Michigan Map Pp. 4849

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Michigan Map Pp. 4849 g 103.5103.5WMU2FIK "MUZ-FMS 5211152 TO o 104.3 WOMC 5$ 59 et 91.3 WCUW S 11 iR rmrm106.5MLR 106.5 WQLR $5 51 T0.C111 ,C •f *9UWCUW $ 11 tR soo 105.1 WXOG S$ 52111252 T0Z f«la *91.9'91.9 WBPRWOPR 17 tOt() KalkaskaKalkska r 97.5WKLT91.5 WKLT $ 5252 l 105.9 WOTWDTJ J S$ 52 TO11) mr 96.1 WSRS $S 52tX,C52tX,C KingtfordKingsford g *98.118.1 WEUL $S 1616 k 106.7 WWWWyyyYWW S$ 56 g pr 107.3107.3 WAAF $53S 53 tO11) lakaLake City *104.9104.9WNHB WNHB 28 sj¡ 107.5107.5 WGPR S$ 46 Lakeview k 106.3 WPLB-FMWPLB.FM $S 2424 MASSACHUSETTS OaWittDeWitt 1 96.5 WQHH $ 24 Lakaview L'Anse k 105.7105.1 WCUP $5 6363 TRANSLATORS OowagiacOowagisc rm 92.192.1 WVHQ S$ 24 CantingLansing IPjp'89.7WLN2 *89.7 WLNZ $S 6 woos EastEst Jordan cj*j100.9WIZY 100.9 WIZY S$ 24 AnihamAmherst 93.393.3 W327AMW2274M WBOS 93.992.9 0o 97.5 WJIM-FMWJIM.FM $S 5151 tllTO 97.1 W34BAMW2464M WPWPVG93.9 VQ 93.9 EastEut LansingLansing p *88.918.9 WOBMWDBM $ 2020111 TO k 100.7100.7WITL-FM WITL-FM $50T0M550111M BononBoston *96992 J W343AAW24244 WGBHWGBH 89.769.7 c *90.590.5 WKAR-FMtWKAR-FIAI 70111T70 TOT 10UW387AI101.3 W2674I WFNX 101.7101.7 sra 101.7 WHZZWHIZ $S 2828 106.7WRO21FM1106.7 WROR.FM1 HOh,110h,a d op 94.994.9 WMMQWMMO S$ 52 lepeerLapaar r 103.1 WHXFWRXF $ 2323 Gt.Qt. BtrringtonB4rrin9ton 94.1 W331AKW231A1( WBEC-FMW9ECFM 106.6105.5 r 99.199.1 WFMKWFMK 5$ 46461% TX South H«<9ay74 106.3105.3 W2674KW387AK WPVQWPVO93.9 93.9 LelandLai and k 94.394.3WBYB WBYB $S 5252 Elsie r WOES 12 W*erenam rah am 93.1W331Aa92 I W221A8 WSSH 99.699.6 Ellia cr *91.391.3 WOES S$ 12 LeLa Roy Township gr*88.1gr88.1 WLGH $ 2323 Escanaba r 97.197.1 WGIQWGLQ $S 7471 Lexington rr 96.9 WBTIWBTI $S 2424 T,Ut ,U Map pp. 4849 k 104.7 WYKXWYKX $S 73 MichiganMichigan Map pp. 4849 LudingtonLu ding ton rm106.3WKLA-FNSrm 106.3WKLA FM$ 2828 EstaxvillaEssexville opp 97.397.3 WEEWEEG 6 $S 2424 AdrianAd ron k 9595.3 J WQTEMITE S$ 23 Mackinaw City *88.5413.5 WAAQWAAQ 2828 Farmington HillsrHills *90.309Q3 WORBWO RB 4 0 103103.9 J WIEN $S 23 prvr 94.594.5WYZN WYZN S$ 3939 Flint sgs9 *88.988.9WGRI WGRI $S 12 r *107.91079 WVAC-FMWVACFM 44 ManisteaManlstee I97.7jr *97.7 WVXMWVXM $ 28 tcc91.1 *91.1 WFUM-FWWFUMFM3 41 T0U111U Albion 96.7 WUFN S$ 24 10TO 0 101.5 WXYQW%VO $ 2222 g trr 92.792.7 WOZZWOZZ $5 21 AllaganAllpan opp 92.3 WZUU S$ 24 MarletteMarietta 92.5 WBGV 24 k 95.1 WFBEWFBE $S 52 TUtU AllandalaAllendale j *88.518.5WGVU-FMS WGVU-FM$ 2323 MarquatleMarquette j10.1*90.1 WNMUWNMU $ 69 tWTW nj rmm 105.5 WWCKWWCK $ 39 Cj Alma rp •90J909 WQAC 66 p '91.5*91.5 WUPXWUPX S$ 8 tuTU rmm 107.9 WCHZWCRZ $S 4444 r 104.9104 J WQBXWOBX S$ 23 r 94.194.1 WUPKWUPK S$ 2828 FrankanmuthFrankenmuth 93.7 28 AlpanaAlpena j *91.791.7WCML.FMS WCML FM$ 75 *95.795.7 WHWLWHWL $S 6060 cj Frankfort rmm 99.3 W8NZWBNZ $5 49 g 99.3WATZFM5 52 0 103.3 WFXOWFXD S$ 50 k 99J WATZ-FM $ 52 100.1 WSHNFMS 22 FramootFremont k 100.1 WSHN-FM$ 22 27 r 107.7 WHSB S$ 6262 MarshallWuhanell 0 104.9 WWKN $5 27 Gaylord g *88.188.1 1515 Ann Arbor j *88.388.3WCBN WCBN S$ 99 MnommeeManominaee k 103.7 WHYBWHYB $S 2828 cj g990.5 *90.5 WPHN $ 721G,G72TG,G tcc *91.791.7WUOM WUOM 5$ 67 tllTO IMidandMidland r 93.393.3WKQZ WKQZ S$ 52 TUtU o 95.3 WMJZWMJZ S$ 24 TURI prr 102.9 WIQBWIOB S$ 52 g 99.799.7WUGN WUGN $S 59 1GTG rr 106.7106.7 WKPK S$ E262 tUtU r 107.1 WQKLWOKL 5$ 22 TSiS Mio prr 93.993.9 WXZN S$ 50 GladstonaGladstone oo 105.5105.5WGKL WGKL S$ 28 Ashley rm 92.5 WJSZ S$ 24 MonloeMonroe P *97.517.5 WEWEN JY 3 Gladwin kk 103.1103.1WGDPCFMS WGONFMS 38 Atlanta k 92.5 WBYC 5$ 69 tXTX r 98.398.3 WTWR $S 23 Glen Arbor prpr 95.5 WOZN S$ 51 Auburn Hills P •88J18.3 WXOU 11 Mount ClamantClemens mrmr102.7WDMK 102.7 WOMK $S 52 illTO opop 98.1 WGFNWGFN $S 51 prr •89i89.5 WAHS 7 tllTO Mount PlaasantFlaunt cjc¡ *89.589.5WCMU WCMU $S 55 Grand HavanHewn rmrm 92.1 WGHN-FM$WGHNFMS 21 Bad AxaAxe rm 102.1 WLEW-FM$WLEW.FMS 52 r *91.5'91.5WMHW WMHW $5 9 Grand Rapids cj *88J889WBLU.FMS WBLU-FM $ 18 TTIT BaragaBraga g*104.3WBUM 104.3 WBUM S$ 70 k 94.594.5 WCEN-FM $5 70 gr *89.9'89.9 WAYWAYG 6 S$ 20 BatdaBattle CraekCreek r 95.3 WBXX 5$ 2222t,G T ,G 20 mrmr104.3WCZY 104.3 WCZY $S 24 bebc *91.311.3 WCSG $5 52 TG,GtG,G r 103.3 WKFRWKF R 351111C,U$ 51 tOC.U MunisingMuni ling k 98.398.3 WHCH $S 42 k 93.7 WBCTWBCT 5$ 9191/11M TOM Bey CityCory ITr •89.189.1 WTRK S$ 22 MutktgonMuskegon nto 104.5 WSNX $S 4646 r 95.7 WLHT $S 51 cjj •90.110.1 WUCXWUCX-FMS FMS 4545 TUtU k 106.9 WMUSWMUS.FMS FM$ 51 opop 96.996.9WLAV WLAV S$ 44 T«tll r •91.311.3 WCHW 7 r 107.9 WSHZ $S 38 prpr 97.9 WGROWORD S$ 43 TUtU 0 96.1 WHNN 5$ 73 TO111 MuiktgonMuskegon HiightiHeight. op 101.7 WMRR $S 39 c 98.7 WFGR 5$ 2628 r 102.5 WIOG $S B767 NagauntiNegaunee 99.599.5 WNGE 2928 kk 101.3101.3 WCUZ $ 48 TWida Bear Creek Twp. g •89.319.3 WillWTLI $S 47 mr101.9mr101.9WKOS WKQS $40$ 40 gg 102.9102.9 WFUHWFURFMS FM$ 52 BearBer LakaLake r 100.1 WSRQWSRO 5$ 24 NMtbafryNewberry rm 93.7WNBY93.7WNBY-FMS FM$ 22 tctc104.1MGR *104.1 WVGR S B464 TOtl) BeaverBemrton ton m 97.797.7WMRK WMRX 5$ 23 $ k 97.997.9WIHC WIHC S 5252 rmrm105.7W000FMS 105.7 WOOO-FM$ 80 BantonBenton HHarbor arbor r 94.9 WCNF $5 24 NiltlNiles rp 95.395.3WAOR WA0R S 2424 Grayling kk 100.3100.3WGRY-FMS WGRYFM$ 50 k 99.9 WHWHFB-FMS F8-FM$ 48TOM48111M North MutktgonMuskegon o 98.398.3 WLCS S 2222 GGreenville rat mil la o 107.3107.3 WOOWODJ J $S 52 TMiM BarrianBerrien Springs egcg *90.710.7 WAUSWADS $S 52 TUtU Norway nnrm 94.394.3 WZNIWIMP. 5 31 GullnrGullivir k 94.7 WCMM $ 68 BaulahBeulan r 92.1 WBVE 28 Novi •89.689.5 WOVI 6 TOtll HancockH ancock tgtg 93.5WMPLFMS93.5 WMPL-FM $ 39 Big Rapids op 100.9 WBflN-FM$WBRNFMS 2828 OtkOak PirkPork r *90.310.3WOPR WOPR 4 Harbor Springs cj*c¡ 103.9 WCMW $S 52 tT,U ,U r 102.3 WYBR 5$ 37 OlivetOlivit r •89.789.7WOCR W0C fl 5 E6 Harrison k 92.192.1 WKWKKM KM 27 Birmingham op 94.7 WCSX 9$ 52 OntontgonOntonagon prr88.5WOAS *88.5 WOAS 3 HarriarillaHartisille *89.789.7WMIH WMIH 45 BloomfBloomfield ield Hills rp •88.1138.1 WBFH 5$ 11II o 101.1 WUPYWUPY 5 31311,U t,U HrtHart rmrm105.3WCXT 105.3 WCXT $ 63 BoynaCityBoyne City k 93.5 WBCM S$ 52 TUtU Orchard lakeLake r *89.389.3WBLD WBLO S 5 Hartford k 103.7103.7 W2TYWZTY $ 24 Bridgman k 97.5 WYTZ $S 28 OtcodaOsods cj *95.715.7 WCMB S 5252 Hastings k 100.1100.1 WBCHFMSWBCH-FM 22 BransonBronson gr •94.714.7 WCVM $$ 28 k 100.7 WCLSWCLS S 39 HighlandHi^tland ParkPark ts *88.118.1 WHWHPR PR 4 111TO Brooklyn r 105.3 WKHM-FM$WKHM-FM 624 24 OtagoOttago o 100JWQXC100.9 WOXC $ 2323 Hillman op 94.994.9 WKJZ $ 52 Buchanan s 99.1 WSMK 5$ 24 OwonoOwoso mr103.9WRSRmr 103.9 WRSR S 2828 rm 92.1 WCS 25 HillsddtHillsdale rm 92.1 WCSR-FM&FM $ 25 WWKR S 39 CadillacCaddis 9g *91.111.1 WOLWWOIW 5$ 59591G,G tG,G PanPon tv*twa i tartan op 94.IWWKR94.1 39 Holland pg *89.9899 WTHS $ 13 k 92J929 WKJF-FMWKJFFM 5$ 73 TM,UtM,U 1027WMOM102.7 WMOM 28 rtart 94.594.5 WKWELD IQ $ 52 TOill mrtor 96.796.7 WLXV S$ 39 PatoskayPetoskey mr 96.3 WIXTSUIT S 7070 tt,C ,C r 96.1 WVTI $ 45 opp 107.1 WCKC S$ 2525 TUtU r 98.998.9WKLZ.FMS WKIZ-FM$ 7171 TUtU Honor jrjr 100.7 WAIHWAIR 26 CaroCaro opp 92.192.1 WIOlWIDL i$ 23 Pinconning o 100.9100.9Y7YL2 WYLZ $S 2626 HoughHoughton ton cc *91.191.1 WGGLWOOL $ 69 TTiT CarrollCarrollton ton r 100.5 WTCF S$ 24 PititfordPittsford gg *91.191.1 WPCJWPCJ 10 p *91.991.9 WMTU $ 6 CharlavoixCharlevoix r 105.9 WKHQWKHO $ 71 Plymouth rp *88.188.1 WSOPWSDP $S 7 tO111 op 97.797.7 WGLVWOLV $ 23 TMiM CharlChrloto otta g 92.792.7 WVIC S$ 24 tllTO Portage rr 96.596.5WFAT WFAT $S 2323 k 102.3 WHKBWHK8 $ 50 ChaboyganCheboygan opp 105.1 WGFM $S 62 rprp 107.7107.7 WHKRWRKR $51S 51 tOID HoustonHoughton LakaLake r 98.5 WUPS $ 70 TUtU ClaraClore r 95.395.3 WCFX $S 2818 Port Huron g *88.3'88.3 WNFAWN FA $ 17 HowallHowell r 93.593.5 WHMI $ 28 ColdwatarColdwater k 98.5 WNWN-FMWNWNFM $9 52 jp 11.3WSGR*91.3 WSGR $S 6 Hudson r 102.5 WMXE $ 28 ColamanCelemen grr 101.7 WPRJ $5 28 rr •91.911.9 WORW 77 Intedochen cj *88.788.7 WIAA 73 Crystal FallsFells o 100.7 WOBE $5 61 Intadochan j $ rmrm102.3WORT 102.3 WGRT $235 13 Iron MountainMountain r 93.193.1 WIMKWINK $ 62 OaarbornDearborn crr *89.319.3WHFR WHFR $5 8 TO11) k 107.1 WSAQWSAO $S 2727 tM.RiM,R k 101.5 WJNR $ 62 tMIM rmm100.3WNIC 100.3 WNIC $S 52 TO11) ReadReed CityCity o 97.3 WOEE-FMWDEE-FM S$ 2828 Iron RivarRiver kr 99.1 WIKB-FMWIKB.FM $ 53 OetroitDetroit sc *90.9909WOTR WOTH $S 51 RoganCityRogers City jr •96.796.7 WVXA $S 3939 IronwoodIromvood rm 99.799.7 WIMI $ 61 tTTT rtr 92.392.3WMXD WMXO $S 50 o 99.999.9 WHAKFMWHAKFki $S 51 mr 106.9 WUPM $ 52 rr 93.1 WORQWDRQ S$ 40 RotcommonRoscommon rm101.1rm 101.1 WQON S 23 IshpemingIthpaming k 92.392.3 WJPO $ 5757TU,S tU,S rrnrm 95.5 WKQIWWI $5 55 TO11) Saginaw k 98.198.1 WKCQ S 52521M,R TM.R r 107.7107.7WMQT WMQT $ 60 TUtU pr 96.3 WPLT $S 52 o 104.5104.5WILZ WILZ 5 27 JacksonJackson k 94.194.1 WXIK $ 43 111TO tr 97.1 WKRKWKRK-FMS FM$ 52 TW1W mrmr106.3 106.3 WGER 5 23 r 106.1 WJXQ $ 51 111T» s 973WJLB979 WJLB S$ 51 TO11) trsr 107.1107.1 WTLZ S 28 gr 34 KaltmrooKalamazoo gr *88.318.3 WAYWAYK K $ 34 k 102.9 73 j¡ 98.7 WVMV $S 50TOM50111M St.Sl IgnacaIgnsce k 102.9 WKBG S 73 p *89.119.1 WIOR $ 8 kk 99.599.5WYC0 WYCO $S 52 TO111 St.
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