Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 2006, 27 (4): 341-374 © 2006 Adac. Tous droits réservés New records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), with descriptions of some new species P.P.G.van den BOOM1 & J.ETAYO2 1 Arafura 16, NL-5691JA Son, the Netherlands, email:
[email protected] 2 Navarro Villoslada 16, 3° dcha, E-31003, Pamplona, Spain, email:
[email protected] Abstract – The flora of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) has been studied. The recent catalogue of the Island was composed of 91 species. In the presented annotated list, 98 are additional records of the island, of which 29 species are new to the Canary Islands and among them Caloplaca fuerteventurae , Lecanactiscanariensis , Lichenostigmacanariense and L. episulphurella are described as new. Macaronesia / new taxa / taxonomy / first records / ecology / chemistry / biodiversity Resumen – Se estudia la flora liquénica y de hongos liquenícolas de la isla de Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias). El catálogo de líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de Fuerteventura se componía hasta el momento de 91 de la isla, mientras que en este trabajo se señalan 98 taxones nuevos para la isla, de los que 29 eran desconocidos en las Canarias. Caloplaca fuerteventurae, Lecanactis canariensis, Lichenostigma canariense y L. episulphurella se describen en este trabajo. INTRODUCTION During a one week trip to the Canary Island Fuerteventura in 2001 by the first author and a one week trip by the second author in 2003, lichens and lichenicolous fungi where collected on all available kind of substrata which was encountered. Most of the collected material has been identified and the results are presented below.