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1. Tarsila do Amaral Long-term loan from the Fundação José Distance, 1928 e Paulina Nemirovsky to the Pinacoteca Oil on canvas do Estado de São Paulo 65 × 74.5 cm 2. Staatliche Museen zu , Flat Torso, 1914 (cast, late 1950s) Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1965 from the Galerie 48 x 10,5 x 10,5 cm (base included) Grosshennig, Düsseldorf, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 3. Alexander Archipenko Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Woman Standing, 1921 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1977 from the 67,5 x 14,5 x 15 cm Handelsorganisation (HO) Cottbusser Börse, , for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 4. Hans Arp Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Constellation (Shellhead and Tie), Nationalgalerie 1928 Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch Wood, 25,1 x 33,9 x 6 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 5. Hans Arp Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Sitting, 1937 Nationalgalerie Limestone Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 29,5 x 44,5 x 18 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 6. Hans Arp Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Concrete Relief, 1916/1923 Nationalgalerie Wood Acquired in 1979 from the estate of 21,4 x 27,7 x 7 cm Hannah Höch, Berlin, by the Freunde der Nationalgalerie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 7. Hans Arp Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Concretes Relief, 1916/1917 Nationalgalerie Wood Acquired in 1979 from the estate of 41,2 x 60,6 x 12 cm Hannah Höch, Berlin, by the Freunde der Nationalgalerie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 8. Theo Balden Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head of a Beaten Jew, 1943 Nationalgalerie Lead and Bronze Acquired in 1976 from the artist for the 44 x 25 x 32 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 9. Willi Baumeister Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Woman, 1930 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1951 from the Galerie Gerd 120 x 58 cm Rosen, Berlin, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 10. Willi Baumeister Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Three Staggered Figures with Nationalgalerie Black, 1920 Acquired in 1968 for the Nationalgalerie, Oil and paper maché on canvas Berlin (East) 57,5 x 45 cm 11. Willi Baumeister Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Zwei Figuren mit Blau und Rosa. Nationalgalerie Mauerbild, 1920 Schenkung in 1951 an die Galerie des Oil, pencil and cement on card board 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) on canvas, 60,3 x 39,5 cm


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12. Willi Baumeister Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Figure with Stripes, 1920 Nationalgalerie Oil, plaster, paper maché and filler on Acquired in 1966 for the Nationalgalerie, canvas, 72,5 x 52,5 cm Berlin (East) 13. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Porträt, 1936 Nationalgalerie Plaster Acquired in 1993 from the Galerie Pels- 37,5 x 30 x 33 cm Leusden, Berlin, by the Freunde der Nationalgalerie 14. Max Beckmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Family Portrait of Heinrich George, Nationalgalerie 1935 Acquired in 1954 from Berta Drews- Oil on canvas George, Berlin, by the Land Berlin with 215 x 100 cm funds from the Deutsche Klassenlotterie for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 15. Max Beckmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Death, 1938 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1952 from the Galerie Curt 121 x 176,5 cm Valentin, New York, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 16. Max Beckmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, birth, 1937 Nationalgalerie oil on canvas Acquired in 1951 from the Galerie Curt 121 x 176,5 cm Valentin, New York, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 17. Max Beckmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Porträt at a Bar, 1942 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from Barbara and Erhard Göpel, 90 x 70 cm , 2018 18. Max Beckmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Porträt of Erhard Göpel, 1944 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from Barbara and Erhard Göpel, 178 x 84 cm Munich, 2018 19. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of , 1927 Nationalgalerie (cast 1920s) Gift from Wolfgang Werner, Bremen, to Bronze, 18,7 x 12 x 13 cm the Freunde der Nationalgalerie, 2005 20. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Organic Forms (Striding Man), Nationalgalerie 1921 Gift from the artist’s heirs to the Freunde Silver-plated bronze, 54 x 21 x 18 cm der Nationalgalerie, 2004 21. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Triad, 1919 (wood 1924) Nationalgalerie Birchwood Acquired in 1924 from the artist; 91 x 77 x 77 cm exhibited at the Kronprinzen-Palais until 1933; confiscated in 1937 as “degenerate” and brought to Munich; on consignment to Bernhard A. Böhmer, Güstrow in 1939 where it was seized in 1947 and returned to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1949 22. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nature Group, 1918 Nationalgalerie Painted plaster Acquired in 1952 by the Land Berlin for 75 x 28 x 20 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 2

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23. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head in Brass, 1925 Nationalgalerie Messing Acquired in 1928; exhibited in the 38,3 x 22,5 x 19 cm Kronprinzen-Palais until 1933; confiscated as “degenerate” in 1937 and brought to Munich; on consignment to Bernhard A. Böhmer, Güstrow in 1939, where it was seized in 1947 and returned to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1949 24. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 23, 1923 (cast 1966) Nationalgalerie Brass Acquired in 1973 for the Nationalgalerie, 41,5 x 21,5 x 24,5 cm Berlin (West)

25. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Fashion-Sclulpture, Modell D (Skirt Nationalgalerie Sculpture „Lillian“), ca. 1923 Acquired in 2016 by the Freunde der Nitrocellulose paint on papier mâché Nationalgalerie and wood, metal 139 x 35 x 25 cm (base included) 26. Rudolf Belling Loan from the Karl-Richter-Verein, Portrait of Richard Härtel, 1926 Berlin, since 2017 Silver-plated, 62 x 51 x 22 cm 27. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Eroticism, 1920 Nationalgalerie Gold leaf on wood Acquired in 1981 with funds from the 32,4 x 30,5 x 24 cm Stiftung Renée Sintenis for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 28. Rudolf Belling Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Mahagony head, 1921 Nationalgalerie Mahagony Acquired in 2004 by the Freunde der 52,5 x 21 x 21 cm Nationalgalerie 29. Hans Bellmer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Puppet, 1936 (cast 1965) Nationalgalerie Aluminium on a gold-patinated Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch bronze pedestal, 50 x 27 x 25 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 30. Hermann Blumenthal Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ursula Niemöller, 1935 (cast 1936) Nationalgalerie Bronze, 34 x 20 x 26,6 cm Acquired in 1936 from the artist 31. Sándor Bortnyik Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Still Life with Jug, 1923 Nationalgalerie Oil on cardboard Acquired in 1960 from the Galerie 35 x 44,5 cm Nierendorf, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 32. Constantin Brancusi Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bird in Space, 1926 (cast 1972) Nationalgalerie Bronze, marble, sandstone Acquired for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin 258 x 46,5 x 40 cm (West) in 1973 from the artist’s heir, Alexandre Istrati, , with support from the Dresdner Bank AG 33. Georges Braque Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Still Life with Glass and Nationalgalerie Newspaper, 1913 Acquired in 2000 from Heinz Berggruen Chalk, charcoal and oil on canvas with support from the Bundesregierung 98,7 x 72,5 cm and the Land Berlin 34. Victor Brauner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Manual Animal, 1943 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 54 x 65 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 3

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35. Erich Buchholz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Blood Song, 1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1959 from the artist with 148 x 148 cm funds from Theodor Heuss for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 36. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head of a Dying Soldier (Self- Nationalgalerie Porträt), 1937 Acquired in 1956 from the artist for the Bronze, 36,5 x 26 x 32 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 37. Salvador Dalí Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Mrs Isabel Styler-Tas Nationalgalerie (Melancolía), 1945 Acquired in 1958 by the Land Berlin with Oil on canvas funds from the Deutsche Klassenlotterie 65,5 x 86 cm for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 38. Giorgio De Chirico Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Great Metaphysician, c. 1945 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1965 by the Land Berlin for 110 x 80 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 39. Ernesto De Fiori Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Fugitive (The Desperate Man), Nationalgalerie 1934 Found in 1948 in Berlin’s Osthafen and Bronze given to the Nationalgalerie for 104 x 30 x 52 cm safekeeping; donated by the Magistrat von Groß-Berlin to the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (East) in 1951 40. Robert Delaunay Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Herwarth Walden, 1923 Nationalgalerie Distemper on canvas Acquired in 1964 by the Land Berlin with 100 x 81 cm funds from the Deutsche Klassenlotterie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 41. Robert Delaunay Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Eiffel Tower, 1928 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1982 from the Galerie 364 x 266,5 cm Gmurzynska, Cologne, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 42. Kate Diehn-Bitt Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait with an Orange, Nationalgalerie 1930/1931 Acquired in 1968 from the artist for the Oil on wood, 64,3 x 48,8 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 43. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Art Dealer Alfred Flechtheim, Nationalgalerie 1926 Acquired in 1961 from the artist by the Oil on wood Land Berlin with funds from the 120 x 80 cm Deutsche Klassenlotterie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 44. Otto Dix Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Moon Woman, 1919 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1982 with funds from the 120,5 x 100,5 cm Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 45. Otto Dix Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Family of the Painter Adalbert Nationalgalerie Trillhaase, 1923 Acquired in 1953 by the Land Berlin for Oil on canvas the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin 119 x 95 cm (West)


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46. Otto Dix Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Die Skat Players, 1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1995 by the Freunde der 110 x 87 cm Nationalgalerie and the Land Berlin for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 47. Otto Dix Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Flanders, 1934-1936 Nationalgalerie Oil and tempera on canvas Acquired in 1963 from the artist with 200 x 250 cm funds from the Deutsche Klassen- lotterie by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 48. Viking Eggeling Reconstruction: Markus Heltschl On Symphonie Diagonale, 1925 behalf of the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst Film, s/w, 7 Min. und Medien Karlsruhe Digitisation supported by the “Förderprogramm Filmerbe” (FFE), a film heritage funding programme 49. Heinrich Ehmsen Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, In the Asylum, 1925 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1969 from the widow of the 133 x 93 cm artist, Lis Bertram-Ehmsen, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 50. Heinrich Ehmsen Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Woman in Need I, 1932 Nationalgalerie Oil on cardboard Transfer in 1982 from the Kulturfonds 38 x 54,5 cm der DDR to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 51. Heinrich Ehmsen Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Execution of Hostages (Revolution Nationalgalerie I), 1924 Transferred in 1984 by the Kulturfonds Oil on canvas der DDR to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin 135 x 105,5 cm (East) 52. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Capricorne, 1948/1964 Nationalgalerie Tinted plaster Acquired in 1973 from the artist for the 247 x 210 x 155 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 53. Max Ernst Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Evil Elect, 1928 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1967 by the Land Berlin for 197,5 x 301 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 54. Max Ernst Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Young Man with Fluttering Heart, Nationalgalerie 1944 (cast 1953) Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch Bronze Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 ca. 65 x 34 x 22 cm 55. Max Ernst Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Young Man, Intrigued by the Nationalgalerie Flight of a Non-Euclidean Fly, Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 1942/1947 Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 Oil and enamel paint on canvas 82 x 66 cm 56. Lyonel Feininger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Teltow II, 1918 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1921 from the artist in 101 x 126 cm exchange for Vollersroda III; confiscated as “degenerate” in 1937; seized after 1945 on the premises of the art dealer Bernhard A. Böhmer and 5

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given to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1949 57. Lyonel Feininger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Eichelborn, 1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1964 from the Paul Drey 80 x 103 cm Gallery, New York for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 58. Lyonel Feininger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Chirch of Niedergrunstedt, 1919 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1949 from the Galerie 101 x 125 cm Franz, Berlin, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 59. Conrad Felixmüller Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Speaker No. I Otto Rühle, Nationalgalerie (fragment) Gift from the heirs of Conrad Felixmüller, 1920 2019 Oil on canvas, 54 x 40 cm 60. Conrad Felixmüller Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Speaker Nr. 1 Otto Rühle, 1920 Nationalgalerie (Replica by the artist from 1946) Gift from the artist’s son, Titus Oil on canvas Felixmüller to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin 125 x 93 cm (East), 1977 61. Paul Fuhrmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, At the Train Station, 1930 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1966 from the estate of the 111 x 86 cm artist for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 62. Gerhard Geyer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head Gerda, 1936 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1966 from the artist, Halle 28 x 16 x 22 cm (Saale), for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 63. Alberto Giacometti Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Striding Woman, 1932 Nationalgalerie Bronze Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 149 x 24 x 38,2 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010

64. Natalja Gontscharowa Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Clock, 1910 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1961 from the Galerie 105 x 79 cm Beyeler, Basel, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 65. Julio González Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Mask of Montserrat Screaming, Nationalgalerie 1936/1937 Acquired in 1959 from the Galerie Bronze Czwiklitzer, Cologne, by the Land Berlin 23 x 15 x 12,5 cm for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 66. Walter Gramatté Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Rosa Schapire, 1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 74,7 x 67,5 cm from the estate of Sonia Eckhardt- Gramatté and Dr Ferdinand Eckhardt, Canada, 1966


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67. Juan Gris Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Still Life, 1915 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1968 from the Galerie 116 x 90 cm Grosshennig, Düsseldorf, by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst with funds from the Deutsche Klassenlotterie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 68. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Pillars of Society, 1926 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1958 from the Galerie Meta 200 x 108 cm Nierendorf, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 69. George Grosz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Grey Day, 1921 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1954 from the artist by the 115 x 80 cm Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West 70. George Grosz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nocturne (Berlin-Südende), 1915 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1964 by the Land Berlin for 74,5 x 36,2 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 71. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of my Wife, 1929 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1965 from the estate of the 120 x 100 cm artist with funds from the Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 72. Kurt Günther Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of a Boy, 1928 Nationalgalerie Tempera on wood Acquired in 1967 from the artist's widow, 48 x 37 cm Maria Günther, , for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 73. Kurt Günther Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Radionist, 1927 Nationalgalerie Tempera on wood Acquired in 1967 from the artist's widow, 55 x 49 cm Maria Günther, Gera, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 74. Ruthild Hahne Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Hans Bertram, 1939 Nationalgalerie (cast 1979-80) Acquired in 1979 from the artist for the Bronze, 49 × 23 × 34 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 75. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Two Sisters, 1910 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1949 by the Land Berlin for 69,5 x 79,5 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 76. Jacoba Heemskerck van Beest Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Picture 56 (Dutch Mill), 1916 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1960 from the Galerie 56 x 60 cm Nierendorf, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 77. Bernhard Heiliger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head Gardener, 1943 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1964 from the Linde family 29.5 × 19 × 27 cm by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West)


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78. Auguste Herbin Loan from the Indivision Lahumière, Porträt Erich Mühsam, 1907 Paris, since 202 Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm 79. Oswald Herzog Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Consecration, 1920 Nationalgalerie wood Acquired in 1961 for the Nationalgalerie, 48,5 x 49,5 x 15,5 cm Berlin (West) 80. Hannah Höch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Staircase, 1923-1926 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 77 x 106 cm from the estate of the artist by the heirs of Hannah Höch, 1978 81. Hannah Höch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada Nationalgalerie through the Last Beer- Acquired in 1961 from the Galerie Meta Belly Cultural Epoch in , Nierendorf, Berlin, with funds from the 1919 Badische Anilin- und Sodafabriken Paper on cardboard, collage (BASF), Ludwigshafen, for the 114 x 90 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 82. Ferdinand Hodler Loan from the Gottfried Keller-Stiftung Young Man Admired by Woman II, and the Kunsthaus Zürich to the c. 1904 Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) since Oil on canvas, 206 x 244 cm 1983 83. Ferdinand Hodler Loan from the Ernst von Siemens Dents-du-Midi, 1912 Kunststiftung since 1991 Oil on canvas, 76,5 x 70,5 cm 84. Karl Hofer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Black Rooms (Version II), 1943 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1953 from the artist by the 149 x 110 cm Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 85. Richard Horn Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Departure, 1919 (cast 1982) Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1982 from the artist for the 97 x 39 x 40 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 86. Igor von Jakimow Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bust of the Art Historian Ludwig Nationalgalerie Thormaehlen, 1919 Gift to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) Stained plaster from Louise Jakimov, the artist’s widow, 45 × 23 × 30 cm Fribourg, Switzerland, 1967 87. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head of a Woman, 1912 Nationalgalerie Oil on cardboard Acquired in 1959 by the Land Berlin for 61 x 51 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 88. Loan from a private collection since Sketch (Rider), 1909 1994 Oil on canvas, 67 x 100 cm 89. Wassily Kandinsky Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Hornform, 1924 Nationalgalerie Oil on carboard Acquired in 1953 by the Land Berlin for 57,5 x 49,5 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 90. Alexander Kanoldt Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stillleben I, 1926 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1928 from the Ministerium 78,5 x 64 cm für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung and transferred to the Nationalgalerie 8

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91. Edmund Kesting Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Red Sickle, 1927 Nationalgalerie Oil on paper on wood Acquired in 1972 from the widow of the 38 x 38 cm artist, Gerda Kesting, Rostock, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 92. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Standing Woman, 1912 Nationalgalerie Alder Gift from Sabine Lepsius from the estate 98 x 23 x 18 cm of her brother Botho Graef, Jena, 1931 93. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Studio Corner, 1919/1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1923 in exchange; 126 x 121 cm confiscated in 1937 as “degenerate”; given to the art dealer Ferdinand Möller in exchange; retained in 1948 while on loan in Halle (Saale); returned to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1953; restituted to the heirs of Ferdinand Möller in 1995; reacquired in 1997 94. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Still Life with Chinese Porcelain, Nationalgalerie 1920–1938 Since 1960 permanent loan to the Oil on canvas Gallery of the 20th Century 95. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bathers at the Beach (Fehmarn), Nationalgalerie 1913 Acquired in 1955 by the Land Berlin for Oil on canvas the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin 76 x 100 cm (West) 96. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Erna Schilling, 1913 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1989 by the Freunde der 71,5 x 60,5 cm Nationalgalerie and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland from the estate of Karlheinz Gabler, Frankfurt am Main, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 97. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, 1914 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1999 with support from the 200 x 150 cm Bundesrepublik Deutschland, the Kulturstiftung der Länder, the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung, the Kultur- Stiftung der Deutschen Bank and others 98. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, , 1926 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 2014 by the Freunde der 80 x 70 cm National- galerie with funds from the Manuela Müller bequest 99. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Belle-Alliance-Platz in Berlin, 1914 Nationalgalerie Tempera on canvas Acquired in 1955 from the Galerie 96 x 85 cm Grosshennig, Düsseldorf, by the Land Berlin with funds from the Deutsche Klassenlotterie for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 100. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bridge over the Rhine in Cologne, Nationalgalerie 1914 Acquired in 1920 from the artist Oil on canvas, 120,5 x 91 cm


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101. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait with a Girl, 1914/1915 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1949 from the Galerie Gerd 60 x 49 cm Rosen, Berlin, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 102. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Palace in Passing, 1928 Nationalgalerie Oil on nettle on cardboard Acquired in 2000 from Heinz Berggruen 30,4 x 45,2 cm with funds from the Bundesregierung and the Land Berlin 103. Paul Klee Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Architecture, 1923 Nationalgalerie Oil on hardboard Acquired in 1968 from the Galerie 58 x 39 cm Renée Ziegler, Zürich/Zollikon, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 104. Paul Klee Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ships Departing, 1927 Nationalgalerie Oil and ink on canvas Acquired in 1967 from the Galerie 50,2 x 64,4 cm Michael Hertz, Bremen, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 105. Fritz Klimsch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Theodor Wiegand, 1933/1934 Nationalgalerie Bronze Gift from friends of Privy Councillor 31,5 x 18,5 x 25,5 cm Theodor Wiegand, 1936 106. Hilma af Klint By courtesy of The Hilma af Klint No. 2, Series VIII, 1920 Foundation Oil on canvas 50 x 30 cm 107. Hilma af Klint By courtesy of The Hilma af Klint No. 4, Series VIII, 1920 Foundation Oil on canvas 50 x 30 cm 108. Hilma af Klint By courtesy of The Hilma af Klint Utgångsbild, 1920 Foundation Oil on canvas 50 x 30 cm 109. Hilma af Klint By courtesy of The Hilma af Klint No. 1, Series VIII, 1920 Foundation Oil on canvas 50 x 30 cm 110. Hilma af Klint By courtesy of The Hilma af Klint No. 3, Series VIII, 1920 Foundation Oil on canvas 50 x 30 cm 111. Hilma af Klint By courtesy of The Hilma af Klint No. 5, Series VIII, 1920 Foundation Oil on canvas 50 x 30 cm 112. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Austrian Architect Adolf Loos, Nationalgalerie 1909 Acquired in 1925 from the Galerie Ernst Oil on canvas, 74 x 91 cm Arnold,


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113. Oskar Kokoschka Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Bessie Bruce, 1910 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1926 from the Galerie Paul 72 x 91 cm Cassirer, Berlin; considered a war loss after removal from storage c. 1946; reacquired for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) in 1971 from a private collection, New York 114. Georg Kolbe Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Bather, c. 1910 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1957 for the Nationalgalerie, 145 x 43 x 37 cm Berlin (West) 115. Georg Kolbe Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Golden Island, 1898 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas, 106,5 x 120,3 cm Acquired in 1935 116. Georg Kolbe Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Dancer, 1911/1912 (cast 1912) Nationalgalerie Bronze, 54 x 127 x 88 cm Acquired in 1912 from the artist 117. Georg Kolbe Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Lamentation, 1921 (cast 1921) Nationalgalerie Bronze, 40 x 56 x 28 cm Aqquired in 1921 from the artist

118. Fritz Kölle Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head of Miner, 1936 Nationalgalerie Bronze Found in 1948 in Berlin’s Osthafen; 42 x 23 x 27 cm donated by the Magistrat von Groß- Berlin to the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (East) in 1951 119. Käthe Kollwitz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Tower of Mothers, 1937/1938 (cast Nationalgalerie after 1958) Acquired in 1984 from a private Bronze collection, Berlin, with funds from the 27 x 27,5 x 28 cm Kulturfonds der DDR, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 120. Käthe Kollwitz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait, 1926-36 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1960 from the Galerie Alex 37 x 23 x 28 cm Vömel, Düsseldorf, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 121. Karl Kunz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany Awaken! 1942 Nationalgalerie Oil on plywood Gift from the son of the artist, Wolfgang 120 x 142 cm Kunz, Berlin, 2015 122. Wilhelm Lachnit Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Der traurige Frühling, 1933 Nationalgalerie Öl auf Holz Erworben 1969 vom Bruder des 35 x 29 cm Künstlers, Max Lachnit, Dresden, für die

Nationalgalerie, Berlin (Ost) 123. Wilhelm Lachnit Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Arbeiter mit Maschine, 1924-1928 Nationalgalerie Öl auf Holz Erworben 1964 von Max Lachnit, dem 50 x 52 cm Bruder des Künstlers, Dresden, für die Nationalgalerie, Berlin (Ost)


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124. Wilhelm Lachnit Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bouquet of Flowers in Front of Nationalgalerie Curtain and Landscape, c. 1933 Acquired in 1973 from the sister-in-law Oil on canvas on wood of the artist, Helene Lachnit, born 75 x 54,5 cm Tischer, Dresden via Kunsthandlung Kühl, Dresden, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 125. Will Lammert Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait oft the Dancer Ruth Tobi, Nationalgalerie 1919 (cast 1988) Acquired in 1989 from the estate of the Bronze artist by Staatlicher Kunsthandel der 57 x 39 x 28 cm DDR, Galerie Schönhof, Görlitz, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 126. Lotte Laserstein Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Evening Over , 1930 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 2010 from a private 110 x 205 cm collection, Great Britain, with support from the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin, the Kulturstiftung der Länder, the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung and others 127. Henri Laurens Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Recumbent Woman, 1921 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1952 from the Galerie 11,3 x 30,8 x 9,2 cm Springer, Berlin, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 128. Henri Laurens Loan from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch The Banderole, 1931 Collection Bronze, 36,5 x 33 x 26 cm

129. Henri Laurens Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Crouching Woman, 1922 Nationalgalerie Limestone Acquired in 1966 from the Galerie 53 x 33 x 29,5 cm Michael Hertz, Bremen, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 130. Fernand Léger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Two Sisters, 1935 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1979 for the Nationalgalerie, 162 x 114 cm Berlin (West) 131. Fernand Léger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Composition, 1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on cardboard Acquired in 1958 from the 38,5 x 31,5 cm Kunsthandlung Walter Feilchenfeldt, Zurich, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 132. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Fallen Man, 1915/1916 (cast Nationalgalerie posthumously) Acquired in 1979 from the artist's son, Bronze Guido Lehmbruck, Leinfelden- 77 x 239 x 83 cm Oberaichen, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 133. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Torso of Kneeling Woman, 1911- Nationalgalerie 1913 Acquired in 1919–20 from the estate of Plaster on cement, 156 x 71 x 23 cm the artist


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134. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head of a Thinker (with Hand), Nationalgalerie 1918 Acquired in 1985 via Staatlicher Cast stone Kunsthandel der DDR for the 64 x 59 x 32 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 135. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Storming One (Struck), Nationalgalerie 1914/1915 Acquired in 1961 from Edgar Wedepohl, Cement Berlin, with funds from the Stiftung der 45 x 14 x 12 cm Victoria-Versicherungs-AG, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 136. Tamara de Lempicka Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait (Face and Profile), ca. Nationalgalerie 1931 Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch Oil on wood, 45 x 37 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 137. Alice Lex-Nerlinger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Field-Grey Yields Dividends, 1931 Nationalgalerie (Replica by the artist from 1961) Acquired in 1967 from the artist with Casein tempera on canvas funds from the Kulturfonds der DDR for 70 x 101 cm the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 138. Jacques Lipchitz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Sitting Man with Guitar, 1922 Nationalgalerie Bronze Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 38 x 26 x 28 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 139. Lou Loeber Loan from a private collection Seintoestellen Fabriek II, 1928 Oil on cardbboard, 78,5 x 61,5 cm 140. René Magritte Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Der Equator, 1942 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 59,5 x 73 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 141. Loan from a private collection since Three Horses II (Smaller Version), 1994 1913 Oil on canvas, 59 x 80,5 cm 142. Gerhard Marcks Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait Leo von König, 1942 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1959 from the Galerie 26.3 × 18.5 × 22 cm Stangl, Munich, with funds from Theodor Heuss for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 143. Gerhard Marcks Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Swimmer II, 1938 (cast 1940) Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1964 from the Felix Weise 169 x 41 x 47 cm Collection, Halle (Saale), for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 144. André Masson Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Desert Monument, 1941 (cast Nationalgalerie 1986/1987) Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch Bronze Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 146,4 x 91,4 x 121,2 cm 145. André Masson Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Massacre, 1931 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 120 x 160 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010


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146. Ewald Mataré Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Male Head, c. 1926 Nationalgalerie Birch wood Acquired in 1984 from the Galerie Hella 21 x 12,8 x 15 cm Nebelung, Düsseldorf, with funds from the estate Renée Sintenis for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 147. Roberto Matta Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Locus Solus, 1941-1942 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 74,5 x 95,5 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 148. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Revolution (Fighting on the Nationalgalerie Barricades) Acquired in 1961 from the Galerie Verso: Apocalyptische Landscape, Grosshennig, Düsseldorf, for the 1912/1913 Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) Oil on canvas, 80 x 116 cm 149. Moritz Melzer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Blessing, 1917/1922 Nationalgalerie Oil on wood Gift to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 136 x 103 cm from Kurt Reutti, Berlin, from the estate of the artist, 1966 150. Carlo Mense Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Double-Portrait (Rabbi S. and Nationalgalerie Daughter), c. 1925-1926 Acquired by Ismar Littmann, Breslau Oil on canvas (now Wrocław); transfer of ownership to 90 x 100,5 cm the Dresdner Bank in Breslau after 1929; purchased from the Dresdner Bank’s art holdings by the Prussian state and transferred to the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin in 1935; previous owner Schwedenberg 151. Joan Miró Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Painting, 1925 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 130 x 97 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 152. Paula Modersohn-Becker Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kneeling Mother with Child at Her Nationalgalerie Breast, 1906 Acquired in 1985 from Dr Ludwig Oil and tempera on canvas Roselius, , with special funds 113 x 74 cm from the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 153. László Moholy-Nagy Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Z VIII, 1924 Nationalgalerie Distemper on canvas Acquired in 1959 for the 114 x 132 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 154. Marg Moll Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Dancing Couple, c. 1928 Nationalgalerie Brass, 33.5 × 14.5 × 16 cm Acquired in 2016

155. Otto Möller Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, City, 1921 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1961 from the artist for the 91,3 x 81,5 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 156. Johannes Molzahn Loan from the Johannes-Molzahn- The Small World Theater I, 1935 Centrum®, Kassel Oil on canvas, 113 x 142 cm 157. Johannes Molzahn Loan from the Johannes-Molzahn- Heroic Perspective, 1935 Centrum®, Kassel Oil on canvas, 130 x 96 cm 14

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158. Georg Muche Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Picture with the Grid Motif in the Nationalgalerie Middle, 1919 Gift from the Heinrich Evert Collection, Oil on canvas Berlin, for the Galerie des 20. 138,5 x 95 cm Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West), 1966 159. Georg Muche Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Triad, 1919/1920 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1965 from the estate Dr Fritz 75 × 53 cm Salo Glaser, Dresden, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 160. Georg Muche Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Summer, 1916 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1951 from Werner 44 x 63 cm Kampmann, Berlin, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 161. Georg Muche Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Painting XVIII. Dedicated to Nell Nationalgalerie Walden, 1915 Gift from the artist to the Nationalgalerie, Oil on canvas Berlin (East), 1973 69 x 100 cm 162. Georg Muche Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Small Picture with the Grid Nationalgalerie Motif, 1917 Gift from the artist to the Nationalgalerie, Oil on canvas on cardboard Berlin (East), 1973 61 x 68,5 cm 163. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Summer Day, c. 1922 Nationalgalerie Distemper on canvas Acquired in 1922 in exchange at the 80 x 98 cm Galerie Goldschmidt & Wallerstein, Berlin; confiscated in 1937 as “degenerate” and sold; reacquired in 1958 for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 164. Otto Mueller Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bathers in the Thicket of Reeds, c. Nationalgalerie 1924 Acquired in 1955 by the Land Berlin for Distemper on burlap the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin 92 x 79 cm (West) 165. Otto Mueller Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Young Girl in Front of Male Heads, Nationalgalerie 1928 Acquired in 1959 from the Galerie Distemper on burlap Ketterer, Stuttgart, for the 130 x 75cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 166. Otto Mueller Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Two Girls, c. 1927 Nationalgalerie Distemper on burlap Acquired in 1953 by the Land Berlin for 175 x 111 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 167. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Couple on the Beach Nationalgalerie 1906/1907 Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, Tempera on canvas Basel, by the State of Berlin for the 90 x 155 cm Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin



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168. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Aasgaard Beach, 1906/1907 Nationalgalerie Tempera on canvas Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, 91 x 157,5 cm Basel, by the State of Berlin for the Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin

(West) 169. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Young Women Picking Fruit, Nationalgalerie 1906/1907 Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, Tempera on canvas Basel, by the State of Berlin for the 89,5 x 70 cm Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin (West) 170. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Desire, 1906/1907 Nationalgalerie Tempera on canvas Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler,

91 x 252 cm Basel, by the State of Berlin for the Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin (West) 171. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Summer Night, 1906/1907 Nationalgalerie Tempera on canvas Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, 91 x 252 cm Basel, by the State of Berlin for the Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin (West) 172. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Two Young Women, 1906/1907 Nationalgalerie Tempera on canvas Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, 90 x70 cm Basel, by the State of Berlin for the Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin (West) 173. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Two Young Women with Nationalgalerie Sunflower, 1906/1907 Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, Tempera on canvas Basel, by the State of Berlin for the 89,5 x70 cm Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin (West) 174. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Melancholy, 1906/1907 Nationalgalerie Tempera on canvas, 87 x 156 cm

175. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Trees by the Sea, Nationalgalerie 1906/1907 Acquired in 1966 by Galerie Beyeler, Tempera on canvas Basel, by the State of Berlin for the 91 x 157,5 cm Gallery of the 20th Century, Berlin (West) 176. Edward Munch Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Count Harry Kessler, 1906 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1950 by the Land Berlin for 200 x 84 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 177. Otto Nagel Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Boys from Wedding, 1928 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1963 from the artist by the 91 x 62 cm Ministerium für Kultur with funds from the Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East)


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178. Otto Nagel Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Mother with Child, 1929 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1963 from the artist by the 120,50 x 81 cm Ministerium für Kultur with funds from the Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 179. Ernst Wilhelm Nay Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stormy Waves, 1935 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1949 by the Land Berlin for 80,5 x 100,5 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West 180. Oskar Nerlinger Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Early Train, 1928 Nationalgalerie Casein tempera on canvas Acquired in 1963 from the artist for the 100 x 100 cm Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 181. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Papuan Boys, 1914 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Owned by the Kunstsammlungen der 70 x 103,5 cm Stadt Königsberg i. Pr. (now Kaliningrad) in 1930; confiscated as “degenerate” in 1937, brought to Güstrow by Bernhard A. Böhmer where it was seized in 1947 and given to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1949; gift from the Magistrat von Groß-Berlin to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1951 182. Wolfgang Paalen Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Plumage, 1938 Nationalgalerie Fumage und oil on canvas Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 73 x 92 cm Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 183. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, On the Beach at Nidden, 1911 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1959 for the Nationalgalerie, 50 x 65 cm Berlin (West) 184. Max Pechstein Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Seated Girl, 1910 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1948 from the artist for the 80 x 70 cm Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts; gift from the Magistrat von Groß- Berlin to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East), 1951 185. Max Pechstein Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, On the Lakeshore, 1912 Nationalgalerie Faric paint on calico Acquired in 1961 from the Eduard 257 x 204 cm Plietzsch Collection, Berlin / Cologne, by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 186. Laszlo Peri Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Water between Houses, 1920 Nationalgalerie (Artist’s copy after 1933) Gift from Susanne and Michael Liebelt, Oil on concrete Hamburg, 2019 57,2 x 42,5 x ca. 1,3 cm 187. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Sleeping Nude, 1942 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 2000 from Heinz Berggruen 129,5 x 195 cm with support from the Bundesregierung and the Land Berlin


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188. Pablo Picasso Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Still Life on a Piano, 1911/12 Nationalgalerie Oil and charcoal on canvas Erworben 2000 von Heinz Berggruen 50 x 130 cm mit Unterstützung der Bundesregierung und des Landes Berlin 189. Pablo Picasso Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Woman Sitting in an Armchair, Nationalgalerie 1909 Acquired in 1980 for the Nationalgalerie, Oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm Berlin (West) 190. Curt Querner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Agitator, 1931 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1966 from the artist with 160 x 100 cm funds from the Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 191. Curt Querner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Demonstration, 1930 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1965 from the artist with 87 x 66 cm funds from the Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 192. Curt Querner Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait with Stinging Nettle, Nationalgalerie 1933 Acquired in 1983 from the artist's widow, Oil on cardboard Regina Querner, with funds from the 102 x 68 cm Kulturfonds der DDR for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 193. Franz Radziwill Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Harbour II, 1930 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1932 from the artist 76 x 99,5 cm 194. Franz Radziwill Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Flanders (Where To in this World?) Nationalgalerie 1940-1950 Acquired in 2012 with support from the Oil on canvas on plywood, Freunde der Nationalgalerie, the 119 x 170 cm Bundesrepublik Deutschland and the Kulturstiftung der Länder

195. Hans Richter Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Invasion, 1944-1946 / vor 1976 Nationalgalerie Oil on paper on canvas, Collage Gift from the Pressestiftung 82 x 516 cm Tagesspiegel, Berlin, from the estate of the artist to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1982 196. Clara Rilke-Westhoff Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Rainer Maria Rilke, 1936 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1938 from the artist from the 37,5 x 18 x 26 cm Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung, Munich 197. Julian Rosefeldt Loan from the artist Deep Gold, 2013/2014 One-channel film installation, HD, 18:12 Min.

198. Walter Ruttmann Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Berlin – Die Symphonie of the City, Film und Fernsehen 1927 Film (Cequences), s/w, 64 Min.


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199. Christian Schad Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Sonja, 1928 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1997 from the Galerie 90 x 60 cm Brockstedt, Hamburg, by the Freunde der Nationalgalerie with funds from the Stiftung Ingeborg und Günter Milich, Berlin 200. Josef Scharl Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Newspaper Reader, 1935 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1964 from the Galerie 115 x 96 cm Nierendorf, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 201. Josef Scharl Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ecce Homo, 1931 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 2009 by the Freunde der 47 x 37 cm Nationalgalerie 202. Richard Scheibe Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bust of a Woman, 1934 Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1967 from a private owner, 54 x 26 x 28,5 cm Zwickau, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 203. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Relief JG I, 1919/1921 Nationalgalerie Oil on plaster Acquired in 1960 for the Nationalgalerie, 67,5 x 33 cm Berlin (East) 204. Oskar Schlemmer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, White Youth, 1930 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Owned by the city of Breslau (now 60 x 45,5 cm Wrocław) in 1932; confiscated by the Reichskammer der bildenden Künste in 1937, brought to Güstrow by Bernhard A. Böhmer; transferred to Rostock in 1945, to Berlin (East) in 1949; gift from the Magistrat von Groß-Berlin to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1951 205. Oskar Schlemmer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nude, Woman and Approaching, Nationalgalerie 1925 Acquired in 1956 from the Richard Merz Oil on canvas Collection, Stuttgart, by the Land Berlin 128 x 64,2 cm for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 206. Oskar Schlemmer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Groteske I, 1923 Nationalgalerie Walnut, ivory and metal Acquired in 1957 from the Galerie Meta 55 x 26,5 x 10 cm Nierendorf, Berlin, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 207. Rudolf Schlichter Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Géza von Cziffra, Nationalgalerie 1926/1927 Acquired in 1948 from the Galerie Meta Oil on cardboard Nierendorf, Berlin, for the Galerie des 100 x 74 cm 20. Jahrhunderts. Gift from the Magistrat von Groß-Berlin to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East), 1951 208. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait with Monocle, 1910 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Schenkung 1961 von Maria Möller- 84 x 76,5 cm Garny, Köln, zum Andenken an Ferdinand Möller an die Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 19

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209. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Girl in Front of a Mirror, 1915 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1954 from the artist by the 101 x 87 cm Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 210. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Green Girl, 1915 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1969 for the Nationalgalerie, 85 x 76 cm Berlin (East) 211. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Three Nudes (Picture of Dunes at Nationalgalerie Nidden) Acquired in 1949 by the Land Berlin for 1913 the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin Oil on canvas, 98 x 106,5 cm (West) 212. Georg Schrimpf Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Radio Transmitters Nationalgalerie (Fürstenfeldbruck), 1933 Transferred in 1935 from the Oil on canvas Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst 57 x 90,5 cm und Volksbildung 213. Georg Schrimpf Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Two Girls by the Window, 1937 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1966 from the artist's widow, 78,5 x 73 cm Hedwig Schrimpf, Berlin (East), for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 214. Kurt Schwitters Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Cathedrale, 1923-1926 Nationalgalerie Wood Acquired in 1979 from the estate of 39 x 17 x 7 cm Hannah Höch, Berlin, by the Freunde der Nationalgalerie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 215. Kurt Schwitters Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Broad Schmurchel, 1923 Nationalgalerie Oil on wood and metal on wood Acquired in 1979 from the estate of 39 x 55 x 9 cm Hannah Höch, Berlin, by the Freunde der Nationalgalerie for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 216. Renée Sintenis Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait, 1933 Nationalgalerie Plaster Bequest of Magdalena Goldmann, 26,5 x 14,2 x 16 cm Berlin, from the estate of Renée Sintenis, to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1981 217. Renée Sintenis Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait, 1926 Nationalgalerie Bronze Bequest of Magdalena Goldmann, 37 x 17 x 21 cm Berlin, from the estate of Renée Sintenis, to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1981 218. Renée Sintenis Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait (Mask), 1931 Nationalgalerie Bronze Transfer in 1932 from the Ministerium 32.5 × 16.5 × 22 cm für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung 219. Renée Sintenis Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait, 1944 Nationalgalerie Bronze Bequest of Magdalena Goldmann, 28 × 14 × 15.5 cm Berlin, from the estate of Renée Sintenis, to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1981 20

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220. Renée Sintenis Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait, 1926 Nationalgalerie Stucco Bequest of Magdalena Goldmann, 32,9 x 17,5 x 21,5 cm Berlin, from the estate of Renée Sintenis, to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1981 221. Renée Sintenis Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Self-Portrait, 1944 Nationalgalerie Clay Bequest of Magdalena Goldmann, 28 × 13.7 × 15 cm Berlin, from the estate of Renée Sintenis, to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1981 222. Walter Spies Loan from a private collection since The Carousel, 1922 2018 Oil on canvas, 80 x 105 cm 223. Walter Spies Loan from a private collection since Village Street, 1928 2019 Oil on canvas, 75 x 47 cm 224. Jakob Steinhardt Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The City, 1913 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Acquired in 1961 from the artist, 61 x 40 cm Jerusalem, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 225. Irma Stern Courtesy of the Trustees of the Irma Umgababa, 1922 Stern Collection, Cape Town Oil on canvas, 60,5 x 91 cm 226. Irma Stern Courtesy of the Trustees of the Irma Portrait Lancelot Hogben, 1925 Stern Collection, Cape Town Oil on canvas, 94 x 69 cm 227. Horst Strempel Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Night Over Germany, Nationalgalerie 1945-46 Acquired in 1948 from the artist for the Oil on canvas Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Gift from 229 x 324 cm the Magistrat von Groß- Berlin to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East), 1951 228. Horst Strempel Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nacht über Deutschland (1. Nationalgalerie Skizze), 1945 Acquired in 1985 via the Staatlicher Oil on chipboard Kunsthandel der DDR with funds from 60 x 48,5 cm the Kulturfonds der DDR from the estate of the artist; transferred in 1986 to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 229. Javier Téllez Erworben 2013 durch die Freunde der Rotations (Prometheus and Nationalgalerie Zwitter), 2011 Acquired in 2013 by the Freunde der Two-channel projection, 35 mm film, Nationalgalerie colour, silent, 7 min. and archival documents 230. Adolf Trotz absolut Medien City of Millions, 1925 Film, s/w, 80 Min. 231. Nadeschda Udalzowa Loan from the Tretjakov-Galerie Selfira Self-Portrait with Palette, 1915 Tregulowa, Russland Oil on canvas, 72 x 53 cm


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232. Hans Uhlmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head, 1935 Nationalgalerie Iron wire Gift to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 39 x 15 x 25 cm from Hildegard Uhlmann, Berlin, as part of the “Haftmann Gift”, 1976 Clara

233. Attribution in dispute (formerly Gift from the Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch Leonor Fini), Collection to the Land Berlin, 2010 Two Women, 1939 Oil on canvas, 34 x 24,5 cm 234. Joachim Utech Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, On the Sea, 1934 Nationalgalerie Granite Acquired in 1938 from the artist in 38 x 26 x 23 cm exchange 235. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Baku, 1927 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the USSR government to the 125 x 90 cm GDR in 1952, from the estate of Heinrich Vogeler; transferred to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1953 236. Heinrich Vogeler Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Karelia and Murmansk, 1926 Nationalgalerie Oil on canvas Gift from the USSR government to the 125 x 90 cm GDR in 1952, from the Moscow estate of Heinrich Vogeler; transferred to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1953 237. Heinrich Vogeler Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, ,Students’ Work Effort During the Nationalgalerie Summer, 1924 Gift from the USSR government to the Oil on canvas GDR in 1952, from the Moscow estate 126 x 90 cm of Heinrich Vogeler; transferred to the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) in 1953 238. Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Construction No. 8, 1924 Nationalgalerie Oil on wood Acquired in 1978 with funds from the 96,5 x 106 cm Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West) 239. Joseph Wackerle Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Male Head, c. 1933 Nationalgalerie Granite Loan from the Ministerium für 20 x 14 x 19 cm Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung since 1935 240. Adolf Wamper Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait of Richard Wagner, 1935 Nationalgalerie Bronze Loan from the Bundesrepublik 36 x 28 x 33 cm Deutschland since 2011 241. William Wauer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ice Skater, 1918 (cast 1950) Nationalgalerie Aluminium Acquired in 1950 by the Land Berlin for 25,5 x 26 x 15 cm the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 242. William Wauer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Herwarth Walden, 1917 (cast 1964) Nationalgalerie Bronze Acquired in 1964 from Edmund Kesting, 62 x 40,5 x 34 cm Birkenwerder, for the Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East)


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243. Gustav Weidanz Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Portrait Head Wilhelm Watzoldt, Nationalgalerie 1945 Gift from H. J. Wilms, Hamburg, to the Bronze Nationalgalerie, Berlin (West), 1966 29 x 23 x 25 cm 244. Wenzel Hablik Loan from the Wenzel-Hablik-Stiftung, The Wonder oft he Sea, 1917 Itzeho Oil on canvas, 150,5 x 241 cm 245. Wenzel Hablik Loan from the Wenzel-Hablik-Stiftung, Cycle of Utopian Architecture, Itzehoe 1921 Oil in canvas, 94 x 189,5 cm 246. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Procession Near Ascona, c. 1924 Nationalgalerie Oil on carboard Acquired in 1962 from the Lou Scheper- 46,2 x 42,2 cm Berkenkamp Collection, Berlin (West), by the Land Berlin for the Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (West) 247. Sascha Wiederhold Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Archers, 1928 Nationalgalerie Oil on cardboard and canvas Acquired in 2021 by the Ernst von 204 x 240 cm Siemens Kunststiftung 248. Jenny Wiegmann Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Head of a Girl (Portrait Pucci), Nationalgalerie 1942 Acquired in 1963 from the artist for the Bronze Nationalgalerie, Berlin (East) 26 × 15.5 × 23.5 cm