CANAAN W Ldbrness
J4 35 37 CANAAN Iii THC TIM£: OF THE PATRl,.A.CH$ _Ufuslrrd,,;fd;ePenb¥r,mclr. F"(/lw-l.Hii'e, J4 .., Q:; W ldbrness o, .s'h~r j i J4- 36 JJ .JO-NN HtYWOOD, UTliQ, MAN-Cff[.$Tl"R • L-ONOON. ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK OF JOSHUA WITH NOTES CRITICAL, HISTORICAL, AND GEOGRAPHICAL ; ALSO MAPS AND EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. BY LEWIS HUGHES, B.A., CORPUS CHRISTI COL.LEGE, CAMBRIDGE, (FORMERLY ONE OF '.fHE PRINCIPALS OF THE :BOLTON HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS), AND REv. T. BOSTON JOHNSTONE, ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY, Authors of "Analysis of the Books of Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah," &c. CHIEFLY INTENDED FOR CANDIDATES PREPARING FOR THE OXFORD AND C.!MilRIDGE LOCAL, AND THE COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS' EXAMINATIONS. JOHN HEYWOOD, . DEANSGATE A?--'D RIDGEFIELD, MANCHESTER ; AND 11 1 PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS; LONDON. 1884. PREFACE. IN studying Scripture History, a great difficulty· is often experienced by young students, in not being able to lave- a, simJlll.e• a.nd- con nected view of the whole narrative, before oo,1Jerihg u !lllln the minute details. Being well aware of the existooee- of thiii diilfulu.l.ty, we have endeavoured to give the student, m a sim])l.e manner,. such a view of the period of history, contained illl tllie Book li>f. J;oshu.a,, ai, will make the study interesting. The plan of study we reco=end is -no .ead the l:lllJTll.tive por .. tion of this Analysis first, and after this is done, to take the Bibi~ and study the book, chapter by chapter, with the aid .,f the Notes, &c., as contained in the second portion 0f the Analysis.
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