Western Liberal, 06-30-1905 Lordsburg Print Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-30-1905 Western Liberal, 06-30-1905 Lordsburg Print Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news Recommended Citation Lordsburg Print Company. "Western Liberal, 06-30-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news/649 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Í1 V JM IT Aim m Ci In. V . "V i Inhserlpttoa 3 Per ear VOL.XVIII.NO 31. L0HÜSBÜRG, NEW MEXICO, JUNE 30, l05. SI eg 1 Copies I Vent WESTERN LIBERAL. MULLIGAN'S ANTICS. CONSTANT BIRDS. NO MONOPOLY OF BRAINS. Eaelte Oaaey'a Cairlnalty Baldheaded This la ihv Ave of Opportunity For Tker ssl Easlea and Ooldaai the Able Man. (.ordtbtorg Metió Urn Uot Rxplanatloa. Wood peek era Mat bat One. The & Leahy Nw One of the ninny ho;ief;iI signs Roberts Catey ODil Mullltinii lived in adjoin- Tho married life of most birds could of t!i Is tint nppnrvut decay ing tonementa. Casey was looking out be taken for a model even by members tlmet of the breed of so enlloj t meu, those of lila front window one afternoon of the human family. There Is. for PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. mighty personalities thitt In when he saw Mulligdn go through tba instance, the staid, dignified and home- former limes stood out like a solitary In street door on tlie run. In a mo- ly baldheaded eagle, glorious em- tree a few the vast prairie. The rea Uf UUNl H. KEDZIK. menta be returned., still running. On blem of the American republic. He ton for It, of course. Is the dlsiinctlou of all those the next night Casey saw Mulllgnn re- mates but once and Uvea with his one IT old time monopolies of brains which I? pent performance. Cusey mate until be or she d;ea. a i the told bis Subtcriptio Price. If left stuutovl oil htnunii beings except wife there must be sickneos In widower even a young widower the a few the who by I fnree Monta ...1100 Mulligan household, but Mrs. Case; baldheaded eagle never mates again. clntice rather than by superi- 1 ority liber grew sUl Months . tt said no. On the third day Casey agAln He remains alone and disconsolate In of and developed. 00 nve thousands, One Virar saw Mulllguu dmh out of the door and the nest on the rock crag or in the There literally thou- sands, of men now living who If they ttubeertptiea Alwart Parable in Advance. return ou the run. Ou the fourth night branches of a tall pino that formed n century or ago Casey saw Mulligan leave the houae Ms domicile whllo his mate was alive. had lived so nnd had with a skipping rope and go down the No other female eagle can tempt him Uoue.n work minil.irta that which they are doing without any very sonorous slreot skipping the rope. When he re- to forsake his disconsolate life. With GENERAL MERCHANDISE. turned be was still skipping the rope. him, one a widower, always a wid- fuufuro tip-H- i the trumpet of fame OFFICIAL DIRECTUM'. would have Ihr-- the This was the last straw to Casey's al- ower. talk of the world ready overburdened curiosity. lie The golden woodpeckers live in a and the main topic of history. And , FEDERAL. many -- watched and when Mulligan was out happy mttrrled state, mating but once. how of the so called great 77 Ir-- IZay, Grratlsx IV. H. Andrews Delegate to Congress weut to his home. If the mule dies his mate's grief is achievements of so called great states- aolosal Dealers Id. A.Otero Governor "Is there au tilla' I can do for you, lasting, nnd she lives a widowed bird men,, soldlen anil thinkers of former woul.l be- Potatoes. J. W. Havnoldi Secretary Mrs. Mulligan?'' he her. the rest of her life. Po, too, the male times le Impossible today and aked "What cause depended W.J. Ulllt Chief Justice for?" asked Mrs. Mulligan. "Shure, woodpecker never seeks another mute those achievements Irm chiefly upon A. Abbott .Associate nnd your husband has gone after tho death of Ills own. ITe taps the Iguoranco and Incapac- Wrn. H. I'ope Assoclute daft," said LORDSBCRG Cusey. seen him on a tree beside their nest djy and ity of the overwhelming mass of tbe NEW MEXIC J ok R. McHie Associate "I run out of the men house nnd run back ag'ln three nights night trying to recall her; then nt of their day! "ran W. Parkjr Associate Truly this Is the age of opportunity. K. A. Mann Assocluto and the fourth go out sklpplu' a rope." length, discouraged nnd hopeless, ho becomes never recovers his B iturday Evening Post. M. O. Llowellvn 8urveyor-enera- l "Oh, that's uothln'," Bald Mrs. Mulli- silent and JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS, President, J. F. WILLIAMS, Cashlef A. L. Morrison United Stutes Collector gan. "The doctor was here lust week, gaycty. Chicago Tribune. n-- r K.lephnnta. U. S. STEWART. t. WINCHESTER COOLEY, Asst. Cashier W. H. Llewellyn U. 8. District Attorney Mike belu' by way Sirlmint of ailln", and gave The elephants of liurma, in India, V. M. Poraker. ...U. 8. Marshal hi pills. Tried To Conceal ni fonr 'Tuko three runnln' and It are used for a variety of purposes. Cieo. A. Kasoman Deputy U.S. Marshal skip the fourth,' sez he, 'and that's It's the old story of "murder will K, S. Mine Inspector Throughout the day they work steadily J. Sheridan U. Coal what Mike has been UolnV only case no M. H. , Fc Rev. Uind O nice "New out" id this there's crime. ns laborers In carrying the great tim- Otero Sauta York Tribune. íred Muller Simla Fe Ree. Land Offioo A woman feels run down, has back bers from place to place, a slugle ele- The First National Bank. Jarome Martin, I .as t ruco ..Hog;. Land Office ache or dyspespla and thinks it's noth- phant doing the work. It Is estimated, A Marvelous H. I). Bowman La Cruces. ..Keo. Land Office Invention. ing and tries to bide it until she finally of n scare of men. Their great diver- lioswell Hog. Land Office Wonders never cease. A machine Howard Inland breaks down. Don't deceive your- sion In honra of rest is bathing, and El Patso Tencas. I). L. Gejer, ltoawell Kec. Land Office has been Invented that will cut, paste they take their baths In a curious way. B. W. Fox Foisom Land Office self. Take Electric Bitters at once. R'tr. and bang wall paper. The field of In- The keeper takes his place on back Jt. W. Thouipaon Reo. Land Officio It bas a reputation for curing stomach, the ventions and discoveries seems to be of an elephant nnd thus placed makes $60,000 liver and kidney troubles and will re- Capital $3oo,ooo Surplus TERRITORIAL. unlimited. Notable Bruong dis- a tour of a great hike or river, the great vivify your whole system. The woist Is hugo animal swimming under him at ft Deposits, $2,25o,ooo. Deo. W. Pritchard Attorney-Gener- a coveries Dr. King's New Discovery forms of those maladies will quickly aurprlnlng rate, while he is high K. C.abbott Snnta Fo Dial. Attorney for consumption. has done a world kept It yield to the curative poner of Electric dry above H. U.Holt Lai Cruces of good for weak lungs and saved end water. TXnlted. DDepcsitcrjr W. Clancy, " Bitters. Only 50c, and guaranteed by States T. Albuquerque .... many a life. Thousands bave used It Cnaa. A. Spioss i.ns Vegas " all medicine dealers. If In a kind of bilious mood, And Designated Depository for Disbursing Offices of the United States. and conquered grip, pneu- I. Leahy Raton " bronchitis, You wish an aid to digest food, monia, and consumption.' gen- A paper says Lafayetto Kmniett Librarian Tbeir New York there are No ntber pill Is half so good Jose D. Sena Clerk Supreme Court eral verdict is: "It's the best and Uve men In New York who receive a H. O. Supt. As DeWitl's Little Early Risers. Deposits March, 1895, $37o,ooo Buraum reultentiary most reliable medicine for and salary of $100,000 a year. Three of W. H. Wulteuiaii Adjutant Qoneral throat The Famous Lttlle Tills, EARLY RIS- lung troubles." Every 50c and $1.00 men, a J.H.Vaughn Treasurer them are life insurance one is ERS, euro Constipation, Sick Head- Deposits March, 19o5, $2,2oo,ooo Is guaranteed by pres- If. Q. Sargent Auditor bottle all medicine railroad man, and the fifth is the ache, Biliousness, etc. Tbey never Eugenio Romero Coal Oil Inspector dealers Trial bottles free. ident of tbe United States Steel cor gripe or sicken, but impart early rising Hiram Hadley Supt. Public Instruction paper says - poration. Tbe same that energy. J. D. Hughes Public Printer . A Good for children or adults. Rlrdllme Tree. Mr. John D. Rockefeller draws a sal- There Is In New Zealand a tree which Sold by Eagle Drug Mercantile Co. .'COUNTY. only proves futal to birds In an altogether ary of $25,000 as president of tbe B. T. Link County Commissioner singular way. The seed vesnels give off Standard Oil company.