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Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-30-1905 Western Liberal, 06-30-1905 Lordsburg Print Company

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Inhserlpttoa 3 Per ear VOL.XVIII.NO 31. L0HÜSBÜRG, NEW MEXICO, JUNE 30, l05. SI eg 1 Copies I Vent

WESTERN LIBERAL. MULLIGAN'S ANTICS. CONSTANT BIRDS. NO MONOPOLY OF BRAINS. Eaelte Oaaey'a Cairlnalty Baldheaded This la ihv Ave of Opportunity For Tker ssl Easlea and Ooldaai the Able Man. (.ordtbtorg Metió Urn Uot Rxplanatloa. Wood peek era Mat bat One. The & Leahy Nw One of the ninny ho;ief;iI signs Roberts Catey ODil Mullltinii lived in adjoin- Tho married life of most birds could of t!i Is tint nppnrvut decay ing tonementa. Casey was looking out be taken for a model even by members tlmet of the breed of so enlloj t meu, those of lila front window one afternoon of the human family. There Is. for PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. mighty personalities thitt In when he saw Mulligdn go through tba instance, the staid, dignified and home- former limes stood out like a solitary In street door on tlie run. In a mo- ly baldheaded eagle, glorious em- tree a few the vast prairie. The rea Uf UUNl H. KEDZIK. menta be returned., still running. On blem of the American republic. He ton for It, of course. Is the dlsiinctlou of all those the next night Casey saw Mulllgnn re- mates but once and Uvea with his one IT old time monopolies of brains which I? pent performance. Cusey mate until be or she d;ea. a i the told bis Subtcriptio Price. If left stuutovl oil htnunii beings except wife there must be sickneos In widower even a young widower the a few the who by I fnree Monta ...1100 Mulligan household, but Mrs. Case; baldheaded eagle never mates again. clntice rather than by superi- 1 ority liber grew sUl Months . tt said no. On the third day Casey agAln He remains alone and disconsolate In of and developed. 00 nve thousands, One Virar saw Mulllguu dmh out of the door and the nest on the rock crag or in the There literally thou- sands, of men now living who If they ttubeertptiea Alwart Parable in Advance. return ou the run. Ou the fourth night branches of a tall pino that formed n century or ago Casey saw Mulligan leave the houae Ms domicile whllo his mate was alive. had lived so nnd had with a skipping rope and go down the No other female eagle can tempt him Uoue.n work minil.irta that which they are doing without any very sonorous slreot skipping the rope. When he re- to forsake his disconsolate life. With GENERAL MERCHANDISE. turned be was still skipping the rope. him, one a widower, always a wid- fuufuro tip-H- i the trumpet of fame OFFICIAL DIRECTUM'. would have Ihr-- the This was the last straw to Casey's al- ower. talk of the world ready overburdened curiosity. lie The golden woodpeckers live in a and the main topic of history. And , FEDERAL. many -- watched and when Mulligan was out happy mttrrled state, mating but once. how of the so called great 77 Ir-- IZay, Grratlsx IV. H. Andrews Delegate to Congress weut to his home. If the mule dies his mate's grief is achievements of so called great states- aolosal Dealers Id. A.Otero Governor "Is there au tilla' I can do for you, lasting, nnd she lives a widowed bird men,, soldlen anil thinkers of former woul.l be- Potatoes. J. W. Havnoldi Secretary Mrs. Mulligan?'' he her. the rest of her life. Po, too, the male times le Impossible today and aked "What cause depended W.J. Ulllt Chief Justice for?" asked Mrs. Mulligan. "Shure, woodpecker never seeks another mute those achievements Irm chiefly upon A. Abbott .Associate nnd your husband has gone after tho death of Ills own. ITe taps the Iguoranco and Incapac- Wrn. H. I'ope Assoclute daft," said LORDSBCRG Cusey. seen him on a tree beside their nest djy and ity of the overwhelming mass of tbe NEW MEXIC J ok R. McHie Associate "I run out of the men house nnd run back ag'ln three nights night trying to recall her; then nt of their day! "ran W. Parkjr Associate Truly this Is the age of opportunity. K. A. Mann Assocluto and the fourth go out sklpplu' a rope." length, discouraged nnd hopeless, ho becomes never recovers his B iturday Evening Post. M. O. Llowellvn 8urveyor-enera- l "Oh, that's uothln'," Bald Mrs. Mulli- silent and JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS, President, J. F. WILLIAMS, Cashlef A. L. Morrison United Stutes Collector gan. "The doctor was here lust week, gaycty. Chicago Tribune. n-- r K.lephnnta. U. S. STEWART. t. WINCHESTER COOLEY, Asst. Cashier W. H. Llewellyn U. 8. District Attorney Mike belu' by way Sirlmint of ailln", and gave The elephants of liurma, in India, V. M. Poraker. ...U. 8. Marshal hi pills. Tried To Conceal ni fonr 'Tuko three runnln' and It are used for a variety of purposes. Cieo. A. Kasoman Deputy U.S. Marshal skip the fourth,' sez he, 'and that's It's the old story of "murder will K, S. Mine Inspector Throughout the day they work steadily J. Sheridan U. Coal what Mike has been UolnV only case no M. H. , Fc Rev. Uind O nice "New out" id this there's crime. ns laborers In carrying the great tim- Otero Sauta York Tribune. íred Muller Simla Fe Ree. Land Offioo A woman feels run down, has back bers from place to place, a slugle ele- The First National Bank. Jarome Martin, I .as t ruco ..Hog;. Land Office ache or dyspespla and thinks it's noth- phant doing the work. It Is estimated, A Marvelous H. I). Bowman La Cruces. ..Keo. Land Office Invention. ing and tries to bide it until she finally of n scare of men. Their great diver- lioswell Hog. Land Office Wonders never cease. A machine Howard Inland breaks down. Don't deceive your- sion In honra of rest is bathing, and El Patso Tencas. I). L. Gejer, ltoawell Kec. Land Office has been Invented that will cut, paste they take their baths In a curious way. B. W. Fox Foisom Land Office self. Take Electric Bitters at once. R'tr. and bang wall paper. The field of In- The keeper takes his place on back Jt. W. Thouipaon Reo. Land Officio It bas a reputation for curing stomach, the ventions and discoveries seems to be of an elephant nnd thus placed makes $60,000 liver and kidney troubles and will re- Capital $3oo,ooo Surplus TERRITORIAL. unlimited. Notable Bruong dis- a tour of a great hike or river, the great vivify your whole system. The woist Is hugo animal swimming under him at ft Deposits, $2,25o,ooo. Deo. W. Pritchard Attorney-Gener- a coveries Dr. King's New Discovery forms of those maladies will quickly aurprlnlng rate, while he is high K. Snnta Fo Dial. Attorney for consumption. has done a world kept It yield to the curative poner of Electric dry above H. U.Holt Lai Cruces of good for weak lungs and saved end water. TXnlted. DDepcsitcrjr W. Clancy, " Bitters. Only 50c, and guaranteed by States T. Albuquerque .... many a life. Thousands bave used It Cnaa. A. Spioss i.ns Vegas " all medicine dealers. If In a kind of bilious mood, And Designated Depository for Disbursing Offices of the United States. and conquered grip, pneu- I. Leahy Raton " bronchitis, You wish an aid to digest food, monia, and consumption.' gen- A paper says Lafayetto Kmniett Librarian Tbeir New York there are No ntber pill Is half so good Jose D. Sena Clerk Supreme Court eral verdict is: "It's the best and Uve men In New York who receive a H. O. Supt. As DeWitl's Little Early Risers. Deposits March, 1895, $37o,ooo Buraum reultentiary most reliable medicine for and salary of $100,000 a year. Three of W. H. Wulteuiaii Adjutant Qoneral throat The Famous Lttlle Tills, EARLY RIS- lung troubles." Every 50c and $1.00 men, a J.H.Vaughn Treasurer them are life insurance one is ERS, euro Constipation, Sick Head- Deposits March, 19o5, $2,2oo,ooo Is guaranteed by pres- If. Q. Sargent Auditor bottle all medicine railroad man, and the fifth is the ache, Biliousness, etc. Tbey never Eugenio Romero Coal Oil Inspector dealers Trial bottles free. ident of tbe United States Steel cor gripe or sicken, but impart early rising Hiram Hadley Supt. Public Instruction paper says - poration. Tbe same that energy. J. D. Hughes Public Printer . A Good for children or adults. Rlrdllme Tree. Mr. John D. Rockefeller draws a sal- There Is In New Zealand a tree which Sold by Eagle Drug Mercantile Co. . .'COUNTY. only proves futal to birds In an altogether ary of $25,000 as president of tbe B. T. Link County Commissioner singular way. The seed vesnels give off Standard Oil company. Dexreee of Comparison. C. Cur ton County Ccmmiasioner Uy It- Ou public occasions (.'omit von J. n sticky fluid, and many a finds t Ten Times Easier B. B. Ownby County Commissioner Mollko was upon self Imprisoned In the gummy stuff. Is ten times easier to cure coughs, frequently called to C.Bennett Probate Judge It propose the health of the Emperor Wil- These liles In their turn attract small croup, whooping cough and all lung W. B Walton Probate Clora birds, and they also get so covered liam I. At small gatherings he would A. B. Laird Assessor and bronchial affection; when with the fluid that they are unable to the confine himself to the formula, "Louo; C. A. Farntworth Sheriff bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative live the emperor!" On more Important AT THE White Superintendent flutter. The fruit, too. Is an object of Airan N. School Honey and Tar Is the original Laxative occasions he would say, "Long A. I. Coodail Treat urer desire, and blrJs come, as It were, life to Oougb Syrup. Gently moves bow- his majesty emperor." largo J. C. SurTcror glued to the ripe clusters which they tbe the At XjIBE3Z3.Xj proposed to eat. The wee birds cannot els, and expels all cold from tbe system. public banquets the toast culminated corarles. - PBE0IN0T. escape without help, so lie there a prey Best for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whoop-lo- g in the words, "Long life to his majesty the emeror, our most gracious kiujf W. M .' of to other animal. Cough, etc. Remember tbe name, V. Qrath.'. Justice tho Peace nnd master." H. J. Met.rath Constable "Kennedy's," and see that tho red Siebool Directora H.I Gammon. E. C. licit Wondrrfui Nerve. llover blossom and tbe houcy bee is on Domestic Troubles. J. H. Owuby. Is displayed by lüany a toan First Caiif of the bottle. Sold by Eagle Drug Mer- is a Ion pains of accidental cuts, wounds. It exceptional to find family cantile Co. bruises, burns, scalds, sore feet'or stiff where there are no domestic ruptures WITH A FULLY PAID Southern Pjoifio Railroad. joints. Hut there's no need for it. The experiment of using concrete occasionally, but these cao be lessened on proved a by having Dr. King's New Life Dills Capitalill$30,000. Surplus, $7,500. Shore bas LordsburRTiiuel able. Bucklen's Arnica salve will kill the ties tbe Lake pain and cure the trouble, It's the failure. Last year more than 500 were around. Much trouble they save by OUR BEST ATTENTION. .. WCRTOnUM". tielwe'eo Goshen Llgonicr, great work in stomach and liver A.M. P. M, P. M. best salve oo earth for piles, too. 25c, put In and their Passenger..... V:St 1:15 6:07 all medicine Ind., and under tbe pressure and Jar troubles. They not only relieve you, at dealers. Everything of a banking entrusted to , our care receives our best EASTBOtlNO cure. 25c, all medicine dealers. nature A. M. A. . P. M. of tbe heavy engines and traffic tbey but at ' We shall be glad to have a share of your business. . :M 11 :W President Roosevelt a sub- - atteutlon. Passenger has sent already bave begun to wear. Coatly Pointers. Trains run on pauino Time. staQtlal personal check to the mana- W. H. BaMCBOFT. Ja, Ai.oír INDIGESTION Miss Fancier A pure blooded terrier OFFICERS Aet. tlen, Manager. Munaifer. gers of the Buckey O'Nell monument like Buttons Is about as costly a dog E. M. Williams, President. J. N Porter, Vico President. P. V. Greer, W. A. MCOllVKDH . F. UlCHAKDSllN. Is the cause of more discomfort tha Superintendent. Supt. of Trausp't fund at Prescott, with a heart; letter as there is. Jack. Her Escort No. Cashier. J. N. Robinson. Asst. Cashier. of approval of tbe proposed memorial. any other ailment. If you eat th There Is one that Is much more expen- things you want, and that are good sive, the Wall street pointer that n DIRECTORS Arlsona A New Mexico Kallw - : Consumption for you, you are distressed. Acke friend gives you. Puck. E. M. Williams, Clifton, Arix. P. P. Greer. Clifton, Ariz. J. C. Pursier, NORTHBOUND the most dreaded and deadly of all Dyspepsia Tablets will make vour di- Sam P. M. Sa fiord, Ariz. Abraham, Clifton, Ariz. J. N. Porter, Globe, Ariz. Lardsburg diseases, as well as pneumouia, and gestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia Quality vs. Quantity J. N. Robinson, Clifton, Ariz. Jno. R. HamptoD. Punoan all lung troubles are relieved at once and its disagreeable ayinp, Hard muscles and strong bod; do Clifton attendant and cured by Ackers English Remedy torus. You can safely eat anything, not depend on tbe quantity of food SOOTBBOCHD "tbe king of all cough cures." Cure- - at any time If you take one of these you eat, but on its perfect digestion A. M W. D. WICKERSIIAM, Pres. A. O. SMITH, Cashier. coughs and colds In a da;. 23 cents. tablets afterward. Sold by all drug- and proper assimilation. When you CUfton..., ;" I. E. SOLOMON, Vice-Pre- s. C. E. MILLS, Vice Pres. Duuoan Your money back if dissatisfied. gists under a punitive guarantee. 25 take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure your sys- Urdsburg lW Write for free sample. W. II. Hooker cts. Money refuuded if you are not tem gets all tbe nourishment out of TraiQl run dally. Mountain time. &Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Eagle drug satisfied. Send to U9 for a free sample all the food you eat. It digests what mercantile company. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. you eat regardless of the coodition of tbe stomach and conveys tbe outrlent Gila Valley Bank Tnst Co. Very Likely. Tha Halve that Fenetrates properties to the blood and tissues. M. M. CROCKER, AI. D. pene- Friend now do you suppose your DeWitt'8 Witch Hazel Salve Tble buildsup and strengthens the en by Clifton Ariz. Morenci, Arii . Solomunville, Arii. Qlobe. Arix, rbystelan andSargeon. baby caught the whooping cough? He trates tbe pores of tbe sklo, and Its tire system. Kodol cures Iodlgcsiloo, hasn't been near any other children. antiseptic, rubifoclent and healing In- HTT? WfTíYRQ W' WlPker.ham. A. . Mnilth I. K. Solomon, A. T. Thome Surgeon Southern Paclflo and Dyspepsia, Belching, Sour Stomach, on, T. O'Hrvan, C. K, Hills, 11. 8. VanUerüer, L, D. Kloketts, District Mother He probably inherited It from fluence Inflammation and Artiona A New Mexico Railroads, It subdues Weak Heart, etc. Sold by Eagle Drug fb.Frendenthal. me. I liad it when I wua Juat his ago. Tet- Bury eon to American Consolidated Copper Co. cures Bolls, Burns, Cuts, Eczema, Co. Weoffor to ilopoeltors every Detroit Free Press. . Mercantile facility which their balances, business, and responsibilities LoaDsauaa Niw Mrxico. ter, Ring Worn, and all skin diseases. warrant. A specific for blind, bleeding, Itcblng dis- Ackkk'8 Blood pokititklt Governor Klbbey has made the Elixir and protruding Piles. Tbe original covery there is no statue empow- cures chronic blood poisoning and all that Capital Stock, Paid up - - - - - $75,000 and genuine Witch Hazel Salve is ering chief of terri- scrofulous affections. At all times a tbe executive the AN made by E. C. Witt & Co. and told by tory of Arizona to commute sen- - M.J, EG matchless system tonlo and purifier. death Surplus $9,000 Eagle Drug Mercantile Co. tences, although he can pardon, grant AT LAW. Money refunded if you are not satis-fled- . Deposits January 1, 1905 ATTORNS reprieves and remit floes. There bave $450,000 50c. and 11.00. Eagle drug White- - ( OSes lath ArlannaCotiperCompany't Build- It bas been announced that been Instances of Arizona governors Safety Deposit ZOoscoa ing Waal aidaof River. mercantile company. . new United Slates Am for rsnt at tiio law Reld, tbe commuting sentences, but when appli- ITrin. A. Smith, rlnlesate to to Great Britain, will pay Cllftox -- bassador cation was made to Governor Klbbey in OUltou. - A.rlzona. Congress $17.500 salary for from Arizona, has returned $45,000 out of bis tbe case of Theodore Ellas that official will probably utilize to Phoenix from his annual fishing trip bouse rent. He looked up tbe law on tbe subject and Id entertaining oo Oak creek. the remainder the found there was no provision for such O aristocracy. 9 ALTAN N. WHITE, The Children's Favorite English titled action. Attorney Generar Clark also ra Cough, Attoraey and Solicitor ForCougbs, Croup, Whooping Sick headache absolutely and Investigated the matter and reached etc., One Minute Cough Cure is tbe same conclusion as Governor. A) will reewiv prompt Ion permanently cured by using MoklTea tbe tbe 3 Ibustaais att la because c children's favorite. This It A pleasant herb drink. Cures con- - Moat Room! land I Bhephard Building contains no opiate, Is perfectly barm-less- , Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tableta BuUardCatrMt, stliatlon and Indigestion, makes you Better than a Pootor'a Prescription tastes good and cures. Sold b; eat, aleep work and happy. Satisfac- o ÍIXTBB CITT NIW MEXICO Mr. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va., Eagle Drug Mercantile Co. 25 tion guaranteed or money back. says that Chamberlain's Stomach and nC3-- Mr. Hearst declares that he doei not cts. and CO cts. Eagle drug mercan- Liver Tablets have done him more want to be mayor of New York, and tile cjmpan; good than anything he could get from C3 as he ears it to capital letters, his de- doctor.' If any physician la this JOS. BOONE. A magnificent alk. tba material for tbe cision Is probably flail. Bill; would country was able to compound a medi- which was tho gift of tba United ATTORNEY COfNSELlOR. rather be tbe " roaster " than the cine would produce such gratify- a ad Verde CortDer company at Jerome, haa that mayor. ing results In cases of stomach trouble. rtllpraotlMla all the oourti and land of been placed on the top front of the I L? Buwa I biliousness or constipation, his whole the territory. For tick beadacbe take Chamber Elks' bulldlcg In Prescott. theater time would be used in preparing this All bnsmeaa entrnsted to him will receive lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet and CO vrwpt al . a quick cure la certain. For ea'.a by Phoeolx is toon to have a new seven one medicine. For sale by all dealers íxi haw ifvjioe all dealen la medicine. tor; hotal. lo medicine, lftlr. te for luxuries, aod are raising Jut What Everon Sheald Da the assessment of the copper com- Mr. J. T. Ifarher. of Irwlnvill. (: fíOREHCI ARÍI panies high enough to they get always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's PUBLISHED FR1DATS. maj Julio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemedv what they want. Sume years ago at band ready for instant use. At Simy, TDK orne of the resident of Clifton en- tacks of colic, iusbaiid's cholera morbus and 16 Troy, N.' Hf DO! II. KCnZIK. deavored to have the county divided, diarrhoea corue on so saddenlv u and my address is Bondman Block, that .m. been restored U nd a County seat made Clifton, there la no time to hunt a doctor or go i wlnt howthMaiui I .m that wife', health ha. at to the store for medicine. Mr. ireadííl cold, which .ettled In h.r r Priixrv but their effort were not approved hy Barber CABI1TET L. sh. . SuUoription says: l "l have tried Chamberlain's ccr-Uin- ly I lungs, mío MO the copper companies. probable Colic, Cholera cbial tube and bree Month. .11 It and Diarrhoea Remedy, A fevorlte'reaort roi thorn who ara In favor ll I 'OA think f one or 1 had bronchitis, and Oil Menttil . i n thai these companies will dow look at wnicn is tne best medicines of the;fraaoolnaa of turar. Minara, Pros- de- ever saw. 1 too, and wo Uae . tiw county division from a different stand- - keen a bottle of itiouiv pector, Ranchera and 8look mea. consumption, Vr room as I have had of life, fcbe had a polu l, and will be several attacks of spaired her BubicrlaUoo Alwert Pavatileln Advance. Riad to get away eolio aod it has provecí to be tbe best tightness and soreness in tho from the wet end. medicine I ever used." Sold hv all Music Every Night. chest, and it was difficult for her dealers in mediclue. to breathe. There were ius, s Trei:k Is blood on the moon in Her- - pains, with RIPOBT For Orar Blitv Vaara. harp, dull and heavy THE AUDITOR'S county. expectora-in- g. nalillo Recently District At- Am andWrll-Trik- d Rkmkdy. constant coughing and County Old To the Honorable Hoard of torney Clancey went to Santa Fe aod Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has Each day she was worse T!,, - '; ' ,, Commissioners, Grant county: laid before the governor charges ue--n useu ior over sixty years by v. lnes Xjlq.ta.orB than the day before. I was ad- t Rem- - V millions of mothers for Acker's English l ' $C-.r- ffM 1 have lust finished ao elimination gainst Frank Ilubbell, couoty collec their children wised to iret . the accounts of treasurer, while teething, with Derfect success- - edy, and did no, but my wife only of tor, Thos. A. Ilubbell, sheriff, aod soothes child, sums. and. Cierars. W. period of It the softens the shook herhead and said: 'Another J. FlemlnK, covering a Exlavlo Vigil, superintendent of allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is took popular dollar thrown away.' She y time from date of last examination. schools, of such a character tbat It tbe me dps i remedy ior uiarrhoBa. is branda. however, and said pleasant to by Drug the Remedy, May, 1904. to the date of turning hli charges should be proved tbe governor the taste. Sold was magicnl. In less gists every part or 8. tbe effect 7A office over his successor, S. .in . . tut world.. . RÜTHERPORD ft CO. to Arthur ould be Id duty bound to remove 'r e a . . i an there was a remark- I l weuty-uv- cenia - uui.ue. list. value 18 than hoar Qoodell, on January 11, 1905, and re- these officials. Tbe governor has been noalculable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Mnrenol Arizona able change. She got better at spectfully report all moneys that Soothing Syrup, in n time sue was that a Albuquerque this week listening to Winslow's and takeuo once, and short has treasurer and other kind. entirely well and .trong Mn. The cure was permanent and there be, came Into his hands at the evidence for and against the men, Remedy is made of. but I am properly no relapse. I don't know what Acker' English collector have been accounted and it is safe to say that If tbe charges DÜNCAN AND SOLOMON My VILLK. MEXICAN SALOON sure it contains something thnt fortifies the system against futnre attack.. for with the exception that Mr. Flem- are proved the governor will do bis you imagtne how Mall and Bipreee Una. Kuie wife i in better general health now than ever, and can't ing has deducted as commissions on duty, Wines. Kentucky Whiskies. English Rem- aod Bernalillo couoty will have Stage leave Soloroonville Mondays, hamv she is for her recovery. She tells o ver body about Acker's moneys wblcb under l'tn-port- very uf-- certain receipts, new officers. Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m,j French Brandies and edy and so do I, for I believe it to be our duty to tho public to help opinions, to -- late District Court wblcb and arrives at Duncan at 12 m., mak- ferer who has tnroRt ana iung nuuuit. mj , r Cigars. , in hkt be was not entitled and of which the Tne criticism the Liiikual made a ing close connection with the A. & for croup, and has aved the lives of hundreds of little ones around N. M. Kf. Leaves Duncan Tuesdays. following Is a summary: couple of weeks ago on Clerk Vicinity alone." , Probate Thursdays and Fridays at 12 tu., Poll tax and fines, 1110.40 Walton for refusal to let tbe report of a p. m. d at 50c. ana ft a couie, mrougooui ui. v-- i-- i varriing at boiomonviiie at Vino Fino, Wblakles da Kentiiclr, Cofna .Tü r iscjl .A fiA Xf inn are not atisñed aftr buVIÜIT. Interest from Treas. Luna Co., 395.55 tbe traveling auditor be seen was This line is eqvped with elegant money back. , France! rPuroi Importada--. return the botUe to your druggUt, and get your Miscellaneous collections, 112.90 made through a misapprehension of Concord Coaches Fine Stock, and ... rir xt VCD M Y IVntwjrinfi. Kfta York. I careful drivers. Wt aulnorvPt we awvi yvarwHtv. it. u iro w any 754 00 what bad actually occurred. The NORTE ALVAREII, Llttvjr gambling license, Fare $5. Low charge for extra Total, - 11,372 91 Liberal bas always found Mr. Walton baggage. quickest and The safest Murenol I attach herewith statements show- very accommodating, aod tbe records route to express muter to soiomon-ville- . Arliona DID YOU EVER ing numbers or receipt and sources In bis office have been in excellent Noah Gkbn, Prop. Solomormlle, A. T. from which such collections or receipts shape for the use of the public. Travel erer a Eoad iuin were received. John Kellv, agent for Wells Your District Attorney will advise the Yob are la a Bad Fix Fargo company, left his office In care But we will cure you if you will pay on. SALOON you as to the action you should take in I0M of C. F. Dickinson tbe first of the Men who are Weak, Nervous and debili 3u.rr.i.g, this matter. Nervous Debility. Oil week, and started for Los Angeles, tated laSering from also wish to advise you Judge seminal and tne enecta of I that where on Wednesday be was married. weak nen. all SARTORIS CARRASCO, Propa. ! Mann, Judge of the Gth Judicial dis early evil habits, or later indiscretions, ocorioti-7"- After a short Mr. aod Decay, consump trict, in a recent opinion In a hich lead to suit Mrs. Kelly will make borne In tion or instamty, should send for and read Good whiskies, brought by tbeir brandies, wines anJ fine one of the assessors In his Lordsburg. the "book of life," giving particulars for dlstrtct against the county to enforce d home cure, sent (sealed) free, by ad Havana Cigars. -- IF NOT, NOW IS THE-T1M- E the payment of assessor's commissions Sprained Ankla, Stiff Neck, Lama Shoulder reining Dr. Parker's Medical and surgi- AND OPPOR- for assessing liquor and gambling These are three common ailments cal inntite, 151 North Spruce St., Nash TUNITY for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is ville, Tenn. They guarantee a cur or no Spanish Opera each night by a troupe of ::::.: licenses held that section 3, chap. 108, especially valuable. If promptly an pay. The Sunday Morning, Session Laws of 1901, repealed by I in oiled It will save you time, money and Trained Coyotes. suffering any of plication section 1749 of the C. L. of when troubled with Morencl Arizona 1897 whereby assessor was these ailments. For sale by all deal the entitled ers In medicine. to 4 per cent on all licenses and taxes collected under their assessments and The Southern Pacific m: that they were entitled to but50 cents Lordaburg. N.M.. to Buffalo, N.Y. í Simons Sitofl Paic provided In 3 Account annual meeting Grand Lodge DETROIT SALOON at section above referred South-er- o kilJAimh uni B.P.O.E., at Buffalo, N.Y., the to. During the past two years ending Paciflc company will sell July 6, 7 December 31, 1904, these commissions and 8, roiindtrip tickets, Lordsburg to Monsumnlion The Kavorlte of Morenol, Arizona. SUMMER RATES have been allowed and paid to the Buffalo, for tuo.80. Final limit Aug Double BUmp Whlakle Wines, MAT 2d, and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday thereafter until SEP- assessor and In this also your District ustfltb. 77 cure California Tbe Southern Pacific company will Warranted Pure Grape Juloe Foreign TEMBER 30 tb, 190.. Good returning till NOVEMBER 30th. Liberal stop- Attorney will advise you If you should Resort-Da- lly sell reduced rouod trip rates account This in beyond que Hon ih nd Dome tic Clirara A Quiet over privileges In both directions. ROUND TRIP ratea to SOUTHERN ta.e steps to recover this money so of July, to and from all points mot uccMfciul Couch Me4t-ci- ii and Weekly Paper Alway Fourth known cirni-c-: a CALIFORNIA Points, 35.00. To SAN FRANCISCO and Iclaity, I&5.00. h.1 vr to on hand, it th mails don't fat paid to the ex assessor. between Banning. Cal., ana raso few done iovarmbly cure th ; Yours Texas, fur one fare the round trip, on worst cftva of Cough, Croup B. DAVIS. Propr.etor respectfully, litou-hit- Tickets Good July 1st, 2d, 3rd and 77 and i. whilo It C. V. Safford.T. A sale 4th. lucctn In tli euro of on Each of the Daily Trains Ketioo, rates to Denver one fare Contiuinption U without m pur-ttll- The above Is the report of Traveling Reduced in the b litar v of mpu'frin. round trip, from Lordsburg $31.05. lSfnc iM firftt lt cove ry It h Auditor Sa fiord, for a copy of which On sale June 30tb to July 4th Inclus- been tUi on a yuamntee, a Watchmaker, Jeweler. the LibekaL Is under obligations to ive, August 12th and 13tt and August (est whkh no other nic!icin can Pt.AiicJ. If yuu havo a The repairing of watch , Trobate Clerk Walton, of wblcb the 30th to September 4th Inclusive. Good Coiiyrh, we varnoiuly aiK you TIME TIME has bad several things to say returning July 12th, August 21st and tott v ú. in I num Mates anil clocks and Jewelry a specialty. Liberal September 12th. 77 Cm ia , LK: ami $1.00, and week so, is in Kngland H. I'd., and All work done in a workman la the past or and It fully 0.1. Eaatbeund Westbound as Interesting as the Liberal thought Reduced rates to Ashury Park, N.J., 4. like manner and guaranteed or l"' r i , and return, account National Educa- SOLE. PROPRIETORS money refunded. Shop locat- 8:56 A. H. 12:04 P. it. aJ 1:15 P. M. 6:57 P. It would be. It should be understood tional Association, IGj.'JO from Lords- that thi collector la entitled to four burg. Tickets on sale June 27 tb, 2St,h, ed In the Arizona copper com-pacy- 's ray per cent on all monies be collects, and 20tb and 30th, good returning July 3rd S.CWells&CoJIf store. the assessor is entitled to four per nor later than July 10th, except by depositing ticket and payment of fifty LEflOY, N.Y. H. LEMON, We will be pleased you more you will cent on all monies collected on the n to write about them if address cents extension to August 31st may be K HAMILTON, CAN. A! T, H. Goodman, O. P. A., San Francisco. tax roll be makes out, fifty 30 and cents, obtained. (Late of London, England) C. M. Bcrkh alter, D. F, A F, A.Tuoseu, Aria. the same as the clerk, on each license Reduced rates to Baltimore, Md., CLIFTON ARIZONA or E. W. Clapp, Local Agent, Lordsburg, N. M. Issued. The treasurer does not collect and return, account I. C. U.S. of the' poll tax; that Is collected by the Christian Endeavor. Tickets oo sale Arisona & Hew Mexioo BailwaT Company clerk of the school board, and be is July 1st and 2d, round trip from Lords burg s0..;, return limit not earner Lordsburg & Eachita Railway Oompanv. paid a commisMioo. Fines are paid tbao July 5th nor later than July 15th, Vy.L.DoucLAG Into the court. The liquor and gam- except by depositing ticket aod pay- TIMK TaBLK no. 24. 11.00 may bling licenses are collec'ed by the ment of extension of return 7, 1904. 03 SHOEnoir Do Mot Neglect Cold. be obtained to leave Baltimore not Effective February CORDOVAN, a sheriff, aod be receives a commission rUMCM ALSA-lU- tn CALT. later than August 31st. 77 MOUNTAIN TIMK rfO. Every cold Waakans th Lungs, lowers th Vitality and maka th for collecting them. The Interest H.3.J FlNtCAllKAWAIHia succeeding cold, thua Reduced rates to Toronto, Oct., aod yttem les abl to withstand each paid by Luna county tax payers on " 3. IP POLICE, 3 SOLES. paving the way for more sarioua d account International Sunday TRÁIÜ TRAIN Grant county bonds is collected by the School association, $01.15 from Lords- CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CHANCES? re- Mo. 1 S E 1 treasurer of Luna county, and be burg. Tickets on sale June 17tb, 18th, HO. - NjS2i7B0YS'SCHliaSH!Ü4 ceives a commission for collecting this ltttta, 20th and 22d; returo limit June STATIONS t -- -. pay- soo-t- money. will be seen 30th, but by depositing ticket and MOUND IODKD LADICS' It Treasurer ment of fee 11.00 extension may be ob- Fleming charged the county four per tained to August 25th. 30 DAILY DAILY r trun mm nmir cent oo all monies that were paid Into Reduced rates to Indianapolis, Ind., w.Yirr-.ft'nrrr-ife- -. bis bands, but which be bad not col- Lt 8:06 a m Olirton 0 LT:aOpm vn ivivi-i-i. and return, account Twentieth Inter- North 8ldlnr.... a Ovr Om MllUofl Ppl wear tb lected. If be bad read the law it Is national Turntest, (50.20 from Lords- ' H: am 'South Bldlu.... t " :1S p m 8:47 a m lluthrte 11 " :04pm W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Stoes burg. Tickets on sale June 18tn, 19th, M probable he would not have made 8 :-f- a ni 'Coronado IS 6:Mpm 20tb and 21st, good returniog June " 17 AM our shoe arc equally aatufactory these charges. If he had read the t&auiVork " 6:41pm -. 27lh. 30 " 0:4 a m Sheldon 4 " 6:13 p m Th.y give the beet valuo for the neae- papers, wblcb .coutalned tbe decision " v:44 am Dunoan St " 4:Mpm Thay equal cnatot sheea In style tad nt. One fare round trip, Lordsburg to " 10:07 a m 'Thomnon 40 " 4:4 pro Their wtannf qaaimee are unaai na.aail courts on question, unllor-- -- Umr-M of tbe this be Omaha, Council Bluffs, Hacine Junc- " 10:28 a m 8umiuit 61 " 4:üi p m the prioea are i, ua at would not have made charge. " 10:4Í a ni Veitcb 0 " 4:(tpm the It tion. St. Joseph, Mo., Kansas City, " 11:30 a m Lordnbur 70 " S:fi0pm s iX yeur dsiler cannot supply you we can. Sold) will be noticed tbat the assessor got to Atchison, Leavenworth? St. Louis, "11:80 a in OH Plain 71 ";20pnt Chicago, Memphis and New Orleans. "11:4 a m 'Robert SI " :U6 p m dealer, whose name will snoiuy appear her tbe county for an amount ranging " 12:lfl a ni Krwkmao W " i:47pm a waniea. Apply at ouoe.o from four to sixteen' dollars on each Tickets on sale June 25tb. 26th, 27th, la w p m Hgkr IM " 28th, 29th and 30th, also July 4th, 5th Arl2:a6 p miHaohlta 1" LtlUpini:5i license Issued, when tbe law only al- you and 6tb, 24th, 23th and 26th. If Trains atop on alirnai. ' fifty you k--rm lowed blm cents for each license are contemplating a trip east Children under 10 year of a half priee. PERMANENTLY CURX5 Issued, which would amount in Assessor should certainly avail yourself of this COUNCIL ROOMS agent IM poundt bairature free with each full tick- Coughs, Colds, Throat, Swartz's case to some seven hundred opportunity. Write Southern et; 76 pounda buKKaRe frre with each half Consumption, Coro Pacific Co., at Lordsburg, N. M., for ticket. Kxceas 1 cent per 100 pound Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, dollars, thus making tbe county treas- per particulars. 728 mile. Cholo Wine. Liquor and Havana Cigar Goro Lungs. ury abort tbe sum of some two thous- PASSaMQia PATtS. Cronchltls, Hoarsoness, Reduced rates to Portland, Oregon, Ope and) EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT BALLARD'S HORE. and dollars. Both Assessor Swartz Clifton to North 8ldln I .80 ratio other musioal leleetians ren and return, account Lewis & Clark BoutbHldln 40 deredeseh nlrnt for tbeentertaln-mea- t HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO OPIATES. DOES NOT and Treasurer Fleming aro good for Exposition, Juoe 1st to October 15th, ' Outbrle 70 CONSTIPATE CHILDREN AND WILL POSITIVELY .HO of patron. 1905. 15 150; 21 Coronado the amounts, aod tbe county treasury day ticket day ticket Fheldon 1.46 CURE CROUP AND WHOOPINO COUOH. 05. agent S. Lords- will probably be enriched, In near Write P. Co., at Dunoan 11 mmm. uthwmif, ., the I.4S Dally weekly newspaper ballik Horr-ee- burg, N.M., for full Information about " " Thomaon and and other peri Hailard' Irnif la mw fainllr tat aeveralrirear, , S 10 rea Groo mvA future by thl amount, aod we look to liberal stop-ove- r privileges, train and Summit odicals on file, an It alwsr. aivea Wbea tbe bad " " Veltrh S6 W hooplne Cooch It alwajra relieved them at once, end I would ma be county 825 - JU- the oomrnisslooert to see tbat reservations. Iirdoburj- i.HO For wiuurat ft In tbe bona, a It la tbe -hl --UtUlCIMV we know " " Robert 4.S6 full partleu artoallonl Treasurer Goodell does not charge four " Brorkman.. Best Etmedjr for Children. Evtry Bottle Curwitd, percent oo the amount for accepting " " rlKker 16 Hugh Mullen - Prop TMmmmmixmmi Mmm, mo mi.oo. Ik Grant county has tbe traveling ASSAY OFFICE AND CHEMICAL llaoblta .66 ALIX. TBITCB, ' A. WAOSTArr, CLIFTON ARIZONA BALLAED SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, M0. auditor to thank for this. 00. . LABORATORY let V. P. 4 Oeo'l Bupt. Superintendent. o r ' AND RECOMMENDED BY The aasetaor of Graham county, who H. Arizona Colorado Railroad Co. SOLD live la tbe west end of tbe county, William Stevens Cochino .S0a. ra roe..; .. 7:44 a. m Th made good thl year, for his end of tbe PRICKS I t Uit Pea moateareful farmera aOc CnnneoUons at Coohl with the Southern county, and ciocbed the copper com- Gold and Silver. Iron, is in i j and farilen.r everywhere Copper, . "ho Zinc, sou Paolflo. i . piaoe oonnaene in erry - . . 60c . U0 panies. He more tbao doubled the hinca, t 1,101. '' a- 1 I'm. . . ti.uO Wulpbur, a.uu Effective Jul j V Ba- the kind that never Assessment of the Arizona aod the 4 ora, 8. A. McFAaLAwa, vIlTIiTO- Vend I or ox, of Posta on ore one Detroit companies, and made a big eeut per ounce. Aeal. Gen. Manaer, oo company, raise the Shaoooo the Amalnmatinn Test of free Milling Ore. Sfi 00 total raise of tbe three companies ( yaulcie leat of Gnlrt and flilver Ore. t.UU E. E. BURLINGAME A CO., topper learblna-- leat or Carbonate, and fcelott ll.8&,479.67. Cor years the . Cxldlaed Copper Ore, . . (.00 ññiu cmfmical ftOJAl UrnUC"0rnr LABORATORY nave been uu atandan) Ibrtt year a people of tbe east end of the couoty For above teat send M ota. of or for each lUiy re cot ea experiment ' EataUUhed la Color ad0.1S66. ami.te by a. all or V exjid by A office-bold- teal. all deelera. lio sl.ite:s mI have been supporting tbe - nr-a- (il nrnmnt and rarclul al AummmX AT THE rraif m rjL re lor the atOn. aod school of Returns by next mall. Terns i Cash wtta fil,.r R,illa kJimS, an AMr the district the west aauipl-e- . Mine, eiaimncd end reported upo. t Mich. cod, and now tbe west-eoder- not AauuaJ aaaeaamaut work attended to pAitrf!" Tctt l0Ulbe.ercar load le. Oetretl. LORDS UCBO, UbUbbMuuiiu iwn Write lor Ursa. 9 aatlsSed with the necessities pf life, N. U. ITJC-STj- a liarcattrt Denver. 01. 3.i33S3i.x- - ornrxcs. TUi: ClJ.MlllHON Vt WESTERN LIBERAL. TIJ.E KOMANCE CT CHARLIE LEE DANOER 510NAL5. . JKFOKTOl' WESTON LIliEliAL Last Friday the LuiRRAt printed an No rtfrlnr would bfl mad enough ta Blues run by the flar which aiKiialed Item telling of the arrival of a fair one Is duunor. LORDSBURQ, JUNE 30, 1905. It different with the avorage man from San Francisco, who would bo or woman. i First llati ona Ban as soon as constantly married to Charlie Lee, the to run by the dan-- r license arrived, and that I g n a s of or CI. PASO, TfXAS, J. A. Leahy made a trip down to El Chinese Inspector Connell would give Mature and that At theoloaeof bualovss on Coieras Paso, oo business, returning Wednes- attempt coats unierleo for sad advertise In de- w MAY 29, 1903. day. the away. The license was thousands of lives y ir layed and Mr.Oocnell acted as a "kill- - every year. When the a p pot - Reaonrees. C. W. Wilcox, Jr., of El Pago, la Ha- lie becomes Irragu- Cupid," and the troubles the lovers I n r nr antlKtl tnu ..... Loans and discount 11.334,342.0 itian with hi friend, J. A. Leah?, Jr., have had has been most interest- whnn ileep it troubled Overdrafts, awurvd and Acid the and unamturvd l,S7.n SiMric la Lordsburg. broken, when there Is D.8. Honda to secure cir- ing bit of gossip that Lordsburg bas dull-nee- a constant fueling of a culation 300.000.00 Misa Georgia ITumphrey, of Cana- had In many a long day. and languor, Nature C. 8. Horde to aeoure U. MadefromthecelebratedCLIFTON reslern Lioeral is hoisting alg-na- lOO.noO 00 dian, Texas, U In Mr. Is the danger l. 8, lxipoalta town visiting her Lee a Chinese merchant, and The stomach and lis Premiums on t'. 8. Bonds f.Ki ) Ores. Free from Antimony and brother, T. V. Humphrey. under the Chinese exclusion act has allied organs are falling In fltooks, securitlrs, etc 33.M3 .26 thui...... U .. , , Uaukliiii house, turuiture Arsenic. Ilardle Fuller, who is now firing ao the same right here as any other for- is losing the and Bxturns J4.000 00 nutrition on V Other real estate owned l'.'.TUO.utí ngioe out of Tucson, eigner. This right also extends to his which its strength de-- National Hunks made a run into penda. Due front town Sunday, family. He had tired of single blessed- I not rerve airxuta 198,044.34 IUH ELECTRICAL. ENERGY. PubUshed at to visit bia relatives. Such a condition calls Jf Due from State Hunks ness, and wanted a wife, one of bis for a prompt ose of t)r. and Hanaera W.STtM . t Mrs. L. M. Crocker Monday l !.-...- I i. . .i .... l ltl--- Due approved re- - left for own race. Some years ago he mar-le- d from Discovery. dis- jl sorre event 7&6.810.W Long Beach, to spend the summer It curas a Mexican woman, but the union did enso of the stomach Chocks aud oilier caso Gives more satisfactory results In with her daughter, Mm n. and Items 16.S8S.M 3. Shafer. not turn out a happy one. The woman other organa of digoatlon Exchanges for clearing .KT0 Reduction Works any A daughter was was murdered near Stein's Pass some and nutrition, puriliea house 7 than Chemicals born to Mr. and and enríe he the blood and Notes of other Banks 3V.OUO.00 Mrs. Charlea Colhath, who live a few time since, ne was not disconsolate. builds up the body with Fractional paper ftirren- - in tbe market. sound, solid flesh. cr, nlcknls aud cents... 214 14 miles from Gold To get a wife of his own race he had to 1 A frpljrht Hill, last Monday " I hv a .1 . ...I. Lawful money reserve id lonr haul saved to the consumers - rooming. send away, or go. His business kept ft from your ntedlrliiHe am glad to nay a few hank, vis: In both territories. words that you may use for publication. ' Specie 127.1SOO a mar- notes lü.OOO.O- O- Mrs. Alex Veitch came down hi in at home, and be arranged writ y Mr. J. R. Iioirn, Crystal Lake. Ooun. ltml tender Prices in competition with the from Had been troubled with a Reüeiiipt ion fund with C. 1,570,704.08 riage by correspondence, somethlog comnllcatlon of H per Clifton and took the California train dlwiaaee for ovar two rears, but kldneya and B. Treasurer oeut Eastern Markets. after the manner of many that have livor bothered me DxwU Borne of my worn of circulation! 15.000.00 Monday for Long Beach, where her alimenta were headftehe, frequent ralna Total.'...'... I3.12S.94S.17 mother and daughter been arranged by Americans in this around heart and under right aboulder-blail- e. are stopping. My banda Arizona Copper Co, 10H hiln Csoips. (tmeltert and Badue section, who are too busy to go hunt a and feet were cold nearly R tioD Works surround ua all the time, and I bad inch chtlluien be- LlaklllttM. CLIFTON. ARIZONA. Constable McGrath made a most wife, which are commonly called the tween shouldore Home days cared but little Capital stocs paid 1300.000 00 I In..... commeodablo move the first of the for food: lost flesh! felt ao tired and le Surplus fund bO.000 00 Montgomery Ward marriage, as It Is It teemed I couldn't do any house- Undlvldod profits lens ex- week. He gathered a little money work. Took tnedlelne from my physician, penses and tares putd. r8,r86.02 supposed this firm of providers often but received ro Iwneilt. Bouitht a and hired a Mexican sweep (.olden bottle of National Hank notes out- - to the act as the introducers of those who Medical IMacovery,' and after tak- standing 3U0.OU0 00 m Nearest Paper Is at Silver City, a!la- main street of the city. The work ing It I fell ao much better we determined to Due other National BanksflOI4S.l Absolutely good service. 0 ta oue oí D rt; aulles. wish to commit matrimony. give It a fair trial. Appetite Boon Improved Due ftate Banks and was well done, and the appearance of and gradually the disorders dlaappeaxvd oja-t- U 533.TC3.13 Mr. Lee corresponded with his friend now I am well." Hankers the etreet greatly improved. Mr. Mc- Individual 'leposit sub- Best of roadbed and equipment fa- Mrs. Laura Marche, in San Francisco, A dreat Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one-ce- ject, to olteek 1.418.S49.34 Grath ba9 been Invited to repeat the get him a Chinese stamps to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, Demand certificates of de- cilities. and asked ber to Y.. to cover cost posit R.61H.0S PON the North of ua Ilea M alone and operation often. ft. of mailing only and deposit 5W,0:!0.7fl wife. Mrs. Marche is a native daugh- he will send you 1008-pa- Time nertltlcato of u Bui'ple Heck. a free copy of hlB Certified checks 1,24.UU Quick and Comfortable. H. S. Spense, the mining engineer ter of tbe golden west, of Chinese par- Cotamon cnNe Medical Advltwr, Cashier' ctaecka outatand-I- , paper-covere- Cloth-covere- d 31 stamps. ! who has been spending a great deal of entage. She Is well educated in Amer- lí.onna Dr. Pierce' PcUet Cure Tnlted States Deposits... 6S,708.S4 Finest and Best service to all points time the past year or so at Steeple-rock- , ican ways and manners, speaks Eng- Conatlpatioo. Deposit of U 8 disburs- ing officers north and east. was In the city Saturday, return- lish fluently, and after listening to ber JOHTREAST Uei Gold Hill. ing from England, where he has been talk to a Chinamen one would easily case postponed, so that be might have .Total.. 3,123,4.I7 Makes good your OF TEXAS. COUNTY" OF EL PA8(), connection with for some months, lit is reported that believe that she talked the Chinese time to secure evidence. Tbe case STATE I. Jo. K. Williams, cashier of the train from the west. Mr. Spense has made to Mrs. was postponed August 28th, above named nauk. do solemnly swear that arrangements language as fluently. Marche until and the hora statement Is true to tbe best of mj lo considerable work at Steeplerock, knew Lilly Chung, a Chinese maiden, Miss Chung was released under $1,000 knowleiire and belief. And good connections at Kansas City, OUTU of ui art Soaaspeare and Pyramid Jos. F. Wit.T,i Cashier, Chicago S' and has the backing of a strong devel who was working In an American bail for ber appearance on that date. Siihsfirtbed and sworn to beti.lore me tbls and other points for all tbe opment company. family. Miss Chung, when a child, Mr. Lee, Tom Tung and Tom Pock 2d day of June, 11105. large eastern cities. (8KAL) Ja. L. Marr. The Eagle Drug com- bad been sold by her mother as a each qualified to a thousand dollars In Notary Public., El Paso Co., Toxa Mercantile CORKkCT II. 8. Rtf.waht. family. a real estate, Attest: pany's cash register went on a strike slave In a Chinese After and made her bond. .Ind. M. Hatnold, Meals served at our handsome Harvey llGajrlorsvUle. away Monday Mr. M. W. FL.OIJHNOT, gOCTHWKST Tuesday. After ringing up a cash year of this life she ran and Lee received a letter Dirccters. hotels which areunder the Manage- ale one of the keys stuck, and none of went to the Methodist mission on from tbe county clerk Informing blm ment of the noted Fked Hahvkt. the drawers could be opened. In Washington street, San Francisco, that as be was about to mall tbe was license be a telegram from order to have the keys of the machine where she cared for. After she received If you want to buy a EST are Stein's Pais aodth Volcano t ia- - handy they were In one of the drawers, got old enough she made an honest United States Attorney Medler inter- w trlot. which wan supposed to open by re- living, working as a servant in Ameri- posing objections to tbe issuance of "Watch such license. once telegraphed leasing a catch. The company d can families. As Mrs. Marche said, He at Miss Chung had to work bard, and Mr. Medler asking for grounds In de- Or to have a "Watch WEST after new keys, but IT. L. ' N Camp. sby thought would be better to be an tail, and Mr. Medler telegraphed him Gammon took a at the machine, it . as follows: Repaired and soon bad the outside of it off, and old man's darling, and Mr. Lee is not ' a youth. courtship was carried "Lilly Chung unlawfully In tbe Saila was able to get at the machinery, and The Goto . Ac release the stuck key. on by letters, pictures exchanged, and United States; bas no certificate; at- Qoally a marriage entered tempt being made to marry ber to Professor F. A. Jones, Hixson's, El Paso Tex. the mining into. Miss Chung, with Mrs. Marche Chinese merchant; she Is now under engineer, was In city, the and went as a chaperone, arrived In Lordsburg arrest; Issuance of license and marriage That's all. LORDSBURG to take a look the Clara Sutton, out at for tbe . pending deportation case will be ob- for T. A. Lister, president of the After tbe arrival it was found that a struction of Justice and parties in - "North American mining company, who TQNG- CO. was necessary. The volved subject to criminal prosecu- TOM & on a basan option It. The Sutton is Rev. N. I). Wood, who was going to tion." Comfortable Day Coaches and Free fiatenied claim, lying parallel and ad- county ' perform the ceremony, offered to send Tbe clerk wrote: "In view Cbalr Cars; Pullman Palace and lath Depot of supplies for this eiteusi joining Lust, Chance. Is fis- - the It a for tbe license, as tbe law permits, but of these clrcumstanees I deem it my the brick Tourist Sleepers; Tbe Best Dining mining- dls triot and tortae bundreds of sure vein, about wide three feet with Charles Dunn, Jr., Mr. Lee's book- duty to defer action as regards issu- Service In tbe World. a pay streak of some four luches. keeper, butted In' tnd said he would ance of license until I can make furth- Restaurant. Owing to th water In the shaH the attend to that. Mr. Wood attempted er Investigation." professor could not get tUiwu to take a ' to explain that it was necessary for a After considering the matter the suppltud with tbe beet in tunic at the workings. Mr. Lister Is Tails the For other details and full Information write person who was authorized to perform probate clerk conclude to issue tbe imttlng a whim on the shaft, und soon market. or call upon the marriage ceremony to take tbe ap- license. will have unwatered, as the water ' i - it plication for a license, but Mr. Dunn, MARRIED In Lordsburg, New Mex- In It is nothing seepage water. Everythingoeat und clean. W. R. Brown, but with tbe wisdom Originating In Ken- ico, by M. W. McGrath, J. P., June He to do devel- 29. Charlie Lee, of Lordsburg, and Intends considerable tucky, aud accumulated through many D. F. & p A., opment work on He Lillte Cbung, of Sao Francisco. it this sumiuer. years, insisted on attending to this Located (rom will also open an assay ofllce, having The Bank of Deming El Paso, Texas. work, and be sent after the license. Cuban Diarrhoea ecured the services of Professor Jones' U.S. soldiers who served in Cuba W. J. BLACK, As he bad no authority to perform the sou to do the assaying, the same man during tbe Spanish war know what bedding ceremony the county clerk, Is, ordinary rem O. P. A., Toncka. who was employed by Lena com- this disease and that the very properly," refused to Issue tbe edies have little more effect than so THE GILA RIVER pany a few years ago, as an asttayer. al- license. much water. Cuban diarrhoea is BuhI- - most as severe and dangerous as a Transacts a General Bauking Lordsburg In- Nothing has ever equalled it. lost one of its oldest It was at this time that Chinese In mild attack of cholera. There is one ness. habitants Monday, in the death of J. spector Connell broke into tbe game. remedy, however, that can always be Nothing can ever lurpass it. P. Ownby, who has lived here ever He arrested Miss Chung as a Chinese depended upon as will be seen by the inee there was any Lordsburp. Mr. person improperly In this country, and rollowing certificate from Mrs. Minnie Foreign Exchange and Mexican On the North totho Jacobs, of Houston, Texas : " I hereby e Dr. Ownby was born in Memphis, Tennes-e- was going to have her deported. It certify thatCbamberlain's Colic, Chol- Money Bought aDl Sold, King's seveuty-si- x years ago. In 1832, Mr. Wood bad been allowed to do as era and Diarrhoea Remedy cured my with his young wife, he started on the hs wanted, tbo license would have husband of a severe attack of Cuban Nov; Discovery overland trail for California. The on Miss Chung would diarrhoea, which be brought borne been here time, from Cuba. We had several doctors, Money to Loan on Good Security at party camped at Lcitendort'a wells, a have been Mrs. Lee, and as the wife of but they did him no good. One bottle Currents Rates of Intereut. few miles south of here. lie lived for a merchant would have had a right Id of this remedy cured blm, as our Mexican many years in southern California, the country. neighbors will testify. I thank God A Perfect For All Throat and for so a medicine." For sale Notice. working at bis trade of carpenter and Thursday evening Mr.-Woo- took valuable Cure : Lung Troubles. by all dealers In medicine. is hereby In- builder. When Southern Pacific a for- Notice given that The Money back if It falla. Trial Bottles free. the their application for license and ternational Gold Mining At Milling built west from Los Angeles he was In warded It to the county clerk Friday. Corapttny will only be responsible for lu employ, and was at the front when Then tbe effort was made to have the hills that are contracted upon written On the Houth It reached Lordsburg. lie decided case postponed until tbe license could Sour order Mined by the general manager. . D. Hokton, General Manager. this was a good place to stay, and set- get heie. Inspector Connell acted 2?cilcice tled here In 1880. He built a hotel, very nicely about tbe matter, but Stomach the Qwnby Xlouse, which for many Deputy United States Attorney, E. L. No appetite, loss of strength, nervous The Set years ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, .Smart was the leading hotel of the Medler, who had arrived to attend the general debility, sour risings, and catarrh place, aud was torn down to make case, announced that he would prevent of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. A Mairázine of Cleycrness. room for the present Vendóme. At tbe wedding, if possible. Kodol oures indigestion. This new discov- Magazines should a ery represents of diges- bare TomSing&Co. one time he was engaged In the mer- Telegrams were sent from Lords- the natural (ulces purpose. tion as . they exist in a healthy stomach, THE LIBERAL cantile business here. His wife died burg to tbe department of Immigra- combined with the greatest known tonio Genuine entertainment, amusement Proprietors In 1897, and since ber death he has Dot tion and commerce urging delay. and reconstructive properties. . Kodol Dys- and mental recreation are the motives The fluent place town for a meal. taken an active part in life. For sev- Governor Otero was appealed to and pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion la dyspepsia, of Tub Smart Set, the eral months be has been quite feeble, and but this famous remedy , be also telegraphed the department, cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGA-- Your Patronage Solicited. and while suffering from no particular of immigration. The case was brought purifying, sweetening and strengthening ZINE. Covers all this vast territory and Is devoted tbe Interests of disease seemed to gradually fade away, before Commissioner Titus Saturday, he mucous membranes lining the stomach. ltó novel (a complete one in each Monday Mr. S. S. Bill, of Ravatuwood. W, Va., saya: death coming morning, while and was postponed Monday, so M until I wit tooublad with sour atomach for twenty years. number) are by tbe most brilliant MINERS, - at bis son Bramble's residence. lie Captain Beall, an El Paso attorpey, Kodol cured me and we ara bow using It la milk authors of both hemispheres. sons, B. B. Ownby, for baby.',' left two and J. It. could get there to defend tbe casei . Kodol Digest What You Eat Its short stories are matchless clean MERCHANTS, Mrs. Ralph - and a daughter, Fetterly It was figured out that tbe marriage Bottles ealy. f 1 .00 sue koldlne 2H times the trial and full of human Interest. FiNlnne of Tucson, and two grandchildren, to license would get bere Sunday after site, which sails far 50 cants. by a. O. DeWITT OO., OHIOAQO. Its poetry covering the entire field of MECHANICS, mourn bis death. He was burled noon, tbe marriage would be complet verse pathos, love, bumor, tender- Tuesday afternoon, the ceremonies, at ed In spite of tbe United States At ness is by the most popular poets, - STOCIMIN Lis particular request, being conduct- torney, and all would be well. The Tie s Sews men and women, of the day. Apt. by the Masons, of which fraternity he license did not arrive, but Captain iorf jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., Its And la faot all who live Id thlneoUgr. a bt,v many years been a member. mirth-provoking- . 'bad for Beall did. Monday be went before the 3TXOI33. are admittedly tbe most D. H. Eedsie, Agent Its welfare la view. ' JDay to 3Uay He was connected with the Deming commissioner, and asked to have the The Following Companies are Rep- lodge, and Master Frank Delaney and Is Best Given In papers tbatare MEM- 1B0 PAGES DELIGHTFUL resented: brothers Tboa. Hudson, Hugh Williams BERS OF THE ASSOCIATED NOTICH FOB PUBLICATION. LAND READING and Watkins came up, and assisted by at fjuCruoea. New Moneo, "une PRESS. No pages are wasted on cheap Illus- Livei dooI & London ÍU, IK. Not lo le burotiy kItsu that the fol- - the local masons, conducted the funeral lowing-namo- u settler oes med notitie 01 ma THE EL PASO TIMES Is a mem- trations, editorial vaporinos or weary- & Globe. by to make dual proof insotioortof hid after the ancient rite prescribed cluun, and thai said proof will be made before ber of this great News Gathering ing essays aud Idle discussions. ' H. U. o. German American. of order. Services were ioo: Keole, Cou rt Cotuuuaeioner at Association, and is therefore best will re- Teresa of Sobserlptlea the ritual the tils ofttoe at Lordabttrfr. N.Kl.,on August 5th, the Every page interest, charm and held In the Christian church, and the l"6, via. Bosle M. Muir for the HK'4, NW'á, paper west of Dallas, south of Denver fresh you. Ph latine, One year BWS4, NR. WK, BE tieo. 26, Tp. K4a, H 17 VV. i.e4 ioterrmeot was in the Shakespeare N ., P M. and east of Los Angeles. Take the Subscribe now $2.60 per year. Re- Six - Fireman's Fund. months l.iff, cemetery. Mr. Ownby was a good He names the following- witnesses to prove TIMES and get all the news. mit in cheque, P. O. or Express order, till oonlluuous resilience upou and cultiva- Fonr8itlieStroi!ic.tCoasanie. ia rbree month ... v l.oa cltlteo, and bad many friends all over tion of, aaid land, tii : Tuo. Keunedv, of BATE OF SUBSCRIPTION! T. 00 pal year or registered letter to TUB SMART Haohita. N M ; J. H. Muir, of Hwpar.N M ; 65 Canta per anontb. this section of the country. He was a Win. Kltlott. of Ued Bock, N.M.I K. a. Harria, SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. w woria Published ar err Friday at member of the Christian church, and ot Seotr, N.M. THE DAILY TIMES N. B. Sample copies sent free on Patronize local agency, ' Jerome Martin. the always voted the Democratic ticket. , kotflator. ISlSPaso, Texas. . af'illcatloa. , D. H. Kurcut, Agent lcrc:ede5 m euej. ait-L- í.".'.i ii' "tííl - u.k.'h r.s ilioiih HOSL TO THE OCCASION. you wile hi-- r liberty to nut T Way . With an ui.iuy as lie plo.isevl." t'lniikiUr'i rtrrk Eitrm MADAM Lru porlit'4 - "Yt " 1 akl It wl.h Ujo rising lnflpe-tiu- t'lpbvr. iT i tltUu't (live HMleut to dujlbliin. Who Wall strict first caught tlié fever 2QUFFLE "An 1 ! f.e .loin; ItV for "Industrial combination" and iH'gmi I "Mil! l.a Lol.l tUu Land of a greit the teoliianltilion of everything By Hubert MtKotn In says o Johnetoa UiaLy bf U. ,' (1,'owLt r.l.iht, the I'.rooklyo Eagle, one I this eveniii? " of the votaries of hie.h titmice found - Hubrrt himself In CMcngo- In t"euip fiecA of Ornvl IKA, k, bUikui itm i 'iluiv aa a tupición little quiver c- In y. adula ZoltiJVa vv!i.'. It sounded coinmnulciuiiu with t.; .No.v York of- fice. I i.l;i. lll. H rjiipnvs-i- I ' I )t l.iuub. - "11:3 aii n.,;uvi;!), tlun't líe- a!t:Kwl t j 1 ii ;m.:iiod riij :..'aI J.irulKel n!r. had .H!i;:i'fl an nirnnfie-wen- ..'..7 ,i,r y liU" It." the ( "And tho mo:, dl.l th,' like It?" I for crisollil.ii.on of several what?" nutlum-- la . qnci-lt-d- western eiit'.v.:!',v4, but in order to muck surprise. - tee :f.íl uiiiliorlty Mailaio 'o:::'.- li.-- t ret he lieeded from -- W" But 1 w:i hot Inj'.'.'ti pin::-- xo could tell. 'Hie J uj -- New York he must explain all he hud . j ltm. w not K.'iarpiy on muí t II l.rr '.vliut I liiiln t l.l.i-- She er.i noeh Uellucd. I done br wire to Lis partner. - llii!,'.'' ;:ud wuu only IjuLi.iI ni lui- if I "l'hei'd l.cretl.v. "I'll A b:ie we'll There was no time to write. Fie had TOT vi-r- - Jolly iMin tl.tir l:ead If they HAM or bn.i. I ll o. libit It's ail ukf- to no cipher Umg lie DCC Aü, 0Z Ujllt. I'.euidta, It's the laat thuneu ode. Kor a time v net a girl bcl Willi til tWomtiona, tried to tlii'ik out some way to" Kend 1 m-- they'll have." tJ! and, tor wy p.irt, like to thfiu do llie Information Fr leathers, Now. for a un oiiIhUI't otul Just a thr.t it would be It. It s proper tbui a jjlrl sh.mlj take it plain to his partners and meaningless coiiiiuori fortune teller 1 mint say that idl styles. n IntercU lu Uw cnuv of rbarlty, but to any one clac. Ills secret mmb a val- Madiiiu Xoiiiile toil, quite ii remarkable wlifii It coui.i to n-or- follow about uable otic and once scut over the wire Int eren t In eiy ufTahn. . WITH THE CHARACTER the Jilaff wantiii to Ik1U tbw tucks la might be sold out to his riviiW !;i Wall This i$ one 'iou... "Why." hhi tmkeJ "why I It Jtj tbe dark cornor It to uíu that their a lnrge num. MAKERS last chance:" street for MAN It' litue to call u knit. At last he decided to ta!;i chances " I'm ;jln-- : to her tomor- the "Yua dou"t tLiuk Til ?vfii k't on of till hi plalu Engliahi Accordingly he wrote row I THE them bold ni y baud, ilu you'" that she luiibl stop," replied nukml grimly. the incsai:e and gave it lo bis assist- Thrill lolly. ant lo semi. ROBERTS & LEAIIY There wad nn odd glitter In MaJaui "No-b- uf 1 atntuiuervii. Half un hour later. the asslnt-nn- t (utile's eye??. whn MERCANTILE CO. IVrh:ip you mt.-H- to insinuate came back, be nuked If ho bad tbut "And will she you tlni (IMCORrOaATBB I'd bold theirs, tbun." do anything say?" sent It. she uxkod. ' Hhe muat lie well was boidlriK be--r uose very trained "Not aaM clerk. LORDbBUKU K.M. ni.vlü to your Just thnt tut," the bi)h Ifxiwd. Tbwv wr.s only one thing oby 'l.le down. Carlo!' every "I It the first ward ou a Postal t!."!0." rewrole I couM do and rrtulu tuy dignity. I blank, the second on n Western Cuion. "Sl'.c'II do It If she loves me," I said. uiust si--t very uugry. and so on. I sent half by each com- "By wny. I you. "I'm jou umy If you wnnt the haven't osked pany, nnd neither half meant anything. iure to." Iloes she love mei" I rt'tortpd, wiib ubVi-tr- IndlÚYrvnca. Then 1 sent a Kecond measai.v by one Kitlicr tlie lipht was very dim or rhyllls biur;hcd. I was quite Kure I there line, saying. 'Kend tvtli messages to- was Mometbiuft wrong with Madam was oitis to gi't luto Hoi.ic sort of trou-tilo- . gether, alternating words.'" Zoufile'a eyea. queatlnn ii'Ct'n!tat- - I aiwiiy do wben I'b) Ills laugh 'llie The Bcheme Was too simple for the ed nnd lnal lng a very SPEED OF A RATTLER. jest w ay. her beudiiin over hlftli financier f have evolved, but It tliat my palm j "Thank you, sir," she replied, with a close scrutiny of lafore she worked perfectly. win able to nuawer. The warm, soft Why It I K.n.y t.i Slinot O It the Head deoji fcurtesy. "I will avail inysplf of One o.' - folda of Iter hair wero directly lu front Tl exi- Sarkri. of your lila-- i permission this evening." AN laEjaXOKal of me. and I kWsvd them ever so slight- ODD WHIST HAND. In thla i world there are several Tlie plnce looked quito dllToreiit nt rattle-s:n;ke- . ly. She feel It. tilings that are awli'tei' tiiati a with nil tbe líjenla Koinr;. And didn't It Lnoka Sore Winner, bnt nlht 'I dnnt know," confessed Phyllis I Ll!e writes A. W. liollrer In Pear- really the booths wore very pretty. I Can Take Only Six Trlrka. son's, To Louisville, Kentucky; Denvei, Colorado mcau Madam Zoufllo at last. looks but they can probably be count- couldn't see I'liylllx anywhere, though. "It To any omi familiar with whist the partly na though rhe dot.s and then ed on the finders of one band. One of Springs and Pueblo, Colorado; Chicago, St. Tlien Gmce Kawsbaw came along nnd following baud is bound to look pret- tliiii.-r-s I : again Just the leant Utile bit as though a bullet, wl rrel;y hangs took mc In tow. ty good: the w Is easy Louis, Memphis, Kansas City, and points he doean't. I I thiuk she does aome- - e:! imitioii hy it lo shoot all "You haven't had your Hearts. Ace, king, queen. Jack, ten oflf marka-mr.T- fortune told." times." tlie head a rattle. nlthuu$,h a i ho Informed me. you really must. nnd nine. dilUe'.iil North and East, via "and Madam ZoulCe was not looking at me. linda It to place a bullet Besides, I'm to It." PlamnndH. Ace. king and queen. curious henr She waa still examining my hand ever abn;; the frit seven foot line between "Who tells thcni':1' I rjueHlioued. Spades. Ace and king. flie neck of Paso-Mea- so carefully. Bo I ventured again. the reptile mid the tip of E s Graee lookefl ut me In an 'Tiwfully Clubs. King and Jack. its tail. "What Is there nhout me." I asked, funny way. It wun of 'me Hearts are trumps. long n cnrl-oi!- s stupid not "that sho does not It has been re tarded as to have found out parta It looks Hire n goixl thin? for eleven c jincit'ciii e what the Birla "You doa't always treat her very that tven the man not wero to tnke. I'm morally slu tricks sure nnd poalbly for twelve. famed for accuracy has no certain well," Kald Madam Zoutüe. "Your bnud had trouble Systems ncpectpd ino to know. f'.hould tiny whls-- player of experience In blowing the head ou" n diamond aiuRoctls shows that you are very selünh." get such a band, however, bo will be "Why. .oufile." :ilie paid; then "Stingy?" bad.. Ia the diamond back country ihe tittered all thn wny to the booth. mighty apt to bo as suspicious as the only one explanation la offered for "No; not that. But you always think I You never raw such a In your poker player who dealt four k!u:;s. this It Is not man Liberal Jam all yourself your own con- the snake nnd the Return Limit Fastest Scheduled life. of and personal It Is whnt Is known as a "yaruor-ough- " does I'm sure every fellow I knew was venience Drat." that the nlmiic?. In whist circles, and this is the At close quarters Double Daily Service Finest Equipment ther. Now, you know just as well as I do the instant the "You'll your denouement: The dealer boliis the oth muzzle of a six shooter is thm.vt to- have to wait turn," that tills waa a libel. .'Ever since I have Dining small e cars All Way me; then er seven hearts (trmnpsl and six ward a rattlesnake the Infallible e.-- the Grace told she went to look known rhyllls But what'a tho good clubs to the ten. The dealer's partner catches the rane, and In the fraction of arguing about it? rhyllls knew It holds the ace nnd queen of clubs nnd Short Line East - of a twinkle the deadly head has align- too. '. ; one small club. What his other ten ed Itself. As the gun roars und For further Information, call or address, Phyllis were hero," I darts "If remarked, cards are makes no difference. Its tongue of finme the bead of the v. . stilis, "If she eovdd only you Bay that, 1 hear The partner of the person holding creature Is torn clean as If severed Geol. Pass. ArL P.-- . System, EL PASO, TEXAS you would have on opportunity of the good bnnd holds the thirteen other with a knife, and the viper lies writh- knowing how utterly It Is. fale It's cards, nnd It makes no difference what ing, emitting a defiant rattle even as I weut on magnanimously, truc." "I they ore. The "good" band has the Its grim, relentless heart ceases Its may my con- bavc faults, but I'm quite lead, nnd If any whist player wishes to beat. vinced thnt the dear girl would not say verify the assertion bo may try from that was one of them." now nntll doomsday nnd yet not be An Antoarraph Mine. Zoulllc did not reply. Sho seem- Iltnt. able to take more than six tricks with "Will you oblige mu with your nuto-gTaph- ed to have worse eyesight than ever. the baud. It Is Impossible by pood, ashed a bore of a busy public "What else can you sec?" I question- bad or Indifferent play to take a single man. ed. "Perhaps you can toll me If I love trick more, provided, of course, the "Certainly," replied the public man. her." dealer and his partner play their hands "Just make out n check for 10 guineas you "You think do," answered lime. properly. Baltimore Sun. payable to my order. 1 will Indorse It Zouflle. cheerfully, and In duo time, you may "When I reully do not?" Annual Vlitpifns Days. be sure, It will come back to you safe- "When you really do not." The for- Canterbury school in England bad an ly through your bank." tune teller was very positive In ber annual whipping day, when, as Green tone. tells us, nú nil round whipping was "Wrong again," I replied. "You're a given to the hoys not for any deflulte very poor baud at your busluess. If fault on their part, but with n view to you've told the others here this evening their general Improvement. Canterbury no moro trcths than you'ro told me I was not singular In the belief that a actually think you ought to be up for sound birching now and then was In obtaining money trader false pre- Itself a good thing for boys.. The Idea tense a." was commonly held in tho old scholas- 'I can seo several other girls here on tic world and was regularly acted upon your hand," urgued the fortune teller. by the most famous bead masters, I laughed. from Iean Colet to nr. Keate. Eras- "Kxcuao me. please," mus says be was flogged on this princi- 1 .. Ti I murmured. I ple, nnd "but do a bit at palmistry myself. Charles I.amb found It to bo Thedford's Black-Draup- comea TctiuAra too cam tixi, vi iv i iavb Now, right here In your baud" I turn the practice at Christ's hospital. nearer regulating the entire system ed ber paira over "I can see any num and keeping the body in health than A VMlnare for more victims. I found out after-wur- d ber of heartless Qlrtntlons. There seems Fin aro. any other medicine niudo.s It is tbut this was what abe was sup- to be one In progress now, In fact." Gifted Amateur (concluding pet card always ready in any emergency to posed to do. Tho palmist looked up Into my face. trick) Now, ladles nud gentlemen, you treat ailments that are frequent in I guess have seen the pack of cards burned be- any family, such as indigestion, You couldn't catch a glimpse of Mad- and she must have seen that I biliousness, fore your eyes uud placed In- colds, diarrhaut, and am ZoutUe. It was a long time to knew ber. But she wasn't very certain. the ashes stomach side the box, which trans- aches. wait, too. until all that crowd got I never winked an eyelash. mysteriously Thedford's Black-Draug- is the formed Itself into a which In g through, and I wandered away twice. 'Now," I went on. "this dimple rabbit, standard, never-failin- remedy for Eui'h timo Grace Kuwxbaw cuín and shows why, bow very odd that you turn .disappeared Into space. I will stomach, bowel, liver and kidney took ui! back. should have a dimple Just like that! now ask this gentleman to name tho troubles. It ii a euro for the domes-tí- o Texas & Pacific Ry, Fliiully I got Inside. It was a But I think that clinches my'argument, card be selected, wheu It will ot once ills which so frequently summon little appear In the doctor. It is as good for children tent all bung with red. and for I know a girl who has a dimple la my hand. Now, sir. what there was you as it is for grown persons. A dose of Juwt room for you to alt on a camp ber band Just like that and she's" card did select from the pack? Giles (who been following this medicine every day will toon tool lu front of the And then some one boxed my ear. I has the trick of dys- fortune teller. But most cure the most obstinate case even then you nee looked up and saw that Phyllis' eyes Intently) Blessed If I recollect! or eonntipation, and when THE couldn't Maditui Punch, pepsia Zouflle. Kbo was all wrapped up. In were twinkling. taken as directed brings qnick relief. "You're such an old stupid, Jack, one of those fluffy things like a Moor-la- b One Exception. tUMTTLu, 111., Dm. is, lot woman, wheu she Kpoke dear," she said. Tbedford's been oar and her President Luther of Trinity college, family dootor for Dt biKod w want voice was deep and muscullue. I wue no otber. Wben xnr of7rana faei badly we at Hartford, Coun., preached one Sun- take a doae and are all In cure waa Moipow! . r1at twelve that part affected. Fasnsu Cfcarcfc. day when be was a professor In col- boura. We haro ipu lota uf monar fcr 8he reached out nnd took my baud. There can be little doubt that the doctor btlla, bat gat aloof Jual aa wa4 lege on the story of con- t. Cburcb Esther.. He lib RA H BaJiaa. "You have quarreled with, yuur lady- of Our Saviour In Moscow la cluded with tho words, "'So they love," aupreme In magniacence. Aak your dealer for a package of said she. lu It was banged llaman on Tbedford's Blaok-Draug- it to the gallows that he and k "Year" Bald I, vaguely wondering erected commemorate the deliver- had prepared for Mordecal,' and every doe not keep It tend ttc. to Ttvt Chatta- ance Moscow nooga Co., bow she knew. of from the French and one was pleased." Then Irony Medicine Chaatanooga, lean, cost as the nod package wlU be mailed ta vou. Then I happened at her nbout $3.000,000 by tha time it appealed to blm he added In a lower band. There were no rlngH to Identify was finished. The building Is of white Toice, "Except llaman." it. but the third finger ou her left was stone, crowned by a glided dome and cupolas, on which RUN EAST RUN Just a little red, as UioukIi there might there la nearly a Clevar. have been one there not .so long ago. thousand pounds weight of gold. Tha "Don't be so lazy. There's plenty of And then well. I may be a duffer, Ulterior decoration, which are a won- room at the top, and you're clever riiiiJiwiXbS but J I knew. There's only one girl In the derful combination of precious atones, enough to get there." The Night Exprés 3 leaves El Paso Daily world that has a bund Juat like that marbles, gold and silver, are of un- "But." replied the lazy genius, "think 6 :5o p. m., time, solid "Can you tell me her iiaiueV" I naked, paralleled splendor. Oo the walla dif- how clever It la of men to find a place VP at Mountain vestibuled lowly regaining my wlta. ferent colored and rare marbles rise at the bottom where there Isn't ao train through to New Orleans, Shreveport Madam Zouflle consulted from a dado of Jasper tier on tier, much room." Philadelphia Ledger. the stars a whole, bit and then tho lines lu my palm. tlie surmounted by a magnifi- St. Louis without change. Carries through cent "It starts wltb a 1'," she said at frier of frescoes and carvings. Chances the Woman Mast Take. sleepers Los Angeles to Louis, Shrevo-por- t, The building will bold 10,000 A man 1 like a piece war- St. Jength"I I'h- -lt loolts like rbylUa." worship- of cloth ers and covers two ranted to wash, Is "You're right." I told brr. "Is It a acres of land. and matrimony the New Orleans and intermediate points laundry. It may Improve blm, give SHuScriion Agency. ery serious quarrel T I Tery think starch and up, may Direct connections made for all points North, great deal of her, you know. Cao you Vmr of Favor. freshen blm or It take all the color Tas Liisbai, bas made arrangement to tell If sbe'a deply offended ?" "When you does some men a favor," out of blm. New East and Southeast. Ask your local agent said Uncle Kbeu, "dey gits York PreKs. "I think she la," tal. I Madam ZoulIU. scared an' venta, suspicious right away for fear you're for schedules, rates and other information "At all che oiitf'.it to be. You Anxious Momenta. very gwlne to overtai deir gratitude." SUBSCRIPTIONS have treated her badly." Brothcr-rYo- u can't think how nerv- or address I Washington Star. "What have ous I waa when I proposed. Slater R. W. Curtis, . Madam Zonule r.tud'.ed the linos very You can't think how nervous she was Eooti western Paaserif'er ' j Am lafalltbta BlaXK. Aeat, carefully. nntll you did Town and Country. EL PASO. TEXAS. "You have given her to Mrs. Bickers Do you think spilling ANY PERIODICAL salt la uu Infallible sign L. G. LboiUú. E. P. Tvxxxx, ondet-atou- you i'uii't cure fir her at that there's orlghial Personi wlBhinf to lubucJlbe for any period going to be n quarrel? Bickers No, The sin to which all hunHn Traveling Fiaetnaer Agent, Qa. rM"nf ar aad Tlwat Ajrvab all. Yon have ln:r you don't beings 1 caloao leave thelriubaorlptioai st this otfloe VÁ LXAR, fl.l d are liable the sin EL PASO, TEXAS. TtJCA but gettlug in art-le- Is. New York of Idleness if ah ;!jo uf a- 'uir.x- meu Hey. will paner b)Ji laud Press. 8. Pearson. nd reoelve the or raatanlne KO TUOUBI.K TO ANSWKIl QUESTION'S, thnfmrn tbe nAtnffv,'e