Austrian Pilgrims Captivate Christians in Arua Diocese
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July/August 2015 Published by the Communications Department and printed by the Arua Diocese Printing Services, P.O. Box 454, Arua No. 138 Austrian pilgrims captivate Christians in Arua Diocese By Sr. Grace Candiru, MSMMC unday 12th, July 2015 wit- nessed a vibrant celebration S of the Holy Mass at Ediofe Cathedral jointly animated by an all- Boys’ Choir from Austria and St Daniel Comboni of Ediofe cathedral. The holy mass which was led by Ab- bot Thomas Renner of Altenburg Monastery and co-celebrated by Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki of Arua Diocese and several other priests attracted hundreds of Christians as the two choirs took turns in leading the hymns for the Mass. The end of each hymn by the visiting choir was met with ululations and hand claps from the congregation. And when it came to the time of the “Our Father”, the Austrian choir shocked the mammoth congrega- tion, by intoning the hymn in the L-R: Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki, a member of the Boys’ Choir and Abbot Thomas Renner local Lögbara dialect, which they during a luncheon hosted in honour of the Austrian pilgrims at the Bishop’s Residence. composed. As the choir sung the hymn, many in and his monks lived. According to Abbot Thomas, the choir, their patron/matron and par- the congregation could not contain To date, the monks are still involved ents on annual basis, make pilgrim- themselves and not surprisingly, the in pastoral care of eight parishes. end of the hymn was met with a thun- Some of the monks are teachers while age to various countries and, “this has led us to your beautiful country, derous hand clap and ululations from most of them work in agriculture, for- Uganda.” “It was our relationship the congregation. estry, tourism and the Boys’ Choirs is with your Bishop and your diocese very important to the monastery. The Austrian team consisting of a that made us to choose your beautiful Boys’ Choir, their patron/matron and “Our father Saint Benedict founded country,” he said in an interview ear- parents came as pilgrims at the invi- our religious order and as such his lier on. tation of Bishop Sabino. The invita- rule is the basis of our life,” he told The Abbot who is the spiritual leader tion followed Bishop Sabino’s visit to Radio Pacis. He said they try to con- of the all Boys’ Choir joined the mon- Altenburg Monastery where Abbot nect prayer and work because his (St. Thomas is bishop in May 2014. Benedict’s) motto is ‘Ora et labore’, astery in 1993 after studying theology in Vienna, his home town. He took which means man needs both prayer During the homily Abbot Thomas his religious vows in Altenburg in and work and, both must be in a good explained that Austria is a country 1997, and two years later was or- relationship. with long Christian tradition and that dained a priest. His Episcopal ordina- the monasteries are a sign of this. His Meanwhile, the all Boys’ Choir which tion as Abbot was on 17th January monastery at Altenburg is one of the began in 1961 are a service of the 2014. oldest monasteries established in monasteries and they help to animate Turning to the readings of the 15th 1144 and it is here that St Benedict mass every second week of the month. Arua Diocese Bulletin 1 July/August 2015 Sunday of the year, Abbot Thomas to be witnesses and that every bap- da in general but Arua Diocese in par- said all of us are called to be witnesses tised Christian is a witness. ticular. He informed the congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Even as the that the pilgrims would be proceeding “All of us are to witness to God’s love gospel reading of today calls us to be and to understand this we only have to Indriani pilgrimage centre for the witness, witness is found in human to understand what we receive at bap- monthly pilgrimage. love – it is not like getting a certificate tism,” he said. “All of us are God’s The Bishop who had earlier on been at the end of studies,” he said. children because we received God’s co-opted as member of the choir said He said in our daily lives we all know grace at baptism,” he added. the Boys’ Choir was an inspiration how important being a witness is. In worth emulating. He said being a Further more, the Austrian prelate situations of accidents or crimes, he went on to explain that witnessing is group like that helps the children to said a witness helps the court to come keep discipline, adding that life with- about life in the spirit and to pro- up with judgment. claim his gospel. “It is a life long out discipline is a wasted life. He explained that Christian witness- ministry,” he said. The Bishop said he was particularly ing is not about eloquence but rather proud and inspired by the matron and He said in the Gospel Mark tells of about saying what the Lord wants you how Jesus sent out his disciples to be patron of the group for supporting to say even at the risk of your life. He witnesses – to heal the sick and drive them in all ways. said prophet Amos was not a learnt out demons. He said Jesus’ sending A parishioner who spoke on behalf of person but one who listened to God’s witnesses in pairs is meant for them the Christians thanked the parents message and proclaimed it. to support one another in the mission who accompanied their children on “Bearing witness to God does not de- especially in difficult times. the pilgrimage. “Your devotion to- pend on education or status – God wards the upbringing of your children But he explained that the witnesses in chooses the lowly not the eloquent or is highly appreciated. It is an example the gospels were not allowed to take intelligent,” he said. Just like Moses, we can emulate that when our chil- anything on their journey. he was not eloquent but he appointed dren join the choir or any church as- Aaron as his speaker. And Jeremiah “It is not about personal property or sociation, it is good for us to partici- too told God he was a child and did intelligence but relying on God’s pate in the activities of that associa- not know how to speak but still God grace,” adding that they were to bear tion,” he said. witness with their own lives. “A wit- went ahead to use him. Earlier on, the Austrian pilgrims ness is not only to care for him or her- “God calls you as a bishop, priest, cat- numbering over forty people made a self but for others,” he said. echist ... not to do it in your own courtesy call at Arua Diocese Media strength but through his inspiration,” Bishop Sabino thanked Abbot Thom- Centre on Saturday 11th, where they he emphasised. He said God wants us as for bringing the pilgrims to Ugan- recorded songs and interviews. The Abbot said it was a pleasure for his Over 200 Christians confirmed in Oriajini team to visit the Media Centre which receives some support from Austria. total of 219 Christians in St nancies and all sorts of immorality. “It is a great pleasure that the “Magi” the A John Paul II – Oriajini Catholic “If you are not educated, you will not Three Kings which is very important for Parish have received the sacrament of become the future doctor, priest, us in Austria supports this media centre confirmation in a space of less than nurse, sister engineer, teacher..., you and especially the children’s programmes one month. would like to be,” he warned. in this area,” he said. The administration of the sacrament The Vicar advised the candidates Bishop Sabino later on hosted a which ran from 14th June to 4th July against over dependence on their luncheon in their honour at his resi- 2014 took place in the parish’s four parents saying they are now young dence to which departmental staffs, zones namely Ulua, Yole, Ewadri and adults who should work hard for self priests and religious communities Oriajini. And as part of their commit- sustenance. around were invited. Also in attend- ment as confirmed Christians, candi- ance were the Chief of the Ayivu peo- Msgr. Asega also noted with concern dates contributed over one million ple and the Resident District Com- the rate at which school going age shillings towards the renovation of missioner of Arua, Peter Debele, children have taken to mairungi the cathedral in Ediofe. among others. chewing, tobacco and opium smok- Msgr. Primus Asega, the Vicar Gen- ing, drinking alcohol and displaying Abbot Thomas in his remarks pointed eral of Arua Diocese who presided of public nuisance without shame. He out that they had heard negative sto- the holy mass for the sacrament re- warned the youth against drugs and ries about Africa but that from what mained consistent in his message to substance abuse saying their genera- they had seen and experienced, it is the candidates and the congregation tion is doomed if they do not desist quite different. “You have beautiful in attendance. “You are now being from the practice. country and people,” he affirmed. confirmed into a young adult Chris- In the confirmation ceremonies that Further on, the Abbot with great tian life; to join the army of Jesus attracted huge congregations, nurse- pleasure acknowledged that all the Christ in fighting evil, to be witnesses ry and primary pupils used the occa- help that comes from Austria is need- to Christ by being morally upright sion to present poems on family rela- ed and it is used properly.