WASHER CONDITIONER Four Miles Northwest of Hue
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v» MONDAY, JULY 19, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TW o Avttage Dally Nat Piass Ron lEn^nlng fim U) For The Week Bailed The Weather Jnly 17,1971 Clear, cool tonight; low in low Coventry; a son to Mr. .and Vernon St.; Mrs. Anna B. Mc- eoa. Tomorrow fair, warm with Manchester ZB A Cancels SAM To Sponsor About Town Mrs. Leonard .Siebert, Blench Cann, 2 Locust St., South Wind- 15,0p0 high near 86. Hiuraday’a out Rd., Bolton. sor; Mrs. Rachel V. Kraet A Zoning Board of Appeals Another Concert look fair and wairm. Three Manchester doctors Hospital Notes BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A Schmar, High Manor ParKT- have been re-elected to active meeting scheduled for to Manchester— A City of Village Charm daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rockville; Robert J. Upton in, night at 7 at the Municipal Summer Activities in Man membership in the American VISITINO HOURS •<Francl8 Picano, 97 Mather St. 32 Conway Rd. Building has been canceled com nE TE Academy of General Practice, Intermediate Care Semi' chester (SAM) will sponsor its, vpl*. LXXXX, NO. 246 , Also, Walter Miller, East due to lack ef a quorum. (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1971 (CleaaMTed AdverUstag tm P age 11) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS the national association of gnlvate, noon • 2 p.m. and 4 DISCHARGED SATURDAY: Hartford; Mrs. Deborah P. second rock and blues concert ' family, doctors. They are Dr. A. p.m. • 8 p.m, private rooms, WllUam Jphnson, 462 Adams St.; Dumas and daughter, 66 School iTic-board has been unable Saturday at 6 :30 p.m. in Center to muster enough members MSUIUNCE Elmer Dlskan, Dr. Nicholas A. 10 a.m. • 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. 8 Joseph Wysockl, Broad Brook; gt.; Mrs. Judith Telller and Park, Paul Silver, coordinator Marzialo and Dr. John C. p.m. Mrs. Geraldine C. McBrierty, 30 g„n 2063 John Fitch Btvd., because of vacations and of SAM’s Summerfest activi Wright. Re-elecUon signifies Pediatrics: Parents allowed C ooli^e St.; Mrs. Ann Rodvan, south Windsor; Mrs. Mary S. other commitments. Meskill that the physician has success- any time except noon 1 p.m.; 20 McGrath Rd., South Windsor; gimon and daughter, 72 Downey Eight items which were to ties, announced. , SERVICE fully completed 160 hours of others, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. ^ Mrs. Marjorie E. McNamara, Dr.; Mrs. Sally A. Kamerer, 19 have received public ' hear Performers who have agreed! accredited postgraduate medical Self Service: 10 a.m. 2 p.m .; 139 Birch St.; Heman E. Fowler, valerie Dr. Vernon. ings will be rescheduled at a New Trial Ordered to take part in the concert are date to be announced. C a llsF o r study in the past three years. 4 p.m. • 8 p.m, 18 Crestwood Dr.; JMrs. Suzanne Lois Steele and Jamie Olcott, Intensive Care and Coronary F. Willard, Groton; Katherine A. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY Joe Hogan, Ann Benson, Joe Hie Clvltan Club of Manches- Care: Immediate famUy only, Verdone, East Hartford; George Dean Trevithick, 15 Deepwood „ chestnut St ■ Krista L. Cohen, Dave Larsson, Ilga REAL Tax Hearings ter will meet tomorrow at 12:16 a»y Umlted to five min- Vallone, 71 Durant St.; Thomas Dr.; John T. Lamb, 40 Olcott ^huiz Elllneton ’ Paups, Stanley Geldel and ESTATE p.m. at Willie’s Steak House. utes. N. Trevithick, Merrow. s t.; Richard O. Possardt, Staf- Also, Faith C. Craft, Rt. 44A, Friends, and Bill Wallach and HARTFORD (AP) — ctov. In Roy Darwin Case ----- Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. • Also, Richard E. Pacheco, 34 ford Springs; Mrs. Eveljm Kav- Bolton; Mrs. Josephine P. Wag Friends. Silver expects that oth Tliainaa J. MesUli urged Demo Manchester WATEJS will have 12sW p.m., and 6:30 p.m. - 8 school St., Rockville; Mrs. anagh. South St., Coventry; Mrs. ner, 14A McGuire Lane; John ers ivlll perform. cratic leglelatlve leaders to a splash party tomorrow at the «**!?*” ’ P-**>-‘* P-m-- Arllne G. Maver, 20 Pitkin St.; Carol Taylor, 107 Dart Hill Rd., T. Campbell, East Hartford; Food will be sold in the park. day to conduct public hearings By JUNE LINTON U.S. Supreme Court reversal, a This motion concerned evi home of Mrs. Helen Wagner, S. P-™- •*- P-*"-- • Bonlte Kennedy! 1006 W. Middle Wapplng; Mrs. Marie P. Mc- Mrs. Joan M. Minor and son. Posters to publicize the event across Oonnectlcut before taking (Herald Reporter) second trial for Darwin In Jan dence obtained with a Feb. 20, Main St., Warehouse Point. Age Limits: 16 in matermty. Tpke.; John S. Frlsell, 72 Ann Guineas, Kelley Rd., Vernon; East Hartford; Mrs. Doris E. are being prepared by SAM’s ftirther action In taxation for the A new trial has been or uary 1969. This time he elected 1964 search warrant which the Weighing in will be from 6 to 7 12 In other nreaa, no limit in Rd., South Windsor; Dawn M. Sandra C. Freethy, 33 Washlng- , Stephenson and daughter, 99 members. current fiscal year. dered for Roy Darwin who to be tried by a panel of three (j^fense contended and the state p.m. Members are reminded to self-serVlfte. Faucher, East Hartford; Robert ton St., Vernon; Peter Shea, 149 Qh^rter Oak St.- Mrs. Carol A. Another concert, similar to ^Tie Republican governor’s judges, and they were Superior agreed was defective. It was The emergency entrance on has twice been convicted of bring box lunches. P. Denning, 6 Goalee Dr.; Chris- Charter Oak St. Plnard and daughter,• - Elling(ton.• SAM’s first which was held recommendation, contained In a Court Judge Aaron J. Palmer, Darwin’s car which was search Armory St. is the only hospital topher S. Cole, Northfleld Rd., Also, Richard L. Lajole, 4 July lO^after a craft show, will letter to Senate President Pro ' C ,v- the 1963 slaying of 17- Herbert Sj- MacDonald and Wil ed and although the dog hairs entrance open from 11 p.m. to Coventry; ’Thomas B. Chisholm, Scott Dr.; Prank A. Blckmore, be held Aug. 21 In Center Park. Tern cawrles T. Alfano, came year-old Hope Fern Roth- liam P. Barber. In the vacuumings and a blood Durwood Miller, head . PANDA (Phiblic Attention to AU other outside g Qenter St.; Mrs. Beatrice 81 Washington St.; Mrs. Gloria Coined Expression The music will start at 7 p.m. a day after leaders of the Gen f well of Bolton. This time Again Found Guilty stained front seat offered incon ^ !■are Mm locked during ^SSAthe nfernTnight ^ _ _ _ _ . Narcotic and Drug Abuse), will H. Wilson, 460 Abbe Rd., Wap- Wood, London Rd., Hebron; The expression, ‘"nie Nine The craft fair, which will In- INSURANSMmS SIH6E m eral Assembly Informed MesklU / f i r - . Darwin’s conviction was They found Darwin guilty of clusive evidence, the search speak on "Drugs as They A^ect ping. Stephen E. Graushinsky, 398 Old Men,’ ’ to characterize the elude more professional crafts- the legislature would reconvene overturned by the state’s second degree murder for the was the subject of much of the Manchester,” tomorrow at a ---- — ' Also, Mrs. Marjorie, 10 Diane Nevers Rd., ’ South Windsor; conservative attitude of the Su- men than the July event, will Aug. 5 to reconsider the con second time In a trial which testimony. 2 Supreme Court in a deci meeting of the Manchester Ro Patiente Toda,^: 248 Dr., South Windsor; Matthew Mrs. Florence D. Lane, Wind- preme Court during the Franklin start at 2:30 p.m. It is not defi- 6 4 $ - 5 2 4 1 troversial state income tax that experienced jarring testimony State's Atty. Robert J. Pig J. Bonneau, Stafford Springs; sor; Harold E. Osgood, Ware- Roosevelt administration was nlte which Instrumental g(roups ' la now in effect. sion announced today. It when High Sheriff Paul Swee tary Club at 6:30 p.m. at the 963 STRICT. MANCHESTER eon who prosecuted the state’s Manchester Country Club. ADMITTED SA’TURDAY: Mrs. Veronica Avery, 100 Lydall house Point; Robert A. Hussex, coined by columnists Drew will perform at the August con Citing what he caUed "violent judged that failure to ney said that Darwin had con (Ground Floor Noxt to Houm & HololT case during the second trial and Craig S. Bushey, 33 Division St.; st.; Wayne R. BeUefleurs, 400 Windsor Locks; John T. O’Hwa, Pearson and Robert Allen. cert. Silver said. - j reaction’’ from the puUic to the grant a motion to suppress fessed to him five years earlier areued this most recent appeal Albert Guay, 20 Spruce St.; Mrs. income tax, Meskill wrote: evidence was in- error. while at the Tolland County in Hartford last month. Insist Old Filins Show Anna E. Heim, 42 S. Adams St.; "Our cltiaens really do care Quite apart from the wide jail. ed the defense could not attack Mrs. Virginia M. Johnson, Oak- about how revenues are raised spread attention the case re Although this testimony was the search warrant because It In this state. I am conflctoit Slated for Park wood Lane, Columbia; Mrs. ceived In the beginning when the attacked in Atty. Shea’s latest had not attacked It during or that there would be great in \ \ > '' Ethel Jones, 219 N. School St.; girl’s body was found after four appeal, it was the motion to before the first trial and thus Stars of e ^ ly movies vrill be Koehler, 12 WeUwood terest In pubUc hearings sdiich days of searching Vernon and suppress which was denied by had waived the right to chal featured Wedne^ay startup at circle, Vernon; Charles G.