Seoul National University, Muju Resort, Korea, 20-25 August, 1993 ASTROPHYSICS SUMMER SCHOOL(S) - 1993, LECTURES ON: LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS IN NUCLEAR ASTROPHYSICS Moshe Gai1 A.W. Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 Abstract After reviewing some of the basic concepts, nomenclatures and parametrizations of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology, we introduce a few central problems in Nu- clear Astrophysics, including the hot-CNO cycle, helium burning and solar neutrino’s. We demonstrate that Secondary (Radioactive) Nuclear Beams allow for con- siderable progress on these problems. Table of Content: 1. Introduction 2. Scales and Classification of Stars 3. Reaction Theory, Methods and Applications: The PP processes The CNO and hot-CNO cycles Burning processes in massive stars arXiv:nucl-th/9405020v1 18 May 1994 4. Central Problems in Nuclear Astrophysics: Solar neutrino’s and the 7Be(p,γ)8B reaction The hot-CNO cycle and the 13N(p,γ)14O reaction Helium burning and the 12C(α,γ)16O reaction 5. Solutions [with secondary (radioactive) beams]: Direct and indirect measurements of the 13N(p,γ)14O reaction Helium burning from the beta-delayed alpha-emission of 16N The Coulomb Dissociation of 14O and 8B 1Permanent Address: Dept. of Physics, University of Connecticut, U-46, 2152 Hillside Dr.,Storrs, CT 06269-3046,
[email protected],
[email protected]. 1 INTRODUCTION In this lecture notes I will discuss some aspects of Nuclear Astrophysics and Labora- tory measurements of nuclear processes which are of central value for stellar evolution and models of cosmology. These reaction rates are important for several reason.