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Download Metrolab Magazine METRO METROLAB MAGAZINE METRO ON THE FUTURE OF METROPOLITAN MOBILITY FORUM International Dialogue on Metropolitan Planning 12.10.2020 EXHIBITION OPENING + MOVIE NIGHT 17:00-20:00 Montparnasse Vibrations, FR 2005, 8min Trains of Thoughts, A 2012, 1h 25min, English 13.10.2020 METROPOLITAN WALKSHOP 10:00-12:00 Gerald Franz, Urban Innovation Vienna Vincent Neumayer, Wiener Linien GmbH 17:00-19:00 INTERNATIONAL LECTURES GRAND PARIS EXPRESS Alexandre Di Cocco, Société du Grand Paris BARCELONA'S METROPOLITAN AVENUES Javier Ortigosa, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING MOBILITY Floridea Di Ciommo, cambiaMO|changing Mobility, Madrid SUSTAINABLE AIRPORT CITY IN A POST-CARBON ERA Michaël Leymarie, ADP Ingénierie, Paris FORUM DISCUSSION Gregory Telepak, MA 18 - City of Vienna Vincent Neumayer, Wiener Linien GmbH Mathias Mitteregger, future.lab, TU Vienna Stefan Mayr, MetroLab Vienna What is #1the future METROof metropolitan mobility? Location: Die Schöne, Kuffnergasse 7, 1160 Vienna Contents Editorial 3 Editorial 31 Designing Sustainable Airports Dear planners, researchers, city administrators, in the Post-Carbon Era mayors, and metropolitan residents, Michaël Leymarie 6 Understanding Mobility In the transition to a post-Fordist economy, SUPER…WHAT? 35 Multisectional Approach to contemporary processes of structural change such Understanding Mobility These thoughts inspired us to sketch the vision of 7 Metropolitan Walkshop as growing regional differences in terms of labour through Simmering Floridea Di Ciommo & Andrés Kilstein market, competitiveness, convergence, mobility, the SuperWien Metropolis. Under the leadership etc. permeate and shape many European cities, of Cédric Ramière and Stefan Mayr, the book 38 Barcelona’s Metropolitan including Vienna. The consequences of these of the same name1 succeeded in initiating a 10 «If we stop imagining a bright Avenues – A Human processes are becoming increasingly evident in discussion on metropolitan planning in the area future, we might as well not Metropolitan Scale do it at all» the transformation of urban environments and around Vienna which we refer to as SuperWien: Javier Ortigosa the Vienna-Bratislava-Wiener Neustadt area. Interview with Anna Mayerthaler the way we live and work. The central challenges of urbanization, such as increasing growth and Analyzing the spatial-functional development of this agglomeration, the authors present in a 14 «Possibilities of design are competitive pressure, demographic change, or also linked to possibilities of 42 Discussing the Future of necessary climate change adaptations no longer provocative-artistic manner convincing maps and responsibility» Metropolitan Mobility stop at the (administrative) city boundaries and graphics, accompanied by facts and figures as well Interview with Mathias Mitteregger thus direct the focus to the metropolitan level. as experts’ opinions. 43 «We are not going to solve Not only the development of (built) infrastructure By reinterpreting traffic issues with traffic (“hardware”) needs to be considered from a cross- well-known urban 18 Initiating an Open Dialogue solutions» border, metropolitan perspective, but also its uses narratives through and functions (“software”) as well as governance atypical images, and management (“orgware”). an impressive 19 Finding the Right Format 46 Key Findings on the Future of Metropolitan Mobility In this context, a number of questions re-branding of the arise that we as urban planners, researchers, city area is created. administrators and civil society have to face: What SuperWien grows 26 Learning from might the increasingly functionally integrated not only beyond International Approaches metropolitan landscape and its new spatial patterns its administrative look like? How will this shape our consumer boundaries, but 27 Les Places du Grand Paris – behavior and leisure activities, and how will we also beyond the A Universal Vision of the Public move within the metropolitan area? The most limits of the Space around Future Stations important question for us, however, is what future imaginable. ► Alexandre Di Cocco vision of urbanity and metropolitan life we want to build on to integrate pressing social and spatial developments in a sustainable way? 1 Stefan Mayr & Cédric Ramière (Editors) (2018): SuperWien Metropole. A New Capital for Europe. Bolzano and Vienna: Folio Publisher. ISBN 978-3-85256-777-8 Editorial 5 LAA S RET D a.d. THAYA MALACKYB KUCHÝNA E € Warsaw Prague N GNERNORF P ohore Loca oiit in Mistelbach Stockerau Foo a Plavecký Jablonové Štvrtok PEINO Korneuburg Wolkersdorf Deutsch Wagram it Hollabrunn Lozorno A P+R Loca oiit in DANUBE Leopoldau F ark G TULLN at itict Zohor Siemensstraße Myslenice P Heiligenstadt at Floridsdorf Hirschstetten Raasdorf Siebenbrunn-Leopoldsdorf Untersiebenbrunn SchönfL Breitensee Marchegg Ditict St. AndräWördern International F National Park Svätý Jur Airport Klosterneuburg City Main Station P+R National Park Vajnory Ivanka pri DunajBernolákovo Vienna Vienna Stadlau International N Tullnerfeld Praterstern P+R Airport Rača SENEC Main Station P+R Vienna M Ellend Regelsbrunn Petronell-Carnuntum ST. PÖLTEN Vienna Schwechat M Fischamend Bad Deutsch AltenburgHainburg Wolfsthal Nové Mesto 5min P+R 1 Orth Bratislava P+R E ort C Harbour P+R Bratislava E Port P+R MILO Alpine Munich W Bratislava SLAVDVOR M 5min D ark P+R Park Hütteldorf N Purkersdorf Hadersdorf Rohrau Shopping Zentralfriedhof Rovinka Neusiedl Podunajské Vösendorf Wien Westbahnhof Shopping Lendorf Dta Petrzalka Rusovce Biskupice Vösendorf Grillgasse Rannersdorf Pa Kittsee Himberg Gerhaus Rajka Blumental Alpine Mödling Maria Enzersdorf Loca oiit in 10 Fischa Pama Energy ark Pa Bezenye v.m. Upper est i Lendorf Laxenburg Schwadorf Gattendorf Hennersdorf Pachfurt WEISSENBACH Gumpoldskirchen Neudorf bei Parndorf P+R NEUHAUS Upper Traiskirchen Bruck an der Leitha Gramatneusiedl GötzendorfTrautmannsdorf F L DANUBE G Achau an der Leitha Parndorf Energy Park G ills 5min Wt Baden i Guntramsdorf Pottenstein a.d. Trumau Mitterndorf Loca oiit in Triesting Thallern Münchendorf Unterwaltersdorf Sarasdorf Lower at i Berndorf Golden Hills Wilfleinsdorf HirtenbergEnzesf Baden Zurndorf Budapest T ark Lindabrunn Oberwalters- dorf Ebreichsdorf Beach Neusiedl am See Centr ark Beach Lower Nickelsdorf Hegyeshalom 10 Ta Weigelsdorf Wampersdorf P Neusiedl am See W ee B Vöslau MANNERDORF AM at i Pa Tattendorf Levél LEITHAGEBIRGE Jois Ebenfurth Mosonszolnok Wittmannsdorf Teesdorf UTENTEIN Leobersdorf Central Park Winden Gols W Neufeld an der Leitha Mosonmagyarórvár 5min Lak Neusiedl Pottendorf Breitenbrunn Jánossomorja Oed Mönchhof Felixdorf Müllendorf P+R Pernitz Piesting Purbach Waldegg Theresien- C GYR 5min feld Civitas Nova Hanság-Nagyerdö Centr Park Schützen Lae Frauenkirchen Eisenstadt Sollenau L S Gate PUCHBERG P+R S Gte Ni Wiener Neustadt AM SCHNEEBERG Wiener Neustadt A St. Andrä am Zicksee Hanságliget v.m. S Central ot itict Park P+R Neunkirchen Neudörfl Eisenstadt Bösárkány Grünbach Willendorf Pamhagen Winzendorf B Fischau Wulkaprodersdorf National Park Ternitz Pitten EMMERIN Lenkirchen B Loca oiit in B FERTENTMILÓS E CSORNA P+R S Gleißenfeld Mattersburg ot itict Sauerbrunn Wiesen - Sigleß Draßburg PayerbachReichenau Gloggnitz Breitenstein Pottschach Aspang Schattendorf Sopron Ágalfa Baumgarten FRIEBERG D S L OPRON Zagreb Mental Metro Map SuperWien Metro Map For example, the utopian idea of a high speed planning and development. The schedule for each ABOUT MOBILITY Cocco and Michaël Leymarie in this issue), Madrid mobility loop that would connect Vienna’s main event is designed to provide a varied program of (see guest article by Floridea Di Ciommo in this train station with Bratislava, Eisenstadt and interactive (e.g. walkshops, movie nights etc.) and Like this first issue of the MetroLab Magazine, issue) and Barcelona (see guest article by Javier Wiener Neustadt, and could thus turn the region discursive formats (international lectures and a the first MetroLab Forum focused on the cross- Ortigosa in this issue), we want to take on a multi- into a compact and integrated agglomeration, panel discussion). cutting issue of (future) mobility. Mobility, in perspective view when talking about the planning is particularly thought-provoking. In this way, The first MetroLab Forum on the topic of the sense of an interconnected, cross-border and management of public transport systems in SuperWien becomes a radical idea generator for Metro - What is the future of metropolitan mobility? transportation network, is seen as the backbone the Vienna metropolitan area and shed light on to planners, municipalities and their residents, who are kicked off in autumn 2020 with the exhibition on of metropolitan development. It is undeniable what extent mobility is an essential tool for creating presented with a new conception of their common the SuperWien Metropole, which strikingly visualized that our mobility systems will have to meet multi- new centralities and can enable the development space. the above-mentioned idea of an integrative urban modal and thus multi-optional demands in the of new urban-rural lifestyles. ■ region. Furthermore, by taking up the approach future. From the interlocking of different forms of FROM VISUALIZING TO DISCUSSING of translocal learning, an exchange of knowledge mobility, to a smooth transition from walking or THE METROPOLIS regarding best practice examples and instruments cycling to bus, train or car, the discussion moves of metropolitan planning
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