Extensions of Remarks E2091 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
July 31, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2091 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JOHN ARTHUR ‘‘JACK’’ JOHNSON Agreeing to the Wittman of Virginia amend- submitting the following information regarding POSTHUMOUS PARDON ment to H.R. 3293), ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. projects that I support for inclusion in H.R. 645 (On motion to recommit with instructions 3293, the Departments of Labor, Health and SPEECH OF to H.R. 3293), ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote No. 646 Human Services, and Education, and Related HON. PETER T. KING (On passage to H.R. 3293). Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010. f Amount: $600,000 OF NEW YORK Account: U.S. Department of Health and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING BRITTANY BASS AND Human Services—Health Resources and Wednesday, July 29, 2009 KIRSTEN MUELLER UPON RE- Service Administration CEIPT OF THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD Entity receiving funds: Central Washington Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, today AWARD I rise in support of S. Con. Res. 29 (the com- Hospital located at 1201 South Miller Street, panion bill to H. Con. Res. 91), a resolution Wenatchee, WA 98807. Description: These funds will be used to ex- granting a posthumous pardon to John Arthur HON. STEVE ISRAEL pand Central Washington Hospital’s medical ‘‘Jack’’ Johnson for his 1913 racially motivated OF NEW YORK campus so that the hospital can continue to conviction. On April 1, 2009, I introduced my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meet the health care needs of North Central resolution with Congressman JESSE JACKSON, Thursday, July 30, 2009 Washington. This region is currently facing a Jr.
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