Andreas Maurer Melanie Plangger Innsbruck / Brussels / Berlin 2017 Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer Melanie Plangger, MSc Kief Albers Luca Clavadetscher Anna Santolin Philipp Umek Commissioned by the Government of Tyrol for EUSALP – Action Group 4 ICER – Innsbruck Center for European Research Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and European Integration University of Innsbruck Dept. of Political Science – Universitätsstrasse 15 – AT 6020 Innsbruck Homepage: / E‐Mail:
[email protected] Layout: Philipp Umek ® ICER ISSN 2409‐5133 2 Executive Summary 1. Aim The EUSALP Strategy brings together seven countries, of which five are EU Member States (Austria, France, Ger- many, Italy and Slovenia) and two are EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries (Liechtenstein and Swit- zerland). From a subnational perspective, EUSALP is a platform for cooperation for 48 regions. EUSALP is imple- mented by nine EUSALP Action Groups (AG), which organise their operations thematically along the four key objectives of the macro-regional strategy. The EUSALP Action Plan outlines the four objectives and the nine ac- tions of cooperation. Within Objective 2 "Mobility and Connectivity" of the EUSALP Action Plan, Action Group 4 is to promote inter- modality and interoperability in passenger and freight transport. Action Group 4 offers a platform to identify, coordinate, orchestrate and potentially harmonise the activities of Alpine regions and countries. The aim is the development of a sustainable transport and mobility system within and across the Alps. AG4’s mission is to build a common understanding of transport policy and mobility, to define common objectives and to launch specific activities and projects.