e. The difference is based on that most of the sounds are different and have an uneven layout. f. The Levenshtein distance will also be used as a factor to determine the level of phonetic similarity among the loanwords.

2. Results

1. Identification of the Turkish-Urdu Sets. The identification of the 150 sets of terms was performed during our interaction with Pakistani individuals as well as students of Turkish language. One hundred and fifty pairs of terms were identified and selected due to the fact thay they presented similarity in terms of semantics and phonetics in both languages.

The list of terms is as follows:

Table 3 List of Terms with Phonetic Equivalence Turkish Urdu Turkish Phonetics Urdu Phonetics

[ɑ:dʒɪz] [ɑ:dʒɪz] ﻋﺎﺟﺰ aciz 1 [ɑ:dɪ] [ɑ:dɪ] یﻋﺎد adi 2 [ɑ:dɪl] [ɑ:dəl] ﻋﺪل adil 3 [ɑ:fɪyɛt] [ɑ:fɪyət] تیﻋﺎف afiyet 4 [ɑ:fɪtʌp] [ɑ:ftʌb] آﻓﺘﺎب afitap 5 [ɑ:gɒh] [ɑ:gɑ:h] آﮔﺎﮦ agah 6

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[ɑ:hɪr] [ɑ:khɪr] آﺧﺮ ahir 7 [ahvɑ:l] [ahvɑ:l] اﺣﻮال ahval 8 [ɑ:qɪbɛt] [ɑ:qɪbʌt] ﻋﺎﻗﺒـــﺖ akibet 9 [ɑ:lɛm] [ɑ:lɛm] ﻋﺎﻟﻢ alem 10 [ʌlɛv] [ʌloʊ] اﻻؤ alev 11 [ʌmɛl] [ʌmʌl] ﻋﻤﻞ amel 12 [:ʌmɛlɛ] [ʌmlɑ] ﻋﻤﻠــہ amele 13 [ɑ:rɪf] [ɑ:rɪf] ﻋﺎرف arif 14 [ʌrʃ] [arz] ارض Arş 15 [ɑ:sʊmʌn] [ɑ:smɑ:n] آﺳﻤﺎن asuman 16 [ʌzɑ:p] [ʌzʌb] ﻋﺬاب azap 17 [:bɑ:ki:] [bɑ:ki] یﺑــﺎق baki 18 [bɑ:zə] [bɑ:z] ﺑﻌـــﺾ bazı 19 [bɛlkɪ] [bɛlkɪ] ﺑﻠﮑــــــہ belki 20 [bɪra:dɛr] [bɪra:dɛr] ﺑـــﺮادر birader 21 [bɒhtʃʌ] [bʊktʃʌ] ﺑﻘﭽــــہ bohça 22 [bʊlbʊl] [bʊlbʊl] ﺑُﻠﺒﻞ bülbül 23 [dʒɛllʌt] [dʒɛllʌd] ﺟﻼد cellat 24 [dʒɛmɑ:t] [dʒɛmɑ:t] ﺟﻤﺎﻋﺖ cemaat 25 [dʒɛmɪyɛt] [dʒʌmɪyʌt] تیﺟﻤﻊ cemiyet 26 [dʒɛnnɛt] [dʒʌnnʌt] ﺟﻨﺖ cennet 27 [dʒɛrrʌh] [dʒɛrrʌh] ﺟﺮاح cerrah 28 [dʒʊmhu:r] [dʒʊmhu:r] ﺟﻤﮩﻮر cumhur 29 [dʒʊmlɛ] [dʒʊmlɛ] ﺟﻤﻠـہ cümle 30 [tʃɛʃmɛ] [tʃʌʃmɛ] ﭼﺸﻤہ çeşme 31 [tʃʊnkʊ] [tʃu:nkɪ] ﭼﻮﻧﮑـــہ çünkü 32 [dɛlɑ:lɛt] [dɛlɑ:lɛt] دﻻﻟـــﺖ delalet 33 [:dɛrɛdʒɛ] [dʌrɛdʒɑ] درﺟہ derece 34 [dɛrs] [dɛrs] درس ders 35 [dɛstɑ:n] [dɛstɑ:n] داﺳـــﺘﺎن destan 36 [di: ɛr] [di:gɛr] ﮔــﺮید diğer 37 [ɛhɛmnɪyɛt] [ɑ:hmɪyʌt] تیاﮨﻢ ehemniyet 38 [ɛmɪr] [ʌmr] اﻣﺮ emir 39 [ɛmi: r] [ɛmi: r] ریام emir 40 [ɛmlʌk] [ɛmlʌk] اﻣــﻼک emlak 41 [ɛʃrɛf] [ɛʃrɛf] اﺷﺮف eşref 42 [ɛvvɛl] [ɛvvɛl] اول evvel 43 [ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] [ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] تیاول evveliyat 44 [:fɑ:ni:] [fɑ:ni] یﻓــﺎن fani 45 [fʌydʌ] [fʌydʌ] ﻓﺎﻋــﺪﮦ Fayda 46 [fɛlsɛfɛ] [fɛlsɛfɛ] ﻓﻠﺴــــــﻔہ felsefe 47 [:fɛnɑ:] [fɛnɑ] ﻓﻨـــﺎ fena 48 [fɛrɛh] [fɛrʌkh] ﻓــﺮاخ ferah 49 [fɛrmʌn] [fʌrmʌn] ﻓﺮﻣــﺎن ferman 50 [fɛrt] [fɛrd] ﻓــﺮد fert 51 [fɛsɑ:d] [fɛsɑ:d] ﻓﺴـــﺎد fesad 52

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[fɪtnɛ] [fɪtnʌ] ﻓﺘﻨـــــہ fitne 53 gʌflɛt] ghaflat] ﻏﻔﻠـــﺖ gaflet 54 gɑ:ɪp] gayb] ﻏﺎﺋــﺐ gaip 55 hʌbɛr] khabar] ﺧــﺒﺮ haber 56 hʌli:fɛ] khaliifaa] ﻓــہ یﺧﻞ halife 57 [hʌn] [khʌn] ﺧﺎن han 58 [hʌyrɑ:t] [Kkhʌyrɑ:t] راتیخ hayrat 59 [houʃ] [khʊʃ] ﺧﻮش hoş 60 [hʊrmʌ] [khʊrmʌ] ﺧﺮﻣﺎ hurma 61 [:hʊdɑ:] [khʊdɑ] ﺧﺪا hüda 62 [əsrʌr] [əsrʌr] اِﺻﺮار ısrar 63 [i:jʌt] [i:jʌd] ﺟﺎدیا icat 64 [ɪhsʌn] [ɪhsɑ:n] اِﺣﺴﺎن ihsan 65 [ɪmdʌt] [ɪmdʌd] اِﻣﺪاد imdat 66 [ɪmkɑ:n] [ɪmkɑ:n] اﻣﮑــﺎن imkan 67 [ɪmtɪhɑ:n] [ɪmtɪhɑ:n] اﻣﺘﺤــﺎن imtihan 68 [ɪnɑ:yɛt] [ɪnɑ:yɛt] تیﻋﻨـﺎ inayet 69 [kɜ:ʃɛ] [gɒshʌ] ﮔﻮﺷـــہ köşe 70 [lɑ:kɪn] [lɛkɪn] ﮐــﻦیل lakin 71 [lɑ:nɛt] [lɑ:nɛt] ﻟﻌﻨـــﺖ Lanet 72 [lɑ:zəm] [lɑ:zmɪ] ی ﻻزم Lazim 73 [lɛzi:z] [lɛzi:z] ذیﻟــﺬ leziz 74 [lʊtu:f] [lʊtf] ﻟﻄــﻒ Lutuf 75 macburi ɛ ʒ ɪ ɛ ʒ ɪ [ m d bu:r ] [m d bu:r] یﻣﺠﺒــﻮر 76 [mʌgrɪb] [mʌgrɪb] ﻣﻐﺮب magrip 77 [mʌhlu:k] [mʌkhlu:k] ﻣﺨﻠــﻮق mahluk 78 [mʌhmu:r] [mʌhmu:r] ﻣﺨﻤﻮر mahmur 79 [mʌhru:mɪyɛt] [mʌhru:mɪyɛt] ﻣﺤﺮ و تی mahrumiyet 80 [mʌhʃɛr] [mʌhʃɛr] ﻣﺤﺸﺮ mahşer 81 [mʌhsu:l] [mʌhsu:l] ﻣﺤﺼــﻮل mahsul 82 [mʌhsu:s] [mʌhsu:s] ﻣﺤﺴﻮس mahsus 83 [mʌhzɛn] [mʌhzʌn] ﻣﺤﺰن mahzen 84 [mʌkɑ:m] [mʌkɑ:m] ﻣﻘــﺎم makam 85 [mɑ:lu:m] [mɑ:lu:m] ﻣﻌﻠــﻮم malum 86 [mɑ:su:m] [mɑ:su:m] ﻣﻌﺼـــﻮم masum 87 [mɛdʒbu:r] [mɛdʒbu:r] ﻣﺠﺒــﻮر mecbur 88 [mɛdɛt] [mɛdɛd] ﻣﺪد medet 89 [mɛktʊp] [mɛktʊb] ﻣﮑﺘــــﻮب mektup 90 [mɪnnɛt] [mənnʌt] ﻣﻨــﺖ minnet 91 [mu:jɪzɛ] [mu:jzʌ] ﻣﻌﺠﺰﮦ mucize 92 [muʃkul] [muʃkɪl] ﻣﺸـــﮑﻞ müşkül 93 [nʌbəz] [nʌbz] ﻧﺒــــﺾ Nabiz 94 [nʌkɪl] [nʌkəl] ﻧﻘـــﻞ Nakil 95 [:nʌklɪyɛ] [nʌklɪyɑ] ﮦیﻧــﮏ nakliye 96 [nʌzɑ:r] [nʌzɑ:r] ﻧﻈــﺮ Nazar 97 [nɛfɪs] [nʌfs] ﻧﻔـــﺲ Nefis 98

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 203

[nɛhi:r] [nʌhr] ﻧﮩــﺮ Nehir 99 [nɛsɪl] [nʌsəl] ﻧﺴــﻞ Nesil 100 [nɛzɑ:kɛt] [nɛzɑ:kɛt] ﻧﺰاﮐـــﺖ nezaket 101 [nɛzlɛ] [nɛzlɛ] ﻧﺰﻟـــہ Nezle 102 [nɪkɑ:h] [nɪkɑ:h] ﻧﮑـــﺎح Nikah 103 [nɪsbɛt] [nɪsbɛt] ﻧﺴــــﺒﺖ nisbet 104 [nɪyɑ:z] [nɪyɑ:z] ازین Niyaz 105 [nɪyɛt] [nɪyɛt] تین Niyet 106 [nʊmu:ne] [ nʊmu:ne ] ﻧﻤﻮﻧــــہ numune 107 [pʌk] [pʌk] ﭘـــﺎک Pak 108 [pʌzɑ:r] [bʌzɑ:r] ﺑــﺎزار pazar 109 [peɪni:r] [pʌni:r] ریﭘــﻦ peynir 110 [rɑ:zə] [rɑ:zə] یراض razı 111 [rɛnk] [rɛng] رﻧــﮓ renk 112 [rɪsɑ:lɛ] [rɪsɑ:lʌ] رﺳـــﺎﻟہ Risale 113 [rʊh] [rʊh] روح Ruh 114 [sʌz] [sʌz] ﺳﺎز Saz 115 [sɛfɛr] [sɛfɛr] ﺳـــﻔﺮ sefer 116 [sɛr] [sɛr] ﺳﺮ Ser 117 [sɪnɛ] [sɪnɛ] ﻧــہیس Sine 118 [sɪrkɛ] [sɪrkɛ] ﺳـــﺮﮐہ Sirke 119 [sɜ:z] [sɜ:z] ﺳﻮز Söz 120 [sʊɑ:l] [sɒwɑ:l] ﺳـﻮال Sual 121 [sʊrɑ:hɪ] [sʊrɑ:hɪ] یﺻــﺮاح sürahi 122 [ʃʌhəs] [ʃʌhs] ﺳﺎس Şahıs 123 [ʃʌhsɪyɛt] [ʃʌkhsɪyɛt] تیﺷﺨﺺ şahsiyet 124 [ʃɛbnɛm] [ʃɛbnɛm] ﺷــــﺒﻨﻢ şebnem 125 [ʃɛhi:r] [ʃɛhr] ﺷـﮩﺮ Şehir 126 [ʃɛhit] [ʃɛhid] دیﺷـہ Şehit 127 [ʃɛhzɑ:dɛ] [ʃɛhzɑ:dʌ] ﺷــﮩﺰادﮦ şehzade 128 [ʃɛkɛr] [ʃʌkkʌr] ﺷـــﮑﺮ Şeker 129 [ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] [ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] تیﺷـــﮑﺎ şikayet 130 [ʃɪʃɛ] [ʃɪʃɛ] ﺷــہیش Şişe 131 [tɑ:kʌt] [tɑ:kʌt] ﻃﺎﻗــﺖ takat 132 [tʌkdɪr] [tʌkdɪr] ریﺗﻘــــﺪ takdir 133 [tʌmɑ:m] [tʌmɑ:m] ﺗﻤــﺎم tamam 134 [tʌrʌf] [tʌrʌf] ﻃﺮف taraf 135 [tɛmɛnnɪ] [tɛmʌnnʌ] ﺗﻤﻨــــﺎ temenni 136 [tɛsɛllɪ] [tɛsɛllɪ] یﺗﺴـــﻞ teselli 137 [ʊmi:t] [ʊmi:d] دیام ümit 138 [ʊstʌd] [ʊstʌd] اﺳـــﺘﺎد üstâd 139 [vʌʌt] [vɑ:dʌ] وﻋﺪﮦ vaat 140 [vʌki:t] [wʌkt] وﻗــﺖ Vakit 141 [vʌtʌn] [vʌtʌn] وﻃﻦ Vatan 142 [vɛfʌ] [wɛfʌ] وﻓــﺎ Vefa 143 [vɛkɪl] [wɛkɪl] لیوک vekil 144

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[yɑ:nɪ] [yɑ:nɪ] یﻋﻦی yani 145 [yɑ:r] [yɑ:r] اری Yar 146 [zɪyɑ:dɛ] [zɪyɑ:dɛ] ادﮦیز ziyade 147 [zʌmanɛ] [zʌmanʌ] زﻣﺎﻧــہ zamane 148 [zɛmɪn] [zʌmɪn] نیزم zemin 149 [zɒr] [zɒr] زور zor 150

2. Etymological Aspects: The origin of the termswill be a determining factor in revealing whether the terms are cognates or loanwords. For this purpose an etymological analysis18 has been performed. Theresults are as follows:

Table 4 Terms with Etymology in Arabic Language Etymology Etymology Turkish Urdu Turkish Phonetics Urdu Phonetics of Turkish of Urdu ɑ:dʒɪz] [ɑ:dʒɪz] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﺎﺟﺰ aciz 1 ɑ:dɪ] [ɑ:dɪ] Arabic Arabic] یﻋﺎد adi 2 ɑ:dɪl] [ɑ:dəl] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﺪل adil 3 ɑ:fɪyɛt] [ɑ:fɪyət] Arabic Arabic] تیﻋﺎف afiyet 4 ɑ:hɪr] [ɑ:khɪr] Arabic Arabic] آﺧﺮ ahir 5 ahvɑ:l] [ahvɑ:l] Arabic Arabic] اﺣﻮال ahval 6 ɑ:qɪbɛt] [ɑ:qɪbʌt] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﺎﻗﺒـــﺖ akibet 7 ɑ:lɛm] [ɑ:lɛm] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﺎﻟﻢ alem 8 ʌmɛl] [ʌmʌl] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﻤﻞ amel 9 ʌmɛlɛ] [ʌmlɑ:] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﻤﻠــہ amele 10 ɑ:rɪf] [ɑ:rɪf] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﺎرف arif 11 ʌrʃ] [arz] Arabic Arabic] ارض Arş 12 ʌzɑ:p] [ʌzʌb] Arabic Arabic] ﻋﺬاب azap 13 bɑ:ki:] [bɑ:ki:] Arabic Arabic] یﺑــﺎق baki 14 bɑ:zə] [bɑ:z] Arabic Arabic] ﺑﻌـــﺾ bazı 15 dʒɛllʌt] [dʒɛllʌd] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﻼد cellat 16 dʒɛmɑ:t] [dʒɛmɑ:t] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﻤﺎﻋﺖ cemaat 17 dʒɛmɪyɛt] [dʒʌmɪyʌt] Arabic Arabic] تیﺟﻤﻊ cemiyet 18

dʒɛnnɛt] [dʒʌnnʌt] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﻨﺖ Cennet 19 dʒɛrrʌh] [dʒɛrrʌh] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﺮاح cerrah 20 dʒʊmhu:r] [dʒʊmhu:r] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﻤﮩﻮر cumhur 21

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 205

dʒʊmlɛ] [dʒʊmlɛ] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﻤﻠـہ cümle 22 dɛlɑ:lɛt] [dɛlɑ:lɛt] Arabic Arabic] دﻻﻟـــﺖ delalet 23 dɛrɛdʒɛ] [dʌrɛdʒɑ:] Arabic Arabic] درﺟہ derece 24 dɛrs] [dɛrs] Arabic Arabic] درس ders 25 ɛhɛmnɪyɛt] [ɑ:hmɪyʌt] Arabic Arabic] تیاﮨﻢ ehemniyet 26 ɛmi: r] [ɛmi: r] Arabic Arabic] ریام emir 27 ɛmlʌk] [ɛmlʌk] Arabic Arabic] اﻣــﻼک emlak 28 ɛʃrɛf] [ɛʃrɛf] Arabic Arabic] اﺷﺮف eşref 29 ɛvvɛl] [ɛvvɛl] Arabic Arabic] اول evvel 30 ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] [ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] Arabic Arabic] تیاول evveliyat 31 fɑ:ni:] [fɑ:ni:] Arabic Arabic] یﻓــﺎن fani 32 fʌydʌ] [fʌydʌ] Arabic Arabic] ﻓﺎﻋــﺪﮦ Fayda 33 ﻓﻠﺴــــﻒ 34 felsefe [fɛlsɛfɛ] [fɛlsɛfɛ] Arabic Arabic ﮦ fɛnɑ:] [fɛnɑ:] Arabic Arabic] ﻓﻨـــﺎ fena 35 fɛrt] [fɛrd] Arabic Arabic] ﻓــﺮد fert 36 fɛsɑ:d] [fɛsɑ:d] Arabic Arabic] ﻓﺴـــﺎد fesad 37 fɪtnɛ] [fɪtnʌ] Arabic Arabic] ﻓﺘﻨـــــہ fitne 38 gʌflɛt] Ghaflat Arabic Arabic] ﻏﻔﻠـــﺖ gaflet 39 gɑ:ɪp] Gayb Arabic Arabic] ﻏﺎﺋــﺐ gaip 40 hʌbɛr] Khabar Arabic Arabic] ﺧــﺒﺮ haber 41 hʌli:fɛ] Khaliifaa Arabic Arabic] ﻓــہ یﺧﻞ halife 42 hʌyrɑ:t] [Kkhʌyrɑ:t] Arabic Arabic] راتیخ hayrat 43 əsrʌr] [əsrʌr] Arabic Arabic] اِﺻﺮار ısrar 44 i:jʌt] [i:jʌd] Arabic Arabic] ﺟﺎدیا icat 45 ɪhsʌn] [ɪhsɑ:n] Arabic Arabic] اِﺣﺴﺎن ihsan 46 ɪmdʌt] [ɪmdʌd] Arabic Arabic] اِﻣﺪاد imdat 47 ɪmkɑ:n] [ɪmkɑ:n] Arabic Arabic] اﻣﮑــﺎن imkan 48 ɪmtɪhɑ:n] [ɪmtɪhɑ:n] Arabic Arabic] اﻣﺘﺤــﺎن Imtihan 49 ɪnɑ:yɛt] [ɪnɑ:yɛt] Arabic Arabic] تیﻋﻨـﺎ inayet 50 lɑ:nɛt] [lɑ:nɛt] Arabic Arabic] ﻟﻌﻨـــﺖ Lanet 51 lɑ:zəm] [lɑ:zmɪ] Arabic Arabic] ی ﻻزم Lazim 52 lɛzi:z] [lɛzi:z] Arabic Arabic] ذیﻟــﺬ leziz 53

206 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

lʊtu:f] [lʊtf] Arabic Arabic] ﻟﻄــﻒ Lutuf 54 mɛdʒbu:rɪ] [mɛdʒbu:rɪ] Arabic Arabic] یﻣﺠﺒــﻮر Macburi 55 mʌgrɪb] [mʌgrɪb] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﻐﺮب Magrip 56 mʌhlu:k] [mʌkhlu:k] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺨﻠــﻮق Mahluk 57 mʌhmu:r] [mʌhmu:r] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺨﻤﻮر Mahmur 58

mʌhru:mɪyɛt] [mʌhru:mɪyɛt] Arabic Arabic] تیﻣﺤﺮ و م Mahrumiyet 59

mʌhʃɛr] [mʌhʃɛr] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺤﺸﺮ Mahşer 60 mʌhsu:l] [mʌhsu:l] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺤﺼــﻮل Mahsul 61

mʌhsu:s] [mʌhsu:s] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺤﺴﻮس Mahsus 62 mʌhzɛn] [mʌhzʌn] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺤﺰن Mahzen 63 mʌkɑ:m] [mʌkɑ:m] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﻘــﺎم Makam 64 mɑ:lu:m] [mɑ:lu:m] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﻌﻠــﻮم Malum 65 mɑ:su:m] [mɑ:su:m] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﻌﺼـــﻮم Masum 66 mɛdʒbu:r] [mɛdʒbu:r] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺠﺒــﻮر Mecbur 67 mɛdɛt] [mɛdɛd] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺪد Medet 68 mɛktʊp] [mɛktʊb] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﮑﺘــــﻮب Mektup 69 mu:jɪzɛ] [mu:jzʌ] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﻌﺠﺰﮦ Mucize 70 muʃkul] [muʃkɪl] Arabic Arabic] ﻣﺸـــﮑﻞ Müşkül 71 nʌbəz] [nʌbz] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﺒــــﺾ Nabiz 72 nʌkɪl] [nʌkəl] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﻘـــﻞ Nakil 73 nʌklɪyɛ] [nʌklɪyɑ:] Arabic Arabic] ﮦیﻧــﮏ Nakliye 74 nʌzɑ:r] [nʌzɑ:r] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﻈــﺮ Nazar 75 nɛfɪs] [nʌfs] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﻔـــﺲ Nefis 76 nɛhi:r] [nʌhr] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﮩــﺮ Nehir 77 nɛsɪl] [nʌsəl] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﺴــﻞ Nesil 78 nɛzlɛ] [nɛzlɛ] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﺰﻟـــہ Nezle 79 nɪkɑ:h] [nɪkɑ:h] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﮑـــﺎح Nikah 80 nɪsbɛt] [nɪsbɛt] Arabic Arabic] ﻧﺴــــﺒﺖ Nisbet 81 nɪyɛt] [nɪyɛt] Arabic Arabic] تین Niyet 82 rɑ:zə] [rɑ:zə] Arabic Arabic] یراض razı 83 rɪsɑ:lɛ] [rɪsɑ:lʌ] Arabic Arabic] رﺳـــﺎﻟہ Risale 84 rʊh] [rʊh] Arabic Arabic] روح Ruh 85

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 207

sɛfɛr] [sɛfɛr] Arabic Arabic] ﺳـــﻔﺮ sefer 86 sʊɑ:l] [sɒwɑ:l] Arabic Arabic] ﺳـﻮال Sual 87 sʊrɑ:hɪ] [sʊrɑ:hɪ] Arabic Arabic] یﺻــﺮاح Sürahi 88 ﺷﺨﺺ 89 Şahsiyet [ʃʌhsɪyɛt] [ʃʌkhsɪyɛt] Arabic Arabic تی ʃɛhit] [ʃɛhid] Arabic Arabic] دیﺷـہ Şehit 90 یﺷـــﮑﺎ 91 Şikayet [ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] [ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] Arabic Arabic ت tɑ:kʌt] [tɑ:kʌt] Arabic Arabic] ﻃﺎﻗــﺖ takat 92 tʌkdɪr] [tʌkdɪr] Arabic Arabic] ریﺗﻘــــﺪ takdir 93 tʌmɑ:m] [tʌmɑ:m] Arabic Arabic] ﺗﻤــﺎم tamam 94 tʌrʌf] [tʌrʌf] Arabic Arabic] ﻃﺮف taraf 95 tɛmɛnnɪ] [tɛmʌnnʌ] Arabic Arabic] ﺗﻤﻨــــﺎ temenni 96 tɛsɛllɪ] [tɛsɛllɪ] Arabic Arabic] یﺗﺴـــﻞ teselli 97 vʌʌt] [vɑ:dʌ] Arabic Arabic] وﻋﺪﮦ vaat 98 vʌki:t] [wʌkt] Arabic Arabic] وﻗــﺖ Vakit 99 vʌtʌn] [vʌtʌn] Arabic Arabic] وﻃﻦ Vatan 100 vɛfʌ] [wɛfʌ] Arabic Arabic] وﻓــﺎ Vefa 101 vɛkɪl] [wɛkɪl] Arabic Arabic] لیوک vekil 102 yɑ:nɪ] [yɑ:nɪ] Arabic Arabic] یﻋﻦی yani 103 zɪyɑ:dɛ] [zɪyɑ:dɛ] Arabic Arabic] ادﮦیز ziyade 104 zʌmanɛ] [zʌmanʌ] Arabic Arabic] زﻣﺎﻧــہ zamane 105

Table 5 Terms with Etymology in Persian Language Etymology Etymology of Urdu Turkish Urdu Turkish Phonetics Urdu Phonetics of Turkish words ɑ:fɪtʌp] [ɑ:ftʌb] Persian Persian] آﻓﺘﺎب afitap 1

ɑ:gɒh] [ɑ:gɑ:h] Persian Persian] آﮔﺎﮦ agah 2

ɑ:sʊmʌn] [ɑ:smɑ:n] Persian Persian] آﺳﻤﺎن asuman 3

bɪra:dɛr] [bɪra:dɛr] Persian Persian] ﺑـــﺮادر birader 4

bʊlbʊl] [bʊlbʊl] Persian Persian] ﺑُﻠﺒﻞ bülbül 5

tʃɛʃmɛ] [tʃʌʃmɛ] Persian Persian] ﭼﺸﻤہ çeşme 6

208 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

tʃʊnkʊ] [tʃu:nkɪ] Persian Persian] ﭼﻮﻧﮑـــہ çünkü 7

dɛstɑ:n] [dɛstɑ:n] Persian Persian] داﺳـــﺘﺎن destan 8

di: ɛr] [di:gɛr] Persian Persian] ﮔــﺮید diğer 9

fɛrmʌn] [fʌrmʌn] Persian Persian] ﻓﺮﻣــﺎن ferman 10

houʃ] [khʊʃ] Persian Persian] ﺧﻮش hoş 11

hʊrmʌ] [khʊrmʌ] Persian Persian] ﺧﺮﻣﺎ hurma 12

hʊdɑ:] [khʊdɑ:] Persian Persian] ﺧﺪا hüda 13

kɜ:ʃɛ] [gɒshʌ] Persian Persian] ﮔﻮﺷـــہ köşe 14

lɑ:kɪn] [lɛkɪn] Persian Persian] ﮐــﻦیل lakin 15

nɛzɑ:kɛt] [nɛzɑ:kɛt] Persian Persian] ﻧﺰاﮐـــﺖ nezaket 16

nɪyɑ:z] [nɪyɑ:z] Persian Persian] ازین niyaz 17

nʊmu:ne] [ nʊmu:ne] Persian Persian ] ﻧﻤﻮﻧــــہ numune 18

pʌk] [pʌk] Persian Persian] ﭘـــﺎک pak 19

pʌzɑ:r] [bʌzɑ:r] Persian Persian] ﺑــﺎزار pazar 20

peɪni:r] [pʌni:r] Persian Persian] ریﭘــﻦ peynir 21

rɛnk] [rɛng] Persian Persian] رﻧــﮓ renk 22

sʌz] [sʌz] Persian Persian] ﺳﺎز saz 23

sɛr] [sɛr] Persian Persian] ﺳﺮ ser 24

sɪnɛ] [sɪnɛ] Persian Persian] ﻧــہیس sine 25

sɪrkɛ] [sɪrkɛ] Persian Persian] ﺳـــﺮﮐہ sirke 26

sɜ:z] [sɜ:z] Persian Persian] ﺳﻮز söz 27

ʃɛbnɛm] [ʃɛbnɛm] Persian Persian] ﺷــــﺒﻨﻢ şebnem 28

ʃɛhi:r] [ʃɛhr] Persian Persian] ﺷـﮩﺮ şehir 29

ʃɛhzɑ:dɛ] [ʃɛhzɑ:dʌ] Persian Persian] ﺷـﮩﺰادﮦ şehzade 30

ʃɛkɛr] [ʃʌkkʌr] Persian Persian] ﺷـــﮑﺮ şeker 31 یش 32 şişe [ʃɪʃɛ] [ʃɪʃɛ] Persian Persian ﺷــہ ʊmi:t] [ʊmi:d] Persian Persian] دیام ümit 33

ʊstʌd] [ʊstʌd] Persian Persian] اﺳـــﺘﺎد üstâd 34

yɑ:r] [yɑ:r] Persian Persian] اری yar 35

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 209

zɛmɪn] [zʌmɪn] Persian Persian] نیزم zemin 36

zɒr] [zɒr] Persian Persian] زور zor 37

Table 6 Terms with Etymology in Turkish Language Turkish Urdu Turkish Urdu Etymology of Etymology Phonetics Phonetics Turkish terms of Urdu terms ʌlɛv] [ʌloʊ] Turkish Turkish] اﻻؤ alev 1 bɒhtʃʌ] [bʊktʃʌ] Turkish Turkish] ﺑﻘﭽــــہ bohça 2 hʌn] [khʌn] Turkish Turkish] ﺧﺎن han 3

Table 7 Terms with Etymology in Arabic Loaned From Persian Language Turkish Urdu Etymology of Etymology of Urdu Turkish Phonetics Phonetics Turkish Urdu words Persian- bɛlkɪ] [bɛlkɪ] Persian-Arabic] ﺑﻠﮑــــــہ belki 1 Arabic

Table 8 Terms with Differing Etymology Turkish Urdu Turkish Urdu Etymology of Etymology of Phonetics Phonetics Turkish terms Urdu terms ɛmɪr] [ʌmr] Arabic Sanskrit] اﻣﺮ emir 1 mɪnnɛt] [mənnʌt] Arabic Sanskrit] ﻣﻨــﺖ Minnet 2 ﺳﺎ Şahıs [ʃʌhəs] [ʃʌhs] Arabic Sanskrit س 3

Turkish Urdu Etymology Etymology of Urdu Turkish Urdu Phonetics Phonetics of Turkish words fɛrɛh] [fɛrʌkh] Arabic Persian] ﻓــﺮاخ ferah 1

3. Interlingual Synonymy Related Aspects 2.1 Semantic analysis: At this point the synonymy of the terms will be verified:

210 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

Table 9 Semantic Comparisons Common Turkish Urdu Turkish Phonetics Urdu Phonetics meaning helpless, [ɑ:dʒɪz] [ɑ:dʒɪz] ﻋﺎﺟﺰ aciz 1 powerless customary, [ɑ:dɪ] [ɑ:dɪ] یﻋﺎد adi 2 accustom just, fair, [ɑ:dɪl] [ɑ:dəl] ﻋﺪل adil 3 impartial ɑ:fɪyɛt] [ɑ:fɪyət] well being] تیﻋﺎف afiyet 4 ɑ:fɪtʌp] [ɑ:ftʌb] Sun] آﻓﺘﺎب afitap 5 aware, [ɑ:gɒh] [ɑ:gɑ:h] آﮔﺎﮦ agah 6 knowing last, coming at [ɑ:hɪr] [ɑ:khɪr] آﺧﺮ ahir 7 the end, final conditions, ,ahvɑ:l] [ahvɑ:l] circumstances] اﺣﻮال ahval 8 consequences ɑ:qɪbɛt] [ɑ:qɪbʌt] Aftermath] ﻋﺎﻗﺒــــﺖ akibet 9 world, [ɑ:lɛm] [ɑ:lɛm] ﻋﺎﻟﻢ alem 10 universe ʌlɛv] [ʌloʊ] blaze, flame] اﻻؤ alev 11 action, [ʌmɛl] [ʌmʌl] ﻋﻤﻞ amel 12 process ʌmɛlɛ] [ʌmlɑ:] staff, workman] ﻋﻤﻠــہ amele 13 ɑ:rɪf] [ɑ:rɪf] Mystic] ﻋﺎرف arif 14 ʌrʃ] [arz] Earth] ارض Arş 15 ɑ:sʊmʌn] [ɑ:smɑ:n] Sky] آﺳﻤﺎن asuman 16

torment, 17 azap [ʌzɑ:p] [ʌzʌb] anguish, torture ﻋﺬاب bɑ:ki:] [bɑ:ki:] Remaining] یﺑــﺎق baki 18 bɑ:zə] [bɑ:z] some, certain] ﺑﻌـــﺾ bazı 19 bɛlkɪ] [bɛlkɪ] rather, but] ﺑﻠﮑــــــہ belki 20 bɪra:dɛr] [bɪra:dɛr] Brother] ﺑـــﺮادر birader 21 bɒhtʃʌ] [bʊktʃʌ] pack, bundle] ﺑﻘﭽــــہ bohça 2 bʊlbʊl] [bʊlbʊl] Nightingale] ﺑُﻠﺒﻞ bülbül 23 dʒɛllʌt] [dʒɛllʌd] Executioner] ﺟﻼد cellat 24 group, class, [dʒɛmɑ:t] [dʒɛmɑ:t] ﺟﻤﺎﻋﺖ cemaat 25 society dʒɛmɪyɛt] [dʒʌmɪyʌt] Congregation] تیﺟﻤﻊ cemiyet 26

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 211

heaven, [dʒɛnnɛt] [dʒʌnnʌt] ﺟﻨﺖ cennet 27 paradise dʒɛrrʌh] [dʒɛrrʌh] Surgeon] ﺟﺮاح cerrah 28 demos, [dʒʊmhu:r] [dʒʊmhu:r] ﺟﻤﮩﻮر cumhur 29 populace sentence, [dʒʊmlɛ] [dʒʊmlɛ] ﺟﻤﻠـہ cümle 30 clause spring, [tʃɛʃmɛ] [tʃʌʃmɛ] ﭼﺸﻤہ çeşme 31 fountain tʃʊnkʊ] [tʃu:nkɪ] Because] ﭼﻮﻧﮑـــہ çünkü 32 mediate, [dɛlɑ:lɛt] [dɛlɑ:lɛt] دﻻﻟـــﺖ delalet 33 portend dɛrɛdʒɛ] [dʌrɛdʒɑ:] rank, degree] درﺟہ derece 34 dɛrs] [dɛrs] lesson, lecture] درس ders 35

dɛstɑ:n] [dɛstɑ:n] fable, legend] داﺳـــﺘﺎن destan 36 di: ɛr] [di:gɛr] Other] ﮔــﺮید diğer 37 ɛhɛmnɪyɛt] [ɑ:hmɪyʌt] importance] تیاﮨﻢ ehemniyet 38 ɛmɪr] [ʌmr] immortal] اﻣﺮ emir 39 ɛmi: r] [ɛmi: r] commander] ریام emir 40 property, [ɛmlʌk] [ɛmlʌk] اﻣــﻼک emlak 41 estate ɛʃrɛf] [ɛʃrɛf] pre-eminent] اﺷﺮف eşref 42 first, earliest in [ɛvvɛl] [ɛvvɛl] اول evvel 43 time and order priority, [ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] [ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] تیاول evveliyat 44 antecedence mortal, [:fɑ:ni:] [fɑ:ni] یﻓــﺎن fani 45 transitory fʌydʌ] [fʌydʌ] benefit, use] ﻓﺎﻋــﺪﮦ fayda 46

fɛlsɛfɛ] [fɛlsɛfɛ] philosophy] ﻓﻠﺴــــــﻔہ felsefe 47 fɛnɑ:] [fɛnɑ:] perish] ﻓﻨـــﺎ fena 48 spacious, [fɛrɛh] [fɛrʌkh] ﻓــﺮاخ ferah 49 richness edict, order, [fɛrmʌn] [fʌrmʌn] ﻓﺮﻣــﺎن ferman 50 command person, [fɛrt] [fɛrd] ﻓــﺮد fert 51 individual mischief, [fɛsɑ:d] [fɛsɑ:d] ﻓﺴـــﺎد fesad 52 instigate fɪtnɛ] [fɪtnʌ] sedition, strife] ﻓﺘﻨـــــہ fitne 53

54 gaflet [gʌflɛt] ghaflat heedlessness, inattentiveness ﻏﻔﻠـــﺖ disappear, gɑ:ɪp] gayb] ﻏﺎﺋــﺐ gaip 55 vanish

212 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

news, hʌbɛr] khabar] ﺧــﺒﺮ haber 56 information hʌli:fɛ] khaliifaa Caliph] ﻓــہ یﺧﻞ halife 57 title of rulers hʌn] [khʌn] and officers in] ﺧﺎن han 58 hʌyrɑ:t] [Kkhʌyrɑ:t] Charity] راتیخ hayrat 59 houʃ] [khʊʃ] please, delight] ﺧﻮش hoş 60 hʊrmʌ] [khʊrmʌ] Date] ﺧﺮﻣﺎ hurma 61 hʊdɑ:] [khʊdɑ:] Almighty, God] ﺧﺪا hüda 62 insistence, [əsrʌr] [əsrʌr] اِﺻﺮار ısrar 63 persistence invention, [i:jʌt] [i:jʌd] ﺟﺎدیا icat 64 innovation ɪhsʌn] [ɪhsɑ:n] Beneficence] اِﺣﺴﺎن ihsan 65 ɪmdʌt] [ɪmdʌd] help, aid] اِﻣﺪاد imdat 66 possibility, [ɪmkɑ:n] [ɪmkɑ:n] اﻣﮑــﺎن imkan 67 chance test, [ɪmtɪhɑ:n] [ɪmtɪhɑ:n] اﻣﺘﺤــﺎن imtihan 68 examination grace, [ɪnɑ:yɛt] [ɪnɑ:yɛt] تیﻋﻨــﺎ inayet 69 kindness kɜ:ʃɛ] [gɒshʌ] corner, angle] ﮔﻮﺷـــہ köşe 70 however, but, [lɑ:kɪn] [lɛkɪn] ﮐــﻦیل lakin 71 yet lɑ:nɛt] [lɑ:nɛt] Curse] ﻟﻌﻨـــﺖ Lanet 72 necessary, ,lɑ:zəm] [lɑ:zmɪ] compulsory] ی ﻻزم Lazim 73 essential lɛzi:z] [lɛzi:z] tasty, delicious] ذیﻟــﺬ leziz 74 lʊtu:f] [lʊtf] Enjoy] ﻟﻄــﻒ Lutuf 75 compulsory, [mɛdʒbu:rɪ] [mɛdʒbu:rɪ] یﻣﺠﺒــﻮر macburi 76 obligatory, mʌgrɪb] [mʌgrɪb] West] ﻣﻐﺮب magrip 77 mʌhlu:k] [mʌkhlu:k] Creature] ﻣﺨﻠــﻮق mahluk 78 sleepy, [mʌhmu:r] [mʌhmu:r] ﻣﺨﻤﻮر mahmur 79 drowsy

mʌhru:mɪyɛt] [mʌhru:mɪyɛt] Deprivation] تیﻣﺤﺮ و م mahrumiyet 80 the last ,mʌhʃɛr] [mʌhʃɛr] judgement] ﻣﺤﺸﺮ mahşer 81 huge crowd mʌhsu:l] [mʌhsu:l] result, product] ﻣﺤﺼــﻮل mahsul 82 especial, [mʌhsu:s] [mʌhsu:s] ﻣﺤﺴﻮس mahsus 83 reserved for,

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 213


mʌhzɛn] [mʌhzʌn] celler, granary] ﻣﺤﺰن mahzen 84 mʌkɑ:m] [mʌkɑ:m] position, rank] ﻣﻘــﺎم makam 85 mɑ:lu:m] [mɑ:lu:m] Know] ﻣﻌﻠــﻮم malum 86

mɑ:su:m] [mɑ:su:m] Innocent] ﻣﻌﺼـــﻮم masum 87 compelled, [mɛdʒbu:r] [mɛdʒbu:r] ﻣﺠﺒــﻮر mecbur 88 helpless, help— [mɛdɛt] [mɛdɛd] ﻣﺪد medet 89 assistance mɛktʊp] [mɛktʊb] Letter] ﻣﮑﺘــــﻮب mektup 90 a vow, a [mɪnnɛt] [mənnʌt] ﻣﻨــﺖ minnet 2 promise mu:jɪzɛ] [mu:jzʌ] Miracle] ﻣﻌﺠﺰﮦ mucize 92

muʃkul] [muʃkɪl] Difficult] ﻣﺸـــﮑﻞ müşkül 93 nʌbəz] [nʌbz] Pulse] ﻧﺒــــﺾ Nabiz 94 cheating, ,nʌkɪl] [nʌkəl] copying] ﻧﻘـــﻞ Nakil 95 transfer transport, nʌklɪyɛ] [nʌklɪyɑ:] means of] ﮦیﻧــﮏ nakliye 96 transport nʌzɑ:r] [nʌzɑ:r] look, glance] ﻧﻈــﺮ Nazar 97 self, essence, [nɛfɪs] [nʌfs] ﻧﻔـــﺲ Nefis 98 one desire nɛhi:r] [nʌhr] Canal] ﻧﮩــﺮ Nehir 99 nɛsɪl] [nʌsəl] Generation] ﻧﺴــﻞ Nesil 100 nɛzɑ:kɛt] [nɛzɑ:kɛt] Politeness] ﻧﺰاﮐـــﺖ nezaket 101 nɛzlɛ] [nɛzlɛ] Flu] ﻧﺰﻟـــہ Nezle 102 civil wedding, [nɪkɑ:h] [nɪkɑ:h] ﻧﮑـــﺎح Nikah 103 marriage nɪsbɛt] [nɪsbɛt] Proportion] ﻧﺴــــﺒﺖ Nisbet 104 supplication, [nɪyɑ:z] [nɪyɑ:z] ازین Niyaz 105 entreaty intention, [nɪyɛt] [nɪyɛt] تین Niyet 106 purpose, aim nʊmu:ne] [ nʊmu:ne] model, sample ] ﻧﻤﻮﻧــــہ numune 107 pʌk] [pʌk] Pure] ﭘـــﺎک pak 108 pʌzɑ:r] [bʌzɑ:r] Market] ﺑــﺎزار pazar 109 peɪni:r] [pʌni:r] Cheese] ریﭘــﻦ peynir 110 agree / [rɑ:zə] [rɑ:zə] یراض razı 111 accede

214 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

color, [rɛnk] [rɛng] رﻧــﮓ renk 112 complexion a squadron--a [rɪsɑ:lɛ] [rɪsɑ:lʌ] رﺳـــﺎﻟہ risale 113 magazine rʊh] [rʊh] Soul] روح ruh 114 a musical [sʌz] [sʌz] ﺳﺎز saz 115 instrument journey, [sɛfɛr] [sɛfɛr] ﺳـــﻔﺮ sefer 116 voyage head (body [sɛr] [sɛr] ﺳﺮ ser 117 part) sɪnɛ] [sɪnɛ] chest, breast] ﻧــہیس sine 118 sɪrkɛ] [sɪrkɛ] Vinegar] ﺳـــﺮﮐہ sirke 119 burning, heat, [sɜ:z] [sɜ:z] ﺳﻮز söz 120 passion sʊɑ:l] [sɒwɑ:l] Question] ﺳـﻮال sual 121 a goblet, long [sʊrɑ:hɪ] [sʊrɑ:hɪ] یﺻــﺮاح sürahi 122 neck flask ʃʌhəs] [ʃʌhs] mother-in-law] ﺳﺎس şahıs 123 ﺷﺨﺺ 124 şahsiyet [ʃʌhsɪyɛt] [ʃʌkhsɪyɛt] Personality تی ʃɛbnɛm] [ʃɛbnɛm] Dew] ﺷــــﺒﻨﻢ şebnem 125 ʃɛhi:r] [ʃɛhr] City] ﺷـﮩﺮ şehir 126 ʃɛhit] [ʃɛhid] martyr] دیﺷـہ şehit 127

ʃɛhzɑ:dɛ] [ʃɛhzɑ:dʌ] prince] ﺷــﮩﺰادﮦ şehzade 128

ʃɛkɛr] [ʃʌkkʌr] sweet] ﺷـــﮑﺮ şeker 129

ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] [ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] complain] تیﺷـــﮑﺎ şikayet 130

ʃɪʃɛ] [ʃɪʃɛ] Glass] ﺷہ یش Şişe 131 tɑ:kʌt] [tɑ:kʌt] strength] ﻃﺎﻗــﺖ takat 132

tʌkdɪr] [tʌkdɪr] destiny] ریﺗﻘــــﺪ takdir 133 ready; ;tʌmɑ:m] [tʌmɑ:m] complete] ﺗﻤــﺎم tamam 134 finished tʌrʌf] [tʌrʌf] side, direction] ﻃﺮف taraf 135 heartfelt wish, [tɛmɛnnɪ] [tɛmʌnnʌ] ﺗﻤﻨــــﺎ temenni 136 earnest desire consolation, ,tɛsɛllɪ] [tɛsɛllɪ] comfort] یﺗﺴـــﻞ teselli 137

solace hope, [ʊmi:t] [ʊmi:d] دیام ümit 138 expectation Teacher, [ʊstʌd] [ʊstʌd] اﺳـــﺘﺎد üstâd 139 master

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 215

vʌʌt] [vɑ:dʌ] promise] وﻋﺪﮦ vaat 140 vʌki:t] [wʌkt] Time] وﻗــﺖ vakit 141 vʌtʌn] [vʌtʌn] native country] وﻃﻦ vatan 142 sincerity, vɛfʌ] [wɛfʌ] fulfilling a] وﻓــﺎ Vefa 143 promise vɛkɪl] [wɛkɪl] lawyer] لیوک vekil 144 I mean, in [yɑ:nɪ] [yɑ:nɪ] یﻋﻦی yani 145 other words yɑ:r] [yɑ:r] Friend] اری Yar 146 zɪyɑ:dɛ] [zɪyɑ:dɛ] Much] ادﮦیز ziyade 147 zʌmanɛ] [zʌmanʌ] Today] زﻣﺎﻧــہ zamane 148 zɛmɪn] [zʌmɪn] land, floor] نیزم zemin 149 pressure, [zɒr] [zɒr] زور zor 150 force a. Phonetic Analysis. The phonetic analysis will be performed through the Levenshtein algorithm which indicates the difference between two strings. The following diagram illustrates the algorithm:

Table 10 Levenshtein Algorithm19

Table 11 Terms with 0 Levenshtein Distance Turkish Urdu Turkish Phonetics Urdu Phonetics Distance

ɑ:dʒɪz] [ɑ:dʒɪz] 0] ﻋﺎﺟﺰ aciz 1 ɑ:dɪ] [ɑ:dɪ] 0] یﻋﺎد adi 2 ahvɑ:l] [ahvɑ:l] 0] اﺣﻮال ahval 3 ɑ:lɛm] [ɑ:lɛm] 0] ﻋﺎﻟﻢ alem 4 ɑ:rɪf] [ɑ:rɪf] 0] ﻋﺎرف arif 5 bɑ:ki:] [bɑ:ki:] 0] یﺑــﺎق baki 6

216 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

bɛlkɪ] [bɛlkɪ] 0] ﺑﻠﮑــــــہ belki 7

bɪra:dɛr] [bɪra:dɛr] 0] ﺑـــﺮادر birader 8 bʊlbʊl] [bʊlbʊl] 0] ﺑُﻠﺒﻞ bülbül 9 dʒɛmɑ:t] [dʒɛmɑ:t] 0] ﺟﻤﺎﻋﺖ cemaat 10 dʒɛrrʌh] [dʒɛrrʌh] 0] ﺟﺮاح cerrah 11 dʒʊmhu:r] [dʒʊmhu:r] 0] ﺟﻤﮩﻮر cumhur 12 dʒʊmlɛ] [dʒʊmlɛ] 0] ﺟﻤﻠـہ cümle 13 dɛlɑ:lɛt] [dɛlɑ:lɛt] 0] دﻻﻟـــﺖ delalet 14 dɛrs] [dɛrs] 0] درس ders 15 dɛstɑ:n] [dɛstɑ:n] 0] داﺳـــﺘﺎن destan 16 ɛmi: r] [ɛmi: r] 0] ریام emir 17 ɛmlʌk] [ɛmlʌk] 0] اﻣــﻼک emlak 18 ɛʃrɛf] [ɛʃrɛf] 0] اﺷﺮف eşref 19 ɛvvɛl] [ɛvvɛl] 0] اول evvel 20 ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] [ɛvvɛlɪyɑ:t] 0] تیاول evveliyat 21 fɑ:ni:] [fɑ:ni:] 0] یﻓــﺎن fani 22 fʌydʌ] [fʌydʌ] 0] ﻓﺎﻋــﺪﮦ Fayda 23 fɛlsɛfɛ] [fɛlsɛfɛ] 0] ﻓﻠﺴــــــﻔہ felsefe 24 fɛnɑ:] [fɛnɑ:] 0] ﻓﻨـــﺎ fena 25 fɛsɑ:d] [fɛsɑ:d] 0] ﻓﺴـــﺎد fesad 26 gʌflɛt] ghaflat 0] ﻏﻔﻠـــﺖ gaflet 27 əsrʌr] [əsrʌr] 0] اِﺻﺮار ısrar 28 ɪmkɑ:n] [ɪmkɑ:n] 0] اﻣﮑــﺎن imkan 29 ɪmtɪhɑ:n] [ɪmtɪhɑ:n] 0] اﻣﺘﺤــﺎن imtihan 30 ɪnɑ:yɛt] [ɪnɑ:yɛt] 0] تیﻋﻨـﺎ inayet 31 lɑ:nɛt] [lɑ:nɛt] 0] ﻟﻌﻨـــﺖ lanet 32 lɛzi:z] [lɛzi:z] 0] ذیﻟــﺬ leziz 33 mɛdʒbu:rɪ] [mɛdʒbu:rɪ] 0] یﻣﺠﺒــﻮر macburi 34 mʌgrɪb] [mʌgrɪb] 0] ﻣﻐﺮب magrip 35 mʌhmu:r] [mʌhmu:r] 0] ﻣﺨﻤﻮر mahmur 36 mʌhru:mɪyɛt] [mʌhru:mɪyɛt] 0] تیم ﻣﺤﺮ و mahrumiyet 37 mʌhʃɛr] [mʌhʃɛr] 0] ﻣﺤﺸﺮ mahşer 38

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 217

mʌhsu:l] [mʌhsu:l] 0] ﻣﺤﺼــﻮل mahsul 39 mʌhsu:s] [mʌhsu:s] 0] ﻣﺤﺴﻮس mahsus 40 mʌkɑ:m] [mʌkɑ:m] 0] ﻣﻘــﺎم makam 41 mɑ:lu:m] [mɑ:lu:m] 0] ﻣﻌﻠــﻮم malum 42 mɑ:su:m] [mɑ:su:m] 0] ﻣﻌﺼـــﻮم masum 43 mɛdʒbu:r] [mɛdʒbu:r] 0] ﻣﺠﺒــﻮر mecbur 44 nʌzɑ:r] [nʌzɑ:r] 0] ﻧﻈــﺮ Nazar 45 nɛzɑ:kɛt] [nɛzɑ:kɛt] 0] ﻧﺰاﮐـــﺖ Nezaket 46 nɛzlɛ] [nɛzlɛ] 0] ﻧﺰﻟـــہ Nezle 47 nɪkɑ:h] [nɪkɑ:h] 0] ﻧﮑـــﺎح Nikah 48 nɪsbɛt] [nɪsbɛt] 0] ﻧﺴــــﺒﺖ Nisbet 49 nɪyɑ:z] [nɪyɑ:z] 0] ازین Niyaz 50 nɪyɛt] [nɪyɛt] 0] تین Niyet 51 nʊmu:ne] [ nʊmu:ne] 0 ] ﻧﻤﻮﻧــــہ Numune 52 pʌk] [pʌk] 0] ﭘـــﺎک Pak 53 rɑ:zə] [rɑ:zə] 0] یراض razı 54 rʊh] [rʊh] 0] روح Ruh 55 sʌz] [sʌz] 0] ﺳﺎز Saz 56 sɛfɛr] [sɛfɛr] 0] ﺳـــﻔﺮ sefer 57 sɛr] [sɛr] 0] ﺳﺮ Ser 58 sɪnɛ] [sɪnɛ] 0] ﻧــہیس Sine 59 sɪrkɛ] [sɪrkɛ] 0] ﺳـــﺮﮐہ Sirke 60 sɜ:z] [sɜ:z] 0] ﺳﻮز Söz 61 sʊrɑ:hɪ] [sʊrɑ:hɪ] 0] یﺻــﺮاح Sürahi 62 ʃɛbnɛm] [ʃɛbnɛm] 0] ﺷــــﺒﻨﻢ Şebnem 63 ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] [ʃɪkɑ:yɛt] 0] تیﺷـــﮑﺎ Şikayet 64 ʃɪʃɛ] [ʃɪʃɛ] 0] ﺷــہیش Şişe 65 tɑ:kʌt] [tɑ:kʌt] 0] ﻃﺎﻗــﺖ takat 66 tʌkdɪr] [tʌkdɪr] 0] ریﺗﻘــــﺪ takdir 67 tʌmɑ:m] [tʌmɑ:m] 0] ﺗﻤــﺎم tamam 68 tʌrʌf] [tʌrʌf] 0] ﻃﺮف taraf 69 tɛsɛllɪ] [tɛsɛllɪ] 0] یﺗﺴـــﻞ teselli 70

218 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

ʊstʌd] [ʊstʌd] 0] اﺳـــﺘﺎد üstâd 71 vʌtʌn] [vʌtʌn] 0] وﻃﻦ Vatan 72 yɑ:nɪ] [yɑ:nɪ] 0] یﻋﻦی yani 73 yɑ:r] [yɑ:r] 0] اری Yar 74 zɪyɑ:dɛ] [zɪyɑ:dɛ] 0] ادﮦیز ziyade 75 zɒr] [zɒr] 0] زور zor 76

Table 12 Terms with Levenshtein Distance 1 Turkish Urdu Urdu Distance Turkish Phonetics Phonetics ɑ:dɪl] [ɑ:dəl] 1] ﻋﺪل adil 1 ɑ:fɪyɛt] [ɑ:fɪyət] 1] تیﻋﺎف afiyet 2 ɑ:gɒh] [ɑ:gɑ:h] 1] آﮔﺎﮦ agah 3 ɑ:hɪr] [ɑ:khɪr] 1] آﺧﺮ ahir 4 ɑ:qɪbɛt] [ɑ:qɪbʌt] 1] ﻋﺎﻗﺒـــﺖ akibet 5 ʌmɛl] [ʌmʌl] 1] ﻋﻤﻞ amel 6 ʌrʃ] [arz] 1] ارض Arş 7 dʒɛllʌt] [dʒɛllʌd] 1] ﺟﻼد cellat 8 tʃɛʃmɛ] [tʃʌʃmɛ] 1] ﭼﺸﻤہ çeşme 9 di: ɛr] [di:gɛr] 1] ﮔــﺮید diğer 10 fɛrɛh] [fɛrʌkh] 1] ﻓــﺮاخ ferah 11 fɛrmʌn] [fʌrmʌn] 1] ﻓﺮﻣــﺎن ferman 12 fɛrt] [fɛrd] 1] ﻓــﺮد fert 13 fɪtnɛ] [fɪtnʌ] 1] ﻓﺘﻨـــــہ fitne 14 hʌbɛr] [khʌbɛr] 1] ﺧــﺒﺮ haber 15 hʌn] [khʌn] 1] ﺧﺎن han 16 hʌyrɑ:t] [Kkhʌyrɑ:t] 1] راتیخ hayrat 17 hʊrmʌ] [khʊrmʌ] 1] ﺧﺮﻣﺎ hurma 18 hʊdɑ:] [khʊdɑ:] 1] ﺧﺪا hüda 19 i:jʌt] [i:jʌd] 1] ﺟﺎدیا icat 20 ɪhsʌn] [ɪhsɑ:n] 1] اِﺣﺴﺎن ihsan 21 ɪmdʌt] [ɪmdʌd] 1] اِﻣﺪاد imdat 22

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 219

lɑ:kɪn] [lɛkɪn] 1] ﮐــﻦیل lakin 23 lʊtu:f] [lʊtf] 1] ﻟﻄــﻒ Lutuf 24 mʌhlu:k] [mʌkhlu:k] 1] ﻣﺨﻠــﻮق mahluk 25 mʌhzɛn] [mʌhzʌn] 1] ﻣﺤﺰن mahzen 26 mɛdɛt] [mɛdɛd] 1] ﻣﺪد medet 27 mɛktʊp] [mɛktʊb] 1] ﻣﮑﺘــــﻮب mektup 28 muʃkul] [muʃkɪl] 1] ﻣﺸـــﮑﻞ müşkül 29 nʌbəz] [nʌbz] 1] ﻧﺒــــﺾ Nabiz 30 nʌkɪl] [nʌkəl] 1] ﻧﻘـــﻞ Nakil 31 nʌklɪyɛ] [nʌklɪyɑ:] 1] ﮦیﻧــﮏ nakliye 32 pʌzɑ:r] [bʌzɑ:r] 1] ﺑــﺎزار pazar 33 peɪni:r] [pʌni:r] 1] ریﭘــﻦ peynir 34 rɛnk] [rɛng] 1] رﻧــﮓ renk 35 rɪsɑ:lɛ] [rɪsɑ:lʌ] 1] رﺳـــﺎﻟہ Risale 36 ʃʌhəs] [ʃʌhs] 1] ﺳﺎس Şahıs 37 ʃʌhsɪyɛt] [ʃʌkhsɪyɛt] 1] تیﺷﺨﺺ şahsiyet 38 ʃɛhi:r] [ʃɛhr] 1] ﺷـﮩﺮ Şehir 39 ʃɛhit] [ʃɛhid] 1] دیﺷـہ Şehit 40 ʃɛhzɑ:dɛ] [ʃɛhzɑ:dʌ] 1] ﺷــﮩﺰادﮦ şehzade 41 ʊmi:t] [ʊmi:d] 1] دیام ümit 42 vɛfʌ] [wɛfʌ] 1] وﻓــﺎ Vefa 43 vɛkɪl] [wɛkɪl] 1] لیوک vekil 44 zʌmanɛ] [zʌmanʌ] 1] زﻣﺎﻧــہ zamane 45 zɛmɪn] [zʌmɪn] 1] نیزم zemin 46

Table 13 Terms with distance 2 Turkish Urdu Turkish Urdu Distance Phonetics Phonetics

ʌlɛv] [ʌloʊ] 2] اﻻؤ alev 1 ʌmɛlɛ] [ʌmlɑ:] 2] ﻋﻤﻠــہ amele 2 ɑ:sʊmʌn] [ɑ:smɑ:n] 2] آﺳﻤﺎن asuman 3 ʌzɑ:p] [ʌzʌb] 2] ﻋﺬاب azap 4

220 Pakistan Vision Vol. 15 No.1

bɑ:zə] [bɑ:z] 2] ﺑﻌـــﺾ bazı 5 bɒhtʃʌ] [bʊktʃʌ] 2] ﺑﻘﭽــــہ bohça 6 dʒɛmɪyɛt] [dʒʌmɪyʌt] 2] تیﺟﻤﻊ cemiyet 7

dʒɛnnɛt] [dʒʌnnʌt] 2] ﺟﻨﺖ cennet 8 tʃʊnkʊ] [tʃu:nkɪ] 2] ﭼﻮﻧﮑـــہ çünkü 9 dɛrɛdʒɛ] [dʌrɛdʒɑ:] 2] درﺟہ derece 10 ɛmɪr] [ʌmr] 2] اﻣﺮ emir 11 gɑ:ɪp] Gayb 2] ﻏﺎﺋــﺐ gaip 12 hʌli:fɛ] Khaliifaa 2] ﻓــہ یﺧﻞ halife 13 houʃ] [khʊʃ] 2] ﺧﻮش hoş 14 lɑ:zəm] [lɑ:zmɪ] 2] ی ﻻزم Lazim 15 mɪnnɛt] [mənnʌt] 2] ﻣﻨــﺖ minnet 16 mu:jɪzɛ] [mu:jzʌ] 2] ﻣﻌﺠﺰﮦ mucize 17 nɛfɪs] [nʌfs] 2] ﻧﻔـــﺲ Nefis 18 nɛhi:r] [nʌhr] 2] ﻧﮩــﺮ Nehir 19 nɛsɪl] [nʌsəl] 2] ﻧﺴــﻞ Nesil 20 sʊɑ:l] [sɒwɑ:l] 2] ﺳـﻮال Sual 21 ʃɛkɛr] [ʃʌkkʌr] 2] ﺷـــﮑﺮ şeker 22 tɛmɛnnɪ] [tɛmʌnnʌ] 2] ﺗﻤﻨــــﺎ temenni 23 vʌki:t] [wʌkt] 2] وﻗــﺖ Vakit 24

Table 14 Terms with distance 3 Turkish Urdu Urdu Distance Turkish Phonetics Phonetics ɑ:fɪtʌp] [ɑ:ftʌb] 3] آﻓﺘﺎب afitap 1 kɜ:ʃɛ] [gɒshʌ] 3] ﮔﻮﺷـــہ köşe 2 vʌʌt] [vɑ:dʌ] 3] وﻋﺪﮦ vaat 3

Table 15 Terms with Distance 4 Turkish Urdu Turkish Phonetics Urdu Phonetics Distance ɛhɛmnɪyɛt] [ɑ:hmɪyʌt] 4] تیاﮨﻢ ehemniyet 1

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 221

4. Analysis of the Results 1. Etymologycal Aspects. The etymological analysis of the 150 terms yielded the following results:

Table 17 Complete Etymology

Sets With Etym. In Arabic 106 Sets With Etym. In Persian 37 Sets With Etym. Turkish 3 Sets With Diff. Etym. 4

Of the 150 sets of terms 106sets present etymology in Arabic language, 37 sets present etymology in Persian language, 3 sets present etymology in Turkish language and 1 set presents etymology in Arabic language and arrived in Turkish and Urdu through Persian language (as discussed earliar Persian language itself had received numerous loanwords from Arabic language) , 4 sets present differing etymologies.

2. Interlingual Synonymy Related Aspects. 2.1 Semantic analysis. Definitions were compared in order to find out if the sets are synonymic or not. The analysis returned synonymy in the 150 sets. 2.2 Phonetic analysis.The forms, in which Turkish and Urdu are written, without any doubt, are completely different. While Turkish utilizes Latin script, Urdu utilizes Arabic- Persian script, Nastaliq style. For this reason the pairs do not share any orthographic characteristics. The form was then analyzed through the phonetics of both languages. The string comparison was performed through the Levenshtein algorithm, in order to find out how different the sets are from each other.

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Table 18 Complete Levenshtein Distance or String Similarity Analysis Sets With L.D. 0 76 Sets With L.D. 1 46 Sets With L.D. 2 24 Sets With L.D. 3 3 Sets With L.D. 4 1

Conclusion Large percentages of vocabulary of Urdu and Turkish languages derive from Arabic and Persian. A sample of shared vocabulary was extracted in order to reveal whether the similar sets were loanwords or rather cognates. The etymological analysis revealed common etymology of Arabic in 106 of the sets, a common etymology in Persian in 37 of the sets. The terms in both languages were borrowed by Turkish and Urdu due tothe geopolitical situation of the time. Three of the analyzed sets came directly into Urdu from Turkish. 1 set with etymology in Arabic was taken by Turkish and Urdu through Persian language. Four sets present differing etymologies in both languages.

The study has identified the terms as loanwords or borrowings, due mainly to the fact that Turkish and Urdu do not belong to the same family of languages. This fact rules out the possibility of inheritance from an ancestor language from which Turkish and Urdu could have been derived. The second factor when considering the identification of language borrowings or loanwords is the language contact situation present in both countries in the past.

In terms of semantics, all the sets share common meanings. This implies that the terms did not adopt other meanings when they were borrowed and are in fact synonymic.

The string phonetic analysis revealed 76 sets with identical pronunciation in Turkish and Urdu, 46 sets present only one difference in the string analysis, that is, a minor phonetic

Common Vocabulary in Urdu and Turkish Language 223

difference. 24 sets present 2 differences in sound in the string analysis, 3 sets present 3 differences and 1 set 4 differences. This means 81% of the sets present no difference or a slight difference, indicating none or slight evolution in both languages after the term was borrowed.

The fact that the terms have survived in the recipient languages after so many years and planned linguistic attempts to rid the languages of these borrowings indicate that the terms have become an integral part of the recipient languages and are still utilized to this day. The identified terms will assist Turkish students of Urdu and Pakistani students of Turkish language with vocabulary acquisition.

Notes and References 1 Lewis, M. Paul (2009) Ethnologue: Languages of the World. Seventeenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. 2 Table created with information from: Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (eds.) 2013. The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (Available online at, Accessed on 2014-03-14 3 Lewis, Geoffrey (1999)The Turkish Language Reform. A Catastrophic Success. New York: Oxford University Press. 4 Lewis, Geoffrey (1999)The Turkish Language Reform. A Catastrophic Success. New York: Oxford University Press. 5 Lewis, M. Paul (2009)Ethnologue: Languages of the World. Seventeenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. 6 Cia World Facts the-worldfactbook/geos/pk.html 7 Dowson, J. (1908): A Grammar of the Urdu or Hindustani Language. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.

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8 Maldonado García, María Isabel (2013) Comparación del Léxico Básico del Español, el Inglés y el Urdu. Doctoral Thesis. Madrid: UNED. 9 Maldonado García, María Isabel (2013) Comparación del Léxico Básico del Español, el Inglés y el Urdu. Doctoral Thesis. Madrid: UNED. 10 Whitley, M.S. (2002)Spanish/English Contrasts: A Course In Spanish Linguistics. Second Edition. Washington, Dc. Georgetown University Press. 11 Holmes, J. & Ramos, R. (1993) False Friends and Reckless Guessers: Observing Cognate Recognition Strategies. T. Huckin, M. Haynes, & J. Coady. Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. 12 Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri (2009)Loanwords in the World's Languages: A Comparative Handbook. Berlin. Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. 13 Hock, Hans Henrich & Joseph Brian D. (1996)Language history, language change, and language relationship. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 14 Thomason, Sarah Grey(2001)Language Contact. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. 15 Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri (2009)Loanwords in the World's Languages: A Comparative Handbook. Berlin. Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. 16 Thurgood, Graham (1999)From ancient Cham to modern dialects: two thousand years of language contact and change.Honolulu: University of Hawai’s press. 17 Maldonado García, María I. (2013)Estudio Etimológico de Cuatro Pares de Cognados en Español y Urdu. Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística. Vol.8. Valladolid. 18 Etymology of Turkish terms Nişanyan, Sevan (1995)Türkçe Etimolojik S. Etymology of Urdu terms urdudictionary/Urdu Dictionary (2011)Urdu Encyclopedia. Islamabad, Ministry of Science and Technology.

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Etymology of Persian terms Nourai,Ali (2013)An Etymological Dictionary Of Persian , English and other Indo-European Languages. Exlibris Corporation. USA. 19 LEVENSHTEIN, V. I.(1966) Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals. Akademii Nauk. Moscow, Soviet Physics Doklady.