Formerly AERO-gramme With special CHANGING SCHOOLS section The Magazine of the Alternative Education Resource Organization 417 Roslyn Rd., Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 ISSN # 10679219 phone: 516-621-2195 or 800-769-4171 fax: 516-625-3257 e-mail:
[email protected] Web site: Winter 1999 #26 DOUBLE ISSUE With this double issue we celebrate the beginning of AERO's tenth year with a name change for our magazine. Our publication has made a gradual transformation from an letter to friends, to a newsletter, an in-house magazine, and now to a magazine with a more general audience. With our incorporation of Changing Schools into AERO-Gramme, we began to run longer and more in-depth articles. Finally, we have decided to rename AERO-Gramme with the name of our two radio shows, the Education Revolution, reflecting our mission, and the reality of the changes for which we hopes to be both a reporter and catalyst. HOMESCHOOL RESOURCE CENTERS, LEARNING CENTERS Within the next 20 years community learning centers will become increasingly important as educational sources, often replacing what we now refer to as "schools." We now see the beginnings of this movement. Almost every day, AERO is contacted by people who are interested in starting such a center, or for whom this is an answer. AERO is developing a kind of kit for people who want to start such programs. This issue features three of these cutting edge centers: Puget Sound Community School and Clearwater School, in Seattle, and Pathfinder Learning Center, in Amherst, MA.