2019 Annual Report
LEADING THE WORLD IN SOCIAL CAPITALISM 2019 annual report TELUS is a dynamic, world-leading communications WE ARE THE and information technology company with $14.7 billion in annual revenue and 15.2 million customer connections LEADING SOCIAL spanning wireless, data, IP, voice, television, entertainment, video and security. We leverage our globally leading CAPITALISM technology to enable remarkable human outcomes. COMPANY Our long-standing commitment to putting our customers first fuels every aspect of our business, making us a distinct leader in customer service excellence and loyalty. TELUS Health is Canada’s largest healthcare IT provider, and TELUS International delivers the most innovative business process solutions to some of the world’s most e st ab lishe d b r a n d s. Driven by our passionate social purpose to connect all Canadians for good, our deeply meaningful and enduring philosophy to give where we live has inspired our team members and retirees to contribute more than $736 million and 1.4 million days of service since 2000. T hi s u n p re c e de nte d g e ne ro s i ty a n d u n p a r a lle le d volunteerism have made TELUS the most giving company in the world. 1–13 14 –19 20 – 21 Corporate overview CEO letter to investors Our social purpose Serving our stakeholders through social By leading the world in social capitalism, How we are leveraging technology to capitalism, results and highlights from we are helping to make the world a enable remarkable human outcomes 2019, and our 2020 targets better place 22–25 26 – 33 34 –192 Operations at a glance Leadership Financial review A brief review of our wireless Our Executive Team, questions and Detailed financial disclosure, including and wireline operations answers, Board of Directors and a letter from our CFO, and other corporate governance investor res ourc es All financial information is reported in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified.
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